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123 Struts 2 in action_166 Explain everything in terms of objects, properties, functions, packages.

It is even better if you could use different views to explain different things. Guess how many lines of code are required to implement a particular functionality Explain the assumptions about non-facts, context, situations, and scope Explain the rationale behind a decision , also use your decision making skills and logical skills. What is the thought process behind doing an action? ************************************************************************************* What are struts actions? What does an action do? What does an action not do? What are the assumptions when using actions? What is the context when using an action? Can you describe elements of action? How do you package your actions? What is the criteria used when packaging actions? Explain in detail the components of the default package. Can an application be built without the use of the components in the struts framework? Can you custom packages and implication if there is any namespace collision? Can domain objects be used for data transfer? Can you explain how model driven objects work? Can you explain about Preparable and the ModelDriven interface? When is each used? Can you provide me an example from your previous projects? How do you implement actions? Do you extend any class aka ActionSupport? Do you implement an interface like Action interface? Can you write Action without extending ActionSupport? Do you have any internal knowledge of struts framework? 1. Functional Perspective 2. Object Perspective Explain the lifecycle of struts action? 1. Where are they created? 2. When are they destroyed? 3. All the actions it does during its lifecycle What exceptions does an action throw? 1. 2. 3. 4. Checked Exceptions Unchecked Exceptions Application Exceptions System Exceptions

What are interceptors? What are the benefits of interceptors? Before introduction of interceptors, how is the functionality implemented. Explain the functionality in detail. Explain the object view of the interceptors. Can you draw the analogy between interceptors and filters. If interceptors are like filters why should we use them instead of filters? What are the different interceptors provided by default in struts package? What is the need of interceptors? How is it related to the mvc pattern? How do you develop your own interceptor?

What is ActionInvocation and how is it related to interceptor? What is Action and how it is related to the ActionInvocation? Explain how interceptors fire? What are the different classes of interceptors? Explain about the following interceptors 1. Utility interceptors 2. Data transfer intercetors 3. Workflow interceptors 4. Miscellaneous interceptors 2. What are the built-in stack in struts framework? 3. How do you declare the interceptor stack and where do you declare the interceptors? 4. How do you map interceptors to actions? 5. How do you set and override the parameters? 6. Does interceptors have parameters? 7. Can you build a real-time example about the implementation of a interceptor preferably an authentication interceptor. Can we configure workflow with interceptors? Please explain how it could be done. Explain about the data transfer in the mvc framework? Explain how it works out in struts framework? Have you heard about OGNL ? What is it and why is it required? Where does it fit in the struts framework? Can we have the functionality of OGNL without using it? What is type conversion and why do you need it? Describe it with various examples? How do you implement type conversion with struts framework? Can you implement with example a custom converter in struts framework?How do you configure the framework to use our convertor? What are the common tasks of the web application domain? With what other objects/interfaces does struts interact with? Explain MVC pattern and how does struts action fit in there? In what layer is struts action placed? How does struts action support the HTTP objects? How does form handling happen with struts? How do you prevent duplicate submits in struts? How does struts interact with ajax especially? How does struts manage sessions? And how are the sessions managed in a cluster? How does struts handle cookies? If struts want to send a file how does it do? How does struts interact with View layer? How does struts action interact with the view layer? Is the view layer tightly coupled with action layer? Can a struts action class be constructed with a constructor? Can a struts action class support inner classes? What is the effect of static methods and property in a struts framework? Can struts methods be declared static? How do you perform logging in struts action classes? Are there any specific design patterns implemented in struts action classes? How do you manage authentication and authorization when interacting with struts? How do you use declarative security with the action classes? Can you explain in detail how struts interacts with the other objects in the other layers, like the business services, dto and the business object layer?

How does struts interact with the ejb components, how does it interact with the spring layer? Explain about reports, with what reports have you used struts? Explain how struts2 interacts with tiles framework? How does struts action handle validation and type conversion? Explain the mandatory and the non mandatory methods in struts actions? How is the data transferred from the browser to the action classes? Can you give me any example about how struts interacts with filters? Can you explain me the interaction of struts with interceptors? What are the various result types does struts 2 provide? How can you write a result type of your own? How does struts framework handle concurrency? Is an action class shared by many requests or is it action class per request? How do you configure struts action classes declaratively? Can you chain struts actions? How is action forward and action redirect implemented in struts framework? How do you upload files using the struts 2 framework? How do you limit the size of the file uploads in struts framework? What is the character encoding you used in the project? Can you have multiple constructors in struts action classes? Does struts action classes support inheritance? If so what are the advantages and what are the disadvantages? How do you make struts implement a particular interface? Can you describe an abstract struts action class as a base template and extend it? What are the enterprise business patterns used in your project when using struts framework? Do you know about open session in view filter? Can you explain how It is implemented in struts framework? How do you handle duplicate form submits in struts framework? What are the various tags , and can you explain about each of them? Can you explain a struts action class, in terms of data, operations, constructors, the access specifiers , access modifiers? How do you unit test struts action classes? How do you debug struts action classes? Do you have any idea about pre-conditions, post-conditions being implemented in struts action classes Do you use spring declarative validation for spring 303 jcp ? How does struts action class handle exceptions originating from other layers? Like a hibernate exception or a spring exception? How do you do audit of the various work being performed by the action class? Have you used mock object to unit test a struts action class? How do you prevent backward button in struts applications? Have you ever used MVPP pattern with struts layer? Have you used DTO and DAO in struts framework? Can a DAO object be shared between different action objects? Have you used generics instead of the struts configuration files? Have used multiple configuration files for different modules of the struts framework? Is there any naming pattern for defining the struts action classes? Is it true for each use case there is a struts action class? What are the difficulties you faced when implementing the struts action classes? What are the best practices while coding the struts action classes?

How do you peer review for the struts code? I have heard of ognl, have you ever used in your project? Explain the mechanism of the ognl with struts framework? Given a use case how do you implement it using the struts framework? What are the coding standards used in your project? Can you implement a workflow using struts framewok? How can a servlet and struts action class interact with each other? Can you provide me an example? Have you ever done a case where struts displays pre-populated forms? Do you have to use 2 actions, one for displaying a form and the other for processing the form? What are the steps in form processing with struts action classes? How do you do wizard style flows with struts action class? How do you extend struts framework? What are the different ways you use to extend the struts framework? Have you written any interceptor? Can you write a interceptor for me> Have you written a plugin? Can you demonstrate with an example? Do you know how to write custom tag? How do extend struts-tags. Is it possible to extend struts tags? Can you explain about generics in struts? How do we synchronize collections in struts? How do you perform internationalization in struts? Have you used jasper reports in struts? Have you used display tag library with struts tag library? Do you use any themes when using struts gui? Have you used reflection criteria to intelligently guess about the struts framework? How do you implement paging in struts application? Till now we have concentrated on the model part of the struts framework i.e the action classes, now let us concentrate on the view part of the struts framework. What is actioncontext? How is it related to ognl? Explain about valuestack? Why do you call it a virtual object? How do you access the value stack? Can you explain struts 2 tag api? How do you use ognl to set attributes on tags?How do you classify the struts tags? Can you explain more about data tags, control tags, miscellaneous tags. How does these tags compare with jstl? Are they complementary? Explain more about OGNL and its features. Also explain the advanced expression language features. What are the various UI component tags? Why do we need them? Can you explain more about tags,templates,themes in struts? Can you explain more about UI Component tag? Common attributes/Simple components/collectioncomponents/bonus components What is the most important struts component in the view layer? Explain more about Result component. How do you implement a json result type? How to build custom results for ajax applications with struts Explain about the commonly used result types in struts Dispatcher/redirect/redirectaction/velocityresult/freemarkerresult What are global results?

How do you integrate with spring and hibernate framework? How do you allow spring to manage creation of actions,interceptors and results. How do you use autowiring to inject dependencies into actions, results and interceptors. How do you setup jpa with hibernate? How do you code spring managed jpa? Explain the spring validation framework architecture, and how it affects spring workflow. How do you wire validations with actionclass-validation.xml, explain about the built in validators How do you write a custom validator? How do you validate at a domain object level? How do you use validation context to refine your validations? Explain validation inheritance What is meant by short circuiting validations How do you use annotations to declare validations? How to find plugins? What are the common plugins? Eg sitemesh,tiles,jfreechart Can you explain internal component system beans/constants/injection/struts internal extension points How to setup ide for struts? How do you reload resources? How do you test validation.xml files How do you achieve componentization with component tag> How do you leverage template tags? How to connect the ui to object dots How to override existing templates? How to write custom themes? Explain about alternative method invocation? Explain dynamic method invocation, wildcard method selection, dynamic workflows How do you use tokens to prevent duplicate form submits Token tag? What are the exceptions to the token interceptor rule? How do you display wait pages automatically? Explain how crud is implemented in struts? What role does interceptors and interfaces play? Can you explain how the various parts are connected? How do you configure interplay? How do you use declarative architecture How tiles controller is used for web page architecture

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