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UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD FACULTY OF LAW NOTICE TO CANDIDATES LAW MODERATIONS 2014 Format a ! R"#r$% o& E'am$ at$o Pa()r* Mat)r$a+* a,a$+a#+) $ t-) E'am$ at$o Room The purpose of this circular is to give you advance notice of the format and rubric of examination papers in Law Moderations in Hilary and Trinity Terms 2014 and details of the material which will be available in the examination room for the !riminal Law paper" A. Format a ! R"#r$% o& E'am$ at$o Pa()r* #sually the format and rubric of a paper is the same as in the previous year and you will find last year$s examination papers %for Hilary and Trinity Term 201&' on the web at www"oxam"ox"ac"u(" A Roma I tro!"%t$o to Pr$,at) La/
There will be ten )uestions of which two )uestions will comprise texts set %in *nglish' for comment" +n each text )uestion candidates will be re)uired to comment on two out of a total of four texts" !andidates will be re)uired to answer four )uestions altogether including one but no more than one of the text )uestions"

Co *t$t"t$o a+ La/
There will be ten )uestions" !andidates will be re)uired to answer four )uestions"

!andidates are as(ed to note that some )uestions may involve a greater degree of mixing of topics than has been the norm in past papers" Cr$m$ a+ La/
There will be ten )uestions on the paper five of which will be essay )uestions %,art -' and five of which will be problem )uestions %,art .'" !andidates will be re)uired to answer four )uestions including at +)a*t o ) 0")*t$o &rom Part A and at +)a*t t/o 0")*t$o * &rom Part B" /o )uestion will be set re)uiring (nowledge of infanticide or of encouraging or assisting suicide"

B. Mat)r$a+* $ t-) E'am$ at$o Room Cr$m$ a+ La/ 0ou will be provided in the examination room with the following1 !riminal Law !ase List 201&214 .oo(let of extracts from !riminal Law 3tatutes containing1 -ccessories and -bettors -ct 1451 s"4 6ffences -gainst the ,erson -ct 1451 ss" 15 14 20 2& 24 47 +nfanticide -ct 18&4 s" 1 Homicide -ct 1897 ss" 1 2 4 3uicide -ct 1851 ss" 1 2 2- 2. !riminal ,rocedure %+nsanity' -ct 1854 ss 1 4 4- 9 5 !riminal :ustice -ct 1857 s 4 !riminal Law -ct 1857 s"& Theft -ct 1854 ss" 125 4 8 12 21 22 29 !riminal ;amage -ct 1871 ss" 1 2 & 9 10 !riminal Law -ct 1877 ss" 1 and 2 %not 1-' and 9%1' %5' %4' and %8' Theft -ct 1874 s"& Magistrates$ !ourts -ct 1840 s 44 !riminal -ttempts -ct 1841 s" 1 Law <eform %0ear and ;ay <ule' -ct 1885 !rime and ;isorder -ct 1884 s &4 3exual 6ffences -ct 200& ss" 1 2 & 4 9 5 7 4 8 1& 7& 74 79 75 77 74 and 78%2' %&' %4' and %8'" =raud -ct 2005 ss" 1 2 & 4 9 3erious !rime -ct 2007 ss 44 49 45 47 48 90 91 95 98 54 59 55 57 and excerpts from 3chedule & %Listed 6ffences' !riminal :ustice and +mmigration -ct 2004 s 75 !oroners and :ustice -ct 2008 sections 94 99 95

;r >" Lamond ;irector of *xaminations 4 /ovember 201&

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