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HMNT 210 Chapter 21 Study Guide Outline A. Introduction 1. The age of a !oluti!" 2. The cla!!ical #aro$ue !tyle #. %oui!

&I' and the e!ta li!h"ent of (rench a !oluti!" 1. 'er!aille! a. life!tyle y protocol 2. patronage of the art! a. creation of acade"ie! . )ou!!in and the acade"ic !tyle c. )ortraiture *. ari!tocratic painting out!ide (rance a. 'el+!$ue, . -u en! c. 'an .yc/ 0. "u!ic and dance at the court of %oui! &I'1%ully 2. neocla!!ici!" and (rench literature a. %a -ochefoucauld . -acine c. Moli3re1Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme C. A !olute po4er and the ari!tocratic !tyle eyond 5urope. 1. Sulei"an and the Otto"an 5"pire 2. the Mogul! of India *. China under Ming and Manchu 67ing8 rule 0. To/uga4a 9apan :ey Ter"! A !oluti!" Salon Mar$uetry Grand Manner Cla!!ical #aro$ue Choreography Ma;i" Co"edy Acade"ie! Otto"an 5"pire Mogul! Minaret Pietra dura 1 HMNT 210 Chapter 21 Study Guide

Ming and Manchu 6Ching8 Ari!tocratic portrait )orcelain (or idden City chinoi!erie Haiku <en =floating 4orld>

Study 7ue!tion! 1. ?hy i! the !e@enteenth century often called the Age of A !oluti!"A 2. ?hat i! a chateauA 2. Ho4 doe! the co"ple; at 'er!aille!1garden! and chateau1illu!trate cla!!ical aro$ue !tyle and the grandeur and a !olute po4er of %oui! &I'A *. ?hich -oyal acade"ie! did %oui! &I' createA ?hy 4ere they foundedA 0. ?ho 4ere the "aBor arti!tic figure! in the creation of the #aro$ue arti!tic !tyleA 2. ?hat are the "ain feature! of the ari!tocratic portraitA ?hich figure! in your te;t e!t illu!trate thi! genreA C. ?here did )ou!!in learn to paint in the Grand Manner arti!tic !tyleA D. .e!cri e )ou!!inE! arti!tic !tyle. F. ?hat i! the "eaning of )ou!!inE! Arcadian ShepherdsA G. .e!cri e the $ualitie! of %orrainE! ideal land!cape!A 10. ?here 4a! 'ela,$ue, a court painterA 11. Cite e;a"ple! of in@enti@ene!! in 'ela,$ue,E! painting Las Meminas. 12. ?ho 4a! a patron of -u en!A 1*. .e!cri e -u en!E arti!tic !tyle. 10. ?ho i! the father of (rench operaA 12. ?hat i! choreographyA 2 HMNT 210 Chapter 21 Study Guide

1C. ?hat i! a "a;i"A 1D. ?ho 4rote "a;i"!A 1F. ?hat for" of dra"a did Moliere prefer to 4riteA 1G. ?hat foi le! are !atiri,ed in Le Bourgeois GentilhommeA 20. ?hat 4ere the acco"pli!h"ent! of Sulei"anA 21. .e!cri e the Mu!li" arti!tic !tyle. 22. ?ho 4a! the founder of the Mogul e"pireA 2*. ?here 4a! the center of Mogul cultureA 20. ?hat arti!tic !tyle 4a! popular during 9ahngirE! reignA 22. ?hat i! pietra duraA 2C. Co"pare the palace co"ple; at 'er!aille! to the Mogul and Chine!e co"ple;e! illu!trated in thi! chapter. ?hat difference! do you !eeH if anyH in the 5a!tern co"ple;e!A 2D. ?hy do you thin/ the TaB Mahal ha! captured the i"agination of !o "any arti!t! and poet! o@er the centurie!A 2F. I! it !ugge!ted in the te;t that 5a!tern art lac/! the heroic urgency and !trong !en!e of indi@iduali!" that "ay e found in the painting! of ?e!tern arti!t!H !uch a! )ou!!in and -u en!A .oe! the art of the Mogul! and Manchu generally confir" thi! point of @ie4A 2G. ?hat feature! do you find in the @i!ual art! of India and China that are lac/ing in ?e!tern paintingA *0. ?hat /ind! of literature 4ere a@aila le in China to tho!e 4ho could readA *1. ?hat i! chinoi!erieA *2. ?hereH 4henH and ho4 did for"al allet and choreography originateA **. ?hat 4ere the "ain feature! of the ari!tocratic !tyle in To/uga4a 9apanA

* HMNT 210 Chapter 21 Study Guide

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