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Hive Guide

By Mike Alsop

Nov/Dec 2009

Contents Intro Hive Parts Hive summary The National !920"s Deep National # !9$% revise& !9%0 Top Bar Hive # 'circa 2%(0 B)* Dartin+ton !9,( -B) # !.90 /mith # post !920 )ommercial # !9%0"s Mo&i0ie& Da&ant 'MD* !9!, 1an+stroth # !.(0 1an+stroth 2um3o !90( -arr4 hive '5 !9(!* 6ose Hive # post 2000 -hich hive is the ri+ht one 0or me5 Intro Mo&ern Beehives
I have liste& a lot o0 in0ormation here a3out the most common types o0 hives in the 789 the in0ormation is taken 0rom several sources 'see last pa+e* 3ut 0rom a 3ee"s perspective it really &oesn"t matter: -hich then leaves you ;ith a 0e; choices o0 ;hich hive ;oul& suit you 3est: All the hives liste& apart 0rom the -arr4 an& Top Bar use 0rames an& 0oun&ation: They are mana+e& rou+hly the same over the course o0 a season: Ho;ever I ;oul& recommen& you use the same types as other 3ee keepers ;ithin your association an& i0 possi3le start ;ith t;o colonies in case one colony has a pro3lem: Then once you un&erstan& more a3out the colony an& its nee&s you may ;ant to try an alternative hive: To some 3ee keepers its not the amount o0 honey or the si<e o0 the colony that matters9 they 3elieve there are many pro3lems ;ith the 0rame& hives an& conventional metho&s an& it ;oul& 3e 3etter to allo; the 3ees to act as i0 they ;ere in the ;il&9 creatin+ their o;n 3roo& nests instea& o0 3ein+ +iven a sheet o0 em3osse& ;a= hel& in a 0rame: >ou may ;ell hear this sai& a 0e; times: Ask a 0e; 3ee keepers one ?uestion an& ;ill +et 3ack several &i00erent ans;ers: I0 it ;as possi3le to ask a honey 3ee the ?uestion @-hat ;oul& she ;ant5A I like to think her ans;er ;oul& 3e this simple: /ome ;here &ry an& &ra0t proo09 0ree 0rom &isease an& all other types o0 pests: Plenty o0 pollen an& nectar to +ather an& o0 course lots o0 ;arm ;eather9 so they can &o ;hat they are 3est at ;hich is makin+ honey:

All mo&ern "0rame&" hives contain the same 3asic parts

6oo0 )ro;n 3oar& /uper Bueen C=clu&er Broo& 3o= Dloor Cntrance 3lock

The Floor or hive 3ase is a vital piece o0 the hive9 most 0loors are ma&e 0rom a soli& sheet o0 ;oo&
to help contain the internal temperatures an& help keep the 0rost out9 more recently ;ith the pro3lems o0 con&ensation an& the Earroa mite an optional open ;ire mesh 0loor can 3e use& to help remove the un;ante& mite 0rom the hive: In a&&ition the mesh provi&es a&&itional ventilation ;hich some say allo;s you to keep a narro;er entrance 0itte& all year aroun& ;hich is easier 0or the 3ees to &e0en&: A +oo& si<e o0 mesh has holes o0 appro= $ mm lar+e enou+h to allo; the Earroa to 0all throu+h 3ut small enou+h to keep the hive secure 0rom un;ante& pests:

Entrance Block is 0itte& to re&uce access to the hive &urin+ the ;inter time to help keep the
;armth in an& un;ante& visitors out9 &urin+ the sprin+ an& summer it can 3e remove& ;hen the colony is o0 a suita3le si<e to &e0en& a lar+er openin+ an& thus +ives the 0lyin+ 3ee"s easier access &irectly into the hive: The entrance 3lock ho; ever shoul& 3e re0itte& i0 the hive is 3ein+ attacke& 3y another colony or i0 the ;eather is poor 0or that time o0 season:

The Brood Box is the lar+est 3o= o0 the hive9 this is ;here the ?ueen lives all year roun& an&
lays her e++s9 the colony ;ill also store pollen9 nectar an& honey 0or themselves in this 3o= so its ;ithin easy reach: The ma=imum colony si<e is &etermine& 3y the si<e o0 this 3o= ;hich is &i00erent &epen&in+ on the type o0 hive: Durin+ the sprin+ throu+h to summer ;hen the colony si<e has suita3ly 3uilt up9 3ee keepers ;ill commonly split the colony 3y removin+ some o0 the 0rames 0rom the 3roo& 3o= ;hich contain plenty o0 seale& 3roo&9 pollen an& honey to start a ne; colony in another hive near3y9 then replace the missin+ 0rames: This is one metho& to stop the colony 0rom s;armin+:

The Queen Excluder is either a thin sheet o0 either steel or plastic ;ith slots or holes cut in it:
The holes are 3i+ enou+h to allo; a 0emale 3ee throu+h 3ut too small to allo; the sli+htly lar+er ?ueen or &rone throu+h: This then allo;s a&&itional 3o=es or supers to 3e place& a3ove ;hich ;ill only 3e 0ille& ;ith honey as the ?ueen is kept 0rom layin+ in this area:

The Super is the upper shallo; 3o= o0 0rames 0or the 3ees to store e=cess honey9 ;hich the 3ee
keeper ;ill remove ;hen its cappe& over an& is rea&y to 3e e=tracte&: -hen the ;eather has 3een 0avoura3le 3ee keepers ;ill o0ten stack 29F or even $ supers on top o0 the 3roo& 3o= an& ?ueen e=clu&er: The supers are remove& at the en& o0 the season to re&uce the total space o0 the hive to Gust the 3roo& 3o= or 3o=es to help the 3ees keep ;arm:

Crown Boards is a 0lat sheet o0 ;oo& ;ith a hole in the centre an& are use& primarily as a cover
on top o0 the 3roo& 3o=: The 3oar& creates a 3arrier to separate the &i00erent 3o=es o0 the hive an& can 3e 0itte& ;ith a 3ee escape or use& to support a 0ee&er:

The Roof some hives have either a plain 0elt or a metal sheet covere& roo09 they are a +oo& ;ei+ht
to stop them 3ein+ 3lo;n o00 in stron+ ;in&s an& also help to trap the ;armth in the 3roo& 3o= 0or ;inter time:

Hive Su
Hive T!pe

"i ensions !. !/.A = !. !/.A $%0 mm = $%0 mm !. !/.A = !. !/.A $%0 mm = $%0 mm F% !/$A = !. !/.A 920 mm = $%0 mm !9 ,/.A = !9 ,/.A (0( mm = (0( mm !. (/!%A = !. (/!%A $%( mm = $%( mm 20A = !% !/$A (0. mm = $!F mm !% F/.A = !. !/$A $!% mm = $%F mm F% to $.A = !% to !9A 9!$mm to !2!9 mm = $0, mm to $.2 mm !. !/.A = !. !/.A $%0mm = $%0mm Brood #ox cells $%pprox& (0000 Bee Space Brood Co # area of #oth sides Bottom !99 s?: in Bottom 292 s?: in Bottom 292 s?: in Bottom !99 s?: in Bottom 2,( s?: in Top 2,2 s?: in Top !99 s?: in Full Super 'ei(ht $%pprox& 2( l3s !!:F% 8+s 2( l3s !!:F% 8+s I0 top supers then same as National 2( l3s !!:F% 8+s 2( l3s !!:F% 8+s F0 l3s !F:%$ 8+s 2( l3s !!:F% 8+s )o of Brood Fra es $Brood Fra e si*e& !! '!$A = . !/2A* F(% mm = 2!% mm !! '!$A = !2A* F(% mm = F0( mm !! '!$A = !2A* F(% mm = F0( mm !0 '!$A = . !/2A* F(% mm = 2!% mm !! '!%A = !0A* $0, mm = 2($ mm !0 '!, (/.A = 9 !/2A* $$. mm = 2$! mm !! '!$A = . !/2A* F(% mm = 2!% mm NA H 'varies per hive* !! '!$A = . !/2A* F(% mm = 2!% mm !90mm &eep !! '!, (/.A = !! !/$A* $$. mm = 2.% mm


"eep )ational











S ith


Top Bar ,


Bottom Earies H




Bottom !,( s?: in

F0 l3s !F:%$ 8+s

"adant +an(stroth .u #o

20A = !% !/$A (0. mm = $!F mm


Top F$0 s?: in

$0 l3s !.:!. 8+s

The Top Bar an& -arr4 hives are not ma&e to pre set si<es or mana+e& in the same ;ay usin+ supers:


The )ational Hive

/0123s The National Hive is the most popular hive in the 78: This then makes li0e easier 0or 3ee keepers to 3uy packa+es o0 3ees on 0rames an& e=chan+e e?uipment ;ith other 3ee keepers: Althou+h some 3ee keepers think the national 3roo& 3o= is too small 0or a proli0ic ?ueen: The supers are the smallest o0 all hives an& so the ;ei+ht o0 a 0ull super is the li+htest o0 all hives

Fra es The stan&ar& 3roo& 3o= is . ,/.A &eep an& takes !! 0rames: The most popular 3roo& 0rames are the DN$ an& the DN(: Both o0 ;hich have the Ho00man si&e 3ars9 ;hich means the si&e 3ar is ;i&er at the top an& narro;s to;ar&s the 3ottom: The DN( has a ;i&er an& stron+er top 3ar than the DN$: These 0rames are 0avoure& 3ecause they are sel0 spacin+ an& &o not re?uire any e=tra e?uipment to keep them the correct &istances apart: The 3evelle& e&+es at the top o0 the si&e 3ar allo; the 3ee keeper to see clearly ;hen pushin+ the 0rames to+ether to help avoi& any 3ee"s +ettin+ trappe& an& kille& 3et;een the 0rames: A&&itionally there is a smaller contact sur0ace area 3et;een the 0rames 0or the 3ees to +lue to+ether ;ith propolis: A complete hive comprisesI stan&ar& 0loor9 3roo& 3o=9 a ?ueen e=clu&er9 a super9 a cro;n 3oar& an& a metal sheet metal covere& $J roo0: Most National hives are ma&e 0rom )e&ar9 ;hich &oes not re?uire any preservatives as ce&ar has its o;n natural JcamphorJ type preservin+ oils: This natural ;oo& oil protects it 0rom the ;eather an& &iscoura+es insects 0rom eatin+ the ;oo&: )e&ar ;oo& is an i&eal tim3er 0or hives in the British climate an& ;ill last over !( years so there is no nee& to paint the hive as this ;oul& seal up the +rain ;hich ;ill cause moul& an& con&ensation pro3lems on the insi&e: Fra es !! Ho00man 'sel0 spacin+* 0rames in 3oth the 3roo& 3o= an& super an& a &ummy 3oar&: !! 0rames on narro; en&s in the 3roo& 3o= !0 Manley 0rames in the super 9 or !0 0rames on castellate& spacers in the super . 0rames on ;i&e en&s in the super Su ar! This is +oo& hive 0or all 3ee keepers as it is a reasona3le si<e9 easy to mana+e an& transport: Althou+h the colony si<e nee&s to 3e care0ully monitore& &urin+ the early sprin+ as a stron+ colony 3uil& up or i0 the ?ueen has no ;here to lay 'honey 3oun&* ;ill lea& to s;armin+ pro3lems early in the season:

The "eep )ational Hive

!9$% revise& in !9%0 The Deep National Hive is 3ecomin+ a very popular hive in the 78: /ome Bee 8eepers have either mo&i0ie& their National hives into a Deep National or they have 3ou+ht a replacement Deep National 3roo& 3o= to allo; 0or the proli0ic ?ueens: The supers are the smallest o0 all hives an& so the ;ei+ht o0 a 0ull super is the li+htest o0 all hives: The Deep National hive is the same si<e as the National hive apart 0rom the &epth o0 the 3roo& 3o= ;hich allo;s 0or &eeper 0rames to 3e use&: The !$A=!2A 0rame +reatly increases the total num3er o0 cells per 0rame 0or the ?ueen to lay in an& also 0or the colony to store +reater amounts o0 pollen9 honey an& nectar in: Drames 0or the &eep national hive are calle& !$A = !2A 0rames: The 0rames 0or super are the same as in the National hive:

'1e0t* I mo&i0ie& the a3ove National hive ;ith a home ma&e 90mm eke to allo; the use o0 !$A = !2A 0rames in the 3roo& 3o=:

'6i+ht* As the colony prepare 0or ;inter they ;ill store a lar+e volume o0 honey on each !$=!2 0rame: Aroun& ;here the 3ees are clusterin+ you ;ill see the &arker coloure& com3 0rom ;here 3ees have emer+e& 0rom their cells as this 0rame is 3ein+ use& as part o0 the 3roo& nest ;here the ?ueen has 3een layin+: This 0rame ;as almost $(K (0K 0ille& ;ith cappe& honey 3y the en& o0 Novem3er "09:

Su ar! This is an e=cellent hive 0or all 3ee keepers as it is a +oo& si<e9 easy to mana+e an& transport: Lnce mo&i0ie& to 0it the !$A = !2A 0rames the colony &urin+ the sprin+ 3uil& up has more space to e=pan& into ;hich ;ill &elay a colony 0rom s;armin+ very early into the season an& it is very unlikely the ?ueen ;ill 3ecome honey 3oun&:

)ational - "eep )ational

/ince these National hives are no; the most common in the 78 0or their ease o0 trans0errin+ e?uipment 3et;een 3ee keepers an& the 0act commercial sellers o0 nuc"s9 packa+es an& ?ueens no; also use this hive as it has simpli0ie& many o0 the pro3lems 3ee keepers 0ace& ;hen ;antin+ to e=chan+e colonies or e?uipment:
Brood #ox cells Bee Space Brood Co # area of #oth sides Bottom !99 s?: in Bottom 292 s?: in Full Super 'ei(ht $%pprox& 2( l3s !!:F% 8+s 2( l3s !!:F% 8+s )o of Brood Fra es $Brood Fra e si*e& !! '!$A = . !/2A* F(% mm = 2!% mm !! '!$A = !2A* F(% mm = F0( mm

Hive T!pe

"i ensions


!. !/.A = !. !/.A $%0 mm = $%0 mm !. !/.A = !. !/.A $%0 mm = $%0 mm


"eep )ational


-ith a proli0ic ?ueen ;ho can lay 3et;een 2000 an& F000 e++s a &ay the num3er o0 0ree cells in the National 3roo& 3o= is consi&ere& to 3e too small9 care0ul attention is re?uire& &urin+ the sprin+ time to avoi& the colony s;armin+: The Deep National is consi&ere& an almost per0ect si<e& hive an& the ,0000 cells shoul& 3e more than enou+h space to prevent early s;arms: -hen a stan&ar& national si<e& 0rame is place& 3et;een t;o &eep national 0rames '!$=!2* the 3ees ;ill make +oo& use o0 the space an& ;ill 3uil& 0resh com3 &o;n;ar&s 0rom the 3ottom 3ar: )ommonly the cells are ma&e sli+htly lar+er 0or &rone 3roo& as the 3ees are not 0orce& to 0ollo; the em3osse& pattern on a sheet o0 0oun&ation: The &rone com3 can then 3e remove& as part o0 a pest mana+ement pro+ram ;hen seale& &rones are present:
)ircle& in re& are normal ;orker cells the other cells aroun& these are lar+er an& ;ill 3e use& 0or the &rone 3roo&:

This then saves the colony 0rom havin+ to mo&i0y their e=istin+ ;orker si<e& cells 0or this propose9 this is also an a&vanta+e 0or the 3ee keeper to assist in &ealin+ ;ith the Earroa mite as the 0resh &rone com3 is likely to attract an& contain the hi+hest levels o0 the Earroa &ue to the &rone 3ee takin+ on avera+e 2$ &ays 0rom e++ to male 3ee: Tens to hun&re&s o0 Earroa can 3e remove& in one +o ;ithout the nee& 0or to=ic chemicals9 Its a ;in ;in 0or 3ee an& 3ee keeper: Another 0eature many 3ee keepers like a3out the National hive is the entrance 3lock ;hich can 3e turne& or remove& to +ive a &i00erent entrance si<e &epen&in+ on the time o0 the season: Althou+h you may ;ell rea& some con0lictin+ a&vice it is +enerally recommen&e& a small entrance si<e is kept in place i0 a mesh 0loor is use& throu+hout the season an& only remove& 0or a 0e; ;eeks a year &urin+ the honey 0lo;: Durin+ the ;inter time ;hen ;e ten& to su00er hi+her ;in& spee&s an& &rivin+ rain an& the treat o0 ;oo&peckers it is ;orth securin+ the hive ;ith a car+o strap an& cover the hive ;ith a ;ire mesh like chicken ;ire or pin plastic 3a+s on all 0our si&es makin+ sure the entrance is kept clear:

Top Bar Hives

I have ma&e a 0e; over the last year o0 &i00erent &esi+ns: This ;as the 0irst o0 the top 3ar hives I ma&e: It ;as 0ar to 3i+ an& the com3s ;oul& have 3een &i00icult to inspect as there ;oul& have 3een a hi+h risk o0 them 3reakin+: This hive has no; 3een recycle& an& use& to make the 3ase o0 the Dartin+ton lon+ hive I ma&e: Althou+h I no; ;ish I ha& kept it as it ;oul& o0 ma&e 0or an interestin+ hive to stu&y the yearly e=pansion o0 com3s:

This ne=t hive &esi+n ;as a copy o0 a hive I sa; ;hen our association ;ent to visit Tony Her3ert near /alis3ury: I have since mo&i0ie& the 0ol&in+ &oors 3y a&&in+ another layer o0 ;oo& 3ut this has cause& the &oors to ;arp9 so I ;ill nee& to rethink an& re&esi+n the &oors: I ma&e a super to 0it this hive ;hich can also 3e use& to house a small 0ee&er un&er the roo0:

This e=cellent TBH ;as &esi+ne& 3y Phil )han&ler o0 ;;;:3io3ees:com an& althou+h it looks very small it is in 0act 0our 0eet lon+ an& has a +reater volume than a National hive: This &esi+n ;ill make an i&eal hive an& it is also a&apta3le to raise ?ueens an& make splits 0rom a colony ;ith ease: The &esi+n is very simple an& uses 0ollo;er 3oar&s to &ivi&e the hive into &i00erent si<es &epen&in+ on ;hat is re?uire&: /everal &i00erent entrance holes are ma&e an& then plu++e& ;ith corks ;hen not re?uire&: The plans o0 this hive are 0ree to &o;nloa&:

This hive is 3ase& on a &esi+n 3y ;;;:3ackyar&hive:com the internal space in this hive is much 3i++er than the hive a3ove an& also has an vie;in+ ;in&o; ;ith a remova3le cover to allo; the 3ee keeper to ?uickly peer insi&e ;ith out nee&in+ to open the hive: This &esi+n also can use a 0ollo;er 3oar& to keep the internal space sli+htly 3i++er than the colony nee&s at the time to help conserve the heat: Lnce a colony has ha& time to 3uil& up this hive coul& hol& a colony o0 over 909000 3ees an& still have plenty o0 space:

Total cost o0 all the a3ove hives I ;oul& say is a3out M!20 0or all the ;oo&9 +lue an& scre;s:

Top 3ar hives can 3e ma&e 0rom any thin+ 0rom a lar+e plant pot to an ol& 3arrel an& are 3y 0ar the cheapest 0orm o0 hives9 i0 you make your o;n: It &oesn"t nee& to look pretty to make a +reat hive: The top 3ar hive pro"s an& con"s compare& to conventional "0rame&" hives Pro"s The colony has no 3arriers to conten& ;ith like ?ueen e=clu&er"s Durin+ inspections there is less heat loss9 so less stress to the colony Most &esi+ns can 3e simply &ivi&e& in t;o usin+ a 0ollo;er 3oar& makin+ arti0icial s;arm splits an& ?ueen raisin+ very simple No heavy li0tin+ o0 supers All com3s are natural9 so no man ma&e 0oun&ation re?uire& )heaper9 very simple to 3uil& to your o;n re?uirements No e=pensive a&&itional e?uipment re?uire& )loser appro=imation o0 a hollo;e& out tree ;hich a 0eral colony ;oul& use )on"s The com3s are only hel& 0rom a3ove so are consi&ere& 0ra+ile 6e&uce& amounts o0 e=cess honey as the 3ees 3uil& their o;n 0resh com3 De;er 3ee keepers use these hive so e=pert a&vice may3e limite& /ome &esi+ns are consi&ere& to 3e cum3ersome an& non mi+ratory Di00erent &esi+ns means e?uipment ten&s to 3e 3espoke

Top Bar 3ee keepin+ pre &ates all the other types o0 hives9 ;ell 3e0ore Eictorian times ;hen the "0rame" hives ;ere 0irst intro&uce& to ma=imise yiel&s o0 honey 0or commercial reasons ;ithout killin+ the colony in the process: As a result the top 3ar hive num3ers &ecline& rapi&ly to the point that even to&ay many 3ee keepers 0ro;n on their use ?uotin+ some o0 the con"s liste& a3ove: Ho;ever ;ith all the pro3lems 0ace& 3y 3ee keepers the top 3ar metho& o0 3ee keepin+ is consi&ere& to only 3e one step a;ay 0rom a 0eral colony in the ;il&: The 3ees are a3le to mana+e their o;n nest ;ithout the clutter o0 the 0rames an& man ma&e 0oun&ation ;hich coul& ;ell 3e contaminate& ;ith also sorts o0 unkno;n chemicals: The 3ees kno; ;hat they nee& an& are per0ectly capa3le o0 3uil&in+ the com3 the ;ay they ;ant it an& to the correct cell si<es to cater 0or &rones9 as a result there is no nee& 0or them to tear &o;n ;orker cells to convert to &rone cells as they &o ;ith 0oun&ation in 0rames: Durin+ an inspection the 3ee keeper starts 0rom the 3ack o0 the hive9 0irstly removin+ a couple o0 unuse& 3ars to +ain access 3e0ore movin+ 0or;ar&s: -hen 3ars o0 honey com3 are taken out they are simply replace& ;ith ne; 3ars an& the heat in the 3roo& nest area is retaine& as it is to;ar&s the 0ront o0 the hive ;here the ?ueen an& most o0 the colony is le0t un&istur3e& in the ;armth: 1ess stress to the colony is al;ays a +oo& thin+9 as the colony &oes not have to reheat the hive:

The top 3ars can 3e ma&e 0rom almost anythin+ 0rom strips o0 ;oo& to 3am3oo canes9 to 3est mimic the spacin+ o0 com3s in a 0eral hive it is recommen&e& the 3roo& nest 3ars are ma&e FF F(mm ;i&e an& honey 3ars anythin+ up to F( $$mm: /tarter strips can 3e use& to help the colony 3uil& a strai+ht com39 each keeper has his o;n 0avoure& &esi+n 0rom a thin strip o0 ;oo& to a 3ea& o0 ;a= melte& alon+ the centre line:

1on+ &eep hive !9,(


This is my home ma&e version o0 the Dartin+ton 1on+ Hive9 accentually this hive is a &ou3le len+th Deep National hive9 althou+h the 3roo& 3o= can 3e &ivi&e& in hal0 i0 t;o colonies nee& to share: The Dartin+ton Hive is not a common type o0 hive in the 78 as once it is in place it is 0ar to cum3ersome to move ;ith a colony in it: 6o3in Dartin+ton &escri3es this hive as a 3reak a;ay 0rom the conventional approach to 3ee keepin+: Docusin+ instea& on un&erstan&in+ the li0e ur+es in the colony9 centre& on the ?ueen9 rather than the mechanical colony 3ehaviour: His 3ook Ne; Bee keepin+ in a lon+ &eep hive 'pu3: !9.(* Is an e=cellent +ui&e to the mana+ement o0 this type o0 hive althou+h the principles 0or each season are the same as a stan&ar& hive9 until the colony is preparin+ to s;arm ;hen the o;ner Gust nee&s to make a 0e; simple a&Gustments to satis0y the colonies nee&s ;ithout nee&in+ to have on han& a ;hole ne; hive an& a complete set o0 hive e?uipment rea&y: In recent years the Dartin+ton concept has taken a t;ist an& they are no; 3ein+ aime& more at the ur3an 3ee keeper 3y ;;;:omlet:co:uk an& ;ithout &ou3t this hive ;ill last many years lon+er then ;oo&en hives as its ma&e 0rom plastic:

As you can see 0rom the picture this hive contains all the same parts o0 most other hives: A complete hive ;ill cost M$%( so it may not 3e suita3le 0or those on a ti+ht 3u&+et: 6ea&in+ throu+h some o0 the revie;s o0 this hive is interestin+ as it clearly has the Marmite 0actor: 1ove it or loath it:

/402 Name& a0ter the inventor9 -illiam Brou+hton )arr9 the -B) has 3ecome an iconic an& hi+hly reco+nisa3le 3eehive &esi+n: It is 3ase& on the same principles as the )heshire an& )o;an 3ut ;ith an e=tra outer ;all: This provi&es the 3ees ;ith a&&itional insulation an& ?uickly 3ecame popular 0or its looks: Ho;ever9 it ;as rarely use& commercially 3ecause it ;as comple= an& costly to make an& also inconvenient to use as the outer covers ha& to 3e remove& each time 0or inspection:

-illiam Brou+hton )arr ;as a man o0 many talents an& &urin+ his time he intro&uce& the metal en&s use& 0or spacin+ 0rames an& also the shallo; 0rame si<e9 ;hich is 3y 0ar the most use& 0rame in supers still to&ay: The -B) hive is still the iconic sym3ol o0 British 3ee keepin+ an& is ;i&ely use& throu+hout the 78 an& makes a lovely 0eature in any ones +ar&en ;ho ;ishes to keep a small num3er o0 these hives:

Hive T!pe

"i ensions

Brood #ox cells

Bee Space Brood Co # area of #oth sides Bottom !99 s?: in

Full Super 'ei(ht $%pprox& 2( l3s !!:F% 8+s

)o of Fra es in the Brood #ox $Brood Fra e si*e& !0 '!$A = . !/2A* F(% mm = 2!% mm


!9 ,/.A = !9 ,/.A (0( mm = (0( mm


-ith a proli0ic ?ueen ;ho can lay 3et;een 2000 an& F000 e++s a &ay the num3er o0 0ree cells in the 3roo& 3o= is consi&ere& to 3e too small9 care0ul attention is re?uire& &urin+ the sprin+ time to avoi& the colony s;armin+:

S ith
This hive ;as name& a0ter Mr - /mith o0 Innerleithen9 Pee3les9 /cotlan& ;ho &esi+ne& it ;ith /cottish ;eather con&itions in min&9 it is 3ase& on the American 1an+stroth &esi+n 3ut kept to the 3asic concept o0 !! or !2 British stan&ar& 0rames: Its 3o= shape construction ;as kept simple compare& to the National: The 0rames use& have short lu+s ;hich rest on a re3ate cut into the top o0 each 3o=: National 0rames can 3e use& in this hive althou+h the en& lu+s ;ill nee& to 3e cut &o;n to 0it:
Hive T!pe "i ensions Brood #ox cells Bee Space Brood Co # area of #oth sides Top !99 s?: in Full Super 'ei(ht $%pprox& 2( l3s !!:F% 8+s )o of Fra es in the Brood #ox $Brood Fra e si*e& !! '!$A = . !/2A* F(% mm = 2!% mm

S ith

!% F/.A = !. !/$A $!% mm = $%F mm


-ith a proli0ic ?ueen ;ho can lay 3et;een 2000 an& F000 e++s a &ay the num3er o0 0ree cells in the 3roo& 3o= is consi&ere& to 3e too small9 care0ul attention is re?uire& &urin+ the sprin+ time to avoi& the colony s;armin+9 althou+h many /mith hive o;ners turne& to usin+ a 3roo& an& hal0 3o= to +et roun& this issue althou+h this practice solves some pro3lems it &oes take lon+er to mana+e then 0rom this many /mith Hive o;ners then pro+resse& on to Deep !$A = !2A 0rames:



)ommercial hives are e=actly the same e=ternal &imensions as a National hive9 3ut instea& o0 havin+ a re3ate the hive is a simple cu3oi&: Because o0 this the 0rames are lar+er an& have shorter han&les or lu+s: The 3roo& 3o= is picke& up usin+ small han& hol&s cut into the e=ternal ;all o0 the hive: /upers have this same 0eature9 ;hich can make them &i00icult to hol& ;hen 0ull o0 honey: /ome 3ee keepers there0ore use National supers on top o0 a )ommercial 3roo& 3o=:
Brood #ox cells Bee Space Brood Co # area of #oth sides Bottom 2,( s?: in Full Super 'ei(ht $%pprox& 2( l3s !!:F% 8+s )o of Fra es in the Brood #ox $Brood Fra e si*e& !! '!%A = !0A* $0, mm = 2($ mm

Hive T!pe

"i ensions



!. (/!%A = !. (/!%A $%( mm = $%( mm


The )ommercial is consi&ere& a +oo& si<e& hive an& the num3er o0 0ree cells shoul& 3e more than enou+h space to prevent early s;arms:

5odified "adant
!9!, /imilar in construction an& &esi+n to the 1an+stroth the Da&ant hive ;as intro&uce& in !9!, 3y Da&ant N /ons9 the American manu0actures o0 3ee keepin+ e?uipment: )harles Da&ant 0avoure& the lar+e 3roo& 3o=9 &eeper 0rames ;ith a sli+htly ;i&er spacin+: The mo&i0ie& Da&ant hive is one o0 the 3i++est hives in use to&ay ;ith a 3roo& area o0 almost $000 s? ins ;hich makes it very popular ;ith commercial 3ee keepers:

Hive T!pe

"i ensions

Brood #ox cells

Bee Space Brood Co # area of #oth sides Top F$0 s?: in

Full Super 'ei(ht $%pprox& $0 l3s !.:!. 8+s

)o of Fra es in the Brood #ox $Brood Fra e si*e& !! '!, (/.A = !! !/$A* $$. mm = 2.% mm


20A = !% !/$A (0. mm = $!F mm


Fra es si*es6 Top Bars # !9A lon+ Bottom 3ars # !, 9/!%A lon+ Deep si&e 3ars # !! OA lon+ /hallo; si&e 3ars # % OA lon+

Brother A&am use& this type o0 hive an& note& in his 3ook Bee keepin+ at Buck0ast A33ey '!9,$* that the three hives Mo&i0ie& Da&ant9 British )ommercial an& the 1an+stroth 2um3o ha& starlin+ results compare& to British /tan&ar& si<e& hives an& others ;ith &ou3le 3roo& 3o=es: The lar+er hives pro&uce& appro=imately &ou3le the surplus honey than stan&ar& si<e& hives9 an& thus he chan+e& all the hives over to Da&ant"s: A MD 3roo& 3o= can store over ,0 l3s an& a super appro= $F l3 ;hich is per0ect 0or those ;ho ;ish to encoura+e a lar+e colony an& in return 3e re;ar&e& in a +oo& season ;ith plenty o0 honey9 3ut they are not suita3le unless you are com0orta3le ;ith li0tin+ these sorts o0 ;ei+hts:


Name& 0or their inventor9 6ev: 1oren<o 1an+stroth9 these hives are not the only hives o0 this style9 3ut they are the most common: 1an+stroth patente& his &esi+n in !.%0 an& it has 3ecome the stan&ar& style hive 0or ,(K o0 the ;orl&"s 3ee keepers: This class o0 hives inclu&es other styles9 ;hich &i00er mainly in the si<e an& num3er o0 0rames use&: These inclu&e /mith9 /e+e3er+er Beute 'Perman*9 Dranken3eute 'Perman*9 Normalmass 'Perman*9 1an+stroth hive9 Mo&i0ie& )ommercial an& Mo&i0ie& Da&ant9 plus re+ional variations such as the British Mo&i0ie& National Hive: 1an+stroth hives make use o0 3ee space9 a characteristic o0 -estern honey 3ees ;hich causes them to propolis small spaces 'less than O inch*9 +luin+ ;oo&en parts to+ether9 an& to 0ill lar+er spaces 'more than a3out F/. inch* ;ith ;a= com39 3ut to hol& an interme&iate space open 0or 3ees to pass throu+h: His cleverly &esi+ne& hive makes use o0 3ee space so that 0rames are neither +lue& to+ether nor 0ille& ;ith 3urr com3 com3 Goinin+ a&Gacent 0rames: 1an+stroth hives use stan&ar&i<e& si<es o0 hive 3o&ies 'rectan+ular 3o=es ;ithout tops or 3ottoms place& one on top o0 another* an& 0rames to ensure that parts are interchan+ea3le an& that the 0rames ;ill remain relatively easy to remove9 inspect9 an& replace ;ithout killin+ the 3ees: 1an+stroth hive 3o&ies are rectan+ular ;oo&en or styro0oam 3o=es that can 3e stacke& to e=pan& the usa3le space 0or the 3ees: Insi&e the 3o=es9 0rames are hun+ in parallel: The minimum si<e o0 the hive is &epen&ent on outsi&e air temperature an& potential 0oo& sources in the ;inter months: The col&er the ;inter9 the lar+er the ;inter cluster an& 0oo& stores nee& to 3e: In the re+ions ;ith severe ;inter ;eather9 a 3asket3all shape& cluster typically survives in a J&ou3le &eepJ 3o=: Ten 0rames si&e to si&e ;ill 0ill the hive 3o&y an& leave the ri+ht amount o0 3ee space 3et;een each 0rame an& 3et;een the en& 0rames an& the hive 3o&y: 1an+stroth 0rames are o0ten rein0orce& ;ith ;ire9 makin+ it possi3le to e=tract honey in centri0u+es to spin the honey out o0 the com3: As a result9 the empty 0rames an& com3 can 3e returne& to the 3eehive 0or use in the ne=t season: Buote& 0rom httpI//;;;:;ikipe&ia:or+

+an(stroth .u #o
!90( This mo&i0ie& 1an+stroth hive ;as intro&uce& in !90( 3y A: N: Draper in the 7/A: It uses a 3roo& 3o= &eeper 3y 2 F/!%A than a stan&ar& 1an+stroth: In !9%. C: 2: Tre&;ell at /parsholt )olle+e -inchester 3e+an to a&vise stu&ents to a&opt this hive an& this practice ;as continue& 3y Mr 2ohn )oss3urn ;ho tau+ht Mike Hollo;ay o0 our association:

Hive T!pe

"i ensions

Brood #ox cells

Bee Space Brood Co # area of #oth sides Top 2,2 s?: in Top F$0 s?: in

Full Super 'ei(ht $%pprox& F0 l3s !F:%$ 8+s $0 l3s !.:!. 8+s

)o of Fra es in the Brood #ox $Brood Fra e si*e& !0 '!, (/.A = 9 !/2A* $$. mm = 2$! mm !! '!, (/.A = !! !/$A* $$. mm = 2.% mm


20A = !% !/$A (0. mm = $!F mm 20A = !% !/$A (0. mm = $!F mm


+an(stroth .u #o


Due to its lar+e 3roo& 0rames the ?ueen al;ays has plenty o0 space to lay even &urin+ the sprin+ 3uil& up ;hen the colony is rapi&ly e=pan&in+: The Hive is treate& the same as a re+ular hive throu+hout the season9 althou+h one or t;o 0rames can 3e replace& ;ith &ummy 3oar&s to re&uce the 3o= si<e 0or ;inter time or i0 the ?ueen is not a proli0ic e++ layer: /ome ;oul& ar+ue this hive is to lar+e an& ;oul& say its not suita3le 0or all 3ee keepers as its ;ei+ht makes it to cum3ersome to move9 3ut 0or those keepers ;ho ;ant to move their 3ees once or t;ice a season to ma=imise honey pro&uction the colony nee&s to 3e stron+ ;ith a +oo& ratio o0 0ora+in+ 3ees to youn+ 3ees:


1an+stroth 2um3o

'arr7 Hive
$89/0:/& 6espon&in+ to the o3vious &ecline in 3ee keepin+ in Drance since his youth9 -arr4 e=perimente& ;ith some F(0 hives o0 various &esi+ns ;ith the aim o0 pro&ucin+ a hive that ;as simple9 economical9 3ee 0rien&ly an& assure& a surplus 0or the 3ee keeper: The result ;as his People"s Hive '6uche Populaire* ;hose construction an& operation he &escri3e& in his 3ook Beekeepin+ Dor All '1" Apiculture Pour Tous9 !2th e&ition*: -arr4"s hive comprises tiers o0 i&entical 3o=es 0itte& ;ith top 3ars9 3ut no 0rames: Its essential &esi+n an& usa+e 0eatures can 3e summarise& as 0ollo;sI hive 3o&y 3o= internal &imensions F00 = F00 = 2!0 mm9 ;ith proGectin+ han&les9 ei+ht F%mm centre& 2$mm ;i&e top 3ars restin+ in re3ates in each 3o= 'NL D6AMC/*9 ;a= starter strips un&er each top 3ar 'NL DL7NDATILN*9 0lat 0loor9 notche& ;ith a !20mm ;i&e entrance9 ali+htin+ 3oar&9 coarse ;eave cloth coverin+ the top 3ars o0 the top 3o=9 !00 mm hi+h "?uilt" 3o=e& ;ith ;oo& an& 0ille& ;ith stra;9 sa;&ust9 ;oo& shavin+s etc:9 retaine& ;ith a cloth9 +a3le& roo0 containin+ a ventilate& "lo0t" an& separate& 0rom the ?uilt 3y a mouse proo0 3oar&9 the 3ees 3uil& natural com3 in the 0irst 'top* 3o= an& e=ten& &o;n;ar&s into 0urther 3o=es9 ne; 3o=es are a&&e& at the 3ottom9 one or more 3o=es o0 honey are harveste& 0rom the top a0ter the main 0lo;9 the 3ees ;inter on t;o 3o=es o0 com3 containin+ a minimum o0 !2 k+ stores 'Drance*9 honey is harveste& 3y &rainin+9 or 3y centri0u+in+ com3s in 3askets9 at the sprin+ visit9 the hive is e=pan&e& 3y one or more 3o=es9 containin+ ;ith starter strips or com3:

A very important 0eature o0 -arr4"s metho& is that the hive is opene& in the strict sense only once a !ear9 namely at harvest: In sprin+ the a&&ition o0 3o=es un&erneath &oes not necessitate a hive openin+ in the sense that the heat is let out: The importance o0 the retention o0 nest scent an& heat 0or 3ee health an& pro&uctivity ;as &iscusse& 3y 2ohann ThQr in his 3ook Bee keepin+I natural9 simple an& ecolo+ical '!9$%* ;hich also &iscusses A334 )hrist"s '!,F9 !.!F* hive that is almost i&entical in concept to -arr4"s: )o fra es Cven in early e&itions o0 Bee keepin+ Dor All9 -arr4 a&vise& a+ainst usin+ 0rames as sho;n in the (th e&itionI "No;a&ays9 I recommen& ;ithout hesitation the People"s Hive ;ith 0i=e& com3s9 even 0or very lar+e enterprises: R:::S Ho;ever9 out o0 respect 0or the 0ree&om o0 my rea&ers9 I ;ill &escri3e the People"s Hive in its three 0ormsI 0i=e& com39 or&inary 0rames9 open 0rames ;ith close& en&s: This ;e3 site is premise& on the !2th e&ition o0 Bee keepin+ Dor All ;hich &escri3es the top 3ar version o0 his hive only: But9 0or the sake o0 completeness9 ;e provi&e a translation o0 the pa+es o0 the (th e&ition &escri3in+ the t;o versions o0 his hive ;ith 0rames9 the latter havin+ no 3ottom 3ars:

;resent da! #ee keepin( with the 'arr7 hive The +eo+raphical 0ocus o0 -arr4 3ee keepin+ is Drance an& the hive ;as also initially use& in Bel+ium an& /;it<erlan&: The 0irst in use in Permany an& 6ussia ;ere populate& in 200%: An e=periment ;as starte& ;ith si= mo&i0ie& ;;;:my+ar&en:;s/Mo&i0ie&A33e-arreHive:htm In 200.9 3ee keepers in )ana&a9 7/A 'inclu&in+ Alaska* an& /pain ma&e -arr4 hives in rea&iness 0or sprin+ 200.: By late 20099 -arr4 3ee keepers ;ere also kno;n in Australia9 Austria9 Bra<il9 )roatia9 Cstonia9 Italy9 2apan9 1atvia9 Ne; Tealan&9 Polan&9 6omania9 /er3ia9 /lovakia9 /;e&en an& 7ru+uay: There is -arr4 3ee keepin+ threa& in the 0orum at Top Bar Bee keepin+ ;ith the Bare0oot Bee keeper ;;;:3io3ees:com/0orum Technical &ra;in+s 0or constructin+ an authentic -arr4 hive httpI//;;;:sel3stversor+er0orum:&e/3ienen/3il&er/CmileU-arreUTechnischeUTeichnun+enUen+l:p&0 )omplete ne;comer to 3ee keepin+5 Please rea& the pa+e o0 a&vice on httpI//;arre:3io3ees:com/3e+inner:htm



I0 you ;ant to mana+e your colony an& pre0orm inspections an& create splits an& prevent s;armin+ this type o0 hive is not 0or you: Althou+h its principles an& &esi+n are some thin+ to 3e a&mire&: I ;oul& recommen& rea&in+ the Cn+lish translation o0 his 3ook althou+h at times it can 3ecome a little con0usin+ 3ut never the less it is aime& more at the purist type o0 3ee keeper ;ho ;ants to 3e han&s o00 an& allo; the colony to look a0ter themselves 0rom year to year9 even i0 the colony 3uil&s up an& &ivi&es 3y s;armin+: The principle 3ehin& this is to catch the s;arm an& re home them in another hive or use a 3ait hive to attract the s;arm: 1e0t Marc Patineau"s transparent -arr4 hive on to its thir& 3o=: Drom httpI//;;;:apiculture+atineau:0r
'1e0t* I0 you sa; this hive at a sho; I ;oul& 3et it ;oul& 3e the main attraction in the 3ee an& honey tent9 althou+h 3ein+ ma&e out o0 acrylic or perspe= it ;oul& nee& to 3e kept in the sha&e an& covere& ;hen not on &isplay most o0 the time: Despite the &o;n si&es o0 nee&in+ either a hoist or three people to help mana+e the hive ;hen a ne; 3o= is a&&e&9 the purist si&e o0 me ;oul& love to 3uil& this see throu+h hive:

Lne si<e Bo= Hives

6ose Hives simply have one 3o= si<e an& one 0rame si<e9 each 3o= measures $%0mm = $%0mm = !90mm &eep ;hich is the same as a National 3o= 3ut shallo;er: This allo;s the 3ee keeper to interchan+e any 3o= or any 0rame in any hive: Lne minor &ra; 3ack is the ;ei+ht o0 one o0 these 3o=es ;hen 0ull o0 honey ;ill 3e F0 F( l3s ;hich is &i00icult to mana+e 0or some keepers: There is a p&0 0ile on the ;e3site ;hich e=plains ho; to mana+e this hive 3ut to +ive you a ?uick summary: The mana+ement o0 this type o0 hive is simple9 over ;inter the 3ees are containe& in t;o 3o=es9 early into the season the 0irst t;o 3o=es are s;appe& aroun& ;hen the 3roo& starts to e=pan& then the thir& 3o= is a&&e& in 3et;een the 0irst t;o 3o=es an& then another 3o= is a&&e& a+ain i0 re?uire& up to aroun& 2une time:

Durin+ the season the 3ee keeper Gust a&&s another 3o= on top o0 the 3ottom 3o= as an& ;hen re?uire& until the en& o0 the season: The 3ee keeper then takes all 3ut the 3ottom t;o 3o=es a;ay 0or e=traction an& the 3ees are le0t to 3uil& up 0or ;inter: There is no nee& 0or a ?ueen e=clu&er as the upper 3o=es ;ill 3e clear o0 3roo& an& 3y the en& o0 the season the top 3o=es ;ill hope0ully 3e 0ille& ;ith cappe& honey: This metho& encoura+es an& nee&s a very lar+e colony to ma=imise the com3 3uil&in+ an& the num3ers o0 0lyin+ 3ees to 3rin+ in lar+e amounts o0 nectar an& pollen throu+hout the ;hole year: This type o0 hive ;oul& not 3e suita3le 0or every 3ee keeper 3ecause o0 the heavy li0tin+ re?uire& &urin+ mana+ement: Ho;ever the 6ose 3o= is sol& at Thorne"s 0or only M!0 a 3o=9 ;hich is e=cellent value 0or those on a 3u&+et: Be sure to 3uy the correct si<e 0rames an& 0oun&ation 0or this hive: /tan&ar& National 0rames are too &eep 0or these 3o=es:

6ose ;e3site is ;;;:rose3eehives:com In the picture a3ove one hive has nine 3o=es the other ei+ht they coul& hol& ,=F0V2!0l3s o0 honey an& %=F0V!.0l3s o0 honey i0 they hol& appro= F0l3s each: Not countin+ the 3ottom t;o ;inter 3o=es:

Which hive is the right one for me?

There is no ri+ht ans;er to this ?uestion9 3ut I hope you have 0oun& this +ui&e to 3e use0ul in some small ;ay ;ith a little 3it a3out some o0 the popular types o0 hives 3ein+ use& to&ay: As you can see there is a ;i&e variety o0 e?uipment to choose 0rom9 some o0 ;hich in my opinion is 0ar 3etter than others once you take into account mo&ern proli0ic ?ueens9 your re+ion9 the local climate9 ;eather an& o0 course the most important o0 all the 0lo;ers9 plants an& trees ;here you live: )onsi&er the 0ollo;in+ 3e0ore you 3uy: Do I ;ant a lar+e hive an& lar+e colony Am I capa3le o0 li0tin+ this hive 0or inspections or it nee&s to 3e relocate& Are spares an& replacement parts easy to o3tain 0or the hive Do other local 3ee keepers use the same e?uipment in case o0 a pro3lem Desi+n or 0unctionality9 3eauty or 3east '-B) Dartin+ton* )heap or e=pensive 'Top 3ar others* /tora+e space 0or a&&itional e?uipment Plus no &ou3t a 0e; more that I haven"t liste&9 3ut 3e0ore you spen& lots o0 money have an i&ea ho; much you are ;illin+ to spen& an& remem3er the a&&itional cost o0 0rames9 0oun&ation9 0ee&ers9 smokers9 hive tools an& o0 course your protective +ear: Bee 8eepin+ &oesn"t have to 3e e=pensive or time consumin+ unless you ;ant it to 3e: There is no one metho& or ans;er that ;ill suit every3o&y: Provi&e& your 3ees are +iven a 0air chance they ;ill hope0ully re;ar& you ;ith a small amount o0 honey every year: /ooner or later you ;ill have a pro3lem9 thank0ully every association ;ill have mem3ers ;ho are ;illin+ to assist you9 most o0 ;hich are more than happy to ans;er an email or chat on the phone an& some ;ill 3e happy to visit your hive an& a&vise you 0irst han&:

Don"t 3e a0rai& to ask 0or help9 as 0ar too many 3ee keepers +ive up a0ter one 3a& season:
T;o +ol&en rules 0or Ne; Bee keepers Lnly open your hive i0 you really nee& to inspect it9 even i0 the ;eather is 0ine as this is one o0 the 3i++est &esi+n 0aults ;ith tra&itional hive &esi+ns an& the most likely cause o0 so many pro3lems 3y a novice 3ee keeper ;ho Gust ;ants to take a ?uick look insi&e the hive: Ima+ine 0or one minute ho; you ;oul& 0eel i0 on a col& &ay some one opene& all the &oors an& ;in&o;s in your house an& let all the heat out: Its simple enou+h 0or you to close them all a+ain an& turn on the heatin+9 3ut the 3ee"s &on"t have this lu=ury they nee& to reheat the hive 3ack up to a3out 9F &e+rees Dahrenheit or F$) ;hich not only takes time 3ut a lot o0 ener+y an& on top o0 this there is a very +oo& chance some o0 the ne;ly lai& e++s an& larvae may 3e chille& an& ;ill &ie i0 they are not kept ;arm: -hat to look 0or 3e0ore openin+ a hive
Num3ers o0 3ee"s 0lyin+ in an& out Are they 3rin+ in pollen an& i0 so ;hat colour so it can 3e checke& on a pollen chart Are there +uar& 3ees at the entrance Are there lots o0 3ees 3ear&in+ or +atherin+ out si&e the entrance Are there ;asps tryin+ to +et in Is there any 0i+htin+ at the entrance 1ook on the +roun& 0or &ea& 3ees9 larvae or anythin+ else other than a 0e; 3ees ;ho may o0 &ie& in the hive )heck the colour 3an&in+ o0 the &ea& 3ees to con0irm i0 they are yours or inva&ers 1ook 0or &rones 'males* i0 any Are they a++ressive / &e0ensive ;hen you approach the hive9 lou&ly 3u<<in+ an& 3ouncin+ o00 your vail 1isten 0or any &i00erences in the hive hum The smell o0 the hive is it pleasant or 0oul )heck the Earroa tray 'i0 0itte&* 0or si+ns o0 Earroa9 norsema or other si+ns o0 pro3lems

Cach o0 the a3ove shoul& tell you some thin+ a3out the con&ition o0 the colony9 so much so that some e=perience& keepers &on"t even nee& to open the hive to check insi&e:

In closin+ I"ll simply say Be +oo& to your 3ees an& i0 your lucky they ;ill 3e +oo& to you:

Mike Alsop A&minW0&3ka:co:uk ;;;:0&3ka:co:uk

The in0ormation +iven is 0rom several &i00erent sources: A )ase o0 Hives 3y 1en Heath httpI//;;;:;ikipe&ia:or+ httpI//3io3ees:com httpI//;;;:thorne:co:uk httpI//;;;:rose3eehives:com Plus a 0e; other sites9 ;hich I am very +rate0ul to 0or allo;in+ me to use their pictures an& &escriptions: This &ocument is 0ree to all '0ree;are*9 all the ;ritten in0ormation is 0reely availa3le on the internet9 most o0 the pictures ;ere taken 3y me ;ith e=ception those 0rom the liste& sites: I have not +iven any one permission to use this +ui&e in part or 0ull to 3e sol&: I0 you have pai& money an& this +ui&e ;as inclu&e& ;ith other &ocuments please let me kno;: Nov/Dec 2009

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