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A Philosophy of Nursing Education By: Michael Janrick G.


A person is a unique bio-psycho-socio-cultural and spiritual being al!ays in constant interaction !ith the environ"ent. #hese interactions a$$ect individuals $a"ilies population groups and societal health status%. - Michael Janrick G. Rivera I. Introduction &riting "y o!n 'ersonal 'hilosophy o$ (ursing )ducation !as a lot "ore di$$icult than * e+pected kno!ing that * have loved teaching people or students !ith a kind o$ passion that * so"eti"es don,t even understand. *s it enough to say that * have al!ays !anted to be a -linical *nstructor or (urse )ducator * had thought so. /aying that * have al!ays !anted to be an )ducator has been "y response !henever asked that0s !hy *0" taking "y Masters 1egree in nursing to beco"e a (urse )ducator. *n this paper * !ill tackle the (ursing )ducation base on "y o!n 'hilosophy and 2bservations. (o!adays -olleges and 3niversities 'roduces "ore than a thousands o$ (ursing Graduates every year but "a4ority o$ the" $ailed to pass the (ursing 5icensure )+a"ination because * believe that so"e student !ho took (ursing -ourse !ants only to earn big "oney plus the $act that the Ratio in so"e -olleges or 3niversities due to a big population o$ (ursing )nrollees is like 6 -linical *nstructor out o$ 78 /tudents in one roo" in !hich other students cannot be able to understand !hat the teacher is saying or

in short so"e student are not $ocused during the lecture or discussions and * believe that this are the reasons !hy the quality o$ (ursing )ducation is lo!. 9ive years ago there !as a sudden surge o$ nursing education in the 'hilippines due to the $act that global de"ands $or nurses also increased. 9ilipino nurses !ere pre$erred "ost over other conte"poraries because o$ the level o$ kno!ledge and the type o$ care they render to their patients. But several changes have already occurred the $ollo!ing years !hich include the d!indling

e"ploy"ent o$ nurses abroad :not to "ention the unavailable 4obs here in our country as !ell; and the "assive establish"ent o$ nursing schools and colleges that do not even produce quality graduates.Most o$ the deans and presidents o$ nursing schools !ho are also considered as pillars o$ nursing education have been attributing the ter" "phenomena" to the event that !e are e+periencing right no!. #aking ti"e back the start o$ <886 paved the !ay to the "ushroo"ing o$ nursing schools that even in$or"ation technology schools have opened a college o$ nursing. #his is due to the $ast turnover o$ nursing graduates going abroad and even $resh graduates !ithout hospital e+periences have seen the"selves !orking and taking care o$ $oreign patients i""ediately. #he 'hilippines is not a rich country. As a "atter o$ $act every year !e are e+periencing the !orst-o$-the-!orst econo"ic proble"s. #he ter" =belo! poverty line= see"s to under"ine every 9ilipino $a"ily because !e never "eet the basic

standard !ay o$ living. Job o$$ers abroad "ost especially that o$ a registered nurse in the 3/ or in 3> gives hope to these $a"ilies. #o be !orking and earning in dollars or euro are indeed ans!ers to these proble"s. #here$ore parents :no "atter ho! poor; send their children to nursing schools to study the pro$ession and !ill $ind !ays and "eans 4ust to see their children $inish the ?-year course. Al"ost every high school graduate took their college entrance tests $or nursing. Because the de"ands !ere high colleges neglect to see the i"portance o$ screening and "aintaining good and quality students. Regardless o$ the consequences nursing schools continue to

proli$erate all throughout the country that it !as beco"ing "ore o$ a business than a "ission to "old and develop good and quality nurses.#his is !hy !e have no! a surplus o$ nursing graduates and "ost o$ the" cannot $ind !ork :<@8 888 as o$ 9ebruary <866;. #he present govern"ent already issued a "oratoriu" that enroll"ent $or nursing be stopped in order to $ind !ays $or these une"ployed graduates to !ork. #he -o""ission on Aigher )ducation has also issued a !arning on the schools and colleges that they !ill be closed i$ they are not able to sustain a higher percentage o$ board passing rate in the (ursing 5icensure )+a"ination :(5);. #he basis $or the closure !ill be a B-year consecutive belo! the national board passing rate o$ the said e+a"ination.

II. Main Body 1uring the 6@th century a slave na"ed Ja"es 1erha" !as able to buy his o!n $reedo" $ro" the "oney he earned as a nurse. (obody kne! back then that a (ursing )ducation could be obtained in any other !ay than si"ply hands on through an apprenticeship. #he $irst (ursing progra" !as established in the 6@78s in 5ondon. Japan,s $irst nursing institute !as established in 6@@7 and the $irst nursing institute $or blacks in the 3nited /tates $ollo!ed the ne+t year. #he $ield o$ nursing !as gro!ing rapidly !ith the in$luences o$ individuals like 9lorence (ightingale and -laray Barton !ho established the Red -ross. *n the late 6@88s the idea o$ visiting nursing !as established by 5illian &ald and she began teaching a ho"e nursing class. #he A"erican (urses Association held its $irst "eeting and the topics discussed helped $urther nursing education. (urses began to be regulated on a national basis by (e! Cealand in 6D86 and then other countries around the !orld began to $ollo! suit. #he $irst nursing education that !as established in the 3nited /tates on the basis o$ education rather than the needs o$ hospitals !as at Eale 3niversity in 6D<B. #he Eale /chool o$ (ursing had its o!n curriculu" and students !ere required to "eet the educational standards o$ the university in order to graduate. #his really set the stage $or the $uture o$ education and since then universities across the nation have developed nursing progra"s o$ their o!n. #hen in the 6D78s -olo"bia 3niversity o$$ered a "aster,s in nursing and !as the $irst university to do so. #his

really changed the nursing environ"ent and allo!ed $or nursing continuing education and nurses to gro! in their chosen pro$ession. (o! "ore than @8 years later a nursing education is available at college ca"puses via online courses and even through nursing continuing education. Men and !o"en !ho !ant to beco"e nurses can do so around their schedule and take advantage o$ all the study options $or this a"aFing pro$ession. #here are "any choices !hen it co"es to an online nursing education and prospective nurses should really co"pare all o$ the progra"s to ensure they are studying $ro" the best online university and are learning as "uch about nursing as possible. (o!adays base on "y o!n observation the Guality o$ (ursing )ducation is lo! due to "uch reason that0s !hy * co"e up !ith "y personal philosophy o$ (ursing )ducation that is based on the pre"ise that all students are deserving o$ a holistic education. #his includes an education that !ill allo! the" to discover the"selves their strengths and !eaknesses as !ell as their $ull potential. /tudents "ust be taught in such a !ay that they learn to beco"e proble" solvers and analytical thinkers. )"ploying teaching and learning theories that allo! the students to socialiFe during the learning process allo!s students to teach as !ell as learn $ro" one another. * believe that (ursing )ducation requires a curriculu" that raises $unda"ental questions about the "eaning o$ hu"an e+perience. As )ducators !e need to nurture the nursing student0s ability

to think critically and creatively. *n an age !hen people are categoriFed to $it into cost-e$$icient "anaged care bo+es according to their labeled conditions nurses !ith critical thinking skills are essential. #hinking outside the bo+ requires &e need to

nursing e+cellence resource$ulness creativity and advocacy.

e"po!er our students to see hu"an needs "ani$ested in diverse belie$s values resources and conditions that i"pact the e$$ectiveness o$ highly sophisticated technical skills advocated by the "edical "odel and regulated $or e$$iciency by the institutional "odel. &e need to co""ission students to synthesiFe this

sensitivity !ith "edical protocols in order to hu"aniFe health care on an individual co""unity national and international level. #hus nursing education requires a curriculu" that encourages the student to participate actively in the creation o$ kno!ledge by engaging in research and grappling !ith hu"an issues. * believe also that nursing education is the instru"ent in !hich students learn the nursing process trans$or"ing the" into an instru"ent o$ care $or patients $a"ilies and the co""unity regardless o$ ethnicity poverty or gender it occurs in an environ"ent o$ scholarly inquiry based on learner centered philosophies and learning strategies !ith higher order thinking and outco"es. #he student is prepared to care about and care $or individuals throughout their li$espan using current evidence based practice. #he nursing $ocus is healthy li$estyle and prevention o$ illness and in4ury. #he student learns to $or" partnerships !ith the individual $a"ilies and co""unities to i"prove health and in$luence nursing practice and health care policy. #he student is e+pected to graduate as a

practitioner !ith kno!ledge abilities and !ork behaviors to provide sa$e and co"passionate nursing care. My personal philosophy o$ (ursing )ducation includes "any aspects o$ both the educator and the nurse. 5earning transpires during every e+perience !e

have. #he key is being receptive to the learning process that is taking place. As a nursing educator * "ust be receptive to "y students0 needs and attentive to their goals !hile providing the" !ith their basic hu"an rights o$ respect and dignity. *n the process * !ill be gaining kno!ledge $ro" those very students as * respond to their desires o$ increased kno!ledge and understanding in "y classroo". An added bene$it is that this gained kno!ledge !ill assist "e !ith "y continued personal gro!th plan as a nursing educator by enabling "e to try ne! ideas and strategies. * believe that to be an e$$ective )ducator the teacher is one !ho inspires learning in addition to 4ust presenting the required $acts. As an educator * strive to help students "eet their $ullest potential by providing an environ"ent that is sa$e supports risktaking and invites a sharing o$ ideas. #he teacher can establish such as environ"ent by acting as a guide allo!ing the student0s natural curiosity to direct his or her learning and by pro"oting respect $or all things and all people. #he e$$ective teacher guides the student providing access to in$or"ation rather than acting as the pri"ary source o$ in$or"ation. /he is a!are that students present

!ith a variety o$ abilities as !ell as learning styles. 'roviding students !ith access to hands-on activities and allo!ing adequate ti"e and space to use "aterials that rein$orce the lesson being studied creates an opportunity $or individual discovery and construction o$ kno!ledge to occur. #he students0 search $or kno!ledge is "et as they learn to $ind ans!ers to their questions. #he nurse "ust kno! ho! to seek $ind and use health in$or"ation and resources. * also believe that nursing research is an i"portant aspect o$ (ursing )ducation. Research is $unda"ental in the generation trans"ission and creation o$

kno!ledge in nursing practice. (ursing education !hich includes service learning co""unity engage"ent and leadership provides the nurse !ith skills necessary to trans$or" the health o$ the region nation and the !orld. 5astly these are the concepts central to "y philosophy o$ (ursing )ducation include: 6. 'atient: #he patient is seen as an individual to receive holistic care. #he nurse provides care !hich integrates physiological psychological and spiritual aspects o$ the person0s li$e <. )nviron"ent: #he environ"ent consists o$ the ob4ects and conditions e+ternal to the patient !hich a$$ect their develop"ent. #his includes individual and $a"ily relationships culture and the resources available in the ho"e and co""unity. (ursing $ocuses on positively in$luencing the hu"anenviron"ent relationship B. Aealth: Aealth is vie!ed as varying levels o$ !ellness the patient e+periences throughout their li$espan. (ursing $ocuses on health pro"otion "aintenance and restoration to ensure the patient attains and "aintains opti"al level o$ health ?. -o""unication: #he nurse and patient

interact in verbal nonverbal and !ritten $or"s o$ co""unication. )$$ective co""unication is essential $or the develop"ent o$ a goal-directed helping relationship !ith patients $a"ilies and "e"bers o$ the health care tea" 7. -aring: #he nurse "ust care and nurture hersel$ as !ell as the patient and $a"ily. -aring is the central the"e o$ nursing. -aring involves providing co"$ort co"passion and support to the patient and their $a"ily. * believe that i$ this !ill happen "aybe the quality o$ (ursing )ducation !ill beco"e e+cellent. * 4ust !ant to e"phasiFe on the teaching strategy passion and co""it"ent o$ an educator because base on "y personal e+perience and observations so"e teachers doesn0t have a good strategy that0s !hy other student tends to be sleepy and cannot able to understand the in$or"ation that is being given by the teachers. * believe that big population o$ nursing students no!adays is not a reason to lo!er the quality o$ (ursing )ducation it !ill al!ays be depend on the teacher and student and aside $ro" that there are "any choices to "ake one o$ that is to hire (urses as a -linical *nstructor to lessen the ratio per classroo" that "akes "ore good and "ore $ocused to the student there$ore it !ill increase the possibility to increase the quality o$ (ursing )ducation. 5ast Because the de"ands and the accountability o$ our pro$ession are so great * $ir"ly believe that nursing education "ust be a partnership bet!een the student and the educator. (o nursing education is not "erely a spectator sport in !hich a student listens observes and learns. *nstead each

student "ust truly =live= !hat he or she learns through active involve"ent !hether it is in the nursing laboratory in the !eekly se"inars or in the clinical settings. #o be success$ul the theoretical kno!ledge and the practical

e+perience "ust go hand in hand $or true learning to occur. 9urther"ore nursing education is "ore than 4ust "e"oriFing $acts to get an =A= on a test or reproducing a skill to de"onstrate it to absolute per$ection. Beco"ing a nurse requires learning the underlying principles analyFing the" and then applying the principles to "any di$$erent clients !ith si"ilar proble"s but very individual needs. /tudent nurses "ust use their "inds and their hearts as !ell as their hands and their senses to be success$ul pro$essional nurses in today,s challenging health care !orld. Being a student nurse requires hard !ork persistence and "any

sacri$ices. /o as you $ace the challenges o$ each ne! nursing se"ester head-on re"e"ber to keep your li$e in perspective. * can vividly recall "y o!n =9unda"entals o$ (ursing= instructor al!ays chanting !hen the going got rough =#his too shall passH= #hese $e! !ords gave us a gli""er o$ hope that an end !as in sightH #his little phrase also helped us to realiFe that "any student nurses had struggled be$ore us and "any student nurses had indeed succeeded. &ith these si"ple thoughts in "ind !ork hard and al!ays keep your drea" in sightH

III. Conclusions #he Guality o$ (ursing )ducation no!adays are decreasing this is due to sudden surge o$ nursing education in the 'hilippines and to the $act that global de"ands $or nurses also increased. )ven other -olleges !ho are not o$$ering B/( are no! o$$ering B/( because they did not see !hat !ill be the consequence in the $uture like no! there are "any une"ployed nurse in the 'hilippines. #he Guality o$ (ursing )ducation decrease because they only think o$ business as stated by one o$ the senatorial -andidate this <86B even the (ursing -ouncil I 2$$icer in -A)1 requested to li"it the enrollees o$ (ursing /tudents every year but !hat happened. #hey did not listened so here0s the consequence. #here$ore * conclude that the (ursing )ducation #oday is poor. IV. Recommendations &ith regards to the conclusion * !ant to reco""end the $ollo!ing: (urses should practice to the $ull e+tent o$ their education and training. (urses should achieve higher levels o$ education and training through an i"proved education syste" that pro"otes sea"less acade"ic progression (urses should be $ull partners !ith physicians and other health pro$essionals in redesigning health care in the 'hilippines.

Re"ove scope-o$-practice barriers - Advanced practice registered nurses

should be able to practice to the $ull e+tent o$ their education and training. #o achieve this goal the co""ittee reco""ends the $ollo!ing actions.
)+pand opportunities $or nurses to lead and di$$use collaborative i"prove"ent

e$$orts - 'rivate and public $unders health care organiFations nursing education progra"s and nursing associations should e+pand opportunities $or nurses to lead and "anage collaborative e$$orts !ith physicians and other "e"bers o$ the health care tea" to conduct research and to redesign and i"prove practice environ"ents and health syste"s. #hese entities should also provide opportunities $or nurses to di$$use success$ul practices.
*"ple"ent nurse residency progra"s - /tate boards o$ nursing accrediting

bodies the $ederal govern"ent and health care organiFations should take actions to support nurses0 co"pletion o$ a transition-to-practice progra" :nurse residency; a$ter they have co"pleted a prelicensure or advanced practice degree progra" or !hen they are transitioning into ne! clinical practice areas.
*ncrease the proportion o$ nurses !ith a baccalaureate degree to @8 percent

by <8<8 - Acade"ic nurse leaders across all schools o$ nursing should !ork together to increase the proportion o$ nurses !ith a baccalaureate degree $ro" 78 to @8 percent by <8<8 - #hese leaders should partner !ith education accrediting bodies private and public $unders and e"ployers to ensure

$unding "onitor progress and increase the diversity o$ students to create a !ork$orce prepared to "eet the de"ands o$ diverse populations across the li$espan.
1ouble the nu"ber o$ nurses !ith a doctorate by <8<8 - /chools o$ nursing

!ith support $ro" private and public $unders acade"ic ad"inistrators and university trustees and accrediting bodies should double the nu"ber o$ nurses !ith a doctorate by <8<8 to add to the cadre o$ nurse $aculty and researchers !ith attention to increasing diversity.
)nsure that nurses engage in li$elong learning - Accrediting bodies schools o$

nursing health care organiFations and continuing co"petency educators $ro" "ultiple health pro$essions should collaborate to ensure that nurses and nursing students and $aculty continue their education and engage in li$elong learning to gain the co"petencies needed to provide care $or diverse populations across the li$espan.
'repare and enable nurses to lead change to advance health - (urses,

nursing education progra"s and nursing associations should prepare the nursing !ork$orce to assu"e leadership positions across all levels !hile public private and govern"ental health care decision "akers should ensure that leadership positions are available to and $illed by nurses.

V. References -atherine -eniFa. :<88B;: )"pire o$ -are Google )-Book previe! Retrieved <86<-8J-8K. (ursing 'ortal 'hilippines :<887;: #he 9uture o$ (ursing Retrieved <86<-8J-8K.

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