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Hello audience and Mr Adjudicator, I am the second speaker for the negative team, the reasons I support our

teams case are: the damage it will cause Australia in the international community, the outlook it gives us as supporting criminals and the lack of interest the government has. First I would like to show some errors in the oppositions arguments.


1-The government is seen as a non-expecting and seen as a threat to the international community: financial flaws, internationally connections reduced Our Australian Government and our country are seen as an accepting and multicultural nation. By engaging in a conflict with other nations we are implying they should stop there tradition and culture, this is a profoundly absurd asking for a few thrill seekers. By suggesting these nationalistic ideas we are opening Australia to isolation or to international diplomatic and financial participations. By making our country non-accepting we are creating enemies with country we once agreed with, this is not a good outlook for Australia. Limiting our interactions with a booming economy such as Japans is a huge disadvantage for our economy. By trying to offer our help to these evasive protesters we are creating an outlook on Australia that sends a message of refusal to different ideologies and other nationalities while separating us from the international stage

2-protesting is legal and completely supported, the problem is them braking laws and protesting forcibly in a inhumane way The act of protesting for a cause you believe in is completely legal and a human right, in fact this should be encouraged. The problem arises as these protesters become forceful, evasive and almost pirates, the protesters move from expression or their belief to practising in an illegal and harmful way. The stunts practised by anti-whale protesters include the use of tear gas, whale skin melting agents, ramming hulls of whaling ships and harpooning whaling ships. The methods used by these individuals are out ruled by the human right agenda. These illegal activities are being taken place while the whaling ships pass through our shores and not harming and of Australias wild life. By protecting such illegal activity we are also urging the government to allow activities such as illegal graffiti, prostitution and child abuse .

The illegal activity happening in our jurisdiction means the prosecutors should be arrested for trespassing, damaging of private property and damaging of scientific data. These illegal hoons should not expect our governments help which costs us hundreds of thousands according to Attorney-General Nicola Roxon. Not protecting illegal protesters is the best decision as they are performing illegal and unlawful activities.

3-we have bigger problems to deal with and people of our own country are being ignore like Julian assange, we dont have to take care of thrill junkies engaging in this knowing the dangerous and consequences The Australian government is a major player in the international arena and is therefore has a lot in their plate. Country in debate over other major issues makes this issue of protecting these few who are a hassle to the government an ineffective process. Our government doesnt even show much interest in protecting our citizens who committed illegal activities in other countries such as countless spies and famously Julian Assange . Our country is in rampage over the asylum seeker issue and introducing another international affair is too much for this government. Helping these rioters is going to encourage others to follow in their footsteps which will create a domino effect which hugely complicates Australias situation. Courts around the world are in disapproval of the protesters actions and describing them as pirates, if Australia decided to protect them we are giving the outlook of supporting criminals and criminal behaviour .Another reason as to Australia not minding this issue was seen as we did not try to urge an inquest by the international criminal court rather keep the original date of 2016, although we had the right to hold the enquiry sooner. This issue does not affect Australia hugely and creating turbulence in calm water is a useless way to make enemies with other sovereign nations, therefore Australia should not protect these anti-whaling protesters.

Claim-what warrant-evidence impact-why it matters , attack the points that dont make sense(flip it upside down)

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