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Itay Hod - people always say, no one has the right to out anyone....

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people always say, no one has the right to out anyone. that coming out is a pri%ate matter. i disagree. as you can imagine, not a %ery popular opinion. but bear with me. here&s a hypothetical" what if you know a certain '() congressman, let&s *ust say from +llinois, is gay... and you know this because one of your friends, a *ournalist for a reputable network, told you in no uncertain terms that he caught that '() congressman and his male roommate in the shower... together. now they could ha%e been good friends *ust trying to conser%e water. but there&s more. what if this congressman has also been caught by tm, cameras trolling gay bars. now what if you know that this %ery same guy, the darling of the gop, has also %oted against repeal of don-t ask don-t tell, opposed the repeal of doma, is against gay marriage. and for the federal marriage amendment, which would add language to the us constitution banning gay marriage and would likely strike down e%ery gay rights law and ordinance in the country/ 0re we still not allowed to out him/ let me ask another 1uestion... doesn&t the media ha%e an (23+'04+(5 to e6pose his hypocrisy/ if he had done something so hypocritical and he wasn&t gay, wouldn&t we demand *ournalists do their *ob/ but they can&t... because we won&t let them. you&re not allowed to out 05!(5$, we tell them. we&%e created a situation where e%en though news organi,ations know this guy is gay, they can&t report it because he hasn&t said so on twitter. if we keep saying that being gay is genetic. ergo, it&s no different than ha%ing blue eyes or blonde hair... than why are not allowed to mention it/ why do we need anyone&s consent to talk about their se6uality/ are we not allowed to say someone has blue eyes until they post a fb message telling us they are in fact blue/ we&%e been so effecti%e at con%incing e%eryone that outing people is a crime against humanity, that we&%e made it impossible for any network or news organi,ation to talk about this 7hypothetical7 gay republican congressman and his hypocritical %ote against gay rights. they won&t touch it for fear of retribution from '3008 or 9:C. ;in fact when my friend&s network inter%iewed said hypothetical republican, he talked about wanting to find a nice woman to marry... and the network aired it... knowing it was a lie... so, forgi%e me if + don&t subscribe to the notion that you&re not allowed to out anyone... in fact in some cases, i&d celebrate it. but +&m cra,y that way. 9erndon 'raddick by the way... not sure why... but had a sudden urge to share this.


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1/4/2014 10:40 AM

Itay Hod - people always say, no one has the right to out anyone....


he % ga"est ,aron Schock )nstagram posts o' -&./ 0aron @chockCs not gay, but his +nstagram account is. 3ike Comment @hare D2= people like this. Eiew pre%ious comments Rand" Schwart01+ia0 +sn&t it weird that the most homophobic '()ers are gay/ @uch selfFloathingG >= hours ago 3ike # 5= of >25 D#

Rompe con todo.

He"* San +iego( 4ra%el

Christopher urman +f you choose public ser%ice, then practicing what you preach goes without 1uestion. Hhen said 0dministration ;'9H2A 7buried7 a 8ept. of $d. report of the impact of harassment on gay students in schools in >992, it was the end for me. 2ack then, ther... @ee Bore >= hours ago 3ike # Christopher 2eonard !ou&re pointing out a hypocrite. >= hours ago %ia mobile 3ike >

?se 5ow >,9== peop

Facebook < 2=> $nglish ;?@A )ri%acy Bore

3ene F. 4ar'ield (ne of the e%ents that took place around the >99D Barch on Hashington was a press conference by 0C4 ?) and others, during which they outed a number of @enators, :epresentati%es, and Congressional and )entagon staff. 3ots of media attended. 5ot one me... @ee Bore >= hours ago $dited 3ike 2 Ste5e Rosenberger +t&s important to be clear on this" He&re not discussing whether it&s bad to be gay. He&re not discussing whether it&s bad to out people. 4his is a discussion F pure and simple F about whether it&s bad to be a hypocritical gay politician who uses his p... @ee Bore 9 hours ago 3ike >2 Rick Seno (ut here. )lain and periodG Hhen someone in power, like a Congressman, adopts a strong antiFgay stance he deser%es to be reported as a hypocritical asshole. 9 hours ago %ia mobile 3ike 6ac 4issonnette (h and also, he hasn&t said he&s for a federal marriage amendment. +s there anything you actually know about this guy/ http"IIwww.bu,,feed.comI...IrepFaaronFschockFhedgesFon... +&m not saying he&s not gay. + ha%e no idea and don&t really care. Rep. ,aron Schock Hedges 7n Federal 8arriage ,mendment www.bu,, 9e %oted against 78on&t 0sk, 8on&t 4ell7 repeal and has attacked (bama on 8(B0, ... @ee Bore 9 hours ago %ia mobile 3ike Jonathan +al" @ee + don&t know, +tay and others. 2lame it on me being Canadian, but +&m not really buying the notion that you, your network or anyone is allowed to out anyone else. First of all because, lets not be daft gifts here, a person&s se6uality is not e1ui%a... @ee Bore J hours ago $dited 3ike Jason Rahall + am always wary of the allegedly hetero moral scolds who are suspiciously obsessed with 4he 'ays, i.e., :ick @antorum, 2ryan Fischer, et al. 7 hours ago 3ike > ,ndr9 8ello 'oodGG 7 hours ago %ia mobile 3ike ,"den Fabien F9rdeline 3auren 0niess F your thoughts on this status by C2@ anchor +tay 9od/ 0nd is it bad

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1/4/2014 10:40 AM

Itay Hod - people always say, no one has the right to out anyone....

that + would still hate fuck him/ 7 hours ago %ia mobile 3ike > +onrobert Pena reminds me of a self hating dudei used to date. lol. # hours ago 3ike D

Scott Sophos when i try to share your status, it only shares the instagram link/K 5 hours ago 3ike 8iriam 3roucho8ar:ist Solon 9ad me at 7outing hypocrisy.7 3ost me at cracking on :obin :oberts. Hhom has her desire for pri%acy harmed/ Hhat harmful public pronouncements has she unleashed against 3'24 people/ 5 hours ago %ia mobile 3ike 2 2auren ,niess 0yden Fabien FLrdeline yes it&s bad that you still want to do him because he has aged badly. 0nd yes + do get the gay %ibes from some of the instagram pics especially the one of him pushing the big barrels behnid him. hours ago 3ike Frank Hartigan + am shocked. @hockedG hours ago 3ike 2

+a5id Cromer 4he idea that outing someone is a contro%ersial re%elation and a %iolation of their pri%acy is deeply outdated. +t&s only contro%ersial if we think there is something shameful about bring gay. +f we don&t, then a person&s se6uality is *ust a fact and facts about a public figure especially a politician, especially a politician whose actions seem hypocritical are fair game >2 hours ago %ia mobile 3ike +a5id Cromer He are clinging to an old and shitty and shameful idea hours ago %ia mobile 3ike 2

Je''re" 8arks Monathan, + think that the difference is that as a policymaker, he is *ust not personally against it, but he is denying the opportunity to millions of others. 4he minority indi%idual who works against the interests of that minority community has long b... @ee Bore hours ago 3ike 5 Jim Steele +f they are a politicianIcelebrityIpublic figure they are fair game. 3et the outing begin. 5o one benefits by lying about such a fundamental part of humanity. D hours ago 3ike D ,nd" 4cd Can +tay e6plain where and how a *ournalist could catch a representati%e and his roomate in the shower together/... D hours ago %ia mobile 3ike 5 4ill Sha'er re" 7shower7 F + think many of you are assuming that the shower in 1uestion was in a bathroom in a pri%ate home ;which would make it more difficult for a Drd party to walk in on them togetherA. 2ut consider that this %ery well C(?38 ha%e been in the showers at the gym. 3ord only knows there&s 4(5@ of that sort of thing going on in gyms all o%er the world e%ery day by 7straight men7... D hours ago 3ike 2 ;li0abeth Parker @tay in the closet if you feel you must, 2?4 do 5(4FFin any way, shape, or formFF use your personalIpolitical le%erage to abrogate the rights of or otherwise abuse 3'24 peopleIfamilies. D hours ago 3ike D Nanc" Clewett 0s 2arney Frank said, people ha%e a &right to pri%acy, not a right to hypocrisy&. D hours ago %ia mobile 3ike >=

,nd" 4cd !eah, 2ill @hafer.... 2ut if so, +tay 9od needs to gi%e some more granularity to the story... 74he shower at Eida7 or 7the shower at notorious 8C bathhouse, the Crew Club7 or whate%er... 2ut lea%ing it openFended like that *ust sounds like the plot of ... @ee Bore D hours ago %ia mobile 3ike 8atthew 8ichaels 0re we talking about transparency here/ 2 hours ago %ia mobile 3ike <en 4r"k 2eing gay is the same as ha%ing red hair. @ome people don&t like it, but there is nothing wrong with it. @o announcing someone has naturally red hair that has been colored brunette, is nothing more than announcing some barely interesting news. 2ut, whe... @ee Bore 2 hours ago 3ike 2 Solomon Singer + agree, the idea of 7outing7 someone perpetuates the negati%e stigma that is still attached

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1/4/2014 10:40 AM

Itay Hod - people always say, no one has the right to out anyone....

to being gay. 2eing gay in the ?@ will no longer get you arrested, fired, or blacklisted. Hhat do we do, though, about the fact that in some places being gay will still get you beaten and e%en killed/ 2 hours ago %ia mobile 3ike > Stuart Hale" 9ow much do you all feel that 0aron @chock&s looks dri%e the the gay communities opinion of him. Hould 3'24 people be so insistent to 7out7 him if he looked like 2arney Frank when 2arney was in the closet back in the early >9J=s/ 2 hours ago 3ike 2 Jon Fortin 2arney Frank was not %oting against e1ual rights consistently, that is the entire point. 2 hours ago 3ike 5

Jim 8cFall 2i,arre that a friend of mine and + were *ust discussing this at lunch yesterday. 9e, of the straight persuasion, feels outing is wrong under any circumstance. +, of the gay persuasion, agree with +tay. +f a politician lines his pockets and rises to po... @ee Bore about an hour ago 3ike > 8ike Wallace + lo%e when people like him are outed about an hour ago 3ike >

+a5id 3rossman Nac 2issonnette FF Must out of curiosity, Nac. +&m wondering why you&re going out of your way to defend 0aron/ 9e has a N$:( rating with the 9:C. 9e is %ehemently antiFgay when it comes to 05! proFgay ci%il rights legislation. 9e also comes across as a... @ee Bore about an hour ago 3ike +ennis Schroeder Hhat was your reputable *ournalist friend doing that he would catch them in the shower/ Capital letters work wonders and make large blocks of te6t so much easier to read. about an hour ago $dited 3ike Stephen Clark 0menGGGG +&m so sick ofFFespecially @4:0+'94FF*ournalist telling us that our se6uality is a deep dark pri%ate matter like a freaking cancer diagnosisG about an hour ago %ia mobile 3ike 2 <e5in 3ri''in (uting someone is only wrong if you think being gay is wrong. about an hour ago 3ike 2

John ,ra5osis Monathan the Canadian, as for your notion that this is all simply about 7what someone does in their bedroom,7 and thus not akin to race or gender in terms of ci%il rights and benefits. 4hen answer me this. Hhy does your dad get a ta6 benefit for fucking your mom/ 0fter all, it is all *ust about what they do in the bedroom. (r is the ta6 benefit for your mom sucking your dad off/ + can ne%er keep that straight. about an hour ago $dited 3ike 5 Jim Hutchison +tay 9od + disagree that it is acceptable to out anyone simply because it is a genetic trait. 4here are many closeted indi%iduals that cause no direct harm to the 3'24O community and remain closeted for personal reasons. He ha%e to keep in mind there... @ee Bore about an hour ago 3ike > 4i=ou Clochard + don&t know. + don&t think you can be both selfFloathing F and adore such da,,ling threads ;and shoesA out in public. @ounds like another one of those pri%ileged ;rich/A kids who stand steadfastly by the politics of their parents rather than daring to go out on their own to make a difference. 9e&s the worst kind of politician, and the worst kind of gay. about an hour ago 3ike 2 8ike Campbell 2ra%o Br. 9od. 4o say we can&t discuss someone&s se6uality in the media ;especially when like Congressman @hrock, they ha%e made such a coy semiFpublic display of itA is to accept the notion that on some le%el, being gay is lessFthan, if not bad, wrong, or sick. +f it&s *ust a fact of life, like height, then get o%er the secrecy. about an hour ago 3ike <eith ;lston Monathan 8aly, + understand where you&re coming from, but outing a pri%ate indi%idual is completely different from outing a public official who has the power to not only %ote against his own personal interests, but to influence public policy in ways th... @ee Bore about an hour ago 3ike Paul Hol0ap'el +t is 03H0!@ fair game to out hypocrites. 0ctually, + would go one step further. +t is $E$:!(5$&@ responsibility to out them. D minutes ago 3ike

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1/4/2014 10:40 AM

Itay Hod - people always say, no one has the right to out anyone....

Roman Joseph +t&s our *ob as *ournalists to report the news. (uting someone is creating news. +&m against it. 4he truth needs no defending or outing. DJ minutes ago 3ike > 6ac 4issonnette 4he issue here is that +tay hasn&t outed anyone because he&s presented no e%idence, twisted a %ideo in a way that e%en 4BN wouldn&t twist a %ideo, and then +tay lied about the guy&s position in gay marriage. @o that&s problematic D5 minutes ago %ia mobile $dited 3ike +a5id 8ichael + think we ha%e heard the old adage that 7the criminal always returns to the scene of the crime7 in other words, one keeps committing the same crime as a plea for help through getting caught. +f said congressmen is being this sloppy about his co%er up ... @ee Bore D= minutes ago %ia mobile 3ike 8ichael ucker he blocked me on +' for liking a few pics. lol

>7 minutes ago %ia mobile 3ike +a5id 8ichael )@ 0nd that last name. bringing him into alignment with honesty and truth will certainly gi%e him a good dose of what his name stands for. 4alk about being fully wired for accepting one&s destiny for paying the piper. 4he 0pple cart is awaiting one last nudge. who is going to fully spill the beans, take the pri,e, and stand up for *ustice/ > minutes ago %ia mobile 3ike Joe Rockhead FF@, *ust grow a set of nuts and do it. @top talking about it and out this douche. >> minutes ago 3ike Joe Rockhead 4hen there&s 8iane @awyer. 2ut at least she&s not an asshole to her own community. >= minutes ago 3ike Jack Sm"the i thought mike rogers established the 7do no harm7 criterion decades ago for gay and progressi%e press. other than work repercussions, which there almost certainly will be, what constrains you +tay 9od 7 minutes ago 3ike Hrite a comment...

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1/4/2014 10:40 AM

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