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Cool Italian

Want to show some street cred? Here is our essential guide to young Italian people's slang by Giovanna Vaccaro, presenter of BBC beginners' online course Italian Steps. Swear words tend to be more generally accepted in Italy than many other countries - we've divided up the expressions so you know what to say and what not to say.

ARGUMENT They say better out than in. No one believes this more than the Italians who think arguing is healthy, certainly a lot healthier than brewing resentment. An argument in the middle of an Italian square sounds as if another war has broken out, but by the time you've got yourself all upset they've already made up and behave as if nothing has happened. To survive in Italy you often have to be louder than everyone around you, that's why they all sound so angry! They're not really. The language used in arguments is very colourful and can be very amusing. If you ever find yourself involved, here's how to hold your own. What do you want from me? Cosa avanzi? (**) When someone is looking at you as if you owe them something. Hai qualche problema? or C' qualche problema? (*) Got a problem? Or, is there a problem? Always a good way of starting an argument. Che cavolo vuoi? (**) What the hell do you want? Lit. What cabbage do you want? Cos'hai da guardare? or Che cavolo hai da guardare? What are you looking at? Lit. What cabbage are you looking at? In short, Cavolo guardi? Cavolo can be substituted for Cacchio (***) which is a little bit ruder or Cazzo (R) which is very, very rude used when people really mean business. Threats Ti prendo a sberle (**) I'll give you a good slapping. Ti faccio un culo cos (R) I'll make you a bum like this... or something to that effect which means I will sort you out. Ti rifaccio la dentatura (**) I'll rearrange you teeth. Me la paghi cara (*) You'll pay dearly. Tell them where to go Vai a cagare (R) Go take a dump. Vai a cagare sulle ortiche (R) Go take a dump on stinging nettles. Ma vai a quel paese (R) Lit. Go to that country. Get lost. Calling names Porco (***) Pig. Contaballe (***) Liar.

Leccaculo/Lecchino (***) Bootlicker. Mi fai schifo! (**) You disgust me! What are you talking about? Che cavolo dici? (*) What the hell are you talking about? Non sparare cazzate (***) Don't talk crap. Who do you think you are dealing with? Con chi credi di parlare? (*) Who do you think you are talking to? Credi che sia nato/a ieri? (*) Do you think I was born yesterday? Mi prendi per scemo/a? (**) Do you think I'm stupid? Non prendermi per il culo (***) Lit. Don't take me by the bum. Don't take the Mickey. Ma tu ti droghi! (**) You're on drugs!

DRINKING Good wine is as much a part of Italian lifestyle as good food is. Italians are proud of their winemaking successes such as Chianti, Pinot Grigio and Brunello di Montalcino, just a few of the many wines known around the world. Socialising in Italy mainly happens around the table and a successful evening is often determined by the quality of the alcohol as much as by the company and the grub. Generally Italians consume wine with any meal but if it's pizza, beer seems to be the preferred choice. Beer drinking has increased with the new pub trend in Italy. Look-alike British pubs have appeared all over the country with only one difference, you get served at the table by waiters and waitresses. In the northern part of the country, boozing starts in the morning. Some people, in order to fight the cold, start the day with a Grappa in their coffee. Evenings begin with an aperitif which can be a Prosecco or an alcoholic orange looking drink. A respectable aperitif always comes with lots of yummy, fun-looking food. Wine accompanies dinner and spirits are a must after the evening meal with the excuse that they help the digestion. Aperitif Bianco macchiato aperol White wine with aperol (an Italian liqueur) and a slice of orange. Prosecco Sparkling, dry, white. Prosecchino Cheeky, little prosecco. Wine Un quartino (*) A small glass of wine, or a small jug (quarter of a litre). Un bianchetto (*) A small, white wine. Un goccio (*) A drop (or twenty!). Spirits Un amaro (che fa bene alla digestione) A bitter spirit said to aid digestion, therefore also known as Un

digestivo. Limoncello Summer nights by the sea. A generic name for an Italian citrus-based lemon liqueur that is served well chilled in the summer months. Grappa Yummy... grappa ... you can have it straight, with coffee, with hot chocolate, cold, at room temperature, flavoured... Beer Una birretta (*) A cheeky, little beer. Una birra piccola/media/grande Small/medium/large beer. In bottiglia Bottled beer. Alla spina Draught beer. Una bionda (*) A blonde. Lager. Una rossa (*) A red head. Let's have a drink Andiamo a farci un goccio/cicchetto (*) Let's go for a drink. Un bicchierino (*) Lit. A little glass. A little drink. Un ubriacone (*) Someone who gets drunk a lot. To indicate someone is drunk or "a drunk", Italians don't really have a colloquial word but rather a hand gesture. Here's an attempt to describe it: The hand forms a fist but the thumb is left standing out. Then you indicate your mouth with the thumb in a repetitive gesture and at the same time you thin your lips to express disapproval while your eyes give a knowing look. Tirar su balla, far balla (*) To get drunk.

CLASS Italy can be a country of snobs, each class has no qualms about criticising the other. Un riccone/Una riccona (*) A rich man. Usually used in a derogatory way, giving the idea of rich and arrogant. Un arricchito/Un'arricchita (*) Someone with new money, usually followed by something to the effect of: cannot buy taste. Un/Una nobile Someone with old money. Not only do they have money, they have a certain nobility of attitude too. Un figlio di papa (*) Lit. A son of daddy. Someone who has wealth and a job thanks to their parents, not their own merits. Un/Una borghese A bourgeois. Negative connotation. Someone who has made money, is educated and aspires to be part of the higher classes. Un intellettuale/Un'intellettuale People admired from afar but avoided at dinner parties either because they bore you to death or because they might show up your own ignorance.

Un barbone/Una barbona Lit. Someone with a long beard. Homeless and penniless. FAMILY Families are known to be very close in Italy and often live in each other's pockets. Here are some of the words and phrases you might well come across. Papi or Paparino (*) A diminutive of papa used by children or used jokingly by 'older' children when they want something from their father. Mami or Mammina (*) Diminutive of mamma. Same use as papi when dealing with mother. I miei (*) Lit. Mine, short for I miei genitori or I miei familiari, my parents or my family. Mio frate/Mia sora (*) Short for mio fratello, my brother, and mia sorella, my sister. Il mio moroso/La mia morosa (**) My boyfriend/My girlfriend. Suocera Mother-in-law. Used also to indicate someone annoying, nagging: Non fare la suocera (**) Don't be such a mother-in-law. Il mio ex/La mia ex (*) My ex (often referred to as il bastardo!) I parenti The relatives. There's a rather unpleasant rhyme that says: Parenti serpenti (**) Relatives are snakes. FOOD There really is no need to explain how important food is in Italy. Italians don't go for a quick drink, they go for a quick pizza. Friendships, relationships, dates, celebrations, business... it all happens around the table. Italians say that everything has a better outcome a stomaco pieno, on a full stomach. Hunger Ho una fame da lupi (*) I'm hungry like the wolf. Mi mangerei un cavallo (*) I could eat a horse. L'appetito viene magiando Appetite comes with eating. Meals La spaghettata di mezzanotte Midnight spaghetti (aglio olio e peperoncino), the equivalent of a Friday night curry. The natural follow-up to a few drinks. Uno spuntino A snack. That's the usual meaning but in Sardinia uno spuntino is a whole-day eating session in the woods usually involving an entire cooked sheep, mountains of vegetables, cheese with worms (I promise there's no tastier cheese) and rivers of wine. Un pranzetto con i fiocchi - Una cenetta con i fiocchi Lit. A meal with bows. A very tasty meal, with all the trimmings. Tasty or not Da leccarsi le dita (*) Finger-licking food. Da leccarsi i baffi (*) Moustache-licking food.

Gnam gnam! (**) Yummy, yummy! Fa venire l'acquolina in bocca Makes your mouth water. Leccornie Delicacies. Fa schifo (*) Disgusting. Fa vomitare (**) Makes you vomit. Foodies Mangione/a (*) Someone who eats a lot, usually used as a positive. A foodie. una forchetta buona (*) Lit. She/he is a good fork. Someone who eats a lot, usually used as a positive. A foodie. Senza fondo (**) Lit. With no bottom. A big eater. Goloso/a Gluttonous. A foodie. Golosone/a (*) Affectionate alternative for goloso. A foodie.

FRIENDS Good friends and more La mia anima gemella My soul mate. Can be used for a partner or a friend. Il bastone della mia vecchiaia (*) Lit. My old age stick. The person who will support me in my old age. Can be a partner or a friend. Il mio moroso/La mia morosa (**) Used only in some regions, slang for boyfriend/girlfriend. La mia dolce met (*) My sweet other half. A few friendly words of wisdom Chi trova un amico trova un tesoro Who finds a friend, finds a treasure. Patti chiari, amicizia lunga Clear understandings, long friendship. Pochi ma buoni Few but good (quality, not quantity). Used for many things, friends included.

GOING OUT It's widely known that in Italy life happens outdoors. At night the streets are populated with loud, lively people always ready for a good time. What to do... Andiamo a prendere un boccone (*) Let's go for a bite. Andiamo a fare quattro salti (*) Lit. Let's go for four jumps. Let's go dancing. Ci facciamo una pizzetta? (*) Let's go for a quick, cheeky pizza.

Facciamo le ore piccole (*) Lit. Let's do the small hours. Let's stay out late. Facciamo festone (*) Lit. Let's make a big, fat party. To do some serious drinking. Staying in Mi piazzo sul divano (*) I'll position myself on the sofa. A night in. Cosa fai stasera? Mi metto in pigiama Lit. What are you doing tonight? I'm putting my pyjamas on. I'm staying in. Un pigiama party Usually a girls' gathering at home. Boys tend not to show off their nightwear... The morning after the night before Che balla! (*) What a ball! Referring to the previous night's drunken escapade. L'antiveleno (**) The antidote. Hair of the dog. Chiodo schiaccia chiodo (*) Lit. Removing one nail with another. Hair of the dog.

HEALTH I know it's not very nice to say but no one can deny that Italians are a nation of hypochondriacs. They love to wallow in their poor health and jump at any excuse to go to the doctor so they can complain about it some more. Doctors Il dottore GP. Un macellaio A butcher, but also used for dentists. Uno/Una strizzacervelli (**) Lit. Brain-shrinker. Psychologist/psychiatrist. How are you feeling? Mi fa male qui It hurts here. (Where? Here! Too ill to be eloquent) Sono tutto/a chiuso/a (*) Lit. I'm all closed up. I have a head cold. Sto da cani (*) I feel like a dog. I'm really ill. Mi sento come se mi fosse passato sopra un camion (*) I feel as if I've been run over by a truck. Ouch, very sore all over. Mi sento morire (*) I feel like dying. Sono in punto di morte (*) I'm at point of death. An exaggeration, of course, but an effective way of getting some sympathy and TLC. Non vado da un mese (**) I haven't gone for a month. (That would be to the toilet.)


Interjections play an important part in every language. Sometimes whole words are just too much and that's when interjections come in handy. The good thing about them is they are often international and by the intonation you know exactly whether you should stay or run. Here is a little list of interjections you should know for getting around. Beh! (*) Well... at the start of a sentence when you're hesitating. Mah! (*) I don't know. Boh! (**) I don't know and I don't care. You shrug with this one. Aiah! (**) Ouch! Pronounced like "Hiya!" in Liverpool. Tsh! (**) No! It's like a short, loud tutting noise or as if you were sucking your teeth very loudly. Hey! (**) To attract someone's attention or to express pleasure when bumping into them. Aha! (**) Oh, I see! Your voice needs to start low, go high and back down again in one uninterrupted sound. Mmmmm! (**) Doubtful, you don't really believe what someone is telling you. Ufff! (**) Pronounced "Oooffarh!". When you're fed up, tired, bored. Uuuuh! (**) Pronounced "Oooooh!". Ooops! Toc toc! Knock Knock! Bleah! (**) Yuk! Oddio! (*) Oh god! Merda! (R) Shit! Not as rude as in English. Dai! Come on! Ma dai! (*) Get away! Surprise at something someone has told you, e.g. some juicy piece of gossip. Allora? (**) Said with hands on hips and a disgruntled tone, this means "Well?" as in "Well, what are you waiting for?" or "Well, are you ready?" or "Well, what the hell is this about?".

MONEY Money La grana, il grano, la pecunia, i dindi, la pila (**) Dosh. Un cubo (**) Lit. A cube. A million. This has obviously taken on a whole different meaning since the arrival of the euro. Un deca/dieci carte (**) An old ten thousand lire note. Ten euros now. Gli spiccioli Small change. Cheap or expensive Costa un occhio dalla testa (*) Lit. It costs an eye from the head. Very expensive. An arm and a leg.

una rapina (**) A robbery. Very, very expensive, and not worth it. un affare It's a bargain. un affarone It's a huge bargain. People and money Sono al verde (**) Lit. I'm in the green. I'm broke. Non ho una lira (**) Lit. I haven't got a lira. I'm broke. Ha le mani bucate (**) Lit. He/she has hands with holes. Spends too much too easily. Ha le braccine corte (**) Lit. He/she has short, little arms. Stingy. Petacchino, tirchio, spilorcio (**) Stingy. Paperon de Paperoni (**) Scrooge.

MOODS Moody? Italians? Noooooo...! Good moods di luna buona (*) Lit. He/she has the good moon. He/she is in a good mood. Sono al settimo cielo (*). Lit. I'm in the seventh sky. I'm on cloud nine. Sono strafelice (**) Very, very happy. Sto da Dio (**) Lit. I'm with God. Obviously happy... Sono felice e beata (*) Happy and beatified... Even happier... Sto una favola (**) I'm in a fairytale. Sono cotto/a (**) Lit. I'm cooked. I'm in love but up for other things too... Bad moods Ha la luna storta (*) Lit. He/she has got the moon the wrong way round. Bad mood. This can simply be Ha la luna. Lunatico/a (**) Moody. Still to do with the moon. Sto di merda (R) I feel crappy. Sono distrutto/a (*) I'm shattered. Sono a pezzi (*) I'm in pieces (can be physical or emotional). Ho il cuore infranto (*) I'm heartbroken. Sono morto/a (*) I'm dead. In the sense of tired. Sono gi (*) I'm down.

Other moods Ho la testa fra le nuvole (*) My head's in the clouds. Distracted. Sono per aria (*) I'm in the air. Distracted. Ho la ridarella (**) I've got the giggles. Mi viene da ridere (*) I've got the giggles. Me la faccio addosso (**) I'm going to do it in my pants. I'm scared/nervous. Sono fuori (**) Lit. I'm out. I'm distracted or drunk or mad or on drugs. Take your pick.

MUSIC Italians are not exactly famous for music unless you're talking opera. But they do love it. You can dance everywhere and anywhere from trendy discoteche to old fashion balere for the older (and wiser) generations. Good music Tosta (*) Cool. Che musica figa (*) Cool music. Che figata (*) How cool. Bad music Sfascia orecchie (*) Ear-bashing music, definitely not good. Fa venire il latte alle ginocchia (*) Lit. Makes milk go to your knees. Da suicidio (*) So depressing you want to kill yourself. mielosa (*) It's honey-like, too sweet, too sickening. Sembra un gatto strangolato (*) Sounds like a strangled cat. una palla (*) Boring.

PLAY UP/PLAY DOWN Italians are not known for understatement. They tend to describe everything as either unbelievably good or disastrously bad. Very good Mega/Super (**) Before anything you want to describe as great, eg. superbello. Che figata! (**) Cool! una favola! (**) It's a fairy tale. Beato/a te! Lucky you! So lucky it's as if you've been beatified.

Very bad Che cazzata! Che menata! (***) What crap! Disastro megagalattico! (**) It's a mega-galactic disaster! I know, I know, a bit of an exaggeration but it can happen... Che casino! (***) Lit. What a brothel! What a mess! You don't say! Ma vah?! Ma dai! (*) Get away! Pazzesco! (*) Crazy! Incredibile! Incredible! Madonna! (**) Wow!

POLITICS Oh politics... what to say. Italy and politics, better not go there but if you have to, here are some handy expressions. Comu (*) Communist. Fascistone (*) Fascist (derogatory). Sinistroide (*) Left wing (derogatory). Destroide (*) Right wing (derogatory). Contapalle (***) Liar. Sdoganare (*) A spin, a con. To make acceptable (by the government) what was totally intolerable before. Governo ladro (*) Thieving government... no comment. Governicchio (*) Small, poxy government. A government destined to fail... Governo balneare (*) Lit. Bathing government. That only lasts for the summer. Salto della quaglia (*) Lit. The quail's jump. Quails jump sideways, used for those who change political position very easily. Peones (*) MPs with no noteworthy power, qualities or beliefs. They are believed to only worry about being re-elected and for this reason to frequently practise the salto della quaglia. The term was changed into Berluscones in recent times. Ribaltone (*) A politician who changes opinion and strategy, etc., very radically and quickly.

PROFESSIONS Jobs Un archi/Un'archi (*) Short for un architetto. An architect.

Un/Una piedipiatti (**) Lit. Flat feet. A policeman. Don't let one hear you saying this. Un affittacamere/Un'affittacamere (**) A room-renter. Derogatory term for landlord/lady. Un/Una prof (**) Short for Professore/essa. Un caramba (**) Short for Carabiniere. Army policeman. Working hard or not Lavoro come un pazzo (**) Lit. I work like a crazy person. I work really hard. Scansafatiche (**) Lit. Labour avoider. Schiavista (**) Slave driver.

PULLING Girls Una bella tipa (*) A beautiful girl/woman. Una tipa (*) Lit. A type. Not beautiful in the traditional sense but attractive anyway. Una tipetta (**) Lit. A little type. Usually used to indicate an attractively fiery girl. Una bella gnocca (***) A fit girl. Una ciospa (***) An ugly, unattractive girl. Un rospo (***) Lit. A toad. An ugly, unattractive girl. Boys Un bel tipo (*) A handsome guy. Un tipo (*) Lit. A type. Cool and attractive. Uno gnocco (***) A fit guy. Un ciospo (***) An ugly, unattractive boy. Un rospo (***) Lit. A toad. An ugly, unattractive boy. Un viscido/Un verme (R) A slime-ball/worm. Someone who tries to pull a girl with very cheesy or creepy lines. Girl meets boy... Abbordare (**) Lit. To board. To pull. Cuccare (**) To pull. Provarci (**) To try to pull someone. Occhi da pesce lesso (**) Boiled fish eyes. No need for explanations, I'm sure we have all been approached by one of these. I'm talking to the girls...

Limonare (**) To snog with passion. Something to do with lemons... don't ask me why. Scambio di lingua (***) Linguistic exchange. Can involve vocabulary or tongues. Farsi qualcuno (**) To do someone. To have an occasional romantic encounter with someone, usually involving passionate kissing or further... Mettersi assieme (*) To become an item. Cappuccio/cappuccetto/guanto/impermeabile (**) And we cannot forget precautions... Lit. Hood/little hood/glove/waterproof. All meaning condom.

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