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By: Sigit Priyantono

ABSTRACT Keywords : Jigsaw, Inferential Reading Comprehension Nowadays, it is not enough for someone to have listening skill or speaking skill only. Students should be as a part or member of the society that have conception. Reading is a process to distinguish and fuse the meaning of words in sentence and the structure with the final result from reading process is someone able to make an abstract of the literature. Reading has important parts in English skill mastery. Reading can develop our vocabulary, our spelling of the words, and give the reader or students an easy way to comprehend and memorize some grammatical structures in English. In this study, the researcher stated objective of study was to know the difference students score in Inferential Reading Comprehension by using Jigsaw at SMP Negeri 17 Malang. The researcher used Experimental Research, the researcher did some steps in the research procedure, there are: primary study, planning, observation, giving treatment, collecting data, and analyzing data. The instruments were used in the research, such as test, lottery, observation, compulsory book, and Basic Course Outline of the 2006 Curriculum (KTSP) for the eighth grade students. In the finding and discussion, the researcher conducted Pre-test to know students original score. Then, the researcher planed lesson plan, technique and media that were used in the treatment for three times to the Experimental Group. Thus, the result of Post-test showed that Jigsaw gave significant difference to the students who were taught and those who were not taught by using Jigsaw because the Experimental Group had higher score than students Control Group although Experimental Group had lower score in Pre-test. Furthermore, the researcher concluded that Jigsaw can help students Inferential Reading Comprehension score at SMPN 17 Malang. A. Introduction English has a central part in developing Indonesian education for decades In Indonesia. English is very important as communication language in the sector of economic, politic, education and entertainment. In addition, the use of English as media in many sectors indicates how the importance of English language in Indonesia. Considering this condition, English is adopted in the curriculum by which big proportions of school hours are given to the teaching and learning. Thus, this language has been regarded to enable students for having competence

in skills of English including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Thus, the researcher gave an easy method to improve students ability in reading. The method was Cooperative Learning. Cooperative Learning method has several types, namely NHT (Numbered Head Together), Think-Pair-Share, Write-PairShare, Problem Solving, Problem Posing, CIRC(Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition), Picture and Picture, Cooperative Script, Group Investigation, Students Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD), Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT), Team Accelerated Individualized (TAI) and Jigsaw. One of its interesting types is Jigsaw. Jigsaw is a strategy of the Cooperative Learning method which demands the students to learn on group with 5-6 members students who have heterogeneous ability. Each Jigsaw group members meet in expert groups to study the material assigned to each group member. After discussing, they go back into their group members and explain their discussion to students group. The statement of problem in this study was Do the students in the eighth grade of SMPN 17 Malang who are taught by using Jigsaw strategy have better score in Inferential Reading Comprehension than those who are not taught by using Jigsaw strategy? And the researcher stated objective of study was to know whether or not there is any differences between the students in the eighth grade of SMPN 17 Malang who are taught by using Jigsaw strategy have better score in Inferential Reading Comprehension than those who are not taught by using Jigsaw strategy. The researcher also gave scope and limitation of the study was Jigsaw was used to comprehend functional text in Inferential Reading Comprehension. Then, this method was applied on students of SMP Negeri 17 Malang especially in eighth grade. The significance of the study was divided into two discussions; Theoretically, this method can be an useful contribution in reading teaching and learning process especially in Junior High School. This method can be also reference for another researcher who wants to conduct a research in reading teaching and learning process and practically, for teacher this method can make teachers teaching easier because by using Jigsaw, teacher can teach their students in interesting way, and they will not have difficulties to improve students reading skill. For students, this method can make students more interested to learn about reading. Thus, they will feel happy to study without monotonous way. There are some definitions of the key term in this study, namely; (1) The Effect is Change that somebody or something causes in somebody or something else; result. (2) Jigsaw is a Cooperative Learning that the students study and work in small groups collaboratively and the members of the group consist of 5-6 people by heterogenic groups structure. (3) Inferential reading Comprehension is Comprehension that involves using reasoning- drawing conclusions about the relationships between or among bits of information that are not explicitly stated. It requires relating background knowledge to what is read or applying knowledge about text structure to aid comprehension. (4) SMPN 17 Malang is a Junior High School which is located at Jl. Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok No. 179 Malang.

B. Review of Related Literature According to Mercer & Mercer (2001) said that Cooperative Learning define as an instructional arrangement in which small groups or teams of students work together to achieve team success in a manner that promotes the students responsibility for their own learning as well as the learning of others. Arini (2009) stated that there are many kinds of Cooperative Learning. They are: Think Pair Share, Group Investigation, STAD, Jigsaw, TGT, CIRC, TAI. In this research, researcher used Jigsaw as strategy to improve students reading skill. According to Arends (1997)stated that Jigsaw is Cooperative Learning techniques where students learn in small groups of 4-6 people working together heterogeneous and positive interdependence and responsible for the completeness part of the subject matter to be learned and deliver such materials to members of other groups. According to Lie, A. (1994) stated that Jigsaw is designed to increase students responsibility about their learning. The students do not learn only the material that is given but they should be ready to give and explain the material to other groups. Thereby, students are interdependent one and each other and they should play along with other cooperatively the material that is ordered. According toWong Kee (1997: 9) stated that reading comprehension is a process of making sense of a written text. However, it is not a passive one-way decoding process. Instead, it is an active two-way process in which the reader and the text interact. The reader tests clues from the text against his knowledge to arrive at an understanding of the text acceptable to the reader. According to Burn et al (1984:177-178) categorized reading comprehension into some categories namely, literal reading, interpretive reading, critical reading, inferential reading and creative reading. According to Encyclopedia online (2013) defined Inferential Reading Comprehension is the level of understanding of a text: the reader can read meanings which are not directly explained. For example, the reader would be able to make inferences about the time of year from information given about temperature, weather, etc and from characters' behavior and dialogue. Students can also use inferential reading to help them with new or difficult vocabulary by figuring out 1) antecedents for pronouns, 2) the meaning of unknown words from context clues, and/or 3) the grammatical function of an unknown word. Jigsaw is one of Cooperative Learning method that is useful for mastering in any learning materials. According to Mauludi (2010:10) stated that Jigsaw strategy can be a way for students to solve their problems when they acqure reading text. When the English teaching learning proccess uses Jigsaw strategy, the students can be helped by others so the students who get the problems can comprehend the reading text clearly. Using Jigsaw is one of ways that is recommended implicitly in statement of Jessica G (1997: 202)stated that Students reading comprehension skill depends on the level of automatic processing or rapidity or the ability of knowing words. Although there are some ways to improve comprehending of text, the obvious method and tended to increase on improving material of reading comprehension is not through using Linguistic Guessing Game but by improving decoding-words ability that can give access to understand new words. Students are

charged to perform their material to students own members group and other groups in Jigsaw so Jigsaw indirectly will improve students English skill. Based on the use of Jigsaw, the researcher is attracted by that concept of Jigsaw Strategy. The way to play Jigsaw is interesting and good to train the students responsibility andstudents concentration. Based on Mohammad Yusuf M. was in his research entitled The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Technique to Improve Students Reading Ability in Narrative Text. He concluded that the use of Jigsaw as technique in the teaching of reading narrative text was effective. While Cindy was in his research entitled The Use of Scanning and Skimming Technique on Students Reading Comprehension ,She found that the students who had been taught by scanning and skimming technique of teaching reading comprehension have better reading achievement than those who had been taught by conventional technique. Moreover, the scanning and skimming technique is more effective than conventional technique. C. Research Method The research design of this study was Experimental Research. The researcher brought the problem in class atmosphere to improve the quality of students itself. Population in this study was taken from eighth grade students in SMP Negeri 17 Malang. The school is located in Jalan Tanjung Periok no. 170, Malang. The eighth grade consist 8 of about 239 students in 8 classes. Every class had about 30 students. From that setting, the researcher chose two classes by using Cluster Random Sampling and for deciding the Experimental Group and Control Group by using lottery. In this study, the researcher used instrument to help research, such as; test, observation, compulsory book, and Basic Course Outline of the 2006 Curriculum (KTSP) for the eighth grade students. In this step, the research procedures were given to the students in some steps as primary data such as; Tryout, Pre-test, treatment, and Post-test. Whereas the secondary data such as; observation. The researcher should have some instruments, such as; the lesson plan, the research instrument, technique and material. After all the research instruments were prepared well, the researcher gave treatment Inferential Reading Comprehension through Jigsaw to students Experimental Group. The researcher applied Jigsaw concept as instructional media in reading comprehension. There are some steps here: First, observation, Tryout and Pre-test Second, the treatment and Third, post-test. D. Findings and Discussions In chapter IV has some explanation about the researcher presented the findings and discussion that consisted of the result of pre-test, post-test, and the hypothesis analysis. In this research, the major data were taken from test. The tests were divided into Pre-Test and Post-Test. The findings here were the result of those tests. This finding showed the difference between Experimental Group and Control Group. The result of Descriptive Statistic of Pre-test both of Groups showed that the mean score of Experimental Group (VIII-C) was 59.30, while the mean score of Control Group was 65.43. In addition, the maximum score of Experimental Group was 85, while the maximum score of Control Group was 87.

Then, the minimum score of both groups were the same. The table showed that Control Group had better score than Experimental Group. In other hand, the result of Descriptive Statistic of Post-test showed that the mean score of Experimental Group was 78.03, while the mean score of Control Group was 65.43. In addition, the maximum score of Experimental Group was 100, while the maximum score of Control Group was 87. Then, the minimum score of Experimental Group was 60 and the minimum score for Control Group was 35. Those results showed that there was significant difference between those groups. The results also showed that Experimental Group had better score than Control Group. The results of the supporting data of the research were obtained from the result of the interview with the English teacher. The observation result in this study, the researcher collected the data by observing the teaching learning process in the classroom such as students participation during teaching learning process, students correctness on doing exercises which were given by the teacher, and the use of conventional technique in teaching Reading. The try out test had 40 items with 4 options in each item. The students correct answers were divided by the number of the test items then multiplied by 100, so that the maximum total score of the test was 100. Then, to know whether the test items were too difficult or too easy, the difficulty index of the test items was analyzed. Based on the result, it was known that the proportion of the test items fulfilled the requirement because 8 items of 40 items were categorized as easy items (20%), 8 items were categorized as difficult items (20%), and the rest of the items were categorized as average items (60%). Dealing with the time, the researcher found that the time allocation for the try out was appropriate because the students were able to do all the test items within the available time. From the clarification above, it could be concluded that the test items did not need to be revised. Thus, test items of the post test administered to the participants were the same as those of the test of the try out. The researcher found those items which were used in try out were valid that was indicated by the scale of each item test which were showed in SPSS v.16 were less than 0.050 and reliable that was indicated by the result of coefficient of Product Moment and Spearman Brown that was showed 0.75 so those items were considered as the Pre-test and decided as Pos-test items also. Based on the output of Independent sample of t-test by using SPSS, the sig. 2-tailed score was 0.001 and it was lower than 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. In the other hand, the formulated alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. Therefore, there is a difference between the students in the eighth grade students of SMPN 17 Malang who are taught by using Jigsaw strategy have better score Inferential Reading Comprehension than those who are not taught by using Jigsaw strategy.

E. Conclusion and Suggestion The researcher concluded that there was a significant effect of teaching reading using Jigsaw technique toward students reading achievement at the eighth grade students of SMPN 17 Malang. It means that Jigsaw technique was more effective than conventional technique to be used in Teaching Inferential Reading Comprehension in SMPN 17 Malang.

Based on the Pre-Test score for both groups, the comparison score of mean for these two groups were little bit different. It was found that the mean score of the Experimental Group was 59.30 and 65.43 for Control Group. In other word, the ability of respondents was almost equal in reading. From the Post-Test score, it showed that both of groups have a difference. The Experimental Group (78.03) had higher score mean than the Control Group (65.43). It means that the Jigsaw technique gave more improvement for the student in Inferential Reading Comprehension achievement. In this study, the researcher also stated some suggestions. for students; The students were suggested to work and solve problem dealing with Inferential Reading Comprehension especially tenses with their friend because they were easily understand a concept when they were work in group. While the researcher also has suggestion for teacher; It was suggested to the English teachers of SMPN 17 Malang to apply Jigsaw technique in teaching Inferential Reading Comprehension, especially reading since Jigsaw are able to motivate and make the students enthusiasm in learning reading. The last is suggestion for the future researcher; The result of this research may be useful as a reference for the future researchers who are interested in Jigsaw technique and teaching reading as the reference to conduct their researches by using a different research design such as a classroom action research to improve the students reading achievement through Jigsaw technique or using the same design, that is, an Experimental Research to know the effect of Jigsaw technique, such as in reading comprehension. References Al Masyhuri, Z., 2009. Pentingnya Bahasa Inggris dalam Dunia Pendidikan Islam. Retrieved May 16, from Ali, M. 1993. Strategi Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Angkasa. Arikunto, S. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian, Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta. Aronson ,E. 2008. Jigsaw Classroom. Retrieved December 26, from Ayunda, The Effectiveness of look-upTechnique to Improve speaking skill. (Malang: Universitas Kanjuruhan, 2012),p.27. Burn et al (1984:177- 178). Kinds of Reading Comprehension. Retrieved June 01, from Cranz, D. Websters Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, (New York:Portland House, 1989), p.455. Emildadiany,N,Pembelajaran Kooperatif (Cooperative Learning)Teknik Jigsaw.Retrieved Juli 31, from

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