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P:Hoax N:Xelethotiras T:0 M:0:0:0 N:Wogarathoras the Gloomy V:5:1 T:1 M:0:1:1 N:Athradysas the Seeker V:5:0 T:1

M:0:2:1 N:Ledinemras the Monk V:4:1 T:1 M:0:3:0 N:Zedemikras the Brain V:4:0 T:1 M:0:4:0 N:Ciklarethas the Bitter V:3:3 T:1 F:RETRIEVE M:0:5:1 N:Nirwadas the Traveler V:3:2 T:1 M:0:6:0 N:Penemikanas the Paranoid V:2:3 T:1 M:0:7:0 N:Vetraskedas the Sceptic V:3:1 T:1 M:0:8:0 N:Helkomedes the Rhetorician V:1:3 T:1 M:0:9:0 N:Redamikanas the Cartographer V:2:2 T:1 S:If you retreat, I attract one additional dragon. E:2:1:0:YOU_RETREAT | ADDITIONAL:1 M:0:10:2 N:Bethenitana the Storyteller

V:2:2 T:1 S:If I retreat, you may not attract dragons. E:2:4:0:I_RETREAT | EXACTLY:0 M:0:11:2 N:Demegodas the Odd V:2:2 T:1 S:The values of my support cards double. E:1:6:0:INCREASE | ALL_SUPPORT | FIRE_VAL | EARTH_VAL | BY_FACTOR:2 M:0:12:1 N:Thirkomedas the Serene V:2:2 T:1 S:You may not play leadership/booster/support cards. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | SUPPORT | BOOSTER | LEADERSHIP:0 M:0:13:2 N:Genathones the Blind V:2:2 T:1 S:On my turn, I may play one additional support card. E:3:0:0:I_MAY_PLAY | ADDITIONAL | SUPPORT:1 M:0:14:1 N:Sarogakanas the Ancient V:1:1 T:1 S:Now I may draw two cards from your hand and discard them. E:4:0:1:OPTIONAL | DISCARD | YOUR_HAND:2 M:0:17:1 N:Inscrutable Armor V:0:0 T:2 F:SHIELD_FIRE M:0:18:1 N:Battling Boomerang V:2:2 T:2 F:RETRIEVE M:0:19:2 N:Tome of Wisdom V:3:3 T:4 M:0:20:3 N:Trebuchet of Fear V:2:1 T:4 M:0:21:1 N:Ballista of Confusion V:1:2 T:4 M:0:22:1

N:Homing Missiles V:1:2 T:4 F:RETRIEVE M:0:24:2 N:Duplicator of Strength T:4 S:The Earth value of one of my character cards doubles. E:1:6:0:INCREASE | ONE_CHAR | EARTH_VAL | BY_FACTOR:2 M:0:25:4 N:Brain Drain T:4 S:On your turn, you may not play more than one card. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | MORE_THAN:1 M:0:26:4 N:Muster Reinforcements T:8 S:Now I may draw five cards. E:4:0:1:OPTIONAL | DRAW:5 M:0:27:4 N:Enthrall Opposition T:8 S:On this turn, your special power texts are ignored. (This card has no effect if opposed by Tittertweet or Laughing Gas.) E:1:2:0:IGNORE | ALL_CARDS | SPECIAL:0 M:0:28:1 N:Trigger Brainstorm T:8 S:On this turn, I may play any number of support cards. E:3:0:0:I_MAY_PLAY | SUPPORT:99 M:0:29:1 N:Hank Highflyer Hawk V:0:0 T:1 S:Your character cards are ignored, except Flit character cards. E:1:3:0:IGNORE | ALL_CHAR | FIRE_VAL | EARTH_VAL | SPECIAL | ICONS_ALL | EXCEPT_ FLIT:0 M:3:12:3 N:Var-dis-Nar V:4:4 T:1 F:SHIELD_FIRE | SHIELD_EARTH | STOP S:I may only play this card if I am attacked by at least 7 total power. The con tested element of the fight changes between Fire and Earth. E:5:0:1:PLAY_ONLY_IF | EITHER_POWER | ELEMENT_SWAP:7 M:9:105:0 N:Potion of Prodigious Passion T:2 S:The values of one of my character cards increase to 5. E:1:5:0:INCREASE | ONE_CHAR | FIRE_VAL | EARTH_VAL | TO_VALUE:5 M:6:26:2

N:Catusan V:1:5 T:1 M:5:5:1 P:Vulca N:Inferno T:0 M:1:0:0 N:Flamebreath the Dazzling V:7:0 T:1 M:1:1:3 N:Scorch the Inflammable V:6:0 T:1 M:1:3:2 N:Lavar the Powerful V:5:4 T:1 M:1:4:2 N:Volca V:5:1 T:1 M:1:5:1 N:Blaze V:4:3 T:1 M:1:6:1 N:Furnace V:3:4 T:1 M:1:7:1 N:Spark V:4:2 T:1 M:1:8:0 N:Ignite V:2:4 T:1 M:1:9:0 N:Sear V:4:1 T:1 M:1:10:0 N:Torch V:1:4

T:1 M:1:11:0 N:Shimmer V:3:2 T:1 M:1:12:0 N:Glimmer V:2:3 T:1 M:1:13:0 N:Cinder V:2:2 T:1 S:Now I may discard one of your active booster/support cards. E:4:0:1:DISCARD | ACTIVE | YOUR_BOOSTER | YOUR_SUPPORT:1 M:1:14:1 N:Flare V:2:2 T:1 S:At the end of my turn, I may draw two additional cards. #E:4:0:2:OPTIONAL | DRAW:2 E:4:0:2:DRAW:2 M:1:15:1 N:Ember V:1:1 T:1 S:You may not play character cards that do not have special power text. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | CHARACTER | NO_SPECIAL:0 M:1:16:2 N:Fireblast V:3:2 T:2 M:1:18:1 N:Infernal Armor V:0:0 T:2 F:SHIELD_EARTH M:1:19:1 N:Elemental Enchantment T:2 S:My total power increases to 6. E:1:7:0:INCREASE | TOTAL_POWER | TO_VALUE:6 M:1:20:2 N:Volcanic Gauntlets T:2 S:The Fire value of one of my character cards doubles. E:1:6:0:INCREASE | ONE_CHAR | FIRE_VAL | BY_FACTOR:2 M:1:21:2 N:Lightning Bolts V:3:1

T:4 M:1:23:2 N:Flickering Fires V:1:1 T:4 S:You may not play leadership cards. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | LEADERSHIP:0 M:1:24:1 N:Wall of Fire T:4 S:You may not take cards from your draw deck. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | DRAW:0 M:1:26:3 N:Fearsome Spirits T:4 S:If you retreat, I attract one additional dragon. E:2:1:0:YOU_RETREAT | ADDITIONAL:1 M:1:27:3 N:Summon Sorcerer T:8 S:Now I may retrieve one of my active cards into my hand. E:4:0:1:RETRIEVE | MY_CHAR | MY_BOOSTER | MY_SUPPORT | ACTIVE:1 M:1:28:2 N:Charm Holy Dragon T:8 S:Now I may discard cards with at total printed value of at least 8 Fire from my hand to attract one dragon. E:6:0:1:DISCARD | FIRE_VALUE:8 M:1:29:4 N:Cast Cataclysm T:8 S:Now I may discard all of your active support cards. E:4:0:1:OPTIONAL | DISCARD | ALL | ACTIVE | YOUR_SUPPORT:99 M:1:30:2 N:Aaralia-Aqua Secunda V:4:4 T:1 M:7:4:1 N:Pandemonium T:4 S:You may not play support cards. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | SUPPORT:0 M:4:26:2 N:Heroine of the Great Plains V:3:5 T:1 F:PAIR M:2:6:2 N:Zig-nur-Don V:4:0

T:1 F:SHIELD_FIRE | SHIELD_EARTH | STOP S:I may only play this card if I am attacked by at least 5 Earth. The contested element of the fight changes to Fire. E:5:0:1:PLAY_ONLY_IF | EARTH_POWER | ELEMENT_SWAP:5 M:9:106:0 P:Mimix N:Blue Radiance T:0 M:2:0:0 N:Virgin of Pure Fire V:6:1 T:1 F:PAIR M:2:3:2 N:Virgin of Pure Earth V:1:6 T:1 F:PAIR M:2:4:2 N:Heroine of the High Flames V:5:3 T:1 F:PAIR M:2:5:2 N:Spirit of the Night V:5:2 T:1 F:PAIR M:2:7:1 N:Spirit of the Light V:2:5 T:1 F:PAIR M:2:8:1 N:Amazon Leaping High V:4:4 T:1 F:PAIR M:2:9:2 N:Amazon Leaping Far V:4:4 T:1 F:PAIR M:2:10:2 N:Dancer of Dawn V:4:2 T:1 F:PAIR

M:2:11:1 N:Dancer of Dusk V:2:4 T:1 F:PAIR M:2:12:1 N:Wild Gazelle V:3:3 T:1 F:PAIR M:2:13:0 N:Wild Antelope V:3:3 T:1 F:PAIR M:2:14:0 N:Young Bear V:3:2 T:1 F:PAIR M:2:16:0 N:Young Fox V:2:3 T:1 F:PAIR M:2:17:0 N:Shaman of the Holy Sacrifice V:2:2 T:1 S:At the end of my turn, I may reveal (up to) three cards from the top of my dra w deck, then discard one of them and take the others into my hand. #E:4:0:2:OPTIONAL | DRAW | REVEAL | DISCARD_ONE:3 E:4:0:2:DRAW | REVEAL | DISCARD_ONE:3 M:2:18:1 N:Shaman of the Deeds to Come V:2:2 T:1 S:At the end of my turn, I may draw (up to) three additional cards and then shuf fle any two cards from my hand into my draw deck. #E:4:0:2:OPTIONAL | DRAW | UNDRAW_2:3 E:4:0:2:DRAW | UNDRAW_2:3 M:2:19:1 N:Shaman of the Here and Now V:2:2 T:1 F:STOP S:Immediately after my Booster/Support phase, I search through my draw deck and may select one card, reveal it to you, and take it into my hand. Then I reshuffl e. E:4:0:3:SEARCH | REVEAL:1 M:2:20:2

N:Shaman of the Afterlife V:2:2 T:1 F:STOP S:Immediately after my Booster/Support phase, I shuffle my discard pile face dow n and may draw two cards from it into my hand. #E:4:0:3:OPTIONAL | DRAW | MY_DISCARD:2 E:4:0:3:DRAW | MY_DISCARD:2 M:2:21:3 N:Sun Setting V:2:1 T:1 F:FREE M:2:22:2 N:Moon Rising V:1:2 T:1 F:FREE M:2:23:2 N:Stars Shining V:1:1 T:1 F:FREE M:2:24:1 N:Hail of Arrows V:2:1 T:2 M:2:25:0 N:Whirling Hatchet V:1:2 T:2 M:2:26:0 N:Menacing Wardance V:2:2 T:4 M:2:27:2 N:Hypnotic Rattle T:4 S:You may not play booster cards. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | BOOSTER:0 M:2:28:2 N:Call Spirit of the Battlefield T:8 S:Now I may retrieve any one card from my combat area into my hand. E:4:0:1:RETRIEVE | MY_CHAR | MY_BOOSTER:1 M:2:30:2 N:Call Spirit of the Underworld T:8 S:Now I search through my discard pile and may select one card, reveal it to you , and take it into my hand. E:4:0:1:SEARCH | REVEAL | MY_DISCARD:1

M:2:31:4 N:Pulsating Shockwave V:2:1 T:4 F:RETRIEVE M:0:23:2 N:NoProblem V:2:2 T:1 F:GANG_NO M:4:19:1 N:Neth-sur-Pot V:5:5 T:1 F:SHIELD_FIRE | SHIELD_EARTH | STOP S:I may only play this card if you have at least three active character/booster/ support cards. The contested element of the fight changes between Fire and Eart h. E:5:0:1:PLAY_ONLY_IF | YOU_ACTIVE | ELEMENT_SWAP:3 M:9:104:0 N:Cardus Nikkus V:2:2 T:1 S:Now I may draw one card from your hand and discard it. E:4:0:1:OPTIONAL | DISCARD | YOUR_HAND:1 M:6:13:1 P:Flit N:Falc T:0 M:3:0:0 N:Wing Commander Razorfeather T:1 V:4:4 F:RETRIEVE M:3:1:2 N:Squadron Leader Squeak T:1 V:4:2 F:RETRIEVE M:3:2:1 N:Flight Leader Squawk T:1 V:2:4 F:RETRIEVE M:3:3:1 N:Peckswift T:1 V:3:2 F:RETRIEVE

M:3:4:1 N:Steepstoop T:1 V:2:3 F:RETRIEVE M:3:5:0 N:Highchirp T:1 V:2:2 F:RETRIEVE S:If you have more than one active character card, I may now discard one of them . E:4:0:1:DISCARD | YOUR_CHAR | ACTIVE | NOT_LAST_CHAR:1 M:3:6:1 N:Tittertweet T:1 V:2:2 F:RETRIEVE S:Your special power texts are ignored, except on Flit character cards. E:1:1:0:IGNORE | ALL_CARDS | SPECIAL | EXCEPT_FLIT:0 M:3:7:2 N:Flitterflutter T:1 V:2:2 F:RETRIEVE S:Your support cards are ignored. E:1:2:0:IGNORE | ALL_SUPPORT | FIRE_VAL | EARTH_VAL | ICONS_ALL | SPECIAL:0 M:3:8:1 N:Trillilling T:1 V:2:2 F:RETRIEVE S:Your booster cards are ignored. E:1:3:0:IGNORE | ALL_BOOSTER | FIRE_VAL | EARTH_VAL | ICONS_ALL | SPECIAL:0 M:3:9:1 N:Cheepchirrup T:1 V:2:2 F:RETRIEVE S:On your turn, you may not play more than one card into your combat area. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | MORE_THAN | COMBAT:1 M:3:10:1 N:Carl Kamikaze Crow T:1 V:0:0 S:The values of my booster cards double. E:1:6:0:INCREASE | ALL_BOOSTER | FIRE_VAL | EARTH_VAL | BY_FACTOR:2 M:3:11:1 N:Proud Phoenix Phil T:1 V:0:0 F:SHIELD_EARTH

M:3:14:1 N:Launch Burning Earth T:2 V:3:3 F:PAIR M:3:15:2 N:Launch Rain of Fire T:2 V:3:2 F:PAIR M:3:16:2 N:Launch Locust Paratroopers T:2 V:2:3 F:PAIR M:3:17:2 N:Launch Dazzling Flares T:2 V:3:1 F:PAIR M:3:18:2 N:Launch Boiling Oil T:2 V:1:3 F:PAIR M:3:19:2 N:Launch Fire Flash T:2 V:2:1 F:PAIR M:3:22:1 N:Launch Rockdrop T:2 V:1:2 F:PAIR M:3:23:1 N:Launch Flaming Dust T:2 V:2:0 F:PAIR M:3:24:1 N:Launch Slippery Slime T:2 V:0:2 F:PAIR M:3:25:1 N:Launch Itching Bugs T:2 V:1:1 F:PAIR | RETRIEVE

M:3:26:1 N:Launch Sloth Gas T:2 F:PAIR S:If I retreat, you attract one fewer dragon. E:2:2:0:I_RETREAT | FEWER:1 M:3:27:2 N:Distract Holy Dragon T:8 S:If I retreat now, you attract no more than one dragon. E:2:3:0:I_RETREAT | NO_MORE_THAN:1 M:3:29:1 N:Beguile Holy Dragon T:8 S:Now I may discard three character cards from my hand to attract one dragon. E:6:0:1:DISCARD | CHAR:3 M:3:30:4 N:Commence Mega Launch T:8 S:On this turn, I may play any number of booster cards. E:3:0:0:I_MAY_PLAY | BOOSTER:99 M:3:31:1 N:Earthwater T:2 S:My total power in Earth increases to 7. E:1:7:0:INCREASE | TOTAL_EARTH | TO_VALUE:7 M:7:20:2 N:Fel-nar-Gan T:1 V:0:0 F:SHIELD_FIRE | SHIELD_EARTH | STOP S:I may only play this card if I have no cards in my combat and support areas. The contested element of the fight changes between Fire and Earth. E:5:0:0:PLAY_ONLY_IF | MY_PLAYED | ELEMENT_SWAP:0 M:9:109:0 N:Bashdin T:1 V:1:2 S:Now I may force you to discard two cards from your hand. E:8:0:1:OPTIONAL | YOU_DISCARD:2 M:5:15:1 N:Titanic Gauntlets T:2 S:The Earth value of one of my character cards doubles. E:1:6:0:INCREASE | ONE_CHAR | EARTH_VAL | BY_FACTOR:2 M:1:22:2 P:Khind N:PitPan T:0

M:4:0:0 N:CoolCat T:1 V:2:2 F:GANG_COOL S:The odd printed values of your character cards reduce to 0. E:1:4:0:IGNORE | ALL_CHAR | ODD_VAL:0 M:4:1:2 N:CoolCop T:1 V:2:2 F:GANG_COOL S:The even printed values of your character cards reduce to 0. E:1:4:0:IGNORE | ALL_CHAR | EVEN_VAL:0 M:4:2:2 N:CoolKid T:1 V:2:2 F:GANG_COOL S:The odd printed values of your booster/support cards reduce to 0. E:1:4:0:IGNORE | ALL_SUPPORT | ALL_BOOSTER | ODD_VAL:0 M:4:3:2 N:CoolCub T:1 V:2:2 F:GANG_COOL S:The even printed values of your booster/support cards reduce to 0. E:1:4:0:IGNORE | ALL_SUPPORT | ALL_BOOSTER | EVEN_VAL:0 M:4:4:2 N:TopGun T:1 V:2:2 F:GANG_TOP S:At the end of my turn, I may draw one additional card. #E:4:0:2:OPTIONAL | DRAW:1 E:4:0:2:DRAW:1 M:4:5:1 N:TopDog T:1 V:2:2 F:GANG_TOP S:On my turn, I may discard one of your active cards that has an icon, except yo ur last remaining active character card and PROTECTED cards. E:4:0:4:DISCARD | ACTIVE | YOUR_CHAR | YOUR_BOOSTER | YOUR_SUPPORT | NOT_LAST_CH AR | WITH_ICON:1 M:4:6:1 N:TopNotch T:1 V:2:2 F:GANG_TOP S:On my turn, I may discard one of your active booster/support cards. E:4:0:4:DISCARD | ACTIVE | YOUR_BOOSTER | YOUR_SUPPORT:1 M:4:7:2

N:TopBanana T:1 V:2:2 F:GANG_TOP S:At the end of my turn, I may force you to discard one card from your hand. #E:8:0:2:OPTIONAL | YOU_DISCARD:1 E:8:0:2:YOU_DISCARD:1 M:4:8:1 N:TopShot T:1 V:2:2 F:GANG_TOP S:At the end of my turn, I may discard the top card from your draw deck. #E:4:0:2:OPTIONAL | DISCARD | YOUR_DECK:1 E:4:0:2:DISCARD | YOUR_DECK:1 M:4:9:2 N:FunFair T:1 V:3:2 F:GANG_FUN M:4:10:1 N:FunFlop T:1 V:2:3 F:GANG_FUN M:4:11:1 N:FunFlap T:1 V:3:1 F:GANG_FUN M:4:12:1 N:FunFlip T:1 V:1:3 F:GANG_FUN M:4:13:1 N:FunFun T:1 V:0:0 F:GANG_FUN S:The values of my character cards double. E:1:6:0:INCREASE | ALL_CHAR | FIRE_VAL | EARTH_VAL | BY_FACTOR:2 M:4:14:3 N:NoNo T:1 V:3:1 F:GANG_NO M:4:15:1 N:NoStopping T:1 V:1:3

F:GANG_NO M:4:16:1 N:NoStyle T:1 V:3:0 F:GANG_NO M:4:17:1 N:NoBrains T:1 V:0:3 F:GANG_NO M:4:18:1 N:NoClue T:1 V:2:1 F:GANG_NO M:4:20:0 N:NoClass T:1 V:1:2 F:GANG_NO M:4:21:0 N:NoRespect T:1 V:1:1 F:GANG_NO M:4:22:0 N:Gluing Dust T:4 S:On your turn, you may not take more than one card from your draw deck. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | DRAW:1 M:4:25:2 N:Laughing Gas T:4 S:Your special power texts are ignored, except on Flit character cards. (This ca rd has no effect if opposed by Laughing Gas.) E:1:2:0:IGNORE | ALL_CARDS | SPECIAL | EXCEPT_FLIT:0 M:4:27:3 N:Oath of Khindship T:4 S:At the end of my turn, I may draw one additional card. #E:4:0:2:OPTIONAL | DRAW:1 E:4:0:2:DRAW:1 M:4:28:1 N:Blow Whistle of Friendship T:8 S:Now I search through my draw deck and may select one card, reveal it to you, a nd take it into my hand. Then I reshuffle. E:4:0:1:SEARCH | REVEAL:1 M:4:29:4

N:Open Lucky Bag of Life T:8 S:Now I shuffle my discard pile face down and may draw three cards from it into my hand. E:4:0:1:OPTIONAL | DRAW | MY_DISCARD:3 M:4:30:3 N:Drown Resistance T:8 S:Now I may discard all active cards from your combat area, except one active ch aracter card and any PROTECTED cards. E:4:0:1:OPTIONAL | DISCARD | ALL | ACTIVE | YOUR_CHAR | YOUR_BOOSTER | NOT_LAST_ CHAR:99 M:7:30:2 N:Ketharkopas the Astronomer T:1 V:2:2 S:If my turn is about to end with me holding fewer than nine cards in my hand, I may draw to nine cards. #E:4:0:2:OPTIONAL | DRAW | TO:9 E:4:0:2:DRAW | TO:9 M:0:15:2 N:Fearsome Chant T:4 S:If I retreat, you attract one fewer dragon. E:2:2:0:I_RETREAT | FEWER:1 M:2:29:3 N:Den-bal-Ton T:1 V:8:8 F:SHIELD_FIRE | SHIELD_EARTH | STOP S:I may only play this card if you have at least one dragon on your side. The c ontested element of the fight changes between Fire and Earth. E:5:0:0:PLAY_ONLY_IF | YOU_DRAGONS | ELEMENT_SWAP:1 M:9:101:0 P:Terrah N:Tecton Earthquaker T:0 M:5:0:0 N:Megalit Mountainshaker T:1 V:0:7 M:5:1:3 N:Roomban Rockmaster T:1 V:3:6 M:5:2:2 N:Suranom Stormbringer T:1 V:0:6 M:5:3:2

N:Gravitos Greatpower T:1 V:4:5 M:5:4:2 N:Flamitos T:1 V:4:3 M:5:6:1 N:Terraton T:1 V:3:4 M:5:7:1 N:Helitos T:1 V:4:1 M:5:8:0 N:Sonatos T:1 V:4:0 M:5:9:0 N:Rocara T:1 V:0:4 M:5:10:0 N:Torana T:1 V:3:3 M:5:11:0 N:Ferro Fos T:1 V:2:2 S:You may not play cards that have special power text. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | CHARACTER | SUPPORT | BOOSTER | LEADERSHIP | HAVE_SPECIAL: 0 M:5:12:1 N:Kabu Kat T:1 V:2:1 S:On your turn, you must play a support card, or retreat. E:7:0:0:PLAY_SUPPORT | OR_RETREAT:1 M:5:13:3 N:Baku But T:1 V:1:2 S:On your turn, you must play a booster card, or retreat. E:7:0:0:PLAY_BOOSTER | OR_RETREAT:1 M:5:14:3 N:Corono Cos T:1

V:1:1 S:You may not play cards that do not have special power text. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | CHARACTER | SUPPORT | BOOSTER | LEADERSHIP | NO_SPECIAL:0 M:5:16:3 N:Silento Sol T:1 V:0:0 F:SHIELD_FIRE M:5:17:1 N:Earthblast T:2 V:2:3 M:5:18:1 N:Earthtremor T:2 S:Now I may discard one of your active booster/support cards. E:4:0:1:DISCARD | ACTIVE | YOUR_BOOSTER | YOUR_SUPPORT:1 M:5:19:1 N:Seismic Drill T:4 V:1:3 M:5:20:2 N:Crashing Thunder Storm T:4 V:1:1 S:If I have more than one active Storm support card at the beginning of my turn, I immediately attract one dragon (in total). E:6:0:0:STORM:1 M:5:21:2 N:Swirling Snow Storm T:4 V:1:1 S:If I have more than one active Storm support card at the beginning of my turn, I immediately attract one dragon (in total). E:6:0:0:STORM:1 M:5:22:2 N:Lashing Sand Storm T:4 V:1:1 S:If I have more than one active Storm support card at the beginning of my turn, I immediately attract one dragon (in total). E:6:0:0:STORM:1 M:5:23:2 N:Cloying Mud T:4 S:You may not play character cards that have a printed value higher than 4. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | CHARACTER | WITH_VALUE:4 M:5:25:1 N:Impenetrable Fog T:4 S:Your icons are ignored, except STOP and PROTECTED.

E:1:4:0:IGNORE | ALL_CARDS | ICONS_BUT_SP:0 M:5:26:2 N:Quivering Quicksand T:4 S:If you have four or more cards in your hand, you may not take further cards in to your hand. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | TAKE:4 M:5:27:2 N:Provoke Earthquake T:8 S:Now I may discard all cards from your combat area, except active PROTECTED car ds. E:4:0:1:OPTIONAL | DISCARD | ALL | YOUR_CHAR | YOUR_BOOSTER:99 M:5:29:4 N:Impress Holy Dragon T:8 S:Now I may discard cards with a total printed value of at least 8 Earth from my hand to attract one dragon. E:6:0:1:DISCARD | EARTH_VALUE:8 M:5:30:4 N:Mad Mike Magpie T:1 V:0:0 S:Your cards with icons are ignored, except Flit character cards and PROTECTED c ards. E:1:3:0:IGNORE | ALL_CARDS | WITH_ICONS | FIRE_VAL | EARTH_VAL | SPECIAL | ICONS _ALL | EXCEPT_FLIT:0 M:3:13:2 N:Ras-mus-Pan T:1 V:0:4 F:SHIELD_FIRE | SHIELD_EARTH | STOP S:I may only play this card if I am attacked by at least 5 Fire. The contested element of the fight changes to Earth. E:5:0:1:PLAY_ONLY_IF | FIRE_POWER | ELEMENT_SWAP:5 M:9:107:0 N:Caterpillar Eartheroder T:2 F:FREE S:By the end of your Booster/Support phase, you must discard cards with a total printed value of at least 3 Earth from your hand, or retreat. E:7:0:0:CATERPILLAR | DISCARD_EARTH | OR_RETREAT:3 M:6:17:2 N:Flash the Incendiary T:1 V:6:3 M:1:2:2 P:Pillar N:Fucius Con T:0

M:6:0:0 N:Primus Magicus T:1 V:6:2 M:6:1:2 N:Devius Maximus T:1 V:2:6 M:6:2:2 N:Colossus Gigantus T:1 V:1:5 M:6:3:1 N:Bigus Musselus T:1 V:0:5 M:6:4:1 N:Smartia Pantia T:1 V:4:3 M:6:5:1 N:Speedius Unnecessarius T:1 V:3:4 M:6:6:1 N:Lonus Mightius T:1 V:4:2 M:6:7:0 N:Halitosus Teriblus T:1 V:4:1 M:6:8:0 N:Bodius Maloderus T:1 V:1:4 M:6:9:0 N:Introvertus Completus T:1 V:4:0 M:6:10:0 N:Gulpus Permanentus T:1 V:2:2 S:On my turn, I may play one additional booster card. E:3:0:0:I_MAY_PLAY | ADDITIONAL | BOOSTER:1 M:6:11:1 N:Gloria Gracia

T:1 V:2:2 S:Now I may retrieve one card (not this card) from my combat area into my hand. E:4:0:1:RETRIEVE | MY_CHAR | MY_BOOSTER:1 M:6:12:1 N:Crysalus Frendus T:1 V:2:1 S:The effect of one of my Caterpillar booster cards doubles. E:1:6:0:INCREASE | ONE_BOOSTER | CATERPILLAR | SPECIAL:0 M:6:14:1 N:Bottelus Emptius T:1 V:1:2 S:You may not take further cards into your hand. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | TAKE:0 M:6:15:1 N:Caterpillar Fireeater T:2 F:FREE S:By the end of your Booster/Support phase, you must discard cards with a total printed value of at least 3 Fire from your hand, or retreat. E:7:0:0:CATERPILLAR | DISCARD_FIRE | OR_RETREAT:3 M:6:16:2 N:Caterpillar Watertamer T:2 F:FREE S:By the end of your Booster/Support phase, you must discard cards with a total printed value of at least 2 Fire and 2 Earth (on different cards) from your hand , or retreat. E:7:0:0:CATERPILLAR | DISCARD_BOTH | OR_RETREAT:2 M:6:18:2 N:Caterpillar Lightseeker T:2 F:FREE S:By the end of your Booster/Support phase, you must discard cards with a total printed value of at least 5 Fire or 5 Earth from your hand, or retreat. E:7:0:0:CATERPILLAR | DISCARD_EITHER | OR_RETREAT:5 M:6:19:2 N:Potion of Cosmic Power T:2 S:The values of one of my character cards double. E:1:6:0:INCREASE | ONE_CHAR | FIRE_VAL | EARTH_VAL | BY_FACTOR:2 M:6:21:3 N:Potion of Conjoining T:2 S:The values of one of my character cards increase to the sum of its printed Fir e value + its printed Earth value. E:1:5:0:INCREASE | ONE_CHAR | FIRE_VAL | EARTH_VAL | TO_SUM:0 M:6:22:2 N:Potion of Mutation T:2

S:The values of one of my character cards increase to the higher of its printed Fire value or its printed Earth value. E:1:5:0:INCREASE | ONE_CHAR | FIRE_VAL | EARTH_VAL | TO_HIGHER:0 M:6:23:1 N:Potion of Sparkling Fire T:2 S:The Fire value of one of my character cards increases to 6. E:1:5:0:INCREASE | ONE_CHAR | FIRE_VAL | TO_VALUE:6 M:6:24:2 N:Potion of Trembling Earth T:2 S:The Earth value of one of my character cards increases to 6. E:1:5:0:INCREASE | ONE_CHAR | EARTH_VAL | TO_VALUE:6 M:6:25:2 N:Butterfly Scout T:2 S:Now you disclose your hand. E:8:0:1:YOU_DISCLOSE:0 M:6:27:1 N:Giant Butterfly Eveningbreeze T:4 V:2:2 F:RETRIEVE M:6:28:3 N:Giant Butterfly Morningwind T:4 V:2:2 F:FREE M:6:29:3 N:Deploy Butterfly T:8 S:Now you disclose your hand. E:8:0:1:YOU_DISCLOSE:0 M:6:30:2 N:Bounce Back T:8 F:STOP S:My active cards attack again. E:4:0:1:ATTACK_AGAIN:0 M:4:31:3 N:Wild Unicorn T:1 V:3:3 F:SHIELD_FIRE | SHIELD_EARTH | PAIR M:2:15:2 N:Pen-dor-Nith T:1 V:6:6 F:SHIELD_FIRE | SHIELD_EARTH | STOP S:I may only play this card if you have a total of at least six cards in your co mbat and support areas. The contested element of the fight changes between Fire

and Earth. E:5:0:0:PLAY_ONLY_IF | YOU_PLAYED | ELEMENT_SWAP:6 M:9:103:0 N:Heat Haze T:4 S:You may not play character/booster cards that have special power text. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | CHARACTER | BOOSTER | HAVE_SPECIAL:0 M:1:25:2 P:Aqua N:Aqua-Alpha-Alpha T:0 M:7:0:0 N:Eelena-Aqua-Prima-Alpha T:1 V:5:5 M:7:1:2 N:Giant Octopus T:1 V:5:0 F:PROTECTED M:7:2:1 N:Terrible Kraken T:1 V:0:5 F:PROTECTED M:7:3:1 N:Electric Eel T:1 V:4:0 F:PROTECTED M:7:5:0 N:Briny Behemoth T:1 V:0:4 F:PROTECTED M:7:6:0 N:Uurunia-Aqua-Terz T:1 V:3:3 M:7:7:0 N:Iisilia-Aqua-Terz T:1 V:3:3 M:7:8:0 N:Kelp Leech T:1 V:3:0 F:PROTECTED

M:7:9:0 N:Colossal Crustacean T:1 V:0:3 F:PROTECTED M:7:10:0 N:Oomola-Aqua-Delta T:1 V:2:2 S:Now I may discard any number of cards from my hand. E:4:0:1:DISCARD | MY_HAND:99 M:7:11:1 N:Yang T:1 V:2:0 S:The next character/booster/support card I play on this turn is treated as if i t had the FREE icon. E:3:0:0:I_MAY_PLAY | AS_FREE:1 M:7:12:1 N:Yin T:1 V:0:2 S:The next character/booster/support card I play on this turn is treated as if i t had the FREE icon. E:3:0:0:I_MAY_PLAY | AS_FREE:1 M:7:13:1 N:Oosa-Aqua-Epsilon T:1 V:1:1 S:Now I may place any number of cards from my hand at the bottom of the draw dec k. E:4:0:1:SHUFFLE | MY_HAND | ON_BOTTOM:99 M:7:14:1 N:Sudden Waterspout T:2 V:2:0 F:FREE M:7:16:1 N:Instant Undertow T:2 V:0:2 F:FREE M:7:17:1 N:Aquatic Armor T:2 V:0:0 F:SHIELD_FIRE | SHIELD_EARTH M:7:18:2 N:Firewater T:2 S:My total power in Fire increases to 7.

E:1:7:0:INCREASE | TOTAL_FIRE | TO_VALUE:7 M:7:19:2 N:Fire Swamp T:4 V:2:0 F:FREE M:7:21:2 N:Perilous Marsh T:4 V:0:2 F:FREE M:7:22:2 N:Ravenous Razorjaw T:4 V:3:0 F:PROTECTED M:7:23:2 N:Swarming Sea Serpents T:4 V:0:3 F:PROTECTED M:7:24:2 N:Torrential Flood T:4 V:1:1 S:If I have more than one active Flood support card after the end of my turn, th en you must immediately retreat. E:7:0:2:FLOOD:1 M:7:25:3 N:Tidal Flood T:4 V:1:1 S:If I have more than one active Flood support card after the end of my turn, th en you must immediately retreat. E:7:0:2:FLOOD:1 M:7:26:3 N:Irresistible Sirens T:4 S:By the end of your Booster/Support phase, you must discard one character card from your hand, or I attract one (additional) dragon - even if you retreat. E:7:0:0:DISCARD_CHAR | OR_DRAGON:1 M:7:28:3 N:Sprinkle Water of Tranquility T:8 S:Now you may not have more than five cards in your hand and you must discard an y additional cards. E:8:0:1:YOU_DISCARD | TO:5 M:7:29:1 N:Administer Water of Immortality T:8 S:Now I may shuffle my discard pile into my draw deck.

E:4:0:1:OPTIONAL | SHUFFLE | MY_DISCARD:0 M:7:31:4 N:Launch Hail of Doom T:2 V:2:2 F:PAIR M:3:20:1 N:Mekarthas the Shrewd T:1 V:2:2 S:Your icons are ignored, except STOP. E:1:4:0:IGNORE | ALL_CARDS | ICONS_BUT_S:0 M:0:16:1 N:Sas-van-Son T:1 V:7:7 F:SHIELD_FIRE | SHIELD_EARTH | STOP S:I may only play this card if you have at least two more cards in your hand tha n I. The contested element of the fight changes between Fire and Earth. E:5:0:0:PLAY_ONLY_IF | YOU_HANDSIZE | ELEMENT_SWAP:2 M:9:102:0 N:Drowning Rain Storm T:4 V:1:1 S:If I have more than one active Storm support card at the beginning of my turn, I immediately attract one dragon (in total). E:6:0:0:STORM:1 M:5:24:2 P:Buka N:Council of Eight T:0 M:8:0:0 N:Commodore Lo Tan T:1 V:5:4 M:8:1:2 N:Commodore Tai Marn T:1 V:4:5 M:8:2:2 N:Captain Ariosa Paal T:1 V:4:4 F:RETRIEVE M:8:3:2 N:Captain Su Cha T:1 V:4:3 F:BLUFF_NONE M:8:4:1

N:Sailingmaster Yo Cha T:1 V:3:4 F:BLUFF_NONE M:8:5:1 N:Sailingmaster Boo Marn T:1 V:4:2 F:BLUFF_NONE M:8:6:1 N:Cannoneer Tara Ko T:1 V:2:4 F:BLUFF_FIRE M:8:7:1 N:Cannoneer Qu Cha T:1 V:2:4 F:BLUFF_EARTH M:8:8:1 N:Cannoneer Edilia Paal T:1 V:1:4 F:BLUFF_FIRE M:8:9:1 N:Cannoneer Rilana Paal T:1 V:1:4 F:BLUFF_EARTH M:8:10:1 N:Cannoneer Riba Ko T:1 V:0:4 F:BLUFF_FIRE M:8:11:1 N:Cannoneer Alo Cha T:1 V:0:4 F:BLUFF_EARTH M:8:12:1 N:B.P. Unity T:1 V:3:3 F:BLUFF_NONE S:If you have a total of at least six cards in your combat and support areas, I may play this card as if it had the FREE icon. E:5:0:1:PLAY_FREE_IF | YOU_PLAYED:6 M:8:13:1 N:B.P. Ferocity T:1

V:3:3 F:BLUFF_NONE S:If you have two or more active character cards, I may play this card as if it had the FREE icon. E:5:0:1:PLAY_FREE_IF | YOU_CHARACTER:2 M:8:14:1 N:B.P. Bravery T:1 V:3:3 F:BLUFF_NONE S:If you have two or more active booster cards, I may play this card as if it ha d the FREE icon. E:5:0:1:PLAY_FREE_IF | YOU_BOOSTER:2 M:8:15:1 N:B.P. Mystery T:1 V:3:3 F:BLUFF_NONE S:If you have two or more active support cards, I may play this card as if it ha d the FREE icon. E:5:0:1:PLAY_FREE_IF | YOU_SUPPORT:2 M:8:16:1 N:B.P. Loyalty T:1 V:3:3 F:BLUFF_NONE S:If you have two or more active cards with icons, I may play this card as if it had the FREE icon. E:5:0:1:PLAY_FREE_IF | YOU_ICONS:2 M:8:17:1 N:Boatswain Mena Marn T:1 V:2:2 F:BLUFF_NONE S:You may not have more than one active character card at the end of your Charac ter phase. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | MORE_THAN | CHARACTER:1 M:8:18:1 N:Coxswain Mora Marn T:1 V:2:2 F:BLUFF_NONE S:If this card is played from a landed ship, now I may discard all cards from yo ur combat area, except active PROTECTED cards. E:4:0:1:OPTIONAL | DISCARD | ALL | YOUR_CHAR | YOUR_BOOSTER | IF_FROM_SHIP:99 M:8:19:1 N:Quartermaster Kura Ko T:1 V:2:2 F:BLUFF_NONE S:On my turn, I may play any number of support cards. E:3:0:0:I_MAY_PLAY | SUPPORT:99 M:8:20:2

N:Powdermaster Yina Ko T:1 V:2:1 F:BLUFF_NONE S:The values of my active bluff cards increase to 4. E:1:5:0:INCREASE | BLUFF | FIRE_VAL | EARTH_VAL | TO_VALUE:4 M:8:21:1 N:Lookout Dolora Paal T:1 V:1:1 F:PROTECTED S:Now I may discard all of your active booster cards or all of your active suppo rt cards. E:4:0:1:DISCARD | ACTIVE | YOUR_BOOSTER | YOUR_SUPPORT | EITHER | ALL:99 M:8:22:2 N:Old Goo Laa's Ghost T:1 V:2:2 F:SHIELD_FIRE | SHIELD_EARTH | STOP S:I may only play this card if I have no cards in my influence area. The contes ted element of the fight changes between Fire and Earth. E:5:0:1:PLAY_ONLY_IF | MY_INFLUENCE | ELEMENT_SWAP:0 M:8:23:3 N:Letter of Marque T:2 V:2:2 F:FREE S:You may not call my bluff. E:3:0:0:YOU_MAY_NOT | CALL_BLUFF:0 M:8:24:2 N:Armory T:4 V:1:1 S:On my turn, I may play one additional support card. E:3:0:0:I_MAY_PLAY | ADDITIONAL | SUPPORT:1 M:8:25:2 N:Duplicator of Fire T:4 S:The Fire value of one of my character cards doubles. E:1:6:0:INCREASE | ONE_CHAR | FIRE_VAL | BY_FACTOR:2 M:8:26:4 N:Entreat Favor T:8 S:Now I search through my draw deck and may select either one influence card and play it, or one character/booster/support card and load it onto one of my ships . Then I reshuffle. E:4:0:1:SEARCH | LOAD:1 M:8:27:2 N:Sea Falcon T:16 S:On the turn in which I land this ship, I may also play cards from my hand. E:3:0:0:I_MAY_PLAY | SHIP_HAND:0 M:8:28:4

C:2 N:Sea Devil T:16 S:Now I may load up to three cards from my hand onto this ship. E:4:0:1:LOAD:3 M:8:29:3 C:3 N:Rising Sun T:16 M:8:30:3 C:4

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