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For use by Stonewall Democrats of Dallas 2014 Judicial Candidate Questionnaire: (Note: Judicial candidates are as ed to !

N"# answer t$e Judicial Candidate %uestionnaire& and N!' t$e County or State "e(el %uestionnaire)* 1+ ,$y are you see in- t$e endorsement from Stonewall Democrats of Dallas. /t is im0ortant as Family Court Jud-e to re0resent all 0ortions of t$e community+ #our -rou0 re0resents an im0ortant 0art of t$e Dallas community+ 2+ ,$at are your 0lans to 0artici0ate in a coordinated cam0ai-n in t$e -eneral election. 'o wor wit$ all ot$er candidates and t$e 0arty to be successful in t$e -eneral election+ 1+ ,ill you use t$e Stonewall Democrats of Dallas endorsement in or on: 1+ your website 2 yes 2+ your cam0ai-n literature and mailers 2 yes 1+ your social media assets ('witter& Faceboo & etc+* 3 yes 4+ your cam0ai-n ad(ertisements 4+ ,$en elected& $ow will you recruit& retain& and create a friendly en(ironment for "45' and "45'3friendly staff. coordinate wit$ t$is club and re0resentati(es of all "45' or-ani6ations to ma e sure t$ey $a(e access to t$e Court$ouse and my Court+ 7t t$e moment t$ere are staff t$at are members of t$e "45' community and / will see out t$eir in0ut+ 8+ ,ould you be willin- to a00oint a liaison to meet wit$ t$e "45' community on a on-oin- basis. /f not& w$y. yes 9+ :nderstandin- t$at administrati(e matters can ta e u0 a si-nificant 0ercenta-e of your wor day& w$at are some ideas for 0olicies or 0rocedures t$at you t$in you can im0ro(e court o0erations for t$e court w$ic$ you are see in- office. ,$at are t$e most im0ortant 0olicies or 0rocedures you;(e identified as needin- im0ro(ement. First& by bein- t$ere early& $a(in- an o0en door 0olicy& startin- 0ro(e3u0s at <:10 as in t$e 289t$ consistently& fi(e days a wee + Second& $a(in- 0retrials t$at are in fact 0retrials not mini $earin-s+ '$ird& by ma in- sure t$at a00eals from t$e 7J are 0rom0tly $eard Fourt$& ma in- sure t$at all 0arties $a(e enou-$ time to de(elo0 t$eir case in front of t$e Court& and not cut t$em off+ =ro0erly $andlin- time mana-ement fairly so t$at all t$e facts are 0resented is (ery im0ortant+ '$ere are more& but& $a(in- 1> years of e?0erience in many efficient Courts of t$is State $a(e s$own me w$at wor s and w$at doesn;t+ 7ll 0olicies t$at do will initiated wit$ t$e -oal of fairness to all residents of Dallas County+ /& 4eor-e ,$ite& am see in- an endorsement from t$e Stonewall Democrats of Dallas+ Si-ned@@@@@@@@@@@@4eor-e ,$ite@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Date 1A1A2014

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