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UNIT TITLE ASSIGNMENT TITLE ASSIGNMENT NO NAME OF ASSESSOR SUBMISSION DEADLINE Unit 16 Managing Communication Knowledge & Information Information and Knowledge Management at CB Bank Ltd 1 of 2

MCKI A1 QCF an 2!1" C#C

Unit Outcomes
Outcome Evidence for the criteri Feed! c" Assessor#s decision
First ttem&t Re' (or"

Intern $ %erific tion

$i%cu%% t&e range of deci%ion% to 'e taken


Underst nd ho( to ssess inform tion nd "no($ed)e Needs LO*

()amine t&e information and knowledge needed to en%ure effecti*e deci%ion taking


A%%e%% internal and e)ternal %ource% of information and under%tanding


u%tif+ recommendation% for im,ro*ement


Identif+ %take&older% for a deci%ion-making ,roce%%


Be !$e to cre te str te)ies to incre se &erson $ net(or"in) to (iden invo$vement in the decision m "in) .rocess LO+

Make contact wit& t&o%e identified and de*elo, 'u%ine%% relation%&i,%


In*ol*e t&o%e identified in t&e deci%ion making a% a,,ro,riate


$e%ign %trategie% for im,ro*ement


Merit )r des ( rded Distinction )r des ( rded

M* D*

M+ D+

M, D,

MCKI A1 QCF an 2!1" C#C

S/ENARIO 0 /B BAN1 LTD Co-o,erati*e Bank Ltd. /CB Bank0 i% a ,ri*ate 'ank in M+anmar. 1&e CB Bank wa% e%ta'li%&ed on 21 Augu%t 1222 wit& t&e ,ermi%%ion of t&e Central Bank of M+anmar. 1&e CB Bank3% &ead office i% located in t&e Lat&a town%&i, area of 4angon. CB Bank &a% 22 local 'ranc&e%. CB Bank &a% a range of 'anking %er*ice% in con%umer 'anking and 'u%ine%% 'anking5 among ot&er%. CB Bank launc&ed t&e fir%t A1M in M+anmar on 1 6o*em'er 2!11. 1&e 'ank named t&e A1M %er*ice a% (A7I Banking. CB Bank recogni8e% t&e legitimate rig&t% of %&are&older% and o'%er*e% t&e rig&t% of ot&er %take&older% /for in%tance5 em,lo+ee%5 %u,,lier%5 communit+5 com,etitor%5 creditor%5 etc.0 and will en%ure t&at %uc& rig&t% or mutual agreement% are ,rotected and well o'%er*ed. CB Bank treating it% cu%tomer% a% it% 'u%ine%% ,artner% to %tri*e for mutual ,ro%,erit+. CB Bank al%o %u,,ort t&e role% of %take&older% w&ic& will lead to co-o,eration 'etween t&e Bank and %take&older% in creating wealt&5 financial %ta'ilit+5 and t&e %u%taina'ilit+ of 'u%ine%% for continuou% im,ro*ement%. CB Bank ,ro*ide% *ariou% range% of %er*ice% %uc& a%9 7a*ing% $e,o%it: Current Account: Loan and ;*erdraft: 1ime $e,o%it: #edding $e,o%it: Minor $e,o%it: <emittance: =ift C&e>ue: and ot&er %,ecial cu%tomer %er*ice% i.e. (lectricit+ Bill% ?a+ment%: 1ele,&one Bill% ?a+ment%: In%urance ?remium ?a+ment%: Munici,al 1a) ?a+ment%: Collection of mone+ on 'e&alf of t&e 7tate Lotter+ #inner%: Bu%ine%% con%ulting %er*ice% etc. 1&e fir%t A1M in%talled in M+anmar 'ecame t&e fir%t to acce,t an international ,a+ment% card a% announced '+ Co-o,erati*e Bank Ltd /CB Bank0 and Ma%terCard #orldwide on 1@t& 6o*em'er 2!12. 1&e tran%action wa% made u%ing a Ma%terCard card at t&e &ead>uarter% of CB Bank on t&e corner of 2"rd 7treet and 7trand <oad in 4angon. M+anmar3% fir%t A1M wa% in%talled at t&e %ame location in 6o*em'er 2!11. 1&i% come% &ot on t&e &eel% of t&e 7e,tem'er 2!12 announcement w&ic& %aw Ma%terCard #orldwide 'ecome t&e fir%t international ,a+ment% network to i%%ue a licen%e to a M+anmar 'ank5 ,a*ing t&e wa+ for 'randed card% to 'e i%%ued and acce,ted in t&e countr+ for t&e fir%t time. 1ouri%t% and 'u%ine%% tra*eller% wit& an international Ma%terCard5 Mae%tro or Cirru%'randed card will now 'e a'le to wit&draw mone+5 and in t&e local currenc+ or Ak+at35 for t&e fir%t time at "6 CB Bank A1M% around M+anmar5 including 4angon International Air,ort. CB Bank i% one of t&e mo%t e%ta'li%&ed commercial 'ank% in M+anmar5 wit& t&e large%t A1M network in t&e countr+. Mr K+aw L+nn5 ()ecuti*e Bice-C&airman and C(;5 CB Bank %aid9 C1&i% i% a *er+ im,ortant %te, forward for our countr+. 1&i% coincide% wit& CB Bank3% 2!t&
MCKI A1 QCF an 2!1" C#C "

anni*er%ar+ of e%ta'li%&ment. 1&i% i% indeed a &i%toric mile%tone for our countr+5 CB Bank and Ma%terCard. #e are *er+ glad to 'e a'le to contri'ute to t&e economic de*elo,ment of M+anmar '+ ,ioneering t&e mo*e to a glo'al electronic ,a+ment% %+%tem.D Mr K+aw L+nn added9 C(na'ling t&e fir%t international tran%action5 at CB Bank3% A1M5 o,en% u, o,,ortunitie% for 'u%ine%%5 retail and touri%m for our countr+. 1&e &otel and touri%m indu%tr+ will e%,eciall+ 'enefit from t&i% %er*ice. #e are e),ecting a large influ) of foreign *i%itor% during t&e 7out& (a%t A%ia =ame% /7(A =ame%0 %c&eduled in $ecem'er5 2!1". 1&e a'ilit+ to u%e Ma%terCard at ?oint-of-7ale% /?;70 terminal% i% e),ected to 'e a*aila'le wit&in four mont&%. M+anmar citi8en% tra*eling o*er%ea% can al%o e),ect to 'e a'le to u%e Ma%terCard wit&in a +ear from now.D Mr ?e M+int5 Managing $irector5 CB Bank5 added9 C1&e ,romi%e of a more connected future t&roug& electronic ,a+ment% will &a*e an e>uall+ &uge im,act on 'u%ine%% and t&e de*elo,ment of countr+. Ma%terCard5 Mae%tro and Cirru% card&older% will no longer &a*e to worr+ a'out running out of ca%& w&en *i%iting t&i% =olden Land.D A% t&e com,an+ grow%5 information and knowledge management 'ecome% an im,ortant factor in making deci%ion% at *ariou% le*el% of management. Manager% mu%t make %ure t&at t&e+ &a*e %ufficient information and knowledge to make deci%ion% in t&eir dail+ o,eration%. Information and knowledge %&aring among manager% and em,lo+ee% from *ariou% de,artment% a% well a% 'ranc&e% 'ecome increa%ing c&allenging. In order to co,e u, wit& t&e%e c&allenge%5 em,lo+ee% a% well a% manager% mu%t continuou%l+ u,grade t&eir knowledge and e),erti%e. A%%ume t&at +ou are working a% a manager of MI7 de,artment5 under Mr ?e M+int. A% a %,eciali%t in information and knowledge management field5 +ou are a%%igned to com,lete t&e following ta%k%.
This case is based on a real life organisation, but details have been changed and references added for assessment purposes and do not reflect the current management practices. Students are encouraged to search the internet (especially CB Bank website for cross references in answering this assignment.

MCKI A1 QCF an 2!1" C#C

T s"s

$i%cu%% t&e range of deci%ion% taken '+ manager% at different le*el% of management at CB Bank Ltd (! .! ()amine t&e information and knowledge needed to en%ure t&at t&e a'o*e deci%ion% are effecti*e. (!." A%%e%% internal and e)ternal %ource% of information and under%tand t&at manager% need to collect (!.# u%tif+ recommendation% for im,ro*ement% in information and knowledge management and deci%ion-making in t&e gi*en organi8ation (!.$ Identif+ ,o%%i'le %take&older% /'ot& internal and e)ternal0 for deci%ion making ,roce%% of CB Bank Ltd (".! Make contact wit& %take&older% and collect re>uired information '+ de%igning a %ur*e+ related to t&e awarene%% and intere%t% on CB Bank ,roduct% and %er*ice%. Anal+%e +our finding% and ,re,are a 'u%ine%% ,re%entation to t&e management team. 4our anal+%i% %&ould include recommendation% for im,ro*ement% in 'u%ine%% relation%&i, wit& %take&older% and increa%e networking (".", ".# Ba%ed on t&e ta%k% a'o*e5 2.1 to 2."5 recommend a,,ro,riate %trategie% for im,ro*ement in deci%ion-making ,roce%% and de*elo,ment of t&e com,an+ (".$

Note t&at +our com,ilation %&ould include a content ,age5 %ign >ue%tionnaire% and an+ ot&er rele*ant ,re%entation %lide% a% a,,endice% to a%%i%t +ou in writing +our re,ort.

MCKI A1 QCF an 2!1" C#C

GRADING . ss i% ac&ie*ed '+ meeting all t&e re>uirement% defined in t&e a%%e%%ment criteria. /<efer ,age 2 of t&e a%%ignment 'rief0 Identif+ and a,,l+ %trategie% to find a,,ro,riate %olution% /M10


haracteristic / !ossible "vidence - Indication of rele*ant tec&ni>ue% wit& effecti*e Fudgement% &a*e 'een made. 1&i% can include >ualitati*e and >uantitati*e information5 e)ternal communication %+%tem%5 forming of 'u%ine%% relation%&i,%. 7elect and a,,l+ a,,ro,riate met&od%. /M20

haracteristics / !ossible "vidence G A,,ro,riate ,er%onal networking met&od% like formal and informal5 &a*e 'een a,,lied forming 'u%ine%% relation%&i,% and deci%ion making a% well a% %ource% are Fu%tified. ?re%ent and communicate a,,ro,riate finding% /M"0

haracteristic / !ossible "vidence G A,,lication of a range of met&od% and %ource% of information u%ed. Ac&ie*ing com,le) 'u%ine%% data %+nt&e%i8ed and ,roce%%ed for a,,ro,riate u%e% e%,eciall+ in t&e met&odolog+ to indicate confidentialit+5 tru%t and 'u%ine%% relation% 'uild u,. Distinction $emon%trate con*ergent5 lateral and creati*e t&inking /$"0

haracteristic / !ossible "vidence - 1&e a'ilit+ to indicate t&at ,ro'lem% &a*e 'een %ol*ed wit& inno*ation and creati*e t&oug&t u%ed. 1&ere i% e*idence of reali%tic5 logical and %+%tematic a,,roac& to t&e ta%k %olution%. A clear e*idence of good u%ed of knowledge and ,er%onal networking.

MCKI A1 QCF an 2!1" C#C

.RESENTATION 1. 1&e a%%ignment %&ould &a*e a co*er ,age t&at include% t&e a%%ignment title5 a%%ignment num'er5 cour%e title5 module title5 LecturerHtutor name and %tudent3% name. Attac& all t&e ,age% of a%%ignment 'riefHco*er %&eet wit& +our re,ort and lea*e t&em 'lank for official u%e. 2. (n%ure t&at aut&enticit+ declaration &a% 'een %igned. ". Content %&eet wit& a li%t of all &eading% and ,age num'er%. E. A full+ t+,ed u, ,rofe%%ionall+ ,re%ented re,ort document. U%e 11-,oint Arial or 12-,oint 1ime% 6ew <oman %cri,t. @. 4our a%%ignment %&ould 'e word-,roce%%ed &resent tion m teri $s s n &&endi3. (ith ccom& n2in)

6. 4our a%%ignment %&ould 'e word-,roce%%ed and %&ould not e)ceed "5!!! word%. ()&i'it% and a,,endice% are out%ide t&i% limit. A /D shou$d !e inc$uded (ith references nd ccom& n2in) notes . I. 1&e a%%ignment %&ould 'e not contain a 'i'liogra,&+ G 'ut %&ould contain a li%t of an+ reference% u%ed in t&e a%%ignment. J. U%e t&e Kar*ard referencing %+%tem. NOTES TO STUDENTS FOR SUMMISSION C&eck carefull+ t&e %u'mi%%ion date and t&e in%truction% gi*en wit& t&e a%%ignment. Late a%%ignment% will not 'e acce,ted. (n%ure t&at +ou gi*e +our%elf enoug& time to com,lete t&e a%%ignment '+ t&e due date. $o not lea*e t&ing% %uc& a% ,rinting to t&e la%t minute G e)cu%e% of t&i% nature will not 'e acce,ted for failure to &and-in t&e work on time. 4ou mu%t take re%,on%i'ilit+ for managing +our own time effecti*el+. If +ou are una'le to &and in +our a%%ignment on time and &a*e *alid rea%on% %uc& a% illne%%5 +ou ma+ a,,l+ /in writing0 for an e)ten%ion. Failure to ac&ie*e a ?A77 grade will re%ult% in a <(F(<<AL grade 'eing gi*en. 1ake great care t&at if +ou u%e ot&er ,eo,le3% work or idea% in +our a%%ignment5 +ou ,ro,erl+ reference t&em in +our te)t and an+ 'i'liogra,&+. NOTE4 If 2ou re c u)ht &$ )i ri5in)6 the /o$$e)e &o$icies &rocedures (i$$ &&$2. nd

MCKI A1 QCF an 2!1" C#C

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