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Marburg Journal of Religion: Volume 12, No.

1 (May 2007)

Flirty Fishing in the Children of God: The Sexual Body as a Site of Proselytization and Salvation
Susan Raine Abstract: T e ! il"ren of #o" $no% &alle" T e 'amily( emerge" as an a)o&aly)*i& ne% religious mo+emen* in * e la*e 1,-0s. .y * e la*e 1,70s, * e grou) a" engen"ere" a grea* "eal of a&a"emi& an" )o)ular "eba*e "ue *o, among o* er * ings, i*s &on*ro+ersial se/ual )ra&*i&es. 0n * is ar*i&le, 0 e/amine one su& )ra&*i&e, namely, 'lir*y 'is ing, in % i& many %omen in * e grou) use" * eir se/uali*y in &ombina*ion %i* s&ri)*ural "is&ussions as a me* o" of )rosely*i1a*ion. 2*ili1ing so&ial * eories of * e bo"y, 0 e/)lore * e %ays * a* many of * e %omen may a+e a"o)*e" s*ra*egies * a* el)e" * em *o )er&ei+e * eir bo"ies an" * eir be a+iours in %ays * a* "i" no* * rea*en * eir senses of self. 0 &onsi"er bo* o% %omen %ere able *o en"ure * e ) ysi&al an" emo*ional as)e&*s of 'lir*y 'is ing, an" o% * ey &on*e/*uali1e" * eir be a+iour in *erms of * e grou)3s general "ynami&s an" belief sys*em. T us, 0 e/)lore no* only * e organi1a*ional im)osi*ion of &er*ain mo"es of be a+iour on * e bo"y, bu* also in"i+i"ual )er&e)*ions of, res)onses *o, an" nego*ia*ions of * em. 0m)or*an*ly, * is ar*i&le a))lies a * eore*i&al a))roa& *o * e s*u"y of ne% religious mo+emen*s * a* fe% s& olars * us far a+e e/)lore".

Introduction T e ! il"ren of #o" (* e !4#, ereaf*er)i emerge" "uring * e la*e 1,-0s un"er * e lea"ers i) of * e ! ris*ian e+angeli&al )rea& er, 5a+i" .erg (1,1,61,,7). T e grou) offere" a ra"i&ally "ifferen* )la*form from % i& *o %ors i) an" s)rea" % a* .erg belie+e" *o be * e %or" of #o". Ra* er * an )ro+i"e a *ra"i*ional image of Jesus, .erg offere" a re+olu*ionary one * a* a))eale" *o * e "isen& an*e" you* of * e la*e 1,-0s an" early 1,70s (8en*, 2001: 17-617,). 'rom .erg3s rein*er)re*a*ion of ! ris*iani*y emerge" a belief sys*em * a* no* only &on"one", bu* also a&*i+ely en&ourage", se/ual )romis&ui*y be*%een a"ul*s, be*%een & il"ren, an" mos* alarmingly, be*%een a"ul*s an" & il"ren. T is ar*i&le )ro)oses * a* * e ea+y em) asis .erg )la&e" u)on se/ual rela*ions i)s &on*ribu*e" *o * e a"o)*ion of s)e&ifi& beliefs in *erms of * e uman bo"y, es)e&ially for * e %omen in * e grou). !ri*i&ally, .erg frame" * ese %ays of un"ers*an"ing an" using * e bo"y %i* * e language of "e+o*ion an" sal+a*ion. 9s .erg legi*ima*e" ea& of * e se/ual )ra&*i&es (mos* of % i& 0 assume %ere no* ones * a* members *y)i&ally engage" in )rior *o :oining * e grou)), no* only "i" e normalise &er*ain beliefs abou* se/uali*y, bu* also e &rea*e" ne% embo"ie" e/)erien&es for * e grou)3s a" eren*s. 4ne as)e&* of se/ual rela*ions %i* in * e !4#;namely <'lir*y 'is ing3 (also =no%n as <''ing3);a 1

Marburg Journal of Religion: Volume 12, No. 1 (May 2007)

)ra&*i&e * a* en&ourage" female members *o )rosely*i1e using * eir se/uali*y as a *ool *o a**ra&* ne% male &on+er*s;)ro+i"es an es)e&ially fas&ina*ing e/am)le of o% * e uman bo"y e/is*s a* * e &en*re of meaning, e/)erien&e, )o%er, an" &on*rol. T eore*i&al a))roa& es *o * e bo"y ably "emons*ra*e bo* * e so&ial &on*e/* of )eo)le3s bo"ies an" * e embo"ie" e/)erien&es of in"i+i"uals %i* in )ar*i&ular se**ings. 0n * is %ay, so&ial * eories of * e bo"y &an el) *o e/)li&a*e o% a" eren*s *o )ar*i&ular grou)s i"en*ify %i* , an" )er&ei+e * eir o%n bo"ies in rela*ion *o o* ers. 0m)or*an*ly, in"i+i"uals3 un"ers*an"ing of * eir bo"ies an" * eir embo"ie" e/)erien&es influen&es * eir )er&e)*ion of * eir so&ial %orl"s an" * e be a+iours * a* * ey )ra&*i&e * erein. T is ar*i&le re+eals * erefore, no* only o% %omen %ere able *o en"ure * e ) ysi&al an" emo*ional as)e&*s of 'lir*y 'is ing, bu* also o% * ey &on*e/*uali1e" * eir be a+iour in *erms of * e grou)3s general "ynami&s an" belief sys*em. My resear& goals in+ol+e e/)loring * e grou)3s organi1a*ional im)osi*ion of &er*ain mo"es of be a+iour on * e bo"y, an" * e %omen3s in"i+i"ual )er&e)*ions of, an" res)onses *o * em. T eori1ing * e bo"y el)s *o elu&i"a*e * e &om)le/ rela*ions i) be*%een .erg, is "ire&*i+es for %omen3s bo"ies, an" * e %omen3s e/)erien&es of (an" rea&*ions *o) * a* )o%er "ynami&. !en*ral *o * is rela*ions i) is * e i"ea * a* * e )ro&ess is rela*ional. T a* is, * e %omen )ar*i&i)a*e" in * e renego*ia*ion of meaning;.erg "i" no* merely im)ose i* on * em (al* oug , a* *imes, )ressure *o &onform *o is "eman"s %as e+i"en*). 0n or"er *o e/)lore * is )ro&ess, 0 %ill use "o&umen*s * a* in&lu"e many of .erg3s %ri*ings (s)e&ifi&ally * ose * a* refer *o %omen3s bo"ies, se/uali*y, an" 'lir*y 'is ing), * e au*obiogra) i&al a&&oun* an" resear& of e/6member Miriam >illiams, an" some of * e &ommen*s ma"e by o* er %omen in * e grou) % o "is&usse" * eir e/)erien&es "uring in*er+ie%s (see ! an&ellor, 2000). 9s ba&=groun" for e/amining * e )ra&*i&e of 'lir*y 'is ing in * e !4#, 0 firs* re+ie% some of * e &on*em)orary resear& li*era*ure on * e bo"y an" * e usefulness of a"o)*ing * is *y)e of a))roa& *o * e s*u"y of ne% religious mo+emen*s. Theoretical A roach: Social Theories of the Body

So&ial * eories of * e bo"y el) *o illumina*e * e so&ial meanings a**a& e" *o * e bo"y an" * e so&ial for&es * a* el) *o s a)e * e bo"y in i*s &on*e/*. 9))roa& ing * e bo"y from * is )ers)e&*i+e allo%s for * e re&ogni*ion of bo* * e bo"y3s ma*eriali*y an" * e fa&* * a* i* is, in )ar* a* leas*, so&ially &ons*ru&*e". T a* is *o say, * e bo"y is so&ially &ons*i*u*e"? en&e, i*s manifes*a*ion an" )resen*a*ion are "e)en"en* on so&ial an" &ul*ural &on*e/*s an" * e +arious s*ru&*ures * erein. 2sing * e bo"y as an analy*i&al an" * eore*i&al *ool, one is able *o "ra% on a +arie*y of a))roa& es * a* en an&e our un"ers*an"ing of uman in*era&*ions, be a+iours, an" %ays of being in * e %orl". T e so&ial s&ien&es more broa"ly a+e )ai" )ar*i&ular a**en*ion *o * e bo"y as a si*e of analysis.ii No longer * e )ur+ie% of * e biologi&al s&ien&es;% i& fo&uses solely on * e biologi&al ma*eriali*y of * e bo"y;resear& ers from a +arie*y of "is&i)lines in&lu"ing so&iology, an* ro)ology, )sy& ology, ) iloso) y, religious s*u"ies, an" %omen3s s*u"ies a+e soug * *o lo&a*e * e bo"y %i* in * e "ense ma*ri/ of uman e/is*en&e an" e/)erien&e. T is &or)us of resear& "e+elo)e" an" )rolifera*e" o+er * e &ourse of * e *%en*ie* &en*ury an" as been es)e&ially abun"an* o+er * e las* * ir*y years or so. Su& resear& as "e+elo)e" unaba*e" in*o * e *%en*y6firs* 2

Marburg Journal of Religion: Volume 12, No. 1 (May 2007)

&en*ury. @er a)s bo* be&ause of * e +ery ubiAui*y of uman bo"ies an" * e myria" of lo&a*ions in % i& %e &an analyse * em, <* e bo"y3 as a &on&e)* )ro+i"es us %i* a near ine/ aus*ible su))ly of resear& )o*en*ials. 9l* oug many e/is*ing an* ologies "is&uss <so&iology of * e bo"y,3 <an* ro)ology of * e bo"y,3 an" so for* as "is*in&* resear& "omains, mu& "is&ussion &u*s a&ross "is&i)lines. 9s a so&iologis*, my o%n )referen&e is *o frame my a))roa& %i* in a more general <so&ial * eories of * e bo"y.3 0m)or*an* *o resear& ers is * e re&ogni*ion * a* * e bo"y in all * ese &on*e/*s *y)i&ally e/is*s a* * e in*erse&*ion of )o%er rela*ions (see .our"ieu, 1,77? !sor"as 1,,7? 'ea* ers*one, Be)%or* , an" Turner, C"s. 1,,1? 'ou&aul* 1,77? 43Neill, 2007? an" Turner, 1,D7, 1,,7). !er*ainly, * is insig * is an im)or*an* one for my analysis of 'lir*y 'is ing. Religious is*orians a+e e/)lore" * e role of * e uman bo"y from an is*ori&al6religious )ers)e&*i+e.iii Mu& of * is *y)e of resear& *y)i&ally obser+es an" analyses * e role of * e uman bo"y an" i*s &onne&*ion *o sal+a*ion an" re"em)*ion )ar*i&ularly "uring * e Mi""le 9ges. 0n * e >es*ern %orl", * e early Mi""le 9ges sa% * e a"o)*ion of Roman !a* oli& ! ris*iani*y in mu& of Curo)e. .y * e la*e Mi""le 9ges, * e )ra&*i&e of Roman !a* oli& ! ris*iani*y %as %i"es)rea", an" %i* i* emerge" *ra"i*ions * a* se* ou* s)e&ifi& )res&ri)*ions an" )ros&ri)*ions regar"ing * e bo"y. Moreo+er, be&ause of * e E! ris*ian * eology of e+il, * e bo"y be&ame more &en*ral *o * e & ara&*eri1a*ion of man as a fallen &rea*ureF: * e ! ris*ian &on&e)*uali1a*ion of Efles F e/em)lifies * eir i"en*ifi&a*ion of * e bo"y as a )roblem (Turner, 1,,7: 21). T ese same &on&erns of*en are ig ly rele+an* *o a))roa& es *o * e bo"y in some ne% religious mo+emen*s, bu* * ey *oo= on uniAue "imensions %i* in * e ! il"ren of #o" % ere * e bo"y be&ame no* a si*e of sin, bu* ins*ea" one of +ir*ue an" gra&e. T e bo"y is )i+o*al *o * e e/)lora*ion of our is*ori&al an" &on*em)orary religious %orl"s (!oa=ley $C".(, 1,,7? M&#uire, 1,,0? !sor"as, 2002? Sim)son, 1,,G). 0n er in*ro"u&*ion *o Religion and the Body, Sara !oa=ley (1,,7) ar*i&ula*es * e bo"y3s in*egral )la&e in * e is*ory of many %orl" religions. S e )ro)oses * a* %e embra&e +arious a))roa& es in our s*u"ies of * e bo"y in "ifferen* religious se**ings. T is in*er"is&i)linary +olume * us e/amines bo"ily ri*ual an" meaning in se+eral es*ablis e" %orl" religions in&lu"ing Ju"aism, !a* oli&ism, @ro*es*an*ism, Horoas*rianism, an" Sufism. Similarly, Religious Reflections on the Human Body e"i*e" by Jane Marie Ia% (1,,J) brings *oge* er a &olle&*ion of e/)lora*ions of religious a**i*u"es *o * e bo"y in&lu"ing * ose of 0slam, 0n"ian .u"" ism, ! anKHen .u"" ism, an" Malaysian ! inese )o)ular religion. Ne% religions su& as * e ! il"ren of #o", o%e+er, "o no* a))ear in * ese %or=s. Mere"i* M&#uire (1,,0) argues also * a* * e s*u"y of religion &oul" *a=e on e/&i*ing ne% "ire&*ions if resear& ers %ere *o )ay in&rease" a**en*ion *o * e &on&e)* of embo"imen* (M&#uire 1,,0: 2DG). 5ra%ing on * e &en*ral )osi*ions in * e bo"y li*era*ure, M&#uire summari1es nea*ly * e reasons * a* so&iologis*s generally (an" so&iologis*s of religion in )ar*i&ular) s oul" )ay a**en*ion *o * e bo"y. Similarly, Jo n B. Sim)son (1,,G) fin"s * a* * e bo"y s oul" figure as a &en*ral &om)onen* in * e s*u"y of religion an" so&ie*y. Be rea& es * is &on&lusion be&ause of * e )o)ulari*y of &on*em)orary e+angeli&al, < an"s on3 religiosi*y * a* is e/*remely ) ysi&al in & ara&*er? * e &on*inue" rise in al*erna*i+e ealing * era)ies? an" * e & allenge * a* gay an" lesbian se/uali*y )oses for e*erose/ual norms in mains*ream ! ris*iani*y (Sim)son, 1,,G). T ese insig *s &er*ainly )er*ain *o my "is&ussion ere, es)e&ially sin&e * e ! il"ren of #o" as e+angeli&al roo*s. G

Marburg Journal of Religion: Volume 12, No. 1 (May 2007)

9l* oug M&#uire an" o* ers a"+o&a*e a <so&iology of * e bo"y3 )ers)e&*i+e for *ra"i*ional an" mains*ream religions, * e resear& li*era*ure on new religious movements offers s&ar&e "is&ussion on * e role of * e bo"y in su& &on*e/*s. Some s& olars of ne% religious mo+emen*s refer *o * e bo"y as a &on&ern %i* in a )ar*i&ular religious grou), bu* "o no* * en a**en" *o * e bo"y from an analy*i&al or * eore*i&al )ers)e&*i+e. 9n im)or*an* e/&e)*ion *o * is obser+a*ion, o%e+er, is ! i"es*er (1,DD), % ose "is&ussion of * e @eo)le3s Tem)le in&or)ora*es an analysis of * e im)or*an&e of * e bo"y in *erms of so&ial &on*rol, sal+a*ion, an" re+olu*ion. 4* er mo+emen*s su& as Bea+en3s #a*e, S&ien*ology, an" * e ! il"ren of #o" ma=e freAuen* referen&es *o * e role of * e bo"y in * eir o%n li*era*ure. 9s is * e &ase %i* Bea+en3s #a*e, * ese referen&es some*imes are Aui*e e/)li&i* an" offer e/&ellen* o))or*uni*ies for analysis (see Raine, 200J). More generally, ne% religious mo+emen*s affor" a ri& resear& groun" in % i& *o e/)lore "is&ussions of embo"imen*, bo"ily symbolism, e/)ression, an" &on*rol. 4ne of * e goals of * is ar*i&le, * erefore, is *o en&ourage * is form of resear& en"ea+our in ne% religious mo+emen*s an" o* er i"eologi&al grou) &on*e/*s. Sexuality and the Children of God T e !4# as engen"ere" a grea* "eal of "is&ussion an" "eba*e )ar*i&ularly in *erms of i*s se/ual "o&*rines an" a**en"an* be a+iours, an" * ese "ialogues a+e be&ome Aui*e )olari1e" in na*ure. Some s& olars main*ain * a* se/ual s aring an" o* er se/ual )ra&*i&es %ere no* )roblema*i& an" * a* ''ing e/is*e" as a form of <e+angeli&al ou*rea& 3 (for e/am)le, see Mel*on, 1,,7, 2007). 4* er a&a"emi&s are Aui*e ou*s)o=en in * eir &ri*i&ism of * e se/ual "o&*rines of * e grou), an" insis* * a* abuses o&&urre" (for e/am)le, 8en* 1,,7a? 1,,7b). More generally, a&a"emi& "eba*es *y)i&ally re+ol+e aroun" se/ual s aring, ''ing, & il"&are, e"u&a*ion, an" "is&i)line %i* in * e grou). ('or a re+ie% of re&en* resear& on * e !4# $no% &alle" T e 'amily( an" * e ongoing "eba*es foun" * erein, see Raine $200-(.) Regar"less of * eir )osi*ions, o%e+er, all a&a"emi& &ri*iAues ma=e i* &lear * a* * e members of * e !4# %ere )ar* of a grou) * a* es)ouse" * e se/ual an" sensual na*ure of bo"ies as a means *o &onne&* %i* Jesus an" #o". 4ne of * e mos* re&en* an" mos* &om)re ensi+e a&&oun*s of * e !4# is James 5. ! an&ellor3s Life in the Family: An Oral History of the Children of God (2000). ! an&ellor &on"u&*e" in*er+ie%s %i* o+er se+en un"re" members of * e grou), an" e/&er)*s from * em are +ery re+ealing in *erms of many members3 e/)erien&es of se/ual s aring, 'lir*y 'is ing, & il" se/ual abuse, an" of * e e/)e&*a*ions * a* .erg )la&e" u)on %omen an" & il"ren. > ils* ! an&ellor a&=no%le"ges * e )roblems asso&ia*e" %i* * e !4#K'amily, e )ro+i"es a rela*i+ely balan&e" a&&oun* of * e grou) * a* o+er&omes some of * e "is)ara*e fin"ings of )re+ious resear& . 9l* oug many )eo)le a+e "es&ribe" )osi*i+e e/)erien&es in * e !4#, many o* ers a+e re)or*e" *imes of fear, &oer&ion, se/ual mis&on"u&*, emo*ional abuse, an" & il" abuse (in"ee", ! an&ellor3s boo= &onfron*s mos* of * e &on*ro+ersies an" )roblems ea" on).i+ 'ur* ermore, * ese allege" abuses "i" no* o&&ur in * e same %ay * a* * ey "o in * e res* of so&ie*y (* a* is, as a&=no%le"ge" &riminal a&*s), bu* ins*ea" * ey o&&urre" as )ar* of an en&ourage", san&*ione", an" e+en %ri**en "o&*rinal sys*em * a* eAua*e" o+er* an" unres*ri&*e" se/uali*y %i* religious "e+o*ion. 7

Marburg Journal of Religion: Volume 12, No. 1 (May 2007)

'or * e %omen of * e grou), .erg "e*ermine" no* only o% * ey s oul" )resen* * eir bo"ies (in *erms of a))earan&e) bu* also % a* * ey s oul" "o %i* * em;)ar*i&ularly in *erms of se/ual rela*ions i)s. 9s be&omes e+i"en*, .erg3s influen&e on %omen3s bo"ies gre% o+er *ime, as e reso&iali1e" %omen an" * eir un"ers*an"ing of * eir bo"ies an" se/uali*y %i* in * e &on*e/* of * e grou)3s "o&*rines. 0n * e follo%ing se&*ion, 0 re+ie% briefly * e e+olu*ion of * is )ro&ess, % i& &ulmina*e" %i* * e ins*i*u*ion of 'lir*y 'is ing. 0 e/)lore * e %ays in % i& %omen3s bo"ies be&ame &en*ral *o * e grou)3s )rosely*i1a*ion )rogram, an" o% * e %omen nego*ia*e" * e ne% roles * a* * eir bo"ies )laye" %i* in * e mo+emen*. !o"en#s Bodies .erg al%ays :us*ifie" is o%n )romis&uous be a+iour %i* .ibli&al e/)lana*ions, &om)aring imself *o )ro) e*s % o a" more * an one %ife. 0n mos* (if no* all) of is se/ually ins)ire" %ri*ings, .erg eAua*e" se/uali*y %i* #o"liness in some %ay or ano* er an" e en&ourage" is follo%ers no* *o feel s ameful abou* * e se/ual na*ure of * eir bo"ies. > ile )osi*i+e a**i*u"es abou* one3s bo"y an" se/uali*y are benefi&ial *o in"i+i"uals, * e reali*y of se/ual s aring an" 'lir*y 'is ing for some grou) members %as a* *imes bo* ) ysi&ally an" emo*ionally "iffi&ul*, an" a* o* er *imes "angerous. >i* * e o Letter,+ <4ne >ife3 (.erg 1,72), .erg in*ro"u&e" * e &on&e)* of )lural %i+es *o * e grou). Be "e&lare" * a* be&ause .ibli&al :us*ifi&a*ions e/is*e" for )olygamy, * e grou) s oul" also embra&e * is "o&*rine. Be insis*e" * a* e/&lusi+e marriage uni*s of *%o %ere Eselfis F an" agains* #o"3s %ill. !ri*i&ally, e i"en*ifie" * a* * e %ife of any one man en&efor* %as * e %ife of all o* er men (.erg, 1,72). T us, .erg in*ro"u&e" se/ual <s aring3, a )oli&y * a* e referre" *o freAuen*ly in is %ri*ings. .erg ar*i&ula*e" is )referen&es for * e female bo"y in "e*ail. Be "i" no* %an* * e %omen of * e grou) merely *o )u* * eir bo"ies on )ermanen* "is)lay? ra* er, e a"+ise" agains* &on*inuous nu"i*y an" ar*i&ula*e" is "isgus* %i* in mains*ream )ornogra) y. .erg %an*e" %omen *o a+e )leasing bo"ies, bu* on is *erms: <There "ust be an ex ression to her body$ an ex ression of excite"ent$ eagerness$ and antici ation3 (.erg, 1,7G: 1G22). Moreo+er, .erg "i" no* %an* %omen :us* for * eir bo"ies, bu* &laime" * a* * ey mus* ma=e men a))y in o* er %ays *oo. T us, %omen mus* a**en" *o men3s ) ysi&al, emo*ional, an" s)iri*ual nee"s (.erg, 1,7G: 1G22). T a* %omen3s bo"ies mus* re)resen* .erg3s "esires is e+i"en* no* only in is %ri*ings bu* also in * e abun"an* "ra%ings * a* illus*ra*e" is i"eas in * e o Letters. 0n 1,7-, .erg "issemina*e" is ini*ial )ubli&a*ions on ''ing *o * e !4# &ommunes.+i T us, many %omen began *o se/uali1e * eir bo"ies as a means *o )rosely*i1e *o )o*en*ial male &on+er*s. Moreo+er, * e im)or*an&e of %omen *o * e &on*inue" e/)ansion of * e grou) be&ame e+i"en*. ! an&ellor re)or*s * a* E9lmos* all a"ul* female "is&i)les %ere in+ol+e" in ''ing *o some "egree.F Be es*ima*e" also * a* many a" )osi*i+e e/)erien&es in * is )ra&*i&e (! an&ellor, 2000: 117).+ii 0n*eres*ingly, e no*e" also * a* ''ing )robably %as no* +ery su&&essful in bringing ne% re&rui*s in*o * e mo+emen*, bu* %as Ea )rimary sour&e of finan&ial su))or* an" )oli*i&al )ro*e&*ionF (! an&ellor, 2000: 1-). J

Marburg Journal of Religion: Volume 12, No. 1 (May 2007)

.erg base" * e )ra&*i&e of ''ing on * e e/)erien&es of is &onsor*, Maria, %i* a man &alle" 9r* ur % om s e se"u&e" in Cnglan" in*o :oining * e grou) (Van Han"*, 1,,1: 7-677). T e basi& analogy * a* .erg use" is * a* %omen are * e Ebai*F an" * a* men are * e Efis F a**ra&*e" *o * e bai*. 0n * e o Letter <'lir*y Ii**le 'is 3 (.erg, 1,77a), .erg "is&usse" Maria3s a**em)*s *o E oo=F men: %&&' T%() T%*&+G% %(* F,(S%- !ru&ify er fles , Ior", on * e .arb of T y S)iri*L 4 #o", e+en if i* )ene*ra*e an" &ru&ify er fles , im)ale er on * e )oin* of T y S)iri* * a* s e may "ie, * a* * ose * a* fee" of er fles may be &aug * *o li+eL 4 #o", el) er, 4 Jesus, *o be %illing *o be * e bai*L (.erg 1,77a: J2D). T e ne/* )age "e)i&*s *%o se/ually s*yli1e" images of %omen. 4ne is an illus*ra*ion of a %oman %earing o* )an*s, a bra, an" ig 6 eele" boo*s.+iii S e is "angling a fis oo= from er an" an" * e &a)*ion belo% rea"s <'0SBCRS 4' MCNL3 4n * e las* )age of * is )ubli&a*ion an image )or*rays a %oman as a mermai" im)ale" on a oo=, bu* embra&ing a man, * is *ime %i* * e ea"ing <B448CR '4R JCS2S3 (.erg, 1,77a: JGJ). No*e * a* bo* * e *erminology an" * e imagery of * is =ey *e/* are sa*ura*e" %i* * e r e*ori& of )ros*i*u*ion, albei* frame" also by .erg3s rein*er)re*a*ion of ! ris*ian "o&*rine. .erg "e)i&*e" * e a&* of ''ing in *erms of gi+ing one3s lo+e (an" se/) *o * e ne% re&rui*s as * e ul*ima*e &ommi*men* *o #o" an" *o Jesus. Moreo+er, e *ol" * e %omen, EM42R .45M 0S TBC VCB0!IC TB9T TBC S@0R0T 0S TR9VCII0N# 0N . . . . 0*3s your bo"y * a* as *o "o i*, * e bo"y as *o &ome firs*F (.erg, 1,7-a: 71G2). .erg ma"e * e %omen3s bo"ies )rofi*able, % en in 1,7D e release" * e o Letter <Ma=e 0* @ay3 in % i& e a"+ise" %omen *o ge* money for * eir ser+i&es (.erg 1,7Da). 0n some lo&a*ions, * e %omen also engage" in <CSing,3 for a )erio";a )ra&*i&e * a* )la&e" * em in es&or* agen&ies (! an&ellor, 2000: 12J612D). T ese *%o mo+es arguably s*reng* en * e )arallels be*%een ''ing an" )ros*i*u*ion, al* oug as >illiams .oerii/ &ommen*s, in one o Letter .erg %or"e" is "ire&*i+e * a* %omen &olle&* money from men in *erms of * e )aymen* being a E"ona*ionF *o * e grou! in"ire&*ly * roug * e %oman (>illiams .oeri, 200J: 1-D)./ Some of * e %omen % om ! an&ellor in*er+ie%e" &laim * a* * ey "i" no* regar" ''ing as )ros*i*u*ion, a )er&e)*ion * a* ! an&ellor a&&e)*s (! an&ellor, 2000: 11,)? al* oug e a))ears *o &ome &lose *o "es&ribing i* as su& on a &ou)le of o&&asions by )la&ing em) asis on i*s finan&ial &om)onen* (! an&ellor, 2000: 120, 121). Be "oes "es&ribe i* also, o%e+er, as an Eou*rea& me* o"F (! an&ellor, 2000: 120). T e %omen3s )osi*ion on ''ing may be "ue *o .erg3s legi*ima*ion an" normali1a*ion of * e )ra&*i&e in #o"ly *erms. 0n * is %ay, many %omen may %ell a+e &ome *o belie+e * a* su& "i+inely ins)ire" an" san&*ione" be a+iour &oul" no* )ossibly &om)are %i* * e illegal, sub:uga*ing, an" )rofane )ra&*i&e of )ros*i*u*ion. !ri*i&ally, some %omen )er a)s sim)ly could not * in= of * eir a&*ions * ese *erms. T us, * eir "enial of i* a&*e" *o )reser+e * eir self6i"en*i*y an" self6res)e&*. T e submission of %omen3s bo"ies *o .erg3s "o&*rines, o%e+er, &learly re+eals * a* e ins*ru&*e" * em *o e/& ange * eir bo"ies in re*urn for ne% &on+er*s, an" la*er on, for money. > e* er one argues * a* ''ing &ons*i*u*e", or a* leas* &om)are" *o )ros*i*u*ion, one mus* bear in min" * a* * is )ro&ess %as no* al%ays &oer&i+e, bu* ins*ea", refle&*e" * e &om)le/ religious, emo*ional, an" i"eologi&al rela*ions i) be*%een .erg an" is follo%ers. 0n * is %ay, * e %omen -

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%or=e" ar" *o re"efine * eir &on&e)*s of % a* &ons*i*u*e" religious be a+iour. 4ne mus* re&ogni1e also, * a* * e en&ouragemen* an" some*imes "eman"s * a* %omen engage in * is *y)e of be a+iour o&&urre" %i* in a )a*riar& al, ig 6"eman" religious mo+emen* in % i& .erg3s au* ori*y %as &om)le*e (for e/am)le, see ! an&ellor, 2000: -J, 70). T e e/)erien&e of ''ing %as no* * e same for all %omen % o )ar*i&i)a*e" in i*? * us "ifferen* )er&e)*ions of i* are li=ely (an" * ese )er&e)*ions &an & ange o+er *ime). 'inally, no* all ''ing in+ol+e" full se/ual in*er&ourse;* e %omen use" +arious "egrees of ) ysi&al in*ima&y, in&lu"ing "an&ing an" =issing. .erg3s )rogram of s aring e+ol+e" o+er a )erio" of *ime, s*ar*ing %i* se/ual s aring %i* in * e &ommuni*y )rior *o * e in*ro"u&*ion of ''ing (an" CSing). 9s one e/6member sai" of * e in*ro"u&*ion *o ''ing an" CSing: <0 %as use" *o s aring %i* * e bro* ers, so slee)ing %i* o* er men %as no* ing s*range3 (Auo*e" in ! an&ellor, 2000: 127). .erg e+en a"+ise" ea& %oman * a* "uring * e &ourse of ''ing, s e li=ely %oul" en&oun*er a *ime % en a man %oul" a**em)* *o ra)e er. Nuo*ing s&ri)*ure, e im)lie" * a* a %oman s oul" forgi+e * e ra)is*. .erg also &laime" * a* % en a %oman fin"s erself in su& a si*ua*ion, <T e safes* * ing *o "o in some su& &ases is sim)ly yiel", or * e girls &oul" suffer +iolen&eL3 (.erg, 1,77b: GD21). Ne+er* eless, e "i" no* ne&essarily blame * e fis (i.e. * e male aggressor), be&ause ETBC #0RI >B4 54CS 9II TBC RCST 9N5 TBCN S255CNIM 54CSN3T >9NT T4 #4 9II TBC >9M, 0S RC9IIM #40N# T4 B9VC N4.45M .2T BCRSCI' T4 .I9MCF(.erg, 1,77b: GD21). E0' M42 #4 9BC95 9N5 54 0T 4NIM .C!92SC M42 >CRC '4R!C5 T4, TBC I4R53S N4T #40N# T4 #0VC M42 M2!B !RC50T '4R TB9TLF (.erg, 1,77b: GD2J). .erg sugges*e" * a* * e %omen :us* gi+e * emsel+es %illingly be&ause E9 ra)is* is going *o fu&= you any%ay6 6 e+en if e as *o fu&= your "ea" bo"yL 6 6 0*3s been "oneLF (.erg, 1,77b: GD2J). T e en*ire le**er )la&e" ra)e as * e faul* of * e %oman. .erg blame" %omen for en&ouraging ra)e an" for saying <no3 *o se/ %i* s*rangers % en * ey a&*ually (a&&or"ing *o im) mean* <yes3 (.erg, 1,77b: GD226GD2G). T us, * e %omen3s bo"ies "i" no* %arran* )ro*e&*ion;ins*ea" * e nee"s of * e grou) &ame firs*;e+en if * ese nee"s mean* bo"ily (an" )sy& ologi&al6emo*ional) sa&rifi&e. T e %omen3s bo"ies refle&*e" * eir )osi*ion in * e grou);* ey %ere a means *o an en" in *erms of i*s e/)ansion. 0n er "is&ussion of religion an" * e bo"y, M&#uire )oin*s *o * e bo"y as a )o*en*ial si*e of abuse (M&#uire, 1,,0: 2D7), an" er obser+a*ion is a)* ere. 9l* oug M&#uire "oes no* elabora*e, in * e &on*e/* of * e !4#, one &er*ainly &an re&ognise )roblema*i& "ynami&s. Regar"less of % e* er any %omen in * e !4# e/)erien&e" ra)e % ile 'lir*y 'is ing, .erg3s &lear e/)e&*a*ion * a* * ey s oul" en"ure e+en * e idea of i* seems abusi+e. 5isregar" for * e %omen3s bo"ily an" )sy& ologi&al %ell6being emerge" again in .erg3s &onsi"era*ion of * e "angers of se/ually *ransmi**e" "iseases. .erg "is&usse" * e )roblem of se/ually *ransmi**e" "iseases %i* * e )ubli&a*ion of * e o Letter <9ffli&*ions3 (.erg, 1,7-a: 71DD6721,). Be began * e )ubli&a*ion &laiming * a* e a" &on*em)la*e" s*o))ing * e )ra&*i&e of ''ing be&ause of * e +ery real ris=s * a* i* )ose" *o * e %omen. 9s e )on"ere" * e )roblem, o%e+er, e &on&lu"e" * a* Jesus li=ely a" &on*ra&*e" a +enereal "isease a* some )oin* *oo, an" * a* * ere is no s ame in anyone no% a+ing "one so. T us, :us* as Jesus suffere" "isease, an" more im)or*an*ly, &ru&ifi/ion, * e %omen of * e grou) s oul" &on*inue *o surren"er * eir bo"ies, 7

Marburg Journal of Religion: Volume 12, No. 1 (May 2007)

<C+en a* * e ris= of affli&*ionsL3 (.erg, 1,7-a: 721,). 4f * e many illus*ra*ions in * is le**er, * e mos* *elling "e)i&*s a na=e" %oman )inne" *o * e be" by a gian* nail * roug er +agina. To * e lef* of * e be" is an image of ! ris* on * e &ross (.erg, 1,7-a: 71,D). T e symbolism of bo"ily sa&rifi&e is &lear. T e )roblem of se/ually *ransmi**e" "iseases emerge" again %i* in&rease" a%areness of 905S. ! an&ellor no*es * a* fear &on&erning * e s)rea" of 905S %as * e main &on*ribu*ing reason be in" .erg3s "e&ision *o s*o) ''ing al*oge* er (! an&ellor, 2000: 22). No*e * a* * is reasoning s*rongly sugges*s * a* mos* ''ers %ere engaging in full se/ual &on*a&* %i* * e men * a* * ey fis e". T e )ra&*i&e of 'lir*y 'is ing resul*e" in members +ie%ing %omen3s bo"ies as re&rui*men* *ools an" as an a))ro)ria*e %ay in % i& *o use one3s bo"y in * e name of Jesus an" #o". T us, se/ual &on*a&* bo* in e/& ange for money an" o* er goo"s an" as a means *o bring in ne% re&rui*s be&ame an a&&e)*able an" in"ee" e/)e&*e" %ay for %omen *o use * eir bo"ies. 0n a""i*ion, in some &ases %omen a" *o ma=e * eir bo"ies freely a+ailable *o .erg an" *o o* er males in * e grou) a* any *ime (see 8en*, 1,,7b: 1-J61-7). 0n"ee", of*en .erg )romo*e" * e sub:uga*ion of %omen3s bo"ies, an" "es&ribe" * eir "u*ies an" obliga*ions *o men in se/ual *erms. 9&&or"ing *o .erg, #o" Elo+es % oresF so e &omman"e" * em *o E@R4VC M42R I4VC >0TB SCOF be&ause ETBCM $MCN( #CT 'C5 2@ >0TB TBCSC S0!8CN0N# SCI'0SB >4MCNF (.erg, 1,7-b: 71G7). T e Esi&=ening selfis F %omen e refers *o are * e %omen % o %ere )ar* of * e feminis* mo+emen*. Be &ri*i&i1e" * em for no* loo=ing af*er men <)ro)erly.3 Ii=e%ise, in <Real Mo* ersL3 (.erg, 1,7J), .erg "eri"e" <TB0S >4MCN3S I0. 05C9L3 Maria an" .erg %ro*e * a* %omen a" been Ebrain%as e"F in*o libera*ion, an" * a* i* %as * e !4#3s "u*y *o Ebrain%as F * em ba&= in*o mo* er oo" (.erg, 1,7J: GJ21). .erg3s )osi*ion %as ob+ious. >omen %ere ob:e&*s for * e &ause? e regar"e" * eir bo"ies as his !ro!erty. 'ur* ermore, "es)i*e .erg3s &oun*er&ul*ural a))eal, e "i" no* )romo*e * e libera*ion of %omen an" "i" no* gran* * em eAuali*y. 0n * e !4#, .erg3s )a*riar& al an" au* ori*arian "i&*a*es boun" * e roles of %omen. 0n*eres*ing *o no*e is * a* * e &on*rol an" use of %omen3s bo"ies in * is grou) o&&urre" e/a&*ly a* * e *ime % en %omen in mains*ream so&ie*y %ere ma=ing so&ial an" )oli*i&al gains as me"ia*e" by * e feminis* mo+emen*. 9s 8en* (2001) &ommen*s: .y far * e mos* mani)ula*i+e use of feminis* r e*ori& agains* %omen o&&urre" in * e ! il"ren of #o". 0*s lea"er, 5a+i" .erg, s)e&ifi&ally a))ro)ria*e" * e language an" images of %omen3s libera*ion in a manner * a* sub:e&*e" %omen *o numerous )regnan&ies, *ra"i*ionalis* family roles, subser+ien&e *o men, )ros*i*u*ion, ) ysi&al +iolen&e, an" general se/ual e/)loi*a*ion (8en*, 2001: 1-G). Se/uali*y %as a realm of life in % i& %omen generally %ere gaining eAuali*y, bu* as Miriam >illiams refle&*e" on er *ime as a member % o freAuen*ly engage" in ''ing, E0 "i" no* e/)erien&e )leasure in se/ for many, many, years. 'irs* i* %as a "u*y, * en a *ool, an" finally a bur"enF (>illiams, 1,,D: 110). 0n a""i*ion, se/ism %as )ar* of * e larger Jesus mo+emen* (of % i& * e !4# %as a )ar*) of * e era (8en*, 2001: 1-761-J). 9 "is)ari*y e/is*e", * erefore, be*%een no*ions of eAuali*y in mains*ream so&ie*y an" * ose in * e !4#. 5es)i*e being )ar* of * e &oun*er&ul*ure, * e !4# se* in )la&e a more res*ri&*i+e )a*riar& al au* ori*y sys*em * an o)era*e" in mains*ream D

Marburg Journal of Religion: Volume 12, No. 1 (May 2007)

so&ie*y. Some*imes, o%e+er, * e )resen*a*ion of %omen3s )la&e %i* in * e !4# %as ra* er ambiguous. .erg3s )or*rayal of %omen in * e o Letters simul*aneously ele+a*e" and "enigra*e" * eir bo"ies. 4n * e one an", e ele+a*e" * eir s*a*us by eAua*ing * eir bo"ies %i* * e "i+ine realm. .y &omman"ing %omen *o use * eir bo"ies *o s)rea" #o"3s lo+e, e en&ourage" %omen *o re"efine * eir &on&e)*s of self an" of bo"y. T ey a" *o )er&ei+e * eir bo"ies as ob:e&*s for * e "is*ribu*ion of #o"3s lo+e;as sa&re" ins*rumen*s of )leasure an" &ommi*men*. T us, by s aring * eir bo"ies * ey belie+e" * a* * ey ser+e" a ig er )ur)ose. 4n * e o* er an", of*en * e )ro&ess of ele+a*ion %as mislea"ing an" &on*ribu*e" also *o * e "enigra*ion of * e %omen. .erg3s religious "is&ourse %as one * a* s a)e" an o+er* se/ualisa*ion an" ob:e&*ifi&a*ion of %omen3s bo"ies. 2sing * e ins*ru&*ional &a)a&i*y of * e o Letters, e "issemina*e" a ne% i"eal for %omen3s bo"ies * a* %as "iffi&ul* for some of * e %omen *o a&&e)*. T e e/)e&*a*ions im)ose" u)on * e %omen %ere ig , an" of*en )la&e" * em in "angerous si*ua*ions %i* men % om * ey "i" no* =no% or =no% %ell. Some e/6members a))eare" ambi+alen* abou* s aring * eir bo"ies se/ually % ile a* * e same *ime s)rea"ing * e grou)3s +ersion of * e %or" of #o" an" *rying *o ob*ain ne% re&rui*s. 4ne %oman &ommen*e" abou* ''ing: EMaybe some*imes * e mo*i+es %eren3* al%ays rig *. 0 =no% * a*. .u* really 0 belie+e %i* all my ear* * a* * e mo*i+a*ion be in" ''ing %as *o really s o% )eo)le * e lo+e of Jesus. 9n" 0 =no% * a* i* really & ange" )eo)le3s li+es. Sure, * ere %ere *imes % en men :us* use" * e si*ua*ion, 0 =no% * a*F (Auo*e" in ! an&ellor, 2000: 11-). 4* ers %ere less *en*a*i+e abou* ma=ing * e &onne&*ion be*%een se/ %i* s*rangers for re%ar"s. 9no* er e/6member &ommen*e", EMaria sen* me a message. S e %as )re**y blun* abou* i*. S e *ol" me * a* s e ''e" for su))or* of * eir ome. 9n" if s e &oul" "o i*, 0 "amn %ell &oul" *oo. S e *ol" me *o '' *o ge* * e money an" su))or*PF (Auo*e" in ! an&ellor, 2000: 12G). T us, some %omen &learly a&&e)*e" * a* 'lir*y 'is ing %as a means *o bring finan&ial su))or* *o * e grou), an" al* oug se/ual rela*ions %ere no* al%ays a )ar* of * e &on*a&* %i* men, i* in&reasingly be&ame so. Moreo+er, * e lines seeme" blurre" for o* ers, sugges*ing * a* * ey foun" i* "iffi&ul* *o frame * eir e/)erien&es merely as religious a&*s. C/ !4# member, Miriam >illiams (1,,D) "is&usses bo* er )osi*i+e an" nega*i+e e/)erien&es rela*e" *o ''ing. Ber a&&oun* )ro+i"es useful insig *s in*o * e "e+elo)men* of * e grou)3s se/ual "ynami&s. >illiams i"en*ifies * a* "uring * e early years of * e grou), .erg forba"e se/ual rela*ions i)s be*%een members unless a lo&al grou) lea"er ga+e * e &ou)le )ermission *o marry./i 0n ea& &ommune, lea"ers segrega*e" men an" %omen3s slee)ing Auar*ers an" moni*ore" mu& of * e maleKfemale in*era&*ions. C+en "uring so&ial e+en*s, &on*a&* %as limi*e". >illiams &ommen*s, ET ere %as no slo% "an&ing an" no *ou& ing bo"y6bo"y. 0* %as +ery inno&en* an" e/*remely e/ ilara*ingF (>illiams, 1,,D: 71). T us, * e grou) regimen*e" members3 bo"ies "uring * is s*age of i*s "e+elo)men*. Men an" %omen a" li**le in*era&*ion, an" * e lea"ers =e)* ea& member of * e grou) e/*remely busy %i* &ommune & ores, %i*nessing, li*nessing,/ii an" %ors i). >illiams e/)lains * a* s e embra&e" * e %ay of life for Ei"ealis*i& reasonsF (>illiams, 1,,D: GD). Ii=e so many o* er members, s e %as %illing *o &ons*ru&* a ne% self6i"en*i*y, one * a* refle&*e" er &ommi*men* *o ig er i"eals of &ommuni*y life an" religious sal+a*ion an" obe"ien&e. !ri*i&ally, ,

Marburg Journal of Religion: Volume 12, No. 1 (May 2007)

>illiams i"en*ifies * a*, for er, )ar* of * e a))eal of * e !4# %as er abili*y *o rea& ou* *o )eo)le in +ery &on&re*e %ays (>illiams, 1,,D: D0). T e e/*ension of * is &onne&*ion *o * e se/ual realm re+eals an enormous "egree of bo"ily an" self6sa&rifi&e, * e &onseAuen&es of % i& %oul" a&&umula*e o+er a )erio" of years. >illiams "es&ribes er o%n early rea&*ion *o * e )ra&*i&es of se/ual s aring an" ''ing, re+ealing * a* be&ause of * e religious as)e&*s of * ese )ro&e"ures s e a&&e)*e" * em as fa&e*s of er life in * e mo+emen*. S e re&oun*s er ra*ionali1a*ion of ''ing: E9&&e)*ing 'amily $* e !4#( i"eology by fai* , 0 ga+e my bo"y mu& as a sol"ier is *aug * *o gi+e is or er lifeF (>illiams, 1,,D: 10,). Ber &on&e)* of self %as * eologi&al: E>ell * e *ru* %as, my bo"y belonge" firs* *o #o", * en *o * e 'amily, * en *o my usban"F (>illiams, 1,,D: 111). !learly, >illiams "i" no* regar" er bo"y as her own. T us, s e a" a&&e)*e" * a* er bo"y refle&*e" only er "esire *o )lease #o", *o )lease .erg, an" *o )lease o* er men. .e&ause of * e +ie% of er bo"y * a* s e (an", 0 argue, many o* er %omen in * e grou)) "e+elo)e", s e (an" o* ers) &ame *o a&&e)* * a* ESe/ual fa+ors *o s*rangers %as fas* be&oming our main me* o" of %i*nessing abou* * e Ior"F (>illiams, 1,,D: 117). Ber a&&e)*an&e of % a* s e *erms Esa&re" )ros*i*u*ionF re)resen*e" a symboli& an" ) ysi&al res)onse *o er a&&e)*an&e of a ne% i"eology as s e be&ame more "ee)ly &ommi**e" *o * e mo+emen*. M&#uire s*resses * a* our in"i+i"ual agen&y in our so&ial %orl" is Ea&&om)lis e" * roug our bo"iesF (M&#uire, 1,,0: 2D7). S e asser*s * a* one is able *o "is&ern * e "egree of agen&y * a* an in"i+i"ual feels by * a* )erson3s un"ers*an"ing of is or er bo"y. C+i"en*ly, >illiams "i" no* regar" er bo"y as a sour&e of )ersonal )o%er or as an agen* of )ersonal sa*isfa&*ion. S e &ame *o e/)erien&e er bo"y as su))resse", an" * a* i* %as * e )ro)er*y of o* ers. 0n * is %ay, * e grou) &om)romise" er agen&y in er so&ial en+ironmen*. T e &on*inuous "egra"a*ion of er bo"y &ons*i*u*e" a &on*inuous "egra"a*ion of self. >illiams e/)erien&e" )erio"s of self6"oub*, "oub*s abou* .erg3s reasoning, an" "oub*s &on&erning * e "ire&*ion an" )osi*ion * a* * e grou) *oo= on many issues. Ber belief, o%e+er, in &ommuni*y, Jesus, an" #o" main*aine" er fai* in er life %i* * e grou). Moreo+er, &om)le/ an" mul*ifa&e*e" rela*ions i)s %i* er se+eral & il"ren, er *%o usban"s, an" signifi&an* o* ers of*en ensure" * a* s e remaine" )ar* of * e !4# mo+emen*. 'inally, years of )sy& ologi&al, ) ysi&al, an" emo*ional s*ress *oo= * eir *oll. >illiams3 bo"y, min", an" soul rea& e" a )oin* of nearly &om)le*e brea="o%n. 2l*ima*ely s e lef* * e grou) be&ause .erg "issemina*e" li*era*ure * a* )romo*e" a"ul*6& il" se/ual rela*ions, a )ra&*i&e * a* many members (in&lu"ing >illiams) a" *rie" *o "o%n)lay or ignore (>illiams, 1,,D: 2206221, 22,62GJ)./iii T e +iola*ion of & il"ren3s bo"ies %as a reali*y * a* >illiams &oul" no* an" %oul" no* en"ure, an" s e fa&e" * e reali*y of * e abuses % en s e realise" i* a" a))ene" in er o%n ome %i* in a family * a* a" +isi*e" for a % ile. !onseAuen*ly, s e lef* * e grou) in 1,DD.


Marburg Journal of Religion: Volume 12, No. 1 (May 2007)

Conclusion !4# %omen in * e la*e 1,70s an" 1,D0s a"o)*e" s*ra*egies * a* el)e" * em *o )er&ei+e * eir bo"ies an" * eir be a+iours in %ays * a* "i" no* * rea*en * eir senses of self an" * eir religious &on+i&*ions. T eir bo"ies e/is*e" as )ar* of * eir so&ial %orl", % i& in *urn s a)e" * eir &on&e)*s of self oo". T ey "i" * eir %or=, * ey * oug *, for .erg, for #o", an" for * eir o%n sal+a*ion. .elie+ing * a* * ey %ere "oing #o"3s %or= in * e en" "ays before * e a)o&aly)se, * ey forsoo= * eir bo"ies, offering * em as sa&rifi&es in or"er *o bring more men in*o * e grou). T ey belie+e" * a* by ''ing * ese men, * ey broug * * em #o"3s lo+e an" * e o))or*uni*y for sal+a*ion. 9lan Ra"ley (1,,-) "es&ribes embo"imen* as being <&en*ral *o )sy& ologi&al life an" *o so&ial rela*ions i)s3 (Ra"ley, 1,,-: JJ,). Be argues * a* signifi&an* *o our embo"ie" s*a*e is our abili*y *o use our bo"ies symboli&ally. 4ur embo"imen* s)ea=s of our o%n e/is*en&e an" of our so&ial reali*y, in&lu"ing * a* of our )resen* an" of our fu*ure. >e & ange our reali*y by * e a&*ions * a* %e engage in %i* o* ers in our so&ial &on*e/*. T ese embo"ie" be a+iours, or non6+erbal &ommuni&a*ions, re)resen* our res)onse *o our so&ial &on"i*ions (Ra"ley, 1,,-: J-06J-2). 0n *erms of 'lir*y 'is ing, * e %omen % o engage" in * is be a+iour &rea*e" a "ifferen* reali*y from * eir )re6grou) sel+es. T eir bo"ies symboli1e" .erg3s "esires an" refle&*e" * eir nee" *o s o% * eir loyal*y *o is "o&*rines, in * e belief * a* * eir se/ual be a+iours %ere "i+inely or"aine" an" se&ure" * eir sal+a*ion. T a* bo"ies are no* merely )assi+e ob:e&*s in our so&ial %orl" is a &on&e)* %i* % i& many resear& ers are familiar. 9s Iyon an" .arbale* (1,,7) obser+e, * e &onne&*ion be*%een so&ial for&es * a* a&* u)on * e bo"y an" * e so&ial a&*ors3 res)onses *o * ose for&es are our emo*ions, % i& , as * e au* ors &ommen*, <$are( ne&essarily embo"ie"3 (Iyon an" .arbale*, 1,,7: J0). 0n * e &ase of ''ing, * e %omen of * e grou) nego*ia*e" * eir ne% roles %i* in * e &on*e/* of * eir emo*ional &ommi*men* *o .erg an" * e grou). No* only "i" .erg so&iali1e * em, bu* also * ey &on*ribu*e" *o * e rela*ional )ro&ess of &rea*ing ne% i"en*i*ies. 0n * is %ay, %e &an un"ers*an" * a* many of * e %omen %ere a&*i+e )ar*i&i)an*s in * e &rea*ion of * eir ne% roles an" %ere no* merely &oer&e" in*o * e si*ua*ion. T is rela*ional )ro&ess is +i*al *o un"ers*an"ing o% an" % y )eo)le engage in be a+iours * a* * ey %oul" no* )re+iously en*er*ain. > en %e &onsi"er * e i"ea * a* * e bo"y e/)resses * e min" (in an in*egra*e" ra* er * an "ualis*i& fas ion), * en %e see * e &onne&*ion be*%een % a* %e do an" % a* %e "elieve. 4f &ourse, o* er "ynami&s &on*ribu*e" *o * e a" eren&e of * e %omen *o * ese ne% bo"y norms. Susan @almer (1,,7) "es&ribes %omen3s &on+ersion *o ne% religious mo+emen*s generally as a* leas* )ar*ially a resul* of * eir ErolelessnessF in mains*ream so&ie*y (@almer 1,,7a: /iii). T e %omen of * e !4# &er*ainly a" %ell6"efine" roles %i* in * e grou), an" @almer argues * a* * e se/ual i"en*i*y of %omen in * ese roles %as )osi*i+e ra* er * an )roblema*i& (@almer, 1,,7b). T is &urren* ar*i&le illus*ra*es * a*, a* *imes, * e se/ual free"om %as in"ee" a )osi*i+e as)e&* of * e grou) for some of * e %omen. 9s "is&usse", o%e+er, many )roblems arose for * e %omen % en * e "eman"s of ''ing be&ame *oo mu& , or % en, * e %omen3s )er&e)*ions of % a* * ey %ere "oing *rouble" * em. Moreo+er, as 0 a+e s*resse" alrea"y, "is&re)an&ies e/is*e" be*%een )er&e)*ions of female eAuali*y in * e grou) an" a&*ual eAuali*y in *erms of o% * e )o%er s*ru&*ure o)era*e". 11

Marburg Journal of Religion: Volume 12, No. 1 (May 2007)

>omen ena&*e" * eir a))aren* se/ual free"om an" )er&ei+e" eAuali*y %i* in * e boun"s of a )a*riar& al an" ig ly s*ru&*ure" lea"ers i) sys*em. T e im)li&i* an" e/)li&i* regula*ion of %omen3s bo"ies %i* in * e &on*e/* of * e grou) el)e" *o s a)e * eir ne% self6i"en*i*ies. >i* in * e !4#3s s)e&ifi& so&ial en+ironmen*, %omenQs bo"ies refle&*e" )ar*i&ular so&ial meanings, )ar*i&ularly in *erms of se/uali*y. T eir bo"ies o)era*e" a&&or"ing *o * e !4#3s rules? * erefore, * e bo"y &learly emerge" as a si*e of )o%er rela*ions. T e %omen of * e grou) learne" ne% so&ial roles, an" as a resul* * eir bo"ies be&ame )ar* of * e )o%er ierar& y * a* .erg ins*i*u*e". T us, * eir re&on&e)*uali1a*ion of bo* * eir o%n bo"ies an" of * eir sel+es is more &om)re ensible % en %e &onsi"er * ese so&ial &on"i*ions. T e mani)ula*ion of %omen3s se/ li+es in a ig 6"eman" grou) &on*e/* is no* unusual (see Iali& , 1,,7). Moreo+er, as %e a+e seen, * e emergen&e of )o%er "ynami&s of*en re+ol+es aroun" &on*rol of * e bo"y. 5ra%ing on @ierre .our"ieu3s "is&ussion of symboli& )o%er, M&#uire )osi*s: Religion as is*ori&ally a" a )rominen* role in . . . symboli& )o%er. !on*em)orary offi&ial religion en:oys far less )o%er . . . bu* religions an" Auaisi6religions are s*ill +ery mu& in+ol+e" in * e s*ruggle for symboli& )o%er, an" s)e&ifi&ally o+er * e meanings of * e bo"y an" i*s senses (M&#uire, 1,,0: 2,0). >i* in * e &on*e/* of * e !4# in * e la*e 1,70s an" 1,D0s, i* is im)or*an* *o remember * a* bo* si"es of * e )o%er eAua*ion nego*ia*e" * is )ro&ess of bo"y meaning. .erg ma"e is as)ira*ions &lear, bu* ea& of * e %omen % o res)on"e" *o is %is es "i" so %i* in * e &on*e/* of * eir o%n li+es, * eir o%n goals, an" * eir o%n Aues*s *o a& ie+e sal+a*ion. > ile &oer&i+e )ra&*i&es &er*ainly )laye" a role in some &ases (8en*, 1,,7a: G76GD), i* seems e+i"en* * a* many of * e %omen %ere in"ee" on s)iri*ual Aues*s, see=ing ne% %ays *o "e+o*e * emsel+es *o #o";%ays * a* *ra"i*ional religions "o no* *y)i&ally affor" (See @almer 1,,7? @u**i&=, 1,,7? an" >illiams, 1,,D). Vie%e" in * ese *erms, %e &an un"ers*an" be**er * e fusion of in"i+i"ual a&&oun*abili*y %i* * e "eman"s * a* "is&i)les i) reAuire" in su& a se**ing. .otes:

T e grou) s*ar*e" as <Teens for ! ris*,3 be&ame <T e ! il"ren of #o",3 an" * en <T e 'amily.3 'or a is*ory of * e mo+emen* see, for e/am)le: .ainbri"ge (2002), ! an&ellor (2000), 5a+is %i* 5a+is (1,D7), 8en* (2001), Mel*on (2007), >allis (1,D1? 1,DG), an" Van Han"* (1,,1).


9 full syno)sis of bo"y li*era*ure is no* )ossible ere, bu* for informa*i+e o+er+ie%s see !sor"as (1,,7), M&#uire (1,,0), Turner (1,,7), an" Turner (1,,1). Mu& "is&ussion on * e bo"y from non6religious )ers)e&*i+es e/is*s (al* oug religion ma=es o&&asional a))earan&es in * ese "is&ourses). T is resear& e/)lores a +arie*y of * emes, in&lu"ing * e ) ysi&al an" ) iloso) i&al &ons*rain*s an" )o*en*ial of * e bo"y? * e so&ial &ons*ru&*ion of gen"ere" bo"ies? * e so&ial organi1a*ion an" &a*egori1a*ion of * e bo"y? * e &ommo"ifi&a*ion of * e bo"y? bo"y symbolism? * e me*a) ori&al im)or*an&e of * e bo"y? an" * e regula*ion of * e bo"y in +arious ins*i*u*ional an" so&ial se**ings. 'or e/am)le, see: !sor"as C". (1,,7)? 'ea* ers*one, Be)%or* , an" Turner C"s. (1,,1)? 'e er, Na""aff, an" Ta1i


Marburg Journal of Religion: Volume 12, No. 1 (May 2007)

C"s. (1,D,)? Ie"er (1,,0)? Ra"ley (1,,1)? Syno** (1,,G)? an" >el*on C". (1,,D). > ils* * e bo"y in i*s many manifes*a*ions as &on*inue" *o &a)*ure * e resear& imagina*ion, li**le a**em)* as been ma"e *o &ons*ru&* a me*a6* eory of * e bo"y. C/)li&i*ly so&iologi&al * eories of * e bo"y, o%e+er, a))ear in * e %or=s mos* no*ably of Turner (1,D7, 1,,7). !ollabora*i+e )ro:e&*s, su& as Fragments for A History of the Human Body $Volumes 4ne, T%o an" T ree( ('e er %i* Na""aff an" Ta1i, 1,D,), e/)li&i*ly a+oi" gran" * eori1ing in fa+our of;as * e *i*le sugges*s;fragmen*s of is*ory an" analysis * a* o+erla) an" in*er&onne&*. T e * ree +olumes are arrange" a&&or"ing *o * ema*i& s*ru&*ures * a* illumina*e "ifferen* is*ories of * e bo"y. T is a))roa& allo%s for &rea*i+e analyses un&ons*raine" by * e s*ri&*ures of "efine" * eore*i&al s*ra*egies. Ben&e, me*a6* eori1ing is largely absen* in bo"y * eory as mos* * eori1ing *a=es )la&e a* * e le+el of in"i+i"ual s*u"y, %i* &ommon * emes an" i"eas running * roug an" &onne&*ing mu& of * e %or=.

'or e/am)le, see: Cisler (1,,-), 8aelber (1,,D), Ran=e6Beinmann (1,,0), Von T a"en (200G), >al=er .ynum (1,,2), an" >iesner6Ban=s (2000).


! an&ellor3s (2000) boo= &on*ains many in*er+ie%s * a* re+eal )osi*i+e an" a))y e/)erien&es. 4* er in*er+ie%ees, o%e+er, "is&uss abuses * a* * ey suffere". 0n a""i*ion, many e/6members a+e "is&usse" )roblems an" abuses %i* in a +arie*y of &on*e/*s in&lu"ing a&a"emi& in*er+ie%s, "o&umen*aries, &our* &ases, an" * e )o)ular me"ia.

T e

o Letters %ere .erg3s means of &ommuni&a*ion %i* * e grou). More * an * a*, * ey fun&*ione" as a Eso&ial

&on*rol "e+i&e,F (Van Han"*, 1,,1: 20? see 8en*, 1,,7a: GG) by allo%ing .erg *o "is*ribu*e is i"eologi&al goals, beliefs, an" or"ers *o ea& of * e !4# &olonies. T us, * e le**ers & annele" is Ein"ire&* & arisma*i& au* ori*yF (Van Han"*, 1,,1: JJ). .erg "i&*a*e" mos* of * e le**ers *o is lo+er, Maria, an" * en sen* * em *o * e !4# e"i*ors an" ar*is*s for illus*ra*ion, )ubli&a*ion, an" "is*ribu*ion. T e sub:e&* ma**er of * e le**ers +arie" &onsi"erably. To)i&s in&lu"e" se/, religion, #o", Jesus, )oli*i&s, en"*ime )ro) e&y, * e 2ni*e" S*a*es, & il"&are, &lo* ing, %i*nessing, musi&, films, e*&. 0n * e le**ers, .erg asser*e" is absolu*e au* ori*y an" e+en re%ro*e many s&ri)*ures in or"er *o legi*ima*e is o%n +ie%s (Van Han"*, 1,,1: 21622). .erg a" &olle&*e" le**ers )ublis e" in +olumes. Some fi+e un"re" o Letters "is&uss 'lir*y 'is ing (5a+is %i* 5a+is 1,D7: 122). .erg use" a lo* of em) asis in * e o Letters form of &a)i*ali1a*ion an" un"erlining of %or"s in is )ubli&a*ions. My re)ro"u&*ion of *e/* from * e follo%s * e e/a&* forma* * a* e use" in ea& &ase.

.erg firs* in*ro"u&e" 'lir*y 'is ing *o * e !4# in 1,7-, al* oug

e, Maria, an" some of * e o* er female "is&i)les

a" im)lemen*e" ''ing <*rials3 as early as 1,77 on * e islan" of Tenerife (Van Han"*, 1,,1: 7-). T e a&*ual numbers of %omen % o ''e" is "iffi&ul* *o "e*ermine. .erg boas*e" * a* * e !4# a" D,000 "is&i)les by 1,77 (.erg, 1,77:1), bu* "oes no* brea= "o%n * a* figure fur* er. 9 1,D1 )ubli&a*ion re)or*e" * a*, %orl"%i"e, G7D,21, men a" been %i*nesse" *o * roug * e )ro&ess of ''ing (.erg, 1,D1: 7-). .erg announ&e" * e "is&on*inua*ion of ''ing an" all se/ %i* non grou) members in 1,D7 (&i*e" in >illiams .oeri, 200J). .erg also a" in*ro"u&e" * e &on&e)* of male !4# members ''ing *o )o*en*ial female Efis F (see .erg, 1,DG). 0* seems, o%e+er, * a* male ''ing %as no* )ar*i&ularly su&&essful (! an&ellor, 2000: 1-).

! an&ellor no*e", o%e+er, * a* many )eo)le lef* * e grou) be&ause of * e in*ro"u&*ion of 'lir*y 'is ing (! an&ellor, 2000: 117).


Marburg Journal of Religion: Volume 12, No. 1 (May 2007)


.erg e+en "esigne" an E''65ressF * a* e "es&ribe" as EVCRM SCOMF. Be )ro+i"e" * e !4# omes %i* a )a**ern for ma=ing * e ou*fi* (.erg, 1,D2).


Miriam >illiams .oeri is Miriam >illiams3 marrie" name un"er % i& s e as )ublis e" er more re&en* %or=. So&iologis* Roy >allis "es&ribe" ''ing as )ossessing Eall * e allmar=s of a so) is*i&a*e" )ros*i*u*ion business, bu* %i* some &urious anomaliesF (>allis, 1,7D: 1J). 0* is "iffi&ul* *o assess e/a&*ly o% mu& money ''ing broug * in*o * e omes. 0n one of * e !4#3s o%n )ubli&a*ions, a %oman s*a*e" * a* s e re&ei+e" RD00 2S from a Efis F (@aul S Tir1a , 1,DG: 277). 'ormer member Miriam >illiams "es&ribe" re&ei+ing 2000 fran&s (a))ro/ima*ely R700 2S) for * e firs* *ime s e re&ei+e" money for ''ing in 1,7D (>illiams, 1,,D: -). @rior *o * is o&&asion, >illiams sai" * a* * e fis es s e ''e" boug * er * ings * a* s e nee"e" in re*urn for se/;i*ems su& as foo", &lo* ing, an" baby su))lies (>illiams, 1,,D: 1J-). 4ne %oman re)or*e" * a* s e an" ano* er "is&i)le in an 9us*ralian &ommune began * eir o%n es&or* ser+i&e * roug % i& * ey %ere able *o raise enoug fun"s *o buy airfare for se+en "is&i)les *o fly from 9us*ralia *o 9sia (Iiber*y, 1,D2: -2). 0* seems li=ely * a* * e %omen re&ei+e" a range of monies for ''ing. No*able %as * e EMon* ly '' >i*nessing Re)or*F * a* .erg obliga*e" * e %omen *o &om)le*e. T is form reAuire" * a* * e %omen su))ly informa*ion on ea& of * e men * ey a" ''e", in&lu"ing o&&u)a*ion (e.g. E#o+3*. 4ffi&ials,F E@rofessionals,F EManual IabourersF)? * e ENo. $number( of Times Io+e" Ma*e Se/uallyF? ENames of T4@ G '' I4VCRS 4' TBC M4NTB (SCO)F? along %i* a +arie*y of o* er ''ing "e*ails in&lu"ing ''ing e/)enses an" * e +alues of gif*s re&ei+e" from * e Efis F (Mon* ly '' >i*nessing Re)or*, no "a*e).


T e marriages %ere !4# %e""ings ra* er * an legal %e""ings. !ou)les %ere more li=ely *o ob*ain legal marriages if * e %omen be&ame )regnan*. 9""i*ionally, lea"ers some*imes arrange" marriages (>illiams, 1,,D: J-6J7).


Ii*nessing %as * e *erm * e grou) use" for %i*nessing % ile simul*aneously selling !4# li*era*ure. 0n some !4# )ubli&a*ions, .erg in&lu"e" se/6%i* 6& il"ren s&enarios in % i& e %as * e )ar*i&i)a*ing male (See,


for e/am)le, EBea+en3s #irlF $.erg 1,D7( an" ET e Ii**le #irl 5reamF $.erg 1,7-"(). 0n * e la**er )ubli&a*ion, .erg "es&ribe" being in be" %i* a E"ar= aire" li**le girl of abou* 10 or 11F % o se"u&e" im (.erg 1,7-": G,16 G,7). 0n a )ublis e" "ialogue be*%een .erg an" is lo+er, Maria, * ey "is&uss so&ie*al *aboos agains* in&es*. Maria s*a*e", E>ell, %e3ll :us* a+e *o *ell * e =i"s * a* i*3s no* )ro ibi*e" by #o", . . .F (.erg 1,D0: 7-,-). 9f*er a brief "is&ussion, .erg a""e", E0 54N3T 8N4> >B9T TBC BCII 9#C B9S #4T T4 54 >0TB 0TF (.erg 1,D0: 7-,7). .erg3s a))roa& *o & il"6a"ul* se/ual rela*ions i)s e/*en"e" *o * e grou), % en in 1,7, .erg issue" * e Letter, EMy Ii**le 'is LF (1,7,a). 9s a resul* of * is )ubli&a*ion, E* ere %as e/)erimen*a*ion %i* small & il" se/ in&lu"ing in&es*F (Van Han"*, 1,,1: 170). 0* is "iffi&ul* *o assess e/a&*ly *o % a* "egree a"ul*s engage" in * e se/ual abuse of * e !4# & il"ren, bu* as ! an&ellor (2000) no*e", E* roug ou* * e la*e 1,70s an" early 1,D0s, se/ual a&*i+i*y be*%een a"ul*s an" & il"ren %as an a&&e)*e" )ra&*i&e in a number of &ommuni*iesF (! an&ellor 2000: 22G). Moreo+er, e &ommen*e" * a* of * e )eo)le e in*er+ie%e" for is boo=, * ose % o a" no* e/)erien&e" abuse * emsel+es as minors =ne% of o* ers % o a" (! an&ellor, 2000: 22G). o


Marburg Journal of Religion: Volume 12, No. 1 (May 2007)


.ainbri"ge, >illiam Sims. (2002). T e Cn"*ime 'amily: ! il"ren of #o". Ne% Mor=: S*a*e 2ni+ersi*y of Ne% Mor= @ress. .erg, 5a+i". (1,72). <4ne >ife.3 Mo Ie**er No. 27, (4&*ober 2D). Re)rin*e" in .erg, 1,7-&, )).1G-761G71. 666666666. (1,7G). <Re+olu*ionary >omen.3 Mo Ie**er No. 2J0 (June 20). Re)rin*e" in .erg, 1,7-&, )).1,1J61,G0. 666666666. (1,77a). <T e 'lir*y Ii**le 'is y.3 Mo Ie**er No. 2,G (January G). Re)rin*e" in .erg, 1,7-&, )). J276JG7. 666666666. (1,77b). <Ra)eL3 Mo Ie**er No. J2D (9)ril 27). Re)rin*e" in .erg, 1,7Db, )).GD216 GD27. 666666666. (1,7J). <Real Mo* ersL3 Mo Ie**er No. GD, (No+ember 1D). Re)rin*e" in .erg, 1,7-&, )). GJ216GJG2. 666666666. (1,7-a). <9ffli&*ions.3 Mo Ie**er No. J-, (No+ember 2J). Re)rin*e" in .erg 1,7Db. 666666666. (1,7-b). <#o"3s > ores.3 Mo Ie**er No. J-0 (9)ril 2-). Re)rin*e" in .erg, 1,7Db, )). 71G0671GJ. 6666666666. (1,7-&). T e .asi& Mo Ie**ers. #ene+a: ! il"ren of #o". 666666666. (1,7-"). <T e Ii**le #irl 5ream.3 Mo Ie**er No. 12G0 (4&*ober 2D). Re)rin*e" in .erg, 1,D2b, )). G,06G,7. 666666666. (1,77). <37D Bere >e !omeL3 Mo Ie**er No. -JD (5e&ember G1). 666666666. (1,7Da). <Ma=e 0* @ayL3 Mo Ie**er No. -D7 (Mar& 1G). Re)rin*e" in .erg, 1,7,b, )).J22D6J2G1. 666666666. (1,7Db). T e Mo Ie**ers Volume 0V (T e <''3 VolumeL). Bong 8ong: #ol"en Iion @ublis ers. 666666666. (1,7,a). <My Ii**le 'is L3 0n T e S*ory of 5a+i"i*o. (1,D2). )). 77G677D. Bong 8ong: #ol"en Iion @ublis ers. 666666666. (1,D0). <T e 5e+il Ba*es Se/L3 Mo Ie**er No. ,,, (May 20). Re)rin*e" in .erg, 1,D1, )). 7-,76770D. 666666666. (1,D1). <9)ril6May6June 3D1 ''ing S*a*s.3 'amily Ne%s 0n*erna*ional No. 71. Huri& : >orl" Ser+i&es. 666666666. (1,D2). <Ma=e an ''65ressL3 'amily Ne%s 0n*erna*ional No. 7D. Huri& : >orl" Ser+i&es. 666666666. (1,DG). <'is ers of >omen.3 'amily Ne%s S)e&ial Referen&e Mag J,. Huri& : >orl" Ser+i&es. 666666666. (1,D7). Bea+en3s #irl. Huri& : >orl" Ser+i&es. .our"ieu, @. (1,,7). 4u*line of a T eory of @ra&*i&e. !ambri"ge: !ambri"ge 2ni+ersi*y @ress. ! an&ellor, James 5. (2000). Iife in T e 'amily: 9n 4ral Bis*ory of * e ! il"ren of #o". Syra&use: Syra&use 2ni+ersi*y @ress. 1J

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Ac/no0ledge"ents 0 %oul" li=e *o * an= 5r. S*e) en 8en* for gran*ing me a&&ess *o original ! il"ren of #o" )ubli&a*ions ar& i+e" a* * e S*e) en 9. 8en* !olle&*ion on 9l*erna*i+e Religions a* * e 2ni+ersi*y of 9lber*a. 0 e/*en" my * an=s also *o 5r Mi& ael @ye for is * oug *ful sugges*ions, an" again *o 5r. 8en* for )roofrea"ing my final "raf*.

About the Author: Susan Raine is a * ir" year @ 5 s*u"en* %i* * e 5e)ar*men* of So&iology a* * e 2ni+ersi*y of 9lber*a. Ber resear& in*eres*s in&lu"e ne% religious mo+emen*s, religious6na*ional &onfli&*, mar*yr"om, so&ial * eories of * e bo"y, an" so&ial * eories of emo*ions.

U Susan Raine (9lber*a, May 2007), Marburg Journal of Religion, 0SSN 1-1262,71


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