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At/post Patkhal, Tal/dist Satara Email: -rohitshinde9916@gmail !om 9#96$##$$$


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %&o" '"(e!ti)e:

To join a globally respected organization that is powered by intellect and driven by values which treats their employees as their assets & to join a team e tremely hardworking, willing to share ideas and insights with the younger generation, always prepared to have a !un as well as work" # wish a challenging position contributing to the success o! the organization by my creative & innovative skills, being a part o! an #ndustrial $state that initiates learning process & provides plat!orm !or continuous growth" 1 'iploma in &echanical $ngineering !rom Satara Polytechnic Satara passed in 2334"

A!ademi! *ro+ile: &o" *ro+ile: months 1. Worked as an Asst. Technician (Vehicle Assembly) in Vehicle Dept. at John Deere Equipments !t. "td.# une $rom .1 0e! .#1# to till date Total E,-erien!e: . /ears 9

Production, %ehicle Assembly, &achining, Productivity #mprovement, Process #mprovement, & 'evelopment o! %ehicle, (ework & %ehicle 'ept")#*)oordinator"
%ey &kills'

Ma!hiner/ 1andles: ') tools, Pneumatic tools"

(unctional E)pertise'
*eportin+ to ,ana+er# *esponsible at department le!el $or'

1 *R'0UCTI' Strong +rientation towards *rod2!ti)it/ rise by using various tools like ,aizen, &otion -oss study, Se.uence o! operation, %A & /%A, TP&, P+,A0+,$"

)oordinator !or implementing ,aizens in the area o! * Productivity improvement, 5reakdown prevention, $nergy saving, )ost saving, )ycle time reduction, 6atigue reduction, Sa!ety" 2. &onitoring o! 34S 5 T*M activities in shop that stimulate Production activity 7ands on e perience to the Assembly -ine o! tractor with various models o! 8ohn 'eere & company" &inor & all major rework o! tractors" 9(elated to 7ydraulics & !unctional problem:" 6 *REVE7TIVE MAI7TE7A7CE ACTIVIT8 I7 S1'* )ontinuous watch on ;<S & TP& activity at our 'ept" area !or better li!e o! $.uipments" $ C'ST RE0UCTI'7: #mplementation o! ,aizens, ') tools, Tooling improvement, (eusing Tools, =se o! alternative material or sources, elimination o! wastes & !ollow discipline" Control on S!ra- 5 Re(e!tion o! components & products by monitoring process" 3 MA7A9I79 MA7*':ER &otivating each team member" Strong $ posure towards industrial engineering" Res2lts a!hie)ed: in &0I*L Sustaining ;ero -ro!ess +irst -ass /ield <2alit/ !om-laint !or Assembly contribution" Success!ully launch new models on assembly line" (educe rejection cost o! assembly line" 'aily inspection & !inding the main cause o! breakdown & rework the %ehicle" Suggest new changes in parts !itment procedure" &aintain smooth material !low on assembly line by start material kitting to avoid /%A" A=ards: 5est >uarter o! the &en"

5est $rgonomic Project" 5est >uality Project" 5est Sa!ety Project

Training: 1 Attended Training in ?Technical & -earning )entre@ at 8ohn 'eere . Training on Total Assembly & 'ismantle o! Tractor components 6 Shop 6loor practices !or $ cellent &anu!acturing & productivity improvement" O TP& O ,aizens O O o o ;S Poka*0oke &aterial ,anban 8'>PS

3" 6ailure mode e!!ect analysis* 6&$A 6" Productivity & Aork Study >" Sa!ety, $rgonomic & 6irst Aid ?" Personality 'evelopment 9" 6ire !ighting 1#" )ommunication Skill" Strengths: 1 Sel! * con!idant and sel!* motivated" . Skilled at taking initiative, leading & motivating the group" 6 Sincere and 7ard Aorking with Positive attitude" $ # believe in growth through continuous learning and application o! knowledge" 3" (esult oriented" *ERS'7AL *R'@ILE: /ame B (ohit %ikas Shinde"

Permanent Add" 'ate o! birth /ationality &arital status Fender -anguages ,nown


At/post Patkhal, Tal/dist Satara" CD 6eb C4E4 #ndian Single &ale $nglish, &arathi, and 7indi"

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