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Al Masaalih al shirkiyyah


Parliament is a place of Shirk and Kufr, it is not allowed for the Muslims to be part of it,
nor to participate in it - whether by being an MP or by being a candidate, collecting votes
to be part of it - nor to be an elector for somebody who wishes to join with it, nor to be a
worker to maintain it, nor a chef to cook for the people involved with it, nor to be an
employee working in any job or position whether administrative or any other service in it.

That is because it is a Taaghout, a place of legislation and issuing laws and ruling by
different than what Allah has revealed. That is because the original basis of the
parliament and democracy is the concept of ‘the ruling of the people, by the people, for
the people'; that the people are the ones to legislate via their representatives (i.e. the
Members of Parliament).

This is in contradiction to the very essence of Islam (i.e. Al Tawheed), the exclusivity of
Almighty Allah in all of his names and attributes, the exclusivity in His rights and
actions; parliament contradicts and opposes the exclusivity of Allah by ruling and making
legislation, by commanding and forbidding when Allah (swt) says,

“The ruling and legislating is for none but Allah.” [EMQ 6: 57 & 12:40 ]

Allah did not say in this ayah that “the ruling is for none but the people”, this is the right
of Allah (swt) alone and He (swt) says,

“Do they seek the ruling of Jahiliyyah? And who is better than Allah as a legislator for
people who have certainty?” [EMQ 5: 50]

And Allah (swt) says,

“Allah does not associate with his right of ruling/legislation anybody.” [EMQ 18: 26]
Allah does not associate in his legislation, neither the people nor the parliament nor
anybody else. As for the claim by those who say, that ‘the origin of democracy is a form
of consultation (Shura),' we say that this claim is one of three: either (i) a lie and a
fabrication, (ii) or it is ignorance, (iii) or it is misguidance.

This is because democracy is not based on the legitimate consultation, rather it is based
on legislation; the MPs consult each other in every matter, - whether that is a matter open
for consultation or not open (i.e. they will consult even regarding what is clear cut, e.g.
the prohibition of alcohol or adultery) - in order to legislate a rule, that is the reality of the
very function of Parliament.

As for the verdict of the people who enter into and participate in parliament, they are as

(1) Anyone who participates in parliament and legislates a law that contradicts the
shari'ah or he consents for a resolution or a law that contradicts the shari'ah, or votes for it
or participates in a referendum for any law that contradicts the shari'ah, that is a Mushrik
Kafir that is not excused by ignorance or by interpretation or by the claim of seeking any
benefit. Allah (swt) says,

“Do they have partners who legislate for them a Deen for which they never had
permission from Allah?” [EMQ Shura: 21]

And Allah (swt) says,

“Do not associate with Allah's legislation anybody” [EMQ 18:26 ]

“The ruling is for none but Allah” [EMQ 6: 57 ]

(2) Anyone who enters into parliament and gives an oath to respect the man-made
constitution and rules, which are non-Islamic - knowing full well what is within the
constitution from clear contradictions to the Shari'ah - that is clear Kufr (rejection of
his/her faith) and apostasy, whether he was serious in his oath or not serious, whether it
was beneficial or otherwise, he has committed the Kufr action knowingly and
intentionally. This form of oath is equivalent to the oath that used to be given by the MPs
of the parliament of Quraish in the time of Muhammad (saw), who would give an oath to
respect Al Laat and Al Uzzah (names of idols that they used to elevate and swear by it).

(3) If he/she did not give any oath to respect the constitution and man-made law nor did
he participate in any legislation nor in any form of referendum that contradicts the
Shari'ah, rather he rejects openly and votes against it, rejecting the right for any MPs to
legislate, the least to be said about that person is that he is misguided, deviant from the
guidance of changing and reforming in accordance to the method of the Messenger
Muhammad (saw),

Therefore, he is not an apostate but he is deviant and misguided because he chose the
way of Shirk, misguidance and apostasy as a way for Da'wah, change and reform, the
way of falsehood and misguidance and not the way of Haq, Allah (swt) says,

“That is Allah, your Lord in truth, what is there instead of the truth, except the
misguidance? How then are you turned away?” [EMQ Yunus: 32]

(4) Some people argue that participating in the Kufr parliament is only in order to take it
as a platform to call to the Deen of Allah and for the benefit of Islam and the Muslim
community. They claim that in order for them to enter, they must ally with the secular
people and parties or with the Kufr groups/parties (e.g. Labour, conservative, liberal
democrat or respect party etc) in order to gain a political position, claiming that he does
so only for the sake of Allah and Da'wah and not for the sake of committing Shirk.
This is one of the arguments that they put forward, to use any means to benefit the
Da'wah or for the interests of the people, claiming that they are doing good deeds. That is
completely false, misguided and a deviation because of the following contradictions with
the Shari'ah,

(i) Allah (swt) says,

“By your lord, we will account all that they do, so call openly whatever I ordered you and
turn away from the mushrikeen, Allah is enough to deal with the mockers.” [EMQ Hijr:

This ayah carries a prohibition from compromising with the Mushrikeen for any political
gain or in order to gain some benefit or even for the sake of Da'wah; that is because the
ayah was in the sequence of proclaiming the truth openly even if they offer you material

(ii) Allah (swt) forbade us from refraining from the shari'ah for any reason, in Surah Al
An'am, Allah (swt) says,

“Follow what has been revealed to you from your lord, there is no one worthy to be
followed, obeyed or worshipped except him and turn away from the Mushrikeen.” [EMQ
6: 106]

The words “turn away from the mushrikeen” is general and is not restricted when faced
with any potential benefit or interests.

(iii) It is a deviation to say, ‘I can do anything or everything in order to convey the truth
or for the sake of benefit and interest' under the pretext of ‘the aims justifies the means',
that is complete falsehood as Allah (swt) says,

“Do not obey the one whose heart is misguided from our guidance (revelation) he follows
his desires while all his deeds were wasted, say: all the truth is from your Lord, either you
believe or you disbelieve, verily we destined for the disbelievers the hellfire.” [EMQ 18:

It is evident in this ayah, that Allah ordered him to speak the truth while carrying Da'wah,
even if the consequences were opposite to his interests, in this case he should stay on Haq
outside the parliament, even if there are interests to be gained by entering with them.

(iv) Moreover, in Surah Baqarah, Allah (swt) says,

“Al Fitnah is greater than killing,” [EMQ 2: 217]


“Al Fitnah is stronger than the killing” [EMQ 2: 191]

Ibn Katheer in his Tafseer of these verses, quoted Abu aaliyah, Mujahid, Ikrimah, Sa'eed
ibn Jubair, Al Dahhaq, Qatada, Al Rabee' ibn Anas and others saying:

“Al Shirk is stronger than the killing”

Verily, the fitnah is the Kufr and the Shirk and it is not allowed for the Muslims to be a
part of it, the Muslim should never compromise with the Kufr or the Shirk for the sake of
any interest or benefit. The greatest scholars of Islam like Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam
Maalik, Imam Shafi'i and Imam Ahmed, Sheikh ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah and Sheikh
Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab all said,
“If the people of the cities and the village fought each other until all of them were killed,
it will be easier (less harm) than to agree together to appoint one Taaghout to rule by what
contradicts the Shari'ah of Islam.”

Furthermore, the principle of ‘bringing benefit and preventing harm' is based entirely on
what the Shari'ah defined and recognises as benefit and what the Shari'ah defined and
recognises to be harm or hardship, not at all what the mind or ration has defined.

Furthermore, the issue of compulsion to commit haram in Islam has a pre-requisite

condition that the harm must be established beforehand in order for the compelled person
not to be considered a transgressor nor rebellious against the Islamic rules, Allah (swt)

“It has been forbidden for you the dead meat, the pork and whatever the name of other
than Allah has been mentioned over it, and whoever has had compulsion without
rebellion or transgression, he has no sin.”

This verse is the principle of compulsion and has a clear condition that the harm of the
hunger must have already reached the person as a pre-requisite before he/she can eat what
is ordinarily unlawful in order to survive. That is further conditioned that he cannot
continue in eating that by transgression or out of rebellion, he eats only what is necessary
to survive.

Further still, there is a big difference between the one who was starving because of the
absence of lawful food and so he eats unlawful food, and the person who goes to the
parliament who is not under any compulsion whatsoever, rather he is involving in
apostasy with his own free choice without to be compelled to do so. So where is the
indication from the permissibility of the dead meat for the starving person, that anyone
can enter into the Kufr parliament and legislate law under the claim that they know what
is the interests of the Da'wah (as if they know better than Allah)? Allah (swt) says,

“Say: do you know better than Allah? … Who is more oppressor than the one who
conceals the testimony that Allah gave him? Allah is aware of everything that you do.”
As for the principle of Duress, which does permits the Muslim to say or do Kufr,
however there is a pre-requisite condition to utilise that permit that the duress must be a
matter of life and death or of direct bodily harm and with the condition that his heart was
full of Imaan. Allah (swt) says,

“Whoever declares Kufr in Allah after he believed except the one who declares Kufr after
duress but his heart was full of Imaan, but whoever finds ease in Kufr, theirs is the anger
of Allah, and they will have a terrible punishment.” [EMQ 16: 106]

These are the only circumstances that is considered duress, it is only either a threat of life
and death or bodily harm that permits them to say or do Kufr, so where is the evidence to
say or commit Kufr without duress with only the claim of gaining interests for Muslims
and for the Da'wah?

Verily the corruption of Shari'ah TV on Channel 4 and Islam channel and the ignorant so-
called Imams of MCB is clear. What they say and do and the road that they are taking to
justify participation in the elections and to become candidates for Parliament or to vote
for the Kufr, that is the road of innovation and misguidance, the road compromise and
humiliation, it contradicts to the teaching of Muhammad (saw) and to the consensus of
his companions and the pious predecessors, it is enough to read the seerah of our beloved
Messenger Muhammad (saw) as reported by ibn Hisham, when the Quraish sent to him
(saw), Utbah to strike a deal, Jaabir ibn Abdullah narrated that,

“Utbah ibn rabee'ah came from the Quraish, and said to the messenger (saw), “O
Muhammad, you divided our society, defamed our way of life, insulted our parent's and
our lords and gods, you exposed us among the Arabs, O man, if what you seek from your
call is authority, we will contract you to be our chief (i.e. to be prime minister) and if
what you seek is to have a noble position, we will grant you a position over us (i.e. head
of parliament, minister or MP) and if what you seek is to be king, we will make you a
king (i.e. to be king of England or president of USA).” Muhammad (saw) rejected and
recited the beginning of Surah Fussilat, “Haa meem, it is revealed from Al Rahman Al
Raheem, it is a book that we elaborated its verses, and recited it in Arabic for people to
comprehend, as a warning and glad tidings but many turn their backs and listen not to
you, they say ‘our heart rejects what you call us to and our ears are blocked and between
you and us is a partition, so ask, ‘what do you want, we will give it to you, act, and we
will also act,' say: I am a human like you, it has been revealed to my that our lord is one
lord, so take the straight path to Him and seek forgiveness from him and dare the
Mushrikeen, who do not pay zakat, and in the hereafter they are Kafireen.” [EMQ
Fussilat: 1-6]

These Ayaat were revealed to Muhammad (Saw) to counter their argument, they offered
to him, positions, money and much benefit for the sake to have him compromise his deen
that is based on the Tawheed and giving up all Kufr and Taaghout and to oppose it's
systems and to attack it and declaring baraa'a (dissociation) from it,”

By Allah, what if this offer had been given to those deviant Muslims who have weak
Imaan and weak hearts? If it was offered to them positions and to enter into parliament,
they would be willing, every one of them and they would be ready to compromise
everything to do so.

Further evidence that exposes the false claim of ‘interests' that MCB and the ‘Islam
channel' call for is reported in the Seerah of ibn Ishaaq and ibn Hishaam vol.1. It is
narrated that the messenger (saw) offered Islam to a group of people from the tribes of
Banu Aamir Al Sa'sa'a, they said to him as a condition to accept the deen,

“Do you see if we pledge to you to follow what you call us to, then Allah grants you
authority over all those who disagree with you and then you pass away, will we have any
share of authority after you? The Prophet (saw) said, “that matter is in the hands of Allah,
he grants it to whoever he wishes.” Then they refused to believe in him (saw),” [Seerah
for ibn Ishaaq and ibn Hishaam]

in this case, the mushrikeen pledged to accept him to be the leader in order to share
power with him and have a rota, that he leads and then they lead after him, to have an
alliance similar to the way the Muslims nowadays ally with the Kufr parties, yet the
Prophet (saw) refused. Verily, if this offer was given to MCB, they would compromise
everything and accept.

In Addition, it is also reported in the Seerah of ibn Ishaaq, that the delegation of Banu
Thaqeef, when they came to the messenger (Saw) embracing Islam, they requested him to
allow them to keep their idols until Islam entered into the hearts of the masses, he (saw)
rejected completely to allow them for even a single moment despite the fact that allowing
them to keep the idols had some clear benefit for the Da'wah, increasing the Muslims and
would have ensured greater security from apostasy and change. Despite all of this
potential benefit, the Prophet (saw) rejected to compromise.

So how will MCB and their followers face Allah on the day of Judgement while they
offered themselves to the parliaments and the Kufr way of life? This is very different
from the above examples where the Kuffar had offered themselves to Islam and had
wanted only to retain some of their Jahiliyyah, and yet the Prophet (saw) still rejected.

It is also reported by Al Imaam Al Baihaqi in the book of Al Dalaa'il vol.1 that Imam Al
Suyaani in his book Al Seerah p204, told the story of Banu Sheebaan bin Tha'labah.
When the Prophet (saw) offered the deen to them, they promised him to protect him and
his call from the Arabs but they refused to protect him (saw) from the Persians, the
Prophet (saw) said to them directly,

“This Deen of Allah will never be supported except by the one who wants to protect it
from all sides”

The Prophet (saw) rejected their offer, despite the fact that there is such a clear benefit for
the Muslims to protected from at least one enemy, yet he did not compromise the call
even though they has not asked to retain any Shirk or Kufr, rather to do something
permissible to maintain support on one side. They wanted to have walaa' (alliance) to the
Prophet (saw) and the Persians and to have baraa'a (disassociation) from the Arabs.
Despite the clear potential benefit in their offer, the Prophet (saw) rejected completely
rather than compromise any part of the Deen.

It is reported in Saheeh Muslim, in the chapter of Al Fadaa'il Al Sahabah, Sa'd ibn Abi
Waqqas said,

“We were with the Prophet (saw) and we were 6 people, the mushrikeen said to the
messenger, “throw these people away from you and keep distance from them and we will
support you.” Allah sent down an ayah ordering him (saw), “do not throw out those who
call their Lord day and night, seeking his pleasure, do not bother about what they offer to
you, nor will you be accounted because of them and if you throw them out you will be an
oppressors…“ [EMQ 6: 52]

Verily, if the British or any other government asked MCB, CAIR or other deviant
moderate Muslims to denounce the du'aat or the mujahideen, or to stop them from
coming to the Masjid for some political gain or interest, they would hurry to sell out the
entire Muslim community despite the fact that it is clearly forbidden in the above ayah.
They offered Muhammad (saw) to have a parliament with them if he threw out only 6
people, yet the Prophet (saw) rejected despite the clear potential benefit, however if the
government asked MCB to denounce 6 Muslims, they would do so and even denounce
many more for their sake.

It is narrated that Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum came to the Prophet (saw), he was blind
and he said to him,

“O Muhammad, guide me,” The Prophet (saw) at that time had some men from the
leaders of Quraish with him and so he started to turn away from the blind man and went
to the leaders, Allah revealed, “He frowned and turned away when the blind man came to
him, how do you know, he could become better …” [EMQ 80: 1-3].” [Jami' Al Saheeh v1

And in Surah Kahf, Allah (swt) says to the messenger,

“And recite what Allah has revealed to you in the books, there will be no change or
defamation in the books, and you will find no refuge except in Him (swt). stand firm with
those who call their lord day and night seeking his pleasure, do not turn away from them
seeking the worldly benefit, and “Do not obey the one whose heart is misguided from our
guidance (revelation) he follows his desires while all his deeds were wasted, say: all the
truth is from your Lord, either you believe or you disbelieve, verily we destined for the
disbelievers the hellfire.” [EMQ 18: 27-29]

If to compromise a Muslim for the interests of the entire deen was not permitted, so how
can we compromise the entire deen for the sake of some lesser worldly interests? In fact,
the very cause of the Hijrah was for the sake of the deen, if the Prophet (saw) thought that
the benefit and interests of the Muslims was to compromise with the government, he
would never grant them permission to migrate, rather he would have told them to stay
and conceal their Deen and to compromise.

As mentioned, one of the arguments that people use to enter into parliament is that ‘it is a
form of Da'wah'. However, we will say that not every means is acceptable to give
Da'wah, because the only means that are acceptable is that which pleases Allah (swt) in
accordance to the Sunnah of Muhammad (saw), who said,

“Allah is Tayyib (good), and does not accept anything except if it is tayyib (good).”

So how can the Kufr and Shirk of parliament be the correct means to give Da'wah? It is
reported in the fattawa of ibn Taymiyyah, v11 p620, he was asked about a famous sheikh
from the Ashaa'ira. He used to gather people and use drums with some permissible poetry
in order to encourage the people committing big sins (kabaa'ir) to come and listen, some
of them came and started to repent and practise Islam, they asked if it was permissible.
Sheikh ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah said,

“…verily, what Allah will guide with it the misguided and lead with it the astray and
forgive with it the sinner must be based on what the messenger (saw) has been sent with,
this sheikh has targeted for those who commit sin to repent and to practise by following
that innovated method, that indicates that this sheikh is jahil on the shari'ah method, that
with it any disobedience will be repented from, because the Prophet (saw) and his
companions and the Tabi'een used to call to those who are even more evil than those
sinners, but using the method of the Shari'ah which was sufficient from Allah, instead of
going to an innovated method. Therefore it is not allowed for this sheikh to adopt any
haram or disliked or even permissible method as an obedience to become closer to Allah
and that is only the action of someone misguided, transgressor with the consensus of the
Muslim scholars.”

If listening to a nasheed with some drums, adopted as a method to invite a sinner to Islam
and for him to repent and become practising is a matter of innovation or haram for ibn
Taymiyyah, then what about the actions that are Kufr or Shirk such as voting and
legislation? How can it possibly become a method to establish Allah's deen?
We know very well how there is a consensus of the scholars of the salaf that it is
forbidden to accept the hadith Da'eef or fabricated Ahadith even if it has beneficial
outcomes to bring people to Islam and practise better, yet it is prohibited to utilise it
despite the benefit that it may have for our Da'wah. There is also consensus that it is
forbidden to promote innovators who engage in innovation (e.g. milad un nabi, khitim, 40
days khuruj, eating at charity dinners etc) despite all the potential benefit it may have to
Da'wah and despite how many people may come to learn because of it and even become
guided from it.

It has been reported that Sheikh ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah said in his Fattawa v18 p476,

“Verily, the Shirk, and to attribute to Allah without knowledge and all forms of unlawful
sexual acts, sayings and transactions, whether the inner and the outer, and the oppression
cannot contain any form of interest or benefit, whatever is forbidden upon every person
in every situation such as Shirk, Kufr or oppression or unlawful sexual acts, or to refer
ahkaam to Allah that he never legislated, nothing is permissible from it under the pretexts
of interest and benefit. That is because Allah (swt) says, “verily, Allah forbade the
unlawful sexual acts and transactions, whatever was hidden or apparent, and any form of
rebellion without Haq and to associate with Allah that which He never revealed, or to
attribute to Allah what you do not have knowledge, all of this is forbidden.” [EMQ 7: 33]
All these are forbidden amongst all people, in all religions and all anbiyaa have been sent
with it's prohibition, and nothing is permissible from it ever, whether before Islam or after
Islam, and none of these can be taken by permit for any interest or benefit for the Deen or
for the Dunya.”

This verse is evidence that we should not listen to those who try to push the ideas of
personal interpretation and opinion, even if he claims to do good deeds and claims to do
what is beneficial for the Da'wah and the Muslims. Bearing in mind that the Shirk and
Kufr by itself is something evil and an insult to Allah, so how can the road to Shirk be a
way to call to Allah and benefit Islam or Muslims?

Sheikh ul Islam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab has a fatwa against the reminders, he was
asked about the Friday reminders (Al Tazkeeru bi Jumu'ah) who used to make noise with
an object every Friday, so that the people knew the day and so that nobody will miss
Salatul Jumu'ah, some of them started to make nasheed and walk in the streets, Ahmed
Shaakir narrated that Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab said,
“Ibn Saanih asked me about Al Tazkeeru bi jumu'ah, it is an innovation, if they say that
some people do not know if it is Friday except with it, then the messenger (saw) knows
better than us and knows the benefit of the ummah better than all of you and the Sunnah
is the adhan for jumu'ah, anything else is innovation.”

So how can going to parliament, which is at best an innovation be permitted to benefit the
Muslims? I ask Allah to guide us to the truth and keep us away from the path of falsehood
and those who call for it. Allahumma Ameen

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