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Oksigen merupakan salah satu komponen gas dan unsure vital dalam proses metabolisme, untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan

hidup seluruh sel tubuh. Secara normal elemen ini diperoleh dengancara menghirup udara ruangan dalam setiap kali bernafas. Penyampaian oksigen kejaringan tubuh ditentukan oleh interaksi system respirasi, kardiovaskuler dan keadaan hematologis. Adanya kekurangan oksigen ditandai dengan keadaan hipoksia, yang dalam proses lanjut dapat menyebabkan kematian jaringan bahkan dapat mengancam kehidupan. Klien dalam situasi demikian mengharapkan kompetensi perawat dalaam mengenal keadaan hipoksemia dengan segera untuk mengatasi masalah. Pemberian terapi oksigen dalam asuhan keperawatan, memerlukan dasar pengetahuan tentang faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi masuknya oksigen dari atmosfir hingga sampai ke tingkat sel melalui alveoli paru dalam proses respirasi. !erdasarkan hal tersebut maka perawat harus memahami indikasi pemberian oksigen, metode pemberian oksigen dan bahaya bahaya pemberian oksigen O"ygenation O"ygen is one of the components of gas and vital element in the process of metabolism, to maintain the viability of cells throughout the body. #hese elements are normally obtained dengancara breathe room air in each breath. $elivery of o"ygen is determined by the interaction of the body kejaringan respiratory system, cardiovascular and haematological state. #he e"istence of o"ygen deficiency state characteri%ed by hypo"ia, which is in the process may further lead to tissue death can even be life threatening. &lient in such circumstances to e"pect competence in carrying nurses recogni%e the state of hypo"emia immediately to resolve the issue. O"ygen therapy in nursing care, re'uires a basic knowledge of the factors that affect the entry of o"ygen from the atmosphere until it gets to the cells through the pulmonary alveoli in the respiratory process. (nder these conditions, the nurse must understand the indications of o"ygen delivery, o"ygen delivery methods and the dangers of o"ygen administration

O"ygenation O"ygen is one of the components of gas and vital element in the process of metabolism, to maintain the viability of cells throughout the body. #hese elements are normally obtained dengancara breathe room air in each breath. $elivery of o"ygen is determined by the interaction of the body kejaringan respiratory system, cardiovascular and haematological state. #he e"istence of o"ygen deficiency state characteri%ed by hypo"ia, which is in the process may further lead to tissue death can even be life threatening. &lient in such circumstances to e"pect competence in carrying nurses recogni%e the state of hypo"emia immediately to resolve the issue. O"ygen therapy in nursing care, re'uires a basic knowledge of the factors that affect the entry of o"ygen from the atmosphere until it gets to the cells through the pulmonary alveoli in the respiratory process. (nder these conditions, the nurse must understand the indications of o"ygen delivery, o"ygen delivery methods and the dangers of o"ygen administration

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