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Seoul Community Radio Declaration

World Association of Community Radio

Broadcasters Asia Pacific, Seoul,
Republic of Korea, Decemebr 5, 2013

KwgDwbwU iwWI msv wmDj NvlYvc

Iqv Gmvwmqkb Ae KwgDwbwU iwWI
eWKvvim (GgvK) Gwkqv cvwmwdK, wmDj
MYcRvZx Kvwiqv| wWm^i 05, 2013|
Community radio stations, national associations, community radio production groups,
communication associations, aspirant community radio groups and community radio and
communication rights supporters from the Asia Pacific region gathered at the 3rd World
Association of Community Radio Broadcasters, Asia Pacific Regional Assembly in Seoul,
Republic of Korea, during December, 2013.
Gwkqv cvwmwdK Aj _K KwgDwbwU iwWI kb, KwgDwbwU iwWI cvWvKkb Mc, KwgDwbwU iwWI Gmvwmqkb,
Gwkqv cvwmwdK Aji AvMnx KwgDwbwU iwWI Mc Ges KwgDwbwU iwWI I hvMvhvM AwaKvi ivq mvPvi mg_KMY
MZ wWm^i (2013) MYcRvZx Kvwiqvi ivRavbx wmDj AbywZ ZZxq w` Iqv Gmvwmqkb Ae KwgDwbwU iwWI
eWKvvim (&GgvK)-Gi Gwkqv cvwmwdK- Gi AvwjK mgvek GKwZ nqwQjb|
We are communicators, broadcasters, journalists, activists, artists, communication scholars and
researchers. We come from East Asia, South Asia, South East Asia and the Pacific. We gathered
together with our different cultural and political identities; with gender and generation
differences; with our participation in diverse organisations and social movements; with multiple
experiences and memories.
Avgiv nwQ hvMvhvM I mPviKgx ,mvsevw`K , wkx , hvMvhvMwekl I MelK| Avgiv GmwQ c~e I `wY Gwkqv,
`wYc~e Gwkqv Ges Gkxq ckv gnvmvMixq Aj _K| Avgiv mevB GKwZ nqwQ Avgv`i wfb mswZ I
ivRbwZK cwiPq| Avgv`i ga iqQ cRb I Rvi cv_K| iqQ wfb wfb cwZvb I mvgvwRK Av`vjb
AskMnYi egvwK AwfZv I wZ |
Reaffirming that the right to information and freedom of expression is fundamental in ensuring
other rights and freedoms enshrined in international human rights instruments;
Avgiv `pfve wbwZ KiwQ h, AvRvwZK gvbevwaKvi DcKiY weaZ Abvb AwaKvi I ^vaxbZvi welqjv
wbwZKiY Z_ AwaKvi I gZcKvki ^vaxbZv LyeB iZc~Y |
Recalling Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states "Everyone
has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions
without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media,
and regardless of frontiers."

Avgiv c~Ye KiwQ gvbevwaKvii AvRvwZK NvlYv-Gi 19 bs AbyQ` hLvb ejv nqQ cZKi AvQ cKvki
AwaKvi| GB AwaKvii AvIZvq iqQ KvbviKg evNvZ bv NwUq gZvgZ msiY Ges mxgvbv wbwekl hKvbv
gvag _K Z_ I fvebv mvb, AvniY I wewbgqi ^vaxbZv|
We reaffirm that everyone has a right to life, with dignity. All people have the undeniable right
to be informed about decisions affecting every aspect of their lives including quality of life, as
articulated in the United Nations conventions on human rights.
Avgiv `pfve RvbvwQ, cZKi mvbRbKfve euP _vKvi AwaKvi iqQ| Avi gvbyli GB mvbRbKfve euP
_vKvi AwaKviK cfvweZ KiZ cvI, Ggb hKvbv wmv mK Rvbvi Ab^xKvh AwaKvi gvbyli iqQ; hv
gvbevwaKvi welqK RvwZmsN KbfbkbI ewYZ iqQ|
With reference to the 2005 United Nations Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the
Diversity of Cultural Expressions which celebrates "... the importance of cultural diversity for
the full realisation of human rights and fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and other universally recognised instruments"
2005 mvj mvswZK cKvki ewP I weKvk mvab Abygvw`Z RvwZmsN Kbfbkbi welqwU GLvb Ze, hLvb
gvbevwaKvii mveRbxb NvlYv I Abvb wekRbxb NvlYvc gvbevwaKvi I gwjK ^vaxbZvi c~Yv evevqb mvswZK
ewPi welqwUK iZ `qv nqQ|
We reaffirm that freedom of thought, expression, and information, as well as diversity of the
media enable cultural expressions to flourish within societies.
Avgiv `pfve DjL KiwQ, gywPvi cKvk, Aeva Z_ cevn Ges mB m MYgvagi ewP mgvRi Afi
mvswZK cKvkK DrmvwnZ Ki|
We acknowledge the diversity of opportunities and challenges that confront community radios
and communications practitioners across the region.
Aj wbwekl KwgDwbwU iwWI I hvMvhvM KgxMY h mKj ewPgq myhvM I Pvji gyLvgywL nq _vKb,
mjvK Avgiv ^xKvi KiwQ |
We take note that the enabling regulatory structures within some countries do not yet fully
recognise community radio as a legitimate third tier of broadcasting.
Avgiv GI j Kwi h, GLbv AbK `k hywmZ wbqY KvVvgvi ga KwgDwbwU iwWIK GKwU ea ZZxq weK
MYgvag wnme ^xKwZ `qwb|
We regret that in some countries radio practitioners and journalists are persecuted by the state or
are not offered the protection or justice of the state where perpetrators of violence against radio
practitioners and journalists are identified.
Avgiv `ytLi m ejwQ h, AbK iwWI ckvRxex I mvsevw`K ivi viv wbhvZbi wkKvi nb A_ev AvgYKvix`i
kbv Kivi ciI iwWI ckvRxex I mvsevw`K`i Kvbv ivxq myiv `qv nq bv ev Zv`i cwZ Kvbv mywePvi Kiv nq

We bear in mind that wealth and resources are not equally and equitably distributed among
nations within our region.
Avgiv avibv Kwi h, Avgv`i Aji `kjvZ ab I m`i mgeb wbwZ nqwb|
We are mindful that natural and human-induced climate change has a disproportional impact
among our members nations and is emerging as a great challenge.
Avgiv GI gb Kwi h, Avgv`i m`m ivjvi Ici cvKwZK I gbyl m Rjevqy cwieZbi Amg cfve coQ, hv
eo GKwU Pvj nq `Lv w`Q|
We are aware that natural and human induced disasters negatively impact the social, economic
and political structures of our members nations.
Avgiv G welq mPZb h, cvKwZK I gbyl m `yhvMmg~n Avgv`i m`m ivjvi mvgvwRK, A_bwZK Ges ivRbwZK
KvVvgvi Ici bwZevPK cfve djQ|
We are highly concerned with the unavailability of equal rights for all citizens in some of our
members countries.
Avgiv weklfve DwM h, Avgv`i KwZcq m`m ivi RbMY mgAwaKvi _K ewZ|
We consider that in some members countries indigenous peoples are marginalised and denied
access to basic human rights and in some members countries women, people of diverse sexual
orientation and gender identity, the differently abled, Dalit communities, migrants, and religious
and ethnic minorities are marginalised and denied basic human rights.
Avgiv weePbvq AvbwQ h, Kvbv Kvbv m`m ivi vbxq RbMY cvwK I DcwZ Ges gwjK AwaKviewZ|
Avevi Kvbv Kvbv m`m `ki bvix, wfb Rvif~, cwZex, `wjZ m`vq, Awfevmx, msLvjNy I b-RbMvxi
RbMY gwjK AwaKvi _K ewZ|
We bear in mind that some member countries do not fully recognise the welfare and rights of
children, to whom basic human rights apply.
Avgv`i weePbvq iqQ h, Kvbv Kvbv m`m iv wk`i KjvY I gwjK AwaKvijv ^xKwZ `q bv, hv`i
gwjK gvbevwaKvi chvR|
We acknowledge that in some members countries conflict is ongoing and where it is not the
post-conflict social, political and economic situation is difficult.
Avgiv `LZ cvB h, Kvbv Kvbv ivi Afi msNl Pjgvb Ges Kvbv Kvbv iv msNlcieZx mvgvwRK,
ivRbwZK Ges A_bwZK RwUj cwiwwZ weivRgvb|
In acknowledging these fundamental issues that impact all human beings, we recognise that
community radio has an important role to play in addressing our above-mentioned concerns.
Gme gwjK Bmy hv mKj RbMYK cfvweZ KI, mjv weePbvq wbq Avgiv j Kwi h, Dci DwjwLZ
welqjvK mvgb wbq AvmZ KwgDwbwU iwWI iZc~Y f~wgKv cvjb KiZ cvi|

We recognise and firmly believe that our strength lies within our diversity.
Avgiv `pfve wekvm Kwi h, Avgv`i kw wbwnZ iqQ Avgv`i ewP I wfbZvq|
We recognise that equitable access to spectrum is central to the implementation and development
of community radio.
Avgiv GI ^xKvi Kwi h, KwgDwbwU iwWIi evevqb I Dbqbi K`we`yZ iqQ eZvi Zi mKji mgvb
cekvwaKvii myhvM|
We recognise that dangers exist where radio practitioners and journalists seek to speak truth to
Avgiv j Kwi h, iwWI Kgx I mvsevw`Kiv gZvmxb`i mZ cKvk hLwb D`vMx nq, mLvbB `Lv `q wechq |
We recognise that different subregions have varying levels of resources knowledge, financial,
and human which must be shared as appropriate whenever possible to promote the
establishment, development and sustainability of community radio.
wewfb Aji iqQ wfb wfb GjvKvwfwK vb, A_ I gvbweK m`, hv AekB mwVKfve eb KiZ ne, hvZ
iwWIi vcb, Dbqb I UKmBKiYi Rb myhvM mw nq|
We recognise that community radio has an important role to play in raising awareness in
communities about the value of conservation of their natural resources in mitigating the effects
of climate change.
cvKwZK m` msiYi gvag Rjevqy cwieZbi cfve Kwgq Avbvi iZ mK RbMYi mPZbZv ewi
KwgDwbwU iwWI iZc~Y f~wgKv cvjb KiZ cvi|
We recognise that community radio has an important role to play in planning for, the
management of and participation in disaster risk reduction and post disaster reconstruction
efforts prior to, during and following the effects of natural and human induced climate change
and natural and human induced disasters.
Avgiv ^xKvi Kwi h, cvKwZK I gbylm `yhvM I Rjevqy cwieZbi cwZ, `yhvMKvjxb I cybevmbi wewfb chvqi
cwiKbv, eevcbv I AskMnYi KwgDwbwU iwWI iZc~Y f~wgKv cvjb KiZ cvi |
We recognise that community radio is an important tool in breaking down social barriers and
stereotypes that marginalise or exclude people based on their gender, race, ethnicity, sexual
orientation and gender identity, class, caste, religious beliefs or disability.
Avgiv gb Kwi h, h mKj mvgvwRK evav I mbvZbx g~jeva, ag, kYx, eY, wj, hbcwiPq, Mv, Rvi,
cwZewZv I b-ZvwK cwiPqi wfw gvbylK cvmxgvq Vj `q, mjvK wQb Kivi KwgDwbwU iwWI GKwU
iyZc~Y DcKiY wnme KvR AvmZ cvi|
We recognise that community radio has an important role to play in peace building and
reconciliation in post-conflict areas.
hycieZx AjjvZ kvw vcb I msNvZ wbimb KwgDwbwU iwWI KvhKi f~wgKv cvjb KiZ cvi|

We agree that as a region we need to build linkages with other like-minded organisations, nongovernmental organisations, civil society organisations, donor organisations, and other bodies to
progress the work of community radio within the Asia Pacific region.
G welq Avgiv mKj GKgZ h, GKB Ajf~ wnme Gkxq ckv gnvmvMixq Aj KwgDwbwU iwWI wbq KvR
KiQ Ggb mggbv cwZvb, emiKvwi cwZvb, `vZvMvx, mykxj mgvR Ges Abb A msMVbjvi ga GKwU
mshvM vcbi cqvRb iqQ |
Taking into account our recognition of the valuable role of community radio and being aware of
the important role community radio can play in furthering human development and the
expression of and support for human rights, we the participants of the 3rd Regional Assembly of
the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters, Asia Pacific, hereby:
KwgDwbwU iwWIi iyZc~Y f~wgKv mK Avgv`i HKgZ Ges gvbweK Dbqb I gvbevwaKvii cKvk I mg_b
KwgDwbwU iwWI h iZc~Y f~wgKv cvjb KiZ cvI, m welq mPZb _K Avgiv Iqv Gmvwmqkb Ae KwgDwbwU
iwWI eWKvvi, Gwkqv cvwmwdKi ZZxq AvwjK mjb AskMnYKvixiv :

Call upon the governments of the countries of the region to recognise community media
as a third tier of broadcasting and to incorporate community media in planning, policy,
regulatory and legislative measures.

GB Aji mKj `ki miKviK KwgDwbwU iwWIK ZZxq avivi mPvi MYgvag wnme ^xKwZ `qvi Rb
Ges miKvii cwiKbv, bxwZ, AvBb wbqYKvix mvsweavwbK welqjvZ KwgDwbwU wgwWqvK Af
y Kivi
Avnvb RvbvB|

Urge the governments of the countries of the region to bring specific legislative
provisions safeguarding the community radios in line with the principles of community
broadcasting outlined in the 2010 AMARC 40 Principles of Guaranteeing Diversity and
Pluralism in Broadcasting in Audiovisual Communication Services.

GZ`ji miKvijvK KwgDwbwU iwWIi ivKeP wnme GgbwK 2010 GgvK-G MnxZ AwWI wfRyqvj
KwgDwbKkb mvwfm mPvii ewP I egywLZv wbwZKiY 40 bxwZgvjvi AvjvK AvBb cYqbi
Abyiva RvbvB|

Resolve to continue to participate in the promotion of equitable access to the airwaves for
community broadcasters.

KwgDwbwU mPviKvix`i eZvi Zi mgAskMnYi myhvM mmviYi D`vM AevnZ ivLvi Avnvb RvbvB|
Resolve to develop policy and strategic initiatives to engage with regulators and
governing authorities with the purpose of ensuring that community radio has equitable
access to digital spectrum and other emerging broadcast technologies.

KwgDwbwU iwWIi wWwRUvj KUvg Ges Abvb mPvi DchvMx bZzb KvwiMwi welqjv wbwZ Kivi
j AvBb cYZv I `vwqZcv miKvwi KZci AvBb cYqb I KkjMZ D`vM cYqb wbR`i hy
Kivi `vwe RvbvB|

Continue to oppose violence against journalists and media practitioners and to resist
legislative measures that would dilute the right to free and open reporting on matters of
community interest or concern.

mvsevw`K I MYgvagKgx`i Ici mswnmZv Ges Rb^v_ mswk, gy I ^vaxb wicvwUsK evavM Ki Ggb h
Kvbv AvBwb eevi wei cwZev` AevnZ ivLvi Avnvb RvbvB|

Resolve to develop mechanisms to facilitate the sharing of resources for the enablement
of community radio through the strengthening of institutional networks between donors,
non governmental organisations, civil society organisations, inter-governmental bodies
and community radio associations.

cviwiK m` Av`vb c`vbi gvag KwgDwbwUi iwWIi mgZv ewi Rb `vZv msv, emiKvwi
cwZvb, mykxj mgvR, AvtmiKvwi msv Ges KwgDwbwU iwWI Gmvwmqkbi ga kwkvjx bUIqvK Mo
Zvjvi `vwe RvbvB|

Resolve to work cooperatively to lobby governments for adequate funding to protect,

support, promote and subsidise community radio infrastructure and operations.

KwgDwbwUi iwWIi AfixY KvVvgv I KvhgK Avw_Kfve mnvqZv I mnhvwMZv Ges fZzwK c`vb Kivi
Rb miKvii mv_ h_fve jwe Kivi Avnvb RvbvB|

Resolve to strengthen capacity among community radios to develop independent funding

initiatives and develop relationships with sponsors and donors.

KwgDwbwUi iwWIK ^Zfve Avw_K D`vM MnY Ges i I `vZv msvi m mKvbqbi Rb Zv`i
mgZv ew Kivi `vwe RvbvB|

Resolve to develop strategies, programs and training opportunities for community radio
stations to be better equipped to participate in disaster planning, mitigation, response and

`yhvM eevcbvi cwiKbv cbqY, ckgb, Riwi cwiwwZ gvKvejv I c~Yevmb KgKv AskMnYi mgZv
evovbvi Rb KwgDwbwU iwWIjvi KkjMZ cwiKbv, Kgm~wP I cwkYi myhvM myweav mmvwiZ Kivi
Avnvb RvbvB|

Renew our endorsement of and call for the implementation of Article 16 of the United
Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples which reaffirms the right of
indigenous peoples to establish their own community radios in their own languages and
have access to non-indigenous community radios without discrimination.

vbxq RbMYi AwaKvi msv 16 bs AbyQ` DwjwLZ RvwZmsN NvlYvi cwZ Avgv`i mg_b c~Ye KiwQ
hvZ vbxq RbMvx hgb wbR`i fvlvq Zv`i wbR^ KwgDwbwU iwWI vcb Kie Avevi Aeva wbR Mvxi
evBi Ab hKvbv iwWIZ ceki myhvM jvf Kie|

Resolve to create spaces on the airwaves for diverse and marginalised voices, irrespective
of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, class, caste, religious
beliefs or disability.

Avgiv `vwe RvbvB, eZvi Zi wj, Mv, kYx, eY ,cwZewZv, agxq wekvm I bZvwK cwiPq wbwekl
wewfb cvwK RbMvxi Rb eZvi Zi ceki myhvM Ki w`Z ne|

Resolve to promote and encourage gender equality in our communities with programs
that are fully integrative and supportive of women.

KwgDwbwUZ m~Yic bvixeve Abyvb cPvii gvag Rvi mgZvK weKwkZ Kie|

Reaffirm our endorsement of and commitment to implementing the AMARC Gender

Policy for Community Radio and incorporate gender equality in all areas of community
radio activity.

GgvK-Gi KwgDwbwU iwWI msv Rvi cwjwm Ges Rvi mgZv bxwZgvjv KwgDwbwU iwWIi mKj Kvhg
~ Ki evevqbi cwZkwZ c~Ye KiwQ|

Resolve to work towards ensuring food security and food sovereignty with those whose
lives and livelihoods are threatened by denial of these basic human rights.

gwjK AwaKvi evnZ nIqvi KviY hv`i Rxeb I RxweKv gwKi gyL Zv`i Lv` I Lv` ^qsm~YZv
ARbi Rb KvR Kivi AxKvi KiwQ|

Resolve to ensure the inclusion of the voices of all migrant, internally displaced peoples
and refugee communities in our community radios and support them in the establishment,
ownership and management of their own community radios.

mKj Awfevmx, AfixYfve evPyZ Ges kiYv_x RbMvxi K^i hvZ Af

~ nq, G Rb Zv`iK
KwgDwbwU iwWI msvcb, gvwjKvbv Ges eevcbvq Afz Kivi AxKvi KiwQ|

Resolve to support the establishment of community radios in conflict areas as a means of

peace building and reconciliation and call upon governments to ensure protection for
community radio practitioners and infrastructure.

msNvZgq Aj kvw I wbivcv vcb KiZ KwgDwbwU iwWIK m~Y mnhvwMZv Kiv Ges KwgDwbwU
wgwWqvi Kgx I kbK mvewYK myiv wbwZ Kivi Rb mswk `kjvi miKvii cwZ Avnvb RvbvB |

Resolve to work cooperatively in peace building and reconciliation activities for the
establishment of post conflict resolutions to ethnic, sectarian, religious, political or civil
armed conflict.

b-ZvwK, mv`vwqK, agxq, ivRbwZK A_ev RbMY I mbvevwnbxi gaKvi msNvZc~Y Aj kvw I wgZv
vcbi Rb mKjK GKhvM KvR Kivi Avnvb RvbvB |

Resolve to strengthen our regional network by developing and deepening our interactions
with each other, AMARC International, regional inter-governmental bodies, donor
organisations and supporters, and national associations.

GgvK BUvibvkbvj, AvtAvwjK miKvi KvVvgv, `vZv msv, mnhvMx Ges RvZxq Gmvwmqkbi ga
cviwiK mKi Dbqb MfxiZi KiZ AvwjK bUIqvK eevK kwkvjx Kivi Avnvb RvbvB|

Resolve to strengthen our ties with United Nations organisations.

mBm RvwZmsNf~ msvjvi mv_ Avgv`i eb Aviv Rvi`vi Kivi AxKvi KiwQ|
We, the representatives of community radio broadcasters, production groups and other
community media practitioners from the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Commonwealth of
Australia, People's Republic of Bangladesh, Kingdom of Bhutan, Kingdom of Cambodia,
Canada, Republic of Chile, People's Republic of China, Republic of Fiji, Republic of France,
Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Republic of the Union of
Myanmar, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, Republic of the Philippines, Solomon Islands,
Republic of South Africa, Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of
Switzerland, Kingdom of Thailand and Democratic Republic of Timor Leste agree to uphold this
declaration and strive to implement the values and aspirations it states.
BmjvwgK wicvewjK Ae AvdMvwbvb, KgbIqj_ Ae Awjqv, wccjm wicvewjK Ae evsjv`k, wKsWg Ae f~Uvb,
wKsWg Ae K^vwWqv ,KvbvWv,wicvewjK Ae wPwj, wicvewjK Ae Pvqbv, wicvewjK Ae wdwR, wicvewjK Ae dv, wccjm
wicvewjK Ae Bwqv, wicvewjK Ae B`vbwkqv, Rvcvb, wicvewjK Ae Kvwiqv, wicvewjK Ae w` BDwbqb Ae gvqvbgvi,
dWvivj WgvwUK wicvewjK Ae bcvj, wicvewjK Ae w` wdwjcvBbm, mjvgb AvBjv, wicvewjK Ae mvD_
AvwdKv, WgvwUK wicvewjK Ae kxjsKv, wKsWg Ae myBWb, wKsWg Ae myBRvijv, wKsWg Ae _vBjv Ges
WgvwUK wicvewjK Ae wZgyi-Gi KwgDwbwU iwWI, mPviKgx, cWvKkb Mc I Abvb KwgDwbwU wgwWqvi
cwZwbwae` GB NvlYvcK mg_b KiwQ Ges GZ DwjwLZ g~jeva I AvKvvi evevqb Avgv`i AxKvi e
Translated by:
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication | House: 13/3, Road: 2 Shaymoli,
Dhaka-1207| Bangladesh| Phone: +88-02-9130750| 9101479 | Cell: +88 01711881647|Fax:8802-9138501 | E-ail: | |
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication represents the community media
sector to Government, Industry, Regulatory Bodies, Media and Development Partners.
BNNRC has been struggling for the last 14 years to open up the community media (including
Community Radio, Community Television & Community Film) and giving focus on its vital role
as voices of the voiceless rural people. The reality of today is that the bondage between the
community people and local-level community radio stations are getting strengthened day-by-day.

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