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Semes e! /II Code CS!" '!# CS!" '!% CS!" '!& CS!" '!( CS!" '!* CS!" '!+ C&09 '0'(P) C&09 '0((P) C&09 '09(P)

Hours / Week


Internal &! &! &! &! &! &! *! *!

Wireless et3orks and Mobile Communication S)stems Desi$n and 7nal)sis o7l$orithms Internet Technolo$) Cr)2to$ra2h) and et3ork Securit) Electi.e II Electi.e III Compiler Lab Net,or" Programming Lab Pro.ect To $% To $% M$!-s

% ( % & & &

# # # # # # & & # 0

S emes terend '! '! '! '! '! '! *! *!

Semesterend durationhours & & & & & & & &


& * & ( ( ( % % # 2,


CS!" '!#= Wireless et3orks and Mobile Communication S)stems

Te$&'in8 s&'eme % hours lecture and # hour tutorial 2er 3eek C!edi s5 &

Objectives This introductory course is intended to introduce the basics of wireless and mobile networks in the context of the recent trends in this area and their proliferation in day to day life. #ocal Area >etwork %#A>) Cide area >etwork %CA>) and "nter networking are dealt with.

P e' e(uisites: Knowledge of Data communication, Computer networks, and Operating systems Mod4%e I ")2 'o4!s( Introduction= PCS 7rchitecture/ Cellular Tele2hon) - 2o2ular cellular tele2hon) net3orks/ Cordless tele2hon)/ Third $eneration Wireless s)stems Mobilit) Mana$ement= Hando--/ :oamin$ Mana$ement/ Hando-- Mana$ement - Detection and 7ssi$nment/ :adio Link Trans-er/ T)2es o- Hando-Mod4%e II ")2 'o4!s( et3ork si$nalin$= Si$nal s)stem '/ Interconnection and messa$e routin$/ Mobilit) Mana$ement usin$ TC7P/ PC /PST call control usin$ IS;P/ Inters)stem Hando-- and authentication in IS-(#/ P7CS et3ork si$nalin$/ Cellular Di$ital Packet Data 7rchitecture/ CDPD 7ir inter-ace/ :adio :esource 7llocation Mod4%e III ", 'o4!s( 1SM 1SM et3ork si$nalin$/ 1SM Mobilit) Mana$ement/ 1SM Short Messa$e Mobile umber 2ortabilit) Mod4%e I/ "0 'o4!s( 1eneral Packet :adio 9unctional 1rou2s/ 7rchitecture/ 1P:S Introductor) ideas about W7P et3ork nodes and Inter-aces/

Text Books

#E Pi-,an$ Lin and Imrich Chlamtac/ Cireless and Mobile Architectures/ Wile) Student Edition/
%!!0E Re#e!en&e Boo-s

#E William Stallin$s/ Cireless $ommunications and >etworks/ Prentice Hall/ %!!( %E Schiller HE/ Mobile $ommunications/ 7ddison Wesle) &E Stojmeno.ic>Ed?/ <andbook of Cireless >etworks and Mobile $omputing/ Hohn Wile) and
sons/ Inc/ %nd Edn/ %!!'E (E 4ija) GE1ar$/ Cireless $ommunications and >etworking/ Mor$an Gau-mann Publishers / Else.ier/ %!!"E

In e!n$% Con in4o4s Assessmen %Maximum Marks&'() +!I - Tests >minimum %? &!I - 7ssi$nments >minimum %? such as home 3ork/ 2roblem$/ $rou2 discussions/ Bui6/ literature sur.e)/ seminar/ term-2roject/ so-t3are e@ercises/ etcE #!I - :e$ularit) in the class

Uni2e!si : E6$min$ ion ;$ e!n *A+T A, -hort answer questions %one.two sentences) 7ll Buestions are com2ulsor)E There should be at least one Buestion -rom each module and not more than t3o Buestions -rom an) moduleE / x 0 marks12( marks

*A+T 3,

Analytical.*roblem solving questions 4 x / marks10( marks Candidates ha.e to ans3er -our Buestions out o- si@E There should be at least one Buestion -rom each module and not more than t3o Buestions -rom an) moduleE

*A+T $, 5escriptive.Analytical.*roblem solving questions 4 x 2( marks14( marks T3o Buestions -rom each module 3ith choice to ans3er one BuestionE Maximum Total Marks, 6(

CS!" '!%= Desi$n and 7nal)sis o- 7l$orithms

Te$&'in8 s&'eme ( hours lecture and # hour tutorial 2er 3eek C!edi s5 *


To provide a sound basis of algorithm design and analysis techniques. To introduce the various computing models and their capabilities with respect to computing.

Mod4%e I "). 'o4!s( 7nal)sis= :7M Model - Cost estimation based on ke) o2erations - bi$ 5h - bi$ ome$a - little 5h - ome$a and theta notations - recurrence anal)sis - MasterFs Theorem - Solution to recurrence relations 3ith -ull histor) 2robabilistic anal)sis - linearit) o- e@2ectations - Worst and 7.era$e case anal)sis o- 8uick Sort -Mer$e Sort - Hea2 Sort - ,inar) Search - Hashin$ 7l$orithms - lo3er bound 2roo-s -or the abo.e 2roblems -amorti6ed anal)sis - a$$re$ate - accountin$ and 2otential methods - 7nal)sis o- Gnuth - Morris-Pratt al$orithm - 7mortised 3ei$ht balanced trees - :ed-,lack TreesE Mod4%e II "). 'o4!s( Desi$n= Di.ide and ConBuer - StrassenFs al$orithm/ o>n? median -indin$ al$orithm - D)namic 2ro$rammin$ - Matri@ Chain Multi2lication - 52timal 2ol)$on trian$ulation - 52timal ,inar) Search trees - 9lo)dWarshall al$orithm - CPG al$orithm - 1reed)-Hu--man codin$ - Gna2sack/ GruskalFs and PrimFs al$orithms -or MST A backtrackin$ - branch and bound - tra.elin$ Salesman Problem - Matroids and theoretical -oundations o- 1reed) al$orithmsE Mod4%e III ")* 'o4!s( Com2le@it)= Com2le@it) classes - P/ P/ Co- P/ P Hard and P Com2lete 2roblems - CookFs theorem>Proo- not e@2ected? - P- Com2leteness reductions -or cliBue - 4erte@ - Subset Sum -Hamiltonian C)cle - TSP - inte$er 2ro$rammin$ - a22ro@imation al$orithms - 4erte@ - TSP-Set co.erin$ and subset sum - ,in 2ackin$ - 1ra2h colorin$E Mod4%e I/ "), 'o4!s( Probabilistic al$orithms= Pseudo random number $eneration methods - Monte Carlo al$orithms Probablistic countin$ - 4eri-)in$ matri@ multi2lication - Primalit) testin$ - Miller :abin Test - inte$er 9acorisation - PollardFs rho heuristic - am2li-ication o- stochastic ad.anta$e - a22lication to cr)2to$ra2h) interacti.e 2roo- s)stems - les .e$as al$orithms - :andomi6ed selection and sortin$ - :andomi6ed solution -or ei$ht Bueen 2roblem -;ni.ersal Hashin$ - Di@onFs inte$er -actori6ation al$orithmE

Text Books
#E Corman TEH/ Lieserson CEE < :i.est :EL/ "ntroduction to Algorithms/ Prentice Hall India/

Modules I/ II and IIIE %E Mot3ani :E < :a$ P/ +andomiBed Algorithms/ Cambrid$e ;ni.ersit) Press/ Module I4 Re#e!en&e Boo-s #E ,asse SE/ $omputer Algorithms, "ntroduction to 5esign And Analysis/ 7ddison Wesle) %E Manber ;E/ "ntroduction to Algorithms, A $reative Approach/ 7ddison Wesle) &E 7ho 4E/ Ho2cro-t HEEE < ;llman HEDE/ The 5esign And Analysis of $omputer Algorithms/ 7ddison Wesle) (E Genneth 7 ,erman/ Herome LE Paul/ Fundamentals of sequential and parallel algorithms/ 4id)a 4ikas Publications

In e!n$% Con in4o4s Assessmen %Maximum Marks&'() +!I - Tests >minimum %? &!I - 7ssi$nments >minimum %? such as home 3ork/ 2roblem$/ $rou2 discussions/ Bui6/ literature sur.e)/ seminar/ term-2roject/ so-t3are e@ercises/ etcE #!I - :e$ularit) in the class

Uni2e!si : E6$min$ ion ;$ e!n *A+T A, -hort answer questions %one.two sentences) 7ll Buestions are com2ulsor)E There should be at least one Buestion -rom each module and not more than t3o Buestions -rom an) moduleE / x 0 marks12( marks

*A+T 3,

Analytical.*roblem solving questions 4 x / marks10( marks Candidates ha.e to ans3er -our Buestions out o- si@E There should be at least one Buestion -rom each module and not more than t3o Buestions -rom an) moduleE

*A+T $, 5escriptive.Analytical.*roblem solving questions 4 x 2( marks14( marks T3o Buestions -rom each module 3ith choice to ans3er one BuestionE Maximum Total Marks, 6(

CS!" '!& = Internet Technolo$)

Te$&'in8 s&'eme % hours lecture and # hour tutorial 2er 3eek C!edi s5 &

Objectives To introduce the algorithms and protocols implemented to have human interaction with internet with an emphasis on application layer and multimedia networking. To introduces the techniques and methods of E&$ommerce. .

Mod4%e I ")0 'o4!s( Princi2les o- 722lication La)er Protocols - The Web and HTTP/ 9ile Trans-er= 9TP/ Electronic Mail in the Internet/ D S-The InternetKs Director) - Socket Pro$rammin$ 3ith TCP/ Socket Pro$rammin$ 3ith ;DP/ ,uildin$ a Sim2le Web Content DistributionE Mod4%e II ")0 'o4!s( Multimedia net3orkin$- Multimedia et3orkin$ 722lications/ Streamin$ Stored 7udio and 4ideo - Makin$ the ,est o- the ,est-E--ort 7n Internet Phone E@am2le - Protocols -or :eal-Time Interacti.e 722lications - ,e)ond ,est-E--ort - Schedulin$ and Policin$ Mechanisms - Inte$rated Ser.ices - :S4P Di--erentiated Ser.icesE Mod4%e III "9 'o4!s( et3ork Securit) - Princi2les o- Cr)2to$ra2h)/ 7uthentication/ Inte$rit)/ Ge) Distribution and Certi-ication - 7ccess Control= 9ire3alls/ 7ttacks and Countermeasures - Securit) in Man) La)ers= Case StudiesE Mod4%e I/ ")0 'o4!s( E-commerce- Modes o- E-commerce/ Securit) needs in E-commerce en.ironment - E-commerce 2a)ment s)stems/ credit cards/ E-commerce transactions/ di$ital 2a)ments in ,%C arena/ ,%, 2a)ment s)stems/ ,%, - E-commerce and Su22l) Chain Mana$ement/ E.olution/ Procurement 2rocess < Su22l) Chain Mana$ement/ Trends in Su22l) Chain Mana$ement and collaborati.e commerce/ et Marketers characteristics/ t)2es/ e-distributors/ e-2rocurementE

Text Books
#E Gurose HE9E < :oss GEW/ $omputer >etworking, A Top &5own Approach Featuring the

"nternet/ Pearson Education

%E Genneth CE Laudon/ Carol 1uercio E&$ommerce&3usiness Technology -ociety/

Pearson EducationE Re#e!en&e Boo-s #E alin GE Sharda/ Multimedia "nformation >etworking/ Prentice Hall o- IndiaE %E Dou$las EE Comer/ $omputer >etworks and "nternets with "nternet Applications/ Pearson Education &E Stallin$s/ $omputer >etworking with "nternet *rotocols/ Pearson Education 7siaE (E ME/ Firewalls, A $omplete 8uide/ Tata Mc1ra3 HillE *E Galakota :E < Whinston 7E,E/ Frontiers of Electronic $ommerce/ 7ddison Wesle)E +E Schneider 1EPE < Perr) HETE/ Electronic $ommerce $ourse Technology/ Mc1ra3 Hill/ e3 Delhi/ %!!&E

In e!n$% Con in4o4s Assessmen %Maximum Marks&'() +!I - Tests >minimum %? &!I - 7ssi$nments >minimum %? such as home 3ork/ 2roblem$/ $rou2 discussions/ Bui6/ literature sur.e)/ seminar/ term-2roject/ so-t3are e@ercises/ etcE #!I - :e$ularit) in the class

Uni2e!si : E6$min$ ion ;$ e!n *A+T A, -hort answer questions %one.two sentences) 7ll Buestions are com2ulsor)E There should be at least one Buestion -rom each module and not more than t3o Buestions -rom an) moduleE / x 0 marks12( marks

*A+T 3,

Analytical.*roblem solving questions 4 x / marks10( marks Candidates ha.e to ans3er -our Buestions out o- si@E There should be at least one Buestion -rom each module and not more than t3o Buestions -rom an) moduleE

*A+T $, 5escriptive.Analytical.*roblem solving questions 4 x 2( marks14( marks T3o Buestions -rom each module 3ith choice to ans3er one BuestionE Maximum Total Marks, 6(

CS!" '!( = Cr)2to$ra2h) and et3ork Securit)

Te$&'in8 s&'eme & hours lecture and # hour tutorial 2er 3eek C!edi s5 (

Objectives To introduce the principles and practices of cryptography and network security To discuss algorithms and schemes to handle the security issues To introduce web security

Mod4%e I ")1 'o4!s( Introduction: Security basics Aspects of network security Attacks Different types Security attacks -Securit) ser.ices and mechanismsE Cr)2to$ra2h)= ,asic Encr)2tion < Decr)2tion A Classical techniBues - Trans2osition < substitution ci2hers ACaesar substitution A Pol)al2habetic substitutions A S)mmetric ke) al$orithms A 9iestel et3orks A Con-usion - Di--usion - DES Algorithm Strength of DES Comparison algorithms Mod4%e II ")+ 'o4!s( !ublic key cryptosystems "he #SA Algorithm Diffice $ellman key e%change comparison of #SA DES Elli2tic Cur.e Cr)2to$ra2h) A umber Theor) Conce2ts important features of modern symmetric key

Mod4%e III ")+ 'o4!s( Hash 9unctions A Di$est 9unctions A Di$ital Si$natures A 7uthentication 2rotocolsE A &etwork Application Security: 'erberos ()*+ Authentication ser,ice Electronic mail security !retty -ood pri,acy S./I/E secure Electronic "ransactions0 Mod4%e I/ ")2 'o4!s( IP securit) A architecture A -eatures A Web securit) A Socket la)er and trans2ort la)er securit) A Secure electronic transactions A 1irewalls

Text Books
#E William Stallin$s/ >etwork -ecurity Essentials Applications ; -tandards/ Pearson Education

7siaE Re#e!en&e Boo-s #E Schneier ,E/ Applied $ryptography, *rotocols Algorithms and -ource $ode in $/ Hohn Wile) %E Wenbo Mao / Modern cryptography & Theory and *ractice/ Pearson Education 7sia &E i.en < Cuckerman HESE/ An "ntroduction to The Theory of >umbers/ Hohn Wile) (E P-lee$er CEPE/ P-lee$er SELE/ -ecurity in $omputing/ Pearson Education >Sin$a2ore? P.tE LtdE *E Michel EE Whiteman/ Herbert HEMattord/ *rinciples of "nformation -ecurity/ Thomson/ 4ikas Publishin$ HouseE

In e!n$% Con in4o4s Assessmen %Maximum Marks&'() +!I - Tests >minimum %? &!I - 7ssi$nments >minimum %? such as home 3ork/ 2roblem$/ $rou2 discussions/ Bui6/ literature sur.e)/ seminar/ term-2roject/ so-t3are e@ercises/ etcE #!I - :e$ularit) in the class

Uni2e!si : E6$min$ ion ;$ e!n *A+T A, -hort answer questions %one.two sentences) 7ll Buestions are com2ulsor)E There should be at least one Buestion -rom each module and not more than t3o Buestions -rom an) moduleE / x 0 marks12( marks

*A+T 3,

Analytical.*roblem solving questions 4 x / marks10( marks Candidates ha.e to ans3er -our Buestions out o- si@E There should be at least one Buestion -rom each module and not more than t3o Buestions -rom an) moduleE

*A+T $, 5escriptive.Analytical.*roblem solving questions 4 x 2( marks14( marks T3o Buestions -rom each module 3ith choice to ans3er one BuestionE Maximum Total Marks, 6(

CS!" '!'>P? = Com2iler Lab

Te$&'in8 s&'eme & hours 2ractical 2er 3eek C!edi s5 %


To familiariBe the design of all phases of compilers up to a stage of intermediate code generation. To enable the students to design and implement modern compilers for any environment.

Lab #/% = 1eneration o- le@ical anal)6er usin$ tools such as LENE Lab &/( = 1eneration o- 2arser usin$ tools such as P7CCE Lab */+ = Creation o- S)mbol tablesE Lab '/0 = Creation o- t)2e checkerE Lab "/#! = 1eneration o- intermediate codeE

Re#e!en&e Boo-s #E Sethi :E/ *rogramming #anguages, $oncepts and $onstructs/ 7ddison Wesle) %E 722leb) DE < 4andeko22le HEHE/ *rogramming #anguages, *aradigm and *ractice/ Tata Mc1ra3 Hill &E Lu$er < Stubble-ield/ Artificial "ntelligence/ 7ddison Wesle) (E Samuel 7E :ebelsk)/ Experiments in Hava/ Pearson EducationE

In e!n$% Con in4o4s Assessmen %Maximum Marks&/() +!I-Laborator) 2ractical and record &!I- Test/s #!I- :e$ularit) in the class

Semes e! End E6$min$ ion %Maximum Marks&/() '!I - Procedure/ conductin$ e@2eriment/ results/ tabulation/ and in-erence %!I - 4i.a .oce #!I - 9air record

CS!" '!0 >P? = et3ork Pro$rammin$ Lab

Te$&'in8 s&'eme & hours 2ractical 2er 3eek C!edi s5 %


To teach the working of various networking protocols Im2lementation o- PC to PC -ile trans-er usin$ serial 2ort and M5DEME

Lab # =

Lab %/& = So-t3are Simulation o- IEEE 0!%E&/ 0!%E( and 0!%E* 2rotocolsE LabE(/* = So-t3are Simulation o- Medium 7ccess Control 2rotocols A #? 1o,ack / %? Selecti.e :e2eat and &? Slidin$ Windo3E Lab + = Im2lementation o- a subset o- Sim2le Mail Trans-er Protocol usin$ ;DPE

Lab '/0 = Im2lementation o- a subset o- 9ile Trans-er Protocol usin$ TCP/IP Lab " = Im2lementation o- Q-in$erQ utilit) usin$ :emote Procedure Call >:PC?

LabE#! = 1eneration and 2rocessin$ o- HTML -orms usin$ C1IE

Re#e!en&e Boo-s #E S :ichard SEWE/ @nix >etwork *rogramming/ Prentice Hall India %E Comer DEEE/ "nternetworking with T$*."*/ 4olE #/% < &/ Prentice Hall India &E Cam2ione etE al ME/ The Hava Tutorial $ontinued/ 7ddison Wesle)

In e!n$% Con in4o4s Assessmen %Maximum Marks&/() +!I-Laborator) 2ractical and record &!I- Test/s #!I- :e$ularit) in the class

CS!" '!" >P? = Project

Te$&'in8 s&'eme & hours 2ractical 2er 3eek C!edi s5 %


To :udge the capacity of the students in converting the theoretical knowledge into practical systems.investigative analysis.

Project 3ork is -or duration o- t3o semesters and is e@2ected to be com2leted in the ei$hth semesterE Each student $rou2 consistin$ o- not more than -i.e members is e@2ected to desi$n and de.elo2 a com2lete s)stem or make an in.esti$ati.e anal)sis o- a technical 2roblem in the rele.ant areaE The 2roject ma) be im2lemented usin$ so-t3are/ hard3are/ or a combination o- bothE The 2roject 3ork ma) be undertaken in com2uter science en$ineerin$ or allied areas like 5S 2lat-orms= :ele.ant to the current state o- the art 3ith su22ort -or net3orked en.ironment/ distributed com2utin$ and de.elo2ment o- multi-2lat-orm a22lications/ Internet technolo$ies= 7rchitectural conce2ts/ NML/ Scri2tin$ lan$ua$es/ Middle3are >Com2onent? technolo$ies/ 9ront end / 1;I= Code de.elo2ment or de.elo2ment based on tools/ :D,MS/,ack End= :ele.ant to current state 3ith database to di--erent 2lat-orms/ Lan$ua$es= 8t/ 1lade or an) similar (1Ls/ Scri2tin$ lan$ua$es and C < C-Linu@ >under 1 ; $cc? etc/ ;ni.ersal net3ork a22lications de.elo2ment 2lat-orms such as H747/ 5S internals= dri.ers/ :PC/ Threads/ Socket 2ro$rammin$ etcE/ et3orkin$= Mechanisms/ 2rotocols/ securit) etcE/ Embedded s)stems= :T5S/ Embedded hard3are 3ith so-t3are -or an a22lication/Code o2timi6ation/ securit) etcE Project e.aluation committee consistin$ o- the $uide and three/-our -acult) members s2ecialised in biomedical/electronics/ com2uter science/instrumentation en$$E >Please 3rite areas o- s2ecialisations rele.ant to the concerned branch concerned? 3ill 2er-orm the screenin$ and e.aluation o- the 2rojectsE Each 2roject $rou2 should submit 2roject s)no2sis 3ithin three 3eeks -rom start o- se.enth semesterE Project e.aluation committee shall stud) the -easibilit) o- each 2roject 3ork be-ore $$ consentE Literature sur.e) is to be com2leted in the se.enth semesterE Students should e@ecute the 2roject 3ork usin$ the -acilities o- the instituteE e@ternal 2rojects can be taken u2 in re2uted industries/ i- that 3ork a technical 2roblem o- the e@ternal -irmE Prior sanction should be obtained -rom the head o- de2artment be-ore takin$ u2 e@ternal 2roject 3ork and there must be an internal $uide -or such 2rojectsE Each student has to submit an interim re2ort o- the 2roject at the end o- the 'th semesterE Members othe $rou2 3ill 2resent the 2roject details and 2ro$ress o- the 2roject be-ore the committee at the end o- the 'th semesterE *!I o- the marks is to be a3arded b) the $uide and *!I b) the e.aluation committeeE

In e!n$% Con in4o4s Assessmen

%!I - Technical rele.ance o- the 2roject (!I - Literature sur.e) and data collection %!I - Pro$ress o- the 2roject and 2resentation #!I - :e2ort #!I - :e$ularit) in the class = =

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