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Dec. 17 2007 03:05PM



IGOR'S CHIDHOOD ABUSE: To Macedonian Court: "The emotional climate within the family is good. No existence of conflicts between members." To G.A.L.: He was Uphysically and emotionally abused by father." To Psychologist: "He describes a very positive relationship with all family members and denIed the presence of domestic violence or physical. emotional, Of sexual abuse in childhood." To Lori: Significant abuse, implying ftnanclal abuse by attorney father who never worked and by brother v.v. his wife. To therapist at True North: As reported by G.A.l. "badly abused during entire childhood". In telephone conversation with me '(grandmother told him to leave at age twelve or his father would kill him."

16 YEAR OLD ASSAULT: To Macedonian Court: "Started walking to the damaged, he hit damaged with his head in area of the forehead, only intention was to scare the damaged." To G.A.L: Cites from report "important, hit the boy in his head with his head causing a very serious life threatening injury ....his intention was to scare from the report", no indication of direct questioning of Igor on this incident. To Psychologist: "During a scrimmage, he struck his friend, the friend fell backwards and hit his head, sending him into a coma for several months grateful for the automatic psychological support as he was upset and depressed at the time ...injufY was not Intentional." To Lori: It was an accident (see Aug. '08 email), Igor took him to the hospital himself, he felt terrible about it- People treated him differently aftarward. To True North staff: When he hit Lori's hand hard, he wanted her to stop saying things and it triggered the experience when he was 16 years old and the boy would not stop teasing him. He got angry and hurt the boy significantly. .

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Dec. 17 2007 03:06PM



To Police: Igor admitted throwing a plastic bottle of peanut butter at his wife because he was
upset at her not letting him watch. their daughter. To G,A.L.: He "swept the peanut butter jar off the table ... the jar hit the wall and refrigerator ...Lori was out of her mlnd." To Psychologist: It was "an empty peanut butter jar ..J pushed it away and it went off the table ..J truthfully didn't think the jar came close to her," She noted that Igor told the police that he threw the bottle of peanut butter at his wife but did not comment on the discrepancy.

ISSUE OF IGORS MENTAL IllNESS To Macedonian Army ": I told them lwas really depressed to get out of it. and anxious to work.

To Lori: Too depressed

To David Pritchard: Lori's search for "right diagnosis" and too many changes are the problem but Igor is too depressed to work and parent.

10 True North Staff; Too depressed/anxious

to work.

To Psychologist: Not mentally ill, Lori is the problem. "Igor not concerned reo his emotional issues ...very high stress tolerance. ..good coping resources" yet she recommends therapy 2/wk. To G.A.L.: "He is very upset at Lorl's diagnosing of him ..he is concerned about her thinking that would lead her to behave in that way ...he admits to serious anxiety, accepts PTSD as dlegnosls.i.He links diagnostic attempts by lori with attempts to take Mila away from him ...Lori has a rescue fixation.'!


To Both Psychologists and G.A.L: It's situational, or 3 job and to parenting stress.

a reaction to Lori's pressure

for him to get help

To True North Staff: The hard hand slapping was triggered sixteen.

by memories

of the assault at age

To Lori: Felt terrible about violence to dog during their courtship. Igor threw hot food at I.ori when she was pregnant. This was during a period when Lori was not looking for diagnoses or expecting him to work.



TOPsychologist: lilt wasn't enough I was taking care ofthe house and Mila full-time." lori did not have a lot of contact with Mila. No mention of flat spot on Mila's head and fact lori co-slept with Mila while Igor slept in separate room. To Pritchard: Contract necessary to help Igor do work around the house, stop pressuring reo job. To G.A.L.:.No explanation from Igor reo why the Portland Orthopedic physician was concerned in April of 2007 that t'Mila had a flat spot on the side of her head from being in the car seat next to tori's desk while she was working." In telephone conversation to me G.A.L said she had no question that Lori did all the work at the house.

IGOR'S RELATIONSHIP WITH MONEY To Psychologist: impulsive."


l never borrowed anything from anyone ...Lori was too free with money .so

Broker paints different picture: Lori more conservative financially and Igor talked her into buying more expensive house. Lori paid off Igor's $20,000 debt early in relationship. Igor drained MilaJs college fund, and spent freely on tort's credit cards.

Igor was the most dlshonest to the psychologist Carol Kabacoff. I would imagine th.i;l-t that would seriously compromise her test results and conclusions. He told some truth to Liz bu(sn.e did not see the seriousness of the pattern of disinformation and missed the implications to Mila, There is dearly a pattern of violence and flight from accountability that preceded his.relatlonshlp with Lori. He even admits he lied to get out of the service. Igor was very skilled at moving the focus to Lori's mental status and off him and the professionals bought it even though the evidence to

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17 2007 03: 07pr1 P2

the contrary was impressive. Igor totally misrepresented his role in the family. His dysfunction would have understandably resulted in desperate attempts by Lori to get help, frustration that it was aU on her and fear reo what his rages might mean to Mila if she were not present to protect her. The slide off the truth is important to understand in assessment of risk in domestic abuse cases. Even Igor's link of pool safety as a justification for total control of others around Mila's bath routine reflects an important cognitive distortion that was never challenged.

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