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Certified Logistics and Supply

Chain Management
Certified Logistics and Supply Chain Management Professional

Certified Certified Certified Certified Logistics and Supply Chain Logistics and Supply Chain Logistics and Supply Chain Logistics and Supply Chain
Management Management Management Management Professional Professional Professional Professional
Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code VS-1024
Logistics & Supply Chain Management Logistics & Supply Chain Management Logistics & Supply Chain Management Logistics & Supply Chain Management are considered as one of the most poerful sources
of competiti!e ad!antage in recent times" #t attempts to enhance the traditional
management $y focusing on the organi%ation and integration amongst the !arious partners
of supply chain for $etter management and thus pro!iding greater !alue to the consumer"
Vs&ills Certified logistics and SCM professionals find employment in !arious
transportation' arehousing' distri$ution and shipping conglomerates"
(hy should one ta&e this certification) (hy should one ta&e this certification) (hy should one ta&e this certification) (hy should one ta&e this certification)
*o de!elop &noledge' s&ills and competencies in the field of logistics and supply chain
management and learn a$out the different aspects of logistics functions' including
purchasing' operations' arehousing and transportation and supply chain management" #t
ena$les you to understand logistics and supply chain management and the glo$al logistics
(ho ill $enefit fr (ho ill $enefit fr (ho ill $enefit fr (ho ill $enefit from ta&ing this certification) om ta&ing this certification) om ta&ing this certification) om ta&ing this certification)
*his certification is designed for those ho plan a professional career or speciali%ation in
the field of logistics and supply chain management" #t see&s to $enefit indi!iduals in!ol!ed
in operations' arehousing' transportation and SCM' third party logistics pro!iders or any
indi!iduals see&ing to e+pand their understanding of the glo$al logistics and transport
*est ,etails- *est ,etails- *est ,etails- *est ,etails-
,uration- ,uration- ,uration- ,uration- .0 minutes
/o" of 0uestions- /o" of 0uestions- /o" of 0uestions- /o" of 0uestions- 10
Ma+imum mar&s- Ma+imum mar&s- Ma+imum mar&s- Ma+imum mar&s- 10' Passing mar&s- 21 210345 *here is no negati!e mar&ing in
this module"
6ee Structure- 6ee Structure- 6ee Structure- 6ee Structure-
7s" 2'0008- 2#ncludes all ta+es4
Companies that hire Vs&ills Certified Companies that hire Vs&ills Certified Companies that hire Vs&ills Certified Companies that hire Vs&ills Certified Logistics and SCM Logistics and SCM Logistics and SCM Logistics and SCM Professional Professional Professional Professionals ss s
Logistics and Supply Chain professionals are in great demand and ma9or companies in
#ndia hire them" #nternational 9o$ consultants also are constantly loo&ing for o!erseas 9o$s"
*he s&ill is also greatly in demand in super speciali%ed go!ernment pro9ects on contract
Certified Logistics and Supply Chain Management Professional

Table of Content
#" #ntroduction to Logistics #" #ntroduction to Logistics #" #ntroduction to Logistics #" #ntroduction to Logistics
#"1 #nterface $eteen Logistics Manufacturing
#"2 Logistics- Manufacturing issues in Customer Ser!ice"
#": Production scheduling
#"4 #nterface $eteen Logistics Mar&eting
##" Material Management ##" Material Management ##" Material Management ##" Material Management
##"1 #ntroduction
##"2 ;$9ecti!es and 6unctions of Materials Management
##": 6unctions of Material Management
##"4 Secondary 6unctions
### ,istri$ution Channel Management ### ,istri$ution Channel Management ### ,istri$ution Channel Management ### ,istri$ution Channel Management
###"1 6unctions of Mar&eting Channels
###"2 #mportance of Channel ,istri$ution
###": *ypes of Channel <rrangement
###"4 *ype of Channel Mem$ers
###"1 <cti!ities performed $y mar&eting channels
###". 7ole of #ntermediary in a Mar&eting Channel
###"= *ypes of #ntermediaries
###"> ,ifference $eteen ,irect and #ndirect Mar&eting Channels
###"? Multiple Channels of ,istri$ution
###"10 Channel 6lo
###"11 @sta$lishment #ssues
Certified Logistics and Supply Chain Management Professional

###"12 Le!el of ,istri$ution Co!erage
###"1: Managing Mar&eting Channels
###"14 Selecting Channel Mem$ers
###"11 #mplementing Channel Strategy
###"1. @!aluating Channel Performance
#V (arehouse Management and Control #V (arehouse Management and Control #V (arehouse Management and Control #V (arehouse Management and Control
#V"1 (arehouse Management System 2(MS4
#V"2 (arehousing
#V": (arehouse operating principles
#V"4 (arehouse strategy
#V"1 Planning the distri$ution arehouse
#V". (arehouse layout
#V"= *ypes of Material handling systems in arehousing
V *ransportation V *ransportation V *ransportation V *ransportation
V"1 #mportance of *ransportation
V"2 Modes of *ransport
V": Containeri%ation
V# Supply chain Management V# Supply chain Management V# Supply chain Management V# Supply chain Management
V#"1 Porter Value Chain
V#"2 (or&ing of SCM
V#": Manufacturing 6lo Management
V#"4 #nternational Supply Chain and Logistics
V# " 1 Supply Chain Management in 7ural <reas
Certified Logistics and Supply Chain Management Professional

V## ,istri$ution and /et V## ,istri$ution and /et V## ,istri$ution and /et V## ,istri$ution and /etor&ing in SCM or&ing in SCM or&ing in SCM or&ing in SCM
V##"1 6actors #nfluencing ,istri$ution /etor& ,esign
V##"2 ,esign ;ptions for a ,istri$ution /etor&
V##": Selecting a ,istri$ution /etor& ,esign
V### Cost <nalysis and Measurement in SCM V### Cost <nalysis and Measurement in SCM V### Cost <nalysis and Measurement in SCM V### Cost <nalysis and Measurement in SCM
V###"1 Costs in supply Chain
V###"2 #mportance and /eed for cost analyses
V###": <naly%ing supply Chain Cost
V###"4 Classification of Supply Chain Costs
V###"1 Performance Measurement
V###". @!aluation of performance in Supply Chain Management
V###" = ,esign Strategy in Supply Chain Management
V###"> ;utsourcing
V###"? ,esign for Logistics
#A Mathematical Mode #A Mathematical Mode #A Mathematical Mode #A Mathematical Modeling in Logistics ling in Logistics ling in Logistics ling in Logistics
#A"1 <pplications of /etor& ;ptimi%ation
#A"2 6ormulating *ransportation Pro$lem
#A": *ransshipment Pro$lems
#A"4 /etor& Models
A 7ole of #nformation *echnology in SCM A 7ole of #nformation *echnology in SCM A 7ole of #nformation *echnology in SCM A 7ole of #nformation *echnology in SCM
A"1 @lectronic Commerce 2e-commerce4
A"2 @lectronic ,ata #nterchange
A": Bar Coding and Scanning
Certified Logistics and Supply Chain Management Professional

A"4 ,ata (arehouse
A"1 #nternet
A". #ntranet8@+tranet
A"= (orld (ide (e$
A" > ,ecision Support Systems
A"? Manufacturing Process systems
A"10 @nterprise 7esource Planning 2@7P4
A"11 ,istri$ution on 7e0uirements Planning 2,7P4
A"12 Supply Chain Planning 2SCP4
Certified Logistics and Supply Chain Management Professional

Course ;utline Course ;utline Course ;utline Course ;utline

#" #ntroduction to Logistics #" #ntroduction to Logistics #" #ntroduction to Logistics #" #ntroduction to Logistics
@+plains the acti!ities performed and the decisions ta&en to facilitate the flo of
goods and ser!ices"
,escri$es the !arious components of logistics management"
@+plains the primary strategies folloed $y e!ery organi%ation in the competiti!e
@+plains the primary determinants for an effecti!e operation of logistic interface and
descri$es the competiti!e priorities and manufacturing strategies folloed in any organi%ation"
Cnderstand the manufacturing8logistics issues at the interface to impro!e customer
@+plains the concepts of production scheduling and its $enefits"
@+plains the relation $eteen logistics and mar&eting"
##" Material Management ##" Material Management ##" Material Management ##" Material Management
@+plains the process and importance of Materials Management"
,escri$es the primary and secondary o$9ecti!es of Materials Management"
,escri$es the primary functions of Materials Management such as Materials
7e0uirement Planning 2M7P4' purchasing' planning and controlling the in!entory'
ascertaining and managing the flo and supply of material and ensuring Duality
,escri$es the secondary functions of Materials Management such as simplification
and standardi%ation' monitoring the design and de!elopment of the product' ta&ing
appropriate ma&e and $uy decision' ensure proper coding and classification of
material and proper forecasting and planning of demand of the product"
### ,istri$ution Channel Managemen ### ,istri$ution Channel Managemen ### ,istri$ution Channel Managemen ### ,istri$ution Channel Management tt t
@+plains the $asic distri$ution channels and the standard functions performed $y
manufacturers' holesalers' and retailers as ell another channels mem$ers e+isting
in the channel arrangement"
@+plains the importance of channel distri$ution in the channel arrangement"
@+plains #ndependent and ,ependent channels in a gi!en channel arrangement"
@+plains the different type of channel mem$ers that is 7eseller and Specialty
Ser!ice Pro!iders"
Cnderstand the acti!ities performed $y mar&eting channels such as ,isseminating
Mar&eting Communications and Promote Brands' Sorting and 7egrouping
Products' Storing and Managing #n!entory' Product distri$ution' <ssume
;nership 7is& and @+tend Credit and Share Mar&eting and ;ther #nformation"
@+plains the role and functions performed $y an intermediary in a distri$ution
Certified Logistics and Supply Chain Management Professional

,escri$es the ad!antages and disad!antages of using an intermediary in a
distri$ution channel"
@+plains the different types of intermediary e+isting in a distri$ution system"
,istinguish $eteen ,irect and #ndirect Mar&eting Channels"
@+plains the functioning of Multiple Channels of distri$ution and descri$es the
structure of Channel Le!els"
@+plains the channel flo in a ,istri$ution Channel <rrangement"
@+plains the factors to $e considered hen designing a distri$ution strategy such as
Mar&eting decision issues and Channel 7elationship issues"
Cnderstand the le!els of ,istri$ution Co!erage such as Mass Co!erage' selecti!e
Co!erage and @+clusi!e Co!erage"
Cnderstand the management of the Mar&eting Channels
@+plains the process of electing the Channel Mem$ers $y considering the nature
and importance of Mar&eting Channels' de!eloping channel o$9ecti!e and strategy
and determining the channel structure"
,escri$es the steps in!ol!ed in implementing channel strategy and e!aluating the
channel performances $y ta&ing into account financial e!aluation' or&ing
relationship' legal and ethical issues and le!el of mar&et e+posure"
@+plains the 6orard and 7e!erse channels of distri$ution"
Cnderstand the concept of Physical distri$ution and e+plains the components of
physical distri$ution management system"
#V (arehouse Management and Control #V (arehouse Management and Control #V (arehouse Management and Control #V (arehouse Management and Control
@+plains the common arehouse storage system' important elements of
arehousing and descri$es an effecti!e layout of the arehouse storage system"
,escri$es the or&ing of the (arehouse Management System 2(MS4 and its
@+plains $enefits of arehousing and descri$es the primary principles in!ol!ed in
operating a arehouse"
Cnderstand the arehousing strategies and e+plains the planning of the distri$ution
of arehouses"
@+plains the proper layout of a arehouse in terms of pilferage protection and
product deterioration"
,escri$es the different type of material handling system in arehousing"
,escri$es the different types of material handling e0uipments such as con!eyor'
crane' ele!ators and hoists' industrial truc&s' au+iliary e0uipments and other
miscellaneous handling e0uipments"
V *ransportation V *ransportation V *ransportation V *ransportation
@+plains procedure and importance of transportation"
,escri$es the different modes of transportation such as land transport' ater
transport and air transport"
Certified Logistics and Supply Chain Management Professional

,escri$es freight containers as defined $y #nternational ;rgani%ation for
Standardi%ation 2#S;4' ad!antages of a container' classification of containers and
the standard container dimensions and capacity"
V# Supply chain Management V# Supply chain Management V# Supply chain Management V# Supply chain Management
,escri$es the Porter Value Chain and the primary acti!ities in!ol!ed in competing in any
industry as defined $y Porter"
@+plains the or&ing of SCM and descri$es the integrated Supply Chain Management
System in terms of Customer relationship management' ,emand management' Customer
ser!ice Management and Customer order fulfillment"
Cnderstand Manufacturing flo management in terms of product procurement and
de!elopment and commerciali%ation"
@+plains the #nternational supply chain and logistics and descri$es the international
commercial terms"
,escri$es the criticalities pertaining to logistics in rural areas and the carious storage options
V## ,istri$ution and /etor&ing in SC V## ,istri$ution and /etor&ing in SC V## ,istri$ution and /etor&ing in SC V## ,istri$ution and /etor&ing in SCM MM M
@+plain the 6actors #nfluencing ,istri$ution /etor& ,esign such as the customer
needs and the cost of meeting customer needs"
@+plains the design for a distri$ution netor& $eing classified on the $asis of
Manufacturer storage ith direct shipping' Manufacturer storage ith direct
shipping and in-transit merge' ,istri$utor storage ith pac&age carrier deli!ery'
,istri$utor storage ith last mile deli!ery' Manufacturer 8 distri$utor storage ith
costumer pic&up and 7etail storage ith customer pic&up"
V## V## V## V### Cost <nalysis and Measurement in SCM # Cost <nalysis and Measurement in SCM # Cost <nalysis and Measurement in SCM # Cost <nalysis and Measurement in SCM
,escri$es the effect of distri$ution netor& on the cost in terms of #n!entories'
*ransportation' 6acilities and handling and #nformation"
Cnderstand the importance and need of cost analyses"
,escri$es the process of analy%ing supply chain cost ith the help of <cti!ity Based
Costing 2<BC4 method and e+plains the classification of these costs"
,escri$es the techni0ues for measurement of supply performance ith the help of
Benchmar&ing and Balance Score Card"
@+plains the SC;7-Model and the steps in!ol!ed in impro!ing the supply chain
,escri$es the techni0ues for e!aluating the performance in supply chain
management using #n!entory turno!er ratio and (ee&s-of-Supply"
,escri$es the design strategies in supply chain management using Bullhip effect"
@+plains the reasons and $enefits of ;utsourcing"
Cnderstand the design for logistics using Mass customi%ation and the principle
in!ol!ed in organi%ing an effecti!e mass customi%ation program"
@+plains the Price-Brea& Model and the procedure of calculating the Price-Brea&"
Certified Logistics and Supply Chain Management Professional

#A Mathematical Modeling in Logistics #A Mathematical Modeling in Logistics #A Mathematical Modeling in Logistics #A Mathematical Modeling in Logistics
Cnderstand the Mathematical modeling in logistics using *ransportation'
<ssignment and *ransshipment pro$lem"
@+plains the /etor& models using P@7* 2Pro9ect @!aluation 7e!ie
techni0ue48CPM 2Critical Path Method4' Shortest Path pro$lems' Ma+imum 6lo
Pro$lem and Minimum Spanning *ree Pro$lem"
A 7ole of #nformation *echnology in SCM A 7ole of #nformation *echnology in SCM A 7ole of #nformation *echnology in SCM A 7ole of #nformation *echnology in SCM
@+plains the role of #* in integrated SCM"
@+plains the #* applications in SCM"
@+plains the emergence of @lectronic Commerce 2e-commerce4 and the ma9or
challenges faced in is implementation
@+plains the process of @lectronic data interchange or @,# to facilitate computer to computer
interchange of $usiness documents and8or information $eteen trading partners"
@+plains the ad!antages of @,# in terms of cost reduction"
,escri$es the process of Coding and Scanning and the general $enefits of Bar Code technology
in the supply chain en!ironment"
@+plains the concept of ,ata (arehousing and its ad!antages"
@+plains the concept of #ntranet8@+tranet in an organi%ation"
@+plains the concept of ,ecision Support System to pro!ide computeri%ed support to
comple+ non-routine and partially structured decisions"
Cnderstand the concept of Manufacturing Process System 2MPS4 and its o$9ecti!es"
,escri$e the e!olution and de!elopment of @nterprise 7esource Planning 2@7P4
System and ,istri$ution 7e0uirement Planning 2,7P4"
@+plains the process of Supply Chain Planning 2SCP4"

Certified Logistics and Supply Chain Management Professional

Sample Duestions Sample Duestions Sample Duestions Sample Duestions

1" 1" 1" 1" /on /on /on /on- -- -destructi!e methods of inspecting and identifying goods in destructi!e methods of inspecting and identifying goods in destructi!e methods of inspecting and identifying goods in destructi!e methods of inspecting and identifying goods in transportation transportation transportation transportation
systems is called EEEEEEEEE systems is called EEEEEEEEE systems is called EEEEEEEEE systems is called EEEEEEEEE
<" 7adiography
B" Cargo Scanning
C" Produce #nspection
," Foods Verification
2" (hich of these is not a 2" (hich of these is not a 2" (hich of these is not a 2" (hich of these is not a criterion criterion criterion criterion for site selection for a areh for site selection for a areh for site selection for a areh for site selection for a arehouse ouse ouse ouse) )) )
<" Cost ;f Procurement Should Be Less
B" Should Be Located #n < Ma9or #ndustrial <rea"
C" Ser!ices Li&e La$or @tc Should Be @asily <!aila$le
," Must Be Sufficiently Gigh *o <fford Proper ,rainage
:" #t is common for international mar&eters to EE :" #t is common for international mar&eters to EE :" #t is common for international mar&eters to EE :" #t is common for international mar&eters to EEEEEEEE their channel strategies EEEEEE their channel strategies EEEEEE their channel strategies EEEEEE their channel strategies
for each country" for each country" for each country" for each country"
<" @+tend
B" <dapt
C" 7estrict
," @liminate
4" #n 4" #n 4" #n 4" #n an automo$ile manufacturing facility' the management has $rought don the an automo$ile manufacturing facility' the management has $rought don the an automo$ile manufacturing facility' the management has $rought don the an automo$ile manufacturing facility' the management has $rought don the
cost of ordering of automoti!e components from 7s 100 to 7s 10 through the cost of ordering of automoti!e components from 7s 100 to 7s 10 through the cost of ordering of automoti!e components from 7s 100 to 7s 10 through the cost of ordering of automoti!e components from 7s 100 to 7s 10 through the
int int int introduction of electronic ordering" *he annual demand of cars is 11'000 units" roduction of electronic ordering" *he annual demand of cars is 11'000 units" roduction of electronic ordering" *he annual demand of cars is 11'000 units" roduction of electronic ordering" *he annual demand of cars is 11'000 units"
#n!entory carrying cost of automoti!e components is 7s 20 per unit per year" *he #n!entory carrying cost of automoti!e components is 7s 20 per unit per year" *he #n!entory carrying cost of automoti!e components is 7s 20 per unit per year" *he #n!entory carrying cost of automoti!e components is 7s 20 per unit per year" *he
in!entory turno!er ratio in $oth the cases ould $e in!entory turno!er ratio in $oth the cases ould $e in!entory turno!er ratio in $oth the cases ould $e in!entory turno!er ratio in $oth the cases ould $e
<" ::".4 <nd 10="4>
B" :4".4 <nd 10?"4>
C" :2".4 <nd 112"4>
," :1".4 <nd 111"4>
1" *he typical aim of the push approach to supply chain management is 1" *he typical aim of the push approach to supply chain management is 1" *he typical aim of the push approach to supply chain management is 1" *he typical aim of the push approach to supply chain management is
<" *o 7educe Costs ;f ,istri$ution
B" *o @nhance Product <nd Ser!ice Duality
C" *o 7educe Costs ;f /e Product ,e!elopment
," Both 6irst <nd *hird <nser <$o!e

<nsers- 1 2B4' 2 2B4' : 2B4' 4 2B4' 1 2,4 <nsers- 1 2B4' 2 2B4' : 2B4' 4 2B4' 1 2,4 <nsers- 1 2B4' 2 2B4' : 2B4' 4 2B4' 1 2,4 <nsers- 1 2B4' 2 2B4' : 2B4' 4 2B4' 1 2,4

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