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Rear views of Tiger VIII (right) and Tiger IX (above) show the different arrangement of accessories and the separate induction pipes of the VIII as compared with the forked ones of the IX seatings, two 14 mm. sparking plugsone front and one reargas-starter valve and primer nozzle, and provision for a thermo-couple. The exhaust valves are sodium-cooled. An exterior comparison of Tiger VIII and I X engines shows the VTII to have a much cleaner frontal appearance, with four main units as opposed to six for the I X . No pipes are visible round the reduction gear and the timing gear and pump casing no longer exists as a separate unit. The oil pumps are driven at the rear of the engine and the rear cover and auxiliary drives are a single unit. Separate, large-bore induction pipes radiate from the volute casing. The I X , it will be remembered, has forked pipes feeding pairs of cylinders. A final difference which is at once visible on the Tiger VIII is the new downdraught carburettor carried high on the rear cover. (A description of the Tiger VIII appeared in Flight of August 19. 1937) (Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., Coventry.) vee-twin is produced in two works. Certain improvements have been made to the moving parts, and Luton Aircrafi report a much-improved engine, requiring much less running adjustment, giving slightly higher power and having a good tick-over a t 100 r.p.m. Dual ignition can now b( supplied with the engine. (British Anzani Engineering Co., Ltd., Kingston-on Thames, and Luton Aircraft, Ltd., Phoenix Works, Ger rard's Cross, Bucks.)

A L T H O U G H still in it " experimental stages, thi Aspin engine has already distinguished itself witl some astonishing performanc figures and engine speeds.

T ICENCE to build the Anzani en*-* gine has been obtained by Luton Aircraft, so that this small inverted

(Above) Several unique features are to be found in the design of the four-cylinder Aspin engine. (Flight copy-right drawing.) (Left) The parts for the whole cylinder and sleeve - valve assembly of the B r i s t o l Perseus.

The very unusual design has been in strumental in arousing the interes which has been shown. In general, the engine is a horizontally opposed foui cylinder unit of orthodox layout; the valve gear is, how ever, quite unique. Each cylinder has, in effect, a rotar combustion chamber operated by gearing from two shaft: one to each pair of cylinders. This rotary chamber 1 cone-shaped and has a single port in its side which, 1 turn, opens up to inlet and exhaust passages and to tn sparking plugs. Almost the entire power stroke is pure expansion, an combustion is very complete. Cylinders are cast in oai| from alloy and have cast-iron liners. The rotary cm are of nickel-chrome steel and are carried in roller bearing: Exceptional economy is being obtained, and witn 10.2: 1 compression ratio the fuel consumption is W region of 0.32 lb. / b . h . p . hr. The induction system s < the present time being modified. (A full description the engine appeared in Flight of July 29, I937-) (F. M. Aspin, Ltd., Egyptian Mills, Elton, Bury, Lan<

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