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1) Edilgen bir yapda her zaman bir be yklemi ve bir V3 yer alr. Be yklemi present yaplarda: am/is/are, past yaplarda was/were, perfect yaplarda been, continuous yaplarda bunlara ilaveten +being olur.
TENSE / VERB Simple present Simple past Simple future Modals Present !ontinuous Past !ontinuous Present perfe!t Past perfe!t #uture perfe!t Perfe!t Modals present infiniti$e [to paint] perfe!t infiniti$e [to have painted ] present parti!iple/"erund [painting] perfe!t parti!iple [having invited] ACTIVE VOICE He paints the house every year. He painted the house last week. He will paint the house next year. He can paint the house easily. He is painting the house now. He was painting the house yesterday. He has painted the house recently. He had painted the house before I came. He will have painted the house by next week. He should have painted the house last year. He has to paint the house. He wants us to paint the house right now. He is said to have painted the house last year. I am used to painting the house. He remembers that somebody invited him to the party last month. The house The house The house The house PASSIVE VOICE is painted every year. was painted last week. will e painted next year. can e painted easily.

The house is ein" painted now. The house was ein" painted yesterday. The house has een painted recently. The house had een painted before I came. The house will have een painted by next week. The house should have een painted last year. The house has to e painted. He wants the house to e painted right now. The house is said to have een painted last year. The house is used to ein" painted. He remembers having een in$ited to the party last month.

rnek c mleler A!ti$e! A!ti$e! A!ti$e! A!ti$e! A!ti$e! I keep the butter in the fridge. They stole the painting. They are repairing the road. "hakespeare wrote Hamlet. # dog bit him. Passi$e! Passi$e! Passi$e! Passi$e! Passi$e! The butter is kept in the fridge. The painting was stolen. The road is being repaired. Hamlet was written by "hakespeare. He was bitten by a dog.

NOTE: ngilizcede present perfect c ntin! !s" past perfect c ntin! !s" f!t!re c ntin! !s ve f!t!re perfect c ntin! !s i in edilgen yap hemen hi kullanlmaz. !ncak kar"mza km" ol#ayd: $he hou#e %ill be being cleaned tomorro%. &'uture continuou#( $he hou#e ha# been being cleaned 'or 'ive hour#. &pre#ent per'ect continuou#( $he hou#e had been being cleaned 'or 'ive hour# be'ore you entered. &pa#t per'ect continuou#( $he hou#e %ill have been being cleaned 'or 'ive hour# by three oclock. &'ut. per'ect continuou#(
+# Hard ,ay-s .ight+ was written % t&e Beatles' &T was directed % Spiel er"

$% &ylemi yapan ki'i yada 'eyi belirtmek istedi(imi)de onu c mleye % preposition*u ekleri).

)) ngilizcede baz yaplar devaml edilgen kullanlrlar. *unlar dilimizde etken olarak i'ade edilmektedir.
I was orn in /012. (1975te dodum) #round /33 babies are orn in this hospital every week. (Bu hastanede her hafta yaklak 100 bebek doar)



+) t infiniti#e &to -1( ve bare infiniti#e &-1(, t be V3 ve be V3 'ormatna #okulur.

E()*+EN C,M*E 4ou have to be tested on your &nglish grammar. 5ohn might be promoted next year. "he wants to be invited to the party. E()*+EN C,M*E 6ost film stars hate being interviewed. I remember being taught to drive. The children are excited about being taken to the )oo. ET-EN C,M*E 4ou have to test me on my &nglish grammar. 5ohn might promote 5ack next year. "he wants to invite us to the party. ET-EN C,M*E 6ost film stars hate interviewing. I remember teaching to drive. The children are excited about taking us to the )oo.

.) ger!n$ veya %ing f rm &-ing(, being -) 'ormatna #okulur.

+ET V.
*azen edilgen mana vermek i in be+V3 yerine get+V3 kullanrz. &et ani ve beklenmedik olaylarda tercih edilir, acti n belirten yklemlerle kullanlr, state belirten yklemlerle kullanlmaz.
He "ot arrested for dangerous driving. ( ehlikeli araba kullanmaktan dolay tutukland) I don*t often "et in$ited to the parties. (!artilere sk da"et edilmem#) I-m not sure how the window "ot ro/en. (!en$erenin nasl krldndan emin deilim) 5ill is liked by everybody. (not %ill &ets liked by e"erybody)

NOTE: *u yap akti' cmle anlamna gelecek "ekilde de kullanlr/ bazen #adece 0yle kalpla"m" oldu1undan, bazen#e beklenmezlik anlam verdi1i veya aniden ger ekle"ti1inden &ET ile kullanlr.
The little boy "ot lost in the park. ('()(k )o$uk parkta kayboldu#) They*re "ettin" married later this year. (Bu yln sonuna doru e"lene$ekler) +et di$or!ed7 bo'anmak "et dressed7 giyinmek "et !&an"ed7 st n de(i'8tir%mek

A'n( )aman$a

NEE( 0 Vin"
Nee$ yklemi ardndan -ing alnca anlam edilgen olur.
The ceiling needs paintin" 87 The ceiling needs to be painted.% 6y hair needs !uttin" 87 6y hair needs to be cut.%

1) #tenmeyen bir eylemin ger ekle"ti1ini belirtmek i in *a#e ST $ ne kalbn kullanabiliriz. *urada mana pa#i'tir ve eylemi yapan 0zne konumundaki ki"i veya "ey de1ildir. !k#ine bunlar eylemden etkilenene ne#nenin #ahibi durumundadrlar:
5im &ad &is !ar stolen last night. 87 5im-s car was stolen% They &ad t&eir roof lown off in the storm. 87 Their roof was blown off in the storm%


ngilizcede baz yklemler $ +a'+( ve $ +a's() 2in$irect and $irect, olmak zere iki ne#ne alabilirler. 3er iki ne#ne de ba"a ekilerek pa#i' yaplabilir:
They gave &im a lot of presents' He was given a lot of presents' A lot of presents were given to &im.



IT3S SAI( et!' THAT4

acknowledge allege assume believe claim consider declare estimate expect fear feel find know project prove report say suppose suspect think understand

4ukardaki yklemlerden #onra t*at c+a!se geliyor#a bu cmlelerin iki ayr pa#i' "ekli olur. lki It is sai$ t*at- "eklinde ba"layandr. 5i1eri i#e "0yle yaplr:
/. That clause*daki 9)ne ba'a: yani it )amirinin yerine getirilir. $. It )amirinin y klemi yeni 9)neye g9re ;ekimlenir. <. That )amiri kald=r=l=r: that>clause y klemi to V5 bi;imine getirilir.

6alp ve 0rnek cmleler a"a1da verilmi"tir.

a6 Ana !7mle $e t&at !lause e8 9amanl:%sa; It is said that "? does "T. "? is said to do "T. It was said that "? did "T. "? was said to do "T. to e It is said that "? is "T. "? is said to e "T. It was said that "? was "T. "? was said to e "T. It is said that "? will do "T. "? is said to do "T. It was said that "? would do "T. "? was said to do "T. It is said that "? !an do "T. "? is said to be able to do "T. 8ability ise% It is said that "? is doing "T. "? is said to e doing "T. It was said that "? was doing "T. "? was said to e doing "T. It is said that "? did "T. "? is said to &a$e done doing "T. It is said that "? &as done "T. "? is said to &a$e done doing "T. It was said that "? &ad done "T. "? was said to &a$e done doing "T. to e It is said that "? was "T. "? is said to &a$e een "T. It was said that "? &ad een "T. "? was said to &a$e een "T. It is understood that your mother was a Audge. 4our mother was understood to &a$e een a Audge. It was known that your mother &ad een a Audge. 4our mother was known to &a$e een a Audge. It is thought that you are a doctor. 4ou are thought to e a doctor. It was thought that you are a doctor. 4ou were thought to e a doctor. It is expected that they will settle in @ondon. They are expected to settle in @ondon. It was expected that they would settle in @ondon. They were expected to settle in @ondon. It is believed that you !an win the race. 4ou are believed to be able to win the race. It is reported that he is making a rapid recovery. He is reported to e making a rapid recovery. It was reported that he was making a rapid recovery. He was reported to e making a rapid recovery. It is said that he li$ed in @ondon in his youth. He is said to &a$e li$ed in @ondon in his youth. It is said that he has li$ed in @ondon for a long time. He is said to &a$e li$ed in @ondon for a long time. It was said that he had li$ed in @ondon for a long time. He was said to &a$e li$ed in @ondon for a long time. It is believed that he li$es in @ondon. He is believed to li$e in @ondon. It was believed that he li$ed in @ondon. He was believed to li$e in @ondon.

6 T&at !lause simple future $e%a modal alm:8sa'

!6 Ana !7mle $e t&at !lause e8 9amanl: $e t&at !lause !ontinuous ise;

d6 t&at !lause3un 9aman: ana !7mlenin/inden da&a <n!e ise;


THE PASSIVE VOICE e6 t&at !lause3un 9aman: ana !7mlenin/inden da&a <n!e $e !ontinuous ise; It is said that "? was doing "T. "? is said to &a$e een doing "T. It is said that "? &as een doin" "T. "? is said to &a$e een doing "T. It was said that "? &ad een doin" "T. "? was said to &a$e een doing "T. It is known that you were dancing with that boy last night. 4ou are known to &a$e een dancing with that boy last night. It is said that he &as een li$in" in @ondon for a long time. He is said to &a$e een living in @ondon for a long time. It was said that he &ad een li$in" in @ondon for a long time. He was said to &a$e een living in @ondon for a long time.

80rld1 gibi e" zamanllarda ilk 'iil t infiniti#e 2to -1) yaplyor, 'arkl zamanllarda perfect infiniti#e 2to have -)). lk 'iil yardmc 'iil#e t infiniti#e olan bu yardmc 'iil oluyor. am9i#9are9%a#9%ere %a#9%ere ha#9have9had ha#9have9had e"zamanl 0nceki zaman e"zamanl 0nceki zaman to be to have been to have to have


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