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Goal-Setting Guide
By Aine Belton There are 3 parts to this Goal-Setting Guide. Parts 1 and 2 are designed to assist you in identifying and creating goals aligned to your passions, dreams, hearts desires and souls purpose. The exercises facilitate you in accessing your deeper preferences, expanding your vision of the possible and engaging your imagination to create compelling optimum goals. Note: If you are already clear about the goal/s you have in mind and do not wish to explore creating goals further at this time feel free to skip parts 1 and 2 and move straight to Part 3. Part 3 looks at creating a Vision Template for a specific goal you have in mind (or a combined one for several goals), which can be used in manifesting visualizations (part of your daily manifesting routine). If you are new to goal-setting, or are unsure about what you really want in different areas of your life, explore parts 1 and 2. Even if you do think you are clear about what you want you may still benefit from the exercises and may discover new wonderful goals and dreams and desires forgotten or unacknowledged arising through them.

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Part 1 What Do You Want?

This section is designed to help you identify true goals, i.e. those aligned with your gifts, talents and potential, with your passions, highest dreams and hearts deepest wishes and desires. The exercises here can be helpful in identifying goals that really reflect more of who you are, your gifts talents and potential, and what you have come to share with the world and experience in this life-time. Sometimes what we think we want can be a product of societys consensus, our ego, what someone else may want for us, what our parents wanted for us, we think will be good for us but may not be, what will gain the recognition and approval of others but may not be our highest path, etc. Before putting your energy towards manifesting something in your life, it is important to be clear that it is what you want. Setting goals and writing them down is a magical process. As the saying goes, Dont just think it, ink it! Doing so solidifies your intent and connects you to those bright futures by starting to anchor them in, and is a manifesting technique in itself. Ive been surprised on many occasion how by just having written a goal down, even if I have then forgotten about it and done little towards it, it still manifests in my life at the time dated too, sometimes without any further conscious attention from me towards it.

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Part 1 Exercises
Exercise 1: Revving the Goal Engine
The below exercise is designed to ignite your passions, engage your heart and get your imagination flowing towards identifying optimum goals. a) Spend 20 minutes writing down all the things that you love or would love to do, be and have in all areas of your life. Everything and anything that brings you happiness and gets your heart singing with joy! This exercise can reveal new goals and possibilities yet identified, passions, skills and desires unacknowledged, or dreams forgotten or ignored that you might re-awaken. Dont hold back or try to analyse what comes to you during this process, simply allow the unencumbered free-flow expression of your passions, joys, dreams and desires. Be expansive, let loose and dare to think big! Let your imagination run wild like a child. Explore your wants and desires without limitation. Dont worry about how youre going to get there or make it happen in any way, as this will only inhibit your imaginings. The universe has a magical way of taking care of the 'hows. Its your job to decide on what you REALLY want and why what you desire deep down in your heart and soul, and ignite your passion, focus, and energy through that.

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Write down all that your heart really wants to do, be and have for a 20 minute period. You may pause at points and thats fine, just allow the flow when it gets going. b) After completing the above exercise, read through what you have written down and pick out those passions, joys, activities, and desires that are most compelling to you at this time, compiling these into a more organised list to create goals from. This condenses your brain-storming session into a more assessable list and gives some substance to start formulating goals. This is explored in Part 2 Creating Goals. So, as an example, if one of your passions is singing, you could decide on one or a number of goals that feel relevant and appealing around this. You may set a goal to sing regularly at home, to learn or write songs, to sing in a band or find someone to partner with musically, to take singing lessons, to record a song in a studio, to create a demo album, to get signed as an artist, to sing at open-mic nights, to write a song for a loved one, etc. Your goal would depend on your hearts desire and what resonated and felt appropriate for where you are in relation to your passion at this time.

Exercise 2: Your Ideal Life

Another way to access your wants and desires is to imagine what your ideal life would look like.

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If you knew you could not fail, that you could be, do and have anything, what is it your heart would really want? If time, money and freedom were no object, what would you most desire to be, do and create? What kind of relationship, home, career, social life? What places to go, adventures to have, fun to enjoy, service to give, projects to explore, successes to achieve, skills to learn, talents to share? What quality of life, depths of relationships, home to live in, places to travel to, etc? Further, what emotional and mental qualities do you wish to develop or strengthen (in addition to your physical health and well-being), such as greater peace, joy, fun, creativity, adventure, love, confidence, leadership, happiness, freedom, humility, humour, etc. Look at the categories below and describe what your ideal life would look like in each area. Be as descriptive as you can, including emotional, mental and physical characteristics. The previous exercises will have already got your desires engaged and juices flowing and revealed insights that will be relevant and helpful in this next exercise too. This exercise is broken into life areas to help with greater clarity and being more specific.

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Describe your Ideal Life: 1. Loving Relationship - What are the qualities, strengths, gifts and values of the relationship you desire (love, intimacy, fun, trust, adventure, commitment, union, companionship, freedom, etc.)? What would your ideal relationship feel and look like to you? What kind of emotional, mental and physical experiences would you like to share with your ideal partner? What qualities do you seek in your ideal partner? How would you like to spend time with them, and what do you look to share, create and enjoy with your partner? If you already have a partner, what enhancements would you like in the relationship (acknowledging that all change ultimately starts within)? What new goals do you have for your relationship to build, strengthen, deepen or enliven it? How would you love things to be? What would you like to be different? What resolutions do you seek, or areas do you desire to heal and improve? In this area of relationships you may also like to look at key relationships with other loved ones in your life, from family members to close friends (though friends also get addressed in the next section Social Life). Note: when it comes to relationship goals, I never recommend setting a goal about being with a specific person if you are not already in a relationship with that person.

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When it comes to attracting someone into your life, I believe it is the qualities that you need to focus on (as well as self-love and developing those within yourself), not the actual person. Visualizing a relationship with a specific person can get in the way of what may be for your highest, invades their energetic space, and is an attempt to control things against divine will. Work with yourself and the energies and qualities of a true love relationship you desire, be open and trust. If it is not in your or anothers highest to be together trying to make it happen through visualization simply wont work. Trust in the universe and your Higher Self to manifest someone appropriate for you as you send out your intentions. Expectations and needs placed on someone will only repel rather than attract too. The universe knows whats most appropriate for you and will bring the person that is best suited to meet your desires and for you to love, learn and grow with. This may or may not be who you currently think it should be or think you would like it to be (which might just be infatuation rather than something deeper). Have humility and flexibility, set your intention to attract a loving relationship best suited to you, and affirm the qualities you seek in the relationship/person, rather than an actual person. 2. Social Life Imagine a totally fulfilling social life. What would this look like for you? What kind of life-style? What kind of friends, associates, groups, teams and colleagues would

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you like to have and experience? What would be the nature and qualities of these? What types of social activities would you love to engage in? 3. Health - What are your health goals? Describe the physical health, fitness and weight you desire. What kind of diet do you aspire to? What kind of exercise routines, sports or activities would you like to incorporate into your life and to what degrees, etc? 4. Career - What would your dream career be? In what way would you like to experience that? How many hours would you like to work a week, where, with whom, and doing what? What would your dream career look like and what would be its qualities? What gifts would you be utilising? What skills would you like to develop and strengthen? How would you like it to express and reflect more of who you are, to help you reach and grow and share your gifts and talents with others? 5. Finances - What are your financial goals? How much would you like to be earning monthly/yearly? You may want to create staggered goals here for where you want to be financially in 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 3 years time, for example. What would it feel like to achieve financial freedom and monetary abundance, to be able to spend and give freely, to fulfil your preferences, to express your vision and creativity without

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limitation, to create new and innovative projects and adventures, to travel and have fun and live the life-style you desire? What stepping-stone goals would support your financial goals and take you towards them? 6. Mental, emotional and spiritual What do you aspire to emotionally, mentally and spiritually? What kind of qualities would you like develop, strengthen, acknowledge or reveal? Might it be greater self-love, confidence, peace, focus, creativity, commitment, expression, authenticity, etc.? What kind of spiritual connection would you like to experience and how would this affect your life? How might you support this in your life now in terms of creating the space for that, a spiritual practice, meditation, yoga, etc? Do you wish for greater awareness of the love that is there for you in every moment, a deeper sense of your inherent self-worth, greater contentment or joy, for example? Do you wish to be more compassionate, patient, willing, humble, or inspired? What would your life look like if you lived in alignment with the love and wisdom of your Higher Self the immeasurably loving eternal spiritual being that you are, and you received the infinite unconditional love the Universe has for you, and all their support in manifesting the life you desire and deserve (which is always yours to receive the universe always says yes!) 7. Recreation - In your ideal life, what types of recreational pleasures and adventures might you enjoy?

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These could be anything from travel, creativity, sports, fun activities, clubs, art, social events, spiritual practises, dance, exercise, scuba diving, hiking, painting, eating out, etc. What recreational pursuits are you passionate about that you would love to enjoy and explore more of? You can now use your ideal life descriptions above towards creating goals in Part 2 coming up.

Exercise 3: What do you want instead of? Present Desired technique.

Another way to help you get clear on what you desire, and visions for a bright, love, success and joy filled life, is to look at aspects of your life that you are not happy with or are not working for you, and to ask yourself the question What would I like instead? Obviously you may want to question what beliefs or stories are creating things as they are if they are not positive, and look to release and change those (and there is the Belief Clearing section of this course to help with that, for example). For this exercise, draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper and at the top of the left hand column write Present and on the right hand side right Desired. In the left hand column write down the situation of any problem area in your life that you are not content with (these can be in any area, from relationships to career) and in the right hand column detail how you would like your life to be in relation to that situation instead.


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From your Desired list (right-hand column) you can create goals as described next in Part 2.

Part 2 - Creating Goals

Goals are an effective way to communicate your hearts desires in the form of clear specific requests to the universe. They consolidate your intentions and ground your visions and passions. Goals add clarity, structure and specificity to your wants, which creates focus and assists manifestation. In the above exercises you have identified many desires, existing and new ones. You can turn those identified desires into goals by listing them out as outcomes you want to attain. These can be done in present or future tense, or simply listed, as in the below 3 examples: It is June 20XX and my weekly income is [ENTER AMOUNT] I will be earning [ENTER AMOUNT] a week by June 20XX Earning [ENTER AMOUNT] per week by June 20XX Many people recommend the first option present tense. Below are examples around creating present tense goal statements out of a desired outcome you have.


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Goal Statements
Pick a goal, such as one you identified in the exercises in Part 1. State your goal in the present tense as if it is already accomplished. Have this goal statement describe the outcome of your goal clearly and in a way that feels right to you. A relationship goal statement might be: "It is March 12 20XX [date your goal only if it feels right for you] and I am lying in the arms of my true love partner on the beach during our honeymoon, feeling the incredible love, beauty and magic of our deep connection. Or a monetary goal statement might be It is March 20XX and I am celebrating achieving my 250K income with close friends at my favourite restaurant. If you do not want to date your goal, you can simply state it in the present tense without a date specified, for example: I am being interviewed on _____(radio talk show) about my best-selling book ______ (name of book)

S.M.A.R.T. Goals
SM.A.R.T. goals can be a guide in creating goals.


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Please note: If you find the S.M.A.R.T. goals process unappealing, too intricate or time-consuming, dont follow it if it doesnt appeal to you. It is offered for additional insight and inspiration and may help with certain goals, but only if you resonate with the process. Goal-setting can be very simple and if you just want to list your goals as outcomes you desire, that is fine. (I also share about writing Goal Statements in this section). The universe is infinitely intelligent and knows your hearts deepest wishes, however you end up writing them down as goals. Goals help you focus and get clear on those desires, formulating them into specific outcomes so the universe can get working on your behalf to assist you in manifesting your dreams. Write down your goals in any way that feels true to you, and only take from below what appeals to you personally as part of that process. S.M.A.R.T. goals as shared below can be a handy guideline for goal-setting (I have adapted these from Paul J. Meyes Attitude is Everything). This is as a general guide-line only, and you may find the criteria you choose for goal-setting differs depending on your goal. For example, some goals may feel very comfortable with an outcome date, yet others you may prefer to not specify a date and simply intend/affirm for its arrival at the most optimum time in your reality, allowing for universal flow and divine-timing to allow what is in the highest to occur.


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If you are committed, believe, visualise, desire, imagine and take action, i.e. do your bit, your goal will manifest in good time. Being too rigid about a time or trying to control goals in a tight sense with timing doesnt always serve you or the manifestation of that goal, so be open, fluid and flexible also. Your goals are there to solidify your intentions and desires, not to control or dictate your life in a way it interferes with the divine cocreative process and what is in your highest interest, which you may not be consciously aware of and have blind-spots too. The universe may have even bigger plans for you or goals beyond your imagination and expectation that may be more serving to your, your life and souls path. I talk about this more in the Co-Creation and Mystical Manifesting sections of this course. Ensure being highly specific about what you want doesnt veer into perfectionism or judgment and disappointment about what shows up and when if it doesnt match your expectations, or discounting opportunities that do not fall into the fixed vision you have of how you think things should be or current goals. Always be open to a bigger picture and higher flow. Sometimes what you get isnt always what you thought you wanted, but in retrospect can end up being either just what you actually needed, or far better than your initial desire, and that goes for challenges too, all of which may help you learn, heal and evolve most swiftly and powerfully. Have humility about what presents itself in your reality and the gifts and opportunities that may be there with what is. Allow for the universal co-creative process in conjunction with your goalsetting, i.e. have humility with regards to the turning of events,


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doing your bit by setting your conscious wishes and intentions in the form of goals that reflect your hearts desires. After the S.M.A.R.T. goals section just below there are a few goalsetting exercises also in Part 2 of this guide to explore.

S.M.A.R.T. goals are:

Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant (/Realistic) Tangible (/or Timed if desired) Specific A specific goal aids clarity and focus. It seeks to answer the 6 W questions of Who? (Who is involved?), What? (What do I want to accomplish?), Where? (Identify a location if relevant), When? (Establish a time frame), Which? (Identify requirements and constraints), and Why? (Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the goal). Your goal does not need to answer all of these questions in and of itself, but addressing them can help you set more specific goals. For example, a general goal might be to eat well, where a more specific goal would be To eat 5 potions of fruits and vegetables a day, plus no sugar, coffee or junk food. Measurable If a goal is measurable it can help you assess your progress and stay on track. To help creating a measurable goal you can ask

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questions such as How much?, How many?, and How will I know when it is accomplished? Attainable You can attain almost any goal that you truly desire and is in your highest when you believe, expect, imagine, are passionate and committed and take necessary action. I am all for dreaming big! You do want to ask yourself if your goal is realistically attainable, however. Some goals, like I will never eat desserts, for example, may not be realistically attainable - possible, yes, but unrealistic. Creating such a goal can be setting yourself up for failure if you ever have a dessert again. A more realistic and attainable goal would be, I have desserts twice a week (or month, or whatever time frame/quantity feels appropriate to you and your desire). Only you can decide whether it is realistically attainable. Bear in mind that miracles happen and the universe can orchestrate all manner of synchronicities and serendipities for the realization of your dreams when you apply the principles of co-creation so, as said, do dream big. An attainable goal should present an objective toward which you are willing and able to work. It is worth setting high goals as these propel you forward and ignite passion, drive and motivation, especially if these goals are aligned to your hearts desires. Even if you dont achieve them you may go a long way towards doing so and achieve all manner of other wonderful manifestations on route.


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If its too big that its overwhelming or off-putting, you can chunk it down to smaller more attainable goals - mouthfuls if you like. The key to whether a goal is attainable, or realistic, is if you truly believe it is achievable. If you dont, either work with your beliefs and expectations until you do, or assess your goal in honesty with yourself regarding whether you think it is attainable for you. You may set a goal for winning an Oscar. Now this may be achievable as it has been for many, but if you havent had acting classes, dont have an agent or any experience, it is highly unlikely, obviously. With that in mind, start with smaller attainable goals for wherever youre at that will take you to your destination, perhaps in stages, for example. Relevant Is your goal meaningful and significant to you? Does it correspond to your dreams and hearts desires? Asking why you want a goal can help you ascertain what your underlying intention is, what you want your goal to bring you, and hence how relevant and aligned it truly is to you. We can set goals that reflect or conform to the desires and expectations of our family, society or our ego. It is important to uncover if your goal is really relevant and true to you by asking why you want it. Tangible A tangible goal is one you can experience with your five physical senses. If your goal is tangible it is more likely to be specific and measurable.


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I still think it is highly valuable and important to hold intangible goals; I would refer to these are more visions and dreams than goals. An intangible goal might be Deeper connection with my Higher Self, whereas a tangible goal that helps towards this intangible goal might be Meditate once a day for 20 minutes. Specific goals help you move to creating the end states and results of your intangible goals. Some people replace Tangible with Timed in the S.M.A.R.T. goals process. Time-based goals can make them more specific. Examples include I will exercise for 20 minutes every morning, or I will spend 30 minutes a day practicing my guitar.

Dating Goals
Some people like to attach a specific time to the achievement of their goals. I personally feel it depends on the goal. Dating a goal can be powerful, but may not always be appropriate, so go with what feels right to you regarding a particular goal. When it comes to very tangible, measurable goals, dating them can be easy, such as I will create an extra $20,000 by January 15th, 20__, same as for smaller mile-stone goals and regular ones on your to-do list. You may feel different about a relationship goal. Setting a date for marriage would obviously be inappropriate if you are at the beginning of a new relationship, for example.


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Some people also feel added pressure when they date their goals and feel restricted by having set dates on certain goals. For others a specific date to attain it by works as fuel and motivation. Use your intuition as to what feels appropriate for a given goal regarding whether you date it (i.e. place a specific day you will have attained that goal by), and preference about whether to date your goals or not, or which ones feel comfortable to set dates to.

Part 2 Exercises
Exercise 1: Master Goals List
From all the desires and inspiration you elicited from the exercises in Part 1 (that you may want to create into a list of passions and desires), creating a big list of goals that are really compelling to you at this time. This can be seen as a Master Goals List that transforms your deepest wishes, dreams and desires into more specific goals. See if you can create a list of, say, 50-100 goals, or at least 20 to begin with if youre finding that number too much. You can never have too many goals, so just let yourself go in writing down all your heart desires. Goals are your personal wish list to the universe. They engage cocreation as they focus your intentions and consolidate your desires in grounded form. The more you have, the more you give the universe to work and play with on your behalf, and you can let go and trust those that are in your highest will begin manifesting,

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as the universe co-creates with magical synchronicities that weave your successes into your life. When it comes to goals, the more you have, the more you are likely to achieve. Just by writing goals down they are more likely to come true, so go for it! Big, small, and in-between, think of all you desire in your life, from ways to have fun, places to travel to, people to meet, work with and have relationships with, your ideal career, home, creativity, giving, loving and inspiring, businesses, hobbies, and projects, etc.

Exercise 2: Primary Goals List

Out of the long Master Goals List above, there will be those goals that feel most relevant that you feel called to work with most at this time, and it is these you may wish to focus on for this course. For this reason create a smaller NOW Goals List of 5 10 tops goals that are you current top ones for manifesting at this time, that feel most relevant and appealing to you and you are most passionate and enthusiastic about moving towards. It is this list you can work to create Vision Templates for in Part 3 coming up. Keep your Master Goals List and Mini Master Goals List for future reference, adding to it as and when desired. You might like to write your Mini Master Goals List down on a piece of card and carry it in your pocket to read and refer to regularly. 3) Time-Line Goals


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Now you are clearer on your goals, it can be helpful to write them out in timed categories. Write out your most compelling goals for the future time periods stated below: 1 month's time 3 month's time 6 month's time 1 year's time 3 year's time 5 Years Time continue as desired.

Part 3 Vision Templates

Below you will create a Vision Template for a desired goal, or several combined into one Vision Template. This will enhance the visualization of your goals and experience with the Manifesting Blueprint Meditation that comes with this course. a) A Vision Template is a picture, scene or scenario that encapsulates your goal and adds depth to it by bringing in more detail and engaging your 5 senses, as will be covered. It demonstrates the outcome you seek and that you have, without a doubt, achieved the goal you have in mind with plenty of reallife sensory detail.


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To create your Vision Template, write out a scene, scenario or series of events that epitomizes your goal outcome. For example, if your primary goal was to become a best-selling author, an outcome scene or scenario that demonstrated that might include being interviewed by a radio host or television presenter about the success of your book, and the Vision Template would involve all the detail around that, such as which radio or television station, what you might be wearing, what you would be discussing and to whom, what the details of the environment would be, etc. Or you may imagine giving a book-signing in a book store, or picking up a copy of your book in your favourite book store, with the publishers name you desire on it, and reading the glowing reviews on the back cover, or a huge book-launch celebration party, or seeing your name on the Times best-sellers list, or reading a glowing review in a magazine about the success of your book, etc. Decide on a scene/scenario that would epitomize or encapsulate the attainment of a given goal on your primary goals. Once you have that in mind you now want to engage your 5 senses to make your Vision Template rich and tangible (as shared below). b) Engaging your Senses The 5 senses are: Seeing Hearing Feeling/touching

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Smelling Tasting Your Vision Template serves to create a rich, vivid and alive template of your goal by engaging the 5 senses. What would you be seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting and hearing in the scene/picture/scenario of your goal outcome if your dream had come true? Write these down. Your Vision Template can be a single scene/picture, or a moving series of events. Imagine what your senses would be experiencing at the time, which helps to encode your goal at an subconscious level when you then visualise that in meditation. Your subconscious mind doesnt know the difference between what is real and what is imagined! Creating a Vision Template that engages the 5 senses, and then visualizing that in a deeply relaxed state of meditation, programs your subconscious mind with the outcome you desire. By making it as vivid and real as you can in your imagination internally, you will manifest it in your outer life. To continue with my earlier example, if you were imagining picking up your best-selling book from a store shelf and looking at the cover, reviews and inside pages, what book shop/store might you be in? What would you be hearing, smelling? What would the book feel like in your hands (texture of the front cover and inside pages)? What might the cover look like? And what else would you


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be seeing? (E.g. other books on the shelf, people in the book store, the store-front before you walk in, etc). To summarize: 1. a) Create a Vision Template for a given goal you are wanting to focus on - a scene/scenario that epitomizes and encapsulates the outcome your goal. b) Put yourself in the picture of this scene and imagine what your 5 senses would be experiencing. Write down on a piece of paper what you would be seeing, hearing, feeling/touching, smelling and tasting in your outcome scenario. These steps create a Vision Template from your goal. They allow you to get in touch with a detailed picture of a goal outcome which you will engage in the Manifesting Blueprint Meditation or anytime you choose to visualize your goal. You can do this for each goal on your primary goals list that you are wanting to work on in this course. Combined Vision Template Above I have described a process for creating a Vision Template for a specific goal you have in mind. You can use this same process to create a combined template for several goals, a synergy template if you like, by imagining a scene, scenario or series of events that together encapsulate the successful outcome of more than one goal. For example:

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You could imagine driving into the drive way of your ideal home, and on entering the house being greeted by your true love partner and a group of wonderful loving friends that are there to celebrate the success of your published book, and together you listen to your radio or television interview and talk about your success with joy. In this way you have created a Vision Template for the outcome of several goals (car, home, partner, friends, vocation, wealth, etc., in this particular example). If visualizing is not your thing, dont worry! It is the FEELINGS that are most important in this whole process. Even if you can only very vaguely or roughly imagine your Vision Template in meditation, feeling the experience and therefore its realness is what is most powerful and important, and with that you will still get great results even if you are very poor at visualizing with your inner eye. Visualizing can improve with practice, however, doing so flexing the muscles of your imagination and inner-eye. Feelings: Its What You Feel that Makes it Real! Most important of all are the feelings you would be feeling if you had achieved your goal. Emotions are immensely powerful when it comes to manifesting reality and the law of attraction. They are the vibrating energy patterns that are creating your reality. Write a list of what you will be feeling when you have achieved your desired outcome. This is only as a guide for now, for when you visualize your goals in a manifesting meditation and step into

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them to experience them NOW, you will access these emotions more naturally, deeply and vividly by experiencing the outcome of your goal in a deeply relaxed state of mind. Doing this may feel like more of an intellectual process, but try and get into the feelings around your goal and see what comes up. When visualizing your goals in a deeply relaxed state you will be experiencing the emotions in a more tangible way, rather than just pondering what they may be, thinking about them, or accessing them lightly as in this exercise. Whats more, there may be many feelings you cant put into words or dont even know what they are or feel like until you more fully put yourself in the picture in the manifesting meditations that come with this course. Nonetheless, for now have a tune-in to what you would be feeling if you had achieved your goal, putting yourself in the shoes of that future. Love, freedom, delight, peace, celebration, triumph, confidence, joy, abundance? Obviously, the feelings will depend on the nature of your goal and what that goal means for you. It can be an interesting exercise as can reveal more of the Why behind your goal which is all important.


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