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3.0 L"$+,"+e -./ Ae1#'e#%2 U1e

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1 02 Jan 04 Jan 1 2 07 Jan 11 Jan 1 7EO7LE 3 VALUES 2 S ,al4ing about personal 5ualities needed to be successful6 L 3 S $ole playing an intervie+ +ith a fa%ous personality S Discussing different definitions of success

FORM FOUR ORIEN&A&ION 7ROGRAMME Activities prepared by the school counselor

L Listening to details of short descriptions R Interpreting non linear te!ts

3 14 Jan 13 Jan

W 'u%%ary s4ills7 Identifying topic sentences W 2riting an article on a +ell 4no+n personality

7.e(8 I$ #'e M%41# .H"/41'%0 L Listening to poet"s b#g S $eading poe% aloud R $ead about %ood and tone in poe% W &otes on poe%

'(A )resent )erfect *+"# + # *v" # v #

,' L-,L (./ 0I 1A I/, )$2

9 21 Jan 29 Jan


L ,race a cycling route on a %ap R 'can for details and identify %ain ideas L3S /arrying out a conversation +ith a ne+ friend R <nderstand conte!tual clues W 'u%%arising7 7 Identifying topic sentences W )rocess +riting s4ills

7.e(8 I$ #'e M%41# .H"/41'%0 LSRW Activities fro% :uideboo4

)ositive . &egative 'tate%ents *5u" # 4+ # #I # I7#

2 : 23 Jan 01 ;eb 8

,' L-,L (./ 0I 1A I/, )$2

W 2riting out a telephone conversation

LSRW ')0 for%at practices

1 ; 04 ;eb 03 ;eb 3 7EO7LE 3 VALUES 2

S ,al4ing about different cultures in 0alaysia

L &ote details and fill in the blan4s in a te!t R 'can for details

L 3 S 0a4ing a group decision on building a %obile R $eading a passage aloud

R Identifying %ain . supporting ideas W 'u%%arising7 7 Identifying topic sentences W 2riting an infor%al letter

S'./# S#./58 <WER&YUIO7 L Listening to author"s b#g S )redicting plot fro% title R $eading the story W 2riting si%ple descriptions of characters

)ast )erfect ,ense

,' L-,L (./ 0I 1A I/, )$2

R $eading about neti5uette

= 11 ;eb 19 ;eb 1 S ,al4ing about different cultures in 0alaysia

CHINESE NEW YEAR (11.02.2013 > 1=.02.2013) ? 4"51 L &ote details and fill in the blan4s in a te!t R 'can for details S'./# S#./58 <WER&YUIO7 L Listening to author"s b#g S )redicting plot fro% title R $eading the story W 2riting si%ple descriptions of characters )ast )erfect ,ense ,' L-,L (./ 0I 1A I/, )$2

@ 1@ FeA > 22 FeA


L 3 S 0a4ing a group decision on building a %obile R $eading a passage aloud

R Identifying %ain . supporting ideas W 'u%%arising7 7 Identifying topic sentences W 2riting an infor%al letter L Identifying ter%s specific to a sport R $eading a ne+spaper report W 'u%%arising a ne+spaper report 2 2riting a ne+spaper report

8 1

R $eading about neti5uette S ,al4ing about sports and +hy sports celebrities are ad%ired

? 29 ;eb 01 0ar


S'./# S#./58 <WER&YUIO7 LSRW Activities fro% :uideboo4

Ad=ectives of >uality and /o%parison

L 3 S Discussing 5uestions for an intervie+ +ith a player R 'canning for details to co%plete a table

,' L-,L (./ 0I 1A I/, )$2

LSRW ')0 for%at practices

10 04 0ar 03 0ar

UJIAN 7ENILAIAN &AHA7 1 (SCHOOLBLEVEL) >uestions and %ar4ing sche%es are prepared by ?nglish Language teachers

11 11 0ar 19 0ar 1 S ,al4ing about sports and +hy sports celebrities are ad%ired

REVIEW OF U7& 1 ?rror and error analysis $e%edial and reinforce%ent activities6 L Identifying ter%s specific to a sport R $eading a ne+spaper report W 'u%%arising a ne+spaper report 2 2riting a ne+spaper report LSRW ')0 for%at practices S'./# S#./58 <WER&YUIO7 LSRW Activities fro% :uideboo4 Ad=ectives of >uality and /o%parison ,' L-,L (./ 0I 1A I/, )$2

12 13 0ar 22 0ar


L 3 S Discussing 5uestions for an intervie+ +ith a player R 'canning for details to co%plete a table

13 29 0ar 2@ 0ar 1 19 01 Apr 09 Apr : ENVIRONMEN& 2 S ,al4ing about language used in advertise%ents

MIDB&ERM BREAK (23.03.2013 > 31.03.2013) ? 4"51 R $eading for details DRAMA L Introducing Dra%a R ?le%ents of Dra%a S $ole playing short scenes W 2riting short scripts )repositions of placeA positionA direction and association *!" #e4s # 4s# B# ,' L-,L (./ 0I 1A I/, )$2

1: 03 Apr 12 Apr

R $eading to identify cause and effect W 'u%%arising a description S 'uggesting +ays to solve environ%ental proble%s L 3 S Discussing the i%portance of +ater and electricity W 2riting a description of a tourist spot L Identifying ,#; state%ents R 'canning for details D/"("8 G,*0 6 G"10 LSRW 2ar% up activities fro% :uideboo46

1 1; 19 Apr 1@ Apr ; ENVIRONMEN& 2

1= 22 Apr 2E Apr

S :iving opinions to support# oppose da%s S $ole playing speeches

R Identifying %ain and supporting ideas W 2riting a speech LSRW $ole play FproductionG

/on=unctions *although"A *though"A *either C or" *neither C nor" *e"#e# and *u# D#

,' L-,L (./ 0I 1A I/, )$2

1 1@ 2@ Apr 08 0ay = ENVIRONMEN&

S ,al4ing about the role of ani%als

L &oting i%portant details R ;ollo+ing se5uence of ideas

1? 0E 0ay 10 0ay

L 3 S Discussing the benefits of 4eeping pets S 'uggesting +ays to counter hu%an cruelty to+ards ani%als

R $eading a letter of Appeal W 'u%%arising a passage W 2riting a fact sheet

7.e(8 He '"4 S,2' <,%e# E5e1 L Listening to poet"s b#g S $eading poe% aloud R <nderstanding figurative Language R Identifying %essage in poe% W &otes on poe%

0odals *need" and *should" Diphthongs

,' L-,L (./ 0I 1A I/, )$2

20 18 %ay 17 0ay MIDBYEAR ECAMINA&ION (SCHOOLBLEVEL) >uestions and %ar4ing sche%es are prepared by ?nglish Language teachers

21 20 0ay 24 0ay

22 27 0ay 81 0ay MIDBYEAR BREAK (2:.0:.2013 > 0?.0;.2013) 1; 4"51

23 08 June 07 June

29 10 June 14 June

REVIEW OF MIDBYEAR ECAMINA&ION ?rror and error analysis $e%edial and reinforce%ent activities6

1 2: 17 June 21 June @ SOCIAL ISSUES 2

S $elating personal e!periences +ith disabled people

L &oting i%portant details in a conversation R $eading a report

2; 24 June 23 June

S ?!pressing concern in si%ple language L 3 S 'uggesting +ays to help the disabled S ,al4ing about Do+n"s syndro%e and Dysle!ia

R Dra+ing conclusions fro% facts given6 W 2riting a report on facilities for the disabled L Identifying ,#; state%ents

7.e(8 He '"4 S,2' <,%e# E5e1 LSRW Activities fro% :uideboo4 LSRW ')0 for%at practices

/on=unction Hho+ever" Adverbs of Degree Diphthongs #eI# aI#

,' L-,L (./ 0I 1A I/, )$2

ULBS A11e11(e$# 2 (J,*BSe0#)

2= 01 July 09 July


2 2@ 03 July 12 July 8 1

L3S Discussing +ays to deal +ith Do+n"s syndro%e and Dysle!ia people6

R $eading for %ain details and supporting infor%ation W 'u%%arising a passage W 2riting a narrative essay L &oting details and %ain ideas to co%plete a chart

S'./# S#./58 &'e F/,%#2" e S0e2%"* L Listening to author"s b#g S )redicting plot fro% title R $eading the story W 2riting synopsis of story

Ad=ective and preposition co%binations 'tress and intonation

,' L-,L (./ 0I 1A I/, )$2

2? 19 July 1@ July


S ,al4ing about healthy lifestyles +ith friends

S'./# S#./58 &'e F/,%#2" e S0e2%"* LSRW Activities fro% :uideboo4

)hrasal (erbs /onsonant /lusters *cr"#4r#br!

2 30 22 July 2E July 8 1

S )ronouncing +ords clearly and correctly L3S )ersuading youngsters to see real dangers of drug abuse S ,al4ing +ith each other about 4eeping %entally healthy

R $eading for inference %eaning and detail W 2riting a su%%ary W ?!pressing your vie+s R 'canning for details and transfer infor%ation into a graphic organiser R <nderstand %eanings and inferences <nderstanding conte!tual clues LSRW ')0 for%at practices 7.e(8 N"#,/e (F./( :) L Listening to poet"s b#g S $eading poe% aloud R $ead about %ood and tone in poe% W &otes on poe%

,' L-,L (./ 0I 1A I/, )$2

31 2@ July 02 Aug


L 3 S )ronouncing +ords clearly and correctly S 'uggesting +ays of coping +ith a proble%

;uture ,ense 'entence 'tress in 5uestions and state%ents

,' L-,L (./ 0I 1A I/, )$2

32 09 Aug 0@ Aug

MIDB&ERM BREAK (0=.0@.13 > 1@.0@.13) 12 4"51

33 12 Aug 1E Aug 1 39 1@ Aug 28 Aug 11 HEAL&H 2 L 3 S )ronouncing +ords clearly and correctly S 'uggesting +ays of coping +ith a proble% UJIAN 7ENILAIAN &AHA7 3 (SCHOOLBLEVEL) >uestions and %ar4ing sche%es are prepared by ?nglish Language teachers R <nderstand %eanings and inferences <nderstanding conte!tual clues S ,al4ing +ith each other about 4eeping %entally healthy R 'canning for details and transfer infor%ation into a graphic organiser 7.e(8 N"#,/e (F./( :) L Listening to poet"s b#g S $eading poe% aloud R $ead about %ood and tone in poe% W &otes on poe% ;uture ,ense 'entence 'tress in 5uestions and state%ents ,' L-,L (./ 0I 1A I/, )$2

3: 2E Aug 80 Aug

3; 02 'ept 0E 'ept 1 S ,al4ing about shopping habits

REVIEW OF U7& 3 ?rror and error analysis $e%edial and reinforce%ent activities6 L &oting details of announce%ents R 'canning a catalogue 7.e(8 N"#,/e LSRW Activities fro% :uideboo4 &ouns functioning as ad=ectives :erunds -o%ographs . -o%ophones ,' L-,L (./ 0I 1A I/, )$2

3= 0@ 'ept 18 'ept


2 3@ 1E 'ept 20 'ept 8

L 3 S Discussing a catalogue and %a4ing choices S $ole play7 Dealing +ith a co%plaint

R $eading a for%al letter W 2riting a su%%ary W 2riting a letter of co%plaint LSRW ')0 for%at practices

1 3? 28 'ept 27 'ept 13 SCIENCE 3 &ECHNOLOGY

S ,al4ing about benefits and dangers of the Internet

L &oting i%portant details and filling in the blan4s

7.e(8 A/e 5., S#%** 7*"5%$+ Y.,/ F*,#eD (F./( :) L Listening to poet"s b#g S $eading poe% aloud R $ead about %ood and tone in poe% W &otes on poe%

)repositions of ti%e 'tress in 4 syllable +ords

,' L-,L (./ 0I 1A I/, )$2

2 90 80 'ept 04 Ict 8

L 3 S Discussing ho+ the internet has caused an infor%ation revolution S Debating a topic on the internet

R Dra+ing conclusions R Interpreting non linear te!ts

W 2riting a su%%ary W 2riting a report based on an internet survey

LSRW ')0 for%at practices

91 07 Ict 11 Ict

REVISION FOR FINALBYEAR ECAMINA&ION MODEL &ES&S (1 1e#1 .- 7"0e/ 1 3 7"0e/ 2) 7"0e/ 1 8 Se22#%.$ A (DW) 3 Se2#%.$ B (CW) 7"0e/ 28 Se2#%.$ A (UG3S&, RC), Se2#%.$ B (SR), Se2#%.$ C (C3S), Se2#%.$ D (LC)

92 14 Ict 13 Ict

REVISION FOR FINALBYEAR ECAMINA&ION MODEL &ES&S (1 1e#1 .- 7"0e/ 1 3 7"0e/ 2) 7"0e/ 1 8 Se22#%.$ A (DW) 3 Se2#%.$ B (CW) 7"0e/ 28 Se2#%.$ A (UG3S&, RC), Se2#%.$ B (SR), Se2#%.$ C (C3S), Se2#%.$ D (LC)

93 21 Ict 29 Ict FINALBYEAR ECAMINA&ION (S&A&EBLEVEL) >uestions and %ar4ing sche%es are prepared by J)&)

99 23 Ict 01 &ov

9: 04 &ov 03 &ov

REVIEW OF FINALBYEAR ECAMINA&ION ?rror and error analysis $e%edial and reinforce%ent activities6

9; 11 &ov 19 &ov


YEARBEND BREAK (1;.11.2013 > 01.01.2019) 9= 4"51

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