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Human Rights Alert, NGO

Joseph Zernik, PhD 12345 !"#$%&'i()*o&

" 1333,1 ."+ /334,- "+

13012025 Occupy Tel Aviv: Fake "Eviction Decrees"/ "Demolition Decrees" process // , " ! #$% &$( ! '$')$*+$, $-$! .& 1e( 23i3 45ni*ip'(i6" iss5e7 sh'& 893i*6ion De*rees: or 8De&o(i6ion De*rees: si%ne7 ;" no n'&e7 in7i3i75'(, iss5e7 ;" no n'&e7 5ni6 o< 6he 45ni*ip'(i6", 'n7 re<eren*in% no ('= or re%5('6ion 's 6he (e%'( <o5n7'6ion <or 6he 6hre'6s o< i&&inen6 5se o< <or*e)

An outdoor "cafe'", which con i t of a !a"" ca!#fire and a fa""en tree trun$ to it on% a& 'efore, "(A)*+," the fa" e in #ection- .& After, "/A00+,"1 >2 345?

===13-12-24 Occupy Tel Aviv: Fake "Eviction Decrees"/"De olition Decrees"===

Municipality related persons distributed flyers, unsigned, and issued by no named individual, citing no reference in the law, which were misrepresented as "Eviction Decrees", or "Demolition Decrees", and also reported as such by media. The same persons conducted registration of people living in the park, searched their dwellings with no warrants, and pretended to run sham inspections of the structures, pursuant to sham regulations: Everything has to be easily collapsible, door frames are !, but doors are prohibited... Deprivation of shelter in the middle of the winter, through a sham, arbitrary and capricious process, with no legal foundation, using fraud and e"tortion through the threat of unlawful use of force #aw enforcement implants, who had lived in the camp for over a year and a half, including violent former police officers, who were convicted and served long prison terms on violent crimes, abruptly left the camp only a few days ago. The only limited, one point electric connection in the park is intermittent.


The Municipality also continues a policy of turning the camp into a health ha$ard, by denying regular cleaning, garbage collection, and public toilets services that are part of the routine maintenance of the park. %ctions of a rogue municipality. &overnment policies in the years since the 'abin assassination have caused a steady increase in homelessness and poverty, and have created within a decade income and asset distributions, which according to an international report do not fit a nation under "democratic regime". (ith it, the treatment of homeless persons in the public space remains an unresolved issue. Therefore, today)s actions by Tel %viv Municipality should also be seen as an attempt to establish a legal precedent through blatantly unlawful threat of force. (ith its use of sham legal public records, and false reporting of such records by media, the case also reflects the epidemic of corruption in the *ustice system in the +tate of ,srael over the past decade. %s is the case in the -nited +tates, corruption of the courts and the legal profession is central to the current socio.economic crisis. /// ===13-12-24 1)2%()"0$& "!/)0!%)**-".")*+),%)**-" :""( '!"#$!%&!"$=== 6 : 6 64 ,9: 4 3 ;374 3 " ;35 367 68 " "<8 "< ;9394 <3 ;1874 7:4 29 , "35 ,8:94 68 6 63 374 35 68 13674 = :" > 3 4: ?9 %4 87 ; 849 6 734;9 74 , <6;: 3 ,39 ;769 1117:9 41 9 6 ,25 39 = 5<94 >3: 5<94 :9 6 8 5 8?: 35 6 84 3 6 17:4 4 ,336 89: 7: : 5;4 1 5636 3456 3?6 4 ,<: 86 9 94 36 ,2:?4 : 69 9 45 ,34 35 7; 5 5; >64 94 5;6 ,9; 4 546 8; 5;941 786 3: 876 ,3739 3 2 ,73;4 386 : 96: 78 3 5 7;9 86 ,3 2 31 ,;6 > 7 ;5 ,34 5;9 2 ; 6 894 699 35 1 36 345 96 47 38 699 8476 39 ,7: 2 278 869 2476 , 989 274 95 86 9 36 ,38 87 :79 36 5 4 3454 35 345 247 5 97 ,7: 4391 7: 94 5 ;63 " 35 < 9 4 81 =694 3< ,3 3:4 854 699 5 93 243 :<3 9 864 699 89 2?6 : 9 9 8 9 24 : ; 56 84 84 335; 365 ?3791 84 3 6 , = ;1: ;285 368 34 <4:394 3 3:4 ?;, 5 7: 7 ,:4 7: 4 696 5 ?6 28 35111 6 4 ?5 4 : ,25 39 34 <7: 994 3794 6586 696 864 123: 3654 5 :;? 69 359 8 ;,367 5 99 ,4 99 7;8 3946 ,?;69 3594 :6 6 9 364 ?6; 359 :6 11125;? 69 4 5 5 < ;29 25 39 @ ,734;9 :8 A34: 34694 39 3 7:1 000

Occupy Tel Aviv, December 24 - people appeared in the camp this morning , ho ere not identi!ied by name or authority, and distributed !lyers on the letterhead o! Tel Aviv "unicipality, hich ere unsigned, ere not issued by any named individual or identi!iable authority, ith no la or regulations cited as re!erence !or their !oundation# The !lyers ere misrepresented as $%viction Decrees$ or $Demolition Decrees$, and ere reported as such by ma&or media outlets in 'srael# (1,2,)* 2/7

The !lyers in part say+ 2# ,ou are re-uested to remove the hut/permanent structure that as erected in the par. area no later than /anuary 14, 2014# )# '! instant re-uest is not !ul!illed, the "unicipality ill be !orced to remove such structures itsel!# The camp, about 1#1 years old, held about 100 people until a ma&or rain storm a couple o! ee.s ago# The core are social protest people, mi2ed ith the homeless as ell as physically and mentally handicapped persons# According to people ho ere at the time in the camp, the persons, ho distributed the !lyers, engaged in+ 3 4egistration o! the people and their d ellings, 3 5arrantless searches o! the d ellings, and 3 6a.e inspection o! the d ellings and determination o! $compliance$ or $lac. o! compliance$ ith some made-up standards# 7ome nuggets+ 3 The structure has to be easily collapsible 8sa!ety is no concern9 3 Doors are prohibited, door !rames are permitted# 3 7ome n !actors+ e#g# , A surrealistic, minimalist outdoor ca!e: 8a !ul9, hich consists o! a small camp!ire, a !allen tree trun. and a single beam, standing !or a structure - 6A';%D# 5ith beam removed - <A77%D= The people in the par. are generally uneducated, and a good portion has only basic .no ledge o! the >ebre language# There!ore, the actions today made a great impact, particularly, since they came !ollo ing a ma&or rain !all, and in the middle o! the rainy season# 4e-uest as !or arded to "ayor 4on >uldai to e2plain, ho approved the conduct by the Tel-Aviv "unicipality today, and hat as its legal !oundation# <rior to today:s events, !or several months, the municipality o! Tel Aviv engaged in conduct that could only be interpreted as an e!!ort to ma.e the par. into a health ha?ard+ 3 The "unicipality re!used to collect garbage !rom the camp, and discontinued regular cleaning o! the par. by contractors# 3 The "unicipality closed a !unctional, standard public bathroom utility, and replaced it, again through a contractor, by a !acility o! sho er and chemical toilets, hich the subcontractor, ho is paid !or cleaning, re!uses to clean, since they are outside any reasonable standard# 3 The "unicipality or.ed closely ith a group o! la -en!orcement implants, including violent !ormer policemen, ho had been convicted o! violent crimes, most o! hom le!t a!ter a year and a hal!, &ust days be!ore the $eviction notices$, a!ter being e2posed as la en!orcement implants# 4egardless o! the !act that the !lyers, hich have been distributed today, are )/7

not valid and e!!ectual legal papers, the authorities can employ them as a prete2t !or acting ith police !orce against the people in the camp# The conduct as a hole, should be deemed as deprivation o! shelter o! homeless people in the middle o! the inter, through an arbitrary and capricious process, ith no legal !oundation# Actions o! rogue municipality# @onditions and conduct o! government in 'srael today stands in star. contrast ith its history+ 'n the later 1A40s and early 1A10s, 'srael success!ully absorbed hundreds o! thousands o! penniless re!ugees !rom %urope and !rom Arab lands# 5ithin a !e years they ere all provided ith shelter through large public housing pro&ects# 'n contrast, the years since the assassination o! <rime "inister ,it?ha- 4abin have been mar.ed by+ 3 7teady increase in poverty and homelessness, 3 5idening e2tremes in income and assent distributions, 3 7teady increase in productivity, but hardly any increase in or.ers pay, 3 >igh cost o! living in an economy, hich became dominated by tycoons and monopolies, 3 A real estate bubble, hich as greatly in!lated under 7tanley 6ischer as Bovernor o! Can. o! 'srael, ith housing una!!ordable !or people# 3 %limination o! public housing# 5ith it, the treatment o! the gro ing presence o! the homeless in the public space is an unresolved issue# There!ore, today:s actions by the Tel Aviv "unicipality should also be seen as an attempt to establish a legal precedent through blatantly unla !ul threat o! !orce# The nature o! the conduct today is li.ely to be deemed by observers as abuse o! rights under the !alse pretense o! the 4ule o! ;a # 7uch conduct is also in the 7tate o! 'srael today, here the &ustice system has been thoroughly corrupted over the past decade, highlighted by the routine !alsi!ication o! legal and &udicial records, and !alse reporting by media on the nature o! such legal/&udicial process# Although the $%viction Decrees$/$Demolition Decrees$, hich ere distributed today have no legal validity, the "unicipality can still !alsely employ them in 'srael <olice to assist in the en!orcement o! such e2tortion# The author, ho apparently is the single holder o! the "unicipality permit o! the camp, as not $served$, or $registered$ in such process !or n reasons# The permit is provided monthly, pursuant to an original $Agreement$ ith others, hich the "unicipality re!uses to disclose to the current permit holder# 4e-uest !or the copy o! such agreement as also !iled, pursuant to the 'sraeli 6reedom o! 'n!ormation Act# >o ever, the "unicipality so !ar re!uses 4/7

to process it as a 6O'A re-uest# As is the case in the Dnited 7tates today, corruption o! the courts and the legal pro!ession is central to socio-economic conditions in 'srael today# ;in.s to records, belo # EEEE /oseph Ferni., <hD >uman 4ights Alert 8GBO9 Occupy Tel Aviv EEEE 3 The >uman 4ights Alert 8GBO9 submission to the >uman 4ights @ouncil o! the Dnited Gations as incorporated into the 2010 <eriodic 4evie 4eport regarding >uman 4ights in the Dnited 7tates, ith the note+ $corruption o! the courts and the legal pro!ession and discrimination by la en!orcement in @ali!ornia$# 3 The >uman 4ights Alert 8GBO9 submission to the >uman 4ights @ouncil o! the Dnited Gations as incorporated into the 201) <eriodic 4evie 4eport regarding >uman 4ights in 'srael, ith the note+ $lac. o! integrity o! the electronic records o! the 7upreme @ourt, the district courts and the detainees courts in 'srael#$ EEEEEEE LINKS: 1)-0)-0H KOUKWSWKWXNSWYKSZIJKW[VOKY$PKPSTUJOKLUVNL Q1072RA/201) :IJKLMNOP [NSN\NOSYKPWPS[]LKLY]JLKOLYJK^NPKOYK_W`N`W\ // @omplaint 6ile Q1072RA/201) !iled ith the Tel-Aviv @ity @enter->a,ar.on <olice 7tation in re+ shooting at the 7ocial <rotest/homeless encampment Arlo?orov/"onument http+// #scribd#com/doc/12A)0)A40 1)-0)-0H @omplaint 6ile Q1072RA/201) !iled ith the Tel-Aviv @ity @enter>a,ar.on <olice 7tation in re+ shooting at the 7ocial <rotest/homeless encampment Arlo?orov/"onument http+// #scribd#com/doc/12A)0)A40/ 1)-0)-1A Additional %vidence in re+ @omplaint Q1072RA/201), !iled ith the Tel-Aviv @ity @enter/>a,ar.on <olice 7tation, in re+ shooting at the 7ocial <rotest/homeless encampment Gamir/"onument http+// #scribd#com/doc/1)140HRR2/ 1)-0R-2) [W[Y-KOPKPWWSWXKO$bMJOKLMUJ ,KcNO\KW[NSK[PbJ -WMS`KW`IO[NONNKaVKLbSYLKPU`[ dW[`OZKWMeKSJO http+// #scribd#com/doc/1110RR4)1/ 1)-07-01 KPSNU`PNKXeWJOKLU`[ -KXNUK`WSYKPNMNbUNK_WX[SKcVYKOLMJOK[N]SKSWWeK[PbJ LSWeI // 7treet <erson:s letter to Director o! Department o! Geighborhoods and 1/7

fuarters, "r Ari. 7hua - 4e-uest !or 'n!ormation and 4egular Direct @ommunications http+// #scribd#com/doc/111070112/ 1)-07-01 `WMSgKcINW ,Se ,KW`IO[NONNKaV[K[N]SKSWWeKPSLgL // Declaration o! a 7treet <erson in holvolevs.y Barden, Dr /oseph Ferni. http+// #scribd#com/doc/1110RA)2)/ 1)-07-17 ;etter to "r Flu!, Tel Aviv "unicipality - 4e-uest !or %2tention o! Agreement !or 7ocial <rotest encampment // KLU`[ -KY$PKPWWSWX ,cNO\KSJOK[PbJ PWPS[]LKLY]JLKOLYJOK_bILKPbSYLO http+// #scribd#com/doc/117AAH2RH/ 1)-0H-04 ;etter to "r Flu!, Tel Aviv "unicipality - 4epeat 4e-uest !or %2tention o! Agreement // KaV[KPWPS[]KLY]JKWUMYKPNLUOK_bILLKPbSYLOKPS\N]KLU`[ WMS`-W`IO[NONN http+// #scribd#com/doc/11H001210/ 1)-0H-0R 4esponse by Tel Aviv "unicipality, "r 4euven Flu!, on 4epeat 4e-uest to %2tend <ermit !or Occupy Tel Aviv %ncampment // ,Y$PKPWWSWXKP[NUP PWPS[]LKLY]JLKOLYJOK_bILKPbSYLOKPS\N]KLU`[KOXKcNO\Ka[NYSKSJ http+// #scribd#com/doc/1R00)R))R/ 1)-0H-21 ;etter to "r Flu!, Deputy @%O, Tel Aviv "unicipality - e2tension o! permit !or the Occupy Tel Aviv encampment !or 7ep 201) http+// #scribd#com/doc/1R1HR)4A1/ 1)-11-12 Occupy Tel-Aviv+ 6reedom o! 'n!ormation correspondence ith TelAviv "unicipality http+// #scribd#com/doc/1A11AH0RR/ 1)-12-01 Y$PKPWWSWXKWeWKOXK_WWIWI[KLYNS[PKWPNSWUKPXWMJ +Y$PKLY]JLKOLYJ // Occupy Tel-Aviv+ Denial o! basic sanitation services by the Tel Aviv "unicipality%d http+// #scribd#com/doc/1A)R21H17/ 1)-12-14 Occupy Tel-Aviv+ ;a %n!orcement 'mplants // KaN]TW[LKPN]NbKWOPUNJ Y$P,PWPS[]LKLY]JLKOLYJ[ http+// #scribd#com/doc/1A110R7R0/ 1)-12-24 $KOLYJKWUMYKeVMKY$PKPWSWXKWeWKOXKN`ZMNLKaWXKPWYSJOKWNMWZKWNNg$KNY ,$LIWSLKWNNg Y$P ,LY]JL // 7ham $%viction Decrees$, or $Demolition Decrees$ ere issued by the Tel Aviv "unicipality against the Occupy Tel Aviv camp http+// #scribd#com/doc/1A)R202)R/ 1)-12-24 7tructures in Occupy Tel-Aviv @amp http+// #scribd#com/doc/1A)R24)A0/ 1)-12-24 %viction Gotices in the Arlo?oro!! @amp E,net Ge s http+// #scribd#com/doc/1A)1R474A/ R/7

1)-12-21 Tel Aviv "unicipality 'ssued Demolition Decrees Against 7tructures in the Arlo?oro!! @ampE >aaret? http+// #scribd#com/doc/1A)R0H1R1/


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