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Preparation of Standard Curve and Determination of Heavy Metals in Water and Wastewater Using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer 2.0 ! #! OBJECTIVES "o prepare standard solution of heavy metal "o determine standard curve and the concentration of heavy metals in water and wastewater 3.0 INTRODUCTION

Atomic absorption spectrophotometer $AAS% is an analytical techni&ue that measures the concentration of elements! Atomic absorption is so sensitive that it can measure down to parts per billion of a gram in a sample! "he techni&ue ma'es use of the wavelengths of light specifically absorbed by an element! "hey correspond to the energies needed to promote electrons from one energy level to another( higher( energy level! Atomic absorption spectrophotometer has many uses in different area of chemistry such as in clinical analysis( environmental analysis( pharmaceuticals( industry and mining! )n environmental analysis( AAS is used to monitor environment conditions by finding out the levels of various elements in rivers( seawater( drin'ing water( air( petrol( and drin's! )n this e*periment( a Polari+ed ,eeman Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer $Model ,-./// Series%$0igure % will be operating for water1wastewater analysis! "he main unit consists of a lamp chamber( burner( graphite atomi+er furnace( monochromator( detector( mechanisms and electrical circuits! )n addition( it is provided with a gas controller used to control various gases in flame analysis( power supply for graphite furnace automi+ation and auto sampler!


Polari+ed ,eeman Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer $Model ,-./// Series%



2/3 4 253 6itric Acid $H678% /// mg19 copper standard solution /// mg19 manganese standard solution /// mg19 iron standard solution /// m9 bea'er #./ m9 bea'er // m9 volumetric flas's ./ m9 volumetric flas's //:9 micropipette ///:9 micropipette .//m9 measuring cylinder ;acuum filtration apparatus De-ioni+ed water

Sample preparation< a! Assemble a filtration apparatus! b! 0ilter ./ m9 sample using vacuum pump through a /!=.>m nylon membrane filter1glass fiber filter! c! Collect the filtrate for sample analysis!


Standard solution preparation< a! Dilute the standard solution in // m9 volumetric flas' to prepare / mg19 stoc' solution for each element to be measured! Use de-ioni+ed water for dilution! b! Dilute the stoc' solution in ./ m9 volumetric flas' to prepare standard wor'ing curve for each element! i! Prepare / mg19( mg19( # mg19 and = mg19 of copper and iron mg19 and # mg19 of manganese for respectively for wor'ing curve preparation! ii! Prepare / mg19( /!. mg19( wor'ing curve preparation! c! Add a small volume of nitric acid to ma'e the solution acidic $to preserve the solution%!


"he flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer will be set up! a! Place hollow cathode lamps of manganese( iron and copper at right position! b! Ma'e sure supply gas are on for Acetylene $Air-C#H#% and Compressed Air! c! Switch on power supply( canopy hood( chiller( power supply of spectrophotometer and PC! d! Start of software< i! Double-clic' the shortcut icon ?AA Spectrophotometer@ on the screen! ii! Confirm that the atomic absorption spectrophotometer application has started! iii! Clic' 7nline status! iv! Clic' Adit Alement v! Save Method

vi! Clic' ;erify $and switch on 0lame on the Spectrophotometer unit% vii! Clic' Auto ,ero $wait until green color appear on menu bar% viii! Clic' Beady $wait until green color appear on menu bar% i*! Place sample on the sample tray *! 5.0 Clic' Start for analy+e

RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS Cu( mg19 Mn( mg19 0e( mg19

Sample $different sources%

Cour discussion may include the following &uestions< ! What are the preparations should be ta'en before starting up the e&uipmentD 9ist all the steps and procedures before the e&uipment can be ran! #! Why a small volume of nitric acid should be added into the standard solutionD 8! Why a sample of water1wastewater should be filtrated prior to analysisD =! )nterpret your results and compare with Standard A or Standard E in Anvironmental Fuality Act 5G=! 6.0 REFERENCES

7peration Manual< 0lame! #// ! Model ,-./// Series Polari+ed ,eeman Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer! 5th Adition! Hitachi! 0rancis( B! H Annic'( B! #//G! Chemical Analysis< Modern )nstrumentation Methods and "echni&ues! #nd Adition! Iohn Wiley H Sons! Angland!

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