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Lesson 8 - Purity of Thought

Thoughts are one of the most potent powers in the Universe. Very little is understood about the enormous THOUGHT POWER that pervades the Universe.

Each and every person is continually filling the ethers with his or her own thoughts, sending them out continuously, like steam pouring forth from a boiling kettle. Usually we are not even consciously aware of our thoughts as such, it is an automatic action of the brain.

The only time we do not send thoughts out is during the deep stages of meditation or when we have achieved intense concentration, or in a deep state of sleep.

It is told by the ancients that we are what we think - our thoughts can mould us, create our destiny or destroy us. By the POWER OF THOUGHT we can either heal or kill, be pure or evil, positive or negative.

All over the world these streams of thoughts are coming out and as our brain is a receiver as well as a transmitter, the thoughts of others can impose themselves on our receiving instrument and so colour the individual thought. If the thought has been sent out by a very strong transmitter, then it hits like a bomb those whom it has been directed towards or those people who have a receptively tuned instrument of thought and picked it up.

So we can see that when with people of a certain line of thought it must in actual fact affect us one way or another, not necessarily on the conscious level. If we mix with murderers, thieves and such by the thought power emitting from them will in time influence for us enough to be like them.

But if in the company of saints, sages or spiritual people, then the clearness and purity of their thought imposes on our consciousness and gradually our thought world is like theirs.

If we take countries throughout the world which are continually killing each other, we can see the vicious circle that can be created by thought. The dark cloud of hatred and malice that emits from those who are trained to kill, trained to hate have had their thought world so invaded by thoughts which are dark, that they cannot get away from it and so become immersed in it.

Go to a country or a city that is full of peace and tranquillity. You will find the inhabitants have calm thoughts, are peaceful, serene and spiritual. Step into a church and the thought world that is within is something beautiful - it affects us because THOUGHTS LINGER for a great length of time and can be picked up hundreds of years later.

We say we feel the "atmosphere" of a place, how wonderful or how terrible it is. The atmosphere is the thought power that is pervading that particular place, the thoughts of all those who have been there before and now impinge themselves on us.


By the power of thought we can transmit messages anywhere in the world - send a message to Canada, England, India, Australia, the South Pole or North Pole. The distance is of no importance - it depends on the transmitter and the receiver, the power with which it is sent or received.

Natives and many of the darker races have this ability and knowledge down to a very fine degree. There will be tribes hundreds of miles away from each other, with no means of communication, yet are in constant touch with each other. They can kill a wrong-doer or someone who has broken tribal law, without going near that person. It is done by the POWER OF THOUGHT.

We can send HEALING THOUGHTS to help a sick person get well.

The power of thought is as powerful for both dark and light. To develop thought power of the RIGHT TYPE is OUR AIM, to have purity of thought, to consciously transmit at all times thoughts that can only do good, that can help uplift any who come in contact with the thought force emitting from us.

We again come to the COSMIC LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. If we send forth a thought which is dark, or have angry thoughts directed at a person, that person usually reacts, even though you have not verbally said a word. The thought has gone out like an arrow and hit its mark, the recipient has unconsciously felt it and reacts, becoming antagonistic. Then friction sets in.

An animal can tune in to the thought world and is affected. If a person is full of loving thoughts, the animal will respond. A wild animal tuning in to a person thinking fear, will feel this transmission and

then attacks for self protection, but if love and no fear is in the thought world the animal will not attack - there is no reason to.

To think love to plants will make them respond by growing quicker and lovelier. It has been proved by scientists that plant life is extremely sensitive to thought power.

There is nothing that cannot be achieved by thought power. See how important our thought life is? We can move heaven and earth by our mind.

As we walk along the streets, the teeming thousands around us are continually pouring forth their thoughts - what a cloud of disturbed, confused and muddled thoughts impinging themselves on each and every one. You will find it hard to think clearly in the cities because of this power which is so concentrated.

Once you arrive home, away from the masses, your thought world becomes clearer again. How many end up with a headache after being in a crowd of people?

If you are out in a boat on the sea, or in some isolated place rarely frequented by people, notice the calmness and clarity of the mind. In the early hours of the morning, just on waking, many great thoughts come to light because our thought world here is still for awhile. It has rested, so clearing the way for higher thoughts to enter, not confused by the stream of other people, thoughts which have become muddled due to the five senses during our waking hours.

Usually leaders have tremendous power of thought and are able to sway others to do their will. Can you see how important our thought world is? Unless we can educate the masses and the leaders to have PURITY OF THOUGHT- destruction must take place - destroyed by our own thoughts.

Admittedly, if a malicious thought is directed to us it is hard not to retaliate, but so many things come into this thought that may have been directed to us. It could have come about because of some PAST KARMA. It may have been a thought impinging on the sender and he transmitted it unknowingly. Whatever the cause, it is important that our own thought counteract it by sending back thoughts of love, peace, harmony and tranquillity. This takes a great deal of mental discipline on our part. It is so easy to give in to the reaction of thought - BUT - to develop power of thought, first we must have DISCIPLINE. Without discipline we cannot have real power over thought. It is because we have lost mastership over thought that our world today is such a mess.

In this New Age, thought, the science and control of thought, will play a major part.

How do we go about this mastery of thought? We watch over our thoughts every minute of the day. When a thought sneaks in that we recognize is not of the HIGHEST CALIBRE, we immediately throw it out and replace it with a positive, creative and pure thought. At other times we will concentrate on something and make our thoughts obey us.

If in a train, travelling, concentrate on one word such as OM, LOVE or PEACE and make the mind stay with that one word for the whole of the journey. When travelling in a car as a passenger (not driving, as full concentration is needed for this alone) make the mind mentally repeat the same word, or if you prefer you may use the three words OM PEACE LOVE instead of one. Mentally make the mind say if over and over again.

Then when you have to use thought power for a specific purpose you will find it extremely potent because the cobwebs have been cleared away, unnecessary thoughts are not confusing you and now you have full thought power at your disposal. It makes for better living, better business life, better spiritual life, and a better world.

Watch your thoughts. They sneak up on us undetected until it is too late and the damage is done.

By the power of thought we can bring in help from higher spheres. We send strong thoughts upward, asking for help and knowledge. It will bring in the thought power of the GREAT ONES in Spirit who can then transmit to us. We receive their knowledge directly through our own receiver when we have so tuned and controlled our own thought machine for it to be receptive and obey our command of stillness.

The power and grace of God can be brought about by the power of thought. The stronger and longer we send thoughts to God, to the Creator or to the Divine Principle behind Creation, the more it will draw to us that self same power.

We can stimulate the organs of the body, we can induce spiritual ecstasy, we can raise a blister on the hand and we can take it away - all by the power of thought. This is a thought world. One Universal thought, broken up into millions and millions of individual thoughts.

Mentally repeat OM PEACE LOVE at all times, have control over your own thoughts. Become a transmitter and a receiver for all that is good and pure in the Universe.

Create the good and the pure in the Universe - do not destroy our earth by thought, but build it up into one of Light and Harmony. Thought can and will do this.


Day and night, permeate your thought world with these three words. Mentally chant them wherever you are. Control your thoughts with these three words


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