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Nguyen tang Ton and Bui Chi Buu Institute of Agricultural Sciences for Southern Vietnam

ABSTRACT At present, soil-borne diseases and pests are the main problems confronting the de elopment of pepper production in Vietnam! Results of studies on diseases and pests in blac" pepper sho#ed that there are fi e ma$or species of fungi, in #hich Phytophthora capsici is the most destructi e fungus% t#o species of nematodes and mealy bug are t#o main pests of blac" pepper! &oot rot or 'uic" #ilt caused mainly by Phytophthora capsici and slo# decline caused by nematodes, mealy bug and other soil-borne fungi fungi are main factors causing the degradation of pepper gardens! In many pepper orchards, these t#o diseases brought about slo# gro#th and death of pepper ines, in some cases ())* pepper ines died off! +ood drainage in the rainy season, #ater-sa ing irrigation including drip irrigation and undershade sprin"ler minimise the spread and contamination of diseases, and significantly reduce the incidence and yield loss of pepper gardens! ,o#e er, there are no e idence about the effecti eness of the drainage on the population of nematodes in soils and pepper roots! -iming and treatment of soils before planting #ith some chemicals, such as Bordeau. mi.ture, ,e.acona/ol, 0anco/eb, &osetyl Aluminium, 0ethidathion, 1throprophos and Copper ,ydro.ide, are effecti e practices for the management of foot rot and slo# decline!

0ulching and planting of co er crops, such as Arachid pintoi and Stylosanthes sp!, do not reduce the population of destructi e micro-organims but these measures help to impro e soil nutrients and regulate soil humidity, hence impro e plant health! Timely application of manure and micro-nutrients #ith micro-organism products, namely Trichoderma harzianum, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus sp! help to limit the de elopment of foot rot and slo# decline in blac" pepper! The integrated crop management of blac" pepper is considered the best practice in limiting the outbrea" of soil-born diseases of blac" pepper, this procedure help to "eep a stable yield of blac" pepper gardens and contribute to a sustainable de elopment of blac" pepper! 1. Intro !"t#on

2ith a 'uic" increase of gro#ing areas and the intensi e culti ation of blac" pepper o er the past ten years, disease problems #ould naturally set in and #idely disseminate! 3epending on the management practices in each region, the disease se erity #ould ary considerably from time to time! 0ost of the disease problems are 'uite similar in some blac" pepper gro#ing areas of the country! This is due to the inherent susceptibility of the culti ars commonly gro#n in the region to pathogens, and also due to the propagation of infected planting materials, the later often being the case in the spatial spread of the disease #ithin the region! 2ithin the theme of 41nhancing 5roduction and 5roducti ity of Blac" 5epper6 in the Business Session of I5C Annual 0eeting, this article focuses on soil-borne diseases of blac" pepper in Vietnam and their intensi e management! $. So#%&'orn( D#)(*)()

In Vietnam, the incidence of diseases and pests on blac" pepper #as recorded in the early half of 7)th century 8Che alier, (97:% Biard and Roule, (9;7<! 5epper gro#ing area in =ien +iang and Ba Ria-Vung Tau pro inces declined from 9>) thousand sta"es in (9() to :;) thousand sta"es in (97? due to diseases, in #hich foot rot #as the most destructi e disease 8Barat, (9:7<! Sur ey and research reports in the past 7: years sho#ed that diseases and pests incidence, especially foot rot disease, is the main problem confronting the sustainable de elopment of blac" pepper in Vietnam 8Nguyen 5hi -ong, (9@?% 5ham an Bien, (9@9% Nguyen Ngoc Chau, (99:% Nguyen Thi Chat, 7))(% Nguyen Tang Ton, 7)):% Ngo Vinh Vien, 7))?% 5lant 5rotection 3epartment, 7))?% Nguyen Tang Ton, 7)((<! Serious soil-borne diseases and diseases enhancing insect are demonstrated in Table (! Table (! 0a$or diseases and pests on blac" pepper in Vietnam
Arder ( 7 > ; : D ? @ 3iseases and pests &oot rot Slo# decline Stunted Root rot -eaf spot -eaf blight Algae leaf spot 0ealy bug Causal agents Phytophthora capsici M. incognita, R. similis 5C0V, C0V, T0V, Badna irus Rhizoctonia sp!, Fusarium sp! Diplodia sp! C. gloeosporioides Cephaleuros irescens Pseudococcus sp! Infected parts Collar region, roots Roots -ea es, shoots Collar -ea es -ea es -ea es, branches, fruits -ea es, branches, fruit spi"es, stem, collar -e el BBB BBB B BB B BB BB BB

NoteE 8BBB< ery popular% 8BB< popular% 8B< rare SourceE Nguyen Tang Ton, 7)): $.1 Foot Rot

5hytophthora foot rot, considered the most de astating disease of blac" pepper, has been reported to cause an annual crop loss of :-()* 8=ueh, (99)< and up to 9:* for indi idual farmers 80anohara et al! 7));<! In Vietnam, the disease occurs #ith the highest le el during the rainy season 80ay to No ember<! 1arly infection sho#s the lesions #ith minute spots on lea es near the ground, becoming specific fimbriate edge leaf lesions! The disease is usually undetected by farmers and technicians until the upper part of pepper ine sho#s symptoms of leaf yello#ing, #ilting and dropping 8Nguyen Tang Ton, 7)):<! Ance these symptoms are obser ed, the infection is already at its se ere stage #ith most of the root rotted and the underground stem sho#ing a bro#nish-blac" lesion! At this stage, the infected collar is in aded by secondary micro-organisms! Rotting of collar and roots induces a discontinuation of #ater and nutrition transport bet#een the underground parts and the upper parts of the plant% this causes symptoms of sudden leaf #ilting and dropping! In many cases, lea es turn blac" but still hang on the dying ines for #ee"s or months! The disease progresses rapidly, especially during the rainy season and the plant death occurs #ithin 7-> #ee"s! In Indonesia, 0anohara and Ri/al 87))7< reported that the surrounding plants ad$acent to an infected plant become infected after one or t#o months, this dissemination is more 'uic"ly during the rainy season! 0ain reasons and causal agents inducing and spread foot rot disease are described in Table 7! Table 7! 0ain causes of foot rot of blac" pepper in ma$or pepper gro#ing areas of Vietnam 1 aluationF Causes 8*< Runoff #ater from infected gardens 9D!( 7

Soils of high humidity Phytophthora capsisi Nematodes Gnbalance fertili/ation Clean #eeding Susceptible culti ars 0ealy bug 1.cessi e irrigation Inherent fungi Bumping crop ,ea y rain 3eep planting, no ridging NoteE F compared #ith normal case SourceE Nguyen Tang Ton, 7)): $.$ S%o+ D("%#n(

D@!D >(!> 7?!; (>!? ((!? :.@ 9.@ :.@ >.9 (.9 (.9

Blac" pepper plants suppressed by slo# decline disease sho#s the symptoms of slo# gro#th, lea es turn to yello#ish green, then pale yello# and gradually drop from the lo#er to the upper parts of the plant 85han Huoc Sung, 7)))<! Slo# decline occurs #hen pepper plants are infested #ith parasitic nematodes 8Meloidogyne incognita, Radopholus similis< and mealy bug 8Pseudococcus citri<, or infected #ith soil-borne fungi 8Fusarium sp!, Rhizoctonia sp!, Pythium sp!< solely or in combination, especially #hen pepper plants are in nutritional disorder! Bridge 8(9?@< reported that the reason led to slo# decline of blac" pepper is rather comple., due to not only a species of nematodes or fungi, but an interaction of nematodes and fungi! The author had isolated arious causal agents, namely M! incognita, R! similis, F! o!ysporum and F! solani in roots of pepper plants suppressed by slo# decline!


D#)(*)() M*n*,(-(nt

Since the foot rot and slo# decline diseases are soil-borne and the causal agents ha e a #ide range of host plants, especially till no# commercial pepper arietiesIculti ars resistant to these t#o diseases are not a ailable! Therefore, successful management of these t#o biotic stresses needs a holistic approach! ,o#e er, in setting integrated disease management 8I30<, integrated pest management 8I50< and integrated crop management 8IC0< strategies for blac" pepper, there is a need to e.amine and define effecti e practices of each component! $.1 V*r#(t#() *n .%*nt#n, -*t(r#*%) As mentioned abo e, there is no pepper ariety resistant to foot rot and slo# decline! In Vietnam, -ada Belantoeng ariety imported from 0adagascar in (9;?, #idely gro#n during (9D)s and (9?)s, sho#ed rather high tolerant to foot rot 85han ,uu Trinh et al!, (9@@<! The problem is that this ariety #as degraded after a longtime of egetati e propagation, resulting in less fruit setting, lo# yield and small seed! An 3o culti ars 8=arimunda and 5anniyur (< imported from India during the early (99) sho# promising in the first >-; years after planting, less suppressed by foot rot and slo# decline, but due to #ell egetati e gro#th, their yield and seed 'uality decline gradually 8Ton Nu Tuan Nam, 7)):<!


Vinh -inh and Tieu Trung arieties, their origin is un"no#n, perform #ell in many pepper gro#ing regions #ith lo# incidence and yield loss from diseases! Ather ad antages of these t#o arieties are early fruit setting and high peppercorn 'uality! ,o#e er, sometimes and some#here there ha e been outbrea"s of diseases, especially foot rot 8Nguyen Tang Ton, 7)):<! In production, blac" pepper is commercially propagated through cuttings% the propagation through seed is carried out mainly in breeding and screening programs! 2ith egetati e propagation, it is enormous that all cuttings are disease-free and are ta"en from disease-free gardens! In Vietnam, farmers commonly use their o#n cuttings or cuttings from neighbors as planting material, this is a problem in the dissemination of latent infected planting material from fields to fields! Agricultural authorities and e.tension agencies at different le els ha e encouraged farmers to purchase planting material from registered nurseries! +rafting #or" using Phytophthora capsici resistant P! colu"rinum as rootstoc"s and P! nigrum as scions #as tested! After fi e years of planting, no abscission of the scion #ere recorded, but the grafted pepper sho#ed the symptoms of drought stress during the dry season and had fe#er fruit spi"es, hence ga e lo#er seed yield 8Nguyen Tang Ton, 7)()<! $.$ C!%t#/*t#on Pr*"t#"() 3uring the past ten years, culti ation practices including soil treatment, support systems, drainage and irrigation, balance fertili/ation, pruning of pepper and li e support, remo al of infected plants, co er crops and mulching, intercropping and rotation of old pepper yards #ere been studied in research stations located in main pepper gro#ing regions! At the same time, research results and constant monitoring #ere tested in farmerJs fields, appropriate culti ation techni'ues that farmers adopted #ere recommended and disseminated to production on a large scale! 2.2.1 Pepper orchard establishment At present, less than :)* pepper orchards has good drainage systems! Since the rainy season in main pepper gro#ing regions last for :-D months and more than D)* of annual rainfall falls do#n in (-7 months of mid-rainy season, soils of the orchards are in temporary inundations andIor high moisture capacity, these enhance the dissemination and outbrea" of soil-borne fungi, especially Phytophthora! 3emonstration plots #ith suitable drainage systems re ealed that the population of fungi and in the soils around pepper collar and the root /one are less than a half of chec" plots, #hile the population of nematodes in soils and infested root remains unchanged in both t#o plots 8Nguyen Tang Ton, 7)((<! 2.2.2 Soil treatment In research stations, the utili/ation of sun-dried soils mi.ed #ith Trichoderma treated manure in nursery sho#s effecti e against Phytophthora foot rot during the first t#o years after planting, this helps to lo#er 77* of infected plants as compared #ith con entional method of seedling propagation 8Nguyen Tang Ton, 7)):<! ,o#e er, the adoption of farmers is still limited due to permanent shading of nursery and una ailability of effecti e Trichoderma product in remote areas! Sun-drying of soils in the pits t#o month and the treatment of these soils #ith Bordeau. mi.ture one #ee" before planting become more common to pepper farmers! Sur eys from 77) pepper holders in 3a"la", Binh 5huoc and Ba Ria-Vung Tau pro inces sho#ed that ?@* of these farmers adopted this practice and the incidence of diseases decreased 77!@*! 2.2.3 Support systems, pruning of live support and pepper plant ;

There are many forms of pepper support! Before the year 7))), farmers li ing nearby forests, i!e! Central ,ighlands and Binh 5huoc pro ince used dead #ood as supports, but no# most pepper farmers in the Southeastern region 8S1R<, Central ,ighlands 8C,< and Huang Tri pro ince prefers li e support% in 5hu Huoc, concrete pole is still popular! -i e support is used in almost ne#ly established pepper orchards in Binh 5huoc pro ince and in the Central ,ighlands! There is no significant difference in yields of pepper climbing on #ood standard and li e support! In general, pepper spacing in the gardens of li e support is larger than that of #ood standard and concrete pole, t#o cuttings is planted and four to si. pepper stems are "ept on a support! Research results and sur eys sho#ed that diseases incidence and percentage of died plant from foot rot #ere lo#er in the pepper fields #ith li e support as compared to dead #ood standard, concrete and bric" to#er! There is no difference in slo# decline inde. of pepper climbing on si. li e supports, namely Cassia siamea, #rightia annamensis, $eucaena leucocephala, Adenanthera pa onina, %lyricidia sepium and %melina ar"orea 8Nguyen Tang Ton, 7)):<! Therefore, farmers #ould utili/e #hich species of support that is a ailable in the area! &rom >th year after planting, pruning of li e support three times a year, one month after the onset of the rainy season, mid-rainy season and one month before the dry season can limit support shading and pro ides a good en ironment for the gro#th and de elopment of pepper! Three prunings reduce 7!>* died plant from foot rot as compared #ith t#o prunings 8Nguyen Tang Ton, 7)()<! Branches lying on or near the ground le el should be pruned so that rain splashes cannot inoculate the pathogen to lea es and spi"es! 2.2.4 Balance fertilization &arm sur eys re ealed that in most of pepper producing areas, nitrogen and phosphorus fertili/ers are o erused, because farmers are familiar #ith the utili/ation of mi.ed fertili/ers 8(D-(D-@ or 7)-7)-(: of N-57A:-=7)< #ith a common rate of (!:-7!) "gIsupport! Besides the abo e formula, some farmers apply nitrogen fertili/er as dressing at the beginning of the rainy season and potassium fertili/er at the onset of the dry season, #hen pepper ines are bearing fruits! 1.cessi e application of inorganic fertili/ers, especially N and 5, often creates an unbalance status of plant nutrition in soils and distorts the gro#th and de elopment of normal pepper plants! Appropriate proportions of NE57A:E=7A are >E7E> on ,aplic Acrisols and 7E(E7 on &erralsols! &armers in Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Binh 5huoc and 3a"-a" apply lo# rate of organic fertili/ers 8:-DIsta"e< #hile in 5hu Huoc, +ia -ai and Huang Tri pepper are applied #ith higher rates of organic fertili/ers! &ertili/er trials on blac" pepper in commercial phase indicated that the application of manure at ()"gIsta"e annually or 7)"gIsta"e e ery t#o years gi es a better performance of pepper plants, reduces diseases incidence and results in higher yield than the treatments of less than :"gIsta"eIyear! 2.2. !rrigation and drainage In 5hu Huoc, furro# irrigation is a popular practice and the inter al bet#een irrigation is @-() days! In other pepper producing areas, confined irrigation is practised #ith an inter al of :?days! In Ba Ria-Vung Tau, some farmers practise micro-sprin"ler, this is a good practice

helping to sa e irrigation #ater in the dry season, especially in time #hen underground #ater is depleted! In 5hu Huoc, irrigation furro#s are also used as drainage systems in the rainy season, therefore all pepper orchards ha e the drainage systems, #hereas in Huang Tri, Southeastern region and Central ,ighlands this figure is only ;:*! The outbrea" of foot rot disease occurs more fre'uent in the region #ith flat lands and pepper orchards #ithout drainage systems! In some years, foot rot destroys hundreds hectares of blac" pepper in one district 8Ngo Vinh Vien, 7))?<! 2.2." #eeding In most of pepper producing areas, farmers used to do clear #eeding% this disturbs the ecology in pepper gardens, enhances #ater flo# in the rainy season, and pro ides the opportunities for pests and diseases outbrea"s, especially foot rot and slo# decline! Clear #eeding also enhances soil erosion and nutrient #ashout in pepper orchards on slopping lands! 2.2.$ %emoval of infected plants Remo al of infected and dead plants and trashes is strongly recommended since these trashes are sources plenty of pathogen! In many pepper orchards, farmers let dead plants on supports and dropped lea es from foot rot scatters e ery#here in the orchard! Trials on farmersJ field sho#ed that remo al of dead, infected plants and trashes pro es a positi e effect on the pre ention and control of foot rot and slo# decline! 5ercentage of plants infected #ith foot rot and disease inde. are e'ual to 7?* and D;*, respecti ely, to those of chec" 8unremo al<! 2.2.& 'over crops and mulching 5lanting of co er crops, namely #ild groundnut 8Arachis pintoi< Chinese #edelia 8#edelia chinensis< and stylo 8Stylosanthes guianensis<, and mulching of rice stra# and dried #eeds do not inhibit the de elopment of destructi e micro-organisms and the incidence soil-borne diseases! ,o#e er, these practices help to "eep stable soil moisture in the dry season and reduce #ater runoff in the rainy season, enrich organic matter in soils, reduce upturning and brea"ing of soil surface, these lead to an increase of pepper yield @-(7* and seed bul" density :-?*! 2.2.( !ntercropping and rotation 5epper is gro#n either alone or in mi.ed gardens, e!g! #ith robusta coffee on farms in Chau 3uc district 8Ba Ria-Vung Tau<! This is one form of di ersification #hich may help to minimi/e financial ris" #hen prices ary, and biological ris" due to pests and diseases in the en ironment! The ad antage of pepper-coffee intercropping is that farmers supply enough #ater to coffee and a little amount of #ater to pepper, there is no #ater logging in the root /one of pepper plants, and proportion of Phytophthora infected plants and slo# decline inde. of pepper plot decreases significantly! In addition, some forms of ley farming #ill be necessary to help regenerate soil fertility and to brea" pests and diseases cycles in monocultural pepper production systems! 2ithout rotation, pepper plants of second generation gro#n on the same field could not de elop normally and gi e berry, plants die off after >-; years of planting! 2.2.1) *re+uent &re'uent monitoring of of the field condition and plant performance should be diligent carried out to enable early detection of disease symptoms! 3ue to the de astating foot rot and costly remedial measures for the control of slo# decline, fre'uent monitoring allo#s early detection and prompt e.ecution of control and eradication measures! D


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-arge pepper orchards need to be di ided into smaller plots #ith trenches to collect run-off rain #ater and restrict the mo ement of Phytophthora /oospores and other destructi e microorganisms! The mo ement of animals into the orchard should be restricted by fencing the area or by restraining the animals! 2hen there is diseases outbrea", isitors of large number also can be restrained! $.3 C1(-#"*% *n B#o%o,#"*% M(t1o ) In Vietnam, chemical control has been a common practice in the pre ention and control of foot rot and slo# decline! This is normally carried #hen diseases outbrea" occurs! In the trend of a changing to#ards I30,I50 and IN0, more safe and en ironmental friendly methods need to be de eloped and #idely used! In farmersJ field trials and large scale production, phenylamides 8metala.yl< and phosphonate, particularly fosetyl-aluminium and potassium phosphonate are effecti e against foot rot! Ather common agro-chemicals used for foot rot are copper o.ychloride, Bordeau. mi.ture and phosphorous acid! Common and effecti e nematicides are sincocin B agrispon, ethoprophos, thiophanate-methyl and Benomyl B Kineb! Trichoderma products from Cantho Gni ersity and 2ASI, and Pseudomonas fluorescens from ,ue GA& are effecti e against foot rot! The utili/ation of manure treated #ith Trichoderma can reduce the population of soil-borne fungi and nemafodes and incidence of foot rot and slo# decline! 0. D(-on)tr*t#on o4 ICM

Vinh -inh ariety and the combination the abo e-mentioned management methods #as put into si. demonstration fields 8IC0< in Huang Tri, 3a"la" and Binh 5huoc, three ma$or pepper gro#ing areas, for >) months! Results sho#ed that the proportion of foot rot infected plants and slo# decline inde. #ere (!@7* and >!)7*, #hile those of farmersJ practice #ere >!9@* and @!()* on a erage! Seed yield of IC0 plots 8>!D tIha< surpassed that of farmersJ practice plots 8>!> tIha< significantly! The net income of IC0 plots #as higher than that of farmersJ practice >D* 8GS3 7,:))Iha< 5rincipal component analysis sho#s the effecti eness of each method in IC0 as compared #ith that in farmersJ practice 8Table ><! Table >! 5re ention and control measures for foot rot and slo# decline 5re ention and control measures +ood drainage systems 5lant health maintenance Arganic fertili/er application Balanced inorganic fertili/er application Agro-chemicals and bio-fungicide application Co er crops, mulching -iming &oliar fertili/er application -imited upturning soil Ridging, shallo# planting ? 1ffecti enessF 8*< 9;!( :@!@ ;9!@ ;@!> ;?!D >9!@ >>!> (!9 (!9 (!9

NoteE F compared #ith farmersJ practice SourceE Nguyen Tang Ton, 7)(( 3. Con"%! #n, R(-*r5)

&oot rot or 'uic" #ilt caused mainly by Phytophthora capsici and slo# decline caused by nematodes, mealy bug and other soil-borne fungi fungi are main factors causing the degradation of pepper gardens! In many pepper orchards, these t#o diseases brought about slo# gro#th and death of pepper ines, in some cases ())* pepper ines died off! Varietal resistance does not successfully affect! +ood drainage in the rainy season, #atersa ing irrigation including drip irrigation and under-shade sprin"ler minimise the spread and contamination of diseases, and significantly reduce the incidence and yield loss of pepper gardens! 0ulching and planting of co er crops, such as Arachid pintoi and Stylosanthes sp!, do not reduce the population of destructi e micro-organims but these measures help to impro e soil nutrients and regulate soil humidity, hence impro e plant health! The integrated crop management of blac" pepper is considered the best practice in limiting the outbrea" of soil-born diseases of blac" pepper, this procedure help to "eep a stable yield of blac" pepper gardens and contribute to a sustainable de elopment of blac" pepper!


Ali/adeh, A!, and 5!,! Tsao! (9@:! 1ffect of light on sporangium formation, morphology, ontogeny, and caducity of Phytophthora capsici and LP! palmi ora 0&; isolates from blac" pepper and other hosts! Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc!, @:E ;?-D9! Anith, =!N!, N!V! Radha"rishnan, and T!5! 0anomohandas! 7))>! Screening of antagonistic bacteria for biological control of nursery #ilt of blac" pepper 8 Piper nigrum<! 0icrobiology Research (:@E(M?! Barat, ,! (9:7! &tude sur le d'p'rissement des poi ri(res en )ndochine. Archi es des recherches agronomi*ues au Cam"odge+ au $aos et au ,i-tnam ! Centre de Recherches Scientifi'ues et Techni'ues 8in &rench<! Biard, N! and &! Roule! (9;7! $a Culture du Poi re et sa Production dans le Sud.)ndochinois ! +ou ernement +OnOral de lJIndochine 8in &rench<! Bridge, N! (9?@! Plant /ematodes Associated 0ith Clo es and Blac1 Pepper in Sumatra and Bang1a+ )ndonesia! A30 Technical Report on the Visit to Indonesia 9-(9 th Nuly (9?@! 0inistry of A erseas 3e elopment, G=! (9 p! Burgess! -!2!, 3! Summerell!, N!V! Vien!, S! A//opardi!, T! N! ,a! 7))7! Soil"orne Plant diseases in ,ietnam! C3 Rom! The Gni ! Sydney, Royal Botanic +ardens Sydney, NI55, ,AG! Copy right AusAid, Autralia! Che alier, A! (97:! $e Poi rier et sa Culture en )ndochine ! Agence 1conomi'ue de lJIndochine 8in &rench<! de Sil a, 5! (99D! Studies of Blac1 Pepper 2Piper nigrum -.3,iral Disease in Sri $an1a! 5h3 Thesis! The Gni ersity of Reading, G=! 3e 2aard, 5!2!&! (9?9! PCello# diseaseP comple. in blac" pepper on the island of Bang"a, Indonesia! 4ournal of Plantation Crops, India, ?E;7-;9! 3renth, A!, and B! Sendall! 7))(! 5ratical guide to dectection and identification of Phytophthora! CRC for Tropical 5lant 5rotection! Brisbane, Au! Version (! 1ng, -! 7))(! Biological control of root.1not nematodes+ 2Meloidogyne sp!3 on "lac1 pepper 2Piper nigrum -!3 in Sara0a1! 5h3 Thesis! The Gni ersity of Reading, G=! +umbe", 0! 7))7! 0anagement of pepper pests in Sara#a", 0alaysia! 5aper presented at the Symposium on 5ests and 3iseases on 5epper! Sara#a", 0alaysia, 7; Sep! 7))7! ,arper, (9?;! 5epper in Indonesia - Culti ation and ma$or diseases! #orld Crop 7D8><E(>)(>>! ,uQnh NgRc TS, VT VUn Sang, 0ai VUn TrV W BXi YuZn =h[i! 7))>! \nh hS]ng c^a c_c li`u lSang tSbi nhc giRt den nUng suft, thWnh phgn nUng suft W phhm chft cZy nhin trjn dft ._m W cZy tiju trjn dft dc ba/an ] tknh BW RVa-Vlng TWu! TrongE 56i th7o B7o ,8 Th9c ,:t ph;c ; ch< tr=>ng chuy?n @Ai c> cBu cCy trDng E cFc tGnh phHa /am I TCy /guy-n, Vlng TWu, ngWy 7;-7:I)DI7))>, tr! (??-(@;! =ueh, T!=! (99)! 0a$or diseases of blac" pepper and their management! The Planter 8DD<E:9D9! =ularatne, R!S! 7))7! 5ests and diseases of blac" pepper 8 Piper nigrum -!< in Sri -an"a! 5aper presented at the Symposium on 5ests and 3iseases on 5epper! Sara#a", 0alaysia, 7; Sep! 7))7! -oc"hart, B!1!-!, =!A! =ittisa" , 5! Nones, -! 1ng, 5! de Sil a, N!1! Als/e#s"i, N! -oc"hart, N! 3eema and N! Sangalang! (99?! Identification of 5iper yello# mottle irus, a mealy

bug transmitted badna irus infecting Piper spp! in Southeast Asia! &uropean 4ournal of Plant Pathology! ()>E>)>->((! 0anohara, 3!, A! 0ulya, A! 5ur#antara and 3! 2ahyuno! 7))7! Phytophthora capsici on blac" pepper in Indonesia! 5aper presented at the 2or"shop on Phytophthora in South Asia! Chiangmai, Thailand, @-(7 No ember 7))7, p! 9-((! 0anohara, 3!, and 0! Ri/al! 7))7! 5ests and diseases on pepper in Indonesia and their management! 5aper presented at the Symposium on 5ests and 3iseases on 5epper! Sara#a", 0alaysia, 7; Sep! 7))7! 0anohara, 3!, =! 0ulya, and 3! 2ahyuno! 7));! 5hytophthora disease on blac" pepper and the control measures! In Focus on pepper 8Piper nigrum -!<! Nournal of the 5epper Industry, Vol! (, No! (, p! >?-;9! I5C, Na"arta, Indonesia! 0inistmre de la CoopOration et du 3O eloppement 8ROpubli'ue &rannaise<! (99(! MeJmento de lKAgronome! ;e Odition! Ngo Vinh Vien! 7))?! Report on diseases and pests on blac" pepper and the control measures! InE #or1shop on the Current Production and the &ffect of Diseases and Pests Pro"lems to the Pepper De elopment in ,ietnam! 3a"nong pro ince! Nuly 7))? 8in Vietnamese<! Nguyen Ba =huong! (9@>! 5lant-parasitic nematodes of South Viet Nam! 4ournal of /ematodes (:87<E>(9->7>! Nguyon Cao Ban! (9:D! TrDng cCy ti-u E Cao /guy-n MiLn /am ! T^ s_ch N[ng hRc Vipt Nam! Bq Canh n[ng .uft brn, ss >! Nguyen Ngoc Chau! (99:! 5ests and diseases of blac" pepper in Tan -am 3istrict, Huang Tri pro ince! 5lant 5rotection Nournal (>9 8(<E(;-(@ 8in Vietnamese<! Nguyon 5hi -ong! (9@?! Minh nghi8m trDng ti-u E n=Nc ta I m6t sO n>i! NYB N[ng nghipp Nguyen Tang Ton! 7)):! Study on the Scientific+ Technogogical and Mar1eting Measures for the De elopment of Blac1 Pepper Production Ser ing to Processing and &!port ! &inal Report of National Research 5ro$ect, =C!)D!((!NN, 0AST 8in Vietnamese<! Nguyen Tang Ton! 7)()! Research on ,arietal Selection and Ad anced Culti ation Practices for a Sustaina"le De elopment of Pepper )ndustry! &inal Report of 0inisterial Research 5ro$ect, 0AR3 8in Vietnamese<! Nguyen Tang Ton! 7)((! Study on the )ntegated Management of Soil."orne Diseases of Blac1 Pepper! &inal Report of 0inisterial Research 5ro$ect, 0AR3 8in Vietnamese<! Nguyen Thi Chat! 7))(! 0a$or pests on blac" pepper in the Southern pro inces M pre ention and control measures! 4ournal of Agricultural Science and Technology! Gni ersity of Agriculture and &orestry of ,o Chi 0inh City, No! (I7))(, p! >(->;! Agriculture 5ublisher 8in Vietnamese<! 5ham Van Bien! (9@9! Pre ention and Control of Pests and Diseases of Blac1 Pepper ! Agriculture 5ublisher 8in Vietnamese<! 5han ,uu Trinh,Tran Thi 0ai, Vu 3inh Thang, and Bui 3uc Tuan! (9@@! Pepper culti ation Practices! Agriculture 5ublisher 8in Vietnamese<! 5han Huoc Sung! 7)))! Manual of the Culti ation Techni*ues and Maintenance of Blac1 Pepper! Agriculture 5ublisher 8in Vietnamese<! 5lant 5roduction 3epartment! 7))9! #or1shop on the )n estigation of Current Situation of Blac1 pepper production and Measures for a Sustaina"le De elopment of Blac1 Pepper in ,ietnam! Binh 5huoc pro ince, Nune 7))9 8in Vietnamese<! ()

5lant 5rotection 3epartment! 7))?! #or1shop on the Current Production and the &ffect of Diseases and Pests Pro"lems to the Pepper De elopment in ,ietnam ! 3a"nong pro ince! Nuly 7))? 8in Vietnamese<! Ra indran, 5!N!, =! Nirmal Babu, B! Sasi"umar, and =!S! =rishnamurthy! 7)))! Botany and crop impro ement! p! 7>-(;7 )n 5!N! Ra indran 8ed!< Blac1 Pepper 8Piper nigrum<! ,ar#ood Academic 5ublisher, The Netherlands! Sarma, C!R!, and =!A! Sa$u! 7));! Biological control technology for the management of foot rot and slo# decline diseases of blac" pepper! Focus on pepper 8Piper nigrum -!<! 4ournal of the Pepper )ndustry P87<E7:-:(! Sarma, C!R!, N! Ramachandran, 0! Anandara$, and =!V! Ramana! (9@9! 3isease management in Blac" pepper! Pepper /e0s, Indonesia, (>8?<E;-?! Satheesan, N!=!N!, A! Ra$agopalan, V! Su"umarapillai, N!T!N! =umar, =!5! 0ammooty, and G!5!=! Nair! (99?! Influence of irrigation le els on yield, 'uality and incidence of pests and diseases in blac" pepper 8Abstract<! p! 7( In #ater and /utrient Management for Sustaina"le Production and Quality of spices! 0adi"eri! Ton Nu Tuan Nam! 7)):! Research on the ,arietal Selection and )ntegrated Technical Systems for an )ntensi e Culti ation of Blac1 Pepper in Central 5ighlands ! &inal Report of 0inisterial Research 5ro$ect, 0AR3 8in Vietnamese<! Tsao, 5!,! (99(! The identities, nomenclature and ta.onomy of Phytophthora isolates from blac" pepper! )n C!R! Sarma and T! 5rem"umor 8ed!< Proceedings of the #or1shop on Blac1 Pepper Disease! +oa, India! Tsao, 5!,!, R! =asim, and I! 0usti"a! (9@:! Morphology and identity of "lac1 pepper isolates in )ndonesia! &AA 5lant 5rotection Bulletin, >>ED(-DD! Vu Thi Nga,Cao Yuan Tai and 5han Nhat Hui! 7))(! 5rimary study on parasitic nematodes and mealy bugs on blac" pepper! 4ournal of Agricultural Science and Technology ! Gni ersity of Agriculture and &orestry of ,o Chi 0inh City, No! (I7))(, p! >(->;! Agriculture 5ublisher 8in Vietnamese<! 2ong, 0ee-,ua! 7))7! &ungal diseases of blac" pepper and their management in Sara#a", 0alaysia! 5aper presented at the Symposium on 5ests and 3iseases on 5epper! Sara#a", 0alaysia, 7; Sep! 7))7! 2ong, 0ee-,ua! 7))7"! Root infusions of phosphorous acid for the control of Phytophthora foot rot in blac" pepper 8Piper nigrum -!< )n 5roceedings of the ()th International Cocoa Research Conference, Santo 3omingo, (?-7> 0ay (9@?!


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