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Year 4 Assessment (Set A)


Tulis dalam perkataan. 40 765 = _____________________________________________ (1 markah)


Cari jumlah 32 464, 60 410 dan 1 720


36 744 24 137 2 346 =

(2 markah)

(2 markah) 4. Cari hasil 427 dan 24

(2 marks) 5. Bahagikan 42 578 dengan 23 =

Year 4 Assessment (Set A)

(1 markah) 6.

Tuliskan pecahan bahagian yang berlorek ke dalam kotak disediakan. 8. Tuliskan pecahan setara untuk
1 . 3

(1 markah) 9.
3 1 10 2

(2 marks)


3 1 4 8

(2 marks)


Encik Tan membeli 793 durian pada hari Jumaat. Pada hari Sabtu dia membeli lagi 102 biji durian .Kemudian dia menjual semula durian itu pada hari Ahad. Berapa biji duriankah yang tinggal?

(3 marks)


Pn Saloma bought is left?

1 1 kg to bake a cake. How much flour kg of flour. She used 10 2

Year 4 Assessment (Set A)

(3 marks) 12. Write in numeral form: a) b) Zero point three = _______________ One point four five = ______________ (1 mark) 13. Convert the fraction into decimal. a)
3 10


15 = 100

(2 marks) 14. Solve a) b) 0.2 + 0.3 = ___________ 0.4 + 0.65 = ___________ (2 marks) 15. Solve a) 0.7 - 0.2 = ___________ b) 1 - 0.8 = ___________


(2 marks) Find the difference between the digits value of 3 and 8 in the given numbers.

Year 4 Assessment (Set A)


(3 marks)


Write RM23.05 in words

________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 18. The price of two oranges is RM2.40. Find the price of four oranges.

(2 marks)


Find the total: a) RM22.50 + RM2.00 = ________________ RM16.70 RM10.50 + RM25.90 = _____________ (2 marks)



What is the total amount of money for 5 pieces of RM5, 6 pieces of RM10 and 3 pieces of 50 sen?

(2 marks) 21. Encik Abidin shares RM5 496 equally with his 5 children. How much money does each of them get?

Year 4 Assessment (Set A)

(3 marks)


Write the time shown below.

__________________________ (1 mark) 23. The table below shows Lilys activities on Tuesday. Time Activities Study in school. Back from school. Lunch. Doing homework. Watching television Playing badminton. Dinner. Revision. Sleep.

7.30 am 1.05 pm 1.40 pm 2.20 pm 4.20 pm 6.00 pm 6.30 pm 7.00 pm 9.00 pm i)

1.05 pm 1.40 pm 2.20 pm 4.20 pm 6.00 pm 6.30 pm 7.00 pm 9.00 pm

When does Lily take her lunch? ________________________________________

ii) When does she finish watching television? ________________________________________ (2 marks) 24. Convert the time given.
1 year = 2

___________________ months

Year 4 Assessment (Set A)

(2 marks) 25. Calculate. Give the answer in hours and minutes. 180 minutes 75 minutes = ____________ hour __________ minutes.

(2 marks)


Liza takes 4 hours 15 minutes to travel from Kuantan to Kuala Lumpur. She leaves Kuantan at 2.00 p.m. What time will she reach Kuala Lumpur?

(3 marks)


The length of the pencil is _______________ cm. (1 marks)


Convert the units of length to mm. 6 cm 7 mm = _________________ mm (1 mark)


Calculate. Write the answer in cm. 8.5 m x 2 = _______________ cm

Year 4 Assessment (Set A)

(2 marks)


Calculate. Write the answer in cm. 95 mm + 126 mm = _________________ cm. (2 marks)


The length of a rope is 4 m 24 cm. Lily cuts the rope into 4 pieces What is the length of each piece of the rope in centimetre?

(3 marks) The mass of the bananas in the nearest kg is


0 kg 4 3 2 1

(1 mark) 33. 15.2 kg x 2 = _________________ g

(2 marks)

Year 4 Assessment (Set A)


400 g + 3 600 g

_________________ kg.

(2 marks)


A packet of rice weighs 750 gram. What is the total mass of 8 packets of the rice in kg?

(3 marks)


Suhairi weighs 36 kg. Sarah is 5 kg lighter than Suhairi. Mawie is 4 kg heavier than Suhairi. What is the total mass of them?

(3 marks) 37. Write the volume in milliliters.

2.4 l (1 marks)


4.5 l 9 =


(2 marks)


Aswad poured 6 bottles of water into a container. Each bottle contains 0.65 l of water. How much water was poured into the container?

Year 4 Assessment (Set A)

(2 marks) 40. Find the difference between 2.04 l and 0.75 l. Give your answer in ml .

(3 marks) 41. Find the perimeter.

5 cm (1 mark) 42. Find the area of rectangle ABCD. A B 3 cm

D 6 cm

(2 marks) 43. Find the area of a rectangle with 4 cm length and 2 cm width.

Year 4 Assessment (Set A)

(2 marks)


10 cm 8 cm

R Diagram 1

Diagram 1 shows a square PQRS and a triangle QRT. The length of ST is 14 cm. Calculate the perimeter of the triangle QRT.

(2 marks)



Year 4 Assessment (Set A)

6 cm

2 cm 4 cm Diagram 2 Calculate the volume of the cuboid.

( 3 marks)


represents 15 lemons,

represents ________ lemons.

(1 mark)


The diagram 3 below shows the muffins sold in a bakery shop.


Year 4 Assessment (Set A)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

represents 4 muffins Diagram 3 Calculate the total of muffins sold in 5 days.

(2 marks) 48. The graph below shows the mass of 3 pupils.

Mass (kg) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Chin Faiz Ranu pupil

Find the total mass of the pupils. 49. ( 2 marks ) Diagram 4 shows an incomplete pictograph of books read by Aisyah in 4 months. March


Year 4 Assessment (Set A)

April May June

Represents 4 books Diagram 4

The total of books read in 4 months is 44 books. Calculate the number of books read in May.

(3 marks) 50. The incomplete graph below shows the number of burgers sold in 4 months by Marsini.

No. of burgers sold 50 7.27 40 5 l 7.27 30 5l 7.27 2.4 5l

10 0 Aug Sept Oct Nov month

There are 145 burgers sold in 4 months. Calculate the number of burgers sold in November.

(3 marks)


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