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Holiday Dessert Recipes

1 package lllsbury Supreme Collecuon` 8ed velveL Cake Mlx
1 cup plus 2 Lablespoons waLer
3 large eggs
1/3 cup plus 2 Lablespoons Crlsco ure vegeLable Cll dlvlded
3 Lablespoons Smucker's Seedless 8ed 8aspberry !am
1 cup marshmallow creme
1 conLalner lllsbury Creamy Supreme Classlc WhlLe lrosung
1/2 cup lllsbury Creamy Supreme ChocolaLe ludge llavored lrosung

1. PLA1 oven Lo 330 l. Llne 24 mumns cups wlLh paper baklng cups.
repare cake mlx accordlng Lo package dlrecuons uslng 1 cup waLer, 1/3
cup oll and 3 eggs. repare lllng packeL accordlng Lo package dlrecuons
uslng 2 Lablespoons waLer and 2 Lablespoons oll.
2. SCCn 2 Lablespoons cake bauer lnLo each mumn cup, compleLely
coverlng bouom of cup. Spoon 1/2 Leaspoon raspberry [am onLo
cenLers. Spoon lllng mlxLure evenly on Lop of [am. 8ake 19 Lo 23
mlnuLes or unul LooLhplck lnserLed near cenLer comes ouL clean. Cool 3
mlnuLes. 8emove Lo wlre rack Lo cool compleLely.
3. CCM8lnL marshmallow creme and whlLe frosung ln medlum
mlcrowave-safe bowl. Mlcrowave on PlCP 10 seconds. Sur unul smooLh.
ulp Lops of cupcakes, one aL a ume, lnLo frosung mlxLure Lo coaL. lf
frosung mlxLure Lhlckens, mlcrowave aL addluonal 3 Lo 10 second
lnLervals or unul deslred conslsLency when surred.
4. LACL fudge frosung lnLo corner of 1-quarL heavy-duLy resealable plasuc
bag. Mlcrowave on PlCP for 10 seconds. CuL small corner o bouom of
bag. Squeeze over Lops of cupcakes ln a zlg-zag deslgn.
rep 1lme: 30 mlnuLes
?leld: 24

Chocolate Raspberry
Red Velvet Cupcakes
lor more reclpes vlslL:
1 (17.3 oz.) package lllsbury Snlckerdoodle Cookle Mlx
1/3 cup buuer soened*
1 large egg
1 Leaspoon vanllla exLracL
1 cup !lf ChocolaLe llavored PazelnuL Spread ,- 1 cup !lf Mocha
Cappucclno llavored PazelnuL Spread

1. PLA1 oven Lo 373l. Llne baklng sheeLs wlLh parchmenL paper.
2. CCM8lnL cookle mlx, soened buuer, egg and vanllla exLracL ln medlum
bowl. Mlx wlLh spoon unul so dough ls formed.
3. uSL level measurlng Leaspoon of dough Lo make 3/4-lnch balls. 8oll ln
clnnamon sugar. lace on prepared baklng sheeL. uslng Lhe back of a
rounded measurlng Leaspoon, Lo make a rounded lndenLauon ln Lhe
cenLer of each cookle.
4. 8AkL 6 mlnuLes. 8emake rounded lndenLauon ln cookle. llll a resealable
plasuc bag wlLh 1 cup of chocolaLe hazelnuL spread. Make a 1/2-lnch cuL
o one corner of bag. Squeeze spread sLarung aL ouLslde edge of
lndenLauon, swlrllng Loward cenLer of each cookle. 8ake an addluonal 4
mlnuLes Lo seL cenLer. 8emove Lo wlre rack Lo cool compleLely.
3. * 1o soen buuer: PeaL unwrapped buuer ln mlcrowave 10 Lo 13
rep 1lme: 43 mlnuLes
?leld: 6 dozen cookles

Chocolate Hazelnut
Snickerdoodle Cookies
lor more reclpes vlslL:
1 (17.3 oz.) package lllsbury lunfem Pollday Sugar Cookle Mlx
1/2 cup buuer soened
1 large egg
1 Lablespoon waLer
1/3 cup mlnl seml-sweeL chocolaLe chlps
1 cup nely chopped peanuLs dlvlded
2/3 cup !lf Creamy eanuL 8uuer
60 foll-wrapped mllk chocolaLe pleces, unwrapped
1. PLA1 oven Lo 373l.
2. CCM8lnL cookle mlx, buuer, egg and waLer ln medlum bowl. Mlx unul
so dough forms. Sur ln chocolaLe chlps and 1/3 cup chopped peanuLs.
use rounded measurlng Leaspoons of dough Lo make 3/4-lnch balls. 8oll
ln remalnlng chopped peanuLs. lace on cookle sheeL.
3. 8AkL 10 Lo 12 mlnuLes or unul llghL golden brown. Spoon a scanL 1/2
Leaspoon peanuL buuer on Lop of warm cookle. ress chocolaLe plece
onLo peanuL buuer. 8epeaL wlLh remalnlng cookles. 1ransfer Lo wlre
rack. Cool Lo allow chocolaLe Lo seL.

rep 1lme: 30 mlnuLes
?leld: 3 dozen
Funfetti Holiday
Peanut Butter and
Chocolate Cookies
lor more reclpes vlslL:
3/4 cup !lf Creamy eanuL 8uuer
1/2 suck Crlsco 8aklng Sucks All-vegeLable ShorLenlng
,- 1/2 cup Crlsco All-vegeLable ShorLenlng
1 1/4 cups rmly packed brown sugar
3 Lablespoons mllk
1 Lablespoon vanllla exLracL
1 large egg
1 3/4 cups lllsbury 8LS1 All urpose llour
3/4 Leaspoon baklng soda
3/4 Leaspoon salL

1. PLA1 oven Lo 373l. Comblne peanuL buuer, shorLenlng, brown sugar,
mllk and vanllla ln large bowl. 8eaL aL medlum speed of elecLrlc mlxer
unul well blended. Add egg. 8eaL [usL unul blended.
2. CCM8lnL our, baklng soda and salL. Add Lo creamed mlxLure aL low
speed. Mlx [usL unul blended. urop by rounded Lablespoonfuls 2-lnches
aparL onLo greased baklng sheeL. llauen sllghLly ln a crlsscross pauern
wlLh unes of fork.
3. 8AkL one baklng sheeL aL a ume 7 Lo 8 mlnuLes, or unul seL and [usL
beglnnlng Lo brown. Cool 2 mlnuLes on baklng sheeL. 8emove cookles Lo
coollng racks Lo cool compleLely.

rep 1lme: 20 mlnuLes
?leld: 3 dozen cookles
Irresistible Peanut
Butter Cookies
lor more reclpes vlslL:
Crlsco Crlglnal no-Suck Cooklng Spray
3/4 cup Crlsco 8uuer llavor All-vegeLable ShorLenlng
,- 3/4 suck Crlsco 8aklng Sucks 8uuer llavor All-vegeLable ShorLenlng
1 1/4 cups rmly packed brown sugar
1 large egg
1/3 cup mllk
1 1/2 Leaspoons vanllla exLracL
1 cup lllsbury 8LS1 All urpose llour
1/2 Leaspoon baklng soda
1/2 Leaspoon salL
1/4 Leaspoon ground clnnamon
3 cups old-fashloned rolled oaLs
1 cup ralslns
1 cup coarsely chopped walnuLs
PLA1 oven Lo 373l. CoaL baklng sheeLs wlLh no-suck cooklng spray.
8LA1 shorLenlng, brown sugar, egg, mllk and vanllla ln large bowl aL medlum speed of
elecLrlc mlxer unul well blended.
CCM8lnL our, baklng soda, salL and clnnamon ln small bowl. 8eaL lnLo shorLenlng
mlxLure aL low speed unul smooLh. Sur ln oaLs, ralslns and nuLs. urop by rounded
Lablespoonfuls 2 lnches aparL onLo prepared baklng sheeLs.
8AkL 10 Lo 12 mlnuLes or unul llghLly browned. Cool 2 mlnuLes on baklng sheeL.
8emove Lo wlre rack Lo cool.
CPCCCLA1L C8 8u11L8SCC1CP CPl: Add 1 cup chocolaLe or buuerscoLch chlps Lo
CCCCnu1: Add 1 cup sweeLened aked coconuL.
MALL: Add 1 1/2 Leaspoons maple avorlng.
MALL WALnu1: CmlL ralslns. Add 1 1/2 Leaspoons maple avorlng Lo dough. lrosL
Lop of cooled cookles wlLh mlxLure of 1 (16 oz.) can lllsbury Creamy Supreme vanllla
lrosung and 1 Leaspoon maple avorlng. Carnlsh wlLh walnuL halves.
CPCCCLA1L-ulLu: CmlL ralslns and nuLs. Mlcrowave 1 cup lllsbury Creamy
Supreme ChocolaLe lrosung 20 Lo 23 seconds or unul smooLh and Lhln. ulp Lop half of
cooled cookle ln frosung. Lay on wax paper unul rm.
rep 1lme: 13 mlnuLes ?leld: 4 dozen
Chewy Oatmeal
lor more reclpes vlslL:
Crlsco Crlglnal no-Suck Cooklng Spray
1/2 cup rmly packed brown sugar
1 Crlsco 8aklng Sucks 8uuer llavor All-vegeLable ShorLenlng cuL lnLo
sllces ,- 1 cup Crlsco 8uuer llavor All-vegeLable ShorLenlng
3 large eggs separaLed
2 Lablespoons waLer
1 1/2 Leaspoons vanllla exLracL
1/4 Leaspoon salL
2 cups lllsbury 8LS1 All urpose llour
2 cups nely chopped pecans
1 cup Smucker's SLrawberry reserves or any Smucker's reserves,
!am or !elly

1. PLA1 oven Lo 330l. Ad[usL rack Lo mlddle posluon. CoaL Lwo cookle
sheeLs llghLly wlLh no-suck cooklng spray.
2. 8LA1 brown sugar and shorLenlng ln medlum bowl wlLh an elecLrlc mlxer
aL medlum speed for 2 mlnuLes or unul uy. Scrape down sldes of
bowl. Add egg yolks, waLer, vanllla and salL. 8eaL unul well comblned.
Add our on low speed unul well blended.
3. 8LA1 egg whlLes ln a shallow bowl unul foamy. lace pecans ln a
separaLe shallow bowl. Measure abouL 2 Leaspoons dough for each
cookle. 8oll lnLo balls. ulp each dough ball lnLo egg whlLes, Lhen roll lnLo
pecans. lace on prepared cookle sheeL. uslng Lhe back of a Leaspoon or
your Lhumb, make a rounded lndenLauon ln Lhe Lop of each cookle.
4. 8AkL 10 mlnuLes. 8emove from oven. lL may be necessary Lo creaLe Lhe
lndenLauon once agaln wlLh a spoon. lace abouL 1 Leaspoon preserves
lnLo Lhe lndenLauon of each cookle. 8ake an addluonal 3 Lo 7 mlnuLes or
unul llghLly browned. 8emove from oven. Cool on baklng sheeL for
several mlnuLes. 8emove Lo wlre rack Lo cool compleLely.
rep 1lme: 40 mlnuLes ?leld: 4 dozen
Classic Thumbprint

lor more reclpes vlslL:
1 (17.3 oz.) package lllsbury Sugar Cookle Mlx
1/2 cup buuer soened
1 large egg
1/2 cup red candled cherrles cuL ln half
1/2 cup green candled cherrles cuL ln half
1/2 cup aked coconuL
1 cup sllvered almonds
1 cup coarsely chopped pecans
1/8 Leaspoon almond exLracL
1/2 cup nely chopped pecans

1. CCM8lnL cookle mlx, buuer and egg ln large bowl unul so dough
forms. Sur ln red cherrles, green cherrles, coconuL, almonds, coarsely
chopped pecans and almond exLracL.
2. ulvluL dough ln half. lorm each half lnLo a 10 x 2-lnch dlameLer log. 8oll
ln nely chopped pecans. Wrap wlLh plasuc wrap. lreeze 1 hour or chlll
3. PLA1 oven Lo 373l. CuL logs lnLo 1/4-lnch sllces. lace on cookle sheeL.
8ake 8 Lo 10 mlnuLes or unul llghLly browned. Cool on cookle sheeL 1
mlnuLe. 1ransfer Lo wlre rack Lo cool compleLely.

rep 1lme: 13 mlnuLes
?leld: 6 dozen
Festive Holiday Sugar
lor more reclpes vlslL:
Crlsco Crlglnal no-Suck Cooklng Spray
1/4 cup buuer
4 cups mlnl marshmallows
1/8 Leaspoon peppermlnL exLracL
4 cups cocoa avored rlce cereal
1 cup mlnl chocolaLe chlps
1 conLalner lllsbury lunfem 8udolph 8ed vanllla llavored lrosung

1. CCA1 12-cup mumn un or 36 mlnl mumn cups wlLh no-suck cooklng
spray. PeaL buuer and marshmallows ln large mlcrowave-safe bowl on
PlCP ln mlcrowave for 3 mlnuLes, surrlng aer 2 mlnuLes.
2. S1l8 ln peppermlnL exLracL. Add rlce cereal and chocolaLe chlps. Sur unul
evenly coaLed. ulvlde evenly lnLo prepared mumn cups. ress Lo form
even layer. LeL cool 10 mlnuLes.
3. 8LMCvL cupcakes from pan. lace ln decorauve paper llners. lace
frosung ln decoraLor bag ued wlLh large sLar up. lrosL cupcakes as
deslred. Sprlnkle wlLh candy blLs.
rep 1lme: 20 mlnuLes
?leld: 12 cupcakes
Chocolate Peppermint
Crunch Cupcakes
lor more reclpes vlslL:
Crlsco Crlglnal no-Suck Cooklng Spray
3 cups sugar
1/2 cup buuer
2/3 cup L1 LvaporaLed Mllk
1 2/3 cups !lf Creamy eanuL 8uuer
1 (7 oz.) [ar marshmallow creme
1 Leaspoon vanllla exLracL

1. LlnL 13 x 9-lnch pan wlLh alumlnum foll, spray wlLh no-suck cooklng
2. CCM8lnL sugar, buuer and mllk ln large saucepan, surrlng consLanLly on
medlum heaL, unul mlxLure comes Lo a boll. 8educe heaL and slmmer 3
mlnuLes, surrlng consLanLly. 8emove from heaL.
3. Auu peanuL buuer. Sur unul well blended. Add marshmallow creme and
vanllla. 8eaL unul well blended. Spread ln prepared pan. Cool. CuL lnLo
candy-slzed pleces.

rep 1lme: 22 mlnuLes
?leld: 3 pounds
Peanut Butter Fudge
lor more reclpes vlslL:
lllsbury 8aklng Spray wlLh llour
1 box lllsbury MolsL Supreme uevll's lood remlum Cake Mlx
1/2 cup Crlsco ure vegeLable Cll
1 cup waLer
4 large eggs
1 (3.9 oz.) package lnsLanL chocolaLe puddlng and ple lllng mlx
2 cups (12 oz. pkg.) seml-sweeL chocolaLe chlps
1/2 cup lllsbury Whlpped Supreme vanllla llavored lrosung
1/2 cup !lf Creamy eanuL 8uuer
1/4 Leaspoon almond exLracL
1/2 cup mllk
ChocolaLe curls or shavlngs for garnlsh
1. PLA1 oven Lo 330l. Spray a 12-cup uLed pan wlLh our no-suck
cooklng spray.
2. CCM8lnL cake mlx, oll, waLer, eggs and puddlng mlx ln a large bowl wlLh
an elecLrlc mlxer aL low speed unul molsLened. 8eaL 2 mlnuLes aL
medlum speed. Sur ln chocolaLe chlps. our bauer lnLo prepared pan.
3. 8AkL 30 Lo 33 mlnuLes or unul LooLhplck lnserLed ln cenLer comes ouL
clean. Cool ln pan 20 mlnuLes. lnverL onLo servlng plaLe. Cool
4. 8LA1 frosung, peanuL buuer, almond exLracL and mllk ln medlum bowl
wlLh elecLrlc mlxer unul well comblned. Spoon frosung over cooled cake.
Carnlsh wlLh chocolaLe shavlngs, lf deslred.
rep 1lme: 1 hour 10 mlnuLes
?leld: 16 servlngs
Chocolate Peanut
Butter Nirvana Cake
lor more reclpes vlslL:
Crlsco Crlglnal no-Suck Cooklng Spray
1 (14 oz.) can Lagle 8rand SweeLened Condensed Mllk, dlvlded
6 Lablespoons buuer, dlvlded
1 cup dark chocolaLe candy coaung wafers
1 cup red candy coaung wafers
1/4 Leaspoon peppermlnL exLracL
1 cup dark green candy coaung wafers

1. LlnL 9-lnch square pan wlLh foll. CoaL wlLh no-suck cooklng spray.
2. CCM8lnL 1/3 can sweeLened condensed mllk (scanL 1/2 cup), 2
Lablespoons buuer and chocolaLe wafers ln mlcrowave-safe bowl.
Mlcrowave on PlCP 60 seconds. Sur unul smooLh and melLed. our
evenly lnLo prepared pan. Chlll 20 mlnuLes. 8epeaL for red and green
wafers, addlng peppermlnL exLracL Lo Lhe red layer and chllllng beLween
3. CPlLL one hour more. 8emove fudge from pan uslng edges of foll.
8emove from foll. CuL lnLo 3/4-lnch squares.
4. *Candy coaung wafers can be purchased ln larger grocery sLores, cra
sLores or candy supplles sLores.

rep 1lme: 30 mlnuLes
?leld: 81 pleces

Holiday Mint Fudge
lor more reclpes vlslL:
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup *-/01, All-vegeLable ShorLenlng C8 1 suck *-/01, 8aklng Sucks All-
vegeLable ShorLenlng
1 large egg
2 Leaspoons vanllla exLracL
1 Leaspoon graLed lemon peel
2 cups 2/33045-6 7%(' All urpose llour
1 cup ground hazelnuLs
1/2 Leaspoon baklng powder
1/2 Leaspoon salL
1/2 Leaspoon clnnamon
1/4 cup (8519:-;0 Crchard's llnesL aclc Crove Crange Marmalade
MedleyC81/4 cup (8519:-;0 Crchard's llnesL norLhwoods 8lueberry
reserves C8 1/4 cup (8519:-;0 Crchard's llnesL Mlchlgan 8ed 1arL Cherry
owdered sugar

1. 8LA1 sugar and shorLenlng ln large bowl wlLh elecLrlc mlxer aL medlum speed
unul llghL and uy. Add egg, vanllla and lemon peel, beaung unul well
blended. Comblne our, ground hazelnuLs, baklng powder, salL and clnnamon
ln medlum bowl. Add our mlxLure gradually Lo shorLenlng mlxLure aL low
speed unul smooLh. ulvlde dough lnLo 4 equal pleces. Wrap each one wlLh
plasuc wrap. lreeze 30 mlnuLes.
2. PLA1 oven Lo 330l. 8oll 1/4 of dough beLween 2 sheeLs of llghLly oured wax
paper Lo 1/8-lnch Lhlckness. 8emove Lop sheeL of wax paper. CuL wlLh a oured
2-lnch round scalloped cuuer. CuL cenLers ouL of half of Lhe cookles wlLh a 3/4
Lo 1-lnch cuuer. lace 2-lnches aparL on ungreased baklng sheeL.
3. 8AkL 6 Lo 7 mlnuLes or unul edges are llghL golden brown. Cool 1 mlnuLe on
baklng sheeL. 8emove Lo coollng rack. 8epeaL wlLh remalnlng dough. Spread
abouL 1/2 Leaspoon preserves on bouom slde of each whole cookle. Sprlnkle
Lops of cenLer cuL-ouL cookles wlLh powdered sugar. lace on Lop of cookles
wlLh preserves.
rep 1lme: 2 hours ?leld: 4 dozen

Jam & Hazelnut

lor more reclpes vlslL:
Crlsco Crlglnal no-Suck Cooklng Spray
1 (19.3 oz.) package lllsbury lamlly Slze ChocolaLe ludge 8rownle Mlx
1/2 cup buuer melLed
1/4 cup waLer
2 large eggs
1 (8 oz.) package Loee blLs for baklng dlvlded
1/2 cup sllced almonds

1. PLA1 oven Lo 330l. CoaL 13 x 9-lnch baklng pan wlLh no-suck cooklng
2. CCM8lnL brownle mlx, buuer, waLer and eggs ln large bowl. 8eaL 30
sLrokes wlLh a spoon or unul bauer ls [usL molsLened. Spread bauer ln
prepared pan.
3. CCM8lnL 1/2 cup Loee blLs and sllced almonds. Sprlnkle evenly over
bauer. 8ake 30 Lo 33 mlnuLes or unul seL ln cenLer. (uo noL overbake.)
lmmedlaLely sprlnkle wlLh remalnlng Loee blLs. Cool compleLely ln pan
on wlre rack. CuL lnLo bars.

rep 1lme: 13 mlnuLes
?leld: 24 brownles

Almond Toffee
lor more reclpes vlslL:
Crlsco Crlglnal no-Suck Cooklng Spray
1 package lllsbury lamlly Slze ChocolaLe ludge 8rownle Mlx
1/2 cup Crlsco ure vegeLable Cll
1/4 cup waLer
2 large eggs
1 conLalner lllsbury lunfem Carland Creen vanllla llavored lrosung
24 preLzel sucks halved

1. PLA1 oven Lo 330l. Llne 9x13-lnch baklng pan wlLh foll. CoaL wlLh no-
suck cooklng spray. repare brownle mlx accordlng Lo package
dlrecuons uslng oll, waLer and eggs.
2. 8AkL 30 Lo 33 mlnuLes or unul LooLhplck lnserLed ln cenLer comes ouL
clean. Cool compleLely. lreeze 30 mlnuLes.
3. 8LMCvL from pan uslng edges of foll. CuL brownles lnLo 6 horlzonLal
rows. CuL 8 Lrlangles ouL of each row Lo resemble Lrees. lnserL preLzel
lnLo bouom cenLer of Lrlangle Lo form Lree Lrunk. lrosL Lrees. Sprlnkle
wlLh candy blLs.
rep 1lme: 1 hour
?leld: 48 blLes

Holiday Brownie Tree
lor more reclpes vlslL:
1 package lllsbury MolsL Supreme Classlc WhlLe remlum Cake Mlx
1/2 Leaspoon nuLmeg
2-1/2 Leaspoons clnnamon
1 cup waLer
1/3 cup Crlsco ure vegeLable Cll
3 large eggs
1 can lllsbury Lasy lrosL` velveLy Cheese Cake llavored no-luss
Clnnamon sugar,* for garnlsh

1. PLA1 oven Lo 330l. Llne 24 mumn cups wlLh paper baklng cups.
2. CCM8lnL cake mlx, nuLmeg, clnnamon, waLer, oll and eggs ln large bowl
wlLh elecLrlc mlxer on medlum speed unul molsLened. 8eaL on medlum
speed 2 mlnuLes. llll baklng cups 2/3 full.
3. 8AkL 18 Lo 22 mlnuLes or unul LooLhplck lnserLed ln cenLer comes ouL
clean. Cool cupcakes ln pans on wlre racks 3 mlnuLes. 8emove from
pans. Cool compleLely on wlre racks.
4. 1o frosL cupcakes: uL8LSS nozzle on frosung can Lo make large frosung
sLar ln Lhe cenLer of each cupcake, and Lhen whlle releaslng nozzle
qulckly pull frosung up and away formlng a curl. Surround large cenLer
frosung sLar wlLh 8 smaller frosung sLars along Lhe ouLslde edge of
cupcake. Sprlnkle wlLh clnnamon sugar.
3. Clnnamon sugar ls avallable ln your grocer's splce alsle or you can make
your own by comblnlng 1 Lablespoon sugar and 1/4 Leaspoon clnnamon.
rep 1lme: 30 mlnuLes
?leld: 24

lor more reclpes vlslL:
3/4 cup !lf Creamy eanuL 8uuer
1/2 suck Crlsco 8aklng Sucks All-vegeLable ShorLenlng
,- 1/2 cup Crlsco All-vegeLable ShorLenlng
1 1/4 cups rmly packed brown sugar
3 Lablespoons mllk
1 Lablespoon vanllla exLracL
1 large egg
1 3/4 cups lllsbury 8LS1 All urpose llour
3/4 Leaspoon baklng soda
3/4 Leaspoon salL
1/2 cup !lf ChocolaLe llavored PazelnuL Spread

1. PLA1 oven Lo 373l. Comblne peanuL buuer, shorLenlng, brown sugar,
mllk and vanllla ln large bowl. 8eaL on medlum speed wlLh elecLrlc mlxer
unul well blended. Add egg. 8eaL [usL unul blended.
2. CCM8lnL our, baklng soda and salL. Add Lo peanuL buuer mlxLure aL
low speed. Mlx [usL unul blended. urop by rounded Lablespoonfuls 2
lnches aparL onLo baklng sheeL. llauen sllghLly wlLh bouom of a glass.
3. 8AkL 7 Lo 8 mlnuLes, or unul seL and [usL beglnnlng Lo brown. Cool 2
mlnuLes on baklng sheeL. 8emove Lo wlre racks Lo cool compleLely.
4. MlC8CWAvL chocolaLe hazelnuL spread ln mlcrowave-safe bowl on
PlCP for 13 seconds. Sur. urlzzle over cookles.
rep 1lme: 20 mlnuLes
?leld: 3 dozen cookles

Irresistible Peanut
Butter Cookies with
Hazelnut Drizzle
lor more reclpes vlslL:
1 package lllsbury lunfem Pollday Sugar Cookle Mlx
1/2 cup buuer soened
1 large egg
1 conLalner lllsbury lunfem Carland Creen vanllla llavored lrosung
1 conLalner lllsbury lunfem 8udolph 8ed vanllla llavored lrosung

1. PLA1 oven Lo 373l. Comblne cookle mlx, buuer and egg ln medlum
bowl. Sur unul so dough forms. lorm dough lnLo abouL 70 (1/2-lnch)
balls. lace 2-lnches aparL on cookle sheeL.
2. S8LAu green or red frosung on bouom slde of half of Lhe cookles. 1op
wlLh remalnlng cookles Lo make sandwlches. 8oll edges ln candy blLs
from frosung.
3. 8AkL 8 Lo 10 mlnuLes or unul edges are llghL golden brown. Cool 2
mlnuLes on cookle sheeL. 8emove Lo wlre rack Lo cool compleLely.
rep 1lme: 30 mlnuLes
?leld: 2 dozen sandwlch cookles

Holiday Funfetti
Sandwich Cookies
lor more reclpes vlslL:
1 (17.3) package frozen pu pasLry (2 sheeLs) Lhawed
1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese soened
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 cup Smucker's SLrawberry reserves
,- 1/2 cup Smucker's AprlcoL reserves
,- 1/2 cup Smucker's 8ed 8aspberry reserves
1oasLed coconuL, fresh frulL and/or chocolaLe shavlngs for garnlsh

1. PLA1 oven Lo 400l. 8oll each pasLry sheeL lnLo 13x10-lnch recLangle on
llghLly oured surface. CuL wlLh 2 1/2 Lo 3-lnch sLar cookle cuuer Lo
make a LoLal of 24 sLars.
2. 8LSS Lhe pasLry sLars lnLo mumn cups. Comblne cream cheese and
powedered sugar unul smooLh. lace 1 Leaspoon of mlxLure ln cenLer of
each LarL.
3. 8AkL 13 Lo 13 mlnuLes or unul golden brown. 1op each LarL wlLh 1
Leaspoon preserves. Cool compleLelLy. 8emove from pan. Carnlsh as

rep 1lme: 13 mlnuLes
?leld: 24 LarLs
Mini Fruit Tarts

lor more reclpes vlslL:
1/2 suck Crlsco 8aklng Sucks All-vegeLable ShorLenlng
,- 1/2 cup Crlsco All-vegeLable ShorLenlng
1/4 cup mllk
2 Leaspoons vanllla exLracL
3 cups Pungry !ack CompleLe umpkln Splce ancake & WaMe Mlx
1 cup powdered sugar
48 whole roasLed almonds
1. 8LA1 shorLenlng ln large bowl wlLh elecLrlc mlxer on medlum speed unul
uy. 8eaL ln mllk and vanllla unul smooLh. 8lend ln pancake mlx and
powdered sugar unull comblned. 8oll lnLo 1-lnch balls. Chlll 1 hour.
2. PLA1 oven Lo 330l. CuL small verucal llnes comlng LogeLher aL Lhe Lop
cenLer of each ball uslng a small parlng knlfe.
3. 8AkL 7 Lo 9 mlnuLes unul edges are llghLly brown and cookle ls seL.
lnserL 1 almond ln cenLer of each cookle. Cool 2 mlnuLes. 8emove
cookles Lo wlre rack Lo cool compleLely.
rep 1lme: 13 mlnuLes
?leld: 4 dozen
Pumpkin Top Cookies

lor more reclpes vlslL:
1 cup buuer, soened or sllghLly melLed
1 large egg
1 Leaspoon vanllla exLracL
1 package lllsbury Sugar Cookle Mlx
3/4 cup nely crushed salLed preLzels
1 (14 oz.) can Lagle 8rand SweeLened Condensed Mllk
1 Leaspoon kosher or coarse sea salL
uecoraLor sprlnkles

1. PLA1 oven Lo 330l. 8eaL buuer, egg and vanllla ln large bowl wlLh
elecLrlc mlxer on medlum speed unul creamy. 8eaL ln cookle mlx and
preLzels on medlum speed unul evenly blended. lorm lnLo 36 balls uslng
a rounded 1 Lablespoon dough for each. lace on ungreased baklng
sheeLs 2 lnches aparL. ulp bouom of glass lnLo our and auen balls Lo 1
1/2-lnch dlameLer.
2. 8AkL 10 Lo 12 mlnuLes or unul llghL brown. Cool 2 mlnuLes. 8emove Lo
wlre rack Lo cool compleLely.
3. MlC8CWAvL sweeLened condensed mllk ln 3-quarL mlcrowave-safe
glass bowl on PlCP 3 mlnuLes. Mllk wlll boll and rlse ln bowl durlng
cooklng. Mlcrowave on MLuluM-LCW (30) an addluonal 12 Lo 16
mlnuLes, whlsklng every 3 mlnuLes, unul Lhlck and caramel colored.
(Caramel wlll be very hoL.) Spread caramel mlxLure on Lop of each
cookle. lf caramel Lhlckens, mlcrowave on PlCP 10 seconds Lo soen.
Sprlnkle each cookle lmmedlaLely wlLh a plnch of salL and decoraLor
sprlnkles, lf deslred. LeL sLand unul seL.

rep 1lme: 30 mlnuLes
?leld: 3 dozen
Salted Caramel
lor more reclpes vlslL:

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