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(Faculty of Management)
Course Title: Course Code: Program: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Resource Person: Contact number: Leadership Skills MT-201 BS(SE) 03 None Mr. Uzair usman 0321-40 0 0! e-mail Semester: Duration: 2013 30 Sessions Section W

"nline Stud# $rou%

UMT- Leadership s ills group 2013 semester

Welcome and thanks or !ecomin" a #art o the leadership Skills class$ M% name is &'air &sman and ( )ill !e )alkin" %o* thro*"h the co*rse in this !rie doc*ment$ Bein" a Leader is not eas%$ Man% o *s don+t think o o*rsel,es as nat*ral !orn leaders !*t all o *s do "et to leadership positions *rther on in o*r li,es- !e it a .ather- Mana"er- /E0 or e,en a #ro essor at a *ni,ersit%$ 1o* are constantl% responsi!le or people )orkin" *nder %o* and leadin" them to)ards a common "oal$ This co*rse )o*ld concentrate on the ke% skills re2*ired to !e an e ecti,e leader$ (t is speci icall% desi"ned or SST department st*dents )ho ha,e minim*m e3pos*re to !*siness st*dies$

We ha,e 14 )eeks o )orkin" to"ether in this Semester$ ( cannot #romise to make %o* a Leader in 14 )eeks- 5o)e,er !% implementin" the co*rse in real li e and practisin" the skills ta*"ht- %o* can e,ent*all% !ecome an e ecti,e leader in !oth %o*r personal and #ro essional Li e$ M% aim is to )alk %o* to the )ell- drinkin" rom it is %o*r o)n choice- ( cannot orce %o*$ 6t the end o the co*rse- %o* sho*ld ha,e impro,ed %o*r con idence- d*e to the man% class acti,ities )e ha,e$ 1o* )o*ld !e a!le to identi % the chan"es %o* need to !rin" in %o*r personalit% to !ecome a !etter Leader$ 0n top o that %o* )o*ld *nderstand ho) to !etter comm*nicate- "et %o*r ,oice across and in l*ence people thro*"h %o*r actions- )ords and personalit%$ 7eal Li e e3amples- !oth classical and latest research )o*ld !e ta*"ht in the class to help %o* *nderstand the role o a !*siness leader$ Note that B*siness leadership is di erent rom #olitical Leadership$ The responsi!ilities o !*siness leaders are some)hat di erent- and so are their "oals and o!8ecti,es$ 7ead on or more in ormation re"ardin" the topics %o* )o*ld !e ta*"ht$ ( hope to ha,e a antastic Semester )ith all o %o*9

C&a%ter 1: '&at is a leader( !e"inition o" a Leader The role o" a Leader The roles and responsi#ilities o" a $usiness leader !i""erent #et%een old management st&le and the ne% management st&le

C&a%ter 2: )eaders&i% t&eories* traits and +t&ics 'ntroduction to the ( theories o" leadership What are trait theories) Traits o" success"ul and unsuccess"ul leaders !e"inition o" *thics Wh& are ethics important in #usiness) What ind o" situations leads to unethical #eha+iour) *thical decision ma ing

C&a%ter 3: Team ,uilding -or business )eaders 'ntroduction to Team $uilding Three st&les o" leadership. !emocratic autocratic laissez "aire $ene"its o" team $uilding ,raphical e-amples o" team structure and communication "lo%s Selecting and .e/ecting team mem#ers 01ro#ation period2 3o# description 4e& elements o" team #uilding

C&a%ter 4: .oti/ating #our 0ollo1ers !e"inition o" moti+ation Wh& is it 'mportant Simple Stic and carrot approach 5lassical moti+ation Theories Leadership and moti+ational lessons "rom the White house "ello%s

Moti+ating %ithout increasing salar& 01lus moti+ating through personalit&2

C&a%ter 2: Con-lict .anagement What is con"lict) Wh& is con"lict Management important "or Leaders) .easons o" 5on"licts among teams 5on"lict Model 'nstrument Mental sta#ilit& o" Leader 6egotiations 7olton Model "or 5on"lict management

C&a%ter !: Deming3s met&od o- .anagement: .anaging )i4e a leader 8 7istor& o" !r *d%ards !eming and his 'mpact on 3apanese 'ndustr& 1( 1oints to #etter management 9 !eadl& diseases that might e""ect #usinesses :#stacles to creating change in a compan&

C&a%ter : Ho1 to ma4e -riends and in-luence %eo%le-Dale Carnegie a%%roac& 7istor& and 'mpact o" dale 5arnegie ;undamental Techni<ues in 7andling 1eople = %a&s to ma e people li e &ou 12 %a&s to %in people to &our %a& o" thin ing > %a&s to change people %ithout gi+ing o""ence or arousing resentment Lillian ,lass criti<ue

C&a%ter 5: )eaders in Histor#: Case Studies ?uotes "rom ;amous Leaders 8 $rie" 7istor& o" $ill ,ates@ .ichard $ranson@ 5arlos Slim and Mian Mansha

Mid-Term ;inal e-am ?uizzes 1resentation 8ssignments 5lass 1articipation 8ttendance Total 2AB 3AB 10B 10B 10B AB AB 1006

(Note: Changes in the course content and grading scales can be done but after prior intimation and consensus of the class) STRUCTURE: With the co*rse o!8ecti,es and aims in mind- the Leadership co*rse is str*ct*red so as to emphasi'e contin*o*s assessment- hi"h interaction and participation$ The sessions incl*de lect*re component- s*pported )ith a case anal%sis- sit*ational anal%sis and articles$ To enco*ra"e de!ate- across-team disc*ssions and sharin" concl*sions )ith the entire class )ill !e a ke% oc*s o this co*rse$ (t is there ore important or %o* to prepare or classes !% readin" the chaptershando*ts- 6rticles : cases pro,ided in the co*rse pack !efore class- and participates )ithin the classroom- not onl% in order to score )ell- !*t also to take a)a% *se *l kno)led"e or skills rom this co*rse$ CLASS PARTICIPATION #ositi,e- health% and constr*cti,e class participation )ill !e monitored or eac" class$ #roacti,el% and ,ocall% participatin" in the disc*ssions and the )a% in )hich concepts are carried or)ard )ill constit*te to "ood class participation$ ;*alit% rather than 2*antit% )ill !e "raded$ SUBMISSIONS: 6ll s*!missions are d*e at t"e start of eac" class$ Late s*!missions )ill res*lt in e3cessi,e penali'ations$ All submissions have to be turned in physically and not via emails.

PERSONAL ETHICS (t is e3pected that !oth the stakeholders (teacher and st*dents) )ill adhere to decor*m o pro essional and ethical cond*ct$ /heatin"- pla"iarism (s*!mittin" the lan"*a"e- ideas- tho*"ht or )ork o another as one+s o)n) or other)ise ind*l"in" in *n- air means to o!tain a "rade *nder alse pretences )ill res*lt in se,ere disciplinar% action )hich ma% e,en lead to remo,al rom the co*rse$ 6n% deli,era!les o*nd allin" in the a!o,e cate"or% )ill res*lt in a strai"ht 'ero mark )itho*t an% *rther re-s*!mission$ A##ro#riate referencing is mandatory for all secondary data and $e!site information% gi&ing !ot" footnotes and endnotes for all deli&era!les. GROUP/TEAMS: (Tentative: Subject to class strength) <ro*p o Fi&e(') mem!ers(grou# )ill !e orm*lated !% amon"st the participants$ 6ll participants )ill )ork in their respecti,e "ro*ps thro*"ho*t the semester$ 6ll "ro*p mem!ers are e3pected to p*t in e2*al e orts$ ( a "ro*p eels that a partic*lar mem!er o the "ro*p is not participatin" e2*all%- the remainin" mem!ers sho*ld !rin" this to the kno)led"e o the reso*rce person immediately$ .ail*re to identi % = ree riders> in a "ro*p )ill a ect o,erall "ro*p per ormance$ 6ll "ro*ps )ill maintain a <ro*p 6cti,it% report$ This )ill !e anne3ed in each deli,era!le$ IM)OR*A+* (n case o an% con *sion- am!i"*it%- con lict- or clari ication- either meet me in person or immediatel% email me on uzairteac"er, COUNSELING HOURS:-* (?isitin" .ac*lt% 7oom SBE @epartment) .onda# Tuesda# 'ednesda# T&ursda# 0rida#
6one CD00 8M T: >D20 8M 6one CD00 8M T: >D20 8M 6one


Counselling hours are subject to change. Any change incorporated will be communicated to all participants.

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