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Dewi Veranita Rajagukguk Vira Nelita C class

12620106 12620173

Object/ Text : Part of a short story Si Kancil yang cerdik By Endyas Wiguna. No SL TL Unidentified Terms/ concept Strategy used Error in Translating Suggested Translating

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Sepertinya sudah aman Kancil sampai di tepi sungai Dengan sekuat tenaga ia mendorong batang pohon pisang itu Pintar juga dia Tanpa di sadari

Seems to have safe Mouse deer arrived the river He forcefully pushed the banana tree trunk

Grammatical error Missing preposition

Seems to be safe Mouse deer arrived at the river. With forceful he pushed the banana tree trunk

Unsuitable word choice

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He so smart Without realizing

Grammatical error Unsuitable word choice Ideas loosely connected

He is so smart Unwittingly

Perutku sudah lapar nih

My stomach is hungry now

I am hungry now

Kancil membujuk buaya supaya melepas gigitannya Kancil balik bertanya

Mouse deer persuaded to release its bite

Missing object pronoun

Mouse deer persuaded Mr. crocodile to release its bite Kancil bertanya

Mouse deer asked

Inappropriate use balik Unsuitable word choice

Untuk mencari makanan biar tubuhku jadi gemuk dan cukup untuk kalian santap

To find food and let my body get fat enough for you to eat together Dont try to fool me ?

To find food in order to make my body get fat .


Kau jangan coba menipuku ya ? Nikmatilah kegembiraanmu, karena sebentar lagi kau akan ku santap

Syntactic error

Youre not trying to fool me right? Enjoy your happiness, because Ill eat you soon.


Enjoy your happy, because soon ll eat you.

Unsuitable word choice, syntactic error


Beberapa saat kemudian, sampailah di seberang sungai . Pak buaya menunggu di pinggir sungai

A few moment later, they arrived on other side of a river. Mr.Crocodile waiting riverside

Incomplete grammatical (missing pronoun and preposition)

A few moment later, they arrived on other side of a river. Mr.Crocodile waiting at the riverside.


Muncul lagi

Appears again

Unsuitable word choice



Perut lebih gendut

More belly fat

Discriptive (equal)


Rupanya dia sudah kenyang dengan makanannya Tanya kancil pada pak buaya Wah payah bagaimana cara membagi dagingku nanti? Berbarislah dengan rapi membentuk jembatan sampai ke seberang sana

He had satisfied with the food

Missing adverb

Apparently, He had satisfied with the food


Asked mouse deer at Mr. Crocodile Wow how do I divide my flesh later?

Unsuitable preposition

Asked mouse deer to Mr.crocodile Wow its jaded, how do I divide my flesh later?


Incomplete word


Marched with a neat forming a bridge until it other side

Syntactic error

Marched with neatly forming a bridge to other side

Si Kancil yang cerdik By Endyas Wiguna Kancil sedang dikejar anjing, hewan cerdik ini segera bersembunyi dibalik semak belukar, sedangkan anjing tidak melihatnya dan terus mencari. Dasar anjing bodoh..!! kata kacil sambil tersenyum. Dengan hati-hati dia menutup jejak kakinya dengan debu sehingga anjing tidak mengetahui keberadaannya. Mouse deer being chased by dogs, this smart animal quickly hid behind a bush, while the digs did not see it and keep looking what a stupid dog!!Mouse deer said, smiling. Carefully, he closed the footprints with the dust so that the dog did not know his existence. Setelah merasa aman dari persembunyiannya, kancil segera keluar dari semak-berukar. Sepertinya sudah aman, anjing itu sudah berlari sangat jauh, saatnya aku keluar dari persembunyiannku ujar kancil. Kancil berjalan berlawanan arah dengan anjing. After he feeling safe from the hiding, mouse deer come out from the bush. Seems to have safe, dog had have run very far, its time I come out from the hiding, Said mouse deer. Mouse deer was walking in opposite directions with the dog. Tak berapa lama, kancil sampai di tepi sungai. Wah bagaimana cara menyebrangnya? Sepertinya sungai ini cukup dalam. Kancil merenung sejenak mencari akal. nah, ketemu sekarang ia berjalan ke arah pepohonan pisang yang masih kecil. Dengan sekuat tenaga ia mendorong batang pohon pisang itu, hinggga satu persatu roboh. Apakah yang di perbuatnya dengan batang pohon pisang itu ya? Not long, mouse deer arrived the river. Wow how do I cross? The river looks like quite deep. Mouse deer thought for a mome nt to find a way. Well, I see now. He was walking towards the banana trees that are still small. He forcefully pushed the banana tree trunk, until one by one collapsed. What will be done with the banana tree trunk?

Wah ternyata si kancil membuat rakit untuk menyebrangi sungai, pintar juga dia. Beberapa saat kemudian, rakit siap di gunaka n. Ketika kancil hendak menarik rakitnya, tanpa disadari seekor buaya besar mengintai di belakang dan. Hap! Kaki kancil di terkam sang buaya. Aduh, tunggu sebentar pak buaya..! kata kancil sambil kesakitan. tunggu apalagi cil, perutku sudah lapar nih? jawab si buaya. Wow it turned out that the mouse deer making rafts to cross the river, he so smart. A few moments later, the rafts is ready for use. When the mouse deer are trying to attract raft, without realizing a large crocodile stalking behind and. Hap! His legs attacked by the crocodile. Oh, wait a minute Mr.crocodile! said the mouse deer while in pain. What are you waiting come on, my stomach is hungry now? replied the crocodile. Jangan kuatir pak buaya, aku tak mungkin bisa lari darimu, tapi aku sedang lapar juga, biarkan aku makan dulu! kancil membujuk buaya supaya melepas gigitannya. Buaya menuruti perkataan kancil, ia melepas gigitannya. jadi apa maumu cil? Tanya pak buaya. temanmu banyak kan? kancil balik bertanya. Ya, betul cil. Jawab si buaya. Kemudian pak buaya memanggil teman-temannya dan dalam waktu singkat mereka sudah berkumpul. Do not worry Mr. Crocodile , I could not run away from you, but Im hungry too, let me eat first! mouse deer persuaded to release its bite. Crocodil obedient to the word of mouse deer, he bites off. So what do you want cil? asked Mr. Crocodile. Youre friend is a lot right? Mouse deer asked. Yes, youre right cil.. replied the crocodile. Then Mr. Crocodile call his friends, and within a short time they had gathered. Salah satu dari kalian harus mengantarku ke seberang untuk mencari makanan biar tubuhku jadi gemuk dan cukup untuk kalian santap bersama-sama! kata kancil kepada para buaya. Cil..! kau jangan coba menipuku ya? pak buaya mengancam. Mana aku berani menipumu pak buaya? jawab kancil meyakinkan pak buaya.

One of you should take me on the other side to find food and let my body get fat enough for you to eat together! said the mouse deer to the crocodile. Cil! Do not try to fool me? Mr. Crocodile threatened. How do I dare to cheat you Mr. Crocodile? replied the mouse deer to assured Mr. crocodile.

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