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ABSTRAK Kejadian epidemi dari kematian akibat kanker paru telah diidentifikasi sebagai isu kesehatan utama di negara

maju dan negara berkembang. Setiap tahun terdapat lebih dari 1,3 juta kasus insiden kanker paru di dunia yang menyebabkan sekitar 1,1 juta kematian tiap tahunnya dan prognosis kanker paru dengan masa tahan hidup 5 tahun kurang dari 10%. Untuk mengetahui karakteristik penderita kanker paru rawat inap di RSU Dr. Pirngadi Medan tahun 2005-2009, dilakukan penelitian deskriptif dengan desain case series. Populasi dan sampel berjumlah 175 orang (total sampling). Data diperoleh dari rekam medik. Trend kunjungan penderita kanker paru rawat inap di RSU. Dr. Pirngadi Medan tahun 2005-2009 menunjukkan peningkatan menurut garis persamaan y=4,4x + 21,8. proporsi umur tertinggi yaitu 61-68 tahun 26,3 %. Sex ratio laki-laki : perempuan yaitu 4:1. Islam 53,7%, Batak 63,4%, SLTA 46,4%, PNS 35,8%, tempat tinggal di Kota Medan 57,7%. Gejala klinis sesak 84,0%, keluhan utama batuk dan sesak 35,4%, ada penyakit terdahulu 19,4%, TBC 73,5%, bukan biaya sendiri 70,9%, Askes 63,7%, terapi simptomatik 75,4%, Lama rawatan rata-rata adalah 11,1 hari, PBJ 46,9%. Tidak ada perbedaan proporsi yang bermakna antara jenis kelamin dengan umur penderita ( p=1.000). Tidak ada perbedaan proporsi yang bermakna antara lama rawatan rata dengan keadaan sewaktu pulang (p =0,282). Proporsi penatalaksanaan medis berupa kemoterapi, radioterapi, kemoterapi + radioterapi maupun terapi simptomatik secara bermakna lebih tinggi pada bukan biaya sendiri. (X2 = 9,113, p=0,011; 85,7% vs 14,3% dan 65,2% vs 34,8%). Tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara keadaan sewaktu pulang dengan sumber pembiayaan (p=0,251). Pihak rumah sakit diharapkan melengkapi pencatatan kartu status seperti pekerjaan lebih spesifik mengenai kondisi lingkungan kerja penderita dan jenis kanker paru serta memberikan pemahaman kepada penderita tentang penatalaksanaan kanker paru. Kata Kunci : Kanker Paru, Karakteristik Penderita

Universitas Sumatera Utara

ABSTRACT The epidemic of lung cancer mortality has been identified as a major health issue confronting both developed and developing countries. Every year there are more than 1.3 million cases of lung cancer incidence in the world which causes about 1.1 million deaths each year and the prognosis of lung cancer with 5-year survival period of less than 10%. To determine the characteristics of lung cancer patients hospitalized at Dr. Medan Pirngadi 2005-2009, conducted research with a descriptive case series design. Population and sample data is 175 persons (total sampling). Data obtained from medical records. Trend requests lung cancer patients based on data for 2005-2009 show a increase with the line equation y= 4,4x + 21,8. The proportion of lung cancer patients based on sociodemographic the highest proportion aged 61-68 years 26,3%. Sex ratio male : female is 4:1. Moslems 53.7%, Bataknesse 63.4%, senior high school 46.4%, civil servants 35.8%, reside out of Medan, 57.7%. Clinical symptoms of shortness 84.0%, the main complaint cough and shortnes 35.4%, no previous disease 19.4%, tuberculosis 73.5%, not the costs own 70.9%, Askes 63.7%, symptomatic therapy 75.4%, the average treatment duration was 11.1 days, 46.9% PBJ. There was no significant difference in proportion between the sexes with age at onset (p = 1.000). There was no significant difference between the proportion of older nursing home razed to the situation when (p = 0.282). The proportion of medical treatment in the form of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy + radiotherapy or symptomatic therapy were significantly higher in the not at their own expense. (X2 = 9.113, p = 0.011; 85.7% vs 14.3% and 65.2% vs. 34.8%). There was no significant difference between the circumstances when home with financing sources (p = 0.251). The hospital is expected to complete the regristration card for each patient such as occupations and make specific details for working environment and to give understanding for patient about the treatment of lung cancer. Keyword : Lung Cancer, Patient Characteristics

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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