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Metal Punch.

Pa'tentedvvlan. 1, 1867.

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Letters Patent No. 60,973, dated January 1, 1867.

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TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; Be it known thee I, HERVE? WATERS, of Northbridge, county of Worcester, and State of Massachusetts, have invented an improvement in Working Presses, etd; and I do hereby declare that the following,tcken in connection with the drawings which cccompcny and form part of this speci?cation, is adescription of my inven
tion, sui?cient to enable those skilled in the art to practise it. " I -

- The speci?c object of iny invention is to work with facility'and accuracy certain devices- used in hey im

proved method of manufacturing scythec, it being employed byeme, ?rst, 'as an adjunct toa cranh~press used
in stamping the heels of scythes when at a red heat, so as' to operate thestzunp with accuracy, vend Without injury tbereunto; second, as an adjunct to my ?nishing presses, so as to b'ecble to work them with facility and

accuracy. .Generally'the invention inay be employed for any and every purpose to which the contrivance is
adopted, the commoncrank-hammer being among the various others.. ' ' '

Previous to the date of my invention, the common eccentriclhemmer, among other ways, had been organized
, as follows, 'viz, the connecting-rod had been detached in so far as to allow it, to work forward without carrying

forwardthe die, butso' as always to bring bnch the die after the' die was thrown forward, (or the die being
brought back by a spring or weight,) the die or die-slide being provided with a; suitable shoulder to receive the end of the connecting-rod upon it, and the end of the connecting-rod being jointed to a lever, the connection could, by-the lever, be made orb'roken at pleasure so far as throwing forward the die was concerned, the die

olwcys drawing back with tho connecting-rod. This errangerneng'however, although very well for some pur poses, is not adcptedv'to others, particularly where it is desirable to give a single blow at pleasure upon hot
work, for, it the eccentric be run slowly, so as to enable the operator to'inake and hrcch'the connection for e tingle blow, the die holds on to the work too long, end, if the eccentric runs quickly, it will be found: di?icult for the operator-Ito make but a single blow at pleasure. My invention consists of a peculiar mechenism, having
the character ofcn adjunct, .or appurtenance to an eccentric hammer, or other machine or machines, so as to eniible an. attendant to worii said machine 'or machines according to a rule ?xed and determined by the appurtel

hence, said appurtenl'mce- being connected with the machine, one or more, hutnc-t entering into the active laboring

structure thereof, the peculiarity of operation being, that notwithstanding the actuating mechanism of- the
machine moves-with greet rapidity, the operating device is entirely at the control of the attendant, but accord ing to. the ?xed rule of the appurtenance. Whcii used as an adjunct to the eccentric hammer, conetructedand; arranged in themenner before described,, peculiarly adapted to obviate the dilhcu'lties there referred to, and is then organized as follows, viz: Upon the eccentric shaft is ?xed-a cam or wiper; this cam ectnates a lever,
_ which has a jointed attachment to the end of the pitrnan or connecting-rod, so that when 'the lever is permitted

to worlf'dbwn upon the cam,_by1neans of a spring onweight, it will, as it descends, bring'the end of the pitnien upon theshoiilder'of the'die, end carry it forward, (the com being in proper relation to the eccentric for that pu'rpoe'e,) and the die willthns be brought to its work, the can or wiper being duly iormed to act upon the lever, so that after the blow is struck, it will, by positivev action, take oil the pitman from the shoulder and

'return'itvto its normal position. New this lever, ct its extreme backward movement,is caught by a. spring-hook,
and held there no that it cannot go down the second time; but this spring-hook is furnished with a bolt or latch, and the comic furnished with another cam upon it, or moving in conjunction with it, to the action of which the latch or bolt inay be brought by the operator, to no tcvhave the secondary cam unhook the lever, and thus again get the blow when wanted. The bolt or bitch is brought into position by a catch, so arranged that it, the catch, '

shall be disengaged at substcnticllythcgsarno time the hook is, and this bolt or latch, being always emcee toward its normal position by a spring, will, when the catch/is disengaged, moye instantly out of the track of the secondary cam, and the hook, being pressed towards its normal position by a. spring, will be quite sure to
catch up the lever at its extreme backward movement, end thus hold -the connection broken between the connecting-rod and the die so far as any forward inovernent is concerned. It will be observed thatthis adjunct to

the eccentric hammer is somewhat complex, but itgwill also be observed that none of this complexity entersi-nto

the arrangement by which the lcbcnloi' the blowie performed. All that remains substantially eh before, the
attendant, by means of the new device, indicating when the work shall be done, but that limiting it'to _a single blow. > If, however, more than one, and less then cny givennumber of blows be .detailed, it-will be seen that, by

slight changes, any desired number may be determined, as willfully appear incertain applications for patents
which I intend to make, as soon as practicable, for my improvements in apparatus for the manufacture of scythes,
hercinbefore referred to. I v .

-For a; better understanding .of this appurtenances, refcrence'may be hadito Figures 1, 2, and 3, on sheet 1 of the drawings annexed to this speci?cation, which ?gures show respectively, a front view, a sideelovatio'n, and a vertical section of an eccentric hammer, having my invention embodied therewith; and to Figure 4, which is
a fragmentary view of part of the adjunct mechanism; I - _ .

a is the mails-frame of the machine; b the driving pulley, which serves as a ?y; c the eccentric shaft; (1 the oonnctiugsrod; o the slide for the die. .The lower dio should be attached to themain frame, and made adjush

able in all directions; and through the connccting-rodris'a' mortise, through which extends a book from the die
slide, so as always to bring back-the die at each backward movement of the connecting-rod. g is the main cam, and h an auxiliary cam ?xed upon it, and turning uniformly with it. i is an arm or lever, actuated by the main cam, and made fast upou'a shaft, j. Upon-the same shaft aremnde fast the arms it, having their outer
ends connected to the outer end of the connecting-rod d. On the shaft j may be seen an arm, furnished with a

stout spring, I. m is a strut, having a shoulder or catch near its upper end, upon which the arm a rests by the

force of the spring I; The lower end of the strut is jointed to the frame a of the machine, and furnished with
ntspri?g, B, which hears it upward to iti position under s'._ .Gonnectiu'giwith m, so as to swing with it, is an arm, extending upward so that a sliding bolt, 0, may pass through itesndthrough the strut, and have in each a bear

ing'in which it can slide freely.,- This bolt is furnished with .s-stopt-collar, made first upon it, and between the ship-collar and the strut is a spiral spring, bearing the collar. lipsgain'st the arm. =q is a bent lever, having its
fulcrum atp, a handle, t, forming one arm, and upon the. other arm, within a mortise, is jointed the latch r,

furnished with}: spring, u, (see ?g. 4,)_made fast upon 9, which beats it up against a stop 'on g. This lever is furnished with a spring and stopto maintain it in its normal position when not acted upon by'the hand of the operator, but to get a blow, the operator depresses the handleet, thus bringing the latch + against the bolt 0, and thrus'tingit 'i'orward so as to be impinged lipon'hy the auxiliarycam h, which will swing out the strutm, remov ing its shoulder, from un'dert', which, bythe power. of the spring I, will be made to follow down upon thecsm g_.
The arm k,'through its connections, will, bring the outer and of ' the connecting-rod upon the shoulder of the slide 0, when (by the revolution of the eccentric) the slide, with the die, will be carried down by the shoulder upon itswo'rk, giving the blow desired. In the continuation of the revolution, the connecting-rod draws back the slide by the hooked arm, while the cam g' raises up the lover a to its normal position, when the strut M will, by the power of the spring a, be returned to its normal position, because that notwithstanding-the operator shall still continue to keep the lever depressed, the bolt 0 will escape fromthe latch at the same time, or imme~ distely after the time, that the shoulder upon at is clear of the lever i, and the spiral springppon the. bolt 0 will return it to its. normal position; and the spring at will return the catch tovv its normal position, as'hefore

described, over-coining the power of the lighter spring, _u, by the pressure of the bolt upon the latchr. When

the operator'takes his hand from the handle t, the leverwill be returned to its normal position, clearing the
latch from the bolt, and the latch, will be returnedjo its normal position by the power of the spring n. In some
cases it may be best to modify the eccentric hammer by an arrangement as follows: The end of. the connecting rod is made to workbook and forth in a right .line,'directly over the shoulder of ' the die-slide, but shorter than ' will quite reach it when it is drawn back by the hooked arm, and the connectiod from the arm k, instead of

taking hold of the connecting-rod, taking hold of a-chock of suitable size and form, (and ?tted, to work upon the die-slide,) so as to get the blowv when desired by introducing it between the end of the co'nn'cctingrodnnd
the shoulder df'the die-slide. _ ' ' 4 ' _ Y ' ' ' t, : , -

What I claim is the combidation, with an eccentric hammer, orank1press, or other similarly operating machine on machines, of a means- orsystem of mechanism, by which the action of the machine ormachines may be controlled, substantially as set forth, when such system of mechanism is so connected with the machine, or
machines as not to enter into the active operatingstructure thereof. ' ' _ ' .

In witness whereof Ihave hereunto . se't mv-hand'this eleventhdey of October, A, D. one thousand eight.
hundred and sixty-four. . ,



_J. B. Onossr,
Fnmcrs- GOULD.

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