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Research Guidelines

The Order a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. !. Outer cover Title page Dedication Certificate of approval Acknowledgement Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures List of Photos if an Abstract

CHAPTER I - Introduction Part " #"ntroduction$ a. b. c. d. e. Face sheet for chapter " %eneral "ntroduction &tatement of the Problem 'eed and "mportance of the &tud Ob!ectives i. %eneral ii. &pecific f. ( pothesis Part "" #)ethodolog $ g. h. i. !. k. l. Limitations of &tud Field of &tud Pilot &tud *esearch Design &ampling )ethod Data Collection i. &ources +. Primar ,. &econdar ii. Tools of Data Collection +. Preparation of the Tool m. Pre-testing n. Actual Data Collection

o. Definition of Terms p. Chapteri.ation The page number for all the above should be as following i/ ii/ iii 00at the bottom center CHAPTER II Review of Literature a. b. c. d. Face &heet for Chapter "" Definitions b different authors *eference from other researches done on the same 1 related topics )inimum of ,2 references that from 3ooks/ )aga.ines/ 'ews Papers/ and 4ebsites etc. e. This chapter should include suitable subtitles CHAPTER III Analysis and Inter retation a. b. c. d. e. f. Face &heet for Chapter """ %eneral aspects of variable anal .ed Anal sis of variables using statistical application "nference based on anal sis &hort notes as conclusion should be provided for each variable anal sis "n anal sis sub titles/ side headings etc./ are provided which should be according to the ob!ectives of the stud g. Tables 1 Figures must be arranged in logical se5uences h. Their e6planations should be followed b inferences CHAPTER I! "ain #indin$s a. Face &heet for Chapter "7 b. Onl ma!or findings should be recorded c. )ain findings can be divided according to the ob!ectives under the separate side headings CHAPTER ! %u$$estions and Conclusion a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Face &heet for Chapter 7 &uggestions should be according to the main findings &uggestions should answer wh / what 8 how &uggestions should be logical 8 practical with details "n Conclusion write about whole research in a few lines "n Conclusion write the out come of the research "n Conclusion write the scope for further stud in the same area

&' Interaction with your $uide "t is recommended that ou meet our guide regularl during the course of the pro!ect/ though ultimatel the form of this interaction depends on both of ou. 9ou should strictl be present for the pro!ect conference. 9ou should maintain a record notebook 1 file where ou can include a record of our discussions with our guide/ literature surve details/ derivations etc. &uch a s stem will allow eas and 5uick access to the details and chronolog of our work. 9ou should submit report drafts as and when re5uested b draft corrected b the guide. The final res onsi(ility for roducin$ an error-free re ort lies with you) and not your $uide* +' %u(,ission The bound copies of our report should be submitted within the given deadline to the designated person. Late submission ma not be acceptable: if allowed/ it will necessaril invite a penalt and reduce our mark "a-e sure that the acce tance certificate in your re ort is si$ned (y your faculty $uide (efore you ,a-e the final su(,ission of the re ort' .' #or,at T;<T It is ,andatory to use white A/ si0e (ond sheets) s,ooth finish - the t pe of paper that is used for good printing. All material should be t ped in double spacing. The recommended our guide. Follow the timeframe given. 4hile submitting the corrected drafts ou should also produce the previous

margins are + inch for top/ bottom/ right and left with +.= inch for binding on the left. Other than page numbers/ no material should intrude into these margins. PA%; L")"T& The total number of pages in the report/ includin$ fi$ures) ta(les (ut e1cludin$ the reli,inary a$es) references and a u optimall $. 9our guide ma re5uire ou to incorporate additional material #e.g. derivations/ procedures/ computer code listings etc.$/ which ma be placed as appendices. These will not count in the total page count as per the specified page limits. endices should not e6ceed >2 #Caution? These are er limits. Avoid writing a report which is artificiall fattened@ Do not waste pages. Ase space

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" "" """ "7 7

"ntroduction 8 )ethodolog *eview of Literature Anal sis 8 "nterpretation of Data )ain Findings &uggestions 8 Conclusion Total

=BC D+ B D, ,+ B ,, =BC DBF C=->2

+= D= D2 +2 +2 +22

> +E += = = =2

/' General Instructions a. On or before the last date of submission it is not the first draft but the last draft that is to be submitted. The drafts should be in hard cop not in soft cop . b. &tudents doing their research in areas associated with organi.ations #"ndustries 1 (ospitals 1 '%Os etc.$ should appl for/ and get written permission from the organi.ations.

c. Please maintain consistent tense in our report. Do not keep flipping between past and present tense. "t has been the norm to use the passive voice #Gwas doneG$ in technical writing. (owever/ the active voice #Gwe didG$ is increasingl being accepted. "f ou wish to use the active voice be sure to obtain our guideHs consent. Pa attention to detail and accurac . 3e clear/ but concise@ d. Please make a sincere effort to weed out t pographical errors. *emember that these mistakes will cost ou marks and ma even earn ou a re-submission. "f ou have become tired of reading our report over and over again and suspect that this fatigue will cause ou to overlook t pos and grammatical mistakes get a friend to help ou out #perhaps ou can also provide similar help in reciprocation$. e. A detailed report of previous studies/ if necessar #do not make this sound as if this is our work. Cite references properl at appropriate locations$. Attempt to understand the material that ou incorporate from various references. f. Do not cop word for word from published literature g. ;nsure that sufficient details are provided for an one to reproduce our work. h. Do not be too general. Avoid writing essa s on historical developments. i. "f there are too man aspects to be covered then organi.e them in a logical manner. !. &tate these clearl / in point-wise form if necessar / with respect to the original ob!ective.

2' Ti s for re arin$ PPTs a. *emember more talks are ruined due to poor templates than for an other reason@ &o/ design and prepare our slides carefull @ b. "t is a good practice to title ever template which reflects the theme of the material contained in it. Ase reasonabl si.ed letters #preferabl / upper case$ so that a viewer can read the material comfortabl . c. 'ever prepare highl cluttered or densel packed templates in an attempt to retain ever thing on it. *emember templates are an aid to presentation and not an e6tract from a printed te6t for ou to read out. d. Also remember that ou can displa onl += B ,2 templates. Ase this area !udiciousl so do not waste space. e. Tr and use different colored and si.ed fonts effectivel f. Tr to use appropriate graphics/ photos/ figures and tables g. Do not t pe long running sentences on templates nor mi6 man sentences - put points or ke words. 3' Ti s on % ea-in$ a. &peak clearl and evenl #avoid elocutionar postures$. 9our speech must be audible enough so that it does not seem like a general murmur. b. Punctuate our speech properl : bring out the emphasis clearl . Do not drone on monotonousl . *emember those lectures when ou went off to sleep in the classroom@ Do not speak too fast. c. Avoid referring to material that ou do not full comprehend. 9ou ma land ourself in serious trouble if someone decides to 5ui. ou on such a topic. d. Do not recite b heart #avoid our talk$ nor read off from the templates as if ou are reading a te6t book. e. Answer 5uestions directl . Do not beat around the bush. "f ou do not know the answer acknowledge gracefull without displa of unnecessar aggression. "f ou have not

understood a 5uestion please sa so: re5uest for it to be rephrased. "n an case do not be insolent - keep 5uiet to get out of an awkward situation. f. ;nd our talk with a thank ou.

%a, le 4i(lio$ra hy

+. Adams/ ;ric. The Last 3astion? Fall of (ong Iong. London? O6ford Aniversit Press/ +JE=. #4oo- & author5 ,. Alton/ *onald and Iaren &mith. Fortress of Traged ? (ong Iong and 3ritish "mperial Polic . Toronto? %rolier/ +JJ,. #4oo- + authors5 D. 3anting/ *obert et al. %reat Canadian Disasters. Toronto? )ilitar Press/ +JEJ. #4oo- .6 author5 F. 3arton/ (arold. GThe Canadians at (ong Iong.G )ilitar (istor . +E 'ov. +JJ2? J+. #"a$a0ine wee-ly5 =. 3laskowit./ Anton. G(ong Iong Traged .G )ilitar Affairs in *eview. )a 1Kune +JEE? C+CD. #"a$a0ine (i-,onthly5 C. G3attlefield *elics Turn Ap "n 3asement.G 7ancouver &un. April +2/ +JE>? ;F. #7ews a er unsi$ned5 >. Canada. )inistr of Defence. )edals/ Awards and Decorations Conferred on Canadian Citi.ens? +JDJ-+JF=. Ottawa? LueenHs Printer/ +J=F. #Govern,ent 8ocu,ent5 E. Crump/ Kohn. G4orld 4ar "".G Colliers ;nc clopedia. 7olume +C/ +JEJ? >F,-JE=. #Encyclo ' with author5 J. Dalton/ Ieith. GForgotten 7ets of the Pacific.G Toronto &tar. +2 'ov. +JJ+? D,. #7ews a er si$ned5 +2. ;ver man/ Tim. 7eteran. %uelph/ Ontario. "nterviewed b the author. Kanuar +2/ ,22+. #Personal Interview5 ++. Farnan/ (ector/ ed. CanadaHs %enerals? A 3iographical Antholog . Ottawa? C)" Press/ +JE=. #Antholo$y edited5 +,. GFields of %lor and &acrifice.G Director ;dward (orne. 7ideotape. Ottawa? Canadian Film 3oard/ +JEC. #!ideota e5 +D. %ordon/ Thomas and *obert 4atson. Kustice 'ow For Pacific 7ets. Pamphlet. Toronto? 4ar 7ets *ights Association/ +JE,. #Pa, hlet5 +F. G(ong Iong? )a!or Cities.G PC %lobe F.2. Computer &oftware. Tempe/ AM? PC %lobe/ +JJ+. #Co, uter %oftware5 +=. Iinowashi/ 9amaguchi. 4e Captured (ong Iong. Translated b %. &inclair. 'ew 9ork? 7enture Press/ +J>F. #Translation5 +C. GLet Truth Prevail.G ;ditorial. The %lobe and )ail. > )a +JEC? AC. #7ews a er editorial5 +>. Ormand/ 4illiam. G'otes for %randson.G )anuscript. 7ictoria? +JE2. #"anuscri t5 +E. Prucoff/Carol. GFood got ou frightenedNG Prevention. 2+ 'ovember ,22+. 3ig Chalk. %alt Collegiate Librar / Cambridge/ O'. +2 &eptember ,22D O http?11elibrar .bigchalk.com1 #%u(scri tion 8ata(ase5 19. *alston/ Tom and *o al Canadian Legion. G7.;. Da .G 4orld 4ar "". Kul / ,222. ,= )a ,22,. http?11www.6roads.com1ww,1ve.html #Internet5

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