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BCCf Founded London 1959 Agha Hasan Abedi Set up the United Bank of Pakistan

1959 United Bank of Pakistan Set up by Abedi

1971 United Bank of Pakistan Nati on aIizatio n
1971 Agha Hasan Abedi Sought to create supranational banking entity
1971 Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan AI Nahyan Capital supplied to United Bank of Pakistan
1971 Emir of Ahabi Capital supplied to United Bank of Pakistan
1971 Bank of America Capital supplied to United Bank of Pakistan-2S%
1971 CIA Capital supplied to United Bank of Pakistan - alledgly
1971 CIA Purpose of Capital was to seek funding route for the Afghn Mujahideen
1971 Abu Dhabi Most assets were from there
1971 Afghan Mujahideen CIA seeking funding route for them thu United Bank of Pakistan
1972 Agha Hasan Abedi
1973 BCCI 19 branches
1974 BCCI 27 branches
1976 BCCI 108 branches
1976 BCCl 200 million to 1.6 billion
1977 BCCI Reported in dire straits-Deposits funding day to day business Instead of it being investe(
1977 BCCI Among 1st banks to operate in China
1977 George HW Bush In China
1978 Clark Clifford Introduced to BCCI by Burt Lance
1978 Robert A. Altman Introduced to BCCI by Burt lance
1982 Financial General Bankshares 15 Middle East Investors bought it
1982 First American Bankshares Financial General Bankshares renamed
1982 Clark Clifford Named Chairman of First American Bankshares
1982 BeCI Rumor that BCCI really owned First American Bankshares
1982 CenTrust Federal SavIngs Bank Directors F.lee Baily and Richard Gerstein - BCCI affialated
1982 Price Waterhouse Accountants for BCCI overseas
1982 Ernst & Young Auditors for BCCI and BCCI Holdings (London and Luxenbourg)
1987 George Bush secured a critical 25m loan from a bank that was a BCCI joint venture
1987 Price Waterhouse Became sole accountants for BCCI
1988 BCCI Implicated in a drug money laundering scheme - Tampa, Florida
1988 C-Chase Case BeCI implicated in a drug money laundering scheme
1988 BCCI Called the CIA money laundering facility
1988 CIA BCCI called the money laundering facility
1989 BCCI Abu Dhabi groups holding almost 40%
1989 Abu Dhabi Group holding almost 40% in BCCI
19S9 Price Waterhouse Signed BCCl1s 1989 annual audit report
1990 Price Waterhouse Audit revealed hundreds of millions of dollars unaccounted for
1990 Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan AI Nahyan Resolved financial problems and 78% in exchange
1990 Abu Dhabi BCCI documentation shows transfer
1990 BCCt 1.48 billion loans to its own shareholders who used stock as collateral
1990 First American Bankshares Bccr ended up with 60% or more of the stock
1990 Gokal Companies BCClloaned up to 3)( the bank's capital
1990 BCCI Actually siphoned off depositors money to shore up banks shaky loan portfolio
1990 BCCI Paid off shareholders from depositors money
1990 BeCI Pleaded guilty on grounds of respondent superior on C-Chase Case
1991 13 billlon unaccounted for
1991 Clark Clifford
1991 Delotte & Touche Liquidators filed lawsuit against Price Waterhouse and Ernst & Young
1991 Wall Street Journal Mosaic of BCCI connections surrounding harken since GW Bush came on board
1991 Emir of Abu Dhabi Lawsuit against him for 400m
1991 Abu Nidal Broad investigation started
1991 Price Waterhouse Asked to carry out an inquiry
1991 Sandstorm Reported difficulty if not Impossibility to reconstruct bank's financial history
1991 Abu Nidal Link man to BCCl
1991 Samler Najmeddin Arab man named as Link man to BeCI
1991 Najmedien Same as Samier Najmedien -link man to BCCI
1991 Marc Rich American who was always with Najmedien
1991 Luxembourg Ordered BCClliqudated in five countries - 7-5-1991
1991 BCCI Liquidated in 5 countries by court in Luxembourg
1991 BCCI Liquidators by court said 9.5 billion was lost or stolen
1991 United Kingdom Officials said BCCI had never turned a profit in its existence
1991 Shaith Pharaon Puppet owner of national Bank of Georgia
1991 National Bank of Georgia Owned by Burt Lance
1991 Burt Lance Owned National Bank of Georgia
1991 National Bank of Georgia Sold to First American
1991 First American Bankshares Bought National Bank of Georgia
1991 BCCI Liquidators pleaded guilty to all American crimInal charges against bank
1992 Independence Bank Seized
1992 Three Rivers vs Bank of England Case Indicted
1993 First Union Bank Forced merger with First American
1993 First American Bankshares First Union was forced to merge
1995 Abedi Died
1998 Price Waterhouse Settled for 175m
1998 Ernst & Young Settled for 175m
1998 Clark Clifford Died
1998 Robert A. Altman Received a failure to convict in New York state, but could never bank again.
2001 Marc Rich Pardoned by Clinton - 1-20-2001
2005 Delatte & Touche Dropped lawsuit agaInst Bank of England
2005 Three Rivers vs Bank of England Case Collapsed.
2008 Shaith Pharaon Still a fugitive
President Bush Sr. BCCI SAUDIA
FEDEX 1. Bank of Suez
2. Bank of Audi 1.Sheikh Abdulaziz Bin Ibrahim AI-Ibrahim
3. Bank of AI Tagwa 2. Abdulaziz AI-Shehail
Saar Foundation 3. Abe Lurie
4. Aziz AI-yahya
Bank of Washington Max Pharma Burt lance S. Haddi Barrage
6. Harb Al Zuheir
1. Iran-Contra Hamilton Taft 7. Omar Benjamin
2. Burt Lance 1. Sheikh Abdulazlz Bin Ibrahim AI-Ibrahim 8. Assam AI·Masri
3. Adnan l<hashoggi 2. Abdulaziz AI-Shehail
3. Abe Lurie
4. Aziz AI-yahya
5. Haddi Barrage
6. Harb Al Zuheir
7. Omar Benjamin
8. Assam AI-Masri
9. Dr. Passad
lD.Mohamed A. Hadid
i:1?ll;\pSaar FOljnqatipn Rrovi ded th e, cash: for Ha,djg,lSJ] pid;expanslom into,OCs.reah estate:mar~~t
1],~~9\ ty1ph~ ll1 ed Had iii 6fAsp~n;
::*~,~~:l~!?991~JI~.8hl~Egh 101' Said,heW6LJI(:ii9an~roH~h~: q~91.
1989 "Mohqmed:Hadid,W Began acquisitions during the summer of 1989
1989:Mqhame~:tJiadjd ~()llgh~WO{9B.ig;;~,~rttQni!hp~ls;;O,Qtfof;J~9n~ELiptCW
1).::;:--' :: : ... :.':: . .. . ' :. ". ".... ,'., : : .., .. ~. , ',' . , B9~ght? ttoustOJl hotel.·h,~ Y'!9:;c;9nV:e~iflgi?t~::'~',~itz)
?B89 Mohamed Ha,did fi~ie(£t~ QLJY. ~a~t~rlJ'Ajrlihes~Trurn'pib~at-himt~'it;;;; ,
1989 Mohamed Hadid Talked about buying the Hilton Hotel Chain
~989}M()ham~d;Hadid N1~r.~~~ !n p~!Ic:ltte?ed pyt~pcJp'a rtn~rs an'dh Is ba nk~rswa ~tecrtci 1<~'6~~h~t he
(l~~,~,)].[Y~;q,Hb" ,Mirza.,,!' yi~,~i'pr,~1~¢6t,9,f;;~g~/ '" ,.
i'tQ89 ,Mohamed Hadid 9vyn tcJ~21~,,~ ~'"Y(X9rkfj,!eny~r\W~sl~~ed
1989 Mohamed Hadld
qY'!ped '8500 t~,t;Sp~rg'pike' ihTyson; Cor~ers..Fo;'edosed
1989 Mohamed HEidid i Executive Offlc~9~nt¢r-I5,RO:"YU Ie'
,1989 Mohamed Ha,did 1212'N~W Y~rk Avenue~,Chapter:l'l'
1989 Chase Manhatten Bank Scheduled to Foreclose on 1212 and auction office building --Saar Partner
1989 1212 New York Avenue Hours before foreclosure, the property was put into Chapter 11
1989 John Guinee, Jr. Workout specialist who put 1212 into bankruptcy
1989 Chase Manhatten Bank Hadid owed Chase 1 m. in unsecured debt
(0"/1989 .Saar FoundatIon T9pkit out of'babkfUpfcyand forced Hadid'io"hand over control
',1989 Saar Foundation Split with' Hadld~ qut npt quite. down'the-middle
Ii 1989 Saar Foundation Hadfour prqp~rti,es.lndudingthe·hamiltOn BUlldln'gon'Franklin Square
1989 Hadid Had control of three buiJdingsJ two of which were in default
!~90 Hadid Finaldlvor.ceJ he:lqs!control of8500'Leesburg~l,ke~nd'Rockvillewas on brink
1990 Hadid He had 81S Connecticut Ave. 50% interest at 1620 L Street
1990 Lynx Real Esta;te <:Saar Foundation established:it;
1990 Hadid Said he put up a Ritz in Morocco
0199 O:\R,jchard;G ross::' Partner at FoleyHOag&,Eliot'. Hadid's lawye'r
1990 Pokety Farrm outstanding deed trust of 8.1 m
1990 Trust Bank President Bill Walde who backed Hadid on 5 projects so Hadid owed him no money

1990 Smithy Bradeon Brian Connolly, evp said people with play with Hadid again.
Saar Foundation' o rigina I:Pa rtnerin;Aspen
Saar Foundation'!' Ch arita bleTrLJst'th at is fu ndEd: by:wealthy,SaudIJC:\l1)ily
Aspen Hotel: r SaarWillingtotake'a'part 6fthe'deal ,hutiriot$10:miHlon
Industrial Bank of Japan Hadid said they had agreed to finance the project-not true
l~gQt:JIBA~!~-:AJ~lbrahim' :\'.'.f?re;:Jtheri ihiIa'WftOJ I<irig" Fahd
Apd!J I Aziz'Ald bfahimn/' ,His:sisterds:.klng,!s'secondr,Wife
J,\bciLJLA~i~AI~lbrahrm:P HlsJJephew:wasitav6n:id0prinCe
!Y1prga(tSlan ley.:/' jDroughf:AbduktoJJvlohalll~d
1989 Mohamed Hadid Aspen
Saar Foundation Original Partner in Aspen
Saar Foundation Charitable Trust that is funded by wealthy Saudi family
1986 Saar Foundation Provided the cash for Hadid's rapid expansion into DC's real estate market
Aspen Hotel Saar willing to take a part of the deal but not $70 million
Industrial Bank of Japan Hadid said they had agreed to finance the project--not true
1989 Abdul Aziz AI-Ibrahim Said he would bankroll the deal.
Abdul Aziz AI-Ibrahim Brother in law to King Fahd
Abdul Aziz AI-Ibrahim His sister is klng's second wife
Abdul Aziz AI-Ibrahim His nephew was favored prince
Morgan Stanley brought Abdul to Mohamed
1989 Mohamed Hadid Began acquisitions during the summer of 1989
1989 Mohamed Hadld Bought two Ritz-Carlton hotels out of bankruptcy
1989 Mohamed Hadld Bought a Houston hotel he was converting into a Ritz
1989 Mohamed Hadid Tried to buy Eastern Airlines-Trump beat him to it
1989 Mohamed Hadid Talked about buying the Hilton Hotel Chain
1989 Mohamed Hadid Market in DC flattened out and partners and his bankers wanted to know what he was going to do
1989 m. Vaqub Mirza Vice president of Saar
1989 Mohamed Hadid Owned 1212 New York Avenue-Foreclosed
1989 Mohamed Hadld Owned 8500 Leesburg Pike in Tyson Corners-Foreclosed
1989 Mohamed Hadid Executive Office Center in RockvIlle
1989 Mohamed Hadid 1212 New York Avenue - Chapter 11
1989 Chase Manhatten Bank Scheduled to Foreclose on 1212 and auction office building -Saar Partner
1989 1212 New York Avenue Hours before foreclosure the property was put into Chapter 11

1989 John Guinee, Jr. Workout speclalist who put 1212 into bankruptcy
1989 Chase Manhatten Bank Hadid owed Chase 1 m.ln unsecured debt
1989 Saar Foundation Took it out of bankruptcy and forced Hadid to hand over control
1989 Saar Foundation Split with Hadid but not quite down the middle

1989 Saar Foundation Had four properties including the hamilton Building on Franklin Square
1989 Hadid Had control of three buildings, two of which were in default
1990 Hadid Final divorce, he lost control of 8500 Leesburg Pike and Rockville was on brink
1990 Hadid He had 815 Connecticut Ave. 50% Interest at 1620 L Street
1990 Lynx Real Estate Saar FoundatIon established it.
1990 Hadld Said he put up a Ritz in Morocco
1990 Richard Gross Partner at Foley Hoag & Eliot - Hadid's lawyer
1990 Pokety Farrm outstanding deed trust of 8.1 m
1990 Trust Bank President Bill Walde who backed Hadid on 5 projects, so Hadid owed him no money
1990 Smithy Bradeon Brian Connolly, evp said people with play with Hadid again.

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