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NPUT DEVICES Input devices are used to enter data and instructions into computer memory from external

world. Examples include: Keyboard, Mouse, Track ball, Track Pad, oy stick, Touc! "creen, #i$!t pen, Touc! "creen, "canner, %i$ital &amera, Microp!one, 'rap!ics tablet. T!ey perform t!ree main functions (. )eceive data from user *. &onvert data into binary form +t!e lan$ua$e of , and ( also called t!e mac!ine lan$ua$e. Mac!ine lan$ua$e is t!e only lan$ua$e, a computer can understand directly... Provide converted data to computer memory for processin$ 1. Key board

Keyboard is t!e most familiar input device. It is most widely used input device to enter data and instructions into t!e computer. Keyboard !as a set of keys like a typewriter. It !as alp!abetic keys for /,0,&12 or a,b,c,13. It !as numeric keys like ,,(,*,.,14. It !as function keys 5(,5*,15(* used to perform specific tasks. It !as ot!er keys used for editin$ like %elete, 0ackspace, 6ome, End, etc. 2. Mouse

Mouse is an input device used to control motion of pointer on screen. / mouse !as two or t!ree buttons called #eft, )i$!t and Middle button. 0uttons are used to perform different functions. It !as a rubber or metal ball inside its body. Mouse is rolled over a flat surface called mouse pad. T!e movement of ball is detected by internal circuits of mouse. T!ese circuits convert t!is movement into di$ital si$nals, w!ic! are sent to computer. Mouse is used in $rap!ical applications. It is also used for playin$ video $ames on computer. 3. Track Ball

Track 0all is an input device like a mouse. It is used in #ap top computers to control motion of pointer on screen. It is a pointin$ device like upside down mouse. It !as a ball on its upper side. T!is ball is moved by fin$ers or t!umb and t!e pointer moves accordin$ly on screen. 4. Track Pad

Track pad is a pointin$ input device. It is used in #ap top computers to control motion of pointer on screen. Track pad is a stationary input device. It !as a flat surface of (.7 to * s8uare inc!. 5in$er is moved on t!is surface to move pointer on screen. . !oy s"#ck

oystick is an input device used to play $ames on computer. It is used to control motion of an ob9ect 8uickly in $ame wit! t!e !elp of a !and !eld stick. T!is stick can be moved forward, backward or side ways. T!is stick is mounted on a ball. :!en stick is moved t!en ball is moved and si$nals are sent to t!e computer. $. %#&'" Pe(

#i$!t pen is an input device consistin$ of a special pen t!at is connected to a computer;s monitor. T!e user points at t!e screen wit! t!e pen and selects items or c!ooses commands eit!er by pressin$ a clip on t!e side of t!e li$!t pen or by pressin$ t!e li$!t pen a$ainst t!e surface of t!e screen <t!e e8uivalent of performin$ a mouse click=. ). M#cro*'o(e

Microp!one is an input device used to enter sounds into t!e computer. :e can record sounds in computer wit! t!e !elp of microp!one and sound card. +. Sca((er

"canner is an input device. It is used to save pictures or text on paper into computer memory. It converts picture or text on paper in to binary form and saves it in computer memory. :it! t!e !elp of scanner we may save our time to type a lot of text. 5or example, if we !ave a book and wis! to enter t!e w!ole text of book in to computer. It will be a lon$, tedious and time consumin$ 9ob. 0ut if we use a scanner, we can do t!is wit! in less time. :e can scan eac! pa$e of book. Editin$ of t!e scanned text is also possible. "o our 9ob will become very easy wit! t!e !elp of a scanner. ,. -ra*'#cs "able" . d#&#"#/er

/ $rap!ics tablet consists of a special pen called stylus and a flat pad. T!e ima$e is created on t!e monitor screen as t!e user draws it on t!e pad wit! t!e !elp of stylus <special pen=. 'rap!ics tablet is also called a di$iti3er. 10. Touc' Scree(

In /TM and in latest smart p!ones, touc! screen is used to receive input from t!e user.

T!e user enters data by t!e touc! of !is fin$er on different menu options or icons present on touc! screen. 11. D#&#"al Ca1era

/ di$ital camera is one of t!e latest input devices. :e can take pictures wit! !e !elp of di$ital camera. T!ese pictures are saved on di$ital camera;s internal memory. T!ere is no need of a film role as used in traditional cameras. #ater on we can easily input t!ese pictures wit! t!e !elp of a data cable into computer;s memory. #atest di$ital cameras can take still snaps!ots and can record video as well.

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