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Vlka Fenryka History


T he Space Wolves organization, doctrines, and history are very different from the majority of Space Marine chapters. This is one of the reasons the Space Wolves are s ch a ni! e force among the "dept s "startes and #hy they can $e an enigma for ne# players. So here is my attempt to give some insight into the history, and organization of the Space Wolves, one of my favorite chapters pl s a characterf l and interesting organization #ithin the forces of the %mperi m.

Great Companies

T he &' (reat )ompanies of the Space Wolves do not have set n m$ers and therefore the total n m$er of marines in the Space Wolves chapter is hard to pin do#n. "dditionally each (reat )ompany makes se of the tactics and strategies favored $y each individ al Wolf *ord. +o t#o (reat )ompanies #age #ar in e,actly the same #ay, many are significantly different. The follo#ing are the &' (reat )ompanies that make p the Space Wolves )hapter at present and the manner in #hich they prefere to fight.

Bran Redmaw's Great Company -The (reat )ompany of .ran /edma# often operates #ith a hammer and anvil strategy. The f rio s assa lt of .ran0s )ompany forcing an enemy to retreat into the grip of more (rey H nters laying in #ait $ehind them. Savage fighters the /edma# (reat )ompany #ill tear any foe nl cky eno gh to $e trapped $y them into shreds.

Engir Krakendoom's Great Company -" very fast and mo$ile (reat )ompany, 1ngir 2rakendoom generally prefers to deploy his company in transports #ith S#iftcla#s and Skycla#s acting as o triders to the main $ody of 2rakendoom0s )ompany. "dditionally the 2rakendoom (reat )ompany is proficient in ship-to-ship com$at and it is s ally the forces of 1ngir 2rakendoom that are called pon to lead the #ay #hen the Space Wolf fleet goes to #ar.

Erik Morkai's Great Company -1asily the most n s al in methodology, 1rik Morkai0s )ompany are stealth and covert operations e,perts. +one are more c nning or crafty than the #arriors of 1rik Morkai0s )ompany. 1mploying many Wolf Sco ts, the forces of the Morkai (reat )ompany are even noted to have stalked and am$ shed the dreaded 3ark 1ldar.

Gunnar Red Moon's Great Company -( nnar /ed Moon0s (reat )ompany e,emplify the traits most common in the Space Wolves. *o d, ra co s and straight for#ard. Wolf *ord ( nnar /edmoon favors the veteran *ong Fangs, reasoning that the seasoned #arriors make for the $est companions on the $attlefield and off. " traditional and completely Space Wolf approach to com$at.

Logan Grimnar's Great Company -The (reat )ompany of the (reat Wolf *ogan (rimnar have $oth great honor and great responsi$ility. Fanatically loyal to the (reat Wolf and ever vying and competing for positions in the va nted Wolf ( ard, the Space Wolves of (rimnar0s (reat )ompany are ever trying to earn their lords favor.

Harald Deathwolf's Great Company -Harald 3eath#olf rides the mighty Th nder#olf %cetooth and his (reat )ompany as a #hole is accompanied $y a verita$le horde of Fenrisian Wolves and Th nder#olf )avalry.

B orn !tormwolf's Great Company -The Storm#olf (reat )ompany are primarily employed as frontline assa lt troops, *ord .jorn Storm#olf favoring anything that makes a lot of noise. "s a res lt the Storm#olf (reat )ompany employs many Vindicators, heavy #eapons, $ikes and other #eapons and #argear that can ca se a lot of destr ction and havoc.

The Grand Annulus

Egil "ron #olf's Great Company -The %ron Wolf (reat )ompany goes to #ar as a rolling mass of "startes armor, 1gil %ron Wolf himself riding at the head of his )ompany0s heavy armor in his o#n personalised *and /aider. S#ift transports f ll of Space Wolves c t off escape and retreat #hile 1gil leads a cr shing hammer $lo# of armored might do#n pon the enemy.

Krom Dragonga$e's Great Company -The 3ragongaze (reat )ompany is one #here talent and valo r are re#arded regardless of so rce and every opport nity for challenge and glory in $attle is siezed.

Ragnar Bla%kmane's Great Company -The .lackmane (reat )ompany contains more .lood )la#s than any other and is second in size only to the (reat )ompany of *ogan (rimnar himself, $oasting almost '44 #arriors. /agnar0s )ompany e,cells at 5lanetary "ssa lts and his )ompany is often picked to spearhead an invasion or co nter-attack $y the Space Wolves. The .lackmane (reat )ompany0s packs have $ecome e,perts of a form of 3rop 5od "ssa lt called

the 6)la#s of / ss.6

!&en Bloodhowl's Great Company -Fierce in appearance and nat re, the marines of the .loodho#l (reat )ompany tattoo themselves #ith scenes of their accomplishments and r nes, Sven himself is covered from head to toe #ith tattoes depicting scenes from his Saga. %t is said that Sven has gone so far to tattoe his latest deeds pon the skins of his enemies. The .loodho#l )ompany is nearly o$sessed #ith flames, the marines of the )ompany performing daring acts of fire-$reathing and fire-s#allo#ing at feasts, it is even r mored that the vang ard forces of the .loodho#l )ompany #ill $reath flames pon their foes.

K arl Grim'lood's Great Company -The (rim$lood (reat )ompany are fierce competitors #ith the .loodho#l (reat )ompany and $oasts no less than &' *and /aider /edeemers along #ith many other flame #eapons. 2jarl (rim$lood is said to have e,tremely acc rate foresight, seemingly reading f t re events in the flickering of flames. %n addition the (rey H nters of the (rim$lood (reat )ompany have a special rite #here #arriors #ho have slain a foe #ith flame #ill paint their faces #ith $lood $efore each $attle and $ecome kno#n as 6/ed H nters.6

Lost Companies

F irst and most legendary amongst the *ost )ompanies of the Space Wolves is the fa$led &7th )ompany. Vanished from the dark days of the Hor s Heresy the Space Wolves of the &7th )ompany have h nted the traitors thro gh the 1ye of Terror itself for nigh on ten millenia. Ho#ever that )ompany of no$le #arriors is not the only one co nted as a 0*ost0 )ompany $y the )hapter. The empty &7th space on the (rand "nn l s of the Space Wolves is reserved for all the 0*ost0 )ompanies and there are many #ays these companies come to $e lost. The most o$vio s and disheartening is the damnation of $ecoming lost in the #arp, the ships of the (reat )ompany ca ght in a deadly Warp Storm or dragged to their doom $y a predator of the empyrion, their $odies and so ls trapped #ithin the #arp for all time. Their vessels sometimes s rfacing ages after their dissapearance as ghost ships or as part of a dreaded Space H lk, ghost ships testament to the perils of Warp Travel.

The second #ay in #hich a )ompany $ecomes lost is $y choice. This seems strange to some in the %mperi m $ t to the Space Wolves it can $e a matter of pragmatism of a difference of interests #ith the )hapters c rrent (reat Wolf. "t times a (reat )ompany #ill find itself so far afield that ret rn to the Fang #o ld take years, if not decades, or a Warp Storm might $lock any hope of ret rn and in these cases some *ords choose to forgo any attempt at a ret rn and simply soldier on, campaigning ntil the last Space Wolf falls. "t other times a Wolf *ord may have a f ndamental disagreement #ith the )hapters c rrent (reat Wolf and rather than contin e in his service #ill opt to take those #arriors and vessels loyal to him and leave to fight the enemies of the 1mperor in #hatever #ay he chooses fit ntil his #arriors strength is e,pended.

The last and most insidio s #ay a )ompany can $ecome 0*ost0 is to t rn its $ack on the 1mperor, $ecoming renegades or in the #orst cases #holly em$racing the corr ption of )haos. +o )hapter speaks easily a$o t those of their n m$er #ho have fallen to the grip of damnation, $ t only the (rey 2nights can claim to have never had a marine fall to chaos. These #arriors are hated and reviled $y the rest of the )hapter and no sacrifice is too great to see these heretics destroyed and the honor of the )hapter restored.


T he Space Wolves recr it e,cl sively from Fenris. Those chosen $y the Space Wolves may often have $een mortally #o nded, and are repaired $y the )hapters technology. To $e re$orn and have a chance at $ecoming something more, a Space Marine, a Space Wolf, a son of / ss. The aspirants are taken to training camps s ch as / ssvik, (rimnir and Valks$erg #here they #ill learn and train in the hopes of $ecoming #orthy. Where other chapters simply have aspirants fight ntil only the strongest stand, the Space Wolves set a more e,acting standard. Skill in $attle is important, $ t it is not the only thing that matters in $ecoming a Wolf. The "spirants are forced to train as teams, to #ork together as packs, to s cceed or fail together, p t p against the odds. To face the harshness of nat re, the depredations of the #ild monsters of "saheim, and the e,acting e,pectations of the training Sergeants. 8nly those #ho have proven themselves #orthy are $ro ght into the )hapter as .lood )la#s. (iven the implants that transform them into "dept s "startes and trained f rther still in the facilities of the Fang the "spirants face one final test. To master themselves, and the genec rse of the )hapter, the Mark of the W lfen. "spirants in their final stages of implantation are taken far from the Fang and left in the #ilderness #ith little to aid them. %f they can make their #ay $ack to the Fang #itho t s cc m$ing to the call of the W lfen or falling to the predators of the #ild then they #ill $ecome f ll mem$ers of the )hapter, as .lood )la#s.

.lood )la# packs are not the sco ts typical of other )hapters. F lly armored in po#er armor and implanted #ith the .lack )arapace, the &9th %mplant of the transformation process, the .lood )la#s are f lly "dept s "startes. Ho#ever they have yet to master their skills and their l st for $attle. "fter their initiation they are assigned to a (reat )ompany. Sho ld the Wolves s rvive to temper their l st for $attle they #ill ascend to the rank of (rey H nter, and cease their e,istence as initiates, and $ecome veterans of the )hapter. .eca se of the ferocio s l st for $attle held $y all .lood )la#s, their attrition rate is terri$le, and not many s rvive to $ecome (rey H nters.

The Packs of the Space Wolves

nstead of organizing into the Tactical, "ssa lt and 3evastator s! ads as the )ode, "startes dictates, the Space Wolves form their troops into 5acks. 1ach pack #ill generally $e made p of #arriors #ho have fo ght together for some time and #ill #ork together as a pack of #olves on the h nt. For the Space Wolves their senses of smell and hearing are j st as important to them as their keen eyesight. 5acks #ill #ork together to sniff and so nd o t their foes, h nting their prey like the #olves of Fenris, identifying the locations of their comrades as m ch $y smell as $y any technological means. The Space Wolves have fo r primary organizations of packs. .lood )la#s, (rey H nters, *ong Fangs, and Wolf ( ard. There are also Wolf Sco ts, #hich are an oddity among the "dept s "startes.

Blood Claws -.lood )la# packs are the initiates of the Space Wolves, the yo ngest mem$ers of the )hapter fresh from their transformation into Space Marines. .lood )la#s have yet to f lly contain their l st for $attle and so are simply enco raged to let it o t, and get over their $attle frenzy, allo#ing that in time, those #ho s rvive #ill temper themselves and $ecome (rey H nters, $looded and e,perienced #arriors of the )hapter. %n $attle .lood )la#s are armed to f lfill their $attle frenzy, given a variety of close com$at #eapons and armed #ith $olt pistols the .lood )la# packs are s ally at the vang ard of any Space Wolf charge.

!wift%laws -" s $set of .lood )la#s, the S#iftcla#s are called p from the ranks of the .lood )la#s #hen the )hapter needs a s#ift, hard hitting assa lt force. The yo ng and am$itio s .lood )la#s are #ell s ited to this role. %n addition to forming a lightning assa lt force, S#iftcla#s #ill occasionally $e tasked #ith a dangero s ! est to track do#n and slay a partic larly dangero s enemy.

!ky%laws -Skycla#s are another s $set of the .lood )la#s, formed from the most tro $lesome and headstrong mem$ers of the .lood )la# packs. 5romotion to the Skycla#s is considered at $est a d $io s one, after all / ss #as al#ays content to fight #ith his feet firmly on the gro nd, no self respecting Space Wolf #o ld fight any other #ay.

Grey Hunters -The $ack$one of the chapter are the (rey H nter packs. 1,perienced marines #ho have gotten over their l st for $attle and tempered their so ls #ith age and #isdom. (rey H nters are nevertheless still skilled com$atants in close ! arters fighting and almost al#ays are armed to do $attle $oth at range and in the teeth of the enemy.

Long (angs -*ong Fangs are small packs of aged Space Wolves #ho have lived long eno gh for their canines to gro# e,ceedingly long, hence their name. *ong Fangs are armed #ith a variety of heavy #eapons and led $y a veteran pack leader #ho can caref lly and e,pertly direct their firepo#er to the $est effect.

Lone #ol&es -8ver time as Space Wolf packs take cass alties and gain e,perience they pass thro gh the ranks, event ally the last fe# s rvivors making it into the va nted ranks of the Wolf ( ard. Ho#ever sometimes a pack #ill s ffer partic larly harsh cass alties leaving a lone s rvivor #ho has not yet earned a place in the Wolf ( ard. These last standing *one Wolves #ill take on an air of vengeance and doom, determined to regain the honor of their pack in com$at or die trying. Those #ho s cceed in their ! ests to seek o t and slay dangero s or potent enemies and s rvive are accepted into the Wolf ( ard, the rest have at least earned an honora$le death in com$at.

#olf Guard -Wolf ( ard are the last variety of Space Wolves packs. The e! ivalent of veterans in other chapters, Wolf ( ard form the $odyg ard of their Wolf *ord. "rmed to the teeth #ith all manner of #eapons and sometimes even #earing s its of ancient Tactical 3readna ght "rmor. Wolf ( ard perform a variety of roles #ithin the Space Wolves chapter. Forming $odyg ards for Wolf *ords and other officers and specialists, $ t also from time to time leading other packs into $attle, or sometimes leading smaller operations in place of the Wolf *ord.

)hunderwolf Ca&alry -Th nder#olf )avalry nits are a s $ gro p of the Wolf ( ard. "ccording to official %mperial records the Th nder#olf )avalry don0t e,ist and the Space Wolves keep them as a closely g arded secret.

#olf !%outs -Wolf Sco ts are attached to the (reat )ompany of the (reat Wolf and follo# his orders, dispatched #here and #hen he #ills. +ot the recr its of other "startes )hapters, Wolf Sco ts are grizzled veterans, #ho opt to go #itho t their f ll s its of po#er armor to $etter sco t o t the gala,y for their chapter. 3eployed to gather information on $attlefields $efore and d ring a campaign Wolf Sco ts provide vital intelligence to their $rethren.

Officers and Specialists

Great #olf -The (reat Wolf is the Space Wolves e! ivalent of the )hapter Master, generally considered a ste#ard a#aiting the ret rn of 5rimarch *eman / ss. The (reat Wolf leads the chapter in / ss: a$sence. )hosen from among the )hapters Wolf *ords, the c rrent (reat Wolf is *ogan (rimnar, #ho has lead the )hapter for over eight cent ries.

#olf Lords -The #ar leaders of the (reat )ompanies, the )hapter incl des && Wolf *ords. M ch of the time the attrition rate for Wolf *ords is fairly significant $eca se of the )hapters disposition to#ards close com$at, ho#ever

some Wolf *ords have seen their tho sandth year pass. /agnar .lackmane is one of the )hapters c rrent Wolf *ords and is in fact the yo ngest Wolf *ord in the )hapters history.

"ron *riests -The %ron 5riests are the chapter:s e! ivalent of Techmarines. Sent off for training at Mars the %ron 5riests maintain the )hapters e! ipment, and forge replacement #argear. %ron 5riests are traditionally attached to the (reat Wolf:s )ompany and re-assigned to other fighting forces on a sit ational $asis. %ron 5riests also have a place in the transformation and initiation of ne# recr its.

#olf *riests -Wolf 5riests are a ni! e officer class #ithin the "dept s "startes. " mi,t re of )haplain and "pothecary the Wolf 5riests administer to the physical and mental #ell $eing of the )hapter:s #arriors and also choose the aspirants to the chapter from among the tri$es of Fenris. ;lrik the Slayer is a famo s Wolf 5riest #ho mentored many nota$le mem$ers of the )hapter incl ding *ogan (rimnar and /agnar .lackmane.

Rune *riests -The Space Wolves do not have *i$rarians as s ch, instead the )hapter maintains a n m$er of / ne 5riests, potent psykers #ho e,amine the minds of all aspirants to the )hapter for any sign of taint or treachery. "rmed and e! ipped differently from *i$rarians, / ne 5riests do not #ear the psychic hoods of *i$rarians, and do not al#ays carry force #eapons, #hat the Space Wolves call r nic #eapons. The / ne 5riests ho#ever are potent psykers in their o#n right and fierce #arriors as are all men of Fenris.

+enera'le Dreadnaughts -The 3readna ghts of the Space Wolves are generally ancient and #ise #arriors, #ho spend a great deal of time in dreamless sleep $eneath the fang, only a#akened in times of great need. The Venera$le 3readna ghts of the Space Wolves may sometimes even lead forces of #olves into $attle in the a$sence of another capa$le #ar leader, or sometimes in deference to their ancient #isdom.

Chapter Serfs

L ike all )hapters of the "dept s "startes the Space Wolves maintain a siza$le army of mortal s pport staff and specialists #ho keep the )hapter r nning. (enerally referred to as .ondsmen the Space Wolves serfs cre# the )hapter0s #arships, man the defences of the Fang, provide medicae staff, repair cre#s and all the vario s types of la$or that allo# the )hapter0s #arriors to travel and fight the 1mperor0s many foes.

)hralls -The Thralls make p the majority of the )hapter0s serfs.


-(rooms are a s $-set of the )hapter0s Thralls.

Kaerls -The 2aerls are the armed serfs charged #ith the defense of the )hapter0s vessels and holdings.

Huskaerls -The H skaerls are the field officers of the 2aerls.

Ri&enmasters -The senior officers of the 2aerls, each /ivenmaster commands a force of five h ndred armed 2aerls.

!hip Masters -The mortal commanders of the Space Wolves vessels are kno#n as Ship Masters, charged #ith commanding the )hapter0s #arships in the a$sence of the Space Wolves themselves.

!tar,speakers -The "stropaths in service to the Space Wolves are kno#n as Star-speakers.

-a&igators -*ike all vessels the Space Wolves ships re! ire +avigators to travel the tides of the #arp. The Space Wolves have a long standing alliance #ith the +avigator Ho se .elisari s to provide g ides for the )hapter0s ships. T#enty fo r Space Wolves are assigned to Ho se .elisari s as g ards and officers in e,change for the service of an e! al n m$er of Ho se .elisari s0 most skilled +avigators.

Notable Chapter


)he ./e of Morkai -The ",e of Morkai is a legendary t#in-headed a,e #ielded $y *ogan (rimnar. The a,e is a trophy siezed $y the Space Wolves from a )hampion of chaos and re-forged into a mighty #eapon of the %mperi m.

)he *elt of the Doppleganger -* kas the Trickster is the only individ al in the Space Wolves history #ho has managed to track and slay one of the legendary chameleonic 3oppleganger. * kas #ears the pelt as a trophy and ses it0s innate a$ilities to assist him in $attle, and pro$a$ly mischief.

!taff of the !torm%aller -The / nic Staff #ielded $y +jal Stormcaller, the Staff of the Stormcaller is a venera$le #eapon and relic of the Space Wolves.

)he Cy'er,ra&en -ightwing -+jal the Stormcaller saved %ron 5riest ;lf .lack$ro#0s life d ring the $attle of / st W8rld. .lack$ro# #as not one to o#e others favors and so the accomplished smith crafted a partic larly sophisticated cy$er-raven named +ight#ing for +jal. +ight#ing has since saved +jal0s life many times and is ever s#ift to aid the legendary / ne 5riest in com$at.

Runi% )erminator .rmor of - al !torm%aller -+jal alone has the skill to craft / nic Terminator armor and his s it is c rrently the only one of it0s kind in the )hapter.

(oehammer -" potent relic of the Space Wolves #ielded $y (rimnar0s )hampion "rjac /ockfist. Foehammer is a r ne inscri$ed Th nderhammer #ith an in$ ilt teleportation device that ret rns the #eapon to "rjac0s hand sho ld he thro# it at a foe or far more rarely, lose it in com$at.

.n&il !hield -The "nvil Shield is a large sla$ of o$stinite lasted #ith adamanti m #ielded $y "rjac /ockfist as m ch as a #eapon as a form of protection.

Maekr -/elic Th nder Hammer crafted $y / ne 5riest Svas nd the (olden in M7<. ) rrently $orne $y Wolf ( ard .attle *eader Skallagrim of the .lack$ro# of the /edma# (reat )ompany.

./e Langn&ast -/elic a,e $orne $y Wolf *ord .ran /edma#.

Claws of .ndhrimnir -/elic $orn $y *ong Fang .rother Skyho#ler of the /edma# (reat )ompany.

(rostfang -" mighty relic of the )hapter Frostfang #as crafted $y %ron 5riest Ferg s Forgrim a famo s craftsman of the )hapter. The chain$lade teeth of this relic are fashioned from a rare metal #hose secrets died #ith their crafter.

)he Hood of Gnyrll -"n ancient relic of the )hapter granting any / ne 5riest #ho #ears it greater control of their psychic po#ers.

)he Helm of Durfast -This ancient helm #as crafted for the legendary hero 3 rfast, )hampion of Mordrak. The helm incorporates a temporal distort circ it and advanced g idance system allo#ing its #earer to detect enemies no matter ho# #ell hidden and g ides his hand in slaying them.

)he #ulfen !tone -8ne of the )hapter0s most ancient and treas red relics, the W lfen Stone #as #orked into a s it of armor $y %ron 5riest Fengri. Within the depths of the gem can $e seen an image of the Wolf Within, the )anis-heli, fo nd #ithin every Son of / ss.

Hrulf's Hood of Darkness -"n ancient device of ,enos origin, #hen activated the hood shro ds its #earer in a cloak of darkness.

)orgarl's *lasma Blade -Similar in f nction to the Foehammer $orn $y "rjac this ancient $lade incorporates a sophisticated homing device and teleport matri, capa$le of ret rning it to its sers hand after $eing thro#n. The $lade itself incorporates a plasma generator in the handle capa$le of sheathing the knife in an intense plasma field a$le to penetrate even the thickest armor.

(rost Blades -Frost $lades s ally take the forms of chains#ords or chaina,es. "ncient and masterf lly artificed #eapons made from the teeth of %ce 2rakens Frost .lades are potent #eapons ni! e to the Space Wolves, that can carve thro gh the heaviest armor #ith ease. Some Frost ",es have $lades of energised diamond giving the #eapons the appearance of lethal shards of ice.

Belts of Russ -1ach (reat )ompany has in it:s armory a single .elt of / ss. 5o#erf l girdles incorporating potent forcefields that protect the #earer. Forged $y the master %ron 5riest Stef .lackso l after the disappearance of / ss the

$elts are important relics of the )hapter.

#olf Helm of Russ -The Wolf Helm of / ss is an ancient artifact of the )hapter said to have $een #orn $y / ss himself. The Helm is a#arded to a great company after a to rnament of champions, the last #inner #as /agnar .lackmane #ho then presented the Helm to the Wolf 5riest /anek as a sign of respect.

Runi% !taffs -/ nic Staffs are mighty artifacts carried $y / ne 5riests that are im$ ed #ith the most po#erf l #ards the / ne 5riests can devise that protect the #ielder from the psychic attacks of his enemies.

Leman Russ E/terminator -+ormally Space Marines do not have access to *eman / ss tanks, ho#ever in honor of their 5rimarch the Space Wolves maintain a small n m$er of *eman / ss 1,terminators.

The Chapter !leet

he Space Wolves maintain fifteen ships in their fleet, one for each (reat )ompany and three in reserve. 1ach of the fifteen ships is ni! e nto itself, the fleet incl ding many different classes and config rations of vessels. T#o of the )hapters ships are massive #arships akin to %mperial +avy capitol ships. )he "ron #olf is the ship of 1gil %ron#olf #hich he claimed in com$at #hen his )ompany:s o#n ship #as $adly damaged. Slightly larger )he *ride of (enris is the flagship of the )hapter fleet and personal vessel of the (reat Wolf *ogan (rimnar.

)he (ist of Russ #as the flagship of .erek Th nderfist0s (reat )ompany, $adly damaged after the $attle for Hyades the ship #as sidelined for repairs $ t $ro ght $ack into service $efore long to carry /agnar .lackmane and a strike force of Space Wolves .lood )la#s and Wolf .lades to )harys. The ship and its cre# sacrificed themselves to deliver /agnar and his comrades into the Tho sand Sons stronghold and save the )hapter from Magn s0 vile plot.

*ike many )hapters the Space Wolves primarily se Th nderha#ks and Th nderha#k Transporters as g nships, dropships and attack craft. Some Storm$irds likely remain in the Space Wolves arsenal and a variant craft kno#n as 3ropfalcons sa# service d ring the (reat )r sade and Hor s Heresy $ t it is nkno#n #hether any remain in service. 8ther variant g nships and attack craft are likely to $e fo nd in the )hapter arsenal #henever the Space Wolves can get them.

The Space Wolves tilize a variant of the %mperial +avy )o$ra-)lass 3estroyers kno#n as Hla pa-)lass escorts. The Hla pa-class is heavily armed and capa$le of docking #ith the pper peak of the Fang.

The "rafnkel -Flagship of the Space Wolves *egion d ring the (reat )r sade and the Hor s Heresy. " mighty #arship the Hrafnkel #as lost to the )hapter millennia ago.

Russvan#um -The Flagship of Wolf *ord Harek %ronhelm. The / ssvang m dates $ack to $efore the Hor s Heresy and #as $ ilt sing designs and technology no# long lost to the %mperi m. 8nly the Hrafnkel #as larger or $oasted more firepo#er, even Strike )r isers are d#arfed $y the massive #arship.

Nidho##ur -Strike )r iser in service to the Space Wolves d ring the (reat )r sade.

Gotthammar -Strike )r iser in service to the =th (reat )ompany in M7', on long patrol chasing Magn s the /ed. The (otthammar ca ght nothing $ t shado#s ntil it enco ntered the Tho sand Sons in the (angava system.

Skraemar -The only (reat Ship left $ehind to defend the Fang #ith less than a dozen escort craft #hen the left of the

)hapter Fleet departed for the (angava system in M7'. The Skraemar #as an old and seasoned vessel that had fo ght thro gh the great sco ring in the days after the Hor s Heresy and had earned a h ndred and more great honors since. The vessel $roke the $lockade of 5ielos V, o tfo,ed a s! adron of )haos #arships for t#o #eeks in the "emnon .elt and destroyed the 1ldar )orsair flagship the 8r-%ladril. The Strike )r iser fo ght its last $attle in the space a$ove Fenris against the invading fleet of the Tho sand Sons, reaping a heavy tally of traitor #arships $efore at last falling apart nder the fire of the traitor *egion0s flagship the Her mon.

Scramasea$ -.attle-.arge of the Space Wolves and flagship of *ogan (rimnar d ring the &st War for "rmageddon. The (ylfarheim s ffered significant damage at the hands of the treachero s %n! isition m ltiple times in the months after the defeat of "ngron. 3ating $ack to the (reat )r sade the Scramasea, #as a mighty relic of the %mperi m lost to the )hapter sometime after the &st War for "rmageddon.

G%lfarheim -.attle-.arge of the Space Wolves, the (ylfarheim arrived to reinforce the )hapter0s fleet at "rmageddon, forcing the %n! isition to call off their attack of the %mperial Troop Transports.

The Pride of !enris -Flagship of the Space Wolves fleet. The 5ride of Fenris is the #arship of *ogan (rimnar0s (reat )ompany, a mighty .attleship and the largest of the (reat Ships in the )hapter Fleet.

The Iron Wolf -Second largest ship of the )hapter fleet and former .attleship of the %mperial +avy, nder the command of 1gil %ron#olf. )apt red from heretics the %mperial +avy has repeatedly re! ested the vessel0s ret rn and repeatedly $een ref sed, ca sing tension $et#een the )hapter and the +avy.

"unter of !iends -Strike )r iser serving the .lackmane (reat )ompany.

The !ist of Russ -Ship formerly commanded $y .erek Th nderfist. *ost in the )harys )ampaign.

The "olm#an# -Ship serving the Th nderfist (reat )ompany d ring the )harys )ampaign.

The Storm&olf -Strike )r iser in service to /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

The Wolf Spirit

-.attle-.arge in service #ith the &7th )ompany d ring the Hor s Heresy.

The Iron Wolf -.attle-.arge in service to the &7th )ompany d ring the later days of the (reat )r sade.

The Stormblade -Strike )r iser in service to the &7th )ompany d ring the later days of the (reat )r sade.

The Wolf of !enris -Strike )r iser of the )hapter capt red in the 5aren,es system $y the /ed )orsairs.

'en#eance -8ne of the )hapter0s ships lost a$ove the #orld of >ytor.

Gate of Garm -Space Wolves vessel participating in the fleet $attle over Fenris after the &st War for "rmageddon.

(erberaus -(reat Ship of the Space Wolves )hapter d ring the $attle over Fenris that follo#ed the &st War for "rmageddon.

Sk%)s "ammer -(reat Ship of the Space Wolves )hapter d ring the $attle over Fenris that follo#ed the &st War for "rmageddon.

Retribution -;nkno#n class vessel of the )hapter fleet.

Runef%re -(ladi s-)lass Frigate of the Space Wolves, destroyed in the months follo#ing the &st War for "rmageddon $y the %n! isition.

*lood +a#le -/apid strike Frigate of the Space Wolves that inserted the Sco t Teams onto the Forge World of )am$ion.

Sleikre -Frigate in service to the Space Wolves d ring the Tho sand Sons invasion in M7'. 3estroyed $y the invading chaos fleet.


-Frigate in service to the Space Wolves d ring the Tho sand Sons invasion in M7'. 3estroyed $y the invading chaos fleet.

!rostborn -H nter-)lass 3estroyer of the Space Wolves, dispatched to $ring #arning of the invasion of "rmageddon to the (rey 2nights. 8verr n $y the forces of )haos in the #arp and fo nd drifting in the Valdasca )a l. .o nd for the >opal and / is systems #hen %n! isitor "nnika departed service #ith the #olves, t#o regions $ordering the Tisra system in #hich the #orld of "rmageddon resides. More than t#enty Space Wolves #ere a$oard the vessel incl ding / ne 5riest "ngriff .light$reaker, only one s rvived to deliver the ship0s #arning.

'ere#elt -H nter-)lass 3estroyer of the Space Wolves, the Veregelt #as dispatched to $ring #arning of "rmageddon0s invasion to the (rey 2nights alongside the Frost$orn. Tho gh $oth #arships #ere overr n $y the forces of chaos the Veregelt s cceeded in emerging from the #arp in the void a$ove Titan, $roadcasting its #arning on a repeated vo, loop $efore crashing into the s rface of Titan. +one of the cre# s rvived, either dying to the enemy, the crash or #ere corr pted and slain $y the Sons of Titan. The Nauro -" vessel of indeterminate classification, too small to $e a frigate, $ t far too large to $e a landing craft or g nship. " third of the vessel0s length is taken p $y plasma drives and its $ ild is sleek and dark, making it a fast, agile and stealthy #arship m ch favored $y the )hapter0s Wolf Sco ts. The +a ro operates #ith a small cre# of five h ndred serfs.

Political Relations

T he Space Wolves are a c rio s )hapter #hen it comes to %mperial politics. *ogan (rimnar is completely nafraid to defend his )hapters a tonomy and #ill #age #ar even against other %mperial instit tions if he feels it is j st. Most partic larly *ogan (rimnar has very strained relations #ith the %n! isition after the &st #ar for "rmageddon sa# the %n! isition ro nd p the planets pop lace in isolated la$or camps at the concl sion of the campaign.

The Space Wolves are also nota$le in that they have a firm alliance #ith the +avigator Ho se .ellisari s that predates the fo ndation of the %mperi m. Ho se .ellisari s provides the Space Wolves #ith '= of their $est +avigators in e,change for '= Space Wolves kno#n as the Wolf .lade, to serve as a $odyg ard for Ho se .ellisari s: leadership. " significant n m$er of Space Wolf heroes have at one time or another $een part of the Wolf .lade. Since Ho se .ellisari s is an ancient and po#erf l +avigator ho se, they maintain a head! arters on Terra, and th s service in the Wolf .lade provides the Space Wolves #ith inside e,perience into the politics of the %mperi m. Some of the c rrent heroes of the )hapter that have served in the Wolf .lade incl de /agnar .lackmane and *ogan (rimnar.


T he (ene-seed of the Space Wolves contains the fla# kno#n as the ) rse of the W lfen. This genetic heritage of *eman / ss gives the Space Wolves contin o sly gro#ing canines, heightened senses of smell and hearing, $ t also a terri$le c rse. For those $attle $rothers that cannot contain the $east #ithin them, they transform into monstro s #ere#olf creat res, half man, and half #olf. For this reason the gene-seed of the Space Wolves is never sed in the creation of ne# )hapters and no kno#n s ccessor chapters remain in e,istence.


0" re%ogni$e my failing and will 'e sure to %orre%t it10 ,*enitent oath uttered 'y !pa%e #olf Battle,Brothers after an offi%er points out a mistake or failing1 T he Space Wolves are $ro ght p $elieving in mystic legends and sagas of star striding #olves, horrendo s monsters and mighty heroes. Mistr stf l of technology and sorcery the people of Fenris are a $r tal $ t no$le people and this $earing is $ro ght to the )hapter $y the recr its. )entral to their $elief system is *eman / ss and the 1mperor, kno#n to the Space Wolves as the .llfather, #hom they see as the greatest pinnacles of mankind and heroes to inspire valor and honor.

The Space Wolves $eliefs are generally regarded #ith distaste if not o tright hostility $y the 1cclessiarchy, and seen as $ack#ards, $ar$arian and s perstitio s $y many others. The Sons of / ss make no e,c se for their #ays ho#ever and have come to $lo#s and at times o tright #arfare #ith the 1cclessiarchy and others over their $eliefs and #ays of life.

Space Wolves refer to their o#n so ls as threads, #hen a Space Wolf dies it is said his thread #as severed. %n the past slain Space Wolves #ere generally $ rned in a pyre, rather than $ ried in a crypt. Follo#ing the death of a partic larly important, high ranking or respected mem$er of the )hapter a sending a#ay feast is held in his honor. .efore the feast the company Skjald learns stories a$o t the deceased of varia$le length and nat re from every mem$er of the )ompany and retells these tales d ring a period of rit al feasting #ith lengthy rest periods $et#een each tale. The sending feast lasts for an indeterminate amo nt of time, ho#ever long is necessary to tell all of the Skjald0s memorized stories and as s ch can last for days or even #eeks. 3 ring the feast the feasting cham$er is sealed and none may enter or leave ntil the concl sion of the feast. "fter the death of Heoroth *ongfang Tra )ompany held a feast #here =7' separate tales #ere told. %n more modern times the Space Wolves dead are interred or $ rned on the flattened peak of mo nt 2rakgard, or laid to rest in other locations of significance, s ch as the Tom$ of (arm #here the Spear of / ss

is held, or the Tom$ of Harek %ronhelm on the flank of the Fang. -I. 2no#n as the 1ye of "version, this sym$ol is sed $y the Space Wolves to #ard a#ay evil and sorcery. %n $attle it is carved into a #all, s pport or #hatever is at hand to mark an area of great danger or heavy enemy opposition. When the danger has $een removed or eliminated the mark is str ck o t to sho# the area is clear.

!enr%s "/olda -2no#n as /o t-Masks, these leather and $one masks #ere #orn $y the Space Wolves and their serfs d ring the (reat )r sade and Hor s Heresy $ t had largely gone o t of se $y the First .attle of the Fang in M7'. The masks #ere intended to scare a#ay Maleficar m.



-The term sed $y the Space Wolves to refer to the po#ers of chaos.

Primarch Leman Russ

he sagas relating to *eman / ss are kno#n to the gala,y largely d e to the efforts of one (na ril the 1lder, a contemporary of Fenrisian 2ing Thengir. The sagas tell ho# one of the infant 5rimarchs came to rest on a distant #orld from Terra kno#n as Fenris. (iven the harsh climate it is nlikely that any lesser man #o ld not have s rvived, $ t *eman / ss #as a 5rimarch, and no lesser man. "ccording to the Sagas *eman / ss #as taken in and raised $y a Fenrisian she-#olf. / ss: companion #olves Freki and (eri are $elieved $y many to $e his original pack $rothers, raised at a$o t the same time as / ss himself. / ss even attested at times to his ?l pine parentage,6 #hich can perhaps attest to some of the traditions and ni! e organizational aspects of the Space Wolves themselves.

Ho#ever the real tale of *eman / ss $egins #ith (na ril:s saga ?The "scension of the Wolf-2ing6 #hich tells the tale of #hen / ss first met the no$ility of Fenris. The tale tells that one fatef l Hell#inter, #hen the yo ng 5rimarch #ent #ith his pack to raid a near$y h man settlement. The yo ng primarch smashed thro gh the village, $reaking into the store ho se to steal great sla$s of salted meat and fighting #ith immense ferocity against the villagers to allo# his pack to escape #ith their spoils. The villagers #ere asto nded $y #hat they had seen and petitioned their king, Thengir of / ss. The 2ing sent a h nting party #ithin the #eek armed #ith the $est #eapons he co ld m ster, razor sharp $lades and drake-poison tipped arro#s.

The h nters tracked do#n and sle# many of / ss: pack, incl ding the venera$le she-#olf herself. / ss #as fo nd defending the $ody of his pack "lpha against the h nters, even pin c shioned #ith poisoned arro#s. 3espite his insane constit tion / ss s cc m$ed to the sheer ! antity of potent poison and #as s $d ed and gagged. .o nd and gagged / ss #as $ro ght $efore the 2ing. That evening the #olf-man #as $ro ght $efore 2ing Thengir and told to grovel for his life. %nstead / ss raised himself to his f ll height and let o t a roar that #as so lo d and lasted for so long that many had to leave the 2ings hall rather than hear any more of it. Then / ss spat a h ge go$$et of $lood and poison straight at the 2ing, n-co#ed and #ith golden eyes shining #ith pride.

"fter that night / ss #as taken into the personal care of the king and #as ta ght to fight and fish, and very ! ickly to speak. / ss sho#ed a great aptit de #ith #eaponry and indeed anything he did. .efore long / ss even $ested the 2ings champion in a contest of $attle a,es. %t #as then that the 2ing deemed / ss #orthy to receive a name, and so *eman / ss #as $orn.

The ne,t years of *eman / ss: life are mostly hearsay and legends, some of the legends tell of / ss tearing p 8aks #ith his $are hands, others of #restling a Fenrisian Mammoth single handed and roasting it #hole, and of sending armies of 2ing Thengir:s enemies fleeing #itho t s staining a scratch. Whatever is really tr e, the fact is that / ss: fame spread far and #ide and #hen Thengir died, there #as no ! estion as to the s ccession. 2ing *eman / ss took the throne.

The remainder of the saga has never $een #ritten, $ t kept alive thro gh oral tradition #ithin the Space Wolves and every mem$er of the chapter kno#s the tale $y heart. 8n every "ll#inters eve the / ne 5riests tell the tale of / ss. %t #as d ring one s ch feast that %n! isitor )halfont sn ck a vo,-recorder to the feast

and at the ta$le of (reat Wolf )ormack Wolftong e, a record of the tale #as made.

%n short time / ss #as hailed as 2ing of Fenris, his armies n$eata$le and his #isdom n! estiona$le none co ld $est the Wolf-2ing. Within / ss: kingdom men and #olf lived in tr ce and his co rt #as attended $y $oth the fiercest #arlords and the fairest maidens. With his deeds spreading to legends it #as not too long $efore Terra came to call on the 2ing of Fenris. So it #as shortly after / ss $ecame 2ing that the 1mperor came to Fenris. )loaked in disg ise, $oth physical and psychic the 1mperor came to / ss as a co#led and $ent #anderer, appearing in the great hall of *eman / ss his a ra of po#er shro ded. The great #olves sl nk a#ay at the 1mperor:s approach ho#ever and he #alked p to the throne #here / ss slo ched leis rely, feasting on the roast leg of a $oar and #ith a flagon of fine mead in hand. Freki and (eri lo nging at his feet and a pool of $lood aro nd his throne. Having recently ret rned from a h nt / ss #as not pleased to have his feast interr pted and the feast hall silenced at his gro#l. Freki stood at his master:s so nd $ t (eri did not, noticing that the stranger met their master:s gaze nflinchingly.

%t #as then that the stranger gave / ss his challenge. / ss #o ld decide the contest, and if the stranger #on he #o ld sit at the right hand of / ss d ring the feast. / ss proclaimed that if he #on, the stranger had to serve him for a year. (rimly the stranger agreed. The first competition / ss decided #o ld $e an eating one. With great ! antities of roast meet $ro ght forth on $rass shields / ss and the stranger set to eating. The Stranger ate a great deal indeed, cons ming more than any of / ss: #arriors, $ t #hen the stranger looked at / ss he sa# that the 5rimarch #as finished #ith his third " roch already, not a scrap of meet left on the scattered $ones. .o#ing his head to / ss the stranger accepted defeat. . t / ss #as enjoying his sport. So / ss called for a drinking match, $ t $efore the contest co ld $e concl ded the entire feast had $een dr nk dry. %t #as then that the #anderer had a gleam of anger come to his eyes. )alling / ss a dr nkard and gl tton, at #hich the entire co rt #ent silent. / ss dre# his great s#ord and stepped onto the feast ta$le #ith a gro#l to iss e the conse! ences of his last challenge.

"t the challenge the #anderer thre# off his disg ise to reveal his golden form, clad in $aro! e armor the 1mperor dre# forth a shimmering $lade. / ss roared and charged, clashing #ith the #anderer in a titanic clash of arms. The 1mperor:s golden armor reflected the glo# of a tho sand torches, and / ss: skin glistened #ith s#eat and $lood, his matted hair flying #ild as he charged #ith f ry and passion. / ss fo ght #ith speed and precision, co ntered $y the li! id grace of the #anderer. The tempered f ry and skill of / ss, learned from a lifetime of living $y his skill and #its proved #itho t a do $t to $e one of the 1mperor:s lost sons, displaying a martial skill $eyond that of any mortal. Finally convinced the 1mperor $ro ght his 5o#er Fist in a glittering ark to connect s! arely #ith / ss: face, sending the 5rimarch straight into nconscio sness. +evertheless #ithin the ho r / ss #as $ack on his feet, his head cleared. .loody and #ith $roken fang, / ss smiled and s#ore fealty to the 1mperor.

Within #eeks / ss had learned all he needed too and #as proclaimed fit to lead his legion in the (reat )r sade across the stars. The 1mperor introd ced / ss to his legion and ! ickly / ss settled into the role of leading the Space Wolves. Soon the *egion:s marines $ecame as sons to / ss.

*eman / ss #as gifted a magnificent s it of armor thrice $lessed $y the 1mperor, and his s#ord #as replaced $y the magnificent Frost .lade Mjalnar, forged from the teeth of the mighty %ce 2raken (ormenjarl. The $lade #as said to $e a$le to split the mo ntains of Fenris in t#ain.

/ ss joined the (reat )r sade enth siastically, thro#ing himself and his legion into the forefront of every $attle, striding at the fore of his #arriors slaying all $efore him and his presence heralded $y the ho#ling of his pack.

+ot all #as #ell #ith the (reat )r sade ho#ever. Tension $et#een the *egions #as ever present, sometimes res lting in more than a little hostility. 8ne s ch conflict occ rred $et#een the Space Wolves and the 3ark "ngels, $ t partic larly $et#een *eman / ss and *ion 1l:>ohnson.

8n the #orld of 3 lan, a traitor commander named 3 rath ins lted *eman / ss, calling him the 1mperor:s lap dog. 1nraged / ss vo#ed to take the head of 3 rath for his ins lt to the Space Wolves honor. / ss demanded that the 3ark "ngels #ho #ere also participating in the engagement stand do#n and allo# the Space Wolves to destroy the traitor. Ho#ever *ion 1l:>ohnson had reconnoitered the fortress of the traitor e,tensively and had already formed a comple, and precise attack plan. *oath to let / ss spoil his plans >ohnson attacked at da#n and sle# the traitor 3 rath in f ll vie# of the Space Wolves em$attled $elo# the fortress $attlements. F rio s / ss confronted >ohnson after the $attle and p nched him, $eginning a #restling match that lasted several days, $efore / ss realized ho# ironic and foolish the fighting #as and stopped to let o t a ra co s la gh. +ot am sed >ohnson s cker p nched / ss, knocking him nconscio s and s#ept a#ay. .y the time / ss a#oke the 3ark "ngels #ere long gone. Since then the 3ark "ngels and the Space Wolves have fo ght d els of honor over the long standing fe d.

"nother event of rivalry $et#een the Space Wolves and the 3ark "ngels occ rred #hile $oth legions #ere on their #ay to Terra after hearing the ne#s of the Hor s Heresy the Space Wolf and 3ark "ngels fleets enco ntered the #orld of 2alid s Sec nd s. The traitors had capt red the or$ital defense station and had proceeded $om$arding the loyalists on the planet $elo#. / ss #anted to assa lt the or$ital #hile >ohnson arg ed they sho ld proceed to Terra. "rg ing and fighting over the s $ject after interrogating a fleeing s rvivor named Tar s, they only ceased their com$at #hen a marine named Hrothgar $le# off Tar s: head and revealed him to $e a daemon.

!amous 0uotations from Russ1

2Do not underestimate the !3uats1 )hey sur&i&ed for millenia %ut off from the "mperium and assailled from all sides1 )heir determination and resillien%e is an E/ample to all14 ,Leman Russ5 Meditations on "mperial Command5 Book 6+"

27nly in the !pa%e Marines of the Legiones .startes are %ourage and e/pertise perfe%tly 'lended1 "n other

troops they are present in &arying degrees and proportions5 and many s%holars ha&e de'ated their reltai&e merits1

(or my own part5 " %ome down on the side of %ourage1 (or %ourage %an sometimes make a &irtue of ine/perien%e1 " myself ha&e %ommanded "mperial Guard troops whose pro'itor units ha&e a%hie&ed great things5 'e%ause their %ourage was infinite and 'e%ause they were too ine/perien%ed to realise that their goal was impossi'le14 ,Leman Russ5 De -atura Belli5 Book 6"+

2)here are those who under&alue the *enal Battalions1 But they should %onsider this8 should a man who has wronged the Emperor 'e allowed to wrong him further9 (or ea%h man e/e%uted is a man who %an no longer ser&e5 and to fail in ser&i%e to the emperor is the greatest of sins14 ,Leman Russ5 Meditations on "mperial Command5 Book 66"

2Listen %losely Brothers5 for my life:s 'reath is all 'ut spent1 )here shall %ome a time far from now when our Chapter itself is dying5 e&en as " am now dying and our foes shall gahter to destroy us1 )hen my %hildren5 " shall list:n for your %all from whate&er realms of death hold me and %ome " shall no matter what laws of life and death for'id1 .t the end " will 'e there1 (or the (inal 'attle1 (or the #olftime10 ,Leman Russ1

"orus "eres%

he Hor s Heresy sa# the (ala,y drenched in $lood and #ar, as Hor s and no less than nine of the Space Marine *egions descended into treachery. "s the gala,y #as thro#n into chaos the Space Wolves #ere ho#ever not involved in many of the terri$le fighting at Terra. +evertheless the Space Wolves #ere heavily involved in the fo ndations of the Heresy, #hen they forged their ageless fe d #ith the Tho sand Sons Space Marine *egion.

Te,ts and acco nts recovered $oth from the li$raries of 5rospero and the histories of the Space Wolves have $een pieced together to provide acco nts of #hat follo#ed.

"s the Hor s Heresy ripened Magn s the /ed, 5rimarch of the Tho sand Sons, sent a psychic message to the 1mperor #arning him of Hor s: $etrayal. Ho#ever in so doing Magn s revealed the e,tent of his p rs it of sorcery, affirming / ss: deepest s spicions a$o t the cyclopean 5rimarch. "t / ss: insistence the 1mperor agreed that Magn s m st $e $ro ght to acco nt for his $etrayals. (athering his entire legion *eman / ss traveled across the stars to $ring do#n the Tho sand Sons. His s spicions f rther affirmed $y half-tr ths and lies sp n $y Hor s, / ss s#ept do#n on 5rospero #ith the #eight of his entire *egion. .om$arding the planet mercilessly and tearing a $loody s#ath across the planet to the very citadel of the Tho sand Sons. 5rospero had $een a paradise of a #orld, ice and ivory to#ers scraping the sky, vast man made lakes and reflecting pools, and magnificent li$raries and places of learning. +evertheless / ss felt it #as simply a veneer of civilization over a tainted heart. The Space Wolves assa lted 5rospero #itho t mercy and the fighting against the Tho sand Sons #as fierce indeed, lasting many days at the cost of tho sands of lives.

+o matter ho# #ise the Tho sand Sons #ere, or ho# potent their sorcery #as, they co ld not stand against the sheer f ry of the Space Wolves on the field of #ar. "t the center of the Space Wolves $attlelines #as the &7th (reat )ompany lead $y >orin .loodfang. The &7th )ompany #as comprised of those $attle $rothers #ho manifested the c rse of the # lfen, transformed into half #olf $easts in the heat of com$at. "gainst s ch f ry and $estial ferocity the Tho sand Sons co ld not hold, event ally a massive hole #as torn in the lines of the Tho sand Sons and slo#ly $ t s rely the #arriors of 5rospero #ere c lled, c t do#n $y the Space Wolves sheer f ry.

The loss of every single Space Marine of the Tho sand Sons is recorded in 5rospero:s *ament, #hich #hile certainly s spect, is the only acco nt of Magn s: terri$le $argain. Watching his legion torn apart $y the $estial Wolves, Magn s roared to the heavens for salvation and help came. Magn s: $ody #as #arped $y insane po#er, and ten fingered hands shot from the soil of 5rospero to defend it:s fortresses, the screams of Magn s drove h ndreds of Space Wolves insane and still they fo ght on, their f ry and #illpo#er alone driving them on.

%t #as then that Magn s charged forth and laid into the Space Wolves, his horrific gaze petrifying anything it fell on, t rning even the sto test *ong Fangs to d st, nstoppa$le the (iant crashed thro gh the Space Wolves. *eman / ss disengaged from the s#irling melee and lifted a Tho sand Sons marine $odily and thre# him into the face of Magn s. Temporarily $linded $y the attack / ss smashed into Magn s. Someho# the

giant did not fall and instead delivered a cr shing $lo# to / ss: chest, sending splinters of )eramite into his heart. +evertheless / ss gra$$ed Magn s: arm as it dre# $ack for another p nch and kicked the 5rimarch in the eye. Ho#ling in pain Magn s st m$led $ack and / ss took advantage of his opponent:s #eakness to lift Magn s from the gro nd and $reak Magn s: $ack over his knee. Seeing their 5rimarch $roken the Tho sand Sons t rned and fled $ t as / ss prepared to e,ec te Magn s #ith Mjalnar, Magn s gasped a #ord of po#er and vanished into the gro nd.

The reports on ho# the Tho sand Sons escaped 5rospero are many and varied. What is certain is that the Tho sand Sons #ere not destroyed, as they contin e to plag e the %mperi m to this day. Magn s himself even managed to s rvive someho# and even managed to save a great deal of the Tho sand Sons learning and kno#ledge. Ho#ever the Tho sand Sons escaped, the &7th )ompany, the W lfen-kind, p rs ed them. To this day the fate of the &7th )ompany is not kno#n. Ho#ever r mors from the &7th .lack )r sade and some fe# eye #itness reports indicate that strange half #olf marines $earing the colors and iconography of the Space Wolves have $een seen appearing on vario s $attlefields to tear into the forces of chaos $efore disappearing once more.

%n honor of the lost &7th )ompany ho#ever the Space Wolves keep one stone $lank in the (rand "nn l s, the circle of stones depicting the )hapters (reat )ompanies, and the &7th )ompany has never $een replaced.


F ollo#ing the Hor s Heresy the %mperi m set o t to ! ell the prisings and restore itself. The Space Wolves contin ed to #age the 1mperor:s Wars. . t at one partic lar ?Feast of the 1mperor:s "scension6 in honor of the day the 1mperor defeated Hor s and ascended to the (olden Throne, *eman / ss ! ieted the great hall to speak, $ t then froze. %n horror the Space Wolves #atched as their lord fell to his knees and called his closest companions and advisors to him, all save the yo ngest, .jorn. (iving his closest companions his instr ctions / ss t rned and left the hall #ith his $odyg ard in to#, leaving only .jorn $ehind. For seven years the Space Wolves #aited for their lord to ret rn, $ t #hen he finally did not, .jorn #as elected (reat Wolf and led the )hapter on the first (reat H nt. The (reat )ompanies dispersed among the stars searching for their lord and .jorn took his search to the 1ye of Terror itself. There .jorn #as mortally #o nded and entom$ed in a 3readna ght as the Space Wolves ret rned. 8ver the vario s (reat H nts many glorio s victories have $een #on, each h nt $eginning #hen / ss speaks into the mind of a / ne 5riest, granting his sons his #isdom from time to time and sending them on ne# (reat H nts. +one have s cceeded in their final goal, $ t / ss has ass red his sons #ith his final #ords that he #ill ret rn to them for the final $attle, for the #olf time.

6"re #e going to scrap a$o t it no#. "rg e #hich *egion is the to ghest@6 6The ans#er al#ays is, the Wolves of Fenris,6 Torgadon p t in. 6.eca se they0re clinically insane.6 -&st )aptain Sigism nd of the %mperial Fists and )aptain of the * na Wolves 'nd )ompany.


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5osted 4' > ly '4&' - 4BC'D "M ++ SCRIPTOR CLASSIARIUM ++

!amous Characters of the Space Wolves


4,585 !s"s

0(enris 'reeds heroes like a 'ar 'reeds drunks , loud5 proud and spoiling for a fight10 ,Grand Master Belial of the Dark .ngels1 */orn the !ell "anded - The most reno#ned of the )hapters dreadna ghts is .jorn the Fell Handed, the first (reat Wolf of the chapter follo#ing *eman / ss: disappearance, .jorn fo ght

Gender#Male L!$a"%!n#Arl%n&"!n, '%r&%n%a

d ring the Hor s Heresy and the (reat )r sade. 1very one tho sand years .jorn a#akes from his dreamless sl m$ers $eneath the fang to test the / ne 5riests of the chapter in their kno#ledge of the 8ld Sagas to make s re the )hapter History has $een kept alive and acc rate. .jorn has also defended the fang in many a desperate ho r, partic larly against the ancient rivals of the )hapter, the Tho sand Sons.

Great Wolf "arek +ireik +ireiksson Ironhelm -(reat Wolf of the )hapter leading p to the First .attle of the Fang in M7'. (reat Wolf Harek %ronhelm #as possessed of a near o$session #ith h nting do#n Magn s the /ed, the res lt of a long term psychic assa lt on the (reat Wolf $y the fo l Tho sand Sons. When the Tho sand Sons #ere located in the (angava system the (reat Wolf immediately led eleven of the t#elve (reat )ompanies there. 8n (angava the Space Wolves assa lted a reconstr cted mockery of Tizca $ ilt $y the Sons of Magn s. When the Wolves realized the trap and received #ord from Fenris the (reat Wolf led his forces $ack to the Fang #ith all d e haste. /ather than take the time to land in a g nship the (reat Wolf took a 3rop 5od straight onto the slopes of the Fang, engaging the manifested 3aemon-5rimarch alongside .jorn the Fell-handed. Tho gh the $attle cost Harek %ronhelm his life the 3aemon-5rimarch Magn s #as defeated, his corporeal form disintigrating nder the p nishment of Wolf *ord (reyloc, .jorn and finally the #eapons of the (reat Wolf himself. The site of Harek0s death on the slopes of the Fang $ecame the site of a shrine dedicated to the n#avering devotion of the (reat Wolf, and also a reminder of his $lindness. Here the thread is se&ered of Harek Eireik Eireiksson5

%alled "ronhelm 'y arls5 and his de'ts re%koned

7n the #orld !pine the (ather of Mountains

)he hum'led god %omes hands stret%hed open one eye5 fire,ringed

.nd let it 'e said5 'rothers let this 'e re%orded

)he 'etrayer of old %ripple,son of the .llfather e/tends his arm his ga$e Helwinter,%old

.nd "ronhelm master of the #ol&es of (enris with fangs 'ared laughs like sunrise

Great Wolf

rvek "ren (/arlskar

-Wears a massive s it of terminator armor $edecked the pelt of a large Fenrisian #olf. >arl of the =th (reat )ompany in M7', 2jarlskar #as tasked #ith h nting do#n the vile traitor 5rimarch Magn s the /ed. When the Tho sand Sons #ere discovered and the Space Wolves $ro ght #ar to them the =th (reat )ompany remained in the void as reserves, patrolling the system, as s ch it #as the =th that discovered the arrival and s $se! ent destr ction of the +a ro and recovered the $adly ma led $ody of Wolf Sco t Haakon .lack#ing. /eceiving the ne#s of the Tho sand Sons invasion of Fenris the (otthammar r shed $ack to (angava and 2jarlskar made planet fall himself, fighting his #ay into the central pyramid to $ring #ord to the (reat Wolf %ronhelm himself. Witho t delay the #olves destroyed (angava from or$it and r shed $ack to Fenris #here %ronhelm confronted the #o nded 3aemon-5rimarch Magn s himself and #as slain in the effort. With the death of the (reat Wolf the Wolf *ords chose 2jarlskar to s cceed him and so the Wolf *ord of the =th rose to the position of (reat Wolf and took on the task of re$ ilding the )hapter and the Fang.

Great Wolf !enrik Grimheart -(reat Wolf (rimheart led the Space Wolves to Victory in the .attle of .alinor, one of the )hapter0s most reno#ned $attles of the 7<th Milleni m.

Great Wolf Gerrod Redbeard -%t #as d ring a (reat Feast of (errod /ed$eard that %n! isitor .astalek (rim sed an eidetic memory coil to record the Sagas reco nted d ring the feast and later p $lish them in the infamo s #ork he called 6the War of the (iants.6

Great Wolf

nakron Silvermane

-Silvermane #as *ogan (rimnar0s direct predecessor. His final stand took place nearly fo r cent ries ago on the #orld of Melkior #here his command post came nder a s rprise assa lt $y an 1ldar Warhost. *ogan (rimnar and Wolf ( ard 5ack *eader Hakon $oth participated in the $attle.

Great Wolf Lo#an Grimnar - The c rrent (reat Wolf of the Space Wolves, *ogan (rimnar has commanded the )hapter for more than eight cent ries and $een at the forefront of many of the %mperi ms greatest #ars in recent history. "n implaca$le and independent defender of mankind (rimnar is tr ly a legend of the %mperi m. *ogan (rimnar caries the potent Frost .lade the ",e of Morkai, a #eapon he tore from the grip of a chaos champion and had re-forged into a mighty do $le headed a,e.

Wolf Lord Gunnar Gunnhilt -*ord of 8nn )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade and Hor s Heresy, kno#n informally as *ord ( nn.

Wolf Lord Gedrath Gedrathsa -Former *ord of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade.

Wolf Lord O#vai O#vai "elmschrot -Wolf *ord of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade and Hor s Heresy.

Wolf Lord

mlodhi Skarssen Skarssensson

-Wolf *ord of Fyf )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade and Hor s Heresy.

Wolf Lord 'aer Gre%loc White Wolf ->arl of the &'th (reat )ompany. +ot kno#n for his camaraderie, Wolf *ord (reyloc is a lean, agile h nter. 5ale of skin and #hite of hair #ith eyes the color of steel (reyloc is often likened to a ghost. ;n s ally for a Space Wolf (reyloc $ears a Fenrisian a,e from his time as a mortal tri$esman named Frengir. Tho gh the Wolf 5riests fro#n on s ch a practice, and the $lade is iron and far too soft for a Space Marine to #ield, the Wolf *ord has kept the $lade pristine over the long years. 3 ring the .attle of the Fang Wolf *ord (reyloc chose to #ear a mighty s it of Terminator armor and #ield a pair of Wolf )la#s. The pro#ess and majesty of Wolf *ord (reyloc d ring the &st .attle of the Fang #ere #orthy of many Sagas, the White Wolf leading the defense at the S nrising gate, fighting tirelessly to hold the enemy $ack in the defense of .orek0s Seal and finally fighting free an confronting Magn s the /ed in the pper reaches of the Fang. (reyloc, St rmhjart and the &'th )ompany0s t#o s rviving Wolf ( ard fo ght peerlessly against the fallen 5rimarch, #o nding the mighty $eing grevio sly $efore they #ere all finally felled. (reyloc #as the last to fall $efore %ronhelm himself arrived to contest Magn s, cast do#n and his hearts torn o t $y the fo l traitor.

Wolf Lord *orek Salvr#rim ->arl of the 'nd (reat )ompany in M7'.

Wolf Lord 4orskarl ->arl of the 7rd (reat )ompany in M7'. Wears an archaic heresy-era face mask.

Wolf Lord +#ial 'raksson

->arl of the Bth (reat )ompany in M7'.

Wolf Lord R/ak ->arl of the Dth (reat )ompany in M7'.

Wolf Lord Rekki Oirreisson ->arl of the Eth (reat )ompany in M7'.

Wolf Lord Gunnlau# ->arl of the <th (reat )ompany in M7'.

Wolf Lord "oskuld ->arl of the 9th (reat )ompany in M7'.

Wolf Lord Thorlakk ->arl of the &4th (reat )ompany in M7'.

Wolf Lord 5lfar ->arl of the &&th (reat )ompany in M7'.

Wolf Lord O/a


->arl of the &'th (reat )ompany $efore Vaer (reyloc.

Wolf Lord Garm -8ne of the first and greatest of the Wolf *ords #ho rose to fight alongside *eman / ss d ring the (reat )r sade. (arm fell in $attle on the #orld that carries his name to defend the Space Wolves 5rimarch and #as honored #ith a shrine-tom$ on the planet. The Spear of / ss #as entr sted to the Shrine of (arm0s Sk ll and #orked into the ornate sarcophag s of (arm himself. %t is said that the shrine still carries a meas re of the 5rimarch0s po#er and many #ho make the pilgrimage to the shrine leave changed. The shrine has a permanent garrison of Space Wolves to protect it from looters and invaders.

Wolf Lord Ra#nar *lackmane - The yo ngest Wolf *ord in the history of the Space Wolves, /agnar .lackmane has made a legend for himself among a )hapter of legends. Specializing in rapid strikes /agnar .lackmane and his company has $een at the front of many a campaign $y the Space Wolves, leading the chapter:s forces at the vang ard. "rmed a the ancient and potent Frost .lade. /agnar $ecame the o$ject of a great deal of controversy early in his career. Having slain one of the venera$le

$lack Fenrisian Wolves in his days as an %nitiate /agnar achieved #hat many considered impossi$le. *ater #hen the Spear of / ss #as stolen on (arm /agnar sed the spear to #o nd Magn s the red and send him $ack to the #arp. *osing the spear in s ch a #ay ho#ever #as seen as an o trage $y more than a fe# of the Space Wolves and /agnar #as e,iled to the Wolf .lade, the Space Wolves seconded to the +avigator Ho se .elisari s. Ho#ever /agnar managed to recover the Spear of / ss and ret rn it to its ancient resting place. The episode ho#ever meant that /agnar passed directly from .lood )la# to Wolf ( ard #itho t ever having gone thro gh the rites of the (rey H nters.

Wolf Lord *erek Thunderfist -Wolf *ord of the (reat )ompany to #hich /agnar .lackmane #as originally assigned and served as a teacher and as inspiration for the yo ng .lood )la# at the time, .erek #as a legendary #arrior #ithin the )hapter, named after his $ionic hand and po#er fist.

Wolf Lord Si#rid Trollbane -The principle rival of the pop lar .erek Th nderfist, Sigrid #as a more devio s political animal and tactician and did little to hide his desire to attain the rank of (reat Wolf.

Wolf Lord (%rl Grimblood -" Wolf *ord in the Space Wolves d ring the Time of "postasy, #hen the %mperi m #as set to cr m$le, $eset $y all sides and from #ithin as n mero s dictators, heretics, and traitors s $verted control and so ght to s rp control of the %mperi m. "s (oge Vandire s#ept the %mperi m into anarchy other despots rose as #ell. 8ne s ch heretic #as the rog e )ardinal . charis of (athalamore. . charis $ro ght entire systems of the %mperi m into complete anarchy, $ringing a$o t a time kno#n as the 5lag e of ;n$elief. . charis lead massive armies in a cr sade to#ards Terra, perhaps in an attempt to sieze the reigns of the %mperi m from Vandire himself. Ho#ever . charis had to pass thro gh Fenris first. So the despot laid siege to the Fang for f lly three years, as the Space Wolves, the people of Fenris and even the monsters of the #ild #aged g irilla #ars against the invaders. Millions died $ t the defenders did not give p. Till finally the (reat )ompany of 2yrl (rim$lood that had $een on a mission into the 1ye of Terror for five years ret rned. *a nching an attack on the rear of . charis: lines 2yrl sle# tho sands of . charis: soldiers and scattered more into the #ilds, #here the cold and the #olves and monsters of Fenris tracked them do#n and sle# them. With 2yrl:s attack #eakening their enemies the Space Wovles la nched a $reak o t and smashed thro gh their attackers. While . charis #as

not finished, his efforts #ere greatly set $ack $y the actions of 2yrl (rim$lood and he #o ld $e event ally $ro ght do#n.

Wolf Lord Stormfor#e -The Stormforge (reat )ompany #as one of the fo r spearhead )ompanies participating in the attack on the capt red Shrine of (arm0s Sk ll.

Wolf Lord "ef Icenheart -Wolf *ord d ring the "ge of "postasy.

Wolf Lord !inn Goresson -Famed for his st $$orn and ferocio s attit de, Wolf *ord Finn (oresson #as responsi$le for victories like the p rging of the Space H lk Starkr sha, a $attle that #as as insane as it #as s ccessf ll.

Wolf Lord Osric Three,!ists -8sric #as as famed for his $ad looks as he #as his victories in $attle, he also had the distinction to lead a (reat H nt, #hich #as am$ shed $y a massive chaos fleet as the h nt neared it0s end. 8sric0s ship the +oidfang #as crippled $y the )haos flagship the !torm of Hate. 3espite the severe disadvantage, 8sric led his #arriors o t the Voidfang0s airlocks and leapt at the chaos flagship. 3espite $arely thirty #arriors making it to the h ll of the chaos ship the Space Wolves s cceeded in hammering their #ay inside, sla ghtering a path to the $ridge and t rning the chaos #arships g ns against the rest of the chaos fleet. This act of n$elieva$le and insane $ravado sec red victory from certain defeat and is the epitome of the Space Wolves tenacity and determination in the face of e,treme odds.

Wolf Lord "aken Ironche&er -Slain d ring the &st War for "rmageddon.

Wolf Lord Sven#ar the Red -Wolf *ord Svengar and his )ompany #ere lost after sailing into a #orm hole attempting to locate the 5rimarch *eman / ss. %nstead the )ompany #o nd p at the far termin s of the gala,y $eyond even the (ho l Stars. 3ra#n in $y a strange planetoid the )ompany event ally realised the inha$itants #eren0t h man despite their appearances and despite fighting fiercely #ere lost.

Wolf Lord Thor#ir Redhand -Famo s for his defeat of the .laded 3ragon that had plag ed the keeps of the

Fe dal World %so lde. 3espite his Th nderha#k $eing shot do#n, Thorgir s rvived and tho gh he co ld not harm the monstro s $east he dre# it into a massive cathedral and $ro ght the $ ilding do#n on the $oth of them. Thorgir s rvived, the dragon did not.

Wolf Lord Gn%rll *luetooth -)ommander of the Strike )r iser the #olf of (enris, Wolf *ord (nyrll .l etooth fo ght H ron .lackheart in hand to hand com$at on the $ridge of the Strike )r iser, nfort nately (nyrll #as no match for the chaos #arlord and #as torn apart $y H ron0s po#er cla#s and the Wolf of Fenris $ecame one of H ron .lackheart0s greatest prizes.

Wolf Lord

mlodhi Skarssen Skarssinsson

-Wolf *ord of the Space Wolves d ring the (reat )r sade and Hor s Heresy, "mlodhi Skarssen participated in the Sco ring of 5rospero.

Wolf Lord 6vor/ac -*ord of * kas the Trickster at one point, 3vorjac #as the one #ho e,iled * kas to the 1li,ir system #here the self styled 6Megamek6 #as $ ilding a Waagh. ;nfort nately for 3vorjac that decision res lted in one of * kas0 greatest tri mphs.

Wolf Lord *ran Redma& -2no#n as the ) rs0d *ord, W lfen-kin and the .loodied H nter. .ran /edma# has long $een to ched $y the Mark of the W lfen, a sign that the Wolf *ord is s cc m$ing to the ) rse of the W lfen. Sho ld he finally s cc m$ to the call of the #olf #ithin the Wolf *ord #o ld devolve into a slavering $east, living only to rend and tear its foes apart #ith fang and cla#. *ord .ran $ears a relic kno#n as the ",e *angnvast.

Wolf Lord +n#ir (rakendoom -"n aristocrat from a line of chieftan #arlords #ho reign over the so thern isles of Fenris. The people of the so thern isles are dark of skin and ill of temperment as #ell as $eing e,pert seafarers and e,plorers. 1ngir earned the name 2rakendoom #hen early in his life $efore he rose to the ranks of the Space Wolves he #as p lled into the sea $y a 2raken. 3espite the certain doom of s ch a fate 1ngir emerged amongst the floating corpse of his foe claiming to have literally throttled the $east.

Wolf Lord +rik 4orkai

-" master of stealth and shado# #arfare 1rik Morkai is a grim fig re in the )hapter, stern of nat re and e,tremely dangero s. 1rik Morkai has even managed to h nt the 3ark 1ldar, a race dedicated to living in the shado#s and sing the 6lesser6 races as little more than prey. "n individ al c nning eno gh to get the drop on the 3ark 1ldar is a tr ly lethal foe.

Wolf Lord Gunnar Red 4oon -" large and ra co s individ al, ( nnar /ed Moon is a lesson in contradictions. His chosen sym$ol is one of death, vengeance and doom yet the man e,emplifies anything $ t s ch a grim aspect.

Wolf Lord "arald 6eath&olf -;n s al among Wolf *ords Harald 3eath#olf rides the Th nder#olf %cetooth. "c te of senses and feral of nat re Harald 3eath#olf and his #arriors are almost al#ays accompanied $y the Space Wolves feral companions.

Wolf Lord */orn Storm&olf -S $tlety is not something .jorn storm#olf is even a#are of, he is a lo d and spectac lar individ al far more keen on making one heck of a display than anything. 3ismissing the stealth tactics of 1rik Morkai as 6#help-#ork6 *ord Storm#olf is $arely contained $y his ornate s it of Terminator "rmor and has $een kno#n to r dely interr pt %mperial dignitarries #henever they $egin to $ore him, #hich given %mperial dignitarries m st $e fairly often.

Wolf Lord +#il Iron Wolf -1gil %ron Wolf e,emplifies his name, a $r tish looking man composed of more $ionics and metal than of flesh. 1gil rides to $attle at the head of the Space Wolves armored might.

Wolf Lord (rom 6ra#on#a7e -Wolf *ord 2rom 3ragongaze is reno#ned for his fierce co ntenance and penetrating stare, his force of #ill alone proving tterly petrifying to lesser mortals. 2rom is a highly competetive individ al #ho takes every oport nity to test himself against his fello# Wolf *ords in any contest and is not one to s ffer fools.

Wolf Lord "roth#ar Ironblade -Wolf *ord %ron$lade capt red the Mars-)lass .attlecr iser the Resolute, a #arship that had formerly served in the .attlefleet 8$sc ras $ t had joined the "rch-Heretic Vortigern d ring the "lphal s %ns rrection of the late 79th

Millenni m. With his great ship lost *ord %ron$lade took control of the Resolute d ring the .attle of Sest s 5ro,ima and ret rned it to the service of the %mperi m nder the ne# name the (ist of Russ. 3espite the o$jections of the %mperial +avy the Space Wolves retained the vessel and it contin ed to serve the (reat )ompany p thro gh the command of .erek Th nderfist.

Wolf Lord "aldane Ironhammer -*ord of the %ronhammer (reat )ompany, *ord Haldane #as slain d ring the )am$ion )ampaign in the first drop pod assa lt. His $ody #as taken from the field as a trophy for the 8rk Warlord Skarg tz $ t #as event ally cleansed $y the fe# s rvivors of the $attle and his death avenged.

Wolf Lord Gunnarrsson -Wolf *ord of the &7th )ompany d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Wolf Lord "aakon Stormbro& -" reno#ned hero of the )hapter.

Wolf Lord

larik Ni#htrunner

-" reno#ned hero of the )hapter.

Wolf Lord Skalla#rim the Red -" reno#ned hero of the )hapter.

Wolf Lord 'olunda -" reno#ned hero of the )hapter #ho participated in the /et rn to 2alid s.

Wolf Lord (eurl Ironfan# -The legendary Wolf *ord #ho commanded the assa lt on the infamo s Space H lk the Messenger of #oe.

Wolf Lord 8otun *earcla& -" reno#ned hero of the )hapter.

Wolf Lord *uli&%f Storma$e -" reno#ned hero of the )hapter.

Wolf Lord Inferno -" reno#ned hero of the )hapter.

Wolf Lord Gre%lock -" reno#ned hero of the )hapter.

Wolf Lord Lucan -*ed a five year )r sade into the region kno#n as the Wheel of Fire.

Wolf Lord (ru#er -Former *ord of legendary Wolf 5riest ;lrik the Slayer. 2r ger fo ght the World 1aters alongside *ogan (rimnar d ring the &st War for "rmageddon $ t fell to the traitor "startes. His death #as avenged $y ;lrik.

Wolf Lord Grimhildr Skanefeld -The (reat )ompany of (rimhildr Skanefeld fo ght alongside the Salamanders )hapter d ring the 2ykaor )ampaign against the hated 8rk ,enos. 3 ring the campaign the fighting stirred an ancient 2raken #ho had sl m$ered $eneath the ice for ntold cent ries. The kraken $ rst forth from the ice to ravage the "startes, taking p a .attle-.rother of the Salamanders named Hrydor and #o ld have certainly slain him had not (rimhildr thro#n his / ne a,e and severed the tentacle #ith #hich the $east held the Salamander. Together the t#o )hapters defeated the $east and completed the )ampaign $ t it #as an action that #o ld forever stand o t in the memories of all those #ho took part in it.

Wolf Lord Sven Ironhand -%n <&B.M=& *ord %ronhand led his (reat )ompany into e,ile in the 1astern Fringe, fors#earing his oaths. The (reat Wolf *ogan (rimnar declared %ronhand renegade and ordered a ne# )ompany $e formed to replace the %ronhand (reat )ompany. Sven %ronhand is only one of many Wolf *ords that have led their )ompanies a#ay from the Fang and $ecome 0*ost0 $ t he is noted as the most recent to have done so.

"i#h Wolf Priest Thar

riak "raldir W%rmblade

-.earer of the Wyrm$lade. Veteran of more than five h ndred years service to the )hapter. Wolf 5riest Hraldir #as responsi$le for selecting and transforming (reat Wolf %ronhelm from a feral Fenrisian Tri$esman into a Space Wolf. Hraldir spent several lifetimes of men #orking on a project he d $$ed the Tempering. Since the fail re of the Wolf .rothers it $ecame o$vio s that the ) rse of the W lfen, the genetic insta$ility of the seed of / ss #o ld prevent any f rther s ccessors and #o ld forever stigmatize the Wolves of / ss in the eyes of the greater %mperi m. Th s Hraldir determined to eradicate the ) rse of the W lfen

from the seed of / ss #hile retaining the Space Wolves strengths, to sta$ilize the )hapter0s gene-seed and allo# h ndreds of S ccessors to $e fo nded. The High Wolf 5riest envisioned the Space Wolves and their progeny carving an empire the size of ;ltramar #ithin the %mperi m and s rro nding the 1ye of Terror, preventing the traitors from ever leaving it again. His research #as coming to fr ition #hen the Tho sand Sons la nched their attack on the Fang, for Magn s had seen the potential f t re that Hraldir0s #ork might $ear and #as himself determined to th#art it and $ring great harm to the Space Wolves in the process. 1ven as Hraldir r shed to the Fleshmaker la$oratories to salvage his #ork the traitor 5rimarch set a$o t destroying it tterly. When the Wolf 5riest arrived he confronted the 5rimarch in his grief and rage, fighting #ith a ferocity he had not #ielded since his yo th $ t it #as not nearly eno gh and he #as c t do#n $y the fell po#er of Magn s.

Wolf Priest Na/at Threader -Wolf 5riest attached to Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade and Hor s Heresy.

Wolf Priest 5lrik the Sla%er -" legendary Wolf 5riest #ithin the chapter and mentor to /agnar .lackmane and *ogan (rimnar, ;lrik t rned do#n a chance at leadership in the )hapter to $ecome a Wolf 5riest and has $een a po#erf l and stoic fig re in the chapter for cent ries. Ho#ever it #as as a #arrior in Wolf *ord 2r ger:s (reat )ompany fighting on "rmageddon against the forces of the World 1aters that ;lrik first made a name for himself. 3 ring the fighting 2r ger #as c t do#n, possessed of a mad desire for revenge ;lrik thre# himself at the World 1aters, slaying three of the terri$le 2horne .erserkers in close com$at defending his fallen *ord and earning the n s al accolade of a sal te from "ngron, 5rimarch of the World 1aters himself, as a sign of respect for martial pro#ess. ;lrik ref sed to take the place of Wolf *ord 2r ger and has since then gone on to #in even greater fame #ithin the chapter as a Wolf 5riest. ;lrik #ears the legendary Wolf Helm of / ss, given to him $y /agnar .lackmane in a sign of respect to the old Wolf 5riest.

Wolf Priest Si#urd -" yo ng Wolf 5riest, Sig rd fo ght alongside /agnar d ring his time in the Wolf .lade and #o ld later fight alongside him as a Wolf *ord of his o#n )ompany. While initially at loggerheads Sig rd learned to val e /agnar0s a$ilities as a #arrior and a leader and is no# amongst the Wolf *ord0s most tr sted officers.

Wolf Priest Roth#ar

-Terminator "rmored Wolf 5riest of Haldane %ronhammer0s (reat )ompany, the sole s rvivor of the $attle for the primary drop pod landing zone. 8nly a single .lood )la# 5ack #hose 3rop 5od landed far off co rse s rvived largely intact, Wolf 5riest /othgar himself only s rvived in the face of severe inj ry.

Wolf Priest Taal -Wolf 5riest Taal participated in the .attle of (ranica.

Wolf Priest

lric Spirit&olf

-" reno#ned hero of the )hapter.

Wolf Priest

ns#ar "eroth

-" reno#ned hero of the )hapter.

"i#h Rune Priest Odain Sturmh/art -.earing the / ne Staff of his calling St rmhjart #as the greatest of the )hapter0s / ne 5riests in M7' #hen the Tho sand Sons la nched their invasion of Fenris. 8rdered to remain $ehind on Fenris and #atch over Wyrm$lade0s Tempering. When the Tho sand Sons arrived to defile the Fang the venera$le / ne 5riest #as distra ght #ith his fail re to foresee the attack and kindled that grief and shame into a cold f ry that proved the $ane of the Tho sand Sons thro gh every step of the $attle. "t last #hen Magn s manifested #ithin the Fang itself St rmhjart joined Wolf *ord (reyloc, his t#o remaining Wolf ( ard and .jorn in $reaking free of .orek0s Seal and r shing to oppose the 3aemon5rimarch #ho #as carving his #ay thro gh the pper levels of the Fang. )atching p to the traitor in the Fleshmaker la$oratories St rmhjart and the others #ere in time to #itness Wyrm$lade0s death.

Rune Priest Lauf Cloudbreaker -8ne of only si, / ne 5riests to remain in the Fang alongside High / ne 5riest St rmhjart #hen the (reat Wolf %ronhelm led nearly the entire )hapter to the (angava system to h nt do#n the Tho sand Sons in M7'. )lo d$reaker fo ght alongside the High Wolf 5riest Wyrm$lade in the defense of the Fangthane and stood against the terri$le po#er of Magn s the /ed $ t #as literally $lasted into scraps of flesh and $lood $y the traitor 5rimarch.

Rune Priest

n#riff *li#htbreaker

-Slain d ring the $attle for the Frost$orn attempting to deliver #arning of "rmageddon0s invasion to the (rey 2nights.

Rune Priest !rei -Wears the r ne armor of his calling.

Rune Priest N/al Stormcaller -The Saga of +jal Stormcaller $egins on the raging #orld seas of Fenris. +jal:s tri$e lost their lands to the seas d ring the trials of Fire and Water. "s his tri$e sailed across the oceans they finally fo nd ne# lands freshly risen from the t r$ lent seas and #aged a great sea $attle against other #o ld $e claimers. 3 ring the $attle +jal j mped across ships to sla ghter entire decks of men, ntil at last as the $attle ended +jal lay e,ha sted, and pierced $y a spear. His efforts #ere noticed ho#ever and his life #as saved $y the Space Wolves. "s he fo ght $attles on distant #orlds as a yo ng mem$er of the )hapter +jal:s po#ers $egan to manifest and he #as $ro ght into the fold of the / ne 5riesthood. There he learned nder the ancient / ne 5riest Heimdall. *earning ! ickly +jal $ecame a skald to the / ne 5riest and fo ght at his side many times. %t #as d ring one partic lar $attle #here Heimdall fell to a .loodthirster that +jal earned his name, defeating the .loodthirster and calling p a raging storm that $roke the enemy, he #as given the name Stormcaller. *ater in +jal:s life he saved the life of a legendary %ron 5riest ;lf .lack$ro#. .lack$ro# #as a pro d #arrior and to repay his dept he fashioned a psy$er raven to g ard +jal and protect his life.

Rune Priest Ohthere W%rdmake -/ ne 5riest of the Space Wolves d ring the (reat )r sade and Hor s Heresy. 8hthere $efriended "hriman of the Tho sand Sons in an attempt to learn a$o t the sorcero s tenets of the *egion and spoke against the Tho sand Sons on that $asis d ring the )o ncil of +ikea. 8hthere served alongside Fyf )ompany.

Rune Priest +ada "aelf&ulf -/ ne 5riest attached to Tra )ompany to act as " n Hel#intr0s senior. 1ada Haelf# lf s cc m$ed to daemonic infl ence and #as given the 1mperor0s Mercy d ring the events leading to the Sco ring of 5rospero.

Rune Priest 5lvurul "eoroth Lon#fan# -8ne of the first *ong Fangs of the Space Wolves, and among the fe# serving d ring the (reat )r sade and Hor s Heresy. Heoroth *ongfang #as among the last of the Terran *egionaries in the Space Wolves $efore his death d ring the campaign against the 8lamic F iet de. Heoroth served alongside Tra )ompany.

Rune Priest

un "el&intr

-Hel#intr rose to the rank of / ne 5riest after the fall of ;lv r l Heoroth. Hel#intr participated in the Sco ring of 5rospero alongside Tra )ompany. "ssisted in the destr ction of a dread daemon manifested d ring the Sco ring of 5rospero.

Rune Priest Irnist the Wise -.rother to 1rik Morkai and advisor to *ogan (rimnar.

Rune Priest


-/ ne 5riest assigned to .erek Th nderfist0s (reat )ompany d ring the )harys )ampaign, "ldrek #as capt red and e,ec ted $y the Tho sand Sons d ring the assa lt on the (overnor0s 5alace.

Rune Priest 'a#nai Ravenmane -/ecorded the re-telling of / ss0 disappearance $y .jorn the Fell-Handed in M7B.

Rune Priest "roth#ar -/ ne 5riest serving #ith /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Rune Priest "eimdall -" reno#ned hero of the )hapter.

Rune Priest Gretrir -The foresight of / ne 5riest (retrir foresa# the ret rn of the &7th )ompany prior to "$addon0s &7th .lack )r sade against the %mperi m.

Rune Priest +dri#ar -" reno#ned hero of the )hapter.

Rune Priest Lo%sus -/ ne 5riest assigned to /agnar .lackmane0s )ompany $y the (reat Wolf himself.

Rune Priest Skala#rim -/ ne 5riest assigned to .erek Th nderfist0s (reat )ompany d ring the )ampaign for (arm. Skalagrim #as $adly #o nded d ring the fight for the )haos Temple of the "rch-Heretic Sergi s and is not e,pected to recover from his #o nds.

Rune Priest (ol/a Ravenblade

-.rother 2olja led the mission to (ath /immon. 2olja s ffered mortal inj ries to the Mechanic s *ogis )haris and the corrosive elements $ t s cceeded in destroying The Heart of "gony.

Rune Priest Svasund the Golden -*egendary craftsman of the )hapter responsi$le for forging the Th nderhammer Maekr in M7<.

Rune Priest !innb/orn Runefor#er -Served #ith the /edma# (reat )ompany d ring the .etalis %%% )ampaign and participated in the .attle of the Torm s 3elta. 3estroyed an 1ldar Wraithseer constr ct.

"i#h Iron Priest *erensson Gassi/k Rendmar -High %ron 5riest of the )hapter in M7'.

Iron Priest Gar/ek


-%ron 5riest serving #ith the &'th (reat )ompany in M7'. While the rest of the &'th (reat )ompany fo ght hard to hold $ack the Tho sand Sons %ron 5riest "rfang #orked tirelessly to prepare the defenses and a#aken the )hapter0s 3readno ghts. .y the time the .loodfire and S nrising (ates fell he had #oken t#elve of the mighty ancients incl ding the legendary .jorn the Fell-Handed. *ike many others "rfang gave his life in the defense of the Fang.

Iron Priest *eorth Ri# -Senior %ron 5riest serving a$oard the Strike )r iser Skraemar in M7'. 2illed #ith the destr ction of the vessel d ring the Tho sand Sons invasion.

Iron Priest


-Wears forge-darkened s it of "rtificer "rmor.

Iron Priest 8ur#en -%ron 5riest serving #ith /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Iron Priest Rorik -" senior mem$er of the )hapter0s %ron 5riests, /orik serves as an adviser to the (reat Wolf *ogan (rimnar.

Iron Priest !en#ri -"ncient %ron 5riest of the )hapter #ho crafted the W lfen Stone into a s it of armor.

Iron Priest !er#us !or#rim -" legendary craftsman of the )hapter, Ferg s Forgrim crafted the mighty relic Frostfang. The secrets sed in the forging of the Frostfang died #ith its maker.

Ship 4aster N/an

n/eborn Gre%flank

-)ommander of the Strike )r iser Skraemar d ring the Tho sand Sons invasion of Fenris in M7'. 8 tn m$ered B= to & the lone Strike )r iser and its handf l of escorts co ld not hope to hold $ack the Tho sand Sons fleet for long, selling their lives to give the &'th )ompany time to prepare the Fang for #ar.

Wolf Guard

eska *rokenlip

-Veteran #arrior of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade and Hor s Heresy.

Wolf Guard 8ormun#ndr T&o,*lade -"n accomplished veteran of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade and Hor s Heresy, named for his se of a matched pair 5o#er S#ords.

Wolf Guard 'aran#r -Veteran and Herald of Fyf )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade.

Wolf Guard Ranulf -S pposedly the largest Space Wolf in the chapter:s entire history, said to have rivaled even the mighty *eman / ss in size. /an lf #as a legend in his day and remains a legendary fig re in the chapter even no#, and his Terminator "rmor rests in the Hall of Heroes, to#ering over all #ho vie# it. Most inspiring of the $attles in /an lf:s saga ho#ever is that of his death. 8n a distant $attlefield a force of Space Wolves #as retreating after a defeat at the hands of the 8rks, rare as that may $e. With tens of tho sands of 8rks closing on the col mn as the Space Wolves retreated thro gh a mo ntain pass, /an lf and a force of Wolf ( ard t rned to hold a narro# pass against the 8rks. With the narro#ness of the defile the Space Wolves co ld take on a fe# 8rks at a time and the n m$ers of the 8rks #ere #orthless. H ndreds of 8rks fell to the g ns and $lades of /an lf and his Wolf ( ard #arriors as they defended the rear of the Space Wolf force, piling the corpses of the 8rks so deep that the defile #as nearly #alled off. Get nevertheless /an lf and his #arriors co ld not last forever and the 8rks event ally #hittled them do#n till /an lf stood alone. 1ven /an lf co ld not

s rvive the fight and event ally fell. Ho#ever most n s al for the 8rks #hen the Space Wolves retook the pass later they fo nd the $odies of /an lf and his #arriors had not $een defiled. %nstead to their s rprise the 8rks had hastily constr cted a cairn for the fallen Space Wolves and seated the dead #arriors on it, s rro nded $y immense piles of 8rk #argear. To the 8rks /an lf #as nothing short of a god.

Wolf Guard *attle Leader 4ikal Sternmark -Wolf ( ard )hampion to .erek Th nderfist, Mikal had to take charge of the Th nderfist (reat )ompany d ring the )harys )ampaign. "t the height of the fighting and the sorcero s infl ence of the Tho sand Sons Mikal s cc m$ed to the call of the W lfen and in a fit of rage sla ghtered the %mperial (eneral *ady )ommander "thelstane. He #as placed nder the care of the Wolf 5riests for some time, $ t ret rned to serve as .erek0s )hampion one last time in his final stand and died at the side of his Wolf *ord. Mikal #ielded the relic 5o#er S#ord Red%law.

Wolf Guard *attle Leader 8ur#en Whitemane -> rgen Whitemane commanded the Space Wolf garrison on (arm. 8ne of the oldest living Space Wolves of the time and among the fe# s rviving contemporaries of the (reat Wolf *ogan (rimnar and Wolf ( ard 5ack *eader Hakon, his death #as a serio s $lo# to the )hapter and a slight that #o ld not go navenged.

Wolf Guard *attle Leader Skalla#rim of the *lackbro& -Second in command of the /edma# (reat )ompany d ring the .etalis %%% )ampaign. Skallagrim typically #ears a s it of ancient Terminator #ar-plate and $ears the relic Th nderhammer Maekr and a Storm Shield.

Wolf Guard Olfar -Mem$er of Wolf ( ard 5ack .ane, 7rd 5ack of the /edma# (reat )ompany d ring the .etalis %%% )ampaign. 5articipated in the .attle of the Torm s 3elta.

Wolf Guard "arok -Mem$er of Wolf ( ard 5ack .ane, 7rd 5ack of the /edma# (reat )ompany d ring the .etalis %%% )ampaign. Wore a s it of Terminator #ar-plate d ring the .attle of the Torm s 3elta.

Wolf Guard "a#hmund -Mem$er of Wolf ( ard 5ack .ane, 7rd 5ack of the /edma# (reat )ompany

d ring the .etalis %%% )ampaign. Wore a s it of Terminator #ar-plate d ring the .attle of the Torm s 3elta. Significant damage to armor s stained fighting chaos marines of the World 1aters Traitor *egion d ring the defense of *ondal Minor V.

Wolf Guard


-Mem$er of Wolf ( ard 5ack .ane, 7rd 5ack of the /edma# (reat )ompany d ring the .etalis %%% )ampaign. Wore a s it of Terminator #ar-plate d ring the .attle of the Torm s 3elta. .ears the pelt of a 2ro,ar $east $ro ght do#n and slain d ring rit al com$at.

Wolf Guard 4ardr -Mem$er of Wolf ( ard 5ack .ane, 7rd 5ack of the /edma# (reat )ompany d ring the .etalis %%% )ampaign. )redited #ith silencing the ,enos comm nications across the Torm s 3elta.

Wolf Guard *r%nn#ar Sturmdren# -Wolf ( ard .rynngar #as a senior officer of the *egion d ring the later days of the (reat )r sade and the $eginning of the Hor s Heresy. .rynngar #as stationed on the Vangelis #ay-station a#aiting pick p along #ith a scattered gro p of marines from other *egions incl ding some of the grizzled Veterans friends from the ;ltramarines *egion. )aptain )est s of the ;ltramarines #as fighting alongside the Space Wolves on )arthis against the 2olo$ite Henos. .rynngar had saved )est s0 life d ring that $attle $ t had lost an eye in the process, tho gh in tr e Space Wolf fashion, he had the mandi$le of the creat re that took his eye fashioned into the / ne ",e (elltooth.

Wolf Guard 6urfast of 4ordrak -" legendary Wolf ( ard leader of the )hapter, 3 rfast gained his rep tation on the ancient #orld of Mordrak. " dead #orld that once s pported an e,tremely advanced alien civilization, #hen discovered $y e,ploratory fleets, armed e,peditions #ere immediately la nched, and a force of Space Wolves #as set to defend them. Ho#ever the planet lay in heavily 8rk infested space and it #as not long $efore the green skins descended on the #orld, dra#n to com$at like a shark to $lood. With many important sites to defend the Space Wolves #ere stretched thin and it #as in this deadly com$at that Wolf ( ard 3 rfast e,celled $eyond e,pectations. 3 rfast even led the remainder of H rgarl:s (reat )ompany deep into an ancient facility, recovering a great deal of val a$le technology and escaping $efore the facility destroyed itself. *ater going on to lead his (reat )ompany in many e,ploits, and to this day one of the artifacts he recovered remains in the Fang. 2no#n as the Helm of 3 rfast, the helm allo#s

the #earer to see a short distance into the past and f t re, granting an immense advantage in com$at.

Wolf Guard


-" mem$er of the &st (reat )ompany in M7'. .earer of a deadly heavy $olter.

Wolf Guard Ran#r -" mem$er of the &st (reat )ompany in M7'. " spe, operator for the (reat Wolf0s o#n Wolf ( ard.

Wolf Guard Tromm Rossek -" mem$er of the &'th (reat )ompany, /ossek #ore a s it of venera$le Terminator "rmor and #ielded a storm $olter and deadly chainfist. " red haired giant of a #arrior #ith a dragon tattoo marking the left side of his face. /ossek $ears si, metal st ds hammered into his sk ll, tho gh they do not denote any partic lar term of service as they #o ld in other )hapters, the Wolf ( ard simply likes having the st ds. When the previo s >arl of the &'th fell in $attle /ossek #as one of the leading candidates to $ecome the ne# Wolf *ord $ t #as $eaten $y Vaer (reyloc. 3 ring the opening stages of the .attle of the Fang /ossek led a 5ack of (rey H nters in attacking the Tho sand Sons landing sites. /ossek ref sed the initial orders to #ithdra# $ack to the Fang and lingered too long in the face of the Tho sand Sons advance. When the first s! ads of / $ric Marines and Sorcerers reached /ossek0s pack they #ere ca ght in potent sorceries they co ld not resist and #ere sla ghtered. 8f the eleven strong pack only /ossek and (rey H nter Frar s rvived. /ossek later took charge of an amalgamated pack of .lood )la#s in defending the Fangthane $ t #as slain $y the dread might of the traitor 5rimarch Magn s, tho gh alone among the Space Wolves #ho stood against the traitor /ossek managed to land a solid $lo# against his foe.

Wolf Guard Si#rd *rakk -Mem$er of the &'th (reat )ompany and Wolf ( ard 5ack *eader to eleven of the (reat )ompany0s .lood )la#s. "lone of all the &'th )ompany0s Wolf ( ard only .rakk chose to #ear his s al 5o#er "rmor d ring the .attle of the Fang instead of a s it of Terminator #ar-plate. .rakk led his pack of .lood )la#s in the defense of the S nrising (ate, in that $attle .rakk fell to a s! ad of / $ric Marines, fighting as a $erserker ntil he #as finally over#helmed and c t do#n. Wolf ( ard .rakk #ielded the dread 5o#er S#ord 3a svjer, tho gh his $ody had to $e left $ehind the $lade #as recovered $y the .lood )la# "esval Helfist.

Wolf Guard "amnr Skrie%a -Mem$er of the &'th (reat )ompany stationed in the )ham$er of the Watch #hen the Tho sand Sons la nched their attack on Fenris in M7'. 3 ring the .attle of the Fang Skrieya #as placed in command of the forces defending .loodfire (ate, #hile Wolf *ord (reyloc led the defenders at S nrising (ate. *ater he commanded the (rey H nters defending the Fangthane alongside /ossek #ho led the .lood )la#s and /ojk leading the *ong Fangs. Skrieya fell in $attle defending the Fangthane.

Wolf Guard Leofr -Mem$er of the &'th (reat )ompany. 2illed d ring the .attle of the Fang.

Wolf Guard

r/ac Rockfist

-)hampion of *ogan (rimnar0s Wolf ( ard, "rjac is a legendary fig re of the Space Wolves. Wearing massive Terminator armor, #ielding Foehammer and the "nvil Shield "rjac is a force to $e reckoned #ith on the $attlefield.

Wolf Guard (aarlson -2aarlson is a legend in the )hapter having rep tedly s rvived $eing stepped on $y a Titan.

Wolf Guard Lars "ellton#ue -5ersonal Herald of the (reat Wolf *ogan (rimnar.

Wolf Guard 4or#rim Silverton#ue -Wolf ( ard and Skald of the Th nderfist (reat )ompany.

Wolf Guard "aakon -Mem$er of Mikal Sternmark0s Wolf ( ard Terminator 5ack d ring the )harys )ampaign. Haakon #as armed #ith a massive cyclone missile la ncher mo nted to his $ack and after it ran o t of missiles sed the targeter $ ilt into his left fist to g ide his $attle-$rothers aim.

Wolf Guard */orn -Mem$er of Mikal Sternmark0s Wolf ( ard Terminator 5ack d ring the )harys )ampaign.

Wolf Guard Nils Mem$er of Mikal Sternmark0s Wolf ( ard Terminator 5ack d ring the )harys )ampaign.

Wolf Guard (arl Mem$er of Mikal Sternmark0s Wolf ( ard Terminator 5ack d ring the )harys )ampaign.

Wolf Guard Snurri -Mem$er of Mikal Sternmark0s Wolf ( ard Terminator 5ack d ring the )harys )ampaign.

Wolf Guard Thorin Shieldsplitter -Former )hampion of the Th nderfist )ompany, the aging Thorin #as replaced $y the pcoming Mikal $ t remained a loyal and dependa$le #arrior. 3 ring the )harys )ampaign it #as Thorin #ho stood over the $ier of Wolf *ord Th nderfist #ith his t#o handed 5o#er ",e. 5repared to defend the comatose Wolf *ord #ith his life if need $e and sho ld he recognize death as imminent his task #as to trigger the melta charges planted #ithin .erek0s $ier and make s re that the enemy #o ld not get the chance to s lly the $ody of the Space Wolf *ord.

Wolf Guard Red +rik -Mem$er of /agnar .lackmane0s .odyg ard, killed fighting the Tho sand Sons on Hesperida.

Wolf Guard "avard -Mem$er of *ogan (rimnar0s .odyg ard.

Wolf Guard Olaf -Mem$er of *ogan (rimnar0s .odyg ard.

Wolf Guard Per -Mem$er of *ogan (rimnar0s .odyg ard.

Wolf Guard Liet -Mem$er of *ogan (rimnar0s .odyg ard.

Wolf Guard Nor#e -5articipated in the /et rn to 2alid s.

Wolf Guard "or#rim -Wolf ( ard to .erek Th nderfist.

Wolf Guard *aldr Svelok -.rother .aldr participated in the mission to (ath /immon and #as its only s rvivor.

Wolf Guard *rand Ra&throat -Wolf ( ard of *ogan (rimnar0s (reat )ompany d ring the &st War for "rmageddon. .rand #as one of only a handf l of *ogan0s Wolf ( ard to s rvive the &st War and the months of conflict against the %n! isition that follo#ed.

Wolf Guard Tauran#ian the Cutter -)ommanded the sole remaining Strike )r iser in or$it over the Fang #hen the %n! isition0s armada attempted to $ring the )hapter to s rrender.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader (rom -*eader of a (rey H nter 5ack in .erek Th nderfist0s (reat )ompany.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Tarl -5articipated in the /et rn to 2alid s.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader (arlak -5articipated in the /et rn to 2alid s.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader "arrek -5articipated in the /et rn to 2alid s.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Ranulf -*eader of a (rey H nter 5ack in the .lackmane (reat )ompany.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Tor -*eader of a (rey H nter 5ack in the .lackmane (reat )ompany.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader 5ller -*eader of a (rey H nter 5ack in the .lackmane (reat )ompany.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader 8oris -5ack *eader >oris replaced Hakon as the commander of /agnar .lackmane0s .lood )la# 5ack d ring the )ampaign for (arm.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Gunnar -*eader of a Wolf ( ard 5ack of the %ronfang (reat )ompany #ho participated in

the assa lt on the Space H lk the Messenger of #oe.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader 'ulpen -*eader of a Wolf ( ard 5ack of the %ronfang (reat )ompany #ho participated in the assa lt on the Space H lk the Messenger of #oe.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Grendel -*eader of a Wolf ( ard 5ack of the %ronfang (reat )ompany #ho participated in the assa lt on the Space H lk the Messenger of #oe.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Loki -*eader of a Wolf ( ard 5ack of the %ronfang (reat )ompany #ho participated in the assa lt on the Space H lk the Messenger of #oe.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader "akon -Senior officer entr sted #ith training and leading ne# packs of .lood )la#s. )ritically #o nded on (arm, the venera$le #olf lived $ t #as $adly inj red and #o ld never fight again.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader "en#ist -*eader of /agnar0s .lood )la# 5ack d ring their first deployments on Fenris, Hengist #as killed $y the Tho sand Sons fighting in a rearg ard action to give /agnar and his companions time to reach the s rface #ith a #arning for the )hapter.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader 5rlek -*eader of a .lood )la# 5ack dispatched into the r gged #ilds of "saheim to investigate a potential meteor impact. %nstead of a ro tine piece of rock the pack discovered an infiltration force of the Tho sand Sons and #ere over#helmed. The fate of ;rlek0s pack #as discovered later $y Wolf ( ard Hengist0s 5ack and the ne#s of the Tho sand Sons presence cost many of his pack0s lives as #ell as that of Hengist himself.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader "o#un -5ack *eader of /agnar0s .lackmane (reat )ompany, Hog n lost himself to the W lfen and killed several mem$ers of his pack. /ather than killing him /agnar got him nder control and ret rned him to the )ompany to serve as a #arrior Marked $y the W lfen and placed him in the care of Wolf 5riest Sig rd.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader +inar

-*eader of Sven0s (rey H nter 5ack in the Th nderfist (reat )ompany. *ost an arm to an 1viscerator and entered the /ed 3ream d ring the .attle for )harys. He appears to have s rvived his inj ries and contin es to lead packs of Space Wolves in /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader


-5ack *eader in /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Thorvald -*eader of a (rey H nter 5ack of the Th nderfist (reat )ompany.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Leif -*eader of a (rey H nter 5ack of the .lackmane (reat )ompany.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Petur -*eader of a Wolf Sco t 5ack of the .lackmane (reat )ompany.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader 5rlec -5ack *eader of the .lackmane (reat )ompany. 5romoted to command after the death of 5ack *eader Vit lv, the yo ng ;rlec ! estioned /agnar0s decisions as Wolf *ord in private ! ite often ntil he sa# the tr e pro#ess of the Wolf *ord in close com$at #ith a fell Sorcerer of the Tho sand Sons.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader 'itulv -Former *eader of ;rlec0s 5ack of the .lackmane (reat )ompany.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Skaflock Si#htblinder -*eader of a Wolf Sco t 5ack d ring the )am$ion )ampaign.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader 4a#nus -*eader of a (rey H nter 5ack in /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader "ol#er -*eader of a (rey H nter 5ack in *ogan (rimnar0s (reat )ompany.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Ra#nild -*eader of a (rey H nter 5ack in 1gil %ron#olf0s (reat )ompany.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Sti##ar -*eader of a *ong Fang 5ack in /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Thorlief -*eader of a Wolf ( ard 5ack d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Skirnir -*eader of a Wolf ( ard 5ack d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader 4/ollnir -*eader of a Wolf ( ard 5ack d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader 'ari# -5ack *eader of .erek Th nderfist0s (reat )ompany. Varig0s S! ad participated in a $oarding action against a )haos #arship d ring the (arm )ampaign d ring #hich Varig led his s! ad in attacking a siza$le horde of chaos m tants from t#o directions and keeping them pinned #ithin a large corridor, Varig0s men then sed demolition charges to collapse $oth ends of the t nnel and trap the m tants inside.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader "ef -5ack *eader of .erek Th nderfist0s (reat )ompany. Hef0s S! ad participated in a $oarding action against a )haos #arship d ring the (arm )ampaign. Hef0s S! ad came nder heavy assa lt and #o ld have $een overr n, $ t the crafty Wolves escaped thro gh ventilation d cts and left pro,imity mines to kill their attackers #hen they event ally got the co rage to investigate the a$andoned position. Hef0s S! ad acted as the rearg ard for the #olves fighting #ithdra#al to the (ist of Russ $ t co ld not stay ahead of the m tants attempting to r n do#n the Space Wolves, Hef0s s! ad t rned and made a stand, sacrificing themselves to allo# the rest of the (reat )ompany to escape the doomed chaos #arship.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader !erek -5ack *eader of .erek Th nderfist0s (reat )ompany #ho participated in a $oarding action against a )haos #arship d ring the (arm )ampaign. Ferek0s S! ad nearly managed to fight their #ay into one of the chaos ship0s magazines $ t #ere at last repelled $y heavy #eapons fire. This #as some#hat fort nate for if Ferek and his s! ad had s cceeded they might #ell have $lo#n the entire ship apart and the Th nderfist (reat )ompany #ith it.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader !rostcla& -*eader of *ong Fang 5ack Frostcla#, $ears the /edma# marking of his (reat

)ompany on the e,ternal vocaliser of his Mk. V%% "! ila pattern helmet.

Wolf Guard Thunder&olf Rider Skaeln Icefan# -Skaeln rides the Th nder#olf Fenrir and led the Th nder#olf 5ack deployed to Skor$ad to fight against the 3eath ( ard Traitor *egion renegades the Scions of 5estilence. For three #eeks the pack h nted the Scions and killed them one $y one, leaving j st a mass of leaderless plag e zom$ies for the %mperial ( ard to mop p. Skaeln #ields a r ne etched 5o#er ",e. Fenrir #as killed d ring an attack on a plag e zom$ie infested )adian .astion. "n a tocannon tore the Th nder#olf apart j st as the Wolves reached the gates.

Wolf Guard Thunder&olf Rider

f#ar Ironmane

-"fgar rides the Th nder#olf Skoll. Skoll dro#ned #hen it and "fgar fell thro gh the ice #hile crossing a frozen lake. "fgar #as dragged to safety $y his $attle$rothers $ t Skoll #as far too heavy and s nk to the frigid depths. "fgar s cc m$ed to his many and severe #o nds after he and Skaeln had cleansed the plag e zom$ie infested .astion.

Wolf Guard Thunder&olf Rider Thor#ard -Thorgard rides the Th nder#olf Magni. Magni #as killed $y a daemon possessed traitor marine of the Scions of 5estilence. Thorgard himself fell trying to slay Hagni #ho had $ecome overcome $y the ) rse of the W lfen. The stealthy and jovial Thorgard #ielded a pair of Wolf )la#s.

Wolf Guard Thunder&olf Rider *arak Thunderborn -.arak rode the Th nder#olf (arrik, $oth #ere killed d ring the Skor$ad )ampaign.

Wolf Guard Thunder&olf Rider "a#ni -Hagni rode the Th nder#olf Warg, $ t he fell to the c rse of the W lfen and pres ma$ly killed his o#n mo nt as #ell as his .rother .arak and his mo nt. The Th nder#olf 5ack of Skaeln %cefang chased him across the frozen s rface of Skor$ad ntil he led them to a last mem$er of the Scions of 5estilence possessed $y a (reater 3aemon #ho had someho# avoided the h nters previo sly.

Canis Wolfborn9 the !eral (ni#ht -" mysterio s fig re in the )hapter, )anis Wolf$orn is the ndo $ted master of the Fenrisian Wolves and fig rehead of the Th nder#olf )avalry. /aised $y Wolves and rider of the massive and po#erf ll Fangir, )anis is a tr ly feral and

monstro s opponent.

Lukas the Trickster -" legendary fig re amongst the )hapters .lood )la#s, $ t a fig re of fr stration to the )hapters elders, * kas is the epitome of the mischevio s and reckless nat re of the Space Wolves. )onstantly defiant of a thority * kas is ever the trickster, to friends and foes alike and his e,ploits are manifold as they are controversial.

4%skia9 !enris "unter -Hero of the Space Wolves d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Wolfblade "ae#r -Haegr0s legendary size #as matched only $y his legendary apetite. Friend and comrade to /agnar .lackmane and fello# mem$er of the Wolf$lade $odyg ard assigned to the +avigator Ho se .ellisari s, Haegr #as a Space Wolf of immense size #hose $ lk #as the res lt of an a$$erant m tation in his development #here he simply didn0t stop gro#ing. "ltho gh many sa# Haegr as a strange simpleton, Haegr #as nevertheless relentless, loyal and fiercely potent in com$at, after all stoping an angry Space Wolf is hard eno gh $ t stopping one #ith the size and #eight of Haegr #as nigh on impossi$le. Haegr met his end d ring the )harys campaign, $ t in doing so saved the )hapter #ith his sacrifice, sing his last moments of life to #rest the Spear of / ss from the grasp of the Tho sand Sons and th#arting their attempt to destroy the Space Wolves.

Wolfblade Torin the Wa%farer -The second companion and friend of /agnar .lackmane in the Wolf$lade, Torin #as a c nning if eccentric Space Wolf, #ho had the rare talent of nderstanding foreign c lt res and politics. His service #ith the Wolf$lade #as e,emplary $ t like many sent to the Wolf$lade he #as not #ell s ited to life #ith the rest of the )hapter.

Wolfblade 'alkoth -" senior mem$er of the Wolf$lade and s perior to /agnar, Haegr and Torin, Valkoth is #ell versed in +avigator Ho se politics and j st ho# dangero s they can $e.

Wolfblade Skander -5revio s $earer of the Frost .lade no# #ielded $y /agnar, Skander #as killed in the assassination of the 5atriarch of the +avigator Ho se .ellisari s. /agnar

replaced him in the ranks of the Wolf$lade and after losing his chains#ord #hile fighting to save the ne# r ler of the +avigator Ho se he #as gifted the $lade as a replacement and re#ard.

Wolfblade 4a#ni -" yo ng and impet o s yo th recently assigned to the Wolf$lade, Magni fo ght #ith distinction $ t #as killed d ring the .attle for Hyades.

6readnou#ht Skarra# -"ncient Skarrag Served #ith the /edma# (reat )ompany d ring the .attle of the Torm s 3elta #here he fell against the 1ldar.

6readnou#ht Warcla& -Mk. %V 3readno ght serving #ith the /edma# (reat )ompany d ring the .etalis %%% )ampaign.

)he .n%ient #isdom to guide the ;oung1


ldr !orkblade

-8ne of the many ancients #oken $y the %ron 5riest "rfang d ring the &st .attle of the Fang.

6readnou#ht "roth#ar -8ne of the many ancients #oken $y the %ron 5riest "rfang d ring the &st .attle of the Fang. When .jorn, (reyloc and St rmjart $roke o t from the defense of .orek0s Seal to confront Magn s the defenses #ere left nder the command of Hrothgar. The Venera$le 3readno ght led the defenders in a controlled retreat in the face of the Tho sand Sons sorceries.

6readnou#ht :mir -3readno ght in service d ring the Hor s Heresy.



-3readno ght in service d ring the Hor s Heresy.

6readnou#ht Patrekr the Great !an#ed -"ssisted in the destr ction of a mighty daemon conj red d ring the Sco ring of 5rospero.

6readnou#ht Cormek 6od

-"ssisted in the destr ction of a mighty daemon conj red d ring the Sco ring of 5rospero.



-8ne of the )hapter0s mighty and revered 3readno ghts.

6readnou#ht Thorir -8ne of the )hapter0s "ncients c rrently fighting alongside 2yrl (rim$lood0s (reat )ompany.

6readnou#ht G%mir the Ice !isted -8ne of the )hapter0s "ncients #ho participated in the .attle for Hyades #ith the Th nderfist (reat )ompany.

'enerable 6readnou#ht Grendel -8ne of the )hapter0s most ancient 3readno ghts #ho participated in the .attle of (ranica.

Pack Leader Sa#en 6ra#onbro& -" reno#ned hero of the )hapter.

Pack Leader *ran -*eader of a (rey H nter 5ack #ho participated in the .attle of (ranica.

Pack Leader Guntor -5ack *eader of the Fenris .loods d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Pack Leader (olb%r -5ack *eader of a H nter S pport S! ad d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Pack Leader Si#fasti -5ack *eader of a Seeker S! ad d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Pack Leader Thorbrand -5ack *eader of a H nter S! ad d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Pack Leader Ra#vard -5ack *eader of a Sky )la# "ssa lt S! ad d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Pack Leader "or#un

-*eader of a .lood )la# 5ack d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Pack Leader 8orlund -5ack *eader of a H nter S pport S! ad d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Pack Leader Garan -*eader of a .lood )la# 5ack d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Pack Leader 8ortan -*eader of a Stalker 5ack d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Pack Leader 6av%n -*eader of a Fire Team d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Pack Leader


-*eader of a .lood )la# 5ack d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Pack Leader Leiknir -*eader of a W lfen 5ack d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Pack Leader Tammikk -*eader of a W lfen 5ack d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Pack Leader Ornulfer -5ack *eader of a H nter S! ad d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Pack Leader


-5ack *eader of a H nter S! ad d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Pack Leader Leiknir -*eader of a W lfen 5ack d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Pack Leader Lukkan -*eader of a .lood )la# 5ack.

Pack leader Thorolf -5ack *eader of >ot n .earcla#0s (reat )ompany.

Pack Leader Ruschil -*eader of 5ack / schil, 'nd 5ack of the /edma# (reat )ompany d ring the

.etalis %%% )ampaign. Honored for leading his s! ad into over#helming enemy fire and credited #ith =E confirmed 1ldar ( ardian kills.

'eteran Ser#eant (/var -Mem$er of the /edma# (reat )ompany and a veteran of the "ntil s )ampaign.

6eath&atch 'eteran "en#hast -Henghast #ields a 5o#er S#ord and served in the 3eath#atch Team of )aptain .annon d ring the Tarsis ;ltra mission.

6eath&atch 'eteran Or/en -3eath#atch Veteran serving %n! isitor (rynner0s 3eath#atch Team d ring the )ali,is 8peration.

6eath&atch 'eteran (ulac -3eath#atch Veteran serving )aptain 8ctavi s d ring the Herodian %V 6Tyranocide6 mission.

Wolf Scout "aakon G%lfasson *lack&in# -Slight of $ ild $ t as deadly as any Son of / ss. Haakon prefers to pilot the +a ro, a small $ t e,tremely fast and agile #arship of indetermina$le classification favored $y the sco ts. *ike many Wolf Sco ts Haakon does not share in the easy camaraderie shared $y most Space Wolves and m ch prefers the empty ho rs and ! iet of deep space patrol missions. When he finally took off a$oard the +a ro on a system patrol days after the Space Wolves fleet departed he had the misfort ne of flying directly into the chaotic space $attle that er pted in the void a$ove Fenris #ithin min tes of the Tho sand Sons arrival. 3 ring the fighting the +a ro received orders to $ring #ord to the (reat Wolf and tho gh severely damaged managed to $reak the $lockade and make the trip to the (angava system fo r days faster than estimated, $ringing #ord to Harek %ronhelm of the Tho sand Sons invasion at the cost of the priceless vessel and most of its cre#. Tho gh he s ffered severe inj ries #ith the destr ction of the ship Wolf Sco t Haakon s rvived and #as recovered $y Wolf *ord 2jarlskar and his ship the (otthammar.

Wolf Scout Gunnar 6ra#onbane -" monstro s mem$er of Skaflock Sight$linder0s veteran Wolf Sco t pack d ring the )am$ion )ampaign.

Wolf Scout "oskuld -Wolf Sco t assigned to assist /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Wolf Scout "o#un -Mem$er of Skaflock Sight$linder0s Wolf Sco t pack d ring the )am$ion )ampaign.

Wolf Scout 'ar# -Mem$er of a Wolf Sco t 5ack in /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Wolf Scout


-Mem$er of a Wolf Sco t 5ack in /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Wolf Scout In#e -Mem$er of a Wolf Sco t 5ack in /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Wolf Scout 8ohannas -Mem$er of a Wolf Sco t 5ack in /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Wolf Scout Torvald -Mem$er of a Wolf Sco t 5ack in /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Wolf Scout "elmar

Lon# !an# Tor#rim Ro/k -"ssigned to provide heavy-s pport to Wolf ( ard /ossek0s pack d ring the opening skirmishes of the .attle of the Fang in M7'. 3ependa$le and levelheaded the veteran *ong Fang 5ack *eader p lled the Wolf ( ard /ossek from a near certain death in the opening gro nd $attles of the Tho sand Sons invasion and later fo ght to defend the Fangthane alongside Wolf 5riest Wyrm$lade. /ojk chose to paint a sk ll on the faceplate of his helmet, giving him an appearance akin to that of a Wolf 5riest.

Lon# !an# Pack Leader Old *rother "rolf -Senior 5ack *eader of /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Lon# !an# Pack Leader Thorb/orn -*eader of a *ong Fang 5ack of the Th nderfist (reat )ompany.

Lon# !an# Pack Leader Gunnar

-*eader of a *ong Fang 5ack in the Th nderfist (reat )ompany.

Lon# !an# Pack Leader


-*eader of a *ong Fang 5ack d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Lon# !an# Pack Leader !re%r -*eader of a *ong Fang 5ack d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Lon# !an# Pack Leader +ld#rim -*eader of a *ong Fang 5ack d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Lon# !an# Pack Leader Olfun -*eader of a *ong Fang 5ack d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Lon# !an# Pack Leader Gre%fell -*eader of a *ong Fang 5ack d ring the Hor s Heresy.

Lon# !an# Pack Leader "roth#ar -5ack *eader of a *ong Fang 5ack in /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Lon# !an#


-Mem$er of 5ack Frostcla#, 9th 5ack of the /edma# (reat )ompany. "ssigned as part of the .oarding "ssa lt Forces /edma#0s )la#.

Lon# !an# "arnv#r -Mem$er of 5ack Frostcla#, 9th 5ack of the /edma# (reat )ompany. 3isplayed great co rage in defending the fallen 5ack *eader Frostcla# d ring the $oarding of an 1ldar "conite frigate.

Lon# !an# Scarpelt -Mem$er of 5ack Frostcla#, 9th 5ack of the /edma# (reat )ompany. 5articipated in the .attle of the 2arina +e$ la.

Lon# !an# Sk%ho&ler -Mem$er of 5ack Frostcla#, 9th 5ack of the /edma# (reat )ompany. Honored to $ear the )la#s of "ndhrimnir.

Lon# !an#


-Mem$er of 5ack Frostcla#, 9th 5ack of the /edma# (reat )ompany. Sle# an 1ldar psyker d ring the .attle of the Torm s 3elta.

Lon# !an# Sven -Mem$er of Stiggar0s *ong Fang 5ack in /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Lon# !an# Gunda -Mem$er of Stiggar0s *ong Fang 5ack in /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Lon# !an# *er# -Mem$er of Stiggar0s *ong Fang 5ack in /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Lon# !an# Tord -Mem$er of Stiggar0s *ong Fang 5ack in /agnar .lackmane0s (reat )ompany.

Lon# !an# 6ae#alan -" *ong Fang serving d ring the "ge of "postasy.

Lon# !an# Thorin -Mem$er of ( nnar0s *ong Fang 5ack in the Th nderfist (reat )ompany.

Lon# !an# 4ikkal -Mem$er of ( nnar0s *ong Fang 5ack in the Th nderfist (reat )ompany.

Lon# !an# Ivo -Mem$er of ( nnar0s *ong Fang 5ack in the Th nderfist (reat )ompany.

Lon# !an# 8an -Mem$er of ( nnar0s *ong Fang 5ack in the Th nderfist (reat )ompany.

Lon# !an# "rolf -*ong Fang in of the .lackmane (reat )ompany.

Gre% "unter !ith Godsmote -/ecr ited to the )hapter as (odsmote or (odsmack to Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade. Fith earned his name after he st ck the point of an a,e into the face of an 8rk War$oss.

Gre% "unter Olafer -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade. 8lafer0s tale of Heoroth *ongfang #as told first d ring the / ne 5riest0s sending a#ay feast. His acco nt #as set forty years prior to the feast d ring the campaign against the greenskins

on 5rokofief.

Gre% "unter O/e -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade. .rother 8je #as slain d ring the Sco ring of 5rospero #hen a Tho sand Sons Sorcerer t rned him inside o t.

Gre% "unter Orcir -.rother 8rcir along #ith .rother .jorn dislodged a d g in heavy #eapon nest d ring the capt re of the 8lamic F iet de0s (raving 3ock. .rother 8rcir $ore a Heavy .olter d ring the Sco ring of 5rospero and fo ght $ravely against a dread daemon #hen it manifested on the planet $ t #as thro#n into a #arp portal and #as lost to the *egion.

Gre% "unter Gale# -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade. .rother (aleg #as the first to $e #o nded d ring the assa lt on the 8lamic F iet de0s (raving 3ock, losing his left arm to a gravity pellet shot. This inj ry did not stop him from fighting on #ith his chaina,e.

Gre% "unter "/ad -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade, slain $y a heavy gravity #eapon d ring the campaign against the 8lamic F iet de.

Gre% "unter *itur *erca& -Mem$er of Fyf )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade.

Gre% "unter Trunc -Mem$er of Fyf )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade.

Gre% "unter

dthun# Gre%chin

-Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade. .rother "dth ng #as slain d ring the assa lt on the 8lamic F iet de0s (raving 3ock. .rother "dth ng c t his #ay thro gh the F iet de0s $iomechanical #arrior constr cts #ith his chains#ord after his $olter #as damaged, leaving a trail of corpses in his #ake ntil he #as finally $ro ght do#n #ith m ltiple shots to the torso.

Gre% "unter Storme%e -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade, slain d ring the assa lt on the 8lamic F iet de0s (raving 3ock.

Gre% "unter T/url,On,The,Ice -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade, slain d ring the assa lt on the 8lamic F iet de0s (raving 3ock.

Gre% "unter !ulta# Redknife -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade, slain d ring the assa lt on the 8lamic F iet de0s (raving 3ock. .rother F ltag fell fighting the F iet de0s S per /o$ sts, #hen he lost his #eapons he picked p a F iet de (ravity Hammer $ t the enemy had learned to prevent their #eapons falling into Space Wolf hands and the hammer overloaded, electroc ting F ltag. His $ody #as too $adly $ rnt for his gene-seed to $e recovered, a grave loss to the *egion.

Gre% "unter Thel -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade. .rother Thel reco nted the fall of "dth ng to the )ompany Skjald.

Gre% "unter +rthun# Redhand -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade. .rother 1rth ng reco nted the fall of Tj rl to the )ompany Skjald.

Gre% "unter 5llste -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade. .rother ;llste reco nted the fall of F ltag to the )ompany Skjald.

Gre% "unter Svessl -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade. 2illed d ring the Sco ring of 5rospero #hen a Sorcerer split him in t#o #ith an invisi$le $lade.

Gre% "unter "ekken -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade. 2illed d ring the Sco ring of 5rospero #hen a Sorcerer cooked him inside his o#n armor.

Gre% "unter Orm Ormssen -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade. Slain d ring the Sco ring of 5rospero #hen a Sorcerer e,sang inated him.

Gre% "unter 'ossul -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade. .rother Voss l #as $linded and p lped on 5rospero $y the fo l sorcery of the Tho sand Sons.

Gre% "unter L%cas Sno&pelt -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade. Slain d ring the Sco ring of 5rospero, his $ody g tted and decapitated.

Gre% "unter *ane !el -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade. Slain $y #arp fire d ring the Sco ring of 5rospero.

Gre% "unter Sfen Saarl -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade, #ithered to po#der $y the fo l sorcery of the Tho sand Sons d ring the Sco ring of 5rospero.

Gre% "unter


-Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade. Transmogrified into a t#isted l mp of flesh $y fo l sorcery d ring the Sco ring of 5rospero.

Gre% "unter +mrah -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade.

Gre% "unter "orune -Mem$er of Tra )ompany d ring the (reat )r sade.

Gre% "unter

unir !rar

-Mem$er of 5ack /ossek of the &'th (reat )ompany. Serio sly inj red $y the fo l sorceries of the Tho sand Sons early in the .attle of the Fang, the (rey H nter #as taken to the Fleshmaker la$oratories and #o ld have recovered from his #o nds ntil the dread 3aemon-5rimarch Magn s came to the lair of the Wolf 5riests and ended the #o nded that had lain #ithin.

Gre% "unter Scar/a& -Mem$er of 5ack /ossek of the &'th (reat )ompany. 2illed $y the fo l sorceries of the Tho sand Sons early in the .attle of the Fang #hile opposing the enemy landings.

Gre% "unter +riksson -Mem$er of 5ack /ossek of the &'th (reat )ompany. 2illed $y the fo l sorceries of the Tho sand Sons early in the .attle of the Fang #hile opposing the enemy landings.

Gre% "unter 're

-Mem$er of 5ack /ossek of the &'th (reat )ompany. 2illed $y the fo l sorceries of the Tho sand Sons early in the .attle of the Fang #hile opposing the enemy landings.

Gre% "unter Naemr -Mem$er of 5ack / schil of the /edma# (reat )ompany d ring the .etalis %%% )ampaign. *ost to the ) rse of the W lfen.

Gre% "unter "alus -Mem$er of 5ack / schil of the /edma# (reat )ompany d ring the .etalis %%% )ampaign. Slain d r i

The 23th Compan%

2)he "mpure shall trem'le (or no hard thing may tou%h them5 -o iron of an%ient forging shall harm )he 'loody 'attle,hand of the <lfhednar14 ,)he *rophesy of (rode5 from the Lamentation of Days

The &7th )ompany is a force shro ded in mystery, #earing the looted armor of chaos marines to replace damaged #argear, sho#ing the $estial signs of the c rse of the # lfen and appearing at seeming random to #reak havoc among the forces of chaos, the &7th )ompany is at the same time a terrifying and inspiring force.

*egends tell of the time $efore the Hor s Heresy #hen the &7th )ompany had $een part of the Space Wolves legion, tho gh little remains of that time $ t the names of famo s $attles s ch as the First Siege of Methri, and the .attle of the 5lains of Mo-Shan, the Fall of the 5aramo rs of the Morphe s /ift, and the )rossing of Hangman0s Void. The &7th )ompany are said to have chased the fleeing Tho sand Sons into the 1ye of Terror #here they h nted the forces of chaos for &4,444 years, someho# s rviving in the depths of the 1ye of Terror despite the odds. 1ach marine in the company having ac! ired the skills of a Wolf ( ard, and sho#ing signs of the c rse of the # lfen are $oth terrifyingly $r tal and skilled #arriors on the $attlefield.

The &7th )ompany:s organization is little kno#n, #ho leads them is ns re. Whether >orin .loodfang, the leader of the )ompany in the siege of 5rospero still

leads them is nkno#n, some #ild theories even s ggest that *eman / ss leads the )ompany from the depths of the #arp, having manifested the tr e form of the c rse of the # lfen as a giant #ere#olf of a#esome po#er. Ho#ever s ch theories are ns $stantiated and the tr th may never $e kno#n.

Concludin# Thou#hts

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