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3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Core Network; Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Core

network protocols; Sta e 3 !"elease #$

CWTS STD-DS-24.008 (2002-V5)

Technical Specification

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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

UMTS, GSM, radio, layer 3, sta e 3




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Contents....................................................................................................................................................3 Foreword.................................................................................................................................................23 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................23 1 Scope....................................................................................................................................................24
1.1 Scope of the Technical Specification...................................................................................................................24 1.2 Application to the interface structures.................................................................................................................24 1.3 Structure of layer 3 procedures............................................................................................................................24 1.4 Test procedures....................................................................................................................................................24 1.5 se of lo!ical channels in A"#$ %ode................................................................................................................25 1.& '(er(iew of control procedures...........................................................................................................................25 1.&.1 )ist of procedures..............................................................................................................................................25 1.* Applica$ility of i%ple%entations.........................................................................................................................2* 1.*.1 +oice #roup Call Ser(ice ,+#CS- and +oice .roadcast Ser(ice ,+.S-........................................................2* 1.*.2 #eneral /ac0et 1adio Ser(ice ,#/1S-.............................................................................................................2* 1.*.2.1 /ac0et ser(ices in #S2 ,#S2 only-.............................................................................................................2* 1.*.2.2 /ac0et ser(ices in 2TS , 2TS only-........................................................................................................23

2 1eferences............................................................................................................................................23
2.1 4efinitions and a$$re(iations..............................................................................................................................32 2.1.1 1ando% (alues..................................................................................................................................................32 2.2.2 +oca$ulary........................................................................................................................................................33

3 1adio 1esource %ana!e%ent procedures.............................................................................................34 4 5le%entary procedures for 2o$ility 2ana!e%ent...............................................................................34

4.1 #eneral.................................................................................................................................................................34 4.1.1 22 and #22 procedures...............................................................................................................................35 Types of 22 and #22 procedures.............................................................................................................35 Inte!rity Chec0in! of Si!nallin! 2essa!es in the 2o$ile Station , 2TS only-.......................................3& Inte!rity protection for e%er!ency call , 2TS only-.............................................................................3* 226#22 co6ordination for #/1S 2S7s.....................................................................................................33 #/1S 2S operatin! in %ode A or . in a networ0 that operates in %ode I...............................................33 #/1S 2S operatin! in %ode A or . in a networ0 that operates in %ode II or III.....................................33 Core 8etwor0 Syste% Infor%ation for 22 , 2TS only-...........................................................................33 Core 8etwor0 Syste% Infor%ation for #22 , 2TS only-.........................................................................39 4.1.2 22 su$layer states...........................................................................................................................................39 22 su$layer states in the %o$ile station......................................................................................................39 2ain states 39 Su$states of the 22 I4)5 state.................................................................................................................43 The update Status...........................................................................................................................................44 22 su$layer states on the networ0 side........................................................................................................45 4.1.3 #/1S %o$ility %ana!e%ent ,#22- su$layer states.......................................................................................4& #22 states in the 2S...................................................................................................................................4& 2ain states 4* #2268 ))............................................................................................................................................4* #2264515#IST5154.........................................................................................................................4* #22615#IST51546I8ITIAT54.........................................................................................................4* #22615#IST5154..............................................................................................................................4* #2264515#IST51546I8ITIAT54...................................................................................................4* #2261' TI8#6A15A6 /4ATI8#6I8ITIAT54.............................................................................4** #226S51+IC5615: 5ST6I8ITIAT54 , 2TS only-......................................................................4* Su$states of state #2264515#IST5154...............................................................................................4* #2264515#IST5154.8'12A)6S51+IC5....................................................................................4* #2264515#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5.....................................................................................4* #2264515#IST5154.ATTAC;6855454......................................................................................4* #2264515#IST5154.ATT52/TI8#6T'6ATTAC;......................................................................43

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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$ #2264515#IST5154.8'6I2SI........................................................................................................43 #2264515#IST5154.8'6C5))6A+AI)A.)5..............................................................................43* #2264515#IST5154./)286S5A1C;...........................................................................................43 #2264515#IST5154.S S/58454 ,#S2 only-............................................................................43 Su$states of state #22615#IST5154....................................................................................................43 #22615#IST5154.8'12A)6S51+IC5..........................................................................................43 #22615#IST5154.S S/58454 ,#S2 only-.................................................................................43 #22615#IST5154. /4AT56855454............................................................................................43 #22615#IST5154.ATT52/TI8#6T'6 /4AT5............................................................................43 #22615#IST5154.8'6C5))6A+AI)A.)5....................................................................................43 #22615#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5...........................................................................................49* #22615#IST5154.ATT52/TI8#6T'6 /4AT5622...................................................................49 #22615#IST5154.I2SI645TAC;6I8ITIAT54..............................................................................49 #/1S update status........................................................................................................................................49 #22 %o$ility %ana!e%ent states on the networ0 side...............................................................................5< 2ain States5< #2264515#IST5154.........................................................................................................................5< #226C'22'86/1'C54 156I8ITIAT54......................................................................................5< #22615#IST5154..............................................................................................................................5< #2264515#IST51546I8ITIAT54...................................................................................................5< Su$states of state #22615#IST5154....................................................................................................51 #22615#IST5154.8'12A)6S51+IC5..........................................................................................51 #22615#IST5154.S S/58454 ,#S2 only-.................................................................................51 4.2 .eha(iour of the 2S in 22 Idle state= #2264515#IST5154 state and #22615#IST5154 state.........51 4.2.1 /ri%ary Ser(ice State selection.........................................................................................................................52 Selection of the Ser(ice State after /ower 'n...............................................................................................52 'ther Cases....................................................................................................................................................52 4.2.2 4etailed 4escription of the 2S $eha(iour in 22 I4)5 State........................................................................53 Ser(ice State= 8'12A) S51+IC5..............................................................................................................53 Ser(ice State= ATT52/TI8# T' /4AT5................................................................................................53 Ser(ice State= )I2IT54 S51+IC5...............................................................................................................54 Ser(ice State= 8' I2SI..................................................................................................................................54 Ser(ice State= S5A1C; F'1 /)28= 8'12A) S51+IC5.......................................................................55 4.2.2.& Ser(ice State= S5A1C; F'1 /)28............................................................................................................55 4.2.2.* Ser(ice State= 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,8'12A) S51+IC5-...........................................................55 Ser(ice State= 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,)I2IT54 S51+IC5-...........................................................5& 4.2.3 Ser(ice state when $ac0 to state 22 I4)5 fro% another state.......................................................................5& 4.2.4 .eha(iour in state #2264515#IST5154....................................................................................................5* /ri%ary su$state selection..............................................................................................................................5* Selection of the su$state after power on or ena$lin! the 2S7s #/1S capa$ility........................................5* 'ther Cases.................................................................................................................................................53 4etailed description of the 2S $eha(iour in state #2264515#IST5154 ..............................................53 Su$state= 8'12A)6S51+IC5..................................................................................................................53 Su$state= ATT52/TI8#6T'6ATTAC;...................................................................................................53 Su$state= )I2IT546S51+IC5...................................................................................................................53 Su$state= 8'6I2SI......................................................................................................................................53 Su$state= 8'6C5))....................................................................................................................................59 Su$state= /)286S5A1C;.........................................................................................................................59* Su$state= ATTAC;6855454....................................................................................................................59 Su$state= S S/58454 ,#S2 only-..........................................................................................................59 Su$state when $ac0 to state #2264515#IST5154 fro% another #22 state........................................59 4.2.5 .eha(iour in state #22615#IST5154.........................................................................................................59 4etailed description of the 2S $eha(iour in state #22615#IST5154 ...................................................&< Su$state= 8'12A)6S51+IC5..................................................................................................................&< Su$state= S S/58454 ,#S2 only-..........................................................................................................&< Su$state= /4AT56855454....................................................................................................................&< Su$state= ATT52/TI8#6T'6 /4AT5....................................................................................................&< Su$state= 8'6C5))6A+AI)A.)5............................................................................................................&1 Su$state= )I2IT546S51+IC5...................................................................................................................&1* Su$state= ATT52/TI8#6T'6 /4AT5622...........................................................................................&1 4.3 22 co%%on procedures.....................................................................................................................................&1


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4.3.1 T2SI reallocation procedure............................................................................................................................&1 T2SI reallocation initiation $y the networ0..................................................................................................&2 T2SI reallocation co%pletion $y the %o$ile station.....................................................................................&2 T2SI reallocation co%pletion in the networ0...............................................................................................&2 A$nor%al cases..............................................................................................................................................&2 4.3.2 Authentication procedure..................................................................................................................................&3 4.3.2a Authentication procedure used for a 2TS authentication challen!e...........................................................&3 4.3.2$ Authentication /rocedure used for a #S2 authentication challen!e ............................................................&3 Authentication re>uest $y the networ0..........................................................................................................&4 Authentication response $y the %o$ile station..............................................................................................&4 Authentication processin! in the networ0......................................................................................................&5 Cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er....................................................................................................................&5 Authentication not accepted $y the networ0..................................................................................................&5 Authentication not accepted $y the 2S......................................................................................................&& 4.3.2.& A$nor%al cases..............................................................................................................................................&& 4.3.2.&.1 2S $eha(iour towards a networ0 that has failed the authentication procedure.........................................&9 4.3.2.* ;andlin! of 0eys at intersyste% chan!e fro% 2TS to #S2......................................................................&9 4.3.2.*a se of esta$lished security conte?ts.............................................................................................................&9 ;andlin! of 0eys at intersyste% chan!e fro% #S2 to 2TS......................................................................*< +oid *< 4.3.3 Identification procedure....................................................................................................................................*< Identity re>uest $y the networ0......................................................................................................................*< Identification response $y the %o$ile station.................................................................................................*1 A$nor%al cases..............................................................................................................................................*1 4.3.4 I2SI detach procedure......................................................................................................................................*1 I2SI detach initiation $y the %o$ile station..................................................................................................*1 I2SI detach procedure in the networ0...........................................................................................................*2 I2SI detach co%pletion $y the %o$ile station..............................................................................................*2 A$nor%al cases..............................................................................................................................................*2 4.3.5 A$ort procedure................................................................................................................................................*2 A$ort procedure initiation $y the networ0.....................................................................................................*2 A$ort procedure in the %o$ile station............................................................................................................*2 4.3.& 22 infor%ation procedure...............................................................................................................................*3 4.3.&.1 22 infor%ation procedure initiation $y the networ0...................................................................................*3 4.3.&.2 22 infor%ation procedure in the %o$ile station..........................................................................................*3 4.4 22 specific procedures.......................................................................................................................................*3 4.4.1 )ocation updatin! procedure.............................................................................................................................*3 4.4.2 /eriodic updatin!..............................................................................................................................................*4 4.4.3 I2SI attach procedure.......................................................................................................................................*5 4.4.4 #eneric )ocation pdatin! procedure..............................................................................................................*5 )ocation updatin! initiation $y the %o$ile station........................................................................................*5 8etwor0 1e>uest for Additional %o$ile station Capa$ility Infor%ation.....................................................*& Identification re>uest fro% the networ0.........................................................................................................*& Authentication $y the networ0.......................................................................................................................*& Security %ode settin! $y the networ0............................................................................................................*& Atte%pt Counter.............................................................................................................................................*& 4.4.4.& )ocation updatin! accepted $y the networ0...................................................................................................*& 4.4.4.* )ocation updatin! not accepted $y the networ0............................................................................................** 1elease of 11 connection after location updatin!.........................................................................................*3 A$nor%al cases on the %o$ile station side....................................................................................................*3< A$nor%al cases on the networ0 side............................................................................................................3< 4.4.5 +oid 3< 4.4.& +oid 3< 4.5 Connection %ana!e%ent su$layer ser(ice pro(ision ..........................................................................................3< 4.5.1 22 connection esta$lish%ent..........................................................................................................................31 22 connection esta$lish%ent initiated $y the %o$ile station......................................................................31 A$nor%al cases..............................................................................................................................................33 22 connection esta$lish%ent initiated $y the networ0................................................................................34 2o$ile Ter%inatin! C2 Acti(ity ..............................................................................................................34 2o$ile 'ri!inatin! C2 Acti(ity @,CC.S-@...............................................................................................35 /a!in! response in 2TS , 2TS only-....................................................................................................3&


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$ A$nor%al cases..............................................................................................................................................3& 22 connection esta$lish%ent for e%er!ency calls.......................................................................................3& 4.5.1.& Call re6esta$lish%ent......................................................................................................................................3* 4.5.1.&.1 Call re6esta$lish%ent= initiation $y the %o$ile station................................................................................3* 4.5.1.&.2 A$nor%al cases...........................................................................................................................................39 4.5.1.* Forced release durin! 2' 22 connection esta$lish%ent............................................................................39 4.5.2 22 connection infor%ation transfer phase......................................................................................................9< Sendin! C2 %essa!es...................................................................................................................................9< 1ecei(in! C2 %essa!es................................................................................................................................9< A$nor%al cases..............................................................................................................................................9< 4.5.3 22 connection release.....................................................................................................................................9< 1elease of associated 11 connection.............................................................................................................91 plin0 release in a (oice !roup call...............................................................................................................91 4.& 1ecei(in! a 22 STAT S %essa!e $y a 22 entity..........................................................................................91 4.* 5le%entary %o$ility %ana!e%ent procedures for #/1S ser(ices......................................................................91 4.*.1 #eneral 91 4.*.1.1 )ower layer failure.........................................................................................................................................91 4.*.1.2 Cipherin! of %essa!es ,#S2 only-...............................................................................................................91 4.*.1.3 /6T2SI si!nature...........................................................................................................................................92 4.*.1.4 1adio resource su$layer address handlin!.....................................................................................................92 4.*.1.4.1 1adio resource su$layer address handlin! ,#S2 only-..............................................................................92 4.*.1.5 /6T2SI handlin!............................................................................................................................................93 4.*.1.5.1 /6T2SI handlin! in #S2...........................................................................................................................93 4.*.1.5.2 /6T2SI handlin! in 2TS........................................................................................................................93 4.*.1.& Chan!e of networ0 %ode of operation...........................................................................................................93 4.*.1.&.1 Chan!e of networ0 %ode of operation in #S2 ,#S2 only-......................................................................94 4.*.1.&.2 Chan!e of networ0 %ode of operation in 2TS , 2TS only-.................................................................94 4.*.1.&.3 Chan!e of networ0 %ode of operation at 2TS to #S2 inter6syste% chan!e.........................................95 4.*.1.&.4 Chan!e of networ0 %ode of operation at #S2 to 2TS inter6syste% chan!e.........................................9& 4.*.1.* Intersyste% chan!e $etween #S2 and 2TS..............................................................................................9& 4.*.1.3 )ist of for$idden /)28s for #/1S ser(ice..................................................................................................9* 4.*.2 #/1S 2o$ility %ana!e%ent ti%ers and 2TS /S si!nallin! connection control.........................................9* 4.*.2.1 15A4A ti%er $eha(iour................................................................................................................................9* 4.*.2.1.1 15A4A ti%er $eha(iour ,#S2 only-........................................................................................................9* 4.*.2.1.2 ;andlin! of 15A4A ti%er in 2TS , 2TS only-..................................................................................99 4.*.2.2 /eriodic routin! area updatin!.......................................................................................................................99 4.*.2.3 /226I4)5 %ode and /226C'885CT54 %ode , 2TS only-.............................................................1<< 4.*.2.4 ;andlin! of Force to stand$y in 2TS , 2TS only-................................................................................1<< 4.*.2.5 1A pdate procedure for Si!nallin! Connection 1e6esta$lish%ent , 2TS only-....................................1<< 4.*.3 #/1S attach procedure...................................................................................................................................1<< 4.*.3.1 #/1S attach procedure for #/1S ser(ices..................................................................................................1<1 4.*.3.1.1 #/1S attach procedure initiation..............................................................................................................1<1 4.*.3.1.2 #22 co%%on procedure initiation.........................................................................................................1<1 4.*.3.1.3 #/1S attach accepted $y the networ0......................................................................................................1<1 4.*.3.1.4 #/1S attach not accepted $y the networ0................................................................................................1<2 4.*.3.1.5 A$nor%al cases in the 2S........................................................................................................................1<4 4.*.3.1.& A$nor%al cases on the networ0 side.........................................................................................................1<5 4.*.3.2 Co%$ined #/1S attach procedure for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices.......................................................1<* 4.*.3.2.1 Co%$ined #/1S attach procedure initiation............................................................................................1<* 4.*.3.2.2 #22 Co%%on procedure initiation........................................................................................................1<* 4.*.3.2.3 Co%$ined #/1S attach accepted $y the networ0.....................................................................................1<3 4.*. Co%$ined attach successful for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices...........................................................1<3 4.*. Co%$ined attach successful for #/1S ser(ices only............................................................................1<3 4.*.3.2.4 Co%$ined #/1S attach not accepted $y the networ0..............................................................................1<9 4.*.3.2.5 A$nor%al cases in the 2S........................................................................................................................11< 4.*.3.2.& A$nor%al cases on the networ0 side.........................................................................................................111 4.*.4 #/1S detach procedure..................................................................................................................................111 4.*.4.1 2S initiated #/1S detach procedure..........................................................................................................111 4.*.4.1.1 2S initiated #/1S detach procedure initiation........................................................................................111 4.*.4.1.2 2S initiated #/1S detach procedure co%pletion for #/1S ser(ices only..............................................112 4.*.4.1.3 2S initiated co%$ined #/1S detach procedure co%pletion....................................................................112


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4.*.4.1.4 A$nor%al cases in the 2S........................................................................................................................112 4.*.4.2 8etwor0 initiated #/1S detach procedure..................................................................................................113 4.*.4.2.1 8etwor0 initiated #/1S detach procedure initiation................................................................................113 4.*.4.2.2 8etwor0 initiated #/1S detach procedure co%pletion $y the 2S...........................................................114 4.*.4.2.3 8etwor0 initiated #/1S detach procedure co%pletion $y the networ0...................................................11& 4.*.4.2.4 A$nor%al cases on the networ0 side.........................................................................................................11& 4.*.5 1outin! area updatin! procedure....................................................................................................................11* 4.*.5.1 8or%al and periodic routin! area updatin! procedure................................................................................113 4.*.5.1.1 8or%al and periodic routin! area updatin! procedure initiation..............................................................119 4.*.5.1.2 #22 Co%%on procedure initiation........................................................................................................119 4.*.5.1.3 8or%al and periodic routin! area updatin! procedure accepted $y the networ0.....................................119 4.*.5.1.4 8or%al and periodic routin! area updatin! procedure not accepted $y the networ0...............................12< 4.*.5.1.5 A$nor%al cases in the 2S........................................................................................................................122 4.*.5.1.& A$nor%al cases on the networ0 side.........................................................................................................123 4.*.5.2 Co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure.................................................................................................124 4.*.5.2.1 Co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure initiation..............................................................................124 4.*.5.2.2 #22 Co%%on procedure initiation........................................................................................................125 4.*.5.2.3 Co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure accepted $y the networ0......................................................125 4.*. Co%$ined routin! area updatin! successful..........................................................................................12& 4.*. Co%$ined routin! are updatin! successful for #/1S ser(ices only......................................................12& 4.*.5.2.4 Co%$ined routin! area updatin! not accepted $y the networ0.................................................................12* 4.*.5.2.5 A$nor%al cases in the 2S........................................................................................................................129 4.*.5.2.& A$nor%al cases on the networ0 side.........................................................................................................129 4.*.& /6T2SI reallocation procedure.......................................................................................................................129 4.*.&.1 /6T2SI reallocation initiation $y the networ0............................................................................................129 4.*.&.2 /6T2SI reallocation co%pletion $y the 2S................................................................................................13< 4.*.&.3 /6T2SI reallocation co%pletion $y the networ0.........................................................................................13< 4.*.&.4 A$nor%al cases on the networ0 side............................................................................................................13< 4.*.* Authentication and cipherin! procedure.........................................................................................................131 4.*.*a Authentication and cipherin! procedure used for 2TS authentication challen!e.....................................131 4.*.*$ Authentication and cipherin! procedure used for #S2 authentication challen!e.......................................132 4.*.*.1 Authentication and cipherin! initiation $y the networ0...............................................................................132 4.*.*.2 Authentication and cipherin! response $y the 2S......................................................................................133 4.*.*.3 Authentication and cipherin! co%pletion $y the networ0...........................................................................134 4.*.*.4 #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er........................................................................................................134 4.*.*.5 Authentication not accepted $y the networ0................................................................................................135 4.*.*.5.1 Authentication not accepted $y the 2S....................................................................................................135 4.*.*.& A$nor%al cases on the networ0 side............................................................................................................13& 4.*.*.&.1 2S $eha(iour towards a networ0 that has failed the authentication procedure.......................................139 4.*.*.* se of esta$lished security conte?ts............................................................................................................139 4.*.*.3 ;andlin! of 0eys at intersyste% chan!e fro% 2TS to #S2....................................................................139 4.*.*.9 ;andlin! of 0eys at intersyste% chan!e fro% #S2 to 2TS....................................................................14< 4.*.3 Identification procedure..................................................................................................................................14< 4.*.3.1 Identification initiation $y the networ0........................................................................................................14< 4.*.3.2 Identification response $y the 2S................................................................................................................141 4.*.3.3 Identification co%pletion $y the networ0....................................................................................................141 4.*.3.4 A$nor%al cases on the networ0 side............................................................................................................141 4.*.9 /a!in! procedure.............................................................................................................................................142 4.*.9.1 /a!in! for #/1S ser(ices............................................................................................................................142 4.*.9.1.1 /a!in! for #/1S ser(ices usin! /6T2SI.................................................................................................142 4.*.9.1.2 /a!in! for #/1S ser(ices usin! I2SI......................................................................................................143 4.*.9.2 /a!in! for non6#/1S ser(ices.....................................................................................................................143 4.*.1< 1ecei(in! a #22 STAT S %essa!e $y a #22 entity.............................................................................143 4.*.11 +oid 143 4.*.12 #22 Infor%ation procedure........................................................................................................................143 4.*.12.1 #22 infor%ation procedure initiation $y the networ0............................................................................144 4.*.12.2 #22 infor%ation procedure in the %o$ile station...................................................................................144 4.*.13 Ser(ice 1e>uest procedure , 2TS only-.....................................................................................................144 4.*.13.1 Ser(ice 1e>uest procedure initiation.........................................................................................................145 4.*.13.2 #22 co%%on procedure initiation..........................................................................................................145 4.*.13.3 Ser(ice re>uest procedure accepted $y the networ0..................................................................................145


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4.*.13.4 Ser(ice re>uest procedure not accepted $y the networ0............................................................................145 4.*.13.5 A$nor%al cases in the 2S.........................................................................................................................14* 4.*.13.& A$nor%al cases on the networ0 side..........................................................................................................14* 4.*.14 +oid 143

5 5le%entary procedures for circuit6switched Call Control..................................................................143

5.1 '(er(iew............................................................................................................................................................143 5.1.1 #eneral 143 5.1.2 Call Control States..........................................................................................................................................153 Call states at the %o$ile station side of the interface...................................................................................153 8ull ,State <-..........................................................................................................................................153 22 Connection pendin! , <.1-...............................................................................................................153 CC pro%pt present , <.2- @,CC.S-@.....................................................................................................154$ Bait for networ0 infor%ation , <.3- @,CC.S-@....................................................................................154 CC65sta$lish%ent present , <.4- @,CC.S-@..........................................................................................154 CC65sta$lish%ent confir%ed , <.5- @,CC.S-@.....................................................................................154 1ecall present , <.&- @,CC.S-@.............................................................................................................154 Call initiated , 1-.....................................................................................................................................154 2o$ile ori!inatin! call proceedin! , 3-...................................................................................................154 Call deli(ered , 4-....................................................................................................................................154 Call present , &-.......................................................................................................................................154* Call recei(ed , *-.....................................................................................................................................154 Connect 1e>uest , 3-...............................................................................................................................154 2o$ile ter%inatin! call confir%ed , 9-...................................................................................................155< Acti(e , 1<-............................................................................................................................................155 4isconnect re>uest , 11-........................................................................................................................155 4isconnect indication , 12-...................................................................................................................155 1elease re>uest , 19-.............................................................................................................................155 2o$ile ori!inatin! %odify , 2&-............................................................................................................155 2o$ile ter%inatin! %odify , 2*-...........................................................................................................155 8etwor0 call states.......................................................................................................................................155 8ull ,State 8<-..........................................................................................................................................155 22 connection pendin! ,8<.1-................................................................................................................155 CC connection pendin! ,8<.2- @,CC.S-@..............................................................................................155$ 8etwor0 answer pendin! ,8<.3- @,CC.S-@...........................................................................................155 CC65sta$lish%ent present ,8<.4- @,CC.S-@..........................................................................................15& CC65sta$lish%ent confir%ed ,8<.5- @,CC.S-@.....................................................................................15& Call initiated ,81-.....................................................................................................................................15& 2o$ile ori!inatin! call proceedin! ,83-...................................................................................................15& Call deli(ered ,84-....................................................................................................................................15& Call present ,8&-.......................................................................................................................................15&* Call recei(ed ,8*-.....................................................................................................................................15& Connect re>uest ,83-................................................................................................................................15& 2o$ile ter%inatin! call confir%ed ,89-...................................................................................................15&< Acti(e ,81<-............................................................................................................................................15& 8ot used 15& 4isconnect indication ,812-...................................................................................................................15& 1elease re>uest ,819-.............................................................................................................................15* 2o$ile ori!inatin! %odify ,82&-............................................................................................................15* 2o$ile ter%inatin! %odify ,82*-...........................................................................................................15* Connect Indication ,823-........................................................................................................................15* 5.2 Call esta$lish%ent procedures............................................................................................................................15* 5.2.1 2o$ile ori!inatin! call esta$lish%ent.............................................................................................................15* Call initiation ...............................................................................................................................................153 1eceipt of a setup %essa!e..........................................................................................................................153 1eceipt of a CA)) /1'C554I8# %essa!e..............................................................................................1&< 8otification of pro!ressin! %o$ile ori!inated call......................................................................................1&< 8otification of interwor0in! in connection with %o$ile ori!inated call esta$lish%ent............................1&1 Call pro!ress in the /)28"IS48 en(iron%ent........................................................................................1&1 Alertin! 1&1 5.2.1.& Call connected..............................................................................................................................................1&2 5.2.1.* Call reCection................................................................................................................................................1&2

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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$ Transit networ0 selection.............................................................................................................................1&2 Traffic channel assi!n%ent at %o$ile ori!inatin! call esta$lish%ent..........................................................1&3< Call >ueuin! at %o$ile ori!inatin! call esta$lish%ent...............................................................................1&3 Speech Codec Selection.............................................................................................................................1&3 Cellular Te?t telephone 2ode% ,CT2- selection.....................................................................................1&4 5.2.2 2o$ile ter%inatin! call esta$lish%ent............................................................................................................1&4 Call indication..............................................................................................................................................1&4 Co%pati$ility chec0in!................................................................................................................................1&5 Call confir%ation.........................................................................................................................................1&5 1esponse to S5T /..................................................................................................................................1&5 1eceipt of CA)) C'8FI1254 and A)51TI8# $y the networ0.........................................................1&& Call failure procedures..............................................................................................................................1&& Called %o$ile station clearin! durin! %o$ile ter%inatin! call esta$lish%ent..........................................1&* 8otification of interwor0in! in connection with %o$ile ter%inatin! call esta$lish%ent............................1&* Call accept....................................................................................................................................................1&* 5.2.2.& Acti(e indication..........................................................................................................................................1&* 5.2.2.* Traffic channel assi!n%ent at %o$ile ter%inatin! call esta$lish%ent.........................................................1&3 Call >ueuin! at %o$ile ter%inatin! call esta$lish%ent................................................................................1&3 ser connection attach%ent durin! a %o$ile ter%inatin! call.....................................................................1&3< Cellular Te?t telephone 2ode% ,CT2- selection.....................................................................................1&9 5.2.3 8etwor0 initiated 2' call @,CC.S-@.............................................................................................................1&9 Initiation 1&9 CC65sta$lish%ent present............................................................................................................................1&9 1ecall Ali!n%ent /rocedure.....................................................................................................................1*< CC65sta$lish%ent confir%ation...................................................................................................................1*1 1ecall present...............................................................................................................................................1*2 Traffic channel assi!n%ent durin! networ0 initiated %o$ile ori!inatin! call esta$lish%ent......................1*3 5.3 Si!nallin! procedures durin! the Dacti(eD state.................................................................................................1*3 5.3.1 ser notification procedure.............................................................................................................................1*3 5.3.2 Call rearran!e%ents........................................................................................................................................1*3 5.3.3 Codec Chan!e /rocedure................................................................................................................................1*3 5.3.4 Support of 4ual Ser(ices................................................................................................................................1*3 Ser(ice 4escription......................................................................................................................................1*3 Call esta$lish%ent........................................................................................................................................1*4 2o$ile 'ri!inatin! 5sta$lish%ent............................................................................................................1*4 2o$ile Ter%inatin! 5sta$lish%ent...........................................................................................................1*5 Chan!in! the Call 2ode..............................................................................................................................1*5 Initiation of in6call %odification...............................................................................................................1*5 Successful co%pletion of in6call %odification..........................................................................................1*5 Chan!e of the channel confi!uration........................................................................................................1*& Failure of in6call %odification..................................................................................................................1*& 8etwor0 reCection of in6call %odification..............................................................................................1*& 2o$ile station reCection of in6call %odification ....................................................................................1*& Ti%e6out reco(ery..................................................................................................................................1*& A$nor%al procedures...................................................................................................................................1*& 5.3.5 ser initiated ser(ice le(el up6 and down!radin! ,#S2 only-......................................................................1** Initiation of ser(ice le(el up6 and down!radin!..........................................................................................1** Successful co%pletion of ser(ice le(el up6 and down!radin!.....................................................................1*3 1eCection of ser(ice le(el up6 and down!radin!..........................................................................................1*3 Ti%e6out reco(ery........................................................................................................................................1*3 5.3.& Support of %ulti%edia calls............................................................................................................................1*3 5.3.&.1 Ser(ice description.......................................................................................................................................1*3 5.3.&.2 Call esta$lish%ent........................................................................................................................................1*3 5.3.&.2.1 2o$ile ori!inated %ulti%edia call esta$lish%ent.....................................................................................1*3 5.3.&.2.1.1 Fall$ac0 to speech..................................................................................................................................1*9 5.3.&.2.2 2o$ile ter%inatin! %ulti%edia call .........................................................................................................1*9 5.3.&.3 In6call %odification in the Dacti(eD state......................................................................................................13< 5.3.&.3.1 Initiation of in6call %odification...............................................................................................................13< 5.3.&.3.2 Successful co%pletion of in6call %odification..........................................................................................13< 5.3.&.3.3 Failure of in6call %odification..................................................................................................................13< 5.3.&.3.3.1 2S reCection of in6call %odification .....................................................................................................13<


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5.3.&.3.3.2 Ti%e6out reco(ery..................................................................................................................................13< 5.4 Call clearin!.......................................................................................................................................................13< 5.4.1 Ter%inolo!y....................................................................................................................................................13< 5.4.2 5?ception conditions.......................................................................................................................................131 5.4.3 Clearin! initiated $y the %o$ile station..........................................................................................................131 Initiation of call clearin!..............................................................................................................................131 1eceipt of a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e fro% the %o$ile station...................................................................131 1eceipt of a 15)5AS5 %essa!e fro% the networ0.....................................................................................132 1eceipt of a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e fro% the %o$ile station.....................................................132 A$nor%al cases............................................................................................................................................132 5.4.4 Clearin! initiated $y the networ0....................................................................................................................132 Clearin! initiated $y the networ0E %o$ile does not support D/rolon!ed Clearin! /rocedureD....................132 Clearin! when tones"announce%ents pro(ided.........................................................................................132 1eceipt of a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e with pro!ress indicator F3 fro% the networ0............................132 5?piry of ti%er T3<&..............................................................................................................................133 Clearin! when tones"announce%ents not pro(ided...................................................................................133 1eceipt of a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e without pro!ress indicator or with pro!ress indicator different fro% F3 fro% the networ0......................................................................................................133 1eceipt of a 15)5AS5 %essa!e fro% the %o$ile station.....................................................................133 A$nor%al cases......................................................................................................................................133 Co%pletion of clearin!..............................................................................................................................133 A$nor%al cases......................................................................................................................................133 Clearin! initiated $y the networ0E %o$ile supports D/rolon!ed Clearin! /rocedureD................................133 Clearin! when tones"announce%ents pro(ided and the networ0 does not indicate that DCC.S acti(ation is possi$leD.............................................................................................................................134 1eceipt of a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e....................................................................................................134 5?piry of ti%er T3<&..............................................................................................................................134 Clearin! when the networ0 indicates that DCC.S acti(ation is possi$leD................................................134 1eceipt of a 4ISC'885CT..................................................................................................................134 5?piry of ti%er T333..............................................................................................................................135 Clearin! when tones"announce%ents are not pro(ided and the networ0 does not indicate that DCC.S acti(ation is possi$leD.............................................................................................................135 1eceipt of a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e....................................................................................................135 A$nor%al cases......................................................................................................................................13& 1eceipt of a 15)5AS5 %essa!e fro% the %o$ile station........................................................................13& 1elease= CC.S not re>uested.................................................................................................................13& 1elease= CC.S 1e>uested.....................................................................................................................13& Co%pletion of clearin!..............................................................................................................................13& A$nor%al cases......................................................................................................................................13& 5.5 2iscellaneous procedures..................................................................................................................................13* 5.5.1 In6$and tones and announce%ents..................................................................................................................13* 5.5.2 Call collisions..................................................................................................................................................13* 5.5.3 Status procedures............................................................................................................................................13* Status en>uiry procedure..............................................................................................................................13* 1eception of a STAT S %essa!e $y a CC entity........................................................................................133 STAT S %essa!e with inco%pati$le state...............................................................................................133 STAT S %essa!e with co%pati$le state..................................................................................................133 5.5.4 Call re6esta$lish%ent= %o$ile station side......................................................................................................133 Indication fro% the %o$ility %ana!e%ent su$layer....................................................................................133 1eaction of call control................................................................................................................................133 Co%pletion of re6esta$lish%ent...................................................................................................................139 nsuccessful outco%e..................................................................................................................................139 5.5.5 Call re6esta$lish%ent= networ0 side................................................................................................................139 State ali!n%ent.............................................................................................................................................139 5.5.& /ro!ress...........................................................................................................................................................139 5.5.* 4T2F protocol control procedure..................................................................................................................139 5.5.*.1 Start 4T2F re>uest $y the %o$ile station...................................................................................................19< 5.5.*.2 Start 4T2F response $y the networ0..........................................................................................................19< 5.5.*.3 Stop 4T2F re>uest $y the %o$ile station...................................................................................................19< 5.5.*.4 Stop 4T2F response $y the networ0..........................................................................................................19< 5.5.*.5 Se>uencin! of su$se>uent start 4T2F re>uests $y the %o$ile station.......................................................19<


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& Support for pac0et ser(ices................................................................................................................191

&.1 #/1S Session %ana!e%ent...............................................................................................................................191 &.1.1 #eneral 191 &.1.2 Session %ana!e%ent states.............................................................................................................................192 &.1.2.1 Session %ana!e%ent states in the 2S.........................................................................................................192 &. /4/6I8ACTI+5.......................................................................................................................................192 &. /4/6ACTI+56/584I8#.........................................................................................................................192 &. /4/6I8ACTI+56/584I8#....................................................................................................................192 &. /4/6ACTI+5...........................................................................................................................................192 &. /4/62'4IFAG/584I8# ......................................................................................................................192 &.1.2.2 Session %ana!e%ent states on the networ0 side..........................................................................................193 &. /4/6I8ACTI+5.......................................................................................................................................193 &. /4/6ACTI+56/584I8#.........................................................................................................................193 &. /4/6I8ACTI+56/584I8#....................................................................................................................193 &. /4/6ACTI+5...........................................................................................................................................193 &. /4/62'4IFA6/584I8#.......................................................................................................................194 &.1.3 Session 2ana!e%ent procedures....................................................................................................................194 &.1.3.1 /4/ conte?t acti(ation.................................................................................................................................194 &. Successful /4/ conte?t acti(ation initiated $y the %o$ile station...........................................................195 &. Successful /4/ conte?t acti(ation re>uested $y the networ0..................................................................195 &. nsuccessful /4/ conte?t acti(ation initiated $y the 2S........................................................................19& &. nsuccessful /4/ conte?t acti(ation re>uested $y the networ0..............................................................19& &. A$nor%al cases.........................................................................................................................................19& &.1.3.2 Secondary /4/ Conte?t Acti(ation /rocedure............................................................................................193 &. Successful Secondary /4/ Conte?t Acti(ation /rocedure Initiated $y the 2S.......................................199 &. nsuccessful Secondary /4/ Conte?t Acti(ation /rocedure initiated $y the 2S...................................2<< &. A$nor%al cases.........................................................................................................................................2<< &.1.3.3 /4/ conte?t %odification procedure...........................................................................................................2<1 &. 8etwor0 initiated /4/ Conte?t 2odification...........................................................................................2<2 &. 2S initiated /4/ Conte?t 2odification accepted $y the networ0...........................................................2<2 &. 2S initiated /4/ Conte?t 2odification not accepted $y the networ0.....................................................2<2 &. A$nor%al cases.........................................................................................................................................2<4 &.1.3.4 /4/ conte?t deacti(ation procedure............................................................................................................2<5 &. /4/ conte?t deacti(ation initiated $y the 2S..........................................................................................2<5 &. /4/ conte?t deacti(ation initiated $y the networ0...................................................................................2<5 &. A$nor%al cases.........................................................................................................................................2<& &.1.3.4a +oid 2<* &.1.3.5 +oid 2<* &.1.3.& 1ecei(in! a S2 STAT S %essa!e $y a S2 entity.....................................................................................2<*

* 5?a%ples of structured procedures.....................................................................................................2<* 3 ;andlin! of un0nown= unforeseen= and erroneous protocol data........................................................2<*
3.1 #eneral...............................................................................................................................................................2<* 3.2 2essa!e too short...............................................................................................................................................2<3 3.3 n0nown or unforeseen transaction identifier...................................................................................................2<3 3.3.1 Call Control.....................................................................................................................................................2<3 3.3.2 Session 2ana!e%ent.......................................................................................................................................2<9 3.4 n0nown or unforeseen %essa!e type...............................................................................................................2<9 3.5 8on6se%antical %andatory infor%ation ele%ent errors....................................................................................21< 3.5.1 1adio resource %ana!e%ent...........................................................................................................................21< 3.5.2 2o$ility %ana!e%ent.....................................................................................................................................21< 3.5.3 Call control......................................................................................................................................................211 3.5.4 #22 %o$ility %ana!e%ent...........................................................................................................................211 3.5.5 Session %ana!e%ent.......................................................................................................................................211 3.& n0nown and unforeseen I5s in the non6i%perati(e %essa!e part...................................................................211 3.&.1 I5Is un0nown in the %essa!e..........................................................................................................................211 3.&.2 'ut of se>uence I5s........................................................................................................................................211 3.&.3 1epeated I5s....................................................................................................................................................211 3.* 8on6i%perati(e %essa!e part errors..................................................................................................................212 3.*.1 Syntactically incorrect optional I5s................................................................................................................212 3.*.2 Conditional I5 errors.......................................................................................................................................212

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3.3 2essa!es with se%antically incorrect contents.................................................................................................212

9 2essa!e functional definitions and contents......................................................................................212

9.1 2essa!es for 1adio 1esources %ana!e%ent.....................................................................................................213 9.2 2essa!es for %o$ility %ana!e%ent...................................................................................................................213 9.2.1 Authentication reCect.......................................................................................................................................214 9.2.2 Authentication re>uest....................................................................................................................................215 Authentication /ara%eter A T8.................................................................................................................215 9.2.3 Authentication response..................................................................................................................................215 Authentication 1esponse /ara%eter............................................................................................................21& Authentication 1esponse /ara%eter ,e?tension-.........................................................................................21& 9.2.3a Authentication Failure ..................................................................................................................................21& 9.2.3a.1 Authentication Failure para%eter...............................................................................................................21& 9.2.4 C2 1e6esta$lish%ent re>uest.........................................................................................................................21* )ocation area identification..........................................................................................................................21* 2o$ile Station Class%ar0............................................................................................................................21* 9.2.5 C2 ser(ice accept...........................................................................................................................................21* 9.2.5a C2 ser(ice pro%pt @,CC.S-@......................................................................................................................213 9.2.& C2 ser(ice reCect............................................................................................................................................213 9.2.* C2 ser(ice a$ort.............................................................................................................................................213 9.2.3 A$ort 219 9.2.9 C2 ser(ice re>uest..........................................................................................................................................219 2o$ile Station Class%ar0............................................................................................................................22< /riority 22< 9.2.1< Identity re>uest..............................................................................................................................................22< 9.2.11 Identity response...........................................................................................................................................221 9.2.12 I2SI detach indication..................................................................................................................................221 2o$ile Station Class%ar0..........................................................................................................................221 9.2.13 )ocation updatin! accept..............................................................................................................................221 Follow on proceed......................................................................................................................................222 CTS per%ission..........................................................................................................................................222 5>ui(alent /)28s.....................................................................................................................................222 9.2.14 )ocation updatin! reCect................................................................................................................................222 9.2.15 )ocation updatin! re>uest.............................................................................................................................223 )ocation area identification........................................................................................................................223 2o$ile Station Class%ar0..........................................................................................................................223 2o$ile Station Class%ar0 for 2TS........................................................................................................223 9.2.15a 22 infor%ation..........................................................................................................................................223 9.2.15a.1 Full na%e for networ0..............................................................................................................................224 9.2.15a.2 Short na%e for networ0............................................................................................................................224 9.2.15a.3 )ocal ti%e Hone........................................................................................................................................224 9.2.15a.4 ni(ersal ti%e and local ti%e Hone..........................................................................................................224 9.2.15a.5 )SA Identity.............................................................................................................................................224 9.2.15a.& 8etwor0 4ayli!ht Sa(in! Ti%e...............................................................................................................225 9.2.1& 22 Status.....................................................................................................................................................225 9.2.1* T2SI reallocation co%%and.........................................................................................................................225 9.2.13 T2SI reallocation co%plete..........................................................................................................................22& 9.2.19 22 8ull........................................................................................................................................................22& 9.3 2essa!es for circuit6switched call control.........................................................................................................22* 9.3.1 Alertin!22* Alertin! ,networ0 to %o$ile station direction-.............................................................................................22* Facility 223 /ro!ress indicator......................................................................................................................................223 ser6user 223 Alertin! ,%o$ile station to networ0 direction-.............................................................................................223 Facility 229 ser6user 229 SS (ersion 229 9.3.2 Call confir%ed.................................................................................................................................................229 1epeat indicator...........................................................................................................................................229 .earer capa$ility 1 and $earer capa$ility 2..................................................................................................23< Cause 23<

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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$ CC Capa$ilities............................................................................................................................................23< Strea% Identifier...........................................................................................................................................23< 9.3.2.& Supported Codecs ........................................................................................................................................23< 9.3.3 Call proceedin!...............................................................................................................................................23< 1epeat indicator...........................................................................................................................................231 .earer capa$ility 1 and $earer capa$ility 2..................................................................................................231 Facility 231 /ro!ress Indicator.........................................................................................................................................231 /riority !ranted.............................................................................................................................................231 9.3.3.& 8etwor0 Call Control Capa$ilities...............................................................................................................232 9.3.4 Con!estion control..........................................................................................................................................232 Cause 232 9.3.5 Connect232 Connect ,networ0 to %o$ile station direction-.............................................................................................232 Facility 233 /ro!ress indicator......................................................................................................................................233 ser6user 233 Connect ,%o$ile station to networ0 direction-.............................................................................................233 Facility 234 ser6user 234 SS (ersion 234 Strea% Identifier........................................................................................................................................234 9.3.& Connect ac0nowled!e.....................................................................................................................................234 9.3.* 4isconnect.......................................................................................................................................................235 9.3.*.1 4isconnect ,networ0 to %o$ile station direction-........................................................................................235 9.3.*.1.1 Facility 235 9.3.*.1.2 /ro!ress indicator......................................................................................................................................235 9.3.*.1.3 ser6user 235 9.3.*.1.4 Allowed actions @,CC.S-@.......................................................................................................................235 9.3.*.2 4isconnect ,%o$ile station to networ0 direction-........................................................................................23& 9.3.*.2.1 Facility 23& 9.3.*.2.2 ser6user 23& 9.3.*.2.3 SS (ersion 23& 9.3.3 5%er!ency setup.............................................................................................................................................23& .earer capa$ility..........................................................................................................................................23* Strea% Identifier...........................................................................................................................................23* Supported Codecs ........................................................................................................................................23* Ser(ice cate!ory...........................................................................................................................................23* 9.3.9 Facility 23* Facility ,networ0 to %o$ile station direction-..............................................................................................23* Facility ,%o$ile station to networ0 direction-..............................................................................................233 SS (ersion 233 9.3.1< ;old 239 9.3.11 ;old Ac0nowled!e........................................................................................................................................239 9.3.12 ;old 1eCect....................................................................................................................................................239 9.3.13 2odify...........................................................................................................................................................24< )ow layer co%pati$ility.............................................................................................................................24< ;i!h layer co%pati$ility............................................................................................................................24< 1e(erse call setup direction.......................................................................................................................24< I%%ediate %odification indicator..............................................................................................................24< 9.3.14 2odify co%plete...........................................................................................................................................241 )ow layer co%pati$ility.............................................................................................................................241 ;i!h layer co%pati$ility............................................................................................................................241 1e(erse call setup direction.......................................................................................................................241 9.3.15 2odify reCect.................................................................................................................................................241 )ow layer co%pati$ility.............................................................................................................................242 ;i!h layer co%pati$ility............................................................................................................................242 9.3.1& 8otify 242 9.3.1* /ro!ress.........................................................................................................................................................242 9.3.1*.1 ser6user....................................................................................................................................................243 9.3.1*a CC65sta$lish%ent @,CC.S-@......................................................................................................................243


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9.3.1*a.1 +oid 244 9.3.1*a.2 Setup container.........................................................................................................................................244 9.3.1*$ CC65sta$lish%ent confir%ed @,CC.S-@....................................................................................................244 9.3.1*$.1 1epeat indicator.......................................................................................................................................244 9.3.1*$.2 .earer capa$ility 1 and $earer capa$ility 2..............................................................................................244 9.3.1*$.3 Cause 244 9.3.1*$.4 Supported Codecs ....................................................................................................................................245 9.3.13 1elease..........................................................................................................................................................245 1elease ,networ0 to %o$ile station direction-...........................................................................................245 Cause 245 Second cause...........................................................................................................................................245 Facility 245 ser6user 24& 1elease ,%o$ile station to networ0 direction-...........................................................................................24& Cause 24& Second cause...........................................................................................................................................24& Facility 24& ser6user 24& SS (ersion................................................................................................................................................24* 9.3.13a 1ecall @,CC.S-@.........................................................................................................................................24* 9.3.13a.1 1ecall Type...............................................................................................................................................24* 9.3.13a.2 Facility24* 9.3.19 1elease co%plete...........................................................................................................................................24* 1elease co%plete ,networ0 to %o$ile station direction-............................................................................24* Cause 243 Facility 243 ser6user 243 1elease co%plete ,%o$ile station to networ0 direction-............................................................................243 Cause 249 Facility 249 ser6user 249 SS (ersion................................................................................................................................................249 9.3.2< 1etrie(e.........................................................................................................................................................249 9.3.21 1etrie(e Ac0nowled!e..................................................................................................................................249 9.3.22 1etrie(e 1eCect..............................................................................................................................................25< 9.3.23 Setup 25< Setup ,%o$ile ter%inated call esta$lish%ent-............................................................................................25< .C repeat indicator.................................................................................................................................251 .earer capa$ility 1 and $earer capa$ility 2.............................................................................................252 Facility 252 /ro!ress indicator....................................................................................................................................252 Called party .C4 nu%$er.....................................................................................................................252 Called party su$address...........................................................................................................................252 ))C repeat indicator...............................................................................................................................252* )ow layer co%pati$ility I........................................................................................................................252 )ow layer co%pati$ility II......................................................................................................................252 ;)C repeat indicator...............................................................................................................................252< ;i!h layer co%pati$ility i.....................................................................................................................252 ;i!h layer co%pati$ility ii....................................................................................................................253 ser6user...............................................................................................................................................253 1edirectin! party .C4 nu%$er ...........................................................................................................253 1edirectin! party su$address ...............................................................................................................253 /riority 253 Alert @,8etwor0 Indication of Alertin! in the 2S-@............................................................................253* 8etwor0 Call Control Capa$ilities........................................................................................................253 Cause of 8o C)I...................................................................................................................................253 .ac0up $earer capa$ility.......................................................................................................................253 Setup ,%o$ile ori!inatin! call esta$lish%ent-............................................................................................253 .C repeat indicator.................................................................................................................................254 Facility 254 ))C repeat indicator...............................................................................................................................255


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$ )ow layer co%pati$ility I........................................................................................................................255 )ow layer co%pati$ility II......................................................................................................................255 ;)C repeat indicator...............................................................................................................................255* ;i!h layer co%pati$ility i.......................................................................................................................255 ;i!h layer co%pati$ility ii......................................................................................................................255 ser6user 255< SS (ersion..............................................................................................................................................255 C)I1 suppression..................................................................................................................................255 C)I1 in(ocation....................................................................................................................................255 CC Capa$ilities.....................................................................................................................................25& Strea% Identifier....................................................................................................................................25& .earer capa$ility 1 and $earer capa$ility 2...........................................................................................25& Supported Codecs .................................................................................................................................25& 9.3.23a Start CC @,CC.S-@.....................................................................................................................................25& 9.3.23a.1 CC Capa$ilities.........................................................................................................................................25& 9.3.24 Start 4T2F...................................................................................................................................................25& 9.3.25 Start 4T2F Ac0nowled!e............................................................................................................................25* Keypad facility...........................................................................................................................................25* 9.3.2& Start 4T2F reCect.........................................................................................................................................25* 9.3.2* Status 253 9.3.2*.1 Au?iliary states...........................................................................................................................................253 9.3.23 Status en>uiry................................................................................................................................................253 9.3.29 Stop 4T2F...................................................................................................................................................259 9.3.3< Stop 4T2F ac0nowled!e.............................................................................................................................259 9.3.31 ser infor%ation...........................................................................................................................................259 ser6user....................................................................................................................................................2&< 2ore data...................................................................................................................................................2&< 9.4 #/1S 2o$ility 2ana!e%ent 2essa!es............................................................................................................2&< 9.4.1 Attach re>uest..................................................................................................................................................2&< 'ld /6T2SI si!nature..................................................................................................................................2&1 1e>uested 15A4A ti%er (alue...................................................................................................................2&1 T2SI status..................................................................................................................................................2&1 /S )CS Capa$ility.......................................................................................................................................2&1 9.4.2 Attach accept...................................................................................................................................................2&1 /6T2SI si!nature.........................................................................................................................................2&2 8e!otiated 15A4A ti%er............................................................................................................................2&2 Allocated /6T2SI........................................................................................................................................2&2 2S identity...................................................................................................................................................2&2 #22 cause..................................................................................................................................................2&2 9.4.2.& T33<2 (alue..................................................................................................................................................2&3 9.4.2.* Cell 8otification ,#S2 only-......................................................................................................................2&3 5>ui(alent /)28s.......................................................................................................................................2&3 9.4.3 Attach co%plete..............................................................................................................................................2&3 9.4.4 Attach reCect....................................................................................................................................................2&3 T33<2 (alue..................................................................................................................................................2&4 9.4.5 4etach re>uest.................................................................................................................................................2&4 4etach re>uest ,%o$ile ter%inated detach-..................................................................................................2&4 #22 cause...............................................................................................................................................2&4 4etach re>uest ,%o$ile ori!inatin! detach-.................................................................................................2&4 /6T2SI 2&5 /6T2SI si!nature......................................................................................................................................2&5 9.4.& 4etach accept..................................................................................................................................................2&5 9.4.&.1 4etach accept ,%o$ile ter%inated detach-...................................................................................................2&5 9.4.&.2 4etach accept ,%o$ile ori!inatin! detach-..................................................................................................2&5 9.4.* /6T2SI reallocation co%%and.......................................................................................................................2&& 9.4.*.1 /6T2SI si!nature.........................................................................................................................................2&& 9.4.3 /6T2SI reallocation co%plete........................................................................................................................2&& 9.4.9 Authentication and cipherin! re>uest..............................................................................................................2&* Authentication /ara%eter 1A84................................................................................................................2&* #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er........................................................................................................2&* Authentication /ara%eter A T8.................................................................................................................2&*


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9.4.1< Authentication and cipherin! response.........................................................................................................2&3 9.4.1<.1 Authentication 1esponse /ara%eter..........................................................................................................2&3 9.4.1<.2 I25IS+ 2&3 9.4.1<.3 Authentication 1esponse /ara%eter ,e?tension-.......................................................................................2&3 9.4.1<a Authentication and Cipherin! Failure.........................................................................................................2&3 9.4.1<a.1 Authentication Failure para%eter.............................................................................................................2&9 9.4.11 Authentication and cipherin! reCect..............................................................................................................2&9 9.4.12 Identity re>uest..............................................................................................................................................2&9 9.4.13 Identity response...........................................................................................................................................2*< 9.4.14 1outin! area update re>uest..........................................................................................................................2*< 'ld /6T2SI si!nature................................................................................................................................2*1 1e>uested 15A4A ti%er (alue.................................................................................................................2*1 41I para%eter..........................................................................................................................................2*1 T2SI status................................................................................................................................................2*1 /6T2SI , 2TS only-................................................................................................................................2*1 9.4.14.& 2S networ0 capa$ility...............................................................................................................................2*1 9.4.14.* /4/ conte?t status......................................................................................................................................2*2 /S )CS Capa$ility.....................................................................................................................................2*2 9.4.15 1outin! area update accept...........................................................................................................................2*2 /6T2SI si!nature.......................................................................................................................................2*2 Allocated /6T2SI......................................................................................................................................2*3 2S identity.................................................................................................................................................2*3 )ist of 1ecei(e 86/4 8u%$ers..............................................................................................................2*3 8e!otiated 15A4A ti%er (alue................................................................................................................2*3 9.4.15.& #22 cause................................................................................................................................................2*3 9.4.15.* T33<2 (alue................................................................................................................................................2*3 Cell 8otification ,#S2 only-....................................................................................................................2*3 5>ui(alent /)28s.....................................................................................................................................2*3< /4/ conte?t status....................................................................................................................................2*3 9.4.1& 1outin! area update co%plete.......................................................................................................................2*3 9.4.1&.1 )ist of 1ecei(e 86/4 8u%$ers..............................................................................................................2*4 9.4.1* 1outin! area update reCect.............................................................................................................................2*4 9.4.1*.1 T33<2 (alue................................................................................................................................................2*4 9.4.13 #22 Status..................................................................................................................................................2*4 9.4.19 #22 Infor%ation.........................................................................................................................................2*5 Full na%e for networ0................................................................................................................................2*5 Short na%e for networ0..............................................................................................................................2*5 )ocal ti%e Hone..........................................................................................................................................2*5 ni(ersal ti%e and local ti%e Hone............................................................................................................2*& )SA Identity...............................................................................................................................................2*& 9.4.19.& 8etwor0 4ayli!ht Sa(in! Ti%e.................................................................................................................2*& 9.4.2< Ser(ice 1e>uest , 2TS only-......................................................................................................................2*& 9.4.2<.1 /4/ conte?t status......................................................................................................................................2*& 9.4.21 Ser(ice Accept , 2TS only-........................................................................................................................2*& /4/ conte?t status......................................................................................................................................2** 9.4.22 Ser(ice 1eCect , 2TS only-.........................................................................................................................2** 9.5 #/1S Session 2ana!e%ent 2essa!es..............................................................................................................2** 9.5.1 Acti(ate /4/ conte?t re>uest..........................................................................................................................2** Access point na%e........................................................................................................................................2*3 /rotocol confi!uration options.....................................................................................................................2*3 9.5.2 Acti(ate /4/ conte?t accept...........................................................................................................................2*3 /4/ address.................................................................................................................................................2*9 /rotocol confi!uration options.....................................................................................................................2*9 /ac0et Flow Identifier..................................................................................................................................2*9 9.5.3 Acti(ate /4/ conte?t reCect............................................................................................................................2*9 /rotocol confi!uration options.....................................................................................................................23< 9.5.4 Acti(ate Secondary /4/ Conte?t 1e>uest.....................................................................................................23< TFT 23< /rotocol confi!uration options.....................................................................................................................23< 9.5.5 Acti(ate Secondary /4/ Conte?t Accept.......................................................................................................23< /ac0et Flow Identifier..................................................................................................................................231


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$ /rotocol confi!uration options.....................................................................................................................231 9.5.& Acti(ate Secondary /4/ Conte?t 1eCect........................................................................................................231 9.5.* 1e>uest /4/ conte?t acti(ation......................................................................................................................231 9.5.3 1e>uest /4/ conte?t acti(ation reCect............................................................................................................232 9.5.9 2odify /4/ conte?t re>uest ,8etwor0 to 2S direction-...............................................................................232 /4/ address.................................................................................................................................................233 /ac0et Flow Identifier..................................................................................................................................233 9.5.1< 2odify /4/ conte?t re>uest ,2S to networ0 direction-..............................................................................233 9.5.1<.1 1e>uested ))C SA/I.................................................................................................................................234 9.5.1<.2 1e>uested new :oS...................................................................................................................................234 9.5.1<.3 8ew TFT....................................................................................................................................................234 9.5.11 2odify /4/ conte?t accept ,2S to networ0 direction-................................................................................234 9.5.12 2odify /4/ conte?t accept ,8etwor0 to 2S direction-...............................................................................234 8e!otiated :oS..........................................................................................................................................235 8e!otiated ))C SA/I................................................................................................................................235 8ew radio priority......................................................................................................................................235 /ac0et Flow Identifier................................................................................................................................235 9.5.13 2odify /4/ Conte?t 1eCect..........................................................................................................................235 9.5.14 4eacti(ate /4/ conte?t re>uest....................................................................................................................23& Tear down indicator...................................................................................................................................23& 9.5.15 4eacti(ate /4/ conte?t accept.....................................................................................................................23& 9.5.1& +oid 23* 9.5.1* +oid 23* 9.5.13 +oid 23* 9.5.19 +oid 23* 9.5.2< +oid 23* 9.5.21 S2 Status .....................................................................................................................................................23*

1< #eneral %essa!e for%at and infor%ation ele%ents codin!..............................................................23*

1<.1 '(er(iew..........................................................................................................................................................23* 1<.2 /rotocol 4iscri%inator.....................................................................................................................................233 1<.3 S0ip indicator and transaction identifier..........................................................................................................233 1<.3.1 S0ip indicator................................................................................................................................................233 1<.3.2 Transaction identifier....................................................................................................................................233 1<.4 2essa!e Type...................................................................................................................................................233 1<.5 'ther infor%ation ele%ents..............................................................................................................................292 1<.5.1 Co%%on infor%ation ele%ents.....................................................................................................................294 1<.5.1.1 Cell identity................................................................................................................................................294 1<.5.1.2 Cipherin! Key Se>uence 8u%$er..............................................................................................................294 1<.5.1.3 )ocation Area Identification......................................................................................................................295 1<.5.1.4 2o$ile Identity...........................................................................................................................................29& 1<.5.1.5 2o$ile Station Class%ar0 1.......................................................................................................................293 1<.5.1.& 2o$ile Station Class%ar0 2.......................................................................................................................3<< 1<.5.1.* 2o$ile Station Class%ar0 3.......................................................................................................................3<3 1<.5.1.3 Spare ;alf 'ctet.........................................................................................................................................311 1<.5.1.9 4escripti(e !roup or $roadcast call reference............................................................................................311 1<.5.1.1< #roup Cipher Key 8u%$er......................................................................................................................312 1<.5.1.1<a /4 and SA/I @,CC.S-@.........................................................................................................................313 1<.5.1.11 /riority )e(el...........................................................................................................................................314 1<.5.1.12 Core 8etwor0 Syste% Infor%ation , 2TS only-...................................................................................314 1<. C8 Co%%on #S262A/ 8AS syste% infor%ation.............................................................................315 1<. CS do%ain specific syste% infor%ation...............................................................................................315 1<. /S do%ain specific syste% infor%ation................................................................................................31& 1<.5.1.13 /)28 list.................................................................................................................................................31& 1<.5.2 1adio 1esource %ana!e%ent infor%ation ele%ents.....................................................................................31* 1<.5.3 2o$ility %ana!e%ent infor%ation ele%ents................................................................................................31* 1<.5.3.1 Authentication para%eter 1A84...............................................................................................................31* 1<. Authentication /ara%eter A T8 , 2TS authentication challen!e only-.............................................313 1<.5.3.2 Authentication 1esponse para%eter...........................................................................................................313 1<. Authentication 1esponse /ara%eter ,e?tension- , 2TS authentication challen!e only-......................319 1<. Authentication Failure para%eter , 2TS authentication challen!e only-.............................................32< 1<.5.3.3 C2 ser(ice type.........................................................................................................................................32<

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1<.5.3.4 Identity type...............................................................................................................................................321 1<.5.3.5 )ocation updatin! type...............................................................................................................................321 1<.5.3.5a 8etwor0 8a%e.........................................................................................................................................322 1<.5.3.& 1eCect cause................................................................................................................................................323 1<.5.3.* Follow6on /roceed.....................................................................................................................................324 1<.5.3.3 Ti%e Jone..................................................................................................................................................324 1<.5.3.9 Ti%e Jone and Ti%e..................................................................................................................................325 1<.5.3.1< CTS per%ission........................................................................................................................................32& 1<.5.3.11 )SA Identifier..........................................................................................................................................32* 1<.5.3.12 4ayli!ht Sa(in! Ti%e..............................................................................................................................32* 1<.5.4 Call control infor%ation ele%ents.................................................................................................................323 1<.5.4.1 5?tensions of codesets...............................................................................................................................323 1<.5.4.2 )oc0in! shift procedure.............................................................................................................................323 1<.5.4.3 8on6loc0in! shift procedure......................................................................................................................329 1<.5.4.4 Au?iliary states...........................................................................................................................................329 1<.5.4.4a .ac0up $earer capa$ility..........................................................................................................................33< 1<. Static conditions for the $ac0up $earer capa$ility I5 contents...............................................................339 1<.5.4.5 .earer capa$ility........................................................................................................................................339 1<. Static conditions for the $earer capa$ility I5 contents............................................................................354 1<.5.4.5a Call Control Capa$ilities..........................................................................................................................354 1<.5.4.& Call state.....................................................................................................................................................355 1<.5.4.* Called party .C4 nu%$er..........................................................................................................................35& 1<.5.4.3 Called party su$address..............................................................................................................................353 1<.5.4.9 Callin! party .C4 nu%$er........................................................................................................................359 1<.5.4.1< Callin! party su$address..........................................................................................................................3&< 1<.5.4.11 Cause 3&1 1<.5.4.11a C)I1 suppression...................................................................................................................................3&& 1<.5.4.11$ C)I1 in(ocation.....................................................................................................................................3&* 1<.5.4.12 Con!estion le(el.......................................................................................................................................3&* 1<.5.4.13 Connected nu%$er...................................................................................................................................3&* 1<.5.4.14 Connected su$address..............................................................................................................................3&3 1<.5.4.15 Facility3&3 1<.5.4.1& ;i!h layer co%pati$ility..........................................................................................................................3&9 1<.5.4.1&.1 Static conditions for the hi!h layer co%pati$ility I5 contents..............................................................3&9 1<.5.4.1* Keypad facility.........................................................................................................................................3&9 1<.5.4.13 )ow layer co%pati$ility...........................................................................................................................3*< 1<.5.4.19 2ore data.................................................................................................................................................3*< 1<.5.4.2< 8otification indicator...............................................................................................................................3*1 1<.5.4.21 /ro!ress indicator.....................................................................................................................................3*1 1<.5.4.21a 1ecall type @,CC.S-@............................................................................................................................3*2 1<.5.4.21$ 1edirectin! party .C4 nu%$er.............................................................................................................3*3 1<.5.4.21c 1edirectin! party su$address..................................................................................................................3*3 1<.5.4.22 1epeat indicator.......................................................................................................................................3*4 1<.5.4.22a 1e(erse call setup direction....................................................................................................................3*4 1<.5.4.22$ S5T / Container @,CC.S-@.................................................................................................................3*5 1<.5.4.23 Si!nal 3*5 1<.5.4.24 SS +ersion Indicator................................................................................................................................3*& 1<.5.4.25 ser6user..................................................................................................................................................3*& 1<.5.4.2& Alertin! /attern @,8IA-@.........................................................................................................................3** 1<.5.4.2* Allowed actions @,CC.S-@......................................................................................................................3*3 1<.5.4.23 Strea% Identifier.......................................................................................................................................3*3 1<.5.4.29 8etwor0 Call Control Capa$ilities...........................................................................................................3*9 1<.5.4.3< Cause of 8o C)I......................................................................................................................................3*9 1<.5.4.31 I%%ediate %odification indicator............................................................................................................33< 1<.5.4.32 Supported codec list.................................................................................................................................33< 1<.5.4.33 Ser(ice cate!ory.......................................................................................................................................331 1<.5.5 #/1S %o$ility %ana!e%ent infor%ation ele%ents .....................................................................................332 1<.5.5.1 Attach result...............................................................................................................................................332 1<.5.5.2 Attach type.................................................................................................................................................332 1<.5.5.3 Cipherin! al!orith%...................................................................................................................................333 1<.5.5.4 T2SI status................................................................................................................................................334


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1<.5.5.5 4etach type.................................................................................................................................................334 1<.5.5.& 41I para%eter..........................................................................................................................................335 1<.5.5.* Force to stand$y.........................................................................................................................................33* 1<.5.5.3 /6T2SI si!nature.......................................................................................................................................33* 1<.5.5.3a /6T2SI si!nature 2..................................................................................................................................333 1<.5.5.9 Identity type 2............................................................................................................................................333 1<.5.5.1< I25IS+ re>uest.......................................................................................................................................339 1<.5.5.11 1ecei(e 86/4 8u%$ers list..................................................................................................................339 1<.5.5.12 2S networ0 capa$ility ............................................................................................................................39< 1<.5.5.12a 2S 1adio Access capa$ility...................................................................................................................393 1<.5.5.13 Spare 4<< 1<.5.5.14 #22 cause .............................................................................................................................................4<< 1<.5.5.15 1outin! area identification.......................................................................................................................4<1 1<.5.5.1& Spare 4<3 1<.5.5.1* pdate result............................................................................................................................................4<3 1<.5.5.13 pdate type .............................................................................................................................................4<3 1<.5.5.19 AKC reference nu%$er ...........................................................................................................................4<4 1<.5.5.2< Ser(ice type .............................................................................................................................................4<4 1<.5.5.21 Cell 8otification.......................................................................................................................................4<5 1<.5.5.22 /S )CS Capa$ility...................................................................................................................................4<5 1<.5.& Session %ana!e%ent infor%ation ele%ents..................................................................................................4<& 1<.5.&.1 Access /oint 8a%e....................................................................................................................................4<& 1<.5.&.2 8etwor0 ser(ice access point identifier.....................................................................................................4<* 1<.5.&.3 /rotocol confi!uration options...................................................................................................................4<* 1<.5.&.4 /ac0et data protocol address......................................................................................................................411 1<.5.&.5 :uality of ser(ice ......................................................................................................................................412 1<.5.&.& S2 cause....................................................................................................................................................413 1<.5.&.* )in0ed TI....................................................................................................................................................419 1<.5.&.3 Spare 42< 1<.5.&.9 ))C ser(ice access point identifier............................................................................................................42< 1<.5.&.1< Tear down indicator.................................................................................................................................42< 1<.5.&.11 /ac0et Flow Identifier..............................................................................................................................421 1<.5.&.12 Traffic Flow Te%plate ............................................................................................................................421 1<.5.* #/1S Co%%on infor%ation ele%ents..........................................................................................................42& 1<.5.*.1 /4/ conte?t status......................................................................................................................................42& 1<.5.*.2 1adio priority.............................................................................................................................................42& 1<.5.*.3 #/1S Ti%er...............................................................................................................................................42* 1<.5.*.4 #/1S Ti%er 2............................................................................................................................................42* 1<.5.*.5 1adio priority 2..........................................................................................................................................423

11 )ist of syste% para%eters.................................................................................................................429

11.1 Ti%ers and counters for radio resource %ana!e%ent......................................................................................429 11.2 Ti%ers of %o$ility %ana!e%ent......................................................................................................................429 11.2.1 Ti%er T324< and Ti%er T3241.....................................................................................................................431 11.2.2 Ti%ers of #/1S %o$ility %ana!e%ent........................................................................................................432 11.2.3 Ti%ers of session %ana!e%ent.....................................................................................................................43& 11.3 Ti%ers of circuit6switched call control............................................................................................................43*

Annex A (informative): Example of subaddress information element coding........................439 Annex B (normative): Compatibilit c!ec"ing.......................................................................44# ..1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................44< ..2 Callin! side co%pati$ility chec0in!................................................................................................44<
..2.1 Co%pati$ility chec0in! of the C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e..............................................................44< ..2.2 Co%pati$ility"Su$scription chec0in! of the S5T / %essa!e.......................................................................44<

..3 Called side co%pati$ility chec0in!.................................................................................................44<

..3.1 Co%pati$ility chec0in! with addressin! infor%ation....................................................................................441 ..3.2 8etwor06to62S co%pati$ility chec0in!.........................................................................................................441

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..3.3 ser6to6 ser co%pati$ility chec0in!.............................................................................................................441

..4 ;i!h layer co%pati$ility chec0in!..................................................................................................441 Annex C (normative): $o% la er information coding principles..........................................44& C.1 /urpose...........................................................................................................................................442 C.2 /rinciples........................................................................................................................................442
C.2.1 4efinition of types of infor%ation..................................................................................................................442 C.2.2 5?a%ination $y networ0.................................................................................................................................442 C.2.3 )ocation of type I infor%ation.......................................................................................................................443 C.2.4 )ocation of types II and III infor%ation.........................................................................................................443 C.2.5 1elationship $etween $earer capa$ility and low layer co%pati$ility infor%ation ele%ents..........................443

Annex ' (informative): Examples of bearer capabilit information element coding............444 4.1 Codin! for speech for a full rate support only %o$ile station.........................................................444
4.1.1 2o$ile station to networ0 direction...............................................................................................................444 4.1.2 8etwor0 to %o$ile station direction...............................................................................................................444

4.2 An e?a%ple of a codin! for %ode% access with +226$is= 2=4 0$it"s= 3 $it no parity......................445
4.2.1 2o$ile station to networ0 direction= data co%pression allowed....................................................................445 4.2.2 8etwor0 to %o$ile station direction= data co%pression possi$le...................................................................44&

4.3 An e?a%ple of a codin! for !roup 3 facsi%ile ,9=& 0$it"s= transparent-..........................................44*

4.3.1 2o$ile station to networ0 direction...............................................................................................................44* 4.3.2 8etwor0 to %o$ile station direction...............................................................................................................443

Annex E (informative): Comparison bet%een call control procedures specified in 3()) *+ &4.##, and -*./* 0ecommendation 1.932.......................................449 Annex 3 (informative): (+4 specific cause values for radio resource management............453 Annex ( (informative): .4*+ specific cause values for mobilit management....................454 #.1 Causes related to 2S identification................................................................................................454 #.2 Cause related to su$scription options.............................................................................................454 #.3 Causes related to /)28 specific networ0 failures and con!estion"Authentication Failures..........455 #.4 Causes related to nature of re>uest.................................................................................................455 #.5 Causes related to in(alid %essa!es.................................................................................................455 #.& Additional cause codes for #22...................................................................................................45& Annex 6 (informative): .4*+ specific cause values for call control......................................457 ;.1 8or%al class...................................................................................................................................45*
;.1.1 Cause 8o. 1 Dunassi!ned ,unallocated- nu%$erD...........................................................................................45* ;.1.2 Cause 8o. 3 Dno route to destinationD............................................................................................................45* ;.1.3 Cause 8o. & Dchannel unaccepta$leD..............................................................................................................45* ;.1.4 Cause 8o. 3 Doperator deter%ined $arrin!D...................................................................................................45* ;.1.5 Cause 8o.1& Dnor%al call clearin!D...............................................................................................................45* ;.1.& Cause 8o.1* Duser $usyD................................................................................................................................45* ;.1.* Cause 8o. 13 Dno user respondin!D................................................................................................................45* ;.1.3 Cause 8o. 19 Duser alertin!= no answerD........................................................................................................45* ;.1.9 Cause 8o. 21 Dcall reCectedD...........................................................................................................................453


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;.1.1< Cause 8o. 22 Dnu%$er chan!edD.................................................................................................................453 ;.1.11 Cause 8o. 25 Dpre6e%ptionD........................................................................................................................453 ;.1.12 Cause 8o. 2& Dnon6selected user clearin!D..................................................................................................453 ;.1.13 Cause 8o. 2* Ddestination out of orderD.......................................................................................................453 ;.1.14 Cause 8o. 23 Din(alid nu%$er for%at ,inco%plete nu%$er-D.....................................................................453 ;.1.15 Cause 8o. 29 Dfacility reCectedD...................................................................................................................453 ;.1.1& Cause 8o. 3< Dresponse to STAT S 58: I1AD.......................................................................................453 ;.1.1* Cause 8o. 31 Dnor%al= unspecifiedD............................................................................................................453

;.2 1esource una(aila$le class.............................................................................................................453

;.2.1 Cause 8o. 34 Dno circuit"channel a(aila$leD..................................................................................................453 ;.2.2 Cause 8o. 33 Dnetwor0 out of orderD.............................................................................................................459 ;.2.3 Cause 8o. 41 Dte%porary failureD..................................................................................................................459 ;.2.4 Cause 8o. 42 Dswitchin! e>uip%ent con!estionD..........................................................................................459 ;.2.5 Cause 8o. 43 Daccess infor%ation discardedD................................................................................................459 ;.2.& Cause 8o. 44 Dre>uested circuit"channel not a(aila$leD................................................................................459 ;.2.* Cause 8o. 4* Dresource una(aila$le= unspecifiedD.........................................................................................459

;.3 Ser(ice or option not a(aila$le class...............................................................................................459

;.3.1 Cause 8o. 49 D>uality of ser(ice una(aila$leD...............................................................................................459 ;.3.2 Cause 8o. 5< D1e>uested facility not su$scri$edD.........................................................................................459 ;.3.3 Cause 8o. 55 DInco%in! calls $arred within the C #D.................................................................................459 ;.3.4 Cause 8o. 5* D$earer capa$ility not authoriHedD...........................................................................................4&< ;.3.5 Cause 8o. 53 D$earer capa$ility not presently a(aila$leD..............................................................................4&< ;.3.& Cause 8o. &3 Dser(ice or option not a(aila$le= unspecifiedD.........................................................................4&< ;.3.* Cause 8o. &3 DAC2 e>ual to or !reater than AC2%a?D..............................................................................4&<

;.4 Ser(ice or option not i%ple%ented class........................................................................................4&<

;.4.1 Cause 8o. &5 D$earer ser(ice not i%ple%entedD............................................................................................4&< ;.4.2 Cause 8o. &9 D1e>uested facility not i%ple%entedD.....................................................................................4&< ;.4.3 Cause 8o. *< Donly restricted di!ital infor%ation $earer capa$ility is a(aila$leD.........................................4&< ;.4.4 Cause 8o. *9 Dser(ice or option not i%ple%ented= unspecifiedD...................................................................4&<

;.5 In(alid %essa!e ,e.!.= para%eter out of ran!e- class......................................................................4&<

;.5.1 Cause 8o. 31 Din(alid transaction identifier (alueD.......................................................................................4&< ;.5.2 Cause 8o. 3* Duser not %e%$er of C #D.....................................................................................................4&1 ;.5.3 Cause 8o. 33 Dinco%pati$le destinationD.......................................................................................................4&1 ;.5.4 Cause 8o. 91 Din(alid transit networ0 selectionD...........................................................................................4&1 ;.5.5 Cause 8o. 95 Dse%antically incorrect %essa!eD............................................................................................4&1

;.& /rotocol error ,e.!.= un0nown %essa!e- class.................................................................................4&1

;.&.1 Cause 8o. 9& Din(alid %andatory infor%ationD.............................................................................................4&1 ;.&.2 Cause 8o. 9* D%essa!e type non6e?istent or not i%ple%entedD...................................................................4&1 ;.&.3 Cause 8o. 93 D%essa!e type not co%pati$le with protocol stateD.................................................................4&1 ;.&.4 Cause 8o. 99 Dinfor%ation ele%ent non6e?istent or not i%ple%entedD........................................................4&1 ;.&.5 Cause 8o. 1<< Dconditional I5 errorD............................................................................................................4&1 ;.&.& Cause 8o. 1<1 D%essa!e not co%pati$le with protocol stateD.......................................................................4&2 ;.&.* Cause 8o. 1<2 Dreco(ery on ti%er e?piryD....................................................................................................4&2 ;.&.3 Cause 8o. 111 Dprotocol error= unspecifiedD.................................................................................................4&2

;.* Interwor0in! class..........................................................................................................................4&2

;.*.1 Cause 8o. 12* Dinterwor0in!= unspecifiedD...................................................................................................4&2

Annex - (informative): ()0+ specific cause values for session management.......................483 I.1 Causes related to nature of re>uest...................................................................................................4&3 I.2 Causes related to in(alid %essa!es..................................................................................................4&4 Annex 9 (informative): Algorit!m to encode fre:uenc list information elements...............488 Annex ; (informative): 'efault Codings of -nformation Elements.........................................487

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K.1 Co%%on infor%ation ele%ents......................................................................................................4&* K.2 1adio 1esource %ana!e%ent infor%ation ele%ents.......................................................................4&* K.3 2o$ility %ana!e%ent infor%ation ele%ents..................................................................................4&* K.4 Call control infor%ation ele%ents..................................................................................................4&3 Annex $ (normative): Establis!ment cause (-u mode onl )..................................................47# ).1 2appin! of 8AS procedure to 11C esta$lish%ent cause,Iu %ode only-.......................................4*< Annex 4 (normative): Additional 0e:uirements for bac"%ard compatibilit %it! )C+ 29## for <A revision # 4E..........................................................................47& Annex < (informative): C!ange 0ecord....................................................................................473


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This Technical Specification has $een produced $y the 3rd #eneration /artnership /roCect ,3#//-. The contents of the present docu%ent are su$Cect to continuin! wor0 within the TS# and %ay chan!e followin! for%al TS# appro(al. Should the TS# %odify the contents of the present docu%ent= it will $e re6released $y the TS# with an identifyin! chan!e of release date and an increase in (ersion nu%$er as followsE +ersion ?.y.H whereE ? the first di!itE 1 presented to TS# for infor%ationL 2 presented to TS# for appro(alL 3 or !reater indicates TS# appro(ed docu%ent under chan!e control. y the second di!it is incre%ented for all chan!es of su$stance= i.e. technical enhance%ents= corrections= updates= etc. H the third di!it is incre%ented when editorial only chan!es ha(e $een incorporated in the docu%ent.

The present docu%ent includes references to features which are not part of the /hase 2M 1elease 9& of the #S2 Technical specifications. All su$clauses which were chan!ed as a result of these features contain a %ar0er ,see ta$le $elow- rele(ant to the particular feature. The followin! ta$le lists all features that were introduced after #S2 1elease 9&.
2eature +, -a' e ). !a'dli' ,d1a'&ed S"ee&! Call )te0 Call Co0"letio' +*sy S*2s&ri2er Mo2ile ,ssisted (re3*e'&y ,llo&atio' 4et%or5 )'di&atio' o6 ,lerti' i' MS &esi nator /(i0"r-+,-ra' e-!a'dli' )/ /(,SC))/ /(CC+S)/ /(M,(,)/ /(4),)/


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The present docu%ent specifies the procedures used at the radio interface core networ0 protocols within the 3rd !eneration %o$ile teleco%%unications syste% and the di!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste%. It specifies the procedures used at the radio interface ,1eference /oint % or u= see 3#// TS 24.<<2 or 3#// TS 23.<<2- for Call Control ,CC-= 2o$ility 2ana!e%ent ,22-= and Session 2ana!e%ent ,S2-. Bhen the notations for Dfurther studyD or DFSD or DFFSD are present in this TS they %ean that the indicated te?t is not a nor%ati(e portion of the present docu%ent. These procedures are defined in ter%s of %essa!es e?chan!ed o(er the control channels of the radio interface. The control channels are descri$ed in 3#// TS 44.<<3 and 3#// TS 25.3<1. The structured functions and procedures of this protocol and the relationship with other layers and entities are descri$ed in !eneral ter%s in 3#// TS 24.<<*.

7.7 S&o"e o6 t!e Te&!'i&al S"e&i6i&atio'

The procedures currently descri$ed in this TS are for the call control of circuit6switched connections= session %ana!e%ent for #/1S ser(ices= %o$ility %ana!e%ent and radio resource %ana!e%ent for circuit6switched and #/1S ser(ices. 3#// TS 24.<1< contains functional procedures for support of supple%entary ser(ices. 3#// TS 24.<11 contains functional procedures for support of point6to6point short %essa!e ser(ices. 3#// TS 24.<12 contains functional description of short %essa!e 6 cell $roadcast. 3#// TS 44.<&< N*&O contains procedures for radio lin0 control and %ediu% access control ,1)C"2AC- of pac0et data physical channels. 3#// TS 24.<*1 contains functional descriptions and procedures for support of location ser(ices. 8'T5E Dlayer 3D includes the functions and protocols descri$ed in the present docu%ent. The ter%s Ddata lin0 layerD and Dlayer 2D are used interchan!ea$ly to refer to the layer i%%ediately $elow layer 3.

7.2 ,""li&atio' to t!e i'ter6a&e str*&t*res

The procedures defined in the present docu%ent apply to the interface structures defined in 3#// TS 44.<<3 and 3#// TS 25.3<1. They use the functions and ser(ices pro(ided $y lower layers defined in 3#// TS 44.<<5 and 3#// TS 44.<<& or 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO= 3#// TS 25.322 and 3#// TS 25.321. 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O !i(es the !eneral description of layer 3 ,A"#$ %ode- and 8on Access Stratu% ,Iu %ode- includin! procedures= %essa!es for%at and error handlin!.

7.3 Str*&t*re o6 layer 3 "ro&ed*res

A $uildin! $loc0 %ethod is used to descri$e the layer 3 procedures. The $asic $uildin! $loc0s are Dele%entary proceduresD pro(ided $y the protocol control entities of the three su$layers= i.e. radio resource %ana!e%ent= %o$ility %ana!e%ent and connection %ana!e%ent su$layer. Co%plete layer 3 transactions consist of specific se>uences of ele%entary procedures. The ter% Dstructured procedureD is used for these se>uences.

7.4 Test "ro&ed*res

Test procedures of the #S2 radio interface si!nallin! are descri$ed in 3#// TS 51.<1< and 3#// TS 51.<2? series.


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7.5 Use o6 lo i&al &!a''els i' ,$G2 0ode

The lo!ical control channels are defined in 3#// TS 45.<<2 N32O. In the followin! those control channels are considered which carry si!nallin! infor%ation or specific types of user pac0et infor%ationE i- .roadcast Control C;annel ,.CC;-E downlin0 only= used to $roadcast Cell specific infor%ationL ii- SynchroniHation C;annel ,SC;-E downlin0 only= used to $roadcast synchroniHation and .SS identification infor%ationL iii- /a!in! C;annel ,/C;-E downlin0 only= used to send pa!e re>uests to 2o$ile Stations ,2Ss-L i(- 1ando% Access C;annel ,1AC;-E uplin0 only= used to re>uest a 4edicated Control C;annelL (- Access #rant C;annel ,A#C;-E downlin0 only= used to allocate a 4edicated Control C;annelL (i- Standalone 4edicated Control C;annel ,S4CC;-E $i6directionalL (ii-Fast Associated Control C;annel ,FACC;-E $i6directional= associated with a Traffic C;annelL (iiiSlow Associated Control C;annel ,SACC;-E $i6directional= associated with a S4CC; or a Traffic C;annelL

i?- Cell .roadcast C;annel ,C.C;-E downlin0 only used for !eneral ,not point to point- short %essa!e infor%ationL ?- 8otification C;annel ,8C;-E downlin0 only= used to notify %o$ile stations of +.S ,+oice .roadcast Ser(icecalls or +#CS ,+oice #roup Call Ser(ice- calls. Two ser(ice access points are defined on si!nallin! layer 2 which are discri%inated $y their Ser(ice Access /oint Identifiers ,SA/I- ,see 3#// TS 44.<<&-E i- SA/I <E supports the transfer of si!nallin! infor%ation includin! user6user infor%ationL ii- SA/I 3E supports the transfer of user short %essa!es. )ayer 3 selects the ser(ice access point= the lo!ical control channel and the %ode of operation of layer 2 ,ac0nowled!ed= unac0nowled!ed or rando% access= see 3#// TS 44.<<5 and 3#// TS 44.<<&- as re>uired for each indi(idual %essa!e.

7.8 91er1ie% o6 &o'trol "ro&ed*res

7.8.7 :ist o6 "ro&ed*res
The followin! procedures are specified in the present docu%entE a- Clause 4 specifies ele%entary procedures for 2o$ility 2ana!e%entE 6 %o$ility %ana!e%ent co%%on procedures ,su$clause 4.3-E 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 T2SI reallocation procedure ,su$clause 4.3.1-L authentication procedure ,su$clause 4.3.2-L identification procedure ,su$clause 4.3.3-L I2SI detach procedure ,su$clause 4.3.4-L a$ort procedure ,su$clause 4.3.5-L 22 infor%ation procedure ,su$clause 4.3.&-.

%o$ility %ana!e%ent specific procedures ,su$clause 4.4-E 6 location updatin! procedure ,su$clause 4.4.1-L


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6 6 6 6

periodic updatin! ,su$clause 4.4.2-L I2SI attach procedure ,su$clause 4.4.3-L !eneric location updatin! procedure ,su$clause 4.4-.

connection %ana!e%ent su$layer ser(ice pro(isionE 6 6 6 %o$ility %ana!e%ent connection esta$lish%ent ,su$clause 4.5.1-L %o$ility %ana!e%ent connection infor%ation transfer phase ,su$clause 4.5.2-L %o$ility %ana!e%ent connection release ,su$clause 4.5.3-.

#/1S specific %o$ility %ana!e%ent procedures ,su$clause 4.*-E 6 6 6 #/1S attach procedure ,su$clause 4.*.3-L #/1S detach procedure ,su$clause 4.*.4-L #/1S routin! area updatin! procedure ,su$clause 4.*.5-.

#/1S co%%on %o$ility %ana!e%ent procedures ,su$clause 4.*-E 6 6 6 6 #/1S /6T2SI reallocation procedure ,su$clause 4.*.&-L #/1S authentication and cipherin! procedure ,su$clause 4.*.*-L #/1S identification procedure ,su$clause 4.*.3-L #/1S infor%ation procedure ,su$clause 4.*.12-.

$- Clause 5 specifies ele%entary procedures for circuit switched Call Control co%prisin! the followin! ele%entary proceduresE 6 6 6 %o$ile ori!inatin! call esta$lish%ent ,su$clause 5.2.1-L %o$ile ter%inatin! call esta$lish%ent ,su$clause 5.2.2-L si!nallin! procedures durin! the acti(e state ,su$clause 5.3-E 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 user notification procedure ,su$clause 5.3.1-L call rearran!e%ents ,su$clause 5.3.2-L 4T2F protocol control procedure ,su$clause 5.5.*-L in6call %odification ,su$clause 5.3.4-.

call clearin! initiated $y the %o$ile station ,su$clause 5.4.3-L call clearin! initiated $y the networ0 ,su$clause 5.4.4-L %iscellaneous proceduresE 6 6 6 in6$and tones and announce%ents ,su$clause 5.5.1-L status en>uiry procedure ,su$clause 5.5.3-L call re6esta$lish%ent procedure ,su$clause 5.5.4-.

d- Clause & specifies ele%entary procedures for session %ana!e%entE 6 #/1S session %ana!e%ent procedures ,su$clause &.1-E 6 6 /4/ conte?t acti(ation ,su$clause &.1.1-L /4/ conte?t %odification ,su$clause &.1.2-L


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/4/ conte?t deacti(ation ,su$clause &.1.3-.

The ele%entary procedures can $e co%$ined to for% structured procedures. 5?a%ples of such structured procedures are !i(en in clause *. This part of the present docu%ent is only pro(ided for !uidance to assist i%ple%entations. Clause 3 specifies actions to $e ta0en on (arious error conditions and also pro(ides rules to ensure co%pati$ility with future enhance%ents of the protocol.

7.; ,""li&a2ility o6 i0"le0e'tatio's

The applica$ility of procedures of the present docu%ent for the %o$ile station is dependent on the ser(ices and functions which are to $e supported $y a %o$ile station.

7.;.7 Voi&e Gro*" Call Ser1i&e (VGCS) a'd Voi&e +road&ast Ser1i&e (V+S)
+oice #roup Call Ser(ice and +oice .roadcast Ser(ice are applica$le in #S2 only. For %o$ile stations supportin! the +oice #roup Call Ser(ice or the +oice .roadcast Ser(ice= it is e?plicitly %entioned throu!hout the present docu%ent if a certain procedure is applica$le only for such a ser(ice and= if necessary= how %o$ile stations not supportin! such a ser(ice shall $eha(e. For +#CS and +.S= the followin! possi$le %o$ile station i%ple%entations e?istE 6 6 6 6 6 support of listenin! to (oice $roadcast calls ,+.S listenin!-L support of ori!inatin! a (oice $roadcast call ,+.S ori!inatin!-L support of listenin! to (oice !roup calls ,+#CS listenin!-L support of tal0in! in (oice !roup calls ,+#CS tal0in!. This always includes the i%ple%entation for +#CS listenin!-L support of ori!inatin! a (oice !roup call ,+#CS ori!inatin!. This always includes the i%ple%entation for +#CS tal0in!-.

Apart fro% the e?plicitly %entioned co%$inations= all possi$le co%$inations are optional and supported $y the present docu%ent. The related ter%s are used in the present docu%ent= if infor%ation on these i%ple%entation options is re>uired.

7.;.2 Ge'eral <a&5et -adio Ser1i&e (G<-S)

7.;.2.7 <a&5et ser1i&es i' GSM (GSM o'ly)

For %o$ile stations supportin! the #eneral /ac0et 1adio Ser(ice ,#/1S-= it is e?plicitly %entioned throu!hout the technical specification if a certain procedure is applica$le only for such a ser(ice and= if necessary= how %o$ile stations not supportin! such a ser(ice shall $eha(e. A #/1S 2S %ay operate in one of the followin! 2S operation %odes= see 3#// TS 23.<&< N*4OE 6 6 6 2S operation %ode AL 2S operation %ode .L or 2S operation %ode C.

The 2S operation %ode depends on the ser(ices that the 2S is attached to= i.e.= only #/1S or $oth #/1S and non6 #/1S ser(ices= and upon the 2S7s capa$ilities to operate #/1S and other #S2 ser(ices si%ultaneously. 2o$ile stations that are capa$le to operate #/1S ser(ices are referred to as #/1S 2Ss. 8'T5E 'ther #S2 technical specifications %ay refer to the 2S operation %odes A= .= and C as #/1S class6A 2S= #/1S class6. 2S= and #/1S class6C 2S.


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It should $e noted that it is possi$le that for a #/1S 2S= the #22 procedures currently descri$ed in the 5TS do not support co%$inations of +#CS= +.S and #/1S. The possi$le interactions are not studied yet.

6 6

<a&5et ser1i&es i' UMTS (UMTS o'ly)

An 2S attached to pac0et switched do%ain %ay operate in one of the followin! 2S operation %odes= see 23.<&< N*4OE /S"CS %ode of operationL or /S %ode of operation.

The ter%s 7/S"CS %ode of operation7 and 7/S %ode of operation7 are not used in the present docu%ent with so%e e?ceptions. Instead the ter%s 72S operation %ode A7 and 72S operation %ode C7 are used. In networ0 operation %ode I and II ,see 3#// TS 23.<&< N*4O-= an 2S in /S"CS %ode of operation shall use the sa%e procedures as for a #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A= unless it is e?plicitly stated for #S2 only or 2TS only. In networ0 operation %ode I and II= an 2S in /S %ode of operation shall use the sa%e procedures as for a #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode C= unless it is e?plicitly stated for #S2 only or 2TS only. 8'T5E 8etwor0 operation %ode III is not applica$le for 2TS= see 3#// TS 23.<&< N*4O.

1eferences are either specific ,identified $y date of pu$lication= edition nu%$er= (ersion nu%$er= etc.- or non6specific. For a specific reference= su$se>uent re(isions do not apply. For a non6specific reference= the latest (ersion applies. In the case of a reference to a 3#// docu%ent ,includin! a #S2 docu%ent-= a non6specific reference i%plicitly refers to the latest (ersion of that docu%ent in the same Release as the present document. N1O N2O N2aO N3O N4O N5O N&O N*O N3O N9O N1<O +oid. +oid. 3#// T1 21.9<5 D+oca$ulary for 3#// SpecificationsD 3#// TS 22.<<2E DCircuit .earer Ser(ices ,.S- supported $y a /u$lic )and 2o$ile 8etwor0 ,/)28-D. 3#// TS 22.<<3E DTeleser(ices supported $y a /u$lic )and 2o$ile 8etwor0 ,/)28-D. 3#// TS 42.<<9E D 4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L Security aspectsD. 3#// TS 22.<11E D 4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L Ser(ice accessi$ilityD. 3#// TS 42.<1*E D 4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L Su$scri$er Identity 2odules ,SI2-L Functional characteristicsD. 3#// TS <2.4<E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L /rocedures for call pro!ress indicationsD. 3#// TS <3.<1E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 8etwor0 functionsD. 3#// TS 23.<<3E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 8u%$erin!= addressin! and identificationD.

The followin! docu%ents contain pro(isions which= throu!h reference in this te?t= constitute pro(isions of the present docu%ent.


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N11O N12O N12aO N13O N14O N15O N1&O N1*O N13O N19O N2<O N21O N22O N23O N23aO N23$O

3#// TS 43.<13E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 4iscontinuous 1eception ,41I- in the #S2 syste%D. 3#// TS 23.<14E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L Support of 4ual Tone 2ulti6Fre>uency ,4T2F- si!nallin!D. +oid. 3#// TS 43.<2<E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L Security6related networ0 functionsD. 3#// TS 23.122E D8on6Access6Stratu% functions related to 2o$ile Station ,2S- in idle %odeD. 3#// TS 24.<<2E D#S26 2TS /u$lic )and 2o$ile 8etwor0 ,/)28- access reference confi!urationD. 3#// TS 44.<<3E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 2o$ile Station 6 .ase Station Syste% ,2S 6 .SS- interfaceL Channel structures and access capa$ilitiesD. 3#// TS 44.<<4E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L )ayer 1L #eneral re>uire%entsD. 3#// TS 44.<<5E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 4ata )in0 ,4)- layerL #eneral aspectsD. 3#// TS 44.<<&E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 2o$ile Station 6 .ase Station Syste% ,2S 6 .SS- interfaceL 4ata )in0 ,4)- layer specificationD. 3#// TS 24.<<*E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 2o$ile radio interface si!nallin! layer 3L #eneral aspectsD. 3#// TS 24.<1<E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% L 2o$ile radio interface layer 3L Supple%entary ser(ices specificationL #eneral aspectsD. 3#// TS 24.<11E D/oint6to6/oint ,//- Short 2essa!e Ser(ice ,S2S- support on %o$ile radio interfaceD. 3#// TS 24.<12E DShort 2essa!e Ser(ice Cell .roadcast ,S2SC.- support on the %o$ile radio interfaceD. 3#// TS 24.<*1E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 2o$ile radio interface layer 3 location ser(ices specification.D 3#// TS 44.<31 D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unication syste% ,/hase 2M-L )ocation Ser(ices )CS-L 2o$ile Station ,2S- 6 Ser(in! 2o$ile )ocation Centre ,S2)C-L 1adio 1esource )CS /rotocol ,11)/-D. 3#// TS 25.331# D3rd #eneration /artnership /roCectLTechnical Specification #roup 1adio Access 8etwor0L 1adio 1esource Control ,11C- protocol specificationD 3#// TS 24.<3<E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 2o$ile radio )ayer 3 supple%entary ser(ice specificationL For%ats and codin!D. 3#// TS 24.<31E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L )ine identification supple%entary ser(icesL Sta!e 3D. 3#// TS 24.<32E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L Call Forwardin! ,CFsupple%entary ser(icesL Sta!e 3D. 3#// TS 24.<33E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L Call Baitin! ,CB- and Call ;old ,;')4- supple%entary ser(icesL Sta!e 3D. 3#// TS 24.<34E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 2ulti/arty ,2/TAsupple%entary ser(icesL Sta!e 3D.

N23cO N24O N25O N2&O N2*O N23O


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N29O N3<O N31O N32O N33O N34O N35O N3&O N3*O N33O

3#// TS 24.<35E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L Closed ser #roup ,C #- supple%entary ser(icesL Sta!e 3D. 3#// TS 24.<3&E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L Ad(ice of Char!e ,AoC- supple%entary ser(icesL Sta!e 3D. 3#// TS 24.<33E DCall .arrin! ,C.- supple%entary ser(icesL Sta!e 3D. 3#// TS 45.<<2E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 2ultiple?in! and %ultiple access on the radio pathD. 3#// TS 45.<<5E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 1adio trans%ission and receptionD. 3#// TS 45.<<3E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 1adio su$syste% lin0 controlD. 3#// TS 45.<1<E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 1adio su$syste% synchroniHationD. 3#// TS 2*.<<1E D#eneral on Ter%inal Adaptation Functions ,TAF- for 2o$ile Stations ,2S-D. 3#// TS 29.<<2E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 2o$ile Application /art ,2A/- specificationD. 3#// TS 29.<<*E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L #eneral re>uire%ents on interwor0in! $etween the /u$lic )and 2o$ile 8etwor0 ,/)28- and the Inte!rated Ser(ices 4i!ital 8etwor0 ,IS48- or /u$lic Switched Telephone 8etwor0 ,/ST8-D. 3#// TS 51.<1<E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 2o$ile Station ,2Sconfor%ance specificationD. 3#// TS 51.<21E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2-L #S2 radio aspects $ase station syste% e>uip%ent specificationD. IS'"I5C &4& ,1991-E DInfor%ation technolo!y 6 IS' *6$it coded character set for infor%ation interchan!eD. IS'"I5C &429E DInfor%ation technolo!y 6 Control functions for coded character setsD. IS' 3343 ,193*-E DInfor%ation technolo!y 66 'pen Syste%s Interconnection 66 8etwor0 Ser(ice 4efinitionD. IT 6T 1eco%%endation 5.1&3E D8u%$erin! plan for the international telephone ser(iceD. IT 6T 1eco%%endation 5.1&4E DThe international pu$lic teleco%%unication nu%$erin! planD. IT 6T 1eco%%endation 5.212E DThe international identification plan for %o$ile ter%inals and %o$ile usersD. IT 6T 1eco%%endation F.&9 ,1993-E DThe international tele? ser(ice 6 Ser(ice and operational pro(isions of tele? destination codes and tele? networ0 identification codesD. IT 6T 1eco%%endation I.33<E DIS48 nu%$erin! and addressin! principlesD. IT 6T 1eco%%endation I.44< ,1939-E DIS48 user6networ0 interface data lin0 layer 6 #eneral aspectsD. IT 6T 1eco%%endation I.45< ,1939-E DIS48 user6networ0 interface layer 3 #eneral aspectsD. IT 6T 1eco%%endation I.5<< ,1993-E D#eneral structure of the IS48 interwor0in! reco%%endationsD. IT 6T 1eco%%endation T.5<E DInternational Alpha$et 8o. 5D. IT 1eco%%endation :.931E IS48 user6networ0 interface layer 3 specification for $asic controlD.

N39O N4<O N41O N42O N43O N44O N45O N4&O N4*O N43O N49O N5<O N51O N52O N53O


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N54O N55O N5&O

IT 6T 1eco%%endation +.21E D3<< $its per second duple? %ode% standardiHed for use in the !eneral switched telephone networ0D. IT 6T 1eco%%endation +.22E D12<< $its per second duple? %ode% standardiHed for use in the !eneral switched telephone networ0 and on point6to6point 26wire leased telephone6type circuitsD. IT 6T 1eco%%endation +.22$isE D24<< $its per second duple? %ode% usin! the fre>uency di(ision techni>ue standardiHed for use on the !eneral switched telephone networ0 and on point6 to6point 26wire leased telephone6type circuitsD. +oid. IT 6T 1eco%%endation +.2&terE D24<< $its per second duple? %ode% usin! the echo cancellation techni>ue standardiHed for use on the !eneral switched telephone networ0 and on point6to6point 26wire leased telephone6type circuitsD. IT 6T 1eco%%endation +.32E DA fa%ily of 26wire= duple? %ode%s operatin! at data si!nallin! rates of up to 9&<< $it"s for use on the !eneral switched telephone networ0 and on leased telephone6type circuitsD. IT 6T 1eco%%endation +.11<E DSupport $y an IS48 of data ter%inal e>uip%ents with +6Series type interfacesD. IT 6T 1eco%%endation +.12<E DSupport $y an IS48 of data ter%inal e>uip%ent with +6Series type interfaces with pro(ision for statistical %ultiple?in!D. IT 6T 1eco%%endation I.21E DInterface $etween 4ata Ter%inal 5>uip%ent ,4T5- and 4ata Circuit6ter%inatin! 5>uip%ent ,4C5- for synchronous operation on pu$lic data networ0sD. +oid. +oid. IT 6T 1eco%%endation I.3<E DSupport of I.21= I.21 $is and I.2< $is $ased 4ata Ter%inal 5>uip%ents ,4T5s- $y an Inte!rated Ser(ices 4i!ital 8etwor0 ,IS48-D. IT 6T 1eco%%endation I.31E DSupport of pac0et %ode ter%inal e>uip%ent $y an IS48D. +oid. +oid. IT 6T 1eco%%endation I.121E DInternational nu%$erin! plan for pu$lic data networ0sD. 5TSI 5TS 3<< 1<261E DInte!rated Ser(ices 4i!ital 8etwor0 ,IS48-L ser6networ0 interface layer 3L Specifications for $asic call controlD. 5TSI 5TS 3<< 1<262E DInte!rated Ser(ices 4i!ital 8etwor0 ,IS48-L ser6networ0 interface layer 3L Specifications for $asic call controlL Specification 4escription )an!ua!e ,S4)dia!ra%sD. IS'"I5C 1<&4&E DInfor%ation technolo!y 66 ni(ersal 2ultiple6'ctet Coded Character Set , CS-D. 3#// TS 22.<&<E D#eneral /ac0et 1adio Ser(ice ,#/1S-L Ser(ice 4escriptionL Sta!e 1D. 3#// TS 23.<&<E D#eneral /ac0et 1adio Ser(ice ,#/1S-L Ser(ice 4escriptionL Sta!e 2D. 3#// TS 43.<&4E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L #eneral /ac0et 1adio Ser(ice ,#/1S-L '(erall description of the #/1S radio interfaceL Sta!e 2D. 3#// TS 44.<&<E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L #eneral /ac0et 1adio Ser(ice ,#/1S-L 2o$ile Station ,2S- 6 .ase Station Syste% ,.SS- interfaceL 1adio )in0 Control"2ediu% Access Control ,1)C"2AC- protocolD. I5TF 1FC 1<34E D4o%ain na%es 6 concepts and facilities.

N5*O N53O


N&<O N&1O N&2O N&3O N&4O N&5O N&&O N&*O N&3O N&9O N*<O N*1O

N*2O N*3O N*4O N*5O N*&O



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N*3O N*9O N3<O N31O N32O N33O N34O N35O N3&O N3*O N33O N39O N9<O N91O N92O N93O N94O N95O

3#// TS 44.<&5E D4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L 2o$ile Station ,2S- 6 Ser(in! #/1S Support 8ode ,S#S8-L Su$networ0 4ependent Con(er!ence /rotocol ,S84C/-D. IT 1eco%%endation I.4&<E D2ultiple?in!= rate adaption and support of e?istin! interfacesD. 3#// TS 2&.111E DCodec for Circuit Switched 2ulti%edia Telephony Ser(iceL 2odifications to ;.324D. 3#// TS 23.1<*E D:uality of Ser(ice ,:oS- concept and architectureD. 3#// TS 43.<22E D 4i!ital cellular teleco%%unications syste% ,/hase 2M-L Functions related to 2o$ile Station ,2S- in idle %ode and !roup recei(e %odeD. 3#// TS 2&.1<3E DSpeech Codec )ist for #S2 and 2TSD. 3#// TS 44.<13E D2o$ile radio interface layer 3 specification= 1adio 1esource Control /rotocolD. 3#// TS 43.<<3E D2o$ile6ser(ices Switchin! Centre P .ase Station Syste% ,2SC P .SSinterfaceL layer 3 specificationD. 3#// TS 43.<13E D#eneral /ac0et 1adio Ser(ice ,#/1S-L .ase Station Syste% ,.SS- 6 Ser(in! #/1S Support 8ode ,S#S8-L .SS #/1S /rotocol ,.SS#/-D. 3#// TS 43.<55E D4ual Transfer 2ode ,4T2-L Sta!e 2D. 3#// TS 23.<&*E Denhanced 2ulti6)e(el /recedence and /re6e%ption ser(ice ,e2)//-L Sta!e 2D 3#// TS 22.<42E D8etwor0 Identity and Ti%e Jone ,8ITJ-= Sta!e 1D. 3#// TS 23.<4<E DTechnical realiHation of Short 2essa!e Ser(ice ,S2S-D. 3#// TS 44.<5&E D#S2 Cordless Telephony Syste% ,CTS-= ,/hase 1- CTS 1adio Interface )ayer 3 SpecificationD. 3#// TS 23.22&E D#lo$al Te?t TelephonyL Sta!e 2 D 3#// TS 2&.22&E DCellular Te?t Telephone 2ode% ,CT2-= #eneral 4escription D 3#// TS 23.23&E DIntra 4o%ain Connection of 1A8 8odes to 2ultiple C8 8odesD 3#// TS 24.229E D3rd #eneration /artnership /roCectL Technical Specification #roup Core 8etwor0L I/ 2ulti%edia Call Control /rotocol $ased on SI/ and S4/D

2.7 De6i'itio's a'd a22re1iatio's

For the purposes of the present docu%ent= the a$$re(iations defined in 3#// T1 21.9<5 N2aO apply.

2.7.7 -a'do0 1al*es

In a nu%$er of places in the present docu%ent= it is %entioned that so%e (alue %ust ta0e a Drando%D (alue= in a !i(en ran!e= or %ore !enerally with so%e statistical distri$ution. Such cases interest only the 2o$ile Station. It is re>uired that there is a low pro$a$ility that two 2Ss in the sa%e conditions ,includin! the case of two 2Ss of the sa%e type fro% the sa%e %anufacturer- will choose the sa%e (alue. 2oreo(er= it is re>uired that= if it happens that two 2Ss in si%ilar conditions choose the sa%e (alue= the pro$a$ility of their choices $ein! identical at the ne?t occasion is the sa%e as if their first choices had $een different. The %eanin! of such a specification is that any statistical test for these (alues= done on a series of si%ilar e(ents= will o$tain a result statistically co%pati$le with the specified distri$ution. This shall hold e(en in the cases where the tests are conducted with a su$set of possi$le e(ents= with so%e co%%on para%eters. 2oreo(er= $asic tests of independence of the (alues within the series shall pass. 4ata a!ainst which correlation with the (alues shall not $e found are the protocol state= or the I2SI= or identities or other unrelated infor%ation $roadcast $y the networ0= or the current T42A fra%e nu%$er.


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2.2.2 Vo&a2*lary
For the purposes of the present docu%ent= the followin! ter%s and definitions applyE / A (+4 securit context is esta$lished and stored in the 2S and the networ0 as a result of a successful e?ecution of a #S2 authentication challen!e. The #S2 security conte?t consists of the #S2 cipherin! 0ey and the cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. A .4*+ securit context is esta$lished and stored in the 2S and the networ0 as a result of a successful e?ecution of a 2TS authentication challen!e. The 2TS security conte?t consists of the 2TS cipherin! 0ey= the 2TS inte!rity 0ey= the #S2 cipherin! 0ey and the cipher 0ey se>uence nu%$er. idle mode: In this %ode= the %o$ile station is not allocated any dedicated channelL it listens to the CCC; and the .CC;L group receive mode: ,only applica$le for %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS listenin! or +.S listenin!- In this %ode= the %o$ile station is not allocated a dedicated channel with the networ0L it listens to the downlin0 of a (oice $roadcast channel or (oice !roup call channel allocated to the cell. 'ccasionally= the %o$ile station has to listen to the .CC; of the ser(in! cell as defined in 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 45.<<3 N34OL dedicated mode: In this %ode= the %o$ile station is allocated at least two dedicated channels= only one of the% $ein! a SACC;L group transmit mode: ,only applica$le for %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS tal0in!- In this %ode= one %o$ile station of a (oice !roup call is allocated two dedicated channels= one of the% $ein! a SACC;. These channels can $e allocated to one %o$ile station at a ti%e $ut to different %o$ile stations durin! the (oice !roup callL pac"et idle modeE ,only applica$le for %o$ile stations supportin! #/1S- In this %ode= %o$ile station is not allocated any radio resource on a pac0et data physical channelL it listens to the /.CC; and /CCC; or= if those are not pro(ided $y the networ0= to the .CC; and the CCC;= see 3#// TS 44.<&< N*&O. pac"et transfer modeE ,only applica$le for %o$ile stations supportin! #/1S- In this %ode= the %o$ile station is allocated radio resource on one or %ore pac0et data physical channels for the transfer of ))C /4 s. main 'CC6: In 4edicated %ode and !roup trans%it %ode= only two channels are used as 4CC;= one $ein! a SACC;= the other $ein! a S4CC; or a FACC;L the S4CC; or FACC; is called here Dthe %ain 4CC;DL A channel is activated if it can $e used for trans%ission= in particular for si!nallin!= at least with I fra%es. 'n the SACC;= whene(er acti(ated= it %ust $e ensured that a conti!uous strea% of layer 2 fra%es is sentL A TC; is connected if circuit %ode user data can $e transferred. A TC; cannot $e connected if it is not acti(ated. A TC; which is acti(ated $ut not connected is used only for si!nallin!= i.e. as a 4CC;L The data lin0 of SA/I < on the %ain 4CC; is called the main signalling lin". Any %essa!e specified to $e sent on the %ain si!nallin! lin0 is sent in ac0nowled!ed %ode e?cept when otherwise specifiedL The ter% =to establis!= a lin0 is a short for% for =to establis! t!e multiframe mode= on that data lin0. It is possi$le to send I fra%es on a data lin0 e(en if it is not esta$lished as soon as the correspondin! channel is acti(ated. 5?cept when otherwise indicated= a data lin0 layer esta$lish%ent is done without an infor%ation field. =c!annel set= is used to identify TC;s that carry related user infor%ation flows= e.!.= in a %ultislot confi!uration used to support circuit switched connection,s-= which therefore need to $e handled to!ether. A temporar bloc" flo% ,T.F- is a physical connection used $y the two 11 peer entities to support the uni6 directional transfer of ))C /4 s on pac0et data physical channels= see 3#// TS 44.<&< N*&O. 0$C>4AC bloc": A 1)C"2AC $loc0 is the protocol data unit e?chan!ed $etween 1)C"2AC entities= see 3#// TS 44.<&< N*&O. A (44 context is esta$lished when a #/1S attach procedure is successfully co%pleted. <et%or" operation mode The three different networ0 operation %odes I= II= and III are defined in 3#// TS 23.<&< N*4O.

6 6

6 6

6 6 6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6 6


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*!e net%or" operation mode s!all be indicated as s stem information. 3or proper operation? t!e net%or" operation mode s!ould be t!e same in eac! cell of one routing area. 6 ()0+ 4+ operation mode The three different #/1S 2S operation %odes A= .= and C are defined in 3#// TS 23.<&< N*4O. / / / / 6 6 / / / / / / 00 connection: A 11 connection is a dedicated physical circuit switched do%ain connection used $y the two 11 or 11C peer entities to support the upper layers7 e?chan!e of infor%ation flows. )+ signalling connection is a peer to peer 2TS connection $etween 2S and C8 pac0et do%ain node. -nter/+ stem c!ange is a chan!e of radio access $etween different radio access technolo!ies such as #S2 and 2TS. ()0+: /ac0et Ser(ices for #S2 and 2TS syste%. The la$el ((+4 onl ) indicates this section or para!raph applies only to #S2 syste%. For %ulti syste% case this is deter%ined $y the current ser(in! radio access networ0. The la$el (.4*+ onl ) indicates this section or para!raph applies only to 2TS syste%. For %ulti syste% case this is deter%ined $y the current ser(in! radio access networ0. -n (+4?... Indicates this para!raph applies only to #S2 Syste%. For %ulti syste% case this is deter%ined $y the current ser(in! radio access networ0. -n .4*+?... Indicates this para!raph applies only to 2TS Syste%. For %ulti syste% case this is deter%ined $y the current ser(in! radio access networ0. +-4? Su$scri$er Identity 2odule ,see 3#// TS 42.<1* N*O-. The present docu%ent %a0es no distinction $etween SI2 and SI2. 4+? 2o$ile Station. The present docu%ent %a0es no distinction $etween 2S and 5. Cell <otification is an ,opti%ised- (ariant of the Cell pdate /rocedure which uses the ))C 8 )) fra%e for cell chan!e notification which does not tri!!er the restart of the 15A4A ti%er '*4: dual transfer %ode= see 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O and 3#// TS 43.<55 N3*O

-adio -eso*r&e 0a'a e0e't "ro&ed*res

See 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O.

.le0e'tary "ro&ed*res 6or Mo2ility Ma'a e0e't

4.7 Ge'eral
This clause descri$es the procedures used for %o$ility %ana!e%ent for non6#/1S ser(ices and for #/1S6ser(ices at the radio interface ,1eference /oint % and u-. The %ain function of the 2o$ility 2ana!e%ent su$layer is to support the %o$ility of user ter%inals= such as infor%in! the networ0 of its present location and pro(idin! user identity confidentiality. A further function of the 22 su$layer is to pro(ide connection %ana!e%ent ser(ices to the different entities of the upper Connection 2ana!e%ent ,C2- su$layer ,see 3#// TS 24.<<*-. There are two sets of procedures defined in this chapterE 6 22 procedures for non6#/1S ser(ices ,perfor%ed $y the 22 entity of the 22 su$layer-L and


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#22 procedures for #/1S ser(ices ,perfor%ed $y the #22 entity of the 22 su$layer-= see 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O.

All the 22 procedures descri$ed in this clause can only $e perfor%ed if a 11 connection has $een esta$lished $etween the 2S and the networ0. 5lse= the 22 su$layer has to initiate the esta$lish%ent of a 11 connection ,see 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O clause 3.3 and 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-. In A"#$ %ode= the #22 procedures descri$ed in this clause= use ser(ices pro(ided $y the 11 su$layer without prior 11 connection esta$lish%ent. In Iu %odeE all the #22 procedures descri$ed in this clause can only $e perfor%ed if a /S si!nallin! connection has $een esta$lished $etween the 2S and the networ0. 5lse= the #22 su$layer has to initiate the esta$lish%ent of a /S si!nallin! connection ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-. #22 procedures are %andatory and applica$le only for #/1S 2Ss and networ0s supportin! those 2Ss. For #/1S 2Ss which are I2SI attached for $oth #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices= so%e 22 procedures are replaced $y #22 co%$ined procedures pro(ided that the networ0 operates in networ0 operation %ode I= i.e. is supportin! co%$ined #22 procedures. #22 co%$ined procedures are not applica$le for the #/1S 2S operation %ode C $ut are %andatory for the #/1S 2S operation %odes A and . and networ0s supportin! networ0 operation %ode I= see 3#// TS 23.<&< N*4O.

4.7.7 MM a'd GMM "ro&ed*res Ty"es o6 MM a'd GMM "ro&ed*res

4ependin! on how they can $e initiated= three types of 22 procedures can $e distin!uishedE 1- 22 co%%on proceduresE A 22 co%%on procedure can always $e initiated whilst a 11 connection e?ists. The procedures $elon!in! to this type areE Initiated $y the networ0E 6 6 6 6 6 T2SI reallocation procedureL authentication procedureL identification procedureL 22 infor%ation procedureL a$ort procedure.

;owe(er= a$ort procedure is used only if an 22 connection is $ein! esta$lished or has already $een esta$lished i.e. not durin! 22 specific procedures or durin! I2SI detach procedure= see su$clause 4.3.5. Initiated $y the %o$ile stationE 6 I2SI detach procedure ,with the e?ceptions specified in su$clause 4.3.4-.

ii- 22 specific proceduresE A 22 specific procedure can only $e initiated if no other 22 specific procedure is runnin! or no 22 connection e?ists. The procedures $elon!in! to this type areE 6 6 6 nor%al location updatin! procedureL periodic updatin! procedureL I2SI attach procedure.

iii- 22 connection %ana!e%ent proceduresE


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These procedures are used to esta$lish= %aintain and release a 22 connection $etween the %o$ile station and the networ0= o(er which an entity of the upper C2 layer can e?chan!e infor%ation with its peer. A 22 connection esta$lish%ent can only $e perfor%ed if no 22 specific procedure is runnin!. 2ore than one 22 connection %ay $e acti(e at the sa%e ti%e. 4ependin! on how they can $e initiated= two types of #22 procedures can $e distin!uishedE i- #22 co%%on proceduresE In Iu %ode= a #22 co%%on procedure can always $e initiated whilst a /S si!nallin! connection e?ists. The procedures $elon!in! to this type areE Initiated $y the networ0 when a #22 conte?t has $een esta$lishedE 6 6 6 6 /6T2SI ,re6- allocationL #/1S authentication and cipherin!L #/1S identificationL #/1S infor%ation.

ii- #22 specific proceduresE Initiated $y the networ0 and used to detach the I2SI in the networ0 for #/1S ser(ices and"or non6#/1S ser(ices and to release a #22 conte?tE 6 #/1S detach.

Initiated $y the 2S and used to attach or detach the I2SI in the networ0 for #/1S ser(ices and"or non6 #/1S ser(ices and to esta$lish or release a #22 conte?tE 6 6 #/1S attach and co%$ined #/1S attachL #/1S detach and co%$ined #/1S detach.

Initiated $y the 2S when a #22 conte?t has $een esta$lishedE 6 6 nor%al routin! area updatin! and co%$ined routin! area updatin!L periodic routin! area updatin!.

In 2TS= initiated $y the 2S and used to esta$lish a secure connection to the networ0 and"or to re>uest the resource reser(ation for sendin! dataE 6 Ser(ice 1e>uest.

)'te rity C!e&5i' o6 Si 'alli' Messa es i' t!e Mo2ile Statio' (UMTS o'ly)

In 2TS only= inte!rity protected si!nallin! is %andatory with one e?ception re!ardin! e%er!ency calls ,see su$clause In 2TS only= all layer 3 protocols shall use inte!rity protected si!nallin! once the security %ode procedure has $een successfully acti(ated in the networ0 and the 2S. Inte!rity protection of all layer 3 si!nallin! %essa!es is the responsi$ility of lower layers. It is the networ0 which acti(ates inte!rity protection. This is done usin! the security %ode control procedure ,3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-. The super(ision that inte!rity protection is acti(ated shall $e the responsi$ility of the 22 and #22 layer in the 2S ,see 3#// TS 33.1<2-. In order to do this= the lower layers shall pro(ide the 22 and #22 layer with an indication on when the inte!rity protection is acti(ated in the 2S ,i.e. one indication to the 22 layer when a security %ode control procedure for the CS do%ain is processed successfully and one indication to the #22 layer when a security %ode control procedure for the /S do%ain is processed successfully-. The CS and /S do%ains in the networ0 and the 22 and #22 layers in the 2S= are not aware of whether inte!rity protection has $een started in the lower layers $y the other do%ain. It is %andatory for the networ0 to initiate one security %ode control procedure for the CS do%ain and one for the /S do%ain. 5?cept the %essa!es listed $elow= no layer 3 si!nallin! %essa!es shall $e processed $y the recei(in! 22 and #22 entities or forwarded to the C2 entities= unless the security %ode control procedure is acti(ated for that do%ain.

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22 %essa!esE 6 6 6 6 6 6 A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST A T;58TICATI'8 15Q5CT I458TITA 15: 5ST )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# ACC5/T ,at periodic location update with no chan!e of location area or te%porary identity)'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15Q5CT C2 S51+IC5 ACC5/T= if the followin! two conditions applyE 6 6 6 6 no other 22 connection is esta$lishedL and the C2 S51+IC5 ACC5/T is the response to a C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST with C2 S51+IC5 TA/5 I5 set to Re%er!ency call esta$lish%entS

C2 S51+IC5 15Q5CT A.'1T

#22 %essa!esE 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15Q5CT I458TITA 15: 5ST ATTAC; 15Q5CT 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T ,at periodic routin! area update with no chan!e of routin! area or te%porary identity1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15Q5CT S51+IC5 15Q5CT 45TAC; ACC5/T ,for non power6off-

CC %essa!esE 6 all CC %essa!es= if the followin! two conditions applyE 6 6 no other 22 connection is esta$lishedL and the 22 entity in the 2S has recei(ed a C2 S51+IC5 ACC5/T %essa!e with no cipherin! or inte!rity protection applied as response to a C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e= with C2 S51+IC5 TA/5 set to R5%er!ency call esta$lish%entS sent to the networ0.

The recei(in! layer 3 entity in the 2S shall not process any other layer 3 si!nallin! %essa!es unless they ha(e $een successfully inte!rity chec0ed $y the lower layers once inte!rity protection is acti(ated. If any si!nallin! %essa!es= ha(in! not successfully passed the inte!rity chec0= are recei(ed= then the lower layers in the 2S shall discard that %essa!e ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-. If any layer 3 si!nallin! %essa!e is recei(ed= in either /S or CS do%ains= as not inte!rity protected e(en thou!h the inte!rity protection has $een acti(ated in the 2S $y that do%ain in the networ0= then the lower layers shall discard this %essa!e ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-. Inte!rity chec0in! on the networ0 side is perfor%ed $y the 18C and is descri$ed in 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO.

)'te rity "rote&tio' 6or e0er e'&y &all (UMTS o'ly)

The networ0 should initiate the security %ode procedure for an e%er!ency call= in the sa%e way as it would for any other call e?cept in the cases defined in su$6clause DSecurity /rocedures 8ot AppliedD in 3#// TS 33.1<2.


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For the esta$lish%ent of a 22 connection for an e%er!ency call when no other 22 connection is esta$lished ,e.!. for an e%er!ency call initiated without a SI2 no other 22 connections can e?ist- the decision on whether or not to apply the security procedures shall $e %ade $y the networ0 as defined in the su$6clause D5%er!ency Call ;andlin!D in 3#// TS 33.1<2.

MM-GMM &o-ordi'atio' 6or G<-S MS=s

G<-S MS o"erati' i' 0ode , or + i' a 'et%or5 t!at o"erates i' 0ode )

If the networ0 operates in %ode I= #/1S 2Ss that operate in %ode A or . and wish to $e or are si%ultaneously I2SI attached for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices= shall use the co%$ined #/1S attach and the co%$ined and periodic routin! area updatin! procedures instead of the correspondin! 22 specific procedures I2SI attach and nor%al and periodic location area updatin!. 8'T5E A #/1S 2S operatin! in %ode A or . in a networ0 that operates in %ode I= shall perfor% the co%$ined #/1S attach or routin! area update procedure re!ardless the (alue of the ATT fla!.

If a #/1S 2S is operatin! in %ode A or . in a networ0 that operates in %ode I the I2SI detach shall $e perfor%ed $y the #22 usin! the co%$ined #/1S detach procedure. 8'T5E A #/1S 2S operatin! in %ode A or . in a networ0 that operates in %ode I= shall perfor% the co%$ined #/1S detach procedure re!ardless the (alue of the ATT fla!.

A #/1S 2S operatin! in %ode A or . in networ0 that operates in %ode I= uses the co%$ined #22 specific procedures in place of the 22 specific procedures= so all conditions descri$in! when to tri!!er a 22 specific procedure listed in su$clauses 4.3 and 4.4 shall not apply. A #/1S 2S operatin! in %ode A or . in a networ0 that operates in %ode I should not use any 22 ti%ers relatin! to 22 specific procedures= ,e.! T321<= T3211= T3212= T3213- e?cept in so%e error and a$nor%al cases. If the 22 ti%ers are already runnin!= the 2S should not react on the e?piration of the ti%ers. 8'T5E Bhene(er #22 perfor%s a co%$ined #22 procedure= a #/1S 2S enters the 22 state 22 )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# /584I8# in order to pre(ent the 22 to perfor% a location update procedure.

If the authentication procedure is perfor%ed $y 22 and the authentication is reCected $y the networ0 ,i.e upon recei(e of A T;58TICATI'8 15Q5CT-= the 2S shall in addition set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and shall= if a(aila$le= delete the /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. The 2S shall a$ort any #22 procedure and shall enter state #2264515#IST5154.

G<-S MS o"erati' i' 0ode , or + i' a 'et%or5 t!at o"erates i' 0ode )) or )))

If the networ0 operates in %ode II or III= a #/1S 2Ss that operate in %ode A or . and wish to $e or are si%ultaneously I2SI attached for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices= shall use the 22 specific procedures listed in su$clauses 4.3 and 4.4 and the #22 specific procedures listed in su$clauses 4.*.3= 4.*.4 and 4.*.5. The applica$ility of periodic location updatin! is further specified in su$clause 4.4.2 and the periodic routin! area updatin! is specified in su$clause 4.*.2.2. If the authentication procedure is perfor%ed $y 22 and the authentication is reCected $y the networ0 ,i.e upon recei(e of A T;58TICATI'8 15Q5CT-= the 2S shall in addition set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and shall= if a(aila$le= delete the /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. The 2S shall a$ort any #22 procedure and shall enter state #2264515#IST5154.

Core 4et%or5 Syste0 )'6or0atio' 6or MM (UMTS o'ly)

In the networ0 $roadcast syste% infor%ation so%e of the syste% infor%ation is used $y 22. At reception of new syste% infor%ation= the 11C layer in the 2S deli(ers the contents of the C8 co%%on syste% infor%ation and the CS do%ain specific syste% infor%ation to the 22 layer in the 2S. The Core 8etwor0 syste% infor%ation is included in specific infor%ation ele%ents within so%e 11C %essa!es sent to 2S= see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO. In the Core 8etwor0 syste% infor%ation the Co%%on syste% infor%ation part and the


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CS do%ain specific syste% infor%ation part contains settin!s of para%eters controllin! 22 functionality. 8o 22 %essa!es contain the Core 8etwor0 Syste% Infor%ation.

Core 4et%or5 Syste0 )'6or0atio' 6or GMM (UMTS o'ly)

In the networ0 $roadcast syste% infor%ation so%e of the syste% infor%ation is used $y #22. At reception of new syste% infor%ation= the 11C layer in the 2S deli(ers the contents of the C8 co%%on syste% infor%ation and the /S do%ain specific syste% infor%ation to the #22 layer in the 2S. The Core 8etwor0 syste% infor%ation is included in specific infor%ation ele%ents within so%e 11C %essa!es sent to 2S= see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO. In the Core 8etwor0 syste% infor%ation the Co%%on syste% infor%ation part and the /S do%ain specific syste% infor%ation part contains settin!s of para%eters controllin! #22 functionality. 8o #22 %essa!es contain the Core 8etwor0 Syste% Infor%ation.

4.7.2 MM s*2layer states

The description of the states for the 22 su$layer is or!aniHed as follows. The %ain states for the 2S side= related to the procedures= are descri$ed in su$clause The 22 I4)5 state is su$di(ided in su$states for the description of the $eha(iour in idle %ode ,su$clause This $eha(iour depends on an update status= descri$ed in su$clause The states for the networ0 side are descri$ed in su$clause

MM s*2layer states i' t!e 0o2ile statio'

In this su$clause= the possi$le states for the 22 su$layer in the %o$ile station is descri$ed. In fi!ure 4.1 of the present docu%ent= an o(er(iew of the 22 su$layer protocol is !i(en.
< 8 ))

Mai' states

The %o$ile station is inacti(e ,e.!. power down-. I%portant para%eters are stored. 'nly %anual action $y the user %ay transfer the 22 su$layer to another state. 3 )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# I8ITIAT54 A location updatin! procedure has $een started and the 22 awaits a response fro% the networ0. The ti%er T321< is runnin!. 5 BAIT F'1 ' T#'I8# 22 C'885CTI'8 The 22 connection esta$lish%ent has $een started= and the 22 awaits a response fro% the networ0. The ti%er T323< is runnin!. & 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5 The 22 su$layer has a 11 connection to its peer entity on the networ0 side. 'ne or %ore 22 connections are acti(e. * I2SI 45TAC; I8ITIAT54 The I2SI detach procedure has $een started. The ti%er T322< is runnin!. 3 /1'C5SS C2 S51+IC5 /1'2/T The 22 su$layer has a 11 connection to its peer entity on the networ0 side. The 2o$ile Station has recei(ed a C2 S51+IC5 /1'2/T %essa!e $ut has not yet responded @,CC.S-@. 9 BAIT F'1 85TB'1K C'22A84 The 22 su$layer has a 11 connection to its peer entity in the networ0= $ut no 22 connection is esta$lished. The %o$ile station is passi(e= awaitin! further co%%ands fro% the networ0. The ti%er T324< %ay $e runnin!.


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1< )'CATI'8 /4AT5 15Q5CT54 A location updatin! procedure has $een reCected and 11 connection release is awaited. The ti%er T324< is runnin!.


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74 W ,) T ( 9- - C 9 4 4 . C T) 9 4 ( M M C 9 4 4 . C T) 9 4) S ta te s 3 , 5, A , 70, 73 , 74, 7 5 - e 3 * e st - - & o ' ' e & tio ' 4 U::

MS a & ti 1 a te d S) M

,& ti 1 ate - -

78 W ,) T ( 9 - - , C T) V .

- - & o ' ' e & ti o ' e sta 2 lis !e d

U" d a te S ) M M M - & o ' ' e & ti o ' re3 *est lo % la y e r 6 a il * r e D elete sy s te 0 i' 6 o CC M S d e a & t i1 a t e d a ' d a tt a & ! 4 9 T a ll o % e d

i ' s er te d , tta & ! a ' d : o & ati o ' * " d ate ' o t ' e e d e d

, t t a & ! o r : o & a t io ' * " d a te ' e e d e d

S e ' d & 0 s e r 1i& e r e 3 * e st

S ta te s 8 , 20

- e 3 * e st - - & o ' ' e & ti o '

lo % la y e r 6a il* re a ' d ' o r e e s t a 2 li s ! 5 W ,) T ( 99 U T G 9) 4G M M C 9 4 4 . C T)9 4 20 W , )T ( 9 , D D)T)9 4 , : 9 U TG 9 ) 4 G M M C 9 4 4 . C T) 9 4

4 e % : , ) , & o ' ' e & ti o ' r e 3 * e s t o r T 3 2 7 2 $ T 3 2 7 7 t i0 e o * t

7A MM-) D : . - - & o ' ' e & ti o ' r ele a s e d 70 : 9 C , T) 9 4 U < D , T. - . @ . C T. D 73 W ,) T ( 9- - C 9 4 4 . C T) 9 4 ( : 9 C , T) 9 4 U < D , T. )

C i " ! e ri' s t a r t e d o r C M s e r 1 i& e C M s e r1 i& e a&&e"t a&& e"t C o '6i r 0 M M & o ' ' e & ti o '

: o % l a y e r 6 a il * r e a ' d r e e st a 2 lis !

S e ' d & 0 se r 1i & e r e 3 * e st

- - & o ' ' e & ti o ' e sta 2li s ! e d ( "a i' ) - e e sta 2li s! ' ot " o s si 2le -- &o''e&tio' released

- - & o ' ' e & ti o ' r ele a s e d M S d e a & ti 1a t e d a ' d atta & ! allo % e d

D elete sy s te 0 i '6o - - & o ' ' e & ti o ' e sta 2li s ! e d

Se'd & 0 r e e sta 2li s ! r e 3 * e st

* " d ate S ) M ; ) M S ) D . T, C ? ) 4) T) , T. D - e 3 * e st - - & o '' e & ti o' S e ' d )M S ) d e ta & ! - - & o ' ' e & ti o ' e sta 2li s ! e d S e ' d lo & a ti o ' *" d ate r e 3 * e st

M M & o ' ' e & ti o ' r e 3 * e st : o % l a y e r 6 a il * r e a ' d r e e s t a 2 li s ! 8 M M C 9 4 4. C T) 94 , C T) V . C M r e e sta 2li s !0 e ' t a & & e "te d 7; W ,)T ( 9- . . S T, + : ) S ? 25 : a st & o ' ' e & ti o ' r ele a se d (irst 0essa e re&ei1ed -C944.CT)94 -.:.,S. 49T ,::9W.D ) ' di & ate M M & o ' ' e & tio ' (i r st 0 e s s a e r e & ei 1e d

- - & o '' e & ti o ' r e le a s e d

: o & a ti o ' * " d a t e re > e & t

75 W ,)T ( 9- - C 9 4 4 . C T) 9 4 ( ) M S ) D . T , C ?)

M S d e a & ti1 a t e d a ' d a t t a & ! a llo % e d

A W ,)T ( 9 - 4. T W 9 - B C9MM, 4D S to r e sy ste 0 i '6 o

3 : o & a ti o ' * " d a t e : 9 C , T) 9 4 U < D , T )4 G a & &e " t ) 4 )T ), T . D

2i ure )*1a33GPP TS ()*++,4 56er6iew 7obility 7ana e7ent protocol3MS Side


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27 MM C944.CT)94 ,CT)V. ( Gro*" TD M9D. -- Co''e&tio' ) established U"li'5 release W,)T (9- -C944.CT)94 ( Gro*" TD M9D.


U"li'5 a&&ess re>e&ted

U"li'5 a&&ess re3*ested

-- o'e to Gro*" Tra's0it 0ode

-- o'e to Dedi&ated 0ode

7A MM-)D:.

8 MM C944.CT)94 ,CT)V.

-- &o''e&tio' released, o'e to ro*" re&ei1e Mode

-- &o''e&tio' released, o'e to Gro*" -e&ei1e 0ode

5 W,)T (99UTG9)4G MM C944.CT)94

Se'd CM ser1i&e re3*est or 4oti6i&atio' -es"o'se

8dditions to 2i ure )*1*a33GPP TS ()*++, 13. BAIT F'1 11 C'885CTI'8 ,)'CATI'8 /4ATI8#The 22 su$layer has re>uested 11 connection esta$lish%ent for startin! the location updatin! procedure. 14. BAIT F'1 11 C'885CTI'8 ,22 C'885CTI'8The 22 su$layer has re>uested 11 connection esta$lish%ent for dedicated %ode for startin! the 22 connection esta$lish%ent. 15. BAIT F'1 11 C'885CTI'8 ,I2SI 45TAC;The 22 su$layer has re>uested 11 connection esta$lish%ent for startin! the I2SI detach procedure.


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1*. BAIT F'1 155STA.)IS; A lower layer failure has occurred and re6esta$lish%ent %ay $e perfor%ed fro% the distur$ed C2 layer entities. 13. BAIT F'1 11 ACTI+5 The 22 su$layer has re>uested acti(ation of the 11 su$layer. 19. 22 I4)5 There is no 22 procedure runnin! and no 11 connection e?ists e?cept that a local 22 conte?t %ay e?ist when the 11 su$layer is in #roup 1ecei(e %ode. This is a co%pound state= and the actual $eha(iour of the %o$ile station to Connection 2ana!e%ent re>uests is deter%ined $y the actual su$state as descri$ed hereafter. 2<. BAIT F'1 A44ITI'8A) ' T#'I8# 22 C'885CTI'8. The 22 connection esta$lish%ent for an additional 22 connection has $een started= and the 22 awaits response fro% the networ0. 21. 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5 ,#1' / T1A8S2IT 2'45,'nly applica$le for %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS tal0in!E- The 22 su$layer has a 11 connection on the +#CS channel to its peer entity on the networ0 side. 'nly one 22 connection is acti(e. 22. BAIT F'1 11 C'885CTI'8 ,#1' / T1A8S2IT 2'45,'nly applica$le for %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS tal0in!E- The 22 su$layer has re>uested to perfor% an uplin0 access on the +#CS channel. 23. )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# /584I8# ,'nly applica$le for #/1S 2S operation %odes A and .L not shown in fi!ure 4.1a- A location updatin! has $een started usin! the co%$ined #/1S routin! area updatin! procedure. 24. I2SI 45TAC; /584I8# ,'nly applica$le for #/1S 2S operation %odes A and .L not shown in fi!ure 4.1a- An I2SI detach for non6 #/1S ser(ices has $een started usin! the co%$ined #/1S detach procedure at not switchin! off. 25. 11 C'885CTI'8 15)5AS5 8'T A))'B54 ,'nly applica$le for %o$ile stations supportin! 11)/ procedures ,see 3#// TS 44.<31 N23$O- or )CS procedures o(er 11C ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO--. All 22 connections are released $y their C2 entities= $ut the 11 connection is %aintained $y the networ0 due to an on!oin! 11)/ procedure or )CS procedure o(er 11C.

S*2states o6 t!e MM )D:. state

For the description of the $eha(iour of the 2S the 22 I4)5 state is su$di(ided in se(eral su$states= also called the ser(ice states. The ser(ice state pertains to the whole 2S ,25 alone if no SI2 is inserted= or 25 plus SI2.-. The ser(ice state depends on the update status ,see su$clause and on the selected cell. 19.1 8'12A) S51+IC5 +alid su$scri$er data are a(aila$le= update status is 1= a cell is selected that $elon!s to the )A where the su$scri$er is re!istered. In this state= all re>uests fro% the C2 layers are treated nor%ally.


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19.2 ATT52/TI8# T' /4AT5 +alid su$scri$er data are a(aila$le= update status is 2 and a cell is selected. 1e>uests fro% upper layers are accepted. 5%er!ency call re>uests are treated nor%ally= otherwise the re>uest tri!!ers first a location updatin! atte%pt in the selected cell= and then tri!!ers the needed procedure only in case of successful location updatin!= otherwise the re>uest is reCected. 19.3 )I2IT54 S51+IC5 +alid su$scri$er data are a(aila$le= update status is 3= and a cell is selected= which is 0nown not to $e a$le to pro(ide nor%al ser(ice. 'nly e%er!ency ser(ices are offered. 19.4 8' I2SI 8o (alid su$scri$er data ,no SI2= or the SI2 is not considered (alid $y the 25-= and a cell is selected. 'nly e%er!ency ser(ices are offered. 19.5 8' C5)) A+AI)A.)5 8o cell can $e selected. This state is entered after a first intensi(e search failed ,state 19.*-. Cells are searched at a low rhyth%. 8o ser(ices are offered. 19.& )'CATI'8 /4AT5 855454 +alid su$scri$er data are a(aila$le= and for so%e reason a location updatin! %ust $e done as soon as possi$le ,for instance update status is 1 $ut the selected cell is not in the re!istered )A= or the ti%er has e?pired= ...-. This state is usually of no duration= $ut can last= e.!.= in the case of access class $loc0in!. 19.* /)28 S5A1C; The %o$ile station is searchin! for /)28s= and the conditions for state 19.3 are not %et. This state is ended when either a cell is selected ,the new state is 19.1= 19.3 or 19.&-= or when it is concluded that no cell is a(aila$le for the %o%ent ,the new state is 19.5-. 19.3 /)28 S5A1C;= 8'12A) S51+IC5 +alid su$scri$er data are a(aila$le= update status is 1= a cell is selected which $elon!s to the )A where the su$scri$er is re!istered= and the %o$ile station is searchin! for /)28s. This state is ended when either a cell is selected ,the new state is 19.1= 19.3 or 19.&-= or when it is concluded that no cell is a(aila$le for the %o%ent ,the new state is 19.5-. 19.9 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,8'12A) S51+IC5'nly applica$le for %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS listenin! or +.S listenin!. +alid su$scri$er data are a(aila$le= update status is 1= a +#CS channel or +.S channel is recei(ed in a cell that $elon!s to the )A where the su$scri$er is re!istered. In this state= only re>uests fro% the #CC or .CC layers are treated. 19.1< 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,)I2IT54 S51+IC5'nly applica$le for %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS listenin! or +.S listenin!. +alid su$scri$er data are a(aila$le= update status is 3= a +#CS channel or +.S channel is recei(ed in a cell which is 0nown not to $e a$le to pro(ide nor%al ser(ice. In this state= only re>uests fro% the #CC or .CC layers for the reception of +#CS or +.S calls are treated and !roup call e%er!ency ser(ices are offered.

T!e *"date Stat*s

In parallel with the su$layer states descri$ed in su$clause and which control the 22 su$layer protocol= an update status e?ists.


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The update status pertains to a specific su$scri$er e%$odied $y a SI2. This status is defined e(en when the su$scri$er is not acti(ated ,SI2 re%o(ed or connected to a switched6off 25-. It is stored in a non (olatile %e%ory in the SI2. The update status is chan!ed only as a result of a location updatin! procedure atte%pt ,with the e?ception of an authentication failure and of so%e cases of C2 ser(ice reCection-. In so%e cases= the update status is chan!ed as a result of a #/1S attach= #/1S routin! area update= ser(ice re>uest or networ0 initiated #/1S detach procedure. 1 /4AT54 The last location updatin! atte%pt was successful ,correct procedure outco%e= and the answer was acceptance fro% the networ0-. Bith this status= the SI2 contains also the )AI of the )A where the su$scri$er is re!istered= and possi$ly (alid T2SI= #S2 cipherin! 0ey= 2TS inte!rity 0ey= 2TS cipherin! 0ey and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The D)ocation update statusD stored on the SI2 shall $e DupdatedD. 2 8'T /4AT54 The last location updatin! atte%pt %ade failed procedurally ,no si!nificant answer was recei(ed fro% the networ0= includin! the cases of failures or con!estion inside the networ0-. For this status= the SI2 does not contain any (alid )AI= T2SI= #S2 cipherin! 0ey= 2TS inte!rity 0ey= 2TS cipherin! 0ey or cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. For co%pati$ility reasons= all these fields %ust $e set to the DdeletedD (alue at the %o%ent the status is set to 8'T /4AT54. ;owe(er the presence of other (alues shall not $e considered an error $y the %o$ile station. The D)ocation update statusD stored on the SI2 shall $e Dnot updatedD. 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 The last location updatin! atte%pt run correctly= $ut the answer fro% the networ0 was ne!ati(e ,$ecause of roa%in! or su$scription restrictions-. For this status= the SI2 %ay contain a (alid )AI= T2SI= #S2 cipherin! 0ey= 2TS inte!rity 0ey= 2TS cipherin! 0ey or cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. For co%pati$ility reasons= all these fields %ust $e set to the DdeletedD (alue if the )AI is deleted. ;owe(er the presence of other (alues shall not $e considered an error $y the %o$ile station. The D)ocation update statusD stored on the SI2 shall $e D)ocation Area not allowedD.
1. I4)5

MM s*2layer states o' t!e 'et%or5 side

The 22 su$layer is not acti(e e?cept possi$ly when the 11 su$layer is in #roup 1ecei(e %ode. 2. BAIT F'1 11 C'885CTI'8 The 22 su$layer has recei(ed a re>uest for 22 connection esta$lish%ent fro% the C2 layer. A 11 connection to the %o$ile station is re>uested fro% the 11 su$layer ,i.e. pa!in! is perfor%ed-. 3. 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5 The 22 su$layer has a 11 connection to a %o$ile station. 'ne or %ore 22 connections are acti(e= or no 22 connection is acti(e $ut an 11)/ procedure or )CS procedure o(er 11C is on!oin!. 4. I458TIFICATI'8 I8ITIAT54 The identification procedure has $een started $y the networ0. The ti%er T32*< is runnin!. 5. A T;58TICATI'8 I8ITIAT54 The authentication procedure has $een started $y the networ0. The ti%er T32&< is runnin!. &. T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 I8ITIAT54 The T2SI reallocation procedure has $een started $y the networ0. The ti%er T325< is runnin!. *. S5C 1ITA 2'45 I8ITIAT54 In 2TS= the security %ode settin! procedure has $een re>uested to the 11 su$layer. In #S2= the cipher %ode settin! procedure has $een re>uested to the 11 su$layer.

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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

3a. BAIT F'1 2'.I)5 '1I#I8AT54 22 C'885CTI'8 A C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed and processed= and the 22 su$layer awaits the Dopenin! %essa!eD of the 22 connection. 3$. BAIT F'1 85TB'1K '1I#I8AT54 22 C'885CTI'8 A C2 S51+IC5 /1'2/T %essa!e has $een sent $y the networ0 and the 22 su$layer awaits the Dopenin! %essa!eD of the 22 connection @,CC.S-@. 9. BAIT F'1 155STA.)IS;258T The 11 connection to a %o$ile station with one or %ore acti(e 22 connection has $een lost. The networ0 awaits a possi$le re6esta$lish%ent re>uest fro% the %o$ile station. 1<. BAIT 'F A #1' / CA)) 'nly applica$le in case for %o$ile station supportin! +#CS tal0in!. The 22 su$layer has recei(ed a re>uest for esta$lishin! a +#CS fro% the #CC su$layer. The re>uest for esta$lishin! a +#CS channels is !i(en to the 11 su$layer. 11. #1' / CA)) ACTI+5 'nly applica$le in case of %o$ile station supportin! +#CS tal0in!. A +#CS channel is esta$lished $y the 11 su$layer. An 11 connection to the tal0in! %o$ile station can $e esta$lished $y the 11 su$layer on the +#CS channel. The 22 su$layer is acti(e $ut no sendin! of 22 %essa!e $etween the networ0 and the %o$ile station has occurred. 12. 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5 ,#1' / CA))'nly applica$le in case of %o$ile station supportin! +#CS tal0in!. The 22 su$layer has a 11 connection to the tal0in! %o$ile station on the +#CS channel. 'nly one 22 connection is acti(e. 13. BAIT F'1 .1'A4CAST CA)) 'nly applica$le in case of +.S. The 22 su$layer has recei(ed a re>uest for a +.S esta$lish%ent fro% the .CC su$layer. The re>uest for esta$lish%ent of +.S channels is !i(en to the 11 su$layer. 14. .1'A4CAST CA)) ACTI+5 'nly applica$le in case of +.S. A +.S channel is esta$lished $y the 11 su$layer. The 22 su$layer is acti(e $ut no e?plicit 22 esta$lish%ent $etween the 8etwor0 and the %o$ile station has occurred.

4.7.3 G<-S 0o2ility 0a'a e0e't (GMM) s*2layer states

In this su$clause= the #22 protocol of the 2S and the networ0 are descri$ed $y %eans of two different state %achines. In su$clause the states of the #22 entity in the 2S are introduced. The $eha(iour of the 2S depends on a #/1S update status that is descri$ed in su$clause The states for the networ0 side are descri$ed in su$clause

GMM states i' t!e MS

In this su$clause= the possi$le #22 states are descri$ed of a #22 entity in the %o$ile station. su$clause su%%arises the %ain states of a #22 entity= see fi!ure 4.1$ of the present docu%ent. The su$states that ha(e $een defined are descri$ed in su$clause and su$clause ;owe(er= it should $e noted that this su$clause does not include a description of the detailed $eha(iour of the 2S in the sin!le states and does not co(er a$nor%al cases. Thus= fi!ure 4.1$ of the present docu%ent is rather intended to !i(e an o(er(iew of the state transitions than to $e a co%plete state transition dia!ra%. A detailed description of the $eha(iour of the 2S is !i(en in su$clause 4.2. 5specially= with respect to the $eha(iour of the 2S in a$nor%al cases it is referred to su$clause 4.*.


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Mai' states

The #/1S capa$ility is disa$led in the 2S. 8o #/1S %o$ility %ana!e%ent function shall $e perfor%ed in this state. GMM-D.-.G)ST.-.D

The #/1S capa$ility has $een ena$led in the 2S= $ut no #22 conte?t has $een esta$lished. In this state= the 2S %ay esta$lish a #22 conte?t $y startin! the #/1S attach or co%$ined #/1S attach procedure. GMM--.G)ST.-.D-)4)T),T.D

A #/1S attach or co%$ined #/1S attach procedure has $een started and the 2S is awaitin! a response fro% the networ0. GMM--.G)ST.-.D

A #22 conte?t has $een esta$lished= i.e. the #/1S attach or co%$ined #/1S attach procedure has $een successfully perfor%ed. In this state= the 2S %ay acti(ate /4/ conte?ts= %ay send and recei(e user data and si!nallin! infor%ation and %ay reply to a pa!e re>uest. Further%ore= cell and routin! area updatin! are perfor%ed. GMM-D.-.G)ST.-.D-)4)T),T.D

The 2S has re>uested release of the #22 conte?t $y startin! the #/1S detach or co%$ined #/1S detach procedure. This state is only entered if the 2S is not $ein! switched off at detach re>uest. GMM--9UT)4G-,-.,-U<D,T)4G-)4)T),T.D

A routin! area updatin! procedure has $een started and the 2S is awaitin! a response fro% the networ0.; GMM-S.-V)C.--.EU.ST-)4)T),T.D (UMTS o'ly)

A ser(ice re>uest procedure has $een started and the 2S is awaitin! a response fro% the networ0.

S*2states o6 state GMM-D.-.G)ST.-.D

The #2264515#IST5154 state is su$di(ided into se(eral su$states as e?plained $elow. The su$states pertain to the whole 2S ,25 alone if no SI2 is inserted= or 25 plus SI2-. The selection of the appropriate su$state depends on the #/1S update status= see su$clause and on the selected cell. GMM-D.-.G)ST.-.D.49-M,:-S.-V)C.

+alid su$scri$er data is a(aila$le= the #/1S update status is # 1 or # 2= a cell has $een selected. In this state= a re>uest for #/1S attach is perfor%ed usin! the stored te%porary %o$ile su$scri$er identity for #/1S ,/6T2SI-= routin! area identification ,1AI- and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er in case of # 1. If the #/1S update status is # 2= the I2SI shall $e used to attach for #/1S ser(ices. GMM-D.-.G)ST.-.D.:)M)T.D-S.-V)C.

+alid su$scri$er data is a(aila$le= #/1S update status is # 3= and a cell is selected= which is 0nown not to $e a$le to pro(ide nor%al ser(ice. GMM-D.-.G)ST.-.D.,TT,C?-4..D.D

+alid su$scri$er data is a(aila$le and for so%e reason a #/1S attach %ust $e perfor%ed as soon as possi$le. This state is usually of no duration= $ut can last= e.!. if the access class is $loc0ed.


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The #/1S update status is # 2= a cell is selected= a pre(ious #/1S attach was reCected. The e?ecution of further attach procedures depends on the #/1S attach atte%pt counter. 8o #22 procedure e?cept #/1S attach shall $e initiated $y the 2S in this su$state. GMM-D.-.G)ST.-.D.49-)MS)

8o (alid su$scri$er data is a(aila$le ,no SI2= or the SI2 is not considered (alid $y the 25- and a cell has $een selected. GMM-D.-.G)ST.-.D.49-C.::-,V,):,+:.

8o cell can $e selected. This su$state is entered after a first intensi(e search failed ,su$state /)28 S5A1C;-. Cells are searched for at a low rhyth%. 8o ser(ices are offered.; GMM-D.-.G)ST.-.D.<:M4-S.,-C?

The %o$ile station is searchin! for /)28s. This su$state is left either when a cell has $een selected ,the new su$state is 8'12A)6S51+IC5 or )I2IT546S51+IC5- or when it has $een concluded that no cell is a(aila$le at the %o%ent ,the new su$state is 8'6C5))6A+AI)A.)5-. GMM-D.-.G)ST.-.D.SUS<.4D.D (GSM o'ly)

The 2S shall enter this su$state when enterin! dedicated %ode and the 2S li%itations %a0e it una$le to co%%unicate on #/1S channels. The 2S shall lea(e this su$state when lea(in! dedicated %ode.

S*2states o6 state GMM--.G)ST.-.D

The state #22615#IST5154 is su$di(ided into se(eral su$state as e?plained $elow. The su$states pertain to the whole 2S ,25 alone if no SI2 is inserted= or 25 plus SI2.-. GMM--.G)ST.-.D.49-M,:-S.-V)C.

ser data and si!nallin! infor%ation %ay $e sent and recei(ed. GMM--.G)ST.-.D.SUS<.4D.D (GSM o'ly)

The 2S shall enter this su$state when enterin! dedicated %ode and when the 2S li%itations %a0es it una$le to co%%unicate on #/1S channels... In this su$state= no user data should $e sent and no si!nallin! infor%ation shall $e sent. The 2S shall lea(e this su$state when lea(in! dedicated %ode. GMM--.G)ST.-.D.U<D,T.-4..D.D

The 2S has to perfor% a routin! area updatin! procedure= $ut its access class is not allowed in the cell. The procedure will $e initiated as soon as access is !ranted ,this %i!ht $e due to a cell6reselection or due to chan!e of the access class of the current cell-. 8o #22 procedure e?cept routin! area updatin! shall $e initiated $y the 2S in this su$state. In this su$state= no user data and no si!nallin! infor%ation shall $e sent. GMM--.G)ST.-.D.,TT.M<T)4G-T9-U<D,T.

A routin! area updatin! procedure failed due to a %issin! response fro% the networ0. The 2S retries the procedure controlled $y ti%ers and a #/1S atte%pt counter. 8o #22 procedure e?cept routin! area updatin! shall $e initiated $y the 2S in this su$state. 8o data shall $e sent or recei(ed. GMM--.G)ST.-.D.49-C.::-,V,):,+:.

#/1S co(era!e has $een lost. In this su$state= the 2S shall not initiate any #22 procedures e?cept of cell ,and /)28- reselection.


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#2268 ))

#2261' TI8#6 A15A6 /4ATI8#6 I8ITIAT54 #226 4515#IST51546 I8ITIAT54

6 ena$le #/1S %ode

6 45TAC; accepted 6 )ower layer failure 6 disa$le #/1S %ode

6 1A accepted 6 1A failed 6 1A reCected ,F13= F15-

6 45TAC; re>uested ,not power off-

6 1A re>uested

#226 4515#IST5154

6 1A reCected 6 8etwor0 init. 45TAC; re>uested 6 i%plicit 45TAC;

#226 15#IST5154

6 ATTAC; re>uested

45TAC; re>uested ,power off-

6 ATTAC; reCected 6 8etwor0 init. 45TAC; re>uested 6 )ower layer failure 6 ATTAC; accepted #226 15#IST51546 I8ITIAT54

6 S1 re>uested accepted 6 S1 accepted 6 S1 failed

Any state

#226S51+IC56 15: 5ST6I8ITIAT54

2i ure )*1b33GPP TS ()*++,4GMM 7ain states in the MS GMM--.G)ST.-.D.:)M)T.D-S.-V)C.

A cell is selected= which is 0nown not to $e a$le to pro(ide nor%al ser(ice. The 2S will re%ain in this su$6state until a cell is selected which is a$le to pro(ide nor%al ser(ice.; GMM--.G)ST.-.D.,TT.M<T)4G-T9-U<D,T.-MM

A co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure or a co%$ined #/1S attach procedure was successful for #/1S ser(ices only. The 2S retries the procedure controlled $y ti%ers and a #/1S atte%pt counter. ser data and si!nallin! infor%ation %ay $e sent and recei(ed. GMM--.G)ST.-.D.)MS)-D.T,C?-)4)T),T.D

The 2S perfor%s a co%$ined #/1S detach procedure for non6#/1S ser(ices only ,detach type DI2SI 4etachD-. This state is entered if the 2S is attached for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices in a networ0 that operates in networ0 %ode I and wants to detach for non6#/1S ser(ices only. ser data and si!nallin! infor%ation %ay $e sent and recei(ed.

G<-S *"date stat*s

In addition to the #22 su$layer states descri$ed so far= a #/1S update status e?ists. The #/1S update status pertains to a specific su$scri$er e%$odied $y a SI2. This status is defined e(en when the su$scri$er is not acti(ated ,SI2 re%o(ed or connected to a switched off 25-. It is stored in a non (olatile %e%ory in the SI2. The #/1S update status is chan!ed only after e?ecution of a #/1S attach= networ0 initiated #/1S detach= authentication procedure= or routin! area updatin! procedure.

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# 1E /4AT54 The last #/1S attach or routin! area updatin! atte%pt was successful ,correct procedure outco%e= and the answer was accepted $y the networ0-. The SI2 contains the 1AI of the routin! area ,1A- to which the su$scri$er was attached= and possi$ly a (alid /6T2SI= #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey= #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey= #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. # 2E 8'T /4AT54 The last #/1S attach or routin! area updatin! atte%pt failed procedurally= i.e. no response was recei(ed fro% the networ0. This includes the cases of failures or con!estion inside the networ0. In this case= the SI2 %ay contain the 1AI of the routin! area ,1A- to which the su$scri$er was attached= and possi$ly also a (alid /6T2SI= #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey= #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey= #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. For co%pati$ility reasons= all these fields shall $e set to the DdeletedD (alue if the 1AI is deleted. ;owe(er= the presence of other (alues shall not $e considered an error $y the 2S. # 3E 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 The last #/1S attach or routin! area updatin! atte%pt was correctly perfor%ed= $ut the answer fro% the networ0 was ne!ati(e ,$ecause of roa%in! or su$scription restrictions-. In this case= the SI2 %ay contain the 1AI of the routin! area ,1A- to which the su$scri$er was attached= and possi$ly also a (alid /6T2SI= #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey= #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey= #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey or #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. For co%pati$ility reasons= all these fields shall $e set to the (alue DdeletedD if the 1AI is deleted. ;owe(er= the presence of other (alues shall not $e considered an error $y the 2S.

GMM 0o2ility 0a'a e0e't states o' t!e 'et%or5 side

In this su$su$clause= the possi$le states are descri$ed for the #22 on the networ0 side. Su$clause su%%arises the %ain states. The correspondin! su$states are descri$ed in su$clause ;owe(er= it should $e noted that this su$clause does not include a description of the detailed $eha(iour of the networ0 in the sin!le states and does not co(er a$nor%al cases. Thus= fi!ure 4.1c"3#// TS 24.<<3 is rather intended to !i(e an o(er(iew of the state transitions than to $e a co%plete state transition dia!ra%. A detailed description of the $eha(iour of the 2S is !i(en in su$clause 4.2. 5specially= with respect to the $eha(iour of the 2S in a$nor%al cases it is referred to su$clause 4.*.

Mai' States

The networ0 has no #22 conte?t or the #22 conte?t is %ar0ed as detached= the 2S is detached. In this state= the networ0 %ay answer to a #/1S attach or co%$ined #/1S attach procedure initiated $y the 2S. GMM-C9MM94-<-9C.DU-.-)4)T),T.D

A co%%on #22 procedure= as defined in su$clause 4.1.1= has $een started. The networ0 is awaitin! the answer fro% the 2S. GMM--.G)ST.-.D

The #22 conte?t has $een esta$lished and the #/1S attach procedure has $een successfully perfor%ed. GMM-D.-.G)ST.-.D-)4)T),T.D

The networ0 has started a #/1S detach procedure and is awaitin! the answer fro% the 2S.


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#226 45615#IST51546 I8ITIAT54

6 45TAC; accepted 6 )ower layer failure

6 8etwor0 initiated 45TAC; re>uested

#226 45615#IST5154

6 2S initiated 45TAC; re>uested 1A reCected i%plicit 45TAC; 6 ATTAC; procedure successful 6 C'22'8 procedure re>uested

#226 15#IST5154

6 C'22'8 procedure re>uested

6 C'22'8 procedure failed 6 )ower layer failure

6 C'22'8 procedure successful 6 ATTAC; procedure successful

#226C'22'86 /1'C54 156I8ITIAT54

2i ure )*1c33GPP TS ()*++,4 GMM 7ain states on the network side

S*2states o6 state GMM--.G)ST.-.D

The state #22615#IST5154 is su$di(ided into two su$states as e?plained $elow. GMM--.G)ST.-.D.49-M,:-S.-V)C.

ser data and si!nallin! infor%ation %ay $e sent and recei(ed. GMM--.G)ST.-.D.SUS<.4D.D (GSM o'ly)

In this su$state= the lower layers shall $e pre(ented of sendin! user data or si!nallin! infor%ation.

4.2 +e!a1io*r o6 t!e MS i' MM )dle state, GMM-D.-.G)ST.-.D state a'd GMM--.G)ST.-.D state
In this su$clause= the detailed $eha(iour of the 2S in the %ain states 22 I4)5= #2264515#IST5154 and #226 15#IST5154 is descri$ed. Su$clauses 4.2.1 to 4.2.3 refer to the state 22 I4)5= whereas su$clauses 4.2.4 and 4.2.5 refer to the states #2264515#IST5154 and #22615#IST5154= respecti(ely. The 22 I4)5 state is entered when none of the 22 procedures are runnin! and no 11 connection e?ists. It is left when one of the 22 procedures are tri!!ered or a 11 connection is esta$lished. The specific $eha(iour in the 22 I4)5 state depends on the ser(ice state of the %o$ile station as descri$ed in su$clause The ser(ice state depends in particular on the update status which is defined in su$clause ;ow an appropriate ser(ice state is chosen after power on is descri$ed in su$clause 4.2.1= and the specific $eha(iour of the %o$ile station in 22 I4)5 state is descri$ed in su$clause 4.2.2. The ser(ice state chosen when the 22 I4)5 state is returned to fro% any state e?cept 8 )) state is descri$ed in 4.2.3. It should $e noted that transitions $etween the (arious 22 idle states are caused $y ,e.!.-E

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6 6 6 6 6

results of procedures on 11 connected %ode ,see su$clause 4.2.3-L insertion or re%o(al of the SI2L cell selection"reselection ,see also 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O-L /)28 searchL loss of co(era!e.

;ow (arious 22 procedures affects the ser(ice state and the update status is descri$ed in the detailed descriptions of the procedures in su$clauses 4.3 to 4.5.

4.2.7 <ri0ary Ser1i&e State sele&tio' Sele&tio' o6 t!e Ser1i&e State a6ter <o%er 9'.

Bhen %o$ility %ana!e%ent is acti(ated after power6on= the ser(ice state is 19.* /)28 S5A1C;. The detailed processin! in this state is descri$ed in detail in 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 45.<<3 N34O= where procedures for power on and selection of /)28 is descri$ed in detail. If the D)ocation update statusD stored on the SI2 is different fro% DupdatedD= then the %o$ile shall act as if the D)ocation update statusD stored on the SI2 is Dnot updatedD. The ser(ice state when the /)28 S5A1C; state is left depends on the outco%e of the search and on the presence of the SI2E 6 6 6 if no cell has $een found= the state is 8' C5)) A+AI)A.)5= until a cell is foundL if no SI2 is present the state is 8' I2SIL if the %o$ile station has $een continuously acti(ated since loosin! co(era!e and then returns to co(era!e= and if the selected cell is in the location area where the %o$ile station is re!istered and the ti%er T3212 has not e?pired= then the state is 8'12A) S51+IC5L if the selected cell is in the location area where the %o$ile station is re!istered and I2SI ATTAC; is not re>uired and ti%er T3212 has not e?pired= then the state is 8'12A) S51+IC5L if the %o$ile station is in auto%atic networ0 selection %ode and the selected cell is in a for$idden /)28 or a for$idden )A= then the %o$ile station enters the )I2IT54 S51+IC5 stateL if the %o$ile station is in %anual networ0 selection %ode and no cell of the selected /)28 has $een found= then the %o$ile station enters the )I2IT54 S51+IC5 stateL otherwise= the %o$ile station enters the )'CATI'8 /4AT5 855454 state.

6 6 6 6

9t!er Cases

The state /)28 S5A1C; is also entered in the followin! casesE 6 6 6 6 6 in state 8' I2SI= a SI2 is insertedL in any state e?cept 8' I2SI= 8' C5)) A+AI)A.)5= 8'12A) S51+IC5 and 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,8'12A) S51+IC5- after the user has as0ed for a /)28 selectionL in any state e?cept 8' I2SI and 8' C5)) A+AI)A.)5= co(era!e is lostL roa%in! is deniedL optionally= when the %o$ile station is in the ATT52/TI8# T' /4AT5 state and is in Auto%atic 8etwor0 Selection %ode and location update atte%pt counter is !reater than or e>ual to 4.

The ser(ice state when the /)28 S5A1C; is left depends on the outco%e of the search and on the presence of the SI2 as specified in su$clause


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4.2.2 Detailed Des&ri"tio' o6 t!e MS 2e!a1io*r i' MM )D:. State.

In the 22 I4)5 state the %o$ile station shall $eha(e accordin! to the ser(ice state. In the followin! su$clauses the $eha(iour is descri$ed for the non transient ser(ice states. It should $e noted that after procedures in 11 connected %ode= e.!. location updatin! procedures= su$clause 4.2.3 applies which specifies the selection of the 22 idle state. Further%ore when in su$6state 8'12A) S51+IC5= if a /)28 selection is re>uested= the 2S enters su$6state S5A1C; F'1 /)28= 8'12A) S51+IC5.

Ser1i&e State, 49-M,: S.-V)C.

Bhen in state 22 I4)5 and ser(ice state 8'12A) S51+IC5= the %o$ile station shallE 6 6 6 6 6 6 perfor% nor%al location updatin! when a new location area is enteredL perfor% location updatin! procedure at e?piry of ti%er T3211 or T3213L perfor% periodic updatin! at e?piration of ti%er T3212L perfor% I2SI detachL support re>uests fro% the C2 layerL respond to pa!in!.

In addition= %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS listenin! or +.S listenin! shallE 6 6 6 indicate notifications to the #CC or .CC su$layerL respond to notification if the #CC or .CC su$layer re>uests the reception of a (oice !roup or $roadcast call for which no channel description has $een recei(ed in the notification $y the 11 su$layerL re>uest the 11 su$layer to recei(e a (oice !roup or $roadcast call if the #CC or .CC su$layer re>uests the reception of a (oice !roup or $roadcast call for which a channel description has $een recei(ed in the notification $y the 11 su$layer and then !o to the ser(ice state 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,8'12A) S51+IC5-.

Ser1i&e State, ,TT.M<T)4G T9 U<D,T.

Bhen in state 22 I4)5 and ser(ice state ATT52/TI8# T' /4AT5 the %o$ile station shallE 6 6 6 perfor% location updatin! procedure at e?piry of ti%er T3211 or T3213L perfor% nor%al location updatin! when the location area identification of the ser(in! cell chan!esL if entry into this state was caused $y c- or d- or f- ,with cause different fro% Da$nor%al release= unspecifiedD- or !- ,with cause Dretry upon entry into a new cellD- of su$clause then location updatin! shall $e perfor%ed when a new cell is enteredL if entry into this state was caused $y e- or f- ,with cause Da$nor%al release= unspecifiedD- or !- ,with cause different fro% Dretry upon entry into a new cellD- of su$clause then location updatin! shall not $e perfor%ed $ecause a new cell is enteredL perfor% nor%al location updatin! at e?piry of ti%er T3212L not perfor% I2SI detachL support re>uest for e%er!ency callsL use other re>uest fro% C2 layer as tri!!erin! of nor%al location updatin! procedure ,if the location updatin! procedure is successful= then the re>uest for 22 connection is accepted= see su$clause 4.5.1-L respond to pa!in! ,with I2SI-.

6 6 6 6 6


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In addition= %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS listenin! or +.S listenin! shallE 6 6 6 indicate notifications to the #CC or .CC su$layer for which a channel description has $een recei(ed in the notification $y the 11 su$layerL reCect re>uests of the #CC or .CC su$layer to respond to notifications for which no channel description has $een recei(ed in the notification $y the 11 su$layerL re>uest the 11 su$layer to recei(e a (oice !roup or $roadcast call if the #CC or .CC su$layer re>uests the reception of a (oice !roup or $roadcast call for which a channel description has $een recei(ed in the notification $y the 11 su$layer and then !o to the ser(ice state 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,)I2IT54 S51+IC5-.
6 6 6 6 6

Ser1i&e State, :)M)T.D S.-V)C.

Bhen in state 22 I4)5 and ser(ice state )I2IT54 S51+IC5 the %o$ile station shallE not perfor% periodic updatin!L not perfor% I2SI detachL reCect any re>uests fro% C2 entities for 22 connections e?cept for e%er!ency callsL perfor% nor%al location updatin! when a cell is entered which %ay pro(ide nor%al ser(ice ,e.!. location area not in one of the for$idden )AI lists.-L it %ay respond to pa!in! ,with I2SI-.

In addition= %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS listenin! or +.S listenin! shallE 6 6 6 indicate notifications to the #CC or .CC su$layer for which a channel description has $een recei(ed in the notification $y the 11 su$layerL reCect re>uests of the #CC or .CC su$layer to respond to notifications for which no channel description has $een recei(ed in the notification $y the 11 su$layerL re>uest the 11 su$layer to recei(e a (oice !roup or $roadcast call if the #CC or .CC su$layer re>uests the reception of a (oice !roup or $roadcast call for which a channel description has $een recei(ed in the notification $y the 11 su$layer and then !o to the ser(ice state 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,)I2IT54 S51+IC5-.

Ser1i&e State, 49 )MS)

Bhen in state 22 I4)5 and ser(ice state 8' I2SI the %o$ile station shall ,see su$clause 3.2= 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 45.<<3 N34O-E 6 6 6 6 6 6 not start any nor%al location updatin! atte%ptL not perfor% periodic updatin!L not perfor% I2SI detach if powered downL reCect any re>uest fro% C2 entities for 22 connections e?cept for e%er!ency callsL not respond to pa!in!L only perfor% default cell selection.

In addition= %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS listenin! or +.S listenin! shallE 6 not indicate notifications to the #CC or .CC layer.


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6 6 6 6 6

Ser1i&e State, S.,-C? (9- <:M4, 49-M,: S.-V)C.

Bhen in state 22 I4)5 and ser(ice state S5A1C; F'1 /)28= 8'12A) S51+IC5 the %o$ile station shallE if ti%er T3211 or T3213 e?pires in this state perfor% a location updatin! procedure at the latest if and when $ac0 to 8'12A) S51+IC5 state and if the cell is not chan!edL if ti%er T3212 e?pires in this state perfor% a periodic location updatin! procedure at the latest if and when $ac0 to 8'12A) S51+IC5 stateL perfor% I2SI detachL support re>uests fro% the C2 layerL listen as far as possi$le to pa!in!= and respond.

In addition= %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS listenin! or +.S listenin! shallE 6 6 6 listen as far as possi$le to notifications and indicate notifications to the #CC or .CC layerL respond to notification if the #CC or .CC su$layer re>uests the reception of a (oice !roup or $roadcast call for which no channel description has $een recei(ed in the notification $y the 11 su$layerL re>uest the 11 su$layer to recei(e a (oice !roup or $roadcast call if the #CC or .CC su$layer re>uests the reception of a (oice !roup or $roadcast call for which a channel description has $een recei(ed in the notification $y the 11 su$layer.

Ser1i&e State, S.,-C? (9- <:M4

Bhen in state 22 I4)5 and ser(ice state S5A1C; F'1 /)28 the %o$ile station shallE 6 6 6 6 6 not start any nor%al location updatin! atte%ptL not perfor% periodic updatin!L not perfor% I2SI detach if powered downL reCect any re>uest fro% C2 entities for 22 connections e?cept e%er!ency callsL not respond to pa!in!.


Ser1i&e State, -.C.)V)4G G-9U< C,:: (49-M,: S.-V)C.)

'nly applica$le for %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS listenin! or +.S listenin!E Bhen in state 22 I4)5 and ser(ice state 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,8'12A) S51+IC5-= the %o$ile station shallE 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 perfor% nor%al location updatin! when a new location area is enteredL perfor% location updatin! procedure at e?piry of ti%er T3211 or T3213L perfor% periodic updatin! at e?piration of ti%er T3212L perfor% I2SI detachL support re>uests fro% the #CC or .CC layersL indicate notifications or pa!in! infor%ation to the #CC or .CC layerL respond to notification if the #CC or .CC su$layer re>uests the reception of a (oice !roup or $roadcast call for which no channel description has $een recei(ed in the notification $y the 11 su$layerL re>uest the 11 su$layer to recei(e another (oice !roup or $roadcast call if the #CC or .CC su$layer re>uests the reception of a (oice !roup or $roadcast call for which a channel description has $een recei(ed in the notification $y the 11 su$layer.

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Ser1i&e State, -.C.)V)4G G-9U< C,:: (:)M)T.D S.-V)C.)

'nly applica$le for %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS listenin! or +.S listenin!E Bhen in state 22 I4)5 and ser(ice state 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,)I2IT54 S51+IC5-= the %o$ile station shallE 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 not perfor% periodic updatin!L not perfor% I2SI detachL reCect any re>uests fro% C2 entities for 22 connections e?cept for e%er!ency callsL perfor% nor%al location updatin! when a cell is entered which %ay pro(ide nor%al ser(ice ,e.!. location area not in one of the for$idden )AI lists.-L it %ay respond to pa!in! ,with I2SI-L indicate notifications to the #CC or .CC su$layer for which a channel description has $een recei(ed in the notification $y the 11 su$layerL reCect re>uests of the #CC or .CC su$layer to respond to notifications for which no channel description has $een recei(ed in the notification $y the 11 su$layerL re>uest the 11 su$layer to recei(e a (oice !roup or $roadcast call if the #CC or .CC su$layer re>uests the reception of a (oice !roup or $roadcast call for which a channel description has $een recei(ed in the notification $y the 11 su$layer and then !o to the ser(ice state 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,)I2IT54 S51+IC5-.

4.2.3 Ser1i&e state %!e' 2a&5 to state MM )D:. 6ro0 a'ot!er state
Bhen returnin! to 22 I4)5= e.!.= after a location updatin! procedure= the %o$ile station selects the cell as specified in 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O. Bith one e?ception= this is a nor%al cell selection. If this return to idle state is not su$se>uent to a location updatin! procedure ter%inated with reception of cause D1oa%in! not allowed in this location areaD the ser(ice state depends on the result of the cell selection procedure= on the update status of the %o$ile station= on the location data stored in the %o$ile station and on the presence of the SI2E 6 6 6 6 if no cell has $een found= the state is 8' C5)) A+AI)A.)5= until a cell is foundL if no SI2 is present= or if the inserted SI2 is considered in(alid $y the 2S= the state is 8' I2SIL if the selected cell is in the location area where the 2S is re!istered= then the state is 8'12A) S51+IC5L it shall $e noted that this also includes an a$nor%al case descri$ed in su$clause ,'nly applica$le for %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS listenin! or +.S listenin!.- if the %o$ile stations was in the ser(ice state 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,8'12A) S51+IC5- or 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,)I2IT54 S51+IC5- $efore the location updatin! procedure and the selected cell is in the location area where the %o$ile station is re!istered= then the state is 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,8'12A) S51+IC5-L if the selected cell is in a location area where the %o$ile station is not re!istered $ut in which the 2S is allowed to atte%pt a location update= then the state is )'CATI'8 /4AT5 855454L if the selected cell is in a location area where the %o$ile station is not allowed to atte%pt a location update= then the state is )I2IT54 S51+IC5L ,'nly applica$le for 2Ss supportin! +#CS listenin! or +.S listenin!.- if the 2Ss was in the ser(ice state 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,8'12A) S51+IC5- or 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,)I2IT54 S51+IC5$efore the location updatin! procedure and the selected cell is in the location area where the 2S is not allowed to atte%pt a location update= then the state is 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,)I2IT54 S51+IC5-L after so%e a$nor%al cases occurrin! durin! an unsuccessful location updatin! procedure= as descri$ed in su$clause the state is ATT52/TI8# T' /4AT5.

6 6 6

In case of a return fro% a location updatin! procedure to which was answered D1oa%in! not allowed in this location areaD= the ser(ice state /)28 S5A1C; is entered as specified in su$clause


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4.2.4 +e!a1io*r i' state GMM-D.-.G)ST.-.D

The state #2264515#IST5154 is entered whenE 6 6 6 6 the 2S is switched onL the #/1S capa$ility has $een ena$led in the 2SL a #/1S detach or co%$ined #/1S detach procedure has $een perfor%edL or a #22 procedure has failed ,e?cept routin! area updatin!= see su$clause 4.*.5-.

The selection of the appropriate su$state of #2264515#IST5154 after switchin! on is descri$ed in su$clause The specific $eha(iour of the 2S in state #2264515#IST5154 is descri$ed in su$clause The su$state chosen when the #2264515#IST5154 state is returned to fro% another state e?cept state #226 8 )) is descri$ed in su$clause It should $e noted that transitions $etween the (arious su$states of #2264515#IST5154 are caused $y ,e.!.-E 6 6 6 6 6 insertion or re%o(al of the SI2L cell selection"reselection ,see also 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O-L /)28 searchL loss"re!ain of co(era!eL or chan!e of 1A.

;ow (arious #22 procedures affect the #2264515#IST5154 su$states and the #/1S update status is descri$ed in the detailed description of the #22 procedures in su$clause 4.*.

<ri0ary s*2state sele&tio'

Sele&tio' o6 t!e s*2state a6ter "o%er o' or e'a2li' t!e MS=s G<-S &a"a2ility

Bhen the 2S is switched on= the su$state shall $e /)286S5A1C; in case the SI2 is inserted and (alid. See 3#// TS 23.122 N14O and 3#// TS 45.<<3 N34O for further details. Bhen the #/1S capa$ility in an acti(ated 2S has $een ena$led= the selection of the #2264515#IST5154 su$state depends on the 22 state and the #/1S update status. The su$state chosen after /)286S5A1C;= in case of power on or after ena$lin! of the #/1S capa$ility isE 6 6 6 6 6 if the cell is not supportin! #/1S= the su$state shall $e 8'6C5))6A+AI)A.)5L if no SI2 is present the su$state shall $e 8'6I2SIL if a cell supportin! #/1S has $een found and the /)28 or )A is not in the for$idden list= then the su$state shall $e 8'12A)6S51+IC5L if the selected cell supportin! #/1S is in a for$idden /)28 or a for$idden )A= then the 2S shall enter the su$state )I2IT546S51+IC5L if the 2S is in %anual networ0 selection %ode and no cell supportin! #/1S of the selected /)28 has $een found= the 2S shall enter the su$state 8'6C5))6A+AI)A.)5.


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9t!er Cases

Bhen the 22 state is I4)5= the #22 su$state /)286S5A1C; shall also $e entered in the followin! casesE 6 6 6 6 6 when a SI2 is inserted in su$state 8'6I2SIL when the user has as0ed for a /)28 selection in any su$state e?cept 8' I2SI and 8' C5)) A+AI)A.)5 L when co(era!e is lost in any su$state e?cept 8' I2SI and 8' C5)) A+AI)A.)5 L 1oa%in! is deniedL optionally= when the 2S is in auto%atic networ0 selection %ode and the %a?i%u% allowed nu%$er of su$se>uently unsuccessful attach atte%pts controlled $y the #/1S attach atte%pt counter ,su$clause 4.*.3- ha(e $een perfor%ed. optionally= when the 2S is in auto%atic networ0 selection %ode and the %a?i%u% allowed nu%$er of su$se>uently unsuccessful routin! area update atte%pts controlled $y the #/1S routin! area update atte%pt counter ,su$clause 4.*.5- ha(e $een perfor%ed.

Detailed des&ri"tio' o6 t!e MS 2e!a1io*r i' state GMM-D.-.G)ST.-.D

In state #2264515#IST5154= the 2S shall $eha(e accordin! to the su$state. In the followin! su$clauses= the $eha(iour is descri$ed for the non transient su$states.
The 2S shallE 6

S*2state, 49-M,:-S.-V)C.

perfor% #/1S attach.
The 2S shallE 6 6 6 6 6

S*2state, ,TT.M<T)4G-T9-,TT,C?

perfor% #/1S attach on the e?piry of ti%ers T3311 or T33<2L perfor% #/1S attach when the routin! area of the ser(in! cell has chan!ed and the location area this cell is $elon!in! to is not in the list of for$idden )AsL if entry into this state was caused $y $- or d- with cause D1etry upon entry into a new cellD of su$clause 4.*.3.1.5= #/1S attach shall $e perfor%ed when a new cell is enteredL if entry into this state was caused $y c- or d- with cause different fro% D1etry upon entry into a new cellD of su$clause 4.*.3.1.5= #/1S attach shall not $e perfor%ed when a new cell is enteredL and use re>uests fro% C2 layers to tri!!er the co%$ined #/1S attach procedure= if the networ0 operates in networ0 operation %ode I. 4ependin! on which of the ti%ers T3311 or T33<2 is runnin! the 2S shall stop the rele(ant ti%er and act as if the stopped ti%er has e?pired.
The 2S shallE 6

S*2state, :)M)T.D-S.-V)C.

perfor% #/1S attach when a cell is entered which %ay pro(ide nor%al ser(ice ,e.!. location area is not in one of the for$idden lists-.
The 2S shallE 6

S*2state, 49-)MS)

only perfor% default cell selection.


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The 2S shallE 6

S*2state, 49-C.::

perfor% cell selection accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and shall choose an appropriate su$state.

S*2state, <:M4-S.,-C?

8o specific action is re>uired in this su$state.;

S*2state, ,TT,C?-4..D.D

The 2S shall start a #/1S attach procedure if still needed as soon as the access class allows networ0 contact in the selected cell.
The 2S# 6 6

S*2state, SUS<.4D.D (GSM o'ly)

shall not send any user dataL and shall not send any si!nallin! infor%ation.

S*2state %!e' 2a&5 to state GMM-D.-.G)ST.-.D 6ro0 a'ot!er GMM state

Bhen returnin! to state #2264515#IST5154= the 2S shall select a cell as specified in 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O. The su$state depends on the result of the cell selection procedure= the outco%e of the pre(iously perfor%ed #22 specific procedures= on the #/1S update status of the 2S= on the location area data stored in the 2S and on the presence of the SI2E 6 6 6 6 6 6 if no cell has $een found= the su$state is 8'6C5))6A+AI)A.)5= until a cell is foundL if no SI2 is present or if the inserted SI2 is considered in(alid $y the 2S= the su$state shall $e 8'6I2SIL if the selected cell is in a location area where the 2S is allowed to roa%= the su$state shall $e 8'12A)6 S51+IC5L if a #/1S attach shall $e perfor%ed ,e.!. networ0 re>uested reattach-= the su$state shall $e ATT52/TI8#6T'6 ATTAC; if a /)28 reselection ,accordin! to 3#// TS 23.122 N14O- is needed= the su$state shall $e /)28 S5A1C; if the selected cell is in a location area where the 2S is not allowed to roa%= the state shall $e )I2IT546 S51+IC5.

4.2.5 +e!a1io*r i' state GMM--.G)ST.-.D

The state #22615#IST5154 is entered whenE 6 a #22 conte?t is esta$lished= i.e. the 2S is I2SI attached for #/1S ser(ices only or for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices.

The specific $eha(iour of the 2S in state #22615#IST5154 is descri$ed in su$clause The pri%ary su$state when enterin! the state #22615#IST5154 is always 8'12A)6S51+IC5. It should $e noted that transitions $etween the (arious su$states of #22615#IST5154 are caused $y ,e.!.-E 6 6 6 cell selection"reselection ,see also 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O-L chan!e of 1AL loss"re!ain of co(era!e.

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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

;ow (arious #22 procedures affect the #22615#IST5154 su$states is descri$ed in the detailed description of the procedures in su$clause 4.*.

Detailed des&ri"tio' o6 t!e MS 2e!a1io*r i' state GMM--.G)ST.-.D

In state #22615#IST5154= the 2S shall $eha(e accordin! to the su$state as e?plained $elow.
The 2S shallE 6 6 6

S*2state, 49-M,:-S.-V)C.

perfor% cell selection"reselection accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32OL perfor% nor%al and periodic routin! area updatin!L and recei(e and trans%it user data and si!nallin! infor%ation.

#/1S 2Ss in operation %odes C or A shall answer to pa!in! re>uests. #/1S 2S in operation %ode . %ay answer to pa!in! re>uests.
The 2SE 6 6 6

S*2state, SUS<.4D.D (GSM o'ly)

shall not send any user dataL shall not send any si!nallin! infor%ationL and shall not perfor% cell6updates.
The 2S shallE 6 6 6 6

S*2state, U<D,T.-4..D.D

not send any user dataL not send any si!nallin! infor%ationL perfor% cell selection"reselection accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32OL and chose the appropriate new su$state dependin! on the #/1S update status as soon as the access class allows networ0 contact in the selected cell.
The 2SE 6 6 6 6 6 6

S*2state, ,TT.M<T)4G-T9-U<D,T.

should not send any user dataL shall perfor% routin! area update on the e?piry of ti%ers T3311 or T33<2L shall perfor% routin! area update when the routin! area of the ser(in! cell has chan!ed and the location area this cell is $elon!in! to is not in the list of for$idden )AsL shall if entry into this state was caused $y $- or d- with cause D1etry upon entry into a new cellD= of su$clause 4.*.5.1.5= perfor% routin! area updatin! when a new cell is enteredL shall if entry into this state was caused $y c- or d- with cause different fro% D1etry upon entry into a new cellD of su$clause 4.*.5.1.5= not perfor% routin! area updatin! when a new cell is enteredL and shall use re>uest fro% C2 layers to tri!!er the co%$ined routin! area update procedure= if the networ0 operates in networ0 operation %ode I. 4ependin! on which of the ti%ers T3311 or T33<2 is runnin! the 2S shall stop the rele(ant ti%er and act as if the stopped ti%er has e?pired.


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S*2state, 49-C.::-,V,):,+:.

The 2S shall perfor% cell selection"reselection accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O.

S*2state, :)M)T.D-S.-V)C.

The 2S shall perfor% cell selection"reselection accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32OL;
The 2S shallE 6 6 6 6

S*2state, ,TT.M<T)4G-T9-U<D,T.-MM

perfor% cell selection"reselection accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32OL recei(e and trans%it user data and si!nallin! infor%ationL perfor% routin! area update indicatin! Dco%$ined 1A")A updatin! with I2SI attachD on the e?piry of ti%ers T3311 or T33<2L perfor% routin! area update indicatin! Dco%$ined 1A")A updatin! with I2SI attachD when the routin! area of the ser(in! cell has chan!ed and the location area this cell is $elon!in! to is not in the list of for$idden )As.

#/1S 2Ss in operation %odes C or A shall answer to pa!in! re>uests. #/1S 2S in operation %ode . %ay answer to pa!in! re>uests.

4.3 MM &o00o' "ro&ed*res

As descri$ed in su$clause 4.1.1= a 22 co%%on procedure can $e initiated at any ti%e whilst a 11 connection e?ists $etween the networ0 and the %o$ile station.

4.3.7 TMS) reallo&atio' "ro&ed*re

The purpose of the T2SI reallocation procedure is to pro(ide identity confidentiality= i.e. to protect a user a!ainst $ein! identified and located $y an intruder ,see 3#// TS 42.<<9= 3#// TS 43.<2< N13O and 3#// TS 33.1<2-. If the identity confidentiality ser(ice is applied for an I2SI= a Te%porary 2o$ile Su$scri$er Identity ,T2SI- is used for identification within the radio interface si!nallin! procedures. In a networ0 supportin! the feature RIntra do%ain connection of 1A8 nodes to %ultiple C8 nodesS a T2SI shall $e allocated to each I2SI attached %o$ile station. See 3#// TS 23.23& N94O= chapter 4.3. The structure of the T2SI is specified in 3#// TS 23.<<3 N1<O. The T2SI has si!nificance only within a location area. 'utside the location area it has to $e co%$ined with the )ocation Area Identifier ,)AI- to pro(ide for an una%$i!uous identity. sually the T2SI reallocation is perfor%ed at least at each chan!e of a location area. ,Such choices are left to the networ0 operator-. The reallocation of a T2SI can $e perfor%ed either $y a uni>ue procedure defined in this su$clause or i%plicitly $y a location updatin! procedure usin! the T2SI. The i%plicit reallocation of a T2SI is descri$ed to!ether with that procedure. If a T2SI pro(ided $y a %o$ile station is un0nown in the networ0 e.!. due to a data $ase failure= the networ0 %ay re>uire the %o$ile station to pro(ide its International 2o$ile Su$scri$er Identity ,I2SI-. In this case the identification procedure ,see su$clause 4.3.3- should $e used $efore the T2SI reallocation procedure %ay $e initiated. The T2SI reallocation can $e initiated $y the networ0 at any ti%e whilst a 11 connection e?ists $etween the networ0 and the %o$ile station. 8'T5 1E sually the T2SI reallocation is perfor%ed in ciphered %ode.


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8'T5 2E 8or%ally the T2SI reallocation will ta0e place in conCunction with another procedure= e.!. at location updatin! or at call setup ,see 3#// TS 29.<<2 N3*O-.

TMS) reallo&atio' i'itiatio' 2y t!e 'et%or5

The networ0 initiates the T2SI reallocation procedure $y sendin! a T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'22A84 %essa!e to the %o$ile station and starts the ti%er T325<. The T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'22A84 %essa!e contains a new co%$ination of T2SI and )AI allocated $y the networ0 or a )AI and the I2SI if the used T2SI shall $e deleted. sually the T2SI615A))'CATI'8 C'22A84 %essa!e is sent to the %o$ile station usin! a 11 connection in ciphered %ode ,see 3#// TS 43.<2< N13O and 3#// TS 33.1<2-.

TMS) reallo&atio' &o0"letio' 2y t!e 0o2ile statio'

pon receipt of the T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'22A84 %essa!e the %o$ile station stores the )ocation Area Identifier ,)AI- in the SI2. If the recei(ed identity is the I2SI of the rele(ant %o$ile station= the %o$ile station deletes any T2SI. If the recei(ed identity is a T2SI the %o$ile station stores the T2SI in the SI2. In $oth cases the %o$ile station sends a T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e to the networ0.

TMS) reallo&atio' &o0"letio' i' t!e 'et%or5.

pon receipt of the T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e= the networ0 stops the ti%er T325< and either considers the new T2SI as (alid or= if an I2SI was sent to the %o$ile station= considers the old T2SI as deleted. If the 11 connection is no %ore needed= then the networ0 will re>uest the 11 su$layer to release it ,see 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O su$clause 3.5 and 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-.

,2'or0al &ases

2o$ile station sideE The %o$ile station shall consider the new T2SI and new )AI= if any= as (alid and the old T2SI and old )AI as deleted as soon as a T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'22A84 or another %essa!e containin! a new T2SI ,e.!. )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# ACC5/T- is correctly recei(ed. Any 11 connection failure at a later sta!e shall not ha(e any i%pact on the T2SI and )AI stora!e. 8etwor0 sideE ,a- 11 connection failureE If the 11 connection is lost $efore the T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e is recei(ed= all 22 connections ,if any- shall $e released and $oth the old and the new T2SIs should $e considered as occupied for a certain reco(ery ti%e. 4urin! this period the networ0 %ayE 6 6 6 use the I2SI for pa!in! in the case of networ0 ori!inated transactions on the C2 layer. pon response fro% the %o$ile station the T2SI reallocation is restartedL consider the new T2SI as (alid if it is used $y the %o$ile station in %o$ile ori!inated re>uests for 11 connectionL use the Identification procedure followed $y a new T2SI reallocation if the %o$ile station uses the old T2SI.

'ther i%ple%entations are possi$le. ,$- 5?piry of ti%er T325<E The T2SI reallocation is super(ised $y the ti%er T325< in the networ0. At the first e?piry of ti%er T325< the networ0 %ay release the 11 connection. In this case= the networ0 shall a$ort the reallocation procedure release all 22 connections if any= and follow the rules descri$ed for 11 connection failure a$o(e.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

2i ure )*133GPP TS ()*++,4 TMS9 reallocation se:uence

4.3.2 ,*t!e'ti&atio' "ro&ed*re

4.3.2a ,*t!e'ti&atio' "ro&ed*re *sed 6or a UMTS a*t!e'ti&atio' &!alle' e

The purpose of the authentication procedure is fourfold ,see 3#// TS 33.1<2-E First to per%it the networ0 to chec0 whether the identity pro(ided $y the %o$ile station is accepta$le or notL Second to pro(ide para%eters ena$lin! the %o$ile station to calculate a new 2TS cipherin! 0eyL Third to pro(ide para%eters ena$lin! the %o$ile station to calculate a new 2TS inte!rity 0eyL Fourth to per%it the %o$ile station to authenticate the networ0. The cases where the authentication procedure should $e used are defined in 3#// TS 33.1<2. The 2TS authentication procedure is always initiated and controlled $y the networ0. ;owe(er= there is the possi$ility for the 2S to reCect the 2TS authentication challen!e sent $y the networ0. 2TS authentication challen!e shall $e supported $y a 2S supportin! the 2TS authentication al!orith%. 8'T5E Accordin! to 3#// TS 33.1<2= a 25 supportin! only A"#$ %ode need not support the SI2 interface and in conse>uence need not support the 2TS authentication al!orith%.

A 2TS security conte?t is esta$lished in the 2S and the networ0 when a 2TS authentication challen!e is perfor%ed in #S2 or in 2TS. After a successful 2TS authentication= the 2TS cipherin! 0ey= the 2TS inte!rity 0ey= the #S2 cipherin! 0ey and the cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= are stored $oth in the networ0 and the 2S.

4.3.22 ,*t!e'ti&atio' <ro&ed*re *sed 6or a GSM a*t!e'ti&atio' &!alle' e

The purpose of the authentication procedure is twofold ,see 3#// TS 43.<2< N13O-E First to per%it the networ0 to chec0 whether the identity pro(ided $y the %o$ile station is accepta$le or notL Second to pro(ide para%eters ena$lin! the %o$ile station to calculate a new #S2 cipherin! 0ey. The cases where the authentication procedure should $e used are defined in 3#// TS 42.<<9 N5O. The authentication procedure is always initiated and controlled $y the networ0. #S2 authentication challen!e shall $e supported $y a 25 supportin! #S2 or 2TS radio access. A #S2 security conte?t is esta$lished in the 2S and the networ0 when a #S2 authentication challen!e is perfor%ed in #S2 or in 2TS. ;owe(er= in 2TS an 2S which supports the 2TS authentication al!orith% shall not accept a #S2 authentication challen!e. After a successful #S2 authentication= the #S2 cipherin! 0ey and the cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= are stored $oth in the networ0 and the 2S.


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,*t!e'ti&atio' re3*est 2y t!e 'et%or5

The networ0 initiates the authentication procedure $y transferrin! an A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e across the radio interface and starts the ti%er T32&<. The A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e contains the para%eters necessary to calculate the response para%eters ,see 3#// TS 43.<2< N13O ,in case of #S2 authentication challen!eand 3#// TS 33.1<2 ,in case of an 2TS authentication challen!e--. In a #S2 authentication challen!e= the A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e also contains the #S2 cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er allocated to the 0ey which %ay $e co%puted fro% the !i(en para%eters. In a 2TS authentication challen!e= the A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e also contains the cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er allocated to the 0ey set of 2TS cipherin! 0ey= 2TS inte!rity 0ey and #S2 cipherin! 0ey which %ay $e co%puted fro% the !i(en para%eters.

,*t!e'ti&atio' res"o'se 2y t!e 0o2ile statio'

The %o$ile station shall $e ready to respond upon an A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e at any ti%e whilst a 11 connection e?ists. Bith e?ception of the cases descri$ed in su$clause it shall process the challen!e infor%ation and send $ac0 an A T;58TICATI'8 15S/'8S5 %essa!e to the networ0. A 2S which does not support the 2TS authentication al!orith% shall i!nore the Authentication /ara%eter A T8 I5 if included in the A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e and shall proceed as in case of a #S2 authentication challen!e. It shall not perfor% the authentication of the networ0 descri$ed in su$clause In a #S2 authentication challen!e= the new #S2 cipherin! 0ey calculated fro% the challen!e infor%ation shall o(erwrite the pre(ious #S2 cipherin! 0ey and any pre(iously stored 2TS cipherin! 0ey and 2TS inte!rity 0ey shall $e deleted. The new #S2 cipherin! 0ey shall $e stored on the SI2 to!ether with the cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. In a 2TS authentication challen!e= the new 2TS cipherin! 0ey= the new #S2 cipherin! 0ey and the new 2TS inte!rity 0ey calculated fro% the challen!e infor%ation shall o(erwrite the pre(ious 2TS cipherin! 0ey= #S2 cipherin! 0ey and 2TS inte!rity 0ey. The new 2TS cipherin! 0ey= #S2 cipherin! 0ey and 2TS inte!rity 0ey are stored on the SI2 to!ether with the cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The SI2 will pro(ide the %o$ile station with the authentication response= $ased upon the authentication challen!e !i(en fro% the 25. A 2TS authentication challen!e will result in the SI2 passin! a 15S to the 25. A #S2 authentication challen!e will result in the SI2 passin! a S15S to the 25. A 25 supportin! 2TS authentication challen!e %ay support the followin! procedureE In order to a(oid a synchronisation failure= if the sa%e 1A84 is recei(ed twice= the %o$ile station shall store the recei(ed 1A84 to!ether with the 15S returned fro% the SI2 in the (olatile %e%ory and co%pare it with any su$se>uently recei(ed 1A84 (alues= until the 1A84 (alue stored in the %o$ile station is deleted. If the stored 1A84 (alue is e>ual to the new recei(ed (alue in the A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e= then the %o$ile station shall not pass the 1A84 to the SI2= $ut shall i%%ediately send the A T;58TICATI'8 15S/'8S5 %essa!e with the stored 15S. If there is no (alid stored 1A84 in the %o$ile station or the stored 1A84 is different fro% the new recei(ed (alue in the A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e= the %o$ile station shall pass the 1A84 to the SI2= shall o(erride any pre(iously stored 1A84 and 15S with the new ones and start? or reset and restart ti%er T3213. The 1A84 and 15S (alues stored in the %o$ile station shall $e deleted and ti%er T3213= if runnin!= shall $e stoppedE 6 upon receipt of a S5C 1ITA 2'45 C'22A84 ,Iu %ode only-= CI/;51I8# 2'45 C'22A84 ,A"#$ %ode only-? C2GS51+IC5GACC5/T? C2GS51+IC5G15Q5CT? )'CATI'8G /4ATI8#GACC5/T or A T;58TICATI'8 15Q5CT %essa!eL upon e?piry of ti%er T3213L or if the %o$ile station enters the 22 state 22 I4)5 or 8 )).

6 6


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,*t!e'ti&atio' "ro&essi' i' t!e 'et%or5

pon receipt of the A T;58TICATI'8 15S/'8S5 %essa!e= the networ0 stops the ti%er T32&< and chec0s the (alidity of the response ,see 3#// TS 43.<2< N13O in case of a #S2 authentication challen!e respecti(e 3#// TS 33.1<2 in case of an 2TS authentication challen!e-. pon receipt of the A T;58TICATI'8 FAI) 15 %essa!e= the networ0 stops the ti%er T32&<. In Synch failure case= the core networ0 %ay rene!otiate with the ;)1"AuC and pro(ide the 2S with new authentication para%eters.

Ci"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er

The security para%eters for authentication and cipherin! are tied to!ether in sets.In a #S2 authentication challen!e= fro% a challen!e para%eter 1A84 $oth the authentication response para%eter S15S and the #S2 cipherin! 0ey can $e co%puted !i(en the secret 0ey associated to the I2SI. In a 2TS authentication challen!e= fro% a challen!e para%eter 1A84= the authentication response para%eter 15S and the 2TS cipherin! 0ey and the 2TS inte!rity 0ey can $e co%puted !i(en the secret 0ey associated to the I2SI. In addition= a #S2 cipherin! 0ey can $e co%puted fro% the 2TS cipherin! 0ey and the 2TS inte!rity 0ey $y %eans of an un0eyed con(ersion function. In order to allow start of cipherin! on a 11 connection without authentication= the cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$ers are introduced. The cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er is %ana!ed $y the networ0 in the way that the A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e contains the cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er allocated to the #S2 cipherin! 0ey ,in case of a #S2 authentication challen!e- or the 2TS cipherin! 0ey and the 2TS inte!rity 0ey ,in case of a 2TS authentication challen!e- which %ay $e co%puted fro% the 1A84 para%eter carried in that %essa!e. The %o$ile station stores the cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er with the #S2 cipherin! 0ey ,in case of a #S2 authentication challen!e- and the 2TS cipherin! 0ey and the 2TS inte!rity 0ey ,in case of a 2TS authentication challen!e- and indicates to the networ0 in the first %essa!e ,)'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15: 5ST= C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST= /A#I8# 15S/'8S5= C2 1565STA.)IS;258T 15: 5ST- which cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er the stored #S2 cipherin! 0ey ,in case of a #S2 authentication challen!e- or set of 2TS cipherin!= 2TS inte!rity and deri(ed #S2 cipherin! 0eys ,in case of a 2TS authentication challen!e- has. Bhen the deletion of the cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er is descri$ed this also %eans that the associated #S2 cipherin! 0ey= the 2TS cipherin! 0ey and the 2TS inte!rity 0ey shall $e considered as in(alid ,i.e. the esta$lished #S2 security conte?t or the 2TS security conte?t is no lon!er (alid-. In #S2= the networ0 %ay choose to start cipherin! with the stored #S2 cipherin! 0ey ,under the restrictions !i(en in 3#// TS 42.<<9 N5O- if the stored cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and the one !i(en fro% the %o$ile station are e>ual. In 2TS= the networ0 %ay choose to start cipherin! and inte!rity with the stored 2TS cipherin! 0ey and 2TS inte!rity 0ey ,under the restrictions !i(en in 3#// TS 42.<<9 N5O and 3#// TS 33.1<2- if the stored cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and the one !i(en fro% the %o$ile station are e>ual. 8'T5E In so%e specifications the ter% KSI ,Key Set Identifier- %i!ht $e used instead of the ter% cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er.

,*t!e'ti&atio' 'ot a&&e"ted 2y t!e 'et%or5

If authentication fails= i.e. if the response is not (alid= the networ0 %ay distin!uish $etween the two different ways of identification used $y the %o$ile stationE 6 6 the T2SI was usedL the I2SI was used.

If the T2SI has $een used= the networ0 %ay decide to initiate the identification procedure. If the I2SI !i(en $y the %o$ile station then differs fro% the one the networ0 had associated with the T2SI= the authentication should $e restarted with the correct para%eters. If the I2SI pro(ided $y the 2S is the e?pected one ,i.e. authentication has really failed-= the networ0 should proceed as descri$ed $elow. If the I2SI has $een used= or the networ0 decides not to try the identification procedure= an A T;58TICATI'8 15Q5CT %essa!e should $e transferred to the %o$ile station.


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After ha(in! sent this %essa!e= all 22 connections in pro!ress ,if any- are released and the networ0 should initiate the 11 connection release procedure descri$ed in su$clause 3.5.of 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O ,#S2- or in 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO , 2TS-. pon receipt of an A T;58TICATI'8 15Q5CT %essa!e= the %o$ile station shall set the update status in the SI2 to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= delete fro% the SI2 the stored T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. If the A T;58TICATI'8 15Q5CT %essa!e is recei(ed in the state I2SI 45TAC; I8ITIAT54 the %o$ile station shall follow su$clause If the A T;58TICATI'8 15Q5CT %essa!e is recei(ed in any other state the %o$ile station shall a$ort any 22 specific= 22 connection esta$lish%ent or call re6esta$lish%ent procedure= stop any of the ti%ers T321< or T323< ,if runnin!-= release all 22 connections ,if any-= start ti%er T324< and enter the state BAIT F'1 85TB'1K C'22A84= e?pectin! the release of the 11 connection. If the 11 connection is not released within a !i(en ti%e controlled $y the ti%er T324<= the %o$ile station shall a$ort the 11 connection. In $oth cases= either after a 11 connection release tri!!ered fro% the networ0 side or after a 11 connection a$ort re>uested $y the 2S6side= the 2S enters state 22 I4)5= su$state 8' I2SI. If the 2S has a separate on!oin! 11 connection to a different core networ0 node= it shall consider this separate connection as still $ein! !ood.

,*t!e'ti&atio' 'ot a&&e"ted 2y t!e MS

In a 2TS authentication challen!e= the authentication procedure is e?tended to allow the 2S to chec0 the authenticity of the core networ0. Thus allowin!= for instance= detection of false $ase station. Followin! a 2TS authentication challen!e= the 2S %ay reCect the core networ0= on the !rounds of an incorrect A T8 para%eter ,see 3#// TS 33.1<2-. This para%eter contains two possi$le causes for authentication failureE a- 2AC code failureE If the 2S considers the 2AC code ,supplied $y the core networ0 in the A T8 para%eter- to $e in(alid= it shall send an A T;58TICATI'8 FAI) 15 %essa!e to the networ0= with the reCect cause 72AC failure7. The 2S shall then follow the procedure descri$ed in su$clause 4.3.2.& ,c-. $- S:8 failureE If the 2S considers the S:8 ,supplied $y the core networ0 in the A T8 para%eter- to $e out of ran!e= it shall send a A T;58TICATI'8 FAI) 15 %essa!e to the networ0= with the reCect cause 7Synch failure7 and a re6synchroniHation to0en A TS pro(ided $y the SI2 ,see 3#// TS 33.1<2-. The 2S shall then follow the procedure descri$ed in su$clause 4.3.2.& ,d-. In 2TS= an 2S which supports the 2TS authentication al!orith% shall reCect the authentication challen!e if no Authentication /ara%eter A T8 I5 was present in the A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e ,i.e. a #S2 authentication challen!e has $een recei(ed when the 2S e?pects a 2TS authentication challen!e-. In such a case= the 2S shall send the A T;58TICATI'8 FAI) 15 %essa!e to the networ0= with the reCect cause D#S2 authentication unaccepta$leD. The 2S shall then follow the procedure descri$ed in su$clause 4.3.2.& ,c-. If the 2S returns an A T;58TICATI'8GFAI) 15 %essa!e to the networ0= the 2S shall delete any pre(iously stored 1A84 and 15S and shall stop ti%er T3213= if runnin!.

,2'or0al &ases

,a- 11 connection failureE pon detection of a 11 connection failure $efore the A T;58TICATI'8 15S/'8S5 is recei(ed= the networ0 shall release all 22 connections ,if any- and a$ort any on!oin! 22 specific procedure. ,$- 5?piry of ti%er T32&<E The authentication procedure is super(ised on the networ0 side $y the ti%er T32&<. At e?piry of this ti%er the networ0 %ay release the 11 connection. In this case the networ0 shall a$ort the authentication procedure and any on!oin! 22 specific procedure= release all 22 connections if any= and initiate the 11 connection release procedure descri$ed in su$clause 3.5.


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,c- Authentication failure ,reCect cause D2AC failureD or D#S2 authentication unaccepta$leD-E The 2S shall send an A T;58TICATI'8 FAI) 15 %essa!e= with reCect cause D2AC failureD or D#S2 authentication unaccepta$leD accordin! to su$clause to the networ0 and start ti%er T3214. pon receipt of an A T;58TICATI'8 FAI) 15 %essa!e fro% the 2S= with reCect cause D2AC failureD or D#S2 authentication unaccepta$leD the networ0 %ay initiate the identification procedure descri$ed in su$clause 4.3.3. This is to allow the networ0 to o$tain the I2SI fro% the 2S. The networ0 %ay then chec0 that the T2SI ori!inally used in the authentication challen!e corresponded to the correct I2SI. pon receipt of the I458TITA 15: 5ST %essa!e fro% the networ0= the 2S shall send the I458TITA 15S/'8S5 %essa!e. If the T2SI"I2SI %appin! in the networ0 was incorrect= the networ0 should respond $y sendin! a new A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e to the 2S. pon recei(in! the second A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e fro% the networ0= the 2S shall stop the ti%er T3214= if runnin!= and then process the challen!e infor%ation as nor%al. Bhen the first A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e containin! an in(alid 2AC has $een recei(ed $y the 2S fro% the networ0= the 2S shall stop any of the retrans%ission ti%ers that are runnin! ,i.e. T321<= T322< or T323<-. pon successfully (alidatin! the networ0 ,an A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST that contains a (alid 2AC is recei(ed-= the 2S shall send the A T;58TICATI'8 15S/'8S5 %essa!e to the networ0 and shall start any retrans%ission ti%ers ,e.!. T321<= T322< or T323<-= if they were runnin! and stopped when the 2S recei(ed the first A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e containin! an in(alid 2AC. It can $e assu%ed that the source of the authentication challen!e is not !enuine ,authentication not accepted $y the 2S- if any of the followin! occurE 6 6 6 After sendin! the A T;58TICATI'8 FAI) 15 %essa!e with the reCect cause D2AC failureD or D#S2 authentication unaccepta$leD the ti%er T3214 e?pires. pon receipt of the second A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST while T3214 is runnin! and the 2AC (alue cannot $e resol(ed. The second A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST which is recei(ed while T3214 is runnin! is #S2 authentication challen!e ,i.e. no A T8 para%eter was recei(ed-.

Bhen it has $een dee%ed $y the 2S that the source of the authentication challen!e is not !enuine ,i.e. authentication not accepted $y the 2S-= the 2S shall $eha(e as descri$ed in su$clause 4.3.2.&.1.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

2S A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST

8etwor0 Start T32&<

Start T3214

A T; FAI) 15 ,causeTS2AC failureS or R#S2 authentication unaccepta$leSI458TITA 15: 5ST I458TITA 15S/'8S5 ,I2SIA T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST

Stop T32&< Start T32*< Stop T32*< Start T32&< Stop T32&<

Stop T3214 A T;58TICATI'8 15S/'8S5

2i ure )*(33GPP TS ()*++,4 8uthentication 2ailure Procedure !reject cause ;M8C failure; or ;GSM authentication unacceptable;$ ,d- Authentication failure ,reCect cause Dsynch failureD-E The 2S shall send an A T;58TICATI'8 FAI) 15 %essa!e= with reCect cause Dsynch failureD= to the networ0 and start the ti%er T321&. pon receipt of an A T;58TICATI'8 FAI) 15 %essa!e fro% the 2S with the reCect cause Dsynch failureD= the networ0 shall use the returned A TS para%eter fro% the authentication failure para%eter I5 in the A T;58TICATI'8 FAI) 15 %essa!e= to re6synchronise. The re6synchronisation procedure re>uires the +)1"2SC to delete all unused authentication (ectors for that I2SI and o$tain new (ectors fro% the ;)1. Bhen re6synchronisation is co%plete= the networ0 shall initiate the authentication procedure. pon receipt of the A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e= the 2S shall stop the ti%er T321&= if runnin!. Bhen the first A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e containin! an in(alid S:8 has $een recei(ed $y the 2S fro% the networ0= the 2S shall stop any of the retrans%ission ti%ers that are runnin! ,i.e. T321<= T322< or T323<-. pon successfully (alidatin! the networ0 ,a second A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST is recei(ed which contains a (alid S:8- while T321& is runnin!= the 2S shall send the A T;58TICATI'8 15S/'8S5 %essa!e to the networ0 and shall start any retrans%ission ti%ers ,e.!. T321<= T322< or T323<-= if they were runnin! and stopped when the 2S recei(ed the first A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e containin! an in(alid S:8. If the 2S recei(es a second A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST which contains an in(alid S:8 or #S2 A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST while T321& is runnin!= then the 2S shall $eha(e as descri$ed in su$clause 4.3.2.&.1. If the ti%er T321& e?pires= then the 2S shall $eha(e as descri$ed in su$clause 4.3.2.&.1.


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2S A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST A T; FAI) 15 ,causeTSSynch failureSA T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST Stop T321& A T;58TICATI'8 15S/'8S5

8etwor0 Start T32&< T33&< Stop T32&< T33&< /erfor% 1e6synch with ;)1

Start T321&

2i ure )*(a33GPP TS ()*++,4 8uthentication 2ailure Procedure !reject cause ;Synch failure;$

MS 2e!a1io*r to%ards a 'et%or5 t!at !as 6ailed t!e a*t!e'ti&atio' "ro&ed*re

If the 2S dee%s that the networ0 has failed the authentication chec0= then the it shall treat the cell where the A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e which lead to sendin! of A T;58TICATI'8 FAI) 15 was recei(ed as $arred= until refresh of syste% infor%ation data. The 2S shall start any retrans%ission ti%ers ,e.!. T321<= T322< or T323<-= if they were runnin! and stopped when the 2S recei(ed the first A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e containin! an in(alid 2AC or in(alid S:8= or no A T8 when a 2TS authentication challen!e was e?pected.


?a'dli' o6 5eys at i'tersyste0 &!a' e 6ro0 UMTS to GSM

At intersyste% chan!e fro% 2TS to #S2= cipherin! %ay $e started ,see 3#// TS 44.<13 N3&O- without any new authentication procedure. 4eduction of the appropriate security 0ey for cipherin! in #S2= depends on the current #S2" 2TS security conte?t stored in the 2S and the networ0. The 25 shall handle the #S2 cipherin! 0ey accordin! to ta$le 4.3.2.*.1. Table )*3*(*/*133GPP TS ()*++,4 9ntersyste7 chan e fro7 <MTS to GSM
Se&*rity &o'teFt esta2lis!ed i' MS a'd 'et%or5 i' UMTS GSM se&*rity &o'teFt UMTS se&*rity &o'teFt ,t i'tersyste0 &!a' e to GSM# ,' M. s!all a""ly t!e GSM &i"!er 5ey re&ei1ed 6ro0 t!e GSM se&*rity &o'teFt residi' i' t!e S)M. ,' M. s!all a""ly t!e GSM &i"!er 5ey deri1ed 2y t!e S)M 6ro0 t!e UMTS &i"!er 5ey a'd t!e UMTS i'te rity 5ey.


A SI2 with 2TS security conte?t= passes the 2TS cipher 0ey= the 2TS inte!rity 0ey and the deri(ed #S2 cipher 0ey to the 25 independent on the current radio access $ein! 2TS or #S2.


Use o6 esta2lis!ed se&*rity &o'teFts

In #S2= in the case of an esta$lished #S2 security conte?t= the #S2 cipherin! 0ey shall $e loaded fro% the SI2 and ta0en into use $y the 25 when any (alid CI/;51I8# 2'45 C'22A84 is recei(ed durin! an 11 connection ,the definition of a (alid CI/;51I8# 2'45 C'22A84 %essa!e is !i(en in 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O su$clause 3.4.*.2-. In #S2= in the case of an esta$lished 2TS security conte?t= the #S2 cipherin! 0ey shall $e loaded fro% the SI2 and ta0en into use $y the 2S when a (alid CI/;51I8# 2'45 C'22A84 is recei(ed durin! an 11 connection ,the definition of a (alid CI/;51I8# 2'45 C'22A84 %essa!e is !i(en in 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O su$clause 3.4.*.2-. The networ0 shall deri(e a #S2 cipherin! 0ey fro% the 2TS cipherin! 0ey and the 2TS inte!rity 0ey $y usin! the con(ersion function na%ed Dc3D defined in 3#// TS 33.1<2.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

In 2TS= in the case of an esta$lished #S2 security conte?t= the 25 shall deri(e a 2TS cipherin! 0ey and a 2TS inte!rity 0ey fro% the #S2 cipherin! 0ey $y usin! the con(ersion functions na%ed Dc4D and Dc5D defined in 3#// TS 33.1<2. The #S2 cipherin! 0ey shall $e loaded fro% the SI2 and the deri(ed 2TS cipherin! 0ey and 2TS inte!rity 0ey shall $e ta0en into use $y the 2S when a (alid S5C 1ITA 2'45 C'22A84 indicatin! CS do%ain is recei(ed durin! an 11 connection ,the definition of a (alid S5C 1ITA 2'45 C'22A84 %essa!e is !i(en in 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-. The networ0 shall deri(e a 2TS cipherin! 0ey and a 2TS inte!rity 0ey fro% the #S2 cipherin! 0ey $y usin! the con(ersion functions na%ed Dc4D and Dc5D defined in 3#// TS 33.1<2. In 2TS= in the case of an esta$lished 2TS security conte?t= the 2TS cipherin! 0ey and 2TS inte!rity 0ey shall $e loaded fro% the SI2 and ta0en into use $y the 2S when a (alid S5C 1ITA 2'45 C'22A84 indicatin! CS do%ain is recei(ed durin! a 11 connection ,the definition of a (alid S5C 1ITA 2'45 C'22A84 %essa!e is !i(en in 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-. 8'T5E In 2TS and #S2= durin! an on!oin!= already cipherin! and"or inte!rity protected 11 connection= the networ0 %i!ht initiate a new Authentication procedure in order to esta$lish a new #S2" 2TS security conte?t. The new 0eys are ta0en into use in the 2S when a new (alid S5C 1ITA 2'45 C'22A84 indicatin! CS do%ain in 2TS= or a new (alid CI/;51I8# 2'45 C'22A84 in #S2= is recei(ed durin! the 11 connection.

?a'dli' o6 5eys at i'tersyste0 &!a' e 6ro0 GSM to UMTS

At intersyste% chan!e fro% #S2 to 2TS= cipherin! and inte!rity %ay $e started ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO- without any new authentication procedure. 4eduction of the appropriate security 0eys for cipherin! and inte!rity chec0 in 2TS= depend on the current #S2" 2TS security conte?t stored in the 2S and the networ0. The 25 shall handle the 2TS cipher 0ey and the 2TS inte!rity 0ey accordin! to ta$le Table )*3*(*,*133GPP TS ()*++,4 9ntersyste7 chan e fro7 GSM to <MTS
Se&*rity &o'teFt esta2lis!ed i' MS a'd 'et%or5 i' GSM GSM se&*rity &o'teFt ,t i'tersyste0 &!a' e to UMTS# ,' M. s!all deri1e t!e UMTS &i"!er 5ey a'd UMTS i'te rity 5ey 6ro0 t!e GSM &i"!er 5ey "ro1ided 2y t!e S)M. T!e &o'1ersio' 6*'&tio's 'a0ed G&4G a'd G&5G i' 3G<< TS 33.702 are *sed 6or t!is "*r"ose. ,' M. s!all a""ly t!e UMTS &i"!eri' 5ey a'd t!e UMTS i'te rity 5ey re&ei1ed 6ro0 t!e UMTS se&*rity &o'teFt residi' i' t!e S)M.

UMTS se&*rity &o'teFt


A SI2 with 2TS security conte?t= passes the 2TS cipher 0ey= the 2TS inte!rity 0ey and the deri(ed #S2 cipher 0ey to the 25 independent on the current radio access $ein! 2TS or #S2.



4.3.3 )de'ti6i&atio' "ro&ed*re

The identification procedure is used $y the networ0 to re>uest a %o$ile station to pro(ide specific identification para%eters to the networ0 e.!. International 2o$ile Su$scri$er Identity= International 2o$ile 5>uip%ent Identity ,see 3#// TS 23.<<3 N1<O-. For the presentation of the I25I= the re>uire%ents of 3#// TS 42.<<9 N5O apply.

)de'tity re3*est 2y t!e 'et%or5

The networ0 initiates the identification procedure $y transferrin! an I458TITA 15: 5ST %essa!e to the %o$ile station and starts the ti%er T32*<. The I458TITA 15: 5ST %essa!e specifies the re>uested identification para%eters in the identity type infor%ation ele%ent.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

)de'ti6i&atio' res"o'se 2y t!e 0o2ile statio'

The %o$ile station shall $e ready to respond to an I458TITA 15: 5ST %essa!e at any ti%e whilst a 11 connection e?ists. pon receipt of the I458TITA 15: 5ST %essa!e the %o$ile station sends $ac0 an I458TITA 15S/'8S5 %essa!e. The I458TITA 15S/'8S5 %essa!e contains the identification para%eters as re>uested $y the networ0. pon receipt of the I458TITA 15S/'8S5 the networ0 shall stop ti%er T32*<.

,2'or0al &ases

,a- 11 connection failureE pon detection of a 11 connection failure $efore the I458TITA 15S/'8S5 is recei(ed= the networ0 shall release all 22 connections ,if any- and a$ort any on!oin! 22 specific procedure. ,$- 5?piry of ti%er T32*<E The identification procedure is super(ised $y the networ0 $y the ti%er T32*<. At e?piry of the ti%er T32*< the networ0 %ay release the 11 connection. In this case= the networ0 shall a$ort the identification procedure and any on!oin! 22 specific procedure= release all 22 connections if any= and initiate the 11 connection release procedure as descri$ed in 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O su$clause 3.5 and 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO.

2i ure )*333GPP TS ()*++,4 9dentification se:uence

4.3.4 )MS) deta&! "ro&ed*re

The I2SI detach procedure %ay $e in(o0ed $y a %o$ile station if the %o$ile station is deacti(ated or if the Su$scri$er Identity 2odule ,see 3#// TS 42.<1* N*O and 3#// TS 31.1<2- is detached fro% the %o$ile station. In #S2= a fla! ,ATT- $roadcast in the )3611 SAST52 I8F'12ATI'8 TA/5 3 %essa!e on the .CC; is used $y the networ0 to indicate whether the detach procedure is re>uired. The (alue of the ATT fla! to $e ta0en into account shall $e the one $roadcast when the %o$ile station was in 22 idle. In 2TS= a fla! ,ATT- $roadcast in the )3611C SAST52 I8F'12ATI'8 .)'CK 1 %essa!e on the .CC; is used $y the networ0 to indicate whether the detach procedure is re>uired. The (alue of the ATT fla! to $e ta0en into account shall $e the one $roadcast when the %o$ile station was in 22 idle. The procedure causes the %o$ile station to $e indicated as inacti(e in the networ0.

)MS) deta&! i'itiatio' 2y t!e 0o2ile statio'

The I2SI detach procedure consists only of the I2SI 45TAC; I84ICATI'8 %essa!e sent fro% the %o$ile station to the networ0. The %o$ile station then starts ti%er T322< and enters the 22 su$layer state I2SI 45TAC; I8ITIAT54. If no 11 connection e?ists= the 22 su$layer within the %o$ile station will re>uest the 11 su$layer to esta$lish a 11 connection. If esta$lish%ent of the 11 connection is not possi$le $ecause a suita$le cell is not ,or not yet- a(aila$le then= the %o$ile station shall try for a period of at least 5 seconds and for not %ore than a period of 2< seconds to find a suita$le cell. If a suita$le cell is found durin! this ti%e then= the %o$ile station shall re>uest the 11 su$layer to esta$lish an 11 connection= otherwise the I2SI detach is a$orted. If a 11 connection e?ists= the 22 su$layer will release locally any on!oin! 22 connections $efore the I2SI 45TAC; I84ICATI'8 %essa!e is sent.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

The I2SI detach procedure %ay not $e started if a 22 specific procedure is acti(e. If possi$le= the I2SI detach procedure is then delayed until the 22 specific procedure is finished= else the I2SI detach is o%itted.

)MS) deta&! "ro&ed*re i' t!e 'et%or5

Bhen recei(in! an I2SI 45TAC; I84ICATI'8 %essa!e= the networ0 %ay set an inacti(e indication for the I2SI. 8o response is returned to the %o$ile station. After reception of the I2SI 45TAC; I84ICATI'8 %essa!e the networ0 shall release locally any on!oin! 22 connections= and start the nor%al 11 connection release procedure ,see 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O su$clause 3.5 and 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-. 'nly applica$le for a networ0 supportin! +#CSE If an I2SI 45TAC; I84ICATI'8 %essa!e is recei(ed fro% the tal0in! %o$ile station in a !roup call while the networ0 is in ser(ice state 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5 ,#1' / T1A8S2IT 2'45-= the networ0 shall release locally the on!oin! 22 connection and then !o to the ser(ice state #1' / CA)) ACTI+5.

)MS) deta&! &o0"letio' 2y t!e 0o2ile statio'

Ti%er T322< is stopped when the 11 connection is released. The %o$ile station should= if possi$le= delay the local release of the channel to allow a nor%al release fro% the networ0 side until T322< ti%eout. If this is not possi$le ,e.!. detach at power down- the 11 su$layer on the %o$ile station side should $e a$orted.

,2'or0al &ases

If the esta$lish%ent of an 11 connection is unsuccessful= or the 11 connection is lost= the I2SI detach is a$orted $y the %o$ile station.

2i ure )*)33GPP TS ()*++,4 9MS9 detach se:uence

4.3.5 ,2ort "ro&ed*re

The a$ort procedure %ay $e in(o0ed $y the networ0 to a$ort any on6!oin! 22 connection esta$lish%ent or already esta$lished 22 connection. The %o$ile station shall treat A.'1T %essa!e as co%pati$le with current protocol state only if it is recei(ed when at least one 22 connection e?ists or an 22 connection is $ein! esta$lished.

,2ort "ro&ed*re i'itiatio' 2y t!e 'et%or5

The a$ort procedure consists only of the A.'1T %essa!e sent fro% the networ0 to the %o$ile station. .efore the sendin! of the A.'1T %essa!e the networ0 shall locally release any on!oin! 22 connection. After the sendin! the networ0 %ay start the nor%al 11 connection release procedure. The Cause infor%ation ele%ent indicates the reason for the a$ortion. The followin! cause (alues %ay applyE F &E F1*E Ille!al 25 8etwor0 failure

,2ort "ro&ed*re i' t!e 0o2ile statio'

At the receipt of the A.'1T %essa!e the %o$ile station shall a$ort any 22 connection esta$lish%ent or call re6 esta$lish%ent procedure and release all 22 connections ,if any-. If cause (alue F& is recei(ed the %o$ile station shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored in the SI2= set the update status to 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and store it in the SI2 accordin! to su$clause and consider the SI2 in(alid until switch off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. As a conse>uence the %o$ile station enters state 22 I4)5= su$state 8' I2SI after the release of the 11 connection. The %o$ile station shall then wait for the networ0 to release the 11 connection 6 see su$clause


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

4.3.8 MM i'6or0atio' "ro&ed*re

The 22 infor%ation %essa!e support is optional in the networ0. The 22 infor%ation procedure %ay $e in(o0ed $y the networ0 at any ti%e durin! an 11 connection.

MM i'6or0atio' "ro&ed*re i'itiatio' 2y t!e 'et%or5

The 22 infor%ation procedure consists only of the 22 I8F'12ATI'8 %essa!e sent fro% the networ0 to the %o$ile station. 4urin! an 11 connection= the networ0 shall send none= one= or %ore 22 I8F'12ATI'8 %essa!es to the %o$ile station. If %ore than one 22 I8F'12ATI'8 %essa!e is sent= the %essa!es need not ha(e the sa%e content. 8'T5E The networ0 %ay $e a$le to select particular instants where it can send the 22 I8F'12ATI'8 %essa!e without addin! delay to= or interruptin!= any C2 layer transaction= e.!. i%%ediately after the A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e.

MM i'6or0atio' "ro&ed*re i' t!e 0o2ile statio'

Bhen the %o$ile station ,supportin! the 22 infor%ation %essa!e- recei(es an 22 I8F'12ATI'8 %essa!e= it shall accept the %essa!e and optionally use the contents to update appropriate infor%ation stored within the %o$ile station. If the %o$ile station does not support the 22 infor%ation %essa!e the %o$ile station shall i!nore the contents of the %essa!e and return an 22 STAT S %essa!e with cause F9*.

4.4 MM s"e&i6i& "ro&ed*res

A 22 specific procedure can only $e started if no other 22 specific procedure is runnin! or no 22 connection e?ists $etween the networ0 and the %o$ile station. The end of the runnin! 22 specific procedure or the release of all 22 connections ha(e to $e awaited $efore a new 22 specific procedure can $e started. 4urin! the lifeti%e of a 22 specific procedure= if a 22 connection esta$lish%ent is re>uested $y a C2 entity= this re>uest will either $e reCected or $e delayed until the runnin! 22 specific procedure is ter%inated ,this depends on the i%ple%entation-. Any 22 co%%on procedure ,e?cept I2SI detach- %ay $e initiated durin! a 22 specific procedure. nless it has specific per%ission fro% the networ0 ,follow6on proceed- the %o$ile station side should await the release of the 11 connection used for a 22 specific procedure $efore a new 22 specific procedure or 22 connection esta$lish%ent is started. 8'T5E The networ0 side %ay use the sa%e 11 connection for 22 connection %ana!e%ent.

4.4.7 :o&atio' *"dati' "ro&ed*re

The location updatin! procedure is a !eneral procedure which is used for the followin! purposesE 6 6 6 nor%al location updatin! ,descri$ed in this su$clause-L periodic updatin! ,see su$clause 4.4.2-L I2SI attach ,see su$clause 4.4.3-.

The nor%al location updatin! procedure is used to update the re!istration of the actual )ocation Area of a %o$ile station in the networ0. The location updatin! type infor%ation ele%ent in the )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15: 5ST %essa!e shall indicate nor%al location updatin!. The conditions under which the nor%al location updatin! procedure is used $y a %o$ile station in the 22 I4)5 state are defined for each ser(ice state in su$clause 4.2.2. 'nly applica$le for %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS listenin! or +.S listenin!E A %o$ile station in 11 !roup recei(e %ode is in the 22 I4)5 state= su$state 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,8'12A) S51+IC5- or 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,)I2IT54 S51+IC5-. To perfor% a location updatin!= the 2S in 11 !roup recei(e %ode shall lea(e the !roup


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

recei(e %ode= esta$lish an independent dedicated 11 connection to perfor% the location updatin! as descri$ed a$o(e and return to the 11 !roup recei(e %ode afterwards. The nor%al location updatin! procedure shall also $e started if the networ0 indicates that the %o$ile station is un0nown in the +)1 as a response to 22 connection esta$lish%ent re>uest. To li%it the nu%$er of location updatin! atte%pts %ade= where location updatin! is unsuccessful= an atte%pt counter is used. The atte%pt counter is reset when a %o$ile station is switched on or a SI2 card is inserted. pon successful location updatin! the %o$ile station sets the update status to /4AT54 in the SI2= and stores the recei(ed )ocation Area Identification in the SI2. The atte%pt counter shall $e reset. The detailed handlin! of the atte%pt counter is descri$ed in su$clauses 4.4.4.& to The 2o$ile 5>uip%ent shall contain a list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D= as well as a list of Dfor$idden location areas for re!ional pro(ision of ser(iceD. These lists shall $e erased when the 2S is switched off or when the SI2 is re%o(ed= and periodically ,with period in the ran!e 12 to 24 hours-. The location area identification recei(ed on the .CC; that tri!!ered the location updatin! re>uest shall $e added to the suita$le list whene(er a location update reCect %essa!e is recei(ed with the cause D1oa%in! not allowed in this location areaD or with the cause D)ocation Area not allowedD. The lists shall acco%%odate each 1< or %ore location area identifications. Bhen the list is full and a new entry has to $e inserted= the oldest entry shall $e deleted. The 2o$ile 5>uip%ent shall store a list of De>ui(alent /)28sD. This list is replaced or deleted at the end of each location update procedure= routin! area update procedure and #/1S attach procedure. The stored list consists of a list of e>ui(alent /)28s as downloaded $y the networ0 plus the /)28 code of the networ0 that downloaded the list. The stored list shall not $e deleted when the 2S is switched off. The stored list shall $e deleted if the SI2 is re%o(ed. The %a?i%u% nu%$er of possi$le entries in the stored list is si?. The cell selection processes in the different states are descri$ed in 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 45.<<3 N34O. The location updatin! procedure is always initiated $y the %o$ile station.

4.4.2 <eriodi& *"dati'

/eriodic updatin! %ay $e used to notify periodically the a(aila$ility of the %o$ile station to the networ0. /eriodic updatin! is perfor%ed $y usin! the location updatin! procedure. The location updatin! type infor%ation ele%ent in the )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15: 5ST %essa!e shall indicate periodic updatin!. The procedure is controlled $y the ti%er T3212 in the %o$ile station. If the ti%er is not already started= the ti%er is started each ti%e the %o$ile station enters the 22 I4)5 su$state 8'12A) S51+IC5 or ATT52/Tin! T' /4AT5. Bhen the 2S lea(es the 22 Idle State the ti%er T3212 shall continue runnin! until e?plicitly stopped. The ti%er is stopped ,shall $e set to its initial (alue for the ne?t start- whenE 6 6 6 6 6 a )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# ACC5/T or )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15Q5CT %essa!e is recei(edL an A T;58TICATI'8 15Q5CT %essa!e is recei(edL the first 22 %essa!e is recei(ed= or security %ode settin! is co%pleted in the case of 22 connection esta$lish%ent= e?cept when the %ost recent ser(ice state is )I2IT54 S51+IC5L the %o$ile station has responded to pa!in! and thereafter has recei(ed the first correct layer 3 %essa!e e?cept 11 %essa!eL the %o$ile station is deacti(ated ,i.e. e>uip%ent powered down or SI2 re%o(ed-.

Bhen the ti%er T3212 e?pires= the location updatin! procedure is started and the ti%er shall $e set to its initial (alue for the ne?t start. If the %o$ile station is in other state than 22 Idle when the ti%er e?pires the location updatin! procedure is delayed until the 22 Idle State is entered. The conditions under which the periodic location updatin! procedure is used $y a %o$ile station in the 22 I4)5 state are defined for each ser(ice state in su$clause 4.2.2.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

If the %o$ile station is in ser(ice state 8' C5)) A+AI)A.)5= )I2IT54 S51+IC5= /)28 S5A1C; or /)28 S5A1C;68'12A) S51+IC5 when the ti%er e?pires the location updatin! procedure is delayed until this ser(ice state is left. In #S2= the ,periodic- location updatin! procedure is not started if the .CC; infor%ation at the ti%e the procedure is tri!!ered indicates that periodic location shall not $e used. The ti%eout (alue is $roadcasted in the )3611 SAST52 I8F'12ATI'8 TA/5 3 %essa!e on the .CC;= in the Control channel description I5= see 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O su$clause 1<.5.2.11. In 2TS= the ,periodic- location updatin! procedure is not started if the infor%ation on .CC; or in the last recei(ed dedicated syste% infor%ation at the ti%e the procedure is tri!!ered indicates that periodic location shall not $e used. The ti%eout (alue is $roadcasted in the )3611C SAST52 I8F'12ATI'8 .)'CK 1 %essa!e on the .CC;= see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO. The T3212 ti%eout (alue shall not $e chan!ed in the 8' C5)) A+AI)A.)5= )I2IT54 S51+IC5= /)28 S5A1C; and /)28 S5A1C;68'12A) S51+IC5 states. Bhen a chan!e of the T3212 ti%eout (alue has to $e ta0en into account and the ti%er is runnin! ,at chan!e of the ser(in! cell or= chan!e of the $roadcast (alue of T3212-= the 2S shall $eha(e as followsE )et t1 $e the new T3212 ti%eout (alue and let t $e the current ti%er (alue at the %o%ent of the chan!e to the new T3212 ti%eout (alueL then the ti%er shall $e restarted with the (alue t %odulo t1. Bhen the %o$ile station is acti(ated= or when a chan!e of the T3212 ti%eout (alue has to $e ta0en into account and the ti%er is not runnin!= the %o$ile station shall $eha(e as followsE )et t1 $e the new T3212 ti%eout (alue= the new ti%er shall $e started at a (alue rando%ly= unifor%ly drawn $etween < and t1.

4.4.3 )MS) atta&! "ro&ed*re

The I2SI attach procedure is the co%ple%ent of the I2SI detach procedure ,see su$clause 4.3.4-. It is used to indicate the I2SI as acti(e in the networ0. In #S2= a fla! ,ATT- is $roadcast in the )3611 SAST52 I8F'12ATI'8 TA/5 3 %essa!e. It indicates whether the attach and detach procedures are re>uired to $e used or not. In 2TS= a fla! ,ATT- is $roadcast in the )3611C SAST52 I8F'12ATI'8 .)'CK 1 %essa!e. It indicates whether the attach and detach procedures are re>uired to $e used or not. The I2SI attach procedure is in(o0ed if the detach"attach procedures are re>uired $y the networ0 and an I2SI is acti(ated in a %o$ile station ,i.e. acti(ation of a %o$ile station with plu!6in SI2= insertion of a card in a card6operated %o$ile station etc.- within co(era!e area fro% the networ0 or a %o$ile station with an I2SI acti(ated outside the co(era!e area enters the co(era!e area. The I2SI attach procedure is used only if the update status is /4AT54 and if the stored )ocation Area Identification is the sa%e as the one which is actually $roadcasted on the .CC; of the current ser(in! cell. 'therwise a nor%al location updatin! procedure ,see su$clause 4.4.1- is in(o0ed independently of the ATT fla! indication. I2SI attach is perfor%ed $y usin! the location updatin! procedure. The location updatin! type infor%ation ele%ent in the )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15: 5ST %essa!e shall in this case indicate I2SI attach.

4.4.4 Ge'eri& :o&atio' U"dati' "ro&ed*re :o&atio' *"dati' i'itiatio' 2y t!e 0o2ile statio'

Any ti%er used for tri!!erin! the location updatin! procedure ,e.!. T3211= T3212- is stopped if runnin!. As no 11 connection e?ists at the ti%e when the location updatin! procedure has to $e started= the 22 su$layer within the %o$ile station will re>uest the 11 su$layer to esta$lish a 11 connection and enter state BAIT F'1 11 C'885CTI'8 ,)'CATI'8 /4AT5-. The procedure for esta$lishin! an 11 connection is descri$ed in 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O su$clause 3.3 and 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO.


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The %o$ile station initiates the location updatin! procedure $y sendin! a )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15: 5ST %essa!e to the networ0= starts the ti%er T321< and enters state )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# I8ITIAT54. The location updatin! type infor%ation ele%ent shall indicate what 0ind of updatin! is re>uested.

4et%or5 -e3*est 6or ,dditio'al 0o2ile statio' Ca"a2ility )'6or0atio'

In #S2= the networ0 %ay initiate the class%ar0 interro!ation procedure= for e?a%ple= to o$tain further infor%ation on the %o$ile station7s encryption capa$ilities.

)de'ti6i&atio' re3*est 6ro0 t!e 'et%or5

The networ0 %ay initiate the identification procedure= e.!. if the networ0 is una$le to !et the I2SI $ased on the T2SI and )AI used as identification $y the %o$ile station ,see su$clause 4.3.3-.

,*t!e'ti&atio' 2y t!e 'et%or5

The authentication procedure ,see su$clause 4.3.2- %ay $e initiated $y the networ0 upon receipt of the )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15: 5ST %essa!e fro% the %o$ile station. ,See the cases defined in 3#// TS 42.<<9 N5O-.

Se&*rity 0ode setti' 2y t!e 'et%or5

In #S2= the security %ode settin! procedure ,see 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O su$clause 3.4.*- %ay $e initiated $y the networ0= e.!.= if a new T2SI has to $e allocated. In 2TS= the security %ode control procedure ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO- %ay $e initiated $y the networ0= e.!.= if a new T2SI has to $e allocated.

,tte0"t Co*'ter

To li%it the nu%$er of location updatin! atte%pts %ade= where location updatin! is unsuccessful= an atte%pt counter is used. It counts the nu%$er of consecuti(e unsuccessful location update atte%pts. The atte%pt counter is incre%ented when a location update procedure fails. The specific situations are specified in su$clause The atte%pt counter is reset whenE 6 6 6 6 the %o$ile station is powered onL a SI2 is insertedL location update is successfully co%pletedL location update co%pleted with cause F11= F12=F13 or F15 ,see su$clause 4.4.4.*-.

and in case of ser(ice state ATT52/TI8# to /4AT5E 6 6 6 a 2S detects that a new location area is enteredL e?piry of ti%er T3212L location update is tri!!ered $y C2 su$layer re>uests.

The atte%pt counter is used when decidin! whether to re6atte%pt a location update after ti%eout of ti%er T3211.

:o&atio' *"dati' a&&e"ted 2y t!e 'et%or5

If the location updatin! is accepted $y the networ0 a )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# ACC5/T %essa!e is transferred to the %o$ile station. In case the identity confidentiality ser(ice is acti(e ,see su$clauses 4.3.1 and the T2SI reallocation %ay $e part of the location updatin! procedure. The T2SI allocated is then contained in the )'CATI'8 /4ATI8#


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ACC5/T %essa!e to!ether with the location area identifier )AI. The networ0 shall in this case start the super(ision ti%er T325< as descri$ed in su$clause 4.3.1. If the networ0 wishes to prolon! the 11 connection to allow the %o$ile station to initiate 22 connection esta$lish%ent ,for e?a%ple if the %o$ile station has indicated in the )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15: 5ST that it has a follow6on re>uest pendin!- the networ0 shall send Dfollow on proceedD in the )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# ACC5/T and start ti%er T3255. The %o$ile station recei(in! a )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# ACC5/T %essa!e shall store the recei(ed location area identification )AI= stop ti%er T321<= reset the atte%pt counter and set the update status in the SI2 to /4AT54. If the %essa!e contains an I2SI= the %o$ile station is not allocated any T2SI= and shall delete any T2SI in the SI2 accordin!ly. If the %essa!e contains a T2SI= the %o$ile station is allocated this T2SI= and shall store this T2SI in the SI2 and a T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'2/)5T5 shall $e returned to the networ0. If neither I2SI nor T2SI is recei(ed in the )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# ACC5/T %essa!e= the old T2SI if any a(aila$le shall $e 0ept. If the )AI or /)28 identity contained in the )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# ACC5/T %essa!e is a %e%$er of any of the Dfor$idden listsD then any such entries shall $e deleted. The networ0 %ay also send a list of De>ui(alent /)28sD in the )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# ACC5/T %essa!e. 5ach entry of the list contains a /)28 code ,2CCM28C-. The %o$ile station shall store the list= as pro(ided $y the networ0= e?cept that any /)28 code that is already in the Dfor$idden /)28 listD shall $e re%o(ed fro% the De>ui(alent /)28sD list $efore it is stored $y the %o$ile station. In addition the %o$ile station shall add to the stored list the /)28 code of the networ0 that sent the list. All /)28s in the stored list shall $e re!arded as e>ui(alent to each other for /)28 selection= cell selection"re6selection and hando(er. The stored list in the %o$ile station shall $e replaced on each occurrence of the )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# ACC5/T %essa!e. If no list is contained in the %essa!e= then the stored list in the %o$ile station shall $e deleted. The list shall $e stored in the %o$ile station while switched off so that it can $e used for /)28 selection after switch on. After that= the %o$ile station shall act accordin! to the presence of the DFollow6on proceedD infor%ation ele%ent in the )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# ACC5/TL if this ele%ent is present and the %o$ile station has a C2 application re>uest pendin!= it shall send a C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST to the networ0 and proceed as in su$clause 'therwise= it shall start ti%er T324< and enter state BAIT F'1 85TB'1K C'22A84. Further%ore= the networ0 %ay !rant authorisation for the %o$ile station to use #S26Cordless Telephony Syste% ,CTSin the )ocation Area and its i%%ediate nei!h$ourhood. The %o$ile should %e%orise this per%ission in non6(olatile %e%ory. If the DCTS per%issionD I5 is not present in the %essa!e= the %o$ile is not authorised to use #S26CTS= and shall accordin!ly delete any %e%orised per%ission. 8'T5E the interaction $etween CTS and #/1S procedures are not yet defined.


:o&atio' *"dati' 'ot a&&e"ted 2y t!e 'et%or5

If the location updatin! cannot $e accepted the networ0 sends a )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15Q5CT %essa!e to the %o$ile station. The %o$ile station recei(in! a )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15Q5CT %essa!e shall stop the ti%er T321<= store the reCect cause= start T324<= enter state )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15Q5CT54 await the release of the 11 connection tri!!ered $y the networ0= and for all causes e?cept F12= F14 and F15 deletes the list of De>ui(alent /)28sD. pon the release of the 11 connection the %o$ile station shall ta0e the followin! actions dependin! on the stored reCect causeE F 2E F 3E F &E ,I2SI un0nown in ;)1-L ,Ille!al 2S-L or ,Ille!al 25-.

The %o$ile station shall set the update status to 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and store it in the SI2 accordin! to su$clause and delete any T2SI= stored )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and shall consider the SI2 as in(alid for non6#/1S ser(ices until switch6off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. F 11E ,/)28 not allowed-L


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The %o$ile station shall delete any )AI= T2SI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored in the SI2= reset the atte%pt counter= set the update status to 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and store it in the SI2 accordin! to su$clause The %o$ile station shall store the /)28 identity in the Dfor$idden /)28 listD. The 2S shall perfor% a /)28 selection when $ac0 to the 22 I4)5 state accordin! to 3#// TS 23.122 N14O. F 12E ,)ocation Area not allowed-L The %o$ile station shall delete any )AI= T2SI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored in the SI2= reset the atte%pt counter= set the update status to 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and store it in the SI2 accordin! to su$clause The %o$ile station shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for re!ional pro(ision of ser(iceD. The 2S shall perfor% a cell selection when $ac0 to the 22 I4)5 state accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 25.3<4. F 13E ,1oa%in! not allowed in this location area-. The %o$ile station shall reset the atte%pt counter= set the update status to 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and store it in the SI2 accordin! to clause The %o$ile station shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D. The %o$ile station shall perfor% a /)28 selection instead of a cell selection when $ac0 to the 22 I4)5 state accordin! to 3#// TS 23.122 N14O. F 15E ,8o Suita$le Cells In )ocation Area-. The %o$ile station shall reset the atte%pt counter= set the update status to 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and store it in the SI2 accordin! to clause The %o$ile station shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D. The %o$ile station shall search for a suita$le cell in another location area in the sa%e /)28 accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 25.3<4. 'ther (alues are considered as a$nor%al cases and the specification of the %o$ile station $eha(iour in those cases is !i(en in su$clause

-elease o6 -- &o''e&tio' a6ter lo&atio' *"dati'

Bhen the )ocation updatin! procedure is finished ,see su$clause s 4.4.4.& and 4.4.4.*- the %o$ile station shall ,e?cept in the case where the %o$ile has a follow6on C2 application re>uest pendin! and has recei(ed the follow6on proceed indication= see su$clause 4.4.4.&- set ti%er T324< and enter the state BAIT F'1 85TB'1K C'22A84= e?pectin! the release of the 11 connection. The networ0 %ay decide to 0eep the 11 connection for networ0 initiated esta$lish%ent of a 22 connection= or to allow for %o$ile initiated 22 connection esta$lish%ent. Any release of the 11 connection shall $e initiated $y the networ0 accordin! to su$clause 3.5 in 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O= and 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO. If the 11 connection is not released within a !i(en ti%e controlled $y the ti%er T324<= the %o$ile station shall a$ort the 11 connection. In $oth cases= either after a 11 connection release tri!!ered fro% the networ0 side or after a 11 connection a$ort re>uested $y the 2S6side= the 2S shall return to state 22 I4)5. At transition to state 22 I4)5= su$states 8'12A) S51+IC5 or 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,8'12A) S51+IC5- or ATT52/TI8# T' /4AT5 either ti%er T3212 or ti%er T3211 is started as descri$ed in su$clause


,2'or0al &ases o' t!e 0o2ile statio' side

The different a$nor%al cases that can $e identified are the followin!E a- Access $arred $ecause of access class control


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The location updatin! procedure is not started. The %o$ile station stays in the current ser(in! cell and applies nor%al cell reselection process. The procedure is started as soon as possi$le and if still necessary ,when the $arred state is ended or $ecause of a cell chan!e-. $- The answer to rando% access is an I2254IAT5 ASSI#8258T 15Q5CT %essa!e ,A"#$ %ode onlyThe location updatin! is not started. The %o$ile station stays in the chosen cell and applies nor%al cell selection process. The waitin! ti%er T3122 is reset when a cell chan!e occurs. The procedure is started as soon as possi$le after T3122 ti%eout if still necessary. c- 1ando% access failure ,A"#$ %ode onlyTi%er T3213 is started. Bhen it e?pires the procedure is atte%pted a!ain if still necessary. 8'T5E As specified in 3#// TS 45.<<3 N34O= a cell reselection then ta0es place= with return to the cell inhi$ited for 5 seconds if there is at least one other suita$le cell. Typically the selection process will ta0e the %o$ile station $ac0 to the cell where the rando% access failed after 5 seconds.

If at the e?piry of ti%er T3213 a new cell has not $een selected due to the lac0 of (alid infor%ation ,see 3#// TS 45.<<3 N34O-= the %o$ile station %ay as an option delay the repeated atte%pt for up to 3 seconds to allow cell re6 selection to ta0e place. In this case the procedure is atte%pted as soon as a new cell has $een selected or the %o$ile station has concluded that no other cell can $e selected. If rando% access failure occurs for two successi(e rando% access atte%pts for location updatin! the %o$ile station proceeds as specified $elow. d- 11 connection failure The procedure is a$orted and the %o$ile station proceeds as specified $elow. e- T321< ti%eout The procedure is a$orted= the 11 connection is a$orted and the 2S proceeds as specified $elow. f- 11 release $efore the nor%al end of procedure The procedure is a$orted and the %o$ile station proceeds as specified $elow. !- )ocation updatin! reCect= other causes than those treated in su$clause 4.4.4.* The 2S waits for release of the 11 connection as specified in su$clause and then proceeds as specified $elow. h- 11 connection esta$lish%ent failure ,Iu %ode onlyThe procedure is a$orted and the %o$ile station proceeds as specified $elow. 8'T5E Case h- co(ers all cases when the si!nallin! connection cannot $e esta$lished= includin! rando% access failure and access reCect. As the 11C protocol has error specific retrans%ission %echanis%s ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-= there is no need to distin!uish $etween the different error cases within 22.

In cases d- to h- a$o(e and for repeated failures as defined in c- a$o(e the %o$ile station proceeds as follows. Ti%er T321< is stopped if still runnin!. The 11 Connection is a$orted in case of ti%er T321< ti%eout. The atte%pt counter is incre%ented. The ne?t actions depend on the )ocation Area Identities ,stored and recei(ed fro% the .CC; of the current ser(in! cell- and the (alue of the atte%pt counter. P the update status is /4AT54= and the stored )AI is e>ual to the one recei(ed on the .CC; fro% the current ser(in! cell and the atte%pt counter is s%aller than 4E The %o$ile station shall 0eep the update status to /4AT54= the 22 I4)5 su$6state after the 11 connection release is 8'12A) S51+IC5. The %o$ile station shall %e%oriHe the location updatin! type used in the location updatin! procedure. It shall start ti%er T3211 when the 11 connection is released. Bhen ti%er T3211 e?pires the location updatin! procedure is tri!!ered a!ain with the %e%oriHed location updatin! typeL P either the update status is different fro% /4AT54= or the stored )AI is different fro% the one recei(ed on the .CC; fro% the current ser(in! cell= or the atte%pt counter is !reater or e>ual to 4E


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The %o$ile station shall delete any )AI= T2SI= cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored in the SI2= and list of e>ui(alent /)28s= set the update status to 8'T /4AT54 and enter the 22 I4)5 su$6state ATT52/TI8# T' /4AT5 when the 11 connection is released ,See su$clause for the su$se>uent actions-. If the atte%pt counter is s%aller than 4= the %o$ile station shall %e%oriHe that ti%er T3211 is to $e started when the 11 connection is released= otherwise it shall %e%oriHe that ti%er T3212 is to $e started when the 11 connection is released.

,2'or0al &ases o' t!e 'et%or5 side

a- 11 connection failure If a 11 connection failure occurs durin! a co%%on procedure inte!rated with the location updatin! procedure= the $eha(iour of the networ0 should $e accordin! to the description of that co%%on procedure. If a 11 connection failure occurs when a co%%on procedure does not e?ist= the location updatin! procedure towards the %o$ile station should $e a$orted. $- protocol error If the )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed with a protocol error= the networ0 should= if possi$le= return a )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15Q5CT %essa!e with one of the followin! 1eCect causesE F9&E F99E 2andatory infor%ation ele%ent error Infor%ation ele%ent non6e?istent or not i%ple%ented

F1<<E Conditional I5 error F111E /rotocol error= unspecified ;a(in! sent the response= the networ0 should start the channel release procedure ,see su$clause 3.5-.

2i ure )*#33GPP TS ()*++,4 Location updatin se:uence

4.4.5 Void 4.4.8 Void

4.5 Co''e&tio' 0a'a e0e't s*2layer ser1i&e "ro1isio'

The concept of 22 connection is introduced in this su$clause. This concept is %ainly a descripti(e toolE The esta$lish%ent of an 22 connection $y the networ0 can $e local ,i.e. it is achie(ed $y the trans%ission of the first C2 layer %essa!e and without the trans%ission of any 22 layer %essa!es- or can $e achie(ed $y the trans%ission of a C2 S51+IC5 /1'2/T %essa!e ,e!. in the case of certain rin! $ac0 ser(ices-. The release of an 22 connection $y the networ0 or $y the %o$ile station is always local= i.e. these purposes can $e achie(ed without sendin! any 22 %essa!es o(er the radio interface. ,'n the contrary= esta$lish%ent of an 22 connection $y the %o$ile station re>uires the sendin! of 22 %essa!es o(er the radio interface. An e?ception is +#CS= where an 22 connection will $e esta$lished as result of an uplin0 access procedure ,see su$clause 3.*.2.1.1in 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O-.The 2o$ility 2ana!e%ent ,22- su$layer is pro(idin! connection %ana!e%ent ser(ices to the different entities of the upper Connection %ana!e%ent ,C2- su$layer ,see 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O-. It offers to a C2 entity the possi$ility to use an 22 connection for the e?chan!e of infor%ation with its peer entity. An 22 connection is esta$lished and released on re>uest fro% a C2 entity. 4ifferent C2 entities co%%unicate with their peer entity usin! different 22 connections. Se(eral 22 connections %ay $e acti(e at the sa%e ti%e.


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An 22 connection re>uires an 11 connection. All si%ultaneous 22 connections for a !i(en %o$ile station use the sa%e 11 connection. In the followin! su$clause s= the procedures for esta$lishin!= re6esta$lishin!= %aintainin!= and releasin! an 22 connection are descri$ed= usually separately for the %o$ile station and the networ0 side.

4.5.7 MM &o''e&tio' esta2lis!0e't MM &o''e&tio' esta2lis!0e't i'itiated 2y t!e 0o2ile statio'

pon re>uest of a C2 entity to esta$lish an 22 connection the 22 su$layer first decides whether to accept= delay= or reCect this re>uestE 6 An 22 connection esta$lish%ent %ay only $e initiated $y the %o$ile station when the followin! conditions are fulfilledE 6 6 Its update status is /4AT54. The 22 su$layer is in one of the states 22 I4)5= 11 C'885CTI'8 15)5AS5 8'T A))'B54 or 22 connection acti(e $ut not in 22 connection acti(e ,#roup call-.

An e?ception fro% this !eneral rule e?ists for e%er!ency calls ,see su$clause A further e?ception is defined in the followin! clause. 6 If an 22 specific procedure is runnin! at the ti%e the re>uest fro% the C2 su$layer is recei(ed= and the )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15: 5ST %essa!e has $een sent= the re>uest will either $e reCected or delayed= dependin! on i%ple%entation= until the 22 specific procedure is finished and= pro(ided that the networ0 has not sent a Dfollow6on proceedD indication= the 11 connection is released. If the )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15: 5ST %essa!e has not $een sent= the %o$ile station %ay include a Dfollow6on re>uestD indicator in the %essa!e. The %o$ile station shall then delay the re>uest until the 22 specific procedure is co%pleted= when it %ay $e !i(en the opportunity $y the networ0 to use the 11 connectionE see su$clause 4.4.4.&.

In order to esta$lish an 22 connection= the %o$ile station proceeds as followsE a- If no 11 connection e?ists= the 22 su$layer re>uests the 11 su$layer to esta$lish an 11 connection and enters 22 su$layer state BAIT F'1 11 C'885CTI'8 ,22 C'885CTI'8-. This re>uest contains an esta$lish%ent cause and a C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e. Bhen the esta$lish%ent of an 11 connection is indicated $y the 11 su$layer= the 22 su$layer of the %o$ile station starts ti%er T323<= !i(es an indication to the C2 entity that re>uested the 22 connection esta$lish%ent= and enters 22 su$layer state BAIT F'1 ' T#'I8# 22 C'885CTI'8. $- If an 11 connection is a(aila$le= the 22 su$layer of the %o$ile station sends a C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e to the networ0= starts ti%er T323<= stops and resets ti%er T3241= !i(es an indication to the C2 entity that re>uested the 22 connection esta$lish%ent= and entersE 6 6 6 22 su$layer state BAIT F'1 ' T#'I8# 22 C'885CTI'8= if no 22 connection is acti(eL 22 su$layer state BAIT F'1 A44ITI'8A) ' T#'I8# 22 C'885CTI'8= if at least one 22 connection is acti(eL If an 11 connection e?ists $ut the %o$ile station is in the state BAIT F'1 85TB'1K C'22A84 then any re>uests fro% the C2 layer that are recei(ed will either $e reCected or delayed until this state is left.

c- 'nly applica$le for %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS tal0in!E If a %o$ile station which is in the 22 su$layer state 22 I4)5= ser(ice state 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,8'12A) S51+IC5-= recei(es a re>uest fro% the #CC su$layer to perfor% an uplin0 access= the 22 su$layer re>uests the 11 su$layer to perfor% an uplin0 access procedure and enters 22 su$layer state BAIT F'1 11 C'885CTI'8 ,#1' / T1A8S2IT 2'45-. Bhen a successful uplin0 access is indicated $y the 11 su$layer= the 22 su$layer of the %o$ile station !i(es an indication to the #CC su$layer and enters 22 su$layer state 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5 ,#1' / T1A8S2IT 2'45-.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Bhen an uplin0 access reCect is indicated $y the 11 su$layer= the 22 su$layer of the %o$ile station !i(es an indication to the #CC su$layer and enters the 22 su$layer state 22 I4)5= ser(ice state 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,8'12A) S51+IC5-. In the networ0= if an uplin0 access procedure is perfor%ed= the 11 su$layer in the networ0 pro(ides an indication to the 22 su$layer to!ether with the %o$ile su$scri$er identity recei(ed in the TA)K51 I84ICATI'8 %essa!e. The networ0 shall then enter the 22 su$layer state 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5 ,#1' / T1A8S2IT 2'45-. The C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e contains theE 6 6 6 6 %o$ile identity accordin! to su$clause 1<.5.1.4L %o$ile station class%ar0 2L cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$erL and C2 ser(ice type identifyin! the re>uested type of transaction ,e.!. %o$ile ori!inatin! call esta$lish%ent= e%er!ency call esta$lish%ent= short %essa!e ser(ice= supple%entary ser(ice acti(ation= location ser(ices-.

A 2S supportin! e2)// %ay optionally include a priority le(el in the C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e. A collision %ay occur when a C2 layer %essa!e is recei(ed $y the %o$ile station in 22 su$layer state BAIT F'1 ' T#'I8# 22 C'885CTI'8 or in BAIT F'1 A44ITI'8A) ' T#'I8# 22 C'885CTI'8. In this case the 22 su$layer in the 2S shall esta$lish a new 22 connection for the inco%in! C2 %essa!e as specified in su$clause pon recei(in! a C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e= the networ0 shall analyse its content. The type of se%antic analysis %ay depend on other on !oin! 22 connection,s-. 4ependin! on the type of re>uest and the current status of the 11 connection= the networ0 %ay start any of the 22 co%%on procedures and 11 procedures. In #S2= the networ0 %ay initiate the class%ar0 interro!ation procedure= for e?a%ple= to o$tain further infor%ation on the %o$ile station7s encryption capa$ilities. The identification procedure ,see su$clause 4.3.3- %ay $e in(o0ed for instance if a T2SI pro(ided $y the %o$ile station is not reco!niHed. The networ0 %ay in(o0e the authentication procedure ,see su$clause 4.3.2- dependin! on the C2 ser(ice type. In #S2= the networ0 decides also if the cipherin! %ode settin! procedure shall $e in(o0ed ,see su$clause 3.4.* in 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O-. In 2TS= the networ0 decides also if the security %ode control procedure shall $e in(o0ed ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-. 8'T5E If the C2GS51+IC5G15: 5ST %essa!e contains a priority le(el the networ0 %ay use this to perfor% >ueuin! and pre6e%ption as defined in 3#// TS 23.<&* N33O.

In #S2= an indication fro% the 11 su$layer that the cipherin! %ode settin! procedure is co%pleted= or reception of a C2 S51+IC5 ACC5/T %essa!e= shall $e treated as a ser(ice acceptance indication $y the %o$ile station. In 2TS= an indication fro% the 11 su$layer that the security %ode control procedure is co%pleted= or reception of a C2 S51+IC5 ACC5/T %essa!e= shall $e treated as a ser(ice acceptance indication $y the %o$ile station. The procedures in su$clause shall always ha(e precedence o(er this su$clause. In 2TS= durin! a 22 connection esta$lish%ent for all ser(ices= e?cept for e%er!ency call ,see su$clause the security %ode control procedure with acti(ation of inte!rity protection shall $e in(o0ed $y the networ0 unless inte!rity protection is already started ,see su$clause The 22 connection esta$lish%ent is co%pleted= ti%er T323< shall $e stopped= the C2 entity that re>uested the 22 connection shall $e infor%ed= and 22 su$layer state 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5 is entered. The 22 connection is considered to $e acti(e. If the ser(ice re>uest cannot $e accepted= the networ0 returns a C2 S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e to the %o$ile station.


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The reCect cause infor%ation ele%ent ,see su$clause 1<.5.3.& and anne? #- indicates the reason for reCection. The followin! cause (alues %ay applyE F4E F&# F1*# F22# F32# F33# F34# I2SI un0nown in +)1 Ille!al 25 8etwor0 failure Con!estion Ser(ice option not supported 1e>uested ser(ice option not su$scri$ed Ser(ice option te%porarily out of order

If no other 22 connection is acti(e= the networ0 %ay start the 11 connection release ,see su$clause 3.5- when the C2 S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e is sent. If a C2 S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e is recei(ed $y the %o$ile station= ti%er T323< shall $e stopped= the re>uestin! C2 su$layer entity infor%ed. Then the %o$ile station shall proceed as followsE 6 6 If the cause (alue is not F4 or F& the 22 su$layer returns to the pre(ious state ,the state where the re>uest was recei(ed-. 'ther 22 connections shall not $e affected $y the C2 S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e. If cause (alue F4 is recei(ed= the %o$ile station a$orts any 22 connection= deletes any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er in the SI2= chan!es the update status to 8'T /4AT54 ,and stores it in the SI2 accordin! to su$clause and enters the 22 su$layer state BAIT F'1 85TB'1K C'22A84. If su$se>uently the 11 connection is released or a$orted= this will force the %o$ile station to initiate a nor%al location updatin!-. Bhether the C2 re>uest shall $e %e%oriHed durin! the location updatin! procedure= is a choice of i%ple%entation. If cause (alue F& is recei(ed= the %o$ile station a$orts any 22 connection= deletes any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er in the SI2= chan!es the update status to 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and stores it in the SI2 accordin! to su$clause and enters the 22 su$layer state BAIT F'1 85TB'1K C'22A84. The %o$ile station shall consider the SI2 as in(alid for non6#/1S ser(ices until switch6off or the SI2 is re%o(ed.

,2'or0al &ases

2o$ile station sideE a- 11 connection failure or I2SI deacti(ation If an 11 connection failure occurs or the I2SI is deacti(ated durin! the esta$lish%ent of an 22 connection= the 22 connection esta$lish%ent is a$orted= ti%ers T323< is stopped= and an indication is !i(en to the C2 entity that re>uested the 22 connection esta$lish%ent. This shall $e treated as a reCection for esta$lish%ent of the new 22 connection= and the 22 su$layer shall release all acti(e 22 connections. $- T323< e?piry If T323< e?pires ,i.e. no response is !i(en $ut a 11 connection is a(aila$le- the 22 connection esta$lish%ent is a$orted and the re>uestin! C2 su$layer is infor%ed. If no other 22 connection e?ists then the %o$ile station shall proceed as descri$ed in su$clause for release of the 11 connection. 'therwise the %o$ile station shall return to the 22 su$layer state where the re>uest of an 22 connection was recei(ed= i.e. to 22 su$layer state 22 connection acti(e. 'ther on!oin! 22 connections ,if any- shall not $e affected. c- 1eCect cause (alues F95= F9&= F9*= F99= F1<<= F111 recei(ed The sa%e actions as on ti%er e?piry shall $e ta0en $y the %o$ile station. d- 1ando% access failure or 11 connection esta$lish%ent failure


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If the %o$ile station detects a rando% access failure or 11 connection esta$lish%ent failure durin! the esta$lish%ent of an 22 connection= it a$orts the 22 connection esta$lish%ent and !i(es an indication to the C2 entity that re>uested the 22 connection esta$lish%ent. 8'T5E 8etwor0 sideE a- 11 connection failure The actions to $e ta0en upon 11 connection failure within a 22 co%%on procedure are descri$ed to!ether with that procedure. A 11 connection failure occurrin! outside such 22 co%%on procedures= shall tri!!er the release of all acti(e 22 connections if any. $- In(alid %essa!e or %essa!e content pon reception of an in(alid initial %essa!e or a C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e with in(alid content= a C2 S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e shall $e returned with one of the followin! appropriate 1eCect cause indicationsE F 95E Se%antically incorrect %essa!e F 9&E 2andatory infor%ation ele%ent error F 9*E 2essa!e type non6e?istent or not i%ple%ented F 99E Infor%ation ele%ent non6e?istent or not i%ple%ented F 1<<E Conditional I5 error F 111E /rotocol error= unspecified Bhen the C2 S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e has $een sent= the networ0 %ay start 11 connection release if no other 22 connections e?ist or if the a$nor%al condition also has influence on the other 22 connections. Further actions of the %o$ile station depend on the 11 procedures and 22 specific procedures durin! which the a$nor%al situation has occurred and are descri$ed to!ether with those procedures.

MM &o''e&tio' esta2lis!0e't i'itiated 2y t!e 'et%or5

Mo2ile Ter0i'ati' CM ,&ti1ity

Bhen a C2 su$layer entity in the networ0 re>uests the 22 su$layer to esta$lish a 22 connection= the 22 su$layer will re>uest the esta$lish%ent of an 11 connection to the 11 su$layer if no 11 connection to the desired %o$ile station e?ists. The 22 su$layer is infor%ed when the pa!in! procedure is finished ,see 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O su$clause 3.3.2 and 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO- and the %o$ile station shall enter the 22 state BAIT F'1 85TB'1K C'22A84. In #S2= when an 11 connection is esta$lished ,or if it already e?ists at the ti%e the re>uest is recei(ed-= the 22 su$layer %ay initiate any of the 22 co%%on procedures ,e?cept I2SI detach-L it %ay re>uest the 11 su$layer to perfor% the 11 class%ar0 interro!ation procedure= and"or the security %ode settin! procedure. In 2TS= when an 11 connection is esta$lished ,or if it already e?ists at the ti%e the re>uest is recei(ed-= the 22 su$layer %ay initiate any of the 22 co%%on procedures ,e?cept I2SI detach-L it %ay re>uest the 11 su$layer to perfor% the security %ode control procedure. Bhen all 22 and 11 procedures are successfully co%pleted which the networ0 considers necessary= the 22 su$layer will infor% the re>uestin! %o$ile ter%inatin! C2 su$layer entity on the success of the 22 connection esta$lish%ent. If an 11 connection already e?ists and no 22 specific procedure is runnin!= the networ0 %ay also esta$lish a new %o$ile ter%inatin! 22 connection $y sendin! a C2 %essa!e with a new /4"TI co%$ination. If the 2S recei(es the first C2 %essa!e in the 22 states BAIT F'1 85TB'1K C'22A84 or 11 C'885CTI'8 15)5AS5 8'T A))'B54= the 2S shall stop and reset the ti%ers T324< and T3241 and shall enter the 22 state 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5. In #S2= if the esta$lish%ent of an 11 connection is unsuccessful= or if any of the 22 co%%on procedures or the security %ode settin! fail= this is indicated to the C2 layer with an appropriate error cause.


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In 2TS= if the esta$lish%ent of an 11 connection is unsuccessful= or if any of the 22 co%%on procedures or the security %ode control fail= this is indicated to the C2 layer with an appropriate error cause. If an 11 connection used for a 22 specific procedure e?ists to the %o$ile station= the C2 re>uest %ay $e reCected or delayed dependin! on i%ple%entation. Bhen the 22 specific procedure has $een co%pleted= the networ0 %ay use the sa%e 11 connection for the delayed C2 re>uest. 'nly applica$le in case of +#CS tal0in!E In the 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5 ,#1' / T1A8S2IT 2'45- the %o$ile station is in 11 #roup trans%it %ode. There shall $e only one 22 connection acti(e. Bhen in 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5 ,#1' / T1A8S2IT 2'45- state= the 22 su$layer in the networ0 shall reCect the re>uest for the esta$lish%ent of another 22 connection $y any C2 layer. If the 11 su$layer in the networ0 indicates a re>uest to perfor% a transfer of the %o$ile station fro% 11 connected %ode to 11 #roup trans%it %ode which will result in a transition fro% 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5 state to 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5 ,#1' / T1A8S2IT 2'45- state in the 22 su$layer= the 22 su$layer shall not allow the transition if %ore than one 22 connection is acti(e with the %o$ile station.

Mo2ile 9ri i'ati' CM ,&ti1ity /(CC+S)/

Bhen a C2 su$layer entity in the networ0 re>uests the 22 su$layer to esta$lish a 22 connection= the 22 su$layer will re>uest the esta$lish%ent of an 11 connection to the 11 su$layer if no 11 connection to the desired %o$ile station e?ists. The 22 su$layer is infor%ed when the pa!in! procedure is finished ,see 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O su$clause 3.3.2 and 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO- and the %o$ile station shall enter the 22 state BAIT F'1 85TB'1K C'22A84. In #S2= when an 11 connection is esta$lished ,or if it already e?ists at the ti%e the re>uest is recei(ed-= the 22 su$layer %ay initiate any of the 22 co%%on procedures ,e?cept I2SI detach-= it %ay re>uest the 11 su$layer to perfor% the 11 class%ar0 interro!ation procedure and"or the security %ode settin! procedure. In 2TS= when an 11 connection is esta$lished ,or if it already e?ists at the ti%e the re>uest is recei(ed-= the 22 su$layer %ay initiate any of the 22 co%%on procedures ,e?cept I2SI detach-= it %ay re>uest the 11 su$layer to perfor% the security %ode control procedure. The networ0 should use the infor%ation contained in the Mobile Station Classmark Type 2 I5 on the %o$ile station7s support for D8etwor0 Initiated 2' C2 Connection 1e>uestD to deter%ine whether toE not start this procedure ,e! if an 11 connection already e?ists-= or= to continue this procedure= or= to release the newly esta$lished 11 connection. In the case of a D8etwor0 Initiated 2' C2 Connection 1e>uestD the networ0 shall use the esta$lished 11 connection to send a C2 S51+IC5 /1'2/T %essa!e to the %o$ile station. If the %o$ile station supports D8etwor0 Initiated 2' C2 Connection 1e>uestD= the 22 su$layer of the 2S !i(es an indication to the C2 entity identified $y the C2 S51+IC5 /1'2/T %essa!e and enters the 22 su$layer state /1'C5SS C2 S51+IC5 /1'2/T. In the state /1'C5SS C2 S51+IC5 /1'2/T the 22 su$layer waits for either the reCection or confir%ation of the recall $y the identified C2 entity. Any other re>uests fro% the C2 entities shall either $e reCected or delayed until this state is left. Bhen the identified C2 entity infor%s the 22 su$layer= that it has send the first C2 %essa!e in order to start the C2 recall procedure the 22 su$layer enters the state 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5. If the identified C2 entity indicates that it will not perfor% the C2 recall procedure and all 22 connections are released $y their C2 entities the 2S shall proceed accordin! to su$clause If the C2 S51+IC5 /1'2/T %essa!e is recei(ed $y the 2S in 22 su$layer states BAIT F'1 ' T#'I8# 22 C'885CTI'8 or in BAIT F'1 A44ITI'8A) ' T#'I8# 22 C'885CTI'8 then the %o$ile station shall send an 22 STAT S %essa!e with cause D 2essa!e not co%pati$le with protocol stateD. A %o$ile that does not support D8etwor0 Initiated 2' C2 Connection 1e>uestD shall return an 22 STAT S %essa!e with cause F9* D%essa!e type non6e?istent or not i%ple%entedD to the networ0.

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If the %o$ile station supports D8etwor0 Initiated 2' C2 Connection 1e>uestD $ut the identified C2 entity in the %o$ile station does not pro(ide the associated support= then the %o$ile station shall send an 22 STAT S %essa!e with cause DSer(ice option not supportedD. In the case of a te%porary C2 pro$le% ,e! lac0 of transaction identifiersthen the %o$ile station shall send an 22 STAT S %essa!e with cause DSer(ice option te%porarily out of orderD. If an 11 connection already e?ists and no 22 specific procedure is runnin!= the networ0 %ay use it to send the C2 S51+IC5 /1'2/T %essa!e. In #S2= if the esta$lish%ent of an 11 connection is unsuccessful= or if any of the 22 co%%on procedures or the security %ode settin! fail= this is indicated to the C2 layer in the networ0 with an appropriate error cause. In 2TS= if the esta$lish%ent of an 11 connection is unsuccessful= or if any of the 22 co%%on procedures or the security %ode control fail= this is indicated to the C2 layer in the networ0 with an appropriate error cause. If an 11 connection used for a 22 specific procedure e?ists to the %o$ile station= the D8etwor0 Initiated 2' C2 Connection 1e>uestD %ay $e reCected or delayed dependin! on i%ple%entation. Bhen the 22 specific procedure has $een co%pleted= the networ0 %ay use the sa%e 11 connection for the delayed D8etwor0 Initiated 2' C2 Connection 1e>uestD.

<a i' res"o'se i' UMTS (UMTS o'ly)

The networ0 %ay initiate the pa!in! procedure for CS ser(ices when the 2S is I2SI attached for CS ser(ices. To initiate the procedure= the 22 entity re>uests the 11 su$layer to initiate pa!in! ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO and 3#// TS 25.413- for CS ser(ices. At reception of a pa!in! %essa!e= the 11 su$layer in the 2S shall deli(er a pa!in! indication to the 22 su$layer if the pa!in! was initiated $y the 22 entity in the networ0 ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-. The 2S shall respond with the /A#I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e defined in 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O= su$clause 9.1.25. For reasons of $ac0ward co%pati$ility the pa!in! response shall use the 11 protocol discri%inator. If the 2S recei(es a pa!in! re>uest for CS ser(ices durin! an on!oin! 22 procedure= and the 2S has already re>uested the esta$lish%ent of a radio connection= the 2S shall i!nore the pa!in! re>uest and the 2S and the networ0 shall continue the 22 procedure.

,2'or0al &ases

The $eha(iour upon a$nor%al e(ents is descri$ed to!ether with the rele(ant 11 procedure or 22 co%%on procedure.

MM &o''e&tio' esta2lis!0e't 6or e0er e'&y &alls

A 22 connection for an e%er!ency call %ay $e esta$lished in all states of the %o$ility %ana!e%ent su$layer which allow 22 connection esta$lish%ent for a nor%al ori!inatin! call. In addition= esta$lish%ent %ay $e atte%pted in all ser(ice states where a cell is selected ,see su$clause 4.2.2- $ut not in the 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5 state ,#1' / T1A8S2IT 2'45- state. ;owe(er= as a networ0 dependent option= a 22 connection esta$lish%ent for e%er!ency call %ay $e reCected in so%e of the states. 8'T5E In #S2= if a %o$ile station is ca%pin! in a networ0 where (oice ser(ices are not a(aila$le ,C5))G.A1G: A)IFAG2 para%eter indicates no (oice ser(ice- and re>uests an e%er!ency call ser(ice= the %o$ile station shall i%%ediately !o to DAny Cell SelectionD state as defined in 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O= prior to esta$lishin! the e%er!ency call.

Bhen a user re>uests an e%er!ency call esta$lish%ent the %o$ile station will send a C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e to the networ0 with a C2 ser(ice type infor%ation ele%ent indicatin! e%er!ency call esta$lish%ent. If the networ0 does not accept the e%er!ency call re>uest= e.!.= $ecause I25I was used as identification and this capa$ility is not supported $y the networ0= the networ0 will reCect the re>uest $y returnin! a C2 S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e to the %o$ile station. The reCect cause infor%ation ele%ent indicates the reason for reCection. The followin! cause (alues %ay applyE F3 F4 DIlle!al 2SD DI2SI un0nown in +)1D


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F5 F& F1* F22 F32 F34

DI25I not acceptedD DIlle!al 25D D8etwor0 failureD DCon!estionD DSer(ice option not supportedD DSer(ice option te%porarily out of orderD

Bith the a$o(e defined e?ceptions= the procedures descri$ed for 22 connection esta$lish%ent in su$clauses and shall $e followed. 8'T5E 8or%ally= the %o$ile station will $e identified $y an I2SI or a T2SI. ;owe(er= if none of these identifiers is a(aila$le in the %o$ile station= then the %o$ile station shall use the I25I for identification purposes. The networ0 %ay in that case reCect the re>uest $y returnin! a C2 S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e with reCect causeE

F5 DI25I not acceptedD.

Call re-esta2lis!0e't

The re6esta$lish%ent procedure allows a 2S to resu%e a connection in pro!ress after a radio lin0 failure= possi$ly in a new cell and possi$ly in a new location area. The conditions in which to atte%pt call re6esta$lish%ent or not depend on the call control state= see su$clause 5.5.4 and= whether or not a cell allowin! call re6esta$lish%ent has $een found ,as descri$ed in 3#// TS 45.<<3 N34O-. 22 connections are identified $y their protocol discri%inators and transaction identifiersE these shall not $e chan!ed durin! call re6esta$lish%ent. The re6esta$lish%ent ta0es place when a lower layer failure occurs and at least one 22 connection is acti(e ,i.e.. the %o$ile station7s 22 su$layer is either in state & D22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5D or state 2< DBAIT F'1 A44ITI'8A) ' T#'I8# 22 C'885CTI'8D-. 8'T5E 4urin! a re6esta$lish%ent atte%pt the %o$ile station does not return to the 22 I4)5 stateL thus no location updatin! is perfor%ed e(en if the %o$ile is not updated in the location area of the selected cell.

8o call re6esta$lish%ent shall $e perfor%ed for (oice !roup and $roadcast calls.

Call re-esta2lis!0e't, i'itiatio' 2y t!e 0o2ile statio'

The networ0 is una$le to initiate call re6esta$lish%ent.

If at least one re>uest to re6esta$lish an 22 connection is recei(ed fro% a C2 entity as a response to the indication that the 22 connection is interrupted ,see su$clause the %o$ile station initiates the call re6esta$lish%ent procedure. If se(eral C2 entities re>uest re6esta$lish%ent only one re6esta$lish%ent procedure is initiated. If any C2 entity re>uests re6esta$lish%ent= then re6esta$lish%ent of all transactions $elon!in! to all /rotocol 4iscri%inators that per%it Call 1e6esta$lish%ent shall $e atte%pted. pon re>uest of a C2 entity to re6esta$lish an 22 connection the 22 su$layer re>uests the 11 su$layer to esta$lish an 11 connection and enters 22 su$layer state BAIT F'1 155STA.)IS;. This re>uest contains an esta$lish%ent cause and a C2 1565STA.)IS;258T 15: 5ST %essa!e. Bhen the esta$lish%ent of an 11 connection is indicated $y the 11 su$layer= the 22 su$layer of the %o$ile station starts ti%er T323<= !i(es an indication to all C2 entities that are $ein! re6esta$lished= and re%ains in the 22 su$layer state BAIT F'1 155STA.)IS;. The C2 1565STA.)IS;258T 15: 5ST %essa!e contains the 6 6 6 %o$ile identity accordin! to su$clause 1<.5.1.4L %o$ile station class%ar0 2L cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er.


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Bhether or not a C2 entity can re>uest re6esta$lish%ent depends upon the /rotocol 4iscri%inator. The specifications for Short 2essa!e Ser(ice ,3#// TS 24.<11-= Call Independent Supple%entary Ser(ices ,3#// TS 24.<1< N21O- and )ocation Ser(ices ,3#// TS 24.<*1- do not currently specify any re6 esta$lish%ent procedures.

pon recei(in! a C2 1565STA.)IS;258T 15: 5ST %essa!e= the networ0 shall analyse its content. 4ependin! on the type of re>uest= the networ0 %ay start any of the 22 co%%on procedures and 11 procedures. The networ0 %ay initiate the class%ar0 interro!ation procedure= for e?a%ple= to o$tain further infor%ation on the %o$ile station7s encryption capa$ilities. The identification procedure ,see su$clause 4.3.3- %ay $e in(o0ed. The networ0 %ay in(o0e the authentication procedure ,see su$clause 4.3.2-. In #S2= the networ0 decides if the security %ode settin! procedure shall $e in(o0ed ,see 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O su$clause 3.4.*-. An indication fro% the 11 su$layer that the security %ode settin! procedure is co%pleted= or reception of a C2 S51+IC5 ACC5/T %essa!e= shall $e treated as a ser(ice acceptance indication $y the %o$ile station. In 2TS= the networ0 decides if the security %ode control procedure shall $e in(o0ed ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-. An indication fro% the 11 su$layer that the security %ode control procedure is co%pleted= or reception of a C2 S51+IC5 ACC5/T %essa!e= shall $e treated as a ser(ice acceptance indication $y the %o$ile station. The 22 connection re6esta$lish%ent is co%pleted= ti%er T323< shall $e stopped= all C2 entities associated with the re6esta$lish%ent shall $e infor%ed= and 22 su$layer state 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5 is re6entered. All the 22 connections are considered to $e acti(e. If the networ0 cannot associate the re6esta$lish%ent re>uest with any e?istin! call for that %o$ile station= a C2 S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e is returned with the reCect causeE F33 Dcall cannot $e identifiedD

If call re6esta$lish%ent cannot $e perfor%ed for other reasons= a C2 S51+IC5 15Q5CT is returned= the appropriate reCect cause %ay $e any of the followin! ,see anne? #-E F4 F& F1* F22 F32 F34 DI2SI un0nown in +)1DL Dille!al 25DL Dnetwor0 failureDL Dcon!estionDL Dser(ice option not supportedDL Dser(ice option te%porarily out of orderD.

Bhate(er the reCect cause a %o$ile station recei(in! a C2 S51+IC5 15Q5CT as a response to the C2 156 5STA.)IS;258T 15: 5ST shall stop T323<= release all 22 connections and proceed as descri$ed in su$clause In additionE 6 if cause (alue F4 is recei(ed= the %o$ile station deletes any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er in the SI2= chan!es the update status to 8'T /4AT54 ,and stores it in the SI2 accordin! to su$clause and enters the 22 su$layer state BAIT F'1 85TB'1K C'22A84. If su$se>uently the 11 connection is released or a$orted= this will force the %o$ile station to initiate a nor%al location updatin!-. The C2 re6 esta$lish%ent re>uest shall not $e %e%oriHed durin! the location updatin! procedure. if cause (alue F& is recei(ed= the %o$ile station deletes any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er in the SI2= chan!es the update status to 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and stores it in the SI2 accordin! to su$clause and enters the 22 su$layer state BAIT F'1 85TB'1K C'22A84. The 2S shall consider the SI2 as in(alid for non6#/1S ser(ices until switch6off or the SI2 is re%o(ed.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$
2o$ile station sideE

,2'or0al &ases

a- 1ando% access failure or 11 connection esta$lish%ent failure If the %o$ile station detects a rando% access failure or 11 connection esta$lish%ent failure durin! the re6 esta$lish%ent of an 22 connection= the re6esta$lish%ent is a$orted and all 22 connections are released. $- 11 connection failure If a 11 connection failure occurs= ti%er T323< is stopped= the re6esta$lish%ent is a$orted and all acti(e 22 connections are released. c- I2SI deacti(ation If the I2SI deacti(ated durin! the re6esta$lish%ent atte%pt then ti%er T323< is stopped= the re6esta$lish%ent is a$orted and all 22 connections are released. d- T323< e?pires If T323< e?pires ,i.e. no response is !i(en $ut a 11 connection is a(aila$le- the re6esta$lish%ent is a$orted= all acti(e 22 connections are released and the %o$ile station proceeds as descri$ed in su$clause e- 1eCect causes F9&= F9*= F99= F1<<= F111 recei(ed The %o$ile station shall perfor% the sa%e actions as if ti%er T323< had e?pired. 8etwor0 sideE a- 11 connection failure If a 11 connection failure occurs after receipt of the C2 1565STA.)IS;258T 15: 5ST the networ0 shall release all 22 connections. $- In(alid %essa!e content pon reception an in(alid initial of %essa!e or a C2 1565STA.)IS;258T 15: 5ST %essa!e with in(alid content= a C2 S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e shall $e returned with one of the followin! appropriate 1eCect cause indicationsE F9&E F99E 2andatory infor%ation ele%ent error Infor%ation ele%ent non6e?istent or not i%ple%ented

F1<<E Conditional I5 error F111E /rotocol error= unspecified Bhen the C2 S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e has $een sent= the networ0 shall release the 11 connection.


(or&ed release d*ri' M9 MM &o''e&tio' esta2lis!0e't

If the %o$ile station7s C2 layer initiated the 22 connection esta$lish%ent $ut the C2 layer wishes to a$ort the esta$lish%ent prior to the co%pletion of the esta$lish%ent phase= the %o$ile station shall send a C2 S51+IC5 A.'1T %essa!e any ti%e after the co%pletion of the 11 connection and not after the first C2 %essa!e ,e.!. S5T /is sent. If the first C2 %essa!e has already $een sent= the nor%al release procedure defined $y the appropriate C2 protocol applies and the C2 S51+IC5 A.'1T shall not $e sent. Sendin! of the C2 S51+IC5 A.'1T %essa!e is only allowed durin! the esta$lish%ent of the first 22 connection= where no other 22 connection e?ists in parallel. If parallel 22 connections e?ist already= a new connection esta$lish%ent cannot $e a$orted and nor%al 22 connection release accordin! to su$clause 4.5.3 applies after 22 connection esta$lish%ent.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

pon trans%ission of the C2 S51+IC5 A.'1T %essa!e the %o$ile station shall set ti%er T324< and enter the state BAIT F'1 85TB'1K C'22A84= e?pectin! the release of the 11 connection. pon receipt of the C2 S51+IC5 A.'1T %essa!e the networ0 shall a$ort on!oin! processes= release the appropriate resources= and unless another 22 connection esta$lish%ent is pendin!= initiate a nor%al release of the 11 connection. If the 11 connection is not released within a !i(en ti%e controlled $y ti%er T324<= the %o$ile station shall a$ort the 11 connection. In $oth cases= either after a 11 connection release tri!!ered fro% the networ0 side or after a 11 connection a$ort re>uested $y the %o$ile station side the %o$ile station shall return to state 22 I4)5L the ser(ice state dependin! upon the current update status as specified in su$clause 4.2.3.

4.5.2 MM &o''e&tio' i'6or0atio' tra's6er "!ase

After the 22 connection has $een esta$lished= it can $e used $y the C2 su$layer entity for infor%ation transfer. Accordin! to the protocol architecture descri$ed in 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O= each C2 entity will ha(e its own 22 connection. These different 22 connections are identified $y the protocol discri%inator /4 and= additionally= $y the transaction identifier TI. All 22 co%%on procedures %ay $e initiated at any ti%e while 22 connections are acti(e. 5?cept for Short 2essa!e Control which uses a separate layer 2 low priority data lin0= no priority %echanis% is defined $etween the C2= 22 and 11 su$layer %essa!es.

Se'di' CM 0essa es

A C2 su$layer entity= after ha(in! $een ad(ised that a 22 connection has $een esta$lished= can re>uest the transfer of C2 %essa!es. The C2 %essa!es passed to the 22 su$layer are then sent to the other side of the interface with the /4 and TI set accordin! to the source entity.

-e&ei1i' CM 0essa es

pon recei(in! a C2 %essa!e= the 22 su$layer will distri$ute it to the rele(ant C2 entity accordin! to the /4 (alue and TI (alue. ;owe(er= if the recei(ed C2 %essa!e is the first for the 22 connection ,identified $y /4 and TI-= the 22 su$layer will in addition indicate to the C2 entity that a new 22 connection has $een esta$lished.

,2'or0al &ases

11 connection failureE If the 11 connection failure occurs durin! a 11 or 22 co%%on procedure= the conse>uent actions are descri$ed to!ether with that procedure. In other cases= the followin! appliesE 6 2o$ile stationE The 22 su$layer shall indicate to all C2 entities associated with acti(e 22 connections that the 22 connection is interrupted= the su$se>uent action of the 22 su$layer ,call re6esta$lish%ent= see 4.5.1.&= or local release- will then depend on the decisions $y the C2 entities. 6 8etwor0E The 22 su$layer shall locally release all acti(e 22 connections. As an option the networ0 %ay delay the release of all or so%e of the 22 connections to allow the %o$ile station to initiate call re6esta$lish%ent.

4.5.3 MM &o''e&tio' release

An esta$lished 22 connection can $e released $y the local C2 entity. The release of the C2 connection will then $e done locally in the 22 su$layer= i.e. no 22 %essa!e are sent o(er the radio interface for this purpose.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

-elease o6 asso&iated -- &o''e&tio'

If all 22 connections are released $y their C2 entities= and no 11)/ procedure ,see 3#// TS 44.<31 N23$O- and no )CS procedure o(er 11C ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO- is on!oin!= the %o$ile station shall set ti%er T324< and enter the state BAIT F'1 85TB'1K C'22A84= e?pectin! the release of the 11 connection. If all 22 connections are released $y their C2 entities and an 11)/ procedure or )CS procedure o(er 11C is on!oin!= the 2S shall start the ti%er T3241 and enter the state 11 C'885CTI'8 15)5AS5 8'T A))'B54. If the 2S is e?pectin! the release of the 11 connection in 22 state BAIT F'1 85TB'1K C'22A84 and an 11)/ procedure or )CS procedure o(er 11C is started= the 2S shall stop the ti%er T324<= start the ti%er T3241 and enter the state 11 C'885CTI'8 15)5AS5 8'T A))'B54. If the 2S is in 22 state 11 C'885CTI'8 15)5AS5 8'T A))'B54 and the on!oin! 11)/ procedure or )CS procedure o(er 11C is finished= the 2S shall stop the ti%er T3241= reset and start the ti%er T324< and shall enter the state BAIT F'1 85TB'1K C'22A84. In the networ0= if the last 22 connection is released $y its user= the 22 su$layer %ay decide to release the 11 connection. The 11 connection %ay $e %aintained $y the networ0= e.!. in order to esta$lish another 22 connection. If the 11 connection is not released within a !i(en ti%e controlled $y the ti%er T324< or T3241= the %o$ile station shall a$ort the 11 connection. In $oth cases= either after a 11 connection release tri!!ered fro% the networ0 side or after a 11 connection a$ort re>uested $y the 2S6side= the 2S shall return to 22 I4)5 stateL the ser(ice state dependin! upon the current update status as specified in su$clause 4.2.3.

U"li'5 release i' a 1oi&e ro*" &all

,'nly applica$le for %o$ile stations supportin! +#CS tal0in!EIf a %o$ile station which is in the 22 su$layer state 22 C'885CTI'8 ACTI+5 ,#1' / T1A8S2IT 2'45recei(es a re>uest fro% the #CC su$layer to perfor% an uplin0 release= the 22 su$layer re>uests the 11 su$layer to perfor% an uplin0 release procedure and enters the 22 su$layer state 15C5I+I8# #1' / CA)) ,8'12A) S51+IC5-.

4.8 -e&ei1i' a MM ST,TUS 0essa e 2y a MM e'tity.

If the 22 entity of the %o$ile station recei(es a 22 STAT S %essa!e no state transition and no specific action shall $e ta0en as seen fro% the radio interface= i.e. local actions are possi$le. Bith the e?ceptions descri$ed for the responses to the C2 S51+IC5 /1'2/T %essa!e= the actions to $e ta0en on recei(in! a 22 STAT S %essa!e in the networ0 are an i%ple%entation dependent option.

4.; .le0e'tary 0o2ility 0a'a e0e't "ro&ed*res 6or G<-S ser1i&es

4.;.7 Ge'eral
This su$clause descri$es the $asic functions offered $y the %o$ility %ana!e%ent ,#22- su$layer at the radio interface ,reference point %" -. The functionality is descri$ed in ter%s of ti%ers and procedures. 4urin! #22 procedures= session %ana!e%ent procedures and S2S procedures= see clause &= are suspended.


:o%er layer 6ail*re

The lower layers shall indicate a lo!ical lin0 failure or an 11 su$layer failure or an 11C su$layer failure to the #22 su$layer. The failure indicates an error that cannot $e corrected $y the lower layers.


Ci"!eri' o6 0essa es (GSM o'ly)

If cipherin! is to $e applied on a #22 conte?t= all #22 %essa!es shall $e ciphered e?cept the followin! %essa!esE

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

66 ATTAC; 15: 5STL 66 ATTAC; 15Q5CTL 66 A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15: 5STL 66 A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5L 66 A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15Q5CTL 66 I458TITA 15: 5STL 66 I458TITA 15S/'8S5L 66 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5STL and 66 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15Q5CT.


<-TMS) si 'at*re

The networ0 %ay assi!n a /6T2SI si!nature to an 2S in an attach= routin! area update= or /6T2SI reallocation procedure. 'nly in co%$ination with a (alid /6T2SI= this /6T2SI si!nature is used $y the 2S for authentication and identification purposes in the su$se>uent attach= routin! area update or detach procedure. If the 2S has no (alid /6 T2SI it shall not use the /6T2SI si!nature in the su$se>uent attach= routin! area update or detach procedure. pon successful co%pletion of the su$se>uent attach or routin! area update procedure= the used /6T2SI si!nature shall $e deleted. pon co%pletion of the detach procedure= the used /6T2SI si!nature shall $e deleted.


-adio reso*r&e s*2layer address !a'dli'

In #S2= while a pac0et T2SI ,/6T2SI- is used in the #22 su$layer for identification of an 2S= a te%porary lo!ical lin0 identity ,T))I- is used for addressin! purposes at the 11 su$layer.. In 2TS a 1adio 8etwor0 Te%porary Identity ,18TI- identifies a 2TS user $etween the 2S and the T1A8. The relationship $etween 18TI and I2SI is 0nown only in the 2S and in the T1A8= see 3#// TS 25.3<1N1<O.


-adio reso*r&e s*2layer address !a'dli' (GSM o'ly)

This su$clause descri$es how the 11 addressin! is %ana!ed $y #22. For the detailed codin! of the different T))I types and how a T))I can $e deri(ed fro% a /6T2SI= see 3#// TS 23.<<3 N1<O. Two cases can $e distin!uishedE 6 6 a (alid /6T2SI is a(aila$le in the 2SL or no (alid /6T2SI is a(aila$le in the 2S.

i- (alid /6T2SI a(aila$le If the 2S has stored a (alid /6T2SI= the 2S shall deri(e a forei!n T))I fro% that /6T2SI and shall use it for trans%ission of theE 6 ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e of any #/1S co%$ined"non6co%$ined attach procedureL other #22 %essa!es sent durin! this procedure shall $e trans%itted usin! the sa%e forei!n T))I until the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e or the ATTAC; 15Q5CT %essa!e is recei(edL and 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e of a co%$ined"non6co%$ined 1A procedure if the 2S has entered a new routin! area= or if the #/1S update status is not e>ual to # 1 /4AT54. 'ther #22 %essa!es sent durin! this procedure shall $e trans%itted usin! the sa%e forei!n T))I= until the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e or the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15Q5CT %essa!e is recei(ed.

After a successful #/1S attach or routin! area update procedure= independent whether a new /6T2SI is assi!ned= if the 2S has stored a (alid /6T2SI then the 2S shall deri(e a local T))I fro% the stored /6T2SI and shall use it for addressin! at lower layers.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


Althou!h the 2S deri(es a local T))I for addressin! at lower layers= the networ0 should not assu%e that it will recei(e only ))C fra%es usin! a local T))I. I%%ediately after the successful #/1S attach or routin! area update procedure= the networ0 %ust $e prepared to continue acceptin! ))C fra%es fro% the 2S still usin! the forei!n T))I.

ii- no (alid /6T2SI a(aila$le Bhen the 2S has not stored a (alid /6T2SI= i.e. the 2S is not attached to #/1S= the 2S shall use a rando%ly selected rando% T))I for trans%ission of theE 6 ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e of any co%$ined"non6co%$ined #/1S attach procedure.

The sa%e rando%ly selected rando% T))I (alue shall $e used for all %essa!e retrans%ission atte%pts and for the cell updates within one attach atte%pt. pon receipt of an ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e= the networ0 shall assi!n a /6T2SI to the 2S. The networ0 deri(es a local T))I fro% the assi!ned /6T2SI= and trans%its the assi!ned /6T2SI to the 2S. pon receipt of the assi!ned /6T2SI= the 2S shall deri(e the local T))I fro% this /6T2SI and shall use it for addressin! at lower layers. 8'T5E Althou!h the 2S deri(es a local T))I for addressin! at lower layers= the networ0 should not assu%e that it will recei(e only ))C fra%es usin! a local T))I. I%%ediately after the successful #/1S attach= the networ0 %ust $e prepared to continue acceptin! ))C fra%es fro% the 2S still usin! the rando% T))I.

In $oth cases= the 2S shall ac0nowled!e the reception of the assi!ned /6T2SI to the networ0. After receipt of the ac0nowled!e%ent= the networ0 shall use the local T))I for addressin! at lower layers.


<-TMS) !a'dli'
<-TMS) !a'dli' i' GSM

If a new /6T2SI is assi!ned $y the networ0 the 2S and the networ0 shall handle the old and the new /6T2SI as followsE pon receipt of a #22 %essa!e containin! a new /6T2SI the 2S shall consider the new /6T2SI and new 1AI and also the old /6T2SI and old 1AI as (alid in order to react to pa!in! re>uests and downlin0 trans%ission of ))C fra%es. For uplin0 trans%ission of ))C fra%es the new /6T2SI shall $e used. The 2S shall consider the old /6T2SI and old 1AI as in(alid as soon as an ))C fra%e is recei(ed with the local T))I deri(ed fro% the new /6T2SI. pon the trans%ission of a #22 %essa!e containin! a new /6T2SI the networ0 shall consider the new /6T2SI and new 1AI and also the old /6T2SI and old 1AI as (alid in order to $e a$le to recei(e ))C fra%es fro% the 2S. The networ0 shall consider the old /6T2SI and old 1AI as in(alid as soon as an ))C fra%e is recei(ed with the local T))I deri(ed fro% the new /6T2SI.


<-TMS) !a'dli' i' UMTS

If a new /6T2SI is assi!ned $y the networ0 the 2S and the networ0 shall handle the old and the new /6T2SI as followsE pon receipt of a #22 %essa!e containin! a new /6T2SI the 2S shall consider the new /6T2SI and new 1AI as (alid. 'ld /6T2SI and old 1AI are re!arded as in(alid. The networ0 shall consider the old /6T2SI and old 1AI as in(alid as soon as an ac0nowled!e %essa!e ,e.!. ATTAC; C'2/)5T5= 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 C'2/)5T5 and /6T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'2/)5T5- is recei(ed.


C!a' e o6 'et%or5 0ode o6 o"eratio'

In the followin! ta$les $elow the a$$re(iations 7#S2 I7= 7#S2 II7 and 7#S2 III7 are used for networ0 operation %ode I= II and III in #S2.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

In the followin! ta$les $elow the a$$re(iations 7 2TS I7 and 7 2TS II7 are used for networ0 operation %odes I and II in 2TS.


C!a' e o6 'et%or5 0ode o6 o"eratio' i' GSM (GSM o'ly)

Bhene(er an 2S %o(es to a new 1A= the procedures e?ecuted $y the 2S depend on the networ0 %ode of operation in the old and new routin! area. In case the 2S is in state #22615#IST5154 or #2261' TI8#6A15A6 /4ATI8#6I8ITIAT54 and is in operation %odeE a- A or . ,with the e?ceptions in $ and c $elow-= the 2S shall e?ecuteE Table )*/*1*.*133GPP TS ()*++,4 Mode 8 or =
Network operation 7ode chan e ) )) or ) ))) )) ))) or ))) )) )) ) or ))) ) Procedure to e>ecute 4or0al :o&atio' U"date(H), 6ollo%ed 2y a 4or0al -o*ti' ,rea U"date 4or0al :o&atio' U"date (see s*2&la*se 4.2.2), 6ollo%ed 2y a 4or0al -o*ti' ,rea U"date Co02i'ed -o*ti' ,rea U"date %it! )MS) atta&!

$- . which re(erts to operation %ode C in networ0 operation %ode III= the 2S shall e?ecuteE Table )*/*1*.*(33GPP TS ()*++,4 Mode = which re6erts into 7ode C in network operation 7ode 999
Network operation 7ode chan e ) )) ) ))) or )) ))) )) ) or ))) ) ))) )) Procedure to e>ecute 4or0al :o&atio' U"date(H), 6ollo%ed 2y a 4or0al -o*ti' ,rea U"date )MS) Deta&! (see s*2&la*se 4.3.4), 6ollo%ed 2y a 4or0al -o*ti' ,rea U"date Co02i'ed -o*ti' ,rea U"date %it! )MS) atta&! )MS) atta&! (see s*2&la*se 4.4.3), 6ollo%ed 2y a 4or0al -o*ti' ,rea U"date

c- . which re(erts to I2SI attached for CS ser(ices only in networ0 operation %ode III= the 2S shall e?ecuteE Table )*/*1*.*333GPP TS ()*++,4 Mode = which re6erts into 9MS9 attached for CS ser6ices only in network operation 7ode 999
Network operation 7ode chan e ) )) ) ))) )) ))) )) ) ))) ) ))) )) Procedure to e>ecute 4or0al :o&atio' U"date(H), 6ollo%ed 2y a 4or0al -o*ti' ,rea U"date 4or0al :o&atio' U"date(H), 6ollo%ed 2y a G<-S Deta&! %it! ty"e i'di&ati' GG<-S Deta&!G 4or0al :o&atio' U"date (see s*2&la*se 4.2.2), 6ollo%ed 2y a G<-S Deta&! %it! deta&! ty"e i'di&ati' GG<-S Deta&!G Co02i'ed -o*ti' ,rea U"date %it! )MS) atta&! Co02i'ed G<-S ,tta&! 4or0al :o&atio' U"date (see s*2&la*se 4.2.2), 6ollo%ed 2y a 4or0al G<-S ,tta&!

,U- Intended to re%o(e the #s association in the 2SC"+)1. Further details are i%ple%entation issues.


C!a' e o6 'et%or5 0ode o6 o"eratio' i' UMTS (UMTS o'ly)

Bhene(er an 2S %o(es to a new 1A= the procedures e?ecuted $y the 2S depend on the networ0 %ode of operation in the old and new routin! area.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

In case the MS is in state GMM-REGISTERED or GMM-ROUTI G-!RE!-U"D!TI G-I ITI!TED and is in operation mode !# the MS shall e$ecute% Table )*/*1*.*)33GPP TS ()*++,4 Mode 8
Network operation 7ode chan e ) )) )) ) (H) Procedure to e>ecute 4or0al :o&atio' U"date(H), 6ollo%ed 2y a 4or0al -o*ti' ,rea U"date Co02i'ed -o*ti' ,rea U"date %it! )MS) atta&!

)'te'ded to re0o1e t!e Gs asso&iatio' i' t!e MSC$V:-.

Further details are i%ple%entation issues.


C!a' e o6 'et%or5 0ode o6 o"eratio' at UMTS to GSM i'ter-syste0 &!a' e

Bhene(er an 2S %o(es to a new 1A supportin! the #S2 radio interface= the procedures e?ecuted $y the 2S depend on the networ0 %ode of operation in the old and new routin! area. In case the 2S is in state #22615#IST5154 or #2261' TI8#6A15A6 /4ATI8#6I8ITIAT54 and is in operation %odeE a- A in 2TS= an 2S that chan!es to #/1S operation %ode A or . in #S2 shall e?ecuteE Table )*/*1*.*#33GPP TS ()*++,4 Mode 8 in <MTS chan in to GP"S 7ode 8 or = in GSM
Network operation 7ode chan e UMTS ) GSM ) UMTS )) GSM ) UMTS ) GSM )) or UMTS ) GSM ))) Procedure to e>ecute Co02i'ed -o*ti' ,rea U"date Co02i'ed -o*ti' ,rea U"date %it! )MS) atta&! 4or0al :o&atio' U"date(H), 6ollo%ed 2y a 4or0al -o*ti' ,rea U"date

$- A in 2TS= an 2S that chan!es due to 2S specific characteristics to #/1S operation %ode C in networ0 operation %ode III in #S2 shall e?ecuteE Table )*/*1*.*.33GPP TS ()*++,4 Mode 8 in <MTS chan in to GP"S 7ode C in GSM
Network operation 7ode chan e UMTS ) GSM ))) or UMTS )) GSM ))) Procedure to e>ecute )MS) deta&! (see s*2&la*se 4.3.4), 6ollo%ed 2y a 4or0al -o*ti' ,rea U"date

c- A in 2TS= an 2S that chan!es due to 2S specific characteristics to I2SI attached for CS ser(ices only in networ0 operation %ode III in #S2 shall e?ecuteE Table )*/*1*.*/33GPP TS ()*++,4 Mode 8 in <MTS chan in to 9MS9 attached for CS ser6ices only in GSM
Network operation 7ode chan e UMTS ) GSM ))) or UMTS )) GSM ))) Procedure to e>ecute 4or0al :o&atio' U"date (see s*2&la*se 4.4.7), 6ollo%ed 2y a G<-S Deta&! %it! deta&! ty"e i'di&ati' GG<-S Deta&!G

d- C in 2TS= the 2S shall chan!e to #/1S operation %ode C in #S2 and shall e?ecute the nor%al 1outin! Area pdate procedure. e- CS in 2TS= the 2S shall e?ecute the nor%al )ocation pdate procedure. ,UIntended to re%o(e the #s association in the 2SC"+)1.

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Further details are i%ple%entation issues.


C!a' e o6 'et%or5 0ode o6 o"eratio' at GSM to UMTS i'ter-syste0 &!a' e

Bhene(er an 2S %o(es to a new 1A supportin! the 2TS radio interface= the procedures e?ecuted $y the 2S depend on the networ0 %ode of operation in the old and new routin! area. In case the 2S is in state #22615#IST5154 or #2261' TI8#6A15A6 /4ATI8#6I8ITIAT54 and is in operation %odeE a- A or . in #S2= the 2S shall chan!e to operation %ode A in 2TS and shall e?ecuteE Table )*/*1*.*,33GPP TS ()*++,4 Mode 8 or = in GSM chan in to 7ode 8 in <MTS
Network operation 7ode chan e GSM ) UMTS ) GSM )) UMTS ) GSM ) UMTS )) GSM )) UMTS )) or GSM ))) UMTS )) Procedure to e>ecute Co02i'ed -o*ti' ,rea U"date Co02i'ed -o*ti' ,rea U"date %it! )MS) atta&! 4or0al :o&atio' U"date(H), 6ollo%ed 2y a 4or0al -o*ti' ,rea U"date 4or0al :o&atio' U"date, 6ollo%ed 2y a 4or0al -o*ti' ,rea U"date

$- C in #S2= an 2S that chan!es to operation %ode C in 2TS shall e?ecute a 8or%al 1outin! Area pdate. c- C in #S2= an 2S that= due to 2S specific characteristics operated in #/1S operation %ode C in networ0 operation %ode III in #S2 chan!es to operation %ode A in 2TS shall e?ecuteE Table )*/*1*.*033GPP TS ()*++,4 Mode C chan in to 7ode 8 in <MTS
Network operation 7ode chan e GSM ))) UMTS ) GSM ))) UMTS )) Procedure to e>ecute Co02i'ed -o*ti' ,rea U"date %it! )MS) atta&! )MS) atta&! (see s*2&la*se 4.4.3), (ollo%ed 2y a 4or0al -o*ti' ,rea U"date

d- I2SI attached for non6#/1S ser(ices only= an 2S that= due to 2S specific characteristics= operated in networ0 operation %ode III in #S2 and chan!es to operation %ode A in 2TS shall e?ecuteE Table )*/*1*.*1+33GPP TS ()*++,4 9MS9 attached for non'GP"S ser6ices only chan in to 7ode 8 in <MTS
Network operation 7ode chan e GSM ))) UMTS ) GSM ))) UMTS )) Procedure to e>ecute Co02i'ed G<-S ,tta&! 6or G<-S a'd 'o'-G<-S ser1i&es G<-S ,tta&!


Intended to re%o(e the #s association in the 2SC"+)1.

Further details are i%ple%entation issues.


)'tersyste0 &!a' e 2et%ee' GSM a'd UMTS

For the 2TS to #S2 and #S2 to 2TS intersyste% chan!e the followin! cases can $e distin!uishedE a- Intersyste% chan!e $etween cells $elon!in! to different 1A7sE The procedures e?ecuted $y the 2S depends on the networ0 %ode of operation in the old and new 1A. If a chan!e of the networ0 operation %ode has occurred in the new 1A= then the 2S shall $eha(e as specified in su$clause 4.*.1.&. If no chan!e of the networ0 operation %ode has occurred in the new 1A= then the 2S shall initiate the nor%al or co%$ined 1A update procedure dependin! on the networ0 operation %ode in the current 1A.

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$- Intersyste% chan!e $etween cells $elon!in! to the sa%e 1AE If the 15A4A ti%er is runnin! in the 2S in #S2 or the 2S is in /226C'885CT54 %ode in 2TS= then the 2S shall perfor% a nor%al or co%$ined 1A update procedure dependin! on the networ0 %ode of operation in the current 1A. If the 15A4A ti%er is not runnin! in the 2S in #S2 or the 2S is in /226I4)5 %ode in 2TS= then the 2S shall not perfor% a 1A update procedure ,as lon! as the 2S stays within the sa%e 1A- until up6lin0 user data or si!nallin! infor%ation needs to $e sent fro% the 2S to the networ0. 6 If the 2S is in the sa%e access networ0= #S2 or 2TS= as when it last sent user data or si!nallin! %essa!es= the procedures defined for that access syste% shall $e followed. This shall $e sendin! of an ))C /4 in a #S2 cell or initiatin! the S51+IC5 15: 5ST procedure in a 2TS cell. If the 2S is in a different access networ0= #S2 or 2TS= as when it last sent user data or si!nallin! %essa!es= the nor%al or co%$ined 1A update procedure shall $e perfor%ed dependin! on the networ0 operation %ode in the current 1A= $efore the sendin! of user data or si!nallin! %essa!es. If the si!nallin! %essa!e is a 45TAC; 15: 5ST containin! cause Dpower offD= the 1A update procedure need not to $e perfor%ed. If the periodic routin! area update ti%er e?pires the 2S shall initiate the periodic 1A update procedure.

If the 15A4A ti%er is not runnin! in the networ0 in #S2 or the networ0 is in /226I4)5 %ode in 2TS= then the networ0 shall pa!e the 2S if down6lin0 user data or si!nallin! infor%ation needs to $e sent fro% the networ0 to the 2S. This shall include $oth #S2 and 2TS cells. 6 If the 2S recei(es the pa!in! indication in the sa%e access networ0= #S2 or 2TS= as when it last sent user data or si!nallin! infor%ation= the 2S shall send any ))C /4 in a #S2 cell or shall initiate the S51+IC5 15: 5ST procedure indicatin! ser(ice type Dpa!in! responseD in a 2TS cell. If the 2S recei(es the pa!in! indication in a different access networ0= #S2 or 2TS= as when it last sent user data or si!nallin! infor%ation= the nor%al or co%$ined 1A update procedure shall $e perfor%ed dependin! on the networ0 operation %ode in the current 1A. Intersyste% hando(er fro% #S2 to 2TS durin! a CS connectionE After the successful co%pletion of the hando(er fro% an #S2 cell to an 2TS cell= an 2S which has perfor%ed the #/1S suspension procedure in #$ %ode ,see TS 44.<13 N34O- ,i.e. an 2S in 2S operation %ode . or an 4T2 2S in a #S2 cell that does not support 4T2- shall perfor% a nor%al 1A update procedure in the 2TS cell in order to resu%e the #/1S ser(ices in the networ0= $efore sendin! any other si!nallin! %essa!es or user data.



:ist o6 6or2idde' <:M4s 6or G<-S ser1i&e

The 2o$ile 5>uip%ent shall contain a list of Dfor$idden /)28s for #/1S ser(iceD. This lists shall $e erased when the 2S is switched off or when the SI2 is re%o(ed. The /)28 identification recei(ed on the .CC; shall $e added to the list whene(er a #/1S attach= #/1S detach or routin! area update is reCected $y the networ0 with the cause D#/1S ser(ices not allowed in this /)28D. The %a?i%u% nu%$er of possi$le entries in this list is i%ple%entation dependant= $ut %ust $e at least one entry. Bhen the list is full and a new entry has to $e inserted= the oldest entry shall $e deleted.

4.;.2 G<-S Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't ti0ers a'd UMTS <S si 'alli' &o''e&tio' &o'trol

-.,DI ti0er 2e!a1io*r

-.,DI ti0er 2e!a1io*r (GSM o'ly)

The 15A4A ti%er= T3314 is used in the 2S and in the networ0 per each assi!ned /6T2SI to control the cell updatin! procedure.


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Bhen the 15A4A ti%er is runnin! or has $een deacti(ated the 2S shall perfor% cell update each ti%e a new cell is selected ,see 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O-. If a routin! area $order is crossed= a routin! area updatin! procedure shall $e perfor%ed instead of a cell update. Bhen the 15A4A ti%er has e?pired the 2S shallE 6 6 perfor% the routin! area updatin! procedure when a routin! area $order is crossedL not perfor% a cell update when a new cell is selected.

All other #22 procedures are not affected $y the 15A4A ti%er. The 15A4A ti%er is startedE 6 6 in the 2S when the #22 entity recei(es an indication fro% lower layers that an ))C fra%e other than ))C 8 )) fra%e has $een trans%itted on the radio interfaceL and in the networ0 when the #22 entity recei(es an indication fro% lower layers that an ))C fra%e other than ))C 8 )) fra%e has $een successfully recei(ed $y the networ0.

Bithin #22 si!nallin! procedures the networ0 includes a Dforce to stand$yD infor%ation ele%ent= in order to indicate whether or not the 15A4A ti%er shall $e stopped when returnin! to the #22615#IST5154 state. If the Dforce to stand$yD infor%ation ele%ent is recei(ed within %ore than one %essa!e durin! a on!oin! #22 specific procedure= the last one recei(ed shall apply. If the 15A4A ti%er is deacti(ated and the networ0 indicates Dforce to stand$yD with the Dforce to stand$yD infor%ation ele%ent= this shall not cause a %odification of the 15A4A ti%er. The 15A4A ti%er is not affected $y state transitions to and fro% the #22615#IST5154.S S/58454 su$6state. The (alue of the 15A4A ti%er %ay $e ne!otiated $etween the 2S and the networ0 usin! the #/1S attach or #/1S routin! area updatin! procedure. 6 If the 2S wishes to indicate its preference for a 15A4A ti%er (alue it shall include the preferred (alues into the ATTAC; 15: 5ST and"or 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!es. The preferred (alues %ay $e s%aller= e>ual to or !reater than the default (alues or %ay $e e>ual to the (alue re>uestin! the 15A4A Ti%er function to $e deacti(ated. 1e!ardless of whether or not a ti%er (alue has $een recei(ed $y the networ0 in the ATTAC; 15: 5ST or 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!es= the networ0 %ay include a ti%er (alue for the 15A4A ti%er ,different or not fro% the default (alue- into the ATTAC; ACC5/T or 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!es= respecti(ely. If the 15A4A Ti%er (alue was included= it shall $e applied for the #22 conte?t $y the networ0 and $y the 2S. Bhen the 2S proposes a 15A4A Ti%er (alue and the 8etwor0 does not include any 15A4A Ti%er +alue in its answer= then the (alue proposed $y the 2S shall $e applied for the #22 conte?t $y the 8etwor0 and $y the 2S. Bhen neither the 2S nor the 8etwor0 proposes a 15A4A Ti%er (alue into the ATTAC; ACC5/T or 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e= then the default (alue shall $e used.

If the ne!otiated 15A4A ti%er (alue indicates that the ready ti%er function is deacti(ated= the 15A4A ti%er shall always run without e?piry. If the ne!otiated 15A4A ti%er (alue indicates that the ready ti%er function is deacti(ated= and within the sa%e procedure the networ0 indicates Dforce to stand$yD with the Dforce to stand$yD infor%ation ele%ent= the 15A4A ti%er shall always run without e?piry. If the ne!otiated 15A4A ti%er (alue is set to Hero= 15A4A ti%er shall $e stopped i%%ediately. To account for the ))C fra%e uplin0 trans%ission delay= the 15A4A ti%er (alue should $e sli!htly shorter in the networ0 than in the 2S. This is a networ0 i%ple%entation issue. If a new 15A4A ti%er (alue is ne!otiated= the 2S shall upon the reception of the ATTAC; ACC5/T or 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e perfor% a initial cell update ,either $y trans%ittin! a ))C fra%e or= if re>uired= a ATTAC; C'2/)5T5 or 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e-= in order to apply the new 15A4A ti%er (alue i%%ediately. If $oth the networ0 and the 2S supports the Cell 8otification= the initial cell update shall use any ))C fra%e e?cept the ))C 8 )) fra%e. If the new 15A4A ti%er (alue is set to Hero or if the networ0 indicates Dforce to stand$yD with the Dforce to stand$yD I5= the initial cell update should not $e done.


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?a'dli' o6 -.,DI ti0er i' UMTS (UMTS o'ly)

The 15A4A ti%er is not applica$le for 2TS. An 2S %ay indicate a 15A4A ti%er (alue to the networ0 in the ATTAC; 15: 5ST and the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!es. If a 15A4A ti%er (alue is recei(ed $y an 2S capa$le of $oth 2TS and #S2 in the ATTAC; ACC5/T or the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!es= then the recei(ed (alue shall $e stored $y the 2S in order to $e used at an intersyste% chan!e fro% 2TS to #S2.


<eriodi& ro*ti' area *"dati'

/eriodic routin! area updatin! is used to periodically notify the a(aila$ility of the 2S to the networ0. The procedure is controlled in the 2S $y the periodic 1A update ti%er= T3312. The (alue of ti%er T3312 is sent $y the networ0 to the 2S in the %essa!es ATTAC; ACC5/T and 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T. The (alue of the ti%er T3312 shall $e uni>ue within a 1A. In #S2= the ti%er T3312 is reset and started with its initial (alue= when the 15A4A ti%er is stopped or e?pires. The ti%er T3312 is stopped and shall $e set to its initial (alue for the ne?t start when the 15A4A ti%er is started. If after a 15A4A ti%er ne!otiation the 15A4A ti%er (alue is set to Hero= ti%er T3312 is reset and started with its initial (alue. If the initial 15A4A ti%er (alue is Hero= the ti%er T3312 is reset and started with its initial (alue= when the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e is trans%itted. In 2TS= the ti%er T3312 is reset and started with its initial (alue= when the 2S !oes fro% /226C'885CT54 to /226I4)5 %ode. The ti%er T3312 is stopped when the 2S enters /226C'885CT54 %ode. Bhen ti%er T3312 e?pires= the periodic routin! area updatin! procedure shall $e started and the ti%er shall $e set to its initial (alue for the ne?t start. If the 2S is in other state than #22615#IST5154.8'12A)6S51+IC5 when the ti%er e?pires the periodic routin! area updatin! procedure is delayed until the 2S returns to #22615#IST5154.8'12A)6S51+IC5. In #S2= if the 2S in 2S operation %ode . is in the state #22615#IST5154.S S/58454 when the ti%er e?pires the periodic routin! area updatin! procedure is delayed until the state is left. The networ0 super(ises the periodic routin! area updatin! procedure $y %eans of the 2o$ile 1eacha$le ti%er. The 2o$ile 1eacha$le ti%er shall $e lon!er than the periodic 1A update ti%er. Bhen the 2o$ile 1eacha$le ti%er e?pires= typically the networ0 stops sendin! pa!in! %essa!es to the %o$ile and %ay ta0e other appropriate actions. In #S2= the 2o$ile 1eacha$le ti%er is reset and started with its initial (alue= when the 15A4A ti%er is stopped or e?pires. The 2o$ile 1eacha$le ti%er is stopped and shall $e set to its initial (alue for the ne?t start when the 15A4A ti%er is started. In #S2= if after a 15A4A ti%er ne!otiation the 15A4A ti%er (alue is set to Hero the 2o$ile 1eacha$le ti%er is reset and started with its initial (alue. If the initial 15A4A ti%er (alue is Hero= the 2o$ile 1eacha$le is reset and started with its initial (alue= when the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed. In 2TS= the 2o$ile 1eacha$le ti%er is reset and started with its initial (alue= when the 2S !oes fro% /226 C'885CT54 to /226I4)5 %ode. The 2o$ile 1eacha$le ti%er is stopped when the 2S enters /226 C'885CT54 %ode. If the 2S is $oth I2SI attached for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices= and if the 2S lost co(era!e of the re!istered /)28 and ti%er T3312 e?pires= thenE a- if the 2S returns to co(era!e in a cell that supports #/1S and that indicates that the networ0 is in networ0 operation %ode I= then the 2S shall either perfor% the co%$ined routin! area update procedure indicatin! Dco%$ined 1A")A updatin! with I2SI attachDL or $- if the 2S returns to co(era!e in a cell in the sa%e 1A that supports #/1S and that indicates that the networ0 is in networ0 operation %ode II or III= then the 2S shall perfor% the periodic routin! area updatin! procedure indicatin! D/eriodic updatin!D and shall perfor% the periodic location updatin! procedureL or


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c- if the 2S returns to co(era!e in a cell that does not support #/1S= then= dependin! upon the )A of the cell= the 2S shall either perfor% the periodic location updatin! procedure or a nor%al location updatin! procedure. In addition= the 2S shall perfor% a co%$ined routin! area update procedure indicatin! Dco%$ined 1A")A updatin! with I2SI attachD when the 2S enters a cell that supports #/1S and that indicates that the networ0 is in networ0 operation %ode IL or d- if the 2S returns to co(era!e in a new 1A the description !i(en in su$clause 4.*.5 applies. If the 2S is $oth I2SI attached for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices in a networ0 that operates in networ0 operation %ode I= and if the 2S has ca%ped on a cell that does not support #/1S= and ti%er T3312 e?pires= then the 2S shall start an 22 location updatin! procedure. In addition= the 2S shall perfor% a co%$ined routin! area update procedure indicatin! Dco%$ined 1A")A updatin! with I2SI attachD when the 2S enters a cell that supports #/1S and indicates that the networ0 is in operation %ode I. In #S2= ti%er T3312 shall not $e stopped when a #/1S 2S enters state #22615#IST5154.S S/58454.


<MM-)D:. 0ode a'd <MM-C944.CT.D 0ode (UMTS o'ly)

An 2S shall enter /226C'885CT54 %ode when a /S si!nallin! connection for pac0et switched do%ain is esta$lished $etween the 2S and the networ0. The 2S shall not perfor% periodic routin! area update in /226 C'885CT54 %ode. An 2S shall enter /226I4)5 %ode when the /S si!nallin! connection for pac0et switched do%ain $etween the 2S and the networ0 has $een released. The 2S shall perfor% periodic routin! area update in /226I4)5 %ode.


?a'dli' o6 Force to standby i' UMTS (UMTS o'ly)

Force to stand$y is not applica$le for 2TS. The networ0 shall always indicate &orce to standby not indicated in the &orce to standby infor%ation ele%ent. The &orce to standby infor%ation ele%ent shall $e i!nored $y the 2S.


-, U"date "ro&ed*re 6or Si 'alli' Co''e&tio' -e-esta2lis!0e't (UMTS o'ly)

Bhen the 2S recei(es an indication fro% the lower layers that the 11C connection has $een released with cause D4irected si!nallin! connection re6esta$lish%entD= see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO= then the 2S shall enter /226I4)5 %ode and initiate i%%ediately a nor%al routin! area update procedure ,the use of nor%al or co%$ined procedure depends on the networ0 operation %ode in the current ser(in! cell- re!ardless whether the routin! area has $een chan!ed since the last update or not.

4.;.3 G<-S atta&! "ro&ed*re

The #/1S attach procedure is used for two purposesE 6 nor%al #/1S attach= perfor%ed $y the 2S to I2SI attach for #/1S ser(ices only. The nor%al #/1S attach procedure shall $e used $y #/1S 2Ss in 2S operation %ode C= independent of the networ0 operation %ode. It shall also $e used $y #/1S 2Ss in 2S operation %odes A or . if the networ0 operates in networ0 operation %ode II or IIIL co%$ined #/1S attach procedure= used $y #/1S 2Ss in 2S operation %odes A or . to attach the I2SI for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices pro(ided that the networ0 operates in networ0 operation %ode I.

Bith a successful #/1S attach procedure a #22 conte?t is esta$lished. Su$clause 4.*.3.1 descri$es the #/1S attach procedure to attach the I2SI only for #/1S ser(ices. The co%$ined #/1S attach procedure used to attach the I2SI for $oth #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices is descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.3.2. If an I2SI attach for non6#/1S ser(ices is re>uested and a #22 conte?t e?ists= the routin! area updatin! procedure shall $e used as descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.5.2.


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To li%it the nu%$er of su$se>uently reCected attach atte%pts= a #/1S attach atte%pt counter is introduced. The #/1S attach atte%pt counter shall $e incre%ented as specified in su$clause 4.*.3.1.5. 4ependin! on the (alue of the #/1S atte%pt counter= specific actions shall $e perfor%ed. The #/1S attach atte%pt counter shall $e reset whenE 6 6 6 6 6 the 2S is powered onL a SI2 is insertedL a #/1S attach procedure is successfully co%pletedL a co%$ined #/1S attach procedure is co%pleted for #/1S ser(ices only with cause F2= F1&= F1* or F22L or a #/1S attach procedure is co%pleted with cause F11= F12= F13 or F15=

and additionally when the 2S is in su$state ATT52/TI8#6T'6ATTAC;E 6 6 6 e?piry of ti%er T33<2L a new routin! area is enteredL or an attach is tri!!ered $y C2 su$layer re>uests.

The %o$ile e>uip%ent shall contain a list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D= as well as a list of Dfor$idden location areas for re!ional pro(ision of ser(iceD. The handlin! of these lists is descri$ed in su$clause 4.4.1L the sa%e lists are used $y #22 and 22 procedures. The 2o$ile 5>uip%ent shall contain a list of De>ui(alent /)28sD. The handlin! of this list is descri$ed in su$clause 4.4.1= the sa%e list is used $y #22 and 22 procedures.


G<-S atta&! "ro&ed*re 6or G<-S ser1i&es

The #/1S attach procedure is a #22 procedure used $y #/1S 2Ss to I2SI attach for #/1S ser(ices. The attach type infor%ation ele%ent shall indicate D#/1S attachD.


G<-S atta&! "ro&ed*re i'itiatio'

In state #2264515#IST5154= the 2S initiates the #/1S attach procedure $y sendin! an ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e to the networ0= starts ti%er T331< and enters state #22615#IST51546I8ITIAT54. The 2S capa$le $oth 2TS and #S2 or only #S2 syste% shall include a (alid /6T2SI= if any is a(aila$le= the /6 T2SI si!nature associated with the /6T2SI and the routin! area identity associated with the /6T2SI in the ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e. If there is no (alid /6T2SI a(aila$le= the I2SI shall $e included instead of the /6T2SI and /6 T2SI si!nature. The 2S shall also indicate within the 41I para%eters whether it supports the split p! cycle option on CCC;. The optional support of the split p! cycle on CCC; $y the networ0 is indicated in SI13 or /SI1. Split p! cycle on CCC; is applied $y $oth the networ0 and the 2S when the split p! cycle option is supported $y $oth ,see 3#// TS 45.<<2 N32O-. In 2TS= if the 2S wishes to prolon! the esta$lished /S si!nallin! connection after the #/1S attach procedure= it %ay set a follow6on re>uest pendin! indicator on.


GMM &o00o' "ro&ed*re i'itiatio'

The networ0 %ay initiate #22 co%%on procedures= e.!. the #22 identification and #22 authentication and cipherin! procedure= dependin! on the recei(ed infor%ation such as I2SI= CKS8= old 1AI= /6T2SI and /6T2SI si!nature.


G<-S atta&! a&&e"ted 2y t!e 'et%or5

If the #/1S attach re>uest is accepted $y the networ0= an ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e is sent to the 2S.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

The /6T2SI reallocation %ay $e part of the #/1S attach procedure. Bhen the ATTAC; 15: 5ST includes the I2SI= the S#S8 shall allocate the /6T2SI. The /6T2SI that shall $e allocated is then included in the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e to!ether with the routin! area identifier. The networ0 shall= in this case= chan!e to state #226 C'22'86/1'C54 156I8ITIAT54 and shall start ti%er T335< as descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.&. Further%ore= the networ0 %ay assi!n a /6T2SI si!nature for the #22 conte?t which is then also included in the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e. If the )AI or /)28 identity that has $een trans%itted in the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e is a %e%$er of any of the Dfor$iddenD lists= any such entry shall $e deleted. Additionally= the networ0 shall include the radio priority le(el to $e used $y the 2S for %o$ile ori!inated S2S transfer in the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e. In #S2= the Cell 8otification infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included in the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e $y the networ0 which indicates that the Cell 8otification is supported $y the networ0. In 2TS= the networ0 should prolon! the /S si!nallin! connection if the %o$ile station has indicated a follow6on re>uest pendin! in ATTAC; 15: 5ST. The networ0 %ay also prolon! the /S si!nallin! connection without any indication fro% the %o$ile ter%inal. The 2S= recei(in! an ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e= stores the recei(ed routin! area identification= stops ti%er T331<= reset the #/1S attach atte%pt counter= reset the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter= enters state #226 15#IST5154 and sets the #/1S update status to # 1 /4AT54. If the %essa!e contains a /6T2SI= the 2S shall use this /6T2SI as the new te%porary identity for #/1S ser(ices. In this case= an ATTAC; C'2/)5T5 %essa!e is returned to the networ0. The 2S shall delete its old /6T2SI and shall store the new one. If no /6T2SI has $een included $y the networ0 in the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e= the old /6 T2SI= if any a(aila$le= shall $e 0ept. If the %essa!e contains a /6T2SI si!nature= the 2S shall use this /6T2SI si!nature as the new te%porary si!nature for the #22 conte?t. The 2S shall delete its old /6T2SI si!nature= if any is a(aila$le= and shall store the new one. If the %essa!e contains no /6T2SI si!nature= the old /6T2SI si!nature= if a(aila$le= shall $e deleted. The networ0 %ay also send a list of De>ui(alent /)28sD in the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e. 5ach entry of the list contains a /)28 code ,2CCM28C-. The %o$ile station shall store the list= as pro(ided $y the networ0= e?cept that any /)28 code that is already in the Dfor$idden /)28D list shall $e re%o(ed fro% the De>ui(alent /)28sD list $efore it is stored $y the %o$ile station. In addition the %o$ile station shall add to the stored list the /)28 code of the networ0 that sent the list. All /)28s in the stored list shall $e re!arded as e>ui(alent to each other for /)28 selection= cell selection"re6selection and hando(er. The stored list in the %o$ile station shall $e replaced on each occurrence of the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e. If no list is contained in the %essa!e= then the stored list in the %o$ile station shall $e deleted. The list shall $e stored in the %o$ile station while switched off so that it can $e used for /)28 selection after switch on. After that in 2TS= if the %o$ile station has indicated follow6on re>uest pendin! and has a C2 application re>uest pendin!= it shall send an appropriate %essa!e ,for e?a%ple ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST- to the networ0. In #S2= if the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e contains the Cell 8otification infor%ation ele%ent= then the 2S shall start to use the ))C 8 )) fra%e to perfor% cell updates. The networ0 recei(in! an ATTAC; C'2/)5T5 %essa!e stops ti%er T335<= chan!es to #22615#IST5154 state and considers the /6T2SI sent in the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e as (alid.


G<-S atta&! 'ot a&&e"ted 2y t!e 'et%or5

If the attach re>uest cannot $e accepted $y the networ0= an ATTAC; 15Q5CT %essa!e is transferred to the 2S. The 2S recei(in! the ATTAC; 15Q5CT %essa!e= stops ti%er T331< and for all causes e?cept F12= F14 and F15 deletes the list of De>ui(alent /)28sD. The 2S shall then ta0e one of the followin! actions dependin! upon the reCect causeE F3 F& ,Ille!al 2S-L ,Ille!al 25-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and shall delete any /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new #22 state is #2264515#IST5154. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid for #/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed.


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If the 2S is I2SI attached (ia 22 procedures= the 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid also for non6#/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. F* ,#/1S ser(ices not allowed-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and shall delete any /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid for #/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. The new state is #2264515#IST5154. F3 ,#/1S ser(ices and non6#/1S ser(ices not allowed-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,shall store it accordin! to su$clause and shall delete any /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new #22 state is #2264515#IST5154. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. F 11 ,/)28 not allowed-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause shall reset the #/1S attach atte%pt counter and shall chan!e to state #226 4515#IST5154. If the 2S is I2SI attached (ia 22 procedures= the 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the /)28 identity in the Dfor$idden /)28 listD. The 2S shall perfor% a /)28 selection accordin! to 3#// TS 23.122 N14O. F 12 ,)ocation area not allowed-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to clause and shall reset the attach atte%pt counter. The state is chan!ed to #2264515#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5. If the 2S is I2SI attached (ia 22 procedures= the 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The %o$ile station shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for re!ional pro(ision of ser(iceD. The 2S shall perfor% a cell selection accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 25.3<4. F 13 ,1oa%in! not allowed in this location area-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to clause and shall reset the attach atte%pt counter. The state is chan!ed to #2264515#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5 or optionally to #2264515#IST5154./)286S5A1C;. If the 2S is I2SI attached (ia 22 procedures= the 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D. The 2S shall perfor% a /)28 selection accordin! to 3#// TS 23.122 N14O.


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F 14

,#/1S ser(ices not allowed in this /)28-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and shall chan!e to state #2264515#IST5154. The 2S shall store the /)28 identity in the Dfor$idden /)28s for #/1S ser(iceD list. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode C shall perfor% a /)28 selection instead of a cell selection. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . in networ0 operation %ode II or III= is still I2SI attached for CS ser(ices in the networ0. F 15 ,8o Suita$le Cells In )ocation Area-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54,and shall store it accordin! to clause and shall reset the attach atte%pt counter. The state is chan!ed to #2264515#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5. If the 2S is I2SI attached (ia 22 procedures= the 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D. The 2S shall search for a suita$le cell in another location area in the sa%e /)28 accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 25.3<4. 'ther (alues are considered as a$nor%al cases. The specification of the 2S $eha(iour in those cases is specified in su$clause 4.*.3.1.5.


,2'or0al &ases i' t!e MS

The followin! a$nor%al cases can $e identifiedE a- Access $arred $ecause of access class control The #/1S attach procedure shall not $e started. The 2S stays in the current ser(in! cell and applies nor%al cell reselection process. The #/1S attach procedure is started as soon as possi$le= i.e. when access is !ranted or $ecause of a cell chan!e. $- )ower layer failure $efore the ATTAC; ACC5/T or ATTAC; 15Q5CT %essa!e is recei(ed The procedure shall $e a$orted. The 2S shall proceed as descri$ed $elow. c- T331< ti%e6out 'n the first e?piry of the ti%er= the 2S reset and restart ti%er T331< and shall retrans%it the ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e. This retrans%ission is repeated four ti%es= i.e. on the fifth e?piry of ti%er T331<= the #/1S attach procedure shall $e a$orted and the 2S shall proceed as descri$ed $elow. d- ATTAC; 15Q5CT= other causes than those treated in su$clause 4.*.3.1.4 The 2S shall proceed as descri$ed $elow. e- Chan!e of cell within the sa%e 1A ,#S2 onlyIf a cell chan!e occurs within the sa%e 1A when the 2S is in state #22615#IST51546I8ITIAT54= then the cell update procedure shall $e perfor%ed $efore co%pletion of the attach procedure.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

f- Chan!e of cell into a new routin! area If a cell chan!e into a new routin! area occurs $efore an ATTAC; ACC5/T or ATTAC; 15Q5CT %essa!e has $een recei(ed= the #/1S attach procedure shall $e a$orted and re6initiated i%%ediately. If a routin! area $order is crossed when the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e is recei(ed $ut $efore an ATTAC; C'2/)5T5 %essa!e is sent= the #/1S attach procedure shall $e a$orted and the routin! area updatin! procedure shall $e initiated. If a /6T2SI was allocated durin! the #/1S attach procedure= this /6T2SI shall $e used in the routin! area updatin! procedure. If a /6T2SI si!nature was allocated to!ether with the /6T2SI durin! the #/1S attach procedure= this /6T2SI si!nature shall $e used in the routin! area updatin! procedure. !- 2o$ile ori!inated detach re>uired If the 2S is in state #22615#IST51546I8ITIAT54= the #/1S attach procedure shall $e a$orted and the #/1S detach procedure shall $e perfor%ed ,see su$clause 4.*.4.1-. h- /rocedure collision If the 2S recei(es a 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e fro% the networ0 in state #22615#IST51546 I8ITIAT54 with type of detach 7re6attach not re>uired= the #/1S detach procedure shall $e pro!ressed and the #/1S attach procedure shall $e a$orted. 'therwise the #/1S attach procedure shall $e pro!ressed and the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e shall $e i!nored. In cases $= c and d the 2S shall proceed as follows. Ti%er T331< shall $e stopped if still runnin!. The #/1S attach atte%pt counter shall $e incre%ented. If the #/1S attach atte%pt counter is less than 5E 6 ti%er T3311 is started and the state is chan!ed to #2264515#IST5154.ATT52/TI8#6T'6ATTAC;.

If the #/1S attach atte%pt counter is !reater than or e>ual to 5E 6 the 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= list of e>ui(alent /)28s= and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= shall set the #/1S update status to # 2 8'T /4AT54= shall start ti%er T33<2. The state is chan!ed to #2264515#IST5154. ATT52/TI8#6T'6ATTAC; or optionally to #226 4515#IST5154./)286S5A1C; ,see su$clause In 2TS= in case c the 2S shall release the /S si!nalin! connection and in case d the networ0 shall release the /S si!nalin! connection for this 2S ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-.


,2'or0al &ases o' t!e 'et%or5 side

The followin! a$nor%al cases can $e identifiedE a- )ower layer failure If a low layer failure occurs $efore the %essa!e ATTAC; C'2/)5T5 has $een recei(ed fro% the 2S and a new /6T2SI ,or a new /6T2SI and a new /6T2SI si!nature- has $een assi!ned= the networ0 shall consider $oth the old and new /6T2SI each with its correspondin! /6T2SI6si!nature as (alid until the old /6T2SI can $e considered as in(alid $y the networ0 ,see su$clause 4.*.1.5- and shall not resent the %essa!e ATTAC; ACC5/T. 4urin! this period the networ0 %ayE 6 use the identification procedure followed $y a /6T2SI reallocation procedure if the old /6T2SI is used $y the 2S in a su$se>uent %essa!e.

$- /rotocol error If the ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed with a protocol error= the networ0 shall return an ATTAC; 15Q5CT %essa!e with one of the followin! reCect causesE F9&E F99E 2andatory infor%ation ele%ent errorL Infor%ation ele%ent non6e?istent or not i%ple%entedL

F1<<E Conditional I5 errorL F111E /rotocol error= unspecified.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

c- T335< ti%e6out 'n the first e?piry of the ti%er= the networ0 shall retrans%it the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e and shall reset and restart ti%er T335<. This retrans%ission is repeated four ti%es= i.e. on the fifth e?piry of ti%er T335<= the #/1S attach procedure shall $e a$orted. If a new /6T2SI or a new /6T2SI to!ether with a new /6T2SI si!nature were allocated in the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e= the networ0 shall consider $oth the old and new /6T2SI each to!ether with the correspondin! /6T2SI si!natures as (alid until the old /6T2SI can $e considered as in(alid $y the networ0 ,see su$clause 4.*.1.5-. 4urin! this period the networ0 acts as specified for case a. d.16 ATTAC; 15: 5ST recei(ed

If one or %ore of the infor%ation ele%ents in the ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e differ fro% the ones recei(ed within the pre(ious ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e= the pre(iously initiated #/1S attach procedure shall $e a$orted and the new #/1S attach procedure shall $e pro!ressed= or If no infor%ation ele%ent differ= then the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e shall $e resent.

d.2- 2ore than one ATTAC; 15: 5ST recei(ed and no ATTAC; ACC5/T or ATTAC; 15Q5CT %essa!e has $een sent 6 If one or %ore of the infor%ation ele%ents in the ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e differs fro% the ones recei(ed within the pre(ious ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e= the pre(iously initiated #/1S attach procedure shall $e a$orted and the new #/1S attach procedure shall $e pro!ressedL If the infor%ation ele%ents do not differ= then the networ0 shall continue with the pre(ious attach procedure and shall not treat any further this ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e.

e- ATTAC; 15: 5ST recei(ed in state #22615#IST5154 If an ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed in state #22615#IST5154 the networ0 %ay initiate the #22 co%%on proceduresL if it turned out that the ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e was send $y an 2S that has already $een attached= the #22 conte?t and /4/ conte?ts= if any= are deleted and the new ATTAC; 15: 5ST is pro!ressed. f- 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e recei(ed $efore ATTAC; C'2/)5T5 %essa!e. Ti%er T335< shall $e stopped. The allocated /6T2SI shall $e considered as (alid and the routin! area updatin! procedure shall $e pro!ressed as descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.5.


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2S ATTAC; 15: 5ST Start T331< Stop T331< ATTAC; ACC5/T


If /6T2SI and"or T2SI allocated Start T335< Stop T335<

If /6T2SI and"or T2SI allocated

ATTAC; C'2/)5T5

Start T331< Stop T331< ATTAC; 15: 5ST


2i ure )*/*331 3GPP TS ()*++,4 GP"S attach procedure and co7bined GP"S attach procedure


Co02i'ed G<-S atta&! "ro&ed*re 6or G<-S a'd 'o'-G<-S ser1i&es

The co%$ined #/1S attach procedure is a #22 procedure used $y a #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %odes A or . for I2SI attach for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices if the networ0 operates in networ0 operation %ode I. If a #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %odes A or . is already attached for non6#/1S ser(ices $y use of the 22 specific I2SI attach procedure= $ut additionally wishes to perfor% an I2SI attach for #/1S ser(ices= the co%$ined #/1S attach procedure shall also $e used. The attach type infor%ation ele%ent shall indicate Dco%$ined #/1S attachD. In this case= the %essa!es ATTAC; ACC5/T= ATTAC; C'2/)5T5= and ATTAC; 15Q5CT used $y the co%$ined #/1S attach procedure carry infor%ation for $oth the #/1S and the non6#/1S ser(ices.


Co02i'ed G<-S atta&! "ro&ed*re i'itiatio'

If the 2S is in #22 state #2264515#IST5154 and in 22 state 22 I4)5= the 2S initiates the co%$ined #/1S attach procedure $y sendin! an ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e to the networ0= starts ti%er T331< and enters state #22615#IST51546I8ITIAT54 and 22 )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# /584I8#. The 2S shall include a (alid /6T2SI= if a(aila$le= the /6T2SI si!nature associated with the /6T2SI and the routin! area identity associated with the /6T2SI in the ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e. If there is no (alid /6T2SI a(aila$le= the I2SI shall $e included instead of the /6T2SI and /6T2SI si!nature. Further%ore the 2S shall include the T2SI status I5 if no (alid T2SI is a(aila$le. In 2TS= if the 2S wishes to prolon! the esta$lished /S si!nallin! connection after the #/1S attach= it %ay set a follow6on re>uest pendin! indicator on.


GMM Co00o' "ro&ed*re i'itiatio'

The networ0 %ay initiate #22 co%%on procedures= e.!. the #22 identification and #22 authentication and cipherin! procedure= dependin! on the recei(ed infor%ation such as I2SI= CKS8= old 1AI= /6T2SI and /6T2SI si!nature.


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Co02i'ed G<-S atta&! a&&e"ted 2y t!e 'et%or5

4ependin! on the (alue of the attach result I5 recei(ed in the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e= two different cases can $e distin!uishedE Case 1Case 2The attach result I5 (alue indicates Dco%$ined #/1S attachDE I2SI attach for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices ha(e $een successful. The attach result I5 (alue indicates D#/1S onlyDE I2SI attach for #/1S ser(ices has $een successful $ut I2SI attach for non6#/1S ser(ices has not $een successful. Co02i'ed atta&! s*&&ess6*l 6or G<-S a'd 'o'-G<-S ser1i&es


The description for I2SI attach for #/1S ser(ices as specified in su$clause 4.*.3.1.3 shall $e followed. In addition= the followin! description for I2SI attach for non6#/1S ser(ices applies. The T2SI reallocation %ay $e part of the co%$ined #/1S attach procedure. The T2SI allocated is then included in the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e to!ether with the location area identification ,)AI-. The networ0 shall= in this case= chan!e to state #226C'22'86/1'C54 156I8ITIAT54 and shall start ti%er T335< as descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.&. The 2S= recei(in! an ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e= stores the recei(ed location area identification= stops ti%er T331<= reset the location update atte%pt counter and sets the update status to 1 /4AT54. If the %essa!e contains an I2SI= the %o$ile station is not allocated any T2SI= and shall delete any T2SI accordin!ly. If the %essa!e contains a T2SI= the 2S shall use this T2SI as the new te%porary identity. The 2S shall delete its old T2SI and shall store the new T2SI. In this case= an ATTAC; C'2/)5T5 %essa!e is returned to the networ0. If neither a T2SI nor an I2SI has $een included $y the networ0 in the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e= the old T2SI= if any a(aila$le= shall $e 0ept. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5= the new #22 state is #22615#IST5154. Any ti%er used for tri!!erin! the location update procedure ,e.! T3211= T3212- shall $e stopped if runnin!. The networ0 recei(in! an ATTAC; C'2/)5T5 %essa!e stops ti%er T335<= chan!es to state #22615#IST5154 and considers the new T2SI as (alid. 4.;. Co02i'ed atta&! s*&&ess6*l 6or G<-S ser1i&es o'ly

The description for I2SI attach for #/1S ser(ices as specified in su$clause 4.*.3.1.3 shall $e followed. In addition= the followin! description for I2SI attach for non6#/1S ser(ices applies. The 2S recei(in! the ATTAC; ACC5/T %essa!e ta0es one of the followin! actions dependin! on the reCect causeE F2 ,I2SI un0nown in ;)1The 2S shall set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid for non6#/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. F 1& F 1* F 22 ,2SC te%porarily not reacha$le,8etwor0 failure-L or ,Con!estionThe 2S shall chan!e to state #22615#IST5154.ATT52/TI8#6T'6 /4AT5622. Ti%er T331< shall $e stopped if still runnin!. The routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter shall $e incre%ented. If the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter is less than 5= and the stored 1AI is e>ual to the 1AI of the current ser(in! cell and the #22 update status is e>ual to # 1 /4AT54E 6 the 2S shall 0eep the #22 update status # 1 /4AT54 and chan!es state to #226 15#IST5154.ATT52/TI8#6T'6 /4AT5622. The 2S shall start ti%er T3311. Bhen ti%er T3311 e?pires the co%$ined routin! area update procedure indicatin! Dco%$ined 1A")A updatin! with I2SI attachD is tri!!ered a!ain.


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If the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter is !reater than or e>ual to 5E 6 6 the 2S shall start ti%er T33<2 and shall chan!e to state #22615#IST5154.ATT52/TI8#6T'6 /4AT5622L a #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A shall then proceed with appropriate 22 specific procedureL a #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode . %ay then proceed with appropriate 22 specific procedures. The 22 su$layer shall act as in networ0 operation %ode II as lon! as the co%$ined #22 procedures are not successful and no new 1A is entered. The new 22 state is I4)5.

'ther (alues are considered as a$nor%al cases. The co%$ined attach procedure shall $e considered as failed for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices. The $eha(iour of the 2S in those cases is specified in su$clause 4.*.3.2.5.


Co02i'ed G<-S atta&! 'ot a&&e"ted 2y t!e 'et%or5

If the attach re>uest can neither $e accepted $y the networ0 for #/1S nor for non6#/1S ser(ices= an ATTAC; 15Q5CT %essa!e is transferred to the 2S. The 2S recei(in! the ATTAC; 15Q5CT %essa!e stops ti%er T331<= and for all causes e?cept F12= F14 and F15 deletes the list of De>ui(alent /)28sD. The 2S shall then ta0e one of the followin! actions dependin! upon the reCect causeE F3 F& F3 ,Ille!al 2S-L ,Ille!al 25-= or ,#/1S ser(ices and non6#/1S ser(ices not allowed-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,shall store it accordin! to su$clause and shall delete any /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new #22 state is #2264515#IST5154. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. F* ,#/1S ser(ices not allowed-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and shall delete any /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid for #/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. The new #22 state is #2264515#IST5154L the 22 state is 22 I4)5. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A shall then perfor% an I2SI attach for non6#/1S ser(ices $y use of the 22 I2SI attach procedureL a #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode . shall then perfor% an I2SI attach for non6#/1S ser(ices $y use of the 22 I2SI attach procedure. F 11 ,/)28 not allowed-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause shall reset the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter and reset the #/1S attach atte%pt counter and chan!es to state #2264515#IST5154. The 2S shall set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= reset the location update atte%pt counter and shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the /)28 identity in the Dfor$idden /)28 listD. The 2S shall perfor% a /)28 selection accordin! to 3#// TS 23.122 N14O. F 12 ,)ocation area not allowed-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54,and shall store it accordin! to clause and shall reset the attach atte%pt counter. The state is chan!ed to #2264515#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5.


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The 2S shall set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= reset the location update atte%pt counter and shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for re!ional pro(ision of ser(iceD. The 2S shall perfor% a cell selection accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 25.3<4. F 13 ,1oa%in! not allowed in this location area-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54,and shall store it accordin! to clause and shall reset the attach atte%pt counter. The state is chan!ed to #2264515#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5 or optionally to #2264515#IST5154./)286S5A1C;. The 2S shall set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= reset the location update atte%pt counter and shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The %o$ile station shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D. The 2S shall perfor% a /)28 selection accordin! to 3#// TS 23.122 N14O. F 14 ,#/1S ser(ices not allowed in this /)28-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and shall chan!e to state #2264515#IST5154. The 2S shall store the /)28 identity in the Dfor$idden /)28s for #/1S ser(iceD list. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . shall then perfor% an I2SI attach for non6#/1S ser(ices $y use of the 22 I2SI attach procedure. F 15 ,8o Suita$le Cells In )ocation Area-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54,and shall store it accordin! to clause and shall reset the attach atte%pt counter. The state is chan!ed to #2264515#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5. The 2S shall set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= reset the location update atte%pt counter and shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D. The 2S shall search for a suita$le cell in another location area in the sa%e /)28 accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 25.3<4. 'ther (alues are considered as a$nor%al cases. The specification of the 2S $eha(iour in those cases is specified in su$clause 4.*.3.2.5.


,2'or0al &ases i' t!e MS

The a$nor%al cases specified in su$clause 4.*.3.1.5 apply with the followin! %odificationE If the #/1S attach atte%pt counter is less than 5= the 22 state re%ains 22 )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# /584I8#. If the #/1S attach atte%pt counter is incre%ented accordin! to su$clause 4.*.3.1.5 the ne?t actions depend on the )ocation Area Identities ,stored on SI2 and the one of the current ser(in! cell- and the (alue of the attach atte%pt counterE 6 if the update status is 1 /4AT54= and the stored )AI is e>ual to the one of the current ser(in! cell and the attach atte%pt counter is s%aller than 5= then the %o$ile station shall 0eep the update status to 1 /4AT54= the new 22 state is 22 I4)5 su$state 8'12A) S51+IC5L or


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if the update status is different fro% 1 /4AT54= or the stored )AI is different fro% the one of the current ser(in! cell= or the attach atte%pt counter is !reater or e>ual to 5= then the %o$ile station shall delete any )AI= T2SI= cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored in the SI2 and list of e>ui(alent /)28s and set the update status to 2 8'T /4AT54. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5 su$state ATT52/TI8# T' /4AT5.


,2'or0al &ases o' t!e 'et%or5 side

The a$nor%al cases specified in su$clause 4.*.3.1.& apply with the e?ceptions for cases a and c in which in addition to the /6T2SI and /6T2SI si!nature the old T2SI shall $e considered occupied until the new T2SI is used $y the 2S in a su$se>uent %essa!e.

4.;.4 G<-S deta&! "ro&ed*re

The #/1S detach procedure is usedE 6 6 to detach the I2SI for #/1S ser(ices only. Independent of the networ0 operation %ode= this procedure is used $y all 0ind of #/1S 2SsL as a co%$ined #/1S detach procedure used $y #/1S 2Ss operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . to detach the I2SI for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices or for non6#/1S ser(ices only= if the networ0 operates in networ0 operation %ode IL or in the case of a networ0 failure condition to indicate to the 2S that a re6attach with successi(e acti(ation of pre(iously acti(e /4/ conte?ts shall $e perfor%ed.

After co%pletion of a #/1S detach procedure or co%$ined #/1S detach procedure for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices the #22 conte?t is released. The #/1S detach procedure shall $e in(o0ed $y the 2S if the 2S is switched off= the SI2 card is re%o(ed fro% the 2S or if the #/1S or non6#/1S capa$ility of the 2S is disa$led. The procedure %ay $e in(o0ed $y the networ0 to detach the I2SI for #/1S ser(ices. The #/1S detach procedure causes the 2S to $e %ar0ed as inacti(e in the networ0 for #/1S ser(ices= non6#/1S ser(ices or $oth ser(ices. In #S2= if the #/1S detach procedure is perfor%ed= the /4/ conte?ts are deacti(ated locally without peer to peer si!nallin! $etween the S2 and ))C entities in the 2S and the networ0. In 2TS= if the #/1S detach procedure is perfor%ed= the /4/ conte?ts are deacti(ated locally without peer to peer si!nallin! $etween the S2 entities in the 2S and the networ0.


MS i'itiated G<-S deta&! "ro&ed*re

MS i'itiated G<-S deta&! "ro&ed*re i'itiatio'

The #/1S detach procedure is initiated $y the 2S $y sendin! a 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e. The detach type infor%ation ele%ent %ay indicate D#/1S detach with switchin! offD= D#/1S detach without switchin! offD= DI2SI detachD= D#/1S"I2SI detach with switchin! offD or D#/1S"I2SI detach without switchin! offD. The 2S shall include the /6T2SI in the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e. The 2S shall also include a (alid /6T2SI si!nature= if a(aila$le. If the 2S is not switched off and the 2S is in the state #22G15#IST5154= ti%er T3321 shall $e started after the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e has $een sent. If the detach type infor%ation ele%ent (alue indicates DI2SI 4etachD the 2S shall enter #22615#IST5154.I2SI645TAC;GI8ITIAT54= otherwise the 2S shall enter the state #226 4515#IST51546I8ITIAT54. If the detach type infor%ation ele%ent (alue indicates DI2SI 4etachD or D#/1S"I2SI 4etachD= state 22 I2SI 45TAC; /584I8# is entered. If the 2S is to $e switched off= the 2S shall try for a period of 5 seconds to send the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e. If the 2S is a$le to send the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e durin! this ti%e the 2S %ay $e switched off. If the detach type infor%ation ele%ent (alue indicates D#/1S detach without switchin! off D and the 2S is attached for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices and the networ0 operates in networ0 operation %ode I= then if in the 2S the ti%er T3212 is not already runnin!= the ti%er T3212 shall $e set to its initial (alue and restarted after the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e has $een sent.


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MS i'itiated G<-S deta&! "ro&ed*re &o0"letio' 6or G<-S ser1i&es o'ly

Bhen the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed $y the networ0= the networ0 shall send a 45TAC; ACC5/T %essa!e to the 2S= if the detach type I5 (alue indicates that the detach re>uest has not $een sent due to switchin! off. If switchin! off was indicated= the procedure is co%pleted when the networ0 recei(es the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e. The networ0 and the 2S shall deacti(ate the /4/ conte?ts and deacti(ate the lo!ical lin0,s-= if any. The 2S is %ar0ed as inacti(e in the networ0 for #/1S ser(icesL state #2264515#IST5154 is entered in the 2S and the networ0. In 2TS= if the detach has $een sent due to switchin! off= then the networ0 shall release the resources in the lower layers for this 2S ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-. 8'T5E Bhen the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed $y the networ0= and if the detach type I5 (alue indicates that the detach is not due to power off= the authentication and cipherin! procedure as well as the identification procedure %ay $e perfor%ed.


MS i'itiated &o02i'ed G<-S deta&! "ro&ed*re &o0"letio'

Bhen the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed $y the networ0= a 45TAC; ACC5/T %essa!e shall $e sent to the 2S= if the detach type I5 (alue indicates that the detach re>uest has not $een sent due to switchin! off. 4ependin! on the (alue of the detach type I5 the followin! appliesE #/1S"I2SI detachE The 2S is %ar0ed as inacti(e in the networ0 for #/1S and for non6#/1S ser(ices. The networ0 and the 2S shall deacti(ate the /4/ conte?ts and deacti(ate the lo!ical lin0,s-= if any. The States #2264515#IST5154 and 22 8 )) are entered in $oth the 2S and the networ0. In 2TS= if the detach has $een sent due to switchin! off= then the networ0 shall release the resources in the lower layers for this 2S ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-. I2SI detachE The 2S is %ar0ed as inacti(e in the networ0 for non6#/1S ser(ices. State 22 8 )) is entered in the 2S and the networ0.


,2'or0al &ases i' t!e MS

The followin! a$nor%al cases can $e identifiedE a- T3321 ti%e6out 'n the first e?piry of the ti%er= the 2S shall retrans%it the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e and shall reset and restart ti%er T3321. This retrans%ission is repeated four ti%es= i.e. on the fifth e?piry of ti%er T3321= the #/1S detach procedure shall $e a$orted= the 2S shall chan!e to stateE 6 6 6 6 2268 )) if DI2SI detachD was re>uestedL #22615#IST5154.8'12A)6S51+IC5 if DI2SI 4etachD was re>uestedL #2264515#IST5154 if D#/1S detachD was re>uestedL #2264515#IST5154 and 2268 )) if D#/1S"I2SID detach was re>uested.

$- )ower layer failure $efore reception of 45TAC; ACC5/T %essa!e The detach procedure is a$orted and the 2S shall chan!e to stateE 6 6 6 6 2268 )) if DI2SI detachD was re>uestedL #22615#IST5154.8'12A)6S51+IC5 if DI2SI 4etachD was re>uestedL #2264515#IST5154 if D#/1S detachD was re>uestedL #2264515#IST5154 and 2268 )) if DI2SI"#/1SD detach was re>uested.


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c- 4etach procedure collision If the 2S recei(es a 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the 2S initiated #/1S detach procedure has $een co%pleted= a 45TAC; ACC5/T %essa!e shall $e sent to the networ0. d- 4etach and #22 co%%on procedure collision #/1S detach containin! cause Dpower offDE 6 If the 2S recei(es a %essa!e used in a #22 co%%on procedure $efore the #/1S detach procedure has $een co%pleted= this %essa!e shall $e i!nored and the #/1S detach procedure shall continue.

#/1S detach containin! other causes than Dpower offDE 6 If the 2S recei(es a /6T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'22A84= a #22 STAT S= or a #22 I8F'12ATI'8 %essa!e $efore the #/1S detach procedure has $een co%pleted= this %essa!e shall $e i!nored and the #/1S detach procedure shall continue. If the 2S recei(es an A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST or I458TITA 15: 5ST %essa!e= $efore the #/1S detach procedure has $een co%pleted= the 2S shall respond to it as descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.* and 4.*.3 respecti(ely.

e- Chan!e of cell within the sa%e 1A ,#S2 onlyIf a cell chan!e occurs within the sa%e 1A $efore a 45TAC; ACC5/T %essa!e has $een recei(ed= then the cell update procedure shall $e perfor%ed $efore co%pletion of the detach procedure. f- Chan!e of cell into a new routin! area If a cell chan!e into a new routin! area occurs $efore a 45TAC; ACC5/T %essa!e has $een recei(ed= the #/1S detach procedure shall $e a$orted and re6initiated after successfully perfor%in! a routin! area updatin! procedure.

2S Start T3321 Stop T3321 45TAC; 15: 5ST 45TAC; ACC5/T


or at 2S power switch off 45TAC; 15: 5ST

2i ure )*/*)31 3GPP TS ()*++,4 MS initiated GP"S detach procedure


4et%or5 i'itiated G<-S deta&! "ro&ed*re

4et%or5 i'itiated G<-S deta&! "ro&ed*re i'itiatio'

The networ0 initiates the #/1S detach procedure $y sendin! a 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e to the 2S. The 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e shall include a detach type I5. In addition= the networ0 %ay include a cause I5 to specify the reason for the detach re>uest. The networ0 shall start ti%er T3322. If the detach type I5 indicates Dre6attach not re>uiredD or Dre6attach re>uiredD= the networ0 shall deacti(ate the /4/ conte?ts and deacti(ate the lo!ical lin0,s-= if any= and shall chan!e to state #2264515#IST51546I8ITIAT54.


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4et%or5 i'itiated G<-S deta&! "ro&ed*re &o0"letio' 2y t!e MS

Bhen recei(in! the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e and the detach type I5 indicates Dre6attach re>uiredD= the 2S shall deacti(ate the /4/ conte?ts and deacti(ate the lo!ical lin0,s-= if any. The 2S shall then send a 45TAC; ACC5/T %essa!e to the networ0 and shall chan!e state to #2264515#IST5154. The 2S shall= after the co%pletion of the #/1S detach procedure= initiate a #/1S attach procedure. The 2S should also acti(ate /4/ conte?t,s- to replace any pre(iously acti(e /4/ conte?ts. 8'T5E In so%e cases= user interaction %ay $e re>uired and then the 2S cannot acti(ate the /4/ conte?t,sauto%atically.

A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . in networ0 operation %ode I= which recei(es an 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e with detach type indicatin! Dre6attach re>uiredD or Dre6attach not re>uiredD and no cause code= is only detached for #/1S ser(ices in the networ0. Bhen recei(in! the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e and the detach type I5 indicates DI2SI detachD= the 2S shall not deacti(ate the /4/ conte?ts. The 2S shall set the 22 update status to 2 8'T /4AT54. A 2S in operation %ode A or . in networ0 operation %ode I %ay send a 45TAC; ACC5/T %essa!e to the networ0= and shall re6attach to non6 #/1S ser(ice $y perfor%in! the co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure accordin! to su$clause 4.*.5.2= sendin! a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e with pdate type I5 indicatin! Dco%$ined 1A")A updatin! with I2SI attachD. A 2S in operation %ode C= or in 2S operation %ode A or . in networ0 operation %ode II or III= shall send a 45TAC; ACC5/T %essa!e to the networ0. If the detach type I5 indicates DI2SI detachD= or Dre6attach re>uiredD then the 2S shall i!nore the cause code if recei(ed. If the detach type infor%ation ele%ent (alue indicates Dre6attach re>uiredD or Dre6attach not re>uiredD and the 2S is attached for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices and the networ0 operates in networ0 operation %ode I= then if in the 2S the ti%er T3212 is not already runnin!= the ti%er T3212 shall $e set to its initial (alue and restarted. Bhen recei(in! the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e and the detach type I5 indicates Dre6attach not re>uiredD and the cause code is not DF2 ,I2SI un0nown in ;)1-D= the 2S shall deacti(ate the /4/ conte?ts and deacti(ate the lo!ical lin0,s-= if any. The 2S shall then send a 45TAC; ACC5/T %essa!e to the networ0 and shall chan!e state to #226 4515#IST5154. If the detach type I5 indicates Dre6attach not re>uiredD= then= dependin! on the recei(ed cause code= the 2S shall act as followsE F2 ,I2SI un0nown in ;)1-L The 2S shall set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid for non6#/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . in networ0 operation %ode I= is still I2SI attached for #/1S ser(ices in the networ0. F3 F& ,Ille!al 2S-L ,Ille!al 25-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and shall delete any /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new #22 state is #2264515#IST5154. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid for #/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new 22 state is 22 idle. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid also for non6#/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed.


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,#/1S ser(ices not allowed-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and shall delete any /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid for #/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. The new state is #2264515#IST5154. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . in networ0 operation %ode I shall set the ti%er T3212 to its initial (alue and restart it= if it is not already runnin!. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . in networ0 operation %ode I= is still I2SI attached for CS ser(ices in the networ0.


,#/1S ser(ices and non6#/1S ser(ices not allowed-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause Further%ore= it shall delete any /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= T2SI= 1AI= )AI= cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and shall consider the SI2 as in(alid for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed.

F 11

,/)28 not allowed-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI or )AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the /)28 identity in the Dfor$idden /)28 listD. The 2S shall perfor% a /)28 selection accordin! to 3#// TS 23.122 N14O. F 12 ,)ocation area not allowed-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54,and shall store it accordin! to clause and shall reset the attach atte%pt counter. The state is chan!ed to #2264515#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5. If the 2S is I2SI attached (ia 22 procedures= the 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for re!ional pro(ision of ser(iceD. The 2S shall perfor% a cell selection accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 25.3<4. F 13 ,1oa%in! not allowed in this location area-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to clause and shall reset the attach atte%pt counter. The state is chan!ed to #2264515#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5 or optionally to #2264515#IST5154./)286S5A1C;. If the 2S is I2SI attached (ia 22 procedures= the 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D. The 2S shall perfor% a /)28 selection accordin! to 3#// TS 23.122 N14O.


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F 14

,#/1S ser(ices not allowed in this /)28-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and shall chan!e to state #2264515#IST5154. The 2S shall store the /)28 identity in the Dfor$idden /)28s for #/1S ser(iceD list. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . in networ0 operation %ode I shall set the ti%er T3212 to its initial (alue and restart it= if it is not already runnin!. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or .= is still I2SI attached for CS ser(ices in the networ0. F 15 ,8o Suita$le Cells In )ocation Area-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54,and shall store it accordin! to clause and shall reset the attach atte%pt counter. The state is chan!ed to #2264515#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5. If the 2S is I2SI attached (ia 22 procedures= the 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D. The 2S shall search for a suita$le cell in another location area in the sa%e /)28 accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 25.3<4. 'ther cause (alues shall not i%pact the update status. Further actions of the 2S are i%ple%entation dependent.


4et%or5 i'itiated G<-S deta&! "ro&ed*re &o0"letio' 2y t!e 'et%or5

The networ0 shall= upon receipt of the 45TAC; ACC5/T %essa!e= stop ti%er T3322 and shall chan!e state to #226 4515#IST5154.


,2'or0al &ases o' t!e 'et%or5 side

The followin! a$nor%al cases can $e identifiedE a- T3322 ti%e6out 'n the first e?piry of the ti%er= the networ0 shall retrans%it the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e and shall start ti%er T3322. This retrans%ission is repeated four ti%es= i.e. on the fifth e?piry of ti%er T3322= the #/1S detach procedure shall $e a$orted and the networ0 chan!es to state #2264515#IST5154. $- )ow layer failure The #/1S detach procedure is a$orted and the networ0 chan!es to state #2264515#IST5154. c- #/1S detach procedure collision If the networ0 recei(es a 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e with Dswitchin! offD indicated= $efore the networ0 initiated #/1S detach procedure has $een co%pleted= $oth procedures shall $e considered co%pleted. If the networ0 recei(es a 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e without Dswitchin! offD indicated= $efore the networ0 initiated #/1S detach procedure has $een co%pleted= the networ0 shall send a 45TAC; ACC5/T %essa!e to the 2S.


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d- #/1S detach and #/1S attach procedure collision If the networ0 recei(es an ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the networ0 initiated #/1S detach procedure with type of detach 7re6attach not re>uired7 has $een co%pleted= the networ0 shall i!nore the ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e. If the detach type I5 (alue= sent in the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e= indicates Dre6attach re>uiredD the detach procedure is a$orted and the #/1S attach procedure shall $e pro!ressed after the /4/ conte?ts ha(e $een deleted. If the detach type I5 (alue= sent in the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e= indicates DI2SI detachD the detach procedure is a$orted and the #/1S attach procedure shall $e pro!ressed. e- #/1S detach and routin! area updatin! procedure collision #/1S detach containin! detach type Dre6attach re>uiredD or Dre6attach not re>uiredDE If the networ0 recei(es a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the networ0 initiated #/1S detach procedure has $een co%pleted= the detach procedure shall $e pro!ressed= i.e. the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e shall $e i!nored. #/1S detach containin! detach type DI2SI detachDE If the networ0 recei(es a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the networ0 initiated #/1S detach procedure has $een co%pleted= the networ0 shall a$ort the detach procedure= shall stop T3322 and shall pro!ress the routin! area update procedure. f- #/1S detach and ser(ice re>uest procedure collision If the networ0 recei(es a S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the networ0 initiated #/1S detach procedure has $een co%pleted= the networ0 shall i!nore the S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e.

2S 45TAC; 15: 5ST 45TAC; ACC5/T

8etwor0 Start T3322 Stop T3322

2i ure )*/*)3( 3GPP TS ()*++,4 Network initiated GP"S detach procedure

4.;.5 -o*ti' area *"dati' "ro&ed*re

This procedure is used forE 6 nor%al routin! area updatin! to update the re!istration of the actual routin! area of an 2S in the networ0. This procedure is used $y #/1S 2Ss in 2S operation %ode C and $y #/1S 2Ss in 2S operation %odes A or . that are I2SI attached for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices if the networ0 operates in networ0 operation %ode II or IIIL co%$ined routin! area updatin! to update the re!istration of the actual routin! and location area of an 2S in the networ0. This procedure is used $y #/1S 2Ss in 2S operation %odes A or . that are I2SI attached for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices pro(ided that the networ0 operates in networ0 operation %ode IL periodic routin! area updatin!. This procedure is used $y #/1S 2Ss in 2S operation %ode C and $y #/1S 2Ss in 2S operation %odes A or . that are I2SI attached for #/1S or for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices independent of the networ0 operation %odeL I2SI attach for non6#/1S ser(ices when the 2S is I2SI attached for #/1S ser(ices. This procedure is used $y #/1S 2Ss in 2S operation %odes A or .= if the networ0 operates in networ0 operation %ode IL in #S2= resu%in! #/1S ser(ices when the 11 su$layer indicated a resu%ption failure after dedicated %ode was left= see 3#// TS 44.<13 N34OL

6 6


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6 6 6

in #S2= updatin! the networ0 with the new 2S 1adio Access Capa$ility I5 when the content of the I5 has chan!ed. 8or%al or co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure is used.L 2TS to #S2 and for #S2 to 2TS intersyste% chan!e= see su$clause 4.*.1.*L or in 2TS= to re6synchroniHe the /22 %ode of 2S and networ0 after 11C connection release with cause D4irected si!nallin! connection re6esta$lish%entD= see su$clause 4.*.2.5.

Su$clause 4.*.5.1 descri$es the routin! area updatin! procedures for updatin! the routin! area only. The co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure used to update $oth the routin! and location area is descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.5.2. The routin! area updatin! procedure is always initiated $y the 2S. It is only in(o0ed in state #22615#IST5154. To li%it the nu%$er of su$se>uently reCected routin! area update atte%pts= a routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter is introduced. The routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter shall $e incre%ented as specified in su$clause 4.*.5.1.5. 4ependin! on the (alue of the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter= specific actions shall $e perfor%ed. The routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter shall $e reset whenE 6 6 a #/1S attach procedure is successfully co%pletedL or a routin! area updatin! procedure is successfully co%pletedL

and additionally when the 2S is in su$state ATT52/TI8#6T'6 /4AT5E 6 6 6 a new routin! area is enteredL e?piry of ti%er T33<2L or at re>uest fro% re!istration function.

The %o$ile e>uip%ent shall contain a list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D= as well as a list of Dfor$idden location areas for re!ional pro(ision of ser(iceD. The handlin! of these lists is descri$ed in su$clause 4.4.1. The 2o$ile 5>uip%ent shall contain a list of De>ui(alent /)28sD. The handlin! of this list is descri$ed in su$clause 4.4.1. In= #S2= user data trans%ission in the 2S shall $e suspended durin! the routin! area updatin! procedureL user data reception shall $e possi$le. ser data trans%ission in the networ0 shall $e suspended durin! the routin! area updatin! procedure= if a new /6T2SI is assi!ned. In 2TS= user data trans%ission and reception in the 2S shall not $e suspended durin! the routin! area updatin! procedure. ser data trans%ission in the networ0 shall not $e suspended durin! the routin! area updatin! procedure. In 2TS= when a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST is recei(ed $y the S#S8 o(er a new /S si!nallin! connection while there is an on!oin! /S si!nallin! connection ,networ0 is already in %ode /226C'885CT54- for this 5= the networ0 shall pro!ress the routin! area update procedure as nor%al and release the pre(ious /S si!nallin! connection when the routin! area update procedure has $een accepted $y the networ0. 8'T5E The re6esta$lish%ent of the radio $earers of acti(e /4/ conte?ts is done as descri$ed in su$clause DSer(ice 1e>uest procedureD.


4or0al a'd "eriodi& ro*ti' area *"dati' "ro&ed*re

/eriodic routin! area updatin! is used to periodically notify the a(aila$ility of the 2S to the networ0. The (alue of the update type I5 in the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e shall indicate Dperiodic updatin!D. The procedure is controlled in the 2S $y ti%er T3312. Bhen ti%er T3312 e?pires= the periodic routin! area updatin! procedure is started. Start and reset of ti%er T3312 is descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.2.2. In #S2= the nor%al routin! area updatin! procedure is initiated when the 2S detects a chan!e of the routin! area in state #22615#IST5154= or when the 2S deter%ines that #/1S resu%ption shall $e perfor%ed or when the 2S needs to update the networ0 with the new 2S 1adio Access Capa$ility I5. The 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e shall always $e the first data sent $y the 2S when a routin! area $order is crossed. The routin! area identification is $roadcast on the $roadcast channel,s-.


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In 2TS= the nor%al routin! area updatin! procedure is initiated when the 2S detects a chan!e of the routin! area in state #22615#IST5154. The 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e shall always $e the first #22 %essa!e sent $y the 2S when a routin! area $order is crossed. A nor%al routin! area updatin! shall a$ort any on!oin! #22 procedure. A$orted #22 procedures %ay $e repeated after the nor%al routin! area updatin! procedure has $een successfully perfor%ed. The (alue of the update type I5 included in the %essa!e shall indicate Dnor%al routin! area updatin!D.


4or0al a'd "eriodi& ro*ti' area *"dati' "ro&ed*re i'itiatio'

To initiate the nor%al routin! area updatin! procedure= the 2S sends the %essa!e 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST to the networ0= starts ti%er T333< and chan!es to state #2261' TI8#6A15A6 /4ATI8#6 I8ITIAT54. The %essa!e 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST shall contain the /6T2SI si!nature when recei(ed within a pre(ious ATTAC; ACC5/T or 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e. In 2TS= if the 2S wishes to prolon! the esta$lished /S si!nallin! connection after the nor%al routin! area updatin! procedure= it %ay set a follow6on re>uest pendin! indicator on.


GMM Co00o' "ro&ed*re i'itiatio'

The networ0 %ay initiate #22 co%%on procedures= e.!. the #22 authentication and cipherin! procedure.


4or0al a'd "eriodi& ro*ti' area *"dati' "ro&ed*re a&&e"ted 2y t!e 'et%or5

If the routin! area updatin! re>uest has $een accepted $y the networ0= a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e shall $e sent to the 2S. The networ0 %ay assi!n a new /6T2SI and"or a new /6T2SI si!nature for the 2S. If a new /6T2SI and"or /6T2SI si!nature ha(e $een assi!ned to the 2S= it"they shall $e included in the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e to!ether with the routin! area identification. In #S2 the Cell 8otification infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included in the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e in order to indicate the a$ility of the networ0 to support the Cell 8otification. The networ0 shall chan!e to state #226C'22'86/1'C54 156I8ITIAT54 and shall start the super(ision ti%er T335< as descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.&. If the )AI or /)28 identity contained in the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e is a %e%$er of any of the Dfor$iddenD lists then any such entry shall $e deleted. In 2TS= the networ0 should prolon! the /S si!nallin! connection if the %o$ile station has indicated a follow6on re>uest pendin! in 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST. The networ0 %ay also prolon! the /S si!nallin! connection without any indication fro% the %o$ile ter%inal. If the /4/ conte?t status infor%ation ele%ent is included in 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e= then the networ0 shall deacti(ate all those /4/ conte?ts locally ,without peer to peer si!nallin! $etween the 2S and the networ0-= which are not in S2 state /4/6I8ACTI+5 on networ0 side $ut are indicated $y the 2S as $ein! in state /4/6I8ACTI+5. pon receipt of a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e= the 2S stores the recei(ed routin! area identification= stops ti%er T333<= shall reset the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter and sets the #/1S update status to # 1 /4AT54. If the %essa!e contains a /6T2SI= the 2S shall use this /6T2SI as new te%porary identity for #/1S ser(ices and shall store the new /6T2SI. If no /6T2SI was included $y the networ0 in the 1' TI8# A15A /4ATI8# ACC5/T %essa!e= the old /6T2SI shall $e 0ept. Further%ore= the 2S shall store the /6T2SI si!nature if recei(ed in the 1' TI8# A15A /4ATI8# ACC5/T %essa!e. If no /6T2SI si!nature was included in the %essa!e= the old /6T2SI si!nature= if a(aila$le= shall $e deleted. If the /4/ conte?t status infor%ation ele%ent is included in 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e= then the 2S shall deacti(ate all those /4/ conte?ts locally ,without peer to peer si!nallin! $etween the 2S and networ0-= which are not in S2 state /4/6I8ACTI+5 in the 2S $ut are indicated $y the networ0 as $ein! in state /4/6I8ACTI+5. In #S2= if the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e contains the Cell 8otification infor%ation ele%ent= then the 2S shall start to use the ))C 8 )) fra%e to perfor% cell updates.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

The networ0 %ay also send a list of De>ui(alent /)28sD in the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e. 5ach entry of the list contains a /)28 code ,2CCM28C-. The %o$ile station shall store the list= as pro(ided $y the networ0= e?cept that any /)28 code that is already in the Dfor$idden /)28D list shall $e re%o(ed fro% the De>ui(alent /)28sD list $efore it is stored $y the %o$ile station. In addition the %o$ile station shall add to the stored list the /)28 code of the networ0 that sent the list. All /)28s in the stored list shall $e re!arded as e>ui(alent to each other for /)28 selection= cell selection"re6selection and hando(er. The stored list in the %o$ile station shall $e replaced on each occurrence of the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e. If no list is contained in the %essa!e= then the stored list in the %o$ile station shall $e deleted. The list shall $e stored in the %o$ile station while switched off so that it can $e used for /)28 selection after switch on. A 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e shall $e returned to the networ0 if the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e containedE 6 6 a /6T2SIL and"or 1ecei(e 86/4 8u%$ers ,see 3#// TS 44.<&5 N*3O and 3#// TS 25.322-.

In this case the 1ecei(e 86/4 8u%$ers (alues (alid in the 2S= shall $e included in the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e. 8'T5E In 2TS= after a routin! area updatin! procedure= the %o$ile station can initiate Ser(ice 1e>uest procedure to re>uest the resource reser(ation for the acti(e /4/ conte?ts if the resources ha(e $een released $y the networ0 or send upper layer %essa!e ,e.!. ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST- to the networ0 (ia the e?istin! /S si!nalin! connection.

After that in 2TS= if the %o$ile station has indicated follow6on re>uest pendin! and has a C2 application re>uest pendin!= it shall send an appropriate %essa!e ,for e?a%ple ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST- to the networ0.


4or0al a'd "eriodi& ro*ti' area *"dati' "ro&ed*re 'ot a&&e"ted 2y t!e 'et%or5

If the routin! area updatin! cannot $e accepted= the networ0 sends a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15Q5CT %essa!e to the 2S. An 2S that recei(es a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15Q5CT %essa!e= stops ti%er T333<= and for all causes e?cept F12= F14 and F15 deletes the list of De>ui(alent /)28sD. The 2S shall then ta0e different actions dependin! on the recei(ed reCect cause (alueE F3 F& ,Ille!al 2S-L ,Ille!al 25-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and enter the state #2264515#IST5154. Further%ore= it shall delete any /6T2SI= /6 T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and shall consider the SI2 as in(alid for #/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. If the 2S is I2SI attached (ia 22 procedures= the 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid also for non6#/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. F* ,#/1S ser(ices not allowed-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and shall delete any /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid for #/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. The new state is #2264515#IST5154. If the update type is Dperiodic updatin!D a #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . in networ0operation %ode I shall set the ti%er T3212 to its initial (alue and restart it= if it is not already runnin!.


"elease #


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,2S identity cannot $e deri(ed $y the networ0-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 2 8'T /4AT54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause enter the state #2264515#IST5154= and shall delete any /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. Su$se>uently= the 2S %ay auto%atically initiate the #/1S attach procedure.

F 1<

,I%plicitly detached-L

The 2S shall chan!e to state #2264515#IST5154.8'12A)6S51+IC5. The 2S shall then perfor% a new attach procedure. The 2S should also acti(ate /4/ conte?t,s- to replace any pre(iously acti(e /4/ conte?ts. 8'T5E F 11 6 In so%e cases= user interaction %ay $e re>uired and then the 2S cannot acti(ate the /4/ conte?t,sauto%atically.

,/)28 not allowed-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause enter the state #2264515#IST5154. If the 2S is I2SI attached (ia 22 procedures= the 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the /)28 identity in the Dfor$idden /)28 listD. The 2S shall perfor% a /)28 selection accordin! to 3#// TS 23.122 N14O.

F 12

,)ocation area not allowed-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to clause shall reset the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter and shall chan!e to state #226 4515#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5. If the 2S is I2SI attached (ia 22 procedures= the 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The %o$ile station shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for re!ional pro(ision of ser(iceD. The 2S shall perfor% a cell selection accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 25.3<4. F 13 ,1oa%in! not allowed in this location area-L

The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to clause shall reset the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter and shall chan!e to state #226 15#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5. If the 2S is I2SI attached (ia 22 procedures= the 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D. The 2S shall perfor% a /)28 selection accordin! to 3#// TS 23.122 N14O. F 14 ,#/1S ser(ices not allowed in this /)28-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and shall chan!e to state #2264515#IST5154. The 2S shall store the /)28 identity in the Dfor$idden /)28s for #/1S ser(iceD list. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode C shall perfor% a /)28 selection instead of a cell selection.


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If the update type is Dperiodic updatin!D a #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . in networ0 operation %ode I shall set the ti%er T3212 to its initial (alue and restart it= if it is not already runnin!. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . in networ0 operation %ode II or III= is still I2SI attached for CS ser(ices in the networ0. F 15 ,8o Suita$le Cells In )ocation Area-L

The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to clause shall reset the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter and shall chan!e to state #226 15#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5. If the 2S is I2SI attached (ia 22 procedures= the 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D. The 2S shall search for a suita$le cell in another location area in the sa%e /)28 accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 25.3<4. 'ther (alues are considered as a$nor%al cases. The specification of the 2S $eha(iour in those cases is descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.5.1.5.


,2'or0al &ases i' t!e MS

The followin! a$nor%al cases can $e identifiedE a- Access $arred $ecause of access class control The routin! area updatin! procedure shall not $e started. The 2S stays in the current ser(in! cell and applies the nor%al cell reselection process. The procedure is started as soon as possi$le and if still necessary= i.e. when the $arred state is re%o(ed or $ecause of a cell chan!e. $- )ower layer failure $efore the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T or 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15Q5CT %essa!e is recei(ed The procedure shall $e a$orted. The 2S shall proceed as descri$ed $elow. c- T333< ti%e6out The procedure is restarted four ti%es= i.e. on the fifth e?piry of ti%er T333<= the 2S shall a$ort the procedure. The 2S shall proceed as descri$ed $elow. d- 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15Q5CT= other causes than those treated in su$clause 4.*.5.1.4 The 2S shall proceed as descri$ed $elow. e- If a routin! area $order is crossed= when the 2S is in state #2261' TI8#6A15A6 /4AT56I8ITIAT54= the routin! area updatin! procedure shall $e a$orted and re6initiated i%%ediately. The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 2 8'T /4AT54. f- In #S2= if a cell chan!e occurs within the sa%e 1A= when the 2S is in state #2261' TI8#6A15A6 /4AT56I8ITIAT54= the cell update procedure is perfor%ed= $efore co%pletion of the routin! area updatin! procedure. !- 1outin! area updatin! and detach procedure collision #/1S detach containin! detach typeDre6attach re>uiredD or Dre6attach not re>uiredDE If the 2S recei(es a 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the routin! area updatin! procedure has $een co%pleted= the routin! area updatin! procedure shall $e a$orted and the #/1S detach procedure shall $e pro!ressed.


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#/1S detach containin! detach type DI2SI detachDE If the 2S recei(es a 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the routin! area updatin! procedure has $een co%pleted= the routin! area updatin! procedure shall $e pro!ressed= i.e. the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e shall $e i!nored. h- 1outin! area updatin! and /6T2SI reallocation procedure collision If the 2S recei(es a /6T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the routin! area updatin! procedure has $een co%pleted= the /6T2SI reallocation procedure shall $e a$orted and the routin! area updatin! procedure shall $e pro!ressed. In cases $= c and d the 2S shall proceed as followsE Ti%er T333< shall $e stopped if still runnin!. The routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter shall $e incre%ented. If the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter is less than 5= and the stored 1AI is e>ual to the 1AI of the current ser(in! cell and the #22 update status is e>ual to # 1 /4AT54E 6 the 2S shall 0eep the #22 update status to # 1 /4AT54 and chan!es state to #226 15#IST5154.8'12A)6S51+IC5. The 2S shall start ti%er T3311. Bhen ti%er T3311 e?pires the routin! area updatin! procedure is tri!!ered a!ain.

If the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter is less than 5= and the stored 1AI is different to the 1AI of the current ser(in! cell or the #22 update status is different to # 1 /4AT54E 6 6 the 2S shall start ti%er T3311= shall set the #/1S update status to # 2 8'T /4AT54 and chan!es state to #22615#IST5154.ATT52/TI8#6T'6 /4AT5.

If the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter is !reater than or e>ual to 5E 6 the 2S shall start ti%er T33<2= shall set the #/1S update status to # 2 8'T /4AT54 and shall chan!e to state #22615#IST5154.ATT52/TI8#6T'6 /4AT5 or optionally to #22615#IST5154./)286 S5A1C;,see su$clause

In 2TS= in case c the 2S shall release the /S si!nalin! connection and in case d the networ0 shall release the /S si!nalin! connection for this 2S ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-.


,2'or0al &ases o' t!e 'et%or5 side

The followin! a$nor%al cases can $e identifiedE a- If a lower layer failure occurs $efore the %essa!e 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 C'2/)5T5 has $een recei(ed fro% the 2S and a /6T2SI and"or /T2SI si!nature has $een assi!ned= the networ0 shall a$ort the procedure and shall consider $oth= the old and new /6T2SI and the correspondin! /6T2SI si!natures as (alid until the old /6T2SI can $e considered as in(alid $y the networ0 ,see su$clause 4.*.1.5-. 4urin! this period the networ0 %ay use the identification procedure followed $y a /6T2SI reallocation procedure if the old /6T2SI is used $y the 2S in a su$se>uent %essa!e. 8'T5E 'ptionally= pa!in! with I2SI %ay $e used if pa!in! with old and new /6T2SI fails. /a!in! with I2SI causes the 2S to re6attach as descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.9.1.

$- /rotocol error If the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e has $een recei(ed with a protocol error= the networ0 shall return a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15Q5CT %essa!e with one of the followin! reCect causesE F9&E F99E 2andatory infor%ation ele%ent errorL Infor%ation ele%ent non6e?istent or not i%ple%entedL

F1<<E Conditional I5 errorL F111E /rotocol error= unspecified.


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c- T335< ti%e6out 'n the first e?piry of the ti%er= the networ0 shall retrans%it the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e and shall reset and restart ti%er T335<. The retrans%ission is perfor%ed four ti%es= i.e. on the fifth e?piry of ti%er T335<= the routin! area updatin! procedure is a$orted. .oth= the old and the new /6T2SI and the correspondin! /6T2SI si!natures shall $e considered as (alid until the old /6T2SI can $e considered as in(alid $y the networ0,see su$clause 4.*.1.5-. 4urin! this period the networ0 acts as descri$ed for case a a$o(e. 2S Start T333< 8etwor0 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST If /6T2SI or T2SI allocated= or 1ecei(e 86/4 8u%$er needed Start T335< Stop T335< or 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST Start T333< 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15Q5CT Stop T333< 2i ure )*/*#31 3GPP TS ()*++,4 "outin and co7bined routin area updatin procedure

Stop T333< If /6T2SI or T2SI allocated= or 1ecei(e 86/4 8u%$er needed

1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T

1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 C'2/)5T5


Co02i'ed ro*ti' area *"dati' "ro&ed*re

Bithin a co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure the %essa!es 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T and 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 C'2/)5T5 carry infor%ation for the routin! area updatin! and the location area updatin!.


Co02i'ed ro*ti' area *"dati' "ro&ed*re i'itiatio'

The co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure is initiated only $y a #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %odes A or .= if the 2S is in state #22615#IST5154 and 226I4)5= and if the networ0 operates in networ0 operation %ode IE 6 6 6 6 6 6 when a #/1S 2S that is I2SI attached for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices detects a chan!e of the routin! area in state #22615#IST5154 and 226I4)5L when a #/1S 2S that is I2SI attached for #/1S ser(ices wants to perfor% an I2SI attach for non6#/1S ser(icesL after ter%ination of a non6#/1S ser(ice (ia non6#/1S channels to update the association if the 2S has chan!ed the 1A durin! that non6#/1S ser(ice transactionL after a C2 S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e with cause (alue F4 is recei(ed $y the %o$ile station ,see su$clause in this case the update type I5 shall $e set to DCo%$ined 1A")A updatin! with I2SI attachDL when a #/1S 2S needs to update the networ0 with the new 2S 1adio Access Capa$ility I5L or in 2TS= to re6synchroniHe the /22 %ode of 2S and networ0 after 11C connection release with cause D4irected si!nallin! connection re6esta$lish%entD= see su$clause 4.*.2.5.


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In #S2= the routin! and location area identification are $roadcast on the $roadcast channel,s-. A co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure shall a$ort any on!oin! #22 procedure. A$orted #22 procedures shall $e repeated after the co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure has $een successfully perfor%ed. The 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e shall always $e the first %essa!e sent fro% the 2S in the new routin! area after routin! area chan!e. In 2TS= the routin! and location area identification are $roadcast on the $roadcast channel,s- or sent to the 2S (ia the /S si!nalin! connection. A co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure shall a$ort any on!oin! #22 procedure. A$orted #22 procedures %ay $e repeated after the co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure has $een successfully perfor%ed. The 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e shall always $e the first #22 %essa!e sent fro% the 2S in the new routin! area after routin! area chan!e. To initiate a co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure the 2S sends the %essa!e 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST to the networ0= starts ti%er T333< and chan!es to state #2261' TI8#6 /4ATI8#6I8ITIAT54 and 22 )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# /584I8#. The (alue of the update type I5 in the %essa!e shall indicate Dco%$ined 1A")A updatin!D. If for the last atte%pt to update the re!istration of the location area a 22 specific procedure was perfor%ed= the (alue of the update type I5 in the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e shall indicate Dco%$ined 1A")A updatin! with I2SI attachD. Further%ore the 2S shall include the T2SI status I5 if no (alid T2SI is a(aila$le. A #/1S 2S in 2S operation %odes A or . that is in an on!oin! circuit6switched transaction= shall initiate the co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure after the circuit6switched transaction has $een released= if the 2S has chan!ed the 1A durin! the circuit6switched transaction and if the networ0 operates in networ0 operation %ode I. A #/1S 2S in 2S operation %ode A shall initiate the co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure with I2SI attach after the circuit6switched transaction has $een released if a #/1S attach was perfor%ed durin! the circuit6switched transaction and pro(ided that the networ0 operates in networ0 operation %ode I. A #/1S 2S in 2S operation %ode A shall perfor% the nor%al routin! area update procedure durin! an on!oin! circuit6switched transaction. In 2TS= if the 2S wishes to prolon! the esta$lished /S si!nallin! connection after the nor%al routin! area updatin! procedure when it is ser(ed under 2TS area= it %ay set a follow6on re>uest pendin! indicator on. In 2TS= when a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST is recei(ed $y the S#S8 o(er a new /S si!nallin! connection while there is an on!oin! /S si!nallin! connection ,networ0 is already in %ode /226C'885CT54- for this 5= the networ0 shall pro!ress the routin! area update procedure as nor%al and release the pre(ious /S si!nallin! connection when the routin! area update procedure has $een accepted $y the networ0. 8'T5E The re6esta$lish%ent of the radio $earers of acti(e /4/ conte?ts is done as descri$ed in su$clause DSer(ice 1e>uest procedureD.


GMM Co00o' "ro&ed*re i'itiatio'

The networ0 %ay initiate #22 co%%on procedures= e.!. the #22 authentication and cipherin! procedure.


Co02i'ed ro*ti' area *"dati' "ro&ed*re a&&e"ted 2y t!e 'et%or5

4ependin! on the (alue of the update result I5 recei(ed in the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e= two different cases can $e distin!uishedE Case 1Case 2The update result I5 (alue indicates Dco%$ined 1A")ADE 1outin! and location area updatin! is successfulL The update result I5 (alue indicates D1A onlyDE 1outin! area updatin! is successful= $ut updatin! is not successful. location area

A 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e shall $e returned to the networ0 if the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e containsE 6 6 a /6T2SI and"or a T2SIL and"or 1ecei(e 86/4 8u%$ers ,see 3#// TS 44.<&5 N*3O and 3#// TS TS 25.322-.


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In the latter case= the 1ecei(e 86/4 8u%$ers that are (alid in the 2S shall $e included in the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e. In 2TS= the networ0 should prolon! the /S si!nallin! connection if the %o$ile station has indicated a follow6on re>uest pendin! in 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST. The networ0 %ay also prolon! the /S si!nallin! connection without any indication fro% the %o$ile ter%inal. 4.;. Co02i'ed ro*ti' area *"dati' s*&&ess6*l

The description for nor%al routin! area update as specified in su$clause 4.*.5.1.3 shall $e followed. In addition= the followin! description for location area updatin! applies. The handlin! at the receipt of the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T depends on the (alue recei(ed in the update result I5 as specified $elow. The T2SI reallocation %ay $e part of the co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure. The T2SI allocated is then included in the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e to!ether with the location area identification ,)AI-. The networ0 shall= in this case= chan!e to state #226C'22'86/1'C54 156I8ITIAT54 and shall start the ti%er T335< as descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.&. The 2S= recei(in! a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e= stores the recei(ed location area identification= stops ti%er T333<= enters state 22 I4)5= reset the location update atte%pt counter and sets the update status to 1 /4AT54. If the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e contains an I2SI= the %o$ile station is not allocated any T2SI= and shall delete any T2SI accordin!ly. If the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e contains a T2SI= the 2S shall use this T2SI as new te%porary identity. The 2S shall delete its old T2SI and shall store the new T2SI. In this case= an 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e is returned to the networ0. If neither a T2SI nor an I2SI has $een included $y the networ0 in the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e= the old T2SI= if any is a(aila$le= shall $e 0ept. Any ti%er used for tri!!erin! the location updatin! procedure ,e.!. T3211= T3212- shall $e stopped if runnin!. The networ0 recei(in! a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e stops ti%er T335<= chan!es to #226 15#IST5154 state and considers the new T2SI as (alid. 4.;. Co02i'ed ro*ti' are *"dati' s*&&ess6*l 6or G<-S ser1i&es o'ly

The description for nor%al routin! area update as specified in su$clause 4.*.5.1.3 shall $e followed. In addition= the followin! description for location area updatin! applies. The 2S recei(in! the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e ta0es one of the followin! actions dependin! on the reCect causeE F2 ,I2SI un0nown in ;)1-L

The 2S shall set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid for non6#/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. F1& F1* F22 ,2SC te%porarily not reacha$le-L ,8etwor0 failure-L or ,Con!estion-.

The 2S shall chan!e to state #22615#IST5154.ATT52/TI8#6T'6 /4AT5622. Ti%er T333< shall $e stopped if still runnin!. The routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter shall $e incre%ented. If the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter is less than 5= and the stored 1AI is e>ual to the 1AI of the current ser(in! cell and the #22 update status is e>ual to # 1 /4AT54E 6 the 2S shall 0eep the #22 update status # 1 /4AT54 and chan!es state to #226 15#IST5154.ATT52/TI8#6T'6 /4AT5622. The 2S shall start ti%er T3311. Bhen ti%er T3311 e?pires the co%$ined routin! area update procedure indicatin! Dco%$ined 1A")A updatin! with I2SI attachD is tri!!ered a!ain.


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If the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter is !reater than or e>ual to 5E 6 6 the 2S shall start ti%er T33<2 and shall chan!e to state #22615#IST5154.ATT52/TI8#6T'6 /4AT5622L a #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A shall then proceed with appropriate 22 specific procedureL a #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode . %ay then proceed with appropriate 22 specific procedures. The 22 su$layer shall act as in networ0 operation %ode II as lon! as the co%$ined #22 procedures are not successful and no new 1A is entered. The new 22 state is I4)5.

'ther (alues are considered as a$nor%al cases. The co%$ined routin! area updatin! shall $e considered as failed for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices. The specification of the 2S $eha(iour in those cases is specified in su$clause4.*.5.2.5.


Co02i'ed ro*ti' area *"dati' 'ot a&&e"ted 2y t!e 'et%or5

If the co%$ined routin! area updatin! cannot $e accepted= the networ0 sends a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15Q5CT %essa!e to the 2S. An 2S that recei(es a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15Q5CT %essa!e stops ti%er T333<= enters state 22 I4)5= and for all causes e?cept F12= F14 and F15 deletes the list of De>ui(alent /)28sD. The 2S shall then ta0e different actions dependin! on the recei(ed reCect causeE F3 F& F3 ,Ille!al 2S-L ,Ille!al 25-= or ,#/1S ser(ices and non #/1S ser(ices not allowed-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and enter the state #226 4515#IST5154. Further%ore= it shall delete any /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= T2SI= 1AI= )AI= cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and shall consider the SI2 as in(alid for #/1S and non #/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. F* ,#/1S ser(ices not allowed-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and shall delete any /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid for #/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. The new state is #2264515#IST5154. If in the 2S the ti%er T3212 is not already runnin!= the ti%er shall $e set to its initial (alue and restarted. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . in networ0 operation %ode I= is still I2SI attached for CS ser(ices in the networ0. and shall then proceed with the appropriate 22 specific procedure accordin! to the 22 ser(ice state. F9 ,2S identity cannot $e deri(ed $y the networ0-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 2 8'T /4AT54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause enter the state #2264515#IST5154= and shall delete any /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. Su$se>uently= the 2S %ay auto%atically initiate the #/1S attach procedure. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . in networ0 operation %ode I= is still I2SI attached for CS ser(ices in the networ0. F 1< ,I%plicitly detached-L

A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . in networ0 operation %ode I= is I2SI detached for $oth #/1S and CS ser(ices in the networ0. The 2S shall chan!e to state #2264515#IST5154.8'12A)6S51+IC5. The 2S shall then perfor% a new attach procedure. The 2S should also acti(ate /4/ conte?t,s- to replace any pre(iously acti(e /4/ conte?ts. 8'T5E In so%e cases= user interaction %ay $e re>uired and then the 2S cannot acti(ate the /4/ conte?t,sauto%atically.


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F 11

,/)28 not allowed-L

The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and enter the state #226 4515#IST5154. Further%ore= it shall delete any /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= T2SI= 1AI= )AI= cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= and reset the location update atte%pt counter. The 2S shall store the /)28 identity in the Dfor$idden /)28 listD. The 2S shall then perfor% a /)28 selection accordin! to 3#// TS 23.122 N14O. F 12 ,)ocation area not allowed-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to clause shall reset the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter and shall chan!e to state #226 4515#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5. The 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The %o$ile station shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for re!ional pro(ision of ser(iceD. The 2S shall perfor% a cell selection accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 25.3<4. F 13 ,1oa%in! not allowed in this location area-L

The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to clause shall reset the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter and shall chan!e to state #226 15#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5. The 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D. The 2S shall perfor% a /)28 selection accordin! to 3#// TS 23.122 N14O. F 14 ,#/1S ser(ices not allowed in this /)28-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and shall chan!e to state #2264515#IST5154. If in the 2S the ti%er T3212 is not already runnin!= the ti%er shall $e set to its initial (alue and restarted. The 2S shall store the /)28 identity in the Dfor$idden /)28s for #/1S ser(iceD list. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A or . in networ0 operation %ode I= is still I2SI attached for CS ser(ices in the networ0 and shall then proceed with the appropriate 22 specific procedure accordin! to the 22 ser(ice state. F 15 ,8o Suita$le Cells In )ocation Area-L

The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to clause shall reset the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter and shall chan!e to state #226 15#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5. The 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D. The 2S shall search for a suita$le cell in another location area in the sa%e /)28 accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 25.3<4.


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'ther (alues are considered as a$nor%al cases. The specification of the 2S $eha(iour in those cases is descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.5.2.5.


,2'or0al &ases i' t!e MS

The a$nor%al cases specified in su$clause 4.*.5.1.5 apply with the followin! %odificationE If the #/1S routin! area updatin! counter is less than 5= the 22 state re%ains 22 )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# /584I8#. If the #/1S routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter is incre%ented accordin! to su$clause 4.*.5.1.5 the ne?t actions depend on the )ocation Area Identities ,stored on SI2 and the one of the current ser(in! cell- and the (alue of the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter. 6 if the update status is 1 /4AT54= and the stored )AI is e>ual to the one of the current ser(in! cell and the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter is s%aller than 5= then the %o$ile station shall 0eep the update status to 1 /4AT54= the new 22 state is 22 I4)5 su$state 8'12A) S51+IC5= or if the update status is different fro% 1 /4AT54= or the stored )AI is different fro% the one of the current ser(in! cell= or the routin! area updatin! atte%pt counter is !reater or e>ual to 5= the %o$ile station shall delete any )AI= T2SI= cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored in the SI2 and list of e>ui(alent /)28s and set the update status to 2 8'T /4AT54. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5 su$state ATT52/TI8# T' /4AT5.


,2'or0al &ases o' t!e 'et%or5 side

The a$nor%al cases specified in su$clause 4.*.5.1.& apply with the e?ceptions for cases a and c in which in addition to the /6T2SI and /6T2SI si!nature the old T2SI shall $e considered occupied until the new T2SI is used $y the 2S in a su$se>uent %essa!e.

4.;.8 <-TMS) reallo&atio' "ro&ed*re

A te%porary %o$ile station identity for #/1S ser(ices= the /ac0et6T2SI ,/6T2SI-= is used for identification within the radio interface si!nallin! procedures. The structure of the /6T2SI is specified in 3#// TS 23.<<3 N1<O. The /6T2SI has si!nificance only within a routin! area. 'utside the routin! area it has to $e co%$ined with the routin! area identification ,1AI- to pro(ide for an una%$i!uous identity. The purpose of the /6T2SI reallocation procedure is to pro(ide identity confidentiality= i.e. to protect a user a!ainst $ein! identified and located $y an intruder ,see 3#// TS 42.<<9 N5O and 43.<2< N13O-. sually= /6T2SI reallocation is perfor%ed at least at each chan!e of a routin! area. ,Such choices are left to the networ0 operator-. The reallocation of a /6T2SI is perfor%ed $y the uni>ue procedure defined in this su$clause. This procedure can only $e initiated $y the networ0 in state #22615#IST5154. /6T2SI can also $e i%plicitly reallocated in the attach or routin! area updatin! procedures. The i%plicit reallocation of a /6T2SI is descri$ed in the correspondin! su$clause s. 8'T5E 8or%ally= the /6T2SI reallocation will ta0e place in conCunction with another #22 procedure= e.!. at routin! area updatin! ,see 3#// TS 29.<<2 N3*O-.


<-TMS) reallo&atio' i'itiatio' 2y t!e 'et%or5

The networ0 initiates the /6T2SI reallocation procedure $y sendin! a /6T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'22A84 %essa!e to the 2S and starts the ti%er T335<. The /6T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'22A84 %essa!e contains a new co%$ination of /6T2SI= 1AI and optionally a /6T2SI si!nature allocated $y the networ0. The networ0 shall not send any user data durin! the /6T2SI reallocation procedure.


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<-TMS) reallo&atio' &o0"letio' 2y t!e MS

pon receipt of the /6T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'22A84 %essa!e= the 2S stores the 1outin! Area Identifier ,1AI- and the /6T2SI and sends a /6T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e to the networ0. If a /6T2SI si!nature is present in the /6T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'22A84 %essa!e= the 2S shall store the new /6T2SI si!nature and shall if a(aila$le delete the old /6T2SI si!nature. If no /6T2SI si!nature is present in the /6 T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'22A84 %essa!e= the old /6T2SI si!nature= if a(aila$le= shall $e 0ept.


<-TMS) reallo&atio' &o0"letio' 2y t!e 'et%or5

pon receipt of the /6T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e= the networ0 stops the ti%er T335< and considers $oth the old and the new /6T2SI and the correspondin! /6T2SI si!natures as (alid until the old /6T2SI can $e considered as in(alid $y the networ0 ,see su$clause 4.*.1.5-. In #S2= the #22 layer shall notify the ))C layer that the /6T2SI has $een chan!ed ,see 3#// TS <4.&4 N*&O-.


,2'or0al &ases o' t!e 'et%or5 side

The followin! a$nor%al cases can $e identifiedE a- )ower layer failure If a lower layer failure is detected $efore the /6T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e is recei(ed= the old and the new /6T2SI shall $e considered as occupied until the old /6T2SI can $e considered as in(alid $y the networ0 ,see su$clause 4.*.1.5-. 4urin! this period the networ0E %ay first use the old /6T2SI for pa!in! for an i%ple%entation dependent nu%$er of pa!in! atte%pts in the case of networ0 ori!inated transactions. pon response fro% the 2S= the networ0 %ay re6initiate the /6T2SI reallocation. If no response is recei(ed to the pa!in! atte%pts= the networ0 %ay use the new /6T2SI for pa!in! for an i%ple%entation dependent nu%$er of pa!in! atte%pts. pon response fro% the 2S the networ0 shall consider the new /6T2SI as (alid and the old /6T2SI as in(alid. If no response is recei(ed to the pa!in! atte%pts= the networ0 %ay use the I2SI for pa!in!. for an i%ple%entation dependent nu%$er of pa!in! atte%ptsL 8'T5E 6 6 /a!in! with I2SI causes the 2S to re6attach as descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.9.1.

shall consider the new /6T2SI as (alid if it is used $y the 2S ,see su$clause 4.*.1.5-L or %ay use the identification procedure followed $y a new /6T2SI reallocation if the 2S uses the old /6T2SI.

$- 5?piry of ti%er T335< The /6T2SI reallocation procedure is super(ised $y the ti%er T335<. The networ0 shall= on the first e?piry of ti%er T335<= reset and restart ti%er T335< and shall retrans%it the /6T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'22A84. This retrans%ission is repeated four ti%es= i.e. on the fifth e?piry of ti%er T335<= the networ0 shall a$ort the reallocation procedure and shall follow the rules for case a as descri$ed a$o(e. c- /6T2SI reallocation and #/1S attach procedure collision If the networ0 recei(es an ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the on!oin! /6T2SI reallocation procedure has $een co%pleted the networ0 shall proceed with the #/1S attach procedure after deletion of the #22 conte?t. d- /6T2SI reallocation and an 2S initiated #/1S detach procedure collision If the networ0 recei(es a 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the on!oin! /6T2SI reallocation procedure has $een co%pleted= the networ0 shall a$ort the /6T2SI reallocation procedure and shall pro!ress the #/1S detach procedure.


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e- /6T2SI reallocation and a routin! area updatin! procedure collision If the networ0 recei(es a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the on!oin! /6T2SI reallocation procedure has $een co%pleted= the networ0 shall a$ort the /6T2SI reallocation procedure and shall pro!ress the routin! area updatin! procedure. The networ0 %ay then perfor% a new /6T2SI reallocation. f- /6T2SI reallocation and a ser(ice re>uest procedure collision If the networ0 recei(es a S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the on!oin! /6T2SI reallocation procedure procedure has $een co%pleted= the networ0 shall pro!ress $oth procedures. If there are different new /6T2SI included in su$se>uent /6T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'22A84 %essa!es= due to an a$orted or repeated /6T2SI reallocation procedure= the 2S always re!ards the newest and its e?istin! /6T2SI as (alid for the reco(ery ti%e. 2S /6T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'22A84 /6T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'2/)5T5 8etwor0 Start T335< Stop T335<

2i ure )*/*.31 3GPP TS ()*++,4 P'TMS9 reallocation procedure

4.;.; ,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd &i"!eri' "ro&ed*re

4.;.;a ,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd &i"!eri' "ro&ed*re *sed 6or UMTS a*t!e'ti&atio' &!alle' e.

The purpose of the authentication and cipherin! procedure is fourfold ,see 3#// TS 33.1<2-E 6 6 6 6 to per%it the networ0 to chec0 whether the identity pro(ided $y the 2S is accepta$le or notL to pro(ide para%eters ena$lin! the 2S to calculate a new #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey and a new #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0eyL to let the networ0 set the #S2 cipherin! %ode ,cipherin! "no cipherin!- and #S2 cipherin! al!orith%L and to per%it the %o$ile station to authenticate the networ0.

In 2TS= and in the case of a 2TS authentication challen!e= the authentication and cipherin! procedure can $e used for authentication only. The cases in which the authentication and cipherin! procedure shall $e used are defined in 3#// TS 33.1<2 and 3#// TS 42.<<9 N5O. The authentication and cipherin! procedure is always initiated and controlled $y the networ0. ;owe(er= in the case of a 2TS authentication challen!e= there is the possi$ility for the 2S to reCect the networ0. 2TS authentication challen!e shall $e supported $y a 2S supportin! the 2TS authentication al!orith%. 8'T5E Accordin! to 3#// TS 33.1<2= a 25 supportin! only A"#$ %ode need not support the SI2 interface and in conse>uence need not support the 2TS authentication challen!e.

The authentication and cipherin! procedure can $e used for eitherE 6 6 6 authentication onlyL settin! of the #S2 cipherin! %ode and the #S2 cipherin! al!orith% onlyL or authentication and the settin! of the #S2 cipherin! %ode and the #S2 cipherin! al!orith%.

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In #S2= the networ0 should not send any user data durin! the authentication and cipherin! procedure. A 2TS security conte?t is esta$lished in the 2S and the networ0 when a 2TS authentication challen!e is perfor%ed in #S2 or in 2TS. After a successful 2TS authentication= the #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey= the #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey= the #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey and the #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= are stored $oth in the networ0 and the 2S.


,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd &i"!eri' "ro&ed*re *sed 6or GSM a*t!e'ti&atio' &!alle' e

The purpose of the authentication and cipherin! procedure is threefold ,see 3#// TS 43.<2< N13O-E 6 6 6 to per%it the networ0 to chec0 whether the identity pro(ided $y the 2S is accepta$le or notL to pro(ide para%eters ena$lin! the 2S to calculate a new #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0eyL and to let the networ0 set the #S2 cipherin! %ode ,cipherin!"no cipherin!- and #S2 cipherin! al!orith%.

The authentication and cipherin! procedure can $e used for eitherE 6 6 6 authentication onlyL settin! of the #S2 cipherin! %ode and the #S2 cipherin! al!orith% onlyL or authentication and the settin! of the #S2 cipherin! %ode and the #S2 cipherin! al!orith%.

The cases in which the authentication and cipherin! procedure shall $e used are defined in 3#// TS 42.<<9 N5O. In #S2= the authentication and cipherin! procedure is always initiated and controlled $y the networ0. It shall $e perfor%ed in a non ciphered %ode $ecause of the followin! reasonsE 6 6 the networ0 cannot decipher a ciphered A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 fro% an unauthorised 2S and put it on the $lac0 listL and to $e a$le to define a specific point in ti%e fro% which on a new #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey should $e used instead of the old one.

#S2 authentication challen!e shall $e supported $y a 25 supportin! #S2 or 2TS radio access. In #S2= the networ0 should not send any user data durin! the authentication and cipherin! procedure. A #S2 security conte?t is esta$lished in the 2S and the networ0 when a #S2 authentication challen!e is perfor%ed in #S2 or in 2TS. ;owe(er= in 2TS an 2S which supports the 2TS authentication al!orith% shall not accept a #S2 authentication challen!e. After a successful #S2 authentication challen!e= the #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey and the #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= are stored $oth in the networ0 and the 2S.


,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd &i"!eri' i'itiatio' 2y t!e 'et%or5

The networ0 initiates the authentication and cipherin! procedure $y transferrin! an A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e across the radio interface and starts ti%er T33&<. The A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e shall contain all para%eters necessary to calculate the response para%eters when authentication is perfor%ed ,see 3#// TS 43.<2< N13O and 3#// TS 33.1<2-. If authentication is re>uested= then the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e shall contain eitherE 6 In a #S2 authentication challen!e= the #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= allocated to the #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey and the 1A84= or In a 2TS authentication challen!e= the #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= allocated to the #/1S 2TS cipherin! and #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0eys= the 1A84 and the A T8.

In #S2= if authentication is not re>uested= then the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e shall not contain neither the #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= the 1A84 nor the A T8.


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In #S2= if cipherin! is re>uested= in a #S2 authentication challen!e or in a 2TS authentication challen!e= then the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e shall indicate the #/1S #S2 cipherin! al!orith%. The networ0 includes the AKC reference nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent in the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e. Its (alue is chosen in order to lin0 an A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST in a 1A with its 15S/'8S5. The AKC reference nu%$er (alue %i!ht $e $ased on the 1A Colour Code (alue. Additionally= the networ0 %ay re>uest the 2S to include its I25IS+ in the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e.


,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd &i"!eri' res"o'se 2y t!e MS

In #S2= a 2S that is attached to #/1S shall $e ready to respond upon an A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e at any ti%e. In 2TS= an 2S that is attached to #/1S shall $e ready to respond upon an A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e at any ti%e whilst a /S si!nallin! connection e?ists. A 2S which does not support the 2TS authentication al!orith% shall i!nore the Authentication /ara%eter A T8 I5 if included in the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e and perfor% the #S2 authentication challen!e. It shall not perfor% the authentication of the networ0 descri$ed in 4.*.*.5.1. In a #S2 authentication challen!e= if the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e includes the authentication para%eters 1A84 and #/1S CKS8= then upon receipt of the %essa!e= the 2S processes the challen!e infor%ation and sends an A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e to the networ0. The (alue of the recei(ed AKC reference nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent shall $e copied into the AKC reference nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent in the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e. A #S2 authentication challen!e will result in the SI2 passin! a S15S and a #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey to the 25. The new #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey calculated fro% the challen!e infor%ation shall o(erwrite the pre(ious one and any pre(iously stored #/1S 2TS cipherin! and #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0eys shall $e deleted. The calculated #S2 cipherin! 0ey shall $e stored on the SI2 to!ether with the #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er $efore the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e is trans%itted. In a 2TS authentication challen!e= if the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e includes the 2TS authentication para%eters #/1S CKS8= 1A84 and A T8= then upon receipt of the %essa!e= the 2S (erifies the A T8 para%eter and if this is accepted= the 2S processes the challen!e infor%ation and sends an A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e to the networ0. The (alue of the recei(ed AKC reference nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent shall $e copied into the AKC reference nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent in the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e. A 2TS authentication challen!e will result in the SI2 passin! a 15S= a #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey= a #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey and a #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey to the 25. The new #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey= #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey and #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey calculated fro% the challen!e infor%ation shall o(erwrite the pre(ious ones. The new #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey= #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey and #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey shall $e stored on the SI2 to!ether with the #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er $efore the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e is trans%itted. In 2TS= an 2S capa$le of 2TS only shall i!nore the Cipherin! Al!orith% I5 in the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e. An 2S capa$le of $oth 2TS and #S2 shall store the recei(ed (alue in the Cipherin! Al!orith% I5 in the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e in order to use it at an inter syste% chan!e fro% 2TS to #S2. If the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e does not include neither the #S2 authentication para%eters ,1A84 and #/1S CKS8- nor the 2TS authentication para%eters ,1A84= A T8 and #/1S CKS8-= then upon receipt of the %essa!e= the 2S replies $y sendin! an A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e to the networ0. In #S2= the #22 layer shall notify the ))C layer if cipherin! shall $e used or not and if yes which #S2 cipherin! al!orith% and #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey that shall $e used ,see 3#// TS <4.&4 N*&O-. A 25 supportin! 2TS authentication challen!e shall support the followin! procedureE


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In order to a(oid a synchronisation failure= if the sa%e 1A84 is recei(ed twice= the %o$ile station shall store the recei(ed 1A84 to!ether with the 15S returned fro% the SI2 in the (olatile %e%ory and co%pare it with any su$se>uently recei(ed 1A84 (alues= until the 1A84 (alue stored in the %o$ile station is deleted. If the stored 1A84 (alue is e>ual to the new recei(ed (alue in the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e= then the %o$ile station shall not pass the 1A84 to the SI2= $ut shall i%%ediately send the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e with the stored 15S. If there is no (alid stored 1A84 in the %o$ile station or the stored 1A84 is different fro% the new recei(ed (alue in the A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e= the %o$ile station shall pass the 1A84 to the SI2= shall o(erride any pre(iously stored 1A84 and 15S with the new ones and start? or reset and restart ti%er T331&. The 1A84 and 15S (alues stored in the %o$ile station shall $e deleted and ti%er T331&= if runnin!= shall $e stoppedE 6 upon receipt of a S5C 1ITA 2'45 C'22A84 ,Iu %ode only-? S51+IC5GACC5/T ,Iu %ode only-? S51+IC5G15Q5CT ,Iu %ode only-? 1' TI8#GA15AG /4AT5GACC5/T or A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8# 15Q5CT %essa!eL upon e?piry of ti%er T331&L or if the %o$ile station enters the #22 states #2264515#IST5154 or #2268 )).

6 6


,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd &i"!eri' &o0"letio' 2y t!e 'et%or5

pon receipt of the A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e= the networ0 stops the ti%er T33&< and chec0s the (alidity of the response ,see 3#// TS 43.<2< N13O and 3#// TS 33.1<2-. For this= it %ay use the AKC reference nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent within the A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e to deter%ine whether the response is correlatin! to the last re>uest that was sent. In #S2= the #22 layer shall notify the ))C su$layer if cipherin! shall $e used or not and if yes which al!orith% and #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey that shall $e used ,see 3#// TS <4.&4 N*&O-. pon receipt of the A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# FAI) 15 %essa!e= the networ0 stops the ti%er T33&<. In Synch failure case= the core networ0 %ay rene!otiate with the ;)1"AuC and pro(ide the 2S with new authentication para%eters.


G<-S &i"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er

The security para%eters for authentication and cipherin! are tied to!ether in sets. In a #S2 authentication challen!e= fro% a challen!e para%eter 1A84 $oth the authentication response para%eter S15S and the #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey can $e co%puted !i(en the secret 0ey associated to the I2SI. In a 2TS authentication challen!e= fro% a challen!e para%eter 1A84= the authentication response para%eter 15S and the #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey and the #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey can $e co%puted !i(en the secret 0ey associated to the I2SI. In order to allow start of cipherin! on a lo!ical lin0 without authentication= #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$ers are introduced. The #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er is %ana!ed $y the networ0 such that the A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e contains the #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er allocated to the #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey ,in case of a #S2 authentication challen!e- or the #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey and the #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey ,in case of a 2TS authentication challen!e- which %ay $e co%puted fro% the 1A84 para%eter carried in that %essa!e. The 2S stores the #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er with the #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey ,in case of a #S2 authentication challen!e- and the #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey and the #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey ,in case of a 2TS authentication challen!e-=and includes the correspondin! #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er in the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST= S51+IC5 15: 5ST and ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!es. If the #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er is deleted= the associated #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey= #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey and #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey shall $e deleted ,i.e. the esta$lished #S2 security conte?t or the 2TS security conte?t is no lon!er (alid-.


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In 2TS= the networ0 %ay choose to start cipherin! and inte!rity chec0in! with the stored #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey and the stored #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey ,under the restrictions !i(en in 3#// TS 42.<<9 N5O and 3#// TS 33.1<2- if the stored #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and the one !i(en fro% the 2S are e>ual. In #S2= the networ0 %ay choose to start cipherin! with the stored #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey ,under the restrictions !i(en in 3#// TS 42.<<9 N5O- if the stored #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and the one !i(en fro% the 2S are e>ual and the pre(iously ne!otiated cipherin! al!orith% is 0nown and supported in the networ0. Bhen cipherin! is re>uested at #/1S attach= the authentication and cipherin! procedure shall $e perfor%ed since the 2S does not store the cipherin! al!orith% at detach. pon #/1S attach= if cipherin! is to $e used= an A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e shall $e sent to the 2S to start cipherin!. If the #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored in the networ0 does not %atch the #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er recei(ed fro% the 2S in the ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e= then the networ0 should authenticate the 2S. In #S2= the 2S starts cipherin! after sendin! the A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e. The networ0 starts cipherin! when a (alid A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 is recei(ed fro% the 2S. In 2TS= the 2S starts cipherin! and inte!rity chec0in! accordin! to the conditions specified in specification 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO. In #S2= as an option= the networ0 %ay decide to continue cipherin! without sendin! an A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e after recei(in! a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e with a (alid #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. .oth the 2S and the networ0 shall use the latest cipherin! para%eters. The networ0 starts cipherin! when sendin! the ciphered 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e to the 2S. The 2S starts cipherin! after recei(in! a (alid ciphered 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e fro% the networ0. 8'T5E In so%e specifications the ter% KSI ,Key Set Identifier- is used instead of the ter% #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er.


,*t!e'ti&atio' 'ot a&&e"ted 2y t!e 'et%or5

If authentication and cipherin! fails= i.e. if the response is not (alid= the networ0 considers whether the 2S has used the /6T2SI or the I2SI for identification. 6 If the /6T2SI has $een used= the networ0 %ay decide to initiate the identification procedure. If the I2SI !i(en $y the 2S differs fro% the one the networ0 had associated with the /6T2SI= the authentication should $e restarted with the correct para%eters. If the I2SI pro(ided $y the 2S is the e?pected one ,i.e. authentication has really failed-= the networ0 should proceed as descri$ed $elow. If the I2SI has $een used= or the networ0 decides not to try the identification procedure= an A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15Q5CT %essa!e should $e transferred to the 2S.

pon receipt of an A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15Q5CT %essa!e= the 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and shall delete the /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored. If a(aila$le= also the T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er shall $e deleted and the update status shall $e set to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. If the A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15Q5CT %essa!e is recei(ed= the 2S shall a$ort any #22 procedure= shall stop the ti%ers T331<= T331* and T333< ,if runnin!- and shall enter state #226 4515#IST5154.


,*t!e'ti&atio' 'ot a&&e"ted 2y t!e MS

In a 2TS authentication challen!e= the authentication procedure is e?tended to allow the 2S to chec0 the authenticity of the core networ0. Thus allowin!= for instance= detection of false $ase station. Followin! a 2TS authentication challen!e= the 2S %ay reCect the core networ0= on the !rounds of an incorrect A T8 para%eter ,see 3#// TS 33.1<2-. This para%eter contains two possi$le causes for authentication failureE a- 2AC code failure


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If the 2S considers the 2AC code ,supplied $y the core networ0 in the A T8 para%eter- to $e in(alid= it shall send a A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# FAI) 15 %essa!e to the networ0= with the #22 cause 72AC failure7. The 2S shall then follow the procedure descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.*.& ,f-. $- S:8 failure If the 2S considers the S:8 ,supplied $y the core networ0 in the A T8 para%eter- to $e out of ran!e= it shall send a A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# FAI) 15 %essa!e to the networ0= with the #22 cause 7Synch failure7 and the re6synchroniHation to0en A TS pro(ided $y the SI2 ,see 3#// TS 33.1<2-. The 2S shall then follow the procedure descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.*.& ,!-. In 2TS= an 2S which supports the 2TS authentication al!orith% shall reCect the authentication challen!e if no Authentication /ara%eter A T8 I5 was present in the A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e ,i.e. a #S2 authentication challen!e has $een recei(ed when the 2S e?pects a 2TS authentication challen!e-. In such a case= the 2S shall send the A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# FAI) 15 %essa!e to the networ0= with the #22 cause R#S2 authentication unaccepta$leS. The 2S shall then follow the procedure descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.*.& ,f-. If the 2S returns an A T;58TICATI'8GA84GCI/;51I8#GFAI) 15 %essa!e to the networ0= the 2S shall delete any pre(iously stored 1A84 and 15S and shall stop ti%er T331&= if runnin!.


,2'or0al &ases o' t!e 'et%or5 side

The followin! a$nor%al cases can $e identifiedE a- )ower layer failure pon detection of a lower layer failure $efore the A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 is recei(ed= the networ0 shall a$ort the procedure. $- 5?piry of ti%er T33&< The networ0 shall= on the first e?piry of the ti%er T33&<= retrans%it the A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST and shall reset and start ti%er T33&<. This retrans%ission is repeated four ti%es= i.e. on the fifth e?piry of ti%er T33&<= the procedure shall $e a$orted. c- Collision of an authentication and cipherin! procedure with a #/1S attach procedure If the networ0 recei(es an ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the on!oin! authentication procedure has $een co%pleted and no #/1S attach procedure is pendin! on the networ0 ,i.e. no ATTAC; ACC5/T"15Q5CT %essa!e has to $e sent as an answer to an ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e-= the networ0 shall a$ort the authentication and cipherin! procedure and proceed with the new #/1S attach procedure. d- Collision of an authentication and cipherin! procedure with a #/1S attach procedure when the authentication and cipherin! procedure has $een caused $y a pre(ious #/1S attach procedure If the networ0 recei(es an ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the on!oin! authentication procedure has $een co%pleted and a #/1S attach procedure is pendin! ,i.e. an ATTAC; ACC5/T"15Q5CT %essa!e has still to $e sent as an answer to an earlier ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e-= thenE 6 If one or %ore of the infor%ation ele%ents in the ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e differs fro% the ones recei(ed within the pre(ious ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e= the networ0 shall not treat the authentication any further and proceed with the #/1S attach procedureL or If the infor%ation ele%ents do not differ= then the networ0 shall not treat any further this new ATTAC; 15: 5ST.

Collision of an authentication and cipherin! procedure with a #/1S detach procedure #/1S detach containin! cause Dpower offDE If the networ0 recei(es a 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the on!oin! authentication and cipherin! procedure has $een co%pleted= the networ0 shall a$ort the authentication and cipherin! procedure and shall pro!ress the #/1S detach procedure. #/1S detach containin! other causes than Dpower offDE

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If the networ0 recei(es a 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the on!oin! authentication and cipherin! procedure has $een co%pleted= the networ0 shall co%plete the authentication and cipherin! procedure and shall respond to the #/1S detach procedure as descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.4. e- Collision of an authentication and cipherin! procedure with a routin! area updatin! procedure If the networ0 recei(es a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the on!oin! authentication procedure has $een co%pleted= the networ0 shall pro!ress $oth procedures. 2S 8etwor0 A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST Start T33&< A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15Q5CT Stop T33&<

2i ure )*/*/31 3GPP TS ()*++,4 8uthentication and cipherin procedure ,f- Authentication failure ,#22 cause D2AC failureD or D#S2 authentication unaccepta$leDThe 2S shall send an A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# FAI) 15 %essa!e= with #22 cause R2AC failureS or R#S2 authentication unaccepta$leS accordin! to su$clause 4.*.*.5.1= to the networ0 and start ti%er T3313. pon receipt of an A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# FAI) 15 %essa!e fro% the 2S with #22 cause R2AC failureS or R#S2 authentication unaccepta$leS the networ0 %ay initiate the identification procedure descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.3. This is to allow the networ0 to o$tain the I2SI fro% the 2S. The networ0 %ay then chec0 that the /6T2SI ori!inally used in the authentication challen!e corresponded to the correct I2SI. pon receipt of the I458TITA 15: 5ST %essa!e fro% the networ0= the 2S shall send the I458TITA 15S/'8S5 %essa!e. If the /6T2SI"I2SI %appin! in the networ0 was incorrect= the networ0 should respond $y sendin! a new A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e to the 2S. pon recei(in! the second A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e fro% the networ0= the 2S shall stop ti%er T3313= if runnin!= and then process the challen!e infor%ation as nor%al. Bhen the first A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e containin! an in(alid 2AC has $een recei(ed $y the 2S fro% the networ0= the 2S shall stop any of the retrans%ission ti%ers that are runnin! ,e.!. T331<= T3321= T333< or T331*-. pon successfully (alidatin! the networ0= ,an A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e that contains a (alid 2AC is recei(ed-= the 2S shall send the A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e to the networ0 and shall start any retrans%ission ti%ers ,i.e. T331<= T3321= T333< or T331*-= if they were runnin! and stopped when the 2S recei(ed the first A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e containin! an in(alid 2AC. It can $e assu%ed that the source of the authentication challen!e is not !enuine ,authentication not accepted $y the 2S- if any of the followin! occurE 6 6 6 After sendin! the A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# FAI) 15 %essa!e with #22 cause R2AC failureS or R#S2 authentication unaccepta$leS the ti%er T3313 e?piresL pon receipt of the second A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e fro% the networ0 while the T3313 is runnin! and the 2AC (alue cannot $e resol(edL The second A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST which is recei(ed in 2TS while T3313 is runnin! is a #S2 authentication challen!e ,i.e. no A T8 para%eter was recei(ed-.

Bhen it has $een dee%ed $y the 2S that the source of the authentication challen!e is not !enuine ,authentication not accepted $y the 2S-= the 2S shall $eha(e as descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.*.&.1.


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2S A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST

8etwor0 Start T33&<

Start T3313

A T; K CI/; FAI) 15 ,causeTS2AC failureS or R#S2 authentication unaccepta$leSI458TITA 15: 5ST I458TITA 15S/'8S5 ,I2SIA T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST

Stop T33&< Start T33*< Start T33*< Start T33&< Start T33&<

Stop T3313 A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5

2i ure )*/*/a31 3GPP TS ()*++,4 8uthentication failure cause ;M8C failure; or ;GSM authentication unacceptable; ,!- Authentication failure ,#22 cause DSynch failureD-E The 2S shall send an A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# FAI) 15 %essa!e= with the #22 cause DSynch failureD= to the networ0 and start the ti%er T332<. pon receipt of an A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# %essa!e fro% the 2S with the #22 cause Dsynch failureD= the networ0 shall use the returned A TS para%eter fro% the authentication K cipherin! failure para%eter I5 in the A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# FAI) 15 %essa!e= to re6synchronise. The re6synchronisation procedure re>uires the S#S8 to delete all unused authentication (ectors for that I2SI and o$tain new (ectors fro% the ;)1. Bhen re6synchronisation is co%plete= the networ0 shall initiate the authentication K cipherin! procedure. pon receipt of the A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e= the 2S shall stop ti%er T332<= if runnin!. Bhen the first A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e containin! an in(alid S:8 has $een recei(ed $y the 2S fro% the networ0= the 2S shall stop any of the retrans%ission ti%ers that are runnin! ,e.!. T331<= T3321= T333< or T331*-. pon successfully (alidatin! the networ0= ,a second A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed which contains a (alid S:8- while T332< is runnin!= the 2S shall send the A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e to the networ0 and shall start any retrans%ission ti%ers ,i.e. T331<= T3321= T333< or T331*-= if they were runnin! and stopped when the 2S recei(ed the first A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e containin! an in(alid S:8. If the 2S recei(es a second A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e which contains an in(alid S:8 while T332< is runnin!= then the 2S shall $eha(e as descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.*.&.1. If the ti%er T332< e?pires= the 2S shall $eha(e as descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.*.&.1.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

2S A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST A T; K CI/; FAI) 15 ,causeTSSynch failureSA T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST Stop T332< A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5

8etwor0 Start T33&< Stop T33&< /erfor% 1e6synch with ;)1

Start T332<

2i ure )*/*/b31 3GPP TS ()*++,4 8uthentication failure cause ?Synch failure@


MS 2e!a1io*r to%ards a 'et%or5 t!at !as 6ailed t!e a*t!e'ti&atio' "ro&ed*re

If the 2S dee%s that the networ0 has failed the authentication chec0= then it shall treat the cell where the A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e was recei(ed as $arred= until refresh of syste% infor%ation data. The 2S shall start any retrans%ission ti%ers ,i.e. T331<= T3321= T333< or T331*-= if they were runnin! and stopped when the 2S recei(ed the first A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e containin! an in(alid 2AC or in(alid S:8= or no A T8 when a 2TS authentication challen!e was e?pected.


Use o6 esta2lis!ed se&*rity &o'teFts

In #S2= in the case of an esta$lished #S2 security conte?t= the #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey shall $e ta0en into use $y the 2S $efore the A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e is trans%itted. In #S2= in the case of an esta$lished 2TS security conte?t= the #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey shall $e ta0en into use $y the 2S $efore the A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e is trans%itted. The networ0 shall deri(e a #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey fro% the #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey and the #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey= $y usin! the con(ersion function na%ed Dc3D defined in 3#// TS 33.1<2. In 2TS= in the case of an esta$lished #S2 security conte?t= the 25 shall deri(e a #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey and a #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey fro% the #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey $y usin! the con(ersion functions na%ed Dc4D and Dc5D defined in 3#// TS 33.1<2. The deri(ed #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey and #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey shall $e ta0en into use $y the 2S when a (alid S5C 1ITA 2'45 C'22A84 indicatin! /S do%ain is recei(ed durin! an 11 connection ,the definition of a (alid S5C 1ITA 2'45 C'22A84 %essa!e is !i(en in 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-. The networ0 shall deri(e a #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey and a #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey fro% the #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey $y usin! the con(ersion functions na%ed Dc4D and Dc5D defined in 3#// TS 33.1<2. In 2TS= in the case of an esta$lished 2TS security conte?t= the #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey and the #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey shall $e ta0en into use $y the 2S when a (alid S5C 1ITA 2'45 C'22A84 indicatin! /S do%ain is recei(ed durin! an /S si!nallin! connection ,the definition of a (alid S5C 1ITA 2'45 C'22A84 %essa!e is !i(en in 3#// TS 25.331N23cO-. 8'T5E In 2TS= durin! an on!oin!= already cipherin!"inte!rity protected /S si!nallin! connection= the networ0 %i!ht initiate a new Authentication and cipherin! procedure in order to esta$lish a new #S2" 2TS security conte?t. The new #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey and #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey are ta0en into use $y the 2S= when a new (alid S5C 1ITA 2'45 C'22A84 indicatin! /S do%ain is recei(ed durin! the /S si!nallin! connection.


?a'dli' o6 5eys at i'tersyste0 &!a' e 6ro0 UMTS to GSM

At an intersyste% chan!e fro% 2TS to #S2= cipherin! %ay $e started ,see 3#// TS <4.&4 N*&O- without any new authentication and cipherin! procedure. 4eduction of the appropriate security 0ey for cipherin! in #S2= depends on the current #S2" 2TS security conte?t stored in the 2S and the networ0.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

The 25 shall handle the #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey accordin! to ta$le 4.*.*.3.1. .efore any initial #22 %essa!e is sent in the new cell in #S2= the #22 layer in the 2S shall notify the ))C layer if cipherin! shall $e used or not. If yes= the #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey and the applica$le cipherin! al!orith% accordin! to the stored Cipherin' !l'orithm IE in the 2S shall also $e indicated to the ))C layer ,see 3#// TS <4.&4 N*&O-. Table )*/*/*,*133GPP TS ()*++,4 9ntersyste7 chan e fro7 <MTS to GSM
Se&*rity &o'teFt esta2lis!ed i' MS a'd 'et%or5 i' UMTS GSM se&*rity &o'teFt UMTS se&*rity &o'teFt ,t i'tersyste0 &!a' e to GSM# ,' M. s!all a""ly t!e G<-S GSM &i"!er 5ey re&ei1ed 6ro0 t!e GSM se&*rity &o'teFt residi' i' t!e S)M. ,' M. s!all a""ly t!e G<-S GSM &i"!er 5ey deri1ed 2y t!e S)M 6ro0 t!e G<-S UMTS &i"!er 5ey a'd t!e G<-S UMTS i'te rity 5ey.


A SI2 with 2TS security conte?t= passes the #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey= the #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey and the deri(ed #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey to the 25 independent on the current radio access $ein! 2TS or #S2.


?a'dli' o6 5eys at i'tersyste0 &!a' e 6ro0 GSM to UMTS

At an intersyste% chan!e fro% #S2 to 2TS= cipherin! and inte!rity %ay $e started ,see 3#// TS 25.331- without any new authentication and cipherin! procedure. 4eduction of the appropriate security 0eys for cipherin! and inte!rity chec0 in 2TS= depend on the current #S2" 2TS security conte?t stored in the 2S and the networ0. The 25 shall handle the #/1S 2TS cipher 0ey and the #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey accordin! to ta$le 4.*.*.9.1. Table )*/*/*0*133GPP TS ()*++,4 9ntersyste7 chan e fro7 GSM to <MTS
Se&*rity &o'teFt esta2lis!ed i' MS a'd 'et%or5 i' GSM GSM se&*rity &o'teFt ,t i'tersyste0 &!a' e to UMTS# ,' M. s!all deri1e t!e G<-S UMTS &i"!er 5ey a'd G<-S UMTS i'te rity 5ey 6ro0 t!e G<-S GSM &i"!er 5ey "ro1ided 2y t!e S)M. T!e &o'1ersio' 6*'&tio's 'a0ed G&4G a'd G&5G i' 3G<< TS 33.702 are *sed 6or t!is "*r"ose. ,' M. s!all a""ly t!e G<-S UMTS &i"!eri' 5ey a'd t!e G<-S UMTS i'te rity 5ey re&ei1ed 6ro0 t!e UMTS se&*rity &o'teFt residi' i' t!e S)M.

UMTS se&*rity &o'teFt


A SI2 with 2TS security conte?t= passes the #/1S 2TS cipherin! 0ey= the #/1S 2TS inte!rity 0ey and the deri(ed #/1S #S2 cipherin! 0ey to the 25 independent on the current radio access $ein! 2TS or #S2.

4.;.8 )de'ti6i&atio' "ro&ed*re

The identification procedure is used $y the networ0 to re>uest an 2S to pro(ide specific identification para%eters to the networ0 e.!. International 2o$ile Su$scri$er Identity= International 2o$ile 5>uip%ent Identity ,see 3#// TS 23.<<3 N1<O-. For the presentation of the I25I= the re>uire%ents of 3#// TS 42.<<9 N5O apply.


)de'ti6i&atio' i'itiatio' 2y t!e 'et%or5

The networ0 initiates the identification procedure $y transferrin! an I458TITA 15: 5ST %essa!e to the 2S and starts the ti%er T33*<. The I458TITA 15: 5ST %essa!e specifies the re>uested identification para%eters in the identity type infor%ation ele%ent.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


)de'ti6i&atio' res"o'se 2y t!e MS

An 2S that has $een attached to #/1S shall $e ready to respond to an I458TITA 15: 5ST %essa!e at any ti%e. pon receipt of the I458TITA 15: 5ST %essa!e the 2S sends $ac0 an I458TITA 15S/'8S5 %essa!e. The I458TITA 15S/'8S5 %essa!e shall contain the identification para%eters as re>uested $y the networ0.


)de'ti6i&atio' &o0"letio' 2y t!e 'et%or5

pon receipt of the I458TITA 15S/'8S5 the networ0 shall stop ti%er T33*<.


,2'or0al &ases o' t!e 'et%or5 side

The followin! a$nor%al cases can $e identifiedE a- )ower layer failure pon detection of a lower layer failure $efore the I458TITA 15S/'8S5 is recei(ed= the networ0 shall a$ort any on!oin! #22 procedure. $- 5?piry of ti%er T33*< The identification procedure is super(ised $y the networ0 $y the ti%er T33*<. The networ0 shall= on the first e?piry of the ti%er T33*<= retrans%it the I458TITA 15: 5ST %essa!e and reset and restart the ti%er T33*<. This retrans%ission is repeated four ti%es= i.e. on the fifth e?piry of ti%er T33*<= the networ0 shall a$ort the identification procedure and any on!oin! #22 procedure. c- Collision of an identification procedure with a #/1S attach procedure If the networ0 recei(es an ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the on!oin! identification procedure has $een co%pleted and no #/1S attach procedure is pendin! on the networ0 ,i.e. no ATTAC; ACC5/T"15Q5CT %essa!e has still to $e sent as an answer to an ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e-= the networ0 shall proceed with the #/1S attach procedure. d- Collision of an identification procedure with a #/1S attach procedure when the identification procedure has $een caused $y a #/1S attach procedure If the networ0 recei(es an ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the on!oin! identification procedure has $een co%pleted and a #/1S attach procedure is pendin! ,i.e. an ATTAC; ACC5/T"15Q5CT %essa!e has to $e sent as an answer to an earlier ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e-= thenE 6 If one or %ore of the infor%ation ele%ents in the ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e differs fro% the ones recei(ed within the pre(ious ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e= the networ0 shall proceed with the #/1S attach procedureL or If the infor%ation ele%ents do not differ= then the networ0 shall not treat any further this new ATTAC; 15: 5ST.

Collision of an identification procedure with an 2S initiated #/1S detach procedure #/1S detach containin! cause Dpower offDE If the networ0 recei(es a 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the on!oin! identification procedure has $een co%pleted= the networ0 shall a$ort the identification procedure and shall pro!ress the #/1S detach procedure. #/1S detach containin! other causes than Dpower offDE If the networ0 recei(es a 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the on!oin! identification procedure has $een co%pleted= the networ0 shall co%plete the identification procedure and shall respond to the #/1S detach procedure as descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.4.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

e- Collision of an identification procedure with a routin! area updatin! procedure If the networ0 recei(es a 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the on!oin! identification procedure has $een co%pleted= the networ0 shall pro!ress $oth procedures. f- Collision of an identification procedure with a ser(ice re>uest procedure If the networ0 recei(es a S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e $efore the on!oin! identification procedure has $een co%pleted= the networ0 shall pro!ress $oth procedures. 2S I458TITA 15: 5ST I458TITA 15S/'8S5 8etwor0 Start T33*< Stop T33*<

2i ure )*/*,31 3GPP TS ()*++,4 9dentification procedure

4.;.A <a i' "ro&ed*re

4.;.A.7 <a i' 6or G<-S ser1i&es

In #S2= pa!in! is used $y the networ0 to identify the cell the 2S has currently selected= or to pro%pt the %o$ile to re6 attach if necessary as a result of networ0 failure. If the 2S is not #/1S attached when it recei(es a pa!in! for #/1S ser(ices= the 2S shall i!nore the pa!in!. In 2TS= pa!in! is used $y the networ0 to re>uest the esta$lish%ent of /S si!nallin! connection or to pro%pt the %o$ile to re6attach if necessary as a result of networ0 failure. If the 2S is not #/1S attached when it recei(es a pa!in! for #/1S ser(ices= the 2S shall i!nore the pa!in!.


<a i' 6or G<-S ser1i&es *si' <-TMS)

The networ0 shall initiate the pa!in! procedure for #/1S ser(ices usin! /6T2SI when #22 si!nallin! %essa!es or user data is pendin! to $e sent to the 2S while the 2o$ile 1eacha$le ti%er is runnin!. The networ0 %ay pa!e only #/1S 2Ss which are #22615#IST5154 and identified $y a local /6T2SI. In 2TS= to initiate the procedure the #22 entity in the networ0 re>uests the lower layer to start pa!in! ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO and 3#// TS 25.413- and starts ti%er T3313. pon reception of a pa!in! indication= the 2S shall respond to the pa!in! with a S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e with ser(ice type Dpa!in! responseD ,see 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O= 3#// TS 23.<&< N*4O= 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO and 3#// TS 25.413-. If the pa!in! re>uest for #/1S ser(ices was recei(ed durin! an on!oin! 2S initiated #22 specific procedure= then the 2S shall pro!ress the #22 specific procedure= and the networ0 shall proceed with the #22 specific procedure. In #S2= to initiate the procedure the #22 entity re>uests the 11 su$layer to start pa!in! ,see 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O= 3#// TS 44.<&< N*&O= and starts ti%er T3313-. pon reception of a pa!in! indication= the 2S shall respond to the pa!in! with any ))C fra%e ,see 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O= 3#// TS 23.<&< N*4O-. At intersyste% chan!e= an 2S not ha(in! the 15A4A ti%er runnin! in #S2 or an 2S in /226I4)5 %ode in 2TS= $ein! pa!ed in a different access networ0 as when it last sent user data or si!nallin! %essa!e= uses 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e as pa!in! response= i.e. the 1A update procedure shall $e perfor%ed instead accordin! to the selecti(e routin! area update procedure. The networ0 shall stop ti%er T3313 when a response is recei(ed fro% the 2S. Bhen the ti%er T3313 e?pires the networ0 %ay reinitiate pa!in!. In 2TS= when a response is recei(ed fro% the 2S= the networ0 shall chan!e fro% /226I4)5 %ode to /226 C'885CT54 %ode. In #S2= when a response is recei(ed fro% the 2S= the networ0 shall start the 15A4A ti%er.

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


<a i' 6or G<-S ser1i&es *si' )MS)

/a!in! for #/1S ser(ices usin! I2SI is an a$nor%al procedure used for error reco(ery in the networ0. The networ0 %ay initiate pa!in! usin! I2SI if the /6T2SI is not a(aila$le due to a networ0 failure. In 2TS= to initiate the procedure the #22 entity in the networ0 re>uests the lower layer to start pa!in! ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO and 3#// TS 25.413-. In #S2= to initiate the procedure the #22 entity in the networ0 re>uests the 11 su$layer to start pa!in! ,see 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O= 3#// TS 44.<&< N*&O-. pon reception of a pa!in! indication for #/1S ser(ices usin! I2SI= the 2S shall locally deacti(ate any acti(e /4/ conte?ts and locally detach fro% #/1S. The local detach includes deletin! any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er stored= settin! the #/1S update status to # 2 8'T /4AT54 and chan!in! state to #2264515#IST5154. In 2TS= when an 2S recei(es a pa!in! re>uest for #/1S ser(ices usin! the I2SI fro% the networ0 $efore an 2S initiated #22 specific procedure has $een co%pleted= then the 2S shall a$ort the #22 specific procedure= and the 2S shall proceed accordin! to the description in this clause. After perfor%in! the local detach= the 2S shall then perfor% a #/1S attach or co%$ined #/1S attach procedure. After perfor%in! the attach= a 2S should acti(ate /4/ conte?t,s- to replace any pre(iously acti(e /4/ conte?t,s-. 8'T5 1E In so%e cases= user interaction %ay $e re>uired and then the 2S cannot acti(ate the /4/ conte?t,sauto%atically. 8'T5 2E The 2S does not respond to the pa!in! e?cept with the Attach 1e>uest. ;ence ti%er T3313 in the networ0 is not used when pa!in! with I2SI. 8'T5 3E /a!in! without 41I para%eters %ay re>uire a considera$le e?tension of the pa!in! duration.


<a i' 6or 'o'-G<-S ser1i&es

The networ0 %ay initiate the pa!in! procedure for non6#/1S ser(ices when the 2S is I2SI attached for non6#/1S ser(ices. In 2TS= to initiate the procedure the #22 entity re>uests the lower layer to start pa!in! ,see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO and 3#// TS 25.413- for non6#/1S ser(ices. In #S2= to initiate the procedure the #22 entity re>uests the 11 su$layer to start pa!in! ,see 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O and 3#// TS 44.<&< N*&O for non6#/1S ser(ices-. The 2S identity used for pa!in! shall $e the allocated T2SI if ac0nowled!ed $y the 2S= otherwise the I2SI.

4.;.70 -e&ei1i' a GMM ST,TUS 0essa e 2y a GMM e'tity

If the 2S recei(es a #22 STAT S %essa!e no state transition and no specific action shall $e ta0en as seen fro% the radio interface= i.e. local actions are possi$le. The actions to $e ta0en on recei(in! a #22 STAT S %essa!e in the networ0 are an i%ple%entation dependent option.

4.;.77 Void 4.;.72 GMM )'6or0atio' "ro&ed*re

The #22 infor%ation %essa!e support is optional in the networ0. The 22 infor%ation procedure %ay $e in(o0ed $y the networ0 at any ti%e durin! an esta$lished #22 conte?t.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


GMM i'6or0atio' "ro&ed*re i'itiatio' 2y t!e 'et%or5

The #22 infor%ation procedure consists only of the #22 I8F'12ATI'8 %essa!e sent fro% the networ0 to the %o$ile station. 4urin! an esta$lished #22 conte?t= the networ0 %ay send none= one= or %ore #22 I8F'12ATI'8 %essa!es to the %o$ile station. If %ore than one #22 I8F'12ATI'8 %essa!e is sent= the %essa!es need not ha(e the sa%e content.


GMM i'6or0atio' "ro&ed*re i' t!e 0o2ile statio'

Bhen the %o$ile station ,supportin! the #22 infor%ation %essa!e- recei(es an #22 I8F'12ATI'8 %essa!e= it shall accept the %essa!e and optionally use the contents to update appropriate infor%ation stored within the %o$ile station. If the %o$ile station does not support the #22 infor%ation %essa!e the %o$ile station shall i!nore the contents of the %essa!e and return an #22 STAT S %essa!e with cause F9*.

4.;.73 Ser1i&e -e3*est "ro&ed*re (UMTS o'ly)

The purpose of this procedure is to transfer the /22 %ode fro% /226I4)5 to /226C'885CT54 %ode= and"or to assi!n radio access $earer in case of /4/ conte?ts are acti(ated without radio access $earer assi!ned. In latter case= the /22 %ode %ay $e /226I4)5 %ode or %ay alternati(ely $e the /226C'885CT54 %ode if the 2S re>uires radio access $earer re6esta$lish%ent. This procedure is used forL 6 6 6 the initiation of C2 layer ser(ice ,e.!. S2 or S2S- procedure fro% the 2S in /226I4)5 %ode= the networ0 to transfer down lin0 si!nallin!= uplin0 ,in /226I4)5 or /22 C'885CT54- and downlin0 ,only in /226I4)5- user data.

For downlin0 transfer of si!nallin! or user data in /226I4)5 %ode= the tri!!er is !i(en fro% the networ0 $y the pa!in! re>uest procedure= which is out of scope of the present docu%ent. For pendin! downlin0 user data in /226C'885CT54 %ode= the re6esta$lish%ent of radio access $earers for all acti(e /4/ conte?ts is done without pa!in!. Ser(ice type can ta0e either of the followin! (alues= Dsi!nallin!D= DdataD or Dpa!in! responseD. 5ach of the (alues shall $e selected accordin! to the criteria to initiate the Ser(ice re>uest procedure. The criteria to in(o0e the Ser(ice re>uest procedure are whenL a- the 2S has any si!nallin! %essa!e ,e.!. for S2 or S2S-= that re>uires security protection= to $e sent to the networ0 in /226I4)5 %ode ,i.e.= no secure /S si!nallin! connection has $een esta$lished-. In this case= the ser(ice type shall $e set to Dsi!nallin!D. $- the 2S= either in /226I4)5 or /226C'885CT54 %ode= has pendin! user data to $e sent and no radio access $earer is esta$lished for the correspondin! /4/ conte?t. The procedure is initiated $y an indication fro% the lower layers ,see 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O-. In this case= the ser(ice type shall $e set to DdataD. c- the 2S recei(es a pa!in! re>uest for /S do%ain fro% the networ0 in /226I4)5 %ode. In this case= the ser(ice type shall $e set to Dpa!in! responseD. After co%pletion of a Ser(ice re>uest procedure $ut $efore re6esta$lish%ent of radio access $earer= if the /4/ conte?t status infor%ation ele%ent is included= then the networ0 shall deacti(ate all those /4/ conte?ts locally ,without peer to peer si!nallin! $etween the 2S and the networ0-= which are not in S2 state /4/6I8ACTI+5 on networ0 side $ut are indicated $y the 2S as $ein! in state /4/6I8ACTI+5. After co%pletion of a Ser(ice re>uest procedure= the pendin! ser(ice is resu%ed and uses then the connection esta$lished $y the procedure. If the ser(ice type is indicatin! DdataD= then the radio access $earers for all the acti(ated /4/ conte?ts are re6esta$lished. The selecti(e re6assi!n%ent capa$ility is not supported for the si%plicity of the function.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


Ser1i&e -e3*est "ro&ed*re i'itiatio'

The 2S initiates the Ser(ice re>uest procedure $y sendin! a S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e. The ti%er T331* shall $e started after the S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e has $een sent and state #226S51+IC5615: 5ST6I8ITIAT54 is entered. The %essa!e S51+IC5 15: 5ST shall contain the /6T2SI and the Ser(ice type shall indicate either data= si!nallin! or pa!in! response.


GMM &o00o' "ro&ed*re i'itiatio'

The networ0 %ay initiate #22 co%%on procedures= e.!. the #22 identification or the #22 authentication and cipherin! procedure= dependin! on the recei(ed infor%ation such as #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and /6 T2SI.


Ser1i&e re3*est "ro&ed*re a&&e"ted 2y t!e 'et%or5

If the S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e was sent in /226I4)5 %ode= the indication fro% the lower layers that the security %ode control procedure is co%pleted shall $e treated as a successful co%pletion of the procedure. The ti%er T331* shall $e stopped= and the 2S enters #22615#IST5154 state and /226C'885CT54 %ode. If the S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e was sent in /226C'885CT54 %ode= then the reception of the S51+IC5 ACC5/T %essa!e shall $e treated as a successful co%pletion of the procedure. The ti%er T331* shall $e stopped and the 2S re%ains in /226C'885CT54 %ode. If the /4/ conte?t status infor%ation ele%ent is included in the Ser(ice Accept= then the 2S shall deacti(ate locally ,without peer to peer si!nallin! $etween the 2S and the networ0- all that /4/ conte?ts which are not in S2 state /4/6 I8ACTI+5 on 2S side $ut are indicated $y the 8etwor0 as $ein! in state /4/6I8ACTI+5.


Ser1i&e re3*est "ro&ed*re 'ot a&&e"ted 2y t!e 'et%or5

If the Ser(ice re>uest cannot $e accepted= the networ0 returns a S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e to the %o$ile station. An 2S that recei(es a S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e stops ti%er T331*. The 2S shall then ta0e different actions dependin! on the recei(ed reCect cause (alueE ,Ille!al 2S-L or ,Ille!al 25-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and enter the state #2264515#IST5154. Further%ore= it shall delete any /6T2SI= /6 T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and shall consider the SI2 as in(alid for #/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid also for non6#/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. ,#/1S ser(ices not allowed-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and shall delete any /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The SI2 shall $e considered as in(alid for #/1S ser(ices until switchin! off or the SI2 is re%o(ed. The new state is #2264515#IST5154. ,2S identity cannot $e deri(ed $y the networ0-L The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 2 8'T /4AT54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause enter the state #2264515#IST5154= and shall delete any /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature= 1AI and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. Su$se>uently= the 2S %ay auto%atically initiate the #/1S attach procedure.

F3 F& 6

F* 6

F9 6


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

F 1< 6

,I%plicitly detached-L

The 2S shall chan!e to state #2264515#IST5154.8'12A)6S51+IC5. The 2S shall then perfor% a new attach procedure. The 2S should also acti(ate /4/ conte?t,s- to replace any pre(iously acti(e /4/ conte?ts. In so%e cases= user interaction %ay $e re>uired and then the 2S cannot acti(ate the /4/ conte?t,sauto%atically.

8'T5E F 11 6

,/)28 not allowed-L

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause enter the state #2264515#IST5154. A #/1S 2S operatin! in 2S operation %ode A shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the /)28 identity in the Dfor$idden /)28 listD. The 2S shall perfor% a /)28 selection accordin! to 3#// TS 23.122 N14O. ,)ocation area not allowed-L

F 12 6

The 2S shall delete any 1AI= /6T2SI= /6T2SI si!nature and #/1S cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er= shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause shall chan!e to state #2264515#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5. If the 2S is I2SI attached (ia 22 procedures= the 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54= shall delete any T2SI= )AI and cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The %o$ile station shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for re!ional pro(ision of ser(iceD. The 2S shall perfor% a cell selection accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 25.3<4. ,1oa%in! not allowed in this location area-L

6 6

F 13 6 6 6

The 2S shall set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause atte%pt counter and shall chan!e to state #22615#IST5154.)I2IT546S51+IC5. If the 2S is I2SI attached (ia 22 procedures= the 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D. The 2S shall perfor% a /)28 selection accordin! to 3#// TS 23.122 N14O.

F 15

,8o Suita$le Cells In )ocation Area-L

The 2S set the #/1S update status to # 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 ,and shall store it accordin! to su$clause and shall chan!e to state #22615#IST5154.ATT52/TI8#6T'6 /4AT5. 6 F 4< If the 2S is I2SI attached (ia 22 procedures= the 2S shall in addition set the update status to 3 1'A2I8# 8'T A))'B54 and shall reset the location update atte%pt counter. The new 22 state is 22 I4)5. The 2S shall store the )AI in the list of Dfor$idden location areas for roa%in!D. The 2S shall search for a suita$le cell in another location area in the sa%e /)28 accordin! to 3#// TS 43.<22 N32O and 3#// TS 25.3<4. ,8o /4/ conte?t acti(atedThe 2S shall deacti(ate locally all acti(e /4/ conte?ts and the 2S shall enter the state #226 15#IST5154.8'12A)6S51+IC5. The 2S %ay also acti(ate /4/ conte?t,s- to replace any pre(iously acti(e /4/ conte?ts.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


In so%e cases= user interaction %ay $e re>uired and then the 2S cannot acti(ate the /4/ conte?t,sauto%atically.

'ther (alues are considered as a$nor%al cases. The specification of the 2S $eha(iour in those cases is descri$ed in su$clause 4.*.13.5.


,2'or0al &ases i' t!e MS

The followin! a$nor%al cases can $e identifiedE a- Access $arred $ecause of access class control The Ser(ice re>uest procedure shall not $e started. The 2S stays in the current ser(in! cell and applies nor%al cell reselection process. The Ser(ice re>uest procedure %ay $e started $y C2 layer if it is still necessary= i.e. when access is !ranted or $ecause of a cell chan!e. $- )ower layer failure $efore the security %ode control procedure is co%pleted= S51+IC5 ACC5/T or S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e is recei(ed The procedure shall $e a$orted. c- T331* e?pired The 2S shall enter #22615#IST5154 state. If the 2S is in /226I4)5 %ode then the procedure shall $e a$orted and the 2S shall initiate a /S si!nallin! connection release. If the 2S is in /226C'885CT54 %ode= then the procedure shall $e a$orted. d- S51+IC5 15Q5CT recei(ed other causes than those treated in su$clause 4.*.?.4 The procedure shall $e a$orted. e- 1outin! area update procedure is tri!!ered If a cell chan!e into a new routin! area occurs and the necessity of routin! area update procedure is deter%ined $efore the security %ode control procedure is co%pleted= a S51+IC5 ACC5/T or S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e has $een recei(ed= the Ser(ice re>uest procedure shall $e a$orted and the routin! area updatin! procedure is started i%%ediately. Follow6on re>uest pendin! %ay $e indicated in the 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST for the ser(ice= which was the tri!!er of the a$orted Ser(ice re>uest procedure= to restart the pendin! ser(ice itself or the Ser(ice 1e>uest procedure after the co%pletion of the routin! area updatin! procedure. If the ser(ice type of the a$orted S51+IC5 15: 5ST was indicatin! DdataD= then the routin! area update procedure %ay $e followed $y a re6initiated Ser(ice re>uest procedure indicatin! DdataD= if it is still necessary. f- /ower off If the 2S is in state #226S51+IC5615: 5ST6I8ITIAT54 at power off= the #/1S detach procedure shall $e perfor%ed. !- /rocedure collision If the 2S recei(es a 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e fro% the networ0 in state #226S51+IC5615: 5ST6 I8ITIAT54= the #/1S detach procedure shall $e pro!ressed and the Ser(ice re>uest procedure shall $e a$orted. If the cause I5= in the 45TAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e= indicated a Dreattach re>uestD= the #/1S attach procedure shall $e perfor%ed.


,2'or0al &ases o' t!e 'et%or5 side

The followin! a$nor%al cases can $e identifiedE a- )ower layer failure If a low layer failure occurs $efore the security %ode control procedure is co%pleted= a S51+IC5 ACC5/T or S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e has $een sent to the 2S= the networ0 enters"stays in /226I4)5.

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

$- /rotocol error If the S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed with a protocol error= the networ0 shall return a S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e with one of the followin! reCect causesE F9&E F99E 2andatory infor%ation ele%ent errorL Infor%ation ele%ent non6e?istent or not i%ple%entedL

F1<<E Conditional I5 errorL F111E /rotocol error= unspecified. The networ0 stays in /226I4)5 %ode. c2ore than one S51+IC5 15: 5ST recei(ed and the procedure has not $een co%pleted ,i.e.= the security %ode control procedure has not $een co%pleted or S51+IC5 ACC5/T= S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e has not $een sent6 If one or %ore of the infor%ation ele%ents in the S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e differs fro% the ones recei(ed within the pre(ious S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e= the pre(iously initiated Ser(ice re>uest procedure shall $e a$orted and the new Ser(ice re>uest procedure shall $e pro!ressedL If the infor%ation ele%ents do not differ= then the networ0 shall continue with the pre(ious Ser(ice re>uest procedure and shall not treat any further this S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e.

d- ATTAC; 15: 5ST recei(ed $efore the security %ode control procedure has $een co%pleted or an S51+IC5 ACC5/T or an S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e has $een sent If an ATTAC; 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed and the security %ode control procedure has not $een co%pleted or an S51+IC5 ACC5/T or an S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e has not $een sent= the networ0 %ay initiate the #22 co%%on procedures= e.!. the #22 authentication and cipherin! procedure. The networ0 %ay e.!. after a succesful #22 authentication and cipherin! procedure e?ecution= a$ort the Ser(ice re>uest procedure= the #22 conte?t and /4/ conte?ts= if any= are deleted and the new ATTAC; 15: 5ST is pro!ressed. e- 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e recei(ed $efore the security %ode control procedure has $een co%pleted or an S51+IC5 ACC5/T or an S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e has $een sent If an 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed and the security %ode control procedure has not $een co%pleted or an S51+IC5 ACC5/T or an S51+IC5 15Q5CT %essa!e has not $een sent= the networ0 %ay initiate the #22 co%%on procedures= e.!. the #22 authentication and cipherin! procedure. The networ0 %ay e.!. after a successful #22 authentication and cipherin! procedure e?ecution= a$ort the Ser(ice re>uest procedure and pro!ress the routin! area update procedure. f- If the Ser(ice Type indicates RdataS and the networ0 fails to re6esta$lish so%e or all 1A.,s- then the S#S8 %ay deter%ines if /4/ Conte?t 2odification or /4/ Conte?t 4eacti(ation should $e initiated. The appropriate action depends on the :oS profile of the /4/ Conte?t and is an operator choice.

4.;.74 Void

.le0e'tary "ro&ed*res 6or &ir&*it-s%it&!ed Call Co'trol

5.7 91er1ie%
5.7.7 Ge'eral
This su$clause descri$es the call control ,CC- protocol= which is one of the protocols of the Connection 2ana!e%ent ,C2- su$layer ,see 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O-.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

5(ery %o$ile station %ust support the call control protocol. If a %o$ile station does not support any $earer capa$ility at all then it shall respond to a S5T / %essa!e with a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e as specified in su$clause In 2TS only= inte!rity protected si!nallin! ,see su$clause of the present docu%ent and in !eneral= see 3#// TS 33.1<2- is %andatory. In 2TS only= all protocols shall use inte!rity protected si!nallin!. Inte!rity protection of all CC si!nallin! %essa!es is the responsi$ility of lower layers. It is the networ0 which acti(ates inte!rity protection. This is done usin! the security %ode control procedure ,3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-. In the call control protocol= %ore than one CC entity are defined. 5ach CC entity is independent fro% each other and shall co%%unicate with the correspondent peer entity usin! its own 22 connection. 4ifferent CC entities use different transaction identifiers. Bith a few e?ceptions the present docu%ent descri$es the call control protocol only with re!ard to two peer entities. The call control entities are descri$ed as co%%unicatin! finite state %achines which e?chan!e %essa!es across the radio interface and co%%unicate internally with other protocol ,su$-layers. This description is only nor%ati(e as far as the conse>uential e?ternally o$ser(a$le $eha(iour is concerned. Certain se>uences of actions of the two peer entities co%pose Dele%entary proceduresD which are used as a $asis for the description in this su$clause. These ele%entary procedures %ay $e !rouped into the followin! classesE 6 6 6 6 call esta$lish%ent proceduresL call clearin! proceduresL call infor%ation phase proceduresL %iscellaneous procedures.

The ter%s D%o$ile ori!inatin!D or D%o$ile ori!inatedD ,2'- are used to descri$e a call initiated $y the %o$ile station. The ter%s D%o$ile ter%inatin!D or D%o$ile ter%inatedD ,2T- are used to descri$e a call initiated $y the networ0. Fi!ure 5.1a"3#// TS 24.<<3 !i(es an o(er(iew of the %ain states and transitions on the %o$ile station side. The 2S side e?tension fi!ure 5.1a.1"3#// TS 24.<<3 shows how for the 8etwor0 Initiated 2' call the 2S reaches state 1.< fro% state < @,CC.S-@. Fi!ure 5.1$"3#// TS 24.<<3 !i(es an o(er(iew of the %ain states and transitions on the networ0 side. The 8etwor0 side e?tension fi!ure 5.1$.1"3#// TS 24.<<3 shows for 8etwor0 Initiated 2' Calls the 8etwor0 reaches state 81.< fro% state 8< @,CC.S-@.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

M4CC-S .TU<.-.E. MM CC. .ST. )4D ( S. TU<) U0 4U:: M4CC-S .TU<-)4D M4CC--. :-C4( MMCC--.:--.E D- (-.:. C9M) M 4CC-- .:-)4D M M CC--.:--. E D) (-.: C9M) U7A -.:. , S. -.EU.S T D- (C,:: C94() (H) MM CC.SI 4C.)4D. ( s.) UA MT C,:: C94()-M.D

MMCC-. ST--. E

U0. 7 M M C944. CT)9 4 <. 4D )4G M4CC.. ST.C4( D- (S .TU<)

U8 C,:: < -.S. 4T

M 4CC-C , ::.C9 4( .-. E .

U7 C, :: )4)T D) (C,:: < -9C)

D) (C944)

D) (-.:)

D- (-.:) M4CC-D)SC-)4D

D- (-.:)

M4CC- ,:. -T.-. E.

D) (D)S C) D) (, :. -T) U 77 D)S C 944. CT -.EU. ST

M4CC. -. :.-. E. U72 D)S C944. CT )4D)C,T)94 D- (, :.- T) M4CC-S I4C-)4D ( s)

M4CC-C,::. < -9C.)4 D. D) (< -9G-.S S) M4CC<-9G- . SS. ) 4D

M4CC. S.TU<. -S <. D) (C944) U3 M9 C,:: <-9C.. D)4G D) (,:.-T) D - (D)S C) M4CC-D)SC-)4D U; C,:: -.C.)V. D

M4CC. D)SC.-. E. S T,T. S U3, 4,; ,8,A,7 0 M4CC-S .TU<-C4( D- (C944 ,CB) U4 C,: : D.:)V . -.D D) (C944) M 4CC-S .TU<-C4( D- ( C944 , CB ) U70 , CT)V. M4CC-S .TU< C9M<:. )4D U8 C944.CT -. EU. ST D) (C9 44 ,CB) D) ( D)SC)

M4CC. S.TU< . -S<

(H ) M MCC.S I4C.)4D (r es. as s)


D- (C944)

D- (C944)

M4 CC-SI 4C. )4D (re s. ass )

(H ) early as si '0 e't 49T.# D-(M. SS , G.) J M MCCKD,T, K-.E(M.S S, G.) D) (M.S S, G.) J MM CCKD,T,K)4D (M.SS ,G.)

2i ure #*1a33GPP TS ()*++,4 56er6iew call control protocol3MS side


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

8< ))

22CC./1'2 /T.I84

28CC./1'2 /T.I84 <. 2 /1'2/T /15S58T 41 ,STA1TGCC <. 3 BAIT F'1 8B I8F' 4I ,CC 5STA.)IS;258T<. 4 CC65ST. /15S58T 41 ,CC 5STA.)IS;258T C'8FI1254<. CCG5ST. 5 C'8FI1254 4I ,15CA))28CC.15CA )).I84 <. & 15CA))G/1 5S58T 28CC.S5T /.15: 41 ,S5T /-

CA)) 1 I8ITIAT54 2i ure#*1a*133GPP TS ()*++,4 56er6iew call control protocol3MS sideA e>tension4


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

MMCC..ST.)4D (S.TU<)

40 4U::

M4CC. S.TU< -.E.

M4CC.S.TU<.)4D. 47 C,:: )4)T M4CC. C,::. <-9C. -.E M4CC.-.:.C4(. MMCC.-.:.-.E.

M MCC..ST. -.E. (0o2ile )D) MMCC. .ST. C4(. 40.7 MM-C944.CT)94 <.4D)4G

D) (-.: C9M) 47A -.:.,S. -.EU.ST

D- (-.: C9M), M4CC.-.:.)4D, MMCC.-.:.-.E.

D- (S.TU<)

D- (C,:: <-9C)

48 C,:: <-.S.4T D) (C,:: C94() D- (-.:) M4CC.D)SC.)4D

M4CC. C,::. C94(.)4D D) (-.:)

D- (-.:) D) (D)SC) 43 M9 C,:: <-9C..D)4G M4CC. <-9G-.SS. -.E. M4CC. S.TU<. -S< D- (<-9G-.SS) ST,T.S 47, 3, 4, ;, 8, AL 70, 28

M4CC ,:.-T -.E

472 D)SC944.CT )4D)C,T)94

D- (,:.-T)

D) (D)SC)

D- (D)S C) D) (C944) K M4CC. D)SC. -.E.

4A M T C,:: C94()-M .D

D) (,:.-T)

44 C,:: D.:)V.-.D M4CC. S.TU<. -S<


D- (C944)

M4CC.S.TU<.C4(. 4; C,:: -.C.)V.D M4CC. S.TU<. C9M<:. )4D. D- (C944 ,CB) D) (C9 44)

D- (C944)

428 C944.CT )4D)C,T)94 49T.# D-(M.SS,G.) J MM CCKD,T,K-.E(M.SS,G.) D) (M.SS,G.) J MMCCKD,T,K)4D (M.SS,G.)

D) (C944 ,CB)

470 ,CT)V.

M 4CC. S.TU<. C9M<:. -.E.

48 C944.CT -.EU.ST


2i ure #*1b33GPP TS ()*++, 56er6iew call control protocol3Network side


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$






N0.6 RECALL_PRESENT DI (SETUP) N1 CALL_INITIATED 2i ure #*1b*133GPP TS ()*++, 56er6iew call control protocol3Network sideA e>tension

5.7.2 Call Co'trol States

Call states at t!e 0o2ile statio' side o6 t!e i'ter6a&e

States <.1= <.2= <.3= <.4= <.5= <.&= 2&= and 2* are #S2 specific. All other states are IT 6T defined.

The states which %ay e?ist on the %o$ile station side of the radio interface are defined in this su$clause.
8o call e?ists.

4*ll (State U0)

MM Co''e&tio' "e'di' (U0.7)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call= when the %o$ile station re>uests the esta$lish%ent of a 22 connection.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

CC "ro0"t "rese't (U0.2) /(CC+S)/

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the networ0 has pro%pted the %o$ile station to esta$lish a CC connection $ut the %o$ile station has not yet responded. 8'T5E This state is transient.

Wait 6or 'et%or5 i'6or0atio' (U0.3) /(CC+S)/

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the %o$ile station has responded to the pro%pt fro% the networ0 to esta$lish a CC connection and the %o$ile station is waitin! for further infor%ation fro% the networ0.

CC-.sta2lis!0e't "rese't (U0.4) /(CC+S)/

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the %o$ile station has recei(ed a CC6esta$lish%ent re>uest $ut has not yet responded. 8'T5E This state is transient.

CC-.sta2lis!0e't &o'6ir0ed (U0.5) /(CC+S)/

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the %o$ile station has sent the ac0nowled!e%ent that the %o$ile station has recei(ed all the CC infor%ation that is needed.

-e&all "rese't (U0.8) /(CC+S)/

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the %o$ile station has recei(ed a recall re>uest $ut has not yet responded. 8'T5E This state is transient.

Call i'itiated (U7)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call= when the 2S re>uests call esta$lish%ent fro% the networ0.

Mo2ile ori i'ati' &all "ro&eedi' (U3)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the %o$ile station has recei(ed ac0nowled!e%ent that the networ0 has recei(ed all call infor%ation necessary to effect call esta$lish%ent.

Call deli1ered (U4)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call= when the callin! %o$ile station has recei(ed an indication that re%ote user alertin! has $een initiated.

Call "rese't (U8)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ter%inatin! call when the %o$ile station has recei(ed a call esta$lish%ent re>uest $ut has not yet responded.;

Call re&ei1ed (U;)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ter%inatin! call when the %o$ile station has indicated alertin! $ut has not yet answered.

Co''e&t -e3*est (U8)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ter%inatin! call= when the %o$ile station has answered the call and is waitin! to $e awarded the call.


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Mo2ile ter0i'ati' &all &o'6ir0ed (UA)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ter%inatin! call when the %o$ile station has sent ac0nowled!e%ent that the %o$ile station has recei(ed all call infor%ation necessary to effect call esta$lish%ent.

,&ti1e (U70)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ter%inatin! call when the 2S has answered the call. This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the 2S has recei(ed an indication that the re%ote user has answered the call.

Dis&o''e&t re3*est (U77)

This state e?ists when the %o$ile station has re>uested the networ0 to clear the end6to6end connection ,if any- and is waitin! for a response.

Dis&o''e&t i'di&atio' (U72)

This state e?ists when the %o$ile station has recei(ed an in(itation to disconnect $ecause the networ0 has disconnected the end6to6end connection ,if any-.

-elease re3*est (U7A)

This state e?ists when the 2S has re>uested the networ0 to release and is waitin! for a response.

Mo2ile ori i'ati' 0odi6y (U28)

This state e?ists when the %o$ile station has sent a re>uest to the networ0 for a new %ode $ut has not yet recei(ed an answer.

Mo2ile ter0i'ati' 0odi6y (U2;)

This state e?ists when the %o$ile station has recei(ed a re>uest fro% the networ0 for a new %ode and has not yet sent a response to this re>uest.

4et%or5 &all states

States 8<.1= 8<.2= 8<.3= 8<.4= 8<.5= 8<.&= 82&= 82*= 823= 83a= 84=a= 8*a= and 89a are #S2 specific. All other states are IT 6T defined.

The call states that %ay e?ist on the networ0 side of the radio interface are defined in this su$clause.
8o call e?ists.

4*ll (State 40)

MM &o''e&tio' "e'di' (40.7)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ter%inatin! call= when the networ0 re>uests the esta$lish%ent of a 22 connection.

CC &o''e&tio' "e'di' (40.2) /(CC+S)/

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the networ0 has re>uested the %o$ile station to esta$lish a CC connection.

4et%or5 a's%er "e'di' (40.3) /(CC+S)/

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the %o$ile station has esta$lished a CC connection upon the re>uest of the networ0= $ut the networ0 has not yet infor%ed the %o$ile station of the reason for the networ07s action.


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CC-.sta2lis!0e't "rese't (40.4) /(CC+S)/

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the networ0 has sent a CC esta$lish%ent re>uest $ut has not yet recei(ed a satisfactory response.

CC-.sta2lis!0e't &o'6ir0ed (40.5) /(CC+S)/

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the networ0 has recei(ed ac0nowled!e%ent that the %o$ile station has recei(ed all call infor%ation necessary to effect call esta$lish%ent. 1ecall present ,8<.&- @,CC.S-@ This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the networ0 has sent a recall re>uest $ut has not yet recei(ed a satisfactory response.

Call i'itiated (47)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the networ0 has recei(ed a call esta$lish%ent re>uest $ut has not yet responded.

Mo2ile ori i'ati' &all "ro&eedi' (43)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the networ0 has sent ac0nowled!e%ent that the networ0 has recei(ed all call infor%ation necessary to effect call esta$lish%ent.

Call deli1ered (44)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the networ0 has indicated that re%ote user alertin! has $een initiated.

Call "rese't (48)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ter%inatin! call when the networ0 has sent a call esta$lish%ent re>uest $ut has not yet recei(ed a satisfactory response.;

Call re&ei1ed (4;)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ter%inatin! call when the networ0 has recei(ed an indication that the %o$ile station is alertin! $ut has not yet recei(ed an answer.

Co''e&t re3*est (48)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ter%inatin! call when the networ0 has recei(ed an answer $ut the networ0 has not yet awarded the call.

Mo2ile ter0i'ati' &all &o'6ir0ed (4A)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ter%inatin! call when the networ0 has recei(ed ac0nowled!e%ent that the %o$ile station has recei(ed all call infor%ation necessary to effect call esta$lish%ent.

,&ti1e (470)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ter%inatin! call when the networ0 has awarded the call to the called %o$ile station. This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the networ0 has indicated that the re%ote user has answered the call.

4ot *sed Dis&o''e&t i'di&atio' (472)

This state e?ists when the networ0 has disconnected the end6 to6end connection ,if any- and has sent an in(itation to disconnect the %o$ile station to networ0 connection.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

-elease re3*est (47A)

This state e?ists when the networ0 has re>uested the 2S to release and is waitin! for a response.

Mo2ile ori i'ati' 0odi6y (428)

This state e?ists when the networ0 has recei(ed a re>uest fro% the %o$ile station for a new %ode $ut has not yet sent a response.

Mo2ile ter0i'ati' 0odi6y (42;)

This state e?ists when the networ0 has sent a re>uest to the %o$ile station for a new %ode $ut has not yet recei(ed an answer.

Co''e&t )'di&atio' (428)

This state e?ists for a %o$ile ori!inatin! call when the networ0 has indicated that the re%ote user has answered the call and the networ0 is waitin! for ac0nowled!e%ent $y the %o$ile station.

5.2 Call esta2lis!0e't "ro&ed*res

5sta$lish%ent of a call is initiated $y re>uest of upper layer in either the %o$ile station or the networ0L it consists ofE 6 6 the esta$lish%ent of a CC connection $etween the %o$ile station and the networ0L the acti(ation of the codec or interwor0in! function.

Bhene(er it is specified in the present docu%ent clause 5 that the %o$ile station shall attach the user connection= this %eans that the %o$ile station shall acti(ate the codec or interwor0in! function as soon as an appropriate channel is a(aila$le. The %o$ile station shall de6acti(ate the codec or interwor0in! function whene(er an appropriate channel is no lon!er a(aila$le. As soon as an appropriate channel is ,a!ain- a(aila$le= the codec or interwor0in! function shall $e re6 acti(ated. If a new order to attach the user connection is recei(ed= the new order shall supersede the pre(ious one. A channel shall $e considered as appropriate if it is consistent with the possi$ly ne!otiated $earer capa$ility applica$le for the actual phase of the call. The %o$ile station shall not consider a channel as not appropriate $ecause the type of the channel ,full rate"half rate- is not the preferred one. IfE 6 6 the user connection has to $e attached $ut no appropriate channel is a(aila$le for a conti!uous ti%e of 3< secondsL or if the codec or interwor0in! function is de6acti(ated for a conti!uous ti%e of 3< secondsL

then the %o$ile station %ay initiate call clearin!. pon re>uest of upper layers to esta$lish a call= restrictin! conditions for the esta$lish%ent of the call are e?a%ined. These restrictin! conditions concern the states of parallel CC entities and are defined elsewhere. If these restrictin! conditions are fulfilled= the call esta$lish%ent is reCected. 'therwise a CC entity in state <= DnullD= is selected to esta$lish the call. It initiates the esta$lish%ent $y re>uestin! the 22 su$layer to esta$lish an 22 connection. In Iu %ode= if the lower layers indicate the release of a radio access $earer= where as the correspondin! call is still acti(ce= the 2S shall not auto%atically initiate the release of that call.

5.2.7 Mo2ile ori i'ati' &all esta2lis!0e't

The call control entity of the %o$ile station initiates esta$lish%ent of a CC connection $y re>uestin! the 22 su$layer to esta$lish a %o$ile ori!inatin! 22 connection and enterin! the D22 connection pendin!D state. There are two 0inds of a %o$ile ori!inatin! callE $asic call and e%er!ency call. The re>uest to esta$lish an 22 connection shall contain a para%eter to specify whether the call is a $asic or an e%er!ency call. This infor%ation %ay lead to specific >ualities of ser(ices to $e pro(ided $y the 22 su$layers. Ti%er T3<3 is started when the C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e is sent.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

For %o$ile stations supportin! e2)// $asic calls %ay optionally ha(e an associated priority le(el as defined in 3#// TS 23.<&* N33O. This infor%ation %ay also lead to specified >ualities of ser(ice to $e pro(ided $y the 22 su$layers. Bhile $ein! in the D22 connection pendin!D state= the call entity of the %o$ile station %ay cancel the call prior to sendin! the first call control %essa!e accordin! to the rules !i(en in su$clause 4.5.1.*. The %o$ile station supportin! %ulticall that is initiatin! an e%er!ency call shall release one or %ore e?istin! call to ensure the e%er!ency call can $e esta$lished if the %ulticall supported infor%ation stored in the %o$ile station descri$ed in su$clauses and indicates the networ0 does not support %ulticall and so%e on!oin! calls e?ists. ;a(in! entered the D22 connection pendin!D state= upon 22 connection esta$lish%ent= the call control entity of the %o$ile station sends a setup %essa!e to its peer entity. This setup %essa!e is 6 6 a S5T / %essa!e= if the call to $e esta$lished is a $asic call= and an 5251#58CA S5T / %essa!e= if the call to $e esta$lished is an e%er!ency call.

For 2TS speech calls no 2TS speech (ersions shall $e included in bearer capability IE. For a 25 which supports #S2 and 2TS and supports %ore than #S2 speech (ersion 1 then speech (ersions for #S2 shall $e included in (earer Capability I5 and in Supported Codec )ist I5 ,see 1<.5.4.32-. For a 2TS esta$lished call these #S2 speech (ersions shall $e used $y the networ0 for hando(er to #S2. A 25 which supports 2TS codecs different fro% the 2TS A21 codec shall include a list of supported codecs in Supported Codec )ist I5. 'therwise default 2TS A21 ,see su$clause speech (ersion shall $e assu%ed $y the networ0. For a #S2 esta$lished call the list shall $e used $y the networ0 for hando(er to 2TS. The %o$ile station then enters the Dcall initiatedD state. Ti%er T3<3 is not stopped. The setup %essa!e shall contain all the infor%ation re>uired $y the networ0 to process the call. In particular= the S5T / %essa!e shall contain the called party address infor%ation. If the %o$ile station supports %ulticall= it shall include the Strea% Identifier ,SI- infor%ation ele%ent. For the first call i.e. when there are no other on!oin! calls the SI (alue shall $e 1. If ti%er T3<3 elapses in the D22 connection pendin!D state= the 22 connection in pro!ress shall $e a$orted and the user shall $e infor%ed a$out the reCection of the call.

Call i'itiatio'

The Dcall initiatedD state is super(ised $y ti%er T3<3.For nor%al 2' calls= this ti%er will ha(e already $een started after enterin! the D22 connection pendin!D state. For networ06initiated 2' calls this ti%er will $e started in the recall present state as defined in su$clause Bhen the call control entity of the %o$ile station is in the Dcall initiatedD state and if it recei(esE i- a CA)) /1'C554I8# %essa!e= it shall proceed as descri$ed in su$clause ii- an A)51TI8# %essa!e= it shall proceed as descri$ed in su$clause iii- a C'885CT %essa!e= it shall proceed as descri$ed in su$clause 5.2.1.&L i(- a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e it shall proceed as descri$ed in su$clause A$nor%al caseE 6 If ti%er T3<3 elapses in the Dcall initiatedD state $efore any of the CA)) /1'C554I8#= A)51TI8#= C'885CT or 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!es has $een recei(ed= the clearin! procedure descri$ed in su$clause 5.4 is perfor%ed.

-e&ei"t o6 a set*" 0essa e

In the DnullD or Drecall presentD states= upon receipt of a setup %essa!e ,a S5T / %essa!e or an 5251#58CA S5T / %essa!e= see su$clause the call control entity of the networ0 enters the Dcall initiatedD state. It shall then analyse the call infor%ation contained in the setup %essa!e.

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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

In 2TS= networ0 shall include the SI recei(ed in the S5T / %essa!e into the and send it $ac0 to the %o$ile station. For see 3#// TS 25.413. If the networ0 recei(es the S5T / %essa!e with no SI= the networ0 shall set the SI (alue to 1. i- If= followin! the receipt of the setup %essa!e= the call control entity of the networ0 deter%ines that the call infor%ation recei(ed fro% the %o$ile station is in(alid ,e.!. in(alid nu%$er-= then the networ0 shall initiate call clearin! as defined in su$clause 5.4 with one of the followin! cause (aluesE F1 F3 F 22 F 23 Dunassi!ned ,unallocated- nu%$erD= Dno route to destinationD= Dnu%$er chan!edD= Din(alid nu%$er for%at ,inco%plete nu%$er-D.

ii- If= followin! the receipt of the setup %essa!e= the call control entity of the networ0 deter%ines that a re>uested ser(ice is not authoriHed or is not a(aila$le= it shall initiate call clearin! in accordance with su$clause 5.4.2 with one of the followin! cause (aluesE F3 F 5* F 53 F &3 F &5 Doperator deter%ined $arrin!D= D$earer capa$ility not authoriHedD= D$earer capa$ility not presently a(aila$leD= Dser(ice or option not a(aila$le= unspecifiedD= or D$earer ser(ice not i%ple%entedD.

iii- 'therwise= the call control entity of the networ0 shall eitherE 6 6 6 send a CA)) /1'C554I8# %essa!e to its peer entity to indicate that the call is $ein! processedL and enter the D%o$ile ori!inatin! call proceedin!D stateL orE send an A)51TI8# %essa!e to its peer entity to indicate that alertin! has $een started at the called user sideL and enter the Dcall recei(edD stateL orE send a C'885CT %essa!e to its peer entity to indicate that the call has $een accepted at the called user sideL and enter the Dconnect re>uestD state.

The call control entity of the networ0 %ay insert $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent,s- in the CA)) /1'C554I8# %essa!e to select options presented $y the %o$ile station in the .earer Capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent,s- of the S5T / %essa!e. The $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent,s- shall contain the sa%e para%eters as recei(ed in the S5T / e?cept those presentin! a choice. Bhere choices were offered= appropriate para%eters indicatin! the results of those choices shall $e included. The CA))G/1'C554I8# %essa!e shall also contain the priority of the call in the case where the networ0 supports e2)//. 2o$ile stations supportin! e2)// shall indicate this priority le(el to hi!her su$layers and store this infor%ation for the duration of the call for further action. 2o$ile stations not supportin! e2)// shall i!nore this infor%ation ele%ent if pro(ided in a CA)) /1'C554I8# %essa!e. 8'T5E If the networ0 supports only 193 or older (ersions of this protocol and the priority is not included in the CA)) /1'C554I8# %essa!e= this does not i%ply that the networ0 does not support e2)//. 6 The CA))G/1'C554I8# %essa!e shall contain the %ulticall supported infor%ation in the networ0 call control capa$ilities in the case where the networ0 supports %ulticall and there are no other on!oin! calls to the 2S. 2o$ile stations supportin! %ulticall shall store this infor%ation until the call control state for all calls returns to null. 2o$ile stations not supportin! %ulticall shall i!nore this infor%ation if pro(ided in a CA)) /1'C554I8# %essa!e. If the %ulticall supported infor%ation is not sent in the CA))G/1'C554I8# %essa!e= the %o$ile station supportin! %ulticall shall re!ard that the networ0 doesn7t support %ulticall.

The call control entity of the networ0 ha(in! entered the D%o$ile ori!inatin! call proceedin!D state= the networ0 %ay initiate the assi!n%ent of a traffic channel accordin! to su$clause ,early assi!n%ent-.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

For 2TS speech calls no 2TS speech (ersions shall $e included in (earer Capability IE* if the S5T / includes a list of supported codecs in Supported Codec )ist IE then the networ0 shall use this list to select the re>uired codec type= see Chapter For a #S2 esta$lished call the list shall $e used $y the networ0 for hando(er to 2TS. If no Supported Codec )ist I5 is recei(ed $y the networ0= then #S2 speech (ersions in (earer Capability I5 shall $e used $y the networ0 for #S2 call esta$lish%ent and hando(er to #S2. For #S2 speech calls where no speech (ersions are included in (earer Capability IE the networ0 shall assu%e #S2 speech (ersion 1. If Supported Codec )ist I5 is recei(ed $y the networ0= then #S2 speech (ersions in Supported Codec )ist I5 or (earer Capability I5 shall $e used for #S2 call esta$lish%ent and hando(er to #S2.

2i ure #*(33GPP TS ()*++, Mobile ori inated call initiation and possible subse:uent responses*

-e&ei"t o6 a C,:: <-9C..D)4G 0essa e

;a(in! entered the Dcall initiatedD state= when the call control entity of the %o$ile station recei(es a CA)) /1'C554I8# %essa!e= it shall stop ti%er T3<3L start ti%er T31< unless 6 6 the CA)) /1'C554I8# %essa!e contains a pro'ress indicator I5 specifyin! pro!ress description F1= F2= or F&4L or it has recei(ed a /1'#15SS %essa!e containin! a pro'ress indicator I5 specifyin! pro!ress description F1= F2= or F&4 prior to the CA)) /1'C554I8# %essa!e

and enter the D%o$ile ori!inatin! call proceedin!D state. A$nor%al caseE If ti%er T31< elapses $efore any of the A)51TI8#= C'885CT or 4ISC'885CT %essa!es has $een recei(ed= the %o$ile station shall perfor% the clearin! procedure descri$ed in su$clause 5.4.

2i ure #*333GPP TS ()*++, Call proceedin se:uence at 7obile ori inatin call establish7ent

4oti6i&atio' o6 "ro ressi' 0o2ile ori i'ated &all

In this su$clause= the ter% Dinterwor0in!D is used only in the %eanin! of interwor0in! with a networ0 other than /)28 or IS48= not as interwor0in! $etween /)28 and IS48 since this is the nor%al case. In this sense= /)28 and IS48 are seen within the sa%e en(iron%ent= called the /)28"IS48 en(iron%ent.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

4oti6i&atio' o6 i'ter%or5i' i' &o''e&tio' %it! 0o2ile ori i'ated &all esta2lis!0e't

4urin! call esta$lish%ent= the call %ay lea(e a /)28"IS48 en(iron%entL e.!.= $ecause of interwor0in! with another networ0= with a non6/)28"IS48 user= or with non6/)28"IS48 e>uip%ent within the called user7s pre%isesL the call %ay also return to a /)28"IS48 en(iron%ent. Bhen such situations occur= the networ0 %ay send a pro'ress indicator infor%ation ele%ent to the callin! %o$ile station eitherE a- in an appropriate call control %essa!e= if a state chan!e is re>uired ,e.!. A)51TI8# or C'885CT-L or= $- in the /1'#15SS %essa!e= if no state chan!e is appropriate. This pro'ress indicator infor%ation ele%ent shall contain one of the followin! pro!ress description (aluesE a- F1 Dcall is not end6to6end /)28"IS48L further call pro!ress infor%ation %ay $e a(aila$le in6$andD. $- F2 Ddestination address is non6/)28"IS48D. c- F4 Dcall has returned to /)28"IS48. See also su$clauses 5.5.1 and 5.5.& for further reactions of the %o$ile station.

Call "ro ress i' t!e <:M4$)SD4 e'1iro'0e't

In order to infor% the %o$ile station that the call is pro!ressin! in the /)28"IS48 en(iron%ent the networ0 %ay send a pro'ress indicator infor%ation ele%ent to the callin! %o$ile station eitherE a- in an appropriate call control %essa!e= if a state chan!e is re>uired ,e.!.= A)51TI8# or C'885CT-L or $- in the /1'#15SS %essa!e= if no state chan!e is appropriate. This pro'ress indicator infor%ation ele%ent shall contain pro!ress description (alue F32 DCall is end6to6end IS48"/)28D. See also su$clause 5.5.& for further reactions of the %o$ile station.


;a(in! entered the D%o$ile ori!inatin! call proceedin!D state= upon recei(in! an indication that user alertin! has $een initiated at the called address= the call control entity of the networ0 shallE send an A)51TI8# %essa!e to its peer entity at the callin! %o$ile station and enter the Dcall deli(eredD state. Bhen the call control entity of the %o$ile station in the Dcall initiatedD state or D%o$ile ori!inatin! call proceedin!D state recei(es an A)51TI8# %essa!e then= the call control entity of the %o$ile station shall stop ti%er T3<3 and T31< ,if runnin!- and shall enter the Dcall deli(eredD state. In this state= for speech callsE 6 an alertin! indication should $e !i(en to the user. If the %o$ile station has not attached the user connection then the %o$ile station shall internally !enerate an alertin! indication. If the %o$ile station has attached the user connection then the networ0 is responsi$le for !eneratin! the alertin! indication and the %o$ile station need not !enerate one.

A$nor%al casesE 'n the %o$ile station side= if ti%er T31< e?pires= the call control entity of the %o$ile station shall initiate call clearin! as descri$ed in su$clause 5.4.

2i ure #*)33GPP TS ()*++, Call confir7ation at 7obile ori inatin call establish7ent


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Call &o''e&ted

pon recei(in! an indication that the call has $een accepted= the call control entity of the networ0 shallE throu!h connect the traffic channel ,includin! the connection of an interwor0in! function= if re>uired- and send a C'885CT %essa!e to its peer entity at the callin! %o$ile stationL start ti%er T313 and enter the Dconnect indicationD state. This %essa!e indicates to the call control entity of the callin! %o$ile station that a connection has $een esta$lished throu!h the networ0. The call control entity of the %o$ile station in the Dcall initiatedD state= in the D%o$ile ori!inatin! call proceedin!D state or in the Dcall deli(eredD state= shall= upon receipt of a C'885CT %essa!eE 6 6 6 6 6 attach the user connectionL return a C'885CT ACK8'B)54#5 %essa!eL stop any locally !enerated alertin! indication ,if applied-L stop ti%er T3<3 and T31< ,if runnin!-L enter the Dacti(eD state.

A$nor%al casesE 'n the %o$ile station side= if ti%er T3<3 or T31< e?pires= the call control entity of the %o$ile station shall initiate call clearin! as descri$ed in su$clause 5.4. 8'T5E The %o$ile station %ay ha(e applied an additional internal alertin! super(ision which causes initiation of call clearin! prior to the e?piry of T3<3 or T31<.

The call control of the networ0 in the Dconnect indicationD state= shall= upon receipt of a C'885CT ACK8'B)54#5 %essa!eE 6 stop ti%er T313 and enter the Dacti(eD state.

A$nor%al casesE 'n the networ0 side= if ti%er T313 elapses $efore a C'885CT ACK8'B)54#5 %essa!e has $een recei(ed= the networ0 shall perfor% the clearin! procedure as descri$ed in su$clause 5.4.

2i ure #*#33GPP TS ()*++, Call acceptance se:uence at 7obile ori inatin call establish7ent


Call re>e&tio'

pon recei(in! an indication that the networ0 or the called user is una$le to accept the call= the networ0 shall initiate call clearin! at the radio interface to the %o$ile which ori!inated the call= as descri$ed in su$clause 5.4 usin! the cause pro(ided $y the ter%inatin! networ0 or the called user.

Tra'sit 'et%or5 sele&tio'

For further study.


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Tra66i& &!a''el assi '0e't at 0o2ile ori i'ati' &all esta2lis!0e't

The %o$ile station supportin! %ulticall includes the Strea% Identifier ,SI- in the S5T / %essa!e. The %ulticall supportin! networ0 shall interprets the SI (alue as followsE a- 2o$ile station !enerates a new SI (alue at the initiation of an ori!inatin! call= then a new traffic channel shall $e assi!ned to the %o$ile ori!inatin! call. $- 2o$ile station indicates an e?istin! SI (alue= then the indicated traffic channel shall $e used for the %o$ile ori!inatin! call. 2o$ile station supportin! %ulticall shall ne(er send an additional S5T / with indication that a new traffic channel is re>uested to a networ0 that does not support %ulticall. It is a networ0 dependent decision when to initiate the assi!n%ent of an appropriate traffic channel durin! the %o$ile ori!inatin! call esta$lish%ent phase. Initiation of a suita$le 11 procedure to assi!n an appropriate traffic channel does neither chan!e the state of a call control entity nor affect any call control ti%er. 8'T5E 4urin! certain phases of such an 11 procedure= trans%ission of CC and 22 %essa!es %ay $e suspended= see 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O= clause 3 and 3#// TS 43.<<3 N35O.

The assi!n%ent procedure does not affect any call control ti%er.

Call 3*e*i' at 0o2ile ori i'ati' &all esta2lis!0e't

The conditions to apply >ueuin! are descri$ed in 3#// TS <3.<1 N9O. If an idle traffic channel is not a(aila$le at the assi!n%ent instant= the networ0 %ay place the traffic channel re>uest in a >ueue. Calls arri(in! when all positions in the >ueue are occupied shall $e cleared $y the networ0 usin! the cause F34 Dno circuit"channel a(aila$leD. The %a?i%u% >ueuin! inter(al is super(ised $y the networ0. The li%it is a networ0 dependent choice. In case the networ0 is not a$le to allocate a traffic channel within the >ueuin! li%it= the networ0 will release the call usin! cause F34 Dno circuit"channel a(aila$leD. 'ptionally= e.!. if e2)// is used= the networ0 %ay decide to pre6e%pt e?istin! calls or to place the traffic channel re>uest at so%e preferential position within the >ueue. Specific indications pro(ided in the networ0 to the re%ote user are a networ0 dependent choice.

S"ee&! Code& Sele&tio'

The networ0 can recei(e Supported Codec )ist I5 in call esta$lish%ent %essa!es fro% the 25 to infor% the networ0 of the codec types that it supports. If the networ0 does not recei(e Supported Codec )ist IE then default 2TS A21 speech (ersion shall $e assu%ed for 2TS calls. For #S2 speech calls where the networ0 does not recei(e Supported Codec )ist IE and no speech (ersions are included in (earer Capability IE the networ0 shall assu%e #S2 speech (ersion 1. The default 2TS speech (ersion for D199 2TS onlyD ter%inals is 2TSGA21. The default 2TS speech (ersion for ter%inals supportin! #S2 K 2TS radio accesses is 2TSGA21G2. For further details see 3#// TS 2&.1<3 N33O. 8'T5E If the 5 supports R 2TSGA21G2S and the networ0 is 199 and assu%es R 2TSGA21S then no interwor0in! pro$le%s will occur.

The networ0 shall deter%ine the 2TS speech (ersion $y the followin!E iIf no #S2 Speech +ersion codepoints are recei(ed in Supported Codec )ist I5 or in octet 3a etc. of the (earer Capabilities I5 then a D 2TS onlyD ter%inal is assu%ed and the 2TS speech (ersion shall $e 2TSGA21.


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If at least one #S2 Speech +ersion codepoint is recei(ed in Supported Codec )ist I5 or in octet 3a etc. of the (earer Capabilities I5 and the 25 supports #S2 and 2TS then the 2TS speech (ersion shall $e 2TSGA21G2. In case ,ii-= if the call is set up in #S2 $y a 199 25= call control in the core networ0 %ay treat the 25 as a D#S2 onlyD 25. The default 2TS A21 speech (ersion will only $eco%e rele(ant when an intersyste% hando(er to 2TS is initiated $y the radio access networ0= and can $e deter%ined when this procedure is started.


If the Supported Codec )ist I5 is recei(ed= the networ0 shall select a codec fro% the list of codecs and indicate this to the 25 (ia 1A8A/ and 11C protocol in 8AS Synchronisation Indicator I5. See 3#// TS 25.413 and 3#// TS 25.331 N32cO. Codin! of the codec type ,CoI4- shall $e= as defined in 3#// 3#// TS 2&.1<3 N33O. The networ0 shall deter%ine the preference for the selected codec typeL codec type prioritisation is not pro(ided $y the 25. The 25 shall acti(ate the codec type recei(ed in the 8AS Synchronisation Indicator I5. If the %o$ile station does not recei(e the 8AS Synchronisation Indicator I5 ,11C protocol- then it shall assu%e default 2TS A21 speech (ersion. For adapti(e %ultirate codec types no indication of su$sets of %odes is supported in this protocol= fro% the 25 or to the 25. It is a pre6condition that the support of such codec types $y the 25 i%plicitly includes all %odes defined for that codec type.

Cell*lar TeFt tele"!o'e Mode0 (CTM) sele&tio'

The networ0 can recei(e a CT2 support indication in the (earer Capability I5 in call esta$lish%ent %essa!es fro% the 25 to infor% the networ0 of the use of CT2 te?t in the call. Bhen the 25 indicates speech and support of CT2 te?t telephony= the networ0 shall select a speech codec and additionally CT2 te?t telephony detection"con(ersion functions as specified in 3#// TS 23.22& N92O and 3#// TS 2&.22& N93O= if such functions are a(aila$le. 8'T5E If CT2 support is indicated $y the 25= then it supports CT2 te?t telephony to!ether with any supported speech codec and for any supported radio access.

5.2.2 Mo2ile ter0i'ati' &all esta2lis!0e't

.efore call esta$lish%ent can $e initiated in the %o$ile station= the 22 connection %ust $e esta$lished $y the networ0.

Call i'di&atio'

After the arri(al of a call fro% a re%ote user= the correspondin! call control entity in the networ0 shallE initiate the 22 connection esta$lish%ent accordin! to clause 4 and enter the D22 connection pendin!D state. The re>uest to esta$lish the 22 connection is passed fro% the C2 su$layer to the 22 su$layer. It contains the necessary routin! infor%ation deri(ed fro% the S5T / %essa!e. pon co%pletion of the 22 connection= the call control entity of the networ0 shallE send the S5T / %essa!e to its peer entity at the %o$ile station= start ti%er T3<3 and enter the Dcall presentD state. The S5T / %essa!e shall contain the %ulticall supported infor%ation in the networ0 call control capa$ilities in the case where the networ0 supports %ulticall and there are no other on!oin! calls to the 2S. 2o$ile stations supportin! %ulticall shall store this infor%ation until the call control state for all calls returns to null. 2o$ile stations not supportin! %ulticall shall i!nore this infor%ation if pro(ided in a S5T / %essa!e. If the %ulticall supported infor%ation is not sent in the S5T / %essa!e= the %o$ile station supportin! %ulticall shall re!ard that the networ0 does not support %ulticall. pon receipt of a S5T / %essa!e= the %o$ile station shall perfor% co%pati$ility chec0in! as descri$ed in su$clause If the result of the co%pati$ility chec0in! was co%pati$ility= the call control entity of the %o$ile


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station shall enter the Dcall presentD state. An inco%pati$le %o$ile station shall respond with a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e in accordance with su$clause If there are no bearer capability I5s in the S5T / %essa!e= the networ0 %ay pro(ide infor%ation a$out the re>uested ser(ice in the backup bearer capability I5. If no response to the S5T / %essa!e is recei(ed $y the call control entity of the networ0 $efore the e?piry of ti%er T3<3= the procedures descri$ed in su$clause shall apply.

2i ure #*.33GPP TS ()*++, Mobile ter7inatin call initiation and possible subse:uent responses*

Co0"ati2ility &!e&5i'

The %o$ile station recei(in! a S5T / %essa!e shall perfor% co%pati$ility chec0in! $efore respondin! to that S5T / %essa!e. Anne? . defines co%pati$ility chec0in! to $e perfor%ed $y the %o$ile station upon recei(in! a S5T / %essa!e. For a backup bearer capability I5 recei(ed with a S5T / %essa!e the %o$ile station shall not perfor% co%pati$ility chec0in! as descri$ed in anne? ..

Call &o'6ir0atio'
-es"o'se to S.TU<

;a(in! entered the Dcall present stateD the call control entity of the %o$ile station shall 6 with the e?ception of the cases descri$ed $elow 6 ac0nowled!e the S5T / %essa!e $y a CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e= and enter the D%o$ile ter%inatin! call confir%edD state. If the %o$ile station supports %ulticall= it shall include the Strea% Identifier ,SI- infor%ation ele%ent in the CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e. If the %o$ile station is located in the networ0 supportin! %ulticall= it shall ne(er include the SI that is in use and shall include with either of the followin! two (aluesE 6 6 SITDno $earerDL SITnew (alue ,not used $y any of the e?istin! $earers-.

If the %o$ile station supportin! %ulticall is located in the networ0 not supportin! %ulticall= it shall include the SI with (alue 1. The call control entity of the %o$ile station %ay include in the CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e to the networ0 one or two $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ents to the networ0= either preselected in the %o$ile station or correspondin! to a ser(ice dependent directory nu%$er ,see 3#// TS 29.<<* N33O-. The %o$ile station %ay also use the backup bearer capability I5= if pro(ided $y the networ0= to deduce the re>uested ser(ice ,see 3#// TS 2*.<<1= su$clause The %o$ile station %ay also include one or two $earer capa$ilities in the CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e to define the radio channel re>uire%ents. For a 25 which supports %ore than #S2 speech (ersion 1 and supports 2TS codecs different fro% the 2TS A21= then speech (ersions for #S2 shall $e included in $oth Supported Codec )ist I5 ,see 1<.5.4.32- and (earer Capability I5.


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A 25 which supports 2TS codecs different fro% the 2TS A21 codec shall include the supported codecs in Supported Codec )ist I5 in the CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e= otherwise default 2TS A21 ,see su$clause (ersion shall $e assu%ed $y the networ0. In any case the rules specified in su$clause shall $e followed. For a 2TS esta$lished call #S2 speech (ersions shall $e used $y the networ0 for hando(er to #S2. 8'T5E The possi$ility of alternati(e responses ,e.!.= in connection with supple%entary ser(ices- is for further study.

A $usy 2S which satisfies the co%pati$ility re>uire%ents indicated in the S5T / %essa!e shall respond either with a CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e if the call setup is allowed to continue or a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e if the call setup is not allowed to continue= $oth with cause F1* Duser $usyD. If the %o$ile user wishes to refuse the call= a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e shall $e sent with the cause F21 Dcall reCectedD. In the cases where the %o$ile station responds to a S5T / %essa!e with 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e the %o$ile station shall release the 22 connection and enter the DnullD state after sendin! the 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e. The networ0 shall process the 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e in accordance with su$clause 5.4.

-e&ei"t o6 C,:: C94()-M.D a'd ,:.-T)4G 2y t!e 'et%or5

The call control entity of the networ0 in the Dcall presentD state= shall= upon receipt of a CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!eE stop ti%er T3<3= start ti%er T31< and enter the D%o$ile ter%inatin! call confir%edD state. In 2TS= networ0 shall include the SI recei(ed in the CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e into the and send it $ac0 to the %o$ile station. For see 3#// TS 25.413. If the networ0 recei(es the CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e with no SI= the networ0 shall set the SI (alue to 1. For 2TS speech calls no 2TS speech (ersions shall $e included in bearer capability IE* if the CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e includes a list of supported codecs in Supported Codec )ist IE then the networ0 shall use this list to select the re>uired codec type= see su$clause If no Supported Codec )ist IE is recei(ed $y the networ0 then default 2TS A21 ,see su$clause speech (ersion shall $e assu%ed. #S2 speech (ersions recei(ed $y the networ0 in (earer Capability I5 and Supported Codec )ist I5 ,see 1<.5.4.32shall $e used $y the networ0 for #S2 call esta$lish%ent and hando(er to #S2. For #S2 speech calls where no speech (ersions are included in bearer capability IE the networ0 shall assu%e #S2 speech (ersion 1. The call control entity of the %o$ile station ha(in! entered the D%o$ile ter%inatin! call confir%edD state= if the call is accepted at the called user side= the %o$ile station proceeds as descri$ed in su$clause 'therwise= if the si!nal infor%ation ele%ent was present in the S5T / %essa!e user alertin! is initiated at the %o$ile station sideL if the si!nal infor%ation ele%ent was not present in the S5T / %essa!e= user alertin! is initiated when an appropriate channel is a(aila$le. ;ere= initiation of user alertin! %eansE 6 6 the !eneration of an appropriate tone or indication at the %o$ile stationL and sendin! of an A)51TI8# %essa!e $y the call control entity of the 2S to its peer entity in the networ0 and enterin! the Dcall recei(edD state.

The call control entity of the networ0 in the D%o$ile ter%inated call confir%edD state shall= upon receipt of an A)51TI8# %essa!eE send a correspondin! A)51TI8# indication to the callin! userL stop ti%er T31<L start ti%er T3<1= and enter the Dcall recei(edD state. In the D%o$ile ter%inatin! call confir%edD state or the Dcall recei(edD state= if the user of a %o$ile station is ser 4eter%ined ser .usy then a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e shall $e sent with cause F1* Duser $usyD. In the D%o$ile ter%inatin! call confir%edD state= if the user of a %o$ile station wishes to reCect the call then a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e shall $e sent with cause F21 Dcall reCectedD.

Call 6ail*re "ro&ed*res

In case of a$nor%al $eha(iour the followin! call failure procedures applyE


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

i. If the networ0 does not recei(e any response to the S5T / %essa!e prior to the e?piration of ti%er T3<3= then the networ0 shallE initiate clearin! procedures towards the callin! user with cause F13 Dno user respondin!DL and initiate clearin! procedures towards the called %o$ile station in accordance with su$clause 5.4.4 usin! cause F1<2 Dreco(ery on ti%er e?piryD. ii. If the networ0 has recei(ed a CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e= $ut does not recei(e an A)51TI8#= C'885CT or 4ISC'885CT %essa!e prior to the e?piration of ti%er T31<= then the networ0 shallE 6 6 initiate clearin! procedures towards the callin! user with cause F13 Dno user respondin!DL and initiate clearin! procedures towards the called 2S in accordance with su$clause 5.4.4 usin! cause F1<2 Dreco(ery on ti%er e?piryD.

iii. If the networ0 has recei(ed an A)51TI8# %essa!e= $ut does not recei(e a C'885CT or 4ISC'885CT %essa!e prior to the e?piry of ti%er T3<1 ,or a correspondin! internal alertin! super(ision ti%in! function-= then the networ0 shallE initiate clearin! procedures towards the callin! user with cause F19 Duser alertin!= no answerDL and initiate clearin! procedures towards the called %o$ile station in accordance with su$clause 5.4.4= usin! cause F1<2 Dreco(ery on ti%er e?piryD or usin! cause F31 Dnor%al= unspecifiedD. 8'T5E The choice $etween cause F31 and cause F1<2 %ay ha(e conse>uences on indications !enerated $y the %o$ile station= see 3#// TS <2.4< N3O.
See su$clause 5.4.2.

Called 0o2ile statio' &leari' d*ri' 0o2ile ter0i'ati' &all esta2lis!0e't

4oti6i&atio' o6 i'ter%or5i' i' &o''e&tio' %it! 0o2ile ter0i'ati' &all esta2lis!0e't

In this su$clause= the ter% Dinterwor0in!D is used only in the %eanin! of interwor0in! with a networ0 other than /)28 or IS48= not as interwor0in! $etween /)28 and IS48 since this is the nor%al case. In this sense= /)28 and IS48 are seen within the sa%e en(iron%ent= called the /)28"IS48 en(iron%ent. 4urin! call esta$lish%ent the call %ay enter an /)28"IS48 en(iron%ent= e.!.= $ecause of interwor0in! with another networ0= with a non6/)28"IS48 user= or with non6/)28"IS48 e>uip%ent within the callin! or called user7s pre%ises. Bhen this occurs= the networ0 %ay include a pro'ress indicator infor%ation ele%ent to $e included in the S5T / %essa!e to $e sent to the called %o$ile station specifyin! pro!ress description (alueE a- F1 Dcall is not end6to6end /)28"IS48L further call pro!ress infor%ation %ay $e a(aila$le in6$andD or $- F3 Dori!ination address is non6/)28"IS48D. See also su$clause 5.5.1 for further reactions of the %o$ile station.

Call a&&e"t

In the D%o$ile ter%inatin! call confir%edD state or the Dcall recei(edD state= the call control entity in the %o$ile station indicates acceptance of a %o$ile ter%inatin! call $yE 6 6 6 sendin! a C'885CT %essa!e to its peer entity in the networ0L startin! Ti%er T313L and enterin! the Dconnect re>uestD state.

If the call control entity of the %o$ile station has indicated D8o .earerD as the SI (alue in the CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e= it shall assi!n the SI (alue and include the SI infor%ation ele%ent in the C'885CT %essa!e. 'therwise the SI infor%ation ele%ent shall not $e included in the C'885CT %essa!e.

,&ti1e i'di&atio'

In the D%o$ile ter%inated call confir%edD state or in the Dcall recei(edD state= the call control entity of the networ0 shall= upon receipt of a C'885CT %essa!eE throu!h connect the traffic channel ,includin! the connection of an interwor0in!

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function= if re>uired-= stop ti%ers T31<= T3<3 or T3<1 ,if runnin!-L send a C'885CT ACK8'B)54#5 %essa!e to its peer entity at the %o$ile station of the called userL initiate procedures to send a C'885CT %essa!e towards the callin! user and enter the Dacti(eD state. In the Dconnect re>uestD state= the call control entity of the %o$ile station shall= upon receipt of a C'885CT ACK8'B)54#5 %essa!eE stop ti%er T313 and enter the Dacti(eD state. Bhen ti%er T313 e?pires prior to the receipt of a C'885CT ACK8'B)54#5 %essa!e= the %o$ile station shall initiate clearin! in accordance with su$clause 5.4.3.

2i ure #*/33GPP TS ()*++, Call acceptance and acti6e indication at 7obile ter7inatin call establish7ent


Tra66i& &!a''el assi '0e't at 0o2ile ter0i'ati' &all esta2lis!0e't

After recei(in! the S5T / %essa!e= the %o$ile station supportin! %ulticall %ay either re>uire a new traffic channel or reuse an e?istin! traffic channel. If a %o$ile station in the networ0 supportin! %ulticall re>uires a new traffic channel= it shallE 6 send a CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e includin! the SI indicatin! a new (alue= not used $y any of the e?istin! traffic channels.

If a %o$ile station in the networ0 supportin! %ulticall does not re>uire a new traffic channel= it shallE 6 send a CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e includin! the SI e>ual to Dno $earerD.

After the %o$ile station has send the CA)) C'8FI1254 with SITDno $earerD= the SI (alue in the C'885CT %essa!e will tell to the networ0 if a user re>uests a new traffic channel or one of the e?istin! ones will $e re6uesd. If a new traffic channel is re>uested $y the user= the %o$ile station in the networ0 supportin! %ulticall shallE 6 send a C'885CT %essa!e containin! the SI with a new (alue= not used $y any e?istin! traffic channel.

If the user decides that an e?istin! traffic channel will $e reused= the %o$ile station in the networ0 supportin! %ulticall shallE 6 send a C'885CT %essa!e with an SI indicatin! an e?istin! (alue used $y an e?istin! traffic channel.

It is a networ0 dependent decision when to initiate the assi!n%ent of a traffic channel durin! the %o$ile ter%inatin! call esta$lish%ent phase. Initiation of the assi!n%ent phase does not directly chan!e the state of a CC entity nor affect any call control ti%er= $ut %ay ha(e so%e secondary effects ,see e.!. clause

Call 3*e*i' at 0o2ile ter0i'ati' &all esta2lis!0e't

The interwor0in! to the fi?ed networ0 has to fulfil the networ0 specific re>uire%ents.

The principles descri$ed in su$clause< apply accordin!ly.

For speech callsE

User &o''e&tio' atta&!0e't d*ri' a 0o2ile ter0i'ati' &all

The %o$ile station shall attach the user connection at latest when sendin! the connect %essa!e.


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For data callsE The %o$ile station shall attach the user connection when recei(in! the C'885CT ACK8'B)54#5 %essa!e fro% the networ0. Cell*lar TeFt tele"!o'e Mode0 (CTM) sele&tio'

The principles descri$ed in su$clause apply accordin!ly.

5.2.3 4et%or5 i'itiated M9 &all /(CC+S)/

The procedures of su$clause 5.2.3 are %andatory for %o$ile stations supportin! D8etwor0 initiated 2' callD. 8'T5E The $eha(iour of a %o$ile station that does not support D8etwor0 initiated 2' callD is descri$ed in clause 4.


.efore call esta$lish%ent can $e initiated in the %o$ile station= the 22 connection shall $e esta$lished $y the networ0. After the arri(al of an appropriate sti%ulus ,for e?a%ple a 1e%ote ser Free Indication-= the correspondin! call control entity in the networ0 shall initiate the 22 connection esta$lish%ent accordin! to clause 4= enter the DCC connection pendin!D state and start ti%er T331. The re>uest to esta$lish the 22 connection is passed fro% the C2 su$layer to the 22 su$layer. It contains the necessary routin! infor%ation deri(ed fro% the recei(ed sti%ulus. pon co%pletion of the 22 connection= the call control entity of the %o$ile station shall send a STA1T CC %essa!e to its peer entity in the networ0. The %o$ile station shall then enter the DBait for networ0 infor%ationD state and start ti%er T332. If the networ0 recei(es a STA1T CC %essa!e while in the DCC connection pendin!D state= the networ0 stops T331= sends the CC65STA.)IS;258T %essa!e= starts ti%er T333 and enters the DCC6esta$lish%ent presentD state. The 22 connection esta$lish%ent %ay $e unsuccessful for a (ariety of reasons= in which case the 22 su$layer in the networ0 will infor% the CC entity in the networ0 with an indication of the reason for the failure. The CC entity shall then stop all runnin! ti%ers= enter the D8ullD state and infor% all appropriate entities within the networ0. If ti%er T331 e?pires= the networ0 shall a$ort the 22 connection esta$lish%ent atte%pt= stop all runnin! CC ti%ers= enter the D8ullD state and infor% all appropriate entities within the networ0.

CC-.sta2lis!0e't "rese't

In the DCC esta$lish%ent presentD state= the %o$ile station= upon receipt of the CC65STA.)IS;258T %essa!e= shall stop ti%er T332. The CC65STA.)IS;258T %essa!e contains infor%ation which the %o$ile station shall use for the su$se>uent S5T / %essa!e ,if any- related to this CC65STA.)IS;258T. The CC65STA.)IS;258T %essa!e shall contain the Setup Container IE+ If no CC65STA.)IS;258T %essa!e is recei(ed $y the call control entity of the %o$ile station $efore the e?piry of ti%er T332= then the %o$ile station shall initiate clearin! procedures towards the networ0 usin! a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e with cause F1<2 Dreco(ery on ti%er e?piryD and proceed in accordance with su$clause 5.4.2. pon receipt of a CC65STA.)IS;258T %essa!e the %o$ile station shall perfor% chec0s on the Setup Container I5 in order to ali!n the contained infor%ation with the %o$ile7s present capa$ilities and confi!uration. The Drecall ali!n%ent procedureD is defined later on in this su$clause. If the recall ali!n%ent procedure has succeeded= the call control entity of the 2o$ile Station shallE 6 6 for% and store the S5T / %essa!e for sendin! later in the D1ecall presentD state= ac0nowled!e the CC65STA.)IS;258T %essa!e with a CC65STA.)IS;258T C'8FI1254 %essa!e=


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6 6

start ti%er T335= and enter the DCC6esta$lish%ent confir%edD state.

5?ceptionE A $usy %o$ile station which has successfully perfor%ed the recall ali!n%ent procedure shall respond with a CC6 5STA.)IS;258T C'8FI1254 %essa!e with cause F1* Duser $usyD= and proceed as stated a$o(e. A %o$ile station= for which the recall ali!n%ent procedure failed= shall respond with a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e in accordance with su$clause 5.4.2 with the appropriate cause code as indicated in the description of the recall ali!n%ent procedure. The S5T / %essa!e is constructed fro% the Setup Container IE recei(ed in the CC 5STA.)IS;258T 25SSA#5. The %o$ile station shall assu%e that the Setup Container IE contains an entire S5T / %essa!e with the e?ception of the /rotocol 4iscri%inator= Transaction I4 and 2essa!e Type ele%ents. The %o$ile station %ay assu%e that the contents of the Setup Container IE are the sa%e as were sent fro% the su$scri$er in a pre(ious S5T / %essa!e of the %o$ile ori!inatin! call esta$lish%ent atte%pt. The %o$ile station shall copy the Setup Container to the S5T / %essa!e and not %odify the contents e?cept as defined in the recall ali!n%ent procedure and as defined in e$ceptions $elow. The %o$ile station shall not add other Infor%ation 5le%ents to the end of the S5T / %essa!e. 5?ceptionsE (earer Capability IE,s-# .)C IE,s- and ))C ,s- IE,s- ,includin! Repeat Indicator,s-# if there are 2 $earer capa$ilities- re>uire handlin! as descri$ed in the recall ali!n%ent procedure $elow. If the CC Capabilities in the Setup Container IE is different to that supported $y the %o$ile station= the %o$ile station shall %odify the CC Capabilities in the S5T / %essa!e to indicate the true capa$ilities of the %o$ile station. &acility IE,s- and SS /ersion IE,s- re>uire handlin! as descri$ed in the recall ali!n%ent procedure. Stream Identi0ier IE re>uires handlin! as descri$ed in the recall ali!n%ent procedure. If no response to the CC65STA.)IS;258T %essa!e is recei(ed $y the call control entity of the networ0 $efore the e?piry of ti%er T333= then the networ0 shall initiate clearin! procedures towards the called %o$ile station usin! a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e with cause F1<2 Dreco(ery on ti%er e?piryD and infor% all appropriate entities within the networ0= proceedin! in accordance with su$clause 5.4.2.

2i ure #*/a33GPP TS ()*++, Call initiation and possible subse:uent responses*

-e&all ,li '0e't <ro&ed*re

The recall ali!n%ent procedure consists of three partsE 6 6 6 $asic ser(ice !roup ali!n%ent= facility ali!n%ent= and strea% identifier ali!n%ent.

.asic ser(ice !roup ali!n%entE


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The %o$ile station shall chec0 that the (earer Capability# .)C and ))C and Repeat Indicator fields= which are e%$edded in the Setup Container IE# %atch a $asic ser(ice !roup supported $y the %o$ile station. If this chec0 fails= then the recall ali!n%ent procedure has failed. The %o$ile station shall use the cause F33 Dinco%pati$le destinationD afterwards. 'therwise= the %o$ile station is allowed to alter the content within the (earer Capability# .)C# ))C and Supported Codec )ist Infor%ation 5le%ents ,e.!. the speech codec (ersion,s-= the data rate= the radio channel re>uire%entpro(ided that the $asic ser(ice !roup is not chan!ed. The result shall $e that the %o$ile station has deri(ed (earer Capability# .)C and ))C Infor%ation 5le%ents= which it can use for a later call setup accordin! to its confi!uration and capa$ilities. Facility ali!n%entE This only applies if the Setup Container contains 1 or %ore &acility IEs+ 5ach &acility IE within the Setup Container will $e associated with the co%%on SS /ersion IE= if present+ The handlin! for each &acility IE is defined $elow. The %o$ile station shall ali!n each facility I5 contained in the Setup Container+ The rules defined in 3#// TS 24.<1< also apply. The &acility IE is encoded as 7si%ple recall ali!n%ent7= 7ad(anced recall ali!n%ent7 or 7recall ali!n%ent not essential7 ,see 3#// TS 24.<1<-. If the encodin! indicates= that 6 6 a si%ple recall ali!n%ent is re>uired= the %o$ile station shall copy the Facility I5 and the co%%on SS (ersion I5 fro% the Setup Container to the S5T / %essa!e without %odifyin! the content. an ad(anced recall ali!n%ent is re>uired= the %o$ile station %ust reco!nise and support the operation defined in the facility. If the %o$ile station does not reco!nise or support the operation= then the recall ali!n%ent procedure has failed and the %o$ile station shall use the cause F29 Dfacility reCectedD in the su$se>uent reCection of the CC esta$lish%ent re>uest. the recall ali!n%ent is not essential= then the facility operation is not an essential part of the S5T /. If the 2S does not reco!nise the operation then the SS +ersion I5 and Facility I5 are discarded= and 8'T copied into the S5T / %essa!e.

8'T5. A %o$ile station %ay include a &acility IE without an associated SS /ersion IE+ This would indicate that the SS operation is encoded usin! /hase 1 protocols. Further details on Facility handlin! are !i(en in 3#// TS 24.<1< Strea% identifier ali!n%entE The %o$ile station shall chec0 whether the Stream Identi0ier field is contained in the Setup Container or not. If the Stream Identi0ier is contained in the Setup Container= the %o$ile station shall $eha(e as one of the followin!. 6 6 the %o$ile station re6assi!n the Stream Identi0ier (alue= and %odify the Stream Identi0ier field. the %o$ile station re%o(e the Stream Identi0ier field.

If the Stream Identi0ier is not contained in the Setup Container= the %o$ile station %ay $eha(e as follows. 6 the %o$ile station assi!n the Stream Identi0ier (alue= and add the Stream Identi0ier IE to the end of the S5T / %essa!e.

CC-.sta2lis!0e't &o'6ir0atio'

The call control entity of the networ0 in the DCC6esta$lish%ent presentD state= shall= upon receipt of a CC6 5STA.)IS;258T C'8FI1254 %essa!e= stop ti%er T333 and enter the DCC6esta$lish%ent confir%edD state. In the DCC6esta$lish%ent confir%edD state= the networ0 sends a 15CA)) %essa!e. This %essa!e initiates user alertin! and also shall include the Facility I5 ,pro(idin! additional infor%ation to $e presented to the user for notification-. The networ0 starts ti%er T334 and enters the 7recall present7 state. pon reception of the 15CA)) %essa!e the 2o$ile station stops T335 and enters the Drecall presentD state.


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Additionally= for 2TS speech calls a 25 which supports %ore than 2TS A21 codec shall include the list of supported codecs in Supported Codec )ist I5 in the 5STA.)IS;258T C'8FI1254 %essa!e. For speech calls a 25 which supports 2TS codecs different fro% the 2TS A21= shall include the list of supported codecs in the Supported Codec )ist I5 in the 5STA.)IS;258T C'8FI1254 %essa!e. If this infor%ation ele%ent is not included then the networ0 shall use #S2 speech (ersions recei(ed in (earer CapabilityI5 for #S2 calls. A 25 which supports only #S2 codecs= shall include the list of supported codecs in (earer Capability I5 in the 5STA.)IS;258T C'8FI1254 %essa!e. If a Supported Codec )ist I5 is recei(ed the networ0 shall use the codec list for codec selection. See su$clause If no Supported Codec )ist I5 is recei(ed $y the networ0 then default 2TS A21 ,see su$clause speech (ersion shall $e assu%ed for 2TS= and the networ0 shall deter%ine the supported #S2 speech (ersions fro% the (earer Capability I5.

2i ure #*/b33GPP TS ()*++, "ecall

-e&all "rese't

In the Drecall presentD state= the call control entity in the %o$ile station waits for acceptance of the 1ecall $y the user. 'nce confir%ation is recei(ed= the %o$ile station indicates acceptance of a recall $y 6 6 6 sendin! a S5T / %essa!e to its peer entity in the networ0L startin! Ti%er T3<3L and enterin! the Dcall initiatedD state and proceedin! as descri$ed in su$clause

The 2S shall ensure that the contents of the (earer Capability IE,s- and Supported Codec )ist I5 sent in the S5T / %essa!e are the sa%e as the (earer Capability IE,s- and Supported Codec )ist I5 in the pre(ious CC6 5STA.)IS;258T C'8FI1254 %essa!e related to this 8etwor0 Initiated 2' Call. In the Drecall6presentD state= if the user of a %o$ile station is ser 4eter%ined ser .usy then a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e shall $e sent with cause F1* Duser $usyD In the Drecall6presentD state. If the user of a %o$ile station wishes to reCect the recall then a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e shall $e sent with cause F21 Dcall reCectedD. In either case= the %o$ile shall release the connection in accordance with su$clause 5.4.2 'n receipt of the S5T / %essa!e in the Drecall presentD state= the networ0 shall stop ti%er T334 and proceed as specified in su$clause If the call control entity of the networ0 does not recei(e a S5T / %essa!e $efore the e?piry of ti%er T334= then the networ0 shall send a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e to the %o$ile usin! cause F1<2 Dreco(ery on ti%er e?piryD= release the 22 connection= enter the DnullD state and shall infor% all appropriate entities within the networ0.

2i ure #*/b33GPP TS ()*++, "ecall acceptance or rejection by user


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Tra66i& &!a''el assi '0e't d*ri' 'et%or5 i'itiated 0o2ile ori i'ati' &all esta2lis!0e't

It is a networ0 dependent decision whether or not to initiate the assi!n%ent of a traffic channel durin! the DCC6 esta$lish%ent confir%edD state.

5.3 Si 'alli' "ro&ed*res d*ri' t!e Ga&ti1eG state

5.3.7 User 'oti6i&atio' "ro&ed*re
The %o$ile ter%inatin! user notification procedure allows the networ0 to notify a %o$ile station of any appropriate call6related e(ent durin! the Dacti(eD state of a call. The procedure consists in the networ0 sendin! a 8'TIFA %essa!e to the %o$ile station. 8o state chan!e occurs at any of the interface sides followin! the sendin! or the receipt of this %essa!e ,$ut an appropriate indication %ay optionally $e !enerated in the %o$ile station-. The %o$ile ori!inatin! notification procedure allows the %o$ile station to notify the re%ote user of any appropriate call6related e(ent durin! the Dacti(eD state of a call $y sendin! a 8'TIFA %essa!e containin! a notification indicator to the networ0L upon receipt of this %essa!e= the networ0 sends a 8'TIFA %essa!e containin! the sa%e notify indicator to the other user in(ol(ed in the call. 8o state chan!e occurs at any of the interface sides followin! the sendin! or the receipt of this %essa!e.

5.3.2 Call rearra' e0e'ts

Call rearran!e%ents on the radio interface are not supported $y e?plicit %essa!es ,e.!. S S/584 and 15S 25 %essa!es as defined in 5TS 3<< 1<261 N*<O-. ;owe(er if a re%ote non6/)28 user initiates call rearran!e%ents= the networ0 shall infor% the %o$ile station $y %eans of a 8'TIFA %essa!e. In a si%ilar way the %o$ile station can infor% the networ0 a$out rearran!e%ents $y sendin! a 8'TIFA %essa!e ,e.!. chan!e of user e>uip%ent connected to the %o$ile station-.

5.3.3 Code& C!a' e <ro&ed*re

If a 25 supports 2TS codecs different fro% the 2TS A21 speech codec ,Supported Codec )ist I5 recei(ed $y the networ0- the networ0 can %odify the codec due to 'ut 'f .and Transcoder Control procedures. If this is the case= the networ0 shall send a codec type in 1A8A/ 8AS Synchronisation Indicator I5 in order to infor% the %o$ile station to chan!e codec. See su$clause

5.3.4 S*""ort o6 D*al Ser1i&es

The $eha(iour descri$ed in this su$clause is used to realiHe the followin! re>uired ser(ices throu!hout su$clause 5.3.4. The %o$ile station is not o$li!ed to support the networ0 ori!inated in6call %odification procedure. In that case= the %o$ile station shall= when recei(in! a 2'4IFA %essa!e= treat the %essa!e as un0nown and react as descri$ed in su$clause 3.4. If the %o$ile station is already prepared to support the procedure in $oth directions= it shall act as descri$ed in this su$clause. Alternate Speech"#roup 3 fa? ,Teleser(ice &1 accordin! to 3#// TS 22.<<3 N4O-.

Ser1i&e Des&ri"tio'

This circuit switched ser(ice allows the two users on a point6to6point connection to use the connection $etween the% for different infor%ation transfer durin! the sa%e call= $ut not at the sa%e ti%e. If the ne!otiation durin! call esta$lish%ent leads to the reco!nition of the a$o(e %entioned ser(ices= the in6call %odification procedure is allowed to $e e?ecuted within the current call $y chan!in! fro% one call %ode to the other. In so%e cases the in6call %odification procedure %a0es it necessary to chan!e the channel confi!uration $y allocatin! a new channel and in other cases to chan!e channel confi!uration para%eters while 0eepin! the pre(iously allocated channel. This chan!e is deter%ined $y the networ0= which initiates either the channel assi!n%ent procedure= hando(er procedure or channel %ode %odify procedure ,see clause 3-.


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The capa$ility and the initial %ode desired %ust $e identified $y the %o$ile station $y identifyin! each %ode of operation with a separate infor%ation ele%ent durin! call esta$lish%ent. Further the type of chan!e $etween the %odes %ust $e identified $y %eans of the repeat indicatorE %ode 1 DalternateD %ode 2.

Call esta2lis!0e't

For $oth %o$ile ori!inatin! and %o$ile ter%inatin! calls= the nor%al call esta$lish%ent procedures apply.

Mo2ile 9ri i'ati' .sta2lis!0e't

The ser(ice is re>uested $y the ori!inatin! %o$ile station $y transferrin! a S5T / %essa!e to the networ0 containin! the (C repeat indicator I5= the bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent= and the bearer capability 2 infor%ation ele%ent. The first %ode of operation ,Dcall %odeD- shall $e indicated $y the bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent and the second call %ode $y the bearer capability 2 infor%ation ele%ent. A low layer co%pati$ility %ay optionally $e specified for each call %ode in a lo3 layer compatibility I and lo3 layer compatibility II infor%ation ele%ent. In that caseE 6 the S5T / %essa!e shall contain the ))C repeat indicator I5 and $oth lo3 layer compatibility I and lo3 layer compatibility II infor%ation ele%ents. The lo3 layer compatibility I infor%ation ele%ent then corresponds to the bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent and the lo3 layer compatibility II infor%ation ele%ent to the bearer capability 2 infor%ation ele%entL if no low layer co%pati$ility specification applies for one of the two call %odes= the correspondin! low layer co%pati$ility I5 ,lo3 layer compatibility I or lo3 layer compatibility II- shall indicate Dnot applica$leDL the ))C repeat indicator shall specify the sa%e repeat indication as the (C repeat indicator I5.

6 6

Si%ilarly= a hi!h layer co%pati$ility %ay optionally $e specified for each call %ode in a hi'h layer compatibility i and hi'h layer compatibility ii infor%ation ele%ent. In that caseE 6 the S5T / %essa!e shall contain the .)C repeat indicator I5 and $oth hi'h layer compatibility i and hi'h layer compatibility ii infor%ation ele%ents. The hi'h layer compatibility i infor%ation ele%ent then corresponds to the bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent and the hi'h layer compatibility ii infor%ation ele%ent to the bearer capability 2 infor%ation ele%entL if no hi!h layer co%pati$ility specification applies for one of the two call %odes= the correspondin! hi!h layer co%pati$ility I5 ,hi'h layer compatibility i or hi'h layer compatibility ii- shall indicate Dnot applica$leDL the .)C repeat indicator shall specify the sa%e repeat indication as the (C repeat indicator I5.

6 6

The recei(in! entity shall i!nore whether the ))C repeat indicator I5 or .)C repeat indicator are contained in the %essa!e or notL it shall also i!nore the repeat indication of an ))C repeat indicator I5 or .)C repeat indicator I5. If the lo3 layer compatibility II I5 is not contained in the %essa!e and the lo3 layer compatibility I I5 is contained in the %essa!e= the recei(in! entity shall relate it to a call %ode indicated in the %essa!e that does not specify speech ,if any-. If the hi'h layer compatibility ii I5 is not contained in the %essa!e and the hi'h layer compatibility i I5 is contained in the %essa!e= the recei(in! entity shall relate it to a call %ode indicated in the %essa!e that does not specify speech ,if any-. The specific part of the networ0 which is sensiti(e to the call %ode shall e?a%ine each %ode descri$ed in the $earer capa$ilities included in the S5T / %essa!e $y perfor%in! co%pati$ility chec0in! as defined in Anne? .. If as a result of this co%pati$ility chec0in! the networ0 decides to reCect the call= then the networ0 shall initiate call clearin! as specified in su$clause 5.4 with the followin! causesE a- F5* D$earer capa$ility not authoriHedDL $- F53 D$earer capa$ility not presently a(aila$leDL c- F&5 D$earer ser(ice not i%ple%entedDL d- F*< Donly restricted di!ital infor%ation $earer capa$ility is a(aila$leD.


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Mo2ile Ter0i'ati' .sta2lis!0e't

The ser(ice is indicated to the called %o$ile station $y a S5T / %essa!e coded in the sa%e %anner as in the %o$ile ori!inatin! call esta$lish%ent. As specified for nor%al ter%inatin! call esta$lish%ent= the ser(ice %ay $e indicated $y the called %o$ile station in the CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e. The destination %o$ile station shall perfor% the co%pati$ility chec0in! as defined in Anne? . for $oth re>uired %odes if indicated in the S5T / %essa!e. If as a result of co%pati$ility chec0in! the %o$ile station decides to reCect the call= the %o$ile station shall initiate call clearin! accordin! to the procedures of su$clause 5.4 with one of the followin! causesE a- F5* D$earer capa$ility not authoriHedDL $- F53 D$earer capa$ility not presently a(aila$leDL c- F&5 D$earer ser(ice not i%ple%entedDL d- F33 Dinco%pati$le destinationD. The %o$ile station %ay accept the call if the first %ode indicated is free irrespecti(e of whether the other %ode is free or $usy.

C!a' i' t!e Call Mode

In order to chan!e the call %ode= the followin! in6call %odification procedures shall $e used. 5ither side of the radio interface %ay act as the re>uestin! user to in(o0e the in6call %odification. pon each successful co%pletion of the in6call %odification procedure= the call chan!es to the ne?t %ode ne!otiated and a!reed durin! the esta$lish%ent phase of the call. The in6call %odification procedures are co%pletely sy%%etrical at the radio interface. 8'T5E Considerin! a possi$le future e(olution= in6call %odification is specified as a sy%%etrical procedure.

)'itiatio' o6 i'-&all 0odi6i&atio'

The procedure is initiated $y the re>uestin! ori!inatin! side in the Dacti(eD state of the call. It shall send a 2'4IFA %essa!e includin! the new %ode to $e chan!ed toL start ti%er T323L and enter the D%o$ile ori!inatin! %odifyD state ,%o$ile station side- or the D%o$ile ter%inatin! %odifyD state ,networ0 side-. Any internal resources necessary to support the ne?t call %ode shall $e reser(ed. The new %ode !i(en in the 2'4IFA %essa!e shall $e one of those already ne!otiated and a!reed durin! the esta$lish%ent phase of the call. If the data call direction is different fro% the direction of the call setup a re(erse call setup direction I5 shall $e included in the 2'4IFA %essa!eL otherwise this I5 shall not $e included. The 2'4IFA ori!inatin! side shall stop sendin! .%6channel infor%ationL and stop interpretin! recei(ed .%6channel infor%ation accordin! to the old call %ode. pon receipt of the 2'4IFA %essa!e= the destination side shall chec0 to ensure that the re>uested call %ode can still $e supported and if so= it shall initiate the reser(ation of any resources necessary to support the ne?t call %ode and enter the D%o$ile ori!inatin! %odifyD ,networ0 side- or D%o$ile ter%inatin! %odifyD state ,%o$ile station side-.

S*&&ess6*l &o0"letio' o6 i'-&all 0odi6i&atio'

If the destination networ0"%o$ile station recei(es a 2'4IFA %essa!e with a new %ode which is already the actual one of the call the networ0"%o$ile station shall re%ain in the Dacti(eD stateL send a 2'4IFA C'2/)5T5 %essa!e with the actual %odeL and shall not initiate anythin! else. If the re>uested %ode is a speech %ode and the call is 2TS then if the 25 supports 2TS codecs different fro% the 2TS A21 codec ,Supported Codec )ist I5 recei(ed $y the networ0- then the networ0 shall select a codec fro% this list= otherwise default 2TS A21 ,see su$clause speech (ersion shall $e assu%ed. If a codec is selected other than default A21= the networ0 shall send the selected codec type to the 25 (ia 1A8A/ 8AS Synchronisation Indicator I5 ,see su$clause


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If the re>uested %ode is speech and the call is #S2 then if #S2 speech (ersions are included in either Supported Codec )ist IE or in (earer Capability IE then the networ0 shall use these speech (ersions= if none are included then #S2 speech (ersion 1 shall $e assu%ed. If the re>uested %ode is not the actual one and can $e supported $y the destination interface it shall chan!e the channel confi!uration= if re>uired= and step on to any internal resources necessary to support the ne?t call %ode. If the re>uested %ode is a data or facsi%ile %ode= it shall also perfor% the appropriate %eans to ta0e the direction of the data call into account. After successful chan!e of the channel confi!uration it shall start sendin! user infor%ation accordin! to the ne?t call %ode and start interpretin! recei(ed user channel infor%ation accordin! to the ne?t call %odeL send a 2'4IFA C'2/)5T5 %essa!e with the new call %ode included and enter the Dacti(eD state ,%o$ile station or networ0 side-. If the 2'4IFA %essa!e had contained a re4erse call setup direction I5= the sa%e I5 shall $e included in the 2'4IFA C'2/)5T5 %essa!e. In case of an alternate speech"facsi%ile !roup 3 ser(ice ,refer to su$clause 5.3.4- the old resources %ay still $e 0ept reser(ed. pon receipt of the 2'4IFA C'2/)5T5 %essa!e the ori!inatin! side shallE initiate the alternation to those resources necessary to support the ne?t call %odeL stop ti%er T323L and enter the Dacti(eD state ,%o$ile station or networ0 side-. The reaction of the ori!inatin! side if it had included a re(erse call setup direction I5 in the 2'4IFA %essa!e= $ut the destination side did not include the I5 in the 2'4IFA C'2/)5T5 %essa!e is i%ple%entation dependent.

C!a' e o6 t!e &!a''el &o'6i *ratio'

In case the re>uested $earer capa$ility cannot $e supported $y the current channel confi!uration the networ0 shall initiate the assi!n%ent procedure and chan!e the channel confi!uration accordin!ly.

(ail*re o6 i'-&all 0odi6i&atio'

4et%or5 re>e&tio' o6 i'-&all 0odi6i&atio'

If the networ0 cannot support the chan!e to the re>uested call %ode or if the chan!e of the channel confi!uration fails the networ0 shallE release the resources which had $een reser(ed for the alternationE send a 2'4IFA 15Q5CT %essa!e with the old $earer capa$ility and with cause F 53 D$earer capa$ility not presently a(aila$leD to the initiatin! %o$ile stationL and enter the Dacti(eD state. If the chan!e of the channel confi!uration fails= the networ0 shall return to the internal resources re>uired for the old call %ode. pon receipt of the 2'4IFA 15Q5CT %essa!e with the old $earer capa$ility the initiatin! %o$ile station shallE stop ti%er T323L release any resources which had $een reser(ed for the alternationL resu%e sendin! user channel infor%ation accordin! to the present call %odeL resu%e interpretin! recei(ed user channel infor%ation accordin! to the present call %odeL and enter the Dacti(eD state. Mo2ile statio' re>e&tio' o6 i'-&all 0odi6i&atio'

If the %o$ile station cannot support the chan!e to the re>uested call %ode= the %o$ile station shallE release any resources which had $een reser(ed for the alternationL send a 2'4IFA 15Q5CT %essa!e with the old $earer capa$ility and cause F 53 D$earer capa$ility not presently a(aila$leD= and enter the Dacti(eD state. pon receipt of the 2'4IFA 15Q5CT %essa!e the networ0 shallE stop ti%er T323= release any resources which had $een reser(ed for the alternation. Ti0e-o*t re&o1ery

pon e?piration of T323 in either the %o$ile station or the networ0 the procedures for call clearin! shall $e initiated with cause F 1<2 Dreco(ery on ti%er e?piryD.

,2'or0al "ro&ed*res

If a 2'4IFA= 2'4IFA C'2/)5T5 or 2'4IFA 15Q5CT %essa!e is recei(ed in the Ddisconnect indicationD= Ddisconnect re>uestD ,%o$ile station side only- or Drelease re>uestD state then the recei(ed %essa!e shall $e discarded and no action shall $e ta0en.


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If a 2'4IFA C'2/)5T5 %essa!e indicatin! a call %ode which does not correspond to the re>uested one is recei(ed or if a 2'4IFA 15Q5CT %essa!e indicatin! a call %ode which does not correspond to the actual one is recei(ed then the recei(ed %essa!e shall $e discarded and no action shall $e ta0en. If a 2'4IFA %essa!e indicatin! a call %ode which does not $elon! to those ne!otiated and a!reed durin! the esta$lish%ent phase of the call= is recei(ed= then a 2'4IFA 15Q5CT %essa!e with the actual call %ode and with cause F 5* D$earer capa$ility not authoriHedD shall $e sent $ac0.

2i ure #*1+a33GPP TS ()*++, 9n'call 7odification se:uence initiated by MS

2i ure #*1+b33GPP TS ()*++, 9n'call 7odification se:uence initiated by network

5.3.5 User i'itiated ser1i&e le1el *"- a'd do%' radi' (GSM o'ly)
The user initiated ser(ice le(el up6 and down!radin! is applica$le for non6transparent %ultislot data ser(ices= only. .y %eans of this procedure the user can re>uest a chan!e of the D%a?i%u% nu%$er of traffic channelsD and"or Dwanted air interface user rateD para%eters= to $e assi!ned $y the networ0.

)'itiatio' o6 ser1i&e le1el *"- a'd do%' radi'

The procedure is initiated $y the %o$ile station in the Dacti(eD state of the call. It shallE 6 6 6 6 send a 2'4IFA %essa!e includin! the wanted (alue of the D%a?i%u% nu%$er of traffic channelsD and"or the Dwanted air interface user rateD para%etersL not chan!e any of the other= possi$ly ne!otiated= para%eters of the $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%entL start ti%er T323L and enter the D%o$ile ori!inatin! %odifyD state.

Any internal resources necessary to support the ne?t ser(ice para%eters shall $e reser(ed. If a dual ser(ice was ne!otiated at call setup= the %o$ile station shall initiate the ser(ice le(el up6 or down6!radin! only durin! the data phase of the dual ser(ice. pon receipt of the 2'4IFA %essa!e= the networ0 shall chec0 if the indicated %a?i%u% nu%$er of traffic channels can $e supported and enter the D%o$ile ori!inatin! %odifyD state.


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S*&&ess6*l &o0"letio' o6 ser1i&e le1el *"- a'd do%' radi'

The networ0 %ay upon reception of the 2'4IFA %essa!e initiate a chan!e of the channel confi!uration assi!ned to the %o$ile station. As a response to the 2'4IFA %essa!e the networ0 sends a 2'4IFA C'2/)5T5 %essa!e includin! the $earer capa$ility ne!otiated at call setup and enters the Dacti(eD state. pon receipt of the 2'4IFA C'2/)5T5 %essa!e the %o$ile station shall stop ti%er T323 and enter the Dacti(eD state.

-e>e&tio' o6 ser1i&e le1el *"- a'd do%' radi'

If a chan!e of $earer ser(ice is re>uested to!ether with a chan!e of the D%a?i%u% nu%$er of traffic channelsD and"or the Dwanted air interface user rateD= or if the current used ser(ice is not a data ser(ice where up6 and down!radin! is applica$le= or if the recei(er chooses not to !rant the re>uest= the networ0 shallE 6 6 send a 2'4IFA 15Q5CT %essa!e with $earer capa$ility ne!otiated at call setup and with cause F53 D$earer capa$ility not presently a(aila$leDL enter the Dacti(eD state.

pon receipt of the 2'4IFA 15Q5CT %essa!e with the $earer capa$ility ne!otiated at call setup= the %o$ile station shallE stop ti%er T323 and enter the Dacti(eD state.

Ti0e-o*t re&o1ery

pon e?piration of T323 in the %o$ile station the procedures for call clearin! shall $e initiated with cause F1<2 Dreco(ery on ti%er e?piryD.

5.3.8 S*""ort o6 0*lti0edia &alls Ser1i&e des&ri"tio'

The #S26 2TS circuit6switched %ulti%edia call is $ased on the 3#63242 N2&.111O= which is a 3#//6(ariant of the IT 6T ;.324 reco%%endation. CS 2ulti%edia telephony is a .earer Ser(ice= which utiliHes the Synchronous Transparent 4ata ser(ice ,.S3<- N3O. At the %ulti%edia call setup the re>uired call type= 3#63242= is indicated= for the networ0 to $e a$le to in(o0e appropriate interwor0in! functionality. In the peer end the ;.324 infor%ation is used to in(o0e the ter%inal application. In addition to ;.324 indication the ter%inal %ust select Infor%ation Transfer Capa$ility ,ITC- for the %ulti%edia call. The 7correct7 ITC depends on the peer end and the transportin! networ0sL an all6IS48 call is a 4I"14I call= and a call= which in(ol(es /ST8= is an analo! D3.1 0;H audioD call. For the case when the setup of a %ulti%edia call is not successful= fall$ac0 to speech is specified.

Call esta2lis!0e't

For $oth %o$ile ori!inatin! and %o$ile ter%inatin! calls= the nor%al call esta$lish%ent procedures apply= with the e?ceptions specified in the followin! su$clauses. For further description of the function of 2SC"IBF in the followin! clauses= see 3#// TS 29.<<* N33O.

Mo2ile ori i'ated 0*lti0edia &all esta2lis!0e't

At call setup the re>uired call type= 3#63242= is indicated $y the ori!inatin! 2S in the S5T / %essa!e= with the bearer capabilityIE para%eter 'ther 1ate Adaptation set to D;.223 and ;.245D. The support of a fall$ac0 to speech is re>uested $y includin! also a bearer capabilityIE 2 3ith speech indication in the S5T / %essa!e. The networ0 shall e?a%ine each %ode descri$ed in the bearer capability IEs included in the S5T / %essa!e $y perfor%in! co%pati$ility chec0in! as defined in anne? .. If as a result of this co%pati$ility chec0in! the networ0 decides to reCect the call= then the networ0 shall initiate call clearin! as specified in su$clause 5.4 with the followin! causesE


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a- F5* D$earer capa$ility not authoriHedDL $- F53 D$earer capa$ility not presently a(aila$leDL c- F&5 D$earer ser(ice not i%ple%entedDL d- F*< Donly restricted di!ital infor%ation $earer capa$ility is a(aila$leD. The ori!inatin! user shall deter%ine ,possi$ly $y pre6confi!uration of the ter%inal- whether a di!ital connection is re>uired or if the call will $e an analo! %ode% call. If the call is e?pected to $e di!ital the bearer capability I5 para%eter ITC is set to 4I"14I. In an analo! call the bearer capability I5 para%eter ITC is set to D3=1 0;H audio e? /)28D. Additionally re>uired %ode% type is indicated ,'ther 2ode% Type T +.34-. (all2a&5 to s"ee&!

If the networ0= durin! setup of an analo!ue ;.3246call= detects that the called end does not support a ;.324 call= then networ0 initiates the in6call %odification procedure ,see su$clause towards the 2S to %odify the call %ode to speech= if the 2S had included a speech bearer capability IE in the S5T / %essa!e. 8'T5 E fall$ac0 fro% di!ital , 4I- ;.3246call to speech is not supported.

Mo2ile ter0i'ati' 0*lti0edia &all

At call setup the re>uired call type= 3#63242= is indicated $y the networ0 in the S5T / %essa!e= with the bearer capability IE para%eter 'ther 1ate Adaptation set to 7;.223 and ;.2457. ITC is either 73=1 0;H audio e? /)287 or 7 4I"14I7. If the networ0 supports fall$ac0 to speech= and if the su$scri$er has su$scription to speech= a bearer capability I5 2 with speech indication is included in the S5T / %essa!e. The bearer capabilityIE,s- %ay ,in the case of the sin!le nu%$erin! sche%e- $e %issin! fro% the S5T /6%essa!e. In this case the 2S %ay use the backup bearer capability I5= if pro(ided $y the networ0= to deduce the re>uested ser(ice ,see 3#// TS 2*.<<1= su$clause The 2S shall perfor% the co%pati$ility chec0in! as defined in Anne? . for the re>uired %ode,s- if indicated in the S5T / %essa!e. If as a result of co%pati$ility chec0in! the 2S decides to reCect the call= the 2S shall initiate call clearin! accordin! to the procedures of su$clause 5.4 with one of the followin! causesE a- F5* D$earer capa$ility not authoriHedDL $- F53 D$earer capa$ility not presently a(aila$leDL c- F&5 D$earer ser(ice not i%ple%entedDL d- F33 Dinco%pati$le destinationD. The 2S shall indicate the supported call type,s- in the CA))GC'8FI12546%essa!e= which is the ac0nowled!e%ent to S5T /. The 2S has followin! options for the inclusion of bearer capability IE in the CA))GC'8FI1254 %essa!eE 6 6 6 if the 2S"user accepts the offered %ulti%edia call= and supports speech fall$ac0 $oth %ulti%edia and speech bearer capability IEs shall $e includedL if the 2S"user accepts the offered %ulti%edia call= $ut does not support speech fall$ac0 only a %ulti%edia bearer capability IE shall $e includedL if the 2S"user wishes a speech ,only- call a speech bearer capability IE is included.

If the S5T / contained no bearer capability IE the networ0 shall perfor% co%pati$ility chec0in! of the CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e in the sa%e way as the co%pati$ility chec0in! of the S5T / %essa!e in the %o$ile ori!inatin! call case= descri$ed in su$clause 5.3.&.2.1. If %ode% handsha0in! fails ,in a %ode% call- the call %ode will $e %odified to speech. The %ode% si!nallin! is in$and= so the call %ust ha(e reached the acti(e state= when these conclusions a$out the presence of %ode%s can $e done. The call %odifications are realiHed throu!h the in6call %odification procedure= $y which the networ0 re>uests the 2S to %odify the call %ode ,see su$clause 8'T5E Fall$ac0 fro% di!ital , 4I- ;.3246call to speech is not supported.


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)'-&all 0odi6i&atio' i' t!e Ga&ti1eG state

In order to chan!e the $earer capa$ility for a %ulti%edia call= the followin! in6call %odification procedure shall $e used. Followin! $earer capa$ility para%eters can $e %odified with the procedure ,see 3#// TS 29.<<* N33O-E 6 Fi?ed 8etwor0 ser 1ate

'nly networ0 side of the radio interface %ay act as the re>uestin! user to in(o0e the in6call %odification.

)'itiatio' o6 i'-&all 0odi6i&atio'

The procedure is initiated $y the networ0 in the Dacti(eD state of the call. The networ0 shall send a 2'4IFA %essa!e includin! Immediate modi0ication indicator IE and the new $earer capa$ility to $e chan!ed toL start ti%er T323L and enter the D%o$ile ter%inatin! %odifyD state. Any internal resources necessary to support the new $earer capa$ility shall $e reser(ed. The detailed operation of the 2'4IFA ori!inatin! side is descri$ed in 3#// TS 29.<<* N33O. pon receipt of the 2'4IFA %essa!e with Immediate modi0ication indicator IE= the 2S shall chec0 to ensure that the re>uested $earer capa$ility can $e supported and if so= it shall initiate the reser(ation of any resources necessary to support the new $earer capa$ility and enter the D%o$ile ter%inatin! %odifyD state.

S*&&ess6*l &o0"letio' o6 i'-&all 0odi6i&atio'

If the 2S can support the re>uested $earer capa$ility the 2S shall perfor% actions defined in 3#// TS 2*.<<1 N3*O. After successful %odifications defined in 3#// TS 2*.<<1 N3*O the 2S shall send a 2'4IFA C'2/)5T5 %essa!e with the new $earer capa$ility included and enter the Dacti(eD state. pon receipt of the 2'4IFA C'2/)5T5 %essa!e the networ0 shallE initiate the alternation to those resources necessary to support the new $earer capa$ilityL stop ti%er T323L and enter the Dacti(eD state.

(ail*re o6 i'-&all 0odi6i&atio'

MS re>e&tio' o6 i'-&all 0odi6i&atio'

If the 2S cannot support the re>uested $earer capa$ility= the 2S shallE release any resources which had $een reser(ed for the %odificationL send a 2'4IFA 15Q5CT %essa!e with the old $earer capa$ility and cause F 53 D$earer capa$ility not presently a(aila$leD= and enter the Dacti(eD state. pon receipt of the 2'4IFA 15Q5CT %essa!e the networ0 shallE stop ti%er T323= release any resources which had $een reser(ed for the %odification= enter the Dacti(eD state and perfor% acti(ities defined in 3#// TS 29.<<* N33O. Ti0e-o*t re&o1ery

pon e?piration of T323 in the networ0 the procedures for call clearin! shall $e initiated with cause F 1<2 Dreco(ery on ti%er e?piryD.

5.4 Call &leari'

5.4.7 Ter0i'olo y
The followin! ter%s are used in the present docu%ent in the description of clearin! proceduresE 6 6 A traffic channel ,see 3#// TS 44.<<3 N1&O- is DconnectedD when the channel is part of a circuit6switched connection esta$lished accordin! to the present docu%ent. A traffic channel is DdisconnectedD when the channel is no lon!er part of a circuit6switched connection= $ut is not yet a(aila$le for use in a new connection.


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5.4.2 .F&e"tio' &o'ditio's

nder nor%al conditions= the call control entity of the %o$ile station or of the networ0 initiates call clearin! $y sendin! a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e to its peer entityL then $oth entities follow the procedures defined in su$clauses 5.4.3 and 5.4.4 respecti(ely. As an e?ception to the a$o(e rule= the call control entity of the %o$ile station or of the networ0= in response to a S5T / or STA1T CC or CC65STA.)IS;258T CC65STA.)IS;258T C'8FI1254 or 15CA)) %essa!e= can reCect a call $y stoppin! all runnin! call control ti%ers= respondin! with a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e= releasin! the 22 connection= and returnin! to the DnullD state= pro(ided no other response has pre(iously $een sent. As a further e?ception= the call control entity of the networ0 %ay initiate call clearin! $y stoppin! all runnin! call control ti%ers= sendin! a 15)5AS5 %essa!e= startin! ti%er T3<3= and enterin! the Drelease re>uestD state. 8'T5E This way to initiate call clearin! $y sendin! a 15)5AS5 %essa!e should not $e used $y the networ0E 6 6 if in6$and tones"announce%ents are pro(ided and the networ0 decides to use the procedure descri$ed in su$clause or if the networ0 wants to ha(e the opportunity to respond to infor%ation sent $y the %o$ile station durin! call clearin!= e.!. when the networ0 indicates that DCC.S acti(ation is possi$leD.

A call control entity shall accept an inco%in! 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e used to initiate the call clearin! e(en thou!h the cause infor%ation ele%ent is not included. A control entity shall accept an inco%in! 15)5AS5 %essa!e used to initiate the call clearin! e(en thou!h the cause infor%ation ele%ent is not included. Further%ore= a call control entity shall re!ard an inco%in! 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e as consistent with any of its statesL a call control entity shall re!ard an inco%in! 15)5AS5 %essa!e as consistent with any of its states e?cept the null stateE a call control entity of the %o$ile station shall re!ard an inco%in! 4ISC'885CT %essa!e as consistent with any of its call control states e?cept the DnullD state= the Drelease re>uestD state= and the Ddisconnect indicationD stateL a call control entity of the networ0 shall re!ard an inco%in! 4ISC'885CT %essa!e as consistent with any of its call control states e?cept the DnullD state and the Drelease re>uestD state. 8'T5E This allows the introduction of shorter call clearin! procedures in the future.

5.4.3 Cleari' i'itiated 2y t!e 0o2ile statio' )'itiatio' o6 &all &leari'

Apart fro% the e?ceptions identified in su$clause 5.4.2= the call control entity of the %o$ile station shall initiate clearin! $yE stoppin! all runnin! call control ti%ers= sendin! a 4ISC'885CT %essa!eL startin! ti%er T3<5L and enterin! the Ddisconnect re>uestD state.

-e&ei"t o6 a D)SC944.CT 0essa e 6ro0 t!e 0o2ile statio'.

The call control entity in the networ0 in any state e?cept the DnullD state and the Drelease re>uestD state shall= upon receipt of a 4ISC'885CT %essa!eE 6 6 6 6 6 Stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL initiate procedures to clear the networ0 connection and the call to the re%ote userL send a 15)5AS5 %essa!e to its peer entityL start ti%er T3<3L and enter the Drelease re>uestD state. The 15)5AS5 %essa!e has only local si!nificance and does not i%ply an ac0nowled!e%ent of clearin! fro% the re%ote user.



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-e&ei"t o6 a -.:.,S. 0essa e 6ro0 t!e 'et%or5

The call control entity of the %o$ile station in any state e?cept the DnullD state and the Drelease re>uestD state= shall= upon receipt of a 15)5AS5 %essa!eE stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL send a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!eL release the 22 connectionL and return to the DnullD state.

-e&ei"t o6 a -.:.,S. C9M<:.T. 0essa e 6ro0 t!e 0o2ile statio'

A call control entity of the networ0 in any call control state shall= upon receipt of a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e fro% its peer entity in the %o$ile stationE stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL release the 22 connectionL and return to the DnullD state.

,2'or0al &ases

The call control entity of the %o$ile station in the Ddisconnect re>uestD state= shall upon e?piry of ti%er T3<5E send a 15)5AS5 %essa!e to the networ0 with the cause nu%$er ori!inally contained in the 4ISC'885CT %essa!e and optionally= a second cause infor%ation ele%ent with cause F1<2 Dreco(ery on ti%er e?piryD= start ti%er T3<3= and enter the Drelease re>uestD state. The call control entity of the networ0 in the Drelease re>uestD state= shall= at first e?piry of ti%er T3<3= retrans%it the 15)5AS5 %essa!e= start ti%er T3<3= and stay in the Drelease re>uestD state. At second e?piry of ti%er T3<3= the call control entity of the networ0 shallE release the 22 connectionL and return to the DnullD state.

5.4.4 Cleari' i'itiated 2y t!e 'et%or5

Apart fro% the e?ception conditions identified in su$clause 5.4.2= the call control entity of the networ0 shall initiate clearin! $yE sendin! a 4ISC'885CT %essa!eL and enterin! the Ddisconnect indicationD state. The 4ISC'885CT %essa!e is a local in(itation to clear the call. 8'T5E Bhen the networ0 initiates clearin! $y sendin! a 15)5AS5 %essa!e= the procedures descri$ed in su$clauses 5.4.3.= and are followed.

A %o$ile station that does not support the D/rolon!ed Clearin! /rocedureD shall co%ply with the re>uire%ents of su$clause and shall i!nore su$clause A %o$ile station that supports the D/rolon!ed Clearin! /rocedureD shall co%ply with the re>uire%ents of su$clauses and shall i!nore su$clause

Cleari' i'itiated 2y t!e 'et%or5# 0o2ile does 'ot s*""ort G<rolo' ed Cleari' <ro&ed*reG

Su$lause only applies to %o$ile stations that do not support the D/rolon!ed Clearin! /rocedureD option.

Cleari' %!e' to'es$a''o*'&e0e'ts "ro1ided

Bhen in6$and tones"announce%ents are pro(ided ,see su$clause 5.5.1-= the call control entity of the networ0 %ay initiate clearin! $y sendin! a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e containin! pro!ress indicator F3 Din6$and infor%ation or appropriate pattern now a(aila$leD= startin! ti%er T3<&= and enterin! the Ddisconnect indicationD state. -e&ei"t o6 a D)SC944.CT 0essa e %it! "ro ress i'di&ator M8 6ro0 t!e 'et%or5

The call control entity of the 2S in any state e?cept the DnullD state= the Ddisconnect indicationD state= and the Drelease re>uestD state= shall= upon receipt of a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e with pro!ress indicator F3E i- if an appropriate speech traffic channel is not connected= continue clearin! as defined in su$clause without connectin! to the in6$and tone"announce%entL ii- if an appropriate speech traffic channel is connected= attach the user connection for speech if it is not yet attached and enter the Ddisconnect indicationD state. In that state= if upper layers re>uest the clearin! of the call= the call control entity of the 2S shall proceed as defined in su$clause


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.F"iry o6 ti0er T308

The call control entity of the networ0= ha(in! entered the Ddisconnect indicationD state after sendin! a disconnect %essa!e with the pro!ress indicator F3= shall= upon e?piry of ti%er T3<&= continue clearin! $y sendin! a 15)5AS5 %essa!e with the cause nu%$er ori!inally contained in the 4ISC'885CT %essa!eL startin! ti%er T3<3L and enterin! the Drelease re>uestD state.

Cleari' %!e' to'es$a''o*'&e0e'ts 'ot "ro1ided

Bhen in6$and tones and announce%ents are not pro(ided= the call control entity of the networ0 shall initiate call clearin! $y stoppin! all runnin! call control ti%ers= sendin! a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e without pro!ress indicator= startin! ti%er T3<5 and enterin! the Ddisconnect indicationD state. -e&ei"t o6 a D)SC944.CT 0essa e %it!o*t "ro ress i'di&ator or %it! "ro ress i'di&ator di66ere't 6ro0 M8 6ro0 t!e 'et%or5

The call control entity of the %o$ile station in any state e?cept the DnullD state= the Ddisconnect indicationD state= and the Drelease re>uestD state= shall= upon the receipt of a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e without pro!ress indicator infor%ation ele%ent or with pro!ress indicator different fro% F3E 6 6 6 6 stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL send a 15)5AS5 %essa!eL start ti%er T3<3L and enter the Drelease re>uestD state. -e&ei"t o6 a -.:.,S. 0essa e 6ro0 t!e 0o2ile statio'

The call control entity of the networ0 in any state e?cept the DnullD state and the Drelease re>uestD state= shall= upon receipt of a 15)5AS5 %essa!eE stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL send a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!eL release the 22 connectionL and return to the DnullD state. ,2'or0al &ases

The call control entity of the networ0= ha(in! entered the Ddisconnect indicationD state after sendin! a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e without pro!ress indicator or with pro!ress indicator different fro% F3= shall upon e?piry of ti%er T3<5E send a 15)5AS5 %essa!e to the %o$ile station with the cause nu%$er ori!inally contained in the 4ISC'885CT %essa!eL start ti%er T3<3L and enter the Drelease re>uestD state. In addition to the ori!inal clearin! cause= the 15)5AS5 %essa!e %ay contain a second cause infor%ation ele%ent with cause F1<2 Dreco(ery on ti%er e?piryD.

Co0"letio' o6 &leari'

A call control entity of the %o$ile station in any call control state shall= upon receipt of a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e fro% its peer entity in the networ0E stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL release the 22 connectionL and return to the DnullD state. ,2'or0al &ases

The call control entity of the %o$ile station in the Drelease re>uestD state shall at first e?piry of ti%er T3<3 retrans%it the 15)5AS5 %essa!e and restart ti%er T3<3. At second e?piry of ti%er T3<3= the call control entity of the %o$ile station shallE release the 22 connectionL and return to the DnullD state.

Cleari' i'itiated 2y t!e 'et%or5# 0o2ile s*""orts G<rolo' ed Cleari' <ro&ed*reG

Su$lause only applies to %o$ile stations that support the D/rolon!ed Clearin! /rocedureD option.


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Cleari' %!e' to'es$a''o*'&e0e'ts "ro1ided a'd t!e 'et%or5 does 'ot i'di&ate t!at GCC+S a&ti1atio' is "ossi2leG

Bhen in6$and tones"announce%ents are pro(ided ,see su$clause 5.5.1- and CC.S is not applica$le= the call control entity of the networ0 %ay initiate clearin! $y sendin! a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e containin! pro!ress indicator F3 Din6 $and infor%ation or appropriate pattern now a(aila$leD= either not containin! an !llo3ed !ctions I5 or containin! an !llo3ed !ctions I5 indicatin! DCC.S acti(ation is not possi$leD= startin! ti%er T3<&= and enterin! the Ddisconnect indicationD state. -e&ei"t o6 a D)SC944.CT 0essa e

The call control entity of the 2S in any state e?cept the DnullD state= the Ddisconnect indicationD state= and the Drelease re>uestD state= shall= upon receipt of a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e with pro!ress indicator F3 and= either not containin! an !llo3ed !ctions I5 or containin! an !llo3ed !ctions I5 indicatin! DCC.S acti(ation is not possi$leDE i- if an appropriate speech traffic channel is not connected= 6 6 6 6 6 stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL send a 15)5AS5 %essa!eL start ti%er T3<3L enter the Drelease re>uestD stateL and not connect to the in6$and tone"announce%ent.

ii- if an appropriate speech traffic channel is connected= attach the user connection for speech if it is not yet attached and enter the Ddisconnect indicationD state. In that state= if upper layers re>uest the clearin! of the call= the call control entity of the 2S shallE 6 6 6 6 stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL send a 15)5AS5 %essa!eL start ti%er T3<3L and enter the Drelease re>uestD state. .F"iry o6 ti0er T308

The call control entity of the networ0= ha(in! entered the Ddisconnect indication= shall= upon e?piry of ti%er T3<&= continue clearin! $y sendin! a 15)5AS5 %essa!e with the cause nu%$er ori!inally contained in the 4ISC'885CT %essa!eL startin! ti%er T3<3L and enterin! the Drelease re>uestD state.

Cleari' %!e' t!e 'et%or5 i'di&ates t!at GCC+S a&ti1atio' is "ossi2leG

Bhen Acti(ation of CC.S is possi$le= the call control entity of the networ0 %ay initiate clearin! $y sendin! a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e containin! the !llo3ed !ctions I5 with an indication that DActi(ation of CC.S is possi$leD and startin! T333. 'ptionally= pro!ress indicator F3 Din6$and infor%ation or appropriate pattern now a(aila$leD %ay also $e contained in the 4ISC'885CT %essa!e ,in which case= T333 shall not $e !reater than T3<&-. -e&ei"t o6 a D)SC944.CT

1elati(e to the current state the followin! procedures applyE 6 6 The call control entity of the 2S in the DnullD state= the Ddisconnect indicationD state and the Drelease re>uestD state= shall= upon receipt of a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e react as descri$ed in clause 3. The call control entity of the 2S in the Ddisconnect re>uestD state= shall= upon receipt of a 4ISC'885CT %essa!eE 6 stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL


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6 6 6 6

send a 15)5AS5 %essa!eL start ti%er T3<3L and enter the Drelease re>uestD state.

The call control entity of the 2S in any other states= shall= upon receipt of a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e with an !llo3ed !ctions I5 indicatin! DActi(ation of CC.S is possi$leD pass the DActi(ation of CC.S is possi$leD indication to the upper layer= enter the Ddisconnect indicationD state= stop all runnin! call control ti%ers and await a response fro% the upper layers.

If the 4ISC'885CT %essa!e contained the pro!ress indicator F3 Din6$and infor%ation or appropriate pattern now a(aila$leD and an appropriate speech traffic channel is connected= then the 2S shall attach the user connection for speech if it is not yet attached. If the 4ISC'885CT %essa!e did not contain the pro!ress indicator F3 Din6$and infor%ation or appropriate pattern now a(aila$leD any connected speech traffic channel shall $e disconnected. 1esponse fro% the upper layersE i- If the upper layers re>uest the clearin! of the call= the call control entity of the 2S shallE 6 6 6 6 stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL send a 15)5AS5 %essa!eL start ti%er T3<3L and enter the Drelease re>uestD state.

ii- If the upper layers re>uest that the DCC.S acti(ation is to $e atte%ptedD then the 2S shall 6 6 6 6 6 send a 15)5AS5 %essa!e containin! a &acility I5 includin! an In(o0eTCC.S1e>uest to the networ0L stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL start ti%er T3<3L and enter the Drelease re>uestD state.

If an appropriate speech traffic channel is connected= trans%ission of this 15)5AS5 %essa!e shall not cause it to $e disconnected. .F"iry o6 ti0er T338

The call control entity of the networ0= ha(in! entered the Ddisconnect indicationD state after sendin! a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e with an !llo3ed !ctions I5 indicatin! DActi(ation of CC.S is possi$leD shall= upon e?piry of ti%er T333= continue clearin! $y sendin! a 15)5AS5 %essa!e with the cause nu%$er ori!inally contained in the 4ISC'885CT %essa!eL startin! ti%er T3<3L and enterin! the Drelease re>uestD state.

Cleari' %!e' to'es$a''o*'&e0e'ts are 'ot "ro1ided a'd t!e 'et%or5 does 'ot i'di&ate t!at GCC+S a&ti1atio' is "ossi2leG

Bhen in6$and tones and announce%ents are not pro(ided= and= the networ0 does not wish to indicate in the !llo3ed !ctions I5 that DCC.S is possi$leD= the call control entity of the networ0 shall initiate call clearin! $y stoppin! all runnin! call control ti%ers= sendin! a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e without pro!ress indicator= either without the !llo3ed !ctions I5 or with the !llo3ed !ctions I5 indicatin! that DCC.S is not possi$leD= startin! ti%er T3<5 and enterin! the Ddisconnect indicationD state. -e&ei"t o6 a D)SC944.CT 0essa e

The call control entity of the %o$ile station in any state e?cept the DnullD state= the Ddisconnect indicationD state= and the Drelease re>uestD state= shall= upon the receipt of a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e either without pro!ress indicator infor%ation ele%ent or with pro!ress indicator different fro% F3= and= either without the !llo3ed !ctions I5 or with the !llo3ed !ctions I5 indicatin! that DCC.S is not possi$leDE

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6 6 6 6

stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL send a 15)5AS5 %essa!eL start ti%er T3<3L and enter the Drelease re>uestD state. ,2'or0al &ases

The call control entity of the networ0= ha(in! entered the Ddisconnect indicationD= shall upon e?piry of ti%er T3<5E send a 15)5AS5 %essa!e to the %o$ile station with the cause nu%$er ori!inally contained in the 4ISC'885CT %essa!eL start ti%er T3<3L and enter the Drelease re>uestD state.

-e&ei"t o6 a -.:.,S. 0essa e 6ro0 t!e 0o2ile statio'

-elease, CC+S 'ot re3*ested

For a networ0 that does not support the DCC.S acti(ationD optionE The call control entity of the networ0 in any state e?cept the DnullD state and the Drelease re>uestD state= shall= upon receipt of a 15)5AS5 %essa!eE stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL send a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!eL release the 22 connectionL and return to the DnullD state. For a networ0 that does support the DCC.S acti(ationD optionE The call control entity of the networ0 in any state e?cept the DnullD state and the Drelease re>uestD state= shall= upon receipt of a 15)5AS5 %essa!e without a &acility I5 includin! an In(o0eTCC.S1e>uestE stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL send a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!eL release the 22 connectionL and return to the DnullD state. -elease, CC+S -e3*ested

For a networ0 that does not support the DCC.S acti(ationD optionE The call control entity of the networ0 in any state e?cept the DnullD state and the Drelease re>uestD state= shall= upon receipt of a 15)5AS5 %essa!eE stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL send a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!eL release the 22 connectionL and return to the DnullD state. For a networ0 that does support the DCC.S acti(ationD optionE The call control entity of the networ0 in any state e?cept the DnullD state and the Drelease re>uestD state= shall= upon receipt of a 15)5AS5 %essa!e containin! a &acility I5 includin! an In(o0eTCC.S1e>uestE stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL then atte%pt to acti(ate the recallL then send a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e indicatin! the success or failure of the recall acti(ation atte%ptL release the 22 connectionL and return to the DnullD state.

Co0"letio' o6 &leari'

A call control entity of the %o$ile station in any call control state shall= upon receipt of a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e fro% its peer entity in the networ0E stop all runnin! call control ti%ersL release the 22 connectionL and return to the DnullD state. ,2'or0al &ases

The call control entity of the %o$ile station in the Drelease re>uestD state shall at first e?piry of ti%er T3<3 retrans%it the 15)5AS5 %essa!e and restart ti%er T3<3. At second e?piry of ti%er T3<3= the call control entity of the %o$ile station shallE release the 22 connectionL and return to the DnullD state. The retrans%itted 15)5AS5 %essa!e need not contain the &acility I5 includin! an In(o0eTCC.S1e>uest= e(en if the ori!inal 15)5AS5 %essa!e did contain this I5.5.4.5Clear collision


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Clear collision occurs when $oth the %o$ile station and the networ0 si%ultaneously transfer 4ISC'885CT %essa!es specifyin! the sa%e call. The $eha(iour of the networ0 call control entity recei(in! a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e whilst in the Ddisconnect indicationD state is specified in su$clause 5.4.3. The $eha(iour of the 2S call control entity recei(in! a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e whilst in the Ddisconnect re>uestD state is defined in su$clause 5.4.4. Clear collision can also occur when $oth sides si%ultaneously transfer 15)5AS5 %essa!es related to the sa%e call. The entity recei(in! such a 15)5AS5 %essa!e whilst within the Drelease re>uestD state shallE stop ti%er T3<3L release the 22 connectionL and enter the DnullD state ,without sendin! a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e-.

5.5 Mis&ella'eo*s "ro&ed*res

5.5.7 )'-2a'd to'es a'd a''o*'&e0e'ts
Bhen the networ0 wants to %a0e the %o$ile station attach the user connection ,e.!. in order to pro(ide in6$and tones"announce%ent- $efore the %o$ile station has reached the Dacti(eD state of a call= the networ0 %ay include a pro'ress indicator I5 indicatin! user attach%ent in a suita$le CC %essa!eE 6 6 5ither it includes the I5 in a S5T /= CA)) /1'C554I8#= A)51TI8#= or C'885CT %essa!e that is send durin! call esta$lish%ent it sends a /1'#15SS %essa!e containin! the I5.

A pro'ress indicator I5 indicates user attach%ent if it specifies a pro!ress description in the set V1= 2= 3W or in the set V&= *= 3= ...= 2<W. 'n reception of a S5T /= CA)) /1'C554I8#= A)51TI8#= C'885CT= or /1'#15SS %essa!e the %o$ile station shall proceed as specified elsewhere in clause 5L if the pro'ress indicator I5 indicated user attach%ent and a speech %ode traffic channel is appropriate for the call the %o$ile station shall in additionE attach the user connection for speech as soon as an appropriate channel in speech %ode is a(aila$le. ,If a new order to attach the user connection is recei(ed $efore the attach%ent has $een perfor%ed= the new order shall supersede the pre(ious one.nder certain conditions the 2S will ha(e to attach the user connection $efore the C'885CT %essa!e. It is up to the networ0 to ensure that no undesired end6to6end throu!h connection ta0es place durin! the esta$lish%ent of a 2T call. 8'T5E This allows the use of pro'ress indicator I5s independently fro% the channel %odes appropriate for the call.

5.5.2 Call &ollisio's

Call collisions as such cannot occur at the networ0. Any si%ultaneous %o$ile ori!inatin! or %o$ile ter%inatin! calls are dealt with separately assi!ned and different transaction identifiers.

5.5.3 Stat*s "ro&ed*res Stat*s e'3*iry "ro&ed*re

Bhene(er a call control entity wishes to chec0 the call state of its peer entity= it %ay initiate the status en>uiry procedure. 8'T5E This %ay= in particular= apply to procedural error conditions descri$ed in clause 3.

A call control entity initiates the status en>uiry procedure $y sendin! the STAT S 58: I1A %essa!e and startin! ti%er T322. Bhile ti%er T322 is runnin!= the call control entity shall not send further STAT S 58: I1A %essa!es. pon receipt of a STAT S 58: I1A %essa!e= the recei(er shall respond with a STAT S %essa!e= reportin! the current call state and cause (alue F3< Dresponse to STAT S 58: I1AD. 1eceipt of the STAT S 58: I1A shall not result in a state chan!e relatin! to any protocol and connection of the recei(er.


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If a STAT S %essa!e is recei(ed that contains cause (alue F3< Dresponse to status en>uiryD= ti%er T322 shall $e stopped and further appropriate actions ta0en= $ased on the infor%ation in that STAT S %essa!e= relati(e to the current state of the recei(er of the STAT S %essa!e. These further Dappropriate actionsD are i%ple%entation dependent. ;owe(er= the actions prescri$ed in su$clause shall apply. If a clearin! %essa!e is recei(ed while ti%er T322 is runnin!= ti%er T322 shall $e stopped= and call clearin! shall continue. If ti%er T322 e?pires= the STAT S 58: I1A %essa!e %ay $e retrans%itted %a?i%ally once. If T322 e?pires after the STAT S 58: I1A has $een trans%itted the %a?i%u% nu%$er of ti%es= clearin! of the call shall $e initiated with cause (alue F41= Dte%porary failureD= in the first call clearin! %essa!e.

-e&e"tio' o6 a ST,TUS 0essa e 2y a CC e'tity

ST,TUS 0essa e %it! i'&o0"ati2le state

'n receipt of a STAT S %essa!e reportin! an inco%pati$le call control state= the recei(in! entity shall clear the call $y sendin! a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e with cause F 1<1 D%essa!e not co%pati$le with protocol stateD. The reported call control state is inco%pati$le if the co%$ination of call control states at the sender and recei(er side cannot occur= do not %atch or cannot $e ali!ned $y actions of the recei(erL the e?act definition is i%ple%entation dependent.

ST,TUS 0essa e %it! &o0"ati2le state

A STAT S %essa!e %ay $e recei(ed indicatin! a co%pati$le call state $ut containin! one of the followin! causesE F 95 Dse%antically incorrect %essa!eDL or F 9& Din(alid %andatory infor%ationDL or F 9* D%essa!e type non6e?istent or not i%ple%entedDL or F 93 D%essa!e type not co%pati$le with protocol stateDL or F 99 Dinfor%ation ele%ent non6e?istent or not i%ple%entedDL or F 1<< Dconditional I5 errorD. This indicates that the trans%itter of the STAT S %essa!e was una$le to accept so%e infor%ation sent $y the recipient of the STAT S %essa!e. This allow the recipient to retrans%it so%e or all of the infor%ation. 'ther actions are possi$le and are i%ple%entation dependentL they %ay include releasin! the call.

5.5.4 Call re-esta2lis!0e't, 0o2ile statio' side

This su$clause descri$es the internal handlin! in the %o$ile station as far as call control is concerned.

)'di&atio' 6ro0 t!e 0o2ility 0a'a e0e't s*2layer

Bhen a 22 connection is acti(e= an indication %ay $e !i(en $y the 22 su$layer to the call control entity to announce that the current 22 connection has $een interrupted $ut %i!ht $e re6esta$lished on re>uest of call control.

-ea&tio' o6 &all &o'trol

4ependin! whether call re6esta$lish%ent is allowed or not and on its actual state= call control shall decide to either re>uest re6esta$lish%ent or to release the 22 connection. a- 1e6esta$lish%ent not re>uired If the call is in the call esta$lish%ent or call clearin! phase= i.e. any state other than the Dacti(eD state or the D%o$ile ori!inatin! %odifyD state= call control shall release the 22 connection $- 1e6esta$lish%ent re>uired


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If the call is in the Dacti(eD state or D%o$ile ori!inatin! %odifyD state= the indication fro% 22 that re6 esta$lish%ent is possi$le shall cause call control to re>uest re6esta$lish%ent fro% the 22 connection= suspend any further %essa!e to $e sent and await the co%pletion of the re6esta$lish%ent procedure.

Co0"letio' o6 re-esta2lis!0e't

Call Control is notified when the 22 connection is re6esta$lished and shall then resu%e the trans%ission of possi$ly suspended %essa!es and resu%e user data e?chan!e when an appropriate channel is a(aila$le.

U's*&&ess6*l o*t&o0e

If the atte%pt to re6esta$lish the connection was unsuccessful= the 22 connection will $e released and a release indication will $e !i(en to call control= see su$clause 4.5.1.&.

5.5.5 Call re-esta2lis!0e't, 'et%or5 side

This su$clause descri$es the handlin! in the networ0 as far as call control is concerned.

State ali '0e't

After a successful call re6esta$lish%ent it is a networ0 responsi$ility to identify ,e.!. $y usin! the status en>uiry procedure= if needed= and resol(e= if possi$le= any call state or au?iliary state %is%atch $etween the networ0 and the %o$ile station.

5.5.8 <ro ress

At any ti%e durin! the esta$lish%ent or release of a call and durin! an acti(e call the networ0 %ay send a /1'#15SS %essa!e to the %o$ile station. 'n receipt of a /1'#15SS %essa!e durin! the esta$lish%ent or release of a call the %o$ile station shall stop all call control ti%ers related to that call. 8'T5E If the /1'#15SS has $een recei(ed $efore the receipt of a CA)) /1'C554I8# %essa!e= the %o$ile station will not start ti%er T31< on receipt of a CA)) /1'C554I8# %essa!e= see su$clause

2i ure #*1133GPP TS ()*++, Pro ress

5.5.; DTM( "roto&ol &o'trol "ro&ed*re

4ual Tone 2ulti Fre>uency ,4T2F- is an in$and one out of four plus one out of four si!nallin! syste% pri%arily used fro% ter%inal instru%ents in teleco%%unication networ0s. The support of 4T2F in the networ0 is descri$ed in 3#// TS 23.<14. The %o$ile station shall $e capa$le of trans%ittin! 4T2F %essa!es if and only if the %o$ile station has the user connection for speech attached and an appropriate channel is a(aila$le. The transaction identifier used $y the 4T2F %essa!es shall $e that of the attached speech call. 8'T5 1E The present docu%ent %eans that 4T2F %essa!es can !enerally $e sent in the acti(e state of a call in speech trans%ission %ode or when a traffic channel is a(aila$le durin! setup or release and the pro'ress indicator I5 has $een recei(ed. 8'T5 2E Since the 4T2F protocol %essa!es are sent in a store and forward %ode on the si!nallin! channels the control of the de(ice at the far end %ay $e delayed dependent on the load or >uality of the channels.


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8'T5 3E The procedures descri$ed in this para!raph support 4T2F only in the direction %o$ile station to networ0.


Start DTM( re3*est 2y t!e 0o2ile statio'

A user %ay cause a 4T2F tone to $e !enerated e.!. $y depression of a 0ey in the %o$ile station. The rele(ant action is interpreted $y the %o$ile station as a re>uire%ent for a 4T2F di!it to $e sent in a STA1T 4T2F %essa!e on an esta$lished FACC;. This %essa!e contains the (alue of the di!it to $e trans%itted ,<= 1= ...= 9= A= .= C= 4= U= F-. 'nly a sin!le di!it will $e transferred in each STA1T 4T2F %essa!e. 'n sendin! a STA1T 4T2F %essa!e the 2S shall start ti%er T33&. Bhere a pre(ious STA1T 4T2F %essa!e has $een sent= another STA1T 4T2F %essa!e shall only $e sent $y the 2S followin! receipt of its ST'/ 4T2F ACK8'B)54#5 %essa!e ,see su$clause 5.5.*.4- or a STA1T 4T2F 15Q5CT %essa!e fro% the networ0 ,see su$clause 5.5.*.2- or followin! the e?piry of ti%ers T33& and T33*. If ti%er T33& e?pires= the 2S shall ter%inate the on!oin! 4T2F procedure without any retrans%issions= and is free to $e!in another 4T2F procedure ,e.!. another STA1T 4T2F %essa!e-.


Start DTM( res"o'se 2y t!e 'et%or5

pon recei(in! the STA1T 4T2F %essa!e the networ0 will recon(ert the recei(ed di!it $ac0 into a 4T2F tone which is applied toward the re%ote user and returns a STA1T 4T2F ACK8'B)54#5 %essa!e to the %o$ile station. This ac0nowled!e%ent %ay $e used in the %o$ile station to !enerate an indication as a feed$ac0 for a successful trans%ission. If the networ0 cannot accept the STA1T 4T2F %essa!e a STA1T 4T2F 15Q5CT %essa!e will $e sent to the %o$ile station. pon receipt of a STA1T 4T2F ACK %essa!e or a STA1T 4T2F 15Q5CT %essa!e= the 2S shall stop ti%er T33&.


Sto" DTM( re3*est 2y t!e 0o2ile statio'

Bhen the user indicates that the 4T2F sendin! should cease e.!. $y releasin! the 0ey the %o$ile station will send a ST'/ 4T2F %essa!e to the networ0. 'n sendin! a ST'/ 4T2F %essa!e the 2S shall start ti%er T33*. The 2S shall only send a ST'/ 4T2F %essa!e if a STA1T 4T2F ACK8'B)54#5 %essa!e has $een recei(ed fro% the networ0 ,see su$clause 5.5.*.2-. If ti%er T33* e?pires= the 2S shall ter%inate the on!oin! 4T2F procedure without any retrans%issions= and is free to $e!in another 4T2F procedure. ,e.!. another STA1T 4T2F %essa!e-.


Sto" DTM( res"o'se 2y t!e 'et%or5

pon recei(in! the ST'/ 4T2F %essa!e the networ0 will stop sendin! the 4T2F tone and return a ST'/ 4T2F ACK8'B)54#5 %essa!e to the %o$ile station. pon receipt of a ST'/ 4T2F ACK8'B)54#5 %essa!e= the 2S shall stop ti%er T33*.


Se3*e'&i' o6 s*2se3*e't start DTM( re3*ests 2y t!e 0o2ile statio'

The networ0 shall ensure that the %ini%u% len!th of tone and the %ini%u% !ap $etween two su$se>uent tones ,accordin! to 5T1 2<&- is achie(ed. 8'T5 1E In 5T1 2<& the %ini%u% duration of a 4T2F tone is *<%s X5%s. 8'T5 2E In 5T1 2<& the %ini%u% !ap $etween 4T2F tones is &5%s. There is no defined %a?i%u% len!th to the tone= which will nor%ally cease when a ST'/ 4T2F %essa!e is recei(ed fro% the 2S. ;owe(er= the operator %ay choose to put a pre6defined ti%e li%it on the duration of tones sent. The appropriate se>uencin! of 4T2F control %essa!es is shown in fi!ures 5.3 and 5.9.

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8'T5 3E The networ0 %ay i%ple%ent the ti%e li%it option where the 4T2F tone duration is controlled $y the networ0 irrespecti(e of the receipt of a ST'/ 4T2F %essa!e fro% the %o$ile station.

2i ure #*,33GPP TS ()*++, Sin le &TM2 trans7ission

2i ure #*033GPP TS ()*++, Multiple &TM2 trans7ission

S*""ort 6or "a&5et ser1i&es

This chapter contains the description of the procedures for the session %ana!e%ent of #/1S point6to6point data ser(ices at the radio interface ,1eference point u and %-.

8.7 G<-S Sessio' 0a'a e0e't

8.7.7 Ge'eral
The %ain function of the session %ana!e%ent ,S2- is to support /4/ conte?t handlin! of the user ter%inal. The S2 co%prises procedures for identified /4/ conte?t acti(ation= deacti(ation and %odification. S2 procedures for identified access can only $e perfor%ed if a #22 conte?t has $een esta$lished $etween the 2S and the networ0. If no #22 conte?t has $een esta$lished= the 22 su$layer has to initiate the esta$lish%ent of a #22 conte?t $y use of the #22 procedures as descri$ed in chapter 4. After #22 conte?t esta$lish%ent= S2 uses ser(ices offered $y #22 ,see 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O-. 'n!oin! S2 procedures are suspended durin! #22 procedure e?ecution. In 2TS only= inte!rity protected si!nallin! ,see su$clause of the present docu%ent and in !eneral= see 3#// TS 33.1<2- is %andatory. In 2TS only= all protocols shall use inte!rity protected si!nallin!. Inte!rity protection of all S2 si!nallin! %essa!es is the responsi$ility of lower layers. It is the networ0 which acti(ates inte!rity protection. This is done usin! the security %ode control procedure ,3#// TS 25.331 N23cO-. For the session %ana!e%ent protocol= the e?tended TI %echanis% %ay $e used ,see 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O-.


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8.7.2 Sessio' 0a'a e0e't states

In this su$clause= the S2 states are descri$ed for one S2 entity ,see TS24.<<* N2<O-. 5ach S2 entity is associated with one /4/ conte?t. Su$clause &.1.2.1 descri$es the S2 states in the 2S and su$clause &.1.2.2 descri$es the S2 states on the networ0 side.

Sessio' 0a'a e0e't states i' t!e MS

In this su$clause= the possi$le states of an S2 entity in the %o$ile station are descri$ed. As illustrated in fi!ure &.1"3#// TS 24.<<3 there arefi(e S2 states in the 2S.


This state indicates that no /4/ conte?t e?ists.


This state e?ists when /4/ conte?t acti(ation was re>uested $y the 2S.


This state e?ists when deacti(ation of the /4/ conte?ts was re>uested $y the 2S.


This state indicates that the /4/ conte?t is acti(e.


This state e?ists when %odification of the /4/ conte?t was re>uested $y the 2S.


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4I ,15: /4/ C'8TI. ACTI+-


4I ,45ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. ACC-

41 ,ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. 15:41 ,45ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. ACC41 ,ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. 15:41 ,45ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. ACC-

4I ,ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. 15Q-

4I ,45ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. 15:-

/4/6ACTI+56 /584I8#

4I ,45ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. 15:-

/4/6I8ACTI+56 /584I8#

4I ,ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. ACC-

41 ,45ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. 15:41 ,45ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. 15:-

41 ,2'4. /4/ C'8TI. 15:-


41 ,2'4 /4/ C'8TIT ACC-

/4/62'4IFA6 /584I8#

4I,2'4. /4/ C'8TI. ACC-

4I ,2'4 /4/ C'8TIT 15:-

4I,2'4. /4/ C'8TI. 15Q41E #22S264ATA615: 5ST ,2essa!e-= i.e. %essa!e sent $y an 2S 4IE #22S264ATA6I84ICATI'8 ,2essa!e-= i.e. %essa!e recei(ed $y an 2S

2i ure .*133GPP TS ()*++,4 Session 7ana e7ent states in the MS !o6er6iew$ It shall $e noted= that Fi!ure &.1"3#// TS 24.<<3 applies to $oth the /4/ conte?t acti(ation procedure and the secondary /4/ conte?t acti(ation procedure= thou!h the distinction in %essa!es re!ardin! the acti(ation of /4/ conte?ts is not shown here for si%plicity.

Sessio' 0a'a e0e't states o' t!e 'et%or5 side

In this su$clause= the possi$le states of an S2 entity on the networ0 side are descri$ed. As illustrated in fi!ure &.2"3#// TS 24.<<3 there are fi(e S2 states on the networ0 side.


This state indicates that the /4/ conte?t is not acti(e.


This state e?ists when the /4/ conte?t acti(ation was initiated $y the networ0.


This state e?ists when deacti(ation of the /4/ conte?t was re>uested $y the networ0.


This state indicates that the /4/ conte?t is acti(e.


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This state e?ists when %odification of the /4/ conte?t was re>uested $y the networ0.
/4/6ACTI+56 /584
4I ,2'4 /4/ C'8TIT 15:41 ,2'4 /4/ C'8TIT ACC41 ,2'4 /4/ C'8TIT 15Q-

4I ,ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. 15:-

4I ,15: /4/ C'8TI. ACTI+. 15Q-

41 ,ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. ACC4I ,ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. 15:41 ,ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. ACC-

41 ,15: /4/ C'8TI. ACTI+-

/4/ ACTI+5

41 ,ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. 15Q41 ,45ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. ACC4I ,45ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. 15:-


41 ,2'4IFA. /4/ C'8TI. 15:41 ,45ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. 15:4I ,45ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. ACC-

4I ,2'4IFA. /4/ C'8TI. ACC41 ,45ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. ACC-

/4/6I8ACTI+56 /584 /4/62'4IFA6 /584

4I ,45ACTI+. /4/ C'8TI. 15:-

41E #22S264ATA615: 5ST ,2essa!e-= i.e. %essa!e sent $y networ0 4IE #22S264ATA6I84ICATI'8 ,2essa!e-= i.e. %essa!e recei(ed $y the networ0

2i ure .*(33GPP TS ()*++,4 Session 7ana e7ent states on the network side !o6er6iew$ It shall $e noted= that fi!ure &.2"3#// TS 24.<<3 applies to $oth the /4/ conte?t acti(ation procedure and the secondary /4/ conte?t acti(ation procedure= thou!h the distinction in %essa!es re!ardin! the acti(ation of /4/ conte?ts is not shown here for si%plicity.

8.7.3 Sessio' Ma'a e0e't "ro&ed*res <D< &o'teFt a&ti1atio'

The purpose of this procedure is to esta$lish a /4/ conte?t $etween the 2S and the networ0 for a specific :oS on a specific 8SA/I. The /4/ conte?t acti(ation %ay $e initiated $y the 2S or the initiation %ay $e re>uested $y the networ0. 5ach /4/ address %ay $e descri$ed $y one or %ore /4/ conte?ts in the 2S or the networ0. The /4/ Conte?t Acti(ation procedure is used to acti(ate the first /4/ conte?t for a !i(en /4/ address and A/8= whereas all additional conte?ts associated to the sa%e /4/ address and A/8 are acti(ated with the secondary /4/ conte?t acti(ation procedure. Bhen %ore than one /4/ conte?ts are associated to a /4/ address= there shall $e a Traffic Flow Te%plate ,TFT- for each or all $ut one conte?t. If present= the TFT shall $e sent transparently (ia the S#S8 to the ##S8 to ena$le pac0et classification and policin! for downlin0 data transfer ,see 3#// TS 23.<&< N*4O-.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

S*&&ess6*l <D< &o'teFt a&ti1atio' i'itiated 2y t!e 0o2ile statio'

In order to re>uest a /4/ conte?t acti(ation= the 2S sends an ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e to the networ0= enters the state /4/6ACTI+56/584I8# and starts ti%er T333<. The %essa!e contains the selected 8SA/I= /4/ type= re>uested :oS and= if the 2S re>uests a static address= the /4/ address. The 2S shall ensure that the selected 8SA/I is not currently $ein! used $y another Session 2ana!e%ent entity in the 2S. pon receipt of an ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e= the networ0 selects a radio priority le(el $ased on the :oS ne!otiated and %ay reply with an ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e. pon receipt of the %essa!e ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T the 2S shall stop ti%er T333<= shall enter the state /4/6ACTI+5. If the offered :oS para%eters recei(ed fro% the networ0 differ fro% the :oS re>uested $y the 2S= the 2S shall either accept the ne!otiated :oS or initiate the /4/ conte?t deacti(ation procedure. 8'T5 1E If the 2S re>uested a (alue for a :oS para%eter that is not within the ran!e specified $y 3#// TS 23.1<*= the networ0 should ne!otiate the para%eter to a (alue that lies within the specified ran!e. In #S2= the 2S shall initiate esta$lish%ent of the lo!ical lin0 for the ))C SA/I indicated $y the networ0 with the offered :oS and selected radio priority le(el if no lo!ical lin0 has $een already esta$lished for that SA/I. If the offered :oS para%eters recei(ed fro% the networ0 differ fro% the :oS re>uested $y the 2S= the 2S shall either accept the ne!otiated :oS or initiate the /4/ conte?t deacti(ation procedure. If the ))C SA/I indicated $y the networ0 can not $e supported $y the 2S= the 2S shall initiate the /4/ conte?t deacti(ation procedure. In 2TS= $oth the networ0 and the 2S shall store the ))C SA/I and the radio priority in the /4/ conte?t. If a 2TS to #S2 syste% chan!e is perfor%ed= the new S#S8 shall initiate esta$lish%ent of the lo!ical lin0 usin! the ne!otiated :oS profile= the ne!otiated ))C SA/I= and selected radio priority le(el stored in the /4/ conte?t as in a #S2 to #S2 1outin! Area pdate. An 2S= which is capa$le of operatin! in $oth #S2 and 2TS= shall use a (alid ))C SA/I= while an 2S which is capa$le of operatin! only in 2TS shall indicate the ))C SA/I (alue as D))C SA/I not assi!nedD in order to a(oid unnecessary (alue ran!e chec0in! and any other possi$le confusion in the networ0. 8'T5 2E The radio priority le(el and the ))C SA/I para%eters= thou!h not used in 2TS= shall $e included in the %essa!es= in order to support hando(er $etween 2TS and #S2 networ0s.

S*&&ess6*l <D< &o'teFt a&ti1atio' re3*ested 2y t!e 'et%or5

In order to re>uest a /4/ conte?t acti(ation= the networ0 sends a 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 %essa!e to the 2S and starts ti%er T3335. The %essa!e contains an offered /4/ address. If a(aila$le= the A/8 shall $e included in the 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 %essa!e. pon receipt of a 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 %essa!e= the 2S shall than either initiate the /4/ conte?t acti(ation procedure as descri$ed in the pre(ious su$clause or shall reCect the acti(ation re>uest $y sendin! a 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 15Q5CT %essa!e as descri$ed in su$clause &. The (alue of the reCect cause I5 of the 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 15Q5CT %essa!e shall indicate the reason for reCection= e.!. Dinsufficient resources to acti(ate another conte?tD. The ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e sent $y the 2S in order to initiate the /4/ conte?t acti(ation procedure shall contain the /4/ address= /4/ Type and A/8 re>uested $y the networ0 in the 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 %essa!e. pon receipt of the ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e= the networ0 shall stop ti%er T3335. The sa%e procedures then apply as descri$ed for 2S initiated /4/ conte?t acti(ation.


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U's*&&ess6*l <D< &o'teFt a&ti1atio' i'itiated 2y t!e MS

pon receipt of an ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e the networ0 %ay reCect the 2S initiated /4/ conte?t acti(ation $y sendin! an ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT %essa!e to the 2S. The %essa!e shall contain a cause code that typically indicates one of the followin! causesE F 3E 'perator 4eter%ined .arrin!L

F 2&E insufficient resourcesL F 2*E %issin! or un0nown A/8L F 23E un0nown /4/ address or /4/ typeL F 29E user authentication failedL F 3<E acti(ation reCected $y ##S8L F 31E acti(ation reCected= unspecifiedL F 32E ser(ice option not supportedL F 33E re>uested ser(ice option not su$scri$edL F 34E ser(ice option te%porarily out of orderL F 35E 8SA/I already used. The networ0 shall not send this cause code ,see note 1-L or F 95 6 111E protocol errors.

8'T5 1E /re6199 networ0 %ay send this cause code. pon receipt of an ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT %essa!e= the 2S shall stop ti%er T333< and enter"re%ain in state /4/6I8ACTI+5.

U's*&&ess6*l <D< &o'teFt a&ti1atio' re3*ested 2y t!e 'et%or5

pon receipt of the 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 %essa!e= the 2S %ay reCect the networ0 re>uested /4/ conte?t acti(ation $y sendin! the 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 15Q5CT %essa!e to the networ0. The %essa!e contains the sa%e TI as included in the 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 and an additional cause code that typically indicates one of the followin! causesE F 2&E insufficient resourcesL F 31E acti(ation reCected= unspecifiedL F 4<E feature not supportedL or F 95 6 111E protocol errors. The networ0 shall stop ti%er T3335 and enter state /4/6I8ACTI+5.

,2'or0al &ases

The followin! a$nor%al cases can $e identifiedE a- 5?piry of ti%ers In the %o$ile stationE 'n the first e?piry of the ti%er T333<= the 2S shall resend the ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST and shall reset and restart ti%er T333<. This retrans%ission is repeated four ti%es= i.e. on the fifth e?piry of ti%er T333<= the 2S shall release all resources possi$ly allocated for this in(ocation and shall a$ort the procedureL no auto%atic /4/ conte?t acti(ation re6atte%pt shall $e perfor%ed.


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'n the networ0 sideE 'n the first e?piry of the ti%er T3335= the networ0 shall resend the %essa!e 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 and shall reset and restart ti%er T3335. This retrans%ission is repeated four ti%es= i.e. on the fifth e?piry of ti%er T3335= the networ0 shall release possi$ly allocated resources for this acti(ation and shall a$ort the procedure. $- Collision of 2S initiated and networ0 re>uested /4/ conte?t acti(ation 4yna%ic /4/ address collision caseE If the 2S uses dyna%ic /4/ addressin! that turns out to collide with the networ0 re>uested /4/ address= then there is no detection of collision specified $ut left for networ0 i%ple%entation. Static /4/ address collision detected within the %o$ile stationE A collision of an 2S initiated and a networ0 re>uested /4/ conte?t acti(ation procedure is identified $y the 2S if a 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 %essa!e is recei(ed fro% the networ0 after the 2S has sent an ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e= and the 2S has not yet recei(ed an ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T or ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT %essa!e. 8'T5E In !eneral= the 2S is una$le to test if the /4/ type= /4/ address and A/8 in the 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 %essa!e are the sa%e as those for the /48 to which it is atte%ptin! to acti(ate a conte?t. This is $ecause the 2S %ay ha(e o%itted one or %ore of the para%eters in the ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e= since it is relyin! on default (alues to $e pro(ided $y the networ0.

In the case of such a collision= the 2S initiated /4/ conte?t acti(ation shall ta0e precedence o(er the networ0 re>uested /4/ conte?t acti(ation. If the 2S is a$le to co%pare the /4/ type= /4/ address and A/8 re>uested in the ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e with those re>uested in the 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 %essa!e and these para%eters are e>ual= then the 2S shall discard the 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 %essa!e and shall wait for the networ0 response to its ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e. If the 2S is not a$le to co%pare the /4/ type= /4/ address= and A/8 re>uested in the ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e with those re>uested in the 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 %essa!e= then the 2S shall send a 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 15Q5CT %essa!e with the cause 7insufficient resources7 to the networ0= and wait for an ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e.

Static /4/ address collision detected on the networ0 sideE A collision is detected $y the networ0 in the case where the /4/ address= /4/ type and A/8 deri(ed ,accordin! to 23.<&< anne? A- fro% the ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e recei(ed fro% the 2S %atch those in the 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 %essa!e sent to the 2S. 6 In the case of such a collision= the 2S initiated /4/ conte?t acti(ation shall ta0e precedence o(er the networ0 re>uested /4/ conte?t acti(ation. The networ0 shall ter%inate the networ0 re>uested /4/ conte?t acti(ation procedure= and proceed with the 2S initiated /4/ conte?t acti(ation procedure.

c- 2S initiated /4/ conte?t acti(ation re>uest for an already acti(ated /4/ conte?t ,on the networ0 sidei- If the networ0 recei(es a ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e with the sa%e co%$ination of A/8= /4/ type and /4/ address as an already acti(ated /4/ conte?t= the networ0 shall deacti(ate the e?istin! /4/ conte?t and= if any= all the lin0ed /4/ conte?ts ,%atchin! the co%$ination of A/8= /4/ type and /4/ address-= locally without notification to the 2S and proceed with the re>uested /4/ conte?t acti(ation. ii- Alternati(ely ,different co%$ination of A/8= /4/ type and /4/ address-= if the 8SA/I %atches that of an already acti(ated /4/ conte?t= then the networ0 shall deacti(ate only the e?istin! /4/ conte?t locally without notification to the 2S and proceed with the re>uested /4/ conte?t acti(ation. It is an i%ple%entation option if the para%eters used for co%parison descri$ed in clause i- and ii- are the para%eters pro(ided in the ,current and pre(ious- ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5STs or the para%eters which are the result of the application of the selection rules defined in TS23.<&< Anne? A.2.


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The para%eter pro(ided in the current ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST can not $e co%pared to the actually used para%eters ,result of application of selection rules defined in TS23.<&< Anne? A.2- of the pre(iously acti(ated /4/ conte?ts. d- 8etwor0 initiated /4/ conte?t acti(ation re>uest for an already acti(ated /4/ conte?t ,on the %o$ile station sideIf the 2S recei(es a 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 %essa!e with the sa%e co%$ination of A/8= /4/ type and /4/ address as an already acti(ated /4/ conte?t= the 2S shall deacti(ate the e?istin! /4/ conte?t and= if any= all the lin0ed /4/ conte?ts ,%atchin! the co%$ination of A/8= /4/ type and /4/ address- locally without notification to the networ0 and proceed with the re>uested /4/ conte?t acti(ation.

2S Start T333< Stop T333< ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T or Stop T333< ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT

8etwor 0

2i ure .*333GPP TS ()*++,4 MS initiated P&P conte>t acti6ation procedure

2S 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8

8etwor0 Start T3335

ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST Start T333< ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T Stop T333< or ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT Stop T333< or 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 15Q5CT 5C15Q5CT Stop T3335 Stop T3335

2i ure .*)33GPP TS ()*++,4 Network initiated P&P conte>t acti6ation procedure

Se&o'dary <D< Co'teFt ,&ti1atio' <ro&ed*re

The purpose of this procedure is to esta$lish an additional /4/ conte?t $etween the 2S and the networ0 for a specific Traffic Flow Te%plate ,TFT- and :oS profile on a specific 8SA/I= when one or %ore /4/ conte?ts has"ha(e already $een esta$lished for the particular /4/ address. The 2S shall include a re>uest for a TFT if a /4/ conte?t without a TFT is presently acti(e= for the particular /4/ address.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

S*&&ess6*l Se&o'dary <D< Co'teFt ,&ti1atio' <ro&ed*re )'itiated 2y t!e MS

In order to re>uest a /4/ conte?t acti(ation with the sa%e /4/ address and A/8 as an already acti(e /4/ conte?t= the 2S shall send an ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e to the networ0= enter the state /4/6ACTI+56/584I8# and start ti%er T333<. The %essa!e shall contain the selected 8SA/I. The 2S shall ensure that the selected 8SA/I is not currently $ein! used $y another Session 2ana!e%ent entity in the 2S. The %essa!e shall also include a :oS profile= a re>uested ))C SA/I and the )in0ed TI. The :oS profile is the re>uested :oS. )6 "rese't, the TFT shall $e sent transparently throu!h the S#S8 to the ##S8 to ena$le pac0et classification and policin! for downlin0 data transfer. pon receipt of an ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST= the networ0 shall (alidate the %essa!e $y (erifyin! the TI !i(en in the )in0ed TI I5 to $e any of the acti(e /4/ conte?t,s-. The sa%e ##S8 address shall $e used $y the S#S8 as for the already esta$lished /4/ conte?t,s- for that /4/ address. The networ0 shall select a radio priority le(el $ased on the :oS ne!otiated and shall reply with an ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e= if the re>uest can $e accepted. 8'T5 1E If the 2S re>uested a (alue for a :oS para%eter that is not within the ran!e specified $y 3#// TS 23.1<*= the networ0 should ne!otiate the para%eter to a (alue that lies within the specified ran!e. pon receipt of the %essa!e ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T= the 2S shall stop ti%er T333< and enter the state /4/6ACTI+5. If the offered :oS para%eters recei(ed fro% the networ0 differ fro% the :oS re>uested $y the 2S= the 2S shall either accept the ne!otiated :oS or initiate the /4/ conte?t deacti(ation procedure. In #S2 the 2S shall initiate esta$lish%ent of the lo!ical lin0 for the ))C SA/I indicated $y the networ0 with the offered :oS and selected radio priority le(el if no lo!ical lin0 has $een already esta$lished for that SA/I. If the ))C SA/I indicated $y the networ0 can not $e supported $y the 2S= the 2S shall initiate the /4/ conte?t deacti(ation procedure. In 2TS= $oth S#S8 and 2S shall store the ))C SA/I and the radio priority in the /4/ conte?t. If a 2TS to #S2 1outin! Area pdate is perfor%ed= the new S#S8 shall initiate esta$lish%ent of the lo!ical lin0 usin! the ne!otiated ))C SA/I= the ne!otiated :oS profile and selected radio priority le(el stored in the /4/ conte?t as in a #S2 to #S2 1outin! Area pdate. An 2S= which is capa$le of operatin! in $oth #S2 and 2TS= shall use a (alid ))C SA/I= while an 2S which is capa$le of operatin! only in 2TS shall indicate the ))C SA/I (alue as D))C SA/I not assi!nedD in order to a(oid unnecessary (alue ran!e chec0in! and any other possi$le confusion in the networ0. 8'T5 2E The radio priority le(el and the ))C SA/I para%eters= thou!h not used in 2TS= shall $e included in the %essa!es= in order to support hando(er $etween 2TS and #S2 networ0s.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

U's*&&ess6*l Se&o'dary <D< Co'teFt ,&ti1atio' <ro&ed*re i'itiated 2y t!e MS

pon receipt of an ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e= the networ0 %ay reCect the 2S initiated /4/ conte?t acti(ation $y sendin! an ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT %essa!e to the 2S. The %essa!e shall contain a cause code that typically indicates one of the followin!E F 2&E insufficient resourcesL F 3<E acti(ation reCected $y ##S8L F 31E acti(ation reCected= unspecifiedL F 32E ser(ice option not supportedL F 33E re>uested ser(ice option not su$scri$edL F 34E ser(ice option te%porarily out of orderL F 41E se%antic error in the TFT operationL F 42E syntactical error in the TFT operationL F 43E un0nown /4/ conte?tL F 44E se%antic errors in pac0et filter,s-L F 45E syntactical errors in pac0et filter,s-L F 4&E /4/ conte?t without TFT already acti(atedL F 95E 111E protocol errors.

pon receipt of an ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT %essa!e= the 2S shall stop ti%er T333< and enter the state /4/6I8ACTI+5.

,2'or0al &ases

The followin! a$nor%al cases can $e identifiedE a- 5?piry of ti%ers 'n the first e?piry of the ti%er T333<= the 2S shall resent the ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST and shall reset and restart ti%er T333<. This retrans%ission is repeated four ti%es= i.e. on the fifth e?piry of ti%er T333<= the 2S shall release all resources possi$ly allocated for this in(ocation and shall a$ort the procedureL no auto%atic /4/ conte?t acti(ation re6atte%pt shall $e perfor%ed. $- 2S initiated secondary /4/ conte?t acti(ation procedure for an already acti(ated /4/ conte?t ,'n the networ0 sideIf the 8SA/I %atches that of an already acti(ated /4/ conte?t= the networ0 shall deacti(ate the e?istin! /4/ conte?t locally without notification to the 2S and proceed with the re>uested /4/ conte?t acti(ation. 'therwise= the networ0 shall chec0 the para%eters as followsE The networ0 shall first chec0 whether there is an acti(ated /4/ conte?t for the TI !i(en in the )in0ed TI I5 in the ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e. If there is no acti(e /4/ conte?t for the specified TI= the networ0 shall reply with an ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT %essa!e= cause code indicatin! Dun0nown /4/ conte?tD. If there e?ists a /4/ conte?t for the TI !i(en i' t!e :i'5ed T) ).= then the TFT in the re>uest %essa!e is chec0ed for different types of TFT I5 errors as followsE aSe%antic errors in TFT operationsE 1- Bhen the T&T operation is an operation other than DCreate a new TFTD. The networ0 shall reCect the acti(ation re>uest with cause Dse%antic error in the TFT operationD.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

$- Syntactical errors in TFT operationsE 1- Bhen the T&T operation T DCreate a new TFTD and the pac0et filter list in the TFT I5 is e%pty. 2- Bhen there are other types of syntactical errors in the codin! of the TFT I5= such as a %is%atch $etween the nu%$er of pac0et filters su$field= and the nu%$er of pac0et filters in the pac0et filter list. The networ0 shall reCect the acti(ation re>uest with cause Dsyntactical error in the TFT operationD. cSe%antic errors in pac0et filtersE 1- Bhen a pac0et filter consists of conflictin! pac0et filter co%ponents which would render the pac0et filter ineffecti(e= i.e.= no I/ pac0et will e(er fit this pac0et filter. ;ow the networ0 deter%ines a se%antic error in a pac0et filter is outside the scope of the present docu%ent. The networ0 shall reCect the acti(ation re>uest with cause Dse%antic errors in pac0et filter,s-D. d- Syntactical errors in pac0et filtersE 1- Bhen the T&T operation T DCreate a new TFTD and two or %ore pac0et filters in the resultant TFT would ha(e identical pac0et filter identifiers. 2- Bhen the T&T operation T DCreate a new TFTD and two or %ore pac0et filters in all TFTs associated with this /4/ address would ha(e identical pac0et filter precedence (alues. 3- Bhen there are other types of syntactical errors in the codin! of pac0et filters= such as the use of a reser(ed (alue for a pac0et filter co%ponent identifier. The networ0 shall reCect the acti(ation re>uest with cause Dsyntactical errors in pac0et filter,s-D. 'therwise= the networ0 shall accept the acti(ation re>uest $y replyin! to the 2S with an ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e.
2S Start T333< Stop T333< 8etwor0

ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST

ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T or

Stop T333<

ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT

2i ure .*#33GPP TS ()*++,4 MS initiated secondary P&P conte>t acti6ation procedure

<D< &o'teFt 0odi6i&atio' "ro&ed*re

The /4/ conte?t %odification procedure is in(o0ed $y the networ0 or $y the 2S= in order to chan!e the :oS ne!otiated= the 1adio priority le(el= or the TFT= ne!otiated durin! the /4/ conte?t acti(ation procedure= the secondary /4/ conte?t acti(ation procedure or at pre(iously perfor%ed /4/ conte?t %odification procedures. The 2S %ay also create and delete a TFT in an acti(e /4/ conte?t. The procedure can $e initiated $y the networ0 or the 2S at any ti%e when a /4/ conte?t is acti(e. The networ0 re>uested /4/ conte?t %odification procedure %ay also $e used to update the /4/ address when e?ternal /48 address allocation is perfor%ed= in which case the 2S recei(es the /4/ address in the 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST ,8etwor0 to 2S direction- %essa!e. 8'T5E The procedure %ay $e initiated $y the networ0 due to an inter6S#S8 1outin! Area pdatin! when a /4/ conte?t is acti(e.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

4et%or5 i'itiated <D< Co'teFt Modi6i&atio'

In order to initiate the procedure= the networ0 sends the 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e to the 2S and starts ti%er T333&. The %essa!e shall contain the new :oS and the radio priority le(el and ))C SA/I that shall $e used $y the 2S in #S2 at the lower layers for the trans%ission of data related to the /4/ conte?t. pon receipt of this %essa!e the 2S shall reply with the 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e= if the 2S accepts the new :oS and the indicated ))C SA/I. If the 2S does not accept the new :oS or the indicated ))C SA/I= the 2S shall initiate the /4/ conte?t deacti(ation procedure for the /4/ conte?t 6 the reCect cause I5 (alue of the 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e shall indicate D:oS not acceptedD. The networ0 shall upon receipt of the 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e stop ti%er T333&. In #S2= the networ0 shall esta$lish= reconfi!ure or continue usin! the lo!ical lin0 with the new :oS for the ))C SA/I indicated in the 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e. In 2TS= the networ0 shall esta$lish= reconfi!ure or continue usin! the 1adio Access .earer with the new :oS indicated in the 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e.

MS i'itiated <D< Co'teFt Modi6i&atio' a&&e"ted 2y t!e 'et%or5

In order to initiate the procedure= the 2S sends the 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e to the networ0= enters the state /4/62'4IFA6/584I8# and starts ti%er T3331. The %essa!e %ay contain the re>uested new :oS and"or the TFT and the re>uested ))C SA/I ,used in #S2-. pon receipt of the 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e= the networ0 %ay reply with the 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e in order to accept the conte?t %odification. The reply %essa!e %ay contain the ne!otiated :oS and the radio priority le(el $ased on the new :oS profile and the ne!otiated ))C SA/I= that shall $e used in #S2 $y the lo!ical lin0. pon receipt of the 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e= the 2S shall stop the ti%er T3331. If the offered :oS para%eters recei(ed fro% the networ0 differs fro% the :oS re>uested $y the 2S= the 2S shall either accept the ne!otiated :oS or initiate the /4/ conte?t deacti(ation procedure. 8'T5E Bhen %odification of :oS was re>uested $y the 2S= if the networ0 does not accept the 2S re>uest= $ein! una$le to pro(ide the re>uested :oS= it should %aintain the :oS ne!otiated as pre(iously ne!otiated or propose a new :oS. Therefore= the networ0 would not reCect the 2S initiated /4/ conte?t %odification re>uest due to the una(aila$ility of the re>uired :oS. If the 2S re>uested a (alue for a :oS para%eter that is not within the ran!e specified $y 3#// TS 23.1<*= the networ0 should ne!otiate the para%eter to a (alue that lies within the specified ran!e.

MS i'itiated <D< Co'teFt Modi6i&atio' 'ot a&&e"ted 2y t!e 'et%or5

pon receipt of a 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e= the networ0 %ay reCect the 2S initiated /4/ conte?t %odification re>uest $y sendin! a 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT %essa!e to the 2S. The %essa!e shall contain a cause code that typically indicates one of the followin!E F 2&E insufficient resourcesL F 32E Ser(ice option not supportedL F 41E se%antic error in the TFT operationL F 42E syntactical error in the TFT operationL F 44E se%antic errors in pac0et filter,s-L F 45E syntactical errors in pac0et filter,s-L F 95 6 111E protocol errors.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

The TFT in the re>uest %essa!e is chec0ed for different types of TFT I5 errors as followsE a- Se%antic errors in TFT operationsE I. T&T operation T DCreate a new TFTD when there is already an e?istin! TFT for the /4/ conte?t. II. Bhen the T&T operation is an operation other than DCreate a new TFTD and there is no TFT for the /4/ conte?t. III+ T&T operation T D4elete e?istin! TFTD when there is already another /4/ conte?t without a TFT. I/+ T&T operation T D4elete pac0et filters fro% e?istin! TFTD when it would render the TFT e%pty. The networ0 shall reCect the acti(ation re>uest with cause Dse%antic error in the TFT operationD. $- Syntactical errors in TFT operationsE I. Bhen the T&T operation is an operation other than D4elete e?istin! TFTD and the pac0et filter list in the TFT I5 is e%pty. II. T&T operation T D4elete e?istin! TFTD with a non6e%pty pac0et filter list in the TFT I5. III. T&T operation T D1eplace pac0et filters in e?istin! TFTD when a to $e replaced pac0et filter does not e?ist in the ori!inal TFT. I+. T&T operation T D4elete pac0et filters fro% e?istin! TFTD when a to $e deleted pac0et filter does not e?ist in the ori!inal TFT. +. T&T operation T D4elete pac0et filters fro% e?istin! TFTD with a pac0et filter list includin! pac0et filters instead of pac0et filter identifiers. +I. Bhen there are other types of syntactical errors in the codin! of the TFT I5= such as a %is%atch $etween the nu%$er of pac0et filters su$field= and the nu%$er of pac0et filters in the pac0et filter list. The networ0 shall reCect the acti(ation re>uest with cause Dsyntactical error in the TFT operationD. c- Se%antic errors in pac0et filtersE Bhen a pac0et filter consists of conflictin! pac0et filter co%ponents which would render the pac0et filter ineffecti(e= i.e.= no I/ pac0et will e(er fit this pac0et filter. ;ow the networ0 deter%ines a se%antic error in a pac0et filter is outside the scope of the present docu%ent. The networ0 shall reCect the acti(ation re>uest with cause Dse%antic errors in pac0et filter,s-D. d- Syntactical errors in pac0et filtersE I. Bhen the T&T operation T DCreate a new TFTD or DAdd pac0et filters to e?istin! TFTD and two or %ore pac0et filters in the resultant TFT would ha(e identical pac0et filter identifiers. II. Bhen the T&T operation T DCreate a new TFTD or DAdd pac0et filters to e?istin! TFTD or D1eplace pac0et filters in e?istin! TFTD and two or %ore pac0et filters in all TFTs associated with this /4/ address would ha(e identical pac0et filter precedence (alues. III. Bhen there are other types of syntactical errors in the codin! of pac0et filters= such as the use of a reser(ed (alue for a pac0et filter co%ponent identifier. The networ0 shall reCect the acti(ation re>uest with cause Dsyntactical errors in pac0et filter,s-D. pon receipt of a 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT %essa!e= the 2S shall stop ti%er T3331 and enter the state /4/6ACTI+5.


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,2'or0al &ases

a- 5?piry of ti%ers 'n the networ0 sideE 'n the first e?piry of ti%er T333&= the networ0 shall resend the 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e reset and restart ti%er T333&. This retrans%ission is repeated four ti%es= i.e. on the fifth e?piry of ti%er T333&= the networ0 %ay continue to use the pre(iously ne!otiated :oS or it %ay initiate the /4/ conte?t deacti(ation procedure. In the 2SE 'n the first e?piry of ti%er T3331= the 2S shall resend the 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e reset and restart ti%er T3331. This retrans%ission is repeated four ti%es= i.e. on the fifth e?piry of ti%er T3331= the 2S %ay continue to use the pre(iously ne!otiated :oS or it %ay initiate the /4/ conte?t deacti(ation procedure. $- Collision of 2S and 8etwor0 initiated /4/ Conte?t 2odification /rocedures A collision of a 2S and networ0 initiated /4/ conte?t %odification procedures is identified $y the 2S if a 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed fro% the networ0 after the 2S has sent a 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e itself= and $oth %essa!es contain the sa%e TI and the 2S has not yet recei(ed a 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e fro% the networ0. A collision is detected $y the networ0 in case a 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed fro% the 2S with the sa%e TI as the 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e sent to the 2S. In the case of such a collision= the networ0 initiated /4/ conte?t %odification shall ta0e precedence o(er the 2S initiated /4/ conte?t %odification. The 2S shall ter%inate internally the 2S initiated /4/ conte?t %odification procedure= enter the state /4/6Acti(e and proceed with the networ0 initiated /4/ conte?t %odification procedure $y sendin! a 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e. The networ0 shall i!nore the 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e recei(ed in the state /4/62'4IFA6/584I8#. The networ0 shall proceed with the networ0 initiated /4/ conte?t %odification procedure as if no 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e was recei(ed fro% the 2S. c- Collision of 2S initiated /4/ Conte?t 2odification /rocedures and 8etwor0 initiated 4eacti(ate /4/ Conte?t 1e>uest /rocedures A collision of a 2S initiated /4/ conte?t %odification procedures and a networ0 initiated /4/ conte?t deacti(ation procedures is identified $y the 2S if a 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed fro% the networ0 after the 2S has sent a 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e= and the 2S has not yet recei(ed a 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e fro% the networ0. In the case of such a collision= the networ0 initiated /4/ conte?t deacti(ation shall ta0e precedence o(er the 2S initiated /4/ conte?t %odification. The 2S shall ter%inate internally the 2S initiated /4/ conte?t %odification procedure= and proceed with the networ0 initiated /4/ conte?t deacti(ation procedure $y sendin! a 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T= enter the state /4/6I8ACTI+5. The networ0 shall i!nore the 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e recei(ed in the state /4/6I8ACTI+56/584I8#. The networ0 shall proceed with he networ0 initiated /4/ conte?t deacti(ation procedure as if no 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e was recei(ed fro% the 2S.
2S 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST Start T333& 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T Stop T333& 8etwor0

2i ure .*.33GPP TS ()*++,4 Network initiated P&P conte>t 7odification procedure


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

2S Start T3331 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T or 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5IT


Stop T3331

Stop T3331

2i ure .*/33GPP TS ()*++,4 MS initiated P&P conte>t 7odification procedure

<D< &o'teFt dea&ti1atio' "ro&ed*re

The purpose of this procedure is to deacti(ate an e?istin! /4/ conte?t $etween the 2S and the networ0. The /4/ conte?t deacti(ation %ay $e initiated $y the 2S or $y the networ0. The tear do3n indicator infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included in the 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e in order to indicate whether only the /4/ conte?t associated with this specific TI or all acti(e /4/ conte?ts sharin! the sa%e /4/ address as the /4/ conte?t associated with this specific TI shall $e deacti(ated. If the tear do3n indicator infor%ation ele%ent is not included in the 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e= only the /4/ conte?t associated with this specific TI shall $e deacti(ated. After successful /4/ conte?t deacti(ation= the associated 8SA/I and TI (alues are released and can $e reassi!ned to another /4/ conte?t.

<D< &o'teFt dea&ti1atio' i'itiated 2y t!e MS

In order to deacti(ate a /4/ conte?t= the 2S sends a 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e to the networ0= enters the state /4/6I8ACTI+56/584I8# and starts ti%er T339<. The %essa!e contains the transaction identifier ,TI- in use for the /4/ conte?t to $e deacti(ated and a cause code that typically indicates one of the followin! causesE F 25E ))C or S84C/ failure,#S2 only-L F 2&E insufficient resourcesL F 3&E re!ular /4/ conte?t deacti(ationL or F 3*E :oS not accepted. The networ0 shall reply with the 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e. pon receipt of the 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e= the 2S shall stop ti%er T339<. In #S2= $oth the 2S and the networ0 shall initiate local release of the lo!ical lin0 if it is not used $y another /4/ conte?t. In 2TS= the networ0 shall initiate the release of 1adio Access .earer associated with this /4/ conte?t.

<D< &o'teFt dea&ti1atio' i'itiated 2y t!e 'et%or5

In order to deacti(ate a /4/ conte?t= the networ0 sends a 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e to the 2S and starts ti%er T3395. The %essa!e contains the transaction identifier in use for the /4/ conte?t to $e deacti(ated and a cause code that typically indicates one of the followin! causesE F 3E 'perator 4eter%ined .arrin!L

F 25E ))C or S84C/ failure ,#S2 only-L F 3&E re!ular /4/ conte?t deacti(ationL F 33E networ0 failureL or


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F 39E reacti(ation re>uested. The 2S shall= upon receipt of this %essa!e= reply with a 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e. pon receipt of the 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e= the networ0 shall stop the ti%er T3395. In #S2= $oth the 2S and the networ0 shall initiate local release of the lo!ical lin0 if it is not used $y another /4/ conte?t. In 2TS= the networ0 shall initiate the release of 1adio Access .earer associated with this /4/ conte?t.

,2'or0al &ases

The followin! a$nor%al cases can $e identifiedE a- 5?piry of ti%ers In the %o$ile stationE 'n the first e?piry of ti%er T339<= the 2S shall resent the %essa!e 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST and shall reset and restart the ti%er T339<. This retrans%ission is repeated four ti%es= i.e. on the fifth e?piry of ti%er T339<= the 2S shall release all resources allocated and shall erase the /4/ conte?t related data. 'n the networ0 sideE 'n the first e?piry of ti%er T3395= the networ0 shall resent the %essa!e 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST and shall reset and restart ti%er T3395. This retrans%ission is repeated four ti%es= i.e. on the fifth e?piry of ti%er T3395= the networ0 shall erase the /4/ conte?t related data for that 2S. $- Collision of 2S and networ0 initiated /4/ conte?t deacti(ation re>uests If the 2S and the networ0 initiated /4/ conte?t deacti(ation re>uests collide= the 2S and the networ0 shall each reply with the %essa!es 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T and shall stop ti%er T339< and T3395= respecti(ely.

2S 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST Start T339< Stop T339< 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T


2i ure .*,33GPP TS ()*++,4 MS initiated P&P conte>t deacti6ation procedure

2S 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST


Start T3395 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T Stop T3395

2i ure .*033GPP TS ()*++,4 Network initiated P&P conte>t deacti6ation procedure


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Void Void -e&ei1i' a SM ST,TUS 0essa e 2y a SM e'tity

If the S2 entity of the 2S recei(es a S2 STAT S %essa!e no state transition and no specific action shall $e ta0en as seen fro% the radio interface= i.e. local actions are possi$le. The actions to $e ta0en on recei(in! a S2 STAT S %essa!e in the networ0 are an i%ple%entation dependent option.

See 23.1<3

.Fa0"les o6 str*&t*red "ro&ed*res

?a'dli' o6 *'5'o%', *'6oresee', a'd erro'eo*s "roto&ol data

8.7 Ge'eral
The procedures specified in 3#// TS 24.<<3 and call6related supple%entary ser(ice handlin! in 3#// TS 24.<1< N21O apply to those %essa!es which pass the chec0s descri$ed in this su$clause. This su$clause also specifies procedures for the handlin! of un0nown= unforeseen= and erroneous protocol data $y the recei(in! entity. These procedures are called Derror handlin! proceduresD= $ut in addition to pro(idin! reco(ery %echanis%s for error situations they define a co%pati$ility %echanis% for future e?tensions of the protocols. 5rror handlin! concernin! the (alue part of the Facility I5 and of the SS +ersion Indicator I5 are not in the scope of the present docu%ent. It is defined in 3#// TS 24.<1< N21O and the 3#// TS <4.3? series. Su$ su$clauses 3.1 to 3.3 shall $e applied in order of precedence. 2ost error handlin! procedures are %andatory for the %o$ile station. 4etailed error handlin! procedures in the networ0 are i%ple%entation dependent and %ay (ary fro% /)28 to /)28. ;owe(er= when e?tensions of this protocol are de(eloped= networ0s will $e assu%ed to ha(e the error handlin! that is indicated in this su$clause as %andatory ,DshallD- and that is indicated as stron!ly reco%%ended ,DshouldD-. Su$clauses 3.2= 3.3= 3.4= 3.5 and 3.*.2 do not apply to the error handlin! in the networ0 applied to the receipt of initial layer 3 %essa!eE If the networ0 dia!noses an error descri$ed in one of these su$clause s in the initial layer 3 %essa!e recei(ed fro% the %o$ile station= it shall eitherE 6 6 try to reco!niHe the class%ar0 and then ta0e further i%ple%entation dependent actionsL or release the 116connection.

Also= the error handlin! of the networ0 is only considered as %andatory or stron!ly reco%%ended when certain thresholds for errors are not reached durin! a dedicated connection. In this su$clause the followin! ter%inolo!y is usedE 6 An I5 is defined to $e syntactically incorrect in a %essa!e if it contains at least one (alue defined as Dreser(edD in clause 1<= or if its (alue part (iolates rules of clause 1<. ;owe(er it is not a syntactical error that a type 4 I5 specifies in its len!th indicator a !reater len!th than defined in clause 1<. A %essa!e is defined to ha(e se%antically incorrect contents if it contains infor%ation which= possi$ly dependent on the state of the recei(er= is in contradiction to the resources of the recei(er and"or to the procedural part ,i.e. clauses 3= 4= 5- of 3#// TS 24.<<3= 3#// TS 24.<1< N21O= or rele(ant 3#// TS <4.3I series.


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8.2 Messa e too s!ort

Bhen a %essa!e is recei(ed that is too short to contain a co%plete %essa!e type infor%ation ele%ent= that %essa!e shall $e i!nored= cf. 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O.

8.3 U'5'o%' or *'6oresee' tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier

8.3.7 Call Co'trol
The %o$ile station and the networ0 shall i!nore a Call Control %essa!e recei(ed with TI 5IT $it T <. 'therwise= if the TI 5IT $it T1 or no e?tension is used= the $eha(iour descri$ed $elow shall $e followed. The %o$ile station and networ0 shall reCect a S5T /= 5251#58CA S5T / or STA1T CC %essa!e recei(ed with octet 1 part of the TI (alue coded as D111D $y sendin! 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 with cause F31 DIn(alid transaction identifier (alueD The TI (alue in 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 shall $e the co%plete TI (alue includin! the e?tension octet fro% the %essa!e that caused the reCection. Any %essa!e other than S5T /= 5251#58CA S5T / or STA1T CC recei(ed with octet 1 part of the TI (alue coded as D111D shall $e i!nored. For a call control %essa!e recei(ed with octet 1 part of the TI (alue not coded as D111D= the followin! procedures shall applyE a- For a networ0 that does not support the D8etwor0 initiated 2' callD option and for all %o$ile stationsE Bhene(er any call control %essa!e e?cept 5251#58CA S5T /= S5T / or 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 is recei(ed specifyin! a transaction identifier which is not reco!niHed as relatin! to an acti(e call or to a call in pro!ress= the recei(in! entity shall send a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e with cause F31 Din(alid transaction identifier (alueD usin! the recei(ed transaction identifier (alue and re%ain in the 8ull state. For a networ0 that does support the D8etwor0 initiated 2' callD option @,CC.S-@E Bhene(er any call control %essa!e e?cept 5251#58CA S5T /= S5T /= STA1T CC or 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 is recei(ed specifyin! a transaction identifier which is not reco!niHed as relatin! to an acti(e call or to a call in pro!ress= the recei(in! entity shall send a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e with cause F31 Din(alid transaction identifier (alueD usin! the recei(ed transaction identifier (alue and re%ain in the 8ull state. $- Bhen a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e is recei(ed specifyin! a transaction identifier which is not reco!niHed as relatin! to an acti(e call or to a call in pro!ress= the 22 connection associated with that transaction identifier shall $e released. c- For a networ0 that does not support the D8etwor0 initiated 2' callD option and for all %o$ile stationsE Bhen an 5251#58CA S5T / or= a S5T / %essa!e is recei(ed specifyin! a transaction identifier which is not reco!niHed as relatin! to an acti(e call or to a call in pro!ress= and with a transaction identifier fla! incorrectly set to D1D= this %essa!e shall $e i!nored. For a networ0 that does support the D8etwor0 initiated 2' callD option @,CC.S-@E Bhen an 5251#58CA S5T /= a STA1T CC or= a S5T / %essa!e is recei(ed specifyin! a transaction identifier which is not reco!nised as relatin! to an acti(e call or to a call in pro!ress= and with a transaction identifier fla! incorrectly set to D1D= this %essa!e shall $e i!nored. d- Bhen a S5T / %essa!e is recei(ed $y the %o$ile station specifyin! a transaction identifier which is reco!niHed as relatin! to an acti(e call or to a call in pro!ress= this S5T / %essa!e shall $e i!nored. e- For a networ0 that does not support the D8etwor0 initiated 2' callD optionE Bhen an 5251#58CA S5T / %essa!e or a S5T / %essa!e is recei(ed $y the networ0 specifyin! a transaction identifier which is reco!niHed as relatin! to an acti(e call or to a call in pro!ress= this %essa!e need not $e treated and the networ0 %ay perfor% other actions. For a networ0 that does support the D8etwor0 initiated 2' callD option @,CC.S-@E

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Bhen an 5251#58CA S5T / %essa!e or a STA1T CC %essa!e is recei(ed $y the networ0 specifyin! a transaction identifier which is reco!nised as relatin! to an acti(e call or to a call in pro!ress= this %essa!e need not $e treated and the networ0 %ay perfor% other actions. The sa%e applies to a S5T / %essa!e unless the transaction has $een esta$lished $y a STA1TGCC %essa!e and the networ0 is in the Drecall presentD state ,8<.&-.

8.3.2 Sessio' Ma'a e0e't

The %o$ile station and networ0 shall i 'ore a session %ana!e%ent %essa!e with TI 5IT $it T <. 'therwise= the followin! procedures shall applyE a- Bhene(er any session %ana!e%ent %essa!e e?cept ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST= ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST= or S26STAT S is recei(ed $y the networ0 specifyin! a transaction identifier which is not reco!niHed as relatin! to an acti(e conte?t or to a conte?t that is in the process of acti(ation or deacti(ation= the networ0 shall send a S26STAT S %essa!e with cause F31 Din(alid transaction identifier (alueD usin! the recei(ed transaction identifier (alue includin! the e?tension octet and re%ain in the /4/6I8ACTI+5 state. $- Bhene(er any session %ana!e%ent %essa!e e?cept 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 or S26 STAT S is recei(ed $y the 2S specifyin! a transaction identifier which is not reco!niHed as relatin! to an acti(e conte?t or to a conte?t that is in the process of acti(ation or deacti(ation= the 2S shall send a S26 STAT S %essa!e with cause F31 Din(alid transaction identifier (alueD usin! the recei(ed transaction identifier (alue includin! the e?tension octet and re%ain in the /4/6I8ACTI+5 state. c- Bhen 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 %essa!e is recei(ed with a transaction identifier fla! set to D1D= this %essa!e shall $e i!nored. d- Bhen an ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed specifyin! a transaction identifier which is not reco!niHed as relatin! to a conte?t that is in the process of acti(ation= and with a transaction identifier fla! set to D1D= this %essa!e shall $e i!nored. e- Bhene(er an ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e is recei(ed $y the networ0 specifyin! a transaction identifier relatin! to a /4/ conte?t not in state /4/6I8ACTI+5= the networ0 shall deacti(ate the old /4/ conte?t relatin! to the recei(ed transaction identifier without notifyin! the 2S. Further%ore= the networ0 shall continue with the acti(ation procedure of a new /4/ conte?t as indicated in the recei(ed %essa!e. f- Bhene(er a 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 %essa!e is recei(ed $y the 2S specifyin! a transaction identifier relatin! to a /4/ conte?t not in state /4/6I8ACTI+5= the 2S shall locally deacti(ate the old /4/ conte?t relatin! to the recei(ed transaction identifier. Further%ore= the 2S shall continue with the acti(ation procedure of a new /4/ conte?t as indicated in the recei(ed %essa!e.

8.4 U'5'o%' or *'6oresee' 0essa e ty"e

If a %o$ile station recei(es an 11= 22 or CC %essa!e with %essa!e type not defined for the /4 or not i%ple%ented $y the recei(er in unac0nowled!ed %ode= it shall i!nore the %essa!e. If a %o$ile station recei(es an 11= 22 or CC %essa!e with %essa!e type not defined for the /4 or not i%ple%ented $y the recei(er in ac0nowled!ed %ode= it shall return a status %essa!e ,STAT S= 22 STAT S dependin! on the protocol discri%inator- with cause F 9* D%essa!e type non6e?istent or not i%ple%entedD. If a %o$ile station recei(es a #22 %essa!e or S2 %essa!e with %essa!e type not defined for the /4 or not i%ple%ented $y the recei(er= it shall return a status %essa!e ,#22 STAT S or S2 STAT S dependin! on the protocol discri%inator- with cause F 9* D%essa!e type non6e?istent or not i%ple%entedD. If the networ0 recei(es an 22 %essa!e with %essa!e type not defined for the /4 or not i%ple%ented $y the recei(er in a protocol state where reception of an unsolicited %essa!e with the !i(en /4 fro% the %o$ile station is not foreseen in the protocol= the networ0 actions are i%ple%entation dependent. 'therwise= if the networ0 recei(es a %essa!e with %essa!e type not defined for the /4 or not i%ple%ented $y the recei(er= it shall i!nore the %essa!e e?cept that it should return a status %essa!e ,STAT S= 22 STAT S= #22 STAT S or S2 STAT S dependin! on the protocol discri%inator- with cause F9* D%essa!e type non6e?istent or not i%ple%entedD.


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A %essa!e type not defined for the /4 in the !i(en direction is re!arded $y the recei(er as a %essa!e type not defined for the /4= see 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O.

If the %o$ile station recei(es a %essa!e not co%pati$le with the protocol state= the %o$ile station shall i!nore the %essa!e e?cept for the fact that= if an 11 connection e?ists= it returns a status %essa!e ,STAT S= 22 STAT S dependin! on the protocol discri%inator- with cause F93 D2essa!e type not co%pati$le with protocol stateD. Bhen the %essa!e was a #22 %essa!e the #226STAT S %essa!e with cause F93 D2essa!e type not co%pati$le with protocol stateD shall $e returned. Bhen the %essa!e was a S2 %essa!e the S26STAT S %essa!e with cause F93 D2essa!e type not co%pati$le with protocol stateD shall $e returned. If the networ0 recei(es a %essa!e not co%pati$le with the protocol state= the networ0 actions are i%ple%entation dependent. 8'T5E The use $y #22 and S2 of unac0nowled!ed ))C %ay lead to %essa!es Dnot co%pati$le with the protocol stateD.

8.5 4o'-se0a'ti&al 0a'datory i'6or0atio' ele0e't errors

Bhen on receipt of a %essa!e= 6 6 an Di%perati(e %essa!e partD errorL or a D%issin! %andatory I5D errorL

is dia!nosed or when a %essa!e containin!E 6 6 6 a syntactically incorrect %andatory I5L or an I5 un0nown in the %essa!e= $ut encoded as Dco%prehension re>uiredD ,see 3#// TS 24.<<*-L or an out of se>uence I5 encoded as Dco%prehension re>uiredD ,see 3#// TS 24.<<*- is recei(ed= the %o$ile station shall proceed as followsE If the %essa!e is not one of the %essa!es listed in su$clauses 3.5.1= 3.5.2= 3.5.3= 3.5.4 and 3.5.5 a- or $-= the %o$ile station shall i!nore the %essa!e e?cept for the fact that= if an 11 connection e?ists= it shall return a status %essa!e ,STAT S= 22 STAT S dependin! on the protocol discri%inator- with cause F 9& DIn(alid %andatory infor%ationD. If the %essa!e was a #22 %essa!e the #226STAT S %essa!e with cause F9& D In(alid %andatory infor%ationD shall $e returned. If the %essa!e was an S2 %essa!e the S26STAT S %essa!e with cause F 9& Din(alid %andatory infor%ationD shall $e returned. 6 the networ0 shall proceed as followsE Bhen the %essa!e is not one of the %essa!es listed in su$clause 3.5.3 $-= c-= d- or e- and 3.5.5 a- or c-= the networ0 shall eitherE 6 6 try to treat the %essa!e ,the e?act further actions are i%ple%entation dependent-= or i!nore the %essa!e e?cept that it should return a status %essa!e ,STAT S= or 22 STAT S ,dependin! on the protocol discri%inator-= #22 STAT S= or S2 STAT S- with cause F 9& DIn(alid %andatory infor%ationD.

8.5.7 -adio reso*r&e 0a'a e0e't

See 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O.

8.5.2 Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't

8o e?ceptional cases are descri$ed for %o$ility %ana!e%ent %essa!es.


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8.5.3 Call &o'trol

a- If the %essa!e is a S5T / %essa!e= a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e with cause F 9& Din(alid %andatory infor%ationD shall $e returned. $- If the %essa!e is a 4ISC'885CT %essa!e= a 15)5AS5 %essa!e shall $e returned with cause (alue F 9& Din(alid %andatory infor%ationD and su$clause 5.4. Dcall clearin!D applies as nor%al. c- If the %essa!e is a 15)5AS5 %essa!e= a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e shall $e returned with cause (alue F 9& Din(alid %andatory infor%ationD. d- If the %essa!e is a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e= it shall $e treated as a nor%al 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e. e- If the %essa!e is a ;')4 15Q5CT or 15T1I5+5 15Q5CT %essa!e= it shall $e treated as a nor%al ;')4 15Q5CT or 15T1I5+5 15Q5CT %essa!e. f- If the %essa!e is a STAT S %essa!e and recei(ed $y the networ0= a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e %ay $e returned with cause (alue F 9& Din(alid %andatory infor%ationD.

8.5.4 GMM 0o2ility 0a'a e0e't

8o e?ceptional cases are descri$ed for %o$ility %ana!e%ent %essa!es.

8.5.5 Sessio' 0a'a e0e't

a- If the %essa!e is a 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST= a 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e shall $e returned. All resources allocated for that conte?t shall $e released. $- If the %essa!e is a 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8= a 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT %essa!e with cause F 9& DIn(alid %andatory infor%ationD shall $e returned. c- If the %essa!e is an ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST= an ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT %essa!e with cause F 9& DIn(alid %andatory infor%ationD shall $e returned.

8.8 U'5'o%' a'd *'6oresee' ).s i' t!e 'o'-i0"erati1e 0essa e "art
8.8.7 ).)s *'5'o%' i' t!e 0essa e
The 2S shall i!nore all I5s un0nown in a %essa!e which are not encoded as Dco%prehension re>uiredD ,see 3#// TS 24.<<*-. The networ0 shall ta0e the sa%e approach.

8.8.2 9*t o6 se3*e'&e ).s

The 2S shall i!nore all out of se>uence I5s in a %essa!e which are not encoded as Dco%prehension re>uiredD ,see 3#// TS 24.<<*-. The networ0 should ta0e the sa%e approach.

8.8.3 -e"eated ).s

If an infor%ation ele%ent with for%at T= T+= or T)+ is repeated in a %essa!e in which repetition of the infor%ation ele%ent is not specified in clause 9 of the present docu%ent= only the contents of the infor%ation ele%ent appearin! first shall $e handled and all su$se>uent repetitions of the infor%ation ele%ent shall $e i!nored. Bhen repetition of infor%ation ele%ents is specified= only the contents of specified repeated infor%ation ele%ents shall $e handled. If the li%it on repetition of infor%ation ele%ents is e?ceeded= the contents of infor%ation ele%ents appearin! first up to the li%it of repetitions shall $e handled and all su$se>uent repetitions of the infor%ation ele%ent shall $e i!nored.


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The networ0 should follow the sa%e procedures.

8.; 4o'-i0"erati1e 0essa e "art errors

This cate!ory includesE 6 6 syntactically incorrect optional I5sL conditional I5 errors.

8.;.7 Sy'ta&ti&ally i'&orre&t o"tio'al ).s

The 2S shall treat all optional I5s that are syntactically incorrect in a %essa!e as not present in the %essa!e. The networ0 shall ta0e the sa%e approach.

8.;.2 Co'ditio'al ). errors

Bhen the 2S upon receipt of an 11= 22 or CC %essa!e dia!noses a D%issin! conditional I5D error or an Dune?pected conditional I5D error or when it recei(es an 11= 22 or CC %essa!e containin! at least one syntactically incorrect conditional I5= it shall i!nore the %essa!e e?cept for the fact that= if an 11 connection e?ists= it shall return a status %essa!e ,STAT S= or 22 STAT S dependin! on the /4- with cause (alue F 1<< Dconditional I5 errorD. Bhen the 2S upon receipt of a #22 or S2 %essa!e dia!noses a D%issin! conditional I5D error or an Dune?pected conditional I5D error or when it recei(es a #22 or S2 %essa!e containin! at least one syntactically incorrect conditional I5= it shall i!nore the %essa!e and it shall return a status %essa!e ,#22 STAT S or S2 STAT S dependin! on the /4- with cause (alue F 1<< Dconditional I5 errorD. Bhen the networ0 recei(es a %essa!e and dia!nose a D%issin! conditional I5D error or an Dune?pected conditional I5D error or when it recei(es a %essa!e containin! at least one syntactically incorrect conditional I5= the networ0 shall either 6 6 try to treat the %essa!e ,the e?act further actions are i%ple%entation dependent-= or i!nore the %essa!e e?cept that it should return a status %essa!e ,STAT S= 22 STAT S= #22 STAT S or S2 STAT S dependin! on the protocol discri%inator- with cause F 1<< Dconditional I5 errorD.

8.8 Messa es %it! se0a'ti&ally i'&orre&t &o'te'ts

Bhen a %essa!e with se%antically incorrect contents is recei(ed= the foreseen reactions of the procedural part of 3#// TS 24.<<3 ,i.e. of clauses 3= 4= 5- are perfor%ed. If howe(er no such reactions are specified= the 2S shall i!nore the %essa!e e?cept for the fact that= if an 11 connection e?ists= it returns a status %essa!e ,STAT S= or 22 STAT S dependin! on the /4- with cause (alue F 95 Dse%antically incorrect %essa!eD. The networ0 should follow the sa%e procedure e?cept that a status %essa!e is not nor%ally trans%itted. Se%antic chec0in! of the Facility infor%ation ele%ent (alue part ,defined in 3#// TS 24.<3< N24O- is the su$Cect of the technical specifications 3#// TS 24.<1< N21O and the 3#// TS <4.3? series.

Messa e 6*'&tio'al de6i'itio's a'd &o'te'ts

This clause defines the structure of the %essa!es of those layer 3 protocols defined in 3#// TS 24.<<3. These are standard )3 %essa!es as defined in 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O. 5ach definition !i(en in the present clause includesE a- a $rief description of the %essa!e direction and use= includin! whether the %essa!e hasE 1. )ocal si!nificance= i.e. rele(ant only on the ori!inatin! or ter%inatin! accessL


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2. Access si!nificance= i.e. rele(ant in the ori!inatin! and ter%inatin! access= $ut not in the networ0L 3. 4ual si!nificance= i.e. rele(ant in either the ori!inatin! or ter%inatin! access and in the networ0L or 4. #lo$al si!nificance= i.e. rele(ant in the ori!inatin! and ter%inatin! access and in the networ0. $- a ta$le listin! the infor%ation ele%ents 0nown in the %essa!e and their order of their appearance in the %essa!e. In %essa!es for circuit6switched call control also a shi0t infor%ation ele%ent shall $e considered as 0nown e(en if not included in the ta$le. All infor%ation ele%ents that %ay $e repeated are e?plicitly indicated. (+ and )+ for%atted I5s= which co%pose the i%perati(e part of the %essa!e= occur $efore T= T+= and T)+ for%atted I5s which co%pose the non6i%perati(e part of the %essa!e= cf. 3#// TS 24.<<*.- In a ,%a?i%al- se>uence of consecuti(e infor%ation ele%ents with half octet len!th= the first infor%ation ele%ent with half octet len!th occupies $its 1 to 4 of octet 8= the second $its 5 to 3 of octet 8= the third $its 1 to 4 of octet 8M1 etc. Such a se>uence always has an e(en nu%$er of ele%ents. For each infor%ation ele%ent the ta$le indicatesE 1. the infor%ation ele%ent identifier= in he?adeci%al notation= if the I5 has for%at T= T+= or T)+. sually= there is a default I5I for an infor%ation ele%ent typeL default I5Is of different I5 types of the sa%e protocol are different. If the I5I has half octet len!th= it is specified $y a notation representin! the I5I as a he?adeci%al di!it followed $y a D6D ,e?a%pleE .6-. 8'T5 The sa%e I5I %ay $e used for different infor%ation ele%ent types in different %essa!es of the sa%e protocol.2.

2. the na%e of the infor%ation ele%ent ,which %ay !i(e an idea of the se%antics of the ele%ent-. The na%e of the infor%ation ele%ent ,usually written in italics- followed $y DI5D or Dinfor%ation ele%entD is used in 3#// TS 24.<<3 as reference to the infor%ation ele%ent within a %essa!e. 3. the na%e of the type of the infor%ation ele%ent ,which indicates the codin! of the (alue part of the I5-= and !enerally= the referenced su$clause of clause 1< of 3#// TS 24.<<3 descri$in! the (alue part of the infor%ation ele%ent. 4. the presence re>uire%ent indication ,2= C= or '- for the I5 as defined in 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O. 5. The for%at of the infor%ation ele%ent ,T= += T+= )+= T)+- as defined in 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O. &. The len!th of the infor%ation ele%ent ,or per%issi$le ran!e of len!ths-= in octets= in the %essa!e= where DYD %eans that the %a?i%u% len!th of the I5 is only constrained $y lin0 layer protocol= and in the case of the Facility I5 $y possi$le further conditions specified in 3#// TS 24.<1< N21O. This indication is non6 nor%ati(e. c.- su$clauses specifyin!= where appropriate= conditions for I5s with presence re>uire%ent C or ' in the rele(ant %essa!e which to!ether with other conditions specified in 3#// TS 24.<<3 define when the infor%ation ele%ents shall $e included or not= what non6presence of such I5s %eans= and 6 for I5s with presence re>uire%ent C 6 the static conditions for presence and"or non6presence of the I5s ,see 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O-.

A.7 Messa es 6or -adio -eso*r&es 0a'a e0e't

See 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O.

A.2 Messa es 6or 0o2ility 0a'a e0e't

Ta$le 9.2.1"3#// TS 24.<<3 su%%ariHes the %essa!es for %o$ility %ana!e%ent.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*(*133GPP TS ()*++,4 Messa es for 7obility 7ana e7ent

"e istration 7essa es4 )MS) D.T,C? )4D)C,T)94 :9C,T)94 U<D,T)4G ,CC.<T :9C,T)94 U<D,T)4G -.@.CT :9C,T)94 U<D,T)4G -.EU.ST Security 7essa es4 ,UT?.4T)C,T)94 -.@.CT ,UT?.4T)C,T)94 -.EU.ST ,UT?.4T)C,T)94 -.S<94S. )D.4T)TI -.EU.ST )D.4T)TI -.S<94S. TMS) -.,::9C,T)94 C9MM,4D TMS) -.,::9C,T)94 C9M<:.T. Connection 7ana e7ent 7essa es4 CM S.-V)C. ,CC.<T CM S.-V)C. -.@.CT CM S.-V)C. ,+9-T CM S.-V)C. -.EU.ST CM -.-.ST,+:)S?M.4T -.EU.ST ,+9-T Miscellaneous 7essa e4 MM )4(9-M,T)94 MM ST,TUS MM 4U:: "eference A.2.72 A.2.73 A.2.74 A.2.75 "eference A.2.7 A.2.2 A.2.3 A.2.70 A.2.77 A.2.7; A.2.78 "eference A.2.5 A.2.8 A.2.; A.2.A A.2.4 A.2.8 "eference A.2.75a A.2.78 A.2.7A

A.2.7 ,*t!e'ti&atio' re>e&t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to indicate that authentication has failed ,and that the recei(in! %o$ile station shall a$ort all acti(ities-. See ta$le 9.2.2"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE A T;58TICATI'8 15Q5CT dual networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*(*(33GPP TS ()*++,4 8<TBCNT9C8T95N "CDCCT 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator ,*t!e'ti&atio' -e>e&t 0essa e ty"e Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7


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A.2.2 ,*t!e'ti&atio' re3*est

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to initiate authentication of the %o$ile station identity. See ta$le 9.2.3"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST dual networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*(*333GPP TS ()*++,4 8<TBCNT9C8T95N "CE<CST 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator ,*t!e'ti&atio' -e3*est 0essa e ty"e Ci"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er S"are !al6 o&tet ,*t!e'ti&atio' "ara0eter -,4D (UMTS &!alle' e or GSM &!alle' e) ,*t!e'ti&atio' <ara0eter ,UT4 Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Ci"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er S"are !al6 o&tet ,*t!. "ara0eter -,4D ,*t!. "ara0eter ,UT4 Presence M M M M M M 9 2or7at V V V V V V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7$2 7$2 78 78



,*t!e'ti&atio' <ara0eter ,UT4

This I5 shall $e present if and only if the authentication challen!e is a 2TS authentication challen!e.The presence or a$sence of this I5 defines6 in the case of its a$sence6 a #S2 authentication challen!e or6 in the case of its presence6 a 2TS authentication challen!e. The 2S shall i!nore the I5 if it does not support 2TS authentication al!orith%. In 2TS= the 2S shall reCect the A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e as specified in su$clause if this I5 is not present and the 2S supports 2TS authentication al!orith%.

A.2.3 ,*t!e'ti&atio' res"o'se

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 to deli(er a calculated response to the networ0. See ta$le 9.2.4"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE A T;58TICATI'8 15S/'8S5 dual %o$ile station to networ0


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*(*)33GPP TS ()*++,4 8<TBCNT9C8T95N "CSP5NSC 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator ,*t!e'ti&atio' -es"o'se 0essa e ty"e ,*t!e'ti&atio' -es"o'se "ara0eter ,*t!e'ti&atio' -es"o'se <ara0eter (eFte'sio') Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 ,*t!. -es"o'se "ara0eter ,*t!. -es"o'se "ara0eter Presence M M M M 9 2or7at V V V V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 4 3-74



,*t!e'ti&atio' -es"o'se <ara0eter

This I5 contains the S15S= if it was a #S2 authentication challen!e= or the 15S ,all or Cust the 4 %ost si!nificant octets of- if it was a 2TS authentication challen!e ,see also su$clause

A.2.3.2 ,*t!e'ti&atio' -es"o'se <ara0eter (eFte'sio')

This I5 shall $e included if and only if the authentication challen!e was a 2TS authentication challen!e and the 15S para%eter is !reater than 4 octets in len!th. It shall contain the least si!nificant re%ainin! $its of the 15S ,the four %ost si!nificant octets shall $e sent in the Authentication 1esponse /ara%eter I5 ,see su$clause I5 shall not $e included if 2S does not support 2TS authentication al!orith%.

A.2.3a ,*t!e'ti&atio' (ail*re

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 to indicate that authentication of the networ0 has failed. See ta$le 9.2.4a"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE A T;58TICATI'8 FAI) 15 dual %o$ile station to networ0 Table 0*(*)a33GPP TS ()*++,4 8<TBCNT9C8T95N 289L<"C 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator ,*t!e'ti&atio' (ail*re Messa e ty"e -e>e&t Ca*se 22 ,*t!e'ti&atio' (ail*re "ara0eter Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 -e>e&t Ca*se ,*t!e'ti&atio' (ail*re "ara0eter Presence M M M M 9 2or7at V V V V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7 78


,*t!e'ti&atio' (ail*re "ara0eter

This I5 shall $e sent if and only if the reCect cause was DSynch failureD. It shall include the response to the authentication challen!e fro% the SI2= which is %ade up of the A TS para%eter ,see 3#// TS 33.1<2-.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

A.2.4 CM -e-esta2lis!0e't re3*est

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 to re>uest re6esta$lish%ent of a connection if the pre(ious one has failed. See ta$le 9.2.5"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE C2 1565STA.)IS;258T 15: 5ST dual %o$ile station to networ0

Table 0*(*#33GPP TS ()*++,4 CM "C'CST8=L9SBMCNT "CE<CST 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator CM -e-.sta2lis!0e't -e3*est 0essa e ty"e Ci"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er S"are !al6 o&tet Mo2ile statio' &lass0ar5 Mo2ile ide'tity 73 :o&atio' area ide'ti6i&atio' Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Ci"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er S"are !al6 o&tet Mo2ile statio' &lass0ar5 2 Mo2ile ide'tity :o&atio' area ide'ti6i&atio' Presence M M M M M M M C 2or7at V V V V V :V :V TV Len th N N 7 N N 4 2-A 8


:o&atio' area ide'ti6i&atio'

The location area identi0ication infor%ation ele%ent shall appear when a T2SI is used as %o$ile identity= to render that %o$ile identity non6a%$i!uous. This is the )AI stored in the SI2.


Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5

This I5 shall include for %ulti$and %o$ile station the Class%ar0 2 correspondin! to the fre>uency $and in use.

A.2.5 CM ser1i&e a&&e"t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to indicate that the re>uested ser(ice has $een accepted. See ta$le 9.2.&"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE C2 S51+IC5 ACC5/T dual networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*(*.33GPP TS ()*++,4 CM SC"-9CC 8CCCPT 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator CM Ser1i&e ,&&e"t 0essa e ty"e Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 3GPP Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7

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A.2.5a CM ser1i&e "ro0"t /(CC+S)/

A %o$ile station that does not support the D8etwor0 initiated 2' callD option shall treat this %essa!e as a %essa!e with %essa!e type not defined for the /4. This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to re>uest the %o$ile to esta$lish a ser(ice for the specified C2 protocol usin! the specified SA/I= e.!. circuit switched connection esta$lish%ent on SA/I <= supple%entary ser(ices acti(ation on SA/I <= or short %essa!e transfer on SA/I 3. See Ta$le 9.2.*"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE C2 S51+IC5 /1'2/T dual networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*(*/33GPP TS ()*++,4 CM SC"-9CC P"5MPT 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator CM Ser1i&e <ro0"t 0essa e ty"e <D a'd S,<) o6 CM Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 <D a'd S,<) Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7

A.2.8 CM ser1i&e re>e&t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to indicate that the re>uested ser(ice cannot $e pro(ided. See ta$le 9.2.3"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE C2 S51+IC5 15Q5CT dual networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*(*,33GPP TS ()*++,4 CM SC"-9CC "CDCCT 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator CM Ser1i&e -e>e&t 0essa e ty"e -e>e&t &a*se Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 -e>e&t &a*se Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7

A.2.; CM ser1i&e a2ort

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 to re>uest the a$ortion of the first 22 connection esta$lish%ent in pro!ress and the release of the 11 connection. See ta$le 9.2.9"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE C2 S51+IC5 A.'1T dual %o$ile station to networ0

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*(*033GPP TS ()*++,4 CM SC"-9CC 8=5"T 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator CM Ser1i&e ,2ort 0essa e ty"e Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7

A.2.8 ,2ort
This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to initiate the a$ortion of all 22 connections and to indicate the reason for the a$ortion. See ta$le 9.2.1<"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE A.'1T dual networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*(*1+33GPP TS ()*++,4 8=5"T 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator ,2ort 0essa e ty"e -e>e&t &a*se Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 -e>e&t &a*se Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7

A.2.A CM ser1i&e re3*est

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 to re>uest a ser(ice for the connection %ana!e%ent su$layer entities= e.!. circuit switched connection esta$lish%ent= supple%entary ser(ices acti(ation= short %essa!e transfer= location ser(ices. See ta$le 9.2.11"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST dual %o$ile station to networ0


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*(*1133GPP TS ()*++,4 CM SC"-9CC "CE<CST 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator CM Ser1i&e -e3*est 0essa e ty"e CM ser1i&e ty"e Ci"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er Mo2ile statio' &lass0ar5 Mo2ile ide'tity 8<riority Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 CM ser1i&e ty"e Ci"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er Mo2ile statio' &lass0ar5 2 Mo2ile ide'tity <riority :e1el Presence M M M M M M M 9 2or7at V V V V V :V :V TV Len th N N 7 N N 4 2-A 7


Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5

This I5 shall include for %ulti$and %o$ile station the Class%ar0 2 correspondin! to the fre>uency $and in use.



2ay $e included $y %o$ile station supportin! e2)// to indicate the priority re>uested. This infor%ation ele%ent is only %eanin!ful when the C2 ser(ice type isE 2o$ile ori!inatin! call esta$lish%entL 5%er!ency call esta$lish%entL +oice !roup call esta$lish%entL +oice $roadcast call esta$lish%ent.

A.2.70 )de'tity re3*est

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to re>uest a %o$ile station to su$%it the specified identity to the networ0. See ta$le 9.2.12"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE I458TITA 15: 5ST dual networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*(*1(33GPP TS ()*++,4 9&CNT9TF "CE<CST 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator )de'tity -e3*est 0essa e ty"e )de'tity ty"e S"are !al6 o&tet Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 )de'tity ty"e S"are !al6 o&tet 3GPP Presence M M M M M 2or7at V V V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7$2 7$2

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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

A.2.77 )de'tity res"o'se

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 in response to an I458TITA 15: 5ST %essa!e pro(idin! the re>uested identity. See ta$le 9.2.13"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE I458TITA 15S/'8S5 dual %o$ile station to networ0 Table 0*(*1333GPP TS ()*++,4 9&CNT9TF "CSP5NSC 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator )de'tity -es"o'se 0essa e ty"e Mo2ile ide'tity Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Mo2ile ide'tity Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V :V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 2-70

A.2.72 )MS) deta&! i'di&atio'

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 to set a deacti(ation indication in the networ0. See ta$le 9.2.14"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE I2SI 45TAC; I84ICATI'8 dual %o$ile station to networ0 Table 0*(*1)33GPP TS ()*++,4 9MS9 &CT8CB 9N&9C8T95N 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator )MS) Deta&! )'di&atio' 0essa e ty"e Mo2ile statio' &lass0ar5 Mo2ile ide'tity Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Mo2ile statio' &lass0ar5 7 Mo2ile ide'tity Presence M M M M M 2or7at V V V V :V Len th 1"2 7$2 7 7 2-A


Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5

This I5 shall include for %ulti$and %o$ile station the Class%ar0 1 correspondin! to the fre>uency $and in use.

A.2.73 :o&atio' *"dati' a&&e"t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to indicate that updatin! or I2SI attach in the networ0 has $een co%pleted. See ta$le 9.2.15"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# ACC5/T

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Si!nificanceE 4irectionE

dual networ0 to %o$ile station

Table 0*(*1#33GPP TS ()*++,4 L5C8T95N <P&8T9NG 8CCCPT 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator :o&atio' U"dati' ,&&e"t 0essa e ty"e :o&atio' area ide'ti6i&atio' 7; ,7 ,2 4, Mo2ile ide'tity (ollo% o' "ro&eed CTS "er0issio' .3*i1ale't <:M4s Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 :o&atio' area ide'ti6i&atio' Mo2ile ide'tity (ollo% o' "ro&eed 70.5.3.; CTS "er0issio' <:M4 list Presence M M M M 9 9 9 9 2or7at V V V V T:V T T T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 5 3-70 7 7 5-7;


(ollo% o' "ro&eed

The 0ollo3 on proceed infor%ation ele%ent appears if the networ0 wishes to indicate that the %o$ile station %ay atte%pt an 22 connection esta$lish%ent usin! the sa%e 11 connection.


CTS "er0issio'

The CTS permission infor%ation ele%ent appears if the networ0 wishes to allow the %o$ile station to use #S26 Cordless Telephony Syste% in the )ocation Area.


.3*i1ale't <:M4s

The E5ui4alent ")M s infor%ation ele%ent is included if the networ0 wants to infor% the %o$ile station of e>ui(alent /)28s.

A.2.74 :o&atio' *"dati' re>e&t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to indicate that updatin! or I2SI attach has failed. See ta$le 9.2.1&"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15Q5CT dual networ0 to %o$ile station

Table 0*(*1.33GPP TS ()*++,4 L5C8T95N <P&8T9NG "CDCCT 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator :o&atio' U"dati' -e>e&t 0essa e ty"e -e>e&t &a*se Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 -e>e&t &a*se Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

A.2.75 :o&atio' *"dati' re3*est

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 either to re>uest update of its location file ,nor%al updatin! or periodic updatin!- or to re>uest I2SI attach. See ta$le 9.2.1*"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15: 5ST dual %o$ile station to networ0

Table 0*(*1/33GPP TS ()*++,4 L5C8T95N <P&8T9NG "CE<CST 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator :o&atio' U"dati' -e3*est 0essa e ty"e :o&atio' *"dati' ty"e Ci"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er :o&atio' area ide'ti6i&atio' Mo2ile statio' &lass0ar5 Mo2ile ide'tity 33 Mo2ile statio' &lass0ar5 6or UMTS Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 :o&atio' *"dati' ty"e Ci"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er :o&atio' area ide'ti6i&atio' Mo2ile statio' &lass0ar5 7 Mo2ile ide'tity Mo2ile statio' &lass0ar5 2 Presence M M M M M M M M 9 2or7at V V V V V V V :V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7$2 7$2 5 7 2-A 5


:o&atio' area ide'ti6i&atio'

The location area identification stored in the SI2 is used.


Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5

This I5 shall include for %ulti$and 2S the Class%ar0 1 correspondin! to the fre>uency $and in use.


Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5 6or UMTS

This I5 shall $e included when the %o$ile station is in 2TS networ0. The I5 shall not $e included when the %o$ile station is in #S2 networ0.

A.2.75a MM i'6or0atio'
This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to pro(ide the %o$ile station with su$scri$er specific infor%ation. See ta$le 9.2.13"3#// TS 24.<<3.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE

22 I8F'12ATI'8 dual networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*(*1,33GPP TS ()*++, MM 9N25"M8T95N 7essa e content


9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator MM )'6or0atio' 0essa e ty"e (*ll 'a0e 6or 'et%or5 S!ort 'a0e 6or 'et%or5 :o&al ti0e Po'e U'i1ersal ti0e a'd lo&al ti0e Po'e :S, )de'tity 4et%or5 Dayli !t Sa1i' Ti0e

43 45 48 4; 48 4A

Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 4et%or5 4a0e 4et%or5 4a0e Ti0e Qo'e Ti0e Qo'e a'd Ti0e 70.5.3.A :S, )de'ti6ier Dayli !t Sa1i' Ti0e

Presence M M M 9 9 9 9 9 9

2or7at V V V T:V T:V TV TV T:V T:V

Len th 7$2 7$2 7 3-O 3-O 2 8 2-5 3


(*ll 'a0e 6or 'et%or5

This I5 %ay $e sent $y the networ0. If this I5 is sent= the contents of this I5 indicate the Dfull len!th na%e of the networ0D that the networ0 wishes the %o$ile station to associate with the 2CC and 28C contained in the )ocation Area Identification of the cell to which the %o$ile station sent its Channel 1e>uest %essa!e.


S!ort 'a0e 6or 'et%or5

This I5 %ay $e sent $y the networ0. If this I5 is sent= the contents of this I5 indicate the Da$$re(iated na%e of the networ0D that the networ0 wishes the %o$ile station to associate with the 2CC and 28C contained in the )ocation Area Identification of the cell to which the %o$ile station sent its Channel 1e>uest %essa!e.


:o&al ti0e Po'e

This I5 %ay $e sent $y the networ0. The %o$ile station should assu%e that this ti%e Hone applies to the )ocation Area of the cell to which the Channel 1e>uest %essa!e was sent. If the local ti%e Hone has $een adCusted for 4ayli!ht Sa(in! Ti%e= the networ0 shall indicate this $y includin! the I5 8etwor0 4ayli!ht Sa(in! Ti%e.


U'i1ersal ti0e a'd lo&al ti0e Po'e

This I5 %ay $e sent $y the networ0. The %o$ile station should assu%e that this ti%e Hone applies to the )ocation Area of the cell to which the Channel 1e>uest %essa!e was sent. The %o$ile station shall not assu%e that the ti%e infor%ation is accurate. If the local ti%e Hone has $een adCusted for 4ayli!ht Sa(in! Ti%e= the networ0 shall indicate this $y includin! the I5 8etwor0 4ayli!ht Sa(in! Ti%e.


:S, )de'tity

This I5 %ay $e sent $y the networ0. The contents of this I5 indicate the )SA identity of the ser(in! cell.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


4et%or5 Dayli !t Sa1i' Ti0e

This I5 %ay $e sent $y the networ0. If this I5 is sent= the contents of this I5 indicates the (alue that has $een used to adCust the local ti%e Hone.

A.2.78 MM Stat*s
This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station or the networ0 at any ti%e to report certain error conditions listed in clause 3. See ta$le 9.2.19"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 22 STAT S local $oth Table 0*(*1033GPP TS ()*++,4 MM ST8T<S 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator MM Stat*s 0essa e ty"e -e>e&t &a*se Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 -e>e&t &a*se Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7

A.2.7; TMS) reallo&atio' &o00a'd

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to reallocate or delete a T2SI. See ta$le 9.2.2<"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'22A84 dual networ0 to %o$ile station

Table 0*(*(+33GPP TS ()*++,4 TMS9 "C8LL5C8T95N C5MM8N& 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator TMS) -eallo&atio' Co00a'd 0essa e ty"e :o&atio' area ide'ti6i&atio' Mo2ile ide'tity Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 :o&atio' area ide'ti6i&atio' Mo2ile ide'tity Presence M M M M M 2or7at V V V V :V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 5 2-A


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

A.2.78 TMS) reallo&atio' &o0"lete

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 to indicate that reallocation or deletion of a T2SI has ta0en place. See ta$le 9.2.21"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'2/)5T5 dual %o$ile station to networ0

Table 0*(*(133GPP TS ()*++,4 TMS9 "C8LL5C8T95N C5MPLCTC 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator TMS) -eallo&atio' Co0"lete 0essa e ty"e Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7

A.2.7A MM 4*ll
This %essa!e is sent in %o$ile to networ0 direction. This %essa!e is not used on the radio interface. Bhen recei(ed $y the networ0 it shall $e i!nored. The introduction of this %essa!e sol(es interwor0in! issues. 2essa!e typeE 22 8 )) Table 0*(*((33GPP TS ()*++, MM N<LL 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator MM 4*ll 0essa e ty"e Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 1"2 7$2 7


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

A.3 Messa es 6or &ir&*it-s%it&!ed &all &o'trol

Ta$le 9.54"3#// TS 24.<<3 su%%ariHes the %essa!es for circuit6switched call control. Table 0*#)33GPP TS ()*++,4 Messa es for circuit'7ode connections call control*
Call establish7ent 7essa es4 ,:.-T)4G C,:: C94()-M.D 7) C,:: <-9C..D)4G C944.CT C944.CT ,CB49W:.DG. .M.-G.4CI S.TU< 7) <-9G-.SS S.TU< Call infor7ation phase 7essa es4 M9D)(I 7) M9D)(I C9M<:.T. 7) M9D)(I -.@.CT 7) US.- )4(9-M,T)94 Call clearin 7essa es4 D)SC944.CT -.:.,S. -.:.,S. C9M<:.T. Messa es for supple7entary ser6ice control (,C):)TI ?9:D 7) ?9:D ,CB49W:.DG. 7) ?9:D -.@.CT 7) -.T-).V. 7) -.T-).V. ,CB49W:.DG. 7) -.T-).V. -.@.CT 7) Miscellaneous 7essa es C94G.ST)94 C94T-9: 49T)(I ST,-T DTM( 7) ST,-T DTM( ,CB49W:.DG. 7) ST,-T DTM( -.@.CT 7) ST,TUS ST,TUS .4EU)-I ST9< DTM( 7) ST9< DTM( ,CB49W:.DG. 7) "eference A.3.7 A.3.2 A.3.3 A.3.5 A.3.8 A.3.8 A.3.7; A.3.23 "eference A.3.73 A.3.74 A.3.75 A.3.37 "eference A.3.; A.3.78 A.3.7A "eference A.3.A A.3.70 A.3.77 A.3.72 A.3.20 A.3.27 A.3.22 "eference A.3.4 A.3.78 A.3.24 A.3.25 A.3.28 A.3.2; A.3.28 A.3.2A A.3.30


8ot supported $y .lue .oo0 IT 6T 1ec. :.931.

A.3.7 ,lerti'
A.3.7.7 ,lerti' ('et%or5 to 0o2ile statio' dire&tio')

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the callin! %o$ile station to indicate that the called user alertin! has $een initiated. See ta$le 9.55"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE A)51TI8# !lo$al networ0 to %o$ile station


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*##33GPP TS ()*++,4 8LC"T9NG 7essa e content !network to 7obile station direction$
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier ,lerti' 0essa e ty"e (a&ility <ro ress i'di&ator User-*ser Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 (a&ility <ro ress i'di&ator User-*ser Presence M M M 9 9 9 2or7at V V V T:V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 2-O 4 3-737

7C 7. ;.



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e used for functional operation of supple%entary ser(ices.


<ro ress i'di&ator

This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included $y the networ0E 6 6 in order to pass infor%ation a$out the call in pro!ress= e.!.= in the e(ent of interwor0in!L and"or to %a0e the %o$ile station attach the user connection for speech.



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included $y the networ0 if the called re%ote user included a user-user infor%ation ele%ent in the A)51TI8# %essa!e.


,lerti' (0o2ile statio' to 'et%or5 dire&tio')

This %essa!e is sent $y the called %o$ile station to the networ0= to indicate that the called user alertin! has $een initiated. See ta$le 9.55a"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE A)51TI8# !lo$al %o$ile station to networ0

Table 0*##a33GPP TS ()*++,4 8LC"T9NG 7essa e content !7obile station to network direction$
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier ,lerti' 0essa e ty"e (a&ility User-*ser SS 1ersio' Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 (a&ility User-*ser SS 1ersio' i'di&ator Presence M M M 9 9 9 2or7at V V V T:V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 2-O 3-737 2-3

7C ;. ;(


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e used for functional operation of supple%entary ser(ices.



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included when the called %o$ile station wants to return infor%ation to the callin! re%ote user.


SS 1ersio'

This infor%ation ele%ent shall not $e included if the 0acility infor%ation ele%ent is not present in this %essa!e. This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included or e?cluded as defined in 3#// TS 24.<1<. This infor%ation ele%ent should not $e trans%itted unless e?plicitly re>uired $y 3#// TS 24.<1<.

A.3.2 Call &o'6ir0ed

This %essa!e is sent $y the called %o$ile station to confir% an inco%in! call re>uest. See ta$le 9.5&"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE CA)) C'8FI1254 local %o$ile station to networ0 Table 0*#.33GPP TS ()*++,4 C8LL C5N29"MC& 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Call &o'6ir0ed 0essa e ty"e -e"eat )'di&ator +earer &a"a2ility 7 +earer &a"a2ility 2 Ca*se CC Ca"a2ilities Strea0 )de'ti6ier S*""orted Code&s Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 -e"eat )'di&ator +earer &a"a2ility +earer &a"a2ility Ca*se Call Co'trol Ca"a2ilities Strea0 )de'ti6ier S*""orted Code& :ist Presence M M M C 9 9 9 9 9 9 2or7at V V V TV T:V T:V T:V T:V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7 3-78 3-78 4-32 3 3 5-'

D04 04 08 75 2D 40


-e"eat i'di&ator

The repeat indicator infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included if bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent and bearer capability 2 I5 are $oth included in the %essa!e.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


+earer &a"a2ility 7 a'd 2earer &a"a2ility 2

The bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included if and only if at least one of the followin! si? cases holdsE 6 6 6 the %o$ile station wishes another $earer capa$ility than that !i(en $y the bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent of the inco%in! S5T / %essa!eL the bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent is %issin! or not fully specified in the S5T / %essa!eL the bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent recei(ed in the S5T / %essa!e is accepted and the Dradio channel re>uire%entD of the %o$ile station is other than Dfull rate support only %o$ile stationDL the bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent recei(ed in the S5T / %essa!e indicates speech and is accepted and the %o$ile station supports CT2 te?t telephonyL the bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent recei(ed in the S5T / %essa!e indicates speech and is accepted and the %o$ile station supports other speech (ersions than #S2 (ersion 1L 5?cept in the case of 2TS speech where ,if no Supported Codec )ist I5 is included- 2TS A21 speech (ersion shall $e assu%ed. the bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent recei(ed in the S5T / %essa!e included the Dfi?ed networ0 user rateD para%eter.

Bhen the bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent is followed $y the bearer capability 2 I5 in the S5T /= the a$o(e rules apply to $oth bearer capability 1 I5 and $earer capa$ility 2 I5. 5?cept those cases identified in 3#// TS 2*.<<1= if either bearer capability needs to $e included= $oth shall $e included. Further%ore= $oth bearer capability infor%ation ele%ents %ay $e present if the %o$ile station wishes to re(erse the order of occurrence of the bearer capability infor%ation ele%ents ,which is referred to in the repeat indicator infor%ation ele%ent= see su$clause 1<.5.4.22- in cases identified in 3#// TS 2*.<<1 N3&O. If the %o$ile station wishes to indicate capa$ility for an alternati(e call %ode= which can $e entered durin! the call throu!h in6call %odification= this is indicated $y addin! a bearer capability in0ormation ele%ent ,$earer capa$ility- 2 ele%ent ,see su$clause 5.3.&-.



This infor%ation ele%ent is included if the %o$ile station is co%pati$le $ut the user is $usy.


CC Ca"a2ilities

This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included $y the %o$ile station to indicate its call control capa$ilities.


Strea0 )de'ti6ier

This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included $y the %o$ile station supportin! %ulticall.


S*""orted Code&s

This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included $y the 25 for 2TS speech calls for a 25 which supports 2TS codecs different fro% the 2TS A21 codec. For speech calls a 25 which supports 2TS codecs different fro% the 2TS A21= shall include the list of supported codecs in Supported Codec )ist I5 ,see 1<.5.4.32-. If this infor%ation ele%ent is not included then the networ0 shall use #S2 speech (ersions recei(ed in (earer Capability for #S2 calls.

A.3.3 Call "ro&eedi'

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the callin! %o$ile station to indicate that the re>uested call esta$lish%ent infor%ation has $een recei(ed= and no %ore call esta$lish%ent infor%ation will $e accepted. See ta$le 9.5*"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE CA)) /1'C554I8#

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Si!nificanceE 4irectionE

local networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*#/33GPP TS ()*++,4 C8LL P"5CCC&9NG 7essa e content


9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Call "ro&eedi' 0essa e ty"e -e"eat )'di&ator +earer &a"a2ility 7 +earer &a"a2ility 2 (a&ility <ro ress i'di&ator <riority ra'ted 4et%or5 Call Co'trol Ca"a2ilities

D04 04 7C 7. 82(

Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 -e"eat )'di&ator +earer &a"a2ility +earer &a"a2ility (a&ility <ro ress i'di&ator <riority :e1el 4et%or5 Call Co'trol &a".

Presence M M M C 9 9 9 9 9 9

2or7at V V V TV T:V T:V T:V T:V TV T:V

Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7 3-78 3-78 2-O 4 7 3


-e"eat i'di&ator

This infor%ation ele%ent is included if and only if bearer capability 1 I5 and bearer capability 2 IE are $oth contained in the %essa!e.


+earer &a"a2ility 7 a'd 2earer &a"a2ility 2

The bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent is included if the networ0 has to specify at least one of the ne!otia$le para%eters descri$ed in 3#// TS 2*.<<1= or if the bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent recei(ed in the S5T / %essa!e included the Dfi?ed networ0 user rateD para%eter. Bhen the bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent is followed $y the bearer capability 2 I5 in the S5T /= the a$o(e rule applies to $oth bearer capability 1 I5 and bearer capability 2 I5. 5?cept those cases identified in 3#// TS 2*.<<1 N3&O= if either bearer capability needs to $e included= $oth shall $e included.



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e used for functional operation of supple%entary ser(ices.


<ro ress )'di&ator

This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e includedE 6 6 in order to pass infor%ation a$out the call in pro!ress e.!. in the e(ent of interwor0in!L and"or to %a0e the 2S attach the user connection for speech.


<riority ra'ted

The priority field is pro(ided $y the networ0 in the case that e2)// is supported.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


4et%or5 Call Co'trol Ca"a2ilities

This infor%ation shall $e included $y the networ0 to indicate its call control capa$ilities if the networ0 supports %ulticall.and there are no other on!oin! calls to the 2S.

A.3.4 Co' estio' &o'trol

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to indicate the esta$lish%ent or ter%ination of flow control on the trans%ission of S51 I8F'12ATI'8 %essa!es. See ta$le 9.53"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE C'8#5STI'8 C'8T1') local ,notenetwor0 to %o$ile station Table 0*#,33GPP TS ()*++,4 C5NGCST95N C5NT"5L 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Co' estio' &o'trol 0essa e ty"e Co' estio' le1el S"are !al6 o&tet 08 Ca*se Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Co' estio' le1el S"are !al6 o&tet Ca*se Presence M M M M M 9 2or7at V V V V V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7$2 7$2 4-32


This %essa!e has local si!nificance= $ut %ay carry infor%ation of !lo$al si!nificance.



This infor%ation ele%ent is included if the user to user infor%ation has $een discarded as a result of the con!estion situation.

A.3.5 Co''e&t
A.3.5.7 Co''e&t ('et%or5 to 0o2ile statio' dire&tio')

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the callin! %o$ile station to indicate call acceptance $y the called user. See ta$le 9.59"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE C'885CT !lo$al networ0 to %o$ile station


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*#033GPP TS ()*++,4 C5NNCCT 7essa e content!network to 7obile station direction$

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Co''e&t 0essa e ty"e (a&ility <ro ress i'di&ator Co''e&ted '*02er Co''e&ted s*2address User-*ser Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 (a&ility <ro ress i'di&ator Co''e&ted '*02er Co''e&ted s*2address User-*ser Presence M M M 9 9 9 9 9 2or7at V V V T:V T:V T:V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 2-O 4 3-74 2-23 3-737

7C 7. 4C 4D ;.



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e used for functional operation of supple%entary ser(ices.


<ro ress i'di&ator

This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included $y the networ0E 6 6 in order to pass infor%ation a$out the call in pro!ress e.!. in the e(ent of interwor0in!L and"or to %a0e the 2S attach the user connection for speech.



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included $y the networ0 if the re%ote user awarded the call included a user6 user infor%ation ele%ent in the C'885CT %essa!e.


Co''e&t (0o2ile statio' to 'et%or5 dire&tio')

This %essa!e is sent $y the called %o$ile station to the networ0 to indicate call acceptance $y the called user. See ta$le 9.59a"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE C'885CT !lo$al %o$ile station to networ0


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*#0a33GPP TS ()*++,4 C5NNCCT 7essa e content !7obile station to network direction$
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Co''e&t 0essa e ty"e (a&ility Co''e&ted s*2address User-*ser SS 1ersio' Strea0 )de'ti6ier Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 (a&ility Co''e&ted s*2address User-*ser SS 1ersio' i'di&ator Strea0 )de'ti6ier Presence M M M 9 9 9 9 9 2or7at V V V T:V T:V T:V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 2-O 2-23 3-737 2-3 3

7C 4D ;. ;( 2D



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e used for functional operation of supple%entary ser(ices.



This infor%ation ele%ent is included when the answerin! %o$ile station wants to return user infor%ation to the callin! re%ote user.


SS 1ersio'

This infor%ation ele%ent shall not $e included if the 0acility infor%ation ele%ent is not present in this %essa!e. This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included or e?cluded as defined in 3#// TS 24.<1<. This infor%ation ele%ent should not $e trans%itted unless e?plicitly re>uired $y 3#// TS 24.<1<.


Strea0 )de'ti6ier

This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included $y a %o$ile station that supports %ulticall when a %o$ile station has indicated D8o .earerD as the SI (alue in the CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e.

A.3.8 Co''e&t a&5'o%led e

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the called %o$ile station to indicate that the %o$ile station has $een awarded the call. It shall also $e sent $y the callin! %o$ile station to the networ0 to ac0nowled!e the offered connection. See ta$le 9.&<"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE C'885CT ACK8'B)54#5 local $oth


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*.+33GPP TS ()*++,4 C5NNCCT 8CGN5%LC&GC 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Co''e&t a&5'o%led e 0essa e ty"e Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7

A.3.; Dis&o''e&t
A.3.;.7 Dis&o''e&t ('et%or5 to 0o2ile statio' dire&tio')

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to indicate that the end6to6end connection is cleared. See ta$le 9.&1"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 4ISC'885CT !lo$al networ0 to %o$ile station

Table 0*.133GPP TS ()*++,4 &9SC5NNCCT 7essa e content !network to 7obile station direction$
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Dis&o''e&t 0essa e ty"e Ca*se 7C 7. ;. ;+ (a&ility <ro ress i'di&ator User-*ser ,llo%ed a&tio's /(CC+S)/ Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Ca*se (a&ility <ro ress i'di&ator User-*ser ,llo%ed a&tio's; Presence M M M M 9 9 9 9 2or7at V V V :V T:V T:V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 3-37 2-O 4 3-737 3



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e used for functional operation of supple%entary ser(ices= such as the user6user ser(ice.


<ro ress i'di&ator

This infor%ation ele%ent is included $y the networ0 to %a0e the 2S attach the user connection for speech and react in a specific way durin! call clearin! ,see su$clause 5.4.4-.



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included $y the networ0 when the re%ote user initiates call clearin! and included a user6user infor%ation ele%ent in the 4ISC'885CT %essa!e.


,llo%ed a&tio's /(CC+S)/

This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included $y the networ0 to infor% the 2S a$out further possi$le reactions.

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


Dis&o''e&t (0o2ile statio' to 'et%or5 dire&tio')

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to re>uest the networ0 to clear an end6to6end connection. See ta$le 9.&1a"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 4ISC'885CT !lo$al %o$ile station to networ0

Table 0*.1a33GPP TS ()*++,4 &9SC5NNCCT 7essa e content !7obile station to network direction$
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Dis&o''e&t 0essa e ty"e Ca*se 7C ;. ;( (a&ility User-*ser SS 1ersio' Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Ca*se (a&ility User-*ser SS 1ersio' i'di&ator Presence M M M M 9 9 9 2or7at V V V :V T:V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 3-37 2-O 3-737 2-3



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e used for functional operation of supple%entary ser(ices= such as the user6user ser(ice.



This infor%ation ele%ent is included when the %o$ile station initiates call clearin! and wants to pass user infor%ation to the re%ote user at call clearin! ti%e.


SS 1ersio'

This infor%ation ele%ent shall not $e included if the 0acility infor%ation ele%ent is not present in this %essa!e. This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included or e?cluded as defined in 3#// TS 24.<1< N21O. This infor%ation ele%ent should not $e trans%itted unless e?plicitly re>uired $y 3#// TS 24.<1< N21O.

A.3.8 .0er e'&y set*"

This %essa!e is sent fro% the %o$ile station to initiate e%er!ency call esta$lish%ent. See ta$le 9.&2"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 5251#58CA S5T / !lo$al %o$ile station to networ0


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*.(33GPP TS ()*++,4 CMC"GCNCF SCT<P 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier .0er e'&y set*" 0essa e ty"e +earer &a"a2ility Strea0 )de'ti6ier S*""orted Code&s Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 +earer &a"a2ility Strea0 )de'ti6ier S*""orted Code& :ist Presence M M M 9 9 9 2or7at V V V T:V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 3-77 3 5-'

04 2D 40


5%er!ency cate!ory

Ser(ice cate!ory 1<.5.4.33




+earer &a"a2ility

If the ele%ent is not included= the networ0 shall $y default assu%e speech and select full rate speech (ersion 1. If this infor%ation ele%ent is included= it shall indicate speech= the appropriate speech (ersion,s- and ha(e the appropriate (alue of radio channel re>uire%ent field. This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included $y an 25 supportin! CT2 te?t telephony. For 2TS speech if no Supported Codec )ist I5 is included then the networ0 shall assu%e default 2TS A21 ,see su$clause speech (ersion and deter%ine supported #S2 speech (ersions fro% (earer Capability I5. For #S2 speech if no Supported Codec )ist I5 is included then the networ0 shall use #S2 speech (ersions recei(ed in (earer Capability for #S2 calls.


Strea0 )de'ti6ier

This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included $y the %o$ile station supportin! %ulticall.


S*""orted Code&s

This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included $y the %o$ile station for 2TS speech calls for a 25 which supports 2TS codecs different fro% the 2TS A21 codec. If this infor%ation ele%ent is not included then the networ0 shall assu%e default 2TS A21 ,see su$clause speech codec. For speech calls a 25 which supports 2TS codecs different fro% the 2TS A21= shall include the list of supported codecs in Supported Codec )ist I5 ,see 1<.5.4.32-. If this infor%ation ele%ent is not included then the networ0 shall use #S2 speech (ersions recei(ed in (earer Capability for #S2 calls.


Ser1i&e &ate ory

If this infor%ation ele%ent is included= it shall indicate the selected e%er!ency call cate!ory. If the ele%ent is not included= the networ0 shall $y default assu%e a non6specific e%er!ency call.

A.3.A (a&ility
A.3.A.7 (a&ility ('et%or5 to 0o2ile statio' dire&tio')

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to re>uest or ac0nowled!e a supple%entary ser(ice. The supple%entary ser(ice to $e in(o0ed and its associated para%eters are specified in the facility infor%ation ele%ent.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

See ta$le 9.&2a"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE FACI)ITA local ,8'T5 1networ0 to %o$ile station

Table 0*.(a33GPP TS ()*++,4 28C9L9TF 7essa e content !network to 7obile station direction$
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier (a&ility 0essa e ty"e (a&ility ('ote 2) Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 (a&ility Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V :V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7-O

8'T5 1E This %essa!e has local si!nificanceL howe(er= it %ay carry infor%ation of !lo$al si!nificance. 8'T5 2E The 0acility infor%ation ele%ent has no upper len!th li%it e?cept that !i(en $y the %a?i%u% nu%$er of octets in a )3 %essa!e= see 3#// TS 44.<<& N19O.


(a&ility (0o2ile statio' to 'et%or5 dire&tio')

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 to re>uest or ac0nowled!e a supple%entary ser(ice. The supple%entary ser(ice to $e in(o0ed and its associated para%eters are specified in the facility infor%ation ele%ent. See ta$le 9.&2$"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE FACI)ITA local ,note 1%o$ile station to networ0

Table 0*.(b33GPP TS ()*++,4 28C9L9TF 7essa e content !7obile station to network direction$
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier (a&ility 0essa e ty"e (a&ility ('ote 2) ;( SS 1ersio' Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 (a&ility SS 1ersio' i'di&ator Presence M M M M 9 2or7at V V V :V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7-O 2-3

8'T5 1E This %essa!e has local si!nificanceL howe(er= it %ay carry infor%ation of !lo$al si!nificance. 8'T5 2E The 0acility infor%ation ele%ent has no upper len!th li%it e?cept that !i(en $y the %a?i%u% nu%$er of octets in a )3 %essa!e= see 3#// TS 44.<<&.


SS 1ersio'

This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included or e?cluded as defined in 3#// TS 24.<1< N21O. This infor%ation ele%ent should not $e trans%itted unless e?plicitly re>uired $y 3#// TS 24.<1< N21O.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

A.3.70 ?old
This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile user to re>uest the hold function for an e?istin! call. See ta$le 9.&2c"3#// TS 24.<<3 for the content of the ;')4 %essa!e. For the use of this %essa!e= see 3#// TS 24.<1<. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE ;')4 local %o$ile station to networ0 Table 0*.(c33GPP TS ()*++,4 B5L& 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier ?old 0essa e ty"e Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7

A.3.77 ?old ,&5'o%led e

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to indicate that the hold function has $een successfully perfor%ed. See ta$le 9.&2d"3#// TS 24.<<3 for the content of the ;')4 ACK8'B)54#5 %essa!e. For the use of this %essa!e= see 3#// TS 24.<1<. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE ;')4 ACK8'B)54#5 local networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*.(d33GPP TS ()*++,4 B5L& 8CGN5%LC&GC 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier ?old ,&5'o%led e 0essa e ty"e Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7

A.3.72 ?old -e>e&t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to indicate the denial of a re>uest to hold a call. See ta$le 9.&2e"3#// TS 24.<<3 for the content of the ;')4 15Q5CT %essa!e. For the use of this %essa!e= see 3#// TS 24.<1<. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE ;')4 15Q5CT local networ0 to %o$ile station


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*.(e33GPP TS ()*++,4 B5L& "CDCCT 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier ?old -e>e&t 0essa e ty"e Ca*se Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V :V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 3-37

A.3.73 Modi6y
This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 or $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to re>uest a chan!e in $earer capa$ility for a call. See ta$le 9.&3"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 2'4IFA !lo$al $oth Table 0*.333GPP TS ()*++,4 M5&92F 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Modi6y 0essa e ty"e +earer &a"a2ility ;C ;D ,3 ,4 :o% layer &o0". ?i ! layer &o0". -e1erse &all set*" dire&tio' )00ediate 0odi6i&atio' i'di&ator Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 +earer &a"a2ility :o% layer &o0". ?i ! layer &o0". -e1erse &all set*" dire&tio' )00ediate 0odi6i&atio' i'di&ator 70.5.4. 37 Presence M M M M 9 9 9 9 2or7at V V V :V T:V T:V T T Len th 7$2 7$2 7 2-75 2-78 2-5 7 7


:o% layer &o0"ati2ility

This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included if it was included in the initial S5T / %essa!e.


?i ! layer &o0"ati2ility

This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included if it was included in the initial S5T / %essa!e.


-e1erse &all set*" dire&tio'

This infor%ation ele%ent is included or o%itted in the %o$ile to networ0 direction accordin! to the rules defined in su$clause


)00ediate 0odi6i&atio' i'di&ator

This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included if and only if i%%ediate in6call %odification is re>uested.

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

A.3.74 Modi6y &o0"lete

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 or $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to indicate co%pletion of a re>uest to chan!e $earer capa$ility for a call. See ta$le 9.&4"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 2'4IFA C'2/)5T5 !lo$al $oth Table 0*.)33GPP TS ()*++,4 M5&92F C5MPLCTC 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Modi6y &o0"lete 0essa e ty"e +earer &a"a2ility ;C ;D ,3 :o% layer &o0". ?i ! layer &o0". -e1erse &all set*" dire&tio' Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 +earer &a"a2ility :o% layer &o0". ?i ! layer &o0". -e1erse &all set*" dire&tio' Presence M M M M 9 9 9 2or7at V V V :V T:V T:V T Len th 7$2 7$2 7 2-75 2-78 2-5 7


:o% layer &o0"ati2ility

This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included if it was included in the initial S5T / %essa!e.


?i ! layer &o0"ati2ility

This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included if it was included in the initial S5T / %essa!e.


-e1erse &all set*" dire&tio'

This infor%ation ele%ent is included or o%itted accordin! to the rules defined in su$clause

A.3.75 Modi6y re>e&t

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 or $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to indicate failure of a re>uest to chan!e the $earer capa$ility for a call. See ta$le 9.&5"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 2'4IFA 15Q5CT !lo$al $oth


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*.#33GPP TS ()*++,4 M5&92F "CDCCT 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Modi6y re>e&t 0essa e ty"e +earer &a"a2ility Ca*se ;C ;D :o% layer &o0". ?i ! layer &o0". Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 +earer &a"a2ility Ca*se :o% layer &o0". ?i ! layer &o0". Presence M M M M M 9 9 2or7at V V V :V :V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 2-75 3-37 2-78 2-5


:o% layer &o0"ati2ility

This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included if it was included in the initial S5T / %essa!e.


?i ! layer &o0"ati2ility

This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included if it was included in the initial S5T / %essa!e.

A.3.78 4oti6y
This %essa!e is sent either fro% the %o$ile station or fro% the networ0 to indicate infor%ation pertainin! to a call= such as user suspended. See ta$le 9.&&"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 8'TIFA access $oth Table 0*..33GPP TS ()*++,4 N5T92F 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 4oti6y 0essa e ty"e 4oti6i&atio' i'di&ator Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 4oti6i&atio' i'di&ator Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7

A.3.7; <ro ress

This %essa!e is sent fro% the networ0 to the %o$ile station to indicate the pro!ress of a call in the e(ent of interwor0in! or in connection with the pro(ision of in6$and infor%ation"patterns.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

See ta$le 9.&*"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE /1'#15SS !lo$al networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*./33GPP TS ()*++,4 P"5G"CSS 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier <ro ress 0essa e ty"e <ro ress i'di&ator ;. User-*ser Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 <ro ress i'di&ator User-*ser Presence M M M M 9 2or7at V V V :V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 3 3-737



This infor%ation ele%ent is included when the /1'#15SS %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 when the call has $een cleared $y the re%ote user $efore it reached the acti(e state to indicate that the re%ote user wants to pass user infor%ation at call clearin! ti%e.

A.3.7;a CC-.sta2lis!0e't /(CC+S)/

A %o$ile station that does not support the D8etwor0 initiated 2' callD option shall treat this %essa!e as a %essa!e with %essa!e type not defined for the /4. This %essa!e is sent fro% the networ0 to the %o$ile station to pro(ide infor%ation on the call that the %o$ile station should atte%pt to esta$lish. See Ta$le 9.&*a"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE CC65STA.)IS;258T local networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*./a33GPP TS ()*++,4 CC'Cstablish7ent 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier CC-.sta2lis!0e't 0essa e ty"e Set*" &o'tai'er Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Co'tai'er Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V :V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 3-'

U Fro% the 4th I5 onwards the %essa!e is coded in the sa%e way as the S5T / %essa!e in 2S to networ0 direction fro% the 4th I5 onwards.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

A.3.7;a.7 A.3.7;a.2

Void Set*" &o'tai'er

This infor%ation ele%ent contains the contents of a S5T / %essa!e ,2o$ile Station to 8etwor0-.

A.3.7;2 CC-.sta2lis!0e't &o'6ir0ed /(CC+S)/

A 8etwor0 that does not support the D8etwor0 initiated 2' callD option shall treat this %essa!e as a %essa!e with %essa!e type not defined for the /4. This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 to indicate the re>uested channel characteristics for the call which %ay $e initiated $y the %o$ile station. See Ta$le 9.&*$"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE CC65STA.)IS;258T C'8FI1254 local %o$ile station to networ0

Table 0*./b33GPP TS ()*++,4 CC'CST8=L9SBMCNT C5N29"MC& 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier CC-.sta2lis!0e't &o'6ir0ed 0essa e ty"e -e"eat )'di&ator +earer &a"a2ility 7 +earer &a"a2ility 2 Ca*se S*""orted Code&s Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 -e"eat )'di&ator +earer &a"a2ility +earer &a"a2ility Ca*se S*""orted Code& :ist Presence M M M C M 9 9 9 2or7at V V V TV T:V T:V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7 3-70 3-70 4-32 5-'

D04 04 08 40


-e"eat i'di&ator

The repeat indicator infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included if bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent and bearer capability 2 I5 are $oth included in the %essa!e.


+earer &a"a2ility 7 a'd 2earer &a"a2ility 2

If= in any su$se>uent S5T / %essa!e to $e sent on this transaction the bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent is to $e followed $y the bearer capability 2 I5= then the bearer capability 2 I5 shall $e included in this %essa!e. For 2TS speech if no Supported Codec )ist I5 is included then the default 2TS A21 ,see su$clause (ersion shall $e assu%ed $y the networ0. For #S2 speech if no Supported Codec )ist I5 is included then the networ0 shall use #S2 speech (ersions recei(ed in (earer Capability for #S2 calls.



This infor%ation ele%ent is included if the %o$ile station is co%pati$le $ut the user is $usy.

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


S*""orted Code&s

This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included $y the %o$ile station for 2TS speech calls for a 25 which supports 2TS codecs different fro% the 2TS A21 codec. For speech calls a 25 which supports 2TS codecs different fro% the 2TS A21= shall include the list of supported codecs in Supported Codec )ist I5 ,see 1<.5.4.32-. If this infor%ation ele%ent is not included then the networ0 shall use #S2 speech (ersions recei(ed in (earer Capability for #S2 calls.

A.3.78 -elease
A.3.78.7 -elease ('et%or5 to 0o2ile statio' dire&tio')

This %essa!e is sent= fro% the networ0 to the %o$ile station to indicate that the networ0 intends to release the transaction identifier= and that the recei(in! e>uip%ent shall release the transaction identifier after sendin! 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5. See ta$le 9.&3"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 15)5AS5 local ,notenetwor0 to %o$ile station

Table 0*.,33GPP TS ()*++,4 "CLC8SC 7essa e content !network to 7obile station direction$
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier -elease 0essa e ty"e Ca*se Se&o'd &a*se (a&ility User-*ser Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Ca*se Ca*se (a&ility User-*ser Presence M M M 9 9 9 9 2or7at V V V T:V T:V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 4-32 4-32 2-O 3-737

08 08 7C ;.


This %essa!e has local si!nificanceL howe(er= it %ay carry infor%ation of !lo$al si!nificance when used as the first call clearin! %essa!e.



This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included if this %essa!e is used to initiate call clearin!.


Se&o'd &a*se

This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included under the conditions descri$ed in su$clause DA$nor%al casesD ,Clearin! initiated $y the networ0-.



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included for functional operation of supple%entary ser(ices.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included in the networ0 to %o$ile station direction= when the 15)5AS5 %essa!e is used to initiate call clearin!= in order to transport user6user infor%ation fro% the re%ote user.


-elease (0o2ile statio' to 'et%or5 dire&tio')

This %essa!e is sent fro% the %o$ile station to the networ0 to indicate that the %o$ile station intends to release the transaction identifier= and that the recei(in! e>uip%ent shall release the transaction identifier after sendin! 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5. See ta$le 9.&3a"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 15)5AS5 local ,note%o$ile station to networ0 direction

Table 0*.,a33GPP TS ()*++,4 "CLC8SC 7essa e content !7obile station to network direction$
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier -elease 0essa e ty"e Ca*se Se&o'd &a*se (a&ility User-*ser SS 1ersio' Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Ca*se Ca*se (a&ility User-*ser SS 1ersio' i'di&ator Presence M M M 9 9 9 9 9 2or7at V V V T:V T:V T:V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 4-32 4-32 2-O 3-737 2-3

08 08 7C ;. ;(


This %essa!e has local si!nificanceL howe(er= it %ay carry infor%ation of !lo$al si!nificance when used as the first call clearin! %essa!e.



This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included if this %essa!e is used to initiate call clearin!.


Se&o'd &a*se

This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included under the conditions descri$ed in su$clause DA$nor%al casesD ,Clearin! initiated $y the %o$ile station-.



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included for functional operation of supple%entary ser(ices.



This infor%ation ele%ent is included when the 15)5AS5 %essa!e is used to initiate call clearin! and the %o$ile station wants to pass user infor%ation to the re%ote user at call clearin! ti%e.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


SS 1ersio'

This infor%ation ele%ent shall not $e included if the 0acility infor%ation ele%ent is not present in this %essa!e. This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included or e?cluded as defined in 3#// TS 24.<1< N21O. This infor%ation ele%ent should not $e trans%itted unless e?plicitly re>uired $y 3#// TS 24.<1<.

A.3.78a -e&all /(CC+S)/

A %o$ile station that does not support the D8etwor0 initiated 2' callD option shall treat this %essa!e as a %essa!e with %essa!e type not defined for the /4. This %essa!e is sent fro% the networ0 to the %o$ile station to initiate the sendin! of the S5T / %essa!e. In addition it pro(ides infor%ation for user notification. See Ta$le 9.&3$"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 15CA)) local networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*.,b33GPP TS ()*++,4 "ecall 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier -e&all 0essa e ty"e -e&all Ty"e (a&ility Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 -e&all Ty"e (a&ility Presence M M M M M 2or7at V V V V :V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7 2-'


-e&all Ty"e

The purpose of the recall type infor%ation ele%ent is to descri$e the reason for the recall.



The infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included for functional operation of supple%entary ser(ices.

A.3.7A -elease &o0"lete

A.3.7A.7 -elease &o0"lete ('et%or5 to 0o2ile statio' dire&tio')

This %essa!e is sent fro% the networ0 to the %o$ile station to indicate that the networ0 has released the transaction identifier and that the %o$ile station shall release the transaction identifier. See ta$le 9.&9"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 local ,notenetwor0 to %o$ile station direction


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*.033GPP TS ()*++,4 "CLC8SC C5MPLCTC 7essa e content !network to 7obile station direction$
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier -elease &o0"lete 0essa e ty"e Ca*se (a&ility User-*ser Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Ca*se (a&ility User-*ser Presence M M M 9 9 9 2or7at V V V T:V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 4-32 2-O 3-737

08 7C ;.


This %essa!e has local si!nificanceL howe(er= it %ay carry infor%ation of !lo$al si!nificance when used as the first call clearin! %essa!e.



This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included if the %essa!e is used to initiate call clearin!.



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included for functional operation of supple%entary ser(ices.



This infor%ation ele%ent is included in the networ0 to %o$ile station direction= when the 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e is used to initiate call clearin!= in order to transport user6user infor%ation fro% the re%ote user.


-elease &o0"lete (0o2ile statio' to 'et%or5 dire&tio')

This %essa!e is sent fro% the %o$ile station to the networ0 to indicate that the %o$ile station has released the transaction identifier and that the networ0 shall release the transaction identifier. See ta$le 9.&9a"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 local ,note%o$ile station to networ0 direction

Table 0*.0a33GPP TS ()*++,4 "CLC8SC C5MPLCTC 7essa e content !7obile station to network direction$
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier -elease &o0"lete 0essa e ty"e Ca*se (a&ility User-*ser SS 1ersio' Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Ca*se (a&ility User-*ser SS 1ersio' i'di&ator 3GPP Presence M M M 9 9 9 9 2or7at V V V T:V T:V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 4-32 2-O 3-737 2-3

08 7C ;. ;(

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


This %essa!e has local si!nificanceL howe(er= it %ay carry infor%ation of !lo$al si!nificance when used as the first call clearin! %essa!e.



This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included if the %essa!e is used to initiate call clearin!.



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included for functional operation of supple%entary ser(ices.



This infor%ation ele%ent is included in the %o$ile station to networ0 direction when the 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e is used to initiate call clearin! and the %o$ile station wants to pass user infor%ation to the re%ote user at call clearin! ti%e.


SS 1ersio'.

This infor%ation ele%ent shall not $e included if the 0acility infor%ation ele%ent is not present in this %essa!e. This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included or e?cluded as defined in 3#// TS 24.<1< N21O. This infor%ation ele%ent should not $e trans%itted unless e?plicitly re>uired $y 3#// TS 24.<1<.

A.3.20 -etrie1e
This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile user to re>uest the retrie(al of a held call. See ta$le 9.&9$"3#// TS 24.<<3 for the content of the 15T1I5+5 %essa!e. For the use of this %essa!e= see 3#// TS 24.<1< N21O. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 15T1I5+5 local %o$ile station to networ0 Table 0*.0b33GPP TS ()*++,4 "CT"9C-C 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier -etrie1e 0essa e ty"e Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7

A.3.27 -etrie1e ,&5'o%led e

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to indicate that the retrie(e function has $een successfully perfor%ed. See ta$le 9.&9c"3#// TS 24.<<3 for the content of the 15T1I5+5 ACK8'B)54#5 %essa!e. For the use of this %essa!e= see 3#// TS 24.<1<. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 15T1I5+5 ACK8'B)54#5 local


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*.0c33GPP TS ()*++,4 "CT"9C-C 8CGN5%LC&GC 7essa e content


9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier -etrie1e ,&5'o%led e 0essa e ty"e

Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4

Presence M M M

2or7at V V V

Len th 7$2 7$2 7

A.3.22 -etrie1e -e>e&t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to indicate the ina$ility to perfor% the re>uested retrie(e function. See ta$le 9.&9d"3#// TS 24.<<3 for the content of the 15T1I5+5 15Q5CT %essa!e. For the use of this %essa!e= see 3#// TS 24.<1<. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 15T1I5+5 15Q5CT local networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*.0d33GPP TS ()*++,4 "CT"9C-C "CDCCT 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier -etrie1e -e>e&t Messa e ty"e Ca*se Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V :V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 3-37

A.3.23 Set*"
A.3.23.7 Set*" (0o2ile ter0i'ated &all esta2lis!0e't)

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to initiate a %o$ile ter%inated call esta$lish%ent. See ta$le 9.*<"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE S5T / !lo$al networ0 to %o$ile station


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*/+33GPP TS ()*++,4 SCT<P 7essa e content !network to 7obile station direction$
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Set*" Messa e ty"e +C re"eat i'di&ator +earer &a"a2ility 7 +earer &a"a2ility 2 (a&ility <ro ress i'di&ator Si 'al Calli' "arty +CD 4*02er Calli' "arty s*2,ddress Called "arty +CD 4*02er Called "arty s*2,ddress -edire&ti' "arty +CD '*02er -edire&ti' "arty s*2-address ::C re"eat i'di&ator :o% layer Co0"ati2ility ) :o% layer Co0"ati2ility )) ?:C re"eat i'di&ator ?i ! layer Co0"ati2ility i ?i ! layer Co0"ati2ility ii User-*ser <riority ,lert 4et%or5 Call Co'trol Ca"a2ilities Ca*se o6 4o C:) +a&5*" 2earer &a"a2ility Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 -e"eat i'di&ator +earer &a"a2ility +earer &a"a2ility (a&ility <ro ress i'di&ator Si 'al Calli' "arty +CD '*0. 70.5.4.A Calli' "arty s*2addr. Called "arty +CD '*0. 70.5.4.; Called "arty s*2addr. -edire&ti' "arty +CD '*0. -edire&ti' "arty s*2address. -e"eat i'di&ator :o% layer &o0". :o% layer &o0". -e"eat i'di&ator ?i ! layer &o0". ?i ! layer &o0". User-*ser <riority :e1el ,lerti' <atter' 4et%or5 Call Co'trol &a". Ca*se o6 4o C:) +a&5*" 2earer &a"a2ility Presence M M M C 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 C 9 9 C 9 9 9 9 9 9 2or7at V V V TV T:V T:V T:V T:V TV T:V T:V T:V T:V T:V T:V TV T:V T:V TV T:V T:V T:V TV T:V T:V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7 3-78 3-78 2-O 4 2 3-74 2-23 3-7A 2-23 3-7A 2-23 7 2-78 2-78 7 2-5 2-5 3-35 7 3 3 3 3-75

D04 04 7C 7. 34 5C 5D 5. 8D ;4 ;5 D;C ;C D;D ;D ;. 87A 2( 3, 47


+C re"eat i'di&ator

The (C repeat indicator infor%ation ele%ent is included if and only if bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent and bearer capability 2 I5 are $oth present in the %essa!e.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


+earer &a"a2ility 7 a'd 2earer &a"a2ility 2

The bearer capability 1 infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e o%itted in the case where the %o$ile su$scri$er is allocated only one directory nu%$er for all ser(ices ,ref.E 3#// TS 29.<<* N33O-. The bearer capability 2 I5 is %issin! at least if the bearer capability 1 I5 is %issin!. If the 2SC wishes to indicate capa$ility for an altenati(e call %ode= which can $e entered throu!h fall$ac0= this is indicated $y addin! a bearer capability in0ormation ele%ent ,$earer capa$ility- 2 ele%ent ,see su$clause 5.3.&-.



This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included for functional operation of supple%entary ser(ices.


<ro ress i'di&ator

This infor%ation ele%ent is included $y the networ0 6 6 in order to pass infor%ation a$out the call in pro!ress e.!. in the e(ent of interwor0in! and"or to %a0e the 2S attach the user connection for speech.


Called "arty +CD '*02er

For all $ands e?cept for /CS19<<= the %a?i%u% len!th of this I5 sent $y the networ0 shall $e 13 octets


Called "arty s*2address

Included in the 8etwor06to6%o$ile station direction if the callin! user includes a called party subaddress infor%ation ele%ent in the S5T / %essa!e.


::C re"eat i'di&ator

The ))C repeat indicator infor%ation ele%ent is included if and only if $oth followin! conditions holdE 6 6 The (C repeat indicator I5 is contained in the %essa!e. The lo3 layer compatibility I I5 is contained in the %essa!e.

If included= the ))C repeat indicator shall specify the sa%e repeat indication as the (C repeat indicator I5.


:o% layer &o0"ati2ility )

Included in the networ06to6%o$ile station direction if the callin! user specified a low layer co%pati$ility.


:o% layer &o0"ati2ility ))

Included if and only if the ))C repeat indicator infor%ation ele%ent is contained in the %essa!e.


?:C re"eat i'di&ator

The .)C repeat indicator infor%ation ele%ent is included if and only $oth followin! conditions holdE 6 6 The (C repeat indicator I5 is contained in the %essa!e. The hi'h layer compatibility i I5 is contained in the %essa!e.

If included= the .)C repeat indicator shall specify the sa%e repeat indication as the (C repeat indicator I5.


?i ! layer &o0"ati2ility i

Included in the networ06to6%o$ile station direction if the callin! user specified a hi!h layer co%pati$ility.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


?i ! layer &o0"ati2ility ii

Included if and only if the .)C repeat indicator infor%ation ele%ent is contained in the %essa!e.



2ay $e included in the networ0 to called %o$ile station direction when the callin! re%ote user included a user6user infor%ation ele%ent in the S5T / %essa!e.


-edire&ti' "arty +CD '*02er

2ay $e included in the networ0 to called %o$ile station direction when the call has $een redirected.


-edire&ti' "arty s*2address

2ay $e included in the networ0 to called %o$ile station direction when the callin! re%ote user included a called party su$address in the S5T / %essa!e and the call has $een redirected



2ay $e included $y the networ0 to indicate the priority of the inco%in! call if e2)// is used.


,lert /(4et%or5 )'di&atio' o6 ,lerti' i' t!e MS)/

2ay $e included $y the networ0 to !i(e so%e indication a$out alertin! ,cate!ory or le(el-. If supported in the 2S= this optional indication is to $e used $y the 2S as specified in 3#// TS <2.<*.


4et%or5 Call Co'trol Ca"a2ilities

This infor%ation shall $e included $y the networ0 to indicate its call control capa$ilities if the networ0 supports %ulticall.and there are no other on!oin! calls to the 2S.


Ca*se o6 4o C:)

This I5 %ay $e included $y the networ0 as defined $y 3#// TS 24.<31 N25O. Bhen $oth Callin! /arty .C4 nu%$er I5 and Cause of 8o C)I I5 are included in S5T / %essa!e then the Cause of 8o C)I I5 pro(ides additional infor%ation on why the nu%$er di!its are not present.


+a&5*" 2earer &a"a2ility

The backup bearer capability I5 %ay $e included $y the networ0 only if there are no bearer capability I5s contained in the %essa!e. 8'T5E The 2SC %ay use the backup bearer capability I5 if it is not a$le to pro(ide a co%plete bearer capability I5.


Set*" (0o2ile ori i'ati' &all esta2lis!0e't)

This %essa!e is sent fro% the %o$ile station to the networ0 to initiate a %o$ile ori!inatin! call esta$lish%ent. See ta$le 9.*<a"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE S5T / !lo$al %o$ile station to networ0


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*/+a33GPP TS ()*++,4 SCT<P 7essa e content !7obile station to network direction$
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Set*" 0essa e ty"e +C re"eat i'di&ator +earer &a"a2ility 7 +earer &a"a2ility 2 (a&ility(si0"le re&all ali '0e't) Calli' "arty s*2address Called "arty +CD '*02er Called "arty s*2address ::C re"eat i'di&ator :o% layer &o0"ati2ility ) :o% layer &o0"ati2ility )) ?:C re"eat i'di&ator ?i ! layer &o0"ati2ility i ?i ! layer &o0"ati2ility ii User-*ser SS 1ersio' C:)- s*""ressio' C:)- i'1o&atio' CC &a"a2ilities (a&ility /(CC+S)/ (ad1a'&ed re&all ali '0e't) (a&ility (re&all ali '0e't 4ot esse'tial) /(CC+S)/ Strea0 )de'ti6ier S*""orted Code&s Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 -e"eat i'di&ator +earer &a"a2ility +earer &a"a2ility (a&ility Calli' "arty s*2addr. Called "arty +CD '*0. 70.5.4.; Called "arty s*2addr. -e"eat i'di&ator :o% layer &o0". :o% layer &o0". -e"eat i'di&ator ?i ! layer &o0". ?i ! layer &o0". User-*ser SS 1ersio' i'di&ator C:)- s*""ressio' C:)- i'1o&atio' Call Co'trol Ca"a2ilities (a&ility (a&ility Strea0 )de'ti6ier S*""orted Code& :ist Presence M M M C M 9 9 9 M 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 C C 9 9 9 9 9 2or7at V V V TV T:V T:V T:V T:V T:V T:V TV T:V T:V TV T:V T:V T:V T:V T T T:V T:V T:V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7 3-78 3-78 22-23 3-43 2-23 7 2-78 2-78 7 2-5 2-5 3-35 2-3 7 7 3 2-O 2-O 3 5-'

D04 04 7C 5D 5. 8D D;C ;C D;D ;D ;. ;( ,7 ,2 75 7D 7+ 2D 40


+C re"eat i'di&ator

The (C repeat indicator infor%ation ele%ent is included if and only if bearer capability 1 I5 and bearer capability 2 I5 are $oth present in the %essa!e.



The infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included for functional operation of supple%entary ser(ices. Three different codin!s of this I5 e?ist= for further details see 3#// TS 24.<1<.

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


::C re"eat i'di&ator

The ))C repeat indicator infor%ation ele%ent is included if and only if $oth followin! conditions holdE 6 The (C repeat indicator I5 is contained in the %essa!e. 6 The lo3 layer compatibility I I5 is contained in the %essa!e.

If included= the ))C repeat indicator shall specify the sa%e repeat indication as the (C repeat indicator I5.


:o% layer &o0"ati2ility )

The infor%ation ele%ent is included in the 2S6to6networ0 direction when the callin! 2S wants to pass low layer co%pati$ility infor%ation to the called user.


:o% layer &o0"ati2ility ))

Included if and only if the ))C repeat indicator infor%ation ele%ent is contained in the %essa!e.


?:C re"eat i'di&ator

The .)C repeat indicator infor%ation ele%ent is included if and only if $oth followin! conditions holdE 6 6 The (C repeat indicator I5 is contained in the %essa!e. The hi'h layer compatibility i I5 is contained in the %essa!e.

If included= the .)C repeat indicator shall specify the sa%e repeat indication as the (C repeat indicator I5.


?i ! layer &o0"ati2ility i

The infor%ation ele%ent is included when the callin! 2S wants to pass hi!h layer co%pati$ility infor%ation to the called user.


?i ! layer &o0"ati2ility ii

Included if and only if the .)C repeat indicator infor%ation ele%ent is contained in the %essa!e.



The infor%ation ele%ent is included in the callin! %o$ile station to networ0 direction when the callin! %o$ile station wants to pass user infor%ation to the called re%ote user.


SS 1ersio'

This infor%ation ele%ent shall not $e included if the 0acility infor%ation ele%ent is not present in this %essa!e. This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included or e?cluded as defined in 3#// TS 24.<1< N21O. This infor%ation ele%ent should not $e trans%itted unless e?plicitly re>uired $y 3#// TS 24.<1<.


C:)- s*""ressio'

The infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included $y the 2S ,see 3#// TS 24.<31 N25O-. If this infor%ation ele%ent is included the C)IR in4ocation I5 shall not $e included.


C:)- i'1o&atio'

The infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included $y the 2S ,see 3#// TS 24.<31-. If this infor%ation ele%ent is included the C)IR suppression I5 shall not $e included.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


CC Ca"a2ilities

This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included $y the %o$ile station to indicate its call control capa$ilities.


Strea0 )de'ti6ier

This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included $y the %o$ile station supportin! %ulticall.


+earer &a"a2ility 7 a'd 2earer &a"a2ility 2

If the %o$ile station wishes to indicate capa$ility for an altenati(e call %ode= which can $e entered throu!hfall$ac0= this is indicated $y addin! a bearer capability in0ormation ele%ent ,$earer capa$ility- 2 ele%ent ,see su$clause 5.3.&-.


S*""orted Code&s

This infor%ation ele%ent shall $e included $y the %o$ile station for 2TS speech calls for a 25 which supports 2TS codecs different fro% the 2TS A21 codec. For speech calls a 25 which supports 2TS codecs different fro% the 2TS A21= shall include the list of supported codecs in Supported Codec )ist I5 ,see 1<.5.4.32-. If this infor%ation ele%ent is not included then the networ0 shall use #S2 speech (ersions recei(ed in (earer Capability for #S2 calls.

A.3.23a Start CC /(CC+S)/

A 8etwor0 that does not support the D8etwor0 initiated 2' callD option shall treat this %essa!e as a %essa!e with %essa!e type not defined for the /4. This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 to open a Call Control transaction which the networ0 has re>uested the %o$ile station to open. See Ta$le 9.*<$"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE STA1T CC local %o$ile station to networ0 Table 0*/+b33GPP TS ()*++,4 ST8"T CC 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Start CC 0essa e ty"e CC Ca"a2ilities Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Call Co'trol Ca"a2ilities Presence M M M 9 2or7at V V V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 3



CC Ca"a2ilities

This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included $y the %o$ile station to indicate its call control capa$ilities

A.3.24 Start DTM(

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 and contains the di!it the networ0 should recon(ert $ac0 into a 4T2F tone which is then applied towards the re%ote user. See ta$le 9.*1"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE STA1T 4T2F


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Si!nificanceE 4irectionE

local %o$ile station to networ0 Table 0*/133GPP TS ()*++,4 ST8"T &TM2 7essa e content


9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Start DTM( 0essa e ty"e Bey"ad 6a&ility


Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Bey"ad 6a&ility;

Presence M M M M

2or7at V V V TV

Len th 7$2 7$2 7 2

A.3.25 Start DTM( ,&5'o%led e

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to indicate the successful initiation of the action re>uested $y the STA1T 4T2F %essa!e ,con(ersion of the di!it contained in this %essa!e into a 4T2F tone-. See ta$le 9.*2"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE STA1T 4T2F ACK8'B)54#5 local networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*/(33GPP TS ()*++,4 ST8"T &TM2 8CGN5%LC&GC 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Start DTM( a&5'o%led e 0essa e ty"e Bey"ad 6a&ility Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Bey"ad 6a&ility; Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V TV Len th 7$2 7$2 7 2



Bey"ad 6a&ility

This infor%ation ele%ent contains the di!it correspondin! to the 4T2F tone that the networ0 applies towards the re%ote user.

A.3.28 Start DTM( re>e&t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station= if the networ0 can not accept the STA1T 4T2F %essa!e. See ta$le 9.*3"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE STA1T 4T2F 15Q5CT local networ0 to %o$ile station


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*/333GPP TS ()*++,4 ST8"T &TM2 "CDCCT 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Start DTM( re>e&t 0essa e ty"e Ca*se Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Ca*se Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V :V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 3-37

A.3.2; Stat*s
This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station or the networ0 at any ti%e durin! a call to report certain error conditions listed in clause 3. It shall also $e sent in response to a STAT S 58: I1A %essa!e. See ta$le 9.*4"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE STAT S local $oth Table 0*/)33GPP TS ()*++,4 ST8T<S 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Stat*s 0essa e ty"e Ca*se Call state 24 ,*Filiary states Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Ca*se Call state ,*Filiary states Presence M M M M M 9 2or7at V V V :V V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 3-37 7 3


,*Filiary states

The infor%ation ele%ent is included if and only if the call state is Dacti(eD or D%o$ile ori!inatin! %odifyD and any au?iliary state is different fro% DidleD. For the definition of the au?iliary states see 3#// TS 24.<33 and 3#// TS 24.<34

A.3.28 Stat*s e'3*iry

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station or the networ0 at any ti%e to solicit a STAT S %essa!e fro% the peer layer 3 entity. Sendin! of STAT S %essa!e in response to a STAT S 58: I1A %essa!e is %andatory. See ta$le 9.*5"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE STAT S 58: I1A local $oth


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*/#33GPP TS ()*++,4 ST8T<S CNE<9"F 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Stat*s e'3*iry 0essa e ty"e Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7

A.3.2A Sto" DTM(

This %essa!e is sent $y a %o$ile station to the networ0 and is used to stop the 4T2F tone sent towards the re%ote user. See ta$le 9.*&"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE ST'/ 4T2F local %o$ile station to networ0 Table 0*/.33GPP TS ()*++,4 ST5P &TM2 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Sto" DTM( 0essa e ty"e Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7

A.3.30 Sto" DTM( a&5'o%led e

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to indicate that the sendin! of the 4T2F tone has $een stopped. See ta$le 9.**"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE ST'/ 4T2F ACK8'B)54#5 local networ0 to %o$ile station Table 0*//33GPP TS ()*++,4 ST5P &TM2 8CGN5%LC&GC 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Sto" DTM( a&5'o%led e 0essa e ty"e Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7

A.3.37 User i'6or0atio'

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 to transfer infor%ation to the re%ote user. This %essa!e is also sent $y the networ0 to the %o$ile station to deli(er infor%ation transferred fro% the re%ote user. This %essa!e is used if the user6to6user transfer is part of an allowed infor%ation transfer as defined in 3#// TS 24.<1<.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

See ta$le 9.*3"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE S51 I8F'12ATI'8 access $oth Table 0*/,33GPP TS ()*++,4 <SC" 9N25"M8T95N 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Call &o'trol "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier User )'6or0atio' 0essa e ty"e User-*ser ,0 More data Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 User-*ser More data Presence M M M M 9 2or7at V V V :V T Len th 7$2 7$2 7 2-730 7



So%e networ0s %ay only support a %a?i%u% len!th of 35 octets. /rocedures for interwor0in! are not currently defined and are for further study. 193 and earlier (ersions of this protocol specified a %ini%u% len!th of 3 octets for this infor%ation ele%ent ,not countin! the I5I-. To a(oid interwor0in! pro$le%s with %o$ile stations supportin! only 193 or earlier (ersions of the protocol= the networ0 shall deli(er the ser infor%ation %essa!e to these %o$ile stations only if the len!th of the ser6 user I5 is !reater or e>ual to 3 octets ,not countin! the I5I-.


More data

The infor%ation ele%ent is included $y the sendin! user to indicate that another S51 I8F'12ATI'8 %essa!e pertainin! to the sa%e %essa!e $loc0 will follow.

A.4 G<-S Mo2ility Ma'a e0e't Messa es

A.4.7 ,tta&! re3*est
This %essa!e is sent $y the 2S to the networ0 in order to perfor% a #/1S or co%$ined #/1S attach. See ta$le 9.4.1"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE ATTAC; 15: 5ST dual 2S to networ0


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*)*133GPP TS ()*++,4 8TT8CB "CE<CST 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator ,tta&! re3*est 0essa e ide'tity MS 'et%or5 &a"a2ility ,tta&! ty"e G<-S &i"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er D-D "ara0eter <-TMS) or )MS) 9ld ro*ti' area ide'ti6i&atio' MS -adio ,&&ess &a"a2ility 7A 7; A33 9ld <-TMS) si 'at*re -e3*ested -.,DI ti0er 1al*e TMS) stat*s <S :CS Ca"a2ility Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 MS 'et%or5 &a"a2ility ,tta&! ty"e Ci"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er D-D "ara0eter Mo2ile ide'tity -o*ti' area ide'ti6i&atio' MS -adio ,&&ess &a"a2ility <-TMS) si 'at*re G<-S Ti0er 70.5.;.3 TMS) stat*s <S :CS Ca"a2ility Presence M M M M M M M M M M 9 9 9 9 2or7at V V V :V V V V :V V :V TV TV TV T:V Len th 7$2 N 7 3-A N N 2 8-A 8 8 - 52 4 2 7 3


9ld <-TMS) si 'at*re

This I5 is included if a (alid /6T2SI and /6T2SI si!nature are stored in the 2S.


-e3*ested -.,DI ti0er 1al*e

This I5 %ay $e included if the 2S wants to indicate a preferred (alue for the 15A4A ti%er.


TMS) stat*s

This I5 shall $e included if the 2S perfor%s a co%$ined #/1S attach and no (alid T2SI is a(aila$le.


<S :CS Ca"a2ility

This I5 shall $e included if the 2S supports at least one positionin! %ethod for the pro(ision of location ser(ices ,)CS(ia the /S do%ain in #$6%ode.

A.4.2 ,tta&! a&&e"t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 2S to indicate that the correspondin! attach re>uest has $een accepted. See ta$le 9.4.2"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE ATTAC; ACC5/T dual networ0 to 2S


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*)*(33GPP TS ()*++,4 8TT8CB 8CCCPT 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator ,tta&! a&&e"t 0essa e ide'tity ,tta&! res*lt (or&e to sta'd2y <eriodi& -, *"date ti0er -adio "riority 6or SMS -adio "riority 6or T9M8 -o*ti' area ide'ti6i&atio' 7A 7; 78 23 25 2, 8C 4, <-TMS) si 'at*re 4e otiated -.,DI ti0er 1al*e ,llo&ated <-TMS) MS ide'tity GMM &a*se T3302 1al*e Cell 4oti6i&atio' .3*i1ale't <:M4s Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 ,tta&! res*lt (or&e to sta'd2y 70.5.5.; G<-S Ti0er 70.5.;.3 -adio "riority 70.5.;.2 -adio "riority 2 70.5.;.5 -o*ti' area ide'ti6i&atio' <-TMS) si 'at*re G<-S Ti0er 70.5.;.3 Mo2ile ide'tity Mo2ile ide'tity GMM &a*se G<-S Ti0er 2 70.5.;.4 Cell 4oti6i&atio' <:M4 :ist Presence M M M M M M M M M 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2or7at V V V V V V V V V TV TV T:V T:V TV T:V T T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7$2 7$2 7 7$2 7$2 8 4 2 ; ;-70 2 3 7 5-7;


<-TMS) si 'at*re

This I5 %ay $e included to assi!n an identity to the 2S7s #22 conte?t.


4e otiated -.,DI ti0er

This I5 %ay $e included to indicate a (alue for the 15A4A ti%er.


,llo&ated <-TMS)

This I5 %ay $e included to assi!n a /6T2SI to an 2S in case of a #/1S or co%$ined #/1S attach.


MS ide'tity

This I5 %ay $e included to assi!n or unassi!n a T2SI to an 2S in case of a co%$ined #/1S attach.


GMM &a*se

This I5 shall $e included when I2SI attach for non6#/1S ser(ices was not successful durin! a co%$ined #/1S attach procedure.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


T3302 1al*e

This I5 %ay $e included to indicate a (alue for the T33<2 ti%er.


Cell 4oti6i&atio' (GSM o'ly)

In #S2= this I5 shall $e included $y the S#S8 in order to indicate the a$ility to support the Cell 8otification.


.3*i1ale't <:M4s

The E5ui4alent ")M s infor%ation ele%ent is included if the networ0 wants to infor% the %o$ile station of e>ui(alent /)28s.

A.4.3 ,tta&! &o0"lete

This %essa!e is sent $y the 2S to the networ0 if a /6T2SI and"or a T2SI was included within the attach accept %essa!e. See ta$le 9.4.3"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE ATTAC; C'2/)5T5 dual 2S to networ0 Table 0*)*333GPP TS ()*++,4 8TT8CB C5MPLCTC 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 ,tta&! &o0"lete 0essa e ide'tity Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7

A.4.4 ,tta&! re>e&t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 2S to indicate that the correspondin! attach re>uest has $een reCected. See ta$le 9.4.4"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE ATTAC; 15Q5CT

Si!nificanceE dual 4irectionE networ0 to 2S Table 0*)*)33GPP TS ()*++,4 8TT8CB "CDCCT 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator ,tta&! re>e&t 0essa e ide'tity GMM &a*se 2, T3302 1al*e Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 GMM &a*se G<-S Ti0er 2 70.5.;.4 Presence M M M M 9 2or7at V V V V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7 3


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


T3302 1al*e

This I5 %ay $e included to indicate a (alue for the T33<2 ti%er.

A.4.5 Deta&! re3*est

A.4.5.7 Deta&! re3*est (0o2ile ter0i'ated deta&!)

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to re>uest the release of a #22 conte?t. See ta$le"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 45TAC; 15: 5ST dual networ0 to 2S Table 0*)*#*133GPP TS ()*++,4&CT8CB "CE<CST 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator Deta&! re3*est 0essa e ide'tity Deta&! ty"e (or&e to sta'd2y 25 GMM &a*se Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Deta&! ty"e (or&e to sta'd2y 70.5.5.; GMM &a*se Presence M M M M M 9 2or7at V V V V V TV Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7$2 7$2 2


GMM &a*se

This I5 shall $e included in case the detach reason has to $e indicated to the 2S= e.!. due to a failed I25I chec0.


Deta&! re3*est (0o2ile ori i'ati' deta&!)

45TAC; 15: 5ST dual 2S to networ0

This %essa!e is sent $y the 2S to re>uest the release of a #22 conte?t. See ta$le"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*)*#*(33GPP TS ()*++,4&CT8CB "CE<CST 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator Deta&! re3*est 0essa e ide'tity Deta&! ty"e S"are !al6 o&tet 78 7A <-TMS) <-TMS) si 'at*re Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Deta&! ty"e S"are !al6 o&tet Mo2ile ide'tity <-TMS) si 'at*re 2 Presence M M M M M 9 9 2or7at V V V V V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7$2 7$2 ; 5



This I5 shall $e included $y the 2S.


<-TMS) si 'at*re

This I5 shall $e included if the 2S has a (alid /6T2SI si!nature.

A.4.8 Deta&! a&&e"t

A.4.8.7 Deta&! a&&e"t (0o2ile ter0i'ated deta&!)

This %essa!e is sent $y the 2S to indicate that the detach procedure has $een co%pleted. See ta$le 9.4.&.1"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 45TAC; ACC5/T dual 2S to networ0 Table 0*)*.*133GPP TS ()*++,4&CT8CB 8CCCPT 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator Deta&! a&&e"t 0essa e ide'tity Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7


Deta&! a&&e"t (0o2ile ori i'ati' deta&!)

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to indicate that the detach procedure has $een co%pleted. See ta$le 9.4.&.2"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 45TAC; ACC5/T dual networ0 to 2S


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*)*.*(33GPP TS ()*++,4&CT8CB 8CCCPT 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator Deta&! a&&e"t 0essa e ide'tity (or&e to sta'd2y S"are !al6 o&tet Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 (or&e to sta'd2y 70.5.5.; S"are !al6 o&tet Presence M M M M M 2or7at V V V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7$2 7$2

A.4.; <-TMS) reallo&atio' &o00a'd

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 2S to reallocate a /6T2SI. See ta$le 9.4.*"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE /6T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'22A84 dual networ0 to 2S

Table 0*)*/33GPP TS ()*++,4 P'TMS9 "C8LL5C8T95N C5MM8N& 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator <-TMS) reallo&atio' &o00a'd 0essa e ide'tity ,llo&ated <-TMS) -o*ti' area ide'ti6i&atio' (or&e to sta'd2y S"are !al6 o&tet 7A <-TMS) si 'at*re Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Mo2ile ide'tity -o*ti' area ide'ti6i&atio' (or&e to sta'd2y 70.5.5.; S"are !al6 o&tet <-TMS) si 'at*re Presence M M M M M M M 9 2or7at V V V :V V V V TV Len th 7$2 7$2 7 8 8 7$2 7$2 4


<-TMS) si 'at*re

This I5 %ay $e included to assi!n an identity to the 2S7s #22 conte?t.

A.4.8 <-TMS) reallo&atio' &o0"lete

This %essa!e is sent $y the 2S to the networ0 to indicate that reallocation of a /6T2SI has ta0en place. See ta$le 9.4.3"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE /6T2SI 15A))'CATI'8 C'2/)5T5 dual 2S to networ0


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*)*,33GPP TS ()*++,4 P'TMS9 "C8LL5C8T95N C5MPLCTC 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator <-TMS) reallo&atio' &o0"lete 0essa e ide'tity Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7

A.4.A ,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd &i"!eri' re3*est

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 2S to initiate authentication of the 2S identity. Additionally= the cipherin! %ode is set= indicatin! whether cipherin! will $e perfor%ed or not. See ta$le 9.4.9"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST dual networ0 to 2S

Table 0*)*03GSM ()*++,4 8<TBCNT9C8T95N 8N& C9PBC"9NG "CE<CST 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator ,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd &i"!eri' re3*est 0essa e ide'tity Ci"!eri' al orit!0 )M.)SV re3*est (or&e to sta'd2y ,RC re6ere'&e '*02er 27 828 ,*t!e'ti&atio' "ara0eter -,4D G<-S &i"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er ,*t!e'ti&atio' "ara0eter ,UT4 Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Ci"!eri' al orit!0 )M.)SV re3*est (or&e to sta'd2y 70.5.5.; ,RC re6ere'&e '*02er ,*t!e'ti&atio' "ara0eter -,4D Ci"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er ,*t!e'ti&atio' "ara0eter ,UT4 Presence M M M M M M M 9 C 9 2or7at V V V V V V V TV TV T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7$2 7$2 7$2 7$2 7; 7 78


,*t!e'ti&atio' <ara0eter -,4D

This I5 shall only $e included if authentication shall $e perfor%ed.


G<-S &i"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er

This I5 is included if and only if the !uthentication parameter R! D is contained in the %essa!e.


,*t!e'ti&atio' <ara0eter ,UT4

This I5 shall $e present if and only if the authentication challen!e is a 2TS authentication challen!e.The presence or a$sence of this I5 defines6 in the case of its a$sence6 a #S2 authentication challen!e or6 in the case of its presence6 a 2TS authentication challen!e. The 2S shall i!nore the I5 if it does not support 2TS authentication al!orith%.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

In 2TS= the 2S shall reCect the A T;58TICATI'8 K CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e as specified in su$clause 4.*.*.5.1 if this I5 is not present and the 2S supports 2TS authentication al!orith%.

A.4.70 ,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd &i"!eri' res"o'se

This %essa!e is sent $y the 2S to the networ0 in response to an !uthentication and cipherin' re5uest %essa!e. See ta$le 9.4.1<"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 dual 2S to networ0

Table 0*)*1+33GPP TS ()*++,4 8<TBCNT9C8T95N 8N& C9PBC"9NG "CSP5NSC 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator ,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd &i"!eri' res"o'se 0essa e ide'tity ,RC re6ere'&e '*02er S"are !al6 o&tet 22 23 2A ,*t!e'ti&atio' "ara0eter -es"o'se )M.)SV ,*t!e'ti&atio' -es"o'se "ara0eter (eFte'sio') Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 G<-S 0essa e ty"e 70.4 ,RC re6ere'&e '*02er S"are !al6 o&tet ,*t!e'ti&atio' -es"o'se "ara0eter Mo2ile ide'tity ,*t!e'ti&atio' -es"o'se "ara0eter Presence M M M M M 9 9 9 2or7at V V V V V TV T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7$2 7$2 5 77 3-74


,*t!e'ti&atio' -es"o'se <ara0eter

This I5 is included if authentication was re>uested within the correspondin! authentication and cipherin' re5uest %essa!e. This I5 contains the S15S= if the authentication challen!e was for #S2 or the 15S ,all or Cust the 4 %ost si!nificant octets of- if it is a 2TS authentication challen!e ,see also su$clause 9.4.1<.2-



This I5 is included if re>uested within the correspondin! authentication and cipherin' re5uest %essa!e.


,*t!e'ti&atio' -es"o'se <ara0eter (eFte'sio')

This I5 shall $e included if and only if the authentication challen!e was a 2TS authentication challen!e and the 15S para%eter is !reater than 4 octets in len!th. It shall contain the least si!nificant re%ainin! $its of the 15S ,the four %ost si!nificant octets shall $e sent in the Authentication 1esponse /ara%eter I5 ,see su$clause I5 shall not $e included if 2S does not support 2TS authentication al!orith%.

A.4.70a ,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd Ci"!eri' (ail*re

This %essa!e is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 to indicate that authentication of the networ0 has failed. See ta$le 9.4.1<a"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# FAI) 15 dual


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


%o$ile station to networ0

Table 0*)*1+a33GPP TS ()*++,4 8<TBCNT9C8T95N 8N& C9PBC"9NG 289L<"C 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation ele7ent Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" )'di&ator ,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd Ci"!eri' (ail*re Messa e ty"e GMM Ca*se 30 ,*t!e'ti&atio' (ail*re "ara0eter Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" )'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 GMM Ca*se ,*t!e'ti&atio' (ail*re "ara0eter Presence M M M M 9 2or7at V V V V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7 78


,*t!e'ti&atio' (ail*re "ara0eter

This I5 shall $e sent if and only if the #22 cause was DSynch failureD. It shall include the response to the authentication challen!e fro% the SI2= which is %ade up of the A TS para%eter ,see 3#// TS 33.1<2-.

A.4.77 ,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd &i"!eri' re>e&t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 2S to indicate that authentication has failed ,and that the recei(in! 2S shall a$ort all acti(ities-. See ta$le 9.4.11"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15Q5CT dual networ0 to 2S

Table 0*)*1133GPP TS ()*++,4 8<TBCNT9C8T95N 8N& C9PBC"9NG "CDCCT 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator ,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd &i"!eri' re>e&t 0essa e ide'tity Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7

A.4.72 )de'tity re3*est

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 2S to re>uest su$%ission of the 2S identity accordin! to the specified identity type. See ta$le 9.4.12"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE I458TITA 15: 5ST dual networ0 to 2S


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*)*1(33GPP TS ()*++,4 9&CNT9TF "CE<CST 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator )de'tity re3*est 0essa e ide'tity )de'tity ty"e (or&e to sta'd2y Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 )de'tity ty"e 2 70.5.5.A (or&e to sta'd2y 70.5.5.; Presence M M M M M 2or7at V V V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7$2 7$2

A.4.73 )de'tity res"o'se

This %essa!e is sent $y the 2S to the networ0 in response to an identity re5uest %essa!e pro(idin! the re>uested identity. See ta$le 9.4.13"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE I458TITA 15S/'8S5 dual 2S to networ0 Table 0*)*1333GPP TS ()*++,4 9&CNT9TF "CSP5NSC 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator )de'tity res"o'se 0essa e ide'tity Mo2ile ide'tity Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Mo2ile ide'tity Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V :V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 4 - 70

A.4.74 -o*ti' area *"date re3*est

This %essa!e is sent $y the 2S to the networ0 either to re>uest an update of its location file or to re>uest an I2SI attach for non6#/1S ser(ices. See ta$le 9.4.14"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15: 5ST dual 2S to networ0


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*)*1)33GPP TS ()*++,4 "5<T9NG 8"C8 <P&8TC "CE<CST 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator -o*ti' area *"date re3*est 0essa e ide'tity U"date ty"e G<-S &i"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er 9ld ro*ti' area ide'ti6i&atio' MS -adio ,&&ess &a"a2ility 7A 7; 2; A78 37 32 33 9ld <-TMS) si 'at*re -e3*ested -.,DI ti0er 1al*e D-D "ara0eter TMS) stat*s <-TMS) MS 'et%or5 &a"a2ility <D< &o'teFt stat*s <S :CS Ca"a2ility Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 U"date ty"e Ci"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er -o*ti' area ide'ti6i&atio' MS -adio ,&&ess &a"a2ility <-TMS) si 'at*re G<-S Ti0er 70.5.;.3 D-D "ara0eter TMS) stat*s Mo2ile ide'tity MS 'et%or5 &a"a2ility <D< &o'teFt stat*s 70.5.;.7 <S :CS Ca"a2ility Presence M M M M M M M 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 5 2or7at V V V V V V :V TV TV TV TV T:V T:V T:V TLLen th 7$2 7$2 7 7$2 7$2 8 8 - 52 4 2 3 7 ; 4-70 4 3


9ld <-TMS) si 'at*re

This I5 is included $y the 2S if it was recei(ed fro% the networ0 in an ATTAC; ACC5/T or 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T %essa!e.


-e3*ested -.,DI ti0er 1al*e

This I5 %ay $e included if the 2S wants to indicate a preferred (alue for the 15A4A ti%er.


D-D "ara0eter
2TS= or the 2S wants to indicate new

This I5 shall $e included if the 2S chan!es the access networ0 fro% #S2 to 41I para%eters to the networ0.


TMS) stat*s

This I5 shall $e included if the 2S perfor%s a co%$ined routin! area update and no (alid T2SI is a(aila$le.


<-TMS) (UMTS o'ly)

This I5 shall $e included $y the 2S.


MS 'et%or5 &a"a2ility

This I5 shall $e included $y the 2S to indicate itSs capa$ilities to the networ0.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


<D< &o'teFt stat*s

This I5 shall $e included $y the 2S.


<S :CS Ca"a2ility

This I5 shall $e included if the 2S supports at least one positionin! %ethod for the pro(ision of location ser(ices ,)CS(ia the /S do%ain in #$6%ode.

A.4.75 -o*ti' area *"date a&&e"t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 2S to pro(ide the 2S with #/1S %o$ility %ana!e%ent related data in response to a routin' area update re5uest %essa!e. See ta$le 9.4.15"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 ACC5/T dual networ0 to 2S

Table 0*)*1#33GPP TS ()*++,4 "5<T9NG 8"C8 <P&8TC 8CCCPT 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator -o*ti' area *"date a&&e"t 0essa e ide'tity (or&e to sta'd2y U"date res*lt <eriodi& -, *"date ti0er -o*ti' area ide'ti6i&atio' 7A 78 23 28 7; 25 2, 8C 4, 32 <-TMS) si 'at*re ,llo&ated <-TMS) Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 (or&e to sta'd2y 70.5.5.; U"date res*lt; G<-S Ti0er 70.5.;.3 -o*ti' area ide'ti6i&atio' <-TMS) si 'at*re Mo2ile ide'tity Mo2ile ide'tity -e&ei1e 4-<DU 4*02er list G<-S Ti0er 70.5.;.3 GMM &a*se G<-S Ti0er 2 70.5.;.4 Cell 4oti6i&atio' <:M4 :ist <D< &o'teFt stat*s 70.5.;.7 Presence M M M M M M M 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2or7at V V V V V V V TV T:V T:V T:V TV TV T:V T T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7$2 7$2 7 8 4 ; ;-70 4 - 7A 2 2 3 7 5-7; 4

2S identity
:ist o6 -e&ei1e 4-<DU 4*02ers 4e otiated -.,DI ti0er 1al*e GMM &a*se T3302 1al*e Cell 4oti6i&atio' .3*i1ale't <:M4s <D< &o'teFt stat*s


<-TMS) si 'at*re

This I5 %ay $e included to assi!n an identity to the 2S7s #22 conte?t.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


,llo&ated <-TMS)

This I5 %ay $e included to assi!n a /6T2SI to an 2S in case of a #/1S or co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure.


MS ide'tity

This I5 %ay $e included to assi!n or unassi!n a T2SI to a 2S in case of a co%$ined routin! area updatin! procedure.


:ist o6 -e&ei1e 4-<DU 4*02ers

This I5 shall $e included in case of an inter S#S8 routin! area updatin!= if there are /4/ conte?ts that ha(e $een acti(ated in ac0nowled!ed transfer %ode.


4e otiated -.,DI ti0er 1al*e

This I5 %ay $e included to indicate a (alue for the 15A4A ti%er.


GMM &a*se

This I5 shall $e included if I2SI attach was not successful for non6#/1S ser(ices durin! a co%$ined #/1S routin! area updatin! procedure.


T3302 1al*e

This I5 %ay $e included to indicate a (alue for the T33<2 ti%er.


Cell 4oti6i&atio' (GSM o'ly)

In #S2= this I5 shall $e included if $y the S#S8 in order to indicate the a$ility to support the Cell 8otification.


.3*i1ale't <:M4s

The E5ui4alent ")M s infor%ation ele%ent is included if the networ0 wants to infor% the %o$ile station of e>ui(alent /)28s.


<D< &o'teFt stat*s

This I5 shall $e included $y the 8B.

A.4.78 -o*ti' area *"date &o0"lete

This %essa!e shall $e sent $y the 2S to the networ0 in response to a routin' area update accept messa'e if a /6T2SI and"or a T2SI has $een assi!ned and"or if there are esta$lished ))C connections. See ta$le 9.4.1&"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 C'2/)5T5 dual 2S to networ0


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*)*1.33GPP TS ()*++,4 "5<T9NG 8"C8 <P&8TC C5MPLCTC 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator -o*ti' area *"date &o0"lete 0essa e ide'tity :ist o6 -e&ei1e 4-<DU 4*02ers Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 -e&ei1e 4-<DU 4*02er list Presence M M M 9 2or7at V V V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 4 - 7A



:ist o6 -e&ei1e 4-<DU 4*02ers

This I5 shall $e included if the routin' area update accept messa'e contained this I5.

A.4.7; -o*ti' area *"date re>e&t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 2S in order to reCect the routin! area update procedure. See ta$le 9.4.1*"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 1' TI8# A15A /4AT5 15Q5CT dual networ0 to 2S

Table 0*)*1/33GPP TS ()*++,4 "5<T9NG 8"C8 <P&8TC "CDCCT 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator -o*ti' area *"date re>e&t 0essa e ide'tity GMM &a*se (or&e to sta'd2y S"are !al6 o&tet 2, T3302 1al*e Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 GMM &a*se (or&e to sta'd2y 70.5.5.; S"are !al6 o&tet G<-S Ti0er 2 70.5.;.4 Presence M M M M M M 9 2or7at V V V V V V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7 7$2 7$2 3


T3302 1al*e

This I5 %ay $e included to indicate a (alue for the T33<2 ti%er.

A.4.78 GMM Stat*s

This %essa!e is sent $y the 2S or $y the networ0 at any ti%e to report certain error conditions listed in clause 3. See ta$le 9.4.13"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE #22 STAT S local $oth


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*)*1,33GPP TS ()*++,4 GMM ST8T<S 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator GMM Stat*s 0essa e ide'tity GMM &a*se Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 GMM &a*se Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7

A.4.7A GMM )'6or0atio'

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 at any ti%e to sent certain infor%ation to the 2S. See ta$le 9.4.19"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE #22 I8F'12ATI'8 local networ0 to 2S Table 0*)*1033GPP TS ()*++,4 GMM 9N25"M8T95N 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator GMM )'6or0atio' 0essa e ide'tity (*ll 'a0e 6or 'et%or5 S!ort 'a0e 6or 'et%or5 :o&al ti0e Po'e U'i1ersal ti0e a'd lo&al ti0e Po'e :S, )de'tity 4et%or5 Dayli !t Sa1i' Ti0e Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 4et%or5 'a0e 4et%or5 'a0e Ti0e Po'e Ti0e Po'e a'd ti0e 70.5.3.A :S, )de'ti6ier Dayli !t Sa1i' Ti0e Presence M M M 9 9 9 9 9 9 2or7at V V V T:V T:V TV TV T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 3-O 3-O 2 8 2-5 3

43 45 48 4; 48 4A


(*ll 'a0e 6or 'et%or5

This I5 %ay $e sent $y the networ0. If this I5 is sent= the contents of this I5 indicate the Dfull len!th na%e of the networ0D that the networ0 wishes the %o$ile station to associate with the 2CC and 28C contained in the routin! area identification of the current cell.


S!ort 'a0e 6or 'et%or5

This I5 %ay $e sent $y the networ0. If this I5 is sent= the contents of this I5 indicate the Da$$re(iated na%e of the networ0D that the networ0 wishes the %o$ile station to associate with the 2CC and 28C contained in the routin! area identification of the cell the 2S is currently in.


:o&al ti0e Po'e

This I5 %ay $e sent $y the networ0. The %o$ile station should assu%e that this ti%e Hone applies to the routin! area of the cell the 2S is currently in.

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

If the local ti%e Hone has $een adCusted for 4ayli!ht Sa(in! Ti%e= the networ0 shall indicate this $y includin! the I5 8etwor0 4ayli!ht Sa(in! Ti%e.


U'i1ersal ti0e a'd lo&al ti0e Po'e

This I5 %ay $e sent $y the networ0. The %o$ile station should assu%e that this ti%e Hone applies to the routin! area the 2S is currently in. The %o$ile station shall not assu%e that the ti%e infor%ation is accurate. If the local ti%e Hone has $een adCusted for 4ayli!ht Sa(in! Ti%e= the networ0 shall indicate this $y includin! the I5 8etwor0 4ayli!ht Sa(in! Ti%e.


:S, )de'tity

This I5 %ay $e sent $y the networ0. The contents of this I5 indicate the )SA identity of the ser(in! cell.


4et%or5 Dayli !t Sa1i' Ti0e

This I5 %ay $e sent $y the networ0. If this I5 is sent= the contents of this I5 indicates the (alue that has $een used to adCust the local ti%e Hone.

A.4.20 Ser1i&e -e3*est (UMTS o'ly)

This %essa!e is sent $y the 2S to transfer to esta$lish lo!ical association $etween the 2S and the networ0. See ta$le 9.4.2<"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE Ser(ice 1e>uest dual 2S to networ0 Table 0*)*(+33GPP TS ()*++,4 Contents of Ser6ice "e:uest 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator Ser1i&e -e3*est Ci"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er Ser1i&e ty"e <-TMS) 32 <D< &o'teFt stat*s Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Ci"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er Ser1i&e ty"e Mo2ile statio' ide'tity <D< &o'teFt stat*s 70.5.;.7 Presence M M M M M M 9 2or7at V V V V V :V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7$2 7$2 8 4


<D< &o'teFt stat*s

This I5 shall $e included $y the 2S.

A.4.27 Ser1i&e ,&&e"t (UMTS o'ly)

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 in response to a Ser4ice Re5uest %essa!e. See ta$le 9.4.21"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE Ser(ice Accept dual


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


networ0 to 2S Table 0*)*(133GPP TS ()*++,4 Contents of Ser6ice 8ccept 7essa e content


9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator Ser1i&e ,&&e"t


<D< &o'teFt stat*s

Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 <D< &o'teFt stat*s 70.5.;.7

Presence M M M 9

2or7at V V V T:V

Len th 7$2 7$2 7 4


<D< &o'teFt stat*s

This I5 shall $e included $y the 8B.

A.4.22 Ser1i&e -e>e&t (UMTS o'ly)

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 5 in order to reCect the Ser(ice re>uest procedure. See ta$le 9.4.22"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE Ser(ice 1eCect dual networ0 to 2S Table 0*)*((33GPP TS ()*++,4 Contents of Ser6ice "eject 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator S5i" i'di&ator Ser1i&e -e>e&t GMM &a*se Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 S5i" i'di&ator 70.3.7 Messa e ty"e 70.4 GMM &a*se Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V V Len th 7$2 7$2 7 7

A.5 G<-S Sessio' Ma'a e0e't Messa es

A.5.7 ,&ti1ate <D< &o'teFt re3*est
This %essa!e is sent $y the 2S to the networ0 to re>uest acti(ation of a /4/ conte?t. See ta$le 9.5.1"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST !lo$al 2S to networ0


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*#*133GPP TS ()*++,4 8CT9-8TC P&P C5NTCHT "CE<CST 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier ,&ti1ate <D< &o'teFt re3*est 0essa e ide'tity -e3*ested 4S,<) -e3*ested ::C S,<) -e3*ested EoS -e3*ested <D< address 28 2; ,&&ess "oi't 'a0e <roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 4et%or5 ser1i&e a&&ess "oi't ide'ti6ier ::C ser1i&e a&&ess "oi't ide'ti6ier 70.5.8.A E*ality o6 ser1i&e <a&5et data "roto&ol address ,&&ess "oi't 'a0e <roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's Presence M M M M M M M 9 9 2or7at V V V V V :V :V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2S 3$2 7 7 7 73 3 - 7A 3 - 702 3 - 253


,&&ess "oi't 'a0e

This I5 is included in the %essa!e when the 2S selects a specific e?ternal networ0 to $e connected to.


<roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's

This I5 is included in the %essa!e when the 2S pro(ides protocol confi!uration options or other confi!uration para%eters and"or re>uests ,such as /6CSCF Address 1e>uestL see 3#// TS 24.229 N95O- for the e?ternal /48.

A.5.2 ,&ti1ate <D< &o'teFt a&&e"t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 2S to ac0nowled!e acti(ation of a /4/ conte?t. See ta$le 9.5.2"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T !lo$al networ0 to 2S


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*#*(33GPP TS ()*++,4 8CT9-8TC P&P C5NTCHT 8CCCPT 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier ,&ti1ate <D< &o'teFt a&&e"t 0essa e ide'tity 4e otiated ::C S,<) 4e otiated EoS -adio "riority S"are !al6 o&tet 2+ 2; 34 <D< address <roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's <a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 ::C ser1i&e a&&ess "oi't ide'ti6ier 70.5.8.A E*ality o6 ser1i&e -adio "riority 70.5.;.2 S"are !al6 o&tet <a&5et data "roto&ol address <roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's <a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier Presence M M M M M M M 9 9 9 2or7at V V V V :V V V T:V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2S 3$2 7 7 73 7$2 7$2 4-20 3-253 3


<D< address

This I5 shall $e included $y the networ0 if the 2S has re>uested the acti(ation of a /4/ conte?t with the /4/ type I/(4 or I/(& and dyna%ic addressin!.


<roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's

This I5 is included in the %essa!e when the networ0 wishes to trans%it protocol confi!uration options or other confi!uration para%eters ,such as /6CSCF AddressesL see 3#// TS 24.229 N95O- for the e?ternal /48.


<a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier

This I5 %ay $e included if the networ0 wants to indicate the /ac0et Flow Identifier associated to the /4/ conte?t.

A.5.3 ,&ti1ate <D< &o'teFt re>e&t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 2S to reCect acti(ation of a /4/ conte?t. See ta$le 9.5.3"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT !lo$al networ0 to 2S

Table 0*#*333GPP TS ()*++,4 8CT9-8TC P&P C5NTCHT "CDCCT 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier ,&ti1ate <D< &o'teFt re>e&t 0essa e ide'tity SM &a*se 2; <roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 SM Ca*se <roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's Presence M M M M 9 2or7at V V V V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2S 3$2 7 7 3 - 253


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


<roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's

The protocol confi!uration options I5 %ay only $e inserted $y the networ0 ,see TS29.<&<- if the S2 Cause indicates Dacti(ation reCected $y ##S8D.

A.5.4 ,&ti1ate Se&o'dary <D< Co'teFt -e3*est

This %essa!e is sent $y the 2S to the networ0 to re>uest acti(ation of an additional /4/ conte?t associated with the sa%e /4/ address and A/8 as an already acti(e /4/ conte?t. See Ta$le 9.5.4"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST !lo$al 2S to networ0

Table 0*#*)33GPP TS ()*++,4 8CT9-8TC SCC5N&8"F P&P C5NTCHT "CE<CST 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier ,&ti1ate se&o'dary <D< &o'teFt re3*est 0essa e ide'tity -e3*ested 4S,<) -e3*ested ::C S,<) -e3*ested EoS :i'5ed T) 38 2; T(T <roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 4et%or5 ser1i&e a&&ess "oi't ide'ti6ier ::C ser1i&e a&&ess "oi't ide'ti6ier 70.5.8.A E*ality o6 ser1i&e :i'5ed T) 70.5.8.; Tra66i& (lo% Te0"late <roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's Presence M M M M M M M 9 9 2or7at V V V V V :V :V T:V T:V Len th N NS 3$2 7 7 7 73 2-3 3-25; 3-253



This I5 shall $e included if a li'5ed /4/ conte?t without TFT has already $een acti(ated.


<roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's

This I5 %ay $e included in the %essa!e if the 2S wishes to trans%it confi!uration para%eters and"or re>uests ,such as /6CSCF Address 1e>uestL see 3#// TS 24.229 N95O- to the networ0.

A.5.5 ,&ti1ate Se&o'dary <D< Co'teFt ,&&e"t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 2S to ac0nowled!e acti(ation of an additional /4/ conte?t associated with the sa%e /4/ address and A/8 as an already acti(e /4/ conte?t. See Ta$le 9.5.5"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T !lo$al networ0 to 2S

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*#*#33GPP TS ()*++,4 8CT9-8TC SCC5N&8"F P&P C5NTCHT 8CCCPT 7essa e content
9C9 Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 ,&ti1ate se&o'dary <D< &o'teFt Messa e ty"e a&&e"t 0essa e ide'tity 70.4 4e otiated ::C S,<) ::C ser1i&e a&&ess "oi't ide'ti6ier 70.5.8.A 4e otiated EoS E*ality o6 ser1i&e -adio "riority -adio "riority S"are !al6 o&tet S"are !al6 o&tet <a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier <a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier <roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's <roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Presence M M M M M M M 9 9 2or7at V V V V :V V V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2S 3$2 7 7 73 7$2 7$2 3 3-253

34 2;


<a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier

This I5 %ay $e included if the networ0 wants to indicate the /ac0et Flow Identifier associated to the /4/ conte?t.


<roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's

This I5 %ay $e included if the networ0 wants to trans%it confi!uration para%eters ,such as /6CSCF AddressesL see 3#// TS 24.229 N95O- to the 2S.

A.5.8 ,&ti1ate Se&o'dary <D< Co'teFt -e>e&t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 5 to reCect acti(ation of an additional /4/ conte?t associated with the sa%e /4/ address and A/8 as an already acti(e /4/ conte?t. See Ta$le 9.5.&"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE ACTI+AT5 S5C'84A1A /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT !lo$al networ0 to 2S

Table 0*#*.33GPP TS ()*++,4 8CT9-8TC SCC5N&8"F P&P C5NTCHT "CDCCT 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 ,&ti1ate se&o'dary <D< &o'teFt Messa e ty"e re>e&t 0essa e ide'tity 70.4 SM &a*se SM Ca*se Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V V Len th 7$2 7$2S 3$2 7 7

A.5.; -e3*est <D< &o'teFt a&ti1atio'

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 2S to initiate acti(ation of a /4/ conte?t. See ta$le 9.5.*"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 !lo$al

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


networ0 to 2S

Table 0*#*/33GPP TS ()*++,4 "CE<CST P&P C5NTCHT 8CT9-8T95N 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier -e3*est <D< &o'teFt a&ti1atio' 0essa e ide'tity 966ered <D< address 28 ,&&ess "oi't 'a0e Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 <a&5et data "roto&ol address ,&&ess "oi't 'a0e Presence M M M M 9 2or7at V V V :V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2S 3$2 7 3 - 7A 3 S 702

A.5.8 -e3*est <D< &o'teFt a&ti1atio' re>e&t

This %essa!e is sent $y the 2S to the networ0 to reCect initiation of a /4/ conte?t acti(ation. See ta$le 9.5.3"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 15: 5ST /4/ C'8T5IT ACTI+ATI'8 15Q5CT !lo$al 2S to networ0

Table 0*#*,33GPP TS ()*++,4 "CE<CST P&P C5NTCHT 8CT9-8T95N "CDCCT 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier -e3*est <D< &o'teFt a&t. re>e&t 0essa e ide'tity SM &a*se Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 SM &a*se Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V V Len th 7$2 7$2S 3$2 7 7

A.5.A Modi6y <D< &o'teFt re3*est (4et%or5 to MS dire&tio')

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 2S to re>uest %odification of an acti(e /4/ conte?t. See ta$le 9.5.9"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST ,85TB'1K T' 2S 4I15CTI'8!lo$al networ0 to 2S


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*#*033GPP TS ()*++,4 M5&92F P&P C5NTCHT "CE<CST !NCT%5"G T5 MS &9"CCT95N$ 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Modi6y <D< &o'teFt re3*est 0essa e ide'tity -adio "riority S"are !al6 o&tet -e3*ested ::C S,<) 4e% EoS 2+ 34 <D< address <a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 -adio "riority 70.5.;.2 S"are !al6 o&tet ::C ser1i&e a&&ess "oi't ide'ti6ier 70.5.8.A E*ality o6 ser1i&e <a&5et data "roto&ol address <a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier Presence M M M M M M M 9 9 2or7at V V V V V V :V T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2S 3$2 7 7$2 7$2 7 73 4-20 3


<D< address

If the 2S re>uested e?ternal /48 address allocation at /4/ conte?t acti(ation (ia an A/8 and this was confir%ed $y the networ0 in the ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T %essa!e= then the networ0 shall include the /4/ address I5 in the 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST %essa!e once the address has $een actually allocated= in order to update the /4/ conte?t in the 2S.


<a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier

This I5 %ay $e included if the networ0 wants to indicate the /ac0et Flow Identifier associated to the /4/ conte?t.

A.5.70 Modi6y <D< &o'teFt re3*est (MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio')

This %essa!e is sent $y the 2S to the networ0 to re>uest %odification of an acti(e /4/ conte?t. See ta$le 9.5.1<"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST ,2S T' 85TB'1K 4I15CTI'8!lo$al 2S to networ0

Table 0*#*1+33GPP TS ()*++,4 M5&92F P&P C5NTCHT "CE<CST !MS to network direction$ 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Modi6y <D< &o'teFt re3*est 0essa e ide'tity -e3*ested ::C S,<) -e3*ested 'e% EoS 4e% T(T Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 ::C ser1i&e a&&ess "oi't ide'ti6ier 70.5.8.A E*ality o6 ser1i&e Tra66i& (lo% Te0"late Presence M M M 9 9 9 2or7at V V V TV T:V T:V Len th 7$2 7$2S 3$2 7 2 74 3-25;

32 30 37


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


-e3*ested ::C S,<)

This I5 %ay $e included in the %essa!e to re>uest a new ))C SA/I if a new :oS is re>uested.


-e3*ested 'e% EoS

This I5 %ay $e included in the %essa!e to re>uest a %odification of the :oS.


4e% T(T

This I5 %ay $e included in the %essa!e to re>uest a new TFT or %odification of an e?istin! TFT or transfer e?tra para%eters to the networ0 ,e.!. the AuthoriHation To0enL see 3#// TS 24.229-.

A.5.77 Modi6y <D< &o'teFt a&&e"t (MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio')

This %essa!e is sent $y the 2S to the networ0 to ac0nowled!e the %odification of an acti(e /4/ conte?t. See ta$le 9.5.11"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T ,2S T' 85TB'1K 4I15CTI'8!lo$al 2S to networ0

Table 0*#*1133GPP TS ()*++,4 M5&92F P&P C5NTCHT 8CCCPT !MS T5 NCT%5"G &9"CCT95N$ 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Modi6y <D< &o'teFt a&&e"t 0essa e ide'tity Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2S 3$2 7

A.5.72 Modi6y <D< &o'teFt a&&e"t (4et%or5 to MS dire&tio')

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 2S to ac0nowled!e the %odification of an acti(e /4/ conte?t. See ta$le 9.5.12"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T ,85TB'1K T' 2S 4I15CTI'8!lo$al 8etwor0 to 2S


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 0*#*1(33GPP TS ()*++,4 M5&92F P&P C5NTCHT 8CCCPT !NCT%5"G to MS direction$ 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Modi6y <D< &o'teFt a&&e"t 0essa e ide'tity 4e otiated EoS 4e otiated ::C S,<) 4e% radio "riority <a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 E*ality o6 ser1i&e ::C ser1i&e a&&ess "oi't ide'ti6ier 70.5.8.A -adio "riority 70.5.;.2 <a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier Presence M M M 9 9 9 9 2or7at V V V T:V TV TV T:V Len th N NS 3$2 7 74 2 7 3

30 32 8 34


4e otiated EoS

This I5 is included in the %essa!e if the networ0 assi!ns a new :oS.


4e otiated ::C S,<)

This I5 is included in the %essa!e if the networ0 assi!ns a new ))C SA/I.


4e% radio "riority

This I5 is included in the %essa!e only if the networ0 %odifies the radio priority.


<a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier

This I5 %ay $e included if the networ0 wants to indicate the /ac0et Flow Identifier associated to the /4/ conte?t.

A.5.73 Modi6y <D< Co'teFt -e>e&t

This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 to the 5 to reCect the re>uested %odification of the TFT. The networ0 should not send a 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT %essa!e only if the re>uested :oS is not a(aila$le. If a TFT %odification was re>uested and the re>uested new TFT is not a(aila$le then 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT shall $e sent. See Ta$le 9.5.13"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 2'4IFA /4/ C'8T5IT 15Q5CT !lo$al networ0 to 2S

Table 0*#*1333GPP TS ()*++,4 M5&92F P&P C5NTCHT "CDCCT 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Modi6y <D< Co'teFt -e>e&t SM &a*se Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 SM Ca*se Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V V Len th 7$2 7$2S 3$2 7 7


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A.5.74 Dea&ti1ate <D< &o'teFt re3*est

This %essa!e is sent to re>uest deacti(ation of an acti(e /4/ conte?t. See ta$le 9.5.3"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT 15: 5ST !lo$al $oth

Table 0*#*1)33GPP TS ()*++,4 &C8CT9-8TC P&P C5NTCHT "CE<CST 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Dea&ti1ate <D< &o'teFt re3*est 0essa e ide'tity SM &a*se ATear do%' i'di&ator Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 SM &a*se Tear do%' i'di&ator Presence M M M M 9 2or7at V V V V TV Len th 7$2 7$2S 3$2 7 7 7


Tear do%' i'di&ator

This I5 is included in the %essa!e in order to indicate whether only the /4/ conte?t associated with this specific TI or all acti(e /4/ conte?ts sharin! the sa%e /4/ address as the /4/ conte?t associated with this specific TI shall $e deacti(ated.

A.5.75 Dea&ti1ate <D< &o'teFt a&&e"t

This %essa!e is sent to ac0nowled!e deacti(ation of the /4/ conte?t re>uested in the correspondin! Deacti4ate "D" conte$t re5uest %essa!e. See ta$le 9.5.15"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE 45ACTI+AT5 /4/ C'8T5IT ACC5/T !lo$al $oth

Table 0*#*1#33GPP TS ()*++,4 &C8CT9-8TC P&P C5NTCHT 8CCCPT 7essa e content

9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier Dea&ti1ate <D< &o'teFt a&&e"t 0essa e ide'tity Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 Presence M M M 2or7at V V V Len th 7$2 7$2S 3$2 7


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A.5.78 Void A.5.7; Void A.5.78 Void A.5.7A Void A.5.20 Void A.5.27 SM Stat*s
This %essa!e is sent $y the networ0 or the 2S to pass infor%ation on the status of the indicated conte?t and report certain error conditions ,e!. as listed in clause 3-. See ta$le 9.5.21"3#// TS 24.<<3. 2essa!e typeE Si!nificanceE 4irectionE S2 Status local $oth Table 0*#*(133GPP TS ()*++,4 SM ST8T<S 7essa e content
9C9 9nfor7ation Cle7ent <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier SM Stat*s 0essa e ide'tity SM Ca*se Type3"eference <roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator 70.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 70.3.2 Messa e ty"e 70.4 SM Ca*se Presence M M M M 2or7at V V V V Len th 7$2 7$2S 3$2 7 7


Ge'eral 0essa e 6or0at a'd i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts &odi'

The fi!ures and te?t in this clause descri$e the Infor%ation 5le%ents contents.

70.7 91er1ie%
Bithin the )ayer 3 protocols defined in 3#// TS 24.1<3= e(ery %essa!e is a standard )3 %essa!e as defined in 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O. This %eans that the %essa!e consists of the followin! partsE a- protocol discri%inatorL $- transaction identifierL c- %essa!e typeL d- other infor%ation ele%ents= as re>uired. This or!aniHation is illustrated in the e?a%ple shown in fi!ure 1<.1"3#// TS 24.<<3.


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2i ure 1+*133GPP TS ()*++, General 7essa e or aniIation e>a7ple nless specified otherwise in the %essa!e descriptions of clause 9= a particular infor%ation ele%ent shall not $e present %ore than once in a !i(en %essa!e. The ter% DdefaultD i%plies that the (alue defined shall $e used in the a$sence of any assi!n%ent= or that this (alue allows ne!otiation of alternati(e (alues in $etween the two peer entities. Bhen a field e?tends o(er %ore than one octet= the order of $it (alues pro!ressi(ely decreases as the octet nu%$er increases. The least si!nificant $it of the field is represented $y the lowest nu%$ered $it of the hi!hest nu%$ered octet of the field.

70.2 <roto&ol Dis&ri0i'ator

The /rotocol 4iscri%inator ,/4- and its use are defined in 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O.

70.3 S5i" i'di&ator a'd tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier

70.3.7 S5i" i'di&ator
.its 5 to 3 of the first octet of e(ery 2o$ility 2ana!e%ent %essa!e and #/1S 2o$ility2ana!e%ent %essa!e contains the s0ip indicator. A %essa!e recei(ed with s0ip indicator different fro% <<<< shall $e i!nored. A %essa!e recei(ed with s0ip indicator encoded as <<<< shall not $e i!nored ,unless it is i!nored for other reasons-. A protocol entity sendin! a 2o$ility 2ana!e%ent %essa!e or a #/1S 2o$ility 2ana!e%ent %essa!e shall encode the s0ip indicator as <<<<.

70.3.2 Tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier

.its 5 to 3 of the first octet of e(ery %essa!e $elon!in! to the protocols DCall ControlL call related SS %essa!esD and DSession 2ana!e%entDcontain the transaction identifier ,TI-. The transaction identifier and its use are defined in 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O. For the session %ana!e%ent protocol= the e?tended TI %echanis% %ay $e used ,see 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O-. For the call control protocol= the e?tended TI %echanis% shall $e supported for the purpose of protocol error handlin! as specified in su$clause 3.3.1

70.4 Messa e Ty"e

The %essa!e type I5 and its use are defined in 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O. Ta$les 1<.3"3#// TS 24.<<3= 1<.4"3#// TS 24.<<3= and 1<.4a"3#// TS 24.<<3 define the (alue part of the %essa!e type I5 used in the 2o$ility 2ana!e%ent protocol= the Call Control protocol= and Session %ana!e%ent protocol.


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Table 1+*(33GPP TS ()*++,4 Messa e types for Mobility Mana e7ent

8 F ; F 8 0 5 0 4 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 3 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 0 0 7 0 7 0 -e istratio' 0essa es# - )MS) D.T,C? )4D)C,T)94 - :9C,T)94 U<D,T)4G ,CC.<T - :9C,T)94 U<D,T)4G -.@.CT - :9C,T)94 U<D,T)4G -.EU.ST Se&*rity 0essa es# - ,UT?.4T)C,T)94 -.@.CT - ,UT?.4T)C,T)94 -.EU.ST - ,UT?.4T)C,T)94 -.S<94S. - ,UT?.4T)C,T)94 (,):U-.TTTT.. - )D.4T)TI -.EU.ST - )D.4T)TI -.S<94S. - TMS) -.,::9C,T)94 C9MM,4D - TMS) -.,::9C,T)94 C9M<:.T. Co''e&tio' 0a'a e0e't 0essa es# - CM S.-V)C. ,CC.<T - CM S.-V)C. -.@.CT - CM S.-V)C. ,+9-T - CM S.-V)C. -.EU.ST - CM S.-V)C. <-9M<T - -eser1ed (see 49T.) - CM -.-.ST,+:)S?M.4T -.EU.ST - ,+9-T Mis&ella'eo*s 0essa es# - MM 4U:: - MM ST,TUS - MM )4(9-M,T)94


This (alue was allocated $ut ne(er used in earlier phases of the protocol.

Bhen the radio connection started with a core networ0 node of earlier than 199= $it 3 shall $e set to < and $it * is reser(ed for the send se>uence nu%$er in %essa!es sent fro% the %o$ile station. In %essa!es sent fro% the networ0= $its * and 3 are coded with a D<D. See 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O. Bhen the radio connection started with a core networ0 node of 1799 or later= $its * and 3 are reser(ed for the send se>uence nu%$er in %essa!es sent fro% the %o$ile station. In %essa!es sent fro% the networ0= $its * and 3 are coded with a D<D. See 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O.


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Table 1+*333GPP TS ()*++,4 Messa e types for Call Control and call related SS 7essa es
8 F F ; F F 8 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 3 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 2 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0

es&a"e to 'atio'ally s"e&i6i& 0essa e ty"esL see 7) 2elo% Call esta2lis!0e't 0essa es# - ,:.-T)4G - C,:: C94()-M.D - C,:: <-9C..D)4G - C944.CT - C944.CT ,CB49W:.DG. - .M.-G.4CI S.TU< - <-9G-.SS - CC-.ST,+:)S?M.4T - CC-.ST,+:)S?M.4T C94()-M.D - -.C,:: - ST,-T CC - S.TU< Call i'6or0atio' "!ase 0essa es# - M9D)(I - M9D)(I C9M<:.T. - M9D)(I -.@.CT - US.- )4(9-M,T)94 - ?9:D - ?9:D ,CB49W:.DG. - ?9:D -.@.CT - -.T-).V. - -.T-).V. ,CB49W:.DG. - -.T-).V. -.@.CT Call &leari' 0essa es# - D)SC944.CT - -.:.,S. - -.:.,S. C9M<:.T. Mis&ella'eo*s 0essa es# - C94G.ST)94 C94T-9: - 49T)(I - ST,TUS - ST,TUS .4EU)-I - ST,-T DTM( - ST9< DTM( - ST9< DTM( ,CB49W:.DG. - ST,-T DTM( ,CB49W:.DG. - ST,-T DTM( -.@.CT - (,C):)TI


W!e' *sed, t!e 0essa e ty"e is de6i'ed i' t!e 6ollo%i' o&tet(s), a&&ordi' to t!e 'atio'al s"e&i6i&atio'.

Bhen the radio connection started with a core networ0 node of earlier than 199= $it 3 shall $e set to < and $it * is reser(ed for the send se>uence nu%$er in %essa!es sent fro% the %o$ile station. In %essa!es sent fro% the networ0= $its * and 3 are coded with a D<D. See 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O. Bhen the radio connection started with a core networ0 node of 1799 or later= $its * and 3 are reser(ed for the send se>uence nu%$er in %essa!es sent fro% the %o$ile station. In %essa!es sent fro% the networ0= $its * and 3 are coded with a D<D. See 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O.


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Table 1+*)33GPP TS ()*++,4 Messa e types for GP"S 7obility 7ana e7ent
+its 8 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 2 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 0 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't 0essa es ,tta&! re3*est ,tta&! a&&e"t ,tta&! &o0"lete ,tta&! re>e&t Deta&! re3*est Deta&! a&&e"t -o*ti' -o*ti' -o*ti' -o*ti' area *"date re3*est area *"date a&&e"t area *"date &o0"lete area *"date re>e&t

Ser1i&e -e3*est Ser1i&e ,&&e"t Ser1i&e -e>e&t <-TMS) reallo&atio' &o00a'd <-TMS) reallo&atio' &o0"lete ,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd &i"!eri' re3 ,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd &i"!eri' res" ,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd &i"!eri' re> ,*t!e'ti&atio' a'd &i"!eri' 6ail*re )de'tity re3*est )de'tity res"o'se GMM stat*s GMM i'6or0atio'


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Table 1+*)a33GPP TS ()*++,4 Messa e types for GP"S session 7ana e7ent
+its 8 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 2 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 Sessio' 0a'a e0e't 0essa es ,&ti1ate <D< &o'teFt re3*est ,&ti1ate <D< &o'teFt a&&e"t ,&ti1ate <D< &o'teFt re>e&t -e3*est <D< &o'teFt a&ti1atio' -e3*est <D< &o'teFt a&ti1atio' re>. Dea&ti1ate <D< &o'teFt re3*est Dea&ti1ate <D< &o'teFt a&&e"t Modi6y <D< &o'teFt re3*est(4et%or5 to MS dire&tio') Modi6y <D< &o'teFt a&&e"t (MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio') Modi6y <D< &o'teFt re3*est(MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio') Modi6y <D< &o'teFt a&&e"t (4et%or5 to MS dire&tio') Modi6y <D< &o'teFt re>e&t ,&ti1ate se&o'dary <D< &o'teFt re3*est ,&ti1ate se&o'dary <D< &o'teFt a&&e"t ,&ti1ate se&o'dary <D< &o'teFt re>e&t -eser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol -eser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol -eser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol -eser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol -eser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol SM Stat*s

70.5 9t!er i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts

The different for%ats ,+= )+= T= T+= T)+- and the four cate!ories of infor%ation ele%ents ,type 1= 2= 3= and 4- are defined in 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O. The first octet of an infor%ation ele%ent in the non6i%perati(e part contains the I5I of the infor%ation ele%ent. If this octet does not correspond to an I5I 0nown in the %essa!e= the recei(er shall deter%ine whether this I5 is of type 1 or 2 ,i.e. it is an infor%ation ele%ent of one octet len!th- or an I5 of type 4 ,i.e. that the ne?t octet is the len!th indicator indicatin! the len!th of the re%ainin! of the infor%ation ele%ent- ,see 3#// TS 24.<<* N2<O-. This allows the recei(er to Cu%p o(er un0nown infor%ation ele%ents and to analyse any followin! infor%ation ele%ents. The infor%ation ele%ents which are co%%on for at least two of the three protocols 1adio 1esources %ana!e%ent= 2o$ility 2ana!e%ent and Call Control= are listed in su$clause 1<.5.1. The infor%ation ele%ents for the protocols 2o$ility 2ana!e%ent and Call Control are listed in su$clauses 1<.5.3 and 1<.5.4 respecti(ely. 4efault infor%ation ele%ent identifiers are listed in anne? K. 8'T5E 4ifferent infor%ation ele%ents %ay ha(e the sa%e default infor%ation ele%ent identifier if they $elon! to different protocols.

The descriptions of the infor%ation ele%ent types in su$clauses 1<.5.1= 1<.5.3= and 1<.5.4 are or!aniHed in alpha$etical order of the I5 types. 5ach I5 type is descri$ed in one su$clause.


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The su$clause %ay ha(e an introductionE 6 6 6 possi$ly e?plainin! the purpose of the I5L possi$ly descri$in! whether the I5 $elon!s to type 1= 2= 3= 4 or 5L possi$ly indicatin! the len!th that the infor%ation ele%ent has if it is either type 5 or if it is used in for%at T+ ,type 1 and 3- or T)+ ,type 4-.

A fi!ure of the su$clause defines the structure of the I5 indicatin!E 6 6 6 6 possi$ly the position and len!th of the I5I. ,;owe(er it depends on the %essa!e in which the I5 occurs whether the I5 contains an I5I.-L the fields the I5 (alue part is co%posed ofL possi$ly the position and len!th of the len!th indicator. ,;owe(er it depends on the I5 type whether the I5 contains a len!th indicator or not.-L possi$ly octet nu%$ers of the octets that co%pose the I5 ,see clause a- $elow-.

Finally= the su$clause contains ta$les definin! the structure and (alue ran!e of the fields that co%pose the I5 (alue part. The order of appearance for infor%ation ele%ents in a %essa!e is defined in clause 9. The order of the infor%ation ele%ents within the i%perati(e part of %essa!es has $een chosen so that infor%ation ele%ents with 1"2 octet of content ,type 1- !o to!ether in succession. The first type 1 infor%ation ele%ent occupies $its 1 to 4 of octet 8= the second $its 5 to 3 of octet 8= the third $its 1 to 4 of octet 8 M 1 etc. If the nu%$er of type 1 infor%ation ele%ents is odd then $its 5 to 3 of the last octet occupied $y these infor%ation ele%ents contains a spare half octet I5 in for%at +. Bhere the description of infor%ation ele%ents in the present docu%ent contains $its defined to $e Dspare $itsD= these $its shall set to the indicated (alue ,< or 1- $y the sendin! side= and their (alue shall $e i!nored $y the recei(in! side. Bith few e?ceptions= spare $its are indicated as $ein! set to D<D in 3#// TS 24.<<3. The followin! rules apply for the codin! of type 4 infor%ation ele%entsE a- The octet nu%$er of an octet ,which is defined in the fi!ure of a su$clause- consists of a positi(e inte!er= possi$ly of an additional letter= and possi$ly of an additional asteris0= see clause f-. The positi(e inte!er identifies one octet or a !roup of octets. $- 5ach octet !roup is a self contained entity. The internal structure of an octet !roup %ay $e defined in alternati(e ways. c- An octet !roup is for%ed $y usin! so%e e?tension %echanis%. The preferred e?tension %echanis% is to e?tend an octet ,8- throu!h the ne?t octet,s- ,8a= 8$= etc.- $y usin! $it 3 in each octet as an e?tension $it. The $it (alue D<D indicates that the octet !roup continues throu!h to the ne?t octet. The $it (alue D1D indicates that this octet is the last octet of the !roup. If one octet ,8$- is present= the precedin! octets ,8 and 8a- shall also $e present. In the for%at descriptions appearin! in su$clauses 1<.5.1 to 1<.5.4= $it 3 is %ar0ed D<"1 e?tD if another octet follows. .it 3 is %ar0ed D1 e?tD if this is the last octet in the e?tension do%ain. Additional octets %ay $e defined in later (ersions of the protocols ,D1 e?tD chan!ed to D<"1 e?tD- and e>uip%ents shall $e prepared to recei(e such additional octetsL the contents of these octets shall $e i!nored. ;owe(er the len!th indicated in clauses 9 and 1< only ta0es into account this (ersion of the protocols. d- In addition to the e?tension %echanis% defined a$o(e= an octet ,8- %ay $e e?tended throu!h the ne?t octet,s,8M1= 8M2 etc.- $y indications in $its *61 ,of octet 8-. e- The %echanis%s in c- and d- %ay $e co%$ined. f- 'ptional octets are %ar0ed with asteris0s ,U-.


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70.5.7 Co00o' i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts. Cell ide'tity

The purpose of the Cell Identity infor%ation ele%ent is to identify a cell within a location area. The Cell Identity infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.1"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.1"3#// TS 24.<<3. The Cell Identity is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with 3 octets len!th.

4 3 Cell )de'tity ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3

C) 1al*e C) 1al*e (&o'ti'*ed)

2i ure 1+*#*133GPP TS ()*++, Cell Identity infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*133GPP TS ()*++,4 Cell Identity infor7ation ele7ent
C) 1al*e, Cell ide'tity 1al*e (o&tet 2 a'd 3) )' t!e C) 1al*e 6ield 2it 8 o6 o&tet 2 is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 2it a'd 2it 7 o6 o&tet 3 t!e least si 'i6i&a't 2it. T!e &odi' o6 t!e &ell ide'tity is t!e res"o'si2ility o6 ea&! ad0i'istratio'. Codi' *si' 6*ll !eFade&i0al re"rese'tatio' 0ay 2e *sed. T!e &ell ide'tity &o'sists o6 2 o&tets.

Ci"!eri' Bey Se3*e'&e 4*02er

In a #S2 authentication challen!e= the purpose of the Cipherin' 6ey Se5uence umber infor%ation ele%ent is to %a0e it possi$le for the networ0 to identify the cipherin! 0ey Kc which is stored in the %o$ile station without in(o0in! the authentication procedure. The cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er is allocated $y the networ0 and sent with the A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e to the %o$ile station where it is stored to!ether with the calculated cipherin! 0ey Kc. The Cipherin' 6ey Se5uence umber infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.2"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.2"3#// TS 24.<<3. In a 2TS authentication challen!e= the purpose of the Cipherin' 6ey Se5uence umber infor%ation ele%ent is to %a0e it possi$le for the networ0 to identify the cipherin! 0ey CK and inte!rity 0ey IK which are stored in the 2S without in(o0in! the authentication procedure. CK and IK for% a Key Set Identifier ,KSI- ,see 3#// TS 33.1<2- which is encoded the sa%e as the CKS8 and is therefore included in the CKS8 field. The cipherin! 0ey se>uence nu%$er is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent.

; 8 Ci"!eri' Bey Se3*e'&e 4*02er ).)

4 0 s"are

2 7 5ey se3*e'&e

o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*(33GPP TS ()*++, Ciphering Key Sequence Number infor7ation ele7ent


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*(33GPP TS ()*++,4 Ciphering Key Sequence Number infor7ation ele7ent

Bey se3*e'&e (o&tet 7) +its 3 ( 1 <ossi2le 1al*es 6or t!e &i"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er 4o 5ey is a1aila2le (MS to 'et%or5)L -eser1ed ('et%or5 to MS)

0 0 0 t!ro* ! 7 7 0 7 7 7

:o&atio' ,rea )de'ti6i&atio'

The purpose of the )ocation !rea Identi0ication infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide an una%$i!uous identification of location areas within the area co(ered $y the #S2 syste%. The )ocation !rea Identi0ication infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.3"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.3"3#// TS 24.<<3. The )ocation !rea Identi0ication is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with & octets len!th.

5 4 3 2 :o&atio' ,rea )de'ti6i&atio' ).) MCC di it 7 MCC di it 3 M4C di it 7 :,C :,C (&o'ti'*ed)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4 o&tet 5 o&tet 8

MCC di it 2 M4C di it 3 M4C di it 2

2i ure 1+*#*333GPP TS ()*++, Location Area Identification infor7ation ele7ent


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Table 1+*#*333GPP TS ()*++,4 Location Area Identification infor7ation ele7ent

MCC, Mo2ile &o*'try &ode (o&tet 2 a'd 3) T!e MCC 6ield is &oded as i' )TU-T -e&. .272, ,''eF ,. )6 t!e :,) is deleted t!e MCC a'd M4C s!all ta5e t!e 1al*e 6ro0 t!e deleted :,). )' a2'or0al &ases, t!e MCC stored i' t!e 0o2ile statio' &a' &o'tai' ele0e'ts 'ot i' t!e set U0, 7 ... AV. )' s*&! &ases t!e 0o2ile statio' s!o*ld tra's0it t!e stored 1al*es *si' 6*ll !eFade&i0al e'&odi' . W!e' re&ei1i' s*&! a' MCC, t!e 'et%or5 s!all treat t!e :,) as deleted. M4C, Mo2ile 'et%or5 &ode (o&tet 3 2its 5 to 8, o&tet 4) T!e &odi' o6 t!is 6ield is t!e res"o'si2ility o6 ea&! ad0i'istratio' 2*t +CD &odi' s!all 2e *sed. T!e M4C s!all &o'sist o6 2 or 3 di its. (or <CS 7A00 6or 4,, (ederal re *latio' 0a'dates t!at a 3-di it M4C s!all 2e *sed. ?o%e1er a 'et%or5 o"erator 0ay de&ide to *se o'ly t%o di its i' t!e M4C i' t!e :,) o1er t!e radio i'ter6a&e. )' t!is &ase, 2its 5 to 8 o6 o&tet 3 s!all 2e &oded as G7777G. Mo2ile e3*i"0e't s!all a&&e"t :,) &oded i' s*&! a %ay. 49T. 7# )' earlier 1ersio's o6 t!is "roto&ol, t!e "ossi2ility to *se a o'e di it M4C i' :,) %as "ro1ided o' t!e radio i'ter6a&e. ?o%e1er as t!is %as 'ot *sed t!is "ossi2ility !as 2ee' deleted. 49T. 2# )' earlier 1ersio's o6 t!is "roto&ol, 2its 5 to 8 o6 o&tet 3 %ere &oded as G7777G. Mo2ile e3*i"0e't &o0"lia't %it! t!ese earlier 1ersio's o6 t!e "roto&ol 0ay 2e *'a2le to *'dersta'd t!e 3-di it M4C 6or0at o6 t!e :,), a'd t!ere6ore *'a2le to re ister o' a 'et%or5 2road&asti' t!e :,) i' t!is 6or0at. )' a2'or0al &ases, t!e M4C stored i' t!e 0o2ile statio' &a' !a1e# - di it 7 or 2 'ot i' t!e set U0, 7 ... AV, or - di it 3 'ot i' t!e set U0, 7 ...A, (V !eF. )' s*&! &ases t!e 0o2ile statio' s!all tra's0it t!e stored 1al*es *si' 6*ll !eFade&i0al e'&odi' . W!e' re&ei1i' s*&! a' M4C, t!e 'et%or5 s!all treat t!e :,) as deleted. T!e sa0e !a'dli' s!all a""ly 6or t!e 'et%or5, i6 a 3-di it M4C is se't 2y t!e 0o2ile statio' to a 'et%or5 *si' o'ly a 2-di it M4C. :,C, :o&atio' area &ode (o&tet 5 a'd 8) )' t!e :,C 6ield 2it 8 o6 o&tet 5 is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 2it a'd 2it 7 o6 o&tet 8 t!e least si 'i6i&a't 2it. T!e &odi' o6 t!e lo&atio' area &ode is t!e res"o'si2ility o6 ea&! ad0i'istratio' eF&e"t t!at t%o 1al*es are *sed to 0ar5 t!e :,C, a'd !e'&e t!e :,), as deleted. Codi' *si' 6*ll !eFade&i0al re"rese'tatio' 0ay 2e *sed. T!e lo&atio' area &ode &o'sists o6 2 o&tets. )6 a :,) !as to 2e deleted t!e' all 2its o6 t!e lo&atio' area &ode s!all 2e set to o'e %it! t!e eF&e"tio' o6 t!e least si 'i6i&a't 2it %!i&! s!all 2e set to Pero. )6 a S)M is i'serted i' a Mo2ile .3*i"0e't %it! t!e lo&atio' area &ode &o'tai'i' all Peros, t!e' t!e Mo2ile .3*i"0e't s!all re&o 'ise t!is :,C as "art o6 a deleted :,)

Mo2ile )de'tity

The purpose of the Mobile Identity infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide either the international %o$ile su$scri$er identity= I2SI= the te%porary %o$ile su$scri$er identity= T2SI"/6T2SI= the international %o$ile e>uip%ent identity= I25I or the international %o$ile e>uip%ent identity to!ether with the software (ersion nu%$er= I25IS+. The I2SI shall not e?ceed 15 di!its= the T2SI"/6T2SI is 4 octets lon!= and the I25I is co%posed of 15 di!its= the I25IS+ is 1& di!its ,see 3#// TS 23.<<3 N1<O-.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

For pac0et pa!in! the networ0 shall select the %o$ile identity type with the followin! priorityE 16 /6T2SIE The /6T2SI shall $e used if it is a(aila$le. 26 I2SIE The I2SI shall $e used in cases where no /6T2SI is a(aila$le. For all other transactions e?cept e%er!ency call esta$lish%ent= e%er!ency call re6esta$lish%ent= %o$ile ter%inated call esta$lish%ent= the identification procedure= the #22 identification procedure= the #22 authentication and cipherin! procedure and the cipherin! %ode settin! procedure= the %o$ile station and the networ0 shall select the %o$ile identity type with the followin! priorityE 16 T2SIE The T2SI shall $e used if it is a(aila$le. 26 I2SIE The I2SI shall $e used in cases where no T2SI is a(aila$le. For %o$ile ter%inated call esta$lish%ent the %o$ile station shall select the sa%e %o$ile identity type as recei(ed fro% the networ0 in the /A#I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e. For e%er!ency call esta$lish%ent and re6esta$lish%ent the %o$ile station shall select the %o$ile identity type with the followin! priorityE 16 T2SIE The T2SI shall $e used if it is a(aila$le. 26 I2SIE The I2SI shall $e used in cases where no T2SI is a(aila$le. 36 I25IE The I25I shall $e used in cases where no SI2 is a(aila$le or the SI2 is considered as not (alid $y the %o$ile station or no I2SI or T2SI is a(aila$le. In the identification procedure and in the #22 identification procedure the %o$ile station shall select the %o$ile identity type which was re>uested $y the networ0. In the cipherin! %ode settin! procedure and in the #22 authentication and cipherin! procedure the %o$ile shall select the I25IS+. The Mobile Identity infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.4"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.4"3#// TS 24.<<3. The Mobile Identity is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 3 octet and 11 octets len!th %a?i%al. Further restriction on the len!th %ay $e applied= e.!. nu%$er plans.

5 4 3 Mo2ile )de'tity ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4H

:e' t! o6 0o2ile ide'tity &o'te'ts odd$ )de'tity di it 7 e1e' Ty"e o6 ide'tity i'di& )de'tity di it "W7 )de'tity di it "

2i ure 1+*#*)33GPP TS ()*++, Mobile Identity infor7ation ele7ent


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*)33GPP TS ()*++,4 Mobile Identity infor7ation ele7ent

Ty"e o6 ide'tity (o&tet 3) +its 3 ( 1 0 0 7 )MS) 0 7 0 )M.) 0 7 7 )M.)SV 7 0 0 TMS)$<-TMS) 0 0 0 4o )de'tity 'ote 7) ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. 9dd$e1e' i'di&atio' (o&tet 3) +it ) 0 e1e' '*02er o6 ide'tity di its a'd also %!e' t!e TMS)$<-TMS) is *sed 7 odd '*02er o6 ide'tity di its )de'tity di its (o&tet 3 et&) (or t!e )MS), )M.) a'd )M.)SV t!is 6ield is &oded *si' +CD &odi' . )6 t!e '*02er o6 ide'tity di its is e1e' t!e' 2its 5 to 8 o6 t!e last o&tet s!all 2e 6illed %it! a' e'd 0ar5 &oded as G7777G. )6 t!e 0o2ile ide'tity is t!e TMS)$<-TMS) t!e' 2its 5 to 8 o6 o&tet 3 are &oded as G7777G a'd 2it 8 o6 o&tet4 is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 2it a'd 2it 7 o6 t!e last o&tet t!e least si 'i6i&a't 2it. T!e &odi' o6 t!e TMS)$<-TMS) is le6t o"e' 6or ea&! ad0i'istratio'.


This can $e used in the case when a fill pa!in! %essa!e without any (alid identity has to $e sent on the pa!in! su$channel.

Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5 7

The purpose of the Mobile Station Classmark 1 infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide the networ0 with infor%ation concernin! aspects of hi!h priority of the %o$ile station e>uip%ent. This affects the %anner in which the networ0 handles the operation of the %o$ile station. The 2o$ile Station Class%ar0 infor%ation indicates !eneral %o$ile station characteristics and it shall therefore= e?cept for fields e?plicitly indicated= $e independent of the fre>uency $and of the channel it is sent on. The Mobile Station Classmark 1 infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.5"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.5"3#// TS 24.<<3. The Mobile Station Classmark 1 is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with 2 octets len!th.

8 0 s"are

-e1isio' le1el

5 4 3 2 Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5 7 ).) .S ,5$7 -( "o%er )4D &a"a2ility

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

2i ure 1+*#*#33GPP TS ()*++, Mobile Station Cla

mar! " infor7ation ele7ent


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*#33GPP TS ()*++,4 Mobile Station Cla

mar! " infor7ation ele7ent

-e1isio' le1el (o&tet 2) +its / . 0 0 -eser1ed 6or GSM "!ase 7 0 7 Used 2y GSM "!ase 2 0o2ile statio's 7 0 Used 2y 0o2ile statio's s*""orti' -AA or later 1ersio's o6 t!e "roto&ol 7 7 -eser1ed 6or 6*t*re *se .S )4D (o&tet 2, 2it 5) GCo'trolled .arly Class0ar5 Se'di' G o"tio' i0"le0e'tatio' ,' MS 'ot s*""orti' GSM s!all set t!is 2it to X0Y. ,' MS s*""orti' GSM s!all i'di&ate t!e asso&iated GSM &a"a2ility (see ta2le)# 0 7 49T.# GCo'trolled .arly Class0ar5 Se'di' G o"tio' is 'ot i0"le0e'ted i' t!e MS GCo'trolled .arly Class0ar5 Se'di' G o"tio' is i0"le0e'ted i' t!e MS T!e 1al*e o6 t!e .S )4D i1es t!e i0"le0e'tatio' i' t!e MS. )t=s 1al*e is not de"e'de't o' t!e 2road&ast S) 3 -est 9&tet Z.arly Class0ar5 Se'di' Co'trol[ 1al*e.

,5$7 al orit!0 s*""orted (o&tet 2, 2it4) ,' MS 'ot s*""orti' GSM s!all set t!is 2it to X7Y. ,' MS s*""orti' GSM s!all i'di&ate t!e asso&iated GSM &a"a2ility (see ta2le)# 0 7 e'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$7 a1aila2le e'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$7 'ot a1aila2le

-( "o%er &a"a2ility (o&tet 2) W!e' GSM 450, GSM 480, GSM ;00, GSM 850, GSM A00 <, . \or -] 2a'd is *sed (6or eF&e"tio's see 04.78), t!e MS s!all i'di&ate t!e -( "o%er &a"a2ility o6 t!e 2a'd *sed (see ta2le)# W!e' UMTS is *sed, a si' le 2a'd GSM 450, GSM 480, GSM ;00, GSM 850, GSM A00 <, . \or -] MS s!all i'di&ate t!e -( "o%er &a"a2ility &orres"o'di' to t!e (GSM) 2a'd it s*""orts (see ta2le). )' t!is &ase i'6or0atio' o' %!i&! si' le 2a'd is s*""orted is 6o*'d i' &lass0ar5 3. +its 3 ( 1 0 0 0 &lass 7 0 0 7 &lass 2 0 7 0 &lass 3 0 7 7 &lass 4 7 0 0 &lass 5 ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. W!e' t!e DCS 7800 or <CS 7A00 2a'd is *sed (6or eF&e"tio's see 3G<< TS 44.078, s*2-&la*se 3.4.78), t!e MS s!all i'di&ate t!e -( "o%er &a"a2ility o6 t!e 2a'd *sed (see ta2le)# W!e' UMTS is *sed, a si' le 2a'd DCS 7800 or <CS 7A00 MS s!all i'di&ate t!e -( "o%er &a"a2ility &orres"o'di' to t!e (GSM) 2a'd it s*""orts (see ta2le). )' t!is &ase, i'6or0atio' o' %!i&! si' le 2a'd is s*""orted is 6o*'d i' &lass0ar5 3. +its 3 ( 1 0 0 0 &lass 7 0 0 7 &lass 2 0 7 0 &lass 3 ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. W!e' UMTS is *sed, a' MS 'ot s*""orti' a'y GSM 2a'd or a 0*lti2a'd GSM MS s!all &ode t!is 6ield as 6ollo%s (see ta2le)# +its 3 ( 1 7 7 7 -( "o%er &a"a2ility is irrele1a't i' t!is i'6or0atio' ele0e't. ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5 2

The purpose of the Mobile Station Classmark 2 infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide the networ0 with infor%ation concernin! aspects of $oth hi!h and low priority of the %o$ile station e>uip%ent. This affects the %anner in which the networ0 handles the operation of the %o$ile station. The 2o$ile Station Class%ar0 infor%ation indicates !eneral %o$ile station characteristics and it shall therefore= e?cept for fields e?plicitly indicated= $e independent of the fre>uency $and of the channel it is sent on. The Mobile Station Classmark 2 infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.&"3#// TS 24.<<3= ta$le 1<.5.&a"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.&$"3#// TS 24.<<3. The Mobile Station Classmark 2 is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with 5 octets len!th.

5 4 3 2 Mo2ile statio' &lass0ar5 2 ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4 o&tet 5

0 s"are 0 s"are CM3 49T.#

:e' t! o6 0o2ile statio' &lass0ar5 2 &o'te'ts -e1isio' .S ,5$7 -( "o%er le1el )4D &a"a2ility VGCS <S SS S&ree'. SM &a V+S (C &a"a. )'di&ator "a2i. :CSV, CMS< 0 UCS2 So:S, ,5$3 ,5$2 C,< s"are

9%i' to 2a&5%ard &o0"ati2ility "ro2le0s, 2it 8 o6 o&tet 4 s!o*ld 'ot 2e *sed *'less it is also &!e&5ed t!at t!e 2its 8, ; a'd 8 o6 o&tet 3 are 'ot G0 0 0G.

2i ure 1+*#*.33GPP TS ()*++, Mobile Station Cla Table 1+*#*.a33GPP TS ()*++,4 Mobile Station Cla

mar! # infor7ation ele7ent mar! # infor7ation ele7ent

-e1isio' le1el (o&tet 3) +its / . 0 0 -eser1ed 6or GSM "!ase 7 0 7 Used 2y GSM "!ase 2 0o2ile statio's 7 0 Used 2y 0o2ile statio's s*""orti' -AA or later 1ersio's o6 t!e "roto&ol 7 7 -eser1ed 6or 6*t*re *se .S )4D (o&tet 3, 2it 5) GCo'trolled .arly Class0ar5 Se'di' G o"tio' i0"le0e'tatio' ,4 MS 'ot s*""orti' GSM s!all set t!is 2it to X0Y. ,' MS s*""orti' GSM s!all i'di&ate t!e asso&iated GSM &a"a2ility (see ta2le)# 0 7 49T.# GCo'trolled .arly Class0ar5 Se'di' G o"tio' is 'ot i0"le0e'ted i' t!e MS GCo'trolled .arly Class0ar5 Se'di' G o"tio' is i0"le0e'ted i' t!e MS T!e 1al*e o6 t!e .S )4D i1es t!e i0"le0e'tatio' i' t!e MS. )t=s 1al*e is not de"e'de't o' t!e 2road&ast S) 3 -est 9&tet Z.arly Class0ar5 Se'di' Co'trol[ 1al*e


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*.a33GPP TS ()*++,4 Mobile Station Cla

mar! # infor7ation ele7ent

,5$7 al orit!0 s*""orted (o&tet 3, 2it 4) ,' MS 'ot s*""orti' GSM s!all set t!is 2it to X7Y. ,' MS s*""orti' GSM s!all i'di&ate t!e asso&iated GSM &a"a2ility (see ta2le) 0 7 e'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$7 a1aila2le e'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$7 'ot a1aila2le

-( <o%er Ca"a2ility (9&tet 3) W!e' GSM 450, GSM 480, GSM ;00, GSM 850, GSM A00 <, . \or -] 2a'd is *sed (6or eF&e"tio's see 3G<< TS 44.078), t!e MS s!all i'di&ate t!e -( "o%er &a"a2ility o6 t!e 2a'd *sed (see ta2le). W!e' UMTS is *sed, a si' le 2a'd GSM 450, GSM 480, GSM ;00, GSM 850, GSM A00 <, . \or -] MS s!all i'di&ate t!e -( "o%er &a"a2ility &orres"o'di' to t!e (GSM) 2a'd it s*""orts (see ta2le). )' t!is &ase, i'6or0atio' o' %!i&! si' le 2a'd is s*""orted is 6o*'d i' &lass0ar5 3. +its 3 ( 1 0 0 0 &lass 7 0 0 7 &lass 2 0 7 0 &lass 3 0 7 7 &lass 4 7 0 0 &lass 5 ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. W!e' t!e DCS 7800 or <CS 7A00 2a'd is *sed (6or eF&e"tio's see 3G<< TS 44.078) T!e MS s!all i'di&ate t!e -( "o%er &a"a2ility o6 t!e 2a'd *sed (see ta2le). W!e' UMTS is *sed, a si' le 2a'd DCS 7800 or <CS 7A00 MS s!all i'di&ate t!e -( "o%er &a"a2ility &orres"o'di' to t!e (GSM) 2a'd it s*""orts (see ta2le). )' t!is &ase, i'6or0atio' o' %!i&! si' le 2a'd is s*""orted is 6o*'d i' &lass0ar5 3 +its 3 ( 1 0 0 0 &lass 7 0 0 7 &lass 2 0 7 0 &lass 3 ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.

Bhen 2TS is used= an 2S not supportin! any #S2 $and or a %ulti$and #S2 2S shall code this field as follows ,see ta$le-E .its
3 ( 1 7 7 7 -( <o%er &a"a2ility is irrele1a't i' t!is i'6or0atio' ele0e't ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. <S &a"a2ility ("se*do-sy'&!ro'iPatio' &a"a2ility) (o&tet 4) ,' MS 'ot s*""orti' GSM s!all set t!is 2it to X0Y. ,' MS s*""orti' GSM s!all i'di&ate t!e asso&iated GSM &a"a2ility (see ta2le)# +it / 0 <S &a"a2ility 'ot "rese't 7 <S &a"a2ility "rese't SS S&ree'i' )'di&ator (o&tet 4) +its . # 0 0 de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 24.080 0 7 de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 24.080 7 0 de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 24.080 7 7 de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 24.080 SM &a"a2ility (MT SMS "t to "t &a"a2ility) (o&tet 4) +it ) 0 Mo2ile statio' does 'ot s*""ort 0o2ile ter0i'ated "oi't to "oi't SMS 7 Mo2ile statio' s*""orts 0o2ile ter0i'ated "oi't to "oi't SMS


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*.a33GPP TS ()*++,4 Mobile Station Cla

mar! # infor7ation ele7ent

V+S 'oti6i&atio' re&e"tio' (o&tet 4) ,' MS 'ot s*""orti' GSM s!all set t!is 2it to X0Y. ,' MS s*""orti' GSM s!all i'di&ate t!e asso&iated GSM &a"a2ility (see ta2le)# +it 3 0 'o V+S &a"a2ility or 'o 'oti6i&atio's %a'ted 7 V+S &a"a2ility a'd 'oti6i&atio's %a'ted VGCS 'oti6i&atio' re&e"tio' (o&tet 4) ,' MS 'ot s*""orti' GSM s!all set t!is 2it to X0Y. ,' MS s*""orti' GSM s!all i'di&ate t!e asso&iated GSM &a"a2ility (see ta2le)# +it ( 0 'o VGCS &a"a2ility or 'o 'oti6i&atio's %a'ted 7 VGCS &a"a2ility a'd 'oti6i&atio's %a'ted (C (re3*e'&y Ca"a2ility (o&tet 4) W!e' t!e GSM 400, or GSM ;00, or GSM 850, or DCS 7800, or <CS 7A00 2a'd or UMTS is *sed (6or eF&e"tio's see 3G<< TS 44.078), 6or de6i'itio's o6 6re3*e'&y 2a'd see 3G<< TS 45.005), t!is 2it s!all 2e se't %it! t!e 1al*e X0Y.

8oteE This $it con(eys no infor%ation a$out support or non support of the 56#S2 or 16#S2 $ands when #S2 4<<= #S2 *<<= #S2 35<= 4CS 13<<= /CS 19<< $and or 2TS is used.
W!e' a GSM A00 2a'd is *sed (6or eF&e"tio's see 3G<< TS 44.078)# +it 1 0 T!e MS does 'ot s*""ort t!e .-GSM or --GSM 2a'd ((or de6i'itio' o6 6re3*e'&y 2a'ds see 3G<< TS 45.005 \33]) 7 T!e MS does s*""ort t!e .-GSM or --GSM ((or de6i'itio' o6 6re3*e'&y 2a'ds see 3G<< TS 45.005 \33]) 49T.# (or 0o2ile statio' s*""orti' t!e --GSM 2a'd 6*rt!er i'6or0atio' &a' 2e 6o*'d i' MS Class0ar5 3. CM3 (o&tet 5, 2it 8) 0 7 T!e MS does 'ot s*""ort a'y o"tio's t!at are i'di&ated i' CM3 T!e MS s*""orts o"tio's t!at are i'di&ated i' &lass0ar5 3 ).

:CS V, &a"a2ility (:CS 1al*e added lo&atio' re3*est 'oti6i&atio' &a"a2ility) (o&tet 5,2it 8) 0 7 :CS 1al*e added lo&atio' re3*est 'oti6i&atio' &a"a2ility 'ot s*""orted :CS 1al*e added lo&atio' re3*est 'oti6i&atio' &a"a2ility s*""orted

UCS2 treat0e't (o&tet 5, 2it 5) T!is i'6or0atio' 6ield i'di&ates t!e li5ely treat0e't 2y t!e 0o2ile statio' o6 UCS2 e'&oded &!ara&ter stri' s. (or 2a&5%ard &o0"ati2ility reaso's, i6 t!is 6ield is 'ot i'&l*ded, t!e 1al*e 0 s!all 2e ass*0ed 2y t!e re&ei1er. 0 t!e M. !as a "re6ere'&e 6or t!e de6a*lt al"!a2et (de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 03.38) o1er UCS2. 7 t!e M. !as 'o "re6ere'&e 2et%ee' t!e *se o6 t!e de6a*lt al"!a2et a'd t!e *se o6 UCS2.


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Table 1+*#*.a33GPP TS ()*++,4 Mobile Station Cla

mar! # infor7ation ele7ent

So:S, (o&tet 5, 2it 4) ,' MS 'ot s*""orti' GSM s!all set t!is 2it to X0Y. ,' MS s*""orti' GSM s!all i'di&ate t!e asso&iated GSM &a"a2ility (see ta2le)# 0 T!e M. does 'ot s*""ort So:S,. 7 T!e M. s*""orts So:S,. CMS<# CM Ser1i&e <ro0"t (o&tet 5, 2it 3) /(CC+S)/ 0 7 G4et%or5 i'itiated M9 CM &o''e&tio' re3*estG 'ot s*""orted. G4et%or5 i'itiated M9 CM &o''e&tio' re3*estG s*""orted 6or at least o'e CM "roto&ol.

,5$3 al orit!0 s*""orted (o&tet 5, 2it 2) ,' MS 'ot s*""orti' GSM s!all set t!is 2it to X0Y. ,' MS s*""orti' GSM s!all i'di&ate t!e asso&iated GSM &a"a2ility (see ta2le)# 0 e'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$3 'ot a1aila2le 7 e'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$3 a1aila2le ,5$2 al orit!0 s*""orted (o&tet 5, 2it 7) ,' MS 'ot s*""orti' GSM s!all set t!is 2it to X0Y. ,' MS s*""orti' GSM s!all i'di&ate t!e asso&iated GSM &a"a2ility (see ta2le)# 0 e'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$2 'ot a1aila2le 7 e'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$2 a1aila2le


Additional %o$ile station capa$ility infor%ation %i!ht $e o$tained $y in(o0in! the class%ar0 interro!ation procedure when #S2 is used.


Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5 3

The purpose of the Mobile Station Classmark 7 infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide the networ0 with infor%ation concernin! aspects of the %o$ile station. The contents %i!ht affect the %anner in which the networ0 handles the operation of the %o$ile station. The 2o$ile Station Class%ar0 infor%ation indicates !eneral %o$ile station characteristics and it shall therefore= e?cept for fields e?plicitly indicated= $e independent of the fre>uency $and of the channel it is sent on. The MS Classmark 7 is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %a?i%u% of 14 octets len!th. The (alue part of a MS Classmark 7 infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.*"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.*"3#// TS 24.<<3. 8'T5E The 14 octet li%it is so that the C)ASS2A1K C;A8#5 %essa!e will fit in one layer 2 fra%e.

S52A8TIC 1 )5# a %ulti$and %o$ile station shall pro(ide infor%ation a$out all fre>uency $ands it can support. A sin!le $and %o$ile station shall not indicate the $and it supports in the Multiband Supported# GSM 899 (ands Supported# GSM :99 !ssociated Radio Capability# GSM ;<9 !ssociated Radio Capability or /CS 1=99 !ssociated Radio Capability fields in the 2S Class%ar0 3. 4ue to shared radio fre>uency channel nu%$ers $etween 4CS 13<< and /CS 19<<= the %o$ile should indicate support for either 4CS 13<< $and '1 /CS 19<< $and. S52A8TIC 1 )5# a %o$ile station shall include the 2S 2easure%ent Capa$ility field if the Multi Slot Class field contains a (alue of 19 or !reater ,see 3#// TS 45.<<2 N32O-. Typically= the nu%$er of spare $its at the end is the %ini%u% to reach an octet $oundary. The recei(er %ay add any nu%$er of $its set to D<D at the end of the recei(ed strin! if needed for correct decodin!.


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ZClass0ar5 3 Val*e "art[ ##J Z s"are 2it [ U Z M*lti2a'd s*""orted # U 000 V [ Z ,5 2its [ ^ Z M*lti2a'd s*""orted # U 707 ^ 770 V [ Z ,5 2its [ Z ,sso&iated -adio Ca"a2ility 2 # 2it(4) [ Z ,sso&iated -adio Ca"a2ility 7 # 2it(4) [ ^ Z M*lti2a'd s*""orted # U 007 ^ 070 ^ 700 V [ Z ,5 2its [ Z s"are 2it [(4) Z ,sso&iated -adio Ca"a2ility 7 # 2it(4) [ V U 0 ^ 7 Z - S*""ort [ V U 0 ^ 7 Z ?SCSD M*lti Slot Ca"a2ility [ V Z UCS2 treat0e't# 2it [ Z .Fte'ded Meas*re0e't Ca"a2ility # 2it [ U 0 ^ 7 Z MS 0eas*re0e't &a"a2ility [ V U 0 ^ 7 Z MS <ositio'i' Met!od Ca"a2ility [ V U 0 ^ 7 Z .CSD M*lti Slot Ca"a2ility [ V U 0 ^ 7 Z .CSD Str*&t [ V U 0 ^ 7 Z GSM 400 +a'ds S*""orted # U 07 ^ 70 ^ 77 V [ Z GSM 400 ,sso&iated -adio Ca"a2ility# 2it(4) [ V U 0 ^ 7 ZGSM 850 ,sso&iated -adio Ca"a2ility # 2it(4) [ V U 0 ^ 7 Z<CS 7A00 ,sso&iated -adio Ca"a2ility # 2it(4) [ V Z UMTS (DD -adio ,&&ess Te&!'olo y Ca"a2ility # 2it [ Z UMTS 3.84 M&"s TDD -adio ,&&ess Te&!'olo y Ca"a2ility # 2it [ Z CDM, 2000 -adio ,&&ess Te&!'olo y Ca"a2ility # 2it [ U 0 ^ 7 Z DTM G<-S M*lti Slot Class # 2it(2) [ Z M,C Mode S*""ort # 2it [ U0 ^ 7Z DTM .G<-S M*lti Slot Class # 2it(2) [ V V U 0 ^ 7 Z Si' le +a'd S*""ort [ V -- -elease 4 starts !ere# U 0 ^ 7 ZGSM ;00 ,sso&iated -adio Ca"a2ility # 2it(4)[V Z UMTS 7.28 M&"s TDD -adio ,&&ess Te&!'olo y Ca"a2ility # 2it [ Z G.-,4 (eat*re <a&5a e 7 # 2it [ U 0 ^ 7 Z .Fte'ded DTM G<-S M*lti Slot Class # 2it(2) [ Z .Fte'ded DTM .G<-S M*lti Slot Class # 2it(2) [ V Z s"are 2it [ L Z ,5 2its [ ##J Z ,5$; # 2it [ Z ,5$8 # 2it [ Z ,5$5 # 2it [ Z ,5$4 # 2it [ L Z- S*""ort[##J Z --GSM 2a'd ,sso&iated -adio Ca"a2ility # 2it(3) [ L Z ?SCSD M*lti Slot Ca"a2ility [ ##J Z ?SCSD M*lti Slot Class # 2it(5) [ L Z MS Meas*re0e't &a"a2ility [ ##J Z SMSKV,:U. # 2it (4) [ Z SMKV,:U. # 2it (4) [ L Z MS <ositio'i' Met!od Ca"a2ility [ ##J Z MS <ositio'i' Met!od # 2it(5) [ L Z .CSD M*lti Slot Ca"a2ility [ ##J Z .CSD M*lti Slot Class # 2it(5) [ L Z .DG. Str*&t[ # #J Z Mod*latio' Ca"a2ility # 2it [ U 0 ^ 7 Z .DG. -( <o%er Ca"a2ility 7# 2it(2) [ V U 0 ^ 7 Z .DG. -( <o%er Ca"a2ility 2# 2it(2) [ V Z Si' le +a'd S*""ort [ ##J Z GSM +a'd # 2it (4) [ L 3GPP

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2i ure 1+*#*/33GPP TS ()*++, Mobile Station Cla Table 1+*#*/33GPP TS ()*++,4 Mobile Station Cla
M*lti2a'd S*""orted (3 2it 6ield) +a'd 7 s*""orted (t!ird 2it o6 t!e 6ield) +it 3 0 <-GSM 'ot s*""orted 7 <-GSM s*""orted +a'd 2 s*""orted (se&o'd 2it o6 t!e 6ield) +it 2 0 .-GSM or --GSM 'ot s*""orted 7 .-GSM or --GSM s*""orted +a'd 3 s*""orted (6irst 2it o6 t!e 6ield) +it 7 0 DCS 7800 'ot s*""orted 7 DCS 7800 s*""orted

mar! 3 infor7ation ele7ent mar! 3 infor7ation ele7ent

T!e i'di&atio' o6 s*""ort o6 <-GSM 2a'd or .-GSM or --GSM 2a'd is 0*t*ally eF&l*si1e. W!e' t!e =+a'd 2 s*""orted= 2it i'di&ates s*""ort o6 .-GSM or --GSM, t!e "rese'&e o6 t!e Z- S*""ort[ 6ield, see 2elo%, i'di&ates i6 t!e .-GSM or --GSM 2a'd is s*""orted. )' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol, t!e se'der i'di&ates i' t!is 6ield eit!er 'o'e, o'e or t%o o6 t!ese 3 2a'ds s*""orted. (or si' le 2a'd 0o2ile statio' or a 0o2ile statio' s*""orti' 'o'e o6 t!e GSM A00 2a'ds(<-GSM, .-GSM a'd --GSM) a'd DCS 7800 2a'ds, all 2its are set to 0. ,5$4 0 7 ,5$5 0 7 ,5$8 0 7 ,5$; 0 7 .'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$4 'ot a1aila2le .'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$4 a1aila2le .'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$5 'ot a1aila2le .'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$5 a1aila2le .'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$8 'ot a1aila2le .'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$8 a1aila2le .'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$; 'ot a1aila2le .'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$; a1aila2le

,sso&iated -adio &a"a2ility 7 a'd 2 (4 2it 6ields) )6 eit!er o6 <-GSM or .-GSM or --GSM is s*""orted, t!e radio &a"a2ility 7 6ield i'di&ates t!e radio &a"a2ility 6or <-GSM, .-GSM or --GSM, a'd t!e radio &a"a2ility 2 6ield i'di&ates t!e radio &a"a2ility 6or DCS7800 i6 s*""orted, a'd is s"are ot!er%ise. )6 'o'e o6 <-GSM or .-GSM or --GSM are s*""orted, t!e radio &a"a2ility 7 6ield i'di&ates t!e radio &a"a2ility 6or DCS7800, a'd t!e radio &a"a2ility 2 6ield is s"are. T!e radio &a"a2ility &o'tai's t!e 2i'ary &odi' o6 t!e "o%er &lass asso&iated %it! t!e 2a'd i'di&ated i' 0*lti2a'd s*""ort 2its (see 3G<< TS 45.005 \33]).



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Table 1+*#*1*/33GPP TS ()*++, !continued$4 MS Cla

"'GSM band 8ssociated "adio Capability (3 2it 6ield)

mar! 3 infor7ation ele7ent

)' &ase %!ere t!e --GSM 2a'd is s*""orted t!e --GSM 2a'd asso&iated radio &a"a2ility 6ield &o'tai's t!e 2i'ary &odi' o6 t!e "o%er &lass asso&iated (see GSM 45.005) (re ardless o6 t!e '*02er o6 GSM 2a'ds s*""orted). , 0o2ile statio' s*""orti' t!e --GSM 2a'd s!all also %!e' a""ro"riate, (see i'di&ate its s*""ort i' t!e =(C= 2it i' t!e Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5 2 i'6or0atio' ele0e't. 49T.# T!e &odi' o6 t!e "o%er &lass 6or <-GSM, .-GSM, --GSM a'd DCS 7800 i' radio &a"a2ility 7 a'd$or 2 is di66ere't to t!at *sed i' t!e Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5 7 a'd Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5 2 i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts. BSCS& Multi Slot Class !# bit field$ )' &ase t!e MS s*""orts t!e *se o6 0*lti"le ti0eslots 6or ?SCSD t!e' t!e ?SCSD M*lti Slot Class 6ield is &oded as t!e 2i'ary re"rese'tatio' o6 t!e 0*ltislot &lass de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 45.002 \32]. <CS( treat7ent (7 2it 6ield) T!is i'6or0atio' 6ield i'di&ates t!e li5ely treat0e't 2y t!e 0o2ile statio' o6 UCS2 e'&oded &!ara&ter stri' s. )6 'ot i'&l*ded, t!e 1al*e 0 s!all 2e ass*0ed 2y t!e re&ei1er. 0 t!e M. !as a "re6ere'&e 6or t!e de6a*lt al"!a2et (de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 03.38) o1er UCS2. 7 t!e M. !as 'o "re6ere'&e 2et%ee' t!e *se o6 t!e de6a*lt al"!a2et a'd t!e *se o6 UCS2. C>tended Measure7ent Capability !1 bit field$ T!is 2it i'di&ates %!et!er t!e 0o2ile statio' s*""orts =.Fte'ded Meas*re0e'ts= or 'ot 0 t!e MS does 'ot s*""ort .Fte'ded Meas*re0e'ts 7 t!e MS s*""orts .Fte'ded Meas*re0e'ts SMSJ-8L<C !Switch'Measure'Switch$ (4 2it 6ield) T!e SMS 6ield i'di&ates t!e ti0e 'eeded 6or t!e 0o2ile statio' to s%it&! 6ro0 o'e radio &!a''el to a'ot!er, "er6or0 a 'ei !2o*r &ell "o%er 0eas*re0e't, a'd t!e s%it&! 6ro0 t!at radio &!a''el to a'ot!er radio &!a''el. +its 4327 0000 7$4 ti0eslot (_744 0i&rose&o'ds) 0007 2$4 ti0eslot (_288 0i&rose&o'ds) 0070 3$4 ti0eslot (_433 0i&rose&o'ds) ... 7777 78$4 ti0eslot (_230; 0i&rose&o'ds) SMJ-8L<C !Switch'Measure$ (4 2it 6ield) T!e SM 6ield i'di&ates t!e ti0e 'eeded 6or t!e 0o2ile statio' to s%it&! 6ro0 o'e radio &!a''el to a'ot!er a'd "er6or0 a 'ei !2o*r &ell "o%er 0eas*re0e't. +its 4327 0000 7$4 ti0eslot (_744 0i&rose&o'ds) 0007 2$4 ti0eslot (_288 0i&rose&o'ds) 0070 3$4 ti0eslot (_433 0i&rose&o'ds) ... 7777 78$4 ti0eslot (_230; 0i&rose&o'ds) MS Positionin Method (5 2it 6ield) T!is 6ield i'di&ates t!e <ositio'i' Met!od(s) s*""orted 2y t!e 0o2ile statio' 6or t!e "ro1isio' o6 lo&atio' ser1i&es (:CS) 1ia t!e CS do0ai' i' ,-0ode. MS assisted .-9TD +it 5 0 MS assisted .-9TD 'ot s*""orted 7 MS assisted .-9TD s*""orted


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Table 1+*#*1*/33GPP TS ()*++, !continued$4 MS Cla

MS 2ased .-9TD +it 4 0 MS 2ased .-9TD 'ot s*""orted 7 MS 2ased .-9TD s*""orted MS assisted G<S +it 3 0 MS assisted G<S 'ot s*""orted 7 MS assisted G<S s*""orted MS 2ased G<S +it 2 0 MS 2ased G<S 'ot s*""orted 7 MS 2ased G<S s*""orted MS Co'1e'tio'al G<S +it 7 0 &o'1e'tio'al G<S 'ot s*""orted 1 con(entional #/S supported CCS& Multi Slot class (5 2it 6ield)

mar! 3 infor7ation ele7ent

)' &ase t!e CCS& MS s*""orts t!e *se o6 0*lti"le ti0eslots a'd t!e '*02er o6 s*""orted ti0e slots is di66ere't 6ro0 '*02er o6 ti0e slots s*""orted 6or GMSB t!e' t!e CCS& M*lti Slot &lass 6ield is i'&l*ded a'd is &oded as t!e 2i'ary re"rese'tatio' o6 t!e 0*ltislot &lass de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 45.002 \32]. Modulation Capability T!e Mod*latio' Ca"a2ility 6ield i'di&ates t!e 0od*latio' s&!e0e t!e MS s*""orts i' additio' to GMSB. 0 8-<SB s*""orted 6or do%'li'5 re&e"tio' o'ly 7 8-<SB s*""orted 6or *"li'5 tra's0issio' a'd do%'li'5 re&e"tio' C&GC "2 Power Capability 1 !( bit field$ )6 8-<SB 0od*latio' is s*""orted 6or 2ot! *"li'5 a'd do%'li'5, t!e C&GC "2 Power Capability 1 6ield i'di&ates t!e radio &a"a2ility 6or 8-<SB 0od*latio' i' GSM 400, GSM;00, GSM850 or GSMA00. C&GC "2 Power Capability ( !( bit field$ )6 8-<SB 0od*latio' is s*""orted 6or 2ot! *"li'5 a'd do%'li'5, t!e C&GC "2 Power Capability ( 6ield i'di&ates t!e radio &a"a2ility 6or 8-<SB 0od*latio' i' DCS7800 or <CS7A00 i6 s*""orted, a'd is 'ot i'&l*ded ot!er%ise. T!e res"e&ti1e C&GC "2 Power Capability 1 a'd C&GC "2 Power Capability ( 6ields &o'tai' t!e 6ollo%i' &odi' o6 t!e 8-<SB 0od*latio' "o%er &lass (see 3G<< TS 45.005 \33])# +its 2 7 00 -eser1ed 07 <o%er &lass .7 70 <o%er &lass .2 77 <o%er &lass .3


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Table 1+*#*1*/33GPP TS ()*++, !continued$4 MS Cla

GSM )++ =ands Supported !( bit field$ See t!e se0a'ti& r*le 6or t!e se'di' o6 t!is 6ield. +its 27 07 GSM 480 s*""orted, GSM 450 'ot s*""orted 70 GSM 450 s*""orted, GSM 480 'ot s*""orted 77 GSM 450 s*""orted, GSM 480 s*""orted

mar! 3 infor7ation ele7ent

GSM )++ 8ssociated "adio Capability !) bit field$ )6 eit!er GSM 450 or GSM 480 or 2ot! is s*""orted, t!e GSM 400 ,sso&iated -adio Ca"a2ility 6ield i'di&ates t!e radio &a"a2ility 6or GSM 450 a'd$or GSM 480. T!e radio &a"a2ility &o'tai's t!e 2i'ary &odi' o6 t!e "o%er &lass asso&iated %it! t!e 2a'd i'di&ated i' GSM 400 +a'ds S*""orted 2its (see 3G<< TS 45.005 \33]). 49T.# T!e &odi' o6 t!e "o%er &lass 6or GSM 450 a'd GSM 480 i' GSM 400 ,sso&iated -adio Ca"a2ility is di66ere't to t!at *sed i' t!e Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5 7 a'd Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5 2 i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts. GSM ,#+ 8ssociated "adio Capability !) bit field$ See t!e se0a'ti& r*le 6or t!e se'di' o6 t!is 6ield. T!is 6ield i'di&ates %!et!er GSM 850 2a'd is s*""orted a'd its asso&iated radio &a"a2ility. T!e radio &a"a2ility &o'tai's t!e 2i'ary &odi' o6 t!e "o%er &lass asso&iated %it! t!e GSM 850 2a'd (see 3G<< TS 45.005 \33]). 4ote# t!e &odi' o6 t!e "o%er &lass 6or GSM 850 i' GSM 850 ,sso&iated -adio Ca"a2ility is di66ere't to t!at *sed i' t!e Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5 7 a'd Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5 2 i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts. PCS 10++ 8ssociated "adio Capability !) bit field$ See t!e se0a'ti& r*le 6or t!e se'di' o6 t!is 6ield. T!is 6ield i'di&ates %!et!er <CS 7A00 2a'd is s*""orted a'd its asso&iated radio &a"a2ility. T!e radio &a"a2ility &o'tai's t!e 2i'ary &odi' o6 t!e "o%er &lass asso&iated %it! t!e <CS 7A00 2a'd (see 3G<< TS 45.005 \33]). 4ote# t!e &odi' o6 t!e "o%er &lass 6or <CS 7A00 i' <CS 7A00 ,sso&iated -adio Ca"a2ility is di66ere't to t!at *sed i' t!e Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5 7 a'd Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5 2 i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts.

Table 1+*#*1*/33GPP TS ()*++, !continued$4 MS Cla

mar! 3 infor7ation ele7ent


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<MTS 2&& "adio 8ccess Technolo y Capability !1 bit field$ 0 UMTS (DD 'ot s*""orted 7 UMTS (DD s*""orted <MTS 3*,) Mcps T&& "adio 8ccess Technolo y Capability !1 bit field$ 0 UMTS 3.84 M&"s TDD 'ot s*""orted 7 UMTS 3.84 M&"s TDD s*""orted C&M8 (+++ "adio 8ccess Technolo y Capability !1 bit field$ 0 CDM,2000 'ot s*""orted 7 CDM,2000 s*""orted

'*4 ()0+ 4ulti +lot Class ,2 $it fieldThis field indicates the #/1S 4T2 %ultislot capa$ilities of the 2S. It is coded as followsE .it 21 << 2ultislot class 1 supported <1 2ultislot class 5 supported 1< 2ultislot class 9 supported 11 1eser(ed for future e?tension. If recei(ed= the networ0 shall interpret this as R<<S
M8C Mode Support (7 2it 6ield) T!is 6ield i'di&ates %!et!er t!e MS s*""orts Dy'a0i& a'd (iFed ,llo&atio' or o'ly s*""orts .F&l*si1e ,llo&atio'. )t is &oded as 6ollo%s# 0 7 Dy'a0i& a'd (iFed ,llo&atio' 'ot s*""orted Dy'a0i& a'd (iFed allo&atio' s*""orted

CGP"S &TM Multi Slot Class (2 2it 6ield) T!is 6ield i'di&ates t!e .G<-S DTM 0*ltislot &a"a2ilities o6 t!e MS. T!is 6ield s!all 2e i'&l*ded o'ly i6 t!e 0o2ile statio' s*""orts .G<-S DTM. T!is 6ield is &oded as t!e DTM G<-S M*lti Slot Class 6ield. Sin le =and Support T!is 6ield s!all 2e se't i6 t!e 0o2ile statio' s*""orts UMTS a'd o'e a'd o'ly o'e GSM 2a'd %it! t!e eF&e"tio' o6 --GSML t!is 6ield s!all 'ot 2e se't ot!er%ise GSM =and (4 2it 6ield) +its 4327 0000 .-GSM is s*""orted 0007 <-GSM is s*""orted 0070 DCS 7800 is s*""orted 0077 GSM 450 is s*""orted 0700 GSM 480 is s*""orted 0707 GSM 850 is s*""orted 0770 <CS 7A00 is s*""orted 0777 GSM ;00 is s*""orted ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed 6or 6*t*re *se.

8'T5E Bhen this field is recei(ed= the associated 1F power capa$ility is found in Class%ar0 1 or 2.
GSM /++ 8ssociated "adio Capability (4 2it 6ield) See t!e se0a'ti& r*le 6or t!e se'di' o6 t!is 6ield. T!is 6ield i'di&ates %!et!er GSM ;00 2a'd is s*""orted a'd its asso&iated radio &a"a2ility. T!e radio &a"a2ility &o'tai's t!e 2i'ary &odi' o6 t!e "o%er &lass asso&iated %it! t!e GSM ;00 2a'd (see 3G<< TS 45.005 \33]). 49T.# T!e &odi' o6 t!e "o%er &lass 6or GSM ;00 i' GSM ;00 ,sso&iated -adio Ca"a2ility is di66ere't to t!at *sed i' t!e Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5 7 a'd Mo2ile Statio' Class0ar5 2 i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts. <MTS 1*(, Mcps T&& "adio 8ccess Technolo y Capability !1 bit field$ 0 UMTS 7.28 M&"s TDD 'ot s*""orted 7 UMTS 7.28 M&"s TDD s*""orted GC"8N 2eature Packa e 1 (7 2it 6ield) 3GPP

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

S"are ?al6 9&tet

This ele%ent is used in the description of %essa!es in clause 9 when an odd nu%$er of half octet type 1 infor%ation ele%ents are used. This ele%ent is filled with spare $its set to Hero and is placed in $its 5 to 3 of the octet unless otherwise specified.


Des&ri"ti1e ro*" or 2road&ast &all re6ere'&e

The purpose of the Descripti4e Group or (roadcast Call Re0erence is to pro(ide infor%ation descri$in! a (oice !roup or $roadcast call. The I5 of the Descripti4e Group or (roadcast Call Re0erence is co%posed of the !roup or $roadcast call reference to!ether with a ser(ice fla!= an ac0nowled!e%ent fla!= the call priority and the !roup cipher 0ey nu%$er. The Descripti4e Group or (roadcast Call Re0erence infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.3"3#// TS 24.<<3 and Ta$le1<.5.3"3#// TS 24.<<3 The Descripti4e Group or (roadcast Call Re0erence is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with & octets len!th.

8 5 4 3 2 Gro*" or 2road&ast &all re6ere'&e ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4

+i'ary &odi' o6 t!e ro*" or 2road&ast &all re6ere'&e

S( Ci"!eri' i'6or0atio'

,( 0

&all "riority S"are 0 0

o&tet 5 0 o&tet 8

2i ure 1+*#*,33GPP TS ()*++, &escripti6e Group or =roadcast Call "eference


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*,33GPP TS ()*++, &escripti6e Group or =roadcast Call "eference

+i'ary &ode o6 t!e ro*" or 2road&ast &all re6ere'&e T!e le' t! o6 t!e 2i'ary &ode !as 2; 2its %!i&! is e'&oded i' t!e o&tet 2, 3, 4 a'd +its 8,;,8 (o&tet 5). T!e !i !est 2it o6 t!e +C is t!e 2it 8 i' t!e o&tet 2 a'd t!e lo%est 2it is allo&ated i' t!e 2it 8 i' t!e o&tet 5. (see also 3G<< TS 23.003 \70]) S( Ser1i&e 6la (o&tet 5) +it # 0 V+S (2road&ast &all re6ere'&e) 7 VGCS ( ro*" &all re6ere'&e) ,( ,&5'o%led e0e't 6la (o&tet 5), 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# +it ) 0 a&5'o%led e0e't is 'ot re3*ired 7 a&5'o%led e0e't is re3*ired Call "riority (o&tet 5) +it 3 ( 1 0 0 0 'o "riority a""lied 0 0 7 &all "riority le1el 4 0 7 0 &all "riority le1el 3 0 7 7 &all "riority le1el 2 7 0 0 &all "riority le1el 7 7 0 7 &all "riority le1el 0 7 7 0 &all "riority le1el + 7 7 7 &all "riority le1el , Ci"!eri' +it , / . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 7 7 0 7 7 7 0 7 7 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 i'6or0atio' (o&tet 8) # 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 'o &i"!eri' &i"!eri' %it! &i"!er 5ey '*02er 7 &i"!eri' %it! &i"!er 5ey '*02er 2 &i"!eri' %it! &i"!er 5ey '*02er 3 &i"!eri' %it! &i"!er 5ey '*02er 4 &i"!eri' %it! &i"!er 5ey '*02er 5 &i"!eri' %it! &i"!er 5ey '*02er 8 &i"!eri' %it! &i"!er 5ey '*02er ; &i"!eri' %it! &i"!er 5ey '*02er 8 &i"!eri' %it! &i"!er 5ey '*02er A &i"!eri' %it! &i"!er 5ey '*02er , &i"!eri' %it! &i"!er 5ey '*02er + &i"!eri' %it! &i"!er 5ey '*02er C &i"!eri' %it! &i"!er 5ey '*02er D &i"!eri' %it! &i"!er 5ey '*02er . &i"!eri' %it! &i"!er 5ey '*02er (

,( ,&5'o%led e0e't 6la (o&tet 5), MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# +it 4 is s"are a'd s!all 2e set to G0G. Call "riority (o&tet 5) +its 7 to 3 are s"are a'd s!all 2e set to G0G. Ci"!eri' i'6or0atio' (o&tet 8) +its 5 to 8 are s"are a'd s!all 2e set to G0G.

Gro*" Ci"!er Bey 4*02er

The purpose of the Group Cipher 6ey umber is to pro(ide infor%ation on the !roup cipher 0ey to $e used for cipherin! and decipherin! $y the %o$ile station.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

The Group Cipher 6ey umber infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.9"3#// TS 24.<<3 and Ta$le1<.5.9"3#// TS 24.<<3 The Group Cipher 6ey umber is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent with 1 octet len!th.

8 ; 8 5 Gro*" &i"!er 5ey '*02er ).)

Gro*" &i"!er 5ey '*02er

2i ure 1+*#*033GPP TS ()*++, Group Cipher Key Number Table 1+*#*033GPP TS ()*++, Group Cipher Key Number
Gro*" &i"!er 5ey '*02er +it ) 3 ( 1 0 0 0 0 s"are 0 0 0 7 &i"!er 5ey '*02er 7 0 0 7 0 &i"!er 5ey '*02er 2 0 0 7 7 &i"!er 5ey '*02er 3 0 7 0 0 &i"!er 5ey '*02er 4 0 7 0 7 &i"!er 5ey '*02er 5 0 7 7 0 &i"!er 5ey '*02er 8 0 7 7 7 &i"!er 5ey '*02er ; 7 0 0 0 &i"!er 5ey '*02er 8 7 0 0 7 &i"!er 5ey '*02er A 7 0 7 0 &i"!er 5ey '*02er , 7 0 7 7 &i"!er 5ey '*02er + 7 7 0 0 &i"!er 5ey '*02er C 7 7 0 7 &i"!er 5ey '*02er D 7 7 7 0 &i"!er 5ey '*02er . 7 7 7 7 &i"!er 5ey '*02er (

<D a'd S,<) /(CC+S)/

The purpose of the "D and S!"I infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide infor%ation concernin! /rotocol 4iscri%inators and Ser(ice Access /oint Identifiers. The "D and S!"I infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.1<"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.1<"3#// TS 24.<<3. The "D and S!"I is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with 2 octets len!th.

8 0 s"are

; 0 s"are

8 S,<)

5 4 3 <D a'd S,<) ).) <D

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

2i ure1+*#*1+33GPP TS ()*++, P$ and SAPI infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*1*1+33GPP TS ()*++,4 P$ and SAPI infor7ation ele7ent

S,<)# Ser1i&e ,&&ess <oi't )de'ti6ier (o&tet 2) +its . # 0 0 0 7 7 0 7 7

S,<) 0 reser1ed reser1ed S,<) 3

<D# <roto&ol Dis&ri0i'ator (o&tet 2) 2its 4-7 .'&oded as s"e&i6ied i' s*2&la*se 77.2.7 o6 3G<< TS 24.00;.

<riority :e1el

The purpose of the "riority )e4el is to pro(ide infor%ation definin! the priority le(el re>uested or applied. The "riority )e4el I5 %ay $e included in C2GS51+IC5G15: 5ST= CA))G/1'C554I8# and S5T / %essa!es. The "riority )e4el infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.11"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.11"3#// TS 24.<<3. The "riority )e4el is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent with 1 octet len!th.

8 5 <riority :e1el ).)

4 0 s"are

2 &all "riority

7 o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*1133GPP TS ()*++, Priority Le6el Table 1+*#*1133GPP TS ()*++, Priority Le6el
Call "riority (o&tet 7) +it 3 ( 1 0 0 0 'o "riority a""lied 0 0 7 &all "riority le1el 4 0 7 0 &all "riority le1el 3 0 7 7 &all "riority le1el 2 7 0 0 &all "riority le1el 7 7 0 7 &all "riority le1el 0 7 7 0 &all "riority le1el + 7 7 7 &all "riority le1el ,

Core 4et%or5 Syste0 )'6or0atio' (UMTS o'ly)

The purpose of the Core et3ork System Infor%ation is to pro(ide the 2S with actual para%eter settin!s of syste% infor%ation para%eters controllin! 22 and #22 functionality. The Core 8etwor0 syste% infor%ation is included in specific infor%ation ele%ents within so%e 11C %essa!es sent to 2S= see 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO. 8'T5E These I5s do not ha(e an I5I or a len!th indicator= $ecause these I5s are ne(er present in any layer 3 %essa!es= ;ence these I5s do not confor% to the !eneral I5 rules defined in 24.<<* N2<O.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

C4 Co00o' GSM-M,< 4,S syste0 i'6or0atio'

The purpose of the C Common GSM-M!" !S system in0ormation ele%ent is to pro(ide the 2S with actual para%eter settin!s of para%eters rele(ant for $oth 22 and #22 functionality. The codin! of the infor%ation ele%ent identifier and len!th infor%ation is defined in the 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO. 'nly the codin! of the content is in the scope of the present docu%ent. The content of the C common GSM-M!" !S system in0ormation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<."3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<."3#// TS 24.<<3. The len!th of this ele%ent content is two octets. The 2S shall i!nore any additional octets recei(ed.

5 :,C

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

2i ure 1+*#*1*1(*133GPP TS ()*++, Co77on syste7 infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1*1(*133GPP TS ()*++,4 Common y tem information ele7ent
L8CA Location 8rea Code (2 o&tet 6ield) T!is 6ield is t!e 2i'ary re"rese'tatio' o6 t!e :o&atio' ,rea Code, see 3G<< TS 23.003. T!e :,C 6ield &o'sists o6 78 2its. +it 8 i' o&tet 7 is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 2it a'd 2it 7 i' o&tet 2 is t!e least si 'i6i&a't 2it.

CS do0ai' s"e&i6i& syste0 i'6or0atio'

The purpose of the C domain speci0ic GSM-M!" !S system in0ormation ele%ent= when used for the CS do%ain= is to pro(ide the 2S with actual para%eter settin!s of para%eters rele(ant only for 22 functionality. The codin! of the infor%ation ele%ent identifier and len!th infor%ation is defined in the 3#// TS 25.331 N23cO. 'nly the codin! of the content is in the scope of the present docu%ent. For CS do%ain= the content of the C domain speci0ic GSM-M!" !S system in0ormation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<."3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<."3#// TS 24.<<3. The len!th of this ele%ent content is two octets. The 2S shall i!nore any additional octets recei(ed.

5 T3272 S"are

7 ,TT o&tet 7 o&tet 2

2i ure 1+*#*1*1(*(33GPP TS ()*++, CS domain pecific y tem information ele7ent Table 1+*#*1*1(*(33GPP TS ()*++,4 CS domain pecific y tem information ele7ent
T3(1( ti7eout 6alue (7 o&tet 6ield) T!e T3272 ti0eo*t 6ield is &oded as t!e 2i'ary re"rese'tatio' o6 t!e ti0eo*t 1al*e 6or "eriodi& *"dati' i' de&i!o*rs. +it 8 i' o&tet 3 is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 2it a'd 2it 7 i' o&tet 3 is t!e least si 'i6i&a't 2it. -a' e# 7 to 255 T!e 1al*e 0 is *sed 6or i'6i'ite ti0eo*t 1al*e i.e. "eriodi& *"dati' s!all 'ot 2e *sed 8TTA 8ttach'detach allowed (7 2it 6ield)# +it 7 0 MSs s!all 'ot a""ly )MS) atta&! a'd deta&! "ro&ed*re. 7 MSs s!all a""ly )MS) atta&! a'd deta&! "ro&ed*re T!e 2its 2 S 8 o6 o&tet 7 are s"are a'd s!all 2e &oded all Peros.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

<S do0ai' s"e&i6i& syste0 i'6or0atio'

The purpose of the C domain speci0ic GSM-M!" !S system in0ormation ele%ent= when used for the /S do%ain= is to pro(ide the 2S with actual para%eter settin!s of para%eters rele(ant only for #22 functionality. The codin! of the infor%ation ele%ent identifier and len!th infor%ation is defined in the 3#// TS 25.331. 'nly the codin! of the content is in the scope of the present docu%ent. For /S do%ain= the content of the C domain speci0ic GSM-M!" !S system in0ormation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<."3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<."3#// TS 24.<<3. The len!th of this ele%ent content is two octets. The 2S shall i!nore any additional octets recei(ed.

5 -,C S"are

7 4M9 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

2i ure 1+*#*1*1(*333GPP TS ()*++, PS domain pecific y tem information ele7ent Table 1+*#*1*1(*333GPP TS ()*++,4 PS domain pecific y tem information ele7ent
"8CA "outin 8rea Code (8 2it 6ield) T!is 6ield is t!e 2i'ary re"rese'tatio' o6 t!e -o*ti' ,rea Code, see 3G<< TS 23.003. +it 8 i' o&tet 7 is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 2it a'd 2it 7 i' o&tet 7 is t!e least si 'i6i&a't 2it. NM5A Network Mode of 5peration (7 2it 6ield) T!is 6ield is t!e 2i'ary re"rese'tatio' o6 t!e 4et%or5 Mode o6 9"eratio', see 3G<< TS 23.080 +it 7 0 4et%or5 Mode o6 9"eratio' ) 7 4et%or5 Mode o6 9"eratio' )) T!e 2its 2 S 8 o6 o&tet 2 are s"are a'd s!all 2e &oded all Peros.

<:M4 list

The purpose of the ")M )ist infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide a list of /)28 codes to the %o$ile station. The ")M )ist infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.13"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.13"3#// TS 24.<<3. The ")M )ist is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 5 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 1* octets.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

4 <:M4 :ist ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4 o&tet 5

:e' t! o6 <:M4 :ist &o'te'ts MCC di it 2, <:M4 7 M4C di it 3, <:M4 7 M4C di it 2, <:M4 7 MCC di it 7, <:M4 7 MCC di it 3, <:M4 7 M4C di it 7, <:M4 7

MCC di it 2, <:M4 5 M4C di it 3, <:M4 5 M4C di it 2, <:M4 5

MCC di it 7, <:M4 5 MCC di it 3, <:M4 5 M4C di it 7, <:M4 5

o&tet 75 o&tet 78 o&tet 7;

2i ure 1+*#*1333GPP TS ()*++, PLMN Li t infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1333GPP TS ()*++,4 PLMN Li t infor7ation ele7ent
MCC, Mo2ile &o*'try &ode (o&tet 3, o&tet 4 2its 7 to 4) T!e MCC 6ield is &oded as i' )TU-T -e&. .272, ,''eF ,. M4C, Mo2ile 'et%or5 &ode (o&tet 5, o&tet 4 2its 5 to 8). T!e &odi' o6 t!is 6ield is t!e res"o'si2ility o6 ea&! ad0i'istratio' 2*t +CD &odi' s!all 2e *sed. T!e M4C s!all &o'sist o6 2 or 3 di its. (or <CS 7A00 6or 4,, (ederal re *latio' 0a'dates t!at a 3-di it M4C s!all 2e *sed. ?o%e1er a 'et%or5 o"erator 0ay de&ide to *se o'ly t%o di its i' t!e M4C o1er t!e radio i'ter6a&e. )' t!is &ase, 2its 5 to 8 o6 o&tet 4 s!all 2e &oded as G7777G. Mo2ile e3*i"0e't s!all a&&e"t M4C &oded i' s*&! a %ay.

70.5.2 -adio -eso*r&e 0a'a e0e't i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts.

See 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O.

70.5.3 Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts. ,*t!e'ti&atio' "ara0eter -,4D

The purpose of the !uthentication "arameter R! D infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide the %o$ile station with a non6 predicta$le nu%$er to $e used to calculate the authentication response si!nature S15S and the cipherin! 0ey Kc ,for a #S2 authentication challen!e-= or the response 15S and $oth the cipherin! 0ey CK and inte!rity 0ey IK ,for a 2TS authentication challen!e-. The !uthentication "arameter R! D infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.*5"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.39"3#// TS 24.<<3. The !uthentication "arameter R! D is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with 1* octets len!th.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

8 5 4 3 ,*t!e'ti&atio' "ara0eter -,4D ).) -,4D 1al*e

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 7;

2i ure 1+*#*/#33GPP TS ()*++, Authentication Parameter %AN$ infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*,033GPP TS ()*++,4 Authentication Parameter %AN$ infor7ation ele7ent
-,4D 1al*e (o&tet 2, 3,... a'd 7;) T!e -,4D 1al*e &o'sists o6 728 2its. +it 8 o6 o&tet 2 is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 2it %!ile 2it 7 o6 o&tet 7; is t!e least si 'i6i&a't 2it.

,*t!e'ti&atio' <ara0eter ,UT4 (UMTS a*t!e'ti&atio' &!alle' e o'ly)

The purpose of the !uthentication "arameter !UT infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide the 2S with a %eans of authenticatin! the networ0. The !uthentication "arameter !UT infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.*5.1"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.39.1"3#// TS 24.<<3. The !uthentication "arameter !UT is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a len!th of 13 octets.

8 5 4 3 ,*t!e'ti&atio' <ara0eter ,UT4 ).) :e' t! o6 ,UT4 &o'te'ts ,UT4

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3

o&tet 78

2i ure 1+*#*/#*133GPP TS ()*++, Authentication Parameter A&'N infor7ation ele7ent !<MTS authentication challen e only$ Table 1+*#*,0*133GPP TS ()*++, Authentication Parameter A&'N infor7ation ele7ent !<MTS authentication challen e only$
,UT4 1al*e (o&tets 3 to 78) T!e ,UT4 &o'sists o6 (SE4 For ,B)^^,M(^^M,C J48W78W84 2its (see 3G<< TS 33.702)

,*t!e'ti&atio' -es"o'se "ara0eter

The purpose of the authentication response parameter infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide the networ0 with the authentication response calculated in the SI2. The !uthentication "arameter SRES infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.*&"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$les 1<.5.9< a K $ "3#// TS 24.<<3.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

The !uthentication Response "arameter is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with 5 octets len!th. In a #S2 authentication challen!e= the response calculated in the SI2 ,S15S- is 4 $ytes in len!th= and is placed in the !uthentication Response "arameter infor%ation ele%ent. In a 2TS authentication challen!e= the response calculated in the SI2 ,15S- %ay $e up to 1& octets in len!th. The 4 %ost si!nificant octets shall $e included in the !uthentication Response "arameter infor%ation ele%ent. The re%ainin! part of the 15S shall $e included in the Authentication 1esponse /ara%eter ,e?tension- I5 ,see su$clause 1<.

8 5 4 3 2 ,*t!e'ti&atio' -es"o'se "ara0eter ).) S-.S 1al*e or 0ost si 'i6i&a't 4 o&tets o6 -.S # #

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

o&tet 5

2i ure 1+*#*/.33GPP TS ()*++, Authentication %e pon e Parameter infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*0+a33GPP TS ()*++,4 Authentication %e pon e Parameter infor7ation ele7ent !S"CS$ !GSM only$
S-.S 1al*e (o&tet 2, 3, 4 a'd 5) T!e S-.S 1al*e &o'sists o6 32 2its. +it 8 o6 o&tet 2 is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 2it %!ile 2it 7 o6 o&tet 5 is t!e least si 'i6i&a't 2it.

Table 1+*#*0+b33GPP TS ()*++,4 Authentication %e pon e Parameter infor7ation ele7ent !"CS$ !<MTS only$
-.S 1al*e (o&tet 2, 3, 4 a'd 5) T!is &o'tai's t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 4 o&tets o6 -.S )6 -.S[4 o&tets, t!e re0ai'i' o&tets o6 -.S s!all a""ear i' t!e ,*t!e'ti&atio' -es"o'se <ara0eter (eFte'sio') ). (see s*2&la*se

,*t!e'ti&atio' -es"o'se <ara0eter (eFte'sio') (UMTS a*t!e'ti&atio' &!alle' e o'ly)

This I5 is included if the authentication response para%eter 15S is lon!er than 4 octets , 2TS only- and therefore does not fit in the Authentication 1esponse /ara%eter field ,see 1<.5.3.2-. The Authentication 1esponse para%eter ,e?tension- I5 is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.*&.1"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.9<.1"3#// TS 24.<<3. The Authentication 1esponse para%eter ,e?tension- I5 is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 3 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 14 octets.

8 5 4 3 2 ,*t!e'ti&atio' -es"o'se (eFte'sio') ).) :e' t! o6 ,*t!e'ti&atio' -es"o'se &o'te'ts -.S (all 2*t 4 0ost si 'i6i&a't o&tets) # #

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3

o&tet 74

2i ure 1+*#*/.*133GPP TS ()*++, 8uthentication "esponse Para7eter !e>tension$ infor7ation ele7ent !<MTS only$


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*0+*133GPP TS ()*++,4 Authentication %e pon e Parameter (e)ten ion* infor7ation ele7ent !"CS$
-.S (eFte'sio') 1al*e (o&tet 3 to 74) T!is &o'tai's all 2*t t!e 4 0ost si 'i6i&a't o&tets o6 -.S

,*t!e'ti&atio' (ail*re "ara0eter (UMTS a*t!e'ti&atio' &!alle' e o'ly)

The purpose of the !uthentication &ailure parameter infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide the networ0 with the necessary infor%ation to $e!in a re6authentication procedure ,see 3#// TS 33.1<2- in the case of a 7Synch failure7= followin! a 2TS authentication challen!e. The Authentication Failure para%eter I5 is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.*&.2"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.9<.2"3#// TS 24.<<3. The Authentication Failure para%eter I5 is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a len!th of 1& octets.

8 5 4 3 2 ,*t!e'ti&atio' (ail*re "ara0eter ).) :e' t! o6,*t!e'ti&atio' (ail*re "ara0eter &o'te'ts ,*t!e'ti&atio' (ail*re "ara0eter # #

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3

o&tet 78

2i ure 1+*#*/.*(33GPP TS ()*++, 8uthentication 2ailure para7eter infor7ation ele7ent !<MTS authentication challen e only$ Table 1+*#*0+*(33GPP TS ()*++,4 8uthentication 2ailure para7eter infor7ation ele7ent
,*t!e'ti&atio' (ail*re "ara0eter 1al*e (o&tet 3 to 78) T!is &o'tai's ,UTS (see 3G<< TS 33.702)

CM ser1i&e ty"e

The purpose of the CM Ser4ice Type infor%ation ele%ent is to specify which ser(ice is re>uested fro% the networ0. The CM Ser4ice Type infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.**"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.91"3#// TS 24.<<3. The CM Ser4ice Type is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent.

; 8 CM ser1i&e ty"e ).)

3 2 ser1i&e ty"e

7 o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*//33GPP TS ()*++, CM Ser+ice 'ype infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*0133GPP TS ()*++,4 CM Ser+ice 'ype infor7ation ele7ent

Ser1i&e ty"e (o&tet 7) +its ) 3 ( 1 0 0 0 7 Mo2ile ori i'ati' &all esta2lis!0e't or "a&5et 0ode &o''e&tio' esta2lis!0e't 0 0 7 0 .0er e'&y &all esta2lis!0e't 0 7 0 0 S!ort 0essa e ser1i&e 7 0 0 0 S*""le0e'tary ser1i&e a&ti1atio' 7 0 0 7 Voi&e ro*" &all esta2lis!0e't 7 0 7 0 Voi&e 2road&ast &all esta2lis!0e't 7 0 7 7 :o&atio' Ser1i&es ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.

)de'tity ty"e

The purpose of the Identity Type infor%ation ele%ent is to specify which identity is re>uested. The Identity Type infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.*3"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.92"3#// TS 24.<<3. The Identity Type is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent.

; 8 )de'tity ty"e ).)

4 0 s"are

2 7 ty"e o6 ide'tity

o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*/,33GPP TS ()*++, Identity 'ype infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*0(33GPP TS ()*++,4 Identity 'ype infor7ation ele7ent
Ty"e o6 ide'tity (o&tet 7) +its 3 ( 1 0 0 7 )MS) 0 7 0 )M.) 0 7 7 )M.)SV 7 0 0 TMS) ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.

:o&atio' *"dati' ty"e

The purpose of the )ocation Updatin' Type infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate whether a nor%al updatin!= a periodic updatin! or an I2SI attach is wanted. It %ay also indicate that a follow6on re>uest has $een recei(ed fro% the %o$ile station C2 layer. The )ocation Updatin' Type infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.*9"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.93"3#// TS 24.<<3. The )ocation Updatin' Type is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent.

; 8 :o&atio' *"dati' ty"e ).)

4 (9-

3 0 s"are

2 :UT

7 o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*/033GPP TS ()*++, Location &pdating 'ype infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*0333GPP TS ()*++,4 Location &pdating 'ype infor7ation ele7ent

:UT (o&tet 7) +its ( 1 0 0 0 7 7 0 7 7

4or0al lo&atio' *"dati' <eriodi& *"dati' )MS) atta&! -eser1ed

(9- (o&tet 7) T!e (ollo%-9' -e3*est 2it ((9-) is &oded as 6ollo%s# +its ) 0 4o 6ollo%-o' re3*est "e'di' 7 (ollo%-o' re3*est "e'di'

4et%or5 4a0e

The purpose of this infor%ation ele%ent is to pass a te?t strin! to the %o$ile station. The et3ork ame infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.3<"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.94"3#// TS 24.<<3. The et3ork ame is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 3 octets. 8o upper len!th li%it is specified e?cept for that !i(en $y the %a?i%u% nu%$er of octets in a )3 %essa!e ,see 3#// TS 44.<<& N19O-.

5 4 3 4et%or5 4a0e ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4

eFt 7

:e' t! o6 4et%or5 4a0e &o'te'ts &odi' s&!e0e ,dd 4*02er o6 s"are C) 2its i' last o&tet TeFt Stri'

o&tet '

2i ure 1+*#*,+33GPP TS ()*++, Net,or! Name infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*0)33GPP TS ()*++, Net,or! Name infor7ation ele7ent

4*02er o6 s"are 2its i' last o&tet (o&tet 3, 2its 7 to 3) ( 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 1 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 2it 8 is s"are a'd set to G0G i' o&tet ' 2its ; a'd 8 are s"are a'd set to G0G i' o&tet ' 2its 8 to 8(i'&l*si1e) are s"are a'd set to G0G i' o&tet ' 2its 5 to 8(i'&l*si1e) are s"are a'd set to G0G i' o&tet ' 2its 4 to 8(i'&l*si1e) are s"are a'd set to G0G i' o&tet ' 2its 3 to 8(i'&l*si1e) are s"are a'd set to G0G i' o&tet ' 2its 2 to 8(i'&l*si1e) are s"are a'd set to G0G i' o&tet ' t!is 6ield &arries 'o i'6or0atio' a2o*t t!e '*02er o6 s"are 2its i' o&tet '

,dd C) (o&tet 3, 2it 4) 0 7 T!e MS s!o*ld 'ot add t!e letters 6or t!e Co*'try=s )'itials to t!e teFt stri' T!e MS s!o*ld add t!e letters 6or t!e Co*'try=s )'itials a'd a se"arator (e. . a s"a&e) to t!e teFt stri'

Codi' S&!e0e (o&tet 3, 2its 5-;) 0 0 0 7 0 7 Cell +road&ast data &odi' s&!e0e, GSM de6a*lt al"!a2et, la' *a e *'s"e&i6ied, de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 03.38 UCS2 (78 2it) \;2] reser1ed

0 0 0 7 to 7 7

TeFt Stri' (o&tet 4 to o&tet ', i'&l*si1e) .'&oded a&&ordi' to t!e Codi' S&!e0e de6i'ed 2y o&tet 3, 2its 5-;

-e>e&t &a*se

The purpose of the Re>ect Cause infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate the reason why a re>uest fro% the %o$ile station is reCected $y the networ0. The Re>ect Cause infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.31"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.95"3#// TS 24.<<3. The Re>ect Cause is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with 2 octets len!th.

5 4 -e>e&t &a*se ).) re>e&t &a*se 1al*e

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

2i ure 1+*#*,133GPP TS ()*++, %e-ect Cau e infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*0#33GPP TS ()*++,4 %e-ect Cau e infor7ation ele7ent

-e>e&t &a*se 1al*e (o&tet 2) +its , / . # ) 3 ( 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 7 0 7 7

)MS) *'5'o%' i' ?:)lle al MS )MS) *'5'o%' i' V:)M.) 'ot a&&e"ted )lle al M. <:M4 'ot allo%ed :o&atio' ,rea 'ot allo%ed -oa0i' 'ot allo%ed i' t!is lo&atio' area 4o S*ita2le Cells )' :o&atio' ,rea 4et%or5 6ail*re M,C 6ail*re Sy'&! 6ail*re Co' estio' GSM a*t!e'ti&atio' *'a&&e"ta2le Ser1i&e o"tio' 'ot s*""orted -e3*ested ser1i&e o"tio' 'ot s*2s&ri2ed Ser1i&e o"tio' te0"orarily o*t o6 order Call &a''ot 2e ide'ti6ied V V retry *"o' e'try i'to a 'e% &ell V Se0a'ti&ally i'&orre&t 0essa e )'1alid 0a'datory i'6or0atio' Messa e ty"e 'o'-eFiste't or 'ot i0"le0e'ted Messa e ty"e 'ot &o0"ati2le %it! t!e "roto&ol state )'6or0atio' ele0e't 'o'-eFiste't or 'ot i0"le0e'ted Co'ditio'al ). error Messa e 'ot &o0"ati2le %it! t!e "roto&ol state <roto&ol error, *'s"e&i6ied

,'y ot!er 1al*e re&ei1ed 2y t!e 0o2ile statio' s!all 2e treated as 0070 0070, =Ser1i&e o"tio' te0"orarily o*t o6 order=. ,'y ot!er 1al*e re&ei1ed 2y t!e 'et%or5 s!all 2e treated as 0770 7777, =<roto&ol error, *'s"e&i6ied=. 49T.# T!e listed re>e&t &a*se 1al*es are de6i'ed i' ,''eF G.


(ollo%-o' <ro&eed

The purpose of the &ollo3-on "roceed infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate that an 22 connection %ay $e esta$lished on an e?istin! 11 connection. The &ollo3-on "roceed infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.32"3#// TS 24.<<3. The &ollo3-on "roceed is a type 2 infor%ation ele%ent.
8 ; 8 5 4 3 (ollo%-o' <ro&eed ).) 2 7 o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*,(33GPP TS ()*++, .ollo,/on Proceed infor7ation ele7ent

Ti0e Qo'e

The purpose of this infor%ation ele%ent is to encode the offset $etween uni(ersal ti%e and local ti%ein steps of 15 %inutes. The Time ?one infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.33"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.9&"3#// TS 24.<<3.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

The Time ?one is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with a len!th of 2 octets.

8 ; 8 4 3 Ti0e Qo'e ).) Ti0e Qo'e 5 2 7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

2i ure 1+*#*,333GPP TS ()*++, 'ime 0one infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*0.33GPP TS ()*++, 'ime 0one infor7ation ele7ent
Ti0e Qo'e (o&tet 2, 2its 7-8) T!is 6ield *ses t!e sa0e 6or0at as t!e Ti0ePo'e 6ield *sed i' t!e T<-Ser1i&e-Ce'tre-Ti0eSta0", %!i&! is de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 23.040 \A0], a'd its 1al*e s!all 2e set as de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 22.042 \8A]


Ti0e Qo'e a'd Ti0e

The purpose of the ti%eHone part of this infor%ation ele%ent is to encode the offset $etween uni(ersal ti%e and local ti%e in steps of 15 %inutes. The purpose of the ti%e part of this infor%ation ele%ent is to encode the uni(ersal ti%e at which this infor%ation ele%ent %ay ha(e $een sent $y the networ0. The Time ?one and Time infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.34"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.9*"3#// TS 24.<<3. The Time ?one and Time is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with a len!th of 3 octets.
8 ; 8 5 4 3 Ti0e Qo'e a'd Ti0e ).) Iear Mo't! o&tet 3 Day o&tet 4 ?o*r o&tet 5 Mi'*te o&tet 8 Se&o'd o&tet ; Ti0e Po'e o&tet 8 2 7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

2i ure 1+*#*,)33GPP TS ()*++, 'ime 0one and 'ime infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*0/33GPP TS ()*++, 'ime1one and 'ime infor7ation ele7ent

Iear (o&tet 2, 2its 7-8) T!is 6ield *ses t!e sa0e 6or0at as t!e Iear 6ield *sed i' t!e T<-Ser1i&e-Ce'tre-Ti0e-Sta0", %!i&! is de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 23.040 \A0], a'd its 1al*e s!all 2e set as de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 22.042 \8A] Mo't! (o&tet 3, 2its 7-8) T!is 6ield *ses t!e sa0e 6or0at as t!e Mo't! 6ield *sed i' t!e T<-Ser1i&e-Ce'tre-Ti0e-Sta0", %!i&! is de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 23.040 \A0], a'd its 1al*e s!all 2e set as de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 22.042 \8A]. Day (o&tet 4, 2its 7-8) T!is 6ield *ses t!e sa0e 6or0at as t!e Day 6ield *sed i' t!e T<-Ser1i&e-Ce'tre-Ti0e-Sta0", %!i&! is de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 23.040 \A0], a'd its 1al*e s!all 2e set as de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 22.042 \8A]. ?o*r (o&tet 5, 2its 7-8) T!is 6ield *ses t!e sa0e 6or0at as t!e ?o*r 6ield *sed i' t!e T<-Ser1i&e-Ce'tre-Ti0e-Sta0", %!i&! is de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 23.040 \A0], a'd its 1al*e s!all 2e set as de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 22.042 \8A]. Mi'*te (o&tet 8, 2its 7-8) T!is 6ield *ses t!e sa0e 6or0at as t!e Mi'*te 6ield *sed i' t!e T<-Ser1i&e-Ce'tre-Ti0e-Sta0", %!i&! is de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 23.040 \A0], a'd its 1al*e s!all 2e set as de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 22.042 \8A]. Se&o'd (o&tet ;, 2its 7-8) T!is 6ield *ses t!e sa0e 6or0at as t!e Se&o'd 6ield *sed i' t!e T<-Ser1i&e-Ce'tre-Ti0e-Sta0", %!i&! is de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 23.040 \A0], a'd its 1al*e s!all 2e set as de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 22.042 \8A]. Ti0e Qo'e (o&tet 8, 2its 7-8) T!is 6ield *ses t!e sa0e 6or0at as t!e Ti0e Qo'e 6ield *sed i' t!e T<-Ser1i&e-Ce'tre-Ti0e-Sta0", %!i&! is de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 23.040 \A0], a'd its 1al*e s!all 2e set as de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 22.042 \8A].


4ue to a%$i!uities in earlier (ersions of the protocol specifications= so%e %o$ile stations %ay interpret the recei(ed 8ITJ ti%e as local ti%e. This %ay result in incorrect ti%e settin!s in the %o$ile.

CTS "er0issio'

The purpose of the CTS permission infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate that the %o$ile station is allowed to use #S26 Cordless Telephony Syste% in the )ocation Area. The CTS permission infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.34a"3#// TS 24.<<3. The CTS permission is a type 2 infor%ation ele%ent.

5 4 3 CTS <er0issio' ).)

7 o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*,)a33GPP TS ()*++, C'S permi

ion infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

:S, )de'ti6ier

This ele%ent uni>uely identifies a )SA. The )S! Identi0ier infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.&3c"3#// TS 24.<<3. The )S! Identi0ier is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a len!th of 2 or 5 octets.

5 4 3 :S, )de'ti6ier ).) :e' t! o6 :S, )de'ti6ier &o'te'ts :S, )D

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3

:S, )D &o't. o&tet 4 :S, )D &o't. o&tet 5

2i ure 1+*.,c33GPP TS ()*++, LSA Identifier infor7ation ele7ent )6 t!e :e' t! J 0, t!e' 'o :S, )D is i'&l*ded. T!is is *sed to i'di&ate t!at t!e MS !as 0o1ed to a' area %!ere t!ere is 'o :S, a1aila2le 6or t!at MS. 'ctets 365 are coded as specified in 3#// TS 23.<<3 N1<O= 7Identification of )ocalised Ser(ice Area7. .it 3 of octet 3 is the %ost si!nificant $it.

Dayli !t Sa1i' Ti0e

The purpose of this infor%ation ele%ent is to encode the 4ayli!ht Sa(in! Ti%e in steps of 1 hour. The Dayli'ht Sa4in' Time infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.34$"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.9*a"3#// TS 24.<<3. The Dayli'ht Sa4in' Time is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a len!th of 3 octets.

5 4 3 Dayli !t Sa1i' Ti0e ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 1al*e o&tet 3

:e' t! o6 Dayli !t Sa1i' Ti0e &o'te'ts s"are 0 0 0 0

2i ure 1+*#*,)b33GPP TS ()*++, $aylight Sa+ing 'ime infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*0/a33GPP TS ()*++,4 $aylight Sa+ing 'ime infor7ation ele7ent
Dayli !t Sa1i' Ti0e 1al*e (o&tet 3) +its ( 1 0 0 4o ad>*st0e't 6or Dayli !t Sa1i' Ti0e 0 7 W7 !o*r ad>*st0e't 6or Dayli !t Sa1i' Ti0e 7 0 W2 !o*rs ad>*st0e't 6or Dayli !t Sa1i' Ti0e 7 7 -eser1ed


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

70.5.4 Call &o'trol i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts .Fte'sio's o6 &odesets

There is a certain nu%$er of possi$le infor%ation ele%ent identifier (alues usin! the for%attin! rules descri$ed in su$clause 1<.5E 123 fro% the type 3 K 4 infor%ation ele%ent for%at and at least 3 fro% the type 1 K 2 infor%ation ele%ent for%at. 'ne (alue in the type 1 for%at is specified for shift operations descri$ed $elow. 'ne other (alue in $oth the type 3 K 4 and type 1 for%at is reser(ed. This lea(es 133 infor%ation ele%ent identifier (alues a(aila$le for assi!n%ent. It is possi$le to e?pand this structure to ei!ht codesets of 133 infor%ation ele%ent identifier (alues each. 'ne co%%on (alue in the type 1 for%at is e%ployed in each codeset to facilitate shiftin! fro% one codeset to another. The contents of this shift infor%ation ele%ent identifies the codeset to $e used for the ne?t infor%ation ele%ent or ele%ents. The codeset in use at any !i(en ti%e is referred to as the Dacti(e codesetD. .y con(ention= codeset < is the initially acti(e codeset. Two codeset shiftin! procedures are supportedE loc0in! shift and non6loc0in! shift. Codeset 5 is reser(ed for infor%ation ele%ents reser(ed for national use. Codeset & is reser(ed for infor%ation ele%ents specific to the local networ0 ,either pu$lic or pri(ate-. Codeset * is reser(ed for user6specific infor%ation ele%ents. The codin! rules specified in su$clause 1<.5 shall apply for infor%ation ele%ents $elon!in! to any acti(e codeset. Transitions fro% one acti(e codeset to another ,i.e. $y %eans of the loc0in! shift procedure- %ay only $e %ade to a codeset with a hi!her nu%erical (alue than the codeset $ein! left. An infor%ation ele%ent $elon!in! to codeset 5= & or * %ay appear to!ether with infor%ation ele%ents $elon!in! to codeset <= $y usin! the non6loc0in! shift procedure ,see su$clause 1<.5.4.3-. A user or networ0 e>uip%ent shall ha(e the capa$ility to reco!niHe a shift infor%ation ele%ent and to deter%ine the len!th of the followin! infor%ation ele%ent= althou!h the e>uip%ent need not $e a$le to interpret and act on the content of the infor%ation ele%ent. This ena$les the e>uip%ent to deter%ine the start of the su$se>uent infor%ation ele%ent.

:o&5i' s!i6t "ro&ed*re

The loc0in! shift procedure e%ploys an infor%ation ele%ent to indicate the new acti(e codeset. The specified codeset re%ains acti(e until another loc0in! shift infor%ation ele%ent is encountered which specifies the use of another codeset. For e?a%ple= codeset < is acti(e at the start of %essa!e content analysis. If a loc0in! shift to codeset 5 is encountered= the ne?t infor%ation ele%ents will $e interpreted accordin! to the infor%ation ele%ent identifiers assi!ned in codeset 5= until another shift infor%ation ele%ent is encountered. This procedure is used only to shift to a hi!her order codeset than the one $ein! left. The loc0in! shift is (alid only within that %essa!e which contains the loc0in! shift infor%ation ele%ent. At the start of e(ery %essa!e content analysis= the acti(e codeset is codeset <. The loc0in! shift infor%ation ele%ent uses the type 1 infor%ation ele%ent for%at and codin! shown in fi!ure 1<.5.35"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.93"3#// TS 24.<<3.

8 S!i6t ide'ti6ier

4 0

2 4e% &odeset ide'ti6i&atio'

7 o&tet 7

G0G i' t!is "ositio' i'di&ates lo&5i' s!i6t

2i ure 1+*#*,#33GPP TS ()*++, Lockin shift ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*0,33GPP TS ()*++,4 Lockin shift ele7ent

Codeset ide'ti6i&atio' (o&tet 7)# +its 3 ( 1 0 0 0 'ot a""li&a2le 0 0 7 V to V reser1ed 7 0 0 V 7 0 7 &odeset 5# i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts 6or 'atio'al *se 7 7 0 &odeset 8# i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts s"e&i6i& to t!e lo&al 'et%or5 (eit!er "*2li& or "ri1ate) 7 7 7 &odeset ;# *ser-s"e&i6i& i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts

4o'-lo&5i' s!i6t "ro&ed*re

The non6loc0in! shift procedure pro(ides a te%porary shift to the specified lower or hi!her codeset. The non6loc0in! shift procedure uses a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent to indicate the codeset to $e used to interpret the ne?t infor%ation ele%ent. After the interpretation of the ne?t infor%ation ele%ent= the acti(e codeset is a!ain used for interpretin! any followin! infor%ation ele%ents. For e?a%ple= codeset < is acti(e at the $e!innin! of %essa!e content analysis. If a non6 loc0in! shift to codeset & is encountered= only the ne?t infor%ation ele%ent is interpreted accordin! to the infor%ation ele%ent identifiers assi!ned in codeset &. After this infor%ation ele%ent is interpreted= codeset < will a!ain $e used to interpret the followin! infor%ation ele%ents. A non6loc0in! shift infor%ation ele%ent indicatin! the current codeset shall not $e re!arded as an error. A loc0in! shift infor%ation ele%ent shall not follow directly a non6loc0in! shift infor%ation ele%ent. If this co%$ination is recei(ed= it shall $e interpreted as thou!h a loc0in! shift infor%ation ele%ent had $een recei(ed. The non6loc0in! shift infor%ation ele%ent uses the type 1 infor%ation for%at and codin! shown in fi!ure 1<.5.3&"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.99"3#// TS 24.<<3.

8 S!i6t ide'ti6ier

4 7

2 7 Te0"orary &odeset ide'ti6i&atio'

o&tet 7

G7G i' t!is "ositio' i'di&ates 'o'-lo&5i' s!i6t

2i ure 1+*#*,.33GPP TS ()*++, Non'lockin shift ele7ent Table 1+*#*0033GPP TS ()*++,4 Non'lockin shift ele7ent
Codeset ide'ti6i&atio' (o&tet 7)# +its 3 ( 1 0 0 0 &odeset 0 (i'itially a&ti1e)# 3G<< TS 24.008 i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts 0 0 7 V to V reser1ed 7 0 0 V 7 0 7 &odeset 5# i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts 6or 'atio'al *se 7 7 0 &odeset 8# i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts s"e&i6i& to t!e lo&al 'et%or5 (eit!er "*2li& or "ri1ate) 7 7 7 &odeset ;# *ser-s"e&i6i& i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts

,*Filiary states

The purpose of the au?iliary states infor%ation ele%ent is to descri$e the current status of the au?iliary states of a call in the call control states Dacti(eD and D%o$ile ori!inatin! %odifyD. ,See TSs 3#// TS 24.<33 and 24.<34 N23O-


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The au?iliary states infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.3*"3#// TS 24.<<3= ta$le 1<.5.1<<"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.1<1"3#// TS 24.<<3. The au?iliary states is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with 3 octets len!th.

5 4 3 ,*Filiary states ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

7 eFt

:e' t! o6 a*Filiary states &o'te'ts 0 0 !old a*F. s"are state

M<TI a*F. state

o&tet 3

2i ure 1+*#*,/33GPP TS ()*++, 8u>iliary states infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1++33GPP TS ()*++,4 8u>iliary states infor7ation ele7ent
?old a*Filiary state (o&tet 3) +its ) 3 0 0 0 7 7 0 7 7 4ote 7#

idle !old re3*est &all !eld retrie1e re3*est

4ote 7 4ote 7 4ote 7 4ote 7

T!ese states are de6i'ed i' -e& 3G<< TS 24.083 \2;].

Table 1+*#*1+133GPP TS ()*++,4 8u>iliary states infor7ation ele7ent

M*lti "arty a*Filiary state (o&tet 3) +its ( 1 0 0 idle 0 7 M<TI re3*est 7 0 &all i' M<TI 7 7 s"lit re3*est 4ote 2#

4ote 2 4ote 2 4ote 2 4ote 2

T!ese states are de6i'ed i' -e& 3G<< TS 24.084 \28].

+a&5*" 2earer &a"a2ility

The purpose of the backup bearer capability I5 is to indicate a re>uested ser(ice to a 2S in case a co%plete description of the $earer ser(ice $y a bearer capability I5 is not a(aila$le. The backup bearer capability infor%ation ele%ent is not su$Cect to co%pati$ility chec0in! as descri$ed in anne? .. The backup bearer capability I5 is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.3*a"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$les 1<.5.1<1a"3#// TS 24.<<3 to 1<.5.1<1%"3#// TS 24.<<3. The backup bearer capability is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 3 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 15 octets.


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5 4 3 +a&5*" 2earer &a"a2ility ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4H o&tet 5H o&tet 5aH o&tet 8H o&tet 8aH o&tet 82H o&tet 8&H o&tet 8dH o&tet 8eH o&tet 86H o&tet 8 H o&tet ;H

7 eFt 7 eFt 0$7 eFt 7 eFt 0$7 eFt 0$7 eFt 0$7 eFt 0$7 eFt 0$7 eFt 0$7 eFt 0$7 eFt 7 eFt 7 eFt

:e' t! o6 t!e 2a&5*" 2earer &a"a2ility &o'te'ts radio &otra's i'6or0atio' &!a''el di' 6er tra's6er re3*ire0e't std 0ode &a"a2ility &o0" d*"l. &o'6i 4)-esta-ress. Str*&t*re 0ode *r. 2li. 0 0 rate si 'alli' a&&ess id. ada"tio' a&&ess "roto&ol 9t!er rate 0 0 0 9t!er )T ada"tio' S"are C 0 7 User i'6or0atio' sy'&$ layer 7 id. layer 7 "roto&ol asy'& '*02. 'e o'*02. sto" tiadata *ser rate 2its tio' 2its i'ter0ed. 4)C 4)C rate o' TD o' -D <arity &o''e&tio' ele0e't 0ode0 ty"e 9t!er 0ode0 ty"e (iFed 'et%or5 *ser rate ,&&e"ta2le MaFi0*0 '*02er o6 &!a''el tra66i& &!a''els &odi' s U)M) Wa'ted air i'ter6a&e *ser rate ,&&e"ta2le 0 0 &!a''el &odi' s ,sy00etry .Fte'ded )'di&atio' S"are 7 0 User i'6or0atio' layer 2 id. layer 2 "roto&ol

2i ure 1+*#*,/a33GPP TS ()*++, =ackup bearer capability infor7ation ele7ent


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The codin! of the octets of the backup bearer capability I5 is not confor%in! to the codin! of the bearer capability I5 in IT :.931. Table 1+*#*1+1a33GPP TS ()*++,4 =ackup bearer capability infor7ation ele7ent
-adio &!a''el re3*ire0e't (o&tet 3) )' GSM, i.e. 'ot a""li&a2le 6or UMTS data ser1i&es. +its 8 a'd ; are s"are 2its. T!e se'di' side (i.e. t!e 'et%or5) s!all set 2it ; to 1al*e 0 a'd 2it 8 to 1al*e 7. Codi' sta'dard (o&tet 3) +it # 0 GSM sta'dardiPed &odi' as des&ri2ed 2elo% 7 reser1ed Tra's6er 0ode (o&tet 3) +it ) 0 &ir&*it 0ode 7 "a&5et 0ode )'6or0atio' tra's6er &a"a2ility (o&tet 3) +its 3(1 0 0 0 s"ee&! 0 0 7 *'restri&ted di ital i'6or0atio' 0 7 0 3.7 5?P a*dio, eF <:M4 0 7 7 6a&si0ile ro*" 3 7 0 7 9t!er )TC (See 9&tet 5a) 7 7 7 reser1ed, to 2e *sed i' t!e 'et%or5. T!e 0ea'i' is# alter'ate s"ee&!$6a&si0ile ro*" 3 - starti' %it! s"ee&!. ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed


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Table 1+*#*1+1b33GPP TS ()*++,4 =ackup bearer capability infor7ation ele7ent

Co0"ressio' (o&tet 4) +it ; is s"are a'd s!all 2e set to `0a. Str*&t*re (o&tet 4) +its .# 00 77

ser1i&e data *'it i'te rity *'str*&t*red

,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. D*"leF 0ode (o&tet 4) +it ) 0 !al6 d*"leF 7 6*ll d*"leF Co'6i *ratio' (o&tet 4) +it 3 0 "oi't-to-"oi't ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. 4)-- (o&tet 4) (4e otiatio' o6 )'ter0ediate -ate -e3*ested) )' GSM, i.e. 'ot a""li&a2le 6or UMTS data ser1i&es. +it 2 is s"are a'd s!all 2e set to `0a. .sta2lis!0e't (o&tet 4) +it 1 0 de0a'd ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed

Table 1+*#*1+1c33GPP TS ()*++,4 =ackup bearer capability infor7ation ele7ent

,&&ess ide'tity (o&tet 5) +its /. 00 o&tet ide'ti6ier ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed -ate ada"tio' (o&tet 5) +its #) 00 'o rate ada"tio' 07 V.770, ).480$D.30 rate ada"tatio' 70 )TU-T D.37 6la st*66i' 77 9t!er rate ada"tio' (see o&tet 5a) Si 'alli' a&&ess "roto&ol (o&tet 5) +its 3(1 0 0 7 ).440$450 ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.


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Table 1+*#*1+1d33GPP TS ()*++,4 =ackup bearer capability infor7ation ele7ent

9t!er )TC (o&tet 5a) )6 t!e 1al*e G9t!er )TCG is 'ot si 'alled i' t!e 6ield G)TCG t!e' t!e &o'te'ts o6 t!is 6ield s!all 2e i 'ored. +it /. 00

restri&ted di ital i'6or0atio'

,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed 9t!er rate ada"tio' (o&tet 5a) )6 t!e 1al*e G 9t!er rate ada"tio'G is 'ot si 'alled i' t!e 6ield G-ate ada"tio'G t!e' t!e &o'te'ts o6 t!is 6ield s!all 2e i 'ored. )' UMTS, <),(S s!all 2e &o'sidered. )' GSM, &all s!all 2e re>e&ted i6 <),(S re3*ested. +it #) 00 07 70

V.720 ?.223 R ?.245 <),(S

,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.

Table 1+*#*1+1e33GPP TS ()*++,4 =ackup bearer capability infor7ation ele7ent

:ayer 7 ide'tity (o&tet 8) +its /. 07 o&tet ide'ti6ier ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed User i'6or0atio' layer 7 "roto&ol (o&tet 8) +its #)3( 0000 de6a*lt layer 7 "roto&ol ,ll ot!er 1al*es reser1ed. Sy'&!ro'o*s$asy'&!ro'o*s (o&tet 8) +it 1 0 sy'&!ro'o*s 7 asy'&!ro'o*s


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Table 1+*#*1+1f33GPP TS ()*++,4 =ackup bearer capability infor7ation ele7ent

4*02er o6 Sto" +its (o&tet 8a) +it / 0 7 2it (T!is 1al*e is also *sed i' t!e &ase o6 sy'&!ro'o*s 0ode) 7 2 2its 4e otiatio' (o&tet 8a) +it . 0 i'-2a'd 'e otiatio' 'ot "ossi2le 49T.# See -e&. V.770 a'd D.30 ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed 4*02er o6 data 2its eF&l*di' "arity 2it i6 "rese't (o&tet 8a) +it # 0 ; 2its 7 8 2its (t!is 1al*e is also *sed i' t!e &ase o6 2it orie'ted "roto&ols) User rate (o&tet 8a) )' GSM o'ly. +its )3(1 0000 0007 0070 0077 0700 0707 0770 0777

User rate *'5'o%' 0.3 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 7.2 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 2.4 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 4.8 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 A.8 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 72.0 52it$s tra's"are't ('o' &o0"lia'&e %it! D.7 a'd V.770) reser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol.

,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. (or 6a&si0ile ro*" 3 &alls t!e *ser rate i'di&ates t!e 6irst a'd 0aFi0*0 s"eed t!e 0o2ile statio' is *si' .


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Table 1+*#*1+1 33GPP TS ()*++,4 =ackup bearer capability infor7ation ele7ent

9&tet 82 6or V.770$D.30 rate ada"tatio' )'ter0ediate rate (o&tet 82) )' GSM o'ly. )6 t!e 1al*e GUser rate *'5'o%'G is si 'alled i' t!e 6ield GUser rateG t!e' t!e &o'te'ts o6 t!is 6ield s!all 2e i 'ored. +its /. 00 07 70 77

reser1ed reser1ed 8 52it$s 78 52it$s

4et%or5 i'de"e'de't &lo&5 (4)C) o' tra's0issio' (TF) (o&tet 82) (See -e&. V.770 a'd D.30). i' GSM o'ly. +it # 0 does 'ot re3*ire to se'd data %it! 'et%or5 i'de"e'de't &lo&5 7 re3*ires to se'd data %it! 'et%or5 i'de"e'de't &lo&5 4et%or5 i'de"e'de't &lo&5 (4)C) o' re&e"tio' (-F) (o&tet 82) (See -e&. V.770 a'd D.30) )' GSM o'ly. +it ) 0 &a''ot a&&e"t data %it! 'et%or5 i'de"e'de't &lo&5 (i.e. se'der does 'ot s*""ort t!is o"tio'al "ro&ed*re) 7 &a' a&&e"t data %it! 'et%or5 i'de"e'de't &lo&5 (i.e. se'der does s*""ort t!is o"tio'al "ro&ed*re) <arity i'6or0atio' (o&tet 82) +its 3(1 0 0 0 odd 0 7 0 e1e' 0 7 7 'o'e 7 0 0 6or&ed to 0 7 0 7 6or&ed to 7 ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.


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Table 1+*#*1+1h33GPP TS ()*++,4 =ackup bearer capability infor7ation ele7ent

Co''e&tio' ele0e't (o&tet 8&) +it /. 00 tra's"are't 07 'o' tra's"are't (-:<) 70 2ot!, tra's"are't "re6erred 77 2ot!, 'o' tra's"are't "re6erred T!e 'et%or5 s!o*ld *se t!e 4 1al*es de"e'di' o' its &a"a2ilities to s*""ort t!e di66ere't 0odes. Mode0 ty"e (o&tet 8&) +its #)3(1 0 0 0 0 0 'o'e 0 0 0 0 7 V.27 ('ote 7) 0 0 0 7 0 V.22 ('ote 7) 0 0 0 7 7 V.22 2is ('ote 7) 0 0 7 0 0 reser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol 0 0 7 0 7 V.28 ter ('ote 7) 0 0 7 7 0 V.32 0 0 7 7 7 0ode0 6or *'de6i'ed i'ter6a&e 0 7 0 0 0 a*to2a*di' ty"e 7 ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. 4ote 7# )' GSM o'ly.

Table 1+*#*1+1i33GPP TS ()*++,4 =ackup bearer capability infor7ation ele7ent

9t!er 0ode0 ty"e (o&tet 8d) +its /. 0 0 'o ot!er 0ode0 ty"e s"e&i6ied i' t!is 6ield 70 V.34 ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. (iFed 'et%or5 *ser rate (o&tet 8d) +it #)3(1 0 0 0 0 0 (iFed 'et%or5 *ser rate 'ot a""li&a2le$4o 0ea'i' is asso&iated %it! t!is 1al*e. 0 0 0 0 7 A.8 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 0 0 0 7 0 74.4 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 0 0 0 7 7 7A.2 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 0 0 7 0 0 28.8 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 0 0 7 0 7 38.4 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 0 0 7 7 0 48.0 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770(sy'&!) ('ote 7) 0 0 7 7 7 58.0 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770(sy'&!) $2it tra's"are't 0 7 0 0 0 84.0 52it$s 2it tra's"are't 0 7 0 0 7 33.8 52it$s 2it tra's"are't ('ote 2) 0 7 0 7 0 32.0 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' ).480 0 7 0 7 7 37.2 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' V.34 ('ote 2) T!e 1al*e 37.2 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' V.34 s!all 2e *sed o'ly 2y t!e 'et%or5 to i'6or0 t!e MS a2o*t (4U- 0odi6i&atio' d*e to 'e otiatio' 2et%ee' t!e 0ode0s i' a 3.7 5?P 0*lti0edia &all. ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. 4ote 7# )' GSM o'ly. 4ote 2# )' UMTS o'ly


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Table 1+*#*1+1j33GPP TS ()*++,4 =ackup bearer capability infor7ation ele7ent

,&&e"ta2le &!a''el &odi' s (o&tet 8e)# +its 4 to ; are s"are a'd s!all 2e set to G0G. MaFi0*0 '*02er o6 tra66i& &!a''els (o&tet 8e)# +its 7 to 3 are s"are a'd s!all 2e set to G0G.

Table 1+*#*1+1k33GPP TS ()*++,4 =ackup bearer capability infor7ation ele7ent

U)M), User i'itiated 0odi6i&atio' i'di&atio' (o&tet 86), /.# 000 007 070 077 700

User i'itiated 0odi6i&atio' 'ot allo%ed$a""li&a2le User i'itiated 0odi6i&atio' *" to 7 TC?$( allo%ed$0ay 2e re3*ested User i'itiated 0odi6i&atio' *" to 2 TC?$( allo%ed$0ay 2e re3*ested User i'itiated 0odi6i&atio' *" to 3 TC?$( allo%ed$0ay 2e re3*ested User i'itiated 0odi6i&atio' *" to 4 TC?$( allo%ed$0ay 2e re3*ested

,ll ot!er 1al*es s!all 2e i'ter"reted as GUser i'itiated 0odi6i&atio' *" to 4 TC?$( 0ay 2e re3*estedG. User i'itiated 0odi6i&atio' i'di&atio' is 'ot a""li&a2le 6or tra's"are't &o''e&tio'. Wa'ted air i'ter6a&e *ser rate (o&tet 86)# +its 7 to 4 are s"are a'd s!all 2e set to G0G.

Table 1+*#*1+1l33GPP TS ()*++,4 =ackup bearer capability infor7ation ele7ent

:ayer 2 ide'tity (o&tet ;) +its /. 70 o&tet ide'ti6ier ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed User i'6or0atio' layer 2 "roto&ol (o&tet ;) +its #)3(1 0 0 7 7 0 reser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol 0 7 0 0 0 )S9 842A, &odeset 0 (DC7$DC3) 0 7 0 0 7 reser1ed# %as allo&ated 2*t 'e1er *sed i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol 0 7 0 7 0 1ideoteF "ro6ile 7 0 7 7 0 0 C9<'o(lCt (C!ara&ter orie'ted <roto&ol %it! 'o (lo% Co'trol 0e&!a'is0) 0 7 7 0 7 reser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.


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Table 1+*#*1+1733GPP TS ()*++,4 =ackup bearer capability infor7ation ele7ent

,&&e"ta2le C!a''el Codi' s eFte'ded (o&tet 8 )# +its 3 to ; are s"are a'd s!all 2e set to G0G. +its 2 a'd 7 are s"are.

Stati& &o'ditio's 6or t!e 2a&5*" 2earer &a"a2ility ). &o'te'ts

For #S2= if the infor%ation transfer capa$ility field ,octet 3- indicates DspeechD= octets 4= 5= 5a= 5$= &= &a= &$= &c= &d= &e= &f= &! and * shall not $e included. If the infor%ation transfer capa$ility field ,octet 3- indicates a (alue different fro% DspeechD= octets 4 and 5shall $e included= octets &= &a= &$= &c= &d= &e= &f and &! are optional. In case octet & is included= octets &a= &$= and &c shall also $e included. In case octet &d is included= octets &e= &f and &! %ay $e included. If the infor%ation transfer capa$ility field ,octet 3- indicates Dfacsi%ile !roup 3D and octet &c is included= the %ode% type field ,octet &c- shall indicate DnoneD. If the infor%ation transfer capa$ility field ,octet 3- indicates Dother ITCD or the rate adaption field ,octet 5- indicates Dother rate adaptionD= octet 5a shall $e included. The %ode% type field ,octet &c- shall not indicate Dauto$audin! type 1D unless the connection ele%ent field ,octet &cindicates Dnon transparentD.

+earer &a"a2ility

The purpose of the $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent is to descri$e a $earer ser(ice. The use of the $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent in relation to co%pati$ility chec0in! is descri$ed in anne? .. The $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.33"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$les 1<.5.1<2"3#// TS 24.<<3 to 1<.5.115"3#// TS 24.<<3. The $earer capa$ility is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 3 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 1& octets.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

5 4 3 +earer &a"a2ility ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 3a H

0$7 eFt 0$7 eFt

:e' t! o6 t!e 2earer &a"a2ility &o'te'ts radio &otra's i'6or0atio' &!a''el di' 6er tra's6er re3*ire0e't std 0ode &a"a2ility 0 0 &oCTM s"ee&! 1ersio' di' i'di&atio' s"are 0 0 0 &os"are s"are S"ee&! 1ersio' di' )'di&atio' &o0" d*"l. &o'6i 4)-esta-ress. str*&t*re 0ode *r. 2li. 0 0 rate si 'alli' a&&ess id. ada"tio' a&&ess "roto&ol 9t!er rate 0 0 0 9t!er )TC ada"tio' S"are ?dr$ M*lti Mode ::) ,ssi )'2. 0 'o?dr 6ra0e 'or$e 'e S"are 0 7 User i'6or0atio' sy'&$ layer 7 id. layer 7 "roto&ol asy'& '*02. 'e o'*02. sto" tiadata *ser rate 2its tio' 2its i'ter0ed. 4)C 4)C rate o' TD o' -D <arity &o''e&tio' ele0e't 0ode0 ty"e 9t!er 0ode0 ty"e (iFed 'et%or5 *ser rate ,&&e"ta2le MaFi0*0 '*02er o6 &!a''el tra66i& &!a''els &odi' s U)M) Wa'ted air i'ter6a&e *ser rate ,&&e"ta2le 0 0 &!a''el &odi' s ,sy00etry eFte'ded )'di&atio' S"are 7 0 User i'6or0atio' layer 2 id. layer 2 "roto&ol

0$7 eFt 7 eFt 0$7 eFt 0$7 eFt 7 eFt 0$7 eFt 0$7 eFt 0$7 eFt 0$7 eFt 0$7 eFt 0$7 eFt 0$7 eFt 7 eFt 7 eFt

o&tet 32 et&H o&tet 4H o&tet 5H o&tet 5aH o&tet 52H o&tet 8H o&tet 8aH o&tet 82H o&tet 8&H o&tet 8dH o&tet 8eH o&tet 86H o&tet 8 H o&tet ;H

2i ure 1+*#*,,33GPP TS ()*++, =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent 8'T5 1E The codin! of the octets of the $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent is not confor%in! to IT :.931. 8'T5 2E An 2S shall encode the .earer Capa$ility info%ation ele%ent accordin! to #S2 call control re>uire%ents also if it is re>uestin! for a 2TS ser(ice. 8'T5 3E For T1A8 access the followin! para%eter is irrele(ant= $ecause %ultiple traffic channels ,%ultislot- are not deployed N3#// TS 23.<34O. The para%eter shall= howe(er= $e stored in 2SC= and forwarded at hando(erE 6 I2I= ser initiated %odification indication ,octet &f= $its 56*8'T5 4E The followin! para%eters are rele(ant in 2TS for non transparent data calls for decidin! which 1)/ (ersion to ne!otiate in order to a(oid rene!otiation of 1)/ (ersion in case of inter6syste% hando(er= see 3#// TS 24.<22 N9O. They are otherwise irrele(ant for specifyin! the T1A8 radio access $earerE 6 8'T5 5E 2a?i%u% nu%$er of traffic channels ,octet &e= $its 1636 Accepta$le Channel codin!,s- ,octet &e= $its 4= 5 and *6 Accepta$le Channel Codin!s e?tended ,octet &!= $its 56*-.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

8'T5 &E A %o$ile station not supportin! #S2 shall set the followin! para%eters to the (alue D<DE 6 2a?i%u% nu%$er of traffic channels ,octet &e= $its 1636 Accepta$le Channel codin!,s- ,octet &e= $its 4= 5 and *6 I2I= ser initiated %odification indication ,octet &f= $its 56*6 Accepta$le Channel Codin!s e?tended ,octet &!= $its 56*-. Table 1+*#*1+(33GPP TS ()*++,4 =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent
-adio &!a''el re3*ire0e't (o&tet 3), 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio' )' GSM, i.e. 'ot a""li&a2le 6or UMTS data ser1i&es. +its 8 a'd ; are s"are 2its. T!e se'di' side (i.e. t!e 'et%or5) s!all set 2it ; to 1al*e 0 a'd 2it 8 to 1al*e 7. -adio &!a''el re3*ire0e't (o&tet 3) MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' W!e' i'6or0atio' tra's6er &a"a2ility (o&tet 3) i'di&ates ot!er 1al*es t!a' s"ee&!# +its /. 00 reser1ed 07 6*ll rate s*""ort o'ly MS 70 d*al rate s*""ort MS$!al6 rate "re6erred 77 d*al rate s*""ort MS$6*ll rate "re6erred W!e' i'6or0atio' tra's6er &a"a2ility (o&tet 3) i'di&ates t!e 1al*e s"ee&! a'd 'o s"ee&! 1ersio' i'di&atio' is "rese't i' o&tet 3a et&.# +its /. 00 reser1ed 07 6*ll rate s*""ort o'ly MS$6*llrate s"ee&! 1ersio' 7 s*""orted

1 < dual rate support 2S"half rate speech (ersion 1 preferred= full rate speech (ersion 1 also supported 1 1 dual rate support 2S"full rate speech (ersion 1 preferred= half rate speech (ersion 1 also supported
W!e' i'6or0atio' tra's6er &a"a2ility (o&tet 3) i'di&ates t!e 1al*e s"ee&! a'd s"ee&! 1ersio' i'di&atio'(s) is(are) "rese't i' o&tet 3a et&.# +its /. 00 reser1ed

< 1 the %o$ile station supports at least full rate speech (ersion 1 $ut does not support half rate speech (ersion 1. The co%plete (oice codec preference is specified in octet,s- 3a etc. 1 < The %o$ile station supports at least full rate speech (ersion 1 and half rate speech (ersion 1. The %o$ile station has a !reater preference for half rate speech (ersion 1 than for full rate speech (ersion 1. The co%plete (oice codec preference is specified in octet,s- 3a etc. 1 1 The %o$ile station supports at least full rate speech (ersion 1 and half rate speech (ersion 1. The %o$ile station has a !reater preference for full rate speech (ersion 1 than for half rate speech (ersion 1. The co%plete (oice codec preference is specified in octet,s- 3a etc.



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Table 1+*#*1+(33GPP TS ()*++,4 =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent !continued$

Codi' sta'dard (o&tet 3) +it # 0 GSM sta'dardiPed &odi' as des&ri2ed 2elo% 7 reser1ed Tra's6er 0ode (o&tet 3) +it ) 0 &ir&*it 0ode 7 "a&5et 0ode )'6or0atio' tra's6er &a"a2ility (o&tet 3) +its 3(1 0 0 0 s"ee&! 0 0 7 *'restri&ted di ital i'6or0atio' 0 7 0 3.7 5?P a*dio, eF <:M4 0 7 7 6a&si0ile ro*" 3 7 0 7 9t!er )TC (See 9&tet 5a) 7 7 7 reser1ed, to 2e *sed i' t!e 'et%or5. T!e 0ea'i' is# alter'ate s"ee&!$6a&si0ile ro*" 3 - starti' %it! s"ee&!. ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed


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Table 1+*#*1+333GPP TS ()*++, =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent

9&tet(s) 3a et&. MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' 9&tet(s) 3a et&., 2its 7 to 4 s!all o'ly 2e *sed to &o'1ey s"ee&! &odi' i'6or0atio' 2elo' i' to a GSM radio a&&ess. W!e' i'&l*ded 6or a UMTS &all esta2lis!0e't t!ey s!all 2e *sed 6or !a'do1er to a GSM -adio ,&ess. , 0o2ile statio' s*""orti' CTM teFt tele"!o'y, 2*t 'ot s*""orti' GSM radio a&&ess s!all e'&ode o&tet 3a, 2its 7 to 4 as `'o s"ee&! 1ersio' s*""orted 6or GSM radio a&&essa. Codi' +it / 0 o&tet *sed 6or eFte'sio' o6 i'6or0atio' tra's6er &a"a2ility 7 o&tet *sed 6or ot!er eFte'sio' o6 o&tet 3 W!e' i'6or0atio' tra's6er &a"a2ility (o&tet 3) i'di&ates s"ee&! a'd &odi' (2it ; i' o&tet 3a et&.) is &oded as 0, 2its 7 t!ro* ! 8 are &oded# CTM teFt tele"!o'y i'di&atio' (o&tet 3a) +it . 0 CTM teFt tele"!o'y is 'ot s*""orted 7 CTM teFt tele"!o'y is s*""orted +it 8 i' o&tet(s) 32 et&. is s"are. +it 5 i' o&tet(s) 3a et&. is s"are. S"ee&! 1ersio' i'di&atio' (o&tet(s) 3a et&.) +its )3(1 0 0 0 0 GSM 6*ll rate s"ee&! 1ersio' 7 0070 GSM 6*ll rate s"ee&! 1ersio' 2 0700 GSM 6*ll rate s"ee&! 1ersio' 3 0770 GSM 6*ll rate s"ee&! 1ersio' 4 7000 GSM 6*ll rate s"ee&! 1ersio' 5 0007 GSM !al6 rate s"ee&! 1ersio' 7 0707 GSM !al6 rate s"ee&! 1ersio' 3 0777 GSM !al6 rate s"ee&! 1ersio' 4 7777 'o s"ee&! 1ersio' s*""orted 6or GSM radio a&&ess ('ote 7) ,ll ot!er 1al*es !a1e t!e 0ea'i' Gs"ee&! 1ersio' t2dG a'd s!all 2e i 'ored %!e' re&ei1ed. 49T. 7# T!is 1al*e s!all o'ly 2e *sed 2y a' MS s*""orti' CTM teFt tele"!o'y, 2*t 'ot s*""orti' GSM radio a&&ess. )6 o&tet 3 is eFte'ded %it! s"ee&! 1ersio' i'di&atio'(s) (o&tets 3a et&.), all s"ee&! 1ersio's s*""orted s!all 2e i'di&ated a'd 2e i'&l*ded i' order o6 "re6ere'&e (t!e 6irst o&tet (3a) !as t!e !i !est "re6ere'&e a'd so o'). )6 i'6or0atio' tra's6er &a"a2ility (o&tet 3) i'di&ates s"ee&! a'd &odi' (2it ; i' o&tet 3a et&.) is &oded as 7, or t!e i'6or0atio' tra's6er &a"a2ility does 'ot i'di&ate s"ee&!, t!e' t!e eFte'sio' o&tet s!all 2e i 'ored. 9&tet(s) 3a et&. 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio' T!e o&tet(s) 3a et&. s!all 2e i 'ored 2y t!e MS.


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Table 1+*#*1+)33GPP TS ()*++,4 =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent

Co0"ressio' (o&tet 4), 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# +it / 0 data &o0"ressio' 'ot "ossi2le 7 data &o0"ressio' "ossi2le Co0"ressio' (o&tet 4), MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# +it / 0 data &o0"ressio' 'ot allo%ed 7 data &o0"ressio' allo%ed Str*&t*re (o&tet 4) +its .# 0 0 ser1i&e data *'it i'te rity 7 7 *'str*&t*red ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. D*"leF 0ode (o&tet 4) +it ) 0 !al6 d*"leF 7 6*ll d*"leF Co'6i *ratio' (o&tet 4) +it 3 0 "oi't-to-"oi't ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. 4)-- (o&tet 4) (4e otiatio' o6 )'ter0ediate -ate -e3*ested) )' GSM, i.e. 'ot a""li&a2le 6or UMTS data ser1i&es. +it ( 0 4o 0ea'i' is asso&iated %it! t!is 1al*e. 7 Data *" to a'd i'&l*di' 4.8 52$s, 6*ll rate, 'o'-tra's"are't, 8 52$s radio re3*ested. .sta2lis!0e't (o&tet 4) +it 1 0 de0a'd ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed

i'ter6a&e rate is


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Table 1+*#*1+#33GPP TS ()*++,4 =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent

,&&ess ide'tity (o&tet 5) +its /. 0 0 o&tet ide'ti6ier ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed -ate ada"tio' (o&tet 5) +its #) 0 0 'o rate ada"tio' 0 7 V.770, ).480$D.30 rate ada"tatio' 7 0 )TU-T D.37 6la st*66i' 7 7 9t!er rate ada"tio' (see o&tet 5a) Si 'alli' a&&ess "roto&ol (o&tet 5) +its 3(1 007 070 077 700 707 770

).440$450 reser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol reser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol reser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol. reser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol reser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol

,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.

Table 1+*#*1+.33GPP TS ()*++,4 =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent

9t!er )TC (o&tet 5a) )6 t!e 1al*e G9t!er )TCG is 'ot si 'alled i' t!e 6ield G)TCG t!e' t!e &o'te'ts o6 t!is 6ield s!all 2e i 'ored. +it /. 0 0 restri&ted di ital i'6or0atio' ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed 9t!er rate ada"tio' (o&tet 5a) )6 t!e 1al*e G 9t!er rate ada"tio'G is 'ot si 'alled i' t!e 6ield G-ate ada"tio'G t!e' t!e &o'te'ts o6 t!is 6ield s!all 2e i 'ored. )' UMTS, <),(S s!all 2e &o'sidered. )' GSM, &all s!all 2e re>e&ted i6 <),(S re3*ested. +it #) 0 0 V.720 0 7 ?.223 R ?.245 7 0 <),(S ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.


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Table 1+*#*1+/33GPP TS ()*++,4 =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent

-ate ada"tio' !eader$'o !eader (o&tet 52) +it / 0 -ate ada"tio' !eader 'ot i'&l*ded 7 -ate ada"tio' !eader i'&l*ded M*lti"le 6ra0e esta2lis!0e't s*""ort i' data li'5 (o&tet 52) +it . 0 M*lti"le 6ra0e esta2lis!0e't 'ot s*""orted, o'ly U) 6ra0es allo%ed 7 M*lti"le 6ra0e esta2lis!0e't s*""orted Mode o6 o"eratio' (o&tet 52) +it # 0 +it tra's"are't 0ode o6 o"eratio' 7 <roto&ol se'siti1e 0ode o6 o"eratio' :o i&al li'5 ide'ti6ier 'e otiatio' (o&tet 52) +it ) 0 De6a*lt, ::)J258 o'ly 7 (*ll "roto&ol 'e otiatio', ('ote# , &o''e&tio' o1er %!i&! "roto&ol 'e otiatio' %ill 2e eFe&*ted is i'di&ated i' 2it 2 o6 o&tet 52) ,ssi 'or$,ssi 'ee (o&tet 52) +it 3 0 Messa e ori i'ator is Gde6a*lt assi 'eeG 7 Messa e ori i'ator is Gassi 'or o'lyG )' 2a'd$9*t o6 2a'd 'e otiatio' (o&tet 52) +it ( 0 4e otiatio' is do'e i'-2a'd *si' lo i&al li'5 Pero 7 4e otiatio' is do'e %it! US.- )4(9-M,T)94 0essa es o' a te0"orary si 'alli' &o''e&tio' +it 7 is s"are a'd set to t!e 1al*e G0G


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Table 1+*#*1+,33GPP TS ()*++,4 =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent

:ayer 7 ide'tity (o&tet 8) +its /. 0 7 o&tet ide'ti6ier ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed User i'6or0atio' layer 7 "roto&ol (o&tet 8) +its #)3( 0 0 0 0 de6a*lt layer 7 "roto&ol ,ll ot!er 1al*es reser1ed. Sy'&!ro'o*s$asy'&!ro'o*s (o&tet 8) +it 1 0 sy'&!ro'o*s 7 asy'&!ro'o*s

Table 1+*#*1+033GPP TS ()*++,4 =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent

4*02er o6 Sto" +its (o&tet 8a) +it / 0 7 2it (T!is 1al*e is also *sed i' t!e &ase o6 sy'&!ro'o*s 0ode) 7 2 2its 4e otiatio' (o&tet 8a) +it . 0 i'-2a'd 'e otiatio' 'ot "ossi2le 49T.# See -e&. V.770 a'd D.30 ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed 4*02er o6 data 2its eF&l*di' "arity 2it i6 "rese't (o&tet 8a) +it # 0 ; 2its 7 8 2its (t!is 1al*e is also *sed i' t!e &ase o6 2it orie'ted "roto&ols) User rate (o&tet 8a) )' GSM o'ly. +its )3(1 0007 0070 0077 0700 0707 0770 0777

0.3 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 7.2 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 2.4 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 4.8 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 A.8 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 72.0 52it$s tra's"are't ('o' &o0"lia'&e %it! D.7 a'd V.770) reser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol.

,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. (or 6a&si0ile ro*" 3 &alls t!e *ser rate i'di&ates t!e 6irst a'd 0aFi0*0 s"eed t!e 0o2ile statio' is *si' .


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Table 1+*#*11+33GPP TS ()*++,4 =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent

9&tet 82 6or V.770$D.30 rate ada"tatio' )'ter0ediate rate (o&tet 82) )' GSM o'ly. +its /. 0 0 reser1ed 0 7 reser1ed 7 0 8 52it$s 7 7 78 52it$s 4et%or5 i'de"e'de't &lo&5 (4)C) o' tra's0issio' (TF) (o&tet 82) (See -e&. V.770 a'd D.30). i' GSM o'ly. +it # 0 does 'ot re3*ire to se'd data %it! 'et%or5 i'de"e'de't &lo&5 7 re3*ires to se'd data %it! 'et%or5 i'de"e'de't &lo&5 4et%or5 i'de"e'de't &lo&5 (4)C) o' re&e"tio' (-F) (o&tet 82) (See -e&. V.770 a'd D.30) )' GSM o'ly. +it ) 0 &a''ot a&&e"t data %it! 'et%or5 i'de"e'de't &lo&5 (i.e. se'der does 'ot s*""ort t!is o"tio'al "ro&ed*re) 7 &a' a&&e"t data %it! 'et%or5 i'de"e'de't &lo&5 (i.e. se'der does s*""ort t!is o"tio'al "ro&ed*re) <arity i'6or0atio' (o&tet 82) +its 3(1 0 0 0 odd 0 7 0 e1e' 0 7 7 'o'e 7 0 0 6or&ed to 0 7 0 7 6or&ed to 7 ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.


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Table 1+*#*11133GPP TS ()*++,4 =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent

Co''e&tio' ele0e't (o&tet 8&) +it /. 0 0 tra's"are't 0 7 'o' tra's"are't (-:<) 7 0 2ot!, tra's"are't "re6erred 7 7 2ot!, 'o' tra's"are't "re6erred T!e re3*esti' e'd (e. . t!e o'e se'di' t!e S.TU< 0essa e) s!o*ld *se t!e 4 1al*es de"e'di' o' its &a"a2ilities to s*""ort t!e di66ere't 0odes. T!e a's%eri' "arty s!all o'ly *se t!e &odi' s 00 or 07, 2ased o' its o%' &a"a2ilities a'd t!e "ro"osed &!oi&e i6 a'y. )6 2ot! MS a'd 'et%or5 s*""ort 2ot! tra's"are't a'd 'o' tra's"are't, "riority s!o*ld 2e i1e' to t!e MS "re6ere'&e. Mode0 ty"e (o&tet 8&) +its #)3(1 0 0 0 0 0 'o'e 0 0 0 0 7 V.27 ('ote 7) 0 0 0 7 0 V.22 ('ote 7) 0 0 0 7 7 V.22 2is ('ote 7) 0 0 7 0 0 reser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol 0 0 7 0 7 V.28 ter ('ote 7) 0 0 7 7 0 V.32 0 0 7 7 7 0ode0 6or *'de6i'ed i'ter6a&e 0 7 0 0 0 a*to2a*di' ty"e 7 ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. 4ote 7# )' GSM o'ly.


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Table 1+*#*11(33GPP TS ()*++,4 =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent

9t!er 0ode0 ty"e (o&tet 8d) +its /. 0 0 'o ot!er 0ode0 ty"e s"e&i6ied i' t!is 6ield 70 V.34 ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. (iFed 'et%or5 *ser rate (o&tet 8d) +it #)3(1 0 0 0 0 0 (iFed 'et%or5 *ser rate 'ot a""li&a2le$4o 0ea'i' is asso&iated %it! t!is 1al*e. 0 0 0 0 7 A.8 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 0 0 0 7 0 74.4 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 0 0 0 7 7 7A.2 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 0 0 7 0 0 28.8 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 0 0 7 0 7 38.4 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770 0 0 7 7 0 48.0 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770(sy'&!) ('ote 7) 0 0 7 7 7 58.0 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' D.7 a'd V.770(sy'&!) $2it tra's"are't 0 7 0 0 0 84.0 52it$s 2it tra's"are't 0 7 0 0 7 33.8 52it$s 2it tra's"are't ('ote 2) 0 7 0 7 0 32.0 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' ).480 0 7 0 7 7 37.2 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' V.34 ('ote 2) T!e 1al*e 37.2 52it$s -e&o00e'datio' V.34 s!all 2e *sed o'ly 2y t!e 'et%or5 to i'6or0 t!e MS a2o*t (4U- 0odi6i&atio' d*e to 'e otiatio' 2et%ee' t!e 0ode0s i' a 3.7 5?P 0*lti0edia &all. ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. 4ote 7# )' GSM o'ly. 4ote 2# )' UMTS o'ly


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*11333GPP TS ()*++,4 =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent

,&&e"ta2le &!a''el &odi' s (o&tet 8e), 0o2ile statio' to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# +it / 0 TC?$(74.4 'ot a&&e"ta2le 7 TC?$(74.4 a&&e"ta2le +it . 0 S"are +it # 0 TC?$(A.8 'ot a&&e"ta2le 7 TC?$(A.8 a&&e"ta2le +it ) 0 TC?$(4.8 'ot a&&e"ta2le 7 TC?$(4.8 a&&e"ta2le ,&&e"ta2le &!a''el &odi' s (o&tet 8e), 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# +its 4 to ; are s"are a'd s!all 2e set to G0G. MaFi0*0 '*02er o6 tra66i& &!a''els (o&tet 8e), MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# +its 3(1 000 007 070 077 700 707 770 777

7 TC? 2 TC? 3 TC? 4 TC? 5 TC? 8 TC? ; TC? 8 TC?

MaFi0*0 '*02er o6 tra66i& &!a''els (o&tet 8e), 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# +its 7 to 3 are s"are a'd s!all 2e set to G0G.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*11)33GPP TS ()*++,4 =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent

U)M), User i'itiated 0odi6i&atio' i'di&atio' (o&tet 86), /.# 000 007 070 077 700

User i'itiated 0odi6i&atio' 'ot allo%ed$re3*ired$a""li&a2le User i'itiated 0odi6i&atio' *" to 7 TC?$( allo%ed$0ay 2e re3*ested User i'itiated 0odi6i&atio' *" to 2 TC?$( allo%ed$0ay 2e re3*ested User i'itiated 0odi6i&atio' *" to 3 TC?$( allo%ed$0ay 2e re3*ested User i'itiated 0odi6i&atio' *" to 4 TC?$( allo%ed$0ay 2e re3*ested

,ll ot!er 1al*es s!all 2e i'ter"reted as GUser i'itiated 0odi6i&atio' *" to 4 TC?$( 0ay 2e re3*estedG. User i'itiated 0odi6i&atio' i'di&atio' is 'ot a""li&a2le 6or tra's"are't &o''e&tio'. Wa'ted air i'ter6a&e *ser rate (o&tet 86), MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# +its )3(1 0 0 0 0,ir i'ter6a&e *ser rate 'ot a""li&a2le$4o 0ea'i' asso&iated %it! t!is 1al*e 0007 A.8 52it$s 0070 74.4 52it$s 0077 7A.2 52it$s 0707 28.8 52it$s 0770 38.4 52it$s 0777 43.2 52it$s 7000 5;.8 52it$s 7007 i'ter"reted 2y t!e 'et%or5 as 38.4 52it$s i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol 7070 i'ter"reted 2y t!e 'et%or5 as 38.4 52it$s i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol 7077 i'ter"reted 2y t!e 'et%or5 as 38.4 52it$s i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol 7700 i'ter"reted 2y t!e 'et%or5 as 38.4 52it$s i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. Wa'ted air i'ter6a&e *ser rate (o&tet 86), 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# +its 7 to 4 are s"are a'd s!all 2e set to G0G.


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Table 1+*#*11#33GPP TS ()*++,4 =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent

:ayer 2 ide'tity (o&tet ;) +its /. 7 0 o&tet ide'ti6ier ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed User i'6or0atio' layer 2 "roto&ol (o&tet ;) +its #)3(1 0 0 7 7 0 reser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol 0 7 0 0 0 )S9 842A, &odeset 0 (DC7$DC3) 0 7 0 0 7 reser1ed# %as allo&ated 2*t 'e1er *sed i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol 0 7 0 7 0 1ideoteF "ro6ile 7 0 7 7 0 0 C9<'o(lCt (C!ara&ter orie'ted <roto&ol %it! 'o (lo% Co'trol 0e&!a'is0) 0 7 7 0 7 reser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.

Table 1+*#*11#a33GPP TS ()*++,4 =earer capability infor7ation ele7ent

,&&e"ta2le C!a''el Codi' s eFte'ded (o&tet 8 ) 0o2ile statio' to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# +it ; 0 TC?$(28.8 'ot a&&e"ta2le 7 TC?$(28.8 a&&e"ta2le +it 8 0 TC?$(32.0 'ot a&&e"ta2le 7 TC?$(32.0 a&&e"ta2le +it 5 0 TC?$(43.2 'ot a&&e"ta2le 7 TC?$(43.2 a&&e"ta2le C!a''el Codi' ,sy00etry )'di&atio' +its 43 00 70 07 77

C!a''el &odi' sy00etry "re6erred Do%'li'5 2iased &!a''el &odi' asy00etry is "re6erred U"li'5 2iased &!a''el &odi' asy00etry is "re6erred U'*sed, i6 re&ei1ed it s!all 2e i'ter"reted as GC!a''el &odi' sy00etry "re6erredG

.DG. C!a''el Codi' s (o&tet 8 ), 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# +its 3 to ; are s"are a'd s!all 2e set to G0G. +its 2 a'd 7 are s"are.


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Stati& &o'ditio's 6or t!e 2earer &a"a2ility ). &o'te'ts

For #S2= if the infor%ation transfer capa$ility field ,octet 3- indicates DspeechD= octets 4= 5= 5a= 5$= &= &a= &$= &c= &d= &e= &f= &! and * shall not $e included. If the infor%ation transfer capa$ility field ,octet 3- indicates DspeechD= octet 3a etc. shall $e included only if the %o$ile station supports CT2 te?t telephony or if it supports at least one speech (ersion for #S2 radio access other thanE 6 6 #S2 full rate speech (ersion 1L or #S2 half rate speech (ersion 1.

If the infor%ation transfer capa$ility field ,octet 3- indicates a (alue different fro% DspeechD= octets 4= 5= &= &a= &$= and &c shall $e included= octets &d= &e= &f and &! are optional. In the networ0 to 2S direction in case octet &d is included= octets &e= &f and &! %ay $e included. In the 2S to networ0 direction in case octet &d is included octet &e shall also $e included and &f and &! %ay $e included. If the infor%ation transfer capa$ility field ,octet 3- indicates Dfacsi%ile !roup 3D= the %ode% type field ,octet &c- shall indicate DnoneD. If the infor%ation transfer capa$ility field ,octet 3- indicates Dother ITCD or the rate adaption field ,octet 5- indicates Dother rate adaptionD= octet 5a shall $e included. If the rate adaption field ,octet 5- indicates Dother rate adaptionD and the other rate adaption field ,octet 5a- indicates D+.12<D= octet 5$ shall $e included. The %ode% type field ,octet &c- shall not indicate Dauto$audin! type 1D unless the connection ele%ent field ,octet &cindicates Dnon transparentD.

Call Co'trol Ca"a2ilities

The purpose of the Call Control Capa$ilities infor%ation ele%ent is to identify the call control capa$ilities of the %o$ile station. The Call Control Capa$ilities infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.39"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.11&"3#// TS 24.<<3. The Call Control Capa$ilities is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a len!th of 4 octets.

5 4 3 Call Co'trol Ca"a2ilities ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4

:e' t! o6 Call Co'trol Ca"a2ilities &o'te'ts MaFi0*0 '*02er o6 0 0 DTM( s*""orted 2earers s"are <C< 0 0 0 MaFi0*0 '*02er o6 s"are s"ee&! 2earers

2i ure 1+*#*,033GPP TS ()*++, Call Control Capabilities infor7ation ele7ent


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Table 1+*#*11.33GPP TS ()*++,4 Call Control Capabilities

DTM( (o&tet 3, 2it 7) 0 T!is 1al*e is reser1ed 6or earlier 1ersio's o6 t!e "roto&ol. 7 T!is 1al*e i'di&ates t!at t!e 0o2ile statio' s*""orts DTM( as s"e&i6ied i' s*2&la*se 5.5.; o6 t!e "rese't do&*0e't. <C< (o&tet 3, 2it 2) 0 T!is 1al*e i'di&ates t!at t!e 0o2ile statio' does 'ot s*""ort t!e <rolo' ed Cleari' <ro&ed*re 7 T!is 1al*e i'di&ates t!at t!e 0o2ile statio' s*""orts t!e <rolo' ed Cleari' <ro&ed*re. MaFi0*0 '*02er o6 s*""orted 2earers (o&tet 3, 2it 5 to 2it 8) 0 0 0 0 7 2earer s*""orted ,ll 1al*es are i'ter"reted as t!e 2i'ary re"rese'tatio' o6 t!e '*02er o6 2earers s*""orted. +it 5 o6 o&tet 3 is t!e least si 'i6i&a't 2it a'd 2it 8 o6 o&tet 3 is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 2it. MaFi0*0 '*02er o6 s"ee&! 2earers (o&tet 4, 2it 7 to 2it 4) ,ll 1al*es are i'ter"reted as t!e 2i'ary re"rese'tatio' o6 t!e '*02er o6 2earers s*""orted. +it 7 o6 o&tet 4 is t!e least si 'i6i&a't 2it a'd 2it 4 o6 o&tet 4 is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 2it. 4ote# )' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol, t!e MS s!o*ld 'ot i'di&ate 0ore t!a' o'e s"ee&! 2earer.

Call state

The purpose of the call state infor%ation ele%ent is to descri$e the current status of a call= ,see su$clause 5.1-. The call state infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.9<"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.11*"3#// TS 24.<<3. The call state is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with 2 octets len!th.

4 3 &all state ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

&odi' sta'dard

&all state 1al*e (&oded i' 2i'ary)

2i ure 1+*#*0+33GPP TS ()*++, Call state infor7ation ele7ent


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Table 1+*#*11/33GPP TS ()*++,4 Call state infor7ation ele7ent

Codi' sta'dard (o&tet 2) +its , / 0 0 sta'dardiPed &odi' as des&ri2ed i' )TU-T -e&. E.A37 0 7 reser1ed 6or ot!er i'ter'atio'al sta'dards 7 0 'atio'al sta'dard 7 7 sta'dard de6i'ed 6or t!e GSM <:M4S as des&ri2ed 2elo% Codi' sta'dards ot!er t!a' G7 7 - Sta'dard de6i'ed 6or t!e GSM <:M4SG s!all 'ot 2e *sed i6 t!e &all state &a' 2e re"rese'ted %it! t!e GSM sta'dardiPed &odi' . T!e 0o2ile statio' or 'et%or5 'eed 'ot s*""ort a'y ot!er &odi' sta'dard t!a' G7 7 - Sta'dard de6i'ed 6or t!e GSM <:M4SG. )6 a &all state ). i'di&ati' a &odi' sta'dard 'ot s*""orted 2y t!e re&ei1er is re&ei1ed, &all state Ga&ti1eG s!all 2e ass*0ed. Call state 1al*e (o&tet 2) +its . # ) 3 ( 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 U9 - '*ll 0 0 0 0 7 0 U0.7- MM &o''e&tio' "e'di' 7 0 0 0 7 0 U0.2- CC "ro0"t "rese't 7 0 0 0 7 7 U0.3- Wait 6or 'et%or5 i'6or0atio' 7 0 0 7 0 0 U0.4- CC-.sta2lis!0e't "rese't 7 0 0 7 0 7 U0.5- CC-.sta2lis!0e't &o'6ir0ed 7 0 0 7 7 0 U0.8- -e&all "rese't 0 0 0 0 0 7 U7 - &all i'itiated 0 0 0 0 7 7 U3 - 0o2ile ori i'ati' &all "ro&eedi' 0 0 0 7 0 0 U4 - &all deli1ered 0 0 0 7 7 0 U8 - &all "rese't 0 0 0 7 7 7 U; - &all re&ei1ed 0 0 7 0 0 0 U8 - &o''e&t re3*est 0 0 7 0 0 7 UA - 0o2ile ter0i'ati' &all &o'6ir0ed 0 0 7 0 7 0 U70- a&ti1e 0 0 7 0 7 7 U77- dis&o''e&t re3*est 0 0 7 7 0 0 U72- dis&o''e&t i'di&atio' 0 7 0 0 7 7 U7A- release re3*est 0 7 7 0 7 0 U28- 0o2ile ori i'ati' 0odi6y 0 7 7 0 7 7 U2;- 0o2ile ter0i'ati' 0odi6y 0 7 7 7 0 0

49 - '*ll 40.7- MM &o''e&tio' "e'di' 40.2- CC &o''e&tio' "e'di' 40.3- 4et%or5 a's%er "e'di' 40.4- CC-.sta2lis!0e't "rese't 40.5- CC-.sta2lis!0e't &o'6ir0ed 40.8- -e&all "rese't 47 - &all i'itiated 43 - 0o2ile ori i'ati' &all "ro&eedi' 44 - &all deli1ered 48 - &all "rese't 4; - &all re&ei1ed 48 - &o''e&t re3*est 4A - 0o2ile ter0i'ati' &all &o'6ir0ed 470- a&ti1e 472-dis&o''e&t i'di&atio' 47A- release re3*est 428- 0o2ile ori i'ati' 0odi6y 42;- 0o2ile ter0i'ati' 0odi6y 428- &o''e&t i'di&atio'


Called "arty +CD '*02er

The purpose of the called party .C4 nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent is to identify the called party. The called party .C4 nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.91"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.113"3#// TS 24.<<3. The called party .C4 nu%$er is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 3 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 43 octets. For /CS 19<< the %a?i%u% len!th is 19 octets.


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5 4 3 Called "arty +CD '*02er ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4H o&tet 5H # #

7 eFt

:e' t! o6 &alled "arty +CD '*02er &o'te'ts ty"e o6 4*02eri' "la' '*02er ide'ti6i&atio' 4*02er di it 2 4*02er di it 4 2) 4*02er di it 7 4*02er di it 3

2i ure 1+*#*0133GPP TS ()*++, Called party =C& nu7ber infor7ation ele7ent 8'T5 1E The nu%$er di!it,s- in octet 4 precedes the di!it,s- in octet 5 etc. The nu%$er di!it which would $e entered first is located in octet 4= $its 1 to 4. 8'T5 2E If the called party .C4 nu%$er contains an odd nu%$er of di!its= $its 5 to 3 of the last octet shall $e filled with an end %ar0 coded as D1111D. Since the infor%ation ele%ent %ust contain the co%plete called party .C4 nu%$er there is no need for an additional co%plete indication. Table 1+*#*11,33GPP TS ()*++,4 Called party =C& nu7ber
Ty"e o6 '*02er (o&tet 3) (4ote 7) +its / . 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 7 7 # 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7

*'5'o%' (4ote 2) i'ter'atio'al '*02er (4ote 3, 4ote 5) 'atio'al '*02er (4ote 3) 'et%or5 s"e&i6i& '*02er (4ote 4) dedi&ated a&&ess, s!ort &ode reser1ed reser1ed reser1ed 6or eFte'sio'

8'T5 1E For the definition of Dnu%$erD see IT 6T 1eco%%endation I.33< and 3#// TS 23.<<3 N1<O. 8'T5 2E The type of nu%$er Dun0nownD is used when the user or the networ0 has no 0nowled!e of the type of nu%$er= e.!. international nu%$er= national nu%$er= etc. In this case the nu%$er di!its field is or!aniHed accordin! to the networ0 diallin! plan= e.!. prefi? or escape di!its %i!ht $e present. 8'T5 3E /refi? or escape di!its shall not $e included. 8'T5 4E The type of nu%$er Dnetwor0 specific nu%$erD is used to indicate ad%inistration"ser(ice nu%$er specific to the ser(in! networ0= e.!. used to access an operator. 8'T5 5E The international for%at shall $e accepted $y the 2SC when the call is destined to a destination in the sa%e country as the 2SC.


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Table 1+*#*11,33GPP TS ()*++,4 Called party =C& nu7ber !continued$

4*02eri' "la' ide'ti6i&atio' (o&tet 3) 4*02er "la' (a""lies 6or ty"e o6 '*02er J 000, 007, 070 a'd 700) +its ) 3 ( 1 0 0 0 0 *'5'o%' 0 0 0 7 )SD4$tele"!o'y '*02eri' "la' (-e&. ..784$..783) 0 0 7 7 data '*02eri' "la' (-e&o00e'datio' D.727) 0 7 0 0 teleF '*02eri' "la' (-e&o00e'datio' (.8A) 7 0 0 0 'atio'al '*02eri' "la' 7 0 0 7 "ri1ate '*02eri' "la' 7 0 7 7 reser1ed 6or CTS (see 3G<< TS 44.058 \A7]) 7 7 7 7 reser1ed 6or eFte'sio' ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.

Bhen an 2S is the recipient of nu%$er infor%ation fro% the networ0= any inco%pati$ility $etween the nu%$er di!its and the nu%$er plan identification shall $e i!nored and a STAT S %essa!e shall not $e sent to the networ0. In the case of nu%$erin! plan Dun0nownD= the nu%$er di!its field is or!aniHed accordin! to the networ0 diallin! planL e.!. prefi? or escape di!its %i!ht $e present. Table 1+*#*11,33GPP TS ()*++,4 Called party =C& nu7ber !continued$
4*02er di its (o&tets 4, et&.) +its ) 3 ( 1 or , / . # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 4*02er di it 1al*e 0 7 2 3 4 5 8 ; 8 A H M a 2 & *sed as a' e'd0ar5 i' t!e &ase o6 a' odd '*02er o6 '*02er di its

Called "arty s*2address

The purpose of the Called party su$address is to identify the su$address of the called party of a call. For the definition of a su$address see 1ec. IT 6T I.33<. The Called party su$address infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.92"3#// TS 24.<<3 and Ta$le 1<.5.119"3#// TS 24.<<3. The called party su$address is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 2 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 23 octets.


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5 4 3 Called "arty S*2address ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 0 o&tet 3H o&tet 4H et&.

7 eFt

:e' t! o6 &alled "arty s*2address &o'te'ts ty"e o6 odd$e1 0 0 s*2address )'di&a s"are S*2address i'6or0atio' # #

2i ure 1+*#*0(33GPP TS ()*++, Called party subaddress Table 1+*#*11033GPP TS ()*++,4 Called party subaddress
Ty"e o6 s*2address (o&tet 3) +its / . # 0 0 0 4S,< (D.273$)S9 8348 ,D2) 0 7 0 User s"e&i6ied ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed 9dd$e1e' i'di&ator (o&tet 3) +it ) 0 e1e' '*02er o6 address si 'als 7 odd '*02er o6 address si 'als 49T. 7# T!e odd$e1e' i'di&ator is *sed %!e' t!e ty"e o6 s*2address is G*ser s"e&i6iedG a'd t!e &odi' is +CD. S*2address i'6or0atio' (o&tet 4, et&...) T!e 4S,< D.273$)S98348,D2 address s!all 2e 6or0atted as s"e&i6ied 2y o&tet 4 %!i&! &o'tai's t!e ,*t!ority a'd (or0at )de'ti6ier (,()). T!e e'&odi' is 0ade a&&ordi' to t!e G"re6erred 2i'ary e'&odi' G as de6i'ed i' D.273$)S98348,D2. (or t!e de6i'itio' o6 t!is ty"e o6 s*2address, see -e&. )TU-T ).334. , &odi' eFa0"le is i1e' i' ,44.D ,. (or User-s"e&i6i& s*2address, t!is 6ield is e'&oded a&&ordi' to t!e *ser s"e&i6i&atio', s*2>e&t to a 0aFi0*0 le' t! o6 20 o&tets. 49T. 2# )t is re&o00e'ded t!at *sers a""ly 4S,< s*2address ty"e si'&e t!is s*2address ty"e allo%s t!e *se o6 de&i0al, 2i'ary a'd ),5 &!ara&ters i' a sta'dardised 0a''er.


Calli' "arty +CD '*02er

The purpose of the callin! party .C4 nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent is to identify the ori!in of a call. The callin! party .C4 nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.93"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.12<"3#// TS 24.<<3. The callin! party .C4 nu%$er is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent. In the networ0 to %o$ile station direction it has a %ini%u% len!th of 3 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 14 octets. ,This infor%ation ele%ent is not used in the %o$ile station to networ0 direction.-.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

5 4 3 Calli' "arty +CD '*02er ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 3aH o&tet 4H o&tet 5H # #

0$7 eFt 7 eFt

:e' t! o6 &alli' "arty +CD '*02er &o'te'ts ty"e o6 4*02eri' "la' '*02er ide'ti6i&atio' "rese'tat. 0 0 0 s&ree'i' i'di&ator s"are i'di&ator 4*02er di it 2 4*02er di it 4 4*02er di it 7 4*02er di it 3

2i ure 1+*#*0333GPP TS ()*++, Callin party =C& nu7ber infor7ation ele7ent The contents of octets 3= 4= etc. are coded as shown in ta$le 1<.5.113. The codin! of octet 3a is defined in ta$le 1<.5.12< $elow. If the callin! party .C4 nu%$er contains an odd nu%$er of di!its= $its 5 to 3 of the last octet shall $e filled with an end %ar0 coded as D1111D. Table 1+*#*1(+33GPP TS ()*++,4 Callin party =C& nu7ber
<rese'tatio' i'di&ator (o&tet 3a) +its / . 0 0 <rese'tatio' allo%ed 0 7 <rese'tatio' restri&ted 7 0 4*02er 'ot a1aila2le d*e to i'ter%or5i' 7 7 -eser1ed )6 o&tet 3a is o0itted t!e 1al*e G00 - <rese'tatio' allo%edG is ass*0ed. S&ree'i' i'di&ator (o&tet 3a) +its ( 1 0 0 0 7 7 0 7 7

User-"ro1ided, 'ot s&ree'ed User-"ro1ided, 1eri6ied a'd "assed User-"ro1ided, 1eri6ied a'd 6ailed 4et%or5 "ro1ided

)6 o&tet 3a is o0itted t!e 1al*e G0 0 - User "ro1ided, 'ot s&ree'edG is ass*0ed.

Calli' "arty s*2address

The purpose of the Callin! party su$address is to identify a su$address associated with the ori!in of a call. For the definition of a su$address see 1ec. IT 6T I.33<. The Callin! party su$address infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.94"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.121"3#// TS 24.<<3. The callin! party su$address is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 2 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 23 octets.


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5 4 3 Calli' "arty S*2address ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 0 o&tet 3H o&tet 4H et&.

7 eFt

:e' t! o6 &alli' "arty s*2address &o'te'ts ty"e o6 odd$e1 0 0 s*2address )'di&a S*2address i'6or0atio' # #

2i ure 1+*#*0)33GPP TS ()*++, Callin party subaddress Table 1+*#*1(133GPP TS ()*++,4 Callin party subaddress
Ty"e o6 s*2address (o&tet 3) +its / . # 0 0 0 4S,< (D.273$)S9 8348 ,D2) 0 7 0 User s"e&i6ied ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed 9dd$e1e' i'di&ator (o&tet 3) +it ) 0 e1e' '*02er o6 address si 'als 7 odd '*02er o6 address si 'als T!e odd$e1e' i'di&ator is *sed %!e' t!e ty"e o6 s*2address is G*ser s"e&i6iedG a'd t!e &odi' is +CD S*2address i'6or0atio' (o&tet 4, et&...) T!e 4S,< D.273$)S98348,D2 address s!all 2e 6or0atted as s"e&i6ied 2y o&tet 4 %!i&! &o'tai's t!e ,*t!ority a'd (or0at )de'ti6ier (,()). T!e e'&odi' is 0ade a&&ordi' to t!e G"re6erred 2i'ary e'&odi' G as de6i'ed i' D.273$)S98348,D2. (or t!e de6i'itio' o6 t!is ty"e o6 t!is ty"e o6 s*2address, see -e&. )TU-T ).332. , &odi' eFa0"le is i1e' i' a''eF ,. (or User-s"e&i6i& s*2address, t!is 6ield is e'&oded a&&ordi' to t!e *ser s"e&i6i&atio', s*2>e&t to a 0aFi0*0 le' t! o6 20 o&tets. 49T.# )t is re&o00e'ded t!at *sers a""ly 4S,< s*2ad dress ty"e si'&e t!is s*2address ty"e allo%s t!e *se o6 de&i0al, 2i'ary a'd ),5 &!ara&ters i' a sta'dardised 0a''er.


The purpose of the cause infor%ation ele%ent is to descri$e the reason for !eneratin! certain %essa!es= to pro(ide dia!nostic infor%ation in the e(ent of procedural errors and to indicate the location of the cause ori!inator. The cause infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.95"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$les 1<.5.122 and 1<.5.123"3#// TS 24.<<3. The cause is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 4 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 32 octets. The cause infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e repeated in a %essa!e.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

4 3 Ca*se ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

0$7 eFt 7 eFt 7 eFt

&odi' sta'dard

:e' t! o6 &a*se &o'te'ts 0 s"are re&o00e'datio' &a*se 1al*e dia 'osti&(s) i6 a'y


o&tet 3 o&tet 3aH o&tet 4 o&tet 5H o&tet 4H

2i ure 1+*#*0#33GPP TS ()*++, Cause infor7ation ele7ent If the default (alue applies for the reco%%endation field= octet 3a shall $e o%itted. Table 1+*#*1((33GPP TS ()*++,4 Cause infor7ation ele7ent
Codi' sta'dard (o&tet 3) +its / . 0 0 Codi' as s"e&i6ied i' )TU-T -e&. E.A37 0 7 -eser1ed 6or ot!er i'ter'atio'al sta'dards 7 0 4atio'al sta'dard 7 7 Sta'dard de6i'ed 6or t!e GSMb<:M4S as des&ri2ed 2elo% a'd i' ta2le 70.88$3G<< TS 24.008 Codi' sta'dards ot!er t!a' G7 7 - Sta'dard de6i'ed 6or t!e GSM <:M4SG s!all 'ot 2e *sed i6 t!e &a*se &a' 2e re"rese'ted %it! t!e GSM sta'dardiPed &odi' . T!e 0o2ile statio' or 'et%or5 'eed 'ot s*""ort a'y ot!er &odi' sta'dard t!a' G7 7 Sta'dard de6i'ed 6or t!e GSM <:M4SG. )6 a &a*se ). i'di&ati' a &odi' sta'dard 'ot s*""orted 2y t!e re&ei1er is re&ei1ed, &a*se Gi'ter%or5i' , *'s"e&i6iedG s!all 2e ass*0ed. :o&atio' (o&tet 3) +its ) 3 ( 1 0 0 0 0 *ser 0 0 0 7 "ri1ate 'et%or5 ser1i' t!e lo&al *ser 0 0 7 0 "*2li& 'et%or5 ser1i' t!e lo&al *ser 0 0 7 7 tra'sit 'et%or5 0 7 0 0 "*2li& 'et%or5 ser1i' t!e re0ote *ser 0 7 0 7 "ri1ate 'et%or5 ser1i' t!e re0ote *ser 0 7 7 7 i'ter'atio'al 'et%or5 7 0 7 0 'et%or5 2eyo'd i'ter%or5i' "oi't ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. -e&o00e'datio' (o&tet 3a) 9&tet 3a s!all 'ot 2e i'&l*ded i6 t!e &odi' sta'dard is &oded as G7 7 - Sta'dard de6i'ed 6or GSM <:M4SG. )6 t!e &odi' sta'dard is di66ere't 6ro0 G7 7 - Sta'dard de6i'ed 6or GSM <:M4SG, t!e &odi' o6 o&tet 3a, i6 i'&l*ded, a'd o&tets 4 to 4 is a&&ordi' to t!at &odi' sta'dard.


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Table 1+*#*1((33GPP TS ()*++,4 Cause infor7ation ele7ent !continued$

Ca*se 1al*e (o&tet 4) T!e &a*se 1al*e is di1ided i' t%o 6ields# a &lass (2its 5 t!ro* ! ;) a'd a 1al*e %it!i' t!e &lass (2its 7 t!ro* ! 4). T!e &lass i'di&ates t!e e'eral 'at*re o6 t!e e1e't. Class (000)# Class (007)# Class (070)# Class (077)# Class (700)# Class (707)# Class (770)# Class (777)# 'or0al e1e't 'or0al e1e't reso*r&e *'a1aila2le ser1i&e or o"tio' 'ot a1aila2le ser1i&e or o"tio' 'ot i0"le0e'ted i'1alid 0essa e (e. . "ara0eter o*t o6 ra' e) "roto&ol error (e. . *'5'o%' 0essa e) i'ter%or5i'

T!e &a*se 1al*es are listed i' Ta2le 70.88$GSMb24.008 2elo% a'd de6i'ed i' ,''eF ?. Dia 'osti&(s) (o&tet 5) Dia 'osti& i'6or0atio' is 'ot a1aila2le 6or e1ery &a*se, see Ta2le 70.88$3G<< TS 24.008 2elo%. W!e' a1aila2le, t!e dia 'osti&(s) is &oded i' t!e sa0e %ay as t!e &orres"o'di' i'6or0atio' ele0e't i' &la*se 70. T!e i'&l*sio' o6 dia 'osti&(s) is o"tio'al.


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Table 1+*#*1(333GPP TS ()*++,4 Cause infor7ation ele7ent 6alues

Cause 6alue Class -alue / . # ) 3 ( 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 7 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 7 7 0 7 7 0 0 0 7 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 0 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 7 7 0 7 7 Cause nu7* 7. 3. 8. 8. 78. 7;. 78. 7A. 27. 22. 25. 28. 2;. 28. 2A. 30. 37. 34. 38. 47. 42. 43. 44. 4;. 4A. 50. 55. 5;. 58. 83. 85. Cause &ia ' nostic "e7arks

U'assi 'ed (*'allo&ated) '*02er 4o ro*te to desti'atio' C!a''el *'a&&e"ta2le 9"erator deter0i'ed 2arri' 4or0al &all &leari' User 2*sy 4o *ser res"o'di' User alerti' , 'o a's%er Call re>e&ted 4*02er &!a' ed <re-e0"tio' 4o' sele&ted *ser &leari' Desti'atio' o*t o6 order )'1alid '*02er 6or0at (i'&o0"lete '*02er) (a&ility re>e&ted -es"o'se to ST,TUS .4EU)-I 4or0al, *'s"e&i6ied 4o &ir&*it$&!a''el a1aila2le 4et%or5 o*t o6 order Te0"orary 6ail*re S%it&!i' e3*i"0e't &o' estio' ,&&ess i'6or0atio' dis&arded re3*ested &ir&*it$&!a''el 'ot a1aila2le -eso*r&es *'a1aila2le, *'s"e&i6ied E*ality o6 ser1i&e *'a1aila2le -e3*ested 6a&ility 'ot s*2s&ri2ed )'&o0i' &alls 2arred %it!i' t!e CUG +earer &a"a2ility 'ot a*t!oriPed +earer &a"a2ility 'ot "rese'tly a1aila2le Ser1i&e or o"tio' 'ot a1aila2le, *'s"e&i6ied +earer ser1i&e 'ot i0"le0e'ted (&o'ti'*ed)

4ote A 4ote A 4ote A 4ote 7 4ote A - *ser s*""lied dia 'osti& ('ote 4) 4e% desti'atio'('ote 5) 4ote 7 4ote 7 Dis&arded i'6or0atio' ele0e't ide'ti6iers ('ote 8) 4ote A 4ote 7 4ote 7 4ote 3 4ote 3 4ote 3


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Table 1+*#*1(333GPP TS ()*++, !concluded$4 Cause infor7ation ele7ent 6alues

Cause 6alue Class -alue / . # ) 3 ( 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 7 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 7 Cause nu7* 88. 8A. ;0. ;A. 87. 8;. 88. A7. A5. A8. A;. A8. AA. 700. 707. 702. 777. 72;. Cause &ia ' nostic "e7arks

,CM e3*al to or reater t!a' ,CM0aF -e3*ested 6a&ility 'ot i0"le0e'ted 9'ly restri&ted di ital i'6or0atio' 2earer &a"a2ility is a1aila2le Ser1i&e or o"tio' 'ot i0"le0e'ted, *'s"e&i6ied )'1alid tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 1al*e User 'ot 0e02er o6 CUG )'&o0"ati2le desti'atio' )'1alid tra'sit 'et%or5 sele&tio' Se0a'ti&ally i'&orre&t 0essa e )'1alid 0a'datory i'6or0atio' Messa e ty"e 'o'-eFiste't or 'ot i0"le0e'ted Messa e ty"e 'ot &o0"ati2le %it! "roto&ol state )'6or0atio' ele0e't 'o'-eFiste't or 'ot i0"le0e'ted Co'ditio'al ). error Messa e 'ot &o0"ati2le %it! "roto&ol state -e&o1ery o' ti0er eF"iry <roto&ol error, *'s"e&i6ied )'ter%or5i' , *'s"e&i6ied

4ote 7 4ote 7 )'&o0"ati2le "ara0eter (4ote 2) )'6or0atio' ele0e't ide'ti6ier(s) Messa e ty"e Messa e ty"e )'6or0atio' ele0e't ide'ti6ier(s) ('otes 8,;) )'6or0atio' ele0e't ide'ti6ier(s) ('ote 8) Messa e ty"e Ti0er '*02er ('ote 8) -

All other (alues in the ran!e < to 31 shall $e treated as cause 31. All other (alues in the ran!e 32 to 4* shall $e treated as cause 4*. All other (alues in the ran!e 43 to &3 shall $e treated as cause &3. All other (alues in the ran!e &4 to *9 shall $e treated as cause *9. All other (alues in the ran!e 3< to 95 shall $e treated as cause 95. All other (alues in the ran!e 9& to 111 shall $e treated as cause 111. All other (alues in the ran!e 112 to 12* shall $e treated as cause 12*. 8'T5 1E 4ia!nostics for supple%entary ser(ices are handled as followsE octet 5= $it 3E This is an e?tension $it as defined in the preli%inary part of su$clause 1<.5. In this (ersion of this protocol= this $it shall $e set to 1. If it is set to Hero= the contents of the followin! octets shall $e i!nored. octet 5= $it *61E <<<<<<1 6 'ut!oin! calls $arred within C # <<<<<1< 6 8o C # selected <<<<<11 6 n0nown C # inde? <<<<1<< 6 C # inde? inco%pati$le with re>uested $asic ser(ice <<<<1<1 6 C # call failure= unspecified <<<<11< 6 C)I1 not su$scri$ed

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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

<<<<111 6 CC.S possi$le <<<1<<< 6 CC.S not possi$le All other (alues shall $e i!nored. 8'T5 2E The inco%pati$le para%eter is co%posed of the inco%pati$le infor%ation ele%ent identifier. 8'T5 3E The for%at of the dia!nostic field for cause nu%$ers 5*= 53 and &5 is as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.33"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$les 1<.5.1<2"3#// TS 24.<<3 to 1<.5.115"3#// TS 24.<<3. 8'T5 4E The user supplied dia!nostics field is encoded accordin! to the user specification= su$Cect to the %a?i%u% len!th of the cause infor%ation ele%ent. The codin! of user supplied dia!nostics should $e %ade in such a way that it does not conflict with the codin! descri$ed in note 9 $elow. 8'T5 5E The new destination is for%atted as the called party .C4 nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent= includin! infor%ation ele%ent identifier. 8'T5 &E )oc0in! and non6loc0in! shift procedures descri$ed in su$clause 1<.5.4.2 and clause 3 are applied. In principle= infor%ation ele%ent identifiers are ordered in the sa%e order as the infor%ation ele%ents in the recei(ed %essa!e. 8'T5 *E Bhen only the loc0in! shift infor%ation ele%ent is included and no infor%ation ele%ent identifier follows= it %eans that the codeset in the loc0in! shift itself is not i%ple%ented. 8'T5 3E The ti%er nu%$er is coded in IA5 characters= e.!.= T3<3 is coded as D3D D<D D3D. The followin! codin! is used in each octetE $it 3E spare D<D $its *61E IA5 character 'ctet 5 carries D3D= octet 5a carries D<D= etc. 8'T5 9E The followin! codin! is used for octet 5E $it 3 E1

$its *63E <<<<< $its 261E condition as followsE << 6 un0nown <1 6 per%anent 1< 6 transient

C:)- s*""ressio'

The C)I1 suppression infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 in the S5T / %essa!e. The use is defined in 3#// TS 24.<31 N25O. The C)I1 suppression infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.9&"3#// TS 24.<<3. The C)I1 suppression is a type 2 infor%ation ele%ent.

5 4 3 C:)- s*""ressio' ).)

7 o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*0.33GPP TS ()*++, CL9" suppression infor7ation ele7ent


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C:)- i'1o&atio'

The C)I1 in(ocation infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 in the S5T / %essa!e. The use is defined in 3#// TS 24.<31 N25O. The C)I1 in(ocation infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.9*"3#// TS 24.<<3. The C)I1 in(ocation is a type 2 infor%ation ele%ent.

5 4 3 C:)- i'1o&atio' ).)

7 o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*0/33GPP TS ()*++, CL9" in6ocation infor7ation ele7ent

Co' estio' le1el

The purpose of the con!estion le(el infor%ation ele%ent is to descri$e the con!estion status of the call. The con!estion le(el infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.93"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.124"3#// TS 24.<<3. The con!estion le(el is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent.

8 5 Co' estio' le1el ).)

7 o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*0,33GPP TS ()*++, Con estion le6el infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1()33GPP TS ()*++,4 Con estion le6el infor7ation ele7ent
Co' estio' le1el (o&tet 7) +its ) 3 ( 1 0 0 0 0 re&ei1er ready 7 7 7 7 re&ei1er 'ot ready ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.

Co''e&ted '*02er

The purpose of the connected nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent is to identify the connected party of a call. The connected nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.99"3#// TS 24.<<3. The connected nu%$er is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 3 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 14 octets.


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8 0$7 eFt 7 eFt

5 4 3 2 7 Co''e&ted '*02er ).) :e' t! o6 &o''e&ted '*02er &o'te'ts Ty"e o6 '*02er 4*02er "la' ide'ti6i&atio' <rese'tatio' 0 0 0 S&ree'i' i'di&ator S"are i'di&ator 4*02er di it 2 4*02er di it 7 4*02er di it 4 'ote 2) 4*02er di it 3

o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 'ote 7) o&tet 3aH 'ote 7) o&tet 4H 'ote 7) o&tet 5H 'ote 7) # #

2i ure 1+*#*0033GPP TS ()*++, 8'T5 1E The contents of octets 3=4=5= etc. ... are coded as shown in ta$le 1<.5.113"3#// TS 24.<<3. The codin! of octet 3a is defined in ta$le 1<.5.12<"3#// TS 24.<<3. 8'T5 2E If the connected nu%$er contains an odd nu%$er of di!its= $its 5 to 3 of the last octet shall $e filled with the end %ar0 coded as D1111D.

Co''e&ted s*2address

The purpose of the connected su$address infor%ation ele%ent is to identify a su$address associated with the connected party of a call. The connected su$address infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.1<<"3#// TS 24.<<3. The connected su$address is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 2 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 23 octets.
8 ; 5 4 3 2 Co''e&ted s*2address ).) :e' t! o6 &o''e&ted s*2address &o'te'ts Ty"e o6 odd$e1e' 0 0 s*2address i'di&ator S"are S*2address i'6or0atio' # # 8 7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3H o&tet 4H et&.

2i ure 1+*#*1++33GPP TS ()*++, The codin! for Type of su$address= odd"e(en indicator= and su$address infor%ation is in ta$le 1<.5.119"3#// TS 24.<<3.


The purpose of the facility infor%ation ele%ent is to transport supple%entary ser(ice related infor%ation. Bithin the scope of 3#// TS 24.<<3 the content of the Facility infor%ation field is an array of octets. The usa!e of this transportation %echanis% is defined in 3#// TS 24.<3< N24O. The facility infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.1<1"3#// TS 24.<<3. The facility is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 2 octets. 8o upper len!th li%it is specified e?cept for that !i(en $y the %a?i%u% nu%$er of octets in a )3 %essa!e ,see 3#// TS 44.<<& N19O-.
8 ; 4 3 2 (a&ility ).) :e' t! o6 6a&ility &o'te'ts (a&ility i'6or0atio' (see 3G<< TS 04.80) 8 5 7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3-OH

2i ure 1+*#*1+133GPP TS ()*++,


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?i ! layer &o0"ati2ility

The purpose of the hi!h layer co%pati$ility infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide a %eans which should $e used $y the re%ote user for co%pati$ility chec0in!. See anne? .. The hi!h layer co%pati$ility infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.1<2"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.125"3#// TS 24.<<3. The hi!h layer co%pati$ility is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 2 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 5 octets. 8'T5E The hi!h layer co%pati$ility infor%ation ele%ent is transported transparently $y a /)28 $etween a call ori!inatin! entity ,e.!. a callin! user- and the addressed entity ,e.!. a re%ote user or a hi!h layer function networ0 node addressed $y the call ori!inatin! entity-. ;owe(er= if e?plicitly re>uested $y the user ,at su$scription ti%e-= a networ0 which pro(ides so%e capa$ilities to realiHe teleser(ices %ay interpret this infor%ation to pro(ide a particular ser(ice.

5 4 3 ?i ! layer &o0"ati2ility ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3H o&tet 4H

7 eFt 0$7 eFt 7 eFt

:e' t! o6 !i ! layer &o0"ati2ility &o'te'ts &odi' "rese'tat. sta'dard i'ter"retatio' 0et!od o6 "roto&ol "ro6ile ?i ! layer &!ara&teristi&s ide'ti6i&atio' .Fte'ded !i ! layer &!ara&teristi&s ide'ti6i&atio'

o&tet 4aH ('ote)

2i ure 1+*#*1+(33GPP TS ()*++, Bi h layer co7patibility infor7ation ele7ent If the (alue part of the I5 is e%pty= the I5 indicates Dnot applica$leD. 8'T5E 'ctet 4a %ay $e present e.!. when octet 4 indicates 2aintenance or 2ana!e%ent= or audio (isual. Table 1+*#*1(#33GPP TS ()*++,4 Bi h layer co7patibility infor7ation ele7ent
Codi' sta'dard (o&tet 3) see )TU -e&o00e'datio' E.A37. )'ter"retatio' (o&tet 3) see )TU -e&o00e'datio' E.A37. <rese'tatio' 0et!od o6 "roto&ol "ro6ile (o&tet 3) see )TU -e&o00e'datio' E.A37. ?i ! layer &!ara&teristi&s ide'ti6i&atio' (o&tet 4) see )TU -e&o00e'datio' E.A37. .Fte'ded !i ! layer &!ara&teristi&s ide'ti6i&atio' (o&tet 4a) see )TU -e&o00e'datio' E.A37.

Stati& &o'ditio's 6or t!e !i ! layer &o0"ati2ility ). &o'te'ts

5ither the (alue part of the I5 is e%pty= or it contains at least octet 3 and 4.;

Bey"ad 6a&ility

The purpose of the 0eypad facility infor%ation ele%ent is to con(ey IA5 characters= e.!. entered $y %eans of a ter%inal 0eypad ,see note-. The 0eypad facility infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.1<3"3#// TS 24.<<3.

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The 0eypad facility is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with 2 octets len!th.

8 S"are 0

5 4 3 Bey"ad 6a&ility ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

Bey"ad i'6or0atio' (),5 &!ara&ter)

2i ure 1+*#*1+333GPP TS ()*++, Geypad facility infor7ation ele7ent 8'T5E In the #S2 syste% this infor%ation ele%ent is only used to transfer one 4T2F di!it ,<= 1= ... = 9= A= .= C= 4= U= F- as one IA5 character.

:o% layer &o0"ati2ility

The purpose of the low layer co%pati$ility infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide a %eans which should $e used for co%pati$ility chec0in! $y an addressed entity ,e.!.= a re%ote user or an interwor0in! unit or a hi!h layer function networ0 node addressed $y the callin! user-. The low layer co%pati$ility infor%ation ele%ent is transferred transparently $y a /)28 $etween the call ori!inatin! entity ,e.!. the callin! user- and the addressed entity. 5?cept for the infor%ation ele%ent identifier= the low layer co%pati$ility infor%ation ele%ent is coded as in IT reco%%endation :.931. For $ac0ward co%pati$ility reasons codin! of the %ode% type field accordin! to 5TS 3<< 1<261 ,1269<- shall also $e supported. The low layer co%pati$ility is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 2 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 13 octets.

5 4 3 2 :o% layer &o0"ati2ility ).) :e' t! o6 t!e lo% layer &o0"ati2ility &o'te'ts

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3H # # #

T!e 6ollo%i' o&tets are &oded as des&ri2ed i' )TU -e&o00e'datio' E.A37 (Codi' o6 t!e 0ode0 ty"e a&&ordi' to 2ot! E.A37 a'd .TS 300 702-7 (72-A0) s!all 2e a&&e"ted)

2i ure 1+*#*1+)33GPP TS ()*++, Low layer co7patibility infor7ation ele7ent If the (alue part of the I5 is e%pty= the I5 indicates Dnot applica$leD.

More data

The %ore data infor%ation ele%ent is sent $y the %o$ile station to the networ0 or to the networ0 to the %o$ile station in a S51 I8F'12ATI'8 %essa!e. The presence of the %ore data infor%ation ele%ent indicates to the destination re%ote user"%o$ile station that another S51 I8F'12ATI'8 %essa!e will follow containin! infor%ation $elon!in! to the sa%e $loc0. The use of the %ore data infor%ation ele%ent is not super(ised $y the networ0. The %ore data infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.1<5"3#// TS 24.<<3. The %ore data is a type 2 infor%ation ele%ent.
8 ; 8 5 4 3 More data ).) 2 7 o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*1+#33GPP TS ()*++, More data infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

4oti6i&atio' i'di&ator

The purpose of the notification indicator infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate infor%ation pertainin! to a call. The notification indicator ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.1<&"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.12&" 3#// TS 24.<<3. The notification indicator is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with 2 octets len!th.

8 7 eFt

5 4 3 4oti6i&atio' i'di&ator ).) 4oti6i&atio' des&ri"tio'

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

2i ure 1+*#*1+.33GPP TS ()*++, Notification indicator infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1(.33GPP TS ()*++,4 Notification indicator infor7ation ele7ent
4oti6i&atio' des&ri"tio' (o&tet 2) +its / . # ) 3 ( 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 User s*s"e'ded 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 User res*0ed 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 +earer &!a' e ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.

<ro ress i'di&ator

The purpose of the pro!ress indicator infor%ation ele%ent is to descri$e an e(ent which has occurred durin! the life of a call. The pro!ress indicator infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.1<*"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.12*"3#// TS 24.<<3. The pro!ress indicator is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a len!th of 4 octets.

5 4 3 <ro ress i'di&ator ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4

7 eFt 7 eFt

:e' t! o6 "ro ress i'di&ator &o'te'ts &odi' 0 sta'dard s"are lo&atio' "ro ress des&ri"tio'

2i ure 1+*#*1+/33GPP TS ()*++, Pro ress indicator infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*1(/33GPP TS ()*++,4 Pro ress indicator infor7ation ele7ent

Codi' sta'dard (o&tet 3) +its / . 0 0 Sta'dardiPed &odi' , as des&ri2ed i' )TU-T -e&. E.A37 0 7 -eser1ed 6or ot!er i'ter'atio'al sta'dards 7 0 4atio'al sta'dard 7 7 Sta'dard de6i'ed 6or t!e GSMb<:M4S as des&ri2ed 2elo% Codi' sta'dards ot!er t!a' G7 7 - Sta'dard de6i'ed 6or t!e GSM <:M4SG s!all 'ot 2e *sed i6 t!e "ro ress des&ri"tio' &a' 2e re"rese'ted %it! t!e GSMbsta'dardiPed &odi' . T!e 0o2ile statio' or 'et%or5 'eed 'ot s*""ort a'y ot!er &odi' sta'dard t!a' G7 7 Sta'dard de6i'ed 6or t!e GSM <:M4SG. )6 a "ro ress i'di&ator ). i'di&ati' a &odi' sta'dard 'ot s*""orted 2y t!e re&ei1er is re&ei1ed, "ro ress des&ri"tio' GU's"e&i6i&G s!all 2e ass*0ed. :o&atio' (o&tet 3) +its ) 3 ( 1 0 0 0 0 User 0 0 0 7 <ri1ate 'et%or5 ser1i' t!e lo&al *ser 0 0 7 0 <*2li& 'et%or5 ser1i' t!e lo&al *ser 0 7 0 0 <*2li& 'et%or5 ser1i' t!e re0ote *ser 0 7 0 7 <ri1ate 'et%or5 ser1i' t!e re0ote *ser 7 0 7 0 4et%or5 2eyo'd i'ter%or5i' "oi't ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. 4ote# De"e'di' o' t!e lo&atio' o6 t!e *sers, t!e lo&al "*2li& 'et%or5 a'd re0ote "*2li& 'et%or5 0ay 2e t!e sa0e 'et%or5.

<ro ress des&ri"tio' (o&tet 4) +its / . # ) 3 ( 1 4o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 2. 3. 4. 8. 32. 84.

0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 ,ll ot!er 1al*es

Call is 'ot e'd-to-e'd <:M4$)SD4, 6*rt!er &all "ro ress i'6or0atio' 0ay 2e a1aila2le i'-2a'd Desti'atio' address i' 'o'-<:M4$)SD4 9ri i'atio' address i' 'o'-<:M4$)SD4 Call !as ret*r'ed to t!e <:M4$)SD4 )'-2a'd i'6or0atio' or a""ro"riate "atter' 'o% a1aila2le Call is e'd-to-e'd <:M4$)SD4 E*e*ei' U's"e&i6i&

-e&all ty"e /(CC+S)/

The purpose of the recall type infor%ation ele%ent is to descri$e the reason for the recall. The recall type infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in Fi!ure 1<.5.1<3"3#// TS 24.<<3 and Ta$le 1<.5.123"3#// TS 24.<<3. The recall type is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with 2 octets len!th.

8 0

; 0

8 s"are 0

5 0

4 3 re&all ty"e ).) 0

2 re&all ty"e

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

2i ure 1+*#*1+,33GPP TS ()*++, "ecall type infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*1(,33GPP TS ()*++,4 "ecall type infor7ation ele7ent

re&all ty"e (o&tet 2, 2its 7 to 4) +its 3 ( 1 0 0 0 - CC+S 0 0 7 V to V - s!all 2e treated as CC+S (i'te'ded 6or ot!er si0ilar ty"es o6 -e&all) 7 7 0 V 7 7 7 - reser1ed

-edire&ti' "arty +CD '*02er

The purpose of the redirectin! party .C4 nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent is to identify the redirectin! party. The redirectin! party .C4 nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.33a. The redirectin! party .C4 nu%$er is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent. In the networ0 to %o$ile station direction it has a %ini%u% len!th of 3 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 19 octets.

5 4 3 2 -edire&ti' "arty +CD '*02er ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 ('ote 7) o&tet 3aH ('ote 7) o&tet 4H ('ote 7) o&tet 5H ('ote 7) # #

0$7 eFt 7 eFt

:e' t! o6 redire&ti' "arty +CD '*02er &o'te'ts ty"e o6 4*02eri' "la' '*02er ide'ti6i&atio' "rese'tat. 0 0 0 S&ree'i' i'di&ator s"are i'di&ator 4*02er di it 2 4*02er di it 4 4*02er di it 7 4*02er di it 3

4ote 2)

2i ure 1+*,,a33GPP TS ()*++, %edirecting party 2C$ number infor7ation ele7ent 8'T5 1E The contents of octets 3= 4= etc. are coded as shown in Ta$le 1<.31. The codin! of octet 3a is defined in Ta$le 1<.33. 8'T5 2E If the redirectin! party .C4 nu%$er contains an odd nu%$er of di!its= $its 5 to 3 of the last octet shall $e filled with an end %ar0 coded as D1111D.

-edire&ti' "arty s*2address

The purpose of the 1edirectin! party su$address is to identify a su$address associated with the redirectin! party. For the definition of a su$address see 1ec. IT 6T I.33<. The 1edirectin! party su$address infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.33$ and ta$le 1<.34. The 1edirectin! party su$address is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 2 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 23 octets.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

5 4 3 2 -edire&ti' "arty S*2address ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 0 o&tet 3H o&tet 4H et&.

7 eFt

:e' t! o6 redire&ti' "arty s*2address &o'te'ts odd$e1 ty"e o6 0 0 )'di&a s*2address S*2address i'6or0atio' # #

2i ure 1+*,,b33GPP TS ()*++, %edirecting party ubaddre infor7ation ele7ent

-e"eat i'di&ator

The purpose of the repeat indicator infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate how the associated repeated infor%ation ele%ents shall $e interpreted= when included in a %essa!e. The repeat indicator infor%ation ele%ent is included i%%ediately $efore the first occurrence of the associated infor%ation ele%ent which will $e repeated in a %essa!e. D2ode 1D refers to the first occurrence of that infor%ation ele%ent= D%ode 2D refers to the second occurrence of that infor%ation ele%ent in the sa%e %essa!e. The repeat indicator infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.1<9"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.129"3#// TS 24.<<3. The repeat indicator is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent.

8 5 re"eat i'di&ator ).)

3 2 re"eat i'di&atio'

7 o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*1+033GPP TS ()*++, "epeat indicator infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1(033GPP TS ()*++,4 "epeat indicator infor7ation ele7ent
-e"eat i'di&atio' (o&tet 7) +its ) 3 ( 1 0 0 0 7 Cir&*lar 6or s*&&essi1e sele&tio' G0ode 7 alter'ate 0ode 2G 0 0 7 0 S*""ort o6 6all2a&5 S 0ode 7 "re6erred, 0ode 2 sele&ted i6 set*" o6 0ode 7 6ails 0 0 7 7 reser1ed# %as allo&ated i' earlier "!ases o6 t!e "roto&ol

-e1erse &all set*" dire&tio'

This infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e included in a 2'4IFA and 2'4IFA C'2/)5T5 %essa!e to indicate that the direction of the data call to which the 2'4IFA %essa!e relates is opposite to the call setup direction. The re4erse call setup direction infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.11<"3#// TS 24.<<3. The re4erse call setup direction is a type 2 infor%ation ele%ent
8 ; 8 5 4 3 re1erse &all set*" dire&tio' ).) 2 7 o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*11+33GPP TS ()*++, %e+er e call etup direction infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

S.TU< Co'tai'er /(CC+S)/

This infor%ation ele%ent contains the contents of a S5T / %essa!e ,2o$ile Station to 8etwor0-. This %eans that the Call Control protocol discri%inator I5= the Transaction Identifier I5 and the Setup %essa!e type I5 are not included. The S5T / Container infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.111"3#// TS 24.<<3. The S5T / Container is a type 4 infor%ation. 8o upper len!th li%it is specified e?cept for that !i(en $y the %a?i%u% nu%$er of octets in a )3 %essa!e ,see 3#// TS 44.<<& N19O-.

5 4 3 S.TU< Co'tai'er ).) :e' t! o6 S.TU< &o'tai'er &o'te'ts S.TU< 0essa e

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3-'

2i ure 1+*#*11133GPP TS ()*++, 5ctet j !j K 3A ) *** n$ is the unchan ed octet j of the SCT<P 7essa e*

Si 'al

The purpose of the si!nal infor%ation ele%ent is to allow the networ0 to con(ey infor%ation to a user re!ardin! tones and alertin! si!nals ,see su$clauses and *.3.3.-. The si!nal infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.112"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.13<"3#// TS 24.<<3. The si!nal is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with 2 octets len!th.

4 3 Si 'al ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

Si 'al 1al*e

2i ure 1+*#*11(33GPP TS ()*++, Si nal infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*13+33GPP TS ()*++,4 Si nal infor7ation ele7ent
Si 'al 1al*e (o&tet 2) +its , / . # ) 3 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 0 7 0 0 7 7 7

1 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 7

dial to'e o' ri' 2a&5 to'e o' i'ter&e"t to'e o' 'et%or5 &o' estio' to'e o' 2*sy to'e o' &o'6ir0 to'e o' a's%er to'e o' &all %aiti' to'e o' o66-!oo5 %ar'i' to'e o' to'es o66 alerti' o66

,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

SS Versio' )'di&ator

The purpose of the SS (ersion indicator infor%ation ele%ent is to aid the decodin! of the Facility infor%ation ele%ent as descri$ed in 3#// TS 24.<1<. Bithin the scope of 3#// TS 24.<<3 the contents of the SS +ersion infor%ation field is an array of one or %ore octets. The usa!e of the SS (ersion infor%ation field is defined in 3#// TS 24.<3<. The SS (ersion indicator infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.113"3#// TS 24.<<3. The SS (ersion indicator is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 2 octets. 8o upper len!th li%it is specified e?cept for that !i(en $y the %a?i%u% nu%$er of octets in a )3 %essa!e ,see 3#// TS 44.<<& N19O-.

5 4 3 2 SS 1ersio' i'di&ator ).) :e' t! o6 SS 1ersio' i'di&ator &o'te'ts SS 1ersio' i'6or0atio' (see 3G<< TS 04.80)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3H # # H H

2i ure 1+*#*11333GPP TS ()*++, 8'T5E sually= this infor%ation ele%ent has only one octet of content.


The purpose of the user6user infor%ation ele%ent is to con(ey infor%ation $etween the %o$ile station and the re%ote IS48 user. The user6user infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.114"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.131" 3#// TS 24.<<3. There are no restrictions on the content of the user6user infor%ation field. The user6user is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 3 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of either 35 or 131 octets. In the S5T / %essa!e the user6user infor%ation ele%ent has a %a?i%u% siHe of 35 octets in a #S2 /)28. In the S51 I8F'12ATI'8= A)51TI8#= C'885CT= 4ISC'885CT= /1'#15SS= 15)5AS5 and 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!es the user6user infor%ation ele%ent has a %a?i%u% siHe of 131 octets in a #S2 /)28. In other networ0s than #S2 /)28s the %a?i%u% siHe of the user6user infor%ation ele%ent is 35 or 131 octets in the %essa!es %entioned a$o(e. The e(olution to a sin!le %a?i%u% (alue is the lon! ter% o$Cecti(eL the e?act %a?i%u% (alue is the su$Cect of further study. 8'T5E The user6user infor%ation ele%ent is transported transparently throu!h a #S2 /)28.

4 3 User-*ser ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4H o&tet 4H

:e' t! o6 *ser-*ser &o'te'ts User-*ser "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator User-*ser i'6or0atio'

2i ure 1+*#*11)33GPP TS ()*++, <ser'user infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*13133GPP TS ()*++,4 <ser'user infor7ation ele7ent

User-*ser "roto&ol dis&ri0i'ator (o&tet 3) +its , / . # ) 3 ( 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 User s"e&i6i& "roto&ol (4ote 7) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 9S) !i ! layer "roto&ols 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 D.244 (4ote 2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 -eser1ed 6or syste0 0a'a e0e't &o'1er e'&e 6*'&tio' 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 ),5 &!ara&ters (4ote 3) 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 -e&.V.720 rate ada"tio' 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 E.A37 ().457) *ser-'et%or5 &all &o'trol 0essa es 0 0 0 t!ro* ! 0 0 7 0 7 0 t!ro* ! 7 7 0 0 7 0 t!ro* ! 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 4atio'al *se 7 0 0 -eser1ed 6or ot!er 'et%or5 layer or layer 3 "roto&ols -eser1ed 6or ot!er 'et%or5 layer or layer 3 "roto&ols

,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. 49T. 7# T!e *ser i'6or0atio' is str*&t*red a&&ordi' to *ser 'eeds. 49T. 2# T!e *ser i'6or0atio' is str*&t*red a&&ordi' to -e&.D.244 %!i&! s"e&i6ies t!e str*&t*re o6 D.25 &all *ser data. 49T. 3# T!e *ser i'6or0atio' &o'sists o6 ),5 &!ara&ters.

,lerti' <atter' /(4),)/

The purpose of the Alertin! /attern infor%ation ele%ent is to allow the networ0 to con(ey infor%ation related to the alert to $e used $y the 2S ,see 3#// TS <2.<*-. The Alertin! /attern infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.115"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.132"3#// TS 24.<<3. The Alertin! /attern I5 is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with 3 octet len!th.

8 0

5 4 3 2 ,lerti' <atter' ).) le' t! o6 alerti' "atter' &o'te't 0 0 0 ,lerti' <atter' s"are 1al*e

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3

2i ure 1+*#*11#33GPP TS ()*++, 8lertin Pattern infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*13(33GPP TS ()*++,4 8lertin Pattern infor7ation ele7ent

,lerti' <atter' 1al*e (o&tet 3) +its ) 3 ( 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 7 0 alerti' "atter' 7 alerti' "atter' 2 alerti' "atter' 3 alerti' alerti' alerti' alerti' alerti' "atter' 5 "atter' 8 "atter' ; "atter' 8 "atter' A

all ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed

Alertin! pattern 1= 2 and 3 indicate alertin! le(els <= 1 and 2. Alertin! pattern 5 to 9 indicate alertin! cate!ories 1 to 5;

,llo%ed a&tio's /(CC+S)/

The purpose of the !llo3ed actions infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide the %o$ile station with infor%ation a$out further allowed procedures. The !llo3ed actions infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.11&"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.133"3#// TS 24.<<3. The !llo3ed actions is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with 3 octets len!th.

5 4 3 ,llo%ed ,&tio's ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2



:e' t! o6 allo%ed a&tio's &o'te'ts 0 0 0 0 s"are

0 o&tet 3

2i ure 1+*#*11.33GPP TS ()*++, 8llowed actions infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*13333GPP TS ()*++,4 8llowed actions infor7ation ele7ent
CC+S a&ti1atio' (o&tet 3) +its , 0 7

,&ti1atio' o6 CC+S 'ot "ossi2le ,&ti1atio' o6 CC+S "ossi2le

Strea0 )de'ti6ier

The purpose of the strea% identifier ,SI- infor%ation ele%ent is to associate a particular call with a 1adio Access .earer ,1A.-= and to identify whether a new traffic channel shall $e assi!ned within the interface controlled $y these si!nallin! procedures. The SI (alue indicated in the CC protocol shall $e sent in the 1A. setup %essa!e. And %o$ile station is infor%ed the relationship $etween the call and the 1A.. The Strea% identifier infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.11*"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.134"3#// TS 24.<<3. The Strea% Identifier is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with 3 octets len!th.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

5 4 3 Strea0 )de'ti6ier ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3

:e' t! o6 Strea0 )de'ti6ier &o'te'ts Strea0 )de'ti6ier Val*e

2i ure 1+*#*11/33GPP TS ()*++,4 Strea7 9dentifier infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*13)33GPP TS ()*++,4 Strea7 9dentifier infor7ation ele7ent
Strea0 )de'ti6ier 1al*e(o&tet 3) +it , / 0 0 0 0 7 7 . 0 0 7 # 0 0 # # 7 7 7 7 7 255 ) 0 0 3 0 0 ( 0 0 1 0 7

4o 2earer 7

4et%or5 Call Co'trol Ca"a2ilities

The purpose of the et3ork Call Control Capabilities infor%ation ele%ent is to identify the call control capa$ilities of the networ0. The contents %i!ht affect the %anner in which the %o$ile station handles the call. The 8etwor0 Call Control Capa$ilities infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.113"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.135"3#// TS 24.<<3. The 8etwor0 Call Control Capa$ilities is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a len!th of 3 octets.

8 5 4 3 4et%or5 Call Co'trol Ca"a2ilities ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 MCS o&tet 3

:e' t! o6 4W Call Co'trol Ca". &o'te'ts 0 0 0 0 0 s"are

2i ure 1+*#*11,33GPP TS ()*++, Network Call Control Capabilities infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*13#33GPP TS ()*++,4 Network Call Control Capabilities
MCS (o&tet 3, 2it 7) 0 T!is 1al*e i'di&ates t!at t!e 'et%or5 does 'ot s*""ort t!e 0*lti&all. 7 T!is 1al*e i'di&ates t!at t!e 'et%or5 s*""orts t!e 0*lti&all.

Ca*se o6 4o C:)

Cause o0 o C)I infor%ation ele%ent pro(ides the %o$ile station the detailed reason why Callin! party .C4 nu%$er is not notified ,see 3#// TS 24.<31 N25O-. The Cause o0 o C)I infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.113a"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.135a"3#// TS 24.<<3. The Cause o0 o C)I is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with the len!th of 3 octets.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

5 4 3 Ca*se o6 4o C:) ).) :e' t! o6 Ca*se o6 4o C:) &o'te'ts Ca*se o6 4o C:)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3

2i ure 1+*#*11,a33GPP TS ()*++, Cause of No CL9 infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*13#a33GPP TS ()*++,4 Cause of No CL9 infor7ation ele7ent
Ca*se o6 4o C:) (o&tet 3) +its , / . # ) 3 ( 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U'a1aila2le 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 -e>e&t 2y *ser 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 )'tera&tio' %it! ot!er ser1i&e 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 Coi' li'e$"ay"!o'e 9t!er 1al*es s!all 2e i'ter"reted as GU'a1aila2leG.

)00ediate 0odi6i&atio' i'di&ator

This infor%ation ele%ent is used to indicate an i%%ediate in6call %odification without chan!in! the channel confi!uration. The Immediate modi0ication indicator infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.113c"3#// TS 24.<<3. The Immediate modi0ication indicator is a type 2 infor%ation ele%ent

8 5 4 3 )00ediate 0odi6i&atio' i'di&ator ).)

7 o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#* 11,c33GPP TS ()*++, Immediate modification indicator infor7ation ele7ent

S*""orted &ode& list

The purpose of the Supported Codec )ist infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide the networ0 with infor%ation a$out the speech codecs supported $y the %o$ile. The Supported Codec )ist infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.113c"3#// TS 24.<<3. The Supported Codec )ist infor%ation ele%ent is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 5 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of %M3 octets. Speech codec infor%ation $elon!in! to #S2 and 2TS radio access shall $e con(eyed $y this infor%ation ele%ent= when the 25 supports 2TS codecs different fro% the 2TS A21. #S2 codecs are only included if the 2S supports #S2 speech codecs different fro% #S2 speech (ersion 1.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

. #

) 3 S*""orted Code& :ist ).) :e' t! 96 S*""orted Code& list

1 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4 o&tet 5 o&tet 8 o&tet > o&tet >W7 o&tet >W2 o&tet >W3 o&tet 0 o&tet 0W7 o&tet 0W2 o&tet 0W3

Syste0 )de'ti6i&atio' 7 (Sys)D 7) :e' t! 96 +it0a" 6or Sys)D 7 Code& +it0a" 6or Sys)D 7, 2its 7 to 8 Code& +it0a" 6or Sys)D 7, 2its A to 78 Syste0 )de'ti6i&atio' 2 (Sys)D 2) :e' t! 96 +it0a" 6or (Sys)D 2) Code& +it0a" 6or (Sys)D 2), 2its 7 to 8 Code& +it0a" 6or (Sys)D 2), 2its A to 78 Syste0 )de'ti6i&atio' F (Sys)D F) :e' t! 96 +it0a" 6or (Sys)D F) Code& +it0a" 6or (Sys)D F), 2its 7 to 8 Code& +it0a" 6or (Sys)D F), 2its A to 78

2i ure 1+*#*11,c33GPP TS ()*++, Supported codec list infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*)*13#c33GPP TS ()*++,4 Supported Codec Li t infor7ation ele7ent
9&tet 3, (>W7), 0 et& Sys)D i'di&ates t!e radio a&&ess te&!'olo y 6or %!i&! t!e "ro&eedi' &ode& ty"es 0ay 2e *sed. Codi' o6 t!is 9&tet is de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 28.703. 9&tet 4, (>W2), 0W7 et& :e' t! 96 Code& +it0a" 6or Sys)D i'di&ates t!e '*02er o6 o&tets i'&l*ded i' t!e list 6or t!e i1e' Sys)D. 9&tets (5 R 8), (@W2 R >W3), (0W2 R 0W3) et& T!e &odi' o6 t!e Code& +it0a" is de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 28.703.

Ser1i&e &ate ory

The purpose of the Ser4ice cate'ory infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide the networ0 with infor%ation a$out ser(ices in(o0ed $y the user e>uip%ent. The Ser4ice cate'ory infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.113d"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.135d"3#// TS 24.<<3 The Ser4ice cate'ory is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 3 octets.

/ s"are 0

# ) 3 ( 1 Ser1i&e Cate ory ).) :e' t! o6 Ser1i&e Cate ory .0er e'&y Ser1i&e Cate ory Val*e

9&tet 7 9&tet 2 o&tet 3

2i ure 1+*#*11,d33GPP TS ()*++, Ser6ice Cate ory infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*13#d33GPP TS ()*++,4 Ser6ice Cate ory infor7ation ele7ent

.0er e'&y Ser1i&e Cate ory Val*e (o&tet 3) T!e 0ea'i' o6 t!e .0er e'&y Cate ory Val*e is deri1ed 6ro0 t!e 6ollo%i' setti' s (<lease see 3G<< TS 22.707 &la*se 8)# +it 7 <oli&e +it 2 ,02*la'&e +it 3 (ire +ri ade +it 4 Mari'e G*ard +it 5 Mo*'tai' -es&*e +its 8,;,8 are s"are a'd set to G0G Mo2ile statio' 0ay set o'e or 0ore 2its to G7G )6 0ore t!a' o'e 2it is set to G7G, ro*ti' to a &o02i'ed .0er e'&y &e'tre (e. . a02*la'&e a'd 6ire 2ri ade i' @a"a') is re3*ired. )6 t!e MSC &a' 'ot 0at&! t!e re&ei1ed ser1i&e &ate ory to a'y o6 t!e e0er e'&y &e'tres, it s!all ro*te t!e &all to a' o"erator de6i'ed de6a*lt e0er e'&y &e'tre. )6 'o 2it is set to G7G, t!e MSC s!all ro*te t!e .0er e'&y &all to a' o"erator de6i'ed de6a*lt e0er e'&y &e'tre

70.5.5 G<-S 0o2ility 0a'a e0e't i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts ,tta&! res*lt

The purpose of the attach result infor%ation ele%ent is to specify the result of a #/1S attach procedure. The attach result is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent. The attach result infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.11*a"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.134a"3#// TS 24.<<3.

; 8 ,tta&! res*lt ).)

4 0 s"are

2 -es*lt o6 atta&!

7 o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*11/a33GPP TS ()*++,4 Attach re ult infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*13)a33GPP TS ()*++,4 Attach re ult infor7ation ele7ent
-es*lt o6 atta&! (o&tet 7) +its 3 ( 1 0 0 7 G<-S o'ly atta&!ed 0 7 7 Co02i'ed G<-S$)MS) atta&!ed ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.

,tta&! ty"e

The purpose of the attach type infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate the type of the re>uested attach= i.e. whether the 2S wants to perfor% a #/1S or co%$ined #/1S attach. The attach type is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent. The attach type infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.11*$"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.135$"3#// TS 24.<<3.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

; 8 ,tta&! ty"e ).)

4 (9-

2 7 Ty"e o6 atta&!

o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*11/b33GPP TS ()*++,4 Attach type infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*13#b33GPP TS ()*++,4 Attach type infor7ation ele7ent
Ty"e o6 atta&! (o&tet 7, 2it 7 to 3) +its 3 ( 1 0 0 7 G<-S atta&! 0 7 0 G<-S atta&! %!ile )MS) atta&!ed 0 7 7 Co02i'ed G<-S$)MS) atta&! ,ll ot!er 1al*es are i'ter"reted as GPRS attach in t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. (ollo%-o' re3*est (o&tet 7, 2it 4) +its ) 0 4o 6ollo%-o' re3*est "e'di' 7 (ollo%-o' re3*est "e'di' (ollo%-o' re3*est "e'di' is a""li&a2le o'ly i' UMTS.

Ci"!eri' al orit!0

The purpose of the cipherin' al'orithm infor%ation ele%ent is to specify which cipherin! al!orith% shall $e used. The cipherin' al'orithm is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent. The cipherin' al'orithm infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.119"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.13&"3#// TS 24.<<3.

; 8 Ci"!eri' al orit!0 ).)

4 0 s"are

2 Ty"e o6 al orit!0

7 o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*11033GPP TS ()*++,4 Ciphering algorithm infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*13.33GPP TS ()*++,4 Ciphering algorithm infor7ation ele7ent
Ty"e o6 &i"!eri' al orit!0 (o&tet 7) +its 3 ( 1 0 0 0 &i"!eri' 'ot *sed 0 0 7 G<-S .'&ry"tio' ,l orit!0 G.,$7 0 7 0 G<-S .'&ry"tio' ,l orit!0 G.,$2 0 7 7 G<-S .'&ry"tio' ,l orit!0 G.,$3 7 0 0 G<-S .'&ry"tio' ,l orit!0 G.,$4 7 0 7 G<-S .'&ry"tio' ,l orit!0 G.,$5 7 7 0 G<-S .'&ry"tio' ,l orit!0 G.,$8 7 7 7 G<-S .'&ry"tio' ,l orit!0 G.,$;


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

TMS) stat*s

The purpose of the TMSI status infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate whether a (alid T2SI is a(aila$le in the 2S or not. The TMSI status is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent. The TMSI status infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.12<"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.13*"3#// TS 24.<<3.

; 8 TMS) stat*s ).)

4 0

3 0 s"are

2 0

7 TMS) 6la

o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*1(+33GPP TS ()*++,4 'MSI tatu infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*13/33GPP TS ()*++,4 'MSI tatu infor7ation ele7ent
TMS) 6la (o&tet 7) +it 1 0 'o 1alid TMS) a1aila2le 7 1alid TMS) a1aila2le

Deta&! ty"e

The purpose of the detach type infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate which type of detach is re>uested $y the 2S. In the networ0 to 2S direction the detach type infor%ation ele%ent is used to indicate the reason why a detach re>uest is sent. The detach type is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent. The detach type infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.121"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.133"3#// TS 24.<<3.

; 8 Deta&! ty"e ).)

4 <o%er o66

2 7 Ty"e o6 deta&!

o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*1(133GPP TS ()*++,4 $etach type infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*13,33GPP TS ()*++,4 $etach type infor7ation ele7ent

Ty"e o6 deta&! (o&tet 7) )' t!e MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# +its 3 ( 1 0 0 7 G<-S deta&! 0 7 0 )MS) deta&! 0 7 7 Co02i'ed G<-S$)MS) deta&! ,ll ot!er 1al*es are i'ter"reted as Combined GPRS/I SI detach 2y t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. )' t!e 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# +its 3 ( 1 0 0 7 re-atta&! re3*ired 0 7 0 re-atta&! 'ot re3*ired 0 7 7 )MS) deta&! (a6ter V:- 6ail*re) ,ll ot!er 1al*es are i'ter"reted as re!attach not re"uired 2y t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. <o%er o66 (o&tet 7) )' t!e MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# +it ) 0 'or0al deta&! 7 "o%er s%it&!ed o66 )' t!e 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio' t!e Po#er off 2it s!all 2e s"are a'd set to Pero.

D-D "ara0eter

The purpose of the DR@ parameter infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate whether the 2S uses 41I %ode or not. The DR@ parameter is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with a len!th of 3 octets. The (alue part of a DR@ parameter infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in ta$le 1<.5.139"3#// TS 24.<<3.

5 4 3 D-D "ara0eter ).) S<:)T <G CIC:. C9D. C4 S"e&i6i& D-D &y&le le' t! S<:)T &oe66i&ie't o' CCC?

2 'o'-D-D ti0er

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3

2i ure 1+*#*1((33GPP TS ()*++,4 &"H para7eter infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*13033GPP TS ()*++,4 &"H para7eter infor7ation ele7ent

S<:)T <G CIC:. C9D., o&tet 2 T!e o&tet &o'tai's t!e 2i'ary &oded 1al*e o6 t!e S<:)T <G CIC:. C9D.. T!e S<:)T <G CIC:. 1al*e is deri1ed 6ro0 t!e S<:)T <G CIC:. C9D. as 6ollo%s# 0 7 to 84 85 88 8; 88 8A ;0 ;7 ;2 ;3 ;4 ;5 ;8 ;; ;8 ;A 80 87 82 83 84 85 88 8; 88 8A A0 A7 A2 A3 A4 A5 A8 A; A8 ;04 (e3*i1ale't to 'o D-D) 7 to 84, res"e&ti1ely ;7 ;2 ;4 ;5 ;; ;A 80 83 88 88 A0 A2 A8 707 703 70; 772 778 778 728 747 744 750 780 7;7 7;8 7A2 274 224 235 258 288 320 352

,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed a'd s!all 2e i'ter"reted as 7 2y t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. S/)IT on CCC;= octet 3 ,$it 40 7 S"lit " &y&le o' CCC? is 'ot s*""orted 2y t!e 0o2ile statio' S"lit " &y&le o' CCC? is s*""orted 2y t!e 0o2ile statio'

'o'-D-D ti0er, o&tet 3 2it 3 ( 1 0 0 0 'o 'o'-D-D 0ode a6ter tra's6er state 0 0 7 0aF. 7 se& 'o'-D-D 0ode a6ter tra's6er state 0 7 0 0aF. 2 se& 'o'-D-D 0ode a6ter tra's6er state 0 7 7 0aF. 4 se& 'o'-D-D 0ode a6ter tra's6er state 7 0 0 0aF. 8 se& 'o'-D-D 0ode a6ter tra's6er state 7 0 7 0aF. 78 se& 'o'-D-D 0ode a6ter tra's6er state 7 7 0 0aF. 32 se& 'o'-D-D 0ode a6ter tra's6er state 7 7 7 0aF. 84 se& 'o'-D-D 0ode a6ter tra's6er state


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

C4 S"e&i6i& D-D &y&le le' t! &oe66i&ie't, o&tet 3 2it , / . # UMTS s"e&i6i& 0 0 0 0 C4 S"e&i6i& D-D &y&le le' t! &oe66i&ie't 'ot s"e&i6ied 2y t!e MS, ie. t!e syste0 i'6or0atio' 1al*e =C4 do0ai' s"e&i6i& D-D &y&le le' t!= is *sed. (-e6 3G<< TS 25.337) 0 7 7 0 C4 S"e&i6i& D-D &y&le le' t! &oe66i&ie't 8 0 7 7 7 C4 S"e&i6i& D-D &y&le le' t! &oe66i&ie't ; 7 0 0 0 C4 S"e&i6i& D-D &y&le le' t! &oe66i&ie't 8 7 0 0 7 C4 S"e&i6i& D-D &y&le le' t! &oe66i&ie't A ,ll ot!er 1al*es s!all 2e i'ter"reted as GC4 S"e&i6i& D-D &y&le le' t! &oe66i&ie't 'ot s"e&i6ied 2y t!e MS G 2y t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. 49T.# )' UMTS t!is 6ield (o&tet 3 2its 8 to 5) is *sed, 2*t %as s"are i' earlier 1ersio's o6 t!is "roto&ol.


(or&e to sta'd2y

The purpose of the 0orce to standby infor%ation ele%ent is to force the 2S to stop the 15A4A ti%er in order to pre(ent the 2S to perfor% cell updates. In 2TS= the networ0 shall always indicate 0orce to standby not indicated in the 0orce to standby infor%ation ele%ent. The 0orce to standby is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent. The 0orce to standby infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.123"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.14<"3#// TS 24.<<3.

; 8 (or&e to sta'd2y ).)

4 0 s"are

2 7 (or&e to sta'd2y 1al*e

o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*1(333GPP TS ()*++,4 .orce to tandby infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1)+33GPP TS ()*++,4 .orce to tandby infor7ation ele7ent
(or&e to sta'd2y 1al*e +its 3 ( 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 (o&tet 7)

(or&e to sta'd2y 'ot i'di&ated (or&e to sta'd2y i'di&ated

,ll ot!er 1al*es are i'ter"reted as force to standby not indicated 2y t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol.

<-TMS) si 'at*re

The purpose of the "-TMSI si'nature infor%ation ele%ent is to identify a #22 conte?t of an 2S. The "-TMSI si'nature is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with 4 octets len!th. The "-TMSI si'nature infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.124"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.141"3#// TS 24.<<3.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

5 4 3 <-TMS) si 'at*re ).) <-TMS) si 'at*re 1al*e

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 4

2i ure 1+*#*1()33GPP TS ()*++,4 P/'MSI ignature infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1)133GPP TS ()*++,4 P/'MSI ignature infor7ation ele7ent
<-TMS) si 'at*re 1al*e 9&tets 2, 3 a'd 4 &o'tai' t!e 2i'ary re"rese'tatio' o6 t!e <-TMS) si 'at*re. +it 7 o6 o&tet 4 is t!e least si 'i6i&a't 2it a'd 2it 8 o6 o&tet 2 is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 2it.

<-TMS) si 'at*re 2

The purpose of the "-TMSI si'nature 2 infor%ation ele%ent is to identify a #22 conte?t of an 2S. The "-TMSI si'nature 2 is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with 5 octets len!th. The "-TMSI si'nature 2 infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.124a"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.141a"3#// TS 24.<<3.

5 4 3 <-TMS) si 'at*re 2 ).) :e' t! o6 <-TMS) si 'at*re 2 &o'te'ts <-TMS) si 'at*re 2 1al*e

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 5

2i ure 1+*#*1()a33GPP TS ()*++,4 P/'MSI ignature # infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1)1a33GPP TS ()*++,4 P/'MSI ignature # infor7ation ele7ent
<-TMS) si 'at*re 2 1al*e is &oded as o&tets 2 to 4 o6 t!e P!T SI si$nature )..


)de'tity ty"e 2

The purpose of the identity type 2 infor%ation ele%ent is to specify which identity is re>uested. The identity type 2 is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent. The identity type 2 infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.125"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.142"3#// TS 24.<<3.

; 8 )de'tity ty"e 2 ).)

4 0 s"are

2 Ty"e o6 ide'tity

7 o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*1(#33GPP TS ()*++,4 Identity type # infor7ation ele7ent


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*1)(33GPP TS ()*++,4 Identity type # infor7ation ele7ent

Ty"e o6 ide'tity (o&tet 7) +its 3 ( 1 0 0 7 )MS) 0 7 0 )M.) 0 7 7 )M.)SV 7 0 0 TMS) ,ll ot!er 1al*es are i'ter"reted as I SI 2y t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol.

)M.)SV re3*est

The purpose of the IMEIS/ re5uest infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate that the I25IS+ shall $e included $y the 2S in the authentication and cipherin! response %essa!e. The IMEIS/ re5uest is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent. The IMEIS/ re5uest infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.12&"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.143"3#// TS 24.<<3.

; 8 )M.)SV re3*est ).)

4 0 s"are

2 7 )M.)SV re3*est 1al*e

o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*1(.33GPP TS ()*++,4 IM3IS4 reque t infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1)333GPP TS ()*++,4 IM3IS4 reque t infor7ation ele7ent
)M.)SV re3*est 1al*e (o&tet 7) +its 3 ( 1 0 0 0 )M.)SV 'ot re3*ested 0 0 7 )M.)SV re3*ested ,ll ot!er 1al*es are i'ter"reted as I %IS& not re"uested 2y t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol.

-e&ei1e 4-<DU 4*02ers list

The purpose of the Recei4e -"DU umbers list infor%ation ele%ent is to specify the current S84C/ 1ecei(e 86/4 8u%$er (alues. The Recei4e -"DU umber list is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a len!th of 4 to 19 octets. The (alue part of a Recei4e -"DU umber list infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.12*"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.144"3#// TS 24.<<3.

8 5 4 3 2 -e&ei1e 4-<DU 4*02er list ).) :e' t! o6 -e&ei1e 4-<DU 4*02er list &o'te'ts -e&ei1e 4-<DU 4*02er-list

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 3 o&tet 4 o&tet 'H


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

2i ure 1+*#*1(/33GPP TS ()*++,4 %ecei+e N/P$& Number li t infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1))33GPP TS ()*++,4 %ecei+e N/P$& Number li t infor7ation ele7ent 0eceive </)'. <umber /list value ::@ A B 0eceive </)'. <umber /list C B )adding bitsC DE B 0eceive </)'. <umber/list C ::@ B sapi : $it6strin!,4- C B 0eceive </)'. <umber/value : $it6strin!,3- Z A B 0eceive </)'. <umber/listC F B null C D E B nsapi C ::@ V <1<1 WL [66 8SA/I 5 V <11< WL [ 66 8SA/I & V <111 WL [ 66 8SA/I * V 1<<< WL [ 66 8SA/I 3 V 1<<1 WL [ 66 8SA/I 9 V 1<1< WL [ 66 8SA/I 1< V 1<11 WL [ 66 8SA/I 11 V 11<< WL [ 66 8SA/I 12 V 11<1 WL [ 66 8SA/I 13 V 111< WL [ 66 8SA/I 14 V 1111 WL 66 8SA/I 15 B 0eceive </)'. <umber/value C EET V < [ 1W ,3- L 66 Contains the $inary coded representation of the recei(e 86/4 8u%$er (alue. 66 The first $it in trans%ission order is the %ost si!nificant $it. B/addin! $itsC ::@ null F ####E

MS 'et%or5 &a"a2ility

The purpose of the MS net3ork capability infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide the networ0 with infor%ation concernin! aspects of the %o$ile station related to #/1S. The contents %i!ht affect the %anner in which the networ0 handles the operation of the %o$ile station. The MS net3ork capability infor%ation indicates !eneral %o$ile station characteristics and it shall therefore= e?cept for fields e?plicitly indicated= $e independent of the fre>uency $and of the channel it is sent on. The MS net3ork capability is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %a?i%u% of 1< octets len!th. The (alue part of a MS net3ork capabilityinfor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.123"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.145"3#// TS 24.<<3.

5 4 3 2 MS 'et%or5 &a"a2ility ).) :e' t! o6 MS 'et%or5 &a"a2ility &o'te'ts S net#or' capability (alue

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3-70

2i ure 1+*#*1(,33GPP TS ()*++, MS network capability infor7ation ele7ent


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Table 1+*#*1)#33GPP TS ()*++, MS net,or! capability infor7ation ele7ent


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B4+ net%or" capabilit value partC ::@ \(EA2 bitsZ \+4 capabilities via dedicated c!annelsE $itZ \+4 capabilities via ()0+ c!annelsE $itZ \.C+& supportE $itZ \++ +creening -ndicatorE $it strin!,2-Z \So)SA Capa$ility E $itZ \1e(ision le(el indicatorE $itZ \/FC feature %odeE $itZ \5?tended #5A $itsZ \ )CS +A capa$ilityE $it Z \Spare $itsZL
ZGC81 bits[ ##J Z GC831 #2it[L \5?tended #5A $itsZ EET \#5A"2E$itZ\#5A"3E$itZ\ #5A"4E$it Z\ #5A"5E$it Z\ #5A"&E$it Z\#5A"*E$itZL

\+pare bitsZ EET null [ V\spare $itZ \ +pare bits ZWL SS Screenin! Indicator < < defined in 3#// TS 24.<3< < 1 defined in 3#// TS 24.<3< 1 < defined in 3#// TS 24.<3< 1 1 defined in 3#// TS 24.<3< +4 capabilities via dedicated c!annels < 2o$ile station does not support %o$ile ter%inated point to point S2S (ia dedicated si!nallin! channels 1 2o$ile station supports %o$ile ter%inated point to point S2S (ia dedicated si!nallin! channels +4 capabilities via ()0+ c!annels < 2o$ile station does not support %o$ile ter%inated point to point S2S (ia #/1S pac0et data channels 1 2o$ile station supports %o$ile ter%inated point to point S2S (ia #/1S pac0et data channels .C+& support This infor%ation field indicates the li0ely treat%ent $y the %o$ile station of CS2 encoded character strin!s. < the 25 has a preference for the default alpha$et ,defined in 3#// TS <3.33o(er CS2. 1 the 25 has no preference $etween the use of the default alpha$et and the use of CS2. ()0+ Encr ption Algorit!m (EA>2 < encryption al!orith% (EA>2not a(aila$le 1 encryption al!orith% (EA>2 a(aila$le +o$+A Capabilit
0 7 < 1 T!e M. does 'ot s*""ort So:S,. T!e M. s*""orts So:S,. used $y a %o$ile station not supportin! 199 or later (ersions of the protocol used $y a %o$ile station supportin! 199 or later (ersions of the protocol

0evision level indicator

)3C feature mode < 2o$ile station does not support .SS pac0et flow procedures 1 2o$ile station does support .SS pac0et flow procedures (EA>& # encr ption algorit!m (EA>& not available

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MS -adio ,&&ess &a"a2ility

The purpose of the MS R! capability infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide the radio part of the networ0 with infor%ation concernin! radio aspects of the %o$ile station. The contents %i!ht affect the %anner in which the networ0 handles the operation of the %o$ile station. The MS R! capability is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent= with a %a?i%u% len!th of 52 octets. The (alue part of a MS R! capability infor%ation ele%ent is coded a shown ta$le 1<.5.14&"3#// TS 24.<<3. S52A8TIC 1 )5E A%on! the three Access Type Technolo!ies #S2 9<<6/= #S2 9<<65 and #S2 9<<61 only one shall $e present. The 2S shall indicate supported Access Technolo!y Types. e.!. N45<= 43<= 9<<= 13<<= 2TSO or N*<<= 35<= 19<<O 2;H $ands durin! a sin!le 22 procedure. 5rror handlin!E If a recei(ed Access Technolo!y Type is un0nown to the recei(er= it shall i!nore all the correspondin! fields. If within a 0nown Access Technolo!y Type a recei(er reco!niHes an un0nown field it shall i!nore it. See %ore details a$out error handlin! of 2S radio access capa$ility in 3#// TS 43.<13 N3&O. 6 4ue to shared radio fre>uency channel nu%$ers $etween 13<< and 19<<= the %o$ile should pro(ide the rele(ant 2S 1adio Access capa$ility for either 13<< $and '1 19<< $and= not $oth.


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Table 1+*#*1).33()) *+ &)*++,4 Mobile Station %adio Acce

Capability 9nfor7ation Cle7ent

\ 2S 1adio Access capa$ility I5 Z EET \4+ 0adio Access capabilit -E- E <<1<<1<< Z \$engt! of 4+ 0A capabilit E \octetZZ -- len'th in octets o0 MS R! capability 4alue part and spare bits \4+ 0A capabilit value part E \ 2S 1A capa$ility (alue part struct ZZ \spare $itsZUUL 66 may be used 0or 0uture enhancements \2S 1A capa$ility (alue part struct ZEET 66recursi4e structure allo3s any number o0 !ccess technolo'ies \ Access *ec!nolog * peE $it ,4- Z \ Access capabilities E \Access capa$ilities structZ Z V < [ 1 \2S 1A capa$ility (alue part structZ W L \ Access capa$ilities struct Z EET \ $engt! E $it ,*- Z 66 len!th in $its of Content and spare $its \Access capa$ilities E \ContentZZ \spare $itsZUU L 66 e?pands to the indicated len!th 66 %ay $e used for future enhance%ents \ Content Z EET \ 03 )o%er Capabilit E $it ,3- Z V < [ 1 \A5 bits E \A5 $itsZ Z W 66 Aero means that the same 4alues apply 0or parameters as in the immediately preceedin' !ccess capabilities 0ield 3ithin this IE -- The presence o0 the !< bits is mandatory in the 1st !ccess capabilities struct 3ithin this IE+ \ E+ -<' E $it Z \ )+ E $it Z \ G(C+ E $it Z \ GB+ E $it Z V < [ 1 \ 4ultislot capabilit E 2ultislot capa$ility struct Z W 66 Aero means that the same 4alues 0or multislot parameters as 'i4en in an earlier !ccess capabilities 0ield 3ithin this IE apply also here -- !dditions in release == V < [ 1 \ ,)+; )o%er Capabilit E $it,2- ZW 66 B1B also means ;"S6 modulation capability in uplink+ \ CH4)AC* -nterference 4easurement Capabilit : bit C \ 0evision $evel -ndicator E $it Z \ .4*+ 3'' 0adio Access *ec!nolog Capabilit E $it Z -- 7G R!T \ .4*+ 3.,4 4cps *'' 0adio Access *ec!nolog Capabilit E $it Z -- 7G R!T \ C'4A &### 0adio Access *ec!nolog Capabilit E $it Z -- 7G R!T \ .4*+ 2.&, 4cps *'' 0adio Access *ec!nolog Capabilit E $it Z -- 7G R!T -- !dditions in release 8 \ #51A8 Feature /ac0a!e 1 E $it Z V < [ 1 \ Extended '*4 ()0+ 4ulti +lot Class E $it,2- Z \ Extended '*4 E()0+ 4ulti +lot Class E $it,2- Z WL 66 errorE struct too short= assu%e features do not e?ist 66 errorE struct too lon!= i!nore data and Cu%p to ne?t Access technolo!y


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Table 1+*#*1).33()) *+ &)*++, !continued$4 Mobile Station %adio Acce

Capability 9C


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\ 2ultislot capa$ility struct Z EET V < [ 1 \ 6+C+' multislot class E $it ,5- Z W V < [ 1 \ ()0+ multislot class E $it ,5- Z \ ()0+ Extended ' namic Allocation Capabilit E $it Z W V < [ 1 \ +4+IGA$.E E $it ,4- Z \ +4IGA$.E E $it ,4- Z W 66 Additions in release 99
U 0 ^ 7 Z CCS& 7ultislot class # 2it (5) [ V

V < [ 1 \ E()0+ multislot class E $it ,5- Z \ E()0+ Extended ' namic Allocation Capabilit E $it Z W V< [ 1 \ '*4 ()0+ 4ulti +lot ClassE $it,2-Z \2AC 2ode Support E $itZ V< [ 1 \E()0+ '*4 4ulti +lot Class E $it,2-Z W W L 66 errorE struct too short= assu%e features do not e?ist
Z,5 2its[ ##J Z ,5$7 # 2it[ Z,5$2 # 2it[ Z,5$3 # 2it[ Z,5$4 # 2it[ Z,5$5 # 2it[ Z,5$8 # 2it[ Z,5$; # 2it[L -- 2its 6or &ir&*it 0ode &i"!eri' al orit!0s 8ccess Technolo y Type T!is 6ield i'di&ates t!e a&&ess te&!'olo y ty"e to 2e asso&iated %it! t!e 6ollo%i' a&&ess &a"a2ilities. +its 4327 0000 GSM < 0007 GSM . --note that GS % co(ers GS P 0070 GSM - --note that GS R co(ers GS % and GS 0077 GSM 7800 0700 GSM 7A00 0707 GSM 450 0770 GSM 480 0777 GSM 850 7000 GSM ;00 ,ll ot!er 1al*es are treated as *'5'o%' 2y t!e re&ei1er.

"2 Power Capability T!is 6ield is &oded as radio &a"a2ility i' Class0ar5 3 6or t!e i'di&ated 2a'd# it &o'tai's t!e 2i'ary &odi' o6 !e "o%er &lass asso&iated (see 3G<< TS 45.005 \33] "ara ra"! 4.7 o*t"*t "o%er a'd "ara ra"! 4.7.7 Mo2ile Statio'). ,PSG Power Capability )6 8-<SB 0od*latio' is s*""orted 6or *"li'5, t!is 6ield i'di&ates t!e radio &a"a2ility 6or 8-<SB 0od*latio'. T!e 6ollo%i' &odi' is *sed (see 3G<< TS 45.005 \33])# +its 2 7 00 -eser1ed 07 <o%er &lass .7 70 <o%er &lass .2 77 <o%er &lass .3 8#31 0 e'&ry"tio' al 7 e'&ry"tio' al 8#3( 0 e'&ry"tio' al 7 e'&ry"tio' al 8#33 0 e'&ry"tio' al 7 e'&ry"tio' al 8#3) 0 e'&ry"tio' al 7 e'&ry"tio' al 8#3# 0 e'&ry"tio' al 7 e'&ry"tio' al 8#3. 0 e'&ry"tio' al 7 e'&ry"tio' al 8#3/ 0 e'&ry"tio' al 7 e'&ry"tio' al orit!0 ,5$7 'ot a1aila2le orit!0 ,5$7 a1aila2le orit!0 ,5$2 'ot a1aila2le orit!0 ,5$2 a1aila2le orit!0 ,5$3 'ot a1aila2le orit!0 ,5$3 a1aila2le orit!0 ,5$4 'ot a1aila2le orit!0 ,5$4 a1aila2le orit!0 ,5$5 'ot a1aila2le orit!0 ,5$5 a1aila2le orit!0 ,5$8 'ot a1aila2le orit!0 ,5$8 a1aila2le orit!0 ,5$; 'ot a1aila2le orit!0 ,5$; a1aila2le

CS 9N& S (Co'trolled early Class0ar5 Se'di' ) 0 G&o'trolled early Class0ar5 Se'di' G o"tio' is 'ot i0"le0e'ted 3GPP

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Table 1+*#*1).33()) *+ &)*++, !concluded$4 Mobile Station %adio Acce Cle7ent

PS S (<se*do Sy'&!ro'isatio') 0 <S &a"a2ility 'ot "rese't 7 <S &a"a2ility "rese't -GCS S (Voi&e Gro*" Call Ser1i&e) 0 'o VGCS &a"a2ility or 'o 'oti6i&atio's %a'ted 7 VGCS &a"a2ility a'd 'oti6i&atio's %a'ted. -=S S (Voi&e +road&ast Ser1i&e) 0 'o V+S &a"a2ility or 'o 'oti6i&atio's %a'ted 7 V+S &a"a2ility a'd 'oti6i&atio's %a'ted

Capability 9nfor7ation

6+C+' 4ulti +lot Class

T!e M*lti Slot Class 6ield is &oded as t!e 2i'ary re"rese'tatio' o6 t!e 0*ltislot &lass de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 45.002 N32O. -a' e 7 to 78, all ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.

()0+ 4ulti +lot Class

T!e G<-S M*lti Slot Class 6ield is &oded as t!e 2i'ary re"rese'tatio' o6 t!e 0*ltislot &lass de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 45.002 N32O.

66 Additions in release 99 EC+' 4ulti +lot Class The presence of this field indicates 5CS4 capa$ility. Bhether the 2S is capa$le of 36/SK %odulation in uplin0 is indicated $y the presence of 36/SK /ower Capa$ility field. The 2ulti Slot Class field is coded as the $inary representation of the %ultislot class defined in 3G<< TS 45.002 N32O. 1an!e 1 to 13= all other (alues are reser(ed.
CGP"S Multi Slot Class T!e "rese'&e o6 t!is 6ield i'di&ates .G<-S &a"a2ility. W!et!er t!e MS is &a"a2le o6 8-<SB 0od*latio' i' *"li'5 is i'di&ated 2y t!e "rese'&e o6 8-<SB <o%er Ca"a2ility 6ield. T!e .G<-S M*lti Slot Class 6ield is &oded as t!e 2i'ary re"rese'tatio' o6 t!e 0*ltislot &lass de6i'ed i' 3G<< TS 45.002 \32]. GP"S C>tended &yna7ic 8llocation Capability 0 .Fte'ded Dy'a0i& ,llo&atio' Ca"a2ility 6or G<-S is 'ot i0"le0e'ted 7 .Fte'ded Dy'a0i& ,llo&atio' Ca"a2ility 6or G<-S is i0"le0e'ted CGP"S C>tended &yna7ic 8llocation Capability 0 .Fte'ded Dy'a0i& ,llo&atio' Ca"a2ility 6or .G<-S is 'ot i0"le0e'ted 7 .Fte'ded Dy'a0i& ,llo&atio' Ca"a2ility 6or .G<-S is i0"le0e'ted SMSKV,:U. (S%it&!-Meas*re-S%it&!) (4 2it 6ield) T!e SMS 6ield i'di&ates t!e ti0e 'eeded 6or t!e 0o2ile statio' to s%it&! 6ro0 o'e radio &!a''el to a'ot!er, "er6or0 a 'ei !2or &ell "o%er 0eas*re0e't, a'd t!e s%it&! 6ro0 t!at radio &!a''el to a'ot!er radio &!a''el. +its 4327 0000 7$4 ti0eslot (_744 0i&rose&o'ds) 0007 2$4 ti0eslot (_288 0i&rose&o'ds) 0070 3$4 ti0eslot (_433 0i&rose&o'ds) ... 7777 78$4 ti0eslot (_230; 0i&rose&o'ds) (SMKV,:U.) S%it&!-Meas*re (4 2it 6ield) T!e SM 6ield i'di&ates t!e ti0e 'eeded 6or t!e 0o2ile statio' to s%it&! 6ro0 o'e radio &!a''el to a'ot!er a'd "er6or0 a 'ei !2o*r &ell "o%er 0eas*re0e't. +its 4327 0000 7$4 ti0eslot (_744 0i&rose&o'ds) 0007 2$4 ti0eslot (_288 0i&rose&o'ds) 0070 3$4 ti0eslot (_433 0i&rose&o'ds) ... 7777 78$4 ti0eslot (_230; 0i&rose&o'ds)


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&TM GP"S Multi Slot Class !( bit field$ T!is 6ield i'di&ates t!e G<-S DTM 0*ltislot &a"a2ilities o6 t!e MS. )t is &oded as 6ollo%s# +its 27 00 M*ltislot &lass 7 s*""orted 07 M*ltislot &lass 5 s*""orted 70 M*ltislot &lass A s*""orted 77 -eser1ed 6or 6*t*re eFte'sio'. )6 re&ei1ed, t!e 'et%or5 s!all i'ter"ret t!is as X00Y M,C Mode S*""ort (7 2it 6ield) T!is 6ield i'di&ates %!et!er t!e MS s*""orts Dy'a0i& a'd (iFed ,llo&atio' or o'ly s*""orts .F&l*si1e ,llo&atio' +its 7 0 Dy'a0i& a'd (iFed ,llo&atio' 'ot s*""orted 7 Dy'a0i& a'd (iFed allo&atio' s*""orted CGP"S &TM Multi Slot Class !( bit field$ T!is 6ield i'di&ates t!e .G<-S DTM 0*ltislot &a"a2ilities o6 t!e MS. T!is 6ield s!all 2e i'&l*ded o'ly i6 t!e 0o2ile statio' s*""orts .G<-S DTM. T!is 6ield is &oded as t!e DTM G<-S 0*ltislot Class 6ield. C9M<,CT )'ter6ere'&e Meas*re0e't Ca"a2ility 0 C9M<,CT )'ter6ere'&e Meas*re0e't Ca"a2ility is 'ot i0"le0e'ted 7 C9M<,CT )'ter6ere'&e Meas*re0e't Ca"a2ility is i0"le0e'ted "e6ision Le6el 9ndicator(7 2it 6ield) +it 0 T!e M. is -elease YA8 or older 7 T!e M. is -elease YAA o'%ards <MTS 2&& "adio 8ccess Technolo y Capability (7 2it 6ield) +it 0 UMTS (DD 'ot s*""orted 7 UMTS (DD s*""orted <MTS 3*,) Mcps T&& "adio 8ccess Technolo y Capability (7 2it 6ield) +it 0 UMTS 3.84 M&"s TDD 'ot s*""orted 7 UMTS 3.84 M&"s TDD s*""orted C&M8 (+++ "adio 8ccess Technolo y Capability (7 2it 6ield) +it 0 CDM,2000 'ot s*""orted 7 CDM,2000 s*""orted <MTS 1*(, Mcps T&& "adio 8ccess Technolo y Capability (7 2it 6ield) +it 0 UMTS 7.28 M&"s TDD 'ot s*""orted 7 UMTS 7.28 M&"s TDD s*""orted GC"8N 2eature Packa e 1 (7 2it 6ield) T!is 6ield i'di&ates %!et!er t!e MS s*""orts t!e G.-,4 (eat*re <a&5a e 7 (see 3G<< TS 44.080). )t is &oded as 6ollo%s# 0 7 G.-,4 6eat*re "a&5a e 7 'ot s*""orted. G.-,4 6eat*re "a&5a e 7 s*""orted.

C>tended GP"S &TM Multi Slot Class (2 2it 6ield) T!is 6ield i'di&ates t!e eFte'ded G<-S DTM &a"a2ilities o6 t!e MS a'd s!all 2e i'ter"reted i' &o'>*'&tio' %it! t!e G<-S DTM M*lti Slot Class 6ield. )t is &oded as 6ollo%s, %!ere XDGMSCY de'otes t!e DTM G<-S 0*ltislot &lass 6ield# DGMSC +it 2 7 =it ( 1 00 ++ M*ltislot &lass 2 s*""orted 00 +1 M*ltislot &lass 3 s*""orted 00 1+ M*ltislot &lass 4 s*""orted 00 11 M*ltislot &lass 8 s*""orted 07 ++ M*ltislot &lass 5 s*""orted 07 +1 M*ltislot &lass 8 s*""orted 07 1+ M*ltislot &lass ; s*""orted 07 11 S"are. )6 re&ei1ed, t!e 'et%or5 s!all i'ter"ret it as Y07 ++Y. 3GPP

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This is intentionally left spare.

GMM &a*se

The purpose of the #22 cause infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate the reason why a #22 re>uest fro% the %o$ile station is reCected $y the networ0. The #22 cause infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.129"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.14*"3#// TS 24.<<3. The #22 cause is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with 2 octets len!th.

5 4 GMM &a*se ).) Ca*se 1al*e

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

2i ure 1+*#*1(033GPP TS ()*++,4 GMM cause infor7ation ele7ent


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Table 1+*#*1)/33GPP TS ()*++,4 GMM cause infor7ation ele7ent

Ca*se 1al*e (o&tet 2) +its , / . # ) 3 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 7 to 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0

1 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 0

)MS) *'5'o%' i' ?:)lle al MS )lle al M. G<-S ser1i&es 'ot allo%ed G<-S ser1i&es a'd 'o'-G<-S ser1i&es 'ot allo%ed MS ide'tity &a''ot 2e deri1ed 2y t!e 'et%or5 )0"li&itly deta&!ed <:M4 'ot allo%ed :o&atio' ,rea 'ot allo%ed -oa0i' 'ot allo%ed i' t!is lo&atio' area G<-S ser1i&es 'ot allo%ed i' t!is <:M4 4o S*ita2le Cells )' :o&atio' ,rea MSC te0"orarily 'ot rea&!a2le 4et%or5 6ail*re M,C 6ail*re Sy'&! 6ail*re Co' estio' GSM a*t!e'ti&atio' *'a&&e"ta2le 4o <D< &o'teFt a&ti1ated V V retry *"o' e'try i'to a 'e% &ell V Se0a'ti&ally i'&orre&t 0essa e )'1alid 0a'datory i'6or0atio' Messa e ty"e 'o'-eFiste't or 'ot i0"le0e'ted Messa e ty"e 'ot &o0"ati2le %it! t!e "roto&ol state )'6or0atio' ele0e't 'o'-eFiste't or 'ot i0"le0e'ted Co'ditio'al ). error Messa e 'ot &o0"ati2le %it! t!e "roto&ol state <roto&ol error, *'s"e&i6ied

,'y ot!er 1al*e re&ei1ed 2y t!e 0o2ile statio' s!all 2e treated as 0770 7777, G<roto&ol error, *'s"e&i6iedG. ,'y ot!er 1al*e re&ei1ed 2y t!e 'et%or5 s!all 2e treated as 0770 7777, G<roto&ol error, *'s"e&i6iedG. 49T.# T!e listed re>e&t &a*se 1al*es are de6i'ed i' a''eF G.

-o*ti' area ide'ti6i&atio'

The purpose of the routin' area identi0ication infor%ation ele%ent is to pro(ide an una%$i!uous identification of routin! areas within the #/1S co(era!e area. The routin' area identi0ication is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with * octets len!th. The routin' area identi0ication infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.13<"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.143"3#// TS 24.<<3.


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8 5 4 3 -o*ti' ,rea )de'ti6i&atio' ).) MCC di it 2 MCC di M4C di it 3 MCC di M4C di it 2 M4C di :,C :,C &o't=d -,C

2 it 7 it 3 it 7

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4 o&tet 5 o&tet 8 o&tet ;

2i ure 1+*#*13+33GPP TS ()*++,4 %outing area identification infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1),33GPP TS ()*++,4 %outing area identification infor7ation ele7ent
MCC, Mo2ile &o*'try &ode (o&tet 2 a'd 3) T!e MCC 6ield is &oded as i' )TU-T -e&. .272, ,''eF ,. )6 t!e -,) is deleted, t!e MCC a'd M4C s!all ta5e t!e 1al*e 6ro0 t!e deleted -,). )' a2'or0al &ases, t!e MCC stored i' t!e 0o2ile statio' &a' &o'tai' ele0e'ts 'ot i' t!e set U0, 7 ... AV. )' s*&! &ases t!e 0o2ile statio' s!o*ld tra's0it t!e stored 1al*es *si' 6*ll !eFade&i0al e'&odi' . W!e' re&ei1i' s*&! a' MCC, t!e 'et%or5 s!all treat t!e -,) as deleted. M4C, Mo2ile 'et%or5 &ode (o&tet 3 2its 5 to 8, o&tet 4) T!e &odi' o6 t!is 6ield is t!e res"o'si2ility o6 ea&! ad0i'istratio' 2*t +CD &odi' s!all 2e *sed. T!e M4C s!all &o'sist o6 2 or 3 di its. (or <CS 7A00 6or 4,, (ederal re *latio' 0a'dates t!at a 3-di it M4C s!all 2e *sed. ?o%e1er a 'et%or5 o"erator 0ay de&ide to *se o'ly t%o di its i' t!e M4C i' t!e -,) o1er t!e radio i'ter6a&e. )' t!is &ase, 2its 5 to 8 o6 o&tet 3 s!all 2e &oded as G7777G. Mo2ile e3*i"0e't s!all a&&e"t -,) &oded i' s*&! a %ay. 49T. 7# )' earlier 1ersio's o6 t!is "roto&ol, t!e "ossi2ility to *se a o'e di it M4C i' -,) %as "ro1ided o' t!e radio i'ter6a&e. ?o%e1er as t!is %as 'ot *sed t!is "ossi2ility !as 2ee' deleted. 49T. 2# )' earlier 1ersio's o6 t!is "roto&ol, 2its 5 to 8 o6 o&tet 3 %ere &oded as G7777G. Mo2ile e3*i"0e't &o0"lia't %it! t!ese earlier 1ersio's o6 t!e "roto&ol 0ay 2e *'a2le to *'dersta'd t!e 3-di it M4C 6or0at o6 t!e -,), a'd t!ere6ore *'a2le to re ister o' a 'et%or5 2road&asti' t!e -,) i' t!is 6or0at. )' a2'or0al &ases, t!e M4C stored i' t!e 0o2ile statio' &a' !a1e# - di it 7 or 2 'ot i' t!e set U0, 7 ... AV, or - di it 3 'ot i' t!e set U0, 7 ...A, (V !eF. )' s*&! &ases t!e 0o2ile statio' s!all tra's0it t!e stored 1al*es *si' 6*ll !eFade&i0al e'&odi' . W!e' re&ei1i' s*&! a' M4C, t!e 'et%or5 s!all treat t!e -,) as deleted. T!e sa0e !a'dli' s!all a""ly 6or t!e 'et%or5, i6 a 3-di it M4C is se't 2y t!e 0o2ile statio' to a 'et%or5 *si' o'ly a 2-di it M4C. :,C, :o&atio' area &ode (o&tet 5 a'd 8) )' t!e :,C 6ield 2it 8 o6 o&tet 5 is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 2it a'd 2it 7 o6 o&tet 8 t!e least si 'i6i&a't 2it. T!e &odi' o6 t!e lo&atio' area &ode is t!e res"o'si2ility o6 ea&! ad0i'istratio' eF&e"t t!at t%o 1al*es are *sed to 0ar5 t!e :,C, a'd !e'&e t!e -,), as deleted. Codi' *si' 6*ll !eFade&i0al re"rese'tatio' 0ay 2e *sed. T!e lo&atio' area &ode &o'sists o6 2 o&tets. )6 a -,) !as to 2e deleted t!e' all 2its o6 t!e lo&atio' area &ode s!all 2e set to o'e %it! t!e eF&e"tio' o6 t!e least si 'i6i&a't 2it %!i&! s!all 2e set to Pero. )6 a S)M is i'serted i' a Mo2ile .3*i"0e't %it! t!e lo&atio' area &ode &o'tai'i' all Peros, t!e' t!e Mo2ile .3*i"0e't s!all re&o 'ise t!is :,C as "art o6 a deleted -,). -,C, -o*ti' area &ode (o&tet ;) )' t!e -,C 6ield 2it 8 o6 o&tet ; is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't. T!e &odi' o6 t!e ro*ti' area &ode is t!e res"o'si2ility o6 ea&! ad0i'istratio'. Codi' *si' 6*ll !eFade&i0al re"rese'tatio' 0ay 2e *sed. T!e ro*ti' area &ode &o'sists o6 7 o&tet.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


This is intentionally left spare.;

U"date res*lt

The purpose of the update result infor%ation ele%ent is to specify the result of the associated updatin! procedure. The update result is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent. The update result infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.131"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.149"3#// TS 24.<<3.

; 8 U"date res*lt ).)

4 0 s"are

2 7 U"date res*lt 1al*e

o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*13133GPP TS ()*++,4 &pdate re ult infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1)033GPP TS ()*++,4 &pdate re ult infor7ation ele7ent
U"date res*lt 1al*e (o&tet 7) +its 3 ( 1 0 0 0 -, *"dated 0 0 7 &o02i'ed -,$:, *"dated ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.

U"date ty"e

The purpose of the update type infor%ation ele%ent is to specify the area the updatin! procedure is associated with. The update type is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent. The update type infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.132"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.15<"3#// TS 24.<<3.

; 8 U"date ty"e ).)

4 (9-

2 7 U"date ty"e 1al*e

o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*13(33GPP TS ()*++,4 &pdate type infor7ation ele7ent


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*1#+33GPP TS ()*++,4 &pdate type infor7ation ele7ent

U"date ty"e 1al*e (o&tet 7, 2it 7 to 3) +its 3 0 0 0 0 ( 0 0 7 7 1 0 7 0 7 -, *"dati' &o02i'ed -,$:, *"dati' &o02i'ed -,$:, *"dati' %it! )MS) atta&! <eriodi& *"dati'

,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. (ollo%-o' re3*est (o&tet 7, 2it 4) +it ) 0 7 4o 6ollo%-o' re3*est "e'di' (ollo%-o' re3*est "e'di'

(ollo%-o' re3*est "e'di' is a""li&a2le o'ly i' UMTS.

,RC re6ere'&e '*02er

The purpose of the AKC reference nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate to the networ0 in the A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15S/'8S5 %essa!e which A T;58TICATI'8 A84 CI/;51I8# 15: 5ST %essa!e the 2S is replyin! to. The AKC reference nu%$er is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent. The AKC reference nu%$er infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.123"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.14<"3#// TS 24.<<3.

; 8 5 ,RC re6ere'&e '*02er ).)

3 2 7 ,RC re6ere'&e '*02er 1al*e

o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*13)33GPP TS ()*++,4 8LC reference nu7ber infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1#(33GPP TS ()*++,4 8LC reference nu7ber infor7ation ele7ent
,RC re6ere'&e '*02er 1al*e (o&tet 7) U'6or0atted 4 2it 6ield

Ser1i&e ty"e

The purpose of the ser4ice type infor%ation ele%ent is to specify the purpose of the Ser(ice re>uest procedure. The ser4ice type is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent. The ser4ice type infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.135"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.153a"3#// TS 24.<<3.


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; 8 Ser1i&e ty"e ).)

4 0 s"are

2 7 Ser1i&e ty"e

o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*13#33GPP TS ()*++,4 Ser+ice type infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1#3a33GPP TS ()*++,4 Ser+ice type infor7ation ele7ent
Ser1i&e ty"e 1al*e +its 3 ( 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 0 7 0 (o&tet 7)

Si 'alli' Data <a i' -es"o'se

,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.

Cell 4oti6i&atio'

The purpose of the Cell 8otification infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate that the Cell 8otification is supported $y the networ0 and shall $e then used $y 2S. The Cell 8otification infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.135a"3G<< TS 24.<<3. The Cell 8otification is a type 2 infor%ation ele%ent.

5 4 Cell 4oti6i&atio' ).)

7 o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*13#a33GPP TS ()*++,4 Cell Notification infor7ation ele7ent

<S :CS Ca"a2ility

The purpose of the "S )CS Capability ele%ent is to indicate the positionin! %ethods supported $y the 2S for the pro(ision of location ser(ices ,)CS- (ia the /S do%ain in #$6%ode. The "S )CS Capability is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a len!th of 3 octets. The "S )CS Capability ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.135$"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.153$"3#// TS 24.<<3.

5 4 3 2 <S :CS Ca"a2ility ).) :e' t! o6 <S :CS Ca"a2ility &o'te'ts S"are 9TD- 9TDG<S- G<S, + , + 0 0

7 G<SC o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3

2i ure 1+*#*13#b33GPP TS ()*++,4 PS LCS Capability infor7ation ele7ent


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Table 1+*#*1#3b33GPP TS ()*++, PS LCS Capability infor7ation ele7ent

PS )CS Capability 1al*e (o&tet 3, 2it 7 to 5) 5T&'8 (MS assisted .-9TD) +it 5 0 MS assisted .-9TD 'ot s*""orted 7 MS assisted .-9TD s*""orted 5T&'= (MS 2ased .-9TD) +it 4 0 MS 2ased .-9TD 'ot s*""orted 7 MS 2ased .-9TD s*""orted GPS'8 (MS assisted G<S) +it 3 0 MS assisted G<S 'ot s*""orted 7 MS assisted G<S s*""orted GPS'= (MS 2ased G<S) +it 2 0 MS 2ased G<S 'ot s*""orted 7 MS 2ased G<S s*""orted GPS'C (Co'1e'tio'al G<S) +it 7 0 Co'1e'tio'al G<S 'ot s*""orted 7 Co'1e'tio'al G<S s*""orted 9&tet 3, 2its 8, ;, 8 are s"are a'd s!all 2e &oded all 0.

70.5.8 Sessio' 0a'a e0e't i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts ,&&ess <oi't 4a0e

The purpose of the access point name infor%ation ele%ent is to identify the pac0et data networ0 to which the #/1S user wishes to connect and to notify the access point of the pac0et data networ0 that wishes to connect to the 2S. The Access /oint 8a%e is a la$el or a full >ualified do%ain na%e accordin! to 48S na%in! con(entions ,see 3#// TS 23.<<3 N1<O-. The access point name is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 3 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 1<2 octets. The access point name infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.134"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.152"3#// TS 24.<<3.

5 4 3 ,&&ess "oi't 'a0e ).) :e' t! o6 a&&ess "oi't 'a0e &o'te'ts ,&&ess "oi't 'a0e 1al*e

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 'H

2i ure 1+*#*13)33GPP TS ()*++,4 8cce The (alue part is defined in 3#// TS 23.<<3 N1<O.

point name infor7ation ele7ent


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4et%or5 ser1i&e a&&ess "oi't ide'ti6ier

The purpose of the net3ork ser4ice access point identi0ier infor%ation ele%ent is to identify the ser(ice access point that is used for the #/1S data transfer at layer 3. The net3ork ser4ice access point identi0ier is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with a len!th of 2 octets. The (alue part of a net3ork ser4ice access point identi0ier infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.135"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.153"3#// TS 24.<<3.

8 0

; 0 S"are

8 0

5 4 4S,<) ).) 0

3 4S,<) 1al*e

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

2i ure 1+*#*13#33GPP TS ()*++,4 Net,or! er+ice acce Table 1+*#*1#333GPP TS ()*++,4 Net,or! er+ice acce
4S,<) 1al*e (o&tet 2) +its ) 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ( 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 7 1 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7

point identifier infor7ation ele7ent point identifier infor7ation ele7ent

reser1ed reser1ed reser1ed reser1ed reser1ed 4S,<) 5 4S,<) 8 4S,<) ; 4S,<) 8 4S,<) A 4S,<) 70 4S,<) 77 4S,<) 72 4S,<) 73 4S,<) 74 4S,<) 75

<roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's

The purpose of the protocol con0i'uration options infor%ation ele%ent is toE 6 6 transfer e?ternal networ0 protocol options associated with a /4/ conte?t acti(ation= and transfer additional para%eters and"or re>uests ,such as= /6CSCF Address 1e>uestL 3#// TS 24.229 N95O- that %ay ser(e any purpose other than definin! networ0 protocol options.

The protocol con0i'uration options is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 2 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 253 octets. The protocol con0i'uration options infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.13&"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.154"3#// TS 24.<<3.


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7 eFt

8 5 4 3 2 7 <roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's ).) :e' t! o6 "roto&ol &o'6i . o"tio's &o'te'ts 0 0 0 0 Co'6i *ratio' S"are "roto&ol <roto&ol )D 7 :e' t! o6 "roto&ol )D 7 &o'te'ts <roto&ol )D 7 &o'te'ts <roto&ol )D 2 :e' t! o6 "roto&ol )D 2 &o'te'ts <roto&ol )D 2 &o'te'ts

o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4 o&tet 5 o&tet 8 o&tet ; o&tet 0 o&tet 0W7 o&tet 0W2 o&tet 0W3 o&tet 0W4 o&tet ' o&tet 'W7

... <roto&ol )D '-7 :e' t! o6 "roto&ol )D '-7 &o'te'ts <roto&ol )D '-7 &o'te'ts <roto&ol )D ' :e' t! o6 "roto&ol )D ' &o'te'ts <roto&ol )D ' &o'te'ts Co'tai'er )D 7 :e' t! o6 &o'tai'er )D 7 &o'te'ts Co'tai'er )D 7 &o'te'ts o&tet P o&tet PW7 o&tet PW2 o&tet PW3 o&tet PW4 o&tet % o&tet %W7 ... Co'tai'er )D ' :e' t! o6 &o'tai'er )D ' &o'te'ts Co'tai'er )D ' &o'te'ts o&tet * o&tet *W7 o&tet *W2 o&tet *W3 o&tet *W4 o&tet 1 o&tet y o&tet yW7 o&tet yW2 o&tet yW3 o&tet yW4 o&tet F o&tet FW7 o&tet FW2 o&tet FW3 o&tet FW4

2i ure 1+*#*13.33GPP TS ()*++,4 Protocol configuration option infor7ation ele7ent


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Table 1+*#*1#)33GPP TS ()*++,4 Protocol configuration option infor7ation ele7ent


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Confi uration protocol (o&tet 3) +its 327 0 0 0 <<< 6or *se %it! )< <D< ty"e ,ll ot!er 1al*es are i'ter"reted as <<< i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. ,6ter o&tet 3, i.e. 6ro0 o&tet 4 to o&tet 1, t%o lo i&al lists are de6i'ed# t!e Co'6i *ratio' "roto&ol o"tio's list (o&tets 4 to P), a'd t!e ,dditio'al "ara0eters list (o&tets PW7 to 1).

Confi uration protocol options list (o&tets 4 to P) T!e confi$uration protocol options list &o'tai's a 1aria2le '*02er o6 lo i&al *'its, t!e 0ay o&&*r i' a' ar2itrary order %it!i' t!e confi$uration protocol options list. .a&! *'it is o6 1aria2le le' t! a'd &o'sists o6 a# "roto&ol ide'ti6ier (2 o&tets)L t!e le' t! o6 t!e "roto&ol ide'ti6ier &o'te'ts o6 t!e *'it (7 o&tet)L a'd t!e "roto&ol ide'ti6ier &o'te'ts itsel6 (' o&tets).

T!e protocol identifier 6ield &o'tai's t!e !eFade&i0al &odi' o6 t!e &o'6i *ratio' "roto&ol ide'ti6ier. +it 8 o6 t!e 6irst o&tet o6 t!e protocol identifier 6ield &o'tai's t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 2it a'd 2it 7 o6 t!e se&o'd o&tet o6 t!e protocol identifier 6ield &o'tai's t!e least si 'i6i&a't 2it. )6 t!e confi$uration protocol options list &o'tai's a "roto&ol ide'ti6ier t!at is 'ot s*""orted 2y t!e re&ei1i' e'tity t!e &orres"o'di' *'it s!all 2e dis&arded. T!e len$th of the protocol identifier contents 6ield &o'tai's t!e 2i'ary &oded re"rese'tatio' o6 t!e le' t! o6 t!e protocol identifier contents 6ield o6 a *'it. T!e 6irst 2it i' tra's0issio' order is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 2it. T!e protocol identifier contents 6ield o6 ea&! *'it &o'tai's i'6or0atio' s"e&i6i& to t!e &o'6i *ratio' "roto&ol s"e&i6ied 2y t!e protocol identifier. PPP ,t least t!e 6ollo%i' "roto&ol ide'ti6iers (as de6i'ed i' -(C 7;00) s!all 2e s*""orted i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol# C027? (:C<L C023? (<,<)L C223? (C?,<)La'd 8027? ()<C<).

T!e s*""ort o6 ot!er "roto&ol ide'ti6iers is i0"le0e'tatio' de"e'de't a'd o*tside t!e s&o"e o6 t!e "rese't do&*0e't. T!e protocol identifier contents 6ield o6 ea&! *'it &orres"o'ds to a `<a&5eta as de6i'ed i' -(C 7887 t!at is stri""ed o66 t!e `<roto&ola a'd t!e `<addi' a o&tets. T!e detailed &odi' o6 t!e protocol identifier contents 6ield is s"e&i6ied i' t!e -(C t!at is asso&iated %it! t!e "roto&ol ide'ti6ier o6 t!at *'it. ,dditio'al "ara0eters list (o&tets PW7 to 1) T!e additional parameters list is i'&l*ded %!e' s"e&ial "ara0eters a'd$or re3*ests (asso&iated %it! a <D< &o'teFt) 'eed to 2e tra's6erred 2et%ee' t!e MS a'd t!e 'et%or5. T!ese "ara0eters a'd$or re3*ests are 'ot related to a s"e&i6i& &o'6i *ratio' "roto&ol (e. . <<<), a'd t!ere6ore are 'ot e'&oded as t!e G<a&5etsG &o'tai'ed i' t!e confi$uration protocol options list. T!e additional parameters list &o'tai's a list o6 s"e&ial "ara0eters, ea&! o'e i' a se"arate &o'tai'er. T!e ty"e o6 t!e "ara0eter &arried i' a &o'tai'er is ide'ti6ied 2y a s"e&i6i& container identifier. )' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol, t!e 6ollo%i' &o'tai'er ide'ti6iers are s"e&i6ied# MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# 3GPP

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

<a&5et data "roto&ol address

The purpose of the packet data protocol address infor%ation ele%ent is to identify an address associated with a /4/. The packet data protocol address is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with %ini%u% len!th of 4 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 2< octets. The packet data protocol address infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.13*"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.155"3#// TS 24.<<3.

8 5 4 3 2 7 <a&5et data "roto&ol address ).) :e' t! o6 <D< address &o'te'ts 0 0 0 0 <D< ty"e or a'isatio' s"are <D< ty"e '*02er ,ddress i'6or0atio'

o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4 o&tet 5 o&tet '

2i ure 1+*#*13/33GPP TS ()*++,4 Pac!et data protocol addre Table 1+*#*1##33GPP TS ()*++,4 Pac!et data protocol addre
:e' t! o6 <D< address &o'te'ts (o&tet 2) )6 t!e 1al*e o6 o&tet 2 e3*als 0000 0070, t!e'# 4o <D< address is i'&l*ded i' t!is i'6or0atio' )6 t!e <D< ty"e is )<, dy'a0i& addressi' is ele0e'tL a'd

infor7ation ele7ent infor7ation ele7ent


49T.# (or <<< 'o address is re3*ired i' t!is i'6or0atio' ele0e't. <D< ty"e or a'isatio' (o&tet 3) +its 4327 )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' # 0000 .TS) allo&ated address 0007 ).T( allo&ated address 7777 .0"ty <D< ty"e ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. )' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio' # 0000 .TS) allo&ated address 0007 ).T( allo&ated address ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. )6 2its 4,3,2,7 o6 o&tet 3 are &oded 0 0 0 0 <D< ty"e '*02er 1al*e (o&tet 4) +its 8;854327 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -eser1ed, *sed i' earlier 1ersio' o6 t!is "roto&ol 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 <D<-ty"e <<< ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. )6 2its 4,3,2,7 o6 o&tet 3 are &oded 0 0 0 7 <D< ty"e '*02er 1al*e (o&tet 4)


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+its 8;854327 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 )<14 address 0 7 0 7 0 7 7 7 )<18 address ,ll ot!er 1al*es s!all 2e i'ter"reted as )<14 address i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# )6 2its 4,3,2,7 o6 o&tet 3 are &oded 7 7 7 7 <D< ty"e '*02er 1al*e (o&tet 4) 2its 8 to 7 are s"are a'd s!all 2e &oded all 0. 9&tet 3, 2its 8, ;, 8, a'd 5 are s"are a'd s!all 2e &oded all 0.

If /4/ type nu%$er indicates I/(4= the Address infor%ation in octet 5 to octet 3 contains the I/(4 address. .it 3 of octet 5 represents the %ost si!nificant $it of the I/ address and $it 1 of octet 3 the least si!nificant $it. If /4/ type nu%$er indicates I/(&= the Address infor%ation in octet 5 to octet 2< contains the I/(& address. .it 3 of octet 5 represents the %ost si!nificant $it of the I/ address and $it 1 of octet 2< the least si!nificant $it.

E*ality o6 ser1i&e

The purpose of the 5uality o0 ser4ice infor%ation ele%ent is to specify the :oS para%eters for a /4/ conte?t. The :oS I5 is defined to allow $ac0ward co%pati$ility to earlier (ersion of Session 2ana!e%ent /rotocol. The 5uality o0 ser4ice is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a len!th of 14octets. The :oS re>uested $y the 2S shall $e encoded $oth in the :oS attri$utes specified in octets 365 and in the :oS attri$utes specified in octets &613. The 5uality o0 ser4ice infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.133"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.15&"3#// TS 24.<<3.

5 4 3 2 7 E*ality o6 ser1i&e ).) :e' t! o6 3*ality o6 ser1i&e ). 0 0 Delay -elia2ility s"are &lass &lass <ea5 0 <re&ede'&e t!ro* !"*t s"are &lass 0 0 0 Mea' s"are t!ro* !"*t Tra66i& Class Deli1ery order Deli1ery o6 erro'eo*s SDU MaFi0*0 SDU siPe MaFi0*0 2it rate 6or *"li'5 MaFi0*0 2it rate 6or do%'li'5 -esid*al +.SDU error ratio Tra's6er delay Tra66i& ?a'dli' "riority G*ara'teed 2it rate 6or *"li'5 G*ara'teed 2it rate 6or do%'li'5 0 0 0 0 Source Statistics 4escriptor S"are

o&tet 7 9&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4 o&tet 5 9&tet 8 9&tet ; 9&tet 8 9&tet A 9&tet 70 9&tet 77 9&tet 72 9&tet 73

'ctet 14

2i ure 1+*#*13,33GPP TS ()*++,4 5uality of er+ice infor7ation ele7ent


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*1#.33GPP TS ()*++,4 5uality of er+ice infor7ation ele7ent

-elia2ility &lass, o&tet 3 (see 3G<< TS 23.70;) +its 327 )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# 0 0 0 S*2s&ri2ed relia2ility &lass )' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 0 0 0 -eser1ed )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' a'd i' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 0 0 7 ,&5'o%led ed GT<, ::C, a'd -:CL <rote&ted data 0 7 0 U'a&5'o%led ed GT<L ,&5'o%led ed ::C a'd -:C, <rote&ted data 0 7 7 U'a&5'o%led ed GT< a'd ::CL ,&5'o%led ed -:C, <rote&ted data 7 0 0 U'a&5'o%led ed GT<, ::C, a'd -:C, <rote&ted data 7 0 7 U'a&5'o%led ed GT<, ::C, a'd -:C, U'"rote&ted data 7 7 7 -eser1ed ,ll ot!er 1al*es are i'ter"reted as *nac'no#led$ed GTP and ))C+ ,c'no#led$ed R)C- Protected data i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. Delay &lass, o&tet 3 (see 3G<< TS 22.080 a'd 3G<< TS 23.70;) +its 854 )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# 0 0 0 S*2s&ri2ed delay &lass )' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 0 0 0 -eser1ed )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' a'd i' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 0 0 7 Delay &lass 7 0 7 0 Delay &lass 2 0 7 7 Delay &lass 3 7 0 0 Delay &lass 4 (2est e66ort) 7 7 7 -eser1ed


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

,ll ot!er 1al*es are i'ter"reted as .elay class / (best effort) i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. +it ; a'd 8 o6 o&tet 3 are s"are a'd s!all 2e &oded all 0. <re&ede'&e &lass, o&tet 4 (see 3G<< TS 23.70;) +its 327 )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# 0 0 0 S*2s&ri2ed "re&ede'&e )' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 0 0 0 -eser1ed )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' a'd i' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 0 0 7 ?i ! "riority 0 7 0 4or0al "riority 0 7 7 :o% "riority 7 7 7 -eser1ed ,ll ot!er 1al*es are i'ter"reted as 0ormal priority i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. +it 4 o6 o&tet 4 is s"are a'd s!all 2e &oded as 0. <ea5 t!ro* !"*t, o&tet 4 (see 3G<< TS 23.70;) +its 8;85 )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# 0000 S*2s&ri2ed "ea5 t!ro* !"*t )' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 0000 -eser1ed )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' a'd i' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 0007 U" to 7 000 o&tet$s 0070 U" to 2 000 o&tet$s 0077 U" to 4 000 o&tet$s 0700 U" to 8 000 o&tet$s 0707 U" to 78 000 o&tet$s 0770 U" to 32 000 o&tet$s 0777 U" to 84 000 o&tet$s 7000 U" to 728 000 o&tet$s 7007 U" to 258 000 o&tet$s 7777 -eser1ed ,ll ot!er 1al*es are i'ter"reted as *p to 1 222 octet/s i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. Mea' t!ro* !"*t, o&tet 5 (see 3G<< TS 23.70;) +its 54327


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

)' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# 00000 S*2s&ri2ed 0ea' t!ro* !"*t )' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 00000 -eser1ed )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' a'd i' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 00007 700 o&tet$! 00070 200 o&tet$! 00077 500 o&tet$! 00700 7 000 o&tet$! 00707 2 000 o&tet$! 00770 5 000 o&tet$! 00777 70 000 o&tet$! 07000 20 000 o&tet$! 07007 50 000 o&tet$! 07070 700 000 o&tet$! 07077 200 000 o&tet$! 07700 500 000 o&tet$! 07707 7 000 000 o&tet$! 07770 2 000 000 o&tet$! 07777 5 000 000 o&tet$! 70000 70 000 000 o&tet$! 70007 20 000 000 o&tet$! 70070 50 000 000 o&tet$! 77770 -eser1ed 77777 +est e66ort T!e 1al*e +est e66ort i'di&ates t!at t!ro* !"*t s!all 2e 0ade a1aila2le to t!e MS o' a "er 'eed a'd a1aila2ility 2asis. ,ll ot!er 1al*es are i'ter"reted as 3est effort i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. +its 8 to 8 o6 o&tet 5 are s"are a'd s!all 2e &oded all 0. Deli1ery o6 erro'eo*s SDUs, o&tet 8 (see 3G<< TS 23.70;) +its 327 )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# 000 S*2s&ri2ed deli1ery o6 erro'eo*s SDUs )' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 000 -eser1ed )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' a'd i' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 007 4o dete&t (=-=) 070 .rro'eo*s SDUs are deli1ered (=yes=) 077 .rro'eo*s SDUs are 'ot deli1ered (='o=) 777 -eser1ed T!e 'et%or5 s!all 0a" all ot!er 1al*es 'ot eF"li&itly de6i'ed o'to o'e o6 t!e 1al*es de6i'ed i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. T!e 'et%or5 s!all ret*r' a 'e otiated 1al*e %!i&! is eF"li&itly de6i'ed i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!is "roto&ol. T!e MS s!all &o'sider all ot!er 1al*es as reser1ed. Deli1ery order, o&tet 8 (see 3G<< TS 23.70;) +its 543 )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# 00 S*2s&ri2ed deli1ery order )' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 00 -eser1ed )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' a'd i' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 07 Wit! deli1ery order (=yes=) 70 Wit!o*t deli1ery order (='o=) 77 -eser1ed


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Tra66i& &lass, o&tet 8 (see 3G<< TS 23.70;) +its 8;8 )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# 000 S*2s&ri2ed tra66i& &lass )' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 000 -eser1ed )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' a'd i' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 007 Co'1ersatio'al &lass 070 Strea0i' &lass 077 )'tera&ti1e &lass 700 +a&5 ro*'d &lass 777 -eser1ed T!e 'et%or5 s!all 0a" all ot!er 1al*es 'ot eF"li&itly de6i'ed o'to o'e o6 t!e 1al*es de6i'ed i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. T!e 'et%or5 s!all ret*r' a 'e otiated 1al*e %!i&! is eF"li&itly de6i'ed i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!is "roto&ol. T!e MS s!all &o'sider all ot!er 1al*es as reser1ed. MaFi0*0 SDU siPe, o&tet ; (see 3G<< TS 23.70;) )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# 00000000 S*2s&ri2ed 0aFi0*0 SDU siPe 77777777 -eser1ed )' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 00000000 -eser1ed 77777777 -eser1ed )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' a'd i' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# (or 1al*es i' t!e ra' e 00000007 to 70070770 t!e MaFi0*0 SDU siPe 1al*e is 2i'ary &oded i' 8 2its, *si' a ra'*larity o6 70 o&tets, i1i' a ra' e o6 1al*es 6ro0 70 o&tets to 7500 o&tets. Val*es a2o1e 70070770 are as 2elo%# 70070777 7502 o&tets 70077000 7570 o&tets 70077007 7520 o&tets T!e 'et%or5 s!all 0a" all ot!er 1al*es 'ot eF"li&itly de6i'ed o'to o'e o6 t!e 1al*es de6i'ed i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. T!e 'et%or5 s!all ret*r' a 'e otiated 1al*e %!i&! is eF"li&itly de6i'ed i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!is "roto&ol. T!e MS s!all &o'sider all ot!er 1al*es as reser1ed. MaFi0*0 2it rate 6or *"li'5, o&tet 8 +its 8;854327 )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S*2s&ri2ed 0aFi0*0 2it rate 6or *"li'5 )' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -eser1ed )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' a'd i' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 T!e 0aFi0*0 2it rate is 2i'ary &oded i' 8 2its, *si' a ra'*larity o6 7 52"s 00777777 i1i' a ra' e o6 1al*es 6ro0 7 52"s to 83 52"s i' 7 52"s i'&re0e'ts. 07000000 07777777 70000000 77777770 77777777 T!e 0aFi0*0 2it rate is 84 52"s W ((t!e 2i'ary &oded 1al*e i' 8 2its S07000000) H 8 52"s) i1i' a ra' e o6 1al*es 6ro0 84 52"s to 588 52"s i' 8 52"s i'&re0e'ts. T!e 0aFi0*0 2it rate is 5;8 52"s W ((t!e 2i'ary &oded 1al*e i' 8 2its S70000000) H 84 52"s) i1i' a ra' e o6 1al*es 6ro0 5;8 52"s to 8840 52"s i' 84 52"s i'&re0e'ts. 052"s

MaFi0*0 2it rate 6or do%'li'5, o&tet A (see 3G<< TS 23.70;) Codi' is ide'ti&al to t!at o6 MaFi0*0 2it rate 6or *"li'5.


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-esid*al +it .rror -ate (+.-), o&tet 70 (see 3G<< TS 23.70;) +its 8;85 )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# 0000 S*2s&ri2ed resid*al +.)' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 0000 -eser1ed )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' a'd i' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# T!e -esid*al +.- 1al*e &o'sists o6 4 2its. T!e ra' e is 6ro0 5H70-2 to 8H70-8. 0007 5H70-2 0070 7H70-2 0077 5H70-3 0700 4H70-3 0707 7H70-3 0770 7H70-4 0777 7H70-5 7000 7H70-8 7007 8H70-8 7777 -eser1ed T!e 'et%or5 s!all 0a" all ot!er 1al*es 'ot eF"li&itly de6i'ed o'to o'e o6 t!e 1al*es de6i'ed i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. T!e 'et%or5 s!all ret*r' a 'e otiated 1al*e %!i&! is eF"li&itly de6i'ed i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. T!e MS s!all &o'sider all ot!er 1al*es as reser1ed. SDU error ratio, o&tet 70 (see 3G<< TS 23.70;) +its 4327 )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# 0000 S*2s&ri2ed SDU error ratio )' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 0000 -eser1ed )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' a'd i' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# T!e SDU error ratio 1al*e &o'sists o6 4 2its. T!e ra' e is is 6ro0 7H70-7 to 7H70-8. 0007 7H70-2 0070 ;H70-3 0077 7H70-3 0700 7H70-4 0707 7H70-5 0770 7H70-8 0777 7H70-7 7777 -eser1ed T!e 'et%or5 s!all 0a" all ot!er 1al*es 'ot eF"li&itly de6i'ed o'to o'e o6 t!e 1al*es de6i'ed i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. T!e 'et%or5 s!all ret*r' a 'e otiated 1al*e %!i&! is eF"li&itly de6i'ed i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. T!e MS s!all &o'sider all ot!er 1al*es as reser1ed. Tra66i& !a'dli' "riority, o&tet 77 (see 3G<< TS 23.70;) +its 27 )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# 00 S*2s&ri2ed tra66i& !a'dli' "riority )' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 00 -eser1ed )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' a'd i' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 07 <riority le1el 7 70 <riority le1el 2 77 <riority le1el 3 T!e Tra66i& !a'dli' "riority 1al*e is i 'ored i6 t!e Tra66i& Class is Co'1ersatio' &lass, Strea0i' &lass or +a&5 ro*'d &lass. Tra's6er delay, o&tet 77 (See 3G<< TS 23.70;) +its 8;8543


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)' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio'# 000000 S*2s&ri2ed tra's6er delay )' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 000000 -eser1ed )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' a'd i' 'et%or5 to MS dire&tio'# 000007 007777 070000 077777 700000 777770 777777 T!e Tra's6er delay is 2i'ary &oded i' 8 2its, *si' a ra'*larity o6 70 0s i1i' a ra' e o6 1al*es 6ro0 70 0s to 750 0s i' 70 0s i'&re0e'ts T!e tra's6er delay is 200 0s W ((t!e 2i'ary &oded 1al*e i' 8 2its S 070000) H 50 0s) i1i' a ra' e o6 1al*es 6ro0 200 0s to A50 0s i' 500s i'&re0e'ts T!e tra's6er delay is 7000 0s W ((t!e 2i'ary &oded 1al*e i' 8 2its S 700000) H 700 0s) i1i' a ra' e o6 1al*es 6ro0 7000 0s to 4000 0s i' 7000s i'&re0e'ts -eser1ed

T!e Tra's6er delay 1al*e is i 'ored i6 t!e Tra66i& Class is )'tera&ti1e &lass or +a&5 ro*'d &lass. G*ara'teed 2it rate 6or *"li'5, o&tet 72 (See 3G<< TS 23.70;) Codi' is ide'ti&al to t!at o6 MaFi0*0 2it rate 6or *"li'5. T!e G*ara'teed 2it rate 6or *"li'5 1al*e is i 'ored i6 t!e Tra66i& Class is )'tera&ti1e &lass or +a&5 ro*'d &lass, or MaFi0*0 2it rate 6or *"li'5 is set to 0 52"s. G*ara'teed 2it rate 6or do%'li'5, o&tet 73(See 3G<< TS 23.70;) Codi' is ide'ti&al to t!at o6 MaFi0*0 2it rate 6or *"li'5. T!e G*ara'teed 2it rate 6or do%'li'5 1al*e is i 'ored i6 t!e Tra66i& Class is )'tera&ti1e &lass or +a&5 ro*'d &lass, or MaFi0*0 2it rate 6or do%'li'5 is set to 0 52"s. So*r&e Statisti&s Des&ri"tor, o&tet 74 (see 3G<< TS 23.70;) +its 4327 )' MS to 'et%or5 dire&tio' 0000 *'5'o%' 0007 s"ee&! T!e MS s!all &o'sider all ot!er 1al*es as *'5'o%'. +its 8 to 5 o6 o&tet 74 are s"are a'd s!all 2e &oded all 0.

SM &a*se

The purpose of the SM cause infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate the reason why a session %ana!e%ent re>uest is reCected. The SM cause is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with 2 octets len!th. The SM cause infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.139"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.15*"3#// TS 24.<<3.

5 4 SM &a*se ).) Ca*se 1al*e

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

2i ure 1+*#*13033GPP TS ()*++,4 SM cau e infor7ation ele7ent


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 1+*#*1#/33GPP TS ()*++,4 SM cau e infor7ation ele7ent

Ca*se 1al*e (o&tet 2) +its ,/.#)3(1 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 9"erator Deter0i'ed +arri' 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 ::C or S4DC< 6ail*re(GSM o'ly) 0 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 )'s*66i&ie't reso*r&es 0 0 0 7 7 0 7 7 Missi' or *'5'o%' ,<4 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 U'5'o%' <D< address or <D< ty"e 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 7 User ,a*t!e'ti&atio' 6ailed 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 ,&ti1atio' re>e&ted 2y GGS4 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 ,&ti1atio' re>e&ted, *'s"e&i6ied 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 Ser1i&e o"tio' 'ot s*""orted 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 -e3*ested ser1i&e o"tio' 'ot s*2s&ri2ed 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 Ser1i&e o"tio' te0"orarily o*t o6 order 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 7 4S,<) already *sed ('ot se't) 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 -e *lar dea&ti1atio' 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 7 EoS 'ot a&&e"ted 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 4et%or5 6ail*re 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 7 -ea&ti1atio' re3*ired 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 (eat*re 'ot s*""orted 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 7 Se0a'ti& error i' t!e T(T o"eratio' 0 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 Sy'ta&ti&al error i' t!e T(T o"eratio' 0 0 7 0 7 0 7 7 U'5'o%' <D< &o'teFt 0 0 7 0 7 7 7 0 <D< &o'teFt %it!o*t T(T already a&ti1ated 0 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 Se0a'ti& errors i' "a&5et 6ilter(s) 0 0 7 0 7 7 0 7 Sy'ta&ti&al errors i' "a&5et 6ilter(s) 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 7 )'1alid tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 1al*e 0 7 0 7 7 7 7 7 Se0a'ti&ally i'&orre&t 0essa e 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 )'1alid 0a'datory i'6or0atio' 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 Messa e ty"e 'o'-eFiste't or 'ot i0"le0e'ted 0 7 7 0 0 0 7 0 Messa e ty"e 'ot &o0"ati2le %it! t!e "roto&ol state 0 7 7 0 0 0 7 7 )'6or0atio' ele0e't 'o'-eFiste't or 'ot i0"le0e'ted 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 Co'ditio'al ). error 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 7 Messa e 'ot &o0"ati2le %it! t!e "roto&ol state 0 7 7 0 7 7 7 7 <roto&ol error, *'s"e&i6ied ,'y ot!er 1al*e re&ei1ed 2y t!e 0o2ile statio' s!all 2e treated as 0070 0070, GSer1i&e o"tio' te0"orarily o*t o6 ordera. ,'y ot!er 1al*e re&ei1ed 2y t!e 'et%or5 s!all 2e treated as 0770 7777, G<roto&ol error, *'s"e&i6iedG. 49T.# T!e listed &a*se 1al*es are de6i'ed i' a''eF )


:i'5ed T)

The purpose of the )inked TI infor%ation ele%ent is to specify the acti(e /4/ conte?t fro% which the /4/ address for the new /4/ conte?t could $e deri(ed $y the networ0. The )inked TI is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 3 octets and a %a?i%u% len!th of 4 octets. The )inked TI infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.14<"3#// TS 24.<<3.
8 ; 8 5 4 3 :i'5ed T) ).) :e' t! o6 :i'5ed T) ). 0000 S"are T) 1al*e 2 7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4

T) 6la 7 .DT

T) 1al*e

2i ure 1+*#*1)+33GPP TS ()*++,4 Lin!ed 'I infor7ation ele7ent The codin! of the TI fla!= the TI (alue and the 5IT $it is defined in 3#// TS 24.<<*N2<O.

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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$ 70.5.8.A

S"are ::C ser1i&e a&&ess "oi't ide'ti6ier

The purpose of the ))C ser4ice access point identi0ier infor%ation ele%ent is to identify the ser(ice access point that is used for the #/1S data transfer at ))C layer. The ))C ser4ice access point identi0ier is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with a len!th of 2 octets. The (alue part of a ))C ser4ice access point identi0ier infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.141"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.159"3#// TS 24.<<3.

; 0

8 0 0 0 S"are

5 4 ::C S,<) ).)

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

::C S,<) 1al*e

2i ure 1+*#*1)133GPP TS ()*++,4 LLC er+ice acce Table 1+*#*1#033GPP TS ()*++,4 LLC er+ice acce
::C S,<) 1al*e (o&tet 2) +it )3(1 0000 0077 0707 7007 7077

point identifier infor7ation ele7ent point identifier infor7ation ele7ent

::C S,<) 'ot assi 'ed S,<) 3 S,<) 5 S,<) A S,<) 77

,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed.

Tear do%' i'di&ator

The purpose of the tear do3n indicator infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate whether only the /4/ conte?t associated with this specific TI or all acti(e /4/ conte?ts sharin! the sa%e /4/ address as the /4/ conte?t associated with this specific TI shall $e deacti(ated. The tear do3n indicator is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent. The tear do3n indicator infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.142"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.1&<"3#// TS 24.<<3.

; 8 Tear do%' i'di&ator ).)

4 0

3 0 0 s"are

7 TD) 6la

o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*1)(33GPP TS ()*++,4 'ear do,n indicator infor7ation ele7ent


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Table 1+*#*1.+33GPP TS ()*++,4 'ear do,n indicator infor7ation ele7ent

Tear do%' i'di&ator(TD)) 6la (o&tet 7) +it 1 0 7

tear do%' 'ot re3*ested tear do%' re3*ested

<a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier

The "acket &lo3 Identi0ier ,"&I- infor%ation ele%ent indicates the /ac0et Flow Identifier for a /ac0et Flow Conte?t. The "acket &lo3 Identi0ier is a a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with 3 octets len!th. The "acket &lo3 Identi0ier infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.143"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.1&1"3#// TS 24.<<3.

S"are 0

8 5 4 3 2 <a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier ).) :e' t! o6 <a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier ). <a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier 1al*e

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3

2i ure 1+*#*1)333GPP TS ()*++,4 Pac!et .lo, Identifier infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1.133GPP TS ()*++,4 Pac!et .lo, Identifier infor7ation ele7ent
<a&5et (lo% )de'ti6ier 1al*e (o&tet 3) +its /.#)3(1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +est .66ort 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 Si 'ali' 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 SMS 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 T9M8 0000700 V to 0000777 V 0007000 V to 7777777 V V reser1ed

V dy'a0i&ally assi 'ed

Tra66i& (lo% Te0"late

The purpose of the tra00ic 0lo3 template infor%ation ele%ent is to specify the TFT para%eters and operations for a /4/ conte?t. In addition= this infor%ation ele%ent %ay $e used to transfer e?tra para%eters to the networ0 ,e.!. the AuthoriHation To0enL see 3#// TS 24.229-. The tra00ic 0lo3 template is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with a %ini%u% len!th of 3 octets. The %a?i%u% len!th for the I5 is 25* octets. 8'T5 1E The I5 len!th restriction is due to the %a?i%u% len!th that can $e encoded in a sin!le len!th octet.


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8'T5 2E A %a?i%u% siHe I/(4 pac0et filter can $e 32 $ytes. Therefore= * %a?i%u% siHe I/(4 type pac0et filters= plus the last pac0et filter which can contain %a? 3< octets can fit into one TFT= i.e. if needed not all pac0et filter co%ponents can $e defined into one %essa!e. A %a?i%u% siHe Ip(& pac0et filter can $e &< $ytes. Therefore= only 4 %a?i%u% siHe I/(& pac0et filters can fit into one TFT. ;owe(er= usin! DAdd pac0et filters to e?istin! TFTD= it7s possi$le to create a TFT includin! 3 %a?i%u% siHe Ip(4 or I/(& filters. The tra00ic 0lo3 template infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.144"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.1&2"3#// TS 24.<<3.

; 8 5 4 3 2 7 Tra66i& 6lo% te0"late ).) :e' t! o6 tra66i& 6lo% te0"late ). T(T o"eratio' &ode . 2it 4*02er o6 "a&5et 6ilters <a&5et 6ilter list

9&tet 7 9&tet 2 9&tet 3 9&tet 4 9&tet P 9&tet PW7

<ara0eters list 9&tet 1

2i ure 1+*#*1))33GPP TS ()*++,4 'raffic flo, template infor7ation ele7ent

; 8 5 4 3 2 7 <a&5et 6ilter ide'ti6ier 7 <a&5et 6ilter ide'ti6ier 2 T <a&5et 6ilter ide'ti6ier 4

9&tet 4 9&tet 5 9&tet 4W3

2i ure 1+*#*1))a33GPP TS ()*++,4 Pac!et filter li t when the T2T operation is ;delete packet filters fro7 e>istin T2T; !IKNM3$

8 5 4 3 2 <a&5et 6ilter ide'ti6ier 7 <a&5et 6ilter e1al*atio' "re&ede'&e 7 :e' t! o6 <a&5et 6ilter &o'te'ts 7 <a&5et 6ilter &o'te'ts 7 <a&5et 6ilter ide'ti6ier 2 <a&5et 6ilter e1al*atio' "re&ede'&e 2 :e' t! o6 <a&5et 6ilter &o'te'ts 2 <a&5et 6ilter &o'te'ts 2 T

7 9&tet 4 9&tet 5 9&tet 8 9&tet ; 9&tet 0 9&tet 0W7 9&tet 0W2 9&tet 0W3 9&tet 0W4 9&tet ' 9&tet 'W7 9&tet y 9&tet yW7 9&tet yW2 9&tet yW3 9&tet yW4 9&tet P

<a&5et 6ilter ide'ti6ier 4 <a&5et 6ilter e1al*atio' "re&ede'&e 4 :e' t! o6 <a&5et 6ilter &o'te'ts 4 <a&5et 6ilter &o'te'ts 4

2i ure 1+*#*1))b33GPP TS ()*++,4 Pac!et filter li t when the T2T operation is ;create new T2T;A or ;add packet filters to e>istin T2T; or ;replace packet filters in e>istin T2T;


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5 4 3 <ara0eter ide'ti6ier 7 :e' t! o6 <ara0eter &o'te'ts 7 <ara0eter &o'te'ts 7 <ara0eter ide'ti6ier 2 :e' t! o6 <ara0eter &o'te'ts 2 <ara0eter &o'te'ts 2 T <ara0eter ide'ti6ier 4 :e' t! o6 <ara0eter &o'te'ts 4 <ara0eter &o'te'ts 4

7 9&tet PW7 9&tet PW2 9&tet PW3 9&tet 5 9&tet 5W7 9&tet 5W2 9&tet 5W3 9&tet " 9&tet "W7 9&tet 3 9&tet 3W7 9&tet 3W2 9&tet 3W3 9&tet 1

2i ure 1+*#*1))c33GPP TS ()*++,4 Parameter li t Table 1+*#*1.(33GPP TS ()*++,4 'raffic flo, template infor7ation ele7ent
T(T o"eratio' &ode (o&tet 3) +its 8;8 0 0 0 S"are 0 0 7 Create 'e% T(T 0 7 0 Delete eFisti' T(T 0 7 7 ,dd "a&5et 6ilters to eFisti' T(T 7 0 0 -e"la&e "a&5et 6ilters i' eFisti' T(T 7 0 7 Delete "a&5et 6ilters 6ro0 eFisti' T(T 7 7 0 8o TFT operation 7 7 7 -eser1ed

5 $it ,$it 5 of octet 3The E bit indicates if a parameters list is included in the TFT I5 and it is encoded as followsE < parameters list is not included 1 parameters list is included
4*02er o6 "a&5et 6ilters (o&tet 3) T!e number of pac'et filters &o'tai's t!e 2i'ary &odi' 6or t!e '*02er o6 "a&5et 6ilters i' t!e pac'et filter list. T!e number of pac'et filters 6ield is e'&oded i' 2its 4 t!ro* ! 7 o6 o&tet 3 %!ere 2it 4 is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't a'd 2it 7 is t!e least si 'i6i&a't 2it. (or t!e Gdelete eFisti' T(TG o"eratio' and for the Dno TFT operationD, t!e number of pac'et filters s!all 2e &oded as 0. (or all ot!er o"eratio's, t!e '*02er o6 "a&5et 6ilters s!all 2e reater t!a' 0 a'd less t!a' or e3*al to 8. <a&5et 6ilter list (o&tets 4 to P) T!e pac'et filter list &o'tai's a 1aria2le '*02er o6 "a&5et 6ilters. (or t!e Gdelete eFisti' T(TG o"eratio', t!e pac'et filter list s!all 2e e0"ty. (or t!e Gdelete "a&5et 6ilters 6ro0 eFisti' T(TG o"eratio', t!e pac'et filter list s!all &o'tai' a 1aria2le '*02er o6 "a&5et 6ilter ide'ti6iers. T!is '*02er s!all 2e deri1ed 6ro0 t!e &odi' o6 t!e number of pac'et filters 6ield i' o&tet 3.


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(or t!e G&reate 'e% T(TG, Gadd "a&5et 6ilters to eFisti' T(TG a'd Gre"la&e "a&5et 6ilters i' eFisti' T(TG o"eratio's, t!e pac'et filter list s!all &o'tai' a 1aria2le '*02er o6 "a&5et 6ilters. T!is '*02er s!all 2e deri1ed 6ro0 t!e &odi' o6 t!e number of pac'et filters 6ield i' o&tet 3. .a&! "a&5et 6ilter is o6 1aria2le le' t! a'd &o'sists o6 a "a&5et 6ilter ide'ti6ier (7 o&tet)L a "a&5et 6ilter e1al*atio' "re&ede'&e (7 o&tet)L t!e le' t! o6 t!e "a&5et 6ilter &o'te'ts (7 o&tet)L a'd t!e "a&5et 6ilter &o'te'ts itsel6 (1 o&tets).

T!e pac'et filter identifier 6ield is *sed to ide'ti6y ea&! "a&5et 6ilter i' a T(T. Si'&e t!e 0aFi0*0 '*02er o6 "a&5et 6ilters i' a T(T is 8, o'ly t!e least si 'i6i&a't 3 2its are *sed. +its 8 t!ro* ! 4 are s"are 2its. T!e pac'et filter e(aluation precedence 6ield is *sed to s"e&i6y t!e "re&ede'&e 6or t!e "a&5et 6ilter a0o' all "a&5et 6ilters i' all T(Ts asso&iated %it! t!is <D< address. ?i !er t!e 1al*e o6 t!e pac'et filter e(aluation precedence 6ield, lo%er t!e "re&ede'&e o6 t!at "a&5et 6ilter is. T!e 6irst 2it i' tra's0issio' order is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 2it. T!e len$th of the pac'et filter contents 6ield &o'tai's t!e 2i'ary &oded re"rese'tatio' o6 t!e le' t! o6 t!e pac'et filter contents 6ield o6 a "a&5et 6ilter. T!e 6irst 2it i' tra's0issio' order is t!e 0ost si 'i6i&a't 2it.

/ara%eters list ,octets HM1 to (The parameters list contains a (aria$le nu%$er of para%eters that %i!ht need to $e transferred in addition to the pac0et filters. If the parameters list is included= the E bit is set to 1L otherwise= the E bit is set to <. 5ach para%eter included in the parameters list is of (aria$le len!th and consists ofE 6 6 6 a para%eter identifier ,1 octet-L the len!th of the para%eter contents ,1 octet-L and the para%eter contents itself ,( octets-.

The parameter identi0ier field is used to identify each para%eter included in the parameters list and it contains the he?adeci%al codin! of the para%eter identifier. .it 3 of the parameter identi0ier field contains the %ost si!nificant $it and $it 1 contains the least si!nificant $it. In this (ersion of the protocol= the followin! para%eter identifiers are specifiedE 6 6 <1; ,AuthoriHation To0en-L <2; ,Flow Identifier-.

If the parameters list contains a para%eter identifier that is not supported $y the recei(in! entity the correspondin! para%eter shall $e discarded. The len'th o0 parameter contents field contains the $inary coded representation of the len!th of the parameter contents field. The first $it in trans%ission order is the %ost si!nificant $it. Bhen the parameter identi0ier indicates AuthoriHation To0en= the parameter contents field contains an authoriHation to0en= as specified in 3#// TS 24.229. This authoriHation to0en is represented as a strin! of di!its encoded in he?adeci%al for%. The least si!nificant di!it is encoded in $its 4321 of the first octet= the second least si!nificant di!it is encoded in $its 3*&5 of the first octet= the third least si!nificant di!it is encoded in $its 4321 of the second octet= etc. Bhen the total nu%$er of di!its is e(en= $its 3*&5 of the last octet are %ar0ed as unused with the (alue D1111D. If the parameters list contains %ore than one instance of the AuthoriHation To0en= then all instances e?cept the last instance shall $e i!nored. Bhen the parameter identi0ier indicates Flow Identifier= the parameter contents

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field contains the $inary representation of a flow identifier= as specified in 3#// TS 24.229. .it 1 of the first octet is least si!nificant $it= and $it 3 of the last octet is the %ost si!nificant $it. If the parameters list contains %ore than one instance of the Flow Identifier= then all instances shall $e considered.

Table 1+*#*1.(33GPP TS ()*++, !continued$4 'raffic flo, template infor7ation ele7ent

T!e pac'et filter contents 6ield is o6 1aria2le siPe a'd &o'tai's a 1aria2le '*02er (at least o'e) o6 pac'et filter components. .a&! pac'et filter component s!all 2e e'&oded as a se3*e'&e o6 a o'e o&tet pac'et filter component type identifier a'd a 6iFed le' t! pac'et filter component (alue 6ield. T!e pac'et filter component type identifier s!all 2e tra's0itted 6irst. )' ea&! "a&5et 6ilter, t!ere s!all 'ot 2e 0ore t!a' o'e o&&*rre'&e o6 ea&! "a&5et 6ilter &o0"o'e't ty"e. ,0o' t!e G)<14 so*r&e address ty"eG a'd G)<18 so*r&e address ty"eG "a&5et 6ilter &o0"o'e'ts, o'ly o'e s!all 2e "rese't i' o'e "a&5et 6ilter. ,0o' t!e Gsi' le desti'atio' "ort ty"eG a'd Gdesti'atio' "ort ra' e ty"eG "a&5et 6ilter &o0"o'e'ts, o'ly o'e s!all 2e "rese't i' o'e "a&5et 6ilter. ,0o' t!e Gsi' le so*r&e "ort ty"eG a'd Gso*r&e "ort ra' e ty"eG "a&5et 6ilter &o0"o'e'ts, o'ly o'e s!all 2e "rese't i' o'e "a&5et 6ilter. <a&5et 6ilter &o0"o'e't ty"e ide'ti6ier +its 8;854327 00070000 )<14 so*r&e address ty"e 00700000 )<18 so*r&e address ty"e 00770000 <roto&ol ide'ti6ier$4eFt !eader ty"e 07000000 Si' le desti'atio' "ort ty"e 07000007 Desti'atio' "ort ra' e ty"e 07070000 Si' le so*r&e "ort ty"e 07070007 So*r&e "ort ra' e ty"e 07700000 Se&*rity "ara0eter i'deF ty"e 07770000 Ty"e o6 ser1i&e$Tra66i& &lass ty"e 70000000 (lo% la2el ty"e ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed. (or G)<14 so*r&e address ty"eG, t!e pac'et filter component (alue 6ield s!all 2e e'&oded as a se3*e'&e o6 a 6o*r o&tet IP(/ address 6ield a'd a 6o*r o&tet IP(/ address mas' 6ield. T!e IP(/ address 6ield s!all 2e tra's0itted 6irst. (or G)<18 so*r&e address ty"eG, t!e pac'et filter component (alue 6ield s!all 2e e'&oded as a se3*e'&e o6 a siFtee' o&tet IP(4 address 6ield a'd a siFtee' o&tet IP(4 address mas' 6ield. T!e IP(4 address 6ield s!all 2e tra's0itted 6irst. (or G<roto&ol ide'ti6ier$4eFt !eader ty"eG, t!e pac'et filter component (alue 6ield s!all 2e e'&oded as o'e o&tet %!i&! s"e&i6ies t!e )<14 "roto&ol ide'ti6ier or )<18 'eFt !eader. (or GSi' le desti'atio' "ort ty"eG a'd GSi' le so*r&e "ort ty"eG, t!e pac'et filter component (alue 6ield s!all 2e e'&oded as t%o o&tet %!i&! s"e&i6ies a "ort '*02er. (or GDesti'atio' "ort ra' e ty"eG a'd GSo*r&e "ort ra' e ty"eG, t!e pac'et filter component (alue 6ield s!all 2e e'&oded as a se3*e'&e o6 a t%o o&tet port ran$e lo# limit 6ield a'd a t%o o&tet port ran$e hi$h limit 6ield. T!e port ran$e lo# limit 6ield s!all 2e tra's0itted 6irst. (or GSe&*rity "ara0eter i'deFG, t!e pac'et filter component (alue 6ield s!all 2e e'&oded as 6o*r o&tet %!i&! s"e&i6ies t!e )<Se& se&*rity "ara0eter i'deF. (or GTy"e o6 ser1i&e$Tra66i& &lass ty"eG, t!e pac'et filter component (alue 6ield s!all 2e e'&oded as a se3*e'&e o6 a o'e o&tet Type!of!Ser(ice/Traffic Class 6ield a'd a o'e o&tet Type!of!Ser(ice/Traffic Class mas' 6ield. T!e Type!of!Ser(ice/Traffic Class 6ield s!all 2e tra's0itted 6irst. (or G(lo% la2el ty"eG, t!e pac'et filter component (alue 6ield s!all 2e e'&oded as t!ree o&tet %!i&! s"e&i6ies t!e )<18 6lo% la2el. T!e 2its 8 t!ro* ! 5 o6 t!e 6irst o&tet s!all 2e s"are %!ereas t!e re0ai'i' 20 2its s!all &o'tai' t!e )<18 6lo% la2el.


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70.5.; G<-S Co00o' i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts

70.5.;.7 <D< &o'teFt stat*s

The purpose of the "D" conte$t status infor%ation ele%ent is to indicate the state of each /4/ conte?t which can $e identified $y 8SA/I. The "D" conte$t status infor%ation ele%ent is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with 4 octets len!th. The "D" conte$t status infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.143"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.1&4"3#// TS 24.<<3.

5 4 3 2 7 <D< &o'teFt stat*s ).) :e' t! o6 <D< &o'teFt stat*s &o'te'ts 4S,<) 4S,<) 4S,<) 4S,<) 4S,<) 4S,<) 4S,<) 4S,<) (;) (8) (5) (4) (3) (2) (7) (0) 4S,<) 4S,<) 4S,<) 4S,<) 4S,<) 4S,<) 4S,<) 4S,<) (75) (74) (73) (72) (77) (70) (A) (8)

o&tet 7 9&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4

2i ure 1+*#*1),33GPP TS ()*++, P$P conte)t tatu infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1.)33GPP TS ()*++,4 P$P conte)t tatu infor7ation ele7ent
4S,<)(F) s!all 2e &oded as 6ollo%s# 4S,<)(0) - 4S,<)(4)# are &oded as =0= a'd s!all 2e treated as s"are i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. 4S,<)(5) S 4S,<)(75)# 0 i'di&ates t!at t!e SM state o6 t!e &orres"o'di' <D< &o'teFt is <D<-)4,CT)V.. 7 i'di&ates t!at t!e SM state o6 t!e &orres"o'di' <D< &o'teFt is 'ot <D<-)4,CT)V..


-adio "riority

The purpose of the radio priority infor%ation ele%ent is to specify the priority le(el that the 2S shall use at the lower layers for trans%ission of data related to a /4/ conte?t or for %o$ile ori!inated S2S trans%ission. The radio priority infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.145"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.1&1"3#// TS 24.<<3. The radio priority is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent.

; 8 -adio "riority ).)

4 0 s"are

2 7 -adio "riority le1el 1al*e

o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*1)#33GPP TS ()*++,4 %adio priority infor7ation ele7ent


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Table 1+*#*1.133GPP TS ()*++,4 %adio priority infor7ation ele7ent

-adio "riority le1el 1al*e (o&tet 7) +its 3(1 007 070 077 700 "riority le1el 7 (!i !est) "riority le1el 2 "riority le1el 3 "riority le1el 4 (lo%est)

,ll ot!er 1al*es are i'ter"reted as "riority le1el 4 2y t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol.


G<-S Ti0er

The purpose of the G"RS timer infor%ation ele%ent is to specify #/1S specific ti%er (alues= e.!. for the 15A4A ti%er. The G"RS timer is a type 3 infor%ation ele%ent with 2 octets len!th. The G"RS timer infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.14&"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.1&2"3#// TS 24.<<3.

; U'it

5 4 3 2 G<-S Ti0er ).) Ti0er 1al*e

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2

2i ure 1+*#*1).33GPP TS ()*++,4 GP"S 'imer infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1.(33GPP TS ()*++,4 GP"S 'imer infor7ation ele7ent
Ti0er 1al*e (o&tet 2) +its 5 to 7 re"rese't t!e 2i'ary &oded ti0er 1al*e. +its 8 to 8 de6i'es t!e ti0er 1al*e *'it 6or t!e G<-S ti0er as 6ollo%s# +its ,/. 0 0 0 1al*e is i'&re0e'ted i' 0*lti"les o6 2 se&o'ds 0 0 7 1al*e is i'&re0e'ted i' 0*lti"les o6 7 0i'*te 0 7 0 1al*e is i'&re0e'ted i' 0*lti"les o6 de&i!o*rs 7 7 7 1al*e i'di&ates t!at t!e ti0er is dea&ti1ated. 9t!er 1al*es s!all 2e i'ter"reted as 0*lti"les o6 7 0i'*te i' t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol.


G<-S Ti0er 2

The purpose of the G"RS timer 2 infor%ation ele%ent is to specify #/1S specific ti%er (alues= e.!. for the ti%er T33<2. The G"RS timer 2 is a type 4 infor%ation ele%ent with 3 octets len!th. The G"RS timer 2 infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.14*"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.1&3"3#// TS 24.<<3.


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5 4 3 G<-S Ti0er 2 ).) :e' t! o6 G<-S Ti0er 2 &o'te'ts G<-S Ti0er 2 1al*e

7 o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3

2i ure 1+*#*1)/33GPP TS ()*++,4 GP"S 'imer # infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1.333GPP TS ()*++,4 GP"S 'imer # infor7ation ele7ent
G<-S Ti0er 2 1al*e is &oded as o&tet 2 o6 t!e GPRS timer i'6or0atio' ele0e't.


-adio "riority 2

The purpose of the radio priority 2 infor%ation ele%ent is to specify the priority le(el that the 2S shall use at the lower layers for trans%ission of %o$ile ori!inated T'23 trans%ission.

The radio priority 2 infor%ation ele%ent is coded as shown in fi!ure 1<.5.143"3#// TS 24.<<3 and ta$le 1<.5.1&4"3#// TS 24.<<3. The radio priority is a type 1 infor%ation ele%ent.

; 8 -adio "riority 2 ).)

4 :CS<S

2 7 -adio "riority le1el 1al*e

o&tet 7

2i ure 1+*#*1),33GPP TS ()*++,4 %adio priority # infor7ation ele7ent Table 1+*#*1.)33GPP TS ()*++,4 %adio priority # infor7ation ele7ent

-adio "riority le1el 1al*e (o&tet 7, 2its 7-3) +its 3 ( 0 0 0 7 0 7 7 0 1 7 0 7 0

"riority le1el 7 (!i !est) "riority le1el 2 "riority le1el 3 "riority le1el 4 (lo%est)

,ll ot!er 1al*es are i'ter"reted as "riority le1el 4 2y t!is 1ersio' o6 t!e "roto&ol. :CS-<S (o&tet 7, 2it 4) +it ) 0 :CS 1ia t!e <S do0ai' i' G2-0ode 'ot s*""orted 7 :CS 1ia t!e <S do0ai' i' G2-0ode s*""orted


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:ist o6 syste0 "ara0eters

The description of ti%ers in the followin! ta$le should $e considered a $rief su%%ary. The precise details are found in clauses 3 to &= which should $e considered the definiti(e descriptions.

77.7 Ti0ers a'd &o*'ters 6or radio reso*r&e 0a'a e0e't

See 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O.

77.2 Ti0ers o6 0o2ility 0a'a e0e't

Table 11*133GPP TS ()*++,4 Mobility 7ana e7ent ti7ers ' MS'side


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T9MC" N<M* T3270

MM ST 8T 3

T9MC 5<T -8L* 20s

C8<SC 25" ST8"T - :9CKU<DK-.E se't - :9CKU<DK-.@ %it! &a*seM7; 'et%. 6ail*re - lo%er layer 6ail*re or -- &o''. released a6ter -&o''. a2ort d*ri' lo&. *"dati' - ter0i'atio' o6 MM ser1i&e or MM si 'alli' - lo&atio' *"dati' 6ail*re ,UT?.4T (,):U-. Ca*se J XM,C 6ail*reY or XGSM a*t!e'ti&atio' *'a&&e"ta2leY se't ,UT?.4T (,):U-. Ca*se J Sy'&! 6ail*re se't -,4D a'd -.S stored as a res*lt o6 o6 a UMTS a*t!e'ti&atio' &!alle' e

N5"M8L ST5P - :9CKU<DK,CC - :9CKU<DK-.@ - ,UT?K-.@ - :o%er layer 6ail*re - Ti0e o*t - &ell &!a' e - re3*est 6or MM &o''e&tio' esta2lis!0e't - &!a' e o6 :, - i'itiatio' o6 MM ser1i&e or MM si 'alli' - eF"iry - &!a' e o6 +CC? "ara0eter ,UT?.4T -.E re&ei1ed


Start T3277 -estart t!e :o&atio' *"date "ro&.


7 2


T3272 T3273 T3274

7, 2 7 2 77 3 5 ; 3 5 ; 3 5 ;

4ote 7 4s 20s

i'itiate "eriodi& *"dati' 'e% ra'do0 atte0"t Co'sider t!e 'et%or5 as Y6alseY (see Co'sider t!e 'et%or5 as Y6alseY (see Delete t!e stored -,4D a'd -.S

T3278 T3278

75s 20s

,UT?.4T -.E re&ei1ed - Ci"!er 0ode setti' (,$G2 0ode o'ly) 6 Se&*rity 0ode setti' ()* 0ode o'ly) 6 CMKS.-VK,CC.< T re&ei1ed 6 CM S.-V)C. -.@.CT re&ei1ed - :9C,T)94 U<D,T)4G ,CC.<T re&ei1ed - ,UT?.4T -.@ re&ei1ed - ,UT?.4T (,): se't - e'ter MM )D:. or 4U:: - release 6ro0 -Ms*2layer - Ci"!er 0ode setti' - CM S.-V -.@ - CM S.-V ,CC see s*2&la*se 77.2.7

T3220 T3230 T3240

; 5 A 70

5s 75s 70s

- )MS) D.T,C? - CM S.-V -.E CM -..ST -.E see s*2&la*se 77.2.7

e'ter 4*ll or )dle, ,TT.M<T)4G T9 U<D,T. "ro1ide release i'd. a2ort t!e -&o''e&tio'




see su$clause 11.2.1

see su$clause 11.2.1

a$ort the 11 connection

8'T5 1E The ti%eout (alue is $roadcasted in a SAST52 I8F'12ATI'8 %essa!e


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 11*(33GPP TS ()*++,4 Mobility 7ana e7ent ti7ers ' network'side

T9MC" N<M* T3250 MM ST 8T 8 T9MC 5<T -8L* 72s C8<SC 25" ST8"T TMS)--.,:-CMD or :9C U<D ,CC %it! 'e% TMS) se't :9C U<D ,CC se't %it!G(ollo% o' <ro&eedG ,UT?.4T-.EU.ST se't N5"M8L ST5P TMS)--.,::-C9M re&ei1ed CM S.-V)C. -.EU.ST 8T TBC CHP9"F 9"tio'ally -elease -&o''e&tio' -elease -Co''e&tio' or *se 6or 0o2ile statio' ter0i'ati' &all 9"tio'ally -elease -&o''e&tio' 8T TBC SCC5N& CHP9"F





,UT?.4T-.S<94S. re&ei1ed ,UT?.4T(,):U-. re&ei1ed )D.4T)TI -.S<94S. re&ei1ed



)D.4T)TI -.EU.ST se't

9"tio'ally -elease -&o''e&tio'

8'T5 2E The (alue of this ti%er is not specified $y this reco%%endation.

77.2.7 Ti0er T3240 a'd Ti0er T3247

Ti%er T324< is started in the %o$ile station whenE 6 6 6 6 the %o$ile station recei(es a )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# ACC5/T %essa!e co%pletin! a location updatin! procedure in the cases specified in su$clauses 4.4.4.& and the %o$ile station recei(es a )'CATI'8 /4ATI8# 15Q5CT %essa!e in the cases specified in su$clause 4.4.4.*L the %o$ile station has sent a C2 S51+IC5 A.'1T %essa!e as specified in su$clause 4.5.1.*L the %o$ile station has released or a$orted all 22 connections in the cases specified in and

Ti%er T324< is stopped= reset= and started a!ain at receipt of an 22 %essa!e. Ti%er T324< is stopped and reset ,$ut not started- at receipt of a C2 %essa!e that initiates esta$lish%ent of an C2 connection ,an appropriate S5T /= 15#IST51= or C/64ATA %essa!e as defined in 3#// TS 24.<<3= 3#// TS 24.<1< or 3#// TS 24.<11-. Ti%er T3241 is started in the %o$ile station when enterin! 22 state 11 C'885CTI'8 15)5AS5 8'T A))'B54. Ti%er T3241 is stopped and reset ,$ut not started- when the 22 state 11 C'885CTI'8 15)5AS5 8'T A))'B54 is left. If ti%er T3241 e?pires= the 2S shall a$ort the 11 connection and enter the 22 state 22 I4)5.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

77.2.2 Ti0ers o6 G<-S 0o2ility 0a'a e0e't

Table 11*333GPP TS ()*++,4 GP"S Mobility 7ana e7ent ti7ers ' MS side


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

T9MC" N<M* T3370

T9MC" -8L<C 75s


C8<SC 52 ST8"T


5N TBC 1 A ( A 3 A )th CHP9"F Note 3

nd rd


,TT,C? -.E se't

,TT,C? ,CC.<T re&ei1ed ,TT,C? -.@.CT re&ei1ed

-etra's0issio' o6 ,TT,C? -.E



GMM-D.-.G ,TT,C? -.@ %it! ot!er &a*se ,TT.M<T)4G 1al*es as des&ri2ed i' &!a"ter T9 ,TT,C? or =G<-S ,tta&!= GMM--.G ,TT.M<T)4G T9 U<D,T. -9UT)4G ,-., U<D,T. -.@ %it! ot!er &a*se 1al*es as des&ri2ed i' &!a"ter =-o*ti' ,rea U"date= :o% layer 6ail*re

C!a' e o6 t!e ro*ti' area

-estart o6 t!e ,tta&! or t!e -,U "ro&ed*re %it! *"dati' o6 t!e rele1a't atte0"t &o*'ter



GMM-.G-)4)T GMM--.G GMM-D.-.G)4)T GMM--,U<D,T)4G-)4T GMM-S.-V-.E-)4)T ()* 0ode o'ly)

-,4D a'd -.S stored as a res*lt Se&*rity 0ode o6 a UMTS a*t!e'ti&atio' setti' &!alle' e ()* 0ode o'ly) S.-V)C. ,CC.<T re&ei1ed. ()* 0ode o'ly) S.-V)C. -.@.CT re&ei1ed ()* 0ode o'ly) -9UT)4G ,-., U<D,T. ,CC.<T re&ei1ed ,UT?.4T)C,T)94 ,4D C)<?.-)4G -.@.CT re&ei1ed ,UT?.4T)C,T)94 K,4DKC)<?.-)4G (,):U-. se't .'ter GMMD.-.G or GMM-4U::

Delete t!e stored -,4D a'd -.S



,UT?.4T)C,T)94 R C)<?.-)4G (,):U-. (&a*seJYM,C 6ail*reY or XGSM GMM--.G a*t!e'ti&atio' *'a&&e"ta2leY) GMM-D.-.G- se't )4)T GMM--,U<D,T)4G-)4T GMM-S.-V-.E-)4)T (UMTS o'ly)


,UT?.4T)C,T)94 R C)<?.-)4G -.EU.ST re&ei1ed

9' 6irst eF"iry, t!e MS s!o*ld &o'sider t!e 'et%or5 as 6alse (see 4.;.;.8.7)



GMM-.G-)4)T GMM--.G GMM-D.-.G)4)T GMM--,U<D,T)4G-)4T GMM-S.-V-.E-)4)T (UMTS o'ly)

,UT?.4T)C,T)94 R C)<?.-)4G (,):U-. (&a*seJsy'&! 6ail*re) se't

,UT?.4T)C,T)94 R C)<?.-)4G -.EU.ST re&ei1ed

9' 6irst eF"iry, t!e MS s!o*ld &o'sider t!e 'et%or5 as 6alse (see 4.;.;.8.7)


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

T3327 T3330

75s 75s

GMMD.-.G-)4)T GMM-9UT)4GU<D,T)4G)4)T),T.D

D.T,C? -.E se't -9UT)4G ,-., U<D,T. -.EU.ST se't

D.T,C? ,CC.<T re&ei1ed -9UT)4G ,-., U<D,T. ,CC re&ei1ed -9UT)4G ,-., U<D,T. -.@ re&ei1ed

-etra's0issio' o6 t!e D.T,C? -.E -etra's0issio' o6 t!e -9UT)4G ,-., U<D,T. -.EU.ST 0essa e

Table 11*3a33GPP TS ()*++,4 GP"S Mobility 7ana e7ent ti7ers N MS side

T9MC" N<M* T3302 T9MC" -8L<C De6a*lt 72 0i' 4ote 7 ST8TC C8<SC 52 ST8"T N5"M8L ST5P 5N CHP9"F

GMM-D.-.G ,t atta&! 6ail*re a'd t!e atte0"t &o*'ter is reater t!a' or e3*al or to 5. GMM--.G ,t ro*ti' area *"dati' 6ail*re a'd t!e atte0"t &o*'ter is reater t!a' or e3*al to 5. GMM--.G

,t s*&&ess6*l atta&! 9' e1ery eF"iry, i'itiatio' o6 t!e ,t s*&&ess6*l ro*ti' area *"dati' G<-S atta&! "ro&ed*re or -,U "ro&ed*re


De6a*lt 54 0i' 4ote7 De6a*lt 44 se& 4ote 2 70s

)' GSM, %!e' -.,DI state is le6t. W!e' e'teri' state )'itiatio' o6 t!e GMM-D.-.G <eriodi& -,U )' UMTS, %!e' <MM"ro&ed*re C944.CT.D 0ode is le6t. (or&ed to Sta'd2y 4o &ell-*"dates are "er6or0ed

T3374 -.,DI (GSM o'ly) T337; (UMTS o'ly)

,ll eF&e"t GMM- Tra's0issio' o6 a <T< <DU D.-.G


S.-V)C. -.E se't

Se&*rity 0ode ,2ort t!e "ro&ed*re &o'trol "ro&ed*re is &o0"leted, S.-V)C. ,CC.<T re&ei1ed, or S.-V)C. -.@.CT re&ei1ed

8'T5 1E The (alue of this ti%er is used if the networ0 does not indicate another (alue in a #22 si!nallin! procedure. 8'T5 2E The default (alue of this ti%er is used if neither the 2S nor the 8etwor0 send another (alue= or if the 8etwor0 sends this (alue= in a si!nallin! procedure. 8'T5 3E Typically= the procedures are a$orted on the fifth e?piry of the rele(ant ti%er. 5?ceptions are descri$ed in the correspondin! procedure description.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 11*)33GPP TS ()*++,4 GP"S Mobility 7ana e7ent ti7ers ' network side
T9MC" N<M* T3322 T3350 T9MC" -8L<C 8s 8s ST8TC C8<SC 52 ST8"T N5"M8L ST5P

5N TBC 1 A( A3 A) CHP9"F Note 3

nd rd th

GMMD.-.G-)4)T GMMC9MM94<-9C-)4)T

D.T,C? -.E se't ,TT,C? ,CC.<T se't %it! <-TMS) a'd$or TMS) -,U ,CC.<T se't %it! <-TMS) a'd$or TMS) <-TMS) -.,::9C C9MM,4D se't

D.T,C? ,CC.<T re&ei1ed ,TT,C? C9M<:.T. re&ei1ed -,U C9M<:.T. re&ei1ed <-TMS) -.,::9C C9M<:.T. re&ei1ed ,UT? ,4D C)<? -.S<94S. re&ei1ed ,UT?.4T-,4D C)<?.--(,):U-. re&ei1ed

-etra's0issio' o6 D.T,C? -.EU.ST -etra's0issio' o6 t!e sa0e 0essa e ty"e, i.e. ,TT,C? ,CC.<T, -,U ,CC.<T or -.,::9C C9MM,4D




,UT? ,4D C)<? -.EU.ST se't

-etra's0issio' o6 ,UT? ,4D C)<? -.EU.ST




)D.4T)TI -.EU.ST se't

)D.4T)TI -.S<94S. re&ei1ed

-etra's0issio' o6 )D.4T)TI -.EU.ST

Table 11*)a33GPP TS ()*++,4 GP"S Mobility 7ana e7ent ti7ers ' network side
T9MC" N<M* T3373 T3374 -.,DI (GSM o'ly) T9MC" -8L<C 4ote7 De6a*lt 44 se& 4ote 2 ST8TC GMMK-.G ,ll eF&e"t GMMD.-.G C8<SC 52 ST8"T <a i' "ro&ed*re i'itiated -e&ei"t o6 a <T< <DU N5"M8L ST5P <a i' "ro&ed*re &o0"leted (or&ed to Sta'd2y 5N CHP9"F 4et%or5 de"e'de't T!e 'et%or5 s!all "a e t!e MS i6 a <T< <DU !as to 2e se't to t!e MS 4et%or5 de"e'de't 2*t ty"i&ally "a i' is !alted o' 7st eF"iry

Mo2ile De6a*lt 4 ,ll eF&e"t GMM- )' GSM, &!a' e 6ro0 -.,DI to <T< <DU re&ei1ed -ea&!a2le 0i' reater D.-.G ST,4D+I state t!a' T3372 )' UMTS, &!a' e 6ro0 <MMC944.CT.D 0ode to <MM-)D:. 0ode.

8'T5 1E The (alue of this ti%er is networ0 dependent. 8'T5 2E The default (alue of this ti%er is used if neither the 2S nor the 8etwor0 send another (alue= or if the 8etwor0 sends this (alue= in a si!nallin! procedure. The (alue of this ti%er should $e sli!htly shorter in the networ0 than in the 2S= this is a networ0 i%ple%entation issue. 8'T5 3E Typically= the procedures are a$orted on the fifth e?piry of the rele(ant ti%er. 5?ceptions are descri$ed in the correspondin! procedure description.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

77.2.3 Ti0ers o6 sessio' 0a'a e0e't

Table 11*(c33GPP TS ()*++,4 Session 7ana e7ent ti7ers ' MS side
T9MC" N<M* T3380 T9MC" -8L<C 30s ST8TC C8<SC 52 ST8"T N5"M8L ST5P

5N TBC 1 A( A3 A) CHP9"F
nd rd th


,CT)V,T. <D< C94T.DT -.EU.ST or ,CT)V,T. S.C94D,-I <D< C94T.DT -.EU.ST se't

,CT)V,T. <D< C94T.DT ,CC.<T or ,CT)V,T. S.C94D,-I <D< C94T.DT ,CC.<T re&ei1ed ,CT)V,T. <D< C94T.DT -.@.CT or ,CT)V,T. S.C94D,-I <D< C94T.DT -.@.CT re&ei1ed

-etra's0issio' o6 ,CT)V,T. <D< C94T.DT -.E or ,CT)V,T. S.C94D,-I <D< C94T.DT -.EU.ST




M9D)(I <D< C94T.DT -.EU.ST se't

M9D)(I <D< C94T.DT ,CC.<T re&ei1ed

-etra's0issio' o6 M9D)(I <D< C94T.DT -.EU.ST




D.,CT)V,T. <D< C94T.DT -.EU.ST se't

D.,CT)V,T. <D< -etra's0issio' o6 C94T.DT ,CC D.,CT)V,T. re&ei1ed <D< C94T.DT -.EU.ST


Typically= the procedures are a$orted on the fifth e?piry of the rele(ant ti%er. 5?ceptions are descri$ed in the correspondin! procedure description. Table 11*(d33GPP TS ()*++,4 Session 7ana e7ent ti7ers ' network side

T9MC" N<M* T3385

T9MC" -8L<C 8s


C8<SC 52 ST8"T


5N TBC 1 A( A3 A) CHP9"F
nd rd th


-.EU.ST <D< C94T.DT ,CT)V,T)94 se't

,CT)V,T. <D< C94T.DT -.E re&ei1ed M9D)(I <D< C94T.DT ,CC re&ei1ed

-etra's0issio' o6 -.EU.ST <D< C94T.DT ,CT)V,T)94 -etra's0issio' o6 M9D)(I <D< C94T.DT -.E



<D<M9D-<.4D <D<)4,CT-<.4D

M9D)(I <D< C94T.DT -.EU.ST se't D.,CT)V,T. <D< C94T.DT -.EU.ST se't



D.,CT)V,T. <D< -etra's0issio' o6 C94T.DT ,CC D.,CT)V,T. <D< re&ei1ed C94T.DT -.E


Typically= the procedures are a$orted on the fifth e?piry of the rele(ant ti%er. 5?ceptions are descri$ed in the correspondin! procedure description.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

77.3 Ti0ers o6 &ir&*it-s%it&!ed &all &o'trol

Table 11*333GPP TS ()*++,4 Call control ti7ers ' MS side
T9M N<M * T303 T305 T308 T370 4ote 7 T373 T323 T332 T335 T338 T9M -8L 30s 30s 30s 30s 30s 30s 30s 30s 70s ST8TC 52 C8LL Call i'itiated Dis&o''e&t -e3*est -elease re3*est 9*t oi' &all <ro&eedi' Co''e&t -e3*est Modi6y -e3*est Wait 6or 'et%or5 i'6o Co'6ir0ed C8<SC 52 ST8"T CM S.- -E se't D)SC se't -.: se't C,:: <-9C re&ei1ed C944 se't M9D se't ST,-TKCC se't CC-.ST C94(.se't ST,-T DTM( se't N5"M8L ST5P C,:: <-9C, or -.: C9M< re&ei1ed -.: or D)SC re&ei1ed -.: C9M< or -.: re&ei1ed ,:.-T,C944, D)SC or <-9G re&. C944e&t ,CB'o%led e re&ei1ed M9D C9M< or M9D -.@ re&ei1ed CC-.ST. re&ei1ed -.C,:: re&ei1ed ST,-T DTM( ,CB or ST,-T DTM( -.@.CT re&ei1ed 8T 29"ST CHP9"F Clear t!e &all -.: se't. -etra's. -.:.,S. restart T308 Se'd D)SC Se'd D)SC Clear t!e &all Clear t!e &all Clear t!e &all 8T SCC5N& CHP9"F Ti0er is 'ot restarted Ti0er is 'ot restarted Call re6. release Ti0er is 'ot restarted Ti0er is 'ot restarted Ti0er is 'ot restarted Ti0er is 'ot restarted Ti0er is 'ot restarted Ti0er is 'ot restarted



ST9< DTM( se't

ST9< DTM( ,CB re&ei1ed

T!e MS &o'siders t!e DTM( <ro&ed*re (6or t!e di it) to 2e ter0i'ated T!e MS &o'siders t!e DTM( "ro&ed*re (6or t!e &*rre't di it) to 2e ter0i'ated

Ti0er is 'ot restarted

8'T5 1E T31< is not started if pro!ress indicator F1= F2= or F&4 has $een deli(ered in the CA)) /1'C554I8# %essa!e or in a pre(ious /1'#15SS %essa!e.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table 11*)33GPP TS ()*++,4 Call control ti7ers ' network side

T9M N<M * T307 4ote 7 T303 T305 &2T T9M -8L Mi'78 0s 4ote 2 30s ST8TC 52 C8LL Call re&ei1ed Call "rese't Dis&o''e&t )'di&atio' C8<SC 25" ST8"T ,:.-T re&ei1ed S.TU< se't D)SC %it!o*t "ro ress i'di&. M8 se't or CC+S <ossi2le D)SC %it! "ro ress i'di&. M8 se't 2*t 'o CC+S "ossi2le -.: se't C,:: C94( re&ei1ed C94 se't M9D se't CM-S.-V <-9M<T se't ST,-T CC re&ei1ed -.C,:: se't D)SC %it! CC+S "ossi2le N5"M8L ST5P C944 re&ei1ed C,:: C94( or -.: C9M< re&ei1ed -.: or D)SC re&ei1ed 8T 29"ST CHP9"F Clear t!e &all Clear t!e &all 4et%or5 se'ds -.:.,S. 8T SCC5N& CHP9"F Ti0er is 'ot restarted Ti0er is 'ot restarted Ti0er is 'ot restarted



Dis&o''e&t )'di&atio'

-.: or D)SC re&ei1ed

Sto" t!e to'e$ a''o*'&. Se'd -.: -etra's. -.:.,S. restart T308 Clear t!e &all Clear t!e &all Clear t!e &all Clear t!e &all Clear t!e &all

Ti0er is 'ot restarted

T308 T370 T373 T323 T337 T333

4ote 2 4ote 2 4ote 2 30s 4ote 2 4ote 2 Mi' 75s 4ote 2

-elease re3*est )'&o0i' &all "ro&eedi' Co''e&t )'di&atio' Modi6y re3*est CC Co''e&. <e'di' <rese't Co'6ir0ed Dis&o''e&t i'di&atio'

-.: C9M< or -.: re&ei1ed ,:.-T, C944 or D)SC re&ei1ed C94 ,CB re&ei1ed M9D C9M< or M9D -.@ re&ei1ed ST,-T CC re&ei1ed CC.ST.C94( or -.: C9M< re&ei1ed S.TU< re&ei1ed -.: or D)SC re&ei1ed

-elease &all re6ere'&e Ti0er is 'ot restarted Ti0er is 'ot restarted Ti0er is 'ot restarted Ti0er is 'ot restarted Ti0er is 'ot restarted Ti0er is 'ot restarted Ti0er is 'ot restarted

T334 4ote 3 T338

Clear t!e &all sto" a'y to'e$ a''o*'&. Se'd -.:

8'T5 1E The networ0 %ay already ha(e applied an internal alertin! super(ision functionL e.!. incorporated within call control. If such a function is 0nown to $e operatin! on the call= then ti%er T3<1 is not used. 8'T5 2E These ti%e (alues are set $y the networ0 operator. 8'T5 3E Bhen applied to the supple%entary ser(ice CC.S= the ti%er T334 can either represent the recall ti%er T4 or the notification ti%er T1< ,see 3#// TS <3.93-. Thus the ti%er T334 can ta0e two different (alues. 3#// TS <3.93 defines the ran!e of these (alues.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

,''eF , (i'6or0ati1e)# .Fa0"le o6 s*2address i'6or0atio' ele0e't &odi'

This anne? !i(es an e?a%ple of how the Called /arty Su$address I5 is encoded to carry su$address di!its that use IA5 characters. This e?a%ple is also applica$le to the Callin! /arty Su$address I5.

8 0 0 7 'ot eFt 0

; 7 0 0

8 7 0

0 odd$e1 4S,< 'ote 7 (D.273$)S9 8348 ,D2) 7 0 7 0 0 ,() ('ote 3) ),5 C!ara&ter ('ote 4) ),5 C!ara&ter ('ote 4) ),5 C!ara&ter ('ote 4)

5 4 3 0 7 7 &alled "arty s*2address ).) 0 0 7 :e' t! 0 D 0

2 0 7 0 'ote 2 0

7 7 7 0 0

o&tet 7 2 3 4 5 8 A

8'T5 1E The (alue of this $it has no si!nificance when the type of su$address is D8SA/D. 8'T5 2E These $its are spare. 8'T5 3E The Authority and For%at Identifier code 5< ,in .C4- indicates that the su$address consists of IA5 characters ,see IS' standard 3343 A42-. 8'T5 4E IA5 character as defined in IT 6T 1eco%%endation T.5<"IS' &4& and then encoded into two se%i6octets accordin! to the Dpreferred $inary encodin!D defined in I.213"IS' 3343 A42. ,5ach character is con(erted into a nu%$er in the ran!e 32 to 12* usin! the IS' &4& encodin! with Hero parity and the parity $it in the %ost si!nificant position. This nu%$er is then reduced $y 32 to !i(e a new nu%$er in the ran!e < to 95. The new nu%$er is then treated as a pair of deci%al di!its with the (alue of each di!it $ein! encoded in a se%i6octet.8'T5 5E the nu%$er of IA5 characters in the su$address %ay (ary= su$Cect to an upper li%it of 19 IA5 characters.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

,''eF + ('or0ati1e)# Co0"ati2ility &!e&5i' +.7 )'trod*&tio'

This anne? descri$es the (arious co%pati$ility chec0s which shall $e carried out to ensure that the $est %atched 2S and networ0 capa$ilities are achie(ed on a call $etween a /)28 and the IS48. Three different processes of co%pati$ility chec0in! shall $e perfor%edE i- at the user6to6networ0 interface on the callin! side ,see ..2-L ii- at the networ06user interface on the called side ,see ..3.2-L iii- user6to6user ,see . 3.3-. 8'T5E In this conte?t and throu!hout this anne? the ter% Dcalled userD is the end point entity which is e?plicitly addressed.

For details on the codin! of the infor%ation re>uired for co%pati$ility chec0in!= see anne? C.


Calli' side &o0"ati2ility &!e&5i'

+.2.7 Co0"ati2ility &!e&5i' o6 t!e CM S.-V)C. -.EU.ST 0essa e

The networ0 shall chec0 if the ser(ice re>uested in the C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e is per%itted for that su$scri$er.

+.2.2 Co0"ati2ility$S*2s&ri"tio' &!e&5i' o6 t!e S.TU< 0essa e

At the callin! side the networ0 shall chec0 that the $asic ser(ice,s- re>uested $y the callin! 2S in the .earer Capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent,s- %atch,es- with the $asic ser(ices pro(ided to that su$scri$er $y the /)28. If for at least one $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent contained in the S5T / %essa!e a %is%atch is detected= then the networ0 shall proceed as followsE 6 if the S5T / %essa!e contained two $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ents for only one of which a %is%atch is detected= the networ0 shall eitherE 6 under the conditions specified in 3#// TS 2*.<<1 ,e.!. TS &1 and TS &2-= accept the S5T / %essa!e with a CA)) /1'C554I8# %essa!e containin! the= possi$ly ne!otiated= $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent for which no %is%atch is detected= or reCect the call usin! one of the causes listed in anne? ;.

6 6

otherwise the networ0 shall reCect the call usin! one of the causes listed in anne? ;.

8etwor0 ser(ices are descri$ed in 3#// TS 22.<<2 and 3G<< TS 22.<<3 N4O as $earer ser(ices and teleser(ices= respecti(ely.


Called side &o0"ati2ility &!e&5i'

In this clause= the word Dchec0D %eans that the 2S e?a%ines the contents of the specified infor%ation ele%ent.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

+.3.7 Co0"ati2ility &!e&5i' %it! addressi' i'6or0atio'

If an inco%in! S5T / %essa!e is offered to the 2S with addressin! infor%ation ,i.e. su$6address or called party nu%$er- the followin! shall occurE a- if the 2S has a 44I nu%$er or a su$6address= then the infor%ation in any Called /arty .C4 8u%$er or any Called /arty su$address infor%ation ele%ents of the inco%in! S5T / %essa!e shall $e chec0ed $y the 2S a!ainst the correspondin! part of the nu%$er assi!ned to the user ,e.!. for 44I- or the user7s own su$6address. In the cases of a %is%atch= the 2S shall release the call. In the case of a %atch= the co%pati$ility chec0in! descri$ed in ..3.2 and ..3.3 shall $e perfor%ed. $- if the 2S has no 44I nu%$er and no su$6address= then the Called /arty .C4 8u%$er and Called /arty Su$6 address infor%ation ele%ent shall $e i!nored for the purposes of co%pati$ility chec0in!. The co%pati$ility chec0in! descri$ed in ..3.2 and ..3.3 shall $e perfor%ed. 8'T5E Accordin! to the user7s re>uire%ents= co%pati$ility chec0in! can $e perfor%ed in (arious ways fro% the (iewpoint of e?ecution order and infor%ation to $e chec0ed= e.!. first 44I nu%$er"su$6address and then $earer capa$ility or (ice (ersa.

+.3.2 4et%or5-to-MS &o0"ati2ility &!e&5i'

Bhen the networ0 is pro(idin! a $asic ser(ice at the called side= the 2S shall chec0 that the $asic ser(ice,s- offered $y the networ0 in the .earer Capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent,s- %atch,es- the $asic ser(ices that the 2S is a$le to support. If a %is%atch is detected= then the 2S shall proceed as followsE 6 if the S5T / %essa!e contained two $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ents for only one of which a %is%atch is detected= the 2S shall eitherE 6 under the conditions specified in 3#// TS 2*.<<1 N3&O ,e.!. TS &1 and TS &2-= accept the S5T / %essa!e with a CA)) C'8FI1254 %essa!e containin! the= possi$ly ne!otiated= $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent for which no %is%atch is detected= or reCect the call usin! cause 8o. 33 Dinco%pati$le destinationD.

6 6

otherwise the 2S shall reCect the offered call usin! a 15)5AS5 C'2/)5T5 %essa!e with cause 8o. 33 Dinco%pati$le destinationD. The backup bearer capability I5 is not su$Cect to co%pati$ility chec0in!.


Bhen interwor0in! with e?istin! networ0s= li%itations in networ0 or distant user si!nallin! ,e.!. in the case of an inco%in! call fro% a /ST8 or a call fro% an analo!ue ter%inal- %ay restrict the infor%ation a(aila$le to the called 2S in the inco%in! S5T / %essa!e ,e.!. %issin! .earer Capa$ility Infor%ation 5le%ent or %issin! ;i!h )ayer Co%pati$ility Infor%ation 5le%ent-. For co%pati$ility chec0in!= and handlin! of such calls see 3#// TS 2*.<<1 N3&O.

+.3.3 User-to-User &o0"ati2ility &!e&5i'

See 3#// TS 2*.<<1 N3&O.


?i ! layer &o0"ati2ility &!e&5i'

See 3#// TS 2*.<<1 N3&O.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

,''eF C ('or0ati1e)# :o% layer i'6or0atio' &odi' "ri'&i"les C.7


In this conte?t and throu!hout this anne? the ter% Dcalled userD is the end point entity which is e?plicitly addressed. This %ay also $e an e?plicitly addressed interwor0in! unit ,IB - ,see IT 6T I.5<<6Series 1eco%%endations and IT 6T 1eco%%endation I.31 case a-.

This anne? descri$es principles that shall $e used when the callin! 2S specifies infor%ation durin! call setup re!ardin! low layer capa$ilities re>uired in the networ0 and $y the destination ter%inal. 1efer also to 3#// TS 2*.<<1 N3&O.



C.2.7 De6i'itio' o6 ty"es o6 i'6or0atio'

There are three different types of infor%ation that the callin! /)28 user %ay specify durin! call setup to identify low layer capa$ilities needed in the networ0 and in the destination ter%inalE a- type I infor%ation is infor%ation a$out the callin! ter%inal which is only used at the destination end to allow a decision re!ardin! ter%inal co%pati$ility. An e?a%ple would $e the user infor%ation layer 3 protocol. Type I infor%ation is encoded in octets 5 to * of the low layer co%pati$ility infor%ation ele%entL $- type II infor%ation is only used $y the networ0 ,/)28- to which the callin! user is connected for selection of /)28 specific networ0 resources= e.!. channel type or specific functionality within the interwor0in! function ,IBF= see TS <9.<*-. This type of infor%ation is always present. An e?a%ple is the connection ele%ent. Type II infor%ation is coded inE i- octet 3 of the $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent when the infor%ation transfer capa$ility re>uired $y the callin! user is speech L ii- octets 3= 4= 5= and optionally octet * of the $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent when the infor%ation transfer capa$ility re>uired $y the callin! user is not speechL c- type III infor%ation is re>uired for selection of a $asic ser(ice fro% the choice of $asic ser(ices offered $y the networ0 and to!ether with type II infor%ation for selection of an appropriate interwor0in! function ,IBF= see 3#// TS 29.<<* N33O-= as well as for ter%inal co%pati$ility chec0in! at the destination ter%inal. An e?a%ple is the infor%ation transfer capa$ility. Type III infor%ation is always present and is encoded inE i- octet 3 of the $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent when the infor%ation transfer capa$ility re>uired $y the callin! user is speech L ii- octets 3= 5= &= &a= &$ and &c of the $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent when the infor%ation transfer capa$ility re>uired $y the callin! user is not speechL

C.2.2 .Fa0i'atio' 2y 'et%or5

Type I infor%ation is user6to6user ,i.e. at the callin! side not e?a%ined $y networ0- while type II and III infor%ation should $e a(aila$le for e?a%ination $y the destination user and the networ0. 8'T5E In the case of a %o$ile ter%inated call= if the type II and type III infor%ation is not sufficient for the selection of an appropriate interwor0in! function= the type I infor%ation will also e?a%ined $y the networ0.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

C.2.3 :o&atio' o6 ty"e ) i'6or0atio'

Type I infor%ation ,i.e. ter%inal infor%ation only si!nificant to the called user- shall= when used= $e included in the low layer co%pati$ility infor%ation ele%ent.

C.2.4 :o&atio' o6 ty"es )) a'd ))) i'6or0atio'

Type II infor%ation is included in the $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent. Type III infor%ation is also included in the $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent. The networ0 %ay use and %odify type III infor%ation ,e.!. to pro(ide interwor0in!-. In any case a %odification of the $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent has to $e perfor%ed when interwor0in! to the fi?ed networ0 ,e.!. IS48- is re>uired= where the si!nallin! of the radio interface has to $e %apped to fi?ed networ0 si!nallin! ,e.!. %appin! of #S2 .CI5 to IS48 .CI5= see 3#// TS 29.<<* N33O-.

C.2.5 -elatio's!i" 2et%ee' 2earer &a"a2ility a'd lo% layer &o0"ati2ility i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts
There shall $e no contradiction of infor%ation $etween the low layer co%pati$ility and the $earer capa$ility at the ori!inatin! side. ;owe(er= as so%e $earer capa$ility code points %ay $e %odified durin! the transport of the call ,e.!. $y the interwor0in! function-= this principle i%plies that there should $e %ini%al duplication of infor%ation $etween the $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent and the low layer co%pati$ility infor%ation ele%ent. 8'T5E If as a result of duplication= a contradiction occurs at the ter%inatin! side $etween the $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ent and the low layer co%pati$ility infor%ation ele%ent at the ter%inatin! side= the recei(in! entity shall i!nore the conflictin! infor%ation in the low layer co%pati$ility infor%ation ele%ent.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

,''eF D (i'6or0ati1e)# .Fa0"les o6 2earer &a"a2ility i'6or0atio' ele0e't &odi'

This anne? !i(es e?a%ples of the codin! of $earer capa$ility infor%ation ele%ents for (arious teleco%%unication ser(ices. This anne? is included for infor%ation purposes only. In the case of any inconsistency $etween this anne? and 3#// TS 2*.<<1 N3&O= then 3#// TS 2*.<<1 shall ta0e precedence o(er this anne?.


Codi' 6or s"ee&! 6or a 6*ll rate s*""ort o'ly 0o2ile statio'

D.7.7 Mo2ile statio' to 'et%or5 dire&tio'

8 0 0 7 'ot eFt ; 0 5 4 3 2 0 0 7 0 +earer &a"a2ility ).) 0 0 0 0 0 0 :e' t! o6 t!e 2earer &a"a2ility &o'te'ts 0 7 0 0 0 0 6*ll rate GSM &ir&. s"ee&! o'ly 0ode 8 0 7 0 7 o&tet 2 0 o&tet 3

o&tet 7

D.7.2 4et%or5 to 0o2ile statio' dire&tio'

8 0 0 7 'ot eFt 5 4 3 2 0 0 7 0 +earer &a"a2ility ).) 0 0 0 0 0 0 :e' t! o6 t!e 2earer &a"a2ility &o'te'ts 0 7 0 0 0 0 s"are s"are GSM &ir&. s"ee&! 0ode ; 0 8 0 7 0 7 o&tet 2 0 o&tet 3

o&tet 7


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,' eFa0"le o6 a &odi' 6or 0ode0 a&&ess %it! V222is, 2,4 52it$s, 8 2it 'o "arity

D.2.7 Mo2ile statio' to 'et%or5 dire&tio', data &o0"ressio' allo%ed

8 0 0 7 'ot eFt 7 'ot eFt 7 'ot eFt 0 eFt 0 eFt 0 eFt 7 'ot eFt 5 4 3 2 7 0 0 7 0 0 +earer &a"a2ility ).) 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 :e' t! o6 t!e 2earer &a"a2ility &o'te'ts 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 d*al, !al6 GSM &ir&. 3.7 5?P a*dio "re6erred 0ode eF <:M4 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 &o0" SDU 6*ll "t to 'o de-ress. i'te rity d*"l. "t 4)-- 0a'd 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 a&&ess id. 'o rate ).440$450 ada"tio' 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 layer 7 de6a*lt layer 7 asy'& 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 7 2it 'o 2.4 52it$s 'e 8 2its 7 7 0 0 0 7 7 78 52it$s 'o 'o ("arity) 'o'e i'ter. rate 4)CtF 4)CrF 0 7 0 0 0 7 7 'o' tra's V.22 2is -:<) ; 0 8 0

o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4 o&tet 5 o&tet 8 o&tet 8a o&tet 82 o&tet 8&


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

D.2.2 4et%or5 to 0o2ile statio' dire&tio', data &o0"ressio' "ossi2le

8 0 0 7 'ot eFt 7 'ot eFt 7 'ot eFt 0 eFt 0 eFt 0 eFt 7 'ot eFt 5 4 3 2 7 0 0 7 0 0 +earer &a"a2ility ).) 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 :e' t! o6 t!e 2earer &a"a2ility &o'te'ts 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 s"are s"are GSM &ir&. 3.7 5?P a*dio 0ode eF <:M4 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 &o0" SDU 6*ll "t to 'o de-ress. i'te rity d*"l. "t 4)-- 0a'd 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 a&&ess id. 'o rate ).440$450 ada"tio' 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 layer 7 de6a*lt layer 7 asy'& 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 7 2it 'o 8 2its 2.4 52it$s 'e 7 7 0 0 0 7 7 78 52it$s 'o 'o ("arity) 'o'e i'ter. rate 4)CtF 4)CrF 0 7 0 0 0 7 7 'o' tra's V.22 2is (-:<) ; 0 8 0

o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4 o&tet 5 o&tet 8 o&tet 8a o&tet 82 o&tet 8&


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,' eFa0"le o6 a &odi' 6or ro*" 3 6a&si0ile (A,8 52it$s, tra's"are't)

D.3.7 Mo2ile statio' to 'et%or5 dire&tio'

8 0 0 7 'ot eFt 7 'ot eFt 7 'ot eFt 0 eFt 0 eFt 0 eFt 7 'ot eFt 5 4 3 2 7 0 0 7 0 0 +earer &a"a2ility ).) 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 :e' t! o6 t!e 2earer &a"a2ility &o'te'ts 0 7 0 0 0 7 7 6*ll rate GSM &ir&. 6a&si0ile o'ly MS 0ode ro*" 3 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 &o0" *'str*&t*red 6*ll "t to 'o de-ress. d*"l. "t 4)-- 0a'd 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 a&&ess id. 'o rate ).440$450 ada"tio' 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 layer 7 de6a*lt layer 7 sy'& 0 0 7 0 7 0 7 (sy') 'o (sy') A.8 52it$s 'e 7 7 0 0 0 7 7 78 52it$s 'o 'o ("arity) 'o'e i'ter. rate 4)CtF 4)CrF 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 tra's"are't 'o'e (0ode0 ty"e) ; 0 8 0

o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4 o&tet 5 o&tet 8 o&tet 8a o&tet 82 o&tet 8&


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

D.3.2 4et%or5 to 0o2ile statio' dire&tio'

8 0 0 7 'ot eFt 7 'ot eFt 7 'ot eFt 0 eFt 0 eFt 0 eFt 7 'ot eFt 5 4 3 2 7 0 0 7 0 0 +earer &a"a2ility ).) 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 :e' t! o6 t!e 2earer &a"a2ility &o'te'ts 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 s"are s"are GSM &ir&. 3.7 5?P a*dio 0ode eF <:M4 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 &o0" *'str*&t*red 6*ll "t to 'o de-ress. d*"l. "t 4)-- 0a'd 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 a&&ess id. 'o rate ).440$450 ada"tio' 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 layer 7 de6a*lt layer 7 sy'& 0 0 7 0 7 0 7 (sy') 'o (sy') A.8 52it$s 'e 7 7 0 0 0 7 7 78 52it$s 'o 'o ("arity) 'o'e i'ter. rate 4)CtF 4)CrF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tra's"are't 'o'e (0ode0 ty"e) ; 0 8 0

o&tet 7 o&tet 2 o&tet 3 o&tet 4 o&tet 5 o&tet 8 o&tet 8a o&tet 82 o&tet 8&


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

,''eF . (i'6or0ati1e)# Co0"ariso' 2et%ee' &all &o'trol "ro&ed*res s"e&i6ied i' 3G<< TS 24.008 a'd )TU-T -e&o00e'datio' E.A37
This anne? su%%ariHes a co%parison of the procedures for call control as specified in IT 6T 1eco%%endation :.931 ,$lue $oo0- and 3#// TS 24.<<3. If no co%%ent is !i(en= it %eans that the procedures specified in IT 6T 1eco%%endation :.931 and 3#// TS 24.<<3 are si%ilar. ;owe(er= it should $e noted that e(en in such cases the procedures %ay $e descri$ed in sli!htly different ways in the two docu%ents. Table C*133GPP TS ()*++,4 Circuit'switched call control procedures
Procedure Call esta2lis!0e't at t!e ori i'ati' i'ter6a&e - &all re3*est - +-&!a''el sele&tio' ori i'ati' - o1erla" se'di' - i'1alid &all i'6or0atio' - &all "ro&eedi' , e'-2lo& se'di' - &all "ro&eedi' , o1erla" se'di' - 'oti6i&atio' o6 i'ter%or5i' at t!e ori i'ati' i'ter6. - &all &o'6ir0atio' i'di&atio' - &all &o''e&ted - &all re>e&tio' - tra'sit 'et%or5 sele&tio' E*031 5.7 5.7.7 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.7.4 5.7.8 5.7.; 5.7.8 5.7.A 5.7.70 5.2.7 e'-2lo& se'di' o'ly 'ot a""li&a2le 'ot s*""orted 'ot s*""orted; 3GPP TS ()*++,


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table C*133GPP TS ()*++,4 Circuit'switched call control procedures !continued$

Procedure Call esta2lis!0e't at t!e desti'atio' i'ter6a&e - &all i'di&atio' E*031 5.2 5.2.7 5.2.2 "ro&ed*re 6or 0*lti"le ter0i'al &o'6i *ratio' 'ot re3*ired, i.e. deli1ery o6 S.TU< 0essa es o' 2road&ast data li'5s is 'ot s*""orted e3*i1ale't, eF&e"t t!at deli1ery o6 S.TU< 0essa es o' 2road&ast data li'5s is 'ot s*""orted 'ot a""li&a2le 'ot s*""orted e3*i1ale't, eF&e"t t!at deli1ery o6 S.TU< 0essa es o' 2road&ast data li'5s is 'ot s*""orted e3*i1ale't, eF&e"t t!at S.TU< 0essa es are 'ot se't o' 2road&ast data li'5s 'ot a""li&a2le 3GPP TS ()*++,

- &o0"ati2ility &!e&5i'


- +-&!a''el sele&tio' desti'atio' - o1erla" re&ei1i' - &all &o'6ir0atio' i'6or0atio'

5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5

- 'oti6i&atio' o6 i'ter%or5i' at t!e ter0i'ati' i'ter6. - &all a&&e"t i'di&atio' - a&ti1e i'di&atio'

5.2.8 5.2.; 5.2.8

- 'o'-sele&ted *ser &leari'



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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table C*133GPP TS ()*++,4 Circuit'switched call control procedures !continued$

Procedure Call &leari' - ter0i'olo y E*031 5.3 5.3.7 5.4 5.4.7 ter0i'olo y ada"ted to GSM a""li&atio's 5.4.2 o'ly &ase a) o6 &la*se 5.3.2 o6 -e&. E.A37 a""lies. ,ll ot!er eF&e"tio's a""ly to 6*'&tio's %!i&! are 'ot rele1a't to GSM 5.4.3 5.4.4 a'd eF&e"tio'# i6 'ot already &o''e&ted, t!e tra66i& &!a''el is &o''e&ted i' order to "ro1ide t!e to'e$a''o*'&e0e't a'd 3GPP TS ()*++,

- eF&e"tio' &o'ditio's


- &leari' i'itiated 2y t!e *ser$MS - &leari' i'itiated 2y t!e 'et%or5 - &leari' %!e' to'es$a''o*'&e0e'ts are "ro1ided

5.3.3 5.3.4

- &leari' %!e' to'es$a''o*'&e0e'ts are 'ot "ro1ided - &o0"letio' o6 &leari' Clear &ollisio' 5.3.5 a'd 5.4.5


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table C*133GPP TS ()*++,4 Circuit'switched call control procedures !continued$

Procedure )'-2a'd to'es a'd a''o*'&e0e'ts -estart "ro&ed*re Call rearra' e0e'ts E*031 5.4 5.5 5.8 5.5.7 'ot s*""orted 5.3.4 &all s*s"e'sio'$&all reesta2lis!0e't 'ot s*""orted o' t!e radio "at!. T!e 6*'&tio's, i6 re3*ired, are to 2e s*""orted lo&ally i' t!e MS. 9' t!e radio i'ter6a&e, t!e 'oti6i&atio' "ro&ed*re o6 -e&. E.A37 (&la*se5.8.;) a""lies 5.5.2 &all &ollisio's &a''ot o&&*r 5.3.4 3GPP TS ()*++,

Call &ollisio's .0er e'&y &all esta2lis!0e't at t!e ori i'ati' i'ter6a&e )'-&all 0odi6i&atio'

5.; 'ot s"e&i6ied 'ot s*""orted ,''eF 9 -e&. E.A37 is i'&o0"lete %it! re ard to i'-&all 0odi6i&atio' "ro&ed*res 'ot s"e&i6ied 'ot s*""orted 'ot s"e&i6ied 'ot s*""orted 5.8.70, 5.8.77 ; 5.A

DTM( "roto&ol &o'trol "ro&ed*res Call re-esta2lis!0e't Stat*s e'3*iry "ro&ed*re User-to-*ser si 'alli' User 'oti6i&atio' "ro&ed*re

5.3.3 5.5.4 5.5.3 3G<< TS 24.070 5.3.7


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,''eF ( (i'6or0ati1e)# GSM s"e&i6i& &a*se 1al*es 6or radio reso*r&e 0a'a e0e't
See 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

,''eF G (i'6or0ati1e)# UMTS s"e&i6i& &a*se 1al*es 6or 0o2ility 0a'a e0e't
This anne? descri$es the cause (alues for the %o$ility %ana!e%ent procedures for non6#/1S ser(ices ,22- and #/1S ser(ices ,#22-. Clauses #1 to #5 are (alid for $oth 22 and #22. ;owe(er= the followin! codes are applica$le for non6#/1S ser(ices onlyE F33 Call cannot $e identified Clause #.& applies only for #22 procedures.


Ca*ses related to MS ide'ti6i&atio'

Cause (alue T 2 I2SI un0nown in ;)1 This cause is sent to the 2S if the 2S is not 0nown ,re!istered- in the ;)1. This cause code does not affect operation of the #/1S ser(ice= althou!h is %ay $e used $y a #22 procedure. Cause (alue T 3 Ille!al 2S This cause is sent to the 2S when the networ0 refuses ser(ice to the 2S either $ecause an identity of the 2S is not accepta$le to the networ0 or $ecause the 2S does not pass the authentication chec0= i.e. the S15S recei(ed fro% the 2S is different fro% that !enerated $y the networ0. Bhen used $y an 22 procedure= e?cept the authentication procedure= this cause does not affect operation of the #/1S ser(ice. Cause (alue T 4 I2SI un0nown in +)1 This cause is sent to the 2S when the !i(en I2SI is not 0nown at the +)1. Cause (alue T 5 I25I not accepted This cause is sent to the 2S if the networ0 does not accept e%er!ency call esta$lish%ent usin! an I25I. Cause (alue T & Ille!al 25 This cause is sent to the 2S if the 25 used is not accepta$le to the networ0= e.!. $lac0listed. Bhen used $y an 22 procedure= this cause does not affect operation of the #/1S ser(ice.


Ca*se related to s*2s&ri"tio' o"tio's

Cause (alue T 11 /)28 not allowed This cause is sent to the 2S if it re>uests location updatin! in a /)28 where the 2S= $y su$scription or due to operator deter%ined $arrin! is not allowed to operate. Cause (alue T 12 )ocation Area not allowed This cause is sent to the 2S if it re>uests location updatin! in a location area where the 2S= $y su$scription= is not allowed to operate. Cause (alue T 13 1oa%in! not allowed in this location area This cause is sent to an 2S which re>uests location updatin! in a location area of a /)28 which offers roa%in! to that 2S in that )ocation Area= $y su$scription. Cause (alue T 15 8o Suita$le Cells In )ocation Area This cause is sent to the 2S if it re>uests location updatin! in a location area where the 2S= $y su$scription= is not allowed to operate= $ut when it should find another allowed location area in the sa%e /)28.

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$


Cause F15 and cause F12 differ in the fact that cause F12 does not tri!!er the 2S to search for another allowed location area on the sa%e /)28.


Ca*ses related to <:M4 s"e&i6i& 'et%or5 6ail*res a'd &o' estio'$,*t!e'ti&atio' (ail*res

Cause (alue T 2< 2AC failure This cause is sent to thenetwor0 if the SI2 detects that the 2AC in the authentication re>uest %essa!e is not fresh ,see 3#// TS 33.1<2-. Cause (alue T 21 Synch failure This cause is sent to the networ0 if the SI2 detects that the S:8 in the authentication re>uest %essa!e is out of ran!e ,see 3#// TS 33.1<2-. Cause (alue T 1* 8etwor0 failure This cause is sent to the 2S if the 2SC cannot ser(ice an 2S !enerated re>uest $ecause of /)28 failures= e.!. pro$le%s in 2A/. Cause (alue T 22 Con!estion This cause is sent if the ser(ice re>uest cannot $e actioned $ecause of con!estion ,e.!. no channel= facility $usy"con!ested etc.-. Cause (alue T 23 #S2 authentication unaccepta$le This cause is sent to the networ0 in 2TS if the 2S supports the 2TS authentication al!orith% and there is no Authentication /ara%eter A T8 I5 present in the A T;58TICATI'8 15: 5ST %essa!e.


Ca*ses related to 'at*re o6 re3*est

Cause (alue T 32 Ser(ice option not supported This cause is sent when the 2S re>uests a ser(ice"facility in the C2 S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e which is not supported $y the /)28. Cause (alue T 33 1e>uested ser(ice option not su$scri$ed This cause is sent when the 2S re>uests a ser(ice option for which it has no su$scription. Cause (alue T 34 Ser(ice option te%porarily out of order This cause is sent when the 2SC cannot ser(ice the re>uest $ecause of te%porary outa!e of one or %ore functions re>uired for supportin! the ser(ice. Cause (alue T 33 Call cannot $e identified This cause is sent when the networ0 cannot identify the call associated with a call re6esta$lish%ent re>uest.


Ca*ses related to i'1alid 0essa es

Cause (alue T 95 Se%antically incorrect %essa!e. See anne? ;= su$clause ;.5.1<. Cause (alue T 9& In(alid %andatory infor%ation.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

See anne? ;= su$clause ;.&.1. Cause (alue T 9* 2essa!e type non6e?istent or not i%ple%ented. See anne? ;= su$clause ;.&.2. Cause (alue T 93 2essa!e not co%pati$le with protocol state. See anne? ;= su$clause ;.&.3. Cause (alue T 99 Infor%ation ele%ent non6e?istent or not i%ple%ented. See anne? ;= su$clause ;.&.4. Cause (alue T 1<< Conditional I5 error. See anne? ;= su$clause ;.&.5. Cause (alue T 1<1 2essa!e not co%pati$le with protocol state. See anne? ;= su$clause ;.&.&. Cause (alue T 111 /rotocol error= unspecified. See anne? ;= su$clause ;.&.3.


,dditio'al &a*se &odes 6or GMM

Cause (alue T * #/1S ser(ices not allowed This cause is sent to the 2S if it re>uests an I2SI attach for #/1S ser(ices= $ut is not allowed to operate #/1S ser(ices. Cause (alue T 3 #/1S ser(ices and non6#/1S ser(ices not allowed This cause is sent to the 2S if it re>uests a co%$ined I2SI attach for #/1S and non6#/1S ser(ices= $ut is not allowed to operate either of the%. Cause (alue T 9 2S identity cannot $e deri(ed $y the networ0 This cause is sent to the 2S when the networ0 cannot deri(e the 2S7s identity fro% the /6T2SI in case of inter6 S#S8 routin! area update. Cause (alue T 1< I%plicitly detached This cause is sent to the 2S either if the networ0 has i%plicitly detached the 2S= e.!. so%e while after the 2o$ile reacha$le ti%er has e?pired= or if the #22 conte?t data related to the su$scription dose not e?ist in the S#S8 e.!. $ecause of a S#S8 restart. Cause (alue T 14 #/1S ser(ices not allowed in this /)28 This cause is sent to the 2S which re>uests #/1S ser(ice in a /)28 which does not offer roa%in! for #/1S ser(ices to that 2S. Cause (alue T 1& 2SC te%porarily not reacha$le This cause is sent to the 2S if it re>uests a co%$ined #/1S attach or routin! are updatin! in a /)28 where the 2SC is te%porarily not reacha$le (ia the #/1S part of the #S2 networ0. Cause (alue T 4< 8o /4/ conte?t acti(ated This cause is sent to the 2S if the 2S re>uests an esta$lish%ent of the radio access $earers for all acti(e /4/ conte?ts $y sendin! a S51+IC5 15: 5ST %essa!e indicatin! DdataD to the networ0= $ut the S#S8 does not ha(e any acti(e /4/ conte?t,s-.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

,''eF ? (i'6or0ati1e)# UMTS s"e&i6i& &a*se 1al*es 6or &all &o'trol ?.7 4or0al &lass

?.7.7 Ca*se 4o. 7 G*'assi 'ed (*'allo&ated) '*02erG

This cause indicates that the destination re>uested $y the %o$ile station cannot $e reached $ecause= althou!h the nu%$er is in a (alid for%at= it is not currently assi!ned ,allocated-.

?.7.2 Ca*se 4o. 3 G'o ro*te to desti'atio'G

This cause indicates that the called user cannot $e reached $ecause the networ0 throu!h which the call has $een routed does not ser(e the destination desired.

?.7.3 Ca*se 4o. 8 G&!a''el *'a&&e"ta2leG

This cause indicates the channel %ost recently identified is not accepta$le to the sendin! entity for use in this call.

?.7.4 Ca*se 4o. 8 Go"erator deter0i'ed 2arri' G

This cause indicates that the 2S has tried to access a ser(ice that the 2S7s networ0 operator or ser(ice pro(ider is not prepared to allow.

?.7.5 Ca*se 4o.78 G'or0al &all &leari' G

This cause indicates that the call is $ein! cleared $ecause one of the users in(ol(ed in the call has re>uested that the call $e cleared. nder nor%al situations= the source of this cause is not the networ0.

?.7.8 Ca*se 4o.7; G*ser 2*syG

This cause is used when the called user has indicated the ina$ility to accept another call. It is noted that the user e>uip%ent is co%pati$le with the call.

?.7.; Ca*se 4o. 78 G'o *ser res"o'di' G

This cause is used when a user does not respond to a call esta$lish%ent %essa!e with either an alertin! or connect indication within the prescri$ed period of ti%e allocated ,defined $y the e?piry of either ti%er T3<3 or T31<-.

?.7.8 Ca*se 4o. 7A G*ser alerti' , 'o a's%erG

This cause is used when a user has pro(ided an alertin! indication $ut has not pro(ided a connect indication within a prescri$ed period of ti%e.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

?.7.A Ca*se 4o. 27 G&all re>e&tedG

This cause indicates that the e>uip%ent sendin! this cause does not wish to accept this call= althou!h it could ha(e accepted the call $ecause the e>uip%ent sendin! this cause is neither $usy nor inco%pati$le.

?.7.70 Ca*se 4o. 22 G'*02er &!a' edG

This cause is returned to a callin! %o$ile station when the called party nu%$er indicated $y the callin! %o$ile station is no lon!er assi!ned. The new called party nu%$er %ay optionally $e included in the dia!nostic field. If a networ0 does not support this capa$ility= cause 8o. 1 Dunassi!ned ,unallocated- nu%$erD shall $e used.

?.7.77 Ca*se 4o. 25 G"re-e0"tio'G

This cause is returned to the networ0 when a %o$ile station clears an acti(e call which is $ein! pre6e%pted $y another call with hi!her precedence.

?.7.72 Ca*se 4o. 28 G'o'-sele&ted *ser &leari' G

8ot supported. Treated as cause no. 31.

?.7.73 Ca*se 4o. 2; Gdesti'atio' o*t o6 orderG

This cause indicates that the destination indicated $y the %o$ile station cannot $e reached $ecause the interface to the destination is not functionin! correctly. The ter% Dnot functionin! correctlyD indicates that a si!nallin! %essa!e was una$le to $e deli(ered to the re%ote userL e.!.= a physical layer or data lin0 layer failure at the re%ote user= user e>uip%ent off6line= etc.

?.7.74 Ca*se 4o. 28 Gi'1alid '*02er 6or0at (i'&o0"lete '*02er)G

This cause indicates that the called user cannot $e reached $ecause the called party nu%$er is not a (alid for%at or is not co%plete.

?.7.75 Ca*se 4o. 2A G6a&ility re>e&tedG

This cause is returned when a facility re>uested $y user can not $e pro(ided $y the networ0.

?.7.78 Ca*se 4o. 30 Gres"o'se to ST,TUS .4EU)-IG

This cause is included in STAT S %essa!es if the %essa!e is sent in response to a STAT S 58: I1A %essa!e. See also su$clause 5.5.3.

?.7.7; Ca*se 4o. 37 G'or0al, *'s"e&i6iedG

This cause is used to report a nor%al e(ent only when no other cause in the nor%al class applies.


-eso*r&e *'a1aila2le &lass

?.2.7 Ca*se 4o. 34 G'o &ir&*it$&!a''el a1aila2leG

This cause indicates that there is no appropriate circuit"channel presently a(aila$le to handle the call.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

?.2.2 Ca*se 4o. 38 G'et%or5 o*t o6 orderG

This cause indicates that the networ0 is not functionin! correctly and that the condition is li0ely to last a relati(ely lon! period of ti%eL e.!.= i%%ediately re6atte%ptin! the call is not li0ely to $e successful.

?.2.3 Ca*se 4o. 47 Gte0"orary 6ail*reG

This cause indicates that the networ0 is not functionin! correctly and that the condition is not li0ely to last a lon! period of ti%eL e.!.= the %o$ile station %ay wish to try another call atte%pt al%ost i%%ediately.

?.2.4 Ca*se 4o. 42 Gs%it&!i' e3*i"0e't &o' estio'G

This cause indicates that the switchin! e>uip%ent !eneratin! this cause is e?periencin! a period of hi!h traffic.

?.2.5 Ca*se 4o. 43 Ga&&ess i'6or0atio' dis&ardedG

This cause indicates that the networ0 could not deli(er access infor%ation to the re%ote user as re>uestedL i.e.= a user6 to6user infor%ation= low layer co%pati$ility= hi!h layer co%pati$ility= or su$6address as indicated in the dia!nostic. It is noted that the particular type of access infor%ation discarded is optionally included in the dia!nostic.

?.2.8 Ca*se 4o. 44 Gre3*ested &ir&*it$&!a''el 'ot a1aila2leG

This cause is returned when the circuit or channel indicated $y the re>uestin! entity cannot $e pro(ided $y the other side of the interface.

?.2.; Ca*se 4o. 4; Greso*r&e *'a1aila2le, *'s"e&i6iedG

This cause is used to report a resource una(aila$le e(ent only when no other cause in the resource una(aila$le class applies.


Ser1i&e or o"tio' 'ot a1aila2le &lass

?.3.7 Ca*se 4o. 4A G3*ality o6 ser1i&e *'a1aila2leG

This cause indicates to the %o$ile station that the re>uested >uality of ser(ice= as defined in IT 6T 1eco%%endation I.213= cannot $e pro(ided.

?.3.2 Ca*se 4o. 50 G-e3*ested 6a&ility 'ot s*2s&ri2edG

This cause indicates that the re>uested supple%entary ser(ice could not $e pro(ided $y the networ0 $ecause the user has no co%pleted the necessary ad%inistrati(e arran!e%ents with its supportin! networ0s.

?.3.3 Ca*se 4o. 55 G)'&o0i' &alls 2arred %it!i' t!e CUGG

This cause indicates that althou!h the called party is a %e%$er of the C # for the inco%in! C # call= inco%in! calls are not allowed within this C #.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

?.3.4 Ca*se 4o. 5; G2earer &a"a2ility 'ot a*t!oriPedG

This cause indicates that the %o$ile station has re>uested a $earer capa$ility which is i%ple%ented $y the e>uip%ent which !enerated this cause $ut the %o$ile station is not authoriHed to use.

?.3.5 Ca*se 4o. 58 G2earer &a"a2ility 'ot "rese'tly a1aila2leG

This cause indicates that the %o$ile station has re>uested a $earer capa$ility which is i%ple%ented $y the e>uip%ent which !enerated this cause $ut which is not a(aila$le at this ti%e.

?.3.8 Ca*se 4o. 83 Gser1i&e or o"tio' 'ot a1aila2le, *'s"e&i6iedG

This cause is used to report a ser(ice or option not a(aila$le e(ent only when no other cause in the ser(ice or option not a(aila$le class applies.

?.3.; Ca*se 4o. 88 G,CM e3*al to or reater t!a' ,CM0aFG

This cause is used $y the %o$ile to indicate that call clearin! is due to AC2 $ein! !reater than or e>ual to AC2%a?.


Ser1i&e or o"tio' 'ot i0"le0e'ted &lass

?.4.7 Ca*se 4o. 85 G2earer ser1i&e 'ot i0"le0e'tedG

This cause indicates that the e>uip%ent sendin! this cause does not support the $earer capa$ility re>uested.

?.4.2 Ca*se 4o. 8A G-e3*ested 6a&ility 'ot i0"le0e'tedG

This cause indicates that the e>uip%ent sendin! this cause does not support the re>uested supple%entary ser(ice.

?.4.3 Ca*se 4o. ;0 Go'ly restri&ted di ital i'6or0atio' 2earer &a"a2ility is a1aila2leG
This cause indicates that one e>uip%ent has re>uested an unrestricted $earer ser(ice= $ut that the e>uip%ent sendin! this cause only supports the restricted (ersion of the re>uested $earer capa$ility.

?.4.4 Ca*se 4o. ;A Gser1i&e or o"tio' 'ot i0"le0e'ted, *'s"e&i6iedG

This cause is used to report a ser(ice or option not i%ple%ented e(ent only when no other cause in the ser(ice or option not i%ple%ented class applies.


)'1alid 0essa e (e. ., "ara0eter o*t o6 ra' e) &lass

?.5.7 Ca*se 4o. 87 Gi'1alid tra'sa&tio' ide'ti6ier 1al*eG

This cause indicates that the e>uip%ent sendin! this cause has recei(ed a %essa!e with a transaction identifier which is not currently in use on the 2S6networ0 interface.


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C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

?.5.2 Ca*se 4o. 8; G*ser 'ot 0e02er o6 CUGG

This cause indicates that the called user for the inco%in! C # call is not a %e%$er of the specified C #.

?.5.3 Ca*se 4o. 88 Gi'&o0"ati2le desti'atio'G

This cause indicates that the e>uip%ent sendin! this cause has recei(ed a re>uest to esta$lish a call which has low layer co%pati$ility= hi!h layer co%pati$ility= or other co%pati$ility attri$utes ,e.!.= data rate- which cannot $e acco%%odated.

?.5.4 Ca*se 4o. A7 Gi'1alid tra'sit 'et%or5 sele&tio'G

For further study. Treated as cause no. 95.

?.5.5 Ca*se 4o. A5 Gse0a'ti&ally i'&orre&t 0essa eG

This cause is used to report receipt of a %essa!e with se%antically incorrect contents ,see su$clause 3.3-.


<roto&ol error (e. ., *'5'o%' 0essa e) &lass

?.8.7 Ca*se 4o. A8 Gi'1alid 0a'datory i'6or0atio'G

This cause indicates that the e>uip%ent sendin! this cause has recei(ed a %essa!e with a non6se%antical %andatory I5 error ,see su$clause 3.5-.

?.8.2 Ca*se 4o. A; G0essa e ty"e 'o'-eFiste't or 'ot i0"le0e'tedG

This cause indicates that the e>uip%ent sendin! this cause has recei(ed a %essa!e with a %essa!e type it does not reco!niHe either $ecause this is a %essa!e not defined= or defined $ut not i%ple%ented $y the e>uip%ent sendin! this cause.

?.8.3 Ca*se 4o. A8 G0essa e ty"e 'ot &o0"ati2le %it! "roto&ol stateG
This cause indicates that the e>uip%ent sendin! this cause has recei(ed a %essa!e not co%pati$le with the protocol state ,su$clause 3.4-.

?.8.4 Ca*se 4o. AA Gi'6or0atio' ele0e't 'o'-eFiste't or 'ot i0"le0e'tedG

This cause indicates that the e>uip%ent sendin! this cause has recei(ed a %essa!e which includes infor%ation ele%ents not reco!niHed $ecause the infor%ation ele%ent identifier is not defined or it is defined $ut not i%ple%ented $y the e>uip%ent sendin! the cause. ;owe(er= the infor%ation ele%ent is not re>uired to $e present in the %essa!e in order for the e>uip%ent sendin! the cause to process the %essa!e.

?.8.5 Ca*se 4o. 700 G&o'ditio'al ). errorG

This cause indicates that the e>uip%ent sendin! this cause has recei(ed a %essa!e with conditional I5 errors ,see su$clause 3.*.2-.

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

?.8.8 Ca*se 4o. 707 G0essa e 'ot &o0"ati2le %it! "roto&ol stateG
This cause indicates that a %essa!e has $een recei(ed which is inco%pati$le with the protocol state or that a STAT S %essa!e has $een recei(ed indicatin! an inco%pati$le call state.

?.8.; Ca*se 4o. 702 Gre&o1ery o' ti0er eF"iryG

This cause indicates that a procedure has $een initiated $y the e?piry of a ti%er in association with 3#// TS 24.<<3 error handlin! procedures.

?.8.8 Ca*se 4o. 777 G"roto&ol error, *'s"e&i6iedG

This cause is used to report a protocol error e(ent only when no other cause in the protocol error class applies.


)'ter%or5i' &lass

?.;.7 Ca*se 4o. 72; Gi'ter%or5i' , *'s"e&i6iedG

This cause indicates that there has $een interwor0in! with a networ0 which does not pro(ide causes for actions it ta0esL thus= the precise cause for a %essa!e which is $ein! sent cannot $e ascertained.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

,''eF ) (i'6or0ati1e)# G<-S s"e&i6i& &a*se 1al*es 6or sessio' 0a'a e0e't ).7 Ca*ses related to 'at*re o6 re3*est
This cause code is used $y the networ0 to indicate that the re>uested ser(ice was reCected $y the S#S8 due to 'perator 4eter%ined .arrin!. Cause (alue T 25 ))C or S84C/ failure ,#S2 onlyThis cause code is used $y the 2S indicate that a /4/ conte?t is deacti(ated $ecause of a ))C or S84C/ failure (e.!. if the S2 recei(es a S SM-ST!TUS+re5uest %essa!e with cause DDM recei4ed D or D in4alid @ID response D= see 3G<< TS 44.<&5 N*3OCause (alue T 2& Insufficient resources This cause code is used $y the 2S or $y the networ0 to indicate that a /4/ conte?t acti(ation re>uest= secondary /4/ conte?t acti(ation re>uest or /4/ conte?t %odification re>uest cannot $e accepted due to insufficient resources. Cause (alue T 2* n0nown or %issin! access point na%e This cause code is used $y the networ0 to indicate that the re>uested ser(ice was reCected $y the e?ternal pac0et data networ0 $ecause the access point na%e was not included althou!h re>uired or if the access point na%e could not $e resol(ed. Cause (alue T 23 n0nown /4/ address or /4/ type This cause code is used $y the networ0 to indicate that the re>uested ser(ice was reCected $y the e?ternal pac0et data networ0 $ecause the /4/ address or type could not $e reco!nised. Cause (alue T 29 ser authentication failed This cause code is used $y the networ0 to indicate that the re>uested ser(ice was reCected $y the e?ternal pac0et data networ0 due to a failed user authentication. Cause (alue T 3< Acti(ation reCected $y ##S8 This cause code is used $y the networ0 to indicate that the re>uested ser(ice was reCected $y the ##S8. Cause (alue T 31 Acti(ation reCected= unspecified This cause code is used $y the networ0 to indicate that the re>uested ser(ice was reCected due to unspecified reasons. Cause (alue T 32 Ser(ice option not supported This cause code is used $y the networ0 when the 2S re>uests a ser(ice which is not supported $y the /)28. Cause (alue T 33 1e>uested ser(ice option not su$scri$ed See Anne? #= clause 4. Cause (alue T 34 Ser(ice option te%porarily out of order See Anne? #= clause 4. Cause (alue T 35 8SA/I already used This cause code %ay $e used $y a networ0 to indicate that the 8SA/I re>uested $y the 2S in the /4/ conte?t acti(ation re>uest is already used $y another acti(e /4/ conte?t of this 2S.

Cause (alue T 3 'perator 4eter%ined .arrin!

"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

8e(er to $e sent= $ut can $e recei(ed fro% a 19*"193 networ0 at /4/ conte?t acti(ation Cause (alue T 3& 1e!ular /4/ conte?t deacti(ation This cause code is used to indicate a re!ular 2S or networ0 initiated /4/ conte?t deacti(ation. Cause (alue T 3* :oS not accepted This cause code is used $y the 2S if the new :oS cannot $e accepted that were indicated $y the networ0 in the /4/ Conte?t 2odification procedure. Cause (alue T 33 8etwor0 failure This cause code is used $y the networ0 to indicate that the /4/ conte?t deacti(ation is caused $y an error situation in the networ0. Cause (alue T 39 1eacti(ation re>uested This cause code is used $y the networ0 to re>uest a /4/ conte?t reacti(ation after a ##S8 restart. Cause (alue T 4< Feature not supported This cause code is used $y the 2S to indicate that the /4/ conte?t acti(ation initiated $y the networ0 is not supported $y the 2S. Cause (alue T 41 se%antic error in the TFT operation. This cause code is used $y the networ0 to indicate that the there is a se%antic error in the TFT operation included in a secondary /4/ conte?t acti(ation re>uest or an 2S6initiated /4/ conte?t %odification. Cause (alue T 42 syntactical error in the TFT operation. This cause code is used $y the networ0 to indicate that there is a syntactical error in the TFT operation included in a secondary /4/ conte?t acti(ation re>uest or an 2S6initiated /4/ conte?t %odification. Cause (alue T 43 un0nown /4/ conte?t This cause code is used $y the networ0 to indicate that the /4/ conte?t identified $y the )in0ed TI I5 the secondary /4/ conte?t acti(ation re>uest is not acti(e. Cause (alue T 44 se%antic errors in pac0et filter,sThis cause code is used $y the networ0 to indicate that there is one or %ore se%antic errors in pac0et filter,s- of the TFT included in a secondary /4/ conte?t acti(ation re>uest or an 2S6initiated /4/ conte?t %odification. Cause (alue T 45 syntactical error in pac0et filter,sThis cause code is used $y the networ0 to indicate that there is one or %ore syntactical errors in pac0et filter,sof the TFT included in a secondary /4/ conte?t acti(ation re>uest or an 2S6initiated /4/ conte?t %odification. Cause (alue T 4& /4/ conte?t without TFT already acti(ated This cause code is used $y the networ0 to indicate that the networ0 has already acti(ated a /4/ conte?t without TFT.


Ca*ses related to i'1alid 0essa es

See anne? ;= su$clause ;.5.1.

Cause (alue T 31 In(alid transaction identifier (alue.

Cause (alue T 95 Se%antically incorrect %essa!e. See anne? ;= su$clause ;.5.1<.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Cause (alue T 9& In(alid %andatory infor%ation. See anne? ;= su$clause ;.&.1. Cause (alue T 9* 2essa!e type non6e?istent or not i%ple%ented. See anne? ;= su$clause ;.&.2. Cause (alue T 93 2essa!e not co%pati$le with protocol state. See anne? ;= su$clause ;.&.3. Cause (alue T 99 Infor%ation ele%ent non6e?istent or not i%ple%ented. See anne? ;= su$clause ;.&.4. Cause (alue T 1<< Conditional I5 error. See anne? ;= su$clause ;.&.5. Cause (alue T 1<1 2essa!e not co%pati$le with protocol state. See anne? ;= su$clause ;.&.&. Cause (alue T 111 /rotocol error= unspecified. See anne? ;= su$clause ;.&.3.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

,''eF @ (i'6or0ati1e)# ,l orit!0 to e'&ode 6re3*e'&y list i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts

See 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

,''eF B (i'6or0ati1e)# De6a*lt Codi' s o6 )'6or0atio' .le0e'ts

The infor%ation in this anne? does 8'T define the (alue of any I5I for any particular %essa!e. This anne? e?ists to aid the desi!n of new %essa!es= in particular with re!ard to $ac0ward co%pati$ility with phase 1 %o$ile stations.


Co00o' i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts.

Table G*133GPP TS ()*++,4 &efault infor7ation ele7ent identifier codin for co77on infor7ation ele7ents
"eference clause 8 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 / # 7 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 . # 7 # 0 0 0 0 0 7 # # 7 # 7 7 7 7 7 0 ) # 0 0 0 7 7 0 3 # 0 0 7 0 7 0 ( # 0 7 7 0 7 0 1 # 7 7 7 0 7 0 Ty"e 7 i'6o ele0e'ts 4ote 7 Ty"e 3 R 4 i'6o ele0e'ts 4ote 7 :o&atio' ,rea )de'ti6i&atio' Mo2ile )de'tity 4ote 7 4ote 7 Mo2ile Statio' &lass0ar5 3 70.5.7.;

For the co%%on infor%ation ele%ents types listed $elow= the default codin! of infor%ation ele%ent identifier $its is su%%ariHed in ta$le K.1"3#// TS 24.<<3.

S"are ?al6 9&tet ,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed

8'T5 1E These (alues were allocated $ut ne(er used in earlier phases of the protocol. 8'T5 2E For #/1S co%%on infor%ation ele%ents no default (alues are definedE


-adio -eso*r&e 0a'a e0e't i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts.

See 3#// TS 44.<13 N34O= anne? K.


Mo2ility 0a'a e0e't i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts.

For the %o$ility %ana!e%ent infor%ation ele%ents listed $elow= the default codin! of the infor%ation ele%ent identifier $its is su%%ariHed in ta$le K.3"3#// TS 24.<<3.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table G*333GPP TS ()*++,4 &efault infor7ation ele7ent identifier codin for 7obility 7ana e7ent infor7ation ele7ents
"eference clause 8 7 7 7 7 / 0 7 7 0 . 0 0 7 7 # 7 0 0 0 ) 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 7 ( 0 7 0 7 0 1 7 0 7 0 0 Ty"e 7 i'6o ele0e'ts 4ote 4ote 4ote Ty"e 2 i'6o ele0e'ts (ollo%-o' <ro&eed CTS <er0issio' Ty"e 3 R 4 i'6o ele0e'ts 4ote 4ote 4ote 70.5.3.;

0 0 0

7 7 7

0 0 0

0 0 0

,ll ot!er 1al*es are reser1ed


These (alues were allocated $ut ne(er used in earlier (ersions of the protocol


Call &o'trol i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts.

For the call control infor%ation ele%ents listed $elow= the default codin! of the infor%ation ele%ent identifiers is defined in ta$le K.4"3#// TS 24.<<3.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

Table G*)33GPP TS ()*++,4 &efault infor7ation ele7ent identifier codin for call control infor7ation ele7ents
"eference clause 8 7 / # 0 0 7 7 0 . # 0 7 0 7 # # 7 7 7 0 ) # 0 0 0 0 # 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 7 7 3 # 0 0 0 0 # 7 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ( # 0 0 7 7 # 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 1 # 0 7 0 7 # 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 Ty"e 7 i'6o ele0e'ts s!i6t 4ote -e"eat i'di&ator Ty"e 2 i'6or0atio' ele0e'ts More data C:)- S*""ressio' C:)- )'1o&atio' -e1erse &all set*" dire&tio' Ty"e 3 R 4 i'6o ele0e'ts +earer &a"a2ility Ca*se 4ote Call Co'trol Ca"a2ilities (a&ility <ro ress i'di&ator ,*Filiary states 4ote Bey"ad 6a&ility Si 'al Co''e&ted '*02er Co''e&ted s*2address Calli' "arty +CD '*02er Calli' "arty s*2address Called "arty +CD '*02er Called "arty s*2address -edire&ti' <arty +CD -edire&ti' <arty s*2address :o% layer &o0"ati2. ?i ! layer &o0"ati2. User-*ser SS 1ersio' i'di&ator a'd .3; 70.5.4.A 70.5.4.;

# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

# 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

# 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 7 7 7

M666666these (alues were allocated $ut ne(er used in earlier phases of the protocol.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

,''eF : ('or0ati1e)# .sta2lis!0e't &a*se ()* 0ode o'ly) :.7 Ma""i' o6 4,S "ro&ed*re to --C esta2lis!0e't &a*se()* 0ode o'ly)
Table L*1*133GPP TS ()*++,4 Mappin of CS N8S procedure to establish7ent cause
CS N8S procedure 9ri i'ati' CS s"ee&! &all 9ri i'ati' CS data &all CS .0er e'&y &all Call re-esta2lis!0e't :o&atio' *"date )MS) Deta&! M9 SMS 1ia CS do0ai' S*""le0e'tary Ser1i&es ,'s%er to &ir&*it s%it&!ed "a i' SS "art o6 :o&atio' ser1i&es ""C Cstablish7ent cause !accordin 3GPP TS (#*331) 9ri i'ati' Co'1ersatio'al Call 9ri i'ati' Co'1ersatio'al Call .0er e'&y &all Call re-esta2lis!0e't -e istratio' Deta&! 9ri i'ati' :o% <riority Si 'alli' 9ri i'ati' ?i ! <riority Si 'alli' Set e3*al to t!e 1al*e o6 t!e "a i' &a*se *sed i' t!e re&e"tio' o6 "a i' i' t!e --C layer 9ri i'ati' ?i ! <riority Si 'alli'

Bhen 22 re>uests the esta$lish%ent of a 11 connection= the 11C esta$lish%ent cause used $y the 2S shall $e selected accordin! to the CS 8AS procedure as specified in ta$le ).1.1.

Bhen #22 re>uests the esta$lish%ent of a /S si!nallin! connection= the 11C esta$lish%ent cause used $y the 2S shall $e selected accordin! to the /S 8AS procedure as specified in Ta$le ).1.2. Table L*1*(33GPP TS ()*++,4 Mappin of PS N8S procedure to establish7ent cause
PS N8S procedure G<-S ,tta&! -o*ti' ,rea U"date S 6or t!e &ase o6 XDire&ted Si 'alli' Co''e&tio' -e-.sta2lis!0e't (see &!a"ter 4.;.2.5.) -o*ti' area U"date S all &ases ot!er t!a' XDire&ted Si 'alli' Co''e&tio' -e-.sta2lis!0e't G<-S Deta&! -e3*est to re-esta2lis! -,+s ""C Cstablish7ent cause !accordin 3GPP TS (#*331) -e istratio' Call -e-.sta2lis!0e't

-e istratio'

Deta&! .it!er X9ri i'ati' Co'1ersatio'al CallY or X9ri i'ati' Strea0i' CallY or X9ri i'ati' )'tera&ti1e CallY or X9ri i'ati' +a&5 ro*'d Call X S de"e'di' o' t!e Tra66i& Class i' EoS o6 t!e G0ost de0a'di' G -,+. (see 4ote 7) ,&ti1ate <D< Co'teFt .it!er X9ri i'ati' Co'1ersatio'al CallY or X9ri i'ati' Strea0i' CallY or X9ri i'ati' )'tera&ti1e CallY or X9ri i'ati' +a&5 ro*'d Call X S de"e'di' o' t!e Tra66i& Class i' EoS o6 t!e G0ost de0a'di' G -,+. (see 4ote 7) S )6 Tra66i& Class i' EoS is 'ot XCo'1ersatio'al ClassY or XStrea0i' ClassY or X)'tera&ti1e ClassY or X+a&5 ro*'d ClassY 2*t is XS*2s&ri2ed Tra66i& ClassY, t!e' X9ri i'ati' ?i ! <riority Si 'alli' Y s!all 2e *sed. Modi6y <D< Co'teFt 9ri i'ati' ?i ! <riority Si 'alli' Dea&ti1ate <D< Co'teFt 9ri i'ati' ?i ! <riority Si 'alli' M9 SMS 1ia <S do0ai' 9ri i'ati' :o% <riority Si 'alli' SS "art o6 :o&atio' ser1i&es 9ri i'ati' ?i ! <riority Si 'alli' ,'s%er to "a&5et "a i' Set e3*al to t!e 1al*e o6 t!e "a i' &a*se *sed i' t!e re&e"tio' o6 "a i' i' t!e --C layer 49T. 7# (or &lassi6i&atio' o6 G0ost de0a'di' G Tra66i& Class t!e 6ollo%i' ra'5i' order a""lies# GCo'1ersatio'alG 6ollo%ed 2y GStrea0i' G 6ollo%ed 2y G)'tera&ti1eG 6ollo%ed 2y G+a&5 ro*'dG, %!ere GCo'1ersatio'alG is t!e 0ost de0a'di' Tra66i& &lass i' ter0s o6 2ei' delay se'siti1e. )' &!osi' t!e G0ost de0a'di' G Tra66i& Class all already a&ti1e <D< Co'teFt to et!er %it! t!e <D< Co'teFt to 2e a&ti1ated s!all 2e &o'sidered


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

8'T5E The 11C esta$lish%ent cause %ay $e used $y the networ0 to prioritise the connection esta$lish%ent re>uest fro% the 2S at hi!h load situations in the networ0.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

,''eF M ('or0ati1e)# ,dditio'al -e3*ire0e'ts 6or 2a&5%ard &o0"ati2ility %it! <CS 7A00 6or 4, re1isio' 0 M.
This anne? pro(ides additional re>uire%ents to support networ0 %echanis%s for $ac0ward co%pati$ility with /CS 19<< for 8A re(ision < %o$ile e>uip%ents ,applica$le until Quly 1= 1993-. /CS 19<< for 8A re(ision < %o$ile e>uip%ents are defined to understand 2o$ile 8etwor0 Codes %ade of up to 2 di!its. ;owe(er federal re!ulation %andates that a 36di!it 28C shall $e allocated $y each ad%inistration to networ0 operators. Therefore each networ0 operator is identified $y a 36di!it 2o$ile Country Code and a 36di!it 2o$ile 8etwor0 Code. An operator whose networ0 code co%plies to the allocation principle specified for /CS 19<< for 8A and wants to achie(e for a transition period of ti%e the $ac0ward co%pati$ility with /CS 19<< for 8A re(ision < %o$ile e>uip%ents shall apply the followin!E 6 The networ0 shall send o(er the air interface the 36di!it 2o$ile Country Code and only the two %ost si!nificant di!its of the 2o$ile 8etwor0 Code ,the (alue of the Ddi!itD sent instead of the 3rd di!it is specified in 3#// TS 24.<<3= su$clause 1<.5.1.3- ,see note-.

Bhen a /CS 19<< for 8A ,re(ision !reater than <- %o$ile e>uip%ent reco!niHes o(er the air the 2o$ile Country Code and the two %ost si!nificant di!its of the 2o$ile 8etwor0 Code as $ein! the ;/)28 codes of the current I2SI= the %o$ile e>uip%ent shall ta0e into account the (alue of the si?th I2SI di!it read fro% the SI2. If this (alue %atches to a (alue contained in the li%ited set of (alues for the least si!nificant 28C di!it assi!ned $y the nu%$er ad%inistration $odies for /CS 19<< for 8A then the followin! applies for the %o$ile e>uip%entE 6 The (alue sent o(er the air instead of the 3rd 28C di!it in the )ocation Area Identification ,for codin! see 3#// TS 24.<<3= su$clause 1<.5.1.3- shall $e interpreted as the (alue of the si?th I2SI di!it read fro% the SI2.

8'T5E It is still a networ0 operator option to apply this re>uire%ent after Quly 1= 1993. ;owe(er= in this case the followin! shall $e consideredE 1. 8etwor0 selection considerations for o(erlappin! networ0sE 6 8etwor0s o(erlappin! to the ;/)28= identified o(er the radio interface $y an identical co%$ination 2CC1 2CC2 2CC3 28C1 28C2 ,possi$le after Quly 1= 1993- %ay $e selecta$le $y /CS 19<< for 8A %o$ile e>uip%ents re(ision < with the sa%e priority as the ;/)28 or presented to the user as the ;/)28.

2 1oa%in! considerationsE 6 1oa%ers ,SI2- fro% networ0s identified $y an identical co%$ination 2CC1 2CC2 2CC3 28C1 28C2 ,possi$le after Quly 1= 1993- when roa%in! into the operator networ0 with /CS 19<< for 8A %o$ile e>uip%ents re(ision <= %ay cause these e>uip%ents to e?hi$it an unpredicta$le $eha(iour ,e.!. loopin! in the ;/)28 selection and re!istration procedures-. ;o%e su$scri$ers ,SI2- roa%in! with /CS 19<< for 8A %o$ile e>uip%ents re(ision < into networ0s identified $y an identical co%$ination 2CC1 2CC2 2CC3 28C1 28C2 ,possi$le after Quly 1= 1993-= %ay consider $ein! attached to the ;/)28.


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

,''eF 4 (i'6or0ati1e)# C!a' e -e&ord

1elease 4 for 3#// TS 24.<<3 (4.<.< is $ased on 3#// TS 24.<<3 (ersion 3.5.<
&ate 0A-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 72-2000 TSG O TSG-C4A 4<-0A 4<-0A 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 4<-70 @a'-07 TSG &oc* C" Chan e history "e6 Subject3Co77ent 4e% release 4 6or 24.008, 2ased o' V3.5.0 %!i&! %as a""ro1ed at t!e sa0e <le'ary. 5 CC .'!a'&e0e'ts 6or Code& Sele&tio' 3 .0er e'&y Call ,dditio's 7 T!e Gro*" or +road&ast Call -e6ere'&e 6ro0 t!e 0o2ile statio' to t!e 'et%or5 7 GSM ;00 additio' i'to MS &lass0ar5 R radio a&&ess &a"a2ility ). Clari6i&atio' to t!e 'et%or5 i'itiated G<-S deta&! "ro&ed*re ()MS) deta&!) Corre&tio' o6 *"date stat*s o' ,*t!e'ti&atio' -e>e&t Des&ri"tio' 96 Ti0er T337; o' eF"iry 2 -e0o1al o6 Gre&e'tly dea&ti1atedG &o'ditio' 6or <D< &o'teFts a'd so0e re6ere'&es &orre&tio's 2 T!e a""li&atio' o6 se&*rity "ro&ed*res to e0er e'&y &alls 7 U"dati' o6 +earer Ca"a2ility ). 3.7 5?P 0*lti0edia &alls at 33.8 52it$s data rate 32 52it$s UD)$-D) 0*lti0edia 7 C!a' e o6 re6ere'&e to 28.703 6or *se o6 &ode& 2it0a" i' t!e S*""orted Code& :ist )'trod*&tio' o6 .G<-S 6or DTM Clari6i&atio' o6 res"o'se !a'dli' o6 Ser1i&e -e3*est Clari6i&atio' o6 -,+ re-esta2lis!0e't ,<4 *sed 6or dete&tio' o6 d*"li&ated <D< &o'teFt a&ti1atio' 7 U'sy'&!ro'iPed <D< &o'teFts !a'dli' - MS less Corre&tio' o' T(T setti' &o'ditio' Corre&tio' o6 t!e ti0er list Corre&tio' o6 <D< &o'teFt d*"li&atio' !a'dli' D-D "ara0eter ra' e &orre&tio' -- &o''e&tio' re"la&ed %it! <S si 'alli' &o''e&tio' Corre&tio' o6 t!e 1ersio' a'd date i' t!e ?eader title $<a e7 5ld New

4<-000448 0;3 4<-00044; 245 4<-00088; 282 4<-00088A 284 4<-0008;0 288 4<-0008;0 2;8 4<-0008;7 283 4<-0008;7 288 4<-0008;2 4<-0008;7 4<-0008;3 4<-0008;3 4<-0008;8 4<-000888 4<-0008;0 4<-0008;0 4<-0008;0 4<-0008;0 4<-0008;7 4<-0008;2 4<-0008;0 4<-0008;0 4<-0008;7 2A0 2A5 307 303 370 377 372 373 374 375 37; 378 37A 327 323

3.5.0 3.5.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.0.0 4.7.0

4.0.0 4.0.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.0 4.7.7


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

&ate 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007

TSG O 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77

TSG &oc* 4<-070723 4<-07072; 4<-070778 4<-070723 4<-070757

C" 288 287 324 328 334

"e6 2 4 7 7 7

4<-070723 338 4<-070723 338 4<-070205 344 4<-070728 345 4<-070723 348 4<-070723 4<-070725 4<-07072A 4<-07074; 4<-070205 350 358 380 383 385

4 7

7 7 2 3 7

4<-07072A 38; 4<-070748 3;; 4<-07074; 3;8 4<-07020; 3;A 4<-07020; 380 4<-07020; 387 4<-070757 382 4<-070754 383 4<-070755 384 4<-070205 385 4<-070780 388 4<-070780 4<-070780 4<-070780 4<-070270 4<-070208 38; 388 38A 3A7 3A2

03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 4<K77 03-2007 4<K77 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 03-2007 08-2<<1 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 7 7 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 4<K77 7 7 7

7 7

Chan e history Subject3Co77ent ,dditio' o6 ty"e 4 ).s 6or <-TMS) Si 'at*re a'd G<-S Ti0er 9"tio'al s*""ort o6 UMTS ,B, 2y a GSM o'ly -AA M. ,dd 'e% &a*se 1al*e o' X9D+ 6or t!e <a&5et 9rie'ted Ser1i&esY Corre&tio' to MM ti0er !a'dli' ,dd UMTS 7.28 M&"s TDD &a"a2ility s*""ort to MS CM3 Clari6i&atio' o6 t!e esta2lis!0e't &o'6ir0 6or t!e si 'alli' &o''e&tio' Clari6i&atio' o6 t!e lo&atio' *"date a2'or0al &ases 2) a'd &) o' t!e MS side *'sy'&!ro'ised <D< &o'teFts - MS less (2) U"date o6 MS &lass0ar5 2 a'd MS 4et%or5 Ca"a2ility to s*""ort :CS Corre&tio' o6 G<-S &i"!eri' 5ey se3*e'&e '*02er ).) Collisio's &ases o6 &ore 'et%or5 i'itiated "a i' a'd MS i'itiated GMM s"e&i6i& "ro&ed*res Usi' -,U "ro&ed*re 6or MS -,C ). *"date Co''e&tio' re-esta2lis!0e't o' 6or%ard !a'do1er %it!o*t )*r -oa0i' restri&tio's 6or G<-S ser1i&e Corre&tio' related to Ca*se o6 'o C:) Clari6i&atio' o6 T(T re3*est d*ri' se&o'dary <D< &o'teFt a&ti1atio'. Corre&tio' o6 DTM M*ltislot Ca"a2ilities i' MS Class0ar5 3 a'd MS -adio Class0ar5 ,li '0e't o6 MS ide'tity ). le' t! i' ,TT,C? ,CC.<T a'd -,U ,CC.<T Messa es Ma""i' o6 *""er layer e1e't to esta2lis!0e't &a*se -es*0e at )'tersyste0 &!a' e 6ro0 GSM to UMTS Collisio' &ase o6 C4 i'itiated "a i' a'd MS i'itiated MM s"e&i6i& "ro&ed*res ,dditio' o6 7.28 M&"s UT-, TDD &a"a2ility s*""ort to MS -adio ,&&ess Ca"a2ility ,dd &a*se 1al*e M8(9D+) to t!e <D< &o'teFt dea&ti1atio' i'itiated 2y t!e 'et%or5 -e-tra's0issio' o6 ,UT?.4T)C,T)94 -.EU.ST a'd ,UT?.4T)C,T)94 R C)<?.-)4G -.EU.ST 0essa es MS 2e!a1io*r 6or G-+ -elease 6ollo%ed 2y -+ set*"G <rese'&e o6 <D< address ). i' ,&ti1ate <D< Co'teFt ,&&e"t Corre&tio' o6 -e1isio' :e1el i' MS Class0ar5 a'd MS 4et%or5 Ca"a2ility U'sy'&KMS0oreK-el4 Corre&tio' o6 i'&orre&t re6ere'&es .3*i1 !a'dli' o6 <:M4 %it! di66ere't <:M4 &odes -e0o1al o6 C9D.C ty"e o&tet i' s*""orted C9D.CS list .ditorials. <a e 3;7 %as 0issi' ,- %!i&! is a "art o6 t!e ta2le 70.5.748 (MS -adio ,&&ess Ca"a2ility ).). .ditors 'ote i' is deleted, a'd i' &!a"ter 4.;.3.2.4 a'd 4.;.5.2.4 t!e &a*se 1al*e M8 %as s%o""ed 2a&5 to its ori i'al "la&e as it %as i' 14.7.7. :e' t! o6 User-*ser ). Missi' SM &a*se 40 i' ta2le Modi6i&atio' to MS=s MM states to e'a2le :CS si 'alli' o' -layer Stored list o6 e3*i1ale't <:M4s a'd error$a2'or0al &ases C:,SSM,-B7, 2 a'd 3 &orre&tio's. Clari6i&atio' o6 4et%or5 )'itiated G<-S Deta&! <ro&ed*re <artial -oa0i' S restri&tio' 2y lo&atio' area T!e "riority i' t!e C,:: <-9C..D)4G 0essa e 6or eM:<< s*""orti' 'et%or5 Clea' *" related to V.23, D.;5, D.25 a'd D.32 ?a'dli' o6 MM re>e&t &a*ses 2, 3 a'd 8 2y 0o2ile statio's .Fte'ded *"li'5 T+( Corre&t &odi' errors i' t!e MS -adio ,&&ess Ca"a2ility ). ,li '0e't o6 24.008 a*t!e'ti&atio' "ro&ed*res %it! 33.702

5ld 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7. 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.0 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7 4.7.7

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4.2.7 4.3.0 4.3.0 4.3.0 4.3.0 4.3.0 4.3.0 4.3.0 4.3.0 4.3.0 4.3.0 4.3.0 4.3.0 4.3.0 5.0.0 5.7.0 5.7.0

08-2<<1 08-2<<1 08-2<<1 08-2<<1 08-2<<1 08-2<<1 08-2<<1 08-2<<1 08-2<<1 08-2<<1 08-2<<1 08-2<<1 08-2<<1 08-2<<1 0A-2007 0A-2007

4<K72 4<K72 4<K72 4<K72 4<K72 4<K72 4<K72 4<K72 4<K72 4<K72 4<K72 4<K72 4<K72 4<K72 4<-73 4<-73

4<-0702;5 333 4<-070355 3A4 4<-0702;2 3A8 4<-070352 400 4<-070357 403 4<-070355 477 4<-0702;5 478 4<-0702;5 478 4<-0702;7 47A 4<-0702;5 427 4<-0702;3 422 4<-07028; 423 4<-070343 428 4<-070288 428 4<-0704A3 444 4<-0704AA 452

3 4 2 2 2 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

)'trod*&tio' o6 GTT (CTM) s*""ort

9ld -,) !a'dli' Modi6i&atio' o6 sessio' 0a'a e0e't 2et%ee' MS a'd 'et%or5


"elease #


C%TS ST&'&S'()*++, !(++('-#$

&ate 0A-2007 0A-2007 0A-2007 0A-2007 0A-2007 72-2007 72-2007 72-2007 72-2007 72-2007 72-2007 72-2007 72-2007 72-2007 72-2007 72-2007 72-2007 72-2007 72-2007 72-2007 72-2007 72-2007 03-2002 03-2002 03-2002 03-2002 03-2002 03-2002 03-2002 03-2002 03-2002 03-2002

TSG O 4<-73 4<-73 4<-73 4<-73 4<-73 4<-74 4<-74 4<-74 4<-74 4<-74 4<-74 4<-74 4<-74 4<-74 4<-74 4<-74 4<-74 4<-74 4<-74 4<-74 4<-74 4<-74 4<-75 4<-75 4<-75 4<-75 4<-75 4<-75 4<-75 4<-75 4<-75

TSG &oc* 4<-070533 4<-0704A3 4<-0704A0 4<-0704A8 4<-0704A8 4<-070880 4<-070848 4<-070854 4<-0708;8 4<-070880 4<-070858 4<-07085A 4<-070855 4<-07084; 4<-070852 4<-07084; 4<-070880 4<-07085; 4<-070;00 4<-0708;8 4<-070885 4<-0708A0 4<-020042 4<-020042 4<-02003A 4<-020042 4<-020043 4<-020044 4<-020038 4<-020038 4<-020733

C" 4;5 45; 485 488 4;4 458 4;A 487 48; 488 48A 4A3 4A5 4A8 507 50; 570 578 52; 528 532 534 520 53; 548 550 558 55; 584 5;7 5;5

Chan e history "e6 Subject3Co77ent 2 )'trod*&tio' o6 de6a*lt &ode& UMTSK,M-K2 Corre&tio' o6 <roto&ol &o'6i *ratio' o"tio's Clari6i&atio' o6 8-<SB "o%er &lass &odi' 2 De6i'itio' o6 'e% DTM 0*ltislot &lasses -e0o1e re6ere'&es to s"e&i6i& se&tio's o6 25.337 3 )'trod*&tio' o6 So*r&e Statisti&s Des&ri"tor 7 Corre&tio' o6 t!e &riteria 6or t!e *sa e o6 &o02i'ed -,U Corre&tio' o6 de6a*lt &ode& sele&tio' &riterio' 7 Ma""i' o6 4,S "ro&ed*res to --C .sta2lis!0e't Ca*ses Corre&tio' o6 0issi' a&tio's o' -,4D a'd T3278, T3378 2 :CS &a"a2ility 6or G<-S Usa e o6 TMS) i' )'tra Do0ai' Co''e&tio' o6 -,4 4odes to 2 M*lti"le C4 4odes 2 --C .sta2lis!0e't Ca*ses 6or :CS <ro&ed*res <-TMS) Si 'at*re !a'dli' Corre&tio' o6 0aFi0*0 tra's6er delay 1al*e i' Eos ). ?a'dli' o6 'e%$old T::) i' t!e 'et%or5 Clari6i&atio' o' t!e .DG. "ara0eters i' t!e Mo2ile Statio' 2 Class0ar5 3 ). 2 Use o6 S*""orted Code& :ist (SC:) ). 6or all &ode& ty"es 4 )0"a&t o6 re io'al roa0i' restri&tio's o' t!e GMM &o'teFt 2 Co'ditio's 6or t!e deletio' o6 t!e e3*i1ale't <:M4 list Corre&tio' o6 re6ere'&es i' 24.008 7 )'trod*&tio' o6 G.-,4 6eat*re i'di&ator .ditorial &lea'-*" 2y .TS)$MCC. 2 <-TMS) allo&atio' i' ,tta&! "ro&ed*re 7 Mo2ile ter0i'ated &all %it! si' le '*02eri' s&!e0e Missi' 3rd M4C de6i'itio' 7 ,""li&a2ility o6 CM3 ). Mod*latio' Ca"a2ility i'6or0atio' 3 U" radi' <C9 6or s*""orti' )MS ser1i&es 2 U" radi' T(T 6or s*""orti' )MS ser1i&es 7 ?a'dlli' 6or EoS "ro6ile "ara0eter Gtra's6er delayG 7 Co'ditio's 6or i'&l*di' -A; EoS attri2*tes i' t!e EoS ). Deletio' o6 re6ere'&e to 23.0;7 i' 24.008

5ld 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.0.0 5.7.0 5.7.0 5.7.0 5.7.0 5.7.0 5.7.0 5.7.0 5.7.0 5.7.0 5.7.0 5.7.0 5.7.0 5.7.0 5.7.0 5.7.0 5.7.0 5.7.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0

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