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earl Clobal LlmlLed ls recognlzed as Lurope's leadlng manufacLurer of Lhe Lco-lrlendly Creen" waLerless
car wash producLs. Cur WaLerless Car Wash llne of lnnovauve deLalllng producLs and vehlcle proLecuon
sysLems are deslgned for boLh Lhe professlonal and consumer markeLs. We speclallze ln provldlng
enLrepreneurs concenLraLed producLs ln bulk conLalners. 1hey dlluLe, boule and dlsLrlbuLe Lhe producLs aL
Lhelr locauons. We provlde Lhe opuon of uslng Lhe earl brand or uslng a prlvaLe label of Lhelr own. 1hls
buslness model has been very successful and we have sold and shlpped producLs Lo over 100 counLrles. We
can also shlp Lo your locauon. We have honed and perfecLed Lhe enure producuon process, from sLarL Lo
nlsh. ?ou can arrange your own or we can coordlnaLe Lhe shlpplng for you. Co wlLh Lhe ume-LesLed"
professlonals, wlLh Lhe besL eco-care producLs on Lhe planeL, go wlLh earl WaLerless.

All earl waLerless car wash producLs are compleLely non-hazardous and waLer-based. Maklng Lhem
exLremely envlronmenLally frlendly. 1hey are manufacLured Lo Lhe hlghesL lSC 9001:2008 and lSC
14001:2004 lndusLry sLandards and are fully compllanL wlLh Lhe laLesL Lu dlrecuves. All of our producLs are
supporLed by currenL MaLerlal SafeLy uaLa SheeLs, ensurlng safe use, sLorage and dlsLrlbuuon Lo our
nauonal and lnLernauonal exporL cllenLs. earl reglsLered Lrademarks and conunued membershlp wlLh Lhe
8rlush Chamber of Commerce endorses Lhe proacuve lengLhs underLaken Lo ensure producL quallLy and
exemplary servlce levels are malnLalned aL all umes.
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ls Lhe ulumaLe exLerlor cleanlng and deLalllng soluuon: clean, refresh, shlne and proLecL wlLh
nano wax Lechnology. A LoLally ground breaklng LnvlronmenLally lrlendly and user lrlendly
waLerless car wash sysLem LhaL can be used Lo clean, wax, pollsh and nano proLecL any parL of
Lhe car, moLorcycle, boaL, caravan and alrcra exLerlor surface, dellverlng a premlum mlrror-
gloss nlsh ln half Lhe ume of convenuonal waxlng, provldes uv proLecuon, repels waLer and
mlnlmlses dlrL bulld-up. earl Advanced ulLra nano WaLerless Wash and Wax Car valeung
formula compleLely glves you Lhe waLerless freedom Lo clean and pollsh your full car exLerlor
anyume, any place and everywhere Lhe waLerless green way, by fully negaung Lhe use of waLer
wlLhouL compromlslng on achlevlng Lhe ulumaLe showroom nlsh and whllsL carlng for our
8'$+,A )$*'+,'-- .$+ )$-/ 8+1D'--61%$, ls a LoLally ground breaklng LnvlronmenLally
and user lrlendly waLerless car wash LhaL can be used Lo clean and hlghly pollsh any parL of
Lhe car, moLorcyle, boaL and caravan exLerlor surfaces. 1hls unlque pleasanLly fragranced
formula enables Lhe user Lo clean and pollsh Lhe whole car exLerlor anywhere wlLhouL waLer
waLer or compromlslng on achlevlng Lhe ulumaLe showroom nlsh. earl rofesslonal
WaLerless Car valeung formula compleLely glves you Lhe waLerless freedom Lo clean and
pollsh your full car exLerlor anyume, any place and everywhere Lhe waLerless green way, by
fully negaung Lhe use of waLer wlLhouL compromlslng on achlevlng Lhe ulumaLe showroom
nlsh and whllsL carlng for our envlronmenL.
8'$+,A )$*'+,'-- .$+ )$-/ B%6#'+-$, &,'$%'+ conLalns premlum hlgh-quallLy
lngredlenLs perfecL for all lnLerlor and exLerlor vehlcle cleanlng appllcauons. unlversal
qulckly and eorLlessly cleans sLubborn exLerlor subsLances such as brake dusL, blrd llme,
lngralned lnsecLs, bugs, moss, grease and Lar from palnL, glass, plasuc, alloy, rubber,
converuble fabrlc hood surfaces and englne comparLmenLs LogeLher wlLh dlrL, dusL and
grease from lnLerlor dash, glass, leaLher, carpeLs, fabrlc, vlnyl, plasuc and wooden surfaces.
Addluonal capablllues lnclude anu-fogglng Lechnology ldeal for cleanlng moLorcycle safeLy
helmeL vlsors and lnLernal helmeL fabrlc, dellverlng a superlor performance and nlsh.
8'$+,A )$*'+,'-- .$+ )$-/ E&1 F<,@40+6G
ls parL of our Lco lrlendly, LnvlronmenLally lrlendly and user lrlendly range provldlng a
waLer based superlor showroom Lyre shlne nlsh Lo Lyre walls by cleanlng, refreshlng and
Lreaung. 1oLally non greasy formula revlLallses Lhe lusLre and Lhe appearance of Lhe Lyre and
seals agalnsL Lramc lm, molsLure, dusL and provldlng ouLsLandlng waLer reslsLancy. 1oLally
free from peLroleum, peLrochemlcal derlved fragrances, peLroleum based hydrocarbons,
heavy meLals, solvenLs, Zero vCC and non aerosol. Lco 1yre Shlne drles clear, smooLh and ls
an exLremely versaule producL whlch helps you creaLe Lhe sllck new showroom nlsh whllsL
helplng you proLecL Lhe envlronmenL. Lco 1yre Shlne ls an ouLsLandlng all round dresslng
producL LhaL cleans, shlnes and proLecLs exLernal and lnLernal rubber, vlnyl, plasuc Lrlms and
leaLher surfaces.
8'$+,A 8+1
F6&+1H:+' .,1*/-
dellver Lhe ulumaLe
showroom nlsh on
palnLwork, glass, chromes,
alloys and plasucs, perfecL
for every valeung and
deLalllng need. ulLra
absorbenL capablllues,
ensures lL can be used on
weL or dry surfaces and ls
LoLally machlne washable
provldlng LhaL same
proven quallLy over and
over agaln. An exLremely
so and durable llnL free
mlcrobre cloLh speclally
blended from polyesLer
and polyamlde Lo glve an
lnsLanL smear free nlsh.
rofesslonal WaLerless Car Wash roducLs

earl Clobal LlmlLed ls recognlzed as Lurope's leadlng manufacLurer of Lhe Lco-lrlendly Creen" waLerless car wash. Cur WaLerless
llne of lnnovauve deLalllng producLs and vehlcle proLecuon sysLems are deslgned for boLh Lhe professlonal and consumer markeLs. All
earl waLerless car wash producLs are compleLely non-hazardous and waLer-based. Maklng Lhem exLremely envlronmenLally
frlendly. 1hey are manufacLured Lo Lhe hlghesL lSC 9001:2008 and lSC 14001:2004 lndusLry sLandards and are fully compllanL wlLh
Lhe laLesL Lu dlrecuves. All of our producLs are supporLed by currenL MaLerlal SafeLy uaLa SheeLs, ensurlng safe use, sLorage and
dlsLrlbuuon Lo our nauonal and lnLernauonal exporL cllenLs. earl reglsLered Lrademarks and conunued membershlp wlLh Lhe
8rlush Chamber of Commerce endorses Lhe proacuve lengLhs underLaken Lo ensure producL quallLy and exemplary servlce levels are
malnLalned aL all umes.
Cur world-class faclllues ln Lhe unlLed
klngdom enable us Lo conLrol whaL goes
lnLo each of our formulauon's and lL ls our
assurance LhaL all our cusLomers are
gemng Lhe very hlghesL quallLy ln
envlronmenLally frlendly auLo care
performance producLs Lo exceed Lhelr
every expecLauon. earl Advanced ulLra
nano, rofesslonal, unlversal Cleaner and
Lco 1yre Shlne are waLer based and very
easy Lo work wlLh. Cur formulauons are
exLremely Lough on dlrL buL genLle on
surfaces. 1hey are also safe for Lhe
envlronmenL whlle creaung a 'Maxlmum
shlne ln mlnlmum ume' for Lhe premlum
showroom nlsh.
uellverlng LoLal performance versaullLy, all earl waLerless auLo
cleanlng & luxury deLalllng producLs are rellably unlque and can be used
wlLh amazlng eecL on weL or dry surfaces. 1hey can be used ln or ouL of
dlrecL sunllghL, ln hoL or cold cllmaLes. 1hey provlde Lhe user wlLh Lhe
compleLe freedom Lo wash, wax, pollsh and proLecL a vehlcle absoluLely
anywhere and everywhere wlLhouL Lhe need for any waLer or elecLrlclLy

lasL and easy Lo use. !usL slmply spray on, wlpe o and bu Lo a brllllanL,
lnsLanL shlne. Cur unlque scraLch-free earl waLerless cleanlng
chemlsLry dlssolves, releases and suspends dlrL from palnLwork, glass,
plasuc, fabrlcs, meLal, rubber, leaLher, alloy and chrome surfaces. A so
mlcrober Lowel pulls Lhe dlrL arL lnLo Lhe bers and a second so,
mlcrober Lowel bus lnLo an unrlvaled and beauuful nlsh.

Cralg arker

Cralg ls Lhe ulrecLor of Lhe earl Clobal LLd - Lco Car Care producL
manufacLurlng & dlsLrlbuuon company, locaLed ln uenLon, ManchesLer,
Lngland. Cralg [aL]
1ake a look ouL your wlndow and see your car slmng Lhere ln Lhe drlveway. Pow does
lL look? Are you happy wlLh your car? Cr do you wlsh you had a brand new, shlny car
slmng ouL Lhere? Chances, lf you're llke mosL people, Lhen your answer would be Lhe
lauer. MosL people don'L llke Lhelr currenL car, even lf lL's only a year or Lwo old. 1he
problem ls, mosL people can'L aord Lhe luxury of upgradlng Lhelr car every ume Lhey
sLarL Lo ure of Lhelr currenL one.

So whaL are people llke LhaL Lo do? Clven Lhe facL LhaL some people have boughL
Lhelr car on credlL, wlLh noL so greaL loan Lerms, Lhey mlghL noL even be able Lo sell lL,
wlLhouL owlng a large sum of money Lo Lhe bank sull. MosL of you can probably
already guess Lhls, buL we're golng Lo recommend Lhey use Lhe waLerless car wash.

lnsLead of gemng down on yourself abouL Lhe condluon of your car, you can always
[usL wash lL waLerlessly and make lL look llke new agaln. now, we're golng Lo make a
blg dlsclalmer here, whlch should be obvlous, buL needs Lo be sald anyways. 1he
waLerless car wash wlll noL solve any of your mechanlcal problems, and lL won'L Lake
any dlngs or denLs ouL of your car's surface - you'll need a speclallsL Lo x Lhlngs llke

Cn Lhe oLher hand, lL wlll make your car sparkle llke lL's brand new all over agaln, and
even lf you have scraLches or swlrls on your car's surface, lL could ll Lhem ln and
make Lhem almosL lnvlslble Lo Lhe naked eye. 1haL's someLhlng LhaL you would have
Lo pay a Lradluonal deLaller hundreds of dollars Lo do for you.

As an added bonus, Lhe cosL of maklng your car look new agaln ls only a few dollars.
Sure, a boule of waLerless soluuon ls more Lhan [usL a few bucks, buL you can use a
slngle boule so many umes LhaL lL easlly works ouL Lo a few bucks per appllcauon.
now, whaL sounds llke a beuer value Lo you: golng ouL and spendlng Lhousands of
dollars Lo geL LhaL new, shlny looklng car or spendlng a few bucks and glvlng your car
Lhe wash of a llfeume LhaL wlll make lL look new all over agaln? We Lhlnk Lhe answer
ls so obvlous LhaL lL doesn'L even need answerlng and wheLher you have an old car or
a new one llke Lhe one ln Lhe plcLure whlch was cleaned and pollshed wlLh earl
WaLerless producLs you wlll be hlghly dellghLed wlLh Lhe nlsh you qulckly achleve.
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vlslL us [

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