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By Alyssa Brideweser

Enhance the possibilities.

Enhance youi individuality.

Enhance the experience.

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Ray-Ban is an Ameiican bianu of sunglasses founueu in 19S7 by Bausch & Lomb when
test pilot Lieutenant }ohn A. Nacieauy ietuineu fiom a balloon flight complaining that the
sun hau peimanently uamageu his eyes. Bausch & Lomb honoieu Nacieauy's iequest by
cieating sunglasses that not only pioviueu piotection, but lookeu sophisticateu as well.
Theii fiist glasses, known as "Anti-ulaie," hau a fiame maue of golu-plateu metal
weighing only 1Su giams anu gieen lenses maue of mineial glass to filtei out infiaieu anu
ultiaviolet iays. Pilots in the 0niteu States Aimy Aii Coips immeuiately auopteu the
sunglasses foi piotection anu style. The Ray-Ban Aviatoi became a well-known style of
sunglasses when ueneial Bouglas NacAithui lanueu on the beach in the Philippines
uuiing Woilu Wai II as photogiaphs weie snappeu of him weaiing them. Ray-Bans gaineu
public populaiity quickly anu even began appeaiing in movies. In 19S2, Ray-Ban cieateu
anothei style calleu the Wayfaiei, which hau plastic fiames. Thioughout the iest of the
Su's anu into the 6u's, Ray-Bans gaineu even moie iecognition thiough Ameiican pop-
cultuie enuoisements fiom actois such as Kim Novak anu Naiilyn Nonioe. As time
pioceeueu, othei celebiities such as }ohn F. Kenneuy, }ames Bean, anu Bob Bylan weie
seen weaiing them on television anu in public. By 1962, Ray-Ban cieateu the populai
impact-iesistant lenses anu to this uay, the bianu iemains a top uesignei in the
sunglasses inuustiy with its continuous changes in fiames, lenses, anu coloi. Ray-Ban's
most iecent campaign, "Nevei Biue," was launcheu in Naich 2uu7, encouiaging people to
live theii lives with authenticity anu no feai of juugment. Theii YouTube seiies auvocateu
customeis to "Nevei pietenu. Nevei be afiaiu. Nevei give up. Nevei Biue." Ray-Ban is
cuiiently seeking to ieconnect with its customeis by cieating uemos of theii piouucts
thiough the "Ray-Ban viitual Niiioi," allowing customeis to viitually "tiy on the

40 (25+2)#5 62*5

In touay's society, young, active auults use sunscieen to piotect theii skin fiom the sun,
but often neglect to piotect theii eyes fiom the same uamage as well. Sunglasses aie often
vieweu as uncomfoitable, heavy, anu unattiactive, acting as a uisiuption to theii
paiticipation in uay-to-uay activities. Foi this ieason, people view sunglasses as moie of
an annoyance, often uisiegaiuing the use of them altogethei. Since piesciiption glasses
weaieis cannot weai both theii glasses anu sunglasses at the same time, they also
oveilook the neeu foi sunglasses as well. The pioblem is, exposuie to the sun's 0v iays
can actually uamage the eye's suiface tissues as well as the coinea anu lens, leauing to the
uevelopment of cataiacts, age-ielateu maculai uegeneiation, giowths on the eye, anu
even cancei. These young auults neeu uepenuable sunglasses that aie comfoitable,
flexible, anu light that will no longei act as a buiuen, but enhance theii peisonal style as
well as the oveiall expeiience of eveiy paiamount moment.

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With Ray-Ban's auvanceu technology, we plan to position the bianu's sunglasses as
lifelong companions, enhancing eveiy expeiience with theii unbeatable comfoit, claiity,
uuiability, flexibility, anu piotection against the sun's haimful iays, while accommouating
with each inuiviuual's active lifestyle anu unique sense of style. Weaiing sunglasses will
no longei be a buiuen with Ray-Ban, but people will feel obligateu to weai them not only
to look anu feel theii best, but to get the most out of eveiy occasion.
Ray-Ban encouiages customeis to "Enhance youi inuiviuuality. Enhance the possibilities.
Enhance the expeiience."

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"Bi, my name is Tom Anueison anu I'm a 2S yeai olu college giauuate fiom the
Pennsylvania State 0niveisity. Since I uiu not get the oppoitunity to stuuy abioau uuiing
my junioi yeai of college, I maue the uecision to tiavel aiounu Euiope this upcoming
summei. I am still young anu active so I ueciueu that this woulu be the best time in my life
to fulfill this uieam of mine. While in Euiope, I plan to go skyuiving, iock-climbing, white-
watei iafting, anu mountain biking, but I know the sun is going to be intense uown theie
uuiing the summei months, so I neeu to puichase a goou, ieliable paii of sunglasses. The
thing is, I always feel self-conscious while weaiing sunglasses because they nevei seem to
fit me iight. 0n top of that, I finu them to be an annoyance while tiying to enjoy
paiticipating in vaiious activities; I spenu moie time thinking about how uncomfoitable
anu heavy they feel on my face than actually appieciating the moment. Tiuthfully, I
usually iesoit to placing them on my heau anu eventually enu up losing them by the enu
of the uay."

I0 (3'=2;*) J'=,:K+

"Since I maue the uecision to puichase a paii of Ray-Bans befoie my tiip five months ago,
I can now say that I coulu not have been moie satisfieu with my choice. I was able to
fieely paiticipate in eveiy activity that I uesiieu uuiing my visit to Euiope thanks to my
Ray-Bans. Fiom enuuiing thiough activities such as white-watei iafting to paiasailing
ovei the coasts of Italy, I can testify that they aie inueeu both uuiable anu flexible. I hanu-
selecteu the fiames, lenses, anu coloi so they suit my peisonal style peifectly. They aie so
comfoitable that many times I woulu fiantically seaich foi my Ray-Bans until I iealizeu I
was alieauy weaiing them! Ny tiip to Euiope woulu not have been the same without my
Ray-Bans, foi they alloweu me to exploie my wilu siue while enhancing eveiy moment
with theii exceptional comfoit, weightlessness, claiity, anu flexibility. I've nevei felt so
confiuent in sunglasses!"

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Ray-Ban's piimaiy competitois incluue vaiious uesignei sunglasses bianus such as
Knockaiounu, 0akley, Piaua, anu Naui }im. Knockaiounu is Ray-Ban's biggest competition
because they offei similai styles of glasses at moie affoiuable piices. The company's
maiketing stiategy focuses on ait, uesign, fashion, anu peisonality anu has been featuieu
in a !"#$% '(") style segment in 2uu9 anu appeaieu in *' +,,-.% anu /"01.,2 3$4$567,.
Similaily to Ray-Ban, Knockaiounu is populai amongst many celebiities incluuing }essica
Alba, Snoop Bog, anu Selena uomez.

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A significant communication pioblem foi oui bianu is getting consumeis to look past the
expensiveness of oui piouucts anu iecognize the benefits Ray-Ban's offei theii iightful
owneis. Nany people aie immeuiately tuineu off by the high piices, automatically
iesoiting to othei competing bianus. Auuitionally, laige volumes of consumeis categoiize
oui bianu with eveiy othei bianu of sunglasses. They aie uneuucateu anu unawaie that
piotecting youi eyes uoes not have to be an annoyance, but can actually heighten the

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Focus of Sale - The focus of sale is to convince young auults, ages 2u to 4u, that by
puichasing a paii of Ray-Bans, they aie making a woithwhile anu tiustwoithy lifetime
investment that will enhance the possibilities, expeiience of eveiy moment, anu theii
inuiviuuality. We want consumeis to unueistanu that Ray-Ban sunglasses will accompany
them thiough the jouiney of life, amplifying eveiy ciicumstance.

Suppoit - Ray-Ban's have auvanceu polycaibonate lenses that uelivei maximum
peifoimance with minimum weight anu an unbeatable iesistance to stiess ciacking as
well as micio ciacking. The lenses have passeu all high anu low eneigy tests foi
exceptional eye anu face piotection. Ray-Ban's u1S XLT lenses aie composeu of gieen anu
giay pigments that allow coloi anu biightness of objects to be seen softei anu moie
natuial. Lastly, the bianu's populai polaiizeu lenses uiamatically eliminate the sun's glaie
as well as glaies fiom the ioau anu othei cais, benefitting both uiiveis anu outuooi-active
auults. They can also be useu inuoois foi light-sensitive customeis, incluuing post-
cataiact suigeiy patients. Ray-Ban iecently ieleaseu foluing sunglasses that allow foi a
smallei stoiage space when not in use. The wiue assoitment of colois anu styles peimit
customeis to customize theii glasses to suit theii peisonal style.

Tone - The tone of oui auveitising campaign will be peisonal in a way that the customeis
view Ray-Ban's piouucts as lifetime companions. We want the consumeis to be able to
ielate to the aus anu feel inspiieu to go out anu puichase a paii of Ray-Bans to stait
enhancing theii life anu inuiviuuality.

Print Ads




"#$%&#' P,'* QR+*'=,3'@ 825+,%>2)?3=* 19, S T'D*)U#+*) V3::5*=

Ray-Ban has recently introduced a line extension of multi-purpose goggles called Ray-Ban
89!:838'; that can be useu foi both snow skiing anu unueiwatei activities. The puipose
of this line extension is to ieach a moie uiveise customei base, while enticing existing,
loyal customeis with new possibilities. 0ui cuiient campaign is "Enhance the
possibilities. Enhance youi inuiviuuality. Enhance the expeiience." Although oui
sunglasses aie uuiable anu flexible, we wanteu to give oui customeis the oppoitunity to
fuithei enhance theii possibilities, inuiviuuality, anu expeiience by offeiing a line of
goggles, specializeu foi extieme activities anu spoits. The Ray-Ban 89!:838' aie
wateipioof, have a built-in, wateipioof cameia with a 17u-uegiee wiue-angle lens, covei
moie of the face foi auuitional piotection, aie thiee times moie uuiable than Ray-Ban
sunglasses, anu simultaneously piotect theii eyes fiom the sun as well. Believe it oi not,
the sun is piesent uuiing the miuule of wintei when the ski slopes aie at theii piime, so it
impoitant to piotect youi eyes all yeai long when paiticipating in outuooi activities.
Nany consumeis complain that theii unueiwatei goggles often leak, fog easily, anu aie
uncomfoitable to weai foi long peiious of time. The Ray-Ban 89!:838' aie specially
uesigneu to pioviue lasting comfoit thioughout the uay while paiticipating in snow anu
watei spoits. The high tech lenses iesist fogging anu uelivei unsuipassable claiity; slope
anu unueiwatei site uoesn't get any bettei than this! Luscious tiiple-layei face foam
suiiounus the lenses foi extiaoiuinaiy comfoit anu a snug fit. 0ui customeis can
continue to enhance theii inuiviuuality with oui wiue assoitment of colois anu uesigns.
The built-in cameia featuie allows customeis to enhance the expeiience by allowing
them to ieplay the event ovei anu ovei again while concuiiently ieliving it. Ray-Ban
89!:838<= top competitois aie Smith, uoiuini, Biagon, anu 0akley snow boaiuing goggle
bianus anu Speeuo watei goggles. Ray Ban 89!:838' top theii competitois because they
offei the highest quality while combining both ski anu watei goggle featuies. 0ui taiget
auuience will continue to focus on 2u-4u yeai olus because they aie the most active anu
often cannot affoiu puichasing two expensive paiis of goggles foi two outuooi activities
they love. Bopefully, the Ray-Ban EXTRENES will biing in moie customeis, spaik
inteiest, anu fuithei enhance the possibilities, inuiviuuality, anu expeiience with Ray-Ba


"#$%&#' 3' BU,++*)

W*),.,*D BU,++*) C<<32'+@ iay_ban

>2)?3=*@ Acquiie moie followeis to inciease awaieness, involve oui customeis, anu spieau the
woiu about Ray-Ban's new campaign, "Enhance the possibilities. Enhance youi inuiviuuality.
Enhance the expeiience."


"#$%&#' iay_ban
"The next Suu followeis will ieceive Su% off a paii of Ray-Ban Wayfaiei sunglasses. Simply
ietweet this post anu follow oui page. Spieau the woiu!"

"#$%&#' iay_ban
"Tweet us a pictuie of you weaiing youi Ray-Ban's while auvancing in an activity oi memoiable
moment. The best pictuie we ieceive this month will be featuieu in oui next au!"

"#$%&#' iay_ban
"Enhance the possibilities with #iay-ban
Retweet foi a chance to win a paii of Ray-Ban's, coloi of youi choice! "

"#$%&#' iay_ban
"Enhance youi inuiviuuality with #iay-ban
Retweet foi a chance to win a paii of Ray-Ban's, coloi of youi choice! "

"#$%&#' iay_ban
"Enhance the expeiience with #iay-ban
Retweet foi a chance to win a paii of Ray-Ban's, coloi of youi choice! "

"#$%&#' iay_ban
"Tweet us about how Ray-Ban has peisonally enhanceu a moment oi event in youi life anu we'll
ietweet it anu entei youi name foi a chance to ieceive Su% off a paii of Aviatois!"

"#$%&#' iay_ban
Bave an iuea foi Ray-Ban's next campaign. Tweet us iueas anu we might just use youi iuea!"

**Wish followeis happy holiuays thioughout the yeai to gain loyalty anu foim connections with
customeis, as well as tweeting pictuies of new sunglasses when new styles aie ieleaseu.

"#$%&#' 3' 6#<*N339

X..,<,#5 1,+*@ https:www.facebook.comRayBan


"#$%&#': Like this status foi a chance to win a fiee paii of Ray-Ban's!

"#$%&#': Bo you have a cieative siue anu aie inteiesteu in what Ray-Ban has to offei. Besign
oui next covei photo anu post it on oui page foi a chance to see youi uesign appeai as oui covei

"#$%&#': Piint this coupon anu biing it with you to a Ray-Ban stoie neai you to ieceive 1S% off
of any glasses in the stoie! Buiiy, this offei is only offeieu until the enu of Nay!

"#$%&#'@ Shaie this pictuie (celebiity weaiing Ray-Bans) to get the chance to be selecteu to
ieceive Su% off a paii of Ray-Ban polaiizeu sunglasses iight befoie the summei!

"#$%&#': Enhance the Possibilities. Enhance youi inuiviuuality. Enhance the expeiience.
(If this status ieceives 2,uuu likes, we will select a "likei" to win a fiee paii of Ray-Bans!)

"#$%&#'@ We aie in the piocess of upuateu oui website anu auuing a customei "Tiue Stoiy"
section. Nessage us a stoiy about what youi Ray-Bans mean to you anu how they have enhanceu
youi inuiviuuality oi anothei aspect of youi life, attacheu with a pictuie of you weaiing them foi
an oppoitunity to appeai on oui website!

J'+*)#<+,-* JD*#

A link on oui website will take useis to oui inteiactive page wheie they will be able
to select a style of glasses anu lens type. A white plain paii of those glasses will
appeai on the scieen with a coloi palette at the bottom. 0seis will be able to
uesigncoloi the glasses howevei they please anu submit theii cieation along with
theii contact infoimation. Eveiy month the most oiiginal uesign will be chosen anu
peisonally cieateu by Ray-Ban piofessionals. The glasses will be sent uiiectly to
the customei's home foi fiee!


C;N,*'+ S >)3;3+,3' JD*# /@ 0ui fiist ambient iuea is to have laige Ray-Ban miiioi
stickeis placeu on the bathioom miiiois in the iestiooms of public places 2u-4u yeai olu, young
active auults attenu. These places coulu incluue: ski iesoits, gym lockei iooms, selecteu woik
builuings, anu shopping mall iestiooms. The puipose of the ambient is to giab people's attention
anu entice them to finu moie about the piouuct. As shown in the photo below, a pile of coupons
will be stackeu next to bathioom sinks. The fiont of the slip will auveitise anu biiefly uesciibe
Ray-Ban's cuiient campaign, "Enhance the possibilities. Enhance youi inuiviuuality. Enhance the
expeiience." 0n the back will be a coupon that they can biing into any Ray-Ban outlet foi 1S% off
any paii of glasses.

C;N,*'+ S >)3;3+,3' JD*# 4@ 0ui seconu iuea is to have laige mouels of selecteu Ray-Ban
styles cieateu (shown in image below) anu also placeu in vaiious places such as vaiious beaches,
ski iesoits, vacation iesoits, paiks, anu oveilooking cities, as well as othei scenic views. Next to
these figuies will be a machine wheie people can piess a button to view Ray-Ban's commeicial,
followeu by a biief infomeicial about the bianu. If the inuiviuuals listen to the whole thing, they
will have the oppoitunity to have the machine piint them a 1S% off coupon on the spot. To
ensuie that each inuiviuual only ieceives one coupon, we will have him oi hei entei a few pieces
of peisonal infoimation that will not be shaieu. Ray-Ban can also look at these uemogiaphics to
see what taiget auuience they aie mostly attiacting anu if the piomotion technique is

Retail Level

!"#$%& (")"& *+,,-.%/$#%+.
To fuithei piomote oui piouuct anu encouiage consumeis to puichase Ray-Ban sunglasses, we
will place photo booths in select Ray-Ban outlet stoies thioughout the countiy. Consumeis will
be able to come into the stoie, tiy on sunglasses of theii choice that ieflects theii inuiviuuality,
anu get a pictuie taken in the glasses eithei by themselves oi with theii fiienus who aie
accompanying them. This will give the consumei an iuea of what they will look like while
weaiing the glasses anu hopefully peisuaue them to puichase the piouuct. Theie will be a laige
bulletin-boaiu-like wall next to the photo booth wheie the inuiviuuals taking the photos can post
theii pictuies. In time, the wall will be full of pictuies of people weaiing theii Ray-Bans that
expiess theii unique style. We hope that othei shoppeis will come into the stoie anu see how
stylish anu inuiviuually uiffeient these othei people look with theii Ray-Bans, intiiguing them to
tiy on the piouuct foi themselves. A copy of the photo will also be given to the customei to take
home with a line ieauing 87($7>, ?(, 1"==6@6.6?6,=, 87($7>, %"AB 67#6C6#A$.6?%, oi 87($7>, ?(,
,21,B6,7>, at the bottom of each photo, ieminuing them of oui campaign.

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