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Regis University MSM 602 DL - Week One Leadership: Why Is It Important !

"0 Overvie# and O$t%omes &opi%s: The Nature and Importance of Leadership Traits, Motives, and Characteristics of Leaders Introd$%tion: We begin by exploring a framewor for understanding the nature and importance of leadership! "mphasis is placed on understanding the meaning of leadership and its impact on the organi#ation! In addition, we$ll examine the rhetorical %uestion of whether or not leaders are born, bred, or emerge based on need by identifying the personality, traits, motives, and characteristics of effective leaders! O$t%omes &fter studying the readings and completing the exercises, you should be able to' (evelop your own definition of leadership and describe how leadership differs from management! Identify general and tas )related traits that contribute to leadership effectiveness! (escribe the various roles leaders can assume and identify the ma*or satisfactions and frustrations associated with the leadership role! (escribe how leadership influences organi#ational performance! +ecogni#e how leadership s ills are developed!

Lang$age O'(e%tives: &fter studying the readings and completing the exercises, you should be able to' Write an essay using proper "nglish grammar and syntax!

.nderstand, analy#e and propose a solution in writing, using a variety of vocabulary in an appropriate manner! -articipate and express your ideas orally using correct grammar and pronunciation! (emonstrate your oral proficiency and command of "nglish by presenting the ideas studied in your own words!

)ontent !"! What is Leadership

9Leaders are not only stewards of the business charged with generating
outcomes, but are also responsible for the health and well being of those they lead!9

Learning *%tivity + Dis%$ssion /hould you have any doubts that there is much discussion and even more 0expert1 opinions available on *ust what leadership is, please go to &ma#on!com and find out how many boo s are available on the sub*ect! &nd if that is not enough, 0google1 the sub*ect of leadership and find out, in addition, *ust how many articles are also available on the sub*ect! 2ou may be surprised *ust how much information is readily available on the sub*ect! Is all this information necessarily good or even valid,

,or$m -osting Why do you thin there are so many perspectives on leadership, -ost your answer on the forum! !"!"! *$thenti% Leadership

.nfortunately, a good deal of the material available treats the sub*ect of leadership as if it were a set of behaviors to be put on li e a piece of clothing ) 0the 3, 4, 56 or 78 steps to becoming a leader!1 In addition, leadership definitions %uite often position leadership as some type of manipulative influencing 0outside in1 practice that 0bends one to your will!1 &uthentic leadership is none of the above but rather an 0inside)out1 practice through which the leader creates an environment in which

people choose to follow the leader : a noticeably very different set of behaviors! -ositional -ower abuse is not leadership! &ll too often, due to the hierarchical infrastructures in the business environments in which we operate, there is a tendency to expect that those in higher positional power roles are leaders! .nfortunately, as we experience the critical shortage of leadership in &merican businesses, %uite often nothing could be farther from the truth! !"!"2 Leadership vs" Management

Leadership and management are very different roles! ;roadly spea ing, leadership deals with the interpersonal aspects of a manager<s *ob, whereas planning, organi#ing and controlling deal with the administrative aspects! 2our text does a very ade%uate *ob of identifying the characteristics of leaders versus managers! The leader is more concerned with strategic activities while the manager is more focused on tactical maneuvers! The leader is the one responsible for 0driving the bus!1 =or the health and well being of the organi#ation, a manager must now how to lead as well as how to manage! The choice to follow is always in the hands of the followers and the leader must be able to create an environment in which the follower chooses to follow the leader to go to places the follower would not go on their own!

0The leader is more concerned with strategic activities while the manager is more focused on tactical maneuvers1!

>ighly effective leaders ma e significant impacts on followers that go well beyond the tas or immediate assignment at hand! They are able to create environments that honor and value the individual and fully engage human beings in the creation of outcomes that they mutually want to create! >igh performance environments are the creations of highly effective leaders! >igh performance environments are pea performing experiences! ?nce a follower has experienced the power of having been a part of a pea performing experience, they will spend the rest of their career see ing to replicate the experience!

Leadership can be one of the most fulfilling and yet one of the most frustrating growth opportunities that one can experience! =irst of all, it is always a choice! In addition, it is a moral choice that ma es one ultimately responsible for the human spirit that is entrusted to your care! Leaders are not only stewards of the business charged with generating outcomes but are also responsible for the health and well being of those they lead! &s to be expected, having a much greater responsibility for the outcomes of an organi#ation and being responsible for all that has to be done to generate those outcomes as well as the human spirit entrusted to their care can be an overwhelming proposition! It is definitely not a career for the faint of heart! 5!5!7 Leaders in -ractice ) What is Leadership

Leader0s in -ra%ti%e MSM6021W!1!1!1312ideo Now let$s as ' What is Leadership,

&s you watch the video, thin about the following %uestion and discuss it in the forum' Which definitions of leadership presented by the leaders in the video most resonate with you and why, MSM6021W!1!1!131&rans%ript for 9What is Leadership,9 !"2 and Responsi'i.ities o/ Leaders

Leader0s in -ra%ti%e MSM6021W!1!1212ideo that .eaders p.ay! Now let$s ta e a loo at some of the

&s you watch the video, thin about the following %uestion and discuss it in the forum' Where and by whom is leadership exercised in an organi#ation, MSM6021W!1!121&rans%ript for 9the roles that leaders play!9

!"3 )hara%teristi%s o/ Leaders

Leader0s in -ra%ti%e MSM6021W!1!1312ideo demonstrate for What %hara%teristi%s m$st a .eader

&s you watch the video, thin about this %uestion and discuss it in the forum! MSM6021W!1!131&rans%ript for 9What characteristics must a leader demonstrate,9

!"4 I5 vs" 65 ;ottom line ) a leader is someone who is very unmista ably authentic and very clear about who they are and what they intend to accomplish with and through others! They are those individuals who are very adept at nowing how to 0use things and love people rather than some of their peers who, perhaps, are much more proficient in the practice of loving things and using people!1 Leadership is an 0inside out1 process and is resident in one<s ability to create high trust, high integrity environments! "nvironments in which respected and valued individuals can fully utili#e their gifts and talents to wor collaboratively to create outcomes that they really care about!

Leadership is an 0inside out1 process!

There are many valuable tips and techni%ues to enhance tas s ills and technical proficiencies to help leaders develop and become more effective! >owever, authenticity, integrity, and the ability to create high trust environments are the foundational characteristic traits of highly effective leaders that are not trainable or

negotiable! These traits are only identified and enhanced through very intense and on)going honest introspection and reflection! While I!@! is important and is the ma*or contributor to both tas proficiency and the attainment of creditability, emotional intelligence A"!@B is also e%ually important! ?ften, positional power abusers, mas%uerading as leaders, are those who may have high I!@<s! but very low "!@<s! !"7 *re Leaders 8orn or Made While there continues to be a great debate over whether leaders are born or made, the truth more than li ely lies somewhere in the middle! We are all by)products of our genetics, environments and our life experiences! If it were relegated strictly to determining that it is heredity or environment then how is one able to explain scenarios in which only one leader emerges from a family of nine produced by the same parents and raised in identical environments! To what degree each of these realties might override the other and become the predominant factor has never been ade%uately proven! -erhaps, it is timely to entertain the possibility that leaders, affected and impacted by both heredity and environment, emerge as a result of being called to address outcomes that they really care about! It<s an idea worth considering! Dis%$ssion ,or$m: 5$estions /i usted tiene alguna pregunta, le invito a %ue acceda a la carpeta Written Dis%$ssion ,or$m9,oro de Dis%$si:n 6s%rito y seleccione el enlace )omm$ni%ation9)om$ni%a%i:n! "n este espacio podemos aclarar cual%uier in%uietud! -ara participar presiona New -ost o seleccione el foro de discusiCn de su interDs

*%tivities 9 &asks: Week One &ask !"! I%e'reaker a%tivity Instr$%tions: 5! The facilitator will go to the voi%e dis%$ssion /or$m and verbally introduce himEherself using the voice and video tool available! 8! The e-.a' tab contains information about how you can record and submit your participation in the 2oi%e Dis%$ssion ,or$m! 7! =acilitator will create a new thread for students to introduce themselves! The facilitator may choose to include the following information' name, occupation or professional interests and aspirations, e)mail address, and course expectations! AThe facilitator may choose to use other prompts or %uestionsB 3! The student will select the 2oi%e ,or$m9,oro Ora. tab! Navigate to the discussion forum called &!"!;I%e'reaker a%tivity< to post verbally hisEher message! The discussion forum appears on the screen! /elect the New -ost hyperlin Ain the toolbar located in the top frameB to post a new message! F! Listen to your classmates and respond to at least two of your classmates< introductions! &ask !"2 2oi%e Dis%$ssion ,or$m: 2ideos Instr$%tions 5! ;ased on the answers to the 0Leaders in -ractice videos, Web research and your -ersonal Leadership Gournal, describe' o o o The most effective leader you have wor ed with! What made that leader so effect, What did you learn from that leader,

8! &ccess 2oi%e ,or$m9,oro Ora. tab then, clic &!"2 2oi%e ,or$m 2ideo and use the voice tool available to post orally your answers by /unday evening of Wee 5! 7! Comment on at least two of your classmates voice publications!

3! The e-.a' tab contains information about how you can record and submit your participation in the 2oi%e Dis%$ssion ,or$m! &ask !"3 )ase St$dy 6ssay =#ritten> Instr$%tions' 5! +ead one of the case studies that you and your facilitator have selected from chapters 5)7 in your Leadership textboo ' Chapter 5 ) Leadership Case -roblem & ) 9>ighland >omes Hoes for the Hreen9 Chapter 8 ) Leadership Case -roblem & ) 9&my Touchstone Wants to /hape .p the Club9 Chapter 7 ) Leadership Case -roblem & ) 9The Image (octor Is In9 8! &nswer the %uestions for that particular case as well as the following %uestions'

What role did the leader really play, A"ven if you believe the role was the same as stated in the case!B Who are the sta eholders and what is their impact on the situation, What is the role of communication in the success of the organi#ation, Who is the current leader of the organi#ation:chec the organi#ation$s web site! If different than the leader in the case study, what happened to that leader, What was the outcome of the initiative or situation discussed in the case, What are implications for the company$s future, >ow would you have addressed the situation if you were the leader in that organi#ation,

7! Write an essay addressing all the %uestions for that particular case study as well as the additional %uestions given by the facilitator! 2our essay must include the following re%uirements' &-& style guide A6th! ed!B for writing is re%uired! =urther information on how to use the &-& /tyle /heet for written assignments can be accessed through the following lin ' http'EEwww!regis!eduEregis!asp,sctnIarsJplIws "ssay should be typed in a MS Word document or ?pen ?ffice! It must be double) spaced, standard)si#ed A4!F9 x 559B with 59 margins on all sides! 2ou should use 5K)58 pt! Times New +oman font or a similar font! Include a page header at the top of every pageL the page header will include title of your paper at the left and page number at the right hand side! The tit.e page should contain the title of the paper, your name, and the institutions name! Type your title in upper and lowercase letters centered in the upper half of the page! &-& recommends that your title be no more than 58 words in length and that it should not contain abbreviations or words that serve no purpose! 2our title may ta e up one or two lines! &ll text on the title page, and throughout your paper, should be double)spaced! ;eneath the title, type your name' first name, middle initialAsB, and last name! (o not use titles A(r!B or degrees A-h!(!B! ;eneath your name, type the instit$tions name! &nswer each %uestion in one or two well crafted paragraphs! 2our essay should include /o$r ma*or sections' the &it.e -age, *'stra%t, Main 8ody, and Re/eren%es! /ave your case study assignment! Title it &!"3"yo$rname".astname")ase St$dy 6ssay and submit it

using the *ssignment Drop 8o?98ande(a de asigna%iones folder!

&ask !"4 -ersona. Leadership @o$rna. =#ritten> Instr$%tions' 5! &nswer the following %uestions in your *ournal What do you feel is your own leadership style, What did you learn about yourself and others that would help you as a leader, 8! "nter 5)8 brief paragraphs in your *ournal! 7! (ownload and save the -ersonal Leadership Gournal template to your computer! 2ou will be using this template every wee for your *ournal entries! A-ress CtrlMClic to follow lin B

The -ersonal Leadership Gournal (ownload and save the -ersonal Leadership Gournal template to your computer! 2ou will be using this template every wee for your *ournal entries! MSM6021W!1!141&ask for -ersonal Leadership *ournal Template

&ask !"7 -.a%ement &est &6LL M6 MOR6A =#ritten9ora.> Instr$%tions: The purpose of this tas is to complete a diagnostic test that will determine your language proficiency level in "nglish andEor /panish! Welcome to &6LL M6 MOR6A where you can access a persona.iBed Lang$age -rogram to improve your language s ills! .sing this program, you will be able to develop the s ills that are crucial for communication such as' listening and reading comprehension, oral and written expression, vocabulary, and grammar! &6LL M6 MOR6 A can be easily accessed from your home! /imply access your e-.a' lin and start enriching your s ills in the language chosen as described below' &e.. Me More -rogram

5! Ho to your ")Lab located at the content page of your course on ;lac ;oard! 8! To access the application, Clic the lin &6LL M6 MOR6 C 6ng.ish to create a lin with your information to launch the program!

7! ?nce you are in &6LL M6 MOR6, clic start the test to ta e the placement test which will identify your level of proficiency in the language selected!

3! (uring this process, get advice and support from your facilitator and contact the &e%hni%a. S$pport if you encounter technical difficulties! F! &ssess your progress at the end of your training with the option *%hievement &est by clic ing the tabs &ests and *%hievement &est!

Clic the lin Start the &est and then clic the lin Start!

Copy your results from &6LL M6 MOR6 and paste them in MS Word or any other compatible program document! 2our instructor will use *ppendi? 8: &e.. Me More R$'ri% =7 points> to evaluate this tas ! ?nce you have completed this wee <s exercises, you will be awarded five AFB points!

Steps on Do# to -aste Eo$r Res$.ts: 5! ?nce you have completed the &6LL M6 MOR6A exercises, press the control =)&RL> F -rint S%reen eys simultaneously Athese eys are located on the upper part of your eyboardB! This will copy what is being shown on your computer monitorEscreen onto your computer$s clipboard AmemoryB ) snapshot! Gote: If you have a Laptop, instead of pressing the )&RL ey, press the ,$n%tion ey Aa blue ey located in the bottom left side of the eyboard next to the )&RL F -rint /creen eysB!

8! Now paste the results to an MS Word Aor a compatible programB document by pressing )&RL F v AletterB or clic ing on the -aste menu option of the program you are using! 7! The snapshot of your monitorEscreen data Athe &e.. Me More resultsB should now appear in the MS Word Aor compatible programB document! 3! /ave the document as' &!"7"&MM"yo$rname".astnam, clic on the )ontent tab and access the &ssignment (rop ;ox lin to submit your exercise! F! ?nce you have completed your exercise, send your file through the )ontent tab and access *ssignment Drop 8o? lin ! If you need instructions on how to use &ssignment (rop ;ox, please clic here!

*ssessment' &ask !"6 2oi%e Re/.e%tive @o$rna.: 5! Ho to 2oi%e ,or$m9,oro Ora. tab and access t"!"6 Re/.e%tive @o$rna., the student will orally post using the voice tool available the answers to the following %uestions' o o What do you feel is your own leadership style, What did you learn about yourself and others that would help you as a leader, 8! The e-.a' tab contains information about how you can record and submit your participation in the 2oi%e Dis%$ssion ,or$m! 7! Nerbally reply to two of your classmate<s post! The oral rubric will be used to assess students< participation! A*ppendi? DB

HH)ongrat$.ationsII Eo$ have %omp.eted Week One"

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