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3-2-11 AIB Radio at Marie's assembly. Guest Jean eatin! "hy "e don't "in in court.

J # $hy you !uys aren't "innin! in court. All these courts are %ri&ately o"ned tradin! com%anies. 'he united (tates district courts are all o"ned...those are your article one courts. 'hey're all o"ned by the united (tates attorney's e)ecuti&e o**ices out o* $ashin!ton +, "hich is a %ri&ately o"ned cor%oration. 'hey're article one le!islati&e tribunals. 'hey're not courts. 'hey ha&e a +-.( number/ they ha&e a %it code/ si% code/ .AI,( number 0.orth America Identi*ication (ecurity ,lassi*ication1. 2ou ha&e to ha&e that number in order to trade internationally. All these courts are re!istered "ith the +3+/ +e%artment o* +e*ense. 'hey ha&e a +-.( number "hich is +ata -ni&ersal .umberin! (ystem. 'hat's a +un 4 Bradstreet. 2ou ha&e to be re!istered "ith ,,R/ ,ontractors ,entral re!istration under the +3+. 'hey ha&e another de%artment called the +5I(/ +e*ense 5o!istics In*ormation (er&ice. 'he +5I( issues a case code that's s%elled ,AG6/ ,ommercial And Go&ernment 6ntity "hich corres%onds to the bank account. 'hey ha&e a bank account. 'hey take e&erythin! that you *ile into the court and they securiti7e it. And these banks 8 9 and all these banks are re!istered/ they ha&e a de%ository a!reement/ a security a!reement and an escro" a!reement. And most o* them are re!istered "ith the :ederal Reser&e bank o* .e" 2ork city. And they use "hat they call....orth ,arolina uses a c ircular 16/ they use as their de%ository a!reement. 'hey take %ublic *unds and they de%osit them under a...its called a de%ository resolution a!reement. And they ha&e a security a!reement "hich the clerk o* the courts si!ns "ith the bank. And they ha&e an escro" a!ent that acts as the !o-bet"een the *ederal reser&e bank that they ha&e the account " all these courts are takin! your money and *unnelin! it into an escro" account. Most o* them are in .e" 2ork. There's 60 trillion dollars of your money in the federal reserve bank of New York city. And they'&e told the courts not to rule a!ainst the banks on these *oreclosure cases. 'hey're all in bed to!ether. And "hat these la"yers are doin! is actin! as %ri&ate debt collectors. And under the +ebt ,ollectors ;ractices Act/ its called the :+,;A and its title 1< section 1=>2. In order to be..."hen you're a %ublic debt collector you ha&e to be re!istered "ith the !o&ernment/ and you ha&e to ha&e a license and you ha&e to ha&e a bond in order to collect debt. $ell these attorneys are "hat you call %ri&ate debt collectors and they don't ha&e a...the attorneys are e)em%ted by the BAR association on that %ro&ision/ but their *irm is not. 'he *irm they "ork *or has to be re!istered and they ha&e to ha&e a license and a bond and they don't. And all these court cases that you're in&ol&ed in/ these attorneys are actin! as %ri&ate debt collectors. And "hat they're doin! is collectin! money *rom you as %ri&ate debt collectors and they're not licensed or bonded to do that. And they do this throu!h "hat they call $arrant o* Attorney. Black's la" dictionary o* 1?<= de*ines "hat a "arrant o* an attorney is. Its like a "rit o* e)ecution. Its like a %ut or a call. $hen you do a marchin! call that means they use it to buy e@uity securities. ,ause they securiti7e e&erythin! that you *ile into court "hich means they turn it into a ne!otiable instrument. 'hen they sell it as a commercial item. 'hey call them distressed debt/ these debt collectors/ that "hat -ni*und is/ they come in and buy u% all these court Aud!ments as distressed debt. 'hen they %ut them into hed!e *unds and they sell them to in&estors !lobally. And o* course "hen you !et into sellin! debt instruments you're creatin! a security risk. Anytime you !et into risk mana!ement you ha&e to ha&e re-insurance. 'hat's "here 5uer Bermes comes in. 'hey're an under"ritin! com%any. And they're a sub di&ision o* Alliance (6 out o* Munich Germany. And they're the -( a!ency that acts as a bond holder *or Alliance (6 is ;IM,3 bonds "ho takes all your securities/ they %ool them/ and that's "hat they do on these mort!a!e loans/ !o to their "eb site and it'll tell you that's "hat they do. All o* your mort!a!e loans are securities. 'he notes ha&e a maturity o* more than > months so they're a security by de*inition. I* you !o to title 1< section CC A b 1 it tells you that any note "ith a maturity o* more than > months is a security by le!al de*inition and an in&estment contract. (o "hen you si!n and indorse these notes as the dra"er and the maker you're in an in&estment contract. And you !a&e them a security. 'hey tale the security and they securiti7e it. As soon as they securiti7e it and indorse it *or %ayment/ they'&e securiti7ed it. 'he loan is no lon!er secured. They've collapsed the trust and there's no corpus in the trust under probate law. And "hat they do is sell it as a mort!a!e backed security. $ell ;IM,3 takes the mort!a!e backed security %ools o&er and sells them as bonds. (o bonds actually come *rom %ooled securities. And they sell these on the 'BA market !lobally. And all these courts are in&ol&ed in that. And the only time you can stop them is when you make them liable and that's "hat I'&e been doin!. I do a letter rogatory "hich is a letter o* instruction under the Ba!ue con&ention. And its under title 18 section 1 81 and !ederal "ules of #ivil $rocedure % believe its &8 ' . And you tell them "hat you "ant them to do. 2ou make a contract "ith them. $hen you !o into these courts you contract "ith them. And they run the court room. $hen I !o into court I make them contract "ith me and then I control the contract. And I tell them "hat to do because in ,ali*ornia its in article = section 1 all these courts are courts o* record and the courts o* record "ere made *or the so&erei!n/ *or "e the %eo%le. 2ou'll notice "hen you !o into court on a criminal case the ca%tion they ha&e/ in ,ali*ornia/ the %eo%le o* the state o* ,ali*ornia &ersus "hoe&er the de*endant is. 'hey do that in a criminal case. $ell its the %eo%le %rosecutin! the de*endant. 'he %eo%le are the so&erei!nty. $e the %eo%le are the %eo%le. And "hat they're doin! is usin! our courts *or commercial enter%rise. But i* you contract "ith them on the %ri&ate side then you can run the court and tell them "hat to do. And that's "hat I do. And I'&e been success*ul. I'&e "on mort!a!e cases and cases in&ol&in! car loans. But you ha&e to kno" ho" to do it and you ha&e to understand commercial la". You have to understand what a conditional acceptance is under ()##* +,-0&. 3nce you challen!e their authority to make a %resentment/ and that's "hat these attorneys are doin!. These attorneys are coming into court and they're making a

presentment on behalf of somebody else. You can't do that. And nobody challen!es them. But I do. I make them %ro&e that they ha&e the authority to make a %resentment on behal* o* somebody else and the authority to do it. 'hey ha&e to sho" you the authority. 'hey ha&e to %resent the document. Another thin! that you're not makin! them do/ when you make a presentment on a mortgage foreclosure case they have to present the note in order to demand payment. They have to present the instrument. /o read +,-0&. %f they don't present the instrument they're not making a presentment. They're not charging you. To make you liable they have to charge you. %f they're not presenting the instrument they're not making a valid presentment and you don't have to accept it. (o I don't acce%t their %resentment. ,allerD +oes that hold true in criminal tooE (ure it does. 2ou kno" "hat they do on these criminal casesE 'hey rubber stam% them. I'&e !ot a case ri!ht no" in *ederal district court. I'&e shut em do"n. $hat they do...all these courts ha&e an account at the IM:/ the International Monetary :und. Go try to !et a district court Aud!e's 3ath o* 3**ice. 'hey ha&e an oath o* o**ice but it isn't...its *iled "ith the International Monetary :und. 'hey're an em%loyee o* the International Monetary :und under Inter%ol. All these -( attorneys "ork *or Inter%ol. 'hat's not my o%inion I can %ro&e it. I !ot a co%y o* the head o* the united states attorney's o**ice is..!ot an oath *iled "ith Inter%ol. 'hat makes him an unre!istered *orei!n a!ent. 'hey'&e e)%atriated *rom the united states. (o you're dealin! "ith unre!istered *orei!n a!ents under title 22 section =?= and I think its 2?=. And its says that all *orei!n a!ents ha&e to be re!istered. 'hat's "hy they don't ha&e an oath o* o**ice. 'hey ha&e one but they don't %roduce it because its "ith the International Monetary :und. 'hat's "ho they're "orkin! *or. ,allerD (o that's "ho you :3IA ri!htE 'hat's "ho you :3IA. And you have drawing rights. Its called s%ecial...(+R's. 'he reason you ha&e s%ecial dra"in! ri!hts is because you'&e de%osited your *unds.."hen they do a court Aud!ment a!ainst you its called a distressed debt instrument. 'hey de%osit the (+R's/ they de%osit these court Aud!ments "ith the International Monetary :und. $ell/ i* it in&ol&es you/ you ha&e a dra"in! ri!ht and you have a right to the proceeds. Go read 3-3F<. 2ou ha&e a de*ense in recou%ement and under 3-3F= you ha&e a %ossessionary and %ro%erty ri!ht in the instrument andGor its %roceeds. Because "hen they take these instruments..because they're doin! it under title 1= "hich is..."hat they're doin! is they're mono%oli7in! "hich is a &iolation o* the anti trust la". 'hey're mono%oli7in! commerce. Inter*erin! "ith the course o* commerce by brin!in! %ri&ate claims into a court room. And brin!s them under title 1= "hich is un*air trade %ractices and all these attorneys are doin! this. .ot some/ all o* them. My brother is a Aud!e on the su%erior court bench and he says I'm absolutely correct. Be doesn't like to talk about it because "hat they're doin! is "ron!. 'hey're *leecin! the %eo%le because the %eo%le don't kno" "hat's !oin! on. Its all commercial. (tereoty%in! court cases by callin! them ci&il or criminal but its all ci&il. 1?D32 (o "hat I did "as I challen!ed...I looked at the indictment "hich "as si!ned by the -( attorney. 2ou kno" "hat an indictment is0 its a true bill. 1 true bill is a negotiable instrument. (o I said to the -( attorney "here's your 1F>> 3I+E I made him read the indictment into the court record and he "ouldn't do it. 'hat's because there's no claim on the %ri&ate side. I* you read criminal rule = and C they ha&e to !o be*ore the !rand Aury *or a %erson that's indicted/ it has to !o be*ore a !rand Aury and !et testimony. And you ha&e a ri!ht to em%anel the Aury under criminal rule = and C. I* you em%anel the Aury you ha&e a ri!ht to cross e)amine the Aury as to their ri!ht to @uali*y as a Auror. 'hat means you're !i&in! testimony. $ell nobody e&er does that. 'hat's because these -( attorneys rubber stam% these indictments. 'hey don't !o be*ore a !rand Aury... .one o* these indictments are si!ned by a !rand Auror. And i* they !ot one they'&e rubber stam%ed it. Its either rubber stam%ed or si!ned by the -( attorney "hich means the -( attorney has a %ri&ate claim. 'hen i* you'&e !ot a claim a!ainst me I "ant you to %roduce the 1F>> 3I+ sho"in! me as the reci%ient o* the *unds i* I'm the one that's bein! indicted. And they "ont do it. 'hey "ont %roduce the 3I+ so I do an 3I+ on them. I sho" them as the reci%ient o* the *unds. .o" you'&e !ot a ta) issue. 'hey ha&en't %aid the ta). 'hey're !ettin! *unds and de%ositin! them in the *ederal reser&e bank o* ne" york and they're not re%ortin! the income. (o no" they're in %ossession o* contraband. (o no" you !ot a ta) issue !oin! on in the court room. And that's "hat all these criminal char!es are/ are ta) issues. And they're doin! it on these mort!a!e loans. An em%loyee o* ,ountry"ide came into court and testi*ied that none o* these notes are bein! trans*erred to the R6MI,( "hich is a real estate in&estment trust. And all o* these B< %ros%ectuses... !o on the internet and ty%e in H2H B<. Its called a (6, rule. Its a re!istration rule. All securities ha&e to be re!istered. And the reason it has to be re!istered is to !et the ta) e)em%tion. I* they're not re!istered "ith the (ecurities 6)chan!e ,ommission they're ta)able. 'hat's "hy they ha&e to be re!istered. $hen they re!ister them they're su%%osed to trans*er them/ trans*er the notes/ to the R6MI,. But they're not doin! that. In order to !et the ta) e)clusion they ha&e to be de%osited or trans*erred to the R6MI,. (o they're not de%ositin! any o* these notes in the R6MI,. And so they're in %ossession o* ta)able income that they ha&en't %aid the ta) on. Internal Re&enue la"s calls that contraband. And its a C2F1 o* title 2= &iolation "ill*ul *ailure to *ile "ith the intent to e&ade the ta). 'hey ha&en't *iled the ta) return. 1sk them if they filed the ta2 return if you want to see how fast they get rid of your case. 'hey're in %ossession o* contraband cause they're holdin! *unds that they ha&en't %aid the ta) on. And i* you read %ublication ><F you ha&e a three million *i&e hundred thousand dollar -ni*ied 'a) ,redit on the estate side and a one million dollar -ni*ied 'a) ,redit on the !i*t side. 2ou are the donor and the !rantor settlor. $ell you o"n all these *unds that they're %uttin! into these R6MI,(. I* you read title &6 section 8-10 8-&0 861 and 86& it says that in order to get ta2 e2emption they have to pay out 304 of the ta2able income as interest in dividends to the investors . 'hey're settin! u%

these bo!us trusts to a&oid %ayin! the ta) on the insourcin! and outsourcin! ta). Because i* you use a Real 6state In&estment 'rust they don't %ay any ta)es on the insourcin! and outsourcin! side o* the R6MI, because they %ay out the interest and di&idends to the in&estors. $ell if you file a claim as an investor then they have to pay that out to you0 the interest and dividends. 2ou're talkin! about trillions o* dollars. And i* you read 16 #!" 5++.& they took it sub6ect to your defenses and claims. 1nd when they do that0 that means you have a right to a counterclaim. 1nd if your counterclaim arises from the same transaction occurrence as their claim then you have a mandatory counterclaim under rule 1+. %f you don't file the counterclaim you waive it. You have a mandatory counterclaim in recoupement under +,+0- and a possessionary right and a property right in the proceeds and the instrument on the loan. /o read 3,50+ and 3,505. 'hat statement has to be on all credit a%%lications because you're doin! a %urchase home loan to %urchase the home. And that has to be...e&en i* its not in the credit a%%lication its there i* you read >-HFH subsection d. It tells you its there "hether its in there or not. Its there by o%eration o* la". 'hat's "hy they're not...that's "hy its called the holder in due course rule. 'hey're not a holder in due course cause they took it subAect to your de*enses and claims at closin!. And you ne&er *iled a claim so they take it and sell it as a mort!a!e backed security. And then they take the %roceeds and %ut it in their bank account. And you !et nothin!. I* you can understand that then you can understand "hy you're not "innin! in court. $hat you're dealin! "ith is securities. 2ou're not dealin! "ith ne!otiable instruments. I* you look at your note/ all notes/ all mort!a!e loans/ all notes on mort!a!e loans ha&e a maturity o* more than > months. Read title 1- section 8 c a 10 if a note has a maturity of more than 3 months its a security by legal definition . By statutory de*inition. 'hat's a ma)im o* statutory construction. I* its included in the de*inition o* a note its e)cluded *rom the de*inition o* a security. I* its included in the de*inition o* a security its e)cluded *rom the de*inition o* a note. $ell if its not a note its not a negotiable instrument. %f its not a negotiable instrument how can there be a loan7 2?D1C 2ou'll notice that the bank ne&er si!ns any o* the loan documents. 'hat's because there ne&er "as a loan. Because you ha&e to ha&e a contract bet"een the borro"er and the bank in order to ha&e a loan. 'he bank ne&er si!ned the deed o* trust and they ne&er si!ned the note. 'hey ne&er si!n any o* the loan documents. 'he only %erson "ho si!ns any o* the documents is you and a notary to &eri*y your si!nature. 2ou ha&e to ha&e 2 %arties to a contract. 'hey did "hat they call....eil Gar*ield has this on his "ebsite/ they do "hat they call a %ay *or"ard. The investors put up capital into a trust fund. 1nd they did this before they ever had any mortgage loans. 'efore you ever signed any loan documents they put up capital. 1nd what the servicing company did they borrowed the capital to buy your loan from the investors. 1nd you are not a party to that contract. That contract is called a pooling and servicing agreement. 8o the real borrower is the servicing company not the borrower. Not the person that borrowed the money on the deed of trust. 8o they did an unauthori9ed loan modification at closing. They made you an undisclosed third party to their pooling and servicing agreement and you can prove that if you get the #)8%$ number you can find out which trusts fund has your note. :hich ";<%# has your note in it . And i* you ha&e a court case you can !o to the state treasurer's o**ice and !et the ,-(I; number. 'hey ha&e the ,-(I; number on all these *oreclosure cases. 'he ,-(I; number is the ,ommittee on -ni*orm (ecurities ;rocesses. Any time you ha&e a ,-(I; you ha&e a security. Any time you ha&e a security its been sold on the (ecurities 6)chan!e ,ommission "ebsite as an in&estment contract. ,allerD (ome %eo%le ha&e contacted their state treasurers "ho sent them back to the county "ho says they ha&e nothin! to do "ith those ,-(I; numbers. Bo" do you ans"er that obAection. 'hey do ha&e somethin! to do "ith it because they're sellin! in ,ali*ornia they're usin! circular . 2ou can make them %roduce 8the number9 under the ;atriot Act and that's "hat Mitchell (tein is doin!. Be's suin! Bank o* America under the ;atriot Act/ cause they're under the +3+ under the emer!ency bank act the "ar %o"ers act o* June <th 1>33. 'he ;atriot Act "as %assed under the $ar ;o"ers Act. 'hat's title 31 section <311. Its called the Bank (ecrecy Act. And they ha&e to *ile ,MIR's "hich are ,urrency Money Re%orts sho"in! "here the source o* the *unds came *rom. And the re!ulations that !o&ern the Bank (ecrecy Act are 31 ,:R 1F3.11 o* the ,ode o* :ederal Re!ulations. 2ou can make them %roduce the accountin!. 'his thin! is !oin! to Aury trial. Mitchell (tein has 1<FF %lainti**s. Its a class action la"suit. 'he Aud!e has ordered them to %roduce the currency re%orts. Its !onna sho" that the *unds came *rom you i* they %roduce them. And they ha&e to %roduce them because under the ;atriot Act they ha&e to sho" "here the *unds are comin! *rom other"ise they can be called..they could be comin! *rom the 'aliban under the 'radin! $ith 'he 6nemy Act. Remember BJR 1>2 as %assed under the 'radin! $ith the 6nemy Act. $ell they mi!ht be !ettin! contraband *rom the enemy "hich can be con*iscated. (o they ha&e to sho" that. And its the same thin! "ith your county. 2ou need to !o into your county and tell them you "ant a co%y o* the de%ository resolution a!reement under circular C. 'hey're doin! electronic trans*ers under circular C "hich is a de%ository a!reement. Go ask the clerk o* the court. 'hey kno" "hat's !oin! on. 'he clerk o* the court is de%ositin! money into the *ederal reser&e bank. 2ou could *ile a case in court and make the clerk %roduce the documents. I can sho" you the !o&ernment code sections "here they ha&e to do that. 'hey ha&e an in&estment. Its called ;MI/ ;ri&ate Money In&estment account. And you can make them %roduce the accountin! on that under the ;atriot Act. And you can do a :3IA re@uest/ :reedom 3* In*ormation Act. But you ha&e to kno" "hat your ri!hts and remedies are. 3ther"ise you don't ha&e any. 3CD)) Its all commercial. 2ou think you're in&ol&ed in a criminal case. Its not criminal its ci&il. 'itle 1? section 3231 only district

courts o* the united states ha&e criminal Aurisdiction 8district is s%elled "ith a small d9. ,allerD But I am in district court. Its not a district court o* the united states 0an article three section one court1 its a united states district court. I did the research *or senator $ayne (tum%. Be "as lookin! *or the national court/ the national seat o* !o&ernment/ the common la" court *or the national seat o* !o&ernment/ its the district court o* the united states *or the district o* ,olumbia. In 1?=3 it "as called the su%reme court o* the united states to the district o* ,olumbia and it "as s%elled "ith a small s Aust like in article three section one. ;rior to that it "as called the circuit court o* the united states *or the district o* ,olumbia. And Ro!er 'a"ny used to ride the circuit as a circuit Aud!e. And i* you !o into the Blanch*ord and McArthur re%orts it re%orts all these common la" cases. And this is %rior to 1>33. (o the article three court at the national seat o* !o&ernment under article ? section one clause 1C is/ today its called the united states district court *or the district o* ,olumbia. And there's no yello" *rin!ed *la! in any o* the court room. 'hat's an article three section one court. ,allerD 'hen "hat's the su%erior court o* $ashin!ton +,E 'hat's the %arent com%any *or all these su%erior courts in the states. 'hat's "hat ,hris (ummers says. I ha&en't documented it. 'he constitution says the su%erior courts are courts o* record. The only court that has 6urisdiction to foreclose on land is the county court under the organic constitution. I* you !o into your state constitution. Bere in ,ali*ornia the ori!inal constitution "as 1?H> then they amended it in 1?<F. H1D)) 6&ery state has a 5and ,ommission and they can determine land boundaries "hich is your meets and boundaries. 'here's a di**erence bet"een land and %ro%erty. 5and is described in meets and bounds "hich is distance and direction. 2our deed o* trust has your meets and bounds land descri%tion/ not a %ro%erty descri%tion. 'he %ro%erty descri%tion is described by to"nshi%/ ran!e/ section/ lot number "hich is "hat they do in a land %atent. 3ri!inally they had =HF increments. And they issued a land %atent *or the acrea!e and they desi!nate them by lot and section number and to"nshi% and ran!e number. H<D)) 'he united (tates doesn't o"n anythin!. 'hey're all debtors in %ossession under a cha%ter 11 reor!ani7ation actin! as trustees to the bankru%t estate. 'hey're all debtors in %ossession. 'hey're all in a declared state o* bankru%tcy. (o ho" can they e&er brin! a claim a!ainst somebody in a court o* la" "hen they're all debtorsE Bo" can a debtor brin! a claimE 'hey can't. ;eo%le ha&e been lettin! them !et a"ay "ith this. 'hey're all bankru%t. I'&e !ot su%reme court decisions that says i* you're bankru%t and insol&ent..i* you're a com%any/ a cor%oration/ an association and you're insol&ent or bankru%t you're civilly dead. And i* you're ci&illy dead you're naturally and le!ally dead. $ell i* you !o in there and read these ta)in! statutes/ your cha%ter 11 and 12/ they talk about a decedent/ a dead %erson. Read the cestui @ue II6 Act o* 1===/ i* you "ere missin! at sea *or more than C years you "ere declared...there "as a %resum%tion o* death. (o i* you ha&e an estate that e)ists and there's no bene*iciaries or heirs to that estate then the %resum%tion is there is no heirs or bene*iciaries because its intestate. (o they do a %resum%tion o* death under title < section <<=<. And I think its HF ,:R section HHF a %resum%tion o* death issues because there's no bene*iciaries or heirs to the estate. 'hat's another reason you don't "in in court. 'hat's "hy the Aud!e says I'm not !oin! to let you re%resent yoursel* because you're incom%etent. ,allerD Bo" do you break thatE 'y identifying yourself as the e2ecutor. 'hat's "hat +a&id ,larence is attem%tin! to do. Be's correct but he doesn't understand the ta) la"s. 2ou !otta ha&e the ta) la"s alon! "ith trust la" and %robate la". 2ou ha&e a le!al estate in "hich there's no declared bene*iciary or heir to the state and you're comin! into court under the all ca%ital letter name "hich is a le!al estate. 'hat's "hat that all ca%ital letter name...that's not a stra"man/ that's a le!al estate. ,allerD (o you !o in and identi*y yoursel* other"iseE 2eah. Identi*y yoursel* as the bene*iciary and e)ecutor to the le!al estate o* the decedent. And I use the "ord decedent. I'&e actually done this. And here's another you're doin! that's "ron!. I* you si!n any document "ith blue ink/ you are si!nin! a dead man's si!nature. I* you are dead can you come into the court and testi*yE Go read your dead man statutes. 'hey %assed the dead man's statutes and the courts ha&e ado%ted that under rule =F1o* the *ederal rules o* e&idence/ com%etency to testi*y. $hen these attorneys come into court I tell the Aud!e I don't "ant this %erson testi*yin!. Be doesn't ha&e %ersonal kno"led!e under =F2 and he's incom%etent to testi*y. Be's testi*yin! on behal* o* a dead %erson. $ho's the dead %erson he's testi*yin! on behal* o*E 'he cor%oration. Read title 2= section 3F3. #orporations are decedents because they're individuals and 01 persons0 corporations0 companies0 associations and trusts are all decedents . Go to the secretary of state's web site and look under definitions it will tell you that an individual is a decedent. All these cor%orations are entities/ indi&iduals or arti*icial %ersons and they're all decedents. $hen these attorneys come into court and start testi*yin!/ they're testi*yin! on behal* o* the decedent. And unless you obAect to it under rule =F1 they !et a"ay "ith it and they allo" their testimony as e&idence. I'&e actually done this and sto%%ed anythin! *rom !ettin! into the court record. 'hat's "hy the court doesn't ha&e subAect matter Aurisdiction. Because the real %arties in interest..i* you study rule 1C A "hich is standin! to come into court and rule 1> A "hich is Aoinder. Go into 3?> o* ,ali*ornia code o* ci&il %rocedure it talks about rule 1> A. %f you 6oin the real parties in interest the court cannot rule on the case because the real parties in interest aren't before the court which are your investors under the pooling and servicing agreement. Attorneys are substitutin! themsel&es *or the in&estors because you're not obAectin!. 'his is "hy you !otta challen!e subAect matter Aurisdiction. 12 b 1 is subAect matter Aurisdiction. 12 b 2 is in %ersonam Aurisdiction. And 12 b = is *ailure to state a

claim u%on "hich the court can !rant relie*. Bo" many times did you *ile %a%er"ork into the court and the Aud!e "ould say I'm dismissin! your %a%er"ork because it *ailed to state a claim u%on "hich the court can !rant relie*. 2ou ha&en't %resented a claim or de*ense under 3-3F= and 3-3F<. 'hat's "hy you're losin! these court cases on mort!a!e *oreclosures. And the courts don't ha&e Aurisdiction. 'hese are not land courts. 3nly a land court has Aurisdiction to hear...that's called the local &enue. 2ou "ant to brin! u% &enue. I ha&e a treatise..."e start these classes I'm !oin! to sho" you a treatise "ritten by a %ro*essor that talks about the local &enue rule. <3D)) 'hese courts don't ha&e &enue to issue *oreclosure on land. 3nly the land court has the Aurisdiction to do that. I ha&e a 1>FC decision that came out o* ,ali*ornia/ Robinson. (he "ent in and !ot an abstract o* title *rom a sur&eyor/ a meets and bounds land descri%tion. .ot %ro%erty descri%tion. :iled it "ith the county recorder and did a @uiet title action in court and they !a&e her title to the %ro%erty. 'hese %eo%le don't o"n anythin!. 'hey're a bunch o* %irates. And you're lettin! them steal all your land. $hen they !o to a trustee sale do they e&er %ut u% any moneyE +id you kno" you can't sell a %ro%erty on an unla"*ul detainer unless they %ut u% a cashier's check or moneyE $here's the money they %ut u% to %urchase the landE (o they're not a @uali*ied %urchaser *or &alue are theyE 2ou can't %urchase anythin! unless you're a @uali*ied %urchaser *or &alue under the -ni*orm ,ommercial ,ode. ,ause you didn't %ut u% any money. ,aller# And there is no money. And there is no money. (o ho" did they do a section ? o* the .ational ,urrency Act o* June 3rd 1?=H. And its codi*ied in title 12 section 2H %ara!ra%h C. It says they can only loan money. It doesn't talk about credit. $here did they !et the credit *romE I* they "ant to ar!ue credit I'll say okay "hat "as the source o* the creditE $here is the source o* the credit under the ;atriot ActE 2ou're claimin! you loaned me creditE (ho" me the credit a%%lication. 6&erybody makes them %roduce the note. :or!et the note. ;roduce the credit a%%lication. 'hey moneti7e the credit a%%lication. 'hat's "here your credit came *rom. Go to the +', "ebsite. I can !o to the (6, "ebsite and %ull a credit card trust..,he&ron credit card trust account. (ho" you the %oolin! and ser&icin! a!reement "hich is *iled "ith the +',. 'he +', o"ns both sides o* the credit card account. 'hey a%%oint an indenture trustee and the indenture trustee does the card %ayments "hich are your %ayments you're makin! on the credit card !o to the bene*iciaries because you didn't claim it. Its abandoned %ro%erty. 2ou can !o in there and claim all o* these *unds *rom this credit card account. 'hey did the same thin! on credit cards that they do on mort!a!e loans. Its identical. I can sho" you the B< %ros%ectus on a credit card. 'hat's "hat I did on one o* my students/ on a car loan. I did a letter ro!atory/ "ent into the (6, "ebsite/ %ulled a B< %ros%ectus "ith a %oolin! and ser&icin! a!reement/ incor%orated the %oolin! and ser&icin! a!reement "hich sho"ed that they sold all ri!ht/ title and interest in the recei&able. 'hey not only moneti7e your note or 8rather your9 security they moneti7e your recei&ables and your %ayables "hich are accounts. Read title 12 section 1?13 5 1. Read :A(B re!ulation number >< cash *lo"s. It says "hen a loan is made and the note is de%osited in a demand de%osit account it becomes a %ayment to the de%ositor and a recei%t to the bank and a recei%t to the de%ositor and a %ayment to the bank. (o you ha&e 2 recei%ts and 2 %ayments. 1sk em where your damn receipt is on the payables that they deposited to write the check to the seller to pay for the loan. 1nd you can demand this under the $atriot 1ct. $hat are they !onna sayE ,allerD Bo" *ar back can you !o on somethin! like thisE It doesn't make any di**erence. 2ou can make them do it any time. ,allerD %f you sold a house 1- years ago can you go back and get the money you were due7 8ure. %'d make a claim on it. There's no statute of limitations on a 1033 =%>. Robert Bro"n is the chie* %rosecutor *or the ,I+ o* the Internal Re&enue (er&ice. Be's in %ri&ate %ractice no". I called him. 'his is ho" I learn. I call the IR( all the time. 'hey re*er me to the com%le) issues committee cause they don't kno" anythin! about gift and estate ta2es which are capital transfer ta2es and that's what you're involved in. You're not involved in income ta2. 'hey turn me o&er to the com%le) issues committee. 'hey say I'm 1FFJ correct. (o I call u% Robert Bro"n and say I ha&e a @uestion about !i*t and estate ta)es. Be says "hat's your @uestion. (o I asked him the @uestion and he says ho"'d you *ind that out. I said I read the 16&03 decoding manual on the %"8 website. The 1>$0 1utomated >ata $rocessing manual. Be says you're not su%%osed to be readin! that. Be said that's *or o**icial use only. I said yeah that's "hy I read it. Be started lau!hin!. 'y%e in I+R( s%ace A+;. Inte!rated +ata Retrie&al (ystem. In 2-C thru 2-11 it says all :&'s0 all :5's0 all 1033's0 1036's and 1038's are all class - gift and estate ta2es. #lass - gift and estate ta2es have to be reported on a 06 or a 03 ta2 form. 03 is for gift ta2es. You have a ?+-00000 e2clusion. You show me a person who makes wages in e2cess of ?+-00000. 06 is generation skipping transfer ta2es. 1nd they have your )nified Ta2 #redit or e2clusion built into the form. I called u% Ale)ander Bo&e "ho "rote the com%lete book o* "ills/ estates and trusts. 6&erythin! is a donation. Read title 2= section 2<12 b. ,allerD %f we receive the donation we don't have to pay the ta2 on it0 right7 Yeah0 the donor is supposed to pay it. :ho's the donor7 Your employer. You talk about a0 pardon my french0 a fucked up system. You're paying all their ta2es for them. :ho's the donor7 The person who paid you. @e paid you which is a gift so the donor had to pay the ta2. "ead &00& of title &6. ,allerD +oes that include your military retirement and your social securityE

2es. 'he donor has to %ay it. And i* the donor doesn't %ay it the donee has to %ay it. Read =>F1 B. (o "hat I do is I make them %ay it e&en thou!h I'm the donor. Read =F23 ,2. A lien attaches until the ta) is %aid. Read &0+& 1 e 11 of title &6 it talks about a Aualified heir under section 1015 of title &6. %f you're a Aualified heir and you're the recipient or the receiver of funds from a decedent you are a Aualified heir. You have to file a bond with the secretary of treasury to cover the ta2 liability. That's the first thing % ask them when % go into court is where's your bond to indemnify the ta2 liability as the recipient of the funds from the decedent7 You've acAuired funds from a decedent under 1015 of title &6 and you haven't paid the ta2. You're in possession of contraband. %'m gonna have the %"8 come out here and sei9e all your property. 'hey %ut their %arachute on and Aum% out the "indo". 1DFC 'hese %eo%le are !ettin! a"ay "ith murder because nobody understands "hat's !oin! on in the court room. And %eo%le that are doin! redem%tion...e&erybody talks about redem%tion and i* you don't understand ta) la"/ trust la"/ commercial la" and accountin! you can't understand anythin! that's !oin! on. It "asn't until I started studyin! all H di&isions that I understood "hat "as !oin! on in the court room. 'he Aud!e has his o"n set o* books and so does the clerk. %f you really want to shake them up tell them you want a copy of their depository resolution agreement with the federal reserve bank of new york . And "atch the look on his *ace. I can sho" you the !o&ernment code section that !o&ern that. <3 =FF o* the ,ali*ornia !o&ernment code. And that's "hat co&ers the ;IMA. ;ri&ate Money In&estment Account. They're taking all your funds and investing it all and getting all the proceeds and you're not getting a penny. 2ou're !oin! to be *orced to deal "ith this issue "hether you "ant to or not. 'hese %eo%le don't o"n anythin!/ they're bankru%t and they're controllin! your assets and you're lettin! them cause you're not claimin! them. 1D1H I* you kno" < or = key statements "hen you take it into the court system they "ill run a"ay *rom you. +o"nload -ni*orm 'rust ,ode and read sections HF1 and HF2. It tells ho" to %ut a trust to!ether. HF= and HFC says you can do a trust orally. I made the Aud!es and attorneys trustees. And under +,601 of the )niform $robate #ode % made em put up a one million dollar fidelity bond to guarantee their fiduciary trustee duty as a fiduciary trustee . 'hey sat do"n *or 1< minutes a*ter "e ser&ed the %a%ers on them/ they %ut the %a%ers do"n and I !ot this *rom the %rocess ser&er/ they ran out o* the court room/ shut the court do"n/ the district attorneys and the Aud!es ran out o* the court room/ shut the court do"n *or 3 months/ hired attorneys to try and !et out o* this and they couldn't get out of it. I did a criminal IR( case and "hen I *iled the declaration o* trust they dismissed the criminal char!es and "ent ci&il "ith it. 'itle 2= "as ne&er %assed into la". $alter ,o) as a su%reme court Austice o* the real su%reme court and I ha&e a co%y o* the s%eech he !a&e on the house *loor. Be says "ithout any le!al authority "hatsoe&er/ there "as three attorneys/ and I kno" all 3 o* them/ "ithout any le!al authority at all they did their re&ision o* the re&ised statutes o* the united states "hich are "here titles one throu!h *i*ty came *rom. .one o* the titles one throu!h *i*ty ha&e been %assed into %ositi&e la" because they "ere ne&er %resented/ and I can sho" you in the con!ressional record/ "here they "ere ne&er %resented to the %resident and si!ned into la". Be ne&er a%%ro&ed it. (o none of your titles one through fifty are positive law. ,allerD $hich meansE $ell you don't have any law. They're regulations. Title &60 that's the rules and regulations that they operate by and so % use that on them. ,allerD Are you sayin! title 2= o* the Internal Re&enue ,ode is ille!alE $hat's ill ea!leE 'hat's a sick bird. 'itles one throu!h <F ha&e not been enacted into la". ,allerD And they sent me to Aail *or 1H months *or "ill*ul *ailure to *ile. 'he court "as actin! as a backu% "ithholdin! a!ent *or the Internal Re&enue (er&ice. They put you in 6ail on a ta2 charge. 1nd so they were spending your interest while they put you in 6ail as the principal. #allerB 8o there's no statute of limitation on fraud. 8o % could go back and sue them. :ell why don't you go get the money. /o after your interest. %nterest accrues to principal. )ntil interest is returned back to the principal you can't have settlement and closure. You have to assess the ta20 make them return the interest back to you so you can do settlement and closure. Tell the 6udge you want him to settle and close the case and you're authori9ing it. That's why % appoint them as trustees. % tell them %'m the e2ecutor of the legal estate of the decedent0 the all ca%ital letter name/ "hich is the le!al estate. 'hat's "ho they're brin!in! the claim a!ainst because that's "here all the money is. Its in an escro" account. 2ou don't ha&e to be a%%ointed to be an e)ecutor. Go into 22F3 o* title 2=. It de*ines "hat an e)ecutor is. It says e)ecutor andGor administrator. 6&ery county has an administrator. 'he administrator is actin! as the e)ecutor because there's no beneficiary established on their record. KI* there is no administrator or e)ecutor been a%%ointed then "hoe&er had actual or constructi&e custody o* the estate %ro%erty is actin! as the e)ecutor or the administrator.L 2ou !o into court/ "ho has actual and constructi&e custody o* the estate %ro%ertyE +oesn't the Aud!eE Isn't he administratin! or actin! as the estateE ,allerD yes/ "ell "ho !a&e him %ermission to do thatE $ell because its abandoned. $hen its abandoned %ro%erty and the estate is intestate then it escheats back to the state by o%eration o* la"/ under %robate la". 'hey're %robatin! your estate. +o you kno" "hat a constructi&e trust is in e@uityE +o"nload this case# Goo!enheim & -( e)%loration com%any. Bere's "hat they're doin! in the court room. Because there is no heir or bene*iciary or e)ecutor on the court record o* the de*endant "ho is the le!al estate/ the court does a constructi&e trust in e@uity to !i&e restitution and reimbursement to the

%lainti** and a%%oints the de*endant as the trustee. $hat's the %ur%ose o* a trusteeE 'o run the trust *or the bene*it o* the bene*iciary "ho is the %lainti** on all these cases/ ci&il or criminalE (o they make the state the bene*iciary and you ha&e to !i&e all your money to the bene*iciary under a constructi&e trust. (o "hat I do is I !o in there and they Aum% out the "indo". 1D2C I %aid M3<F to ha&e a trust ser&ed on the court and the ser&er said they ran/ not "alked/ out o* the court room. % appointed them as the fiduciary trustee. Now they're the trustees. Now they have to run the court case for the benefit of me. 'hey took me out o* their system. I can !i&e you my name/ birth date and social and I do not e)ist.

to get your money back on a paid off mortgage7 1D31 file an adverse claim under 8,10&0 8,10- and 8,-0- and 8,-08 tells you how to do it. $e ha&en't
done this yet because I "ant to make sure "e're doin! it ri!ht that's "hy "e're doin! all this research. .6:RA ha&e to *ile the claim..."hy do you *ile the claimE Because you're an in&estor. I'm an in&estor. 'hat's "hat .eil Gar*ield said. Be says by o%eration o* la" you ha&e the same ri!hts but he doesn't tell you ho" to do it. $hat I'm doin! is teachin! you ho" to do it. 1D33 file an adverse claim 8,10& with nefra (its !%N"1* (to get paid off mortgage money back* you file because you're an investor its administrative you dont go into court. (ecurities In&estment ;rotection A!ency cor%. Im !oin! to *ile "ith ne*ra *inra. % have a form for filing the claim then you can ask for the proceeds. :I.RA re!ulates the (6, I* it ends u% in court the (I;,/ under the (I;A/ they're the a!ency under :I.RA so %'m gonna file the case with !%N"1. ,aller# 'his is Aust to !et back the money %eo%le ha&e already %aid in to mort!a!esE J D 2eah. Its called :I.RA :inancial Industry Re!ulatory Authority. ,allerD Its not .6:RAE J D .o its :I.RA. Go on the internet and look at it. % have the form for filing a claim. %'ll give you the classes and show you how to fill out the form. %ts all administrative. They're gonna have a heart

attack when you do this because they owe you all this money. 1ll these investors are going to have to give you back all your money they've been taking.
,allerD +idn't they 8 9 on the international marketE J D I don't care "hat they did "ith it. % don't care about the note. % want the security0 the proceeds. I don't e&en !et into the loan thin!. I "ant to kno" "here my %roceeds are. But you can't go in there and ask for the proceeds until you file the claim. :I.RA re!ulates the (6,. ,allerD 2ou're *ilin! a claim "ith an a!ency that's !oin! to ensure you !et %aid other"ise the other %arty is ultimately bein! a crook and they !et *ined/ %enali7ed. J D 'hat's "hy these courts aren't %ayin! attention to your ar!uments on a loan. 'here is no loan. "ebinar classes saturday at =%m. $ebine) M1FF.FF a month. kenickesN! Jean in subAect line 8only audio9 con*erence I+ 1C?>? at =%m %aci*ic time (aturdays :I.RA *irst but you need back!round *irst/ do you kno" "hat security entitlement is/ do you kno" "hat entitlement holder isE Maria# "e ha&e to !o thru each de*inition slo"ly so e&erybody can learn "hat they are J D you need to understand "hy you ha&e a claim. ...they don't trans*er 8 9 to a R6MI, cause they don't o"n them. 2ou do. chisom & !eor!ia/ they cannot sue you under the 11th amendment. 11th amendment didn't chan!e chisom & !eor!ia. 'he so&erei!nty is still in the %eo%le. :orei!n (o&erei!n Immunities Act. 'itle 2? section 1=F1 throu!h 1=1F. 'hey use the 11 th amendment because you don't use it. 86&ery $ednesday ni!ht on AIB Radio at Maria talks about the %re&ious (aturday ni!ht %ri&ate lesson "ith Jean eatin!. 'hou!h not in detail/ the $ednesday ni!ht calls are recorded and can be do"nloaded at Its M1FF a month to Aoin $ebine) to &ie" eatin!s "ebinar lessons and its M2< %er lesson. As o* =-1-11 he still has not !one into detail about the CF= and CF> *orms that I kno" o* but I ha&e not si!ned u% *or the %ri&ate lessons.9

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