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Debunking Diet & Cancer Myths

Compl ementar y Heal th Practices

o 40 of cancer survlvors reporL uslng
complemenLary pracuce
o Common Lheraples:
naLural producLs
ueep breaLhlng
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Why CAM in Cancer Care?
o eople wlLh cancer may opL for CAM Lo:
Pelp cope wlLh Lhe slde eecLs of cancer LreaLmenLs,
such as nausea, paln, and faugue
ComforL Lhemselves and ease Lhe worrles of cancer
LreaLmenL and relaLed sLress
leel LhaL Lhey are dolng someLhlng more Lo help wlLh
Lhelr own care
1ry Lo LreaL or cure Lhelr cancer
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Dietar y Suppl ements
o very unclear abouL beneLs for lowerlng rlsk
or lmprovlng ouLcomes aer dlagnosls
o Perbal SupplemenLs can acL llke drugs ln your
o vlLamlns can aecL how cancer LreaLmenL
medlcauons and chemoLherapy works
10 x 8uA
o Lxcess vlLamln C - copper declency
o Lxcess phosphorus - lmpalr calclum absorpuon
o Lxcess vlLamlns A, u, k - LoxlclLy
o Lxcess vlLamln L ^ all-cause morLallLy
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Natural Products are Best
o naLural" means noLhlng
o 8oLanlcal producLs are from planLs - buL planLs
conLaln "'(? chemlcals and compounds
o lanL-based producLs may ln Lheory be helpful,
buL how does LhaL LranslaLe Lo Lhe
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Sugar Feeds Cancer
o Sugar ls used by all cells ln Lhe body for energy
- lncludlng cancer cells
o Sugar can lncrease rlsk ln Lhe sense LhaL lL
conLrlbuLes Lo excess welghL galn
!"#$%&'( *(+,-.-# /0$ 1'(&#$ 2#+#'$&34 5676
Mil k & Dair y Cause Cancer
o Mllk and low amounLs of calclum (200 mg/day)
may proLecL agalnsL breasL cancer
o Calclum aL levels > 1,300 mg/day may posslbly
lncrease prosLaLe cancer rlsk
!"#$%&'( *(+,-.-# /0$ 1'(&#$ 2#+#'$&34 5676
Microwaving Food in Pl astic Wrap
o 1here are no dloxlns ln plasuc
o hLhalaLes noL commonly used ln plasuc wraps
ln Lhe uS
o lollow manufacLurer recommendauons: avold
food conLacL wlLh wrap lf mlcrowavlng
!"#$%&'( *(+,-.-# /0$ 1'(&#$ 2#+#'$&34 5676
Reusing Pl astic Water Bottl es
o lnLerneL and emall rumors abouL freezlng
waLer ln plasuc boules and reuslng plasuc
waLer boules - cancer
o Clalms abouL uLPA
o noL subsLanuaLed ln any publlshed research
!"#$%&'( 1'(&#$ H0&%#-?4 5676
Superfoods and the ORAC
o C8AC: Cxygen 8adlcal Absorbance CapaclLy assay
nlP, uSuA
ln vlLro vs. ln vlvo LesL
o Super loods", lnclude buL noL llmlLed Lo:
Cruclferous vegeLables
uark green leafy vegeLables
Creen Lea
For More Infor mation
o nCl 1hlnklng AbouL ComplemenLary and AlLernauve
Medlclne: A Culde for eople wlLh Cancer:
o AlC8 loods LhaL llghL Cancer:
o AlC8 loods LhaL llghL Cancer Clossary:

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