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PHILIPPINE NORMAL UNIVERSITY The National Center for Teacher Education

General Psychology 01
Prof. Tito Baclagan

Mary Florilyn Mae A. Recla General Course 1-I-12

Human Development


0-2 months

Infant can turn their head to the direction to touch and lift their chin when lying on stomach.

Prefer looking at faces, like familiar sounds, and are interested in novelty that they track where things are.

Infant can imitate adult expressions and cries when distressed. They smiles and show their interest in slightly familiar objects.

3-4 months

Infant lifts chest, hold head erect, reaches for an object and sits with support.

They are interested in recognizing different faces and details of objects.

They can distressed inby objects that are too unfamiliar.

5-6 months

Infant can hold steadily, can transfer an object an object from one place to another.

They start develop depth perception and understand object identity, meaning that at thing is the same

They show apparent fear at visual cliff and facial expressions of anger may appear in response to

each time it is presented or encountered.

frustration especially if not.

7-8 months

Infant can sit alone and getting position.

They can recall a familiar face.

Thay show their first sign of stress and anxiety to separation.

9-10 months

Infant can stand with help and can crawl.

They can understand some words.

11-12 months

Infant can pull themselves to standing position and walk with support.

They can utter first meaning words.

They show first signs of stress and anxiety upon loss of an attachment figure like the mother or yaya.


1-5 years old

They have the ability to care for oneself like personal hygiene and dressing oneself, selfsufficiency like initiating

They become more evident in peer relationship and playing.He develops a healthy and pleasant personality.Learn to

The child determine their selves ; self-esteem or selfconcept they give.He develops high self-esteem which makes him

self-play, development of school readiness skills; following simple instructions, using writing implements, identifying sounds, letters, and numbers.

communicate and develop understanding of himself and the environment.They have the quality of the interaction between the child and parents affect the childs own attitude.

enthusiastic and open to experiences.


6-12 years old

Their motor changes are their sources of their anxiety as a growing child.

The childs sense of of competence gives him the enthusiasm to learn skills information and develop values.His success in this efforts gives him a sense of control and sense of selfesteem.

They already determined the ir pattern of success or failure when he is taught the strategies for solving problems.


They are already physical capable of sexual reproduction.

They should prepare to adequately for the physical changes by knowing the meaning of the changes.

Their anxieties help them to have a mature and responsible behaviour on the adolescents.


They pursue their collegiate courses or begin to be trainees or apprentices in the world of world of work.

They are focused on their developing independence in preparation for adulthood and establishing a sense of identity.

They spend more their time on how they can improve their looks. They are also aware of the importance of attractiveness in their being liked as friends, leaders, group members, and object of admiration of the members of the opposite sex.


19-35 years old

Characterized by peak of physical performance and health.Growth in stature is completed and men attain their highest skill at tasks involving speed and agility during this period.

They have already a sense of self and continually show an interest in change and development.

Their developing commitments, specialization and channelling ones energy towards finding ones niche in the complex social system.


People in this stage characterized their physical changes.As people move through middle adulthood their height decreases gradually.

This general decline in physical fitness and biological changesbrings about menopause for women and climacteric period for men progresses, though at slower rate.

They develop a feeling of stagnation.They manage on the stress that accompany in this stage.

35-65 years old


old -until death

They adjust to decreasing strength and health and to retirement and reduced income.

They establishes affiliations with members of ones age group and they, too, adapt to social roles.

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