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PJ Medalla: Hope this can help...

f u have some doubts u can read full text of the case its just short... hahaha... basically the SC dismissed the case in relation to political question... the case happenned in a time here political turmoil just ended hen Marcos as ousted via people po er and !quino assumed office.... thus arise the draftin" of a ne constitution# consequently the etitioner see$s clarity based on a section of the proposed %&'( Constitution P)*+,+C!* -./S,+)0 1efinition Subject matter that the Supreme Court deems to be inappropriate for judicial revie because discretionary po er over it should be left to the politically accountable branches of "overnment 2i.e.# the President and Con"ress3. ,hus# the courts ill leave constitutional questions on such matters to be resolved in the political process. Courts ill usually find a matter to be a political question on one of t o "rounds: 2%3 the constitutional concern for separation of po ers# here the Constitution has already committed the matter on other nonjudicial branches of "overnment for decisionma$in"4 and 253 prudential concerns hich lead the Court to choose to refrain from adjudicatin" the matter. 1/6+0+,+)0 67)M 0)*)S P*!+08/09*+SH *!: 1+C,+)0!7; ! question that a court declines to consider because it more properly belon"s before the le"islative or executive branch of the federal or state "overnment. 1efinition provided by 0olos Plain8/n"lish *a 1ictionary.

G.R. No. 76180 October 24, 1986 IN RE: SATURNINO V. BERMU E!, "et#t#o$er %A&TS:
+n a petition for declaratory relief impleadin" no respondents# petitioner# as a la yer# quotes the first para"raph of Section < 2not Section = as erroneously stated3 of !rticle >?+++ of the proposed %'&( Constitution# hich provides in full as follo s: @Sec. <.,he six8year term of the incumbent President and ?ice8President elected in the 6ebruary =# %'&( election is# for purposes of synchroniAation of elections# hereby extended to noon of June BC# %''5.@ @,he first re"ular elections for the President and ?ice8President under this Constitution shall be held on the second Monday of May# %''5.@ Claimin" that the said provision @is not clear@ as to hom it refers# he then as$s the Court @to declare and ans er the question of the construction and definiteness as to ho# amon" the present incumbent President CoraAon !quino and ?ice President Salvador *aurel and the elected President 6erdinand /. Marcos and ?ice President !rturo M. ,olentino bein" referred to under the said Section = 2sic3 of !7,+C*/ >?+++ of the ,7!0S+,)7; P7)?+S+)0S of

the proposed %'&( Constitution refers to# . . . @

%. :hether or not the Supreme court has the jurisdiction in declarin" President and ?ice President in the 6ebuary =# %'&(D ho is the elected

H/*1: 0o. @Petitioners have no personality to sue and their petitions state no cause of action. 6or the le"itimacy of the !quino "overnment is not a justiciable matter. +t belon"s to the realm of politics here only the people of the Philippines are the jud"e. !nd the people have made the jud"ment4 they have accepted the "overnment of President CoraAon C. !quino hich is in effective control of the entire country so that it is not merely a de facto "overnment but in fact and la a de jure "overnment. Moreover# the community of nations has reco"niAed the le"itimacy of the present "overnment. !ll the eleven members of this Court# as reor"aniAed# have s orn to uphold the fundamental la of the 7epublic under her "overnment.@ 2Joint 7esolution of May 55# %'&( in 9.7. 0o. =B=E& F*a yers *ea"ue for a Getter Philippines# etc. vs. President CoraAon C. !quino# et al.H4 9.7. 0o. =B'=5 FPeopleIs Crusade for Supremacy of the Constitution etc. vs. Mrs. Cory !quino# et al.H4 and 9.7. 0o. =B''C FCouncilor Clifton .. 9anay vs. CoraAon C. !quino# et al.H3 6or the above8quoted reasons# hich are fully applicable to the petition at bar# mutatis mutandis# there can be no question that President CoraAon C. !quino and ?ice8President Salvador H. *aurel are the incumbent and le"itimate President and ?ice President of the 7epublic of the Philippines.

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