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And They Learn

Shaykh Mohammad Nazim Al-Haqqani An-Naqshibendi, Sohbat of the 14th of January 2012.

What they are studying & learning...? "Yata`allamuna Ma Yadurruhum - They learn that which harms them" says Allah Almighty (2:102). "Wa La Yanfa`uhum -And profits them not" Is this ok? M.N. You know. M. Allah knows. Allah knows, we don't know. But this is what He has informed us. "Yata`allamuna Ma Yadurruhum" (2:102) They learn what harm them. "Wa La Yanfa`uhum" (2:102) - that which doesn't give them any profit. It gives them no benefit. Now these days, everybody is after studying. Everybody tries to go to college. For what do you study? What benefit does it have for you? No benefit! Yet they are stubborn - saying: "We will study! We will go to university! We will get higher education!" For what will you get higher education? What benefit does it have for you? La ilaha illa Allah... You know those who misguided people. You are to judge them! They corrupted whole youth, saying: "Study, go to college..." All they have is "studying" & "playing". They don't have anything else! Allah Allah...the whole world runs after studying. What benefit does it give? No benefit! There are no jobs, nor do they learn anything through higher education. "Yata`allamuna Ma Yadurruhum - Those people will learn the things which will harm them. And, "Yata`allamuna Ma Yadurruhum, "Wa La Yanfa`uhum". It has no benefit for them. They are wasting their lives. The energy of their youth is finishing, becoming zero. Then they are left out, all finished, wasted. They have no way to go anymore. Holy Quran informs about the future as well - speaks of the past, future as well as the present. Tawba ya Rabbi, tawba ya Rabbi. Send us a "musleeh" who will discipline us, O our Lord. O our Lord, may You send a Master who will keep Your servants away from things that corrupt, waste their powers, minds, lives... Therefore, what does Islam say? What is Islam's address to people? "Learn what is necessary for you. Don't learn what you don't need". There are things that are necessary & not necessary. Why do you study, learn what is not necessary for you? Why are they forcing the youth? They put in front of them what has no use for them. It has no meaning, no logic! Logic does not accept this. Why should you force youth to study? Higher education, what benefit did they get from it? What is it's benefit to their lives? What do they gain from it in their lives? Nothing. They waste

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their youth away. Aman ya Rabbi. Send us a Sultan who will stop this bad trend. Send us a teacher who will teach us what is necessary, O our Lord. Fatiha. Video Link:

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