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Syllabus for B.


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

COURSE STRUCTURE IN Third Semester A. Sl. No. 2 % ' + Code M%CS& '() M '(* EC%EI& '() EC%EI& '(* EE%EI& '() EI '() +. Pract$cal M%CS& ',) EC%EI& ',) EC%EI& ',* EE%EI& ',) Theory Paper #umerical $ethods $athematics & III (i)ital Electronic *ircuits Analo) Electronic *ircuits *ircuit Theory and #etwor,s Electrical $easurement . Instrumentation Total Theory #umerical $ethods 0ab (i)ital Electronic *ircuits 0ab Analo) Electronic *ircuits 0ab *ircuits and #etwor,s 0ab Total Pract$cal Total o. Se/e ter 3ourth Semester A. Sl. No. 2 % ' + Theory Paper 4alues . Ethics in 5rofession 5hysics & II Basic Environmental En)ineerin) . Elementary Biolo)y Sensors and Transducers $icro6rocessors and *om6uter Architecture 3ield theory Contact Hour !"ee# L T P Total % 0 0 % % % % % % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' % ' ' % *( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % % % % % % % % )* '* Cred$t Po$nt % ' % ' ' % *) 2 2 2 2 1 *, 34 Contact Hour !"ee# L 2 % % % % % T P 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total % ' % % ' ' *) 2 % % % )) '* Cred$t Po$nt 2 ' % % ' ' *(

0 0

/ 1 2 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

2 % % %

2 2 2 *-

Code HU 0() PH%EE& 0() CH 0() EI 0() EI 0(* EE 0(*%EI& +.

/ 1 2 0

Total Theory Pract$cal Technical re6ort writin) . lan)ua)e laboratory HU 01) 6ractice PH%EE& 5hysics &II 0ab 0,) EI 0,) Electrical $easurement . Instrumentation 0ab EI 0,* $icro6rocessor 0ab Total Pract$cal Total o. Se/e ter Total o. 2ear


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

5$.th Se/e ter A. Theory Sl. 5$eld Code No. HU HU 3() 2 PC EI 3() % PC EI 3(* ' PE EI 3('A ! EI 3('+ + 5E EI 3(0A! EI 3(0+! EI 3(0C +. PC PC PC 5E Pract$cal EI 3,) EI 3,* EI 3,'%EE& EI 3,0A ! EI 3,0+ ! EI 3,0C Paper Economics for En)ineers Industrial Instrumentation *ontrol Theory 76toelectronics . 3ibre 76tics8 Advanced Sensors8 (ata Structures . Al)orithms(*S"8 (ata Base $ana)ement System(*S"8 Software En)ineerin)(IT" Total Theory Industrial Instrumentation 0ab Sensors and Transducers 0ab *ontrol En)ineerin) 0ab (ata Structures . Al)orithms 0ab(*S"8 (B$S 0ab(*S"8 Software En)ineerin) 0ab(IT" Total Pract$cal Total o. Se/e ter S$6th Se/e ter A. Theory Sl. 5$eld Code No. HU HU 4() 2 PC EI 4() % PC EI 4(* ' PC EI 4(' + PE EI 4(0A ! EI 4(0+ ! EI 4(0C EI 4(3A ! EI 4(3+! EI 4(3C! EI4(3D Pract$cal EI 4,) EI 4,* EI 4,' EI 41) Paper 5rinci6les of $ana)ement 5rocess *ontrol!I Electronic Instrumentation and $easurement Advanced $icro6rocessors . $icrocontrollers Bio $edical Instrumentation8 Soft *om6utin)8 #on (estructive Testin) . 9ltrasonic Instrumentation (i)ital Si)nal 5rocessin)(E*"8 $icrowave En)ineerin)(E*"8 Antenna Theory . 5ro6a)ation(E*" #on *onventional Ener)y Sources Total Theory 5rocess *ontrol 0ab Electronic Instrumentation and $easurement 0ab Advanced $icro6rocessors . $icrocontrollers 0ab Seminar Total Pract$cal Total o. Se/e ter Se7enth Se/e ter Contact Hour !"ee# L T P Total 2 0 0 2 % 0 ' % 0 ' % % 0 0 0 ' % Cred$t Po$nt 2 ' ' ' % Contact Hour !"ee# L T P Total % 0 0 % % 0 ' % 0 ' % % 0 0 0 0 % % )0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % % % % % % % % )* *, Cred$t Po$nt % ' ' % % )2 2 2 2 1 *3

/ 1 2


% *(

% *( 2 2 2 2 1 *1

/ 1 2 0


0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

% % % %

% % % % )* '*




Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Sl. 5$eld No. PC PC PC PE

Code EI -() EI -(* EI -(' EI -(0A ! EI -(0+ ! EI -(0C


Contact Hour !"ee# L % % % % T P 0 0 0 0 Total ' ' ' %

Cred$t Po$nt ' ' ' %

2 % '


+. / PC PE

Telemetry and Remote *ontrol Analytical Instrumentation 5rocess *ontrol!II *ommunication Theory8 $icroelectronics . 40SI Technolo)y8 35:A . Reconfi)urable *om6utin) EI -(3A%CS& ! *om6uter #etwor,in)8 EI -(3+%IT& ! $ultimedia8 EI -(3C%IT& Internet Technolo)y Total Theory Pract$cal EI -,) EI -,0A ! EI -,0+ ! EI -,0C EI -,3A%CS& ! EI-,3+%IT& ! EI -,3C%IT& EI -1) EI -,* Telemetry and Remote *ontrol 0ab *ommunication 0ab8 $icroelectronics . 40SI Technolo)y 0ab8 35:A . Reconfi)urable *om6utin) 0ab *om6uter #etwor,in) 0ab8 $ultimedia 0ab8 Internet Technolo)y 0ab Industrial Trainin) Evaluation

% )1

% )1

0 0

0 0

% %

% %

2 2

1 2 0


2 2 2 )( *1

5ro;ect! Total Pract$cal Total o. Se/e ter E$9hth Se/e ter

0 8# dur$n9 4th :-th Se/:;rea# 0 0 )3 ''

A. Theory Sl. 5$eld Code Paper No. HSS HU 1() 7r)anisational Behavior 2 PE EI 1()A ! 5ower Electronics8 EI 1()+ ! Industrial (rives8 EI 1()C 5ower 5lant Instrumentation % 5E EI 1(*A%EC& ! $obile *ommunication8 EI 1(*+%EC& ! Embedded Systems8 EI 1(*C%EC&! (i)ital Ima)e 5rocessin)8 EI 1(*D%CH& 5lant Automation Total Theory +. Pract$cal ' PE EI 1,)A%EE& ! 5ower Electronics 0ab8 EI 1,)+%EE& ! Industrial (rives 0ab8 EI 1,)C%EE& 5ower 5lant Instrumentation 0ab + EI 1,* Instrumentation and *ontrol (esi)n 0ab EI 1,' 5ro;ect ! 2 / EI 1,0 Grand <$7a Total Pract$cal Total o. Se/e ter III SEMESTER

Contact Hour !"ee# L T P Total 2 0 0 2 % 0 0 %

Cred$t Po$nt 2 %

% 1

% 1 2 ' % )3 *'

0 0 0

0 0 0

% 2

% 2 *) *,

Theory %


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

NUMERICAL METHODS Code = M%CS& '() Contact = *L>)T Cred$t =*

A66ro<imation in numerical com6utation= Truncation and roundin) errors> 3i<ed and floatin)!6oint arithmetic> 5ro6a)ation of errors. ('" Inter6olation= #ewton forward8bac,ward inter6olation> 0a)ran)e?s and #ewton?s divided difference Inter6olation. (+" #umerical inte)ration= Tra6e@oidal rule> Sim6son?s 8% rule> E<6ression for corres6ondin) error terms. (%" #umerical solution of a system of linear eAuations= :auss elimination method> $atri< inversion> 09 3actori@ation method> :auss!Seidel iterative method. (-" #umerical solution of Al)ebraic eAuation= Bisection method> Re)ula!3alsi method> #ewton!Ra6hson method. ('"

#umerical solution of ordinary differential eAuation= Euler?s method> Run)e!Butta methods> 5redictor!*orrector methods and 3inite (ifference method. (-" Te<t Boo,s= . 2. %. '. References= . 2. %. '. +. Bala)urusamy= #umerical $ethods> Scitech. Baburam= #umerical $ethods> 5earson Education. #. (utta= *om6uter 5ro)rammin) . #umerical Analysis> 9niversities 5ress. Soumen :uha . Ra;esh Srivastava= #umerical $ethods> 795. Srimanta 5al= #umerical $ethods> 795. *.Cavier= * 0an)ua)e and #umerical $ethods. (utta . Dana= Introductory #umerical Analysis. D.B.Scarborou)h= #umerical $athematical Analysis. Dain> Iyen)ar > . Dain= #umerical $ethods (5roblems and Solution".

MATHEMATICS Code= M '(* Contact = 'L >)T ? 0 Cred$t = 0 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Note )= The ent$re ylla;u ha ;een d$7$ded $nto .our /odule . Note *= Structure o. Aue t$on Paper There 8$ll ;e t8o 9roup $n the paper= Group A= Ten Bue t$on C each o. * /ar# C are to ;e an 8ered out o. a total o. )3 Bue t$on C co7er$n9 the ent$re ylla;u . Group += 5$7e Bue t$on C each carry$n9 )( /ar# C are to ;e an 8ered out o. %at lea t& 1 Bue t$on . Student hould an 8er at lea t one Bue t$on .ro/ each /odule. DAt lea t * Bue t$on hould ;e et .ro/ each o. Module II E I<. At lea t ) Bue t$on hould ;e et .ro/ each o. Module I E III. Su..$c$ent Bue t$on hould ;e et co7er$n9 the 8hole ylla;u .or alternat$7e .F Module I= 5our$er Ser$e E 5our$er Tran .or/ D1LF Top$c= 5our$er Ser$e =



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Su;:Top$c = Introduction> 5eriodic functions= 5ro6erties> Even . 7dd functions= 5ro6erties> S6ecial wave forms= SAuare wave> Ealf wave Rectifier> 3ull wave Rectifier> Saw!toothed wave> Trian)ular wave. ( " Euler?s 3ormulae for 3ourier Series> 3ourier Series for functions of 6eriod 2F> 3ourier Series for functions of 6eriod 2l> (irichlet?s conditions> Sum of 3ourier series. E<am6les. ( " Theorem for the conver)ence of 3ourier Series (statement only". 3ourier Series of a function with its 6eriodic e<tension. Ealf Ran)e 3ourier Series= *onstruction of Ealf ran)e Sine Series> *onstruction of Ealf ran)e *osine Series. 5arseval?s identity (statement only". E<am6les. (2" Top$c= 5our$er Tran .or/= Su;:Top$c = 3ourier Inte)ral Theorem (statement only"> 3ourier Transform of a function> 3ourier Sine and *osine Inte)ral Theorem (statement only"> 3ourier *osine . Sine Transforms. 3ourier> 3ourier *osine . Sine Transforms of elementary functions. ( " 5ro6erties of 3ourier Transform= 0inearity> 3ourier Transform of (erivatives. E<am6les. Shiftin)> *han)e of scale> $odulation. ( " (2" E<am6les.

*onvolution Theorem (statement only"> Inverse of 3ourier Transform> E<am6les. Module II = Calculu o. Co/ple6 <ar$a;le D)'LF Top$c= Introduct$on to 5unct$on o. a Co/ple6 <ar$a;le. Su;:Top$c = *om6le< functions> *once6t of 0imit> *ontinuity and (ifferentiability.

( "

Analytic functions> *auchy!Riemann EAuations (statement only". Sufficient condition for a function to be analytic. Earmonic function and *on;u)ate Earmonic function> related 6roblems. ( " *onstruction of Analytic functions= $ilne Thomson method> related 6roblems. Top$c= Co/ple6 Inte9rat$on. Su;:Top$c = *once6t of sim6le curve> closed curve> smooth curve . contour. Some elementary 6ro6erties of com6le< Inte)rals. 0ine inte)rals alon) a 6iecewise smooth curve. E<am6les. (2" *auchy?s theorem (statement only". *auchy!:oursat theorem (statement only". E<am6les. ( " ( "

*auchy?s inte)ral formula> *auchy?s inte)ral formula for the derivative of an analytic function> *auchy?s inte)ral formula for the successive derivatives of an analytic function. E<am6les. (2" Taylor?s series> 0aurent?s series. E<am6les Top$c= Gero and S$n9ular$t$e o. an Analyt$c 5unct$on E Re $due Theore/. Su;:Top$c = Gero of an Analytic function> order of @ero> Sin)ularities of an analytic function. Isolated and non! isolated sin)ularity> essential sin)ularities. 5oles= sim6le 6ole> 6ole of order m. E<am6les on determination of sin)ularities and their nature. ( " Residue> *auchy?s Residue theorem (statement only"> 6roblems on findin) the residue of a )iven function> evaluation of definite inte)rals= ( "

sin x dx > x

d > a + b cos + c sin


Q ( z " dz

P( z "

(elementary cases>

5(@" . H(@" are 6olynomials of 2nd order or less".


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Top$c= Introduct$on to Con.or/al Mapp$n9. Su;:Top$c = *once6t of transformation from @!6lane to w!6lane. *once6t of *onformal $a66in). Idea of some standard transformations. Bilinear Transformation and determination of its fi<ed 6oint. ( " Module III= Pro;a;$l$ty D1LF Top$c= +a $c Pro;a;$l$ty Theory Su;:Top$c = *lassical definition and its limitations. A<iomatic definition. Some elementary deduction= i" 5(7"I0> ii" 0J5(A"J > iii" 5(A?"I !5(A" etc. where the symbols have their usual meanin)s. 3reAuency inter6retation of 6robability. ( " Addition rule for 2 events (6roof" . its e<tension to more than 2 events (statement only". Related 6roblems. *onditional 6robability . Inde6endent events. E<tension to more than 2 events (6airwise . mutual inde6endence". $ulti6lication Rule. E<am6les. Baye?s theorem (statement only" and related 6roblems. (%" Top$c= Rando/ <ar$a;le E Pro;a;$l$ty D$ tr$;ut$on . E6pectat$on. Su;:Top$c = (efinition of random variable. *ontinuous and discrete random variables. 5robability density function . 6robability mass function for sin)le variable only. (istribution function and its 6ro6erties (without 6roof". E<am6les. (efinitions of E<6ectation . 4ariance> 6ro6erties . e<am6les. (2" Some im6ortant discrete distributions= Binomial . 5oisson distributions and related 6roblems. Some im6ortant continuous distributions= 9niform> E<6onential> #ormal distributions and related 6roblems. (etermination of $ean . 4ariance for Binomial> 5oisson . 9niform distributions only. (2" Module I<= Part$al D$..erent$al EBuat$on %PDE& and Ser$e olut$on o. Ord$nary D$..erent$al EBuat$on %ODE& D)'LF Top$c= +a $c concept o. PDE. Su;:Top$c = 7ri)in of 5(E> its order and de)ree> conce6t of solution in 5(E. Introduction to different methods of solution= Se6aration of variables> 0a6lace . 3ourier transform methods. ( " Top$c= Solut$on o. In$t$al <alue E +oundary <alue PDEH ;y Separat$on o. 7ar$a;le C Laplace E 5our$er tran .or/ /ethod . Su;:Top$c = 5(E I= 7ne dimensional Kave eAuation. 5(E II= 7ne dimensional Eeat eAuation. 5(E III= Two dimensional 0a6lace eAuation. Top$c= Introduct$on to er$e olut$on o. ODE. (2" (2" (2" (2"

Su;:Top$c = 4alidity of the series solution of an ordinary differential eAuation. :eneral method to solve 5o yLLM5 yLM52 yI0 and related 6roblems. Top$c= +e elH eBuat$on.

Su;:Top$c = Series solution> Bessel function> recurrence relations of Bessel?s 3unction of first ,ind. (2" Top$c= Le9endreH eBuat$on. Su;:Top$c = Series solution> 0e)endre function> recurrence relations and ortho)onality relation. (2" TOTAL LECTURES = 0* Text Books:


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

2. %. '. +. -.

Brown D.K and *hurchill R.4= *om6le< 4ariables and A66lications> $c:raw!Eill. (as #.:.= Statistical $ethods> T$E. :rewal B S= Ei)her En)ineerin) $athematics> Bhanna 5ublishers. Dames :.= Advanced $odern En)ineerin) $athematics> 5earson Education. 0i6schut@ S.> and 0i6son $.0.= 5robability (SchaumLs 7utline Series"> T$E.

References: . Bhamra B. S.= 5artial (ifferential EAuations= An introductory treatment with a66lications> 5EI 2. (utta (ebashis= Te<tboo, of En)ineerin) $athematics> #ew A)e International 5ublishers. %. Brey@i) E.= Advanced En)ineerin) $athematics> Dohn Kiley and Sons. '. 5otter $.*> :oldber) D.0 and Aboufadel E.3.= Advanced En)ineerin) $athematics> 795. +. Ramana B.4.= Ei)her En)ineerin) $athematics> T$E. -. S6ie)el $.R. > 0i6schut@ S.> Dohn D.S.> and S6ellman (.> = *om6le< 4ariables> T$E. D$9$tal Electron$c C$rcu$t Code = EC%EI& '() Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Top$c Module I Data and nu/;er y te/ I Binary> 7ctal and Ee<adecimal re6resentation and their conversionsN B*(>AS*II> EB(I*> :ray codes and their conversionsN Si)ned binary number re6resentation with ?s and 2?s com6lement methods> Binary arithmetic. +oolean al9e;raI 4arious 0o)ic )ates! their truth tables and circuitsN Re6resentation in S75 and 57S formsN $inimi@ation of lo)ic e<6ressions by al)ebraic method> B!ma6 method and Huine!$c*laus,ey method Module II Co/;$nat$onal c$rcu$t ! Adder and Subtractor circuitsN A66lications and circuits of Encoder> (ecoder> *om6arator> $ulti6le<er> (e!$ulti6le<er and 5arity :enerator. Me/ory Sy te/ = RA$> R7$> E5R7$> EER7$ Module III SeBuent$al C$rcu$t ! Basic memory element!S!R> D!B> ( and T 3li6 3lo6s> various ty6es of Re)isters and counters and their desi)n> Irre)ular counter> State table and state transition dia)ram> seAuential circuits desi)n methodolo)y. D$..erent type o. A!D and D!A con7er $on techn$Bue . Lo9$c .a/$l$e ! TT0> E*0> $7S and *$7S> their o6eration and s6ecifications. ' + No. o. per$od ' '

' ' %0

Te6t +oo# = . A.Anand Bumar> 3undamentals of (i)ital *ircuits! 5EI 2. A.B.$aini! (i)ital Electronics! Kiley!India %. Bharate! (i)ital Electronics! 7<ford Re.erence +oo# = . $orries $ano! (i)ital 0o)ic (esi)n! 5EI 2. R.5.DainO$odern (i)ital Electronics> 28e > $c :raw Eill %. E.Taub . (.Shillin)> (i)ital Inte)rated Electronics! $c :raw Eill. '. (.Ray *haudhuri! (i)ital *ircuits!4ol!I . II> 28e! 5latinum 5ublishers +. :ivoneO(i)ital 5rinci6les . (esi)n> $c :raw Eill -. Tocci> Kidmer> $oss! (i)ital Systems>28e! 5earson /. S.B.$andal> (i)ital Electronics 5rinci6les and A66lications! $c :raw Eill.


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

'. D.Bi)nell . R.(onovan!(i)ital Electronics!+8e! *ena)e 0earnin). 1. 0each . $alvinoO(i)ital 5rinci6les . A66lication> +8e> $c :raw Eill 2. 3loyed . Dain! (i)ital 3undamentals!5earson. 0. 5.Ra;a! (i)ital Electronics! Scitech 5ublications . S.Ali)ahanan> S.Ariba@ha)an> (i)ital *ircuit . (esi)n! Bi,as 5ublishin) ANALOG ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS Code = EC%EI& '(* Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Top$c Module I 5$lter and Re9ulator = *a6acitor filter> F!section filter> ri66le factor> series and shunt volta)e re)ulator> 6ercenta)e re)ulation> /1<< and /2<< series> conce6t of S$5S. Tran $ tor +$a $n9 and Sta;$l$ty= H!6oint> Self Bias!*E> *om6ensation techniAues> h!model of transistors. E<6ression for volta)e )ain> current )ain> in6ut and out6ut im6edance> trans! resistance . trans!conductanceN Emitter follower circuits> Ei)h freAuency model of transistors. Module II Tran $ tor A/pl$.$er = R* cou6led am6lifier> functions of all com6onents> eAuivalent circuit> derivation of volta)e )ain> current )ain> in6ut im6edance and out6ut im6edance> freAuency res6onse characteristics> lower and u66er half freAuencies> bandwidth> and conce6t of wide band am6lifier. 5eed;ac# A/pl$.$er E O c$llator = 3eedbac, conce6t> ne)ative . 6ositive feedbac,> volta)e8current> series8shunt feedbac,> Ber,hausen criterion> *ol6itts> Eartley?s> 5hase shift> Kein brid)e and crystal oscillators. Module III Operat$onal A/pl$.$er= Ideal 75A$5> (ifferential Am6lifier> *onstant current source (current mirror etc."> level shifter> *$RR> 76en . *losed loo6 circuits> im6ortance of feedbac, loo6 (6ositive . ne)ative"> invertin) . non!invertin) am6lifiers> volta)e follower8buffer circuit. Appl$cat$on o. Operat$onal A/pl$.$er = adder> inte)rator . differentiator> com6arator> Schmitt Tri))er. Instrumentation Am6lifier> 0o) . Anti!lo) am6lifiers> Trans!conductance multi6lier> 5recision Rectifier> volta)e to current and current to volta)e converter> free runnin) oscillator. Mult$7$;rator & $onostable> Bistable> Astable multivibratorsN $onostable and astable o6eration usin) +++ timer. Te6t +oo# = . Sedra . Smith!$icroelectronic *ircuits! 7<ford 95 2. 3rancoO(esi)n with 76erational Am6lifiers . Analo) Inte)rated *ircuits > %8e> $c:raw Eill %. Boylested . #ashels,y! Electronic (evices and *ircuit Theory! 5earson85EI Re.erence +oo# = . $illman . Eal,ias & Inte)rated ElNectronics> $c:raw Eill. 2. Rashid!$icroelectronic *ircuits!Analysis and (esi)n! Thomson (*ena)e 0earnin)" %. Schillin) . BeloveOElectronic *ircuit=(iscrete . Inte)rated > %8e > $c:raw Eill '. Ra@avi! 3undamentals of $icroelectronic s! Kiley +. $alvinoOElectronic 5rinci6les > -8e > $c:raw Eill -. Eorowit@ . Eill! The Art of ElectronicsN *ambrid)e 9niversity 5ress. + ' No. o. per$od ' +

2 %0


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

/. Bell! 76erational Am6lifiers and 0inear I*s! 7<ford 95 1. Tobey . :rame & 76erational Am6lifier= (esi)n and A66lications> $c :rawEill. 2. :aya,wad R.A !! 76Am6s and 0inear I*?s> 5EI 0. *ou)hlin and (riscol & 76erational Am6lifier and 0inear Inte)rated *ircuits & 5earson Education CIRCUIT THEOR2 AND NET"ORJS Code = EE%EI& '() Contact = 'L >)T Cred$t = 0 Top$c No. o. per$od

Module I Introduction= *ontinuous . (iscrete> 3i<ed . Time varyin)> 0inear and #onlinear> 0um6ed and (istributed> 5assive and Active networ,s and systems. Inde6endent . (e6endent sources> Ste6> Ram6> Im6ulse> Sinusoidal> SAuare> Saw tooth si)nals. *ou6led circuits= $a)netic cou6lin)> 5olarity of coils> 5olarity of induced volta)e> *once6t of Self and $utual inductance> *oefficient of cou6lin)> $odelin) of cou6led circuits> Solution of 6roblems. Resonant *ircuits= Series and 5arallel Resonance> Im6edance and Admittance *haracteristics> Huality 3actor> Ealf!5ower 5oints> Bandwidth> Resonant volta)e rise> Transform dia)rams> Solution of 5roblems Module II 0a6lace transforms= *once6t of com6le< freAuency> transformation of ste6> e<6onential> overdam6ed sur)e> critically dam6ed sur)e> dam6ed sine> undam6ed sine functions> 6ro6erties of 0a6lace Transform> linearity> real!differentiation> realinte)ration> Initial 4alue Theorem and 3inal 4alue Theorem> Inverse 0a6lace Transform> a66lications in circuit analysis> 5artial 3ractions e<6ansion> Eeaviside?s E<6ansion Theorem> Im6ulse> Ste6 . Sinusoidal res6onse of R0> R*> and R0* circuits. Transient analysis of different electrical circuits with and without initial conditions. *once6t of *onvolution theorem and its a66lication. Solution of 5roblems with (* . A* sources. Module III #etwor, eAuations= Birchoff?s 4olta)e 0aw . *urrent 0aw> 3ormulation of networ, eAuations> Source transformation> 0oo6 variable analysis> #ode variable analysis. #etwor, theorem= Su6er6osition> Thevenin?s> #orton?s . $a<imum 6ower transfer theorem. $illman?s theorem and its a66lication in three 6hase unbalanced circuit analysis. Solution of 5roblems with (* . A* sources. :ra6h of #etwor,= *once6t of Tree> Branch> Tree lin,> ;unctions> Incident matri<> Tie!set matri< and loo6 currents> *ut!set matri< and node 6air 6otentials> duality> solution of 6roblems. Module I< Two 6ort networ,s analysis= 76en circuit Im6edance . Short circuit Admittance 6arameter> Transmission 6arameters> Eybrid 6arameters and their inter relations. (rivin) 6oint im6edance . Admittance. Solution of 5roblems with (* . A* sources. *ircuit Transients= (* Transient in R!0 . R!* circuits with and without initial char)e> R!0!* circuits> A* transients in sinusoidal R!0> R!*> . R!0!* circuits> solution of 6roblems

% % '


' '


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

3ilter *ircuits= Analysis of 0ow 6ass> Ei)h 6ass> Band 6ass> Band re;ect> All 6ass filters (first and second order only" usin) o6erational am6lifier. Solution of 5roblems +oo# = . #etwor, Analysis> $.E.4an 4al,enbur) (5rentice Eall" 2. En)ineerin) *ircuit Analysis> K.E.Eayt> D.E.Benmerly> S.$.(urbin>(T$E" %. #etwor, and Systems> AshfaA Eusain>(Bhanna Boo, 5ublisher" '. #etwor, and Systems> (.Roychowdhury>(#ew A)e International" +. $odern #etwo, Analysis> 3.$.Re@a . S.Seely> $c:raw Eill. Electr$cal Mea ure/ent and In tru/ent Code = EI '() Contact = 'L>)T Cred$t = 0 Top$c Module I :eneral features & *onstruction and 6rinci6le of o6eration of movin) coil> movin) iron> (ynamometer> Thermal> Rectifier and Electrostatic ty6e instruments. (eflectin)> controllin) and dam6in) torAues> e<tension of instrument ran)es usin) shunts> multi6liers and instrument transformers. Module II Static and (ynamic errors= Standard in6uts and system analysis for evaluation of such errors. (efinitions of 6recision> hysteresis> nonlinearity> sensitivity> s6eed of res6onse> fidelity. Statistical error analysis> mean> median> mode> avera)e> estimates> distribution> 6robable error> standard deviation> test of normal distribution> chi!sAuared test curve fittin) (a" method of seAuential differences (b" method of e<tended differences and (c" method of least sAuares Reliability= definition on the basis of :aussian and normal distribution function> $TT3> Bath Tub curve> o6eratin) life and cumulative failure analysis. Module III $easurement of low> medium and hi)h resistances> Belvins double brid)e> multimeters> me))er. $easurement of inductances> ca6acitance and freAuency by A.*. Brid)es & $a<well> Scherin)> Anderson> (e!Sauty> Kien. Module I< 0ocali@ation of cable faults usin) $urray and 4arley loo6 methods. (.*. and A.*. 6otentiometers> $easurement of hi)h volta)e. A.*. and (.*. ener)y meters. +oo# = . 2. %. '.

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:oldin) E.K. . Kides 3.*. = Electrical $easurin) Instruments . $easurements N Kheeler Earris> 3. B. & Electrical $easurements> Kiley. Sawhney A B = A course in Electrical . Electronic $easurements . Instruments> (han6at Rai . *o. Reissland $.9.= Electrical $easurement> #ew A)e International Pract$cal

NUMERICAL METHODS Code = M%CS& ',) Cred$t =)


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

. 2. %. '. +. -.

Assi)nments on #ewton forward 8bac,ward> 0a)ran)e?s inter6olation. Assi)nments on numerical inte)ration usin) Tra6e@oidal rule> Sim6son?s 8% rule> Keddle?s rule. Assi)nments on numerical solution of a system of linear eAuations usin) :auss elimination and :auss!Seidel iterations. Assi)nments on numerical solution of Al)ebraic EAuation by Re)ular!falsi and #ewton Ra6hson methods. Assi)nments on ordinary differential eAuation= Euler?s and Run)a!Butta methods. Introduction to Software 5ac,a)es= $atlab 8 Scilab 8 0abview 8 $athematica.

D$9$tal Electron$c C$rcu$t La; Code = EC%EI& ',) Contact = 'P Cred$t = * . Reali@ation of basic )ates usin) 9niversal lo)ic )ates. 2. *ode conversion circuits! B*( to E<cess!% . vice!versa. %. '!bit 6arity )enerator . com6arator circuits. '. *onstruction of sim6le (ecoder . $ulti6le<er circuits usin) lo)ic )ates. +. (esi)n of combinational circuit for B*( to decimal conversion to drive /!se)ment dis6lay usin) multi6le<er. -. *onstruction of sim6le arithmetic circuits!Adder> Subtractor. /. Reali@ation of RS!DB . ( fli6!flo6s usin) 9niversal lo)ic )ates. 1. Reali@ation of 9niversal Re)ister usin) DB fli6!flo6s . lo)ic )ates. 2. Reali@ation of 9niversal Re)ister usin) multi6le<er . fli6!flo6s. 0. *onstruction of Adder circuit usin) Shift Re)ister . full Adder. . Reali@ation of Asynchronous 968(own counter. 2. Reali@ation of Synchronous 968(own counter. %. (esi)n of SeAuential *ounter with irre)ular seAuences. '. Reali@ation of Rin) counter . Dohnson?s counter. +. *onstruction of adder circuit usin) Shift Re)ister . full Adder. ANALOG ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS LA+ Code = EC%EI& ',* Contact = 'P Cred$t = * . 2. %. '. +. -. /. 1. Introduction= Study of characteristics curves of B.D.T . 3.E.T . *onstruction of a two!sta)e R!* cou6led am6lifier . study of its )ain . Bandwidth. Study of class A . class B 6ower am6lifiers. Study of class * . 5ush!5ull am6lifiers. Reali@ation of current mirror . level shifter circuit usin) 76erational Am6lifiers. Study of timer circuit usin) #E+++ . confi)uration for monostable . astable multivibrator. *onstruction . study of Bistable multivibrator usin) #E+++. Study of Switched $ode 5ower Su66ly . construction of a linear volta)e re)ulator usin) re)ulator I* chi6. 2. *onstruction of a sim6le function )enerator usin) I*. 0. Reali@ation of a 5hase 0oc,ed 0oo6 usin) 4olta)e *ontrolled 7scillator (4*7". . Study of (.A.* . A.(.*. C$rcu$t and Net8or# La; Code = EE%EI& ',) Contact = 'P Cred$t = *


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

L$ t o. E6per$/ent = . 2. %. '. +. -. Transient res6onse in R!0 and R!* #etwor,= Simulation8hardware Transient res6onse in R!0!* Series . 5arallel circuits #etwor,= Simulation8hardware (etermination of Im6edance (G" and Admittance(P" 6arameters of two 6ort networ, 3reAuency res6onse of 05 and E5 filters 3reAuency res6onse of B5 and BR filters :eneration of 5eriodic> E<6onential> Sinusoidal> (am6ed sinusoidal> Ste6> Im6ulse> Ram6 si)nals usin) $AT0AB in both discrete and analo) form /. Evaluation of convolution inte)ral> (iscrete 3ourier transform for 6eriodic . non!6eriodic si)nals and simulation of difference eAuations usin) $AT0AB 1. Re6resentation of 6oles and @eros in @!6lane> determination of 6artial fraction e<6ansion in @!domain and cascade connection of second order system usin) $AT0AB 2. (etermination of 0a6lace transform and inverse 0a6lace transformation usin) $AT0AB 0. S6ectrum analysis of different si)nals #ote= An Institution8*olle)e may o6t for some other software or hardware simulation wherever 6ossible in 6lace of $AT0AB


HU:0() Contract = 'L Cred$t : '

Science> Technolo)y and En)ineerin) as ,nowled)e and as Social and 5rofessional Activities Effects of Technological Growth: Ra6id Technolo)ical )rowth and de6letion of resources> Re6orts of the *lub of Rome. 0imits of )rowth= sustainable develo6ment Ener)y *risis= Renewable Ener)y Resources Environmental de)radation and 6ollution. Eco!friendly Technolo)ies. Environmental Re)ulations> Environmental Ethics A66ro6riate Technolo)y $ovement of SchumacherN later develo6ments Technolo)y and develo6in) notions. 5roblems of Technolo)y transfer> Technolo)y assessment im6act analysis. Euman 76erator in En)ineerin) 6ro;ects and industries. 5roblems of man> machine> interaction> Im6act of assembly line and automation. Euman centered Technolo)y. Ethics of Profession:


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

En)ineerin) 6rofession= Ethical issues in En)ineerin) 6ractice> *onflicts between business demands and 6rofessional ideals. Social and ethical res6onsibilities of Technolo)ists. *odes of 6rofessional ethics. Khistle blowin) and beyond> *ase studies. Profession and !"an #al!es:

4alues *risis in contem6orary society #ature of values= 4alue S6ectrum of a )ood life 5sycholo)ical values= Inte)rated 6ersonalityN mental health Societal values= The modern search for a )ood society> ;ustice> democracy> secularism> rule of law> values in Indian *onstitution. Aesthetic values= 5erce6tion and en;oyment of beauty> sim6licity> clarity $oral and ethical values= #ature of moral ;ud)ementsN canons of ethicsN ethics of virtueN ethics of dutyN ethics of res6onsibility. Books: . 2. %. Ste6hen E 9n)er> *ontrollin) Technolo)y= Ethics and the Res6onsible En)ineers> Dohn Kiley . Sons> #ew Por, 22' (2nd Ed" (eborah Dohnson> Ethical Issues in En)ineerin)> 5rentice Eall> En)lewood *liffs> #ew Dersey 22 . A # Tri6athi> Euman values in the En)ineerin) 5rofession> $ono)ra6h 6ublished by II$> *alcutta 22-. =Phy $c II = 'L > )T =0
#o of 6eriods

PH %EE&:0()

Contact Cred$t

To6ic $odule!I Huantum mechanics= :enerali@ed co!ordinates> 0a)ran)e?s eAuation of motion and 0a)ran)ian> )enerali@ed force 6otential> moment and ener)y. Eamilton?s EAuation of motion and Eamiltonian. 5ro6erties of Eamilton and Eamilton?s eAuation of motion. *once6t of 6robability and 6robability density> o6erator> *ommutator> 3ormulation of Auantum mechanics and Basic 6ostulates> 76erator corres6ondence> Time de6endent SchrQdin)er?s eAuation> formulation of time inde6endent SchrQdin)er?s eAuation by method of se6aration of variables> 5hysical inter6retation of wave function R(normali@ation and 6robability inter6retation"> E<6ectation values> A66lication of SchrQdin)er eAuation!5article in an infinite sAuare well 6otential ( !( and %!( 6otential well"> (iscussion on de)enerate levels.

$odule!II Statistical mechanics= *once6t of ener)y levels and ener)y states. $icrostates> $acrostates and thermodynamic 6robability> eAuilibrium macrostate. $B> 3(> BE statistics (no deduction necessary"> fermions> bosons (definitions in terms of s6in> e<am6les"> 6hysical si)nificance and a66lication> classical limits of Auantum statistics. 3ermi distribution at @ero and non &@ero tem6erature. $odule!III (ielectric 5ro6erties= (ielectric $aterial= *once6t of 5olari@ation> the relation between (> E and 5> 5olari@ability> Electronic> Ionic> 7rientation . S6ace char)e 6olari@ation> behavior of (ielectric under alternatin) field> (ielectric losses. The $a)netic 6ro6erties= $a)neti@ation $> relation between B> E . $. Bohr me)neton> (iama)netism!0armor freAuency . susce6tibility> *urie law> Keiss molecular field theory . *urie!Keiss law> Eysteresis loss> Antiferroma)netism> 3erroma)netism . 3errites (analitative".




Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

$odule!I4 *rystal structure *rystal structure! Bravais lattice> $iller indices *rystal diffraction (Aualitative"> Bra))Ls law and reci6rocal lattice>Brillouin @one. (Hualitative descri6tion" 3ree electron theory of metal & calculation of 3ermi ener)y> density of states. Band theory of solids! Bloch theorem> Broni) 5enny model. Electronic conduction in solids!(rude?s theory> Bolt@mann eAuation> Kiedemann 3rant@ law. Semiconductor!Band structure> conce6t of electron and holes> 3ermi level> density of states. Te6t +oo# = . 5ers6ectives of $odern 5hysics= A. Baiser 2. $odern 5hysics and Huantum $echanics E.E. Anderson 2.Refresher course in B.Sc. 5hysics (4ol. III"= *.0. Arora %.3undamentlas of 5hysics (4ol. III"= Ealiday> Resnic, . Brane '.En)ineerin) 5hysics= R.B. Bar +.*lassical $echanics= a" A.B. Roychaudhuri b" R.:. Ta,wal . 5.S. 5uranic -. Huantum $echanics= a" Eisber) . Resnic b" A.B. :hata, . S. 0o,anathan c" S.#. :hoshal a" Sears and Salin)er b" Avi;it 0ahiri c" Evelyn :uha a" A.D. (e,,er b" *. Bittel c" Aschroft . $ermin d" S.7. 5illai

2 2 % % %

/.Statistical $echanics and Thermal 5hysics= 1.Solid Sate 5hysics=

CH0()= +a $c En7$ron/ental En9$neer$n9 E Ele/entary +$olo9y Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' General Basic ideas of environment> basic conce6ts> man> society . environment> their interrelationshi6. 0 $athematics of 6o6ulation )rowth and associated 6roblems> Im6ortance of 6o6ulation study in environmental en)ineerin)> definition of resource> ty6es of resource> renewable> non!renewable> 6otentially renewable> effect of e<cessive use vis!S!vis 6o6ulation )rowth> Sustainable (evelo6ment. 20 $aterials balance= Steady state conservation system> steady state system with non conservative 6ollutants> ste6 function. 0 Environmental de)radation= #atural environmental Ea@ards li,e 3lood> earthAua,e> 0andslide!causes> effects and control8mana)ementN Anthro6o)enic de)radation li,e Acid rain!cause> effects and control. #ature and sco6e of Environmental Science and En)ineerin). 20 Ecolo9y



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Elements of ecolo)y= System> o6en system> closed system> definition of ecolo)y> s6ecies> 6o6ulation> community> definition of ecosystem! com6onents ty6es and function. 0

Structure and function of the followin) ecosystem= 3orest ecosystem> :rassland ecosystem> (esert ecosystem> AAuatic ecosystems> $an)rove ecosystem (s6ecial reference to Sundar ban"N 3ood chain Tdefinition and one e<am6le of each food chainU> 3ood web. 20

Bio)eochemical *ycle! definition> si)nificance> flow chart of different cycles with only elementary reaction T7<y)en> carbon> #itro)en> 5hos6hate> Sul6hurU. 0

Biodiversity! ty6es> im6ortance> Endemic s6ecies> Biodiversity Eot!s6ot> Threats to biodiversity> *onservation of biodiversity. A$r pollut$on and control Atmos6heric *om6osition= Tro6os6here> Stratos6here> $esos6here> Thermos6here> Tro6o6ause and $eso6ause. model TEarth as a blac, body> earth as albedoU> 5roblems. 0 0 Ener)y balance= *onductive and *onvective heat transfer> radiation heat transfer> sim6le )lobal tem6erature :reen house effects= (efinition> im6act of )reenhouse )ases on the )lobal climate and conseAuently on sea water level> a)riculture and marine food.:lobal warmin) and its conseAuence> *ontrol of :lobal warmin). Earth?s heat bud)et. 0 20

0a6se rate= Ambient la6se rate Adiabatic la6se rate> atmos6heric stability> tem6erature inversion (radiation inversion". 6lumes and :aussian 6lume model. 6ollutant. Sources and effect of different air 6ollutants! Sus6ended 6articulate matter> o<ides of carbon> o<ides of nitro)en> o<ides of sul6hur> 6articulate> 5A#. Smo)> 5hotochemical smo) and 0ondon smo). (e6letion 7@one layer= *3*> destruction of o@one layer by *3*> im6act of other )reen house )ases> effect of o@one modification. 0 Standards and control measures= Industrial> commercial and residential air Auality standard> control measure (ES5. cyclone se6arator> ba) house> catalytic converter> scrubber (ventury"> Statement with brief reference". 0 "ater Pollut$on and Control 20 20 20 Atmos6heric dis6ersion= $a<imum mi<in) de6th> ventilation coefficient> effective stac, hei)ht> smo,estac, (efinition of 6ollutants and contaminants> 5rimary and secondary 6ollutants= emission standard> criteria


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Eydros6here> Eydrolo)ical cycle and #atural water. 5ollutants of water> their ori)in and effects= 7<y)en demandin) wastes> 6atho)ens> nutrients> Salts> thermal a66lication> heavy metals> 6esticides> volatile or)anic com6ounds. 20 River80a,e8)round water 6ollution= River= (7> + day B7( test> Seeded B7( test> B7( reaction rate constants> Effect of o<y)en demandin) wastes on riverTdeo<y)enation> reaerationU> *7(> 7il> :reases> 6E. 20 0a,e= Eutro6hication T(efinition> source and effectU. :round water= AAuifers> hydraulic )radient> )round water flow ((efinition only" Standard and control= Kaste water standard TB7(> *7(> 7il> :reaseU> Kater Treatment system Tcoa)ulation and flocculation> sedimentation and filtration> disinfection> hardness and al,alinity> softenin)U Kaste water treatment system> 6rimary and secondary treatments TTric,lin) filters> rotatin) biolo)ical contractor> Activated slud)e> slud)e treatment> o<idation 6ondsU tertiary treatment definition. 20 Kater 6ollution due to the to<ic elements and their biochemical effects= 0ead> $ercury> *admium> and Arsenic 0 Land Pollut$on 0ithos6hereN Internal structure of earth> roc, and soil 0 Solid Kaste= $unici6al> industrial> commercial> a)ricultural> domestic> 6atholo)ical and ha@ardous solid wastesN Recovery and dis6osal method! 76en dum6in)> 0and fillin)> incineration> com6ostin)> recyclin). Solid waste mana)ement and control (ha@ardous and biomedical waste". No$ e Pollut$on (efinition of noise> effect of noise 6ollution> noise classification TTrans6ort noise> occu6ational noise> nei)hbourhood noiseU 0 (efinition of noise freAuency> noise 6ressure> noise intensity> noise threshold limit value> eAuivalent noise level> 20 0 0

L 0 ( 1 hr Inde<" > Ld n .
#oise 6ollution control. En7$ron/ental Mana9e/ent= Environmental im6act assessment> Environmental Audit> Environmental laws and 6rotection act of India> (ifferent international environmental treaty8 a)reement8 6rotocol. Re.erence !+oo# . 2. $asters> :. $.> VIntroduction to Environmental En)ineerin) and ScienceW> 5rentice!Eall of India 5vt. 0td.> 22 . (e> A. B.> VEnvironmental *hemistryW> #ew A)e International. 20 0


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Sen or and Tran ducer Code = EI0() Contact = 'L>)T Cred$t = 0 Top$c Module I (efinition> 6rinci6les of sensin) and transduction> classification $echanical and Electromechanical sensors Resistive (6otentiometric" ty6e= 3orms> materials> resolution> accuracy> sensitivity Strain :au)es= theory> ty6es> materials> desi)n consideration> sensitivity> )au)e factor> variation with tem6erature> adhesives> rosettes> a66lications! force> velocity and torAue measurements Inductive sensors= common ty6es! reluctance chan)e ty6e> mutual inductance chan)e ty6e> transformer action ty6e> ! brief discussion with res6ect to materials> construction and in6ut out6ut variables> 3erroma)netic 6lun)er ty6e!short analysisN 6ro<imity measurement 04(T= *onstruction> materials> out6ut!in6ut relationshi6> I87 curve> discussion Module II *a6acitive sensors= 4ariable distance! 6arallel 6late ty6e> 4ariable area! 6arallel 6late> serrated 6late8teeth ty6e and cylindrical ty6e> variable dielectric constant ty6e= calculation of sensitivitiesN 6ro<imity measurement Stretched (ia6hra)m ty6e= micro6hones> res6onse characteristics 5ie@oelectric elements= 6ie@oelectric effects> char)e and volta)e coefficients> crystal model> materials> natural and synthetic ty6es & their com6arison> force and stress sensin)> 6ie@oelectric accelerometer Tachometers & Strobosco6es> Encoders> seismic accelerometer> $easurement of vibration. Module III Industrial wei)hin) systems = 0in,&lever mechanism> 0oad cells & 6neumatic> 6ie@o! electric> elastic and ma)neto!elastic ty6es ! their mountin)> 6ressductor> different desi)ns of wei)hin) systems> conveyors ty6e> wei)hfeeder ty6e. Thermal sensors= Resistance chan)e ty6e= RT( ! materials> construction> ty6es> wor,in) 6rinci6le Thermister ! materials> construction> ty6es> wor,in) 6rinci6le Thermoemf sensors= Thermocou6le ! ty6es> wor,in) 6rinci6le Thermo6ile ! ty6es> wor,in) 6rinci6le Module I< $a)netic sensors= Sensors based on 4illari effect for assessment of force> torAue> r6m meters> 6ro<imity measurement Eall effect and Eall drive> 6erformance characteristics :ei)er counters> Scintillation detectors Introduction to Smart sensors No. o. per$od

2 % % 2

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+oo# = . ( 5atranabis> Sensors and Transducers> 5EI> 2nd ed. 2. E. A. (oebelin> $easurement Systems= A66lication and (esi)n $c :raw Eill> #ew Por, %. E. B. 5. #eubert> Instrument Transducers> 7<ford 9niversity 5ress> 0ondon and *alcutta MICROPROCESSORS AND COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE Code= EI0(* Contact = 'L>)T


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Cred$t = 0 To$ic Module I= Introduction to micro6rocessors= 7verview of 101+> Internal architecture> 5in (ia)ram descri6tion. Software instruction set and Assembly 0an)ua)e 5ro)rammin). Addressin) $odes. Module II= Instruction cycle> machine cycle> Timin) dia)rams. Interru6ts= Introduction> Interru6t vector table> Interru6t service routine> (esi)n of 6ro)rams usin) interru6ts. ($A o6eration. Stac, and Stac, Eandlin)> *all and subroutine> *ounter and Time delay )eneration. Module III= Eardware Interfacin)= Interfacin) memory> Interfacin) I87 devices. 5ro)rammable 6eri6heral devices (55I" & Intel 12++> 5ro)rammable interval timer & Intel 12+'> 5ro)rammable Beyboard8(is6lay *ontroller! Intel 12/2> A8( and (8A converters and interfacin) of the same. No% of Periods 0

Module I<= :eneral or)ani@ation of a di)ital com6uter> Architecture classification> 5arallel com6uters! classification> Earvard architecture> 4on #eumann architecture> 5i6elinin)> 6i6eline ha@ards> $ulti6rocessors> Array 6rocessors.

'0 +oo# = . $icro6rocessor architecture> 6ro)rammin) and a66lications with 101+8101+A> Kiley eastern 0td> 212 by Ramesh S. :aon,ar. 2. Intel *or6= The 101+ 8 101+A. $icro6rocessor Boo, & Intel mar,etin) communication> Kiley inter science 6ublications> 210. %. 3undamental of $icro6rocessor and $icrocontrollers> (han6at Rai 5ublications> By B.Ram '. *om6uter Architecture . 7r)ani@ation> $c:raw Eill> by D.5.Eayes. +. *om6uter System Architecture> 5earson> by $. $ano. -. *om6uter Architecture & A Huantitative A66roach> Dohn Eennessy and (avid A 5atterson. 5$eld Theory Code = EE0(*%EI& Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' No. o. Top$c per$od Module I 4ector calculus & ortho)onal *oordinate Systems> Transformations of coordinate ' systemsN (el o6eratorN :radient> (iver)ence> *url & their 6hysical inter6retationsN 0a6lacian o6erator. *oulomb?s law> electric field intensity> char)e distribution.N :auss? law> flu< density and electric field intensity. (iver)ence theorem. *urrent (ensities> *onductors> 5oisson?s . 0a6lace?s eAuations> 9niAueness theorem> Biot!Savart law> Am6ere?s law> Relation between D . E> 4ector ma)netic 5otential> Sto,es? theorem. Module II 3araday?s law . 0en@?s law> (is6lacement *urrent> D * & D ( Relation> $a<well?s 2 eAuations> Timeharmonic fields> Kave EAuation> Boundary *onditions between media


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

interfaceN 9niform 5lane waveN Kave 5ro6a)ation in 0ossy (ielectric> 0oss!less (ielectric> 3ree s6ace. 5oyntin) Theorem> 5ower flow> 5oyntin) vector. Kave 6olari@ations. Module III Transmission 0ines= *once6t of 0um6 6arameters and (istributed 6arameters> 0ine 5arameters> Transmission line eAuations and solutions> 5hysical si)nificance of the solutions. 5ro6a)ation constant> *haracteristic Im6edanceN Kavelen)thN 4elocity of 5ro6a)ationN (istortion!less 0ine> Reflection and Transmission coefficientsN Standin) Kaves> 4SKR> In6ut Im6edance> 0oad $atchin) TechniAues. +oo# = '. +. -. /. 1. 2. 0. .

21 5rinci6les of Electroma)netics> 'th Edition> $atthew 7 E Sadi,u> 7<ford 9niversity 5ress. En)ineerin) Electroma)netics> /thEdition!K.E.Eayt . D.A.Buc,> Tata!$c:raw!Eill Theory and 6roblems of Electroma)netic> Edminister> 2nd Edition> Tata!$c:raw!Eill Electroma)netic 3ield Theory . Transmission 0ines> :.S.#. Ra;u> 5earson Education Electroma)netic field theory fundamentals> :uru . Ei@ro)lu> 2nd edition> *ambrid)e 9niversity 5ress. En)ineerin) Electroma)netics> 2ed Edition ! #athan Ida> S6rin)er India Elements of En)ineerin) Electroma)netic> #.#. Rao> -th Edition> 5earson Education. Electroma)netic Kaves and Transmission 0ines! by :.5rasad> D.5rasad and D.Reddy! Scitech

Pract$cal PAPER NAME = TECHNICAL REPORT "RITING E LANGUAGE LA+ORATOR2 PRACTICE PAPER CODE= HU 01) CONTACT= )L>*P CREDIT = * Gu$del$ne .or Cour e E6ecut$on= O;Kect$7e o. th$ Cour e= Th$ cour e ha ;een de $9ned= ). To $nculcate a en e o. con.$dence $n the tudent . *. To help the/ ;eco/e 9ood co//un$cator ;oth oc$ally and pro.e $onally. '. To a $ t the/ to enhance the$r po8er o. Techn$cal Co//un$cat$on. (etailed *ourse 7utlines= A. Technical Re$ort &riting = . 2. %. 20M-5

Re6ort Ty6es (7r)ani@ational 8 *ommercial 8 Business 8 5ro;ect " Re6ort 3ormat . 7r)ani@ation of Kritin) $aterials Re6ort Kritin) (5ractice Sessions . Kor,sho6s"

B. 'ang!age 'a(orator) Practice I% Introd!ctor) 'ect!re to hel$ the st!dents get a clear idea of Technical Co""!nication * the need of 'ang!age 'a(orator) Practice Sessions +' +% Con,ersation Practice Sessions: -To (e done as real life interactions. +'/0P a. Training the st!dents () !sing 'ang!age 'a( 1e,ice2Reco""ended Texts2cassettes 2cd3s to get their 'istening Skill * S$eaking Skill honed (. Introd!cing Role Pla) * honing o,er all Co""!nicati,e Co"$etence 4% Gro!$ 1isc!ssion Sessions: +'/5P a. Teaching Strategies of Gro!$ 1isc!ssion (. Introd!cing 1ifferent 6odels * To$ics of Gro!$ 1isc!ssion


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

c. Ex$loring 'i,e 2Recorded G1 Sessions for "ending st!dents3 attit!de2a$$roach * for taking re"edial "eas!re Inter,iew Sessions7 +'/5P a. Training st!dents to face 8o( Inter,iews confidentl) and s!ccessf!ll) (. 9rranging 6ock Inter,iews and Practice Sessions for integrating 'istening Skill with S$eaking Skill in a for"al sit!ation for effecti,e co""!nication 0% a. (. c. Presentation: +'/5P Teaching Presentation as a skill Strategies and Standard Practices of Indi,id!al 2Gro!$ Presentation 6edia * 6eans of Presentation: O P2PO&ER POINT2 Other 9!dio:#is!al 9ids

;% Co"$etiti,e Exa"ination: +'/+P a. 6aking the st!dents aware of Pro,incial 2National2International Co"$etiti,e Exa"inations (. Strategies2Tactics for s!ccess in Co"$etiti,e Exa"inations c. S&OT 9nal)sis and its 9$$lication in fixing Target Books < Reco""ended: Nira =onar: English 'ang!age 'a(orator): 9 Co"$rehensi,e 6an!al P I 'earning> +?@@ 1% S!dharani: 9d,anced 6an!al for Co""!nication 'a(oratories * Technical Re$ort &riting Pearson Ed!cation -&%B% edition.> +?@@ References: 9drian 1!ff et% al% -ed%.: Ca"(ridge Skills for Al!enc) 9. S$eaking -'e,els @:0 9!dio Cassettes2 and(ooks. B. 'istening -'e,els @:0 9!dio Cassettes2 and(ooks. Ca"(ridge Uni,ersit) Press @BBC 6ark ancock: English Pron!nciation in Use 0 9!dio Cassettes2C13S OUP +??0 Phy $c La;:* Code= PH%EE&:0,) Contact = %'P& Cred$t= %*&
. 2. %. '. +. -. /. 1. 2. 0. . (etermination of dielectric constant of a )iven dielectric material. (etermination of thermo electric 6ower at a certain tem6erature of a )iven thermocou6le. (etermination of s6ecific char)e (e8m" of electron by D.D. Thom6son?s method. (etermination of 5lanc, constant usin) 6hotocell. (etermination of 0ande?) factor usin) Electron s6in resonance s6ectrometer. (etermination of Stefen?s radiation constant. 4erification of Bohr?s atomic orbital theory throu)h 3ran,!Eert@ e<6eriment. (etermination of Rydber) constant by studyin) Eydro)en &Eelium s6ectrum. (etermination of Eall coefficient of semiconductor. (etermination of Band )a6 of semiconductor. To study current volta)e characteristics> load res6onse> areal characteristic and s6ectral res6onse of a 6hotovoltaic solar cell.

Electr$cal Mea ure/ent E In tru/entat$on La; Code = EI 0,) Contact = 'P



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Cred$t = * 0ist of E<6eriments= . 2. %. '. +. -. /. 1. Instrument wor,sho6! observe the construction of 5$$*> (ynamometer> Electro thermal and Rectifier ty6e instrument> 7scillosco6e and di)ital multimeter. *alibrate movin) iron and electrodynamometer ty6e ammeter8voltmeter by 6otentiometer *alibrate dynamometer ty6e Kattmeter by 6otentiometer *alibrate A.*. ener)y meter. $easure the resistivity of material usin) Belvin (ouble Brid)e $easurement of 5ower usin) Instrument transformer $easurement of Inductance by Anderson Brid)e $easurement of *a6acitance by (e Sauty Brid)e

M$croproce or La; Code = EI 0,* Contact = 'P Cred$t = * Sl. #o. . 2. #A$E 73 TEE EC5ERI$E#TS a"3amiliari@ation with 101+ trainer ,it com6onents. b" 3amiliari@ation with 101+ simulator on 5*. a" Study of 6rewritten 6ro)rams usin) basic instruction set (data transfer> 0oad8Store> Arithmetic> 0o)ical" on the simulator. b" Assi)nments based on above 5R7:RA$$I#: 9SI#: BIT8SI$90AT7R 37R i" Table loo, u6 ii" *o6yin) a bloc, of memory iii" Shiftin) a bloc, of memory iv" 5ac,in) and un6ac,in) of B*( numbers v" Addition of B*( numbers vi" Binary to AS*II conversion vii" Strin) $atchin) viii" $ulti6lication usin) Booth?s Al)orithm 5ro)ram usin) subroutine calls and I#879T instructions usin) 12++ 55I on the trainer ,it e)> subroutine for delay> readin) switch state . )lowin) 0E(s accordin)ly> findin) out the freAuency of a 6ulse train etc Interfacin) any 1!bit 0atch (e)> /'0S%/%" with trainer ,it as a 6eri6heral ma66ed out6ut 6ort with absolute address decodin) I#TER3A*I#: KITE I87 $7(90ES= a" A(* b" S6eed control of mini (* motor usin) (A* c" Ste66er motor 3A$I0IARIGATI7# KITE E5R7$ 5R7:RA$$I#: A#( ERASI#:



+. -.



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

SEMESTER L < Theory Econo/$c .or En9$neer HU:3() Contract = 'L Cred$t : ' . Economic (ecisions $a,in) & 7verview> 5roblems> Role> (ecision ma,in) 6rocess. 2. En)ineerin) *osts . Estimation & 3i<ed> 4ariable> $ar)inal . Avera)e *osts> Sun, *osts> 766ortunity *osts> Recurrin) And #onrecurrin) *osts> Incremental *osts> *ash *osts vs Boo, *osts> 0ife!*ycle *ostsN Ty6es 7f Estimate> Estimatin) $odels ! 5er!9nit $odel> Se)mentin) $odel> *ost Inde<es> 5ower!Si@in) $odel> Im6rovement . 0earnin) *urve> Benefits. %. *ash 3low> Interest and EAuivalence= *ash 3low & (ia)rams> *ate)ories . *om6utation> Time 4alue 7f $oney> (ebt re6ayment> #ominal . Effective Interest. '. 5resent Korth Analysis = End!7f!Pear *onvention> 4iew6oint 7f Economic Analysis Studies> Borrowed $oney 4iew6oint> Effect 7f Inflation . (eflation> Ta<es> Economic *riteria> A66lyin) 5resent Korth TechniAues> $ulti6le Alternatives. +. *ash 3low . Rate 7f Return Analysis & *alculations> Treatment of Salva)e 4alue> Annual *ash 3low Analysis> Analysis 5eriodsN Internal Rate 7f Return> *alculatin) Rate 7f Return> Incremental AnalysisN Best Alternative *hoosin) An Analysis $ethod> 3uture Korth Analysis> Benefit!*ost Ratio Analysis> Sensitivity And Brea,even Analysis. Economic Analysis In The 5ublic Sector ! Huantifyin) And 4aluin) Benefits . drawbac,s. -= 9ncertainty In 3uture Events ! Estimates And Their 9se In Economic Analysis> Ran)e 7f Estimates> 5robability> Doint 5robability (istributions> E<6ected 4alue> Economic (ecision Trees> Ris,> Ris, vs Return> Simulation> Real 76tions. /. (e6reciation ! Basic As6ects> (eterioration . 7bsolescence> (e6reciation And E<6enses> Ty6es 7f 5ro6erty> (e6reciation *alculation 3undamentals> (e6reciation And *a6ital Allowance $ethods> Strai)ht!0ine (e6reciation (eclinin) Balance (e6reciation> *ommon Elements 7f Ta< Re)ulations 3or (e6reciation And *a6ital Allowances. 1. Re6lacement Analysis ! Re6lacement Analysis (ecision $a6> $inimum *ost 0ife 7f A #ew Asset> $ar)inal *ost> $inimum *ost 0ife 5roblems. 2. Inflation And 5rice *han)e & (efinition> Effects> *auses> 5rice *han)e Kith Inde<es> Ty6es of Inde<> *om6osite vs *ommodity Inde<es> 9se of 5rice Inde<es In En)ineerin) Economic Analysis> *ash 3lows that inflate at different Rates. 0. Accountin) & 3unction> Balance Sheet> Income Statement> 3inancial Ratios *a6ital Transactions> *ost Accountin)> (irect and Indirect *osts> Indirect *ost Allocation. Readings . Dames 0.Ri))s>(avid (. Bedworth> Sabah 9. Randhawa = Economics for En)ineers 'e > Tata $c:raw!Eill 2. (onald #ewnan> Ted Eschembach> Derome 0avelle = En)ineerin) Economics Analysis> 795 %. Dohn A. Khite> Benneth E.*ase>(avid B.5ratt = 5rinci6le of En)ineerin) Economic Analysis> Dohn Kiley '. Sullivan and Kic,s= En)ineerin) Economy> 5earson +. R.5aneer Seelvan= En)ineerin) Economics> 5EI -. $ichael R 0indebur) = En)ineerin) Economics Analysis> 5rofessional 5ub INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION Code = EI 3() Contact = 'L>)T Cred$t = 0 %All per$od 8$ll ;e o. at lea t 3( /$nute durat$on& Top$c Module I $easurement of 5ressure and 4acuum= 5ressure= $anometers & 9 tube> Inclined Tube and Kell ty6e $anometers Elastic 5ressure Sensor Instruments & Bourdon Tube 5ressure :au)e> *a6sule :au)e> (ifferential 5ressure :au)e> 5ressure Switch Electronic 5r 8 (5 transmitters = ca6acitive> 6ie@o ! resistive and resonatin) wire ty6e 4acuum= $cleod :au)e> thermal conductivity )au)e> ioni@ation )au)e Module II 3low rate $easurement= :eneral conce6ts ! 0aminar flow> Reynolds?s number> Effect of tem6erature and 6ressure on flow rate measurement> *alibration of flow meters. Eead ty6e flow measurement & analysis and calculation> and head 6roducin) devices ! orifice> venturi> 6itot tube> multi6ort avera)in) 6itot 4ariable Area 3lowmeters & :lass and metal tube rotameters Electroma)netic ty6e> 9ltrasonic ty6e> 4orte< ty6e> 5ositive dis6lacement ty6e $ass flow meters = *oriolis> Thermal> Im6eller ty6e Keirs> 3lumes and o6en channel flow measurement. Module III 0evel $easurement = :au)e )lass> Bi!*olour> $a)netic and Refle< 0evel :au)e No. o. per$od




Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

3loat and dis6lacers ty6e instruments & :au)e and Switch (85 ty6e sensors and their installation arran)ements *a6acitive ty6e level instrument 9ltrasonic and $icrowave ty6e level instruments Module I< Tem6erature $easurement= Tem6erature scale> ITS 20> fi<ed 6oints and inter6olation eAuations 3illed in systems= liAuid> )as and va6our> ran)es> media> errors> construction details and com6arison> classification Bimetal elements> Thermostats RT(= review of materials> construction> ty6esN measurin) circuits> ran)es> errors and minimi@ation of errors Thermocou6les includin) $I thermocou6les= ty6es> thermoelectric 6ower> circuits> ran)es> errors> cold ;unction com6ensation> com6ensatin) cables Radiation Thermometer sensors used> s6ectral and other characteristics> 76tical 5yrometers

Top$c Module < Installation ReAuirements Installation of 6ressure measurin) instruments with accessories li,e seals> snubbers> 2 valve manifolds Installation of (5 measurin) instruments with head 6roducin) devices & 6ressure ta66in)s> isolation valves> % valve manifolds> etc. Strai)ht run reAuirements for flowmeters Installation of Tem6 elememts & Thermowells 5neumatic Instrumentation 3la66er no@@le system ! 6neumatic force balance and motion balance system 5neumatic Transmitter Ea@ardous Area Instrumentation ($ay be reduced" Basic *once6ts *lassification based on site> material and tem6erature & IE* and #orth American system $ethods of 5rotection & E<6losion 6roof> Intrinsic safety> 5ur)in) and 5ressuri@ation> #on!Incendiary N IE* EAui6ment 5rotection 0evel (E50" #E$A and I5 codes

No. o. per$od


* 0

0( +oo# = . (. 5atranabis> 5rinci6les of industrial Instrumentation> T$E> #ew (elhi> 2nd Ed. 2. B. :. 0i6ta,> Instrument En)ineers Eandboo,> vol!I and vol!II> *hilton Boo, *o. 5hiladel6hia %. (. $. *onsidine and :. (. *onsidine (Eds." 5rocess Instruments and controls Eandboo,> $c :raw Eill> #ew Por, '. Ernest 7. (oeblin> $easurement Systems & A66lication and (esi)n> Tata!$c:raw Eill +. A. Barua> 3undamentals of Industrial Instrumentation> Kiley India -. $.$.S. Anand> Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation Technolo)y> 5EI> (elhi /. *. R. Alavala> 5rinci6les of Industrial Instrumentation and *ontrol Systems> *en)a)e 0earnin) CONTROL THEOR2 Code = EI 3(* %EE& Contact = 'L>)T Cred$t = 0 Top$c Module I Elementary control conce6ts. 76en loo6 and close loo6 control $athematical $odel of 5hysical Systems= Introduction> (ifferential eAuation re6resentation of 6hysical systems> Transfer function conce6ts> Bloc, dia)ram al)ebra> Si)nal flow )ra6hs 3eedbac, *haracteristics of *ontrol Systems= Introduction> Reduction of 6arameter variation by use of feedbac,> *ontrol of system dynamics by use of feedbac,. *ontrol System *om6onents= Introduction> (* servomotors> (* tacho!)enerators> A* servomotors> A* tacho!)enerators> Ste66er motors> Synchro error detectors> Areas of A66lication. Time Res6onse Analysis= Introduction> Standard test si)nals> 5erformance indices> Time res6onse of first order system> Time res6onse of second order systems> (esi)n s6ecifications of second order systems. Module II Stability Analysis in Time (omain= The conce6t of stability> Assessment of stability from 6ole 6ositions> #ecessary conditions for stability> Routh Stability *riterion> Relative stability analysis> Illustrative e<am6les. Root 0ocus TechniAue = Introduction> The root locus conce6t> Root locus construction rules> Root contours> *ase studies. No. o. per$od

% + ' '



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Module III 3reAuency Res6onse Analysis= Introduction> 5erformance indices> 3reAuency res6onse of second order systems> 5olar 6lots> Bode 6lots> All 6ass systems> $inimum!6hase and #on!minimum!6hase systems> Assessment of relative stability & :ain $ar)in and 5hase $ar)in>Illustrative e<am6les. Stability Analysis in 3reAuency (omain= Introduction> A brief review of 5rinci6le of Ar)ument> #yAuist stability criterion> Illustrative e<am6les. Module I< *once6ts of state> state variables and state model> State models of linear continuous!time systems> *once6t on *ontrollability and 7bservability> Illustrative e<am6les. Introduction to (esi)n= The desi)n 6roblem> *once6ts of cascade and feedbac, com6ensation> Reali@ation of basic com6ensators> *ase studies. Introduction to 5I( *ontrol (:rass!root conce6t only" +oo# = #a)rath I. D. and :o6al $.>V*ontrol Systems En)ineerin)W> #ew A)e International (5" 0td. 7)ata B> V$odern *ontrol SystemsW> 5rentice Eall> En)lewood *liffs. Ben;amin *. Buo> VAutomatic *ontrol SystemsW> 5EI :o6al= $odern *ontrol System> #ew A)e International %All per$od 8$ll ;e o. at lea t 3( /$nute durat$on& OPTOELECTRONICS AND 5I+RE OPTICS Code = EI 3('A Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Top$c Module I 76toelectronics = *haracteristics of o6tical emission> electro!luminescence. 0E(= 5ower and efficiency calculation> Structure of 0E( and its characteristics> Eetero;unction 0E( 0aser= semiconductor based lasers ! double hetero;unction broad area laser> stri6e )eometry (E laser>. Module II 5hoto diode= 5I# 6hotodiode> hetero ;unction diode> Avalanche 5hoto diode> 5hototransistor. 0(R> 6hotovoltaic cells> 6hoto emissive cells ! ty6es> materials> construction> res6onse> o6to!cou6lers & characteristics> noise fi)ures> a66lications in analo)ue and di)ital devices. Module III 3iber o6tics= 76tical fibre & materials> construction> ste6 inde< and )raded inde< fibres> ray 6ro6a)ation> attenuation. $odes in o6tical fibres> intermodal dis6ersion. sin)lemode fibre! wor,in) 6rinci6le> attenuation> dis6ersion and bandwidth. $ultimode fibre! attenuation> dis6ersion. 6ro6a)ation of E$ waves> fibre cou6lin). Module I< 3ibre!o6tic sensors= classification. Intensity modulated sensors> 6hase modulated sensors> s6ectrally modulated sensors. 3ibre o6tic sensors for Industrial a66lications= tem6erature> dis6lacement> 6ressure and liAuid!level sensors. Total +oo# = . 2. %. '. +. -. 5. Bhattachar;ee> Semiconductor 76toelectronic (evices> 5EI K. Eaw,es> 76toelectronics! An Introduction> 5EI *. B. Sar,ar> 76toelectronics and 3ibero6tics communication> #ew A)e International Dohn $. Senior> 76tical 3ibre *ommunications> 5EI *ulshaw B. and (a,in D(Ed" ! 76tical 3ibre Sensors> 4ol. .2 Artech Eouse> 212. *hin!0in!*hon !Elements of 76toelectronic . 3ibre 76tion> $:E %All per$od 8$ll ;e o. at lea t 3( /$nute durat$on& . 2. %. '.

' % ' 2 '0

No. o. per$od ' 2 % % + % ' %0

AD<ANCED SENSORS Code = EI 3('+ Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Top$c Module I 5rinci6le of 6hysical and chemical transductionN sensors classification> characteri@ation of mechanical> electrical> o6tical> thermal> ma)netic> chemical and biolo)ical sensorsN their calibration and determination of characteristicsN Sensor reliability> reliability models and testin)> a)ein) tests> failure mechanisms and their evaluation> stability studies= Module II No. o. per$od % 2



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

I* technolo)y used in micro sensor systemN *rystal )rowth and wafer ma,in)> o<idation litho)ra6hy> mas,in)> 6attern )eneration and transfer> different ty6es of etchin)> ion im6lantation and diffusion> and vacuum eva6oration> assemblin)> 6ac,a)in)> micromachinin)> e6ita<y> use of 6olysilicon materials> bondin) of different ty6es etc. Sensor desi)nin) and 6ac,a)in)= 5artitionin)> 0ayout> Technolo)y constraints> scalin)> com6atibility study. E<am6les of selected micro sensors Thic, 3ilm 6rocess of sensor develo6ment> thin film techniAues> *haracteri@ation and delineation> 0an)aur! Blod)ett films> sensors develo6ed usin) these techniAues such as )as and ion sensors *eramics and o<ides as sensor materials> materials li,e Girconia> Alumina> semiconductors> o<ides of Tin . Ginc> 5ie@oelectric> 5yroelectric> 3erro electric materials. Module III Sensors for different a66lications= $echanical> Electrical> Thermal> $a)netic> 76tical> radiation chemical and Biolo)ical ty6es. Smart sensors> methods of internal com6ensation> information codin)> inte)rated sensor 6rinci6les> 6resent trends. +oo#=

' ' %

% ' %0

. 2. %. '. +. -. /.

Triethy E0 ! Transducers in Electronic and $eachanical (esi)n> $ercel (e,,er 21(. 5atranabis & Sensor and Transducers (2e" 5rentice Eall> #ew (elhi> 200% Silicon Sensors & $iddlehoe, S and Audel S. A. & Academic 5ress> 0ondon 212 *hemical Sensors & Edmonds T. E. (Ed"N Blac,ie & 0ondon> 211 5roblems and 6ossibilities of o<idic and or)anic semiconductor )as sensors> :. Eeiland and (. Bohl> Sensors and

Actuators> 4olume 1> Issue %> #ovember

0 Se6tember 21-> 5a)es -+!12.

21+> 5a)es 22/!2%%.

Thic,!film sensors= an overview> $aria 5ruden@iati and Bruno $orten>

Sensors and Actuators> 4olume 22! ''.

0> Issues &2>

The use of 6olymer materials as sensitive elements in 6hysical and chemical sensors> 3.D. :utierre@ $onreal> *laudio $. $ari>

Sensors and Actuators> 4olume

SO5T COMPUTING Code = EI 4(0+ Contact = 'L Cred$t = '

2> Issue 2> Au)ust&Se6tember 21/> 5a)es %All per$od 8$ll ;e o. at lea t 3( /$nute durat$on&

Top$c Module I Introduction to Soft!com6utin)> Its *onstituent com6onents 3u@@y Sets> :eneral Idea and im6ortance in 6ractical life> definition Basic 76erators> T! #orms> S! #orms> other a))re)ation o6erators 3u@@y relations> im6lications> e<tensions> 6ro;ections and com6ositions Module II A66ro<imate reasonin)> com6ositional rule of inference> rule based systems> term set 3u@@ification> reasonin)> defu@@ification (ifferent 3u@@y models ($A8TS"> A66lications of 3u@@y rule based systems Module III Basics of :enetic Al)orithm> its ada6tation for com6utin)> A66lication Studies of some 3u@@y!neural> #euro!fu@@y and 3u@@y!:A systems +oo# = . 2. %. '. +.

No. o. per$od 2 % 2 2 % 2 ' %0

(iran,ov and Eellendrom 3u@@y lo)ic control> #arosa Ra;se,har and 5ai> #eural #etwor,s> 3u@@y lo)ic and :enetic Al)orithm= Synthetic and A66lications> 5earson Education :oldber) ! :enetic al)orithm> 5earson 200% 3reeman ! #eural #etwor,s> 5earson 200% Dan) ! #euro!fu@@y and soft *om6utin)> 5earson 200%

Data Structure E Al9or$th/



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Code = EI 3(0A%CSE& Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' 7verview of * lan)ua)e Time and S6ace analysis of Al)orithms ! 7rder #otations. 0inear (ata Structures ! SeAuential re6resentations ! Arrays and 0ists> Stac,s> Hueues and (eAueues> strin)s> A66lication. 0inear (ata Structures> 0in, Re6resentation ! 0inear lin,ed lists> circularly lin,ed lists. (oubly lin,ed lists> a66lication. Recursion ! (esi)n of recursive al)orithms> Tail Recursion> Khen not to use recursion> Removal of recursion. #on!linear (ata Structure= Trees ! Binary Trees> Traversals and Threads> Binary Search Trees> Insertion and (eletion al)orithms> Eei)ht! balanced and wei)ht!balanced trees> B!trees> BM !trees> A66lication of treesN :ra6hs ! Re6resentations> Breadth!first and (e6th!first Search. Eashin) ! Eashin) 3unctions> collision Resolution TechniAues. Sortin) and Searchin) Al)orithms! Bubble sort> Selection Sort> Insertion Sort> Huic, Sort> $er)e Sort> Eea6 sort and Radi< Sort. 3ile Structures ! SeAuential and (irect Access. Relative 3iles> Inde<ed 3iles ! BM tree as inde<. $ulti!inde<ed 3iles> Inverted 3iles> Eashed 3iles. Te6t ;oo# = . (ata Structures and Al)orithms & 7.:. Ba,de . 9.A. (esh6andey> ISTE8EC*E0 B77BS 2. Aho Alfred 4.> Eo66eroft Dohn E.> 9Ilman Deffrey (.> V(ata Structures and Al)orithmsW> Addison Kesley %. (ro@de,! (ata Structures and Al)orithms>4i,as Re.erence = .Eeileman=data structure al)orithims .7o6 Tata $c:raw Eill 2. (ata Structures 9sin) * & $.Radha,rishnan and 4.Srinivasan> ISTE8EC*E0 B77BS 3. Keiss $ar, Allen> VAl)orithms> (ata Structures> and 5roblem Solvin) with *MMW> Addison Kesley. '. Eorowit@ Ellis . Sarta; Sahni> V3undamentals of (ata StructuresW> :al)otria 5ub. + Tanenbaum A. S. > V(ata Structures usin) X*? W A;ay A)arwal= (ata structure Throu)h *.*ybertech Data +a e Mana9e/ent Sy te/ Code =EI 3(0+%CSE& Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Introduct$on D0LF *once6t . 7verview of (B$S> (ata $odels> (atabase 0an)ua)es> (atabase Administrator> (atabase 9sers> Three Schema architecture of (B$S. Ent$ty:Relat$on h$p Model D4LF Basic conce6ts> (esi)n Issues> $a66in) *onstraints> Beys> Entity!Relationshi6 (ia)ram> Kea, Entity Sets> E<tended E!R features. Relat$onal Model D3LF Structure of relational (atabases> Relational Al)ebra> Relational *alculus> E<tended Relational Al)ebra 76erations> 4iews> $odifications 7f the (atabase. SAL and Inte9r$ty Con tra$nt D1LF *once6t of ((0> ($0> (*0. Basic Structure> Set o6erations> A))re)ate 3unctions> #ull 4alues> (omain *onstraints> Referential Inte)rity *onstraints> assertions> views> #ested SubAueries> (atabase security a66lication develo6ment usin) SH0> Stored 6rocedures and tri))ers. Relat$onal Data;a e De $9n D,LF 3unctional (e6endency> (ifferent anamolies in desi)nin) a (atabase.> #ormali@ation usin) funtional de6endencies> (ecom6osition> Boyce! *odd #ormal 3orm> %#3> #omali@ation usin) multi!valued de6edencies> '#3> +#3 Internal o. RD+MS D-LF 5hysical data structures> Huery o6timi@ation = ;oin al)orithm> statistics and cost bas o6timi@ation. Transaction 6rocessin)> *oncurrency control and Recovery $ana)ement = transaction model 6ro6erties> state seriali@ability> loc, base 6rotocols> two 6hase loc,in). 5$le Or9an$Mat$on E Inde6 Structure D4LF 3ile . Record *once6t> 5lacin) file records on (is,> 3i<ed and 4ariable si@ed Records> Ty6es of Sin)le!0evel Inde< (6rimary> secondary> clusterin)"> $ultilevel Inde<es> (ynamic $ultilevel Inde<es usin) B tree and BM tree . Te<t Boo,s= . 2. Eenry 3. Borth and Silberschat@ Abraham> V(atabase System *once6tsW> $c.:raw Eill. Elmasri Rame@ and #ovathe Sham,ant> V3undamentals of (atabase SystemsW> Ben;amin *ummin)s 5ublishin). *om6any.



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

%. '. +. -. /.

Rama,rishnan= (atabase $ana)ement System > $c:raw!Eill :ray Dim and Reuter Address> VTransaction 5rocessin) = *once6ts and TechniAuesW> $ora)an Bauffman 5ublishers. Dain= Advanced (atabase $ana)ement System *yberTech (ate *. D.> VIntroduction to (atabase $ana)ementW> 4ol. I> II> III> Addison Kesley. 9llman D(.> V5rinci6les of (atabase SystemsW> :al)ottia 5ublication.

Reference= . Dames $artin> V5rinci6les of (atabase $ana)ement SystemsW> 21+> 5rentice Eall of India> #ew (elhi 2. V3undamentals of (atabase SystemsW> Rame@ Elmasri> Sham,ant B.#avathe> Addison Kesley 5ublishin) Edition %. V(atabase $ana)ement SystemsW> Arun B.$a;umdar> 5ritimay Bhattacharya> Tata $c:raw Eill So.t8are En9$neer$n9 Code =EI 3(0C%CSE& Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Module I 7verview of System Analysis . (esi)n > Business System *once6t> System (evelo6ment 0ife *ycle> Katerfall $odel > S6iral $odel> 3easibility Analysis> Technical 3easibility> *ost! Benefit Analysis> *7*7$7 model. D)(LF Module II System ReAuirement S6ecification & (3(> (ata (ictionary> ER dia)ram> 5rocess 7r)ani@ation . Interactions. D3LF System (esi)n & 5roblem 5artitionin)> To6!(own And Botto6!96 desi)n N(ecision tree> decision table and structured En)lishN 3unctional vs. 7b;ect! 7riented a66roach. D3LF

Module III *odin) . (ocumentation ! Structured 5ro)rammin)> 77 5ro)rammin)> Information Eidin)> Reuse> System (ocumentation. D0LF Testin) & 0evels of Testin)> Inte)ration Testin)> Test case S6ecification> Reliability Assessment . > 4alidation . 4erification $etrics> $onitorin) . *ontrol. D1LF Module I< Software 5ro;ect $ana)ement & 5ro;ect Schedulin) > Staffin)> Software *onfi)uration $ana)ement> Huality Assurance> 5ro;ect $onitorin). D-LF *ASE T770S = *once6ts> use and a66lication. D3LF +oo# = Te6t= . R. :. 5ressman & Software En)ineerin)> T$E 2.Behforoo@> Software En)ineerin) 3undamentals>795 %. :he@@i> Software En)ineerin)> 5EI '.5an,a; Dalote & An Inte)rated A66roach to Software En)ineerin)> #AR7SA. +.7b;ect 7riented . *lassical Software En)ineerin)(3ifth Edition"> S*EA*E>T$E -.4ans 4let> Software En)ineerin)> S5( /.9ma> Essentials of Software En)ineerin)> Daico 1.Sommerville> Ian & Software En)ineerin)> 5earson Education 2.Benmenachen> Software Huality> 4i,as Re.erence= . IEEE Standards on Software En)ineerin). 2. Bane> Software (efect 5revention> S5( Pract$cal INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION LA+ Code = EI 3,) Contact = 'P Cred$t = * . 2. %. '. +. -. /. *alibration of 5ressure :au)e usin) (ead Kei)ht Tester. Study of Thermocou6le characteristics and $easurement of Tem6erature with it. Study of RT( characteristics and $easurement of Tem6erature with it. $easurements of flow rate and velocity of fluid flow by head ty6e flow meter. $easurements of flow rate and velocity of fluid flow by 4ariable Area ty6e flow meter. $easurement of level usin) ca6acitive ty6e level instrument. $easurement of moisture usin) moisture analyser



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "


$easurement of viscosity

SENSORS AND TRANSDUCERS LA+ Code = EI 3,* Contact = 'P Cred$t = * . 2. %. '. +. -. /. 1. Tem6erature measurement usin) A(+20 I* sensor. (is6lacement measurement by usin) a ca6acitive transducer. 5ressure and dis6lacement measurement by usin) 04(T. Study of a load cell with tensile and com6ressive load. TorAue measurement Strain )au)e transducer. S6eed measurement usin) ma)netic 6ro<imity sensor. S6eed measurement usin) a Strobosco6e. Study of the characteristics of a 0(R.

CONTROL ENGINEERING LA+ Code = EI 3,' %EE& Contact = 'P Cred$t = * 3amiliari@ation with $AT0AB control system toolbo<> $AT0AB!SI$90I#B toolbo< and 5S5I*E. Study of ste6 res6onse for first and second order system with unity feedbac, with dis6lay on *RT screen and calculation of 6arameters for different system desi)ns. %. Simulation of im6ulse res6onse for ty6es 0> and 2 with unity feedbac, usin) $AT0AB and 5S5I*E. '. (etermination of root!locus> Bode 6lot> #yAuist 6lot usin) $AT0AB toolbo< for a )iven second order transfer function and listin) of the s6ecifications. +. (etermine the effect of 5> I> ( actions on first order simulated 6rocess and obtainin) the system transfer functions from Bode 6lot. Data Structure E Al9or$th/ Code = EI 3,0A%CSE& Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' E<6eriments should include but not limited to = Im6lementation of array o6erations= Stac,s and Hueues= addin)> deletin) elements *ircular Hueue= Addin) . deletin) elements $er)in) 5roblem = Evaluation of e<6ressions o6erations on $ulti6le stac,s . Aueues = Im6lementation of lin,ed lists= insertin)> deletin)> invertin) a lin,ed list. Im6lementation of stac,s . Aueues usin) lin,ed lists= 5olynomial addition> 5olynomial multi6lication S6arse $atrices = $ulti6lication> addition. Recursive and #onrecursive traversal of Trees Threaded binary tree traversal. A40 tree im6lementation A66lication of Trees. A66lication of sortin) and searchin) al)orithms Eash tables im6lementation= searchin)> insertin) and deletin)> searchin) . sortin) techniAues. D+MS La; Code = EI 3,0+%CSE& Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Structured Auery Lan9ua9e . Creat$n9 Data;a e *reatin) a (atabase *reatin) a Table S6ecifyin) Relational (ata Ty6es S6ecifyin) *onstraints *reatin) Inde<es 2. Ta;le and Record Handl$n9 I#SERT statement 9sin) SE0E*T and I#SERT to)ether (E0ETE> 95(ATE> TR9#*ATE statements (R75> A0TER statements %. Retr$e7$n9 Data .ro/ a Data;a e The SE0E*T statement 9sin) the KEERE clause . 2.



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Clau e

9sin) 0o)ical 76erators in the KEERE clause 9sin) I#> BETKEE#> 0IBE > 7R(ER BP> :R795 BP and EA4I#:

9sin) A))re)ate 3unctions *ombinin) Tables 9sin) D7I#S SubAueries '. Data;a e Mana9e/ent *reatin) 4iews *reatin) *olumn Aliases *reatin) (atabase 9sers 9sin) :RA#T and RE47BE CURSORS IN ORACLE PL ! SAL "RITING ORACLE PL ! SAL STORED PROCEDURES So.t8are En9$neer$n9 LA+ Code = EI 3,0C%CSE& Contact = 'L Cred$t = '

SEMESTER L <I Theory Pr$nc$ple o. Mana9e/ent HU:4() Contract = *L Cred$t : * . 2. %. '. +. -. /. 1. 2. Basic conce6ts of mana)ement= (efinition & Essence> 3unctions> Roles> 0evel. 3unctions of $ana)ement = 5lannin) & *once6t> #ature> Ty6es> Analysis> $ana)ement by ob;ectivesN 7r)anisation Structure & *once6t> Structure> 5rinci6les> *entrali@ation> (ecentrali@ation> S6an of $ana)ementN 7r)anisational Effectiveness. $ana)ement and Society & *once6t> E<ternal Environment> *SR> *or6orate :overnance> Ethical Standards. 5eo6le $ana)ement & 7verview> Dob desi)n> Recruitment . Selection> Trainin) . (evelo6ment> Stress $ana)ement. $ana)erial *om6etencies & *ommunication> $otivation> Team Effectiveness> *onflict $ana)ement> *reativity> Entre6reneurshi6 0eadershi6= *once6t> #ature> Styles. (ecision ma,in)= *once6t> #ature> 5rocess> Tools . techniAues. Economic> 3inancial . Huantitative Analysis & 5roduction> $ar,ets> #ational Income Accountin)> 3inancial 3unction . :oals> 3inancial Statement . Ratio Analysis> Huantitative $ethods & Statistical Interference> 3orecastin)> Re)ression Analysis> Statistical Huality *ontrol. *ustomer $ana)ement & $ar,et 5lannin) . Research> $ar,etin) $i<> Advertisin) . Brand $ana)ement.



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

0. 76erations . Technolo)y $ana)ement & 5roduction . 76erations $ana)ement> 0o)istics . Su66ly *hain $ana)ement> TH$> Bai@en . Si< Si)ma> $IS. Readings: . $ana)ement = 5rinci6les> 5rocesses . 5ractices & Bhat> A . Bumar> A (795". 2. Essentials for $ana)ement & Boont@ > Revised edition> Tata $c:raw Eill(T$E" %. $ana)ement & Stoner> Dames A. 3. (5earson" '.$ana)ement ! :human> Tata $c:raw Eill(T$E" %All per$od 8$ll ;e o. at lea t 3( /$nute durat$on& PROCESS CONTROL : I Code = EI 4() Contact = 'L>)T Cred$t = 0 Top$c Module I :eneral Review of 5rocess> 5rocess *ontrol and Automation. Servo and Re)ulatory *ontrol> Basic 6rocess control loo6 bloc, dia)ram. *haracteristic 6arameters of a 6rocess & 5rocess Huantity> 5rocess 5otential> 5rocess Resistance> 5rocess *a6acitance> 5rocess 0a)> Self Re)ulation 5rocess modellin)> 6rocess eAuations & their limitations ! )eneral a66roach. Ty6ical 6rocesses and derivation of their transfer functions *haracteristics and functions of different modes of control actions = Schemes and analysis of 7n!7ff> $ultiste6> 3loatin)> Time 5ro6ortional> 5I( control Effect of disturbances and variation in set 6oint in 6rocess control. 7ffset ! why it a66ears and how it is eliminated & analysis and mathematical treatment Module II 5rocess Reaction *urves> *ontrollability ! usin) (i" deviation reduction factors (ii" )ain bandwidth 6roduct> State *ontrollability Tunin) of *ontrollers = both *losed and 76en loo6 methods (Gie)ler & #ichols> *ohen & *oon> 5R* method and %! * method of 6arameter ad;ustment" Electronic 5I( controller desi)n 5neumatic *ontrollers ! brief analysis Module III (ifferent control strate)ies ! schemes> brief analysis and uses (i" Ratio control No o. per$od

(ii" (iii" (iv"

*ascade control 3eedforward control $ultivariable control

Module I< 3inal *ontrol Element= Actuators (5neumatic Actuators> Electrical Actuators" and *ontrol 4alves (:lobe> Ball> Butterfly> :ate> 5inch"> (ifferent 5arts> 3ail 5osition> 4alve characteristics> *v> Sin)le . (ouble Seated 4alves> 4alve si@in)> 4alve selection> *avitation> 3lashin)> #oise *ontrol 4alve Accessories & Air 3ilter Re)ulator> I85 *onverter> 5neumatic 5ositioner> Electro!5neumatic 5ositioner> 0imit Switches> $otion Transmitters Brief study of Safety 4alves and Solenoid valves Module < Introduction to 5ro)rammable 0o)ic *ontrollers & Basic Architecture and 3unctionsN In6ut!7ut6ut $odules and Interfacin)N *59 and $emoryN Relays> Timers> *ounters and their usesN 50* 5ro)rammin) and A66lications. Introduction to (*S(-M2" +oo# =

" (. 5atranabis> 5rinci6les of 5rocess *ontrol> T$E> #ew (elhi> 2nd Ed. 2" (. 5. Ec,man> Automatic 5rocess control> Dohn Kiley> #ew Por, %" 5. Earriott> 5rocess control> $c :raw Eill> #ew Por, '" B. K. BeAuette> 5rocess *ontrol & $odelin)> (esi)n and Simulation> 5EI +" (. R. *ou)hanowr> 5rocess Systems Analysis and *ontrol> $c:raw Eill -" :. Ste6hano6oulos> *hemical 6rocess *ontrol> 5EI /" *. (. Dohnson> 5rocess *ontrol Instrumentation Technolo)y> 5EI



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

1" B. :. 0i6ta,> Instrument En)ineers Eandboo,> *hilton Boo, *o.> 5hiladel6hia 2" K. Bolton> 5ro)rammable 0o)ic *ontrollers> Elsevier 0" Kebb . Reis> 5ro)rammable 0o)ic *ontrollers> 5EI
%All per$od 8$ll ;e o. at lea t 3( /$nute durat$on& ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT Code = EI 4(* Contact = 'L>)T Cred$t = 0 Top$c Module I Buildin) bloc,s of Electronic Instruments= 4olta)e controlled oscillators> 5hase 0oc,ed 0oo6> *har)e Am6lifier> 5ro)rammable :ain Am6lifier> *urrent $irror> 4olta)e to freAuency and freAuency to volta)e converters Analo)ue Electronic Instruments= Introduction> Basic Emitter 3ollower 4oltmeter> 4oltmeters with I* 76erational Am6lifiers> True R.$.S 4oltmeter> (i)ital voltmeters> H meter MODULE II *urrent measurement with Analo)ue Electronic Instruments & *urrent!to!volta)e converter ty6e Electronic Ammeters> *ho66er stabili@ed am6lifiers for measurement of very low volta)es and currents. *athode ray oscillosco6es and its a66lications= *athode Ray Tube> (eflection Am6lifiers> 7scillosco6e Time Base> (ual!Trace 7scillosco6es> 7scillosco6e *ontrols> 7scillosco6e 5robes> (elayed time base oscillosco6e> (i)ital Stora)e 7scillosco6e. Module III (i)ital instruments= Introduction> Basic (i)ital (is6lays & 0E(s and 0*( 6anels. (is6lay (rivers and 0atches> Time Base )eneration with *rystal 7scillators and (ividers. (esi)n and Im6lementation of a sim6le (i)ital 3reAuency $eter> Errors in freAuency measurement & 6ossible remedies> Time and Ratio measurement. Module I< S6ectrum Analy@er Interference and #oises Introduction to 4irtual Instrumentation Total +oo# = . 2. %. '. +. Eelfric, A.(. . *oo6er K.(. = $odern Electronic Instrumentation . $easurin) InstrumentsN Kheeler Bell> (avid = Electronic Instrumentation . $easurement> Reston 5ublishers (.*. 5atranabis> 5rinci6les of Electronic Instrumentation> 5EI E.S. Balsi> Electronic Instrumentation> Tata $c:raw Eill Kolf S.> Student Reference $anual for Electronic Instrumentation 0aboratories> En)lewood *liffs> 5rentice Eall ' ' No. o. per$od + ' -

% ' 2 %1

%All per$od 8$ll ;e o. at lea t 3( /$nute durat$on& AD<ANCED MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS Code= EI 4(' Contact = 'L>)T Cred$t = 0 To$ic No %of Periods

Module I= Intel 101-81011 $icro6rocessor= Architecture> *loc, :enerator> Resettin) the micro6rocessor> Kait State Insertin)> Bus Bufferin)> Interru6ts> and Assembly 0an)ua)e 5ro)rammin) and Addressin) $odes.

Module II= Interfacin) $emory= *lassification of $emory> Address decodin) (usin) lo)ic )ates> decoders and 5A0"> Interfacin) Static RA$ (- - & 2B> -2-' & 1B"> Interfacin) E5R7$ (2/-' & 1B> 2/2+- & %2B"> (esi)nin) $emory $odules (hi)her ca6acity say + 2B" usin) memory chi6s (say 1B". Interfacin) I87 (evices.


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Module III= Interfacin) and assembly lan)ua)e monitor 6ro)ram for Bey Board (one dimensional> two dimensional" and /!se)ment dis6lay> Ste66er $otor throu)h 12++A> (ata transfer between two micro6rocessor based systems throu)h 12++. 12%/ ($A controller and interfacin) with 101- u6 5ro)rammable communication interface! Intel 12+ 9SART. 5ro)rammable Interru6t *ontroller! 12+2A. Module I<= Introduction to sin)le chi6 microcontrollers= Intel $*S!+ family features> 10+ 810% architecture> 6in confi)uration> I87 6orts and $emory or)ani@ation. Instruction set and basic assembly lan)ua)e 6ro)rammin). Interru6ts> Timer8*ounter and Serial *ommunication. $*S!+ a66lications= SAuare wave and 6ulse wave )eneration> 0E(> A8( *onverter and (8A *onverter interfacin) to 10+ . Introduction to 5I* micro!controller


%+oo# = . (ou)las 4. Eall & $icro6rocessors . Interfacin)> Tata $c:raw!Eill 2. Ray . Bhurchandi & Advanced $icro6rocessors . 5eri6herals> Tata $c:raw!Eill %. Kalter A. Tribel & The 1011 and 101- $icro6rocessors> 5earson Education '. Barry B. Brey & The Intel $icro6rocessors> 5EI85earson Ed. Asia +. $uhammed Ali $a@idi and Danice :illis6ie $a@idi & The 10+ $icrocontroller and Embedded Systems> 5earson Education Inc. -. A;ay 4 (eshmu,h & $icrocontrollers Theory and A66lications> Tata $c:raw!Eill Benneth D. Ayala & The 101- $icro6rocessor> *en)a)e 0earnin %All per$od 8$ll ;e o. at lea t 3( /$nute durat$on& +IOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION Code = EI 4(0A Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Top$c Module I Introduction to the 6hysiolo)y of cardiac> nervous and muscular and res6iratory systems. Module II Transducers and Electrodes= (ifferent ty6es of transducers and their selection for biomedical a66lications. Electrode theory> different ty6es of electrodes Eydro)en *alomel> A)!A)*I> 6E> 572 5co2 electrodes> selection criteria of electrodes. Module III $easurement of Blood 5ressure . Blood flow *ardiac out6ut and *ardiac rate> Electrocardio)ra6hy> *ardiac 6ace!ma,er $easurement of Electrical Activities in $uscles and Brain= electromyo)ra6hy> Electroence6halo)ra6h and their inter6retation. Module I< $edical Ima)in)= 9ltrasound ima)in) and IR Ima)in). Biotelemetry= Transmission and Rece6tion as6ects of Biolo)ical si)nals via lon) distances. +oo# = . 2. %. '. +. -. Kebster D S & $edical Instrumentation & A66lication and (esi)n *romwell 0 & Biomedical Instrumentation and $easurement> 5earson Bhand6ur R S & Eandboo, of Biomedical Instrumentation> T$E> #. (elhi 22 Astor B R & Introduction to Biomedical Instrumentation and $easurement> $c$illan. *arr & Introduction to Biomedical EAui6ment Technolo)y '8e & 5earson *hatter;ee $iller & Biomedical Instrumentation> *en)a)e 0earnin) No. o. per$od 2 % % + + % % %0

%All per$od 8$ll ;e o. at lea t 3( /$nute durat$on& NON CON<ENTIONAL ENERG2 SOURCES Code = EI 4(3D Contact = 'L Cred$t = '

Top$c Module I

No. o. per$od



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

*lassification of Ener)y Sources Advanta)es of #on *onventional Ener)y Sources over *onventional Sources Economics> Im6act on Environment Thermal Ener)y :eneration from Solar Ener)y= Solar radiation and its *haracteristics> Solar *ollector= flat 5late> evacuated tube> focusin)> Solar Ener)y use for water heatin)> Solar thermal 6ower )eneration. 5rinci6le of ener)y conversion in Solar 5hotovoltaic cells> (ifferent ty6es of 54 *ells> $ono!6oly crystalline and amor6hous Silicon solar cells. (esi)n of 54 array. Efficiency and cost of 54 systems. Module II Electricity :eneration from Kind Ener)y= Kind as ener)y source> (esi)n of Kind turbine> Selection of site of Kind farm> characteristics of different ty6es of wind )enerators used with wind turbines. Electricity :eneration from Bio Ener)y= Resources and conversion 6rocess= bio )as conversion> bio )as 6lant> bio mass )asifier> co)eneration. Bio diesel= Sources> usability and advanta)es over mineral 6roduct Module III Electricity :eneration from Tidal Ener)y= 5rinci6le> selection of site> Economics and future 6ros6ect. Electricity :eneration from Kave Ener)y= 5rinci6le > selection of site and future 6ros6ect Electricity :eneration from :eo thermal Ener)y= 5rinci6le > location > economics and 6ros6ect Introduction to Ener)y *onservation . Audit +oo# = . 2. %. '. Bansal> Bleeman . $elisa ! YRenewable Ener)y Sources . *onversion Technolo)yY ! T$E #ew (elhi. S 5 Su,hatme ! YSolar Ener)yY Twidell . Keir ! YRenewable Ener)y ResourcesYN E0BS #on *onventional Ener)y Sources & :. (. Rai

2 + ' + -

2 2 2 2 %0

%All per$od 8$ll ;e o. at lea t 3( /$nute durat$on& NON DESTRUCTI<E TESTING AND ULTRASONIC INSTRUMENTATION Code = EI 4(0C Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Top$c Module I Introduction and im6ortance of #(T. :eneral 5rinci6les and Basic Elements of #(T. Surface feature ins6ection and testin) = :eneral> 4isual> *hemical> and $echanical $a)netic!ma)neti@ation> flu<> and Electro 6otential> Electrical resistivity> Electroma)netic!eddy current techniAues. Module II 9ltrasonic waves> 6rinci6le of 6ro6a)ation 9ltrasonic Test methods= Echo> Transit time> Resonance> (irect contact and immersion ty6es Module III 9ltrasonic methods of measurin) thic,ness> de6th> flow> level etc. 4arious 6arameters affectin) ultrasonic testin) and measurements> their remedy 9ltrasonic in medical dia)nosis and thera6y T7TA0 +oo# = . 2. %. '. +. -. /. 1. $clutive 6 (Ed" & #(T Eandboo,> American Society for #(T> 212. Eull B and Dohn 4 & #on (estructive Testin)> 3I BS8$c$illan. Brant,ramer ! 9ltrasonic Testin) of materials> S6rin)er 200+ Eandboo, of #ondestructive Testin)> $c :raw Eill> 221 9. Schnars> K. Deu6tner ! (i)ital Eolo)ra6y> S6rin)er> 200+ K. D. 5rice & #uclear radiation (etection> $c :raw Eill> #ew Por,> 2+1 Brauthsamer D and Brauthsamer E & 9ltrasonic Testin) of $aterials> S6rin)er 4erla)> Berlin> #ew Por,. Kells # T & Biomedical 9ltrasonics> Academic 5ress> 0ondon 2//. No. o. per$od 2 ' + 2 +

1 ' %0

D$9$tal S$9nal Proce $n9 Code = EI 4(3A%ECE& Contact = 'L Cred$t = '



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

MODULE L I= 1iscrete:ti"e signals: *once6t of discrete!time si)nal> basic idea of sam6lin) and reconstruction of si)nal> sam6lin) theorem> seAuences & 6eriodic> ener)y> 6ower> unit!sam6le> unit!ste6> unit!ram6> real . com6le< e<6onentials> arithmetic o6erations on seAuences. %0 'TI S)ste"s: (efinition> re6resentation> im6ulse res6onse> derivation for the out6ut seAuence> conce6t of convolution> )ra6hical> analytical and overla6! add methods to com6ute convolution su66orted with e<am6les and e<ercises> 6ro6erties of convolution> interconnections of 0TI systems with 6hysical inter6retations> stability and causality conditions> recursive and non!recursive systems. -0 MODULE LII= D:Transfor": (efinition> ma66in) between s!6lane and @!6lane> unit circle> conver)ence and R7*> 6ro6erties of G!transform> G!transform on seAuences with e<am6les and e<ercises> characteristic families of si)nals alon) with R7*s> convolution> correlation and multi6lication usin) G! transform> initial value theorem> 5erseval?s relation> inverse G!transform by contour inte)ration> 6ower series . 6artial!fraction e<6ansions with e<am6les and e<ercises. -0 1iscrete Ao!rier Transfor": *once6t and relations for (3T8I(3T> Twiddle factors and their 6ro6erties> com6utational burden on direct (3T> (3T8I(3T as linear transformations> (3T8I(3T matrices> com6utation of (3T8I(3T by matri< method> multi6lication of (3Ts> circular convolution> com6utation of circular convolution by )ra6hical> (3T8I(3T and matri< methods> linear filterin) usin) (3T> aliasin) error> filterin) of lon) data seAuences & 7verla6!Save and 7verla6!Add methods with e<am6les and e<ercises. +0 Aast Ao!rier Transfor": Radi<!2 al)orithm> decimation!in!time> decimation!in!freAuency al)orithms> si)nal flow )ra6hs> Butterflies> com6utations in one 6lace> bit reversal> e<am6les for (IT . (I3 33T Butterfly com6utations and e<ercises. '0 MODULE L III= Ailter 1esign: Basic conce6ts of IIR and 3IR filters> difference eAuations> desi)n of Butterworth IIR analo) filter usin) im6ulse invariant and bilinear transforms> desi)n of linear 6hase 3IR filters> no. of ta6s> rectan)ular> Eammin) and Blac,man windows. +0 MODULE L I<= 1igital Signal Processor: Elementary idea about the architecture and im6ortant instruction sets of T$S%20* +' -8-/ % 6rocessor> writin) of small 6ro)rams in Assembly 0an)ua)e. '0 APG9: Architecture> different sub!systems> desi)n flow for (S5 system desi)n> ma66in) of (S5 al)orithms onto 35:A. %0 TENT +OOJS= . (i)ital Si)nal 5rocessin) & 5rinci6les> Al)orithms and A66lications> D.:.5roa,is . (.:.$anola,is> 5earson Ed. 2. (i)ital Si)nal 6rocessin) & A *om6uter Based A66roach> S.B.$itra> T$E 5ublishin) *o. %. (i)ital Si)nal 5rocessin) Si)nals> Systems and 3ilters> A. Antoniou> T$E 5ublishin) *o. '. 40SI (i)ital Si)nal 5rocessin) Systems (esi)n and Im6lementation> Kiley International 5ublication. +. (i)ital Si)nal 5rocessin) with 3ield 5ro)rammable :ate Arrays> 9.$eyer!Baese> S6rin)er. RE5ERENCE +OOJS= . (i)ital Si)nal 5rocessin)> 5. Rameshbabu> Scitech 5ublications (India". 2. (i)ital Si)nal 5rocessin)> S.Salivahanan> A.4allabra; . *. :nana6riya> T$E 5ublishin) *o. %. (i)ital Si)nal 5rocessin)N A Eands on A66roach> *. Schuler . $.*hu)ani> T$E 5ublishin) *o. '. (i)ital Si)nal 5rocessin)> A. #a)oor Bani> T$E Education +. (i)ital Si)nal 5rocessin) S. 5oornachandra . B. Sasi,ala> $E Education -. (i)ital Si)nal 5rocessin)N S6ectral *om6utation and 3ilter (esi)n *hi!Tson) *hen> 7<ford 9niversity 5ress /. Te<as Instruments (S5 5rocessor user manuals and a66lication notes. 1. Cilin< 35:A user manuals and a66lication notes. 2. (i)ital Si)nal 5rocessin)= A $AT0AB!Based A66roach> 4.B.In)le and D.:.5roa,is> *en)a)e 0earnin) 0. $odern (i)ital Si)nal 5rocessin)>4. 9dayashan,ara> 5EI 0earnin) M$cro8a7e En9$neer$n9 Code = EI 4(3+%ECE& Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Total Lecture = ', per$od %/$n$/u/& = Module Top$c ) Introduct$on R3 . $icrowave S6ectrum> Ty6ical a66lications of R3 and $icrowave> Safety considerations. M$cro8a7e "a7e9u$de and "a7e9u$de Re onator Rectan)ular Kave)uide! (esi)n consideration> TE . T$ modes> TE 0 mode analysis> cut!off freAuency> 6ro6a)ation constant> intrinsic wave im6edance> 6hase and )rou6 velocity> 6ower transmission> attenuation> wave)uide e<citation> wall currentN Introduction of circular wave)uideN Rectan)ular wave)uide resonator! (esi)n consideration> resonant Hour ) 4



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

freAuency> H!factor> e<citation. Planar Tran /$ $on l$ne $icro!stri6 lines> *o6lanar wave)uide> Slot line!desi)n consideration> field 6atterns> 6ro6a)ation characteristics> *om6arison for different characteristics of the above mentioned lines. 0.H$9h .reBuency C$rcu$t Ele/ent = (ifference in Ei)h freAuency and relatively low freAuency behavior of 0um6ed circuit com6onents. $iniaturi@ation and (esi)n of 0um6ed com6onents at Ei)h R3. Reali@ation of reactive elements as Kave)uide and 5lanar *ircuit com6onents. 3."a7e9u$de Pa $7e Co/ponent and the$r S:/atr$6 Repre entat$on #!6ort networ,s!5ro6erties of S matri<> Transmission matri< . their relationshi6sN $icrowave 6assive com6onents and their S matri< re6resentation= Attenuators> 5hase shifter> (irectional cou6ler> Bethe!hole cou6ler> $a)ic tee> hybrid rin)> *irculators> IsolatorsN (esi)n 6rocedure of filter (ma<imally flat and eAual ri66le" usin) insertion loss method!s6ecification> low!6ass 6rototy6e desi)n> scalin) and conversion> im6lementation. 4.M$cro8a7e Tu;e Electron beam . 3ield interaction for ener)y e<chan)e in resonant (two cavity ,lystron> Refle< Blystron> $a)netron" and non!resonant (TKT .BK7" microwave active devices= Ty6ical characteristics . a66lications (only 6hysical e<6lanation is reAuired> no mathematical derivation reAuired". ' -.Se/$conductor M$cro8a7e de7$ce TE( (:unn diode" . Avalanche Transit Time (I$5ATT" device> Schott,y diode> 5I# diode! characteristics . a66licationsN $icrowave bi6olar transistor> $icrowave field effect transistor($ES3ET". 1.M$cro8a7e A/pl$.$er De $9n Basic consideration in the desi)n of R3 am6lifier! Transistor S!6arameter> Stability> matchin) networ,> noise fi)ureN $atchin) networ, desi)n usin) lum6ed elements and 0!Section. Brief introduction to #BA> 0#A. ,.Typ$cal M$cro8a7e Te t +ench E /ea ure/ent 4SKR meter> Tunable detector> Slotted line and 5robe detector> 3reAuency meter> #etwor, analy@er> $easurement of 4SKR & low> medium and hi)h> $easurement of 6ower= low> medium and hi)h> 3reAuency measurement. '

Text Books: 1. Microwave Engineering, 3Rd Ed David M. Pozar, Willey & on! "nc. #. Microwave!, $ C %&'(a, )ew *ge P&bli!+er!. 3. Microwave Engineering, * Da! & Da!, ,M-. .. Microwave Device! & Circ&i(!, / Liao , Pear!on Ed&ca(ion 0P-" References Books: 1. Microwave Engineering1Pa!!ive Circ&i(!, P* Rizzi , Pear!on Ed&ca(ion. #. 3. 2o&nda(ion o3 Microwave Engineering, #ed edi(ion, Rober( E Collin, Mc%raw -ill, "nc. Microwave Device! & Circ&i( De!ign , %P riva!(ava & 4L %&'(a, P-"

Antenna Theory E Propa9at$on Code = EI 4(3C%ECE& Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' A. Review of $a<well?s EAuationN Radiation of e.m waves and introducin) AntennaN 4ector 5otential and Retarded 4ector 5otentialN Radiation fields of a Eert@ian di6ole(electric"N (uality 5rinci6le> Radiation fields due to short ma)netic di6ole. B. Antenna *haracteristics= Radiation 5attern> Beam KidthN Radiation Resistance and efficiencyN (irectivity and :ainN Im6edance> 4SKR> 5olari@ationN Effective hei)ht and Receive A6ertureN #oise Tem6erature of Antenna. A. Radiation fields and *haracteristics of Z82 di6oleN discussion on Z8' mono6ole antennaN *urrent distribution and Radiation 6atterns of center!fed di6oles of len)th Z> %Z82 and 2 Z. Eori@ontal and 4ertical antennas over a 6lane )round. Module:II B. Antenna Arrays= electric 3ield due to 2 element arrays> % element ArraysN 5attern $ulti6licationN 9niform 0inear Array= End fire and Broad sideN 5hased array. Module:I *haracteristics and 6ro6erties of =Travellin) Kave Antenna> Eelical Antenna> 3olded (i6ole> Pa)i!9da Array> 0oo6 Antenna> Electrically Short Antennas> Broad Band Antenna (0o) 6eriodic Antenna"> $icrostri6 5atch Antenna. B. Radiation from an a6erture= Sectoral and 5yramidal Eorn Antennas> (esi)n of 76timum Eorn AntennaN 5arabolic and *orner Reflectors and feed systems. T$a;or stress on *haracteristics features> a66lications (includin) freAuency at which used"> advanta)es and disadvanta)es> ma;or desi)n 6rinci6les and eAuations (without lon) and detailed derivationsU A.

Module: III




Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Module: I<

A. $ethods of 5ro6a)ation= :round Kave 5ro6a)ation> *om6onents of )round wave> 3ield stren)th de6endence on 6hysical factors. S,y wave 5ro6a)ationN Ionos6heric 0ayersN 4irtual Eei)ht> *ritical 3reAuency> $93> S,i6 distance> S6oradic Reflections. S6ace wave 6ro6a)ation= Tro6os6heric Scatter> (uctin) Su6er refraction> Sub refraction. B. 3riss Transmission 3ormula> S#R of a Radio 0in,. 5hysical ($edium" effects on Radio wave 5ro6a)ation= Absor6tion> Refraction and Radio Eori@on> (iffraction> $ulti6ath 5ro6a)ation and fadin)> #oise> (o66ler effect.


Reco//ended %Te6t +oo# & . Antenna (for all a66lication"> Dohn (. Braus and Ronald D. $arhcf,aN Tata! $ac:raw Eill> % rd Edition 2. Antenna . Kave 5ro6a)ation> B.( 5rasadN Satya 5ra,ashan> #ew (elhi> %rd Edition %. Antenna Theory= Analysis . (esi)n> *onstantine A. BalanisN Killey> %rd Edition Re.erence +oo# . Elements of Electroma)neticsN $athew #.7. Sadi,u> 7<ford 9niversity 5ress> +th Edition(20 0" 2. Electroma)netic Kaves . Radiatin) Systems> E* Dordan . B.:. BalmainN 5earson Education> 2nd Edition (2002" %. $icrostri6 Antenna (esi)n Eandboo,! Ramesh :ar)N Artech Eouse (200 " Pract$cal PROCESS CONTROL LA+ Code = EI 4,) Contact = 'P Cred$t = * . 2. %. '. +. -. /. 1. 2. Study of 3low> 0evel> 5ressure> Tem6erature 6rocesses and construction of the 5.I dia)rams in accordance with ISA )uidelines 8 standards Study of a ty6ical Tem6erature *ontrol 0oo6 havin) 3urnace> suitable final control element> Tem6erature transmitter> conventional 5I( controller8*ontrol System> and data lo))er8recorder Study of a ty6ical 5ressure *ontrol 0oo6 havin) 5ressure source> 5ressure Transmitter> $otori@ed85neumatic control valve> and conventional 5I( controller8*ontrol System Study of a ty6ical 3low *ontrol 0oo6 havin) suitable 3low meter> $otori@ed8 5neumatic control valve> and conventional 5I( controller8*ontrol System Study of a ty6ical 0evel *ontrol 0oo6 havin) 0evel Transmitter> $otori@ed8 5neumatic control valve> and conventional 5I( controller8*ontrol System Study of a ty6ical Air (uct 3low $onitorin) and *ontrol 50* 5ro)rammin) throu)h 5* Study of a 5* based Automation Software 8 Simulation Software 50* and (*S based instrumentation e<6eriments.

ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT LA+ Code = EI 4,* Contact = 'P Cred$t = * . Study of Static *haracteristics of a $easurin) Instrument 2. Study of (ynamic *haracteristics of a $easurin) Instrument %. AcAuaintance with basic structure of ($$ and measurement of different electrical 6arameters '. Reali@ation of (ata AcAuisition system +. Kave and s6ectrum analysis -. Reali@ation of a 4!to!I . I!to!4 converter. /. Statistical analysis of errors in measurement . 1. Study of 4*7 (4olta)e controlled oscillator" . 500 (5hase 0oc,ed 0oo6". AD<ANCED MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS LA+ Code = EI 4,' Contact = 'P Cred$t = *



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

. 2.

3amiliari@ation with 101-811 trainer ,it com6onents. a" Study of 6rewritten 6ro)rams on trainer ,it usin) the basic instruction set (data transfer> 0oad8Store> Arithmetic> 0o)ical" b" Assi)nments based on above. a" 3amiliari@ation with 101-811 simulator on 5*. b" Study of 6rewritten 6ro)rams usin) basic instruction set (data transfer> 0oad8 Store> Arithmetic> 0o)ical" on the simulator. c" Assi)nments based on above 5R7:RA$$I#: 9SI#: BIT8SI$90AT7R 37R Table loo, u6 i" *o6yin) a bloc, of memory ii" Shiftin) a bloc, of memory iii" 5ac,in) and un6ac,in) of B*( numbers iv" Addition of B*( numbers v" Binary to AS*II conversion vi" Strin) $atchin) vii" Sortin) etc. 5ro)ram usin) subroutine calls and I#879T instructions usin) 12++ 55I on the trainer ,it e.).> subroutine for delay> readin) switch state . )lowin) 0E(s accordin)ly> findin) out the freAuency of a 6ulse train etc i" ii" iii" iv" v" vi" vii" I#TER3A*I#: KITE I87 $7(90ES= A(* S6eed control of mini (* motor usin) (A* Tem6erature sensor and dis6lay tem6erature Relay Beyboard throu)h 12/2 and 12++A $ulti!di)it (is6lay with multi6le<in) throu)h 12++A . 12/2 Ste66er motor



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/. a" b" c"

Study of 10+ $icro controller ,it and writin) 6ro)rams for the followin) tas,s usin) the ,it Table loo, u6 Basic arithmetic and lo)ical o6erations Interfacin) of Beyboard and ste66er motor

SEMINAR Code = EI 41) Contact = 'P Cred$t = *

#II SE6ESTER Tele/etry and Re/ote Control Code = EI-() Contact = 'L>)T Cred$t = 0 Top$c No. o. per$od

Module I 5ur6ose of telemetry> basic scheme> volta)e> current and freAuency telemetry *once6ts of Information transfer> bits> symbols> codes !source> line> channel> B*(> AS*II> BA9(7T> A$I> *$I> $anchester> E(B$> Bloc,> (ifferential> Eammin)> and *onvolution. $odulation codes= 5A$> 53$> 5T$> 5*$ Module II Review of modulation and multi6le<in)= 3$!A$> 3$!3$> 5A$!A$> 5A$!3$> 5*$!A$> etc. Huanti@ation and conversion methods> error in Auanti@ation. Inter symbol interference> Bit error rate> noise

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Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

3($ systems> IRI: standards in 3($ systems. S*7?s> $u< and (emu< circuits> (etectors and (emodulators> 5ulse avera)in)> Huadrature 3$ and 500> $i<ers Module III T($ systems (architecture"! T($! 5A$> 5A$! 5$> T($! 5*$ systems> synchroni@ation. $odems> (i)ital modulation and Shift!,eyin)> 3SB> 5SB> (5SB> H5SB> HA$> $odem 5rotocols Module I< 3iber o6tic *ommunication! The 3ibre as transmission medium> Interconnections> Re6eaters> Sources> (etectors Satellite *ommunication= TT and * services> subsystems> The earth station> $ulti6le access schemes= 3($A> T($A> and *($A. Remote control= conce6t and e<am6le from a ty6ical industrial a66lication +oo# = . 2. %. '.

' '

' ' 2 %1

(. 5atranabis> Telemetry 6rinci6les> T$E> #ew (elhi E. 0. :ruenber)> Eandboo, of Telemetry and Remote control> $c :raw Eill $odern (i)ital and Analo) *ommunication Systems ! B. 5. 0athi> 7<ford 9niversity 5ress Swobada : & Telecontrol $ethod and A66lication of Telemeterin) and Remote *ontrol> 4on #ostrand> 2/

ANAL2TICAL INSTRUMENTATION Code = EI -(* Contact = 'L>)T Cred$t = 0 TOPICS $odule I= Introduction to Analytical Instrumentation = *lassification> ty6es of Instrumental methods $easurement of Eumidity = dry . wet 6sychrometer> hair hy)rometer> electrical ty6e> Electrolysis ty6e hy)rometer> dew 6oint meter. $oisture = electrical conductivity ty6e> ca6acitive method ty6e> IR method> microwave method> crystal oscillator method. 4iscosity = 5oiseuilles formula> Saybolt?s viscometer> rotameter ty6e viscometer> friction tube viscometer> Searle?s rotatin) cylinder ty6e. (ensity= 6ressure head ty6e> buoyancy effect ty6e> :ow!$ac densitometer> radioactive ty6e> 6hotoelectric ty6e> dis6lacer ty6e. :as Analysis= a" Thermal conductivity method. b" Eeat of Reaction method. 7<y)en Analysis= a" $a)neto (ynamic instrument(5aulin) cell" b" Thermoma)netic ty6e or Eot wire ty6e instrument. c" Girconia o<y)en analy@er. d" $ac,erth ty6e )alvanic analy@er for dissolved o<y)en analysis. $odule II= 0iAuid analysis= a" Electrodes!Ion selective> $olecular selective ty6es! their variations. b" 6E analysis= 6E electrodes> circuit for 6E measurement and a66lications. c" *onductivity cells & standards> circuits. d" 5olaro)ra6hy! a66aratus> circuits and techniAues!6ulse 6olaro)ra6hy> a66lications e" *olorimetry $odule III= S6ectrosco6ic $ethods = Introduction> 0aws relatin) to absor6tion of radiation> $olecular Absor6tion S6ectrosco6y in 94 . 4IS ran)es= sources> wavelen)th selectors> sam6le container> detectors> S6ectro6hotometers (Sin)le beam . (ual beam arran)ement". Atomic Absor6tion . Emission s6ectrosco6y = Atomi@ers> sources> sin)le . dual beam arran)ement.

No. o. Per$od 0



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

5lasma S6ectrosco6y = SeAuential . Simultaneous multichannel Instruments. Atomic C Ray s6ectrometry = Absor6tion . diffraction 6henomena> sources> detectors> techniAues. IR S6ectrosco6y = sources> monochromators> detectors. IR S6ectrometer> 3T!IR s6ectrometers. $odule I4= *hromato)ra6hy =Introduction> basic definitions> some relationshi6s. :as chromato)ra6hy = basic 6arts> columns >detectors> techniAues. 0* = ty6es> E50* = basic 6arts> sam6le in;ection system> column> detectors> A66lications. Total +oo# = 5rinci6les of Industrial Instrumentation! (.*. 5atranabis> 5ublisher= Tata $c:raw Eill 5rinci6les of Instrumental Analysis! S,oo)> Eoller> #ieman> 5ublisher= Thomson Broo,s8*ole Introduction to Instrumental Analysis! Robert (. Braun> 5ublisher= 5harma Boo, Syndicate Eandboo, of Analytical Instruments! R.S. Bhand6ur> 5ublisher= Tata $c:raw Eill PROCESS CONTROL II Code = EI -(' Contact = 'L > )T Cred$t = 0 Module I (i)ital *ontrol 0oo6 with continuous 6rocess and di)ital controller> advanta)es . limitations of (i)ital *ontrol Si)nal discreti@ation ! Sam6lin) of continuous si)nal> sam6lin) 6eriod considerations> sam6lin) as im6ulse modulation> sam6led s6ectra . aliasin). Si)nal reconstruction & Gero and 3irst 7rder Eold 5rinci6les of discreti@ation & finite difference a66ro<imation of derivatives> rectan)ular rules for inte)ration> tra6e@oidal techniAues 8 bilinear transformation> 6ole ! @ero matchin)> Im6ulse invariance method> Ste6 invariance method> $a66in) between s!6lane and @!6lane. Re6resentation of di)ital control system & 0inear (ifference EAuations> 5ulse Transfer 3unction. Stability Studies ! K ! 6lane transforms> Dury Stability *riterion> Effect of sam6lin) 6eriod Analysis of a sin)le in6ut!sin)le out6ut system by G!transform techniAues Module II (i)ital $odellin) usin) discrete a66ro<imation> AR$A> ARC 0oo6 (esi)n usin) (i)ital $odellin) (i)ital *ontrol Al)orithms =! (a" (ead beat control (b" (ahlin?s al)orithm Module III DCS & Basic *om6onents and their 3unctions. HMI & 76erator . En)ineerin) Interface & 3unctions and ReAuirements. Co//un$cat$on & IS787SI Reference $odel N (ata Ei)hway and 3ieldbus N #etwor, Access 6rotocols & T($A> *S$A8*(> To,en 6assin)> $aster & SlaveN #etwor, Transmission $edia & Twisted 5air> *o!a<ial> 37 N #etwor, To6olo)y & $esh> Rin)> Star> Bus N $ana)ement Information System ($IS" and *om6uter Inte)rated 5rocessin) (*I5". Redundancy & 5rocessor> Bus and In6ut!7ut6ut level 3u@@y lo)ic control & *ris6 Set> 3u@@y Set> 3u@@y 76erators> 7verview of 30* Module I< *ontrol of s6ecific 6rocess (a" Boiler (rum 0evel *ontrol (b" *ombustion *ontrol of a Boiler 3urnace (c" *ontrol of heat e<chan)ers (d" *ontrol of 6E of a solution Total +oo# = . D. R. 0ei)h> A66lied (i)ital *ontrol> 5rentice Eall International> 0ondon 2. *. 0. Smith> (i)ital *om6uter 5rocess *ontrol> Inte< 5ublishers> Scranton %. B. :. 0i6ta,> Instrument En)ineers Eandboo,> *hilton Boo, *o.> 5hiladel6hia '. (. 5atranabis> 5rinci6les of 5rocess *ontrol> T$E> #ew (elhi> 2nd Ed. +. 5.B. (esh6ande and R. E. Ash> Elements of *om6uter 5rocess *ontrol> ISA>

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Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

5rentice Eall> En)lewood -. :eor)e Ste6hano6oulos> *hemical 5rocess *ontrol> 5EI /. $. :o6al> (i)ital *ontrol and State 4ariable $ethods 1. #ise> *ontrol Systems En)ineerin)> Kiley India 2. B. 7)ata> Y(iscrete Time *ontrol SystemsY> 5earson Education Inc 0. (rian,ov> Eellendoorn> Reinfran,> Introduction. to 3u@@y *ontrol> #arosa COMMUNICATION THEOR2 Code = EI -(0A Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Cred$t= ' $odule *ontent Ele/ent o. co//un$cat$on y te/= The elements of a communication system> ori)in of noise and its effect> im6ortance of S#R in system desi)n. Basic 6rinci6le of linear (A$" modulation> :eneration of A$ waves> (emodulation of A$ wave. Basic 6rinci6le of nonlinear (3$> 5$" modulation. :eneration of 3$ waves. (emodulation of 3$ waves. Sam6lin) theorem> sam6lin) rate> im6ulse sam6lin)> reconstruction from sam6les> Aliasin). Analo) 6ulse modulation!5A$ (natural . flat to66ed sam6lin)"> 5K$> 55$. Basic conce6t of 5ulse code modulation> Bloc, dia)ram of 5*$> $ulti6le<in)!T($> 3($. D$9$tal tran /$ $on= *once6t of Huanti@ation . Huanti@ation error> 9niform Auanti@er> #on!uniform Auanti@er> 2 Contact= 'L Eour


A!law and !law. Encodin)> codin) efficiency. 0ine codin) . 6ro6erties> #RG . RG> A$I> $anchester codin)> 5*$> (5*$. Base band 6ulse transmission> $atched filter> error rate due to noise> ISI> Raised cosine function> #yAuist criterion for distortion!less base band binary transmission> Eye 6attern> Si)nal 6ower in binary di)ital si)nal. D$9$tal carr$er /odulat$on E de/odulat$on techn$Bue= Bit rate> Baud rate> Information ca6acity> Shanon?s limit> $!ary encodin)> Introduction to the different di)ital modulation techniAues!ASB.3SB> 5SB> B5SB> H5SB> mention of 1 B5SB> - B5SB. Introduction to HA$> basic of 1 HA$> - HA$. Basic conce6t of (elta modulatin)> Ada6tive delta modulation. Introduction to the conce6t (5*$. Basic conce6t of s6read s6ectrum modulation. Introduct$on to cod$n9 theory= Introduction> #ews value . Information content> Entro6y> $utual information> Information rate> Shanon!3ano al)orithm for encodin)> Shanon?s theorem! source codin) theorem> *hannel codin) theorem> Information ca6acity theorem. Basic 6rinci6le of Error control . codin).


Nu/er$cal pro;le/ to ;e ol7ed $n the cla . Te6t +oo# = . An Introduction to Analo) and (i)ital communication> Simon Eay,in> Kiely India. 2. Analo) communication system> 5. *ha,rabarti> (han6at Rai . *o. %. 5rinci6le of di)ital communication> 5. *ha,rabarti> (han6at Rai . *o. '. $odern (i)ital and Analo) *ommunication systems> B.5. 0athi> 7<ford university 6ress Re.erence +oo# =



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

(i)ital and Analo) communication Systems> 0eon K *ouch II> 5earson Education Asia. 2. *ommunication Systems> A.B. *alson> $c :raw Eill.

MICROELECTRONICS E <LSI TECHNOLOG2 Code = EI -(0+ Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Cred$t= ' $odule *ontent Introduct$on to <LSI De $9n = 40SI (esi)n *once6ts> $oorLs 0aw> Scale of Inte)ration (SSI> $SI> 0SI> 40SI> 90SI & basic idea only"> Ty6es of 40SI *hi6s (Analo) . (i)ital 40SI chi6s> :eneral 6ur6ose> ASI*> 50A> 35:A"> (esi)n 6rinci6les ((i)ital 40SI & *once6t of Re)ularity> :ranularity etc"> (esi)n (omains (Behavioral> Structural> 5hysical"> P!*hart> (i)ital 40SI (esi)n Ste6s. 2 MOS tructure= E!$7S . (!$7S> *har)e inversion in E!$7S> Threshold volta)e> 3lat! band volta)e> 5otential balance . *har)e balance> Inversion> $7S ca6acitances. Three Ter/$nal MOS Structure= Body effect. 5our Ter/$nal MOS Tran $ tor= (rain current> I!4 characteristics. *urrent!volta)e eAuations (sim6le derivation". Scal$n9 $n MOS5ET= Short *hannel Effects> :eneral scalin)> *onstant 4olta)e . 3ield scalin).U CMOS= *$7S inverter> Sim6le *ombinational :ates ! #A#( )ate and #7R :ate usin) *$7S. M$cro:electron$c Proce e .or <LSI 5a;r$cat$on = Silicon Semiconductor Technolo)y! An 7verview> Kafer 6rocessin)> 7<idation> E6ita<ial de6osition> Ion!im6lantation . (iffusion> *leanin)> Etchin)> 5hoto!litho)ra6hy & 5ositive . #e)ative 6hoto!resist +a $c CMOS Technolo9y & (Ste6s in fabricatin) *$7S"> Basic n!well *$7S 6rocess> 6!well *$7S 6rocess> Twin tub 6rocess> Silicon on insulator Layout De $9n Rule= Stic, dia)ram with e<am6les> 0ayout rules. Hard8are De cr$pt$on Lan9ua9e & 4E(0 or 4erilo) *ombinational . SeAuential 0o)ic circuit (esi)n. Contact= 'L Eour 1


Te6t +oo# = . (i)ital Inte)rated *ircuit> D.$.Rabaey> *handrasan> #icolic> 5earson Education. 2. *$7S (i)ital Inte)rated *ircuit> S.$.Ban) . P.0eblebici> T$E. %. $odern 40SI (esi)n> Kayne Kolf> 5earson Education. '. 4E(0> Bhas,ar> 5EI. +. Advance (i)ital (esi)n 9sin) 4erilo) > $ichel (. *elliti> 5EI Re.erence = . (i)ital Inte)rated *ircuits> (emassa . *iccone> Dohn Killey . Sons . 2. $odern 40SI (esi)n= system on silicon> Kayne KolfN Addison Kesley 0on)man 5ublisher %. Basic 40SI (esi)n> (ou)las A. 5uc,nell . Bamran Eshran)hian> 5EI '. *$7S *ircuit (esi)n> 0ayout . Simulation> R.D.Ba,er> E.K.0ee> (.E. Boyee> 5EI 5PGA E RECON5IGURA+LE COMPUTING Code = EI -(0C Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Module LI= Introduct$on to Recon.$9ura;le Co/put$n9 %RC& Eistory> State!of!the!Art and 3uture Trends> *om6utin) reAuirements as 5ower> Area and 40SI scalin)> $a66in) of Al)orithm!analysis and s6eed!u6> R* architectures! 3ine :rain and *oarse :rain> Eybrid and Embedded Architectures> Su6ercom6uters. +0



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Module:II= Recon.$9ura;le Lo9$c De7$ce = 35:A and its internal architecture> com6utin) elements> 09T> BRA$> interconnects> I87 Bloc,s> 6ro)rammin) of 35:A and interfacin) case study> A09 desi)n> desi)nin) with embedded 6rocessors> introduction to 5ower 5* and AR$ 6rocessors. -0 Module III= Hard8are De cr$pt$on Lan9ua9e .or RC= (esi)n cycle> al)orithms> Eardware (escri6tion 0an)ua)e> 4E(0> different desi)n styles= data flow> structural and behavioral and 6ractical lo)ic circuit im6lementation e<am6le on 35:A> debu))in)> writin) test bench> Ei)h level synthesis and 0ow level synthesis. -0 Module I<= RC Con.$9urat$on= A66lication se)mentation and Resource 6artitionin)> s6atial and tem6oral confi)uration> systolic architectures and al)orithms> Bit serial> on the fly> multi6le<in) vs. run!time reconfi)uration '0 Module <= RC I/ple/entat$on= 4irtual Eardware *om6onents (4E*" desi)n 6rocess> hi)h level synthesis of 4E* and o6timi@ation> 4E* data!6ath and control unit desi)n> simulation and verification of 4E*> determination of reconfi)urable scheme and associated loadin) mechanisms (tem6oral and s6atial 6artitionin)" for R*. -0 Module <I= RC appl$cat$on = R* for (S5> (S5 a66lication buildin) bloc,s> R* for Ima)e 6rocessin)> Bioinformatics and #etwor, Security +0 Te6t +oo# = . $. :o,hale and 5. :rahamN Reconfi)urable *om6utin)= Acceleratin) *om6utation with 35:As> S6rin)er> 200+ 2. %. *. $a<field N The desi)n Karrior?s :uide to 35:As= (evices> Tools and 3lows> #ewnes> 200' *. Bobda> Introduction to Reconfi)urable *om6utin) = Architectures> Al)orithm and A66lications> S6rin)er> 200+

Re.erence +oo# = . K. Kolf > 35:A Based Systems (esi)n> 5EI> 200' 2. 5. 0ysa)t and K. Rosenstiel> #ew Al)orithms> Architectures and A66lications for Reconfi)urable *om6utin)> S6rin)er> 200+

COMPUTER NET"ORJING Code = EI -(3A Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' $odule *ontent O7er7$e8 o. Data Co//un$cat$on and Net8or#$n9= Introduction> (ata communications= com6onents> data re6resentation (AS*II> IS7 etc."> direction of data flow (sim6le<> half du6le<> full du6le<"N networ, criteria> 6hysical structure (ty6e of connection> to6olo)y"> cate)ories of networ, (0A#> $A#>KA#"N Internet= brief history> 5rotocols and standardsN Reference models= 7SI reference model> T*58I5 reference model> their com6arative study. Phy $cal Le7el= 7verview of data (analo) . di)ital"> si)nal (analo) . di)ital"> transmission (analo) . di)ital" . transmission media ()uided . un)uided"N *ircuit Switchin)= time division . s6ace division switch> T($ busN Tele6hone #etwor,. 2 Data l$n# Layer= Ty6es of errors> framin) (character and bit stuffin)"> error detection . correction methodsN 3low controlN 5rotocols= Sto6 . wait ARH> :o!Bac,!# ARH> Selective re6eat ARH> E(0*NU Med$u/ Acce u; layer= 5oint to 5oint 5rotocol> 0*5> #*5> To,en Rin)N Reservation> 5ollin)> $ulti6le access 6rotocols= 5ure A07EA> Slotted A07EA> *S$A> *S$A8*(> *S$A8*A Traditional Ethernet> fast Ethernet (in brief". Eour



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "


Net8or# layer= Internetwor,in) . devices= Re6eaters> Eubs> Brid)es> Switches> Router> :atewayN Addressin) = I5 addressin)> sub nettin)N Routin) = techniAues> static vs. dynamic routin) > 9nicast Routin) 5rotocols= RI5> 7S53> B:5N 7ther 5rocols= AR5> I5> I*$5> I54-. Tran port layer= 5rocess to 5rocess deliveryN 9(5N T*5N *on)estion *ontrol= 76en 0oo6> *losed 0oo6 cho,e 6ac,etsN Huality of service= techniAues to im6rove HoS= 0ea,y buc,et al)orithm> To,en buc,et al)orithm> Appl$cat$on Layer= Introduction to (#S> S$T5> S#$5> 3T5> ETT5 . KKKN Security= *ry6to)ra6hy (5ublic> 5rivate Bey based"> (i)ital Si)nature> 3irewalls. Modern top$c = IS(# services . AT$> (S0 technolo)y> *able $odem= Architecture and o6eration in brief. Kireless 0A#= IEEE 102. > Introduction to blue!tooth.


Nu/er$cal pro;le/ to ;e ol7ed $n the cla . Te6t +oo# = . (ata *ommunications and #etwor,in) (%rd Ed."> A. 3orou@an > T$E 2. *om6uter #etwor,s ('th Ed."> A. S. Tanenbaum> 5earson Education85EI %. (ata and *om6uter *ommunications (+th Ed."> K. Stallin)s> 5EI8 5earson Education Re.erence +oo# = . *om6uter #etwor,in) !A to6 down a66roach featurin) the internet> Burose and Rose 5earson Education 2. *ommunication #etwor,s> 0eon> :arica> Kid;a;a> T$E %. *ommunication #etwor,s> Kalrand> T$E. '. Internetwor,in) with T*58I5> vol. > 2> %('th Ed."> *omer> 5earson Education85EI

MULTIMEDIA Code = EI -(3+ Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' $ultimedia today> Im6act of $ultimedia> $ultimedia Systems> *om6onents and Its A66lications Te6t and Aud$o D4LF Te<t= Ty6es of Te<t> Kays to 5resent Te<t> As6ects of Te<t (esi)n> *haracter> *haracter Set> *odes> 9nicode> Encry6tionN Audio= Basic Sound *once6ts> Ty6es of Sound> (i)iti@in) Sound> *om6uter Re6resentation of Sound (Sam6lin) Rate> Sam6lin) Si@e> Huanti@ation"> Audio 3ormats> Audio tools> $I(I I/a9e and <$deo %1L& Ima)e= 3ormats> Ima)e *olor Scheme> Ima)e EnhancementN 4ideo= Analo)ue and (i)ital 4ideo> Recordin) 3ormats and Standards (D5E:> $5E:> E.2- " Transmission of 4ideo Si)nals> 4ideo *a6ture> and *om6uter based Animation. Synchron$Mat$on D0LF Tem6oral relationshi6s> synchroni@ation accuracy s6ecification factors> Auality of service Stora9e /odel and Acce Techn$Bue D%0LF $a)netic media> o6tical media> file systems (traditional> multimedia" $ultimedia devices L 7ut6ut devices> *(!R7$> (4(> Scanner> **( I/a9e and <$deo Data;a e D1LF Ima)e re6resentation> se)mentation> similarity based retrieval> ima)e retrieval by color> sha6e and te<tureN inde<in)! ,!d trees> R!trees> Auad treesN *ase studies! HBI*> 4ira)e. 4ideo *ontent> Aueryin)> video se)mentation> inde<in) Docu/ent Arch$tecture and Content Mana9e/ent D,LF *ontent (esi)n and (evelo6ment> :eneral (esi)n 5rinci6les



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Ey6erte<t= *once6t> 76en (ocument Architecture (7(A"> $ultimedia and Ey6ermedia *odin) E<6ert :rou6 ($EE:"> Standard :enerali@ed $ar,u6 0an)ua)e (S:$0"> (ocument Ty6e (efinition ((T("> Ey6erte<t $ar,u6 0an)ua)e (ET$0" in Keb 5ublishin). *ase study of A66lications Mult$/ed$a Appl$cat$on D0LF Interactive television> 4ideo!on!demand> 4ideo *onferencin)> Educational A66lications> Industrial A66lications> $ultimedia archives and di)ital libraries> media editors. +oo# = . Ralf Steinmet@ and Blara #ahrstedt > $ultimedia= *om6utin)> *ommunications . A66lications > 5earson Ed. 2. #alin B. Sharda > $ultimedia Information System > 5EI. %. 3red Ealsall > $ultimedia *ommunications > 5earson Ed. '. Boe)el Buford > $ultimedia Systems > 5earson Ed. +. 3red Eoffstetter > $ultimedia 0iteracy > $c:raw Eill. -. Ralf Steinmet@ and Blara #ahrstedt > $ultimedia 3undamentals= 4ol. ! $edia *odin) and *ontent 5rocessin) > 5EI. /. D. Deffcoate > $ultimedia in 5ractice= Technolo)y and A66lication > 5EI. 1. 5rabhat B. Andlei)h . Biran Tha,rar > $ultimedia Systems (esi)n > 5EI. INTERNET TECHNOLOG2 Code = EI -(3C Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' '0L Module I:4L Introduction ( 0"= 7verview> #etwor, of #etwor,s> Intranet> E<tranet and Internet. Korld Kide Keb ( 0"= (omain and Sub domain> Address Resolution> (#S> Telnet> 3T5> ETT5. Review of T*58I5 ( 0"= 3eatures> Se)ment> Three!Kay Eandsha,in)> 3low *ontrol> Error *ontrol> *on)estion control> I5 (ata)ram> I5v' and I5v-. I5 Subnettin) and addressin) ( 0"= *lassful and *lassless Addressin)> Subnettin). #AT> I5 masAueradin)> I5 tables. Internet Routin) 5rotocol ( 0"= Routin) !Intra and Inter (omain Routin)> 9nicast and $ulticast Routin)> Broadcast. Electronic $ail ( 0"= 575%> S$T5. Module II:,L ET$0 (%0"= Introduction> Editors> Elements> Attributes> Eeadin)> 5ara)ra6h. 3ormattin)> 0in,> Eead> Table> 0ist> Bloc,> 0ayout> *SS. 3orm> Iframe> *olors> *olorname> *olorvalue. Ima)e $a6s ( 0"= ma6> area> attributes of ima)e area. E<tensible $ar,u6 0an)ua)e (C$0" ('0"= Introduction> Tree> Synta<> Elements> Attributes> 4alidation> 4iewin). CET$0 in brief. *:I Scri6ts ( 0"= Introduction> Environment 4ariable> :ET and 57ST $ethods. Module III:)(L 5ER0 (%0"= Introduction> 4ariable> *ondition> 0oo6> Array> Im6lementin) data structure> Eash> Strin)> Re)ular E<6ression> 3ile handlin)> I87 handlin). DavaScri6t ('0"=



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Basics> Statements> comments> variable> com6arison> condition> switch> loo6> brea,. 7b;ect & strin)> array> Boolean> re)!e<. 3unction> Errors> 4alidation. *oo,ies ( 0"= (efinition of coo,ies> *reate and Store a coo,ie with e<am6le. Dava A66lets (20"= *ontainer *lass> *om6onents> A66let 0ife *ycle> 96date methodN 5arameter 6assin) a66let> A66lications. Module I<:0L *lient!Server 6ro)rammin) In Dava (20"= Dava Soc,et> Dava R$I. Threats ( 0"= $alicious code!viruses> Tro;an horses> wormsN eavesdro66in)> s6oofin)> modification> denial of service attac,s. #etwor, security techniAues (20"= 5assword and AuthenticationN 45#> I5 Security> security in electronic transaction> Secure Soc,et 0ayer (SS0"> Secure Shell (SSE". 3irewall ( 0"= Introduction> 5ac,et filterin)> Stateful> A66lication layer> 5ro<y. Module 7:3L Internet Tele6hony ( 0"= Introduction> 4oI5. $ultimedia A66lications (20"= $ultimedia over I5= RS45> RT5> RT*5 and RTS5. Streamin) media> *odec and 5lu)ins> I5T4. Search En)ine and Keb *rawler (20"= (efinition> $eta data> Keb *rawler> Inde<in)> 5a)e ran,> overview of SE7. Reference= . Keb Technolo)y= A (evelo6erLs 5ers6ective> #.5. :o6alan and D. A,ilandeswari> 5EI 0earnin)> (elhi> 20 %. (*ha6ters !+>/>1>2". 2. Internetwor,in) Technolo)ies> An En)ineerin) 5ers6ective> Rahul Baner;ee> 5EI 0earnin)> (elhi> 20 . (*ha6ters +>-> 2" Practical TELEMETR2 AND REMOTE CONTROL LA+ Code = EI -,) Contact = 'P Cred$t = * . Study of volta)e telemetry system usin) a 6rocess variable transducer. 2. Study of '!20 mA current telemetry system= 2 wire and % wire systems. %. Study of a freAuency telemetry system usin) a 4*7 and a 5S(. '. Study of a 3($ and (emulti6le<in) system usin) wire transmission for 2 to ' channels. +. Study of a 5*$ system. -. Study of a Bio & Telemetry System. /. Study of a (wireless" remote control system. 1. Study of *om6uteri@ed control wireless telemetry system. COMMUNICATION LA+ Code = EI -,0A Contact = 'P Cred$t = *
Experiments on: 1. Study of Amplitude modulation & Demodulation technique. 2. Study of Dou le Side !and Suppressed "arrier #DS!-S"$ & Demodulation technique. %. Study of Sin&le Side !and Suppressed "arrier #SS!-S"$ & Demodulation technique.



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

'. *. -. /. 1. 3.

Study Study Study Study Study Study

of of of of of of

(requency )odulation & Demodulation. +ime Di,ision )ultiplexin& #+D)$ & Demultiplexin&. (requency Shift .eyin& #(S.$. 0ulse Amplitude )odulation #0A)$. 0ulse 2idth )odulation #02)$. 4"5 #4olta&e controlled oscillator$ & 066 #0hase 6oc7ed 6oop$.

MICROELECTRONICS E <LSI LA+ Code = EI -,0+ Contact = 'P Cred$t = * 0aboratory 0. (esi)n of 1 bit synchronous *ounter (% Ers." 0aboratory Ers." . (esi)n of 1 bit bi!directional re)ister with tri!stated in6ut8out6ut bus (%

0aboratory 2 (esi)n of a 2 bit *59 with few instructions and im6lementation and validation on 35:A ( + Ers." . $.D.S Smith > A66lication S6ecific Inte)rated circuits >5earson. 2. 5.D Anderson >The desi)ner?s )uide to 4E(0> $or)an Baufman > 2nd edition >2002. %. K.Kolf > $odern 40SI (esi)n= Systems on silicon > 5earson '. :.Eatchel and 3.Somen@i > lo)ic Synthesis and verification Al)orithms>Bluwer> 221 References= . htt6=88www!ee.en).hawaii.edu8[msmith8ASI*8ET$08ASI*.htm\anchor2%+20% 2. D.Bhas,er >A 4E(0 5rimer > BS 5ublications85earson Education. 5PGA E Recon.$9ura;le co/put$n9 la; Code = EI -,0C Contact = 'P Cred$t = *

. 2.

Im6lementation of basic lo)ic )ates with 4E(0 on 35:A usin) different desi)n styles. Im6lementation of $ulti6le<ers> 5riority Encoder> decoder> counters etc. with 4E(0 on 35:A usin) different desi)n styles. (esi)n and im6lementation of -!bit A09 with 4E(0 on 35:A and verification by writin) a test bench. a" :eneration of 3ilter co!efficient of a 053 usin) Simulin, 3(A tool.

%. '.

b" :eneration of 4E(0 codes for the 053 by cou6lin) the co!efficient in VaW with Cilin<. c" Im6lementation of the 053 in 35:A usin) the code in VbW. d" Testin) of the 053 by usin) the hardware!in!the loo6 confi)uration. +. (esi)n and im6lementation of a real time user defined Traffic 0i)ht *ontroller usin) 3S$ method on an 35:A. -. Interfacin) of 0*( dis6lay with 35:A and confi)uration for the scrollin) dis6lay. Co/puter Net8or#$n9 la; Code = EI -,3A Contact = 'P Cred$t = *



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

I5* ($essa)e Aueue" #I* Installation . *onfi)uration (Kindows80inu<" 3amiliari@ation with o #etwor,in) cables (*AT+> 9T5" o *onnectors (RD'+> T!connector" o Eubs> Switches T*589(5 Soc,et 5ro)rammin) $ulticast . Broadcast Soc,ets Im6lementation of a 5rototy6e $ultithreaded Server Im6lementation of o (ata 0in, 0ayer 3low *ontrol $echanism (Sto6 . Kait> Slidin) Kindow" o (ata 0in, 0ayer Error (etection $echanism (*yclic Redundancy *hec," o (ata 0in, 0ayer Error *ontrol $echanism (Selective Re6eat> :o Bac, #"

Mult$/ed$a la; Code = EI -,3+ Contact = 'P Cred$t = * . Sound ca6turin) . editin) usin) tools li,e S79#(37R:E 2. Ima)e editin) usin) tools li,e Adobe 5hotosho6 %. *reatin)8editin) motion video8animation cli6s (usin) tools li,e 3lash 8 Adobe 5remier" '. *reation of *ontent usin) ET$0 (basic ta)s> table form> frame> lin, to other Ima)e" +. *reatin) stylesheet usin) (ET$0 -. Eome 5a)e creation usin) ET$0> (ET$0. +oo# . Adobe > Adobe 5hotosho6 -.0= *lassroom in a boo, 5earson Ed. 2. Anush,a Kirasinha > 3lash in a 3lash! Keb (evelo6ment > 5EI %. $acromedia 3lash+ fast and easy Keb (evelo6ment> (esi)n> 5EI '. *astro> ET$0' for the Korld Kide Keb> 5earson Ed. +. Schurman . 5urdi > (ynamic ET$0 in Action> Second Edition > 5EI -. 0o@ano> $ultimedia! Sound . 4ideo > 5EI Internet technolo9y la; Code = EI -,3C Contact = 'P Cred$t = * A66let . *reate a banner usin) A66let 2. (is6lay cloc, usin) A66let %. *reate different sha6es usin) A66let '. 3ill colors in sha6es usin) A66let +. :oto a lin, usin) A66let -. *reate an event listener in A66let /. (is6lay ima)e usin) A66let 1. 76en a lin, in a new window usin) A66let 2. 5lay sound usin) A66let 0. Read a file usin) A66let . Krite to a file usin) A66let DavaScri6t 2. 4alidate the fields of a form usin) DavaScri6t. %. :uess a number based on user in6ut. '. 5ro)ram on ima)e rollover usin) DavaScri6t. +. (is6lay cloc, usin) DavaScri6t. -. 5rom6t> alert> array> loo6in) in DavaScri6t. /. *alculator usin) DavaScri6t. 1. 4alidate e!mail> 6hone no. usin) re)!e< in DavaScri6t.



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

5erl 2. Krite a 6erl scri6t to im6lement associative array. 20. Krite a 6erl scri6t to im6lement the re)ular e<6ression as follows= a". If a strin) contains any vowel> count the total number of vowels. b". If a strin) starts with $*A and end with bw> 6rint else 0. c". If strin) starts with 0 or any no. a?s> then 6rint else 0. 2 . Krite an html code to call a 6erl scri6t from c)i!bin. 22. Im6lement the followin) with re)ular e<6ression in 5erl= a". a]bc b". a] at least 2 b?s c". a]e<actly % b?s 2%. A sim6le 3ile o6eration usin) 5erl. *lient Server 5ro)rammin) 2'. Krite a soc,et 6ro)ram to )et the current date and time from the server. 2+. Krite a soc,et 6ro)ram where the client will send lowercase letters and the server will return u66ercase letter. 2-. Krite a server and a client 6ro)ram to im6lement T*5 chat server!client. 2/. *reate a sim6le calculator a66lication usin) Dava R$I. ET$0 . Start your web 6a)e with an ^html_ ta) i" Add a headin). ii" Add a title. iii" Start the ^body_ section. iv" Add the followin) te<t usin) ^E _ and ^8E _ ta)s= This Keb 6a)e was desi)ned by (your name" v" Add the followin) te<t usin) ^E2_ and ^8E2_ ta)s= $y ET$0 assi)nment vi" Add a hori@ontal line vii" Insert an ima)e to your web 6a)e. #ote= Pou should then refer to your ima)e with ;ust the filename> and #7T the entire 6athname to the file. viii" Add another hori@ontal line. i<" Enter a 6ara)ra6h of te<t. Krite about thin)s you have learned in html. $a,e sure the te<t in this 6ara)ra6h is a color other than blac,> but somethin) one can see. Add a lin, that ta,es you to your favorite web6a)e. <" Start a new 6ara)ra6h. Add a three item ordered list. $a,e it creative (don?t ;ust say item > item 2> etc` and ,ee6 it clean"a <i" *lose out your body and html ta)s. 2. Start your web 6a)e with an ^html_ ta) i" Add a headin). ii" Add a title. iii" Start the ^body_ section. iv" Start a new 6ara)ra6h. 9se ali)nment attribute> 9se bold> italic> underline ta)s> 9se font ta) and associated attributes> 9se headin) ta)s> 9se 6reserve ta)> 9se non brea,in) s6aces (esca6e character". %. Start your web 6a)e with an ^html_ ta) i" Add a headin). ii" Add a title. iii" Start the ^body_ section. iv" Start a new 6ara)ra6h. *reate Ey6erlin,s=



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

(a" (b" (c"

Kithin the ET$0 document. To another 9R0. To a file that can be rendered in the browser.

'. Start your web 6a)e with an ^html_ ta) i" Add a headin). ii" Add a title. iii" Start the ^body_ section. *reate an unordered list> *reate an ordered list> 9se various bullet styles> *reated nested lists> 9se the font ta) in con;unction with lists> *reate definition lists> 9se )ra6hics as bullets. +. Start your web 6a)e with an ^html_ ta) i" Add a headin). ii" Add a title. iii" Start the ^body_ section. a" *reate a sim6le table *reate borders and ad;ust border si@e. Ad;ust table cell s6acin). *han)e border color. *han)e table bac,)round color. b" Ali)n a new table on ET$0 6a)e. 5erform cell te<t ali)nment> *reate multi!column tables> (is6lay information about your academic Aualification into this table. -. Start your web 6a)e with an ^html_ ta) i" Add a headin). ii" Add a title. iii" Start the ^body_ section. *reate a frameset= 9se frame ta)s> *reate vertical (column" frames> *reate hori@ontal (row" frames> *reate com6le< framesets> 9se the hy6erlin, ta) to tar)et dis6layin) an ET$0 6a)e to another frame. /. Start your web 6a)e with an ^html_ ta) i" Add a headin). ii" Add a title. iii" Start the ^body_ section. *reate a sim6le ET$0 form. 9se the in6ut ta) to create a= te<t bo<N te<t area bo<N chec, bo<N list bo<N radio buttonN 6assword fieldN 6o6u6 menuN hidden field. 9se submit and reset buttons. *reate an admission form usin) the above information. 1. *reate a web 6a)e that will include an ima)e. Then create ima)e ma6 to watch different 6arts of that ima)e closely. 2. 9sin) frames as an interface> create a series of web 6a)es where the theme is to 6rovide resources (internet> intranet> static ET$0 6a)es" 6ertainin) to the sub;ect of ET$0. Ideally> your )oal is to create a resource that you can use lon) after this module when needin) information on ET$0. As a minimum reAuirement to this assi)nment your web6a)e should= b *onsist of at least % frames. b *ontain at least + 9R0s to internet and8or intranet sites that you can reference as 6art of your ;ob. b *ontain at least + references to documents that you have created that you use on a re)ular basis. b *ontain at least + references to documents others have created that you use on a re)ular basis. b Be or)ani@ed in a fashion that is lo)ical and intuitive to you. b Is done with enou)h Auality that you would not be o66osed to it bein) a lin, at another site. 0. *reate a web 6a)e as you wish and the html elements of the 6a)e will be styled by *SS.



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

C$0 . Krite a C$0 6ro)ram that will create an C$0 document which contains your mailin) address. 2. Krite a C$0 6ro)ram that will create an C$0 document which contains descri6tion of three boo, cate)ory. %. *reate an C$0 document that contains the name and 6rice 6er 6ound of coffee beans. i" In your C$0 document mention all 6ro6erties of C$0 declaration. ii" The root element has name ^coffeecbean_ iii" *reate nested elements for different ty6es of coffee. iv" 4alidate the document and if any 6arsin) error is 6resent> fi< them. '. *reate an C$0 document that contains airline fli)ht information. i" In your C$0 document mention all 6ro6erties of C$0 declaration. ii" The root element has name ^airlines_ iii" *reate three nested ^carrier_ elements for three se6arate airlines. Each element should include a name attribute. iv" Kithin each ^carrier_ nest at least two ^fli)ht_ >each of which contains de6artureccity> destinationc city> flcno> de6tctime. v" 4alidate the document and if any 6arsin) error is 6resent fi< them. +. *reate an C$0 version of your resume. Include elements such as your name and 6osition desired. #est each of your former em6loyers within an ^em6loyer_ element. Also> nest your educational e<6erience within an ^education_ element. *reate any other nested elements that you deem a66ro6riate> such as ^references_ or ^s6clcs,ills_ elements. -. *reate a (T( on 6roduct catalo).

#III Se"ester Or9an$ at$onal +eha7$our HU1() Contract = *L Cred$t : * 7r)ani@ational Behaviour= (efinition> Im6ortance> Eistorical Bac,)round> 3undamental *once6ts of 7B> *hallen)es and 766ortunities for 7B. D*F 2. 5ersonality and Attitudes= $eanin) of 6ersonality> 5ersonality (eterminants and Traits> (evelo6ment of 5ersonality> Ty6es of Attitudes> Dob Satisfaction. D*F %. 5erce6tion= (efinition> #ature and Im6ortance> 3actors influencin) 5erce6tion> 5erce6tual Selectivity> 0in, between 5erce6tion and (ecision $a,in). D*F '. $otivation= (efinition> Theories of $otivation ! $aslow?s Eierarchy of #eeds Theory> $c:re)or?s Theory C . P> Eer@ber)?s $otivation!Ey)iene Theory> Alderfer?s ER: Theory> $c*lelland?s Theory of #eeds> 4room?s E<6ectancy Theory. D0F +. :rou6 Behaviour= *haracteristics of :rou6> Ty6es of :rou6s> Sta)es of :rou6 (evelo6ment> :rou6 (ecision $a,in). D*F -. *ommunication= *ommunication 5rocess> (irection of *ommunication> Barriers to Effective *ommunication. D*F /. 0eadershi6= (efinition> Im6ortance> Theories of 0eadershi6 Styles. D*F 1. 7r)ani@ational 5olitics= (efinition> 3actors contributin) to 5olitical Behaviour. D*F 2. *onflict $ana)ement= Traditional vis!a!vis $odern 4iew of *onflict> 3unctional and (ysfunctional *onflict> *onflict 5rocess> #e)otiation & Bar)ainin) Strate)ies> #e)otiation 5rocess. D*F 0. 7r)ani@ational (esi)n= 4arious 7r)ani@ational Structures and their Effects on Euman Behaviour> *once6ts of 7r)ani@ational *limate and 7r)ani@ational *ulture. D0F References= . Robbins> S. 5. . Dud)e> T.A.= 7r)ani@ational Behavior> 5earson Education> + th Edn. 2. %. 0uthans> 3red= 7r)ani@ational Behavior> $c:raw Eill> 2th Edn. Shu,la> $adhu,ar= 9nderstandin) 7r)ani@ations & 7r)ani@ational Theory . 5ractice in India> 5EI .



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

'. +.

3incham> R. . Rhodes> 5.= 5rinci6les of 7r)ani@ational Behaviour> 795> ' th Edn. Eersey> 5.> Blanchard> B.E.> Dohnson> (.E.! $ana)ement of 7r)ani@ational Behavior 0eadin) Euman Resources> 5EI> 0th Edn.

PO"ER ELECTRONICS Code = EI1()A Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Top$c Module I 5ower Semiconductor (evices= Rectifier diodes> fast recovery diode and Schott,y barrier diode. 5ower BDT> 5ower $7S3ET. S*R = ty6es> characteristics> turn!on and turn!off methods> Triac. :ate turn!off thyristor (:T7"> Insulated )ate bi6olar transistor (I:BT". *ommon tri))erin) devices and their a66lications= 9DT and (IA*. Module II *onverters = (a" Rectifiers= Sin)le 6hase and three 6hase controlled brid)e rectifiers with inductive load 8 R0 load> free wheelin) diodes> 7verla66in) . Inversion (b" (* to (* converters (*ho66ers" = 6rinci6le of ste6 u6 and ste6 down converters with R 8 R0 load (c" (* to A* converters (inverters" = Sin)le 6hase and three 6hase inverters (d" *ycloconverters = Sin)le 6hase to sin)le 6hase and three 6hase to sin)le 6hase circuits> bloc,ed )rou6 o6eration> circulatin) current mode No. o. per$od

2 % 2 2 ' 2 % 2

Module III (* line commutation= resonant commutation> self commutation> au<iliary commutation> com6lementary commutation. A66lications= (* and A* drives> Switched $ode 5ower Su66lies> 9ninterru6ted 5ower Su66lies. +oo# = . 2. %. '. +. -. 5.*. Sen> 5ower Electronics> T$E> #ew (elhi $. E. Rashid> 5ower Electronics> 5EI85earson Education *. K. 0ander> 5ower Electronics> $c :raw Eill B. B. Bose> $odern 5ower Electronics> Daico $ohan #> 9nderland T $ . Robbins K 5 & 5ower Electronics> Dohn Kiley . Sons 5. S. Bimbhra & 5ower Electronics> Bhanna 5ublishers

' + %0

INDUSTRIAL DRI<ES Code = EI 1()+ Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Top$c No o. Per$od


Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Module I = AC Dr$7e Basic Elements of a 4ariable 3reAuency (rive (43(" E<ternal *om6onents in a ty6ical 5ower and *ontrol *ircuit of a drive for a sim6le 6um6 a66lication (rive *ontrol modes = 4ariable 3reAuency *ontrol> Sensorless 4ector *ontrol> 4ector *ontrol with sensor> 3lu< 4ector *ontrol> (irect TorAue *ontrol Basic S6ecifications and Selection 5rocedure for A* (rives & with s6ecific reference to 4ariable TorAue and *onstant TorAue a66lications 9se of A* (rives for ener)y efficient 6roduction as a66lied to ! 5um6s> 3ans> *om6ressors ! Eoistin)> Brea,in)> 0owerin) ! *onveyor Technolo)y


Module II = DC Dr$7e $odern 5ro)rammable (* (rives and its a66lications in ! Kinders . 9n!winders ! Kire (rawin) $achine ! Bar Rollin) $ill ! Rotary Biln Basic S6ecifications and Selection 5rocedure for (* (rives


Module III = Ser7o Motor and Ser7o Dr$7e Bloc, (ia)ram of a ty6ical Servo *ontrolled System with ! velocity and torAue feedbac, ! velocity and 6osition feedbac, (* and A* Servomotors Selection of Servomotor for an a66lication 3undamentals of A<is *ontrol and its im6lementation

'( +oo# = 3undamentals of Industrial (rives> B.#. Sar,ar> 5EI 3undamentals of Electric (rives> :o6al B (ubey> #arosa Electrical (rives And *ontrol> 9.A. Ba,shi> $.4.Ba,shi> Technical 5ublications Industrial (rives> $u,htar Ahmad> $ac$illan Electric (rives> 4 Subramanyam> $c:raw!Eill Electric (rives> Boldea . #asar> *R* 4ector *ontrol of A* (rives> Boldea . #asar> *R* PO"ER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION Code = EI 1()C Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Top$c Module I = General Concept 5ower 5lants of different ty6es = Setu6s> ener)y conversions and measurement reAuirements> e<am6les of Thermal> Eydel> and #uclear 6lants. Thermal 6ower 6lant and system instrumentation. No o. Per$od



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Module II = In tru/entat$on .or " Turbines 2" *ondensers %" :enerators '" *oal handlin) +" Kater treatment -" 3eed water> combustion air and flue )ases Module III = Control Boiler *ontrol ! Steam 6ressure control> combustion control> 3urnace (raft control> Steam tem6erature control> 3eed water control> (ata lo))er and com6uter control> su6ervisory control and monitorin) system. Instrumentation for safety interloc,s ! 6rotective )ears> emer)ency measures> Alarm systems and Analysis etc. 5ollution measurement> monitorin) and control. Module I< = (ata handlin)!6rocessin)> lo))in)> acAuisition> accountin)> dis6lay and stora)e. Instrumentation for :enerator and Busbar cou6lin). Introduction to 6ower 6lant modelin)8simulation Te6t +oo# = . 5rinci6les of Industrial Instrumentation> (. 5atranabis> T$E #ew (elhi Re.erence +oo# = . Electric 5ower En)ineerin) Eandboo, & Edited by 0. 0. :ri)sby. *. Instrument En)ineers Eandboo,> B. :. 0i6ta,> *hilton Boo, *o.> 5hiladel6hia


4 '(

Mo;$le Co//un$cat$on Code = EI 1(*A%EC& Contact = 'L Cred$t = '

Top$c No. o. per$od

Module I Introduction= Review of wireless communication and wave 6ro6a)ation> $ulti6le access schemes= 3($A> T($A> *($A> 6ac,et radio> radio tele6hony *ellular communication system Module II A$5S system= switchin) and networ,in) 5*S services Indoor and 7utdoor 6ro6a)ation models 5a)ers> :S$> :5RS> IS!2+ systems Module III *ordless tele6hony> 5*# $obile com6utin) Kireless networ,s> 0A# etc. Module I< $obile satellite communication Kireless Access 5rotocol :eneration of $obile communication ! e<am6les = 2: ! %: systems and future systems

1 '

' 2 % '

% ' % % % + '-

+oo# =



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

. 2.

Schiller ! $obile *ommunication> 5earson Ed. :ar) ! Kireless #etwor, Evolution> 5earson Ed.

E/;edded Sy te/ Code = EI 1(*+%EC& Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Introduction to Embedded System = Embedded system 4s :eneral com6utin) systems> Eistory of Embedded systems> 5ur6ose of Embedded systems> $icro6rocessor and $icrocontroller> Eardware architecture of the real time systems. T+U (evices and *ommunication Buses= I8o ty6es> serial and 6arallel communication devices> wireless communication devices> timer and countin) devices> watchdo) timer> real time cloc,> serial bus communication 6rotocols> 6arallel communication networ, usin) ISA> 5*I> 5*T!C> Intrnet embedded system networ, 6rotocols> 9SB> Bluetooth. T 0U 5ro)ram $odellin) *once6ts N 3undamental issues in Eardware software co!desi)n> 9nified $odellin) 0an)ua)e(9$0"> Eardware Software trade!offs (3: model> state machine 6ro)rammin) model> model for multi6rocessor system. T+U Real Time 76eratin) Systems = 76eratin) system basics> Tas,s> 5rocess and Threads> $ulti6rocessin) and multitas,in)> tas, communication> tas, synchroni@ation> Aualities of )ood RT7S. T1U E<am6les of Embedded System = $obile 6hones> R3I(> KISE#ET> Robotics> Biomedical A66lications> Brain machine interface etc. 5o6ular microcontrollers used in embedded systems> sensors> actuators. T-U 5ro)rammin) conce6ts and embedded 6ro)rammin) in *> *MM> DA4A. T'U Ref= . Introduction to Embedded Systems = Shibu B. 4. (T$E" 2. %. '. +. -. Embedded System (esi)n & A unified hardware and software introduction= 3. 4ahid (Dohn Kiley" Embedded Systems = Ra;,amal (T$E" Embedded Systems = 0. B. (as (5earson" Embedded System desi)n = S. Eeath (Elsevier" Embedded microcontroller and 6rocessor desi)n= :. 7sborn (5earson"

D$9$tal I/a9e Proce $n9 Code = EI 1(*C%EC& Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' O;Kect$7e= The course 6rovides )roundin) in di)ital filter and transforms techniAues for ima)e 6rocessin) and feature e<traction> and an overview of common heuristic al)orithms for Ima)e 5 r o c e s s i n ) . The different re6resentations of di)ital ima)es> the im6ortance of adeAuate sam6lin) freAuencies and the a66earance of artifacts. Also how the im6ortant features in an ima)e may be related to si)nificant abstractions from the raw ima)e. 5rereAuisite= (i)ital Si)nal 5rocessin)> Si)nals and Systems. $odule (i)ital Ima)e 5rocessin) Systems= Introduction to structure of human eye> Ima)e formation in the human eye> Bri)htness ada6tation and discrimination> Ima)e sensin) and acAuisition> stora)e> 5rocessin)> *ommunication> (is6lay Ima)e Sam6lin) and Auanti@ation> Ba si c relationshi6s between 6i<els. T'U $odule 2 Ima)e Transforms (im6lementation"= Introduction to 3ourier transform> (3T and 2!( (3T> 5ro6erties of 2!( (3T> 33T> I33T> Kalsh transform> Eadamard transform> (iscrete cosine transform> Slant transform> 76timum transform= Barhunen ! 0oeve (Eotellin)" transform. T/U. $odule % Ima)e Enhancement in the S6atial and 3reAuency (omain= :ray level transformations> Eisto)ram 6rocessin)> Arithmetic and lo)ic o6erations> S6atial filterin)=



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Introduction> Smoothin) and shar6enin) filters. 3reAuency domain filters= Eomomor6hic filterin). T-U $odule ' Ima)e (ata *om6ression= 3undamental s> Redundancies= *odin)> Inter6i<el 5sycho!visual> fidelity criteria> Ima)e com6ression models> Error free com6ression> 0ossy com6ression> Ima)e com6ression standards= Binary ima)e and *ontinuous tone Still Ima)e com6ression standards> 4 ideo com6ression standards. T-U $odule + $or6holo)ical Ima)e 5rocessin)= Introduction> (ilation> Erosion> 76enin)> closin)> Eit !or!miss transformation> $or6holo)ical al)orithm o6erations on binary Ima)es> $or6holo)ical al)orithm o6erations on )ray!scale Ima)es. T-U $odule Ima)e Se)mentation> Re6resentation and (escri6tion= (etection of discontinuities> Ed)e lin,in) and Boundary detection> Thresholdin) Re)ion based se)mentation> Ima)e Re6resentation schemes> Boundary descri6tors> and Re)ional descri6tors. T/U Te6t +oo# = . R.* :on@ale@ and R. Koods =!(i)ital Ima)e 5rocessin)> (Indian re6rint= 5earson 6ublication> 200 " 2. Anil B. Dain =! (i)ital Ima)e 5rocessin) (5rentice!Eall> India" Re.erence +oo# = . K. B. 5ratt =! (i)ital Ima)e 5rocessin)> ! 2nd Edition> (Dohn Kiley . Sons". 2. B. *handa . (. (utta $a;umder> (i)ital Ima)e 5rocessin) and Analysis> (5rentice!Eall> India" %. $. A. Sid!Ahmed =! Ima)e 5rocessin)! Theory> Al)orithms . Architecture> ( $c:raw!Eill".

PLANT AUTOMATION Code = EI 1(*D%CH& Contact = 'L Cred$t = ' Top$c Module I = Recap$tulat$on Basic *om6onents and 3unctions of (*S> 50*> E$I (7S and ES"N IS787SI Reference $odelN T*58I5 Basics> Industrial Ethernet> 3ieldbus> #etwor, Access 5rotocols> #etwor, To6olo)y and Arbitration $ethodsN *om6uter Inte)rated 5rocessin)N 75* and 70E *onnectivity Module II = Plant Auto/at$on Sy te/ net8or# Elements of 5lant Automation System (5AS" = Smart Sensors> Sensor networ,s> Intelli)ent actuators> S*A(A systems> I87 $odules (wired and wireless"> RT9s> AS!Interface. Safety Interloc,s> SeAuence *ontrols 5AS networ, and ty6ical system architecture usin) the above elements 5AS develo6ed into $ES (manufacturin) e<ecution systems" inte)rated with hi)h level software Module III = A#SI8ISA2+ Standard Ener)y *onservation and $ana)ement A66lication of Soft *om6utin) techniAues Module I< = Auto/at$on Solut$on 50* based systems E$I and S*A(A based systems 5* based automation systems Module < = Ca e Study %any one& 5a6er $ill 5ower 5lant Batch 5rocess +oo# = " 2" %" '" +" -" No o. Per$od 0


4 '*

5rocess Automation Eandboo, = A :uide to Theory and 5ractice. D 074E> S6rin)er 200/ 7verview of Industrial 5rocess Automation> B0S Sharma> Elsevier> 20 Automation $ade Easy> 5. :. $artin . E. :re)ory> ISA> 2002 Industrial Automation> *ircuit (esi)n and com6onents> ( K 5essen Serial #etwor,ed 3ield Instrumentation> DR Dordan> Kiley Series ! $easurement Science and Technolo)y S6rin)er Eandboo, of Automation



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Practical PO"ER ELECTRONICS LA+ORATOR2 Code = EI 1,)A %EE& Contact = 'P Cred$t = * . 2. %. '. +. -. /. 1. Study of 4!I *haracteristics of an S*R and a TRIA*. Study of (iode!Resistance> (iode!Resistance!*a6acitance> Resistance!*a6acitance and 9DT Tri))erin) *ircuits for S*R. Study of the o6eration of a sin)le 6hase fully controlled brid)e converter su66lyin) R!0 load and free wheelin) diode> includin) )eneration of tri))erin) 6ulses for the devices for both continuous and discontinuous modes of conduction. Study of a self commutation circuit for commutatin) an S*R o6eratin) on a (* su66ly. Simulation of (* to (* ste6 down cho66er. Simulation of 5K$ brid)e inverter usin) $7S3ET8I:BT with R8R!0 load. Simulation of Sin)le 6hase A* re)ulator. Study of a control circuit for a ste66er motor and its o6eration.8 Study of a sin)le Auadrant cho66er controlled 5$ dc motor. INDUSTRIAL DRI<ES LA+ORATOR2 Code = EI 1,)+ %EE& Contact = 'P Cred$t= * . 2. %. '. +. -. /. 1. 2. Study of the characteristics of a (* motor Study of methods of s6eed control of (* motor $easurement of s6eed of (* series motor as a function of load torAue. 5olarity test on a sin)le 6hase transformer . study of different connections of three 6hase transformer. Study of 6erformance of three 6hase sAuirrel! ca)e Induction motor & determination of iron!loss> friction . winda)e loss. (ifferent methods of startin) of a % 6hase *a)e Induction $otor . their com6arison T(70> Auto transformer . Star!(eltaU S6eed control of % 6hase sAuirrel ca)e induction motor by different methods . their com6arison Tvolta)e control . freAuency controlU. S6eed control of % 6hase sli6 rin) Induction motor by rotor resistance control. 0oad test on sin)le 6hase Induction motor to obtain the 6erformance characteristics.

0. 0oad test on wound rotor Induction motor to obtain the 6erformance characteristics. PO"ER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION LA+ORATOR2 Code = EI 1,)C %EE& Contact = 'P Cred$t= * I . 2. %. '. II S$/ulat$on E6per$/ent Sin)le Element and Three Element (rum 0evel *ontrol *ombustion *ontrol Steam Tem6erature *ontrol Boiler $ana)ement System and Boiler Start!u6 <$ $t to Po8er Plant and u;/$ $on o. 8r$tten report on the a/e INSTRUMENTATION E CONTROL DESIGN LA+ORATOR2



Revised Syllabus of B.Tech AEIE (for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 20 0!20 "

Code = EI 1,* Contact = 4P Cred$t = 0 The ob;ective of this 6a6er is to im6art some idea about the a66roach to Instrumentation and control desi)n with em6hasis on com6romise between desi)n tar)et and 6roduct Auality . mar,etability. The above desi)n lab is 6ro6osed to be carried out in the followin) manner = A )rou6 of students will wor, under the )uidance of one8two members of faculty. Introductory class(es" will be devoted to outlinin) the conce6t of com6lete desi)n wor, ! its contents (com6onents> instruments> 6ur6ose . function of the s6ecific desi)n wor, ta,en u6> s6ecifications> etc." and a66lications. (evelo6ment of s6ecification sheets> si@in) calculations (for e.) orifice 6late> control valve assembly> etc.>" and selection of instruments 8 com6onents> (evelo6ment of en)ineerin) drawin)s & li,e instrument hoo,!u6 drawin)s> loo6 and wirin) drawin)s etc. to be 6re6ared by students. *onsultin) hand boo,s> reference boo,s and manuals> manufacturersL catalo)ues etc.> to be encoura)ed " 5rocess *ontrol 0oo6 (esi)n a. 3low *ontrol b. 0evel *ontrol 2" %" '" +" *hoose = *ontroller ty6e> 6arameters> final control element from s6ecification sheets for a )iven 6rocess functions Si)nal to data converter desi)n includin) codin) for different rate variation of si)nals *orroborate with industry for trainin) 8 ada6tation of the desi)n made in laboratory (software". a. Sensor desi)n and Simulation = s6ecified sensor only b. Actual sensor desi)n (thic, sensors8conventional sensors" (*ollaborate with D98*:*RI Sensor hub" *ontroller (di)ital" desi)n (desi)nin) of 6rocessor i.e.> 6ro)ram" for different 6rocess transfer function includin) dead time (Smith 5redictor" (esi)n and fabrication of an instrument li,e a. thermal conductivity analyser b. 6ie@o!electric accelerometer (esi)n of a. s6ecified am6lifier b. counters (hi)h freAuency"

-" /"


Re.erence +oo# = Advanced 5ractical 5rocess *ontrol & Roffel B and Betlem B> Srin)er 4erla) Instrument En)ineers Eandboo, (4ol I> II and III"> edited by B. :. 0i6ta,> *R* 5ress


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