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Development of Environmental Conscious Design of Prison Buildings

N. Al-Hosany and H. Elkadi

Environmental conscious design refers to variety of approaches in architecture design that covers
technical, behavioural, and functional aspects (Goulding et al., 1992). These approaches usually
include contradictory measures with social indicators (Sykes, 1995; Norton, 1999). The
contradiction is magnified in incarceration architecture, which is very specific type of buildings
(McConville, 2000). Prison buildings represent the split between the society requirements and the
needs for the users, in this case the prisoners, to have comfortable environment. Energy as an
ultimate natural resource reflects both the cost to the society, in terms of cooling/ heating load and
the need for comfort and rehabilitation of prisoners (Al-Hosany and Elkadi, 2000). Different
energy codes tend to control the thermal behaviour of buildings in certain environment in order to
maximise their energy efficiency (e.g. CIBSE, 1999). In prison buildings, some of the main
variables of such code are not relevant. While energy codes, for example, regulate the use of
glass in buildings by either minimise the openings size (prescriptive criteria) or by determine an
overall limit of heat transfer (performance criteria), the objective in prison buildings is to minimise
glass areas for security purposes. This leads in turn to reduction in visual and comfort levels in
prison cells. The aim of this paper is to address the balance between the society requirements of
reducing energy consumption in prison buildings and the need for humane and comfortable
environment for prisoners in order to maintain sustainability. The paper investigates the possible
role of faade technologies to bridge the gap between requirements of both society and prisoners.
Thirty years after the recognition of the need for sustainable development there is still no single,
widely accepted definition. The aim has evolved from maintaining natural resources in 1970s
(Coomer 1979, Howe 1979), towards achieving lasting satisfaction of human needs and
improvement of the quality of human life while maintaining essential ecological processes in the
80s (Allen 1980, IUCN 1980). Social sustainability, which requires elimination of poverty and
deprivation as well as the conservation and enhancement of the resources base, appeared in the
definition in the late 1980s. . This was followed by the most common definition of sustainable
development by the World Commission on Environment and Development (1987): The ability of
humanity to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development definitions have been
broadened to include the ability of a society, ecosystem, or other ongoing system to continue
functioning into the indefinite future, without being forced into decline through exhaustion or
overloading of the key resources on which that system depends (Haviland 1994). There are,
however, several pending issues regarding interests of different human groups. This includes
viewing sustainable development as a process of reconciliation for human groups separated from
one another by different and conflicting demands they make in their shared surroundings.

Despite the importance of architecture to the overall success of sustainable development, there is
still no agreement on a definition that is applicable to architecture. There is a widespread belief
among architects that the UNCED definition, for example, does not specify the ethical roles of
humans for their everlasting existence on the planet (Kim and Rigdon 1998). The term
sustainable architecture has created ambivalence and confusion (Kremers 1995). The attempts
to include ethical dimensions as well as technical dimensions are seen as contradicting to the
profession of architecture itself (Levin 1995). When human groups do not have a shared context,
conciliation for sustainable development became even more difficult. This is the case in
incarceration architecture, where issues related to human comfort became debatable in itself.

N Al-Hosany is a senior architect, Projects Engineering Department, the UAE Ministry of Interior, Abu
Dhabi, UAE; H. Elkadi is a Professor of Architecture, the school of Art and Design, University of Ulster,
Belfast, UK

This paper takes prisons in the hostile climatic conditions of United Arab Emirates (UAE) as a
case study. The UAE prisons have moved through different phases of development. The new
policy of the Ministry of Interior emphasises the need for rehabilitation and improving the
conditions of the inmates. A design has been developed for the new prison complex in Abu
Dhabi. The new design, with its improved environmental conditions, has significant implications
on energy consumption with the increase in area per inmate and the introduction of air-
conditioning. Emphasis on comfort as one of the main design factors will affect the layout of
prisons, the design of the building skin, and the services provided.
In prison buildings, a typology driven by cultural values and social theories, socio-economic
factors have great impacts on the sustainable design of prisons facades. Hence, achieving
sustainable prison faade design is conditioned by coupling social aspects of prison buildings with
technical energy saving measures. Rehabilitation cannot be complete without a dimension of
Two inseparable sets of variables that affect the performance of an environmentally conscious
design of prison facades are identified. The first set is related to architectural variables and the
second to social ones. The following sections will briefly review the selection of these variables.
The design of new correctional facilities is intimately bound to the institutions mission and goals.
These goals can be divided into three main elements: the institutional purpose, its responsibility
and philosophical direction. In the contemporary world, prisons are built for two purposes.
They are the confinement of offenders as a punishment, and the provision of humane treatment in
order to rehabilitate the inmates. The prison or correctional facilitys responsibilities can be
divided into three categories. These are security, safety and service. Each of these categories is
divided into its own sub-categories. Prisons are divided according to their security measures into
minimum, medium, maximum and super maximum. The prison is responsible for the safety of the
public, the inmates personal safety from suicide attempts, the inmates personal safety from
assaults, and staff safety. Prisons exist to provide services to the inmates, staff and visitors.
Prison philosophical directions are a combination of what have been labelled the five Rs
(Farbstein, 1986). These are: Revenge, Reform, Rehabilitation, Reintegration and Restraint. The
prisons philosophical directions are the most influential element in the architecture of the
buildings. Punishment and deterrence are the only purposes of a facility that is designed to
comply with the goal of revenge. Building prisons for reform means providing the inmates with
vocational and educational skills. Inmates rehabilitation can only be achieved by treating their
social and psychological problems. Developing a cooperative relationship between inmates and
society is the first step in their reintegration into the society.
3.1.1 Selection of architectural variables that affect faade design
The institutions mission and goals have direct impact on the architectural design of the facility.
For example the security level of a prison building is reflected in:
The building location The building configuration
The construction materials The faade design
The faade materials The technology implemented.
Inmate housing units, the focus of this paper, are generally composed of seven zones. These
are: inmates cells, staff accommodation area, multiuse or association area, vulnerable prisoner
unit, segregation unit, special cells and safe cells (Table 1). Unlike the occupancy of any other
building typology, the inmates rooms are the cells that accommodate the prisoners, for an
average of full 12 hours per day. The institutional mission and goals are reflected in the
architecture of the inmates cells. This influence is evident in seven indicators: the cell variables,
the window availability and configuration, the cell location, the sanitary availability, the inmates
control over their space, the provision of air-conditioning and the level of privacy that the inmates
are entitled to. Several architectural variables can be derived from these indicators. Some of
these variables have implications on the prison buildings energy consumption (Table 1). The
architectural are therefore, the construction materials, the envelope finishing, the window
configurations, the shading devices, the cells occupancy rate and the cells area.
A set of nine energy related technical faade variables are identified from the previous elements.
These variables, presented in Table 1, are grouped into three categories: the cell variables,
faade design, and faade materials.
Table 1: The inmates housing unit architectural variables
Inmates' Rooms Cell variables Glazing properties Person per m
Window availability Envelope finishing Person per room
Location Windows configuration Fabric specification
Sanitary availability Envelope elements Wall mass
Users control Construction materials Glazing specification
Mechanical solutions Shading devices Window dimensions
Privacy Cell size Window location
Cell occupancy Faade height
Inner grille specification
Multiuse area Room Location Glazing properties Person per m
Room Size Envelope materials Fabric specification
Ease of supervision Windows configuration Wall mass
Noise control Envelope elements Glazing specification
Mechanical solutions Shading devices Window dimensions
Construction materials Window location
Faade height
Energy related architectural variables
Energy related faade
Technical Variables Indicators

3.2 Selection of prison buildings social variables
The mission and goals of the prison have direct impact on its social and humane aspects, which
influence the architecture of the building. The prisons philosophical direction dictates the range
of facilities that the prison is expected to provide to inmates, and the level of comfort which it is
hoped the inmates are to receive. The different social variables, which are sensitive to the
prisons objectives, are identified and then narrowed down to those that are related to the prison
architecture. The social aspects of the prison building can be divided into two parts;
environmental factors, and the social environment. The first is composed of six elements;
lighting, view, noise, thermal comfort, indoors air quality and sensory deprivation. The social
environment elements of a prison building are: communication and social interaction, territoriality,
privacy and feelings of control and the prison image.
3.2.1 Environmental factors
The six environmental elements of the prison environment have considerable impact on the
inmates physical and physiological well being. Natural daylight is related to the inmates visual
comfort and psychological well being. The existence of windows is the first indicator of the prison
administrators awareness of the importance of daylighting on the inmates reform and
rehabilitation efforts. The luminance levels and the inmates control of artificial light and daylight
(for example by using blinds) are other indicators. Five architectural elements are selected that
are related to lighting; planning, orientation, landscape, envelope configuration and the cells
Access to a view is an important factor that influences inmate behaviour. Opening up the cells to
access visual links provides inmates with the opportunity to feel attached to the outside world.
Prisons differ from each other according to their penal philosophy. The strength of the link
between the indoor environment and the outside is controlled by the prisons goals. Two
indicators can be identified in relation to view; the existence and size of windows, and the
inmates control over the opening of their cells to the outside. The architectural variables that can
influence the view are similar to those affecting lighting, i.e. planning, orientation, landscape,
envelope configuration, cell layout, as well as the type and construction of any fences.
Occupants stress and discomfort are directly related to noise in an environment. In prison
buildings where the inmates have no control over their environment, the negative impact of noise
can be even more substantial. Five indicators can be identified in relation to noise levels and
sources. These are sound power, sound intensity, transmission of sound, inmates control of
noise sources and mechanical solutions. Architectural elements like planning, orientation and
landscape can be used to control the sources of external noise while construction materials and
space configurations aim to control noise in the indoor environment.
Thermal comfort has a major effect on an inmates physical and psychological well being. In the
prison environment two indicators confirm the prison administrators concern with the inmates
thermal comfort. These indicators are the provision of mechanical solutions (AC) and the
inmates control of their thermal environment. Unfortunately, it is difficult to apply passive cooling
in the UAE prison environment. Provision of opening windows can jeopardise the security of the
institution. Another element that restricts using passive cooling devices in the UAE prison is the
severity of the weather conditions and the little variation in temperature throughout the day.
Ensuring good indoor air quality is essential to an inmates physical and psychological well
being. The indoor air quality is affected mainly by emissions from building materials, and odours.
Mechanical solutions and inmate control of their space are two indicators that show that efforts
are being made to enhance the indoor air-quality for the prisoners. Good architectural planning
can help to avoid any permanent odour or emission problems. Efficient ventilation can minimise
indoor odours, and enhance the indoor air-quality. However for the reasons indicated in the
thermal comfort section, natural ventilation is problematic, hence mechanical solutions are the
only applicable technique to achieve desirable indoor air quality in the UAE prison.
Sociologists and psychologists have emphasised the importance of minimising the impact of
confinement on the inmates sensory abilities. Sensory deprivation has a negative impact on
physical and psychological well being. This can be avoided through variations in space, activities,
colour and texture. Allowing inmates to control different elements in their environment with
certain level of privacy is also important. The layout of the different spaces and the planning of
activities for inmates are vital architectural solutions to the problem of sensory deprivation.
3.2.2 The social environment factors
The four special characteristics of the prison buildings social environment are: communication
and social interaction, territoriality, privacy and feelings of control, and the prison image. The first
step in providing a positive environment in a prison building in order to help reform and
rehabilitate inmates is to encourage positive social interaction among prison population (staff
and inmates). A positive environment would support the correctional efforts and assist security
measures. The indicators of social interaction between different categories can be traced in the
nature of security, surveillance, forms of contact, and the users control of their environment. In
architectural terms this can be traced in the planning of the facility, the space configuration, the
room layout and proper design of the circulation routes.
Individuals and groups need to feel in control of their personal territory. Sensitivity and
understanding of this need can have a positive impact on correctional efforts. Permitting
individuals and groups to control their own territory is beneficial in reducing tension and stress
among inmates, and hence enhances their psychological well being. The sizes of different zones
and the inmates control over their environment are indicators of sensitivity to this need. In design
terms this can be interpreted in the space configuration and layout of the different zones, the cell
sizes and the number of housing units and association areas where inmates spend long hours.
Recent research has requested the provision of a sense of privacy and control among inmates.
The social densities, spatial density, inmates control of their environment and surveillance
measures are all indicative of the perceived privacy and feeling of control. Architectural elements
such as planning, cell layout and cell variables are influential in achieving the balance between
the inmates need for privacy and control, and the security and safety measures of the institution.
The prison image has to reflect the institutions purpose and philosophical direction. It needs to
create expectations of the internal environment and to send messages to the public reflecting the
style of treatment within. The prison facilities, size and shape, its faade colours and configuration
and the symbols attached are all indicators of the prison image. Architecture can influence the
prisons image through the site selection, faade design, construction materials, envelope
configurations and the fence construction and type.
3.3 Energy impacts of the selected variables
The selected variables have impact on the prison building energy consumption, either directly or
indirectly. Increased daylighting levels and access to view for example can only be achieved by
increasing window area. In the UAEs severe climatic conditions, introduction of large windows
will increase the solar gain and consequently increase the cooling load. To control external noise
in the prison building attention should be given to wall mass, the faade height, the window area
and both the fabric and glazing specifications. Thermal comfort in a small region such as the UAE
can only be achieved by air conditioning, which would increase not only energy consumption in
prison buildings, but also in the whole of Abu Dhabi. Selection of the envelope materials with
appropriate insulation can lead to suitable indoor air. As in the case of lighting and view,
minimising sensory deprivation is related to the increase in cell and window size, and both
variables are directly related to the energy performance of the prison building. The same
discussion can be applied to privacy and feeling of control, which are directly related to cell and
window area. The faade height and configuration, the window size and location, and the
shading devices are all technical variables that communicate the prisons image to public, inmates
and staff. These variables have direct influence on the energy performance of the building.
Table 2 shows the prison social variables and their impact on the building and faade design.
Following the investigation in this paper, a model is designed that comprised all the identified
elements thought to produce more sustainable and energy efficient faade features. The model is
based on the prototype that is recently designed for prison buildings in UAE. The following section
outlines the proposed model and the modifications made to the original prototype. The prototype
was modified to accommodate social as well as technical needs, for long-term sustainability. Cells
are located in the south east and south west orientation, while northerly orientation would suit all-
day activities in the association areas. Cells in the model are designed according to the UK
recommended cell sizes. The size of the cells (6.8m
) is much smaller than the prototype
), but with larger windows 60x60 cm. This would meet the need for better day lighting
and better views from within the cells. Smaller individual cells would improve the privacy and
territorial requirements of the inmates. The smaller cell size enables the provision of extra cells.
Such arrangement allowed the association area to be placed on the north faade where more
windows are introduced to improve day lighting and view throughout the day. A new height of 2.4
metres is introduced, to improve the scale in individual cells. first floor association area is added,
to double the number of association areas and decrease the population density in each. The
reduction of the number of inmates in each area would help to decrease the contact between
inmates, enable more division by classification, improve communication with staff and improve
privacy and territorial arrangements. The cost of constructing an extra level in such a large
project is negligible. The new height of the association area will also give a sense of scale, and
humanise this zone. Figure 1 shows the inmates housing in unit in the case study and Figure 2
shows the layout of the proposed scenario. The faade materials for the proposal follow the
recommendations obtained from previous analysis. The walls are constructed of brick air UF
insulation 1/w concrete block air gap and plaster. Windows are made of Low-e double-glazing.
External shading devices are applied. Providing grass areas in the surrounding environment can
result in reduction of the thermal load. The introduction of more soft landscape elements is
important in increasing shading on buildings and reducing direct sunlight. Trees can also help the
movement of air around the building, and thus reduce the conduction load. Emphasis on
landscape elements with links to the interior of the prison is also important for providing a better
visual and hence psychological environment. Efforts have been made to keep the overall layout
and volume of the model as similar as possible to the prototype. Changes are made within the
same shell to allow meaningful comparative analysis of thermal performance. It is however
believed that overall energy savings can result from slight reduction in the volume of the housing
unit, through reduction of cell height.
Figure 1: The inmates' housing unit in the proposed
AD central prison
Figure 2: The proposed scenario layout
Table 2: The prison social variables and its relation to the prison building and facade design
Environmental Factors
Provision of adequate natural lighting Windows Existence Planning Glazing properties Window height
Visual comfort Illuminance Orientation window configuration Window width
Psychological well-being Inmate control Landscape Cell size Transmittance
Provision of adequate artificial lighting Envelope configuration Shading devices Shading devices
Luminance balance Cell layout Cell size
Temporal uniformity
Avoidance of glare
View Windows Existence Planning Window configuration window height
Access to views Inmate control Orientation Shading devices window width
The extent of links to the outside Landscape Shading devices
The extent of links to the inside Envelope configuration
Type and construction of fences
Noise Sound power Envelope materials Wall area
Minimise the noise Sound intensity Planning Window configuration Wall mass
Noise in free field Transmission Orientation Sound insulation Window height
Noise in enclosed spaces Inmate control Landscape Window height
Mechanical solutions Space configurations Fabric specification
Construction materials Glazing specification
Shading Devises
Thermal comfort Air temperature Construction Materials Shading devices Envelope material
Minimise thermal discomfort Psychological well-being Humidity Windows configuration Faade configuration Window height
Physiological well-being Air movement Ventilation Glazing properties Window width
Inmate control Room layout Windows configuration Transmittance
Mechanical solutions Shading devices
Indoor air quality emissions of building materials Ventilation Envelope configuration Envelope material
Ensure good indoor air-quality Psychological well-being Inmate control Planning Windows configuration Insulation procedures
Physiological well-being Mechanical solutions Construction materials
Sensory Deprivation Inmate control Blinds Opening location
Minimise the effects of confinement on sensory abilities Psychological well-being Variation in space Planning Windows configuration
Physiological well-being Variation in texture and colour Room layout
Social Environment
Communication and Social interaction Security forms Planning
Encourage positive social interaction between: Support correctional efforts Surveillance measures Space configuration
Staff: Inmates, Staff: Staff, Inmates: Inmates Assist security efforts Forms of contact Rooms layout NA NA
Discourage negative social interaction between: Inmates control Circulation routes
Staff: Inmates, Staff: Staff, Inmates: Inmates
Territoriality Clarify & control contact between groups Zone size Space configuration
Identify individual and group needs for personal territory Reduce tension Inmate control Cells layout NA NA
Psychological well-being Dayrooms layout
Privacy and feelings of control Psychological well-being Social density Space configuration Window configuration
Emphasis on provision of sense of privacy and control Reduce tension Spatial density Planning Faade configuration Window size
Inmate control Cells layout Person per m
Surveillance measures Cells variables Person per cell
Prison Image Sets up expectations for internal environment Facility size Site selection Faade elements Faade height
Reflects the institute's purposes Sends messages to the public Facility shape Faade design Faade configuration Faade material
Reflects the treatment style Faade colour Construction materials Window configuration Opening location
Faade configuration Envelope configuration Shading devices
Symbols Fences construction & type Window height
Window width
Impact Social Variables Technical Variables Faade Elements Architectural Elements Indicators
Despite the introduction of large windows for rehabilitation purposes, the results show major energy
savings in the proposal when compared to the base case (Table 3). Solar gain has increased from
1.92 to 5.38 KWH/m
(Figure 4: A-B) that is low when compared to the total reduction of conduction
load from 43 to 24 KWH/m
(Figure 4: C-D). The total envelope load per square metre is therefore
decreased by as much as 35% that leads to a total annual saving of 13% (Figure 4: E-F). Analysis of
the peak load shows interesting results, not only did the proposal prove to be more energy efficient, it
also provided a better load profile during the evening hours (Figure 3: D). The peak load per square
metre is dropped from 106w/m
to 83 w/m
a reduction of 21.7%. The heavy load at 15:00 shown in
the base case has almost disappeared in the new proposal. Only one peak, of 83w/m
, appeared
between 9:00 and 12:00 am. This will help with budgeting for the chillers and management of air-
conditioning requirements in the prison.
Table 3 : The building total and envelope loads in the base case and the proposed scenario

Load Type
Base case Proposed scenario
Conduction gain KWH/m
43.15 24.09
Solar gain KWH/m
1.92 5.38
Total envelope heat gain KWH/m
45.08 29.48
Annual total cooling load KWH/m
143.68 124.78
Conduction load in relation to total cooling load % 30.03 19.31
Solar load in relation to total cooling load % 1.34 4.31
Envelope load in relation to total cooling load % 31.37 23.62
Relative envelope load % 100 65.39
Relative total cooling load % 100 86.84

The energy efficiency of the proposed design mentioned above, for the whole housing unit, is
heightened when the cell zone is investigated separately. Figure 3: A-B shows an overall reduction of
92.4 KW in the peak day, a 50% reduction in the overall energy consumption. This is also shown in
the total annual energy consumption in the cell zone. A reduction of 42.5% is achieved with the
proposed design (Figure 3: E-F).
The price given of providing a more humane environment in the association areas was not as high as
the savings gained in the cell zone. Annual energy consumption in the association areas is increased
by 30% in the proposed design. This has to be seen within the context of the advantages gained for
the rehabilitation programme, as well as the saving of 42.5% in the cell zone.
In summary the proposed design would provide a much better environment, accompanied by major
energy savings. The envelope of the proposal offers an overall 35% reduction from the base case. It
is important to note that all the analyses are based on the simulation of one housing unit. The
prototype contains 12 housing units, and the energy savings can be of great importance. It is also
important to note that this paper has only dealt with variables that are faade related. More
investigation of other aspects that constitute the thermal flow patterns within the building would be of
great benefit.


Figure 3: The building total and per square metre cooling loads in the base case and the
proposed scenario

Figure 4: The building solar and conduction load in the base case and the proposed scenario
In an environment, which places very little constraint on the architects design freedom, unsustainable
development of the built environment flourishes. Despite all the good intentions of architects, the
forces of economics, clients self interest and fashions can dictate their decisions. Strict building
regulations in certain societies, on the other hand, can result in diminishing the creativity and
inspiration of building designers. So far, the UAE belongs to the first category. Large amounts of
energy are consumed daily in the UAE built environment. Prison buildings, however, have their own
micro design environment. Prison buildings belong to both the categories of design stated above;
there is absolute freedom from energy codes in the UAE building regulations, while at the same time
the strict rules applied by prison and penal philosophies dominate the architecture. The friction and
tension between the two positions reaches its peak in the design of the prison faade. Investigation
showed that facades are responsible for more than 30% of total energy flow in buildings. A required
comfort level within the prison, with its large energy consumption implications, therefore requires
careful consideration of the design, construction and role of facades in the prison buildings. Four
areas have been identified for investigation; Orientation, Faade Configuration, Cell Variables and
Spatio-Temporal allocation of Activities.
This paper argues that the sustainable features of natural and human values on one hand and the
technical issues on the other are inseparable in this type of buildings. Recent efforts in the UAE to
increase comfort, and hence improve rehabilitation programmes, within prison buildings will lead to
extensive use of resources and energy consumption. Technical fix of introducing appropriate faade
configuration, for example, can help to achieve energy efficiency. The technical factors that affect the
thermal performance cannot by itself improve the sustainability of such controversially building
typology. In prison buildings, a typology driven by cultural values and social theories, socio-economic
factors have great impacts on the sustainable design of prisons facades. This paper, therefore,
emphasises the importance of social aspects in conjunction with the technical energy saving
measures to achieve real sustainable architecture.
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