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This article is a response to hadith-rejecters.

According to them prophet Muhammed (pbuh) and his companions forbade the writing of Hadiths. I will respond to all the Hadiths they cite as e idence and refute them one by one !od willing. "ote I will highlight in red the Hadiths they use#

$laim % Ibn &aeed Al-'hudry reported that the messenger of !od had said(

(A) )*o not write anything from me +,$+-T ./0A". Anyone who wrote anything other than the .uran shall erase it.1

(2) Again( in the boo3 )Ta4-yeed Al-Ilm1( Abu &aeed Al-'hudry said( 1 I as3ed the Messenger of !od a permission to write his hadiths( but he refused to gi e me a permission.1

0esponse# The prophet (pbuh) forbade the writing of Hadith in the early stages of Islam( he feared that his sayings and the .uran would be mi5ed. 6ater on when the .uran was nearly completed he allowed for the Hadith to be written.

The 7ull Hadith( what &a8id 'hudri narrated is below#

Abu &a8id 'hudri reported that Allah8s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said# *o not ta3e down anything from me( and he who too3 down anything from me e5cept the .ur8an( he should efface that A"* narrate from me( for there is no harm in it and he who attributed any falsehood to me9and Hammam said# I thin3 he also said#1 deliberately1 9he should in fact find his abode in the Hell97ire. (&ahih Muslim 2oo3 :;( "umber <%:<)

At the start of the Hadith as you ha e read abo e( he forbade the writing( but after that if you read further on Muhammed (pbuh) says# )and narrate from me( for there is no harm in it(1 As you can see( narrating a Hadith from the prophet (pbuh) was not a problem but writing it down was an issue at the


Muhammad Hashim 'amali says the following#

It is generally 3nown that the prophet (pbuh) discouraged documentation of his own sayings and the sunna at the early stages of his mission in order to preser e the purity of the .uran and pre ent any possibility of confusion between .uran and his sunna.

*uring the latter part of his mission( that is( at the time when much of the .uranic te5t had already been documented( the prophet responded positi ely to the re4uest of some of his companions to write his sayings. 2y the time when most of the of .uran was recei ed( memorised and documented( the prophet permitted documentation of his &unna and addressed the companions to )preser e 3nowledge through writing1 (&ource# Muhammad 'amali( A te5t boo3 of Hadith studies page ;;)

$laim ; 7rom Ibn Hanbal#

=ayd Ibn Thabit (The -rophet8s closest re elation writer) isited the 'halifa Mu8aawiyah (more than >? years after the -rophet8s death)( and told him a story about the -rophet. Mu8aawiyah li3ed the story and ordered someone to write it down. 2ut =ayd said. 1 the messenger of !od ordered us ne er to write anything of his hadith1.

0esponse# =aid ibn thabit (0A) ne er met Muawiyah. 0easons as follows#

-rophet Muhammed (pbuh) died in the year @>>

=aid Ibn Thabit died in the year @@?

Muawiya came in power and became the leader in the year @@%.

According to .uranist (hadith rejecters) this incident too3 place in the year @@>.

.uestion# How could =aid ha e met Muawiya the leader in the year @@> when =aid died in the year @@?A -lease do enlighten us.

The correct Hadith is as below( as you read you will see )>? years1 is not e en in there.

"arrated by =aid ibn Thabit Al-Muttalib ibn Abdullah ibn Hantab said# =aid ibn Thabit entered upon Mu8awiyah and as3ed him about a tradition. He ordered a man to write it. =aid said# The Apostle of Allah (-2/H) ordered us not to write any of his traditions. &o he erased it. (&unan of Abu-*awud Hadith >@:?)

As I ha e e5plained earlier there was a prohibition by the prophet but this was later re o3ed and he allowed it.

Muawiya (0A) did get Hadith written down later as the prohibition was lifted by the prophet (pbuh)#

(A) "arrated by Barrad (The cler3 of Al-Mughira) Muawiya wrote to AlMughira# )Brite to me what you ha e heard from Allah8s Apostle.1 &o he (AlMughira) wrote to him# Allah8s -rophet used to say at the end of each prayer# )6a ilaha illalla-h wahdahu la shari3a lahu( lahul Mul3u( wa lahul Hamdu wa hula ala 3ulli shai8in 4adir. CAllahumma la mani8 a lima a8taita( wala mu8tiya lima mana8ta( wala yanfa8u dhuljadd min3al-jadd.1 He also wrote to him that the -rophet used to forbid# (%) .il and .al (idle useless tal3 or that you tal3 too much about others)(

(;) As3ing too many 4uestions (in disputed religious matters)D (>) And wasting one8s wealth by e5tra aganceD (:) and to be undutiful to one8smother (E) and to bury the daughters ali e (@) and to pre ent your fa ors (bene olence) to others (i.e. not to pay the rights of others) (<) And as3ing others for something (e5cept when it is una oidable). (&ource# &ahih 2u3hari Hadith Folume G. "umber# >GE)

(2) "arrated by Barrad Muawiya wrote to Mughira( )Brite to me what you heard the -rophet saying after his prayer.1 &o Al-Mughira dictated to me and said( )I heard the -rophet saying after the prayer( C"one has the right to be worshipped but Allah Alone Bho has no partner. H AllahI "o one can withhold what you gi e( and none can gi e what you withhold( and the fortune of a man of means is useless before you (i.e.( only good deeds are of alue). )(&ahih 2u3hari Hadith Folume J. "umber# @%;)

$laim > The farewell -ilgrimage of the -rophet Muhammad is a cornerstone in the Muslim history. The 7inal &ermon gi en by the -rophet during this pilgrimage was witnessed by thousands of Muslims. There are howe er( TH0++ ersions of this sermon in the Hadith boo3s.

KAL %- 7irst ersion( 1 I left for you what if you hold up to( you will ne er be misguided( the boo3 of !od and my 7amily.

K2L ;-&econd ersion( )I left for you what if you hold up to( you will ne er be misguided( the boo3 of !od and my &unnah1 .

K$L >- Third ersion( )I left for you what if you hold up to( you will ne er be misguided( the 2HH' H7 !H*.1

0esponse# *ealing with each claim one by one# A(2 M $

KAL %- 7irst ersion( 1 I left for you what if you hold up to( you will ne er be misguided( the boo3 of !od and my 7amily.

+,-6A"ATIH" H7 KAL

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith @%:> "arrated byNabir ibn Abdullah Nabir saw Allah8s Messenger (peace be upon him) when performing the hajj seated on his she-camel al-.aswa8 on the day of Arafah gi ing an address( and he heard him saying( )H people( I ha e left among you something of such a nature that if you adhere to it you will not go astray# Allah8s 2oo3 and my close relati es who belong to my household.1 Tirmidhi transmitted it.

7ollowing Allah8s boo3 and close relati es as close relati es used to follow sunnah of rasool Allah.

K2L;-&econd ersion( )I left for you what if you hold up to( you will ne er be misguided( the boo3 of !od and my &unnah1 .

+,-6A"ATIH" H7 2

&unnah is in Hadith.

Muwatta 2oo3 :@( "umber :@.%.>#

Oahya related to me from Mali3 that he heard that the Messenger of Allah( may Allah bless him and grant him peace( said( )I ha e left two matters with

you. As long as you hold to them( you will not go the wrong way. They are the 2oo3 of Allah and the &unna of His -rophet.1

This is self e5planatory.

K$L>- Third ersion( )I left for you what if you hold up to( you will ne er be misguided( the 2HH' H7 !H*.1

+,-6A"ATIH" H7 $

+5cerpt from lastK7inalL sermon(

&ahih Muslim Hadith %JJE "arrated by Nabir ibn Abdullah# I ha e left among you the 2oo3 of Allah( and if you hold fast to it( you would ne er go astray. And you would be as3ed about me (on the *ay of 0esurrection)( (now tell me) what would you sayA They (the audience) said# Be will bear witness that you ha e con eyed (the message)( discharged (the ministry of -rophethood) and gi en wise (sincere) counsel. He (the narrator) said# He (the Holy -rophet) then raised his forefinger towards the s3y and pointing it at the people (said)# )H Allah( be witness. H Allah be witness(1 saying it thrice .

Implementing .uran itself re4uires Hadith as it carries to an e5tent laws and e5planations of .uran. 7rom prayer to capital punishments etc.

There are three ersions (this is where we re4uire hadith e5egesis( just li3e .uran e5plains some other parts of .uran.

.uran e5egesis# +,AM-6+.

7irst ersion P ;#>: And when Be said unto the angels# -rostrate yoursel es before Adam( they fell prostrate( all sa e Iblis. He demurred through pride(

and so became a disbelie er. >E And Be said# H AdamI *well thou and thy wife in the !arden( and eat ye freely (of the fruits) thereof where ye willD but come not nigh this tree lest ye become wrongdoers.

&econd ersion P <#%% And Be created you( then fashioned you( then told the angels# 7all ye prostrate before AdamI And they fell prostrate( all sa e Iblis (satan)( who was not of those who ma3e prostration. %;#He said# Bhat hindered thee that thou didst not fall prostrate when I bade theeA (Iblis) said# I am better than him. Thou createdst me of fire while him Thou didst create of mud.

Third ersion# ;?#%%@ Bhen Be said to the angels )-rostrate yoursel es to Adam1 they prostrated themsel es but not Iblis# he refused. %%< Then Be said# )H AdamI erily this is an enemy to thee and thy wife# so let him not get you both out of the !arden so that thou art landed in misery.

$ommon sense wor3s ery well here(

To simply e5plain( &atan was haughty( thin3ing he was better( thus he refused to prostrate( but the point here is to note that the way erses were re ealed( each has its own se4uence hence we re4uire .uran e5egesis.

The same law of e5egesis KAn e5planation or critical($haracteriQed by careful e aluation and judgment) interpretationL

7ollow .uran( its details of implementing are in sunnah KhadithL which was followed by the -rophet8s close relati es.&impleIII

Allah says in the Holy .uran to pray and how we do so is found only in the Hadith( if we wish to ta3e part in the pilgrimage 3nown as HajjD we find that the .ur8an is silent on details howe er( when we loo3 at the hadith we find the details to be present here. &uch as in the e5ample concerning the amount of times one circumambulates around the 'aaba( though the .ur8an as3s us

to go around the 'aaba it doesn8t actually tell us how many times we should do this. Thus( we find this e idence and proof from the Hadith of the -rophet pbuh (&ource# http#RRwww.oocities.orgR)

$laim : )Abu 2a3r at one point was not sure whether to 3eep what he 3nows of hadiths or not. He had collected E?? hadiths during ery long companionship of the prophet Muhammed( but he could not sleep the night until he burned them1.

0esponse# I don8t 3now why these liars are spreading propaganda and manipulating the Hadiths( ma3ing it out li3e the 6eaders disli3ed the writing of Hadith from the -rophet. 6et8s see why Abu 2a3r burned the Hadiths.

Aisha (0A) says#

)My father (Abu 2a3r) had a collection of E?? hadiths. Hne night I noticed that he was ery restless. He was tossing about in the bed and could go to sleep. I got worried o er this and in4uired. )Are you suffering from any trouble or worried about anythingA1 2ut he did not spea3 and remained restless throughout the night. "e5t morning he called me and said( )bring the collection of hadith that I ga e you to 3eep.1 I brought the boo3 and he set fire to it( till it was burnt. He said )The collection contained many hadiths that I had heard from other people. I thought if I died and left behind a Hadith accepted as authentic by me( but really not so( then I should ha e to answer for that.1 (&ource# 2y Muhammed =a3aria( 7aQa8il-+-Amaal $hapter )stories of &ahabah1( page %:?)

It was Abu 2a3r8s (0A) Qeal for 3nowledge that caused him to compile a boo3 of E?? hundred hadiths. 2ut it was due to his e5treme cautiousness that he burnt the collection of Hadiths. Another thing to note is that if Abu 2a3r wrote down hadiths and it was forbidden by the prophet at the time( would he really go against the prophet8s commands and write itA The answer will be noII It is clear that the writing of hadith were not forbidden.

$laim E )I wanted to write the &un8an( and I remembered a people who were before you( they wrote other boo3s to follow and abandoned the boo3 of !od. And I will ne er( I swear( replace !od8s boo3 with anything1 (Nami Al-2ayan %R@<)

(%) 0esponse# Hmar wrote a 2oo3 on 6aw to &hreih( he said#

)If there is anything in Allah8s 2oo3( act according to it and do not let men de iate you from it and if there anything not mentioned in Allah8s boo3( loo3 into the &unna of the messenger of Allah (pbuh) and judge on it accordingly.1 (&ource# Muhammed 0edha )Al 7arou3 Hmar Ibn 'hattab( page E: and it is mentioned in the 2oo3 of Al 2ayan and Tabyeen)

(;) *id /mar forbid the writingA

As to /mar( we learn on the authority of Ma8mar ibn 0ashid( that during his caliphate( /mar once consulted the companions of the -rophet on the subject of codifying the Hadith. +ach person affirmed that such a codification should be done. Oet /mar continued to hesitate and pray to !od for a whole month for guidance and enlightenment. /ltimately( he decided not to underta3e the tas3( and said#

)7ormer peoples neglected the *i ine 2oo3s and concentrated only on the conduct of the prophetsD I do not want to set up the possibility of confusion between the .ur8an and the -rophet8s Hadith.1(&ource# *r. Hamidullah Introduction to Islam. 'uwait. %G<<. -age >>)

The only reason he didn8t want to write as well as compile Hadith 2oo3s is because H+ didn8t want people to concentrate on the Hadith of the -rophets more and forget about the 2oo3 of Allah. 2ut he ne er forbade people from writing them. He himself didn8t prefer it. There is not one Authentic Hadith in any boo3 where he forbade people from writing Hadith down.

(>) /mar Ibn Al-'hattab wrote hadiths to the following people#

%- /tbah bin 7ar4ad ;- Abu /baidah bin Al-Narrah >- He presented Abdullah bin Hmar hadiths that had to do with sada4aat. (&ource# *irasaat fil Hadith Al-"abawi page %>% and%>G)

More e idence that /mar followed and encouraged Hadiths( the &unnah of the prophet (pbuh)# /mar Ibn 'hattab deli ered a sermon after the prophet8s death and said#

Ma8dan b. Talha reported# C/mar b. 'hattab( deli ered the 7riday sermon and he made a mention of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) and Abu 2a3r. He (further) said# I saw in a dream that a coc3 pec3ed me twice( and I percei e that my death is near. &ome people ha e suggested me to appoint my successor. And Allah would not destroy His religion. His caliphate and that with which He sent His Apostle (may peace be upon him) If death approaches me soon( the (issue) of $aliphate (would be decided) by the consent of these si5 men with whom the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) remained well pleased till his death. And I 3now fully well that some people would blame me that I 3illed with these ery hands of mine some persons who apparently professed (Islam). And if they do this (blame me) they are the enemies of Allah( and are non-belie ers and ha e gone astray. And I lea e not after me anything which to my mind seems more important than 'alala. And I ne er turned towards the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) (for guidance) more often than this 'alala( and he (the -rophet) was not annoyed with me on any other (issue) than this# (And he was so perturbed) that he struc3 his fingers on my chest and said# *oes this erse. that is at the end of &urat al-"isa8. which was re ealed in the hot season not suffice youA And if I li e longer I would decide this (problem so clearly) that one who reads the .ur8an( or one who does not read it( would be able to ta3e (correct)( decisions (under its light). He (C/mar) further said# AllahI I call Oou witness on these !o ernors of lands( that I sent them to (the peoples of these lands) so that they should administer justice amongst them( teach them their religion and the &unnah of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him)( and distribute

amongst them the spoils of war and refer to me that which they find difficult to perform. H people. you eat Cthese two plants and these are onions and garlic. and I find them nothing but repugnant for I saw that when the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) sensed the odour of these two from a person in a mos4ue( he was made to go to al-2a4i8. &o he who eats it should (ma3e its odour) die by coo3ing it well. (&ource# &ahih Muslim 2oo3 S:( Hadith number S%%E%)

(E) /mar Ibn 'hattab said )Try to understand whate er cases are referred to you where there is no e idence from the .uran or &unnah( then try to ma3e an analogy between the case that is before you and similar cases that are dealt with in .uran and &unnah.1 (&ource# Ilam al-Muwa44i8een( %RJED Majallah al-2ulooth al-Ilmiyah( <R;J<)

$laim @ 0ashad 'halifa .uotes#

The -rophet said( )*o not write down anything from me e5cept the .uran.1 KAhmed( Fol. %( -age %<%( and &ahih MuslimL

This Hadith states that the -rophet maintained his anti-Hadith stand until death. KAhmed( Fol. %( -age %G;L (source# 0ashad 'halifa ).uran# The 7inal Testament1 appendi5 %; page EGJ)

0esponse# I ha e already dealt with &a8d Al 'hudri narration. This response is to the narration concerning 0ashad 'halifa 4uoted from Musnad Ibn Hanbal according to him. I ha e done some research from Musnad Ibn Hanbal Hadith boo3 and there is "H such Hadith in there. 2ut what I found is the following in the same pages#

(A) *ujan Abul !husn( who was from 2asra said# I came to Madinah and met aslam( the freed sla e of /mar Ibn 'hattab. I said# Tell me (a report) from

/mar. He said # I cannot I am afraid that I will A** or &/2T0A$T something. If we said to /MA0( tell us &HM+THI"! 70HM the M+&&+"!+0 of Allah. He (/mar) would say# )I Am A70AI* that I may A** or &/2T0A$T a letter. Messenger (pbuh) said Bhoe er tells a 6I+ about me will be in hell. (&ource# Musnad Ibn Hanbal olume %. page %G>( number >;@)

(2) It was narrated that Abu 7iras said /mar Ibn 'hattab ga e a speech amd said H people we used to 3now you when the prophet (pbuh) was among us and re elation was coming down to him# Allah would tell us about you. 2ut now the prophet (pbuh) has passed away and re elation has ceased( and now the way to N/*!+ you is this# whoe er among you shows us good conduct( we will thin3 well of him and lo e him# whoe er among you shows us bad conduct we will thin3 badly of him and hate him for that and whate er is in your hearts is between you and your 6ord. There was a time when I used to thin3 that whoe er learned the .uran see3ing thereby Allah and (the reward that) is with him( would be rewarded in the hereafter( but some men learned .uran see3ing that which is with people. &o see3 Allah by learning .uran and by your good deeds. 2y Allah( I do not send them my wor3ers to stri3e you or seiQe your wealth# 0ATH+0 I &+"* TH+M TH OH/ TH T+A$H OH/ OH/0 0+6I!IH" A"* &/""AH.. (Musnad Ibn Hanbal olume % page %<>( number ;J@)

This section is about the early Hadith boo3s that were written before 2u3hari and prophet Muhammed (pbuh) allowing for Hadiths to be written down.

Mufti Abdul-Naleel .aasimi says the following#


The Ahaadith were not compiled and codified in the time of the -rophet (-2/H) li3e it is today. There e5isted no real need for this as the companions memorised irtually e ery word spo3en by the -rophet (-2/H). Allah Ta8ala had granted them such perfect and e5cellent memories that once they heard anything they used to remember it throughout their li es. The remembering of lengthy poems and the ancestral details of horses and camels bears

testimony to this fact. Hnce Ibn /mar (0A) repeated Ahaadith to a bedouin( in order for him to memoriQe it well. The bedouin remar3ed( )+nough( once is sufficient I shall not forget it till death. I ha e performed @? pilgrimages on @? camels and I 3now perfectly well which Hajj I performed on which camel.1

This was the condition of the bedouins in ordinary matters and mundane tal3. How much more did they preser e the speech of prophet (-2/H). "ot only his speech but e ery action( notion( indication( appro al( disappro al and deed of -rophet (-2/H) was preser ed by them. They alued these more than their li es and wealth. They used to alternate with their business partners in sitting in the gathering of the Holy -rophet (-2/H). +ach partner used to narrate to his companion what he had heard the -rophet ( -2/H) say. +5treme measures were ta3en to safeguard the words of the -rophet (-2/H). Many of them were not literate (did not 3now how to write). Howe er( the companions who 3new how to write used to record and write down the Ahaadith as well. The Ahaadith were recorded in the presence of the -rophet (-2/H).

TH+ TH0++ M+THH*& H7 -0+&+0FI"! A"* &A7+!/A0*I"! TH+ HA*ITH

Be hereby detail all the methods utilised to preser e Ahaadith from the prophetic era upto this day. There is consensus that recording and writing was not the only method of safeguarding Ahaadith. There e5isted other reliable methods as well#

M+MH0I&I"! TH+ AHAA*ITH The most reliable method adopted by the &ahaaba (0A) to safeguard the Ahaadith was through memory.

-0+&+0FATIH" TH0H/!H A$TIH" A"* -0A$TI$+ This was another reliable means of protecting and safeguarding the Ahaadith. The companions (0A) used to transform the words of -rophet (-2/H) into action immediately and e ery companion used to practice upon the Hadith. This resulted in e ery word of -rophet (-2/H) becoming a practical action and deed( which was thoroughly remembered and preser ed. Therefore( many traditions contact the phrases# )This is how I saw the -rophet (-2/H)

carry out and perform this.1

This practical method was ery effecti e in preser ing the Ahaadith. It is continuing upto this day.

B0ITI"! A"* 0+$H0*I"! TH+ HA*ITH This method was also customary in the prophetic era. This procedure had passed through four stages (phases)#

(A) 0ecording of Ahaadith without any arrangement or se4uence (2) Arranging the Ahaadith relating to certain subject (topic) or subjects into one small boo3 ($) Accumulating of arious Ahaadith into one boo3. (*) $ompiling Ahaadith and codifying.

The first two types of compiling were e5tensi ely practised during the time of the -rophet (-2/H) and the companions (0A). The following details will suffice for the 0ejectors of Hadith.

(%) Imam Tirmidhi has included a special chapter in the $hapter of 'nowledge titled( The $hapter of the -ermissibility of 0ecording Hadith P Abu Hurrairah (0A) reports that the -rophet indicated to a certain Ansari companion whose memory was wea3( to write. Hne Ansari companion (0A) used to sit by -rophet (-2/H) and listen to the HadithD it used to please him( but he was unable to memorise it. He complained to the -rophet (-2/H) who replied( )&ee3 assistance with your right hand and he indicated towards writing with his hand1 (Namia TirmiQi ol. ; pg. %?<).

(;) In a tradition recorded in Mustadra3-e-Haa3im( Amr bin Aas (0.A.) reports( )I used to record e erything the -rophet (-2/H) used to say with an incitation of (accumility) and gathering same. The .uraish stopped me saying# C*o you write e erything the -rophet (-2/H) saysA He is a human being( he spea3s in

anger and happiness.8 I abstained from writing. I mentioned this to the -rophet (-2/H) and he indicated towards his tongue and said( CBriteI 2y Him in whose hand is my life. "othing e5cept the truth comes out of it.8 (Mustadra3 Fol.% -age %?:)

(>) In one Hadith recorded in Mustadra3-e-Haa3im( an e5plicit and clear order of writing is gi en. The words are )Tie down 3nowledge1( the $ompanion en4uired( )Bhat is tying down 3nowledgeA1 The -rophet (-2/H) replied( )It8s writing.1 (Mustadra3 ol. % pg. %?@)

(:) The incident of Abu &hah Oemani is famous. Hnce the -rophet (-2/H) mentioned an incident and upon the re4uest of Abu &hah the -rophet (-2/H) instructed the $ompanion to write for Abu &hah P this Hadith is recorded in Name Tirmidhi ol. ; pg. %?< and 2u3hari ol. % pg. ;>

There are numerous traditions indicating the instruction of writing Ahaadith. Therefore( many &ahaaba recorded ahaadith in the -rophetic era. 0eferences are many of such collections and compilations#

(%) TH+ &AHI7A ($H66+$TIH") H7 A2*/66AH I2" AM0 (0adhiallaahu Tnhu) Abu Hurayrah (0A) is the greatest narrator of Hadith. *espite this he says( )"o person has learnt more Hadith than me. Howe er( Abdullah bin Amr (0A) used to write the Hadith and I should not write.1 This is clear e idence that Hadith used to be written in that era. Abdullah bin Amr (0A) possessed a collection that e5ceeded one thousand Ahaadith. Ibnr-0ushd has mentioned in his 'itaab Asadul !haaba ( ol. > pg. ;>>) that( this collection was named As-saadi4ah.

(;) TH+ &AHI7A ($H66+$TIH" H7 A6I (0A) Imam 2u3hari (0A) has mentioned in this &ahifa in the chapter of )Ilm1 ( ol. % pg. ;%) and he has mentioned it in four places. The narrator Abu Nuhaifa reports that( )I en4uired from Ali (0.A.)( do you possess a boo3A1 He replied# )"o( e5cept the 2oo3 of Allah or the understanding granted to a Muslim or what is in this &ahifa.1 I as3ed him( )Bhat is in this &ahifaA1 He replied( )Hrders relating to C*iyat8 (penalty or murder) P the freeing of prisoners and no Muslim will be 3illed in lieu of a 3afir.1

This &ahifa contained orders regarding( murder( compensations( capital punishments( details of =a3at and matters relating to non-Muslim citiQens in an Islamic &tate.

(>) 'ITA2/& P &A.AH This collection was personally dictated by the -rophet (-2/H). It contained details regarding =a3at( /shar etc. According to some reports it seems as though this was written for the =a3at collectors. Howe er( the -rophet (-2/H) left this world before it was sent to them. This 3itaab (boo3) remained with Abu 2a3r and /mar (0.A.). + entually /mar bin Abdul AQiQ memoriQed it and thereafter Ibn &hihaab =ohri memorised it.

(:) &AHI7A I2" A22A& (0.A.) Ibn &aad (0.A.) mentions in his 3itaab )Taba4aat1 that the sla e of Ibn Abbas (0.A.) said( )He found a large collection of the 3itaabs of Ibn Abbas e4ual to a camel-load.1

(E) &AHI7A NAA2I0 I2" A2*/66AH (0adhiallaahu Tnhu) Imam Muslim has reported that Naabir (0A) had compiled a boo3 on Hajj. Imam 2u3hari mentioned this is his Taari3h-e-'abeer ol. < pg. %J@) P Hadhrat .ataa4da bin *e8aama as-&odusi had memorised this &ahifa.

(@) &AHI7A &AM/0A I2" N/"*H2 (0A) HafiQ ibn Hajar (0A) reports that Hadhrat &amoora (0A) has narrated a big ( olume) chapter from his father. Imam Muhammad ibn &ireen (0A) reports that the 'itaab which &amoora has written for his children contains great 3nowledge.

(<) &AHI7A &AA* I2" /2A*A Ibn &aad reports in Taba4aat that &aad (0A) had a collection of Ahaadith.

(J) &AHI7A A2/ H/0AO0A (0A)

Imam Ha3im mentions in Mustadra3 that once Hassan ibn /mar narrated a Hadith to Abu Hurayra. Abu Hurayra denied the Hadith. Hadhrat Hassan told him( )I ha e narrated this Hadith from you1. He replied( )If I ha e narrated it( it will definitely be written down.1 He had written down all his Hadith in the end.

(G) &AHI7A I2" MA&8HH* HafiQ ibn Abdul-2arr (0A) mentions in his 'itaab( Naame 2ayaan nul-Ilm that ibn Mas8ood (0A) too3 out one 'itaab and swore an oath that it was compiled by him.

(%?) &AHI7A AM0 I2" HA=AM (0A) Bhen the -rophet (-2/H) appointed ibn HaQam as a go ernor of "ajran( he ga e him a &ahifa which was written by /bayy bin 'a8ab. It contained orders regarding cleanliness( purification( &alaat( Hajj( /mra( Nihaad( etc.

(%%) &AHI7A I2" M/2AA0A' &a8eed ibn Hilaal says( )Bhen we fre4uented Hadhrat Anas bin Mali3 he too3 out a olume and said( CI heard these from the -rophet (-2/H). I ha e written it and preser ed it.81 (Mustadra3 Ha3im ol. > pg. E:)

There are many other small &ahifas which the -rophet (-2/H) sent to the 3ingsD and( other compilations which ha e been omitted for the sa3e of bre ity.

TH+ +0A H7 /MA0 2I" A2*/6 A=I=

Though the writing of the Ahaadith had commenced it was not done in an arranged manner( i.e. it was compiled and codified. *ue to the preoccupations of the 'hulafaa-e-0aashideen (Muslim 6eaders) with the compilation of the "oble .urUn and other important matters( it was not possible for them to accomplish this tas3.

Howe er( when the politicians at the time of Ali (0.A.) began to fabricate false Ahaadith Ali became concerned about safeguarding the authentic Ahaadith. He used to stand on the mimbar and announce the authentic Ahaadith to the people. This continued till the period of /mar bin Abdul AQiQ (0.A.) who became the 3halifa (6eader) after the demise of &ulayman bin Abdul Mali3. His 3hilafat lasted only for ; years. After accepting 3hilafat( he wrote to the judge of Madinah( Abuba3r bin HaQm saying( )Bhate er you find from the Ahaadith of the -rophet (-2/H)( write it down. I fear the loss of 3nowledge and the passing away of the /lema.1 (2u3hari ol.% page ;?)

HafiQ Ibn Hajar mentions that this letter was addressed to all the Nudges of e ery pro ince. A large collection of Ahaadith were compiled in this manner in the first century.

(%) HafiQ Ibn Abdul 2ar has written that .aQi Abu 2a3r has compiled many boo3s on Ahaadith called 2oo3s of Abu 2a3r.

(;) The 0isala (2oo3er) of &aalim ibn Abdullah on &ada4aat.

(>) The 0egisters of =uhri P he says that whene er we were gi en any command we compiled a brief register. He had played a great role in the compilation of Hadith.

TH+ $HM-I6ATIH"& H7 TH+ &+$H"* $+"T/0O

Farious collections of Hadith are found in this era li3e Name Ma8moon bin 0aashid( Name &ufyaan &owri( As-&unem of Ibn Nuray P &unan Abul Baleed P Muwatta Imam Mali3.

7rom the abo e discussion we reach the following conclusion that#

(%) The recording and writing of hadith had began from the time of the -rophet (-2/H)D

(;) $ompiling had began in the time of the &ahaba (0.A.) especially in the time of Ali (0.A.)D

(>) /mar bin Abdul AQiQ stri ed in this matter and a large collection was accumulated during his periodD

(:) Many boo3s were compiled in the first centuryD

(E) The objections and arguments of the 0ejectors of hadith are fully answeredD

(@) The fitnah of 0ejection in hadith is old and detrimental to religion( in fact rejecting the .uranD

(<) The Ahaadith are a complementary and e5planation of the .uranD

(J) The safeguarding of the .uran entails the safeguarding of the Hadith.

And Allah Ta8ala 3nows best.

(&ource# Mufti Abdul-Naleel .aasimi )A Historical 2ac3ground of the 0efutation of the Hadith and the Authenticity of its $ompilation1 http#RRwww.beautifulislam.netRhadithRrefutingVhadith.htm)

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